Legend Of Zorro, The (2005)

Brother Ignacio?
What are you doing?
Five rings, padre.
To summon Zorro
in case there's trouble.
If I know Zorro, he's already here.
Aren't you supposed to be
in school?
Padre, what if Zorro comes?
I'll make sure he carves a Z on
your backside. How's that sound?
A landslide in favor of statehood.
Let's hope the rest of California
voted the same, huh?
Take this to the governor.
Hermano, be careful.
Our future's in your hands.
I pray that the other provinces
have been as peaceful as ours.
The latest model in heavy artillery,
the Henry repeater.
If God didn't hurl lightning,
he'd surely carry one of these.
State your business, McGivens.
I haven't voted yet.
I'm sorry, you're too late.
The polls have already closed.
Now, that doesn't seem equitable.
I have rights too.
Now, if you'd be kind enough,
hand me that box, I'll be on my way.
You'd only force the people
to vote again.
Well, you remember that Babylon
was condemned to ashes
for extending its empire
to inferior races!
I come to deliver the Lord's work
against this vote.
Time to do the Lord's work.
Zorro! Zorro! Zorro!
Move it. Move it. Get out of the way!
Get out of the way!
Get him!
Over the hill
to the governor's mansion.
I said, over the hill
to the governor's mansion!
We really have to work
on your English.
Zorro! Zorro! Zorro!
What happened?
Where are my men?
They were held up, governor.
I offered my help.
Citizens of San Mateo!
Today we have voted
to join the Union as a free state!
But this is only the beginning.
In three months
every vote of every pueblo
around California will be counted!
And it is my hope that we will
finally call ourselves
Good boy.
Your saddle is getting
a little too tight, amigo.
Tell me we won.
Tell me we are free.
We're free.
- To statehood.
- To us.
I wish I was there today.
You were.
I cannot believe it.
We have our lives back.
Now we can take Joaquin
to a trip to Spain.
I cannot imagine
how it has changed.
- Elena...
- And New York.
You should see
New York, Alejandro.
It's as if the whole world
has moved onto one tiny island.
Elena, I've been thinking and...
Never a good sign.
Listen, California won't really be
a state for another three months.
The federal marshals may need help
keeping things under control until then.
Look, I know what you're thinking...
Elena. Elena, listen, listen.
No, here is me, here is quitting.
We're this far apart. Elena.
I cannot believe it.
I cannot believe I fell for it.
Husband promises to quit,
gullible wife believes him.
How could I be so stupid?
Oh, Elena, you're overreacting.
I'm overreacting?
You made a promise.
- We made a promise.
- I know.
You are missing
your son's entire life.
No, no, no. No, no, no.
I am not missing anything.
- Oh, really?
- Really.
What is his teacher's name?
That's an easy one.
Mister... Brother...
Father Kin... Jin... Hoofer?
So I have a bad memory.
What does that prove?
That you do not know your own son.
And even worse,
he does not know you.
What would you rather have me do?
Live my life as a wealthy don?
Order servants around all day?
Is that what you think I do, huh?
Order servants around all day?
No, no, don't twist my words.
People still need Zorro.
No, no, no. You need Zorro.
Look me in the eyes
and tell me that is not true.
You remember what you said
the day Joaquin was born?
"My family is my life."
Do you know how lucky you are
to have made it this far? Alive?
That your enemies have not
discovered who we are?
For 10 years, you have fought
to give California its freedom.
Why can't you give us ours?
They are calling you.
It's who I am, Elena. It's who I am.
What happened to the man
I married?
What happened to the woman
who used to fight by my side?
She had a son.
So he'll grow up to be
a nice little aristocrat
who has no idea
where he came from
and doesn't care about anyone
but himself. Beautiful.
If you walk out that door,
you are not sleeping here tonight.
Maybe I'll just take my suitcase.
I hope you and Tornado
are very happy together.
We will be.
I love you.
I spy with my little eye
something beginning with H.
Why wasn't Papi at breakfast?
I told you. He left early on business.
He always goes on business.
Yes, he does.
What exactly does he do?
Well, he is a don.
And he meets with other dons
and they discuss land
and investments
and it's all very important work.
So he sits around with friends
counting money.
Oh, Joaquin. You should not be
so hard on your father.
You are more like him
than you think.
We can talk more about this later,
all right?
I love you.
Who are you?
The real question, Senora de la Vega,
is who are you?
The devoted wife of a wealthy don?
Or an independent woman held
captive by her husband's secrets?
What do you want?
Your help.
I tell you, de la Vega,
women say they want one thing
but what they really want
is everything else.
Think of this as a vacation
from the shackles of matrimony.
Isn't it possible
our wives marry us
because they want to spend
some time with their husbands?
So let me understand this.
If I take your advice
I can look forward to spending my
days pruning in a tub of naked men?
Thanks for the advice. But no.
Where are you going?
To beg Elena's forgiveness.
Goodness me.
Might one of you be
Don Alejandro de la Vega?
Phineas Gendler, attorney at law.
I'm here on behalf of your wife.
If you should have any questions,
my address is on the letterhead.
Good day, sir.
I'm sorry, senor.
But you told me to make sure
you didn't sleep past 2 today.
- What's today?
- Wednesday.
Of course.
I have to pick up Joaquin.
What happened to my clothes?
I removed them last night
so you wouldn't catch pneumonia.
You removed them?
After you came back from the cantina,
you went for a swim.
In my clothes?
- This hotel doesn't have a pool.
- We have a fountain.
I see. Well, thank you, Lupe.
Perhaps you just can
turn around, eh?
I'll see you at confession, my child.
Don't look at me like that.
I know what you're gonna say.
No. No, I came here to lift
your spirits, not to dampen them.
Who said my spirit needed lifting?
Alejandro, you are being
a pig-headed fool.
Why don't you just tell Elena
you were wrong.
She's the one who wanted me
to live a lie.
To stop being myself.
As if California could
live without me.
Wake up. I haven't had to
ring that bell in three months.
- You should be rejoicing.
- I am rejoicing!
All right. You cannot
rot in this room forever.
A vineyard is opening tonight.
You're coming to the party with me.
My whole life is a party.
Thank you, no.
Be at the lobby at 8.
And don't bother coming to confession,
because I'll never forgive you.
You'd blackmail my soul, eh?
Hell, yes.
would anyone else
like to interrupt my lecture
by asking to go to the bathroom?
Who can tell me
what this word means?
Joaquin de la Vega!
Perhaps you can tell the class
what statehood means to you.
No more exploitation
of the peasants by the rich
who oppress us
with a flaming poker of injustice.
And how exactly does a flaming poker
fit into your little theory?
It fits
in your butt.
Now I will give you something
to laugh about.
Come here.
Joaquin! Joaquin! Joaquin!
Get back inside!
So, what's with you, huh?
You're lucky Father Quintero
didn't throw you out for good.
Stop making excuses.
Why do you keep picking fights?
You don't understand.
Sometimes you have to fight.
Oh, really? Says who?
Says him.
Listen, if Zorro were here, he'd tell you
fighting isn't always the answer.
How do you know what he'd say?
Trust me, I know him a lot better
than you think.
No, you don't.
You never been in a fight in your life.
You didn't even fight to keep Mom.
I am your father, little man.
Don't talk to me like that.
There's nothing on earth I wouldn't do
for you or your mother. Understand?
Don Alejandro.
Don Alejandro.
- Blanca.
- Hello.
Look at little Jos. Poor thing.
He's as ugly as his mother.
Look at Joaquin.
You're growing up so fast.
If business keeps up, we'll be able to
pay you back sooner than we thought.
I told you, it was a gift.
To celebrate your son's birth.
Hey, senor.
That knife is only 2 dollars.
Well, I'll give you 500 for it.
And for that, I'll take the deed to your
rancho, with the Lord's gratitude.
We've already told you,
we'll never sell.
Family man like you might wanna
keep his woman on a shorter leash.
They said they are not selling, sir.
Have we met before, sir?
I would remember a man
with wooden teeth.
And I'd remember a Mex-breed
dressed like a white man.
You think your pappy's gonna crow,
little man? Or is he gonna cluck?
Leave him out of...
Senor, as a gentleman, I am obliged
to teach my son to turn the o...
You mean that cheek?
Is everything all right, boys?
Respects to you, officer.
Respects, respects.
Think about my offer, or I'll
be obliged to do the Lord's work.
Ten minutes, then I'm going.
Effervescent, yet tenacious.
I thought you were forbidden to drink.
What the...?
I need at least one vice
to keep in touch with sinners.
Who owns this vineyard anyway?
A count recently in from France.
I'm told he purchased it
from Don Gallo's widow.
French count, you say?
He's probably still in his parlor
putting on makeup.
Or his perfume, perhaps.
Rumor has it they invented it
to avoid bathing.
And you are?
De la Vega. Alejandro de la Vega.
You're de la Vega.
What an honor.
I've heard so much about you.
Really? From whom?
You know, I'd love to
continue this conversation
but I'm wanted elsewhere.
Please excuse me.
I just met the most charming fellow.
And who might that be?
Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome.
I still don't know why
they call it a winetasting.
After two glasses
you can't taste anything.
Friends, Californians.
This vineyard represents what I hope
will become an industry
that depends on the people
for its success.
Involving them
instead of exploiting them.
That's what America means to me.
The promise of a country
by the people, for the people!
A country blessed
with limitless beauty.
But none more stunning
than my escort for the evening.
Ladies and gentlemen
Senora Elena de la Vega!
Well, I'm pooped.
Come on, let's go.
I don't wanna go.
I'm having so much fun.
Monsieur and Madame Lupon.
- Pleasure, madame.
- Thank you.
Very nice to meet you.
- Alejandro.
- Elena.
- Armand.
- De la Vega.
- Count.
- You know each other?
We shared a giggle
at the buffet table.
It seems that's not all
we have shared.
Allow me to defuse
an awkward situation.
Elena has portrayed you as a man
of impeccable character.
I am honored
to be mentioned at all.
Why, I nearly forgot we were still
married only three months ago.
A blessing on your vineyard, count.
Thank you for inviting us,
but we have a Mass...
Don't be rude, Felipe. I'm just dying
to know how the lovebirds met.
Another time.
We have many guests to greet.
Armand, good evening.
Governor Riley.
You honor us with your presence.
May I present my wife, Mary.
Your speech was
incredibly moving, count.
I'm glad you're not running for office
against my husband.
I wouldn't challenge the man who's
going to lead California into the Union.
I fear there may not be
much of a Union left to join, governor.
Everyone, may I introduce
Colonel R.S. Beauregard,
of the 1 st Alabama Infantry.
What brings you here, colonel?
The threat of civil war, my dear.
Once California joins the Union, the
Confederate states'll be outnumbered.
My countrymen find that troubling.
All this talk of politics, you know how
it bores me, Armand. Shall we dance?
Of course. Excuse us, gentlemen.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the imperial quadrille.
Perhaps you shouldn't drink
on an empty stomach.
Perhaps you should wear lipstick
if you're gonna act like my mother.
Say the word
and I'll escort you home.
- And leave your guests?
- In a heartbeat.
I care for you too much to subject you
to an evening of forced smiles, Elena.
You. You are the one
not acting like yourself.
Since when do politics bore you?
Since when did you start caring
what I think?
If you wish,
I'll have him escorted out.
I can handle him.
For the love of God,
let's get out of this place.
I can handle her!
You must tell me how you met.
Years ago, in Spain. We were
at finishing school together.
Oh, how nice.
You were reunited so he could finish.
Don't force me to embarrass you.
Sorry, too late!
So tell me, count, what does
your title rank among noblemen?
It is higher than, say, a duke?
Oh, it's rather common, actually.
Much like a don.
Oh, he's a delight.
Rich, good-looking and royalty.
Is there anything I can say
to make you leave?
You can fall to your knees
and beg me to take you back.
I would not want to ruin my dress.
- Good. I'm enjoying single life.
- Is that supposed to make me jealous?
- Does it?
- Never!
Who's looking after Joaquin while
his mother spends her nights out?
I have not spent my nights out.
I haven't even told Joaquin!
Now, I think you should go!
- You know...
- Let me go!
I finally understand
why you left me.
It was beneath you to marry
a peasant like me.
- You're drunk.
- Your stepfather would be so proud
to see you take your rightful place
on the arms of royalty!
- Keep your voice down!
- Congratulations, Your Highness!
If you didn't know me better than that,
then you never knew me at all.
Thank you
for your hospitality, count.
Could you...? Could you...?
Could you...?
Could you give me that back?
Hey, hey! Cut it out!
You had enough.
Aren't you forgetting something,
Count Armand
with his fancy wine
and the froufrou accent.
How could Elena choose
a man like that?
I'll make her want me back so badly,
she will be weeping with desire.
Nobody leaves my tequila worm
dangling in the wind!
Oh, my God.
Thank you.
God bless you, senor.
How kind of you.
I was trying to impress you.
If you truly want to impress me,
invite me over for dinner tonight.
Cook me something sinful.
Why not dine at your hacienda?
I'd really like to meet your son.
Please try and understand, Armand.
He's not ready for another man
in my life just yet.
Of course. I understand.
What is it?
Oh, this hat. It's breathtaking.
Shall I purchase it for you?
On second thought,
who needs another hat?
What I need is
a pipe!
- A pipe?
- A pipe.
Like my father used to smoke.
I hope I do not repulse you
with my unladylike habit.
No, no. On the contrary,
you fascinate me.
Oh, there's a vendor.
Wait here, won't you?
What are you doing here?
When did you start
smoking a pipe?
I don't smoke. I said that to
get rid of him so I can get rid of you.
- I have to talk to you about last night.
- I forgive you. Goodbye.
No, no, no, not that. After.
- I saw something in the forest.
- What are you talking about?
Yes, what are you talking about?
An explosion.
Close to your chateau, in fact.
Like nothing I have ever seen.
I simply wanted to make sure
you were both safe.
As much as you had to drink last night,
I'm sure your vision was impaired.
Yet somehow
it's all becoming clear.
A word of advice, de la Vega:
If you have any respect for the
relationship you shared with Elena
let it die with dignity.
I have to know I am losing her
to a better man.
I can assure you of that.
All right, that is enough.
- Alejandro, time to go.
- Elena, please.
Alejandro has come for peace of mind.
I am obliged to give it to him.
Perhaps we can settle this
like gentlemen.
You do play polo, I take it?
Doesn't everyone?
I suggest we play as they do
in Slovenia.
- A fine city.
- Country.
- May I offer you something to drink?
- Double tequila, no salt.
Perhaps a game of croquet would be
less hazardous to your health.
Did you drop something?
Or you just resting?
You know, I think I like this game.
Promise me when you lose
you will leave us alone.
What makes you think I will lose?
Woman's intuition.
To the victor go the spoils.
Now keep your promise and go.
You cheated, so I take it back.
Goodbye, Alejandro.
What do you really know
about this man?
We were never meant
to be together.
You don't love him.
After 10 years of marriage,
you cannot hide the truth from me.
De la Cruz is the bartender who works
at the saloon across the street.
He says he overheard McGivens
gathering his men to go see Cortez.
Your father asked me to pick...
The deed, if you please.
- Bring it here.
- No, Guillermo, don't!
Please, senor.
This land is all we have.
And the Lord shall expel them
before you
and ye shall possess their land!
Got one thing in common.
You gotta die to find either one.
How true.
Drop your guns.
All of you!
Guillermo, Blanca, get in the house.
You are one blind Mexican. You don't
know what you're getting yourself into.
Neither do you.
Shoot him!
Let him be!
- Come on!
- Let's move!
Don't let them hurt you.
I won't. I promise.
Go on! Break it down!
No! Guillermo!
Guillermo! Guillermo.
Guillermo, please talk to me.
Talk to me!
What are you trying to tell me, huh?
No matter what choice I make,
it's always the wrong one!
I have failed everyone I ever loved.
My wife, my son
and now the people too!
What do you want from me?!
Help me.
I have always listened to my heart.
And it speaks to me now
of a great darkness.
I fear Guillermo Cortez
was only the beginning
and that Elena
is in great danger too.
So I beg you
give me the courage,
the strength
to wear the mask a little longer.
Allow Zorro one last ride.
Come here.
She's going to the vineyard.
We can post men near the gate
in case we have to pull her out.
If she's compromised,
she's of no further use.
Consider her an acceptable loss.
Master, a word?
Please, excuse me a moment.
The shipment arrives
at Maderas Cove.
The carving is beautiful.
And what is through that door?
Private chapel.
Piety is a long-standing tradition
in my family.
I'd show it to you,
but dinner's waiting.
That was absolutely delicious.
And now...
Oh, no, I'm sorry, Marie,
I do not smoke.
Unless it is my pipe, of course.
Oh, you remembered.
How thoughtful.
But I think I should let
my stomach settle first.
I want to ask you something.
Something I should've asked you
many years ago.
Before you do, my love,
answer me one question.
Whatever your heart desires.
Where is the bathroom?
I would like to powder my cheeks.
Of course. Down the hall.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, sir.
A gentleman is here to see you.
He says it's important.
He's building a track
to the vineyard.
I presume you have the deed
since you deemed it necessary
to interrupt my dinner.
Right here.
But it seems we have
a fly in the ointment.
Or should I say a fox. Zorro.
I've heard the name
among the locals.
He's a peasant masquerading
as a folk hero.
Men like that usually find their way
to the guillotine.
I've been informed one of my
shipping vessels is arriving tomorrow.
They'll anchor off Maderas Cove.
The cargo must be
brought here safely.
I want no mistakes.
Now that we have the deed,
will the track be completed on time?
Lt'll take my boys two days
to cover the quarter mile.
I'll hold you to that, Mr. McGivens.
Otherwise you get nothing.
Listen to me,
you backwards-ass frog
you hedge on my money,
you won't ever see me co...
This dagger, Mr. McGivens
has been in my family
for generations.
If you ever talk to me
like that again
I will cut out your tongue
and I'll feed it to my dogs.
Your men have two days,
Mr. McGivens
then the future begins.
I trust you can find
your own way out.
"Orbis unum."
Alejandro! For God's sake,
why can't you leave me alone?
Elena, I was right.
Armand is not who you think he is.
- You have no idea who I think he is.
- I think I know.
No, because you do not think.
Get out before somebody sees you.
Elena, listen to me.
- Guillermo Cortez is dead.
- What?
Armand needed his land
to build a railroad.
He's planning something.
How do you know this?
Oh, no. I won't tell you what I know
until you tell me what you know.
If you wanna know, I need to know why
you are living in sin with an evil count!
There you are.
Forgive me, Armand. I just had the
sudden urge to step out for a puff.
Are you all right?
My God, you're turning green.
It's just your presence
takes my breath away.
Good, because I have
a little something for you.
A customary Spanish offering
for when a man asks a woman
for her hand in marriage.
Let me do this on one knee
so I can look up into your eyes.
Oh, no, don't look up.
Is that a yes?
It's a definite maybe.
I know it's sudden, given what
you've just been through
but I want to give you everything
your former husband couldn't.
You don't have to answer now
but whatever you decide,
the necklace is yours.
Thank you.
But I have to go.
I must put Joaquin to bed.
Of course.
Your children require attention.
Welcome, children, to Bear Point.
It was on this desolate spot
that our state flag
was raised for the first time.
Tomorrow our governor will be
hosting a celebration here
to honor California's statehood.
Joaquin de la Vega!
Are you paying attention?
Take out your notebooks...
Hold up.
Scorcher of a day, ain't it, kids?
Is there something
I can help you with, senor?
Don't let me interrupt
the lesson, Father.
I'm just on my way
to do the Lord's work.
Mount up, boys.
Come on.
Grab that there, will you?
Let's get to work, boys.
All right!
What are you doing here?
Looking at two of the ugliest guys
I've ever seen.
Come on.
Do you want a piece of me?
Stay there!
Orbis unum.
I can't believe it's you.
You're really Zorro.
And that's Tornado, right?
I mean, whoa.
Look at him. He's huge.
It's just a scratch.
So you gonna say something
or what?
Let's speak in Spanish,
the language of our fathers.
My mother won't believe this!
No, it would be better if you didn't
tell your mother about this.
Why not?
I'm the one asking the questions.
Now, why aren't you in school?
The man with the scar on his face.
I knew he was up to something.
You really showed that son of a bitch.
Watch your mouth.
Those men are killers.
Whatever they had in those crates
was very dangerous
and now I don't know what it was, as I
was too busy getting you out of trouble.
You mean this?
That's all there was?
Lots and lots of it.
Are you sure?
Would I lie to you?
Spanish, nino, Spanish,
and this isn't a game.
Your father would have a heart attack
if he knew what you did.
No, he wouldn't, he doesn't care.
Yesterday he forgot about me.
No, I don't think he forgot.
What you have to understand is...
Your father should have been there.
Next time he will be.
How do you know?
I know.
I promise.
A serpent circling the globe.
Are you sure that this is the symbol
you saw on the crate?
"Orbis unum." Yeah.
It's Latin. It means "one world."
It represents
the Knights of Aragon
an ancient brotherhood that ruled
Europe in secrecy after the Crusades.
Wait, wait, wait.
Armand is a knight?
Some believe they are the masters
behind all the kings in Europe
even today.
Here is a prophecy they wrote
nearly 1000 years ago.
"There shall be a land in the west
of great power
that shall rise to threaten
the serpent.
Only by turning the power onto itself
shall the serpent survive."
A land in the west.
They want to destroy it.
- With the soap?
- With the soap?
Thank you.
I had a wonderful time.
Unfortunate that it has to end.
It does?
Some colleagues of mine are arriving
from Europe this evening.
The meeting may run late.
Perhaps we could meet
for breakfast?
I cannot wait that long.
I want to be your wife, Armand.
If I am going to be
the lady of the house
I want to start making myself
at home.
I suppose we could have
a late supper.
I will wait for you after your meeting.
Then perhaps I can stay.
Excuse me.
Sir! Sir! Hotel Vista Grande.
What the...?
Who are you?
I'm Agent Pike.
This is Agent Harrigan.
We're the Pinkertons. Operatives
of the United States government.
So you are the good guys?
We live in perilous times,
Mr. De la Vega.
America's gates have been
thrown wide open
to people from foreign lands.
Which is why, on occasion,
we require certain individuals
to aid in our country's defense.
People like your ex-wife.
Works for you?
As a spy?
Until California's statehood
becomes official
we don't have jurisdiction to serve
Armand with a search warrant.
So we needed someone
who could gain his trust.
And who more suited to the task
than the woman he never forgot?
Before he arrived,
we intercepted a telegram
he'd dispatched to his associates
throughout Europe.
In that telegram, he claimed to be on
the verge of producing a new weapon
with a single target in mind.
The United States of America.
What kind of weapon could do that?
Your ex-wife may be on the verge
to answer that question.
And every time you interfere, you
jeopardize her cover. Understand?
The divorce was your idea,
wasn't it?
You blackmailed Elena
to lure in the count...
We prefer to think of it
as a mutual understanding.
She agrees to help us
and we promise to keep the name
of Zorro secret from his enemies.
A name you share
with your wife and son.
I know something
that might help you.
I will send you both to hell for this!
Our country must be protected,
de la Vega, without apology.
Zorro is a relic of the past.
This belongs in a museum.
So do you.
Soon we will both be free.
Bonsoir, Marie.
Armand is expecting me.
You are early, madame.
The count is still indisposed.
Well, perhaps I can wait
in the parlor.
Thank you so much, Marie.
Joaquin? Joaquin!
Hey! Hey! Come here.
What are you doing in a bar?
- What are you doing in jail?
- I asked you first.
I went looking everywhere for you.
It's about Mom.
- Is she okay?
- No. I mean, yes, but no.
A man came to the house.
He asked her to marry him.
She said yes.
I know you still love her.
You said you'd do anything for her.
You can't be in jail! How can you be
in jail?! You gotta stop her.
Joaquin. Joaquin, listen to me.
Help me out of here,
and I'll get your mother back.
We'll be a family again.
I promise.
I promise. Now...
Joaquin. Joaquin.
You are a genius, a genius.
But I don't want to catch you
breaking anyone out of jail again.
Without my permission, I mean.
Stay back! Or I break the kid's neck!
Help me! I'm too young to die!
I got my whole life ahead of me!
Kill him.
Where did you learn to do that?
Prison changes a man, son.
Let's go.
Listen, Joaquin.
- I have to go alone.
- What?
I just got you out of jail!
What if he puts up a fight?
I'm not going there to fight.
I am going to reason with him.
You can't reason with him.
Joaquin, the world is a little more
complicated than you think.
No, it isn't.
There's right and wrong.
I don't have the time
to argue with you.
I'm sorry.
Come, Joaquincito.
You don't deserve Mom.
Yeah. We're to stay put.
Armand went through there.
We have to hurry.
- I know about the Pinkertons.
- How?
It doesn't matter.
They told me everything.
It's all right, I forgive you.
You forgive me? No, no.
I forgive you. You!
- For what?
- Everything you put me through.
You? I would not be in this mess
if you had kept your mask on.
Really? Then why are you
still wearing his necklace?
I'm undercover.
Besides, these are pearls.
You never gave me pearls.
- You said you didn't care about that.
- I lied. Every woman loves pearls.
Well, now you have them, princess.
When I said that we were never
meant to be together, I meant it.
Finally we agree on something.
- This changes nothing.
- Absolutely not.
- Follow me.
- Always.
Orbis unum.
Orbis unum.
Fellow Knights of Aragon
soon the power of the United States
will be so great
it will overshadow us.
But America has one weakness:
Lts people.
They are divided
by North and South.
A civil war is inevitable.
The only question is,
who will claim victory?
We will determine the outcome
with this:
An average bar of soap.
Quite harmless in its current form.
But science has shown us
how to extract the glycerin
and transform it
into a compound
than gunpowder.
For months, this vineyard has been
a cover for its manufacture.
Tomorrow, a shipment of nitro
will depart by train.
It will be met at the state line
by Colonel Beauregard
who will take possession
of the shipment
and distribute it throughout
the Confederate Army.
As we speak
they're preparing to launch
a preemptive strike
against Washington
forever tearing this country apart.
Gentlemen, the Knights of Aragon
will soon be restored
to our former glory
as we stand in shadow and watch
America destroy itself!
I've heard enough.
Brothers, you know
my spirit is with you.
But we risk antagonizing
a sleeping giant if we fail.
I'll see myself out.
Lord Dillingham.
Would a demonstration
put your mind at ease?
Unless you come to confess
you have no business here,
Funny you should mention
confession, padre
seeing that you're obliged to keep
the secrets of your flock.
Joaquincito, go back inside!
Who's Zorro?
You know, Zorro could be
anyone at all.
Come on, now.
We're both men of God.
You can tell me.
Hey, boss.
Lord hates a liar.
All right, I'll tell you.
Felipe! You killed Felipe!
the future.
This facility will provide
a continuous supply of nitro
to the Southern battlefront.
I'll be returning to Europe shortly
but Ferroq will remain
to oversee the operation.
The nitro has been concealed
in these bottles
to circumvent any prying
Northern patrol.
An urgent matter requires
your attention at the hacienda.
He's going back to the hacienda.
I have to get back before he does.
I'll keep the train from leaving. Go.
Elena. Be careful.
My goodness, I must have dozed off
and your dogs startled me.
Perhaps they thought
you were someone you're not.
I'm told you arrived early.
I could not wait.
I'm having a special meal prepared.
I hope you're hungry.
I'm famished.
Thank you, Marie.
You are not hungry?
Tasty, is it?
It's unusual.
Is it quail?
As you said, Elena
we see the people we love
as we wish them to be
not as who they really are.
Did you actually think
that I would be swept off my feet
by a sadistic coward like you?
I thought you were
a woman of vision.
"Vision." I could barely stomach
the sight of you, Armand.
The only way I could bear your touch
was to imagine you were Alejandro.
Your stepfather would be ashamed.
You've become nothing more
than a common woman
devoted to a common man.
I take that as a compliment.
Oh, Joaquin!
Padre's dead
and the kid's a witness.
No, no, no.
We'll need the next batch of it.
Put some more here now.
We'll rendezvous at Clanton's Pass.
You and your men can
assume control of the train there.
Zorro! Zorro!
If you please.
Remove his mask.
You've lost it all.
Your wife.
Your son.
And for what?
For this?
No matter where you go, Armand
whatever you do
the world isn't big enough
to hide from me.
Goodbye, de la Vega.
No! Armand, no!
Please. Not in front of Joaquin.
As soon as we're gone.
My family is my life.
Shame about your friend the padre.
But he died with God's name
on his lips
and a bullet in his heart.
And now I send you out,
a sheep amongst wolves.
Thank God
you're alive.
I already did.
Listen, go to the marshal's office
and tell them what Armand
is doing here.
Where are you going?
To catch a train.
Can I get you something to drink?
Understand something:
You can lock me
in a tower forever
and I will never stop hating you.
You may feel differently when you see
how Joaquin enjoys
the life of an aristocrat.
- I can't wait till my papi kicks your...
- Joaquin!
Zorro! Zorro, Zorro!
Don't touch him!
Come on!
Good boy. Well done.
Let's see how much
your father truly loves you.
Get the boy!
Joaquin, quick.
- Keep going.
- What are you doing?
When the car stops, get off
and follow the tracks back to town.
You are the son of Zorro.
You can do it.
Now, go.
How did you get in here?
So the devil will know who sent you.
The drinks are on me.
My fellow Californians
we have gathered here
at historic Bear Point
to make official our entrance into
the United States of America!
Welcome to the Union, governor.
Look at you.
A real heartbreaker, huh?
- Dad?
- Yeah?
Why didn't you tell me
who you are?
Come here.
when you were born, I vowed
I would give my life to keep you safe.
I thought I could protect you
by hiding the truth.
But your mother was right.
It wasn't my secret to keep.
It belongs to all of us.
So I promise I will never
lie to you again. Never.
I bless these rings in the name of the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
receive this ring as a sign
of my love and fidelity.
receive this ring as a sign
of my love and fidelity.
Today you join in the fullness of time
for all eternity.
Yea, seeketh tolerance
when easily provoked.
Love endureth,
for it keeps no score of wrongs.
Love bears all things
and believes all things.
Love endures day by day
hour by hour
minute by minute.
- Padre.
Love is patient...
Can you hurry it up a little?
The people are calling.
It's who we are.
- Do you want her back?
- Of course I do.
- And you take him?
- Lf I must.
You may now kiss the bride. Again.
Don't wait up.