Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return (2013)

Thank you both for coming.
Emerald City needs all the heart
and courage it can get right now.
Got your back, straw man.
You can count on us.
Oh? You can count now, can you?
Oh, boy. Sounds like somebody
needs an oil change.
What'd you do?
Forget to prime your pump?
Oh, very brave. I think that
crown has gone to your head.
- Can it, rust bucket!
- Oh, how dare you!
I'll show you how! Come on,
funnel-head! Let's go!
Clank, clank, clank!
Anybody in here?
Oh, yeah. That just happened.
Break it up, you two knuckleheads.
We're in a grave situation here!
- Ah, sorry.
- Yeah.
- I-I guess we're all a little on edge, huh?
- Copy that.
But with all of Oz at risk,
I need you two to stand guard...
while I try to contact Dorothy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
"Contact Dorothy"? How?
I'm a genius, remember?
But she's probably forgotten
all about us by now.
Whoa, yeah. It's been a long time.
For us my friends, yes. But time in Oz
passes differently than in her world.
It's been years since she
destroyed the Wicked Witches,
but to her it's going to
seem like only yesterday.
Well, let's hope she got
a good night's sleep.
Now, you two keep an eye
on that broomstick while I...
- Oh, too late!
- Secure the chamber!
We've got to
get through to Dorothy.
Dorothy. Scarecrow to Dorothy.
Come in, Dorothy. Come in, Dorothy.
We're home.
Em, over here. Look at this.
That twister took out
everything in its path.
Knocked the house
right off its foundation.
- Do you think we can fix it?
- I don't know.
That's an awful lot of damage.
Uncle Henry!
Auntie Em?
- Oh.
- Dorothy.
It's not fair!
Oh, I know, sweetie.
It's not fair. But
it's just a house.
If we have to find another
one, we'll find another one.
- No. We can't just leave.
- Dorothy,
we gotta face facts.
Look at the barn.
Look at the house.
We'll have to have it all appraised,
but we shouldn't get our hopes up.
Move back. Move back.
We need to create a halo of
safety around this disaster area.
Thank you.
Excuse me. This is our home.
Your home.
A home is where you live.
This is a disaster area.
Oh. Can this not be adjusted?
Then do it. Thanks so much.
- And who are you?
- I'm the Appraiser.
Are you with the government?
I didn't see a badge.
Don't be rude, Dorothy.
Oh, outspoken.
We're... government adjacent.
Hmm. Broken support beams,
cracked concr...
Are you writing this down?
Thank you.
Cracked concrete footing.
- Ah!
- Hey!
- What do you think you're doing?
- That thing was about to fall.
I probably just saved your life.
But I don't need any recognition.
Just doing my job.
Now, I've made
a thorough assessment,
and I'm afraid you'll
have to vacate immediately.
- What?
- Read this.
There's no reason to kick
us out. We can fix it.
- Dorothy, hold on.
- I'll fix it myself if I have to.
So sorry, but according
to the state of Kansas,
the fate of this property
is decided by me,
not some little girl.
Flea-bitten, dirty,
possibly rabid...
You, do something useful.
You've got until...
sunset to vacate the premises.
Meet me at the shelter in town to sign the
paperwork, or we'll be back to throw you out!
- Oh, oh...
- Good seeing ya.
Well, that's that.
- Better start packing.
- What? No!
You heard what the man said.
If he says the house is unsafe,
I won't have you in it.
Who is he to decide that?
It's totally... it's-it's fixable.
These are
grown-up decisions, Dorothy.
Sorry, but you're gonna
have to leave this to us.
Well, I'm not leaving.
This is our home.
Let's give her a little time, Em.
She's been through a lot.
Anybody home?
Look, Toto, we can fix this.
Shh. You'll scare them.
When the world
turns upside down
Nothing is for sure
All the dreams you
thought were real
You can't find anymore
And then there's
how the pieces fly
Most of all the ones inside
If only I knew
How to fix it all I would
If only one heart
All alone did any good
But I feel so small
What can I do at all
When the world
has turned upside down?
Nobody knows where the
world's gonna fly
But I still gotta give it a try
If the world turns upside down
On just a gust of wind
Guess I should get ready now
For when it comes again
Come on, sweetie.
What do I hold?
Where will I go?
And will I feel this all alone?
If only I knew
How to fix it all I would
If only one heart
All alone did any good
But I'm just so small
What can I do at all
Now that the world
has turned upside down?
Turned upside down
Oh. Oh, how pretty.
It must be some kind
of optical illusion.
That's no illusion, Toto.
Help, Toto!
- Hi, kiddo!
- Scarecrow?
What is this? What's happening?
We're flying you back to Oz in a
rainbow mover. I invented it.
- Show-off.
- Cowardly Lion?
It's just Lion now.
- See?
- Oh, my.
- Dorothy.
Hi, Tin Man.
I am so overjoyed to see you.
You guys, dragging me into a
giant rainbow really scared me.
I can only imagine
how you must feel.
Trapped alone in a giant rainbow.
Surrounded by colors.
It must be just horrible! Oh!
Ever since he got his heart,
he's been all over the place.
I never had emotions before.
I just want to try them all out.
Dorothy, we don't have much time.
There's trouble in Oz, and only
you... threatening the land...
and you are the only one
who can stop...
What's that noise?
Hold that door!
- What's going on?
- Hang on, Dorothy.
- We'll explain everything when you get here.
- Where?
Emerald City!
I-In the Wizard's chamber.
I smell flyin' monkeys!
- Oh, no.
- Monkeys!
Dorothy. Scarecrow to Dorothy.
Come in, Dorothy.
- The door...
- Scarecrow to Dorothy.
Is starting to give!
I've lost contact with Dorothy.
I can't get her back!
I can't hold it!
Time's up!
Come on!
I can't believe it, Toto.
We're really back in Oz.
Wait. Scarecrow?
Oh, great.
Come on, Toto. We've got
to get to Emerald City.
It sounds like the guys
are in trouble.
If only Glinda were here.
She'd know what to do.
Now, now. Oops.
No, don't push.
I'm coming right along.
Please, if...
If you would just
give me my wand back.
Oh, now, you don't want to do that.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Magic in the wrong hands can
be a very dangerous thing.
Oh, Glinda.
Sweet Glinda.
Ah, the Jester.
I am so thrilled to have
you as my guest.
I'm captivated.
Isn't it wonderful...
when two great powers
as you and I...
meet face-to-face,
Peer-to-peer, toe-to-toe?
My, but you're... silly.
"Silly"? By "silly,"
surely you mean diabolical.
You're laughing.
It's the costume, isn't it?
I know, I know.
Hard to take me seriously.
It's my curse. Literally.
I can't take this off... ever.
My wicked sister did this to me with
one of her funny little spells.
I knew your sister all too well.
I never knew she had
a sense of humor.
It's not funny to me!
But now I'm ready to embrace a
whole new role as ruler of Oz.
And you're gonna give me your
Good Ozkeeping seal of approval.
But I don't approve.
The Land of Oz is already falling
into ruin because of you.
No good can come
from the reign of a fool.
Agh, Glinda.
Glinda, Glinda, Glinda.
You are such a disappointment,
just like all the others.
What have you done to them?
Even a fool has a few tricks
up his sleeve.
The magic of that broomstick
belongs to someone else.
But with this little baby,
the magic is magnified
and becomes all mine.
Dorothy Gale will stop you.
She will find a way back to
Oz, and she will stop you!
Ooh. "Dorothy Gale will stop you."
Aren't I quivering?
Where once your
living soul did dwell,
now is nothing but an empty shell!
Now do you approve?
You rule, O generous Jester.
Aw, come on! What is that?
To my tower. Fly!
Now just around this corner,
- I'm sure there's a buttress we can slide down.
- Wait!
That's the window we escaped from.
We're just going around in circles!
- Hmm.
- Some genius you turned out to be.
Listen to that racket.
- Sounds like they're wreckin' the place.
- I think that's me.
How ironic to get a heart,
only to have it attack me.
Oh, the pain! The pain!
Gadzooks! I just realized
something horrible.
Dorothy could be here any minute and
walk right into a flyin' monkey ambush.
Oh, that is horrible. Empathy!
Horror! Fear!
How about I jump in there
and tear 'em all apart?
Just rip 'em limb from limb!
Let's use brains, not brawn.
Wait a minute.
I have a brilliant plan.
- Ah, relief.
- Is it a...
tear them all limb from limb plan?
Nope. It's the tear him
limb from limb plan.
Show me the girl.
Not a toy! No touchies!
No touchies!
Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Show me the girl.
Show her to me, please.
Aaah! The only person
who could threaten my plan...
is here in Oz,
and I don't know where.
Do you know how annoying that is?
I can't let her beat me.
My plan is almost complete.
And you better figure
out a way to help me,
or you'll be grounded, and you
can kiss your wings good-bye.
- Oh.
- Ah!
Haven't we been though this before?
I don't speak monkey.
Come on, Toto. Let's go
find the yellow brick road.
That's her? That's Dorothy Gale,
the witch slayer from Kansas?
Why she's just a little girl.
And she's headed for Candy County.
Oh! Well, I'll just let her
taste their treats.
Then their justice.
Ready your minions. We're
going to double our efforts.
Go to the Emerald City.
Join the others.
And don't come back without that
scarecrow, that lion and that tin can!
I'll take care of the girl.
Fly! Fly! Fly, my babies!
Now for a little insurance.
Moon and Earth and stars align.
Show the wayward girl a sign.
Oh, Toto. This doesn't look
like the Oz I remember.
Emerald City must be
in that direction.
- I think.
- Correct!
Though I'm not sure I
would advise you to go.
Lately, many are going,
but few are returning.
Whoa. You are a really fa...
fabulous... owl.
Oh. You're very kind.
I usually hear "fat."
But, of course, my theory is that I'm
just not quite the right height.
If I were twice as tall,
for instance... Ooh!
Aaah! Ow! Whoo!
Ow! Oh!
Oh! Oh, Oh! Ow!
- Aaah!
- Uh, are you okay?
Physically? Yes.
But I do have a large piece of
bark lodged in my hindquarters...
Oh! Sorry. I'm giving you
too much information, aren't I?
I do that. My name is Wiser.
Nice to meet you, Wiser.
I'm Dorothy Gale.
The famous Dorothy Gale.
And Toto.
I'm a really big fan of your work.
- Wow, you really...
- Know everything?
- And...
- Finish other people's sentences?
Oh, no, I'm doing it again!
I'm sorry. I can't help it.
I'll just go. Farewell,
Dorothy and Toto.
No, w-wait.
I need to get to Emerald City, and I
can't seem to find the yellow brick...
- House? Wall? Fireplace?
- Road.
Oh, of course. Why would you be
looking for a yellow brick wall?
That's silly, at the very least.
There's the high road, and then there's the
low road. I know every square acre of Oz.
But why would you want me to come with
you? I'm a miserable traveling companion.
- I talk incessantly.
- Yes, I...
I require frequent rest stops at which, I
should warn you, I will also talk incessantly.
It's a terrible habit, I know.
But habits are hard to break.
If we could break them,
they wouldn't be habits.
That's okay. I was hoping maybe
you could... fly me there.
In what?
Oh. Oh, you mean me?
I suppose I could do that.
Only... I can't fly.
I mean, I could in the past, but...
There's no need to be embarrassed.
Maybe you could just point the way.
Ah. Actually,
it's in this direction.
I know a shortcut
through Candy County.
But I must warn you, if we're to travel
through Candy County, there's one rule.
- What is that?
- You must obey the signs.
Which will be difficult
since I'm quite hungry!
Y-You did say obey
the signs, right?
They must have changed
the rules. Follow me!
It's gonna be fine
Just read the signs
Eat anything you want
Stick around and gulp it down
Till every last bite is gone
You know you want it
You know you need it
Don't stop
Go ahead and eat it
Candy, candy
Lots for everyone
- Candy, candy
- Come on.
You've only just begun
Help yourself 'cause
there's nothing else
You're gonna wanna do today
Get your thrills
till you've had your fill
I wanna see you feed your face
There's gum balls, chocolate,
jelly rolls and lollipops
Licorice, caramel,
peppermint, butterscotch
Cherry sour, shortcake,
candy canes, ice cream
Gummy bears, butter tarts,
bubble gum and jelly beans
- Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
- Oh, it's the sweetest thing
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
- Candy, candy
- Mmm.
Makes me wanna sing
Candy, candy
Halt! You are under arrest.
You are all under arrest.
- Under arrest?
- Yes.
Sorry to say,
you have broken the law.
I'm being arrested
by a giant marshmallow?
Marshal Mallow. Second in command
of the garrison at Candy County.
- What did we do?
- Violation of section eight, paragraph 12 of...
- penal code 16165.
- Penal code 16165.
- Eating candy.
- But we didn't know.
I'm so very sorry, but
there is thorough signage.
They didn't say that before.
Cuff 'em.
Mmm, licorice.
Don't even think about
eating the restraints.
And no licking!
What are you gonna do with us?
We're taking you to the
Candy Courthouse,
where you will be tried
by Judge Jawbreaker...
- The Hanging Judge?
- The Hanging...
- I was going to say that.
- Sorry. I do that.
He really does.
Forward, march!
- Fudge pops, lemon drops
- Ouch.
Fudge pops, lemon drops
Are you sure this is gonna work?
Trust me. I've got
it all figured out.
Easy for you to say.
Ready, set...
"Run"? That's the plan?
Mm-hmm. Engaging neural
synaptic simulation sequence.
Holy smokes! They must have
called for reinforcements.
- What do we do now?
- Abort! Abort! Abort!
Flyin' lion comin' through.
- Look out!
- Oh!
Don't lose my head!
Tin Man, watch where
you're grabbin'!
Ah! No, no, no!
Sudden severe disappointment.
They're leaving Emerald
City, aren't they?
- Dorothy can now safely retrieve our message.
- Oh.
Actually, that is perfect.
Yeah, apart from being
trapped in a sack.
Order in the court!
Order! Order!
What's the charge?
Violation of penal code 16165.
- Eating candy, milord.
- Eating candy?
That's the worst offense
on the Glycemic Index!
Quiet in the peanut gallery.
What do the defendants plead?
- Guilty as charged.
- Who are you?
- I'm your legal defense team.
- Why did you plead guilty?
- Because this is his 499th arrest.
- Mm-hmm.
Well then, it's time
to set an example.
But the sign said,
"Eat all the candy you want."
Your Honor, they are entitled to a
verdict from a jury of their Peeps.
Oh, all right. What say ye, Peeps?
- What are they saying?
- Peep, peep, peep a-cheep.
Can't you hear that?
Let the punishment fit the crime.
I hereby sentence you to death!
I knew they'd go nuts for that.
Death? For eating candy?
- Marshal Mallow?
- Milord?
I hereby order you to execute
uh, uh, the execution.
- Me?
- Yes, you.
But as an officer in the
Candy County Army,
I can only follow orders
from General Candy Apple.
- Bosh.
- Excuse me, Your Judgeship.
- Names, please?
- What for?
Your death certificates.
- Wiser.
- Wiser with a "Z"?
- Wiser with an "S."
- And your name is?
Dorothy. Dorothy Gale.
Dorothy Gale?
The... The witch slaying
girl from Kansas?
Well, sort of.
Mallow, approach the bench!
What the devil's food
is going on here?
- Are you trying to make me look like a fool?
- Of course not, milord.
This girl is one of the greatest
heroes Oz has ever known!
She's well above reproach!
You should know that!
Everyone knows that!
What do they teach you
in the academy anyway?
As Lord High Judge of this court,
I hereby commute
the death sentence.
Free the prisoners!
Yes, milord,
but the charges must stand until
General Candy Apple can be found.
Well, where in confection is he?
He was called to Emerald City days ago
but should have been back by now.
Then I suggest, Marshal Mallow,
you go find him.
Whew! Well, I don't know
about anyone else,
but I could really go
for-for a little snack.
- Too soon?
- Yes, I think so.
I'm terribly, terribly sorry
for all this, milady.
It's just that I am duty bound
to follow the general's orders.
- It's okay.
- Yes, we understand.
I can't fathom what's taking
him so long to return.
- Well, we're going to Emerald City.
- You're welcome to join us.
I-Is that an order?
No, no, it's an invitation.
Well, in that case, I...
I believe I can.
Wow, what a great wall.
It's made of china.
What a great wall of china.
State your name and business.
My name is Dorothy,
and this is Marshal
Mallow and Wiser.
We're trying to get through
to the yellow brick road.
In order to cross the wall,
you'll need permission...
from Her Royal Highness, the
princess of Dainty China Country.
Ooh, ooh. Oh, so pretty.
That was a warning shot.
Oh, we should, um, respect
their national borders.
Good comrade, sir,
may we request an audience
with the Dainty China princess?
No. She's otherwise engaged.
I mean, she's busy getting engaged.
She's welcoming suitors today.
Suitors. Hmm. H-He-He's a suitor.
Which one?
Marshal Mallow is the suitor,
and he would like to ask for the
hand of the Dainty China princess.
- Oh.
- The princess? Oh. Well, why didn't you say so?
Escort the giants in!
Open the gates!
But I don't want to be a suitor.
I don't want to get married.
What if she's cute?
Appearance isn't everything. The
name's Mallow, not "Shallow."
Now get in there. You'll do great.
Figures and figurines,
may I present the Royal Highness,
the princess
of Dainty China Country.
Rays of light surround
our China princess
Wow! She's beautiful.
Roses bow and tulips
sing her name
- Yes!
- Diamonds shy away
Suns have lost their way
All when they are near
our China princess
Your princess
Adores you too
Your Highness, I present to you
The first suitor
with heart so true
Your Brilliance Magnificence
When a princess seeks a prince
She has only one
heart to convince
A heart that seeks a gentle
beating like its own
- Wow.
- From my unique point of view
I was meant to marry you
Opposites' attraction
clearly shown
"Opposite" is right
You're a freak
with freakish height
I'd rather be alone
Atop my throne
La-la, la, la, la, la
Your Highness, I present to you
The next suitor
with heart so true
Oh, Your Shininess
Your Fragileness
When a princess seeks a prince
There's only one heart
to convince
- A heart that seeks a lover
flowing with romance
- Yawn.
Are you asleep or in a trance?
Snowballs thrown in fire
stand a better chance
Suitor three.
When a princess seeks a prince
There is only one heart
to convince
Stop there in your tracks
I can clearly see the cracks
- Do they show?
- So another and another
And another and another
and another and another
Suitor gets the ax
- Oh!
- So I suppose that's a "no" then, is it?
Menders, over here.
Get some glue, and lots of it.
- Well, you can't win them all, eh?
- Ow!
- Oh!
- No!
- Oh, dear!
- Oh, careful!
- Excuse me. I'm still talking to the lady!
- Put me down!
- Next.
Your-Your Hi-Hineyness.
I mean, Your Shininess. Uh...
Go on. Keep going.
Um, uh...
Uh, I-I mean, Your, um...
It seems the man made of
marshmallow is all mushy-mouthed.
When a princess seeks a prince
There's only one heart
to convince
A heart that flutters like
the wings of singing doves
One can dream the dream alone
Or pursue a man unknown
and someday even love
Solid ground, shift and shake.
Where once was calm
soon will quake!
Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup.
Tell me the truth. How bad is it?
You're still without flaw.
Oh! Thank goodness.
- Milady.
- How is the city?
- How many broken?
- No one broken, but many
cracked and chipped.
And the city is severely damaged.
That was a very heroic
thing you did back there.
Just doing my duty.
We have a mission
of the utmost importance.
Menders, take that man
to the hospital. Quickly!
Excuse me? Your Highness.
May we please pass through your
country on the yellow brick road?
No. You'll have to go around.
But that could take weeks,
and my friends are in danger.
Who do you think you are,
interrupting royal business
with your petty travel plans?
Can't you see we're in
a state of emergency?
Yes, I do see. My home
is in trouble too.
Perhaps you can make an exception
for Miss Dorothy Gale?
- Oh!
- Oh.
So this is the famous girl who
vanquishes wicked witches.
- I thought you'd be taller.
- Milady,
she is a very resourceful
young woman.
Ah. Perhaps you'd rather
be a suitor to her.
- That's not what I meant.
- Silence!
These are troubled times in Oz.
Behind our great wall, we are safe.
Now and again the Jester sends an
earthquake or two just to rattle us.
But never one so big.
He must really be angry
about something...
or someone.
This is your fault.
- What?
- Now just a min...
Don't deny it.
You wanted a little shortcut,
so you forced your way in and brought
the Jester's anger with you!
I don't know any Jester.
I'm just trying to get to Emerald
City to see the Scarecrow.
Maybe I can help
your people somehow.
You're just a little girl from Kansas.
What could you possibly do?
- But I...
- She doesn't even have a title.
I'm going with you.
- I'm going with you.
- No, milady.
You mustn't go. You could be fractured
before you reach the river.
If I don't go,
we could all be broken.
Then I will send
the royal guard with you.
No, that won't be necessary.
Marshal Mallow will keep me safe.
You have my word, milady.
My dear people,
Miss Dorothy Gale, the witch slaying
giant from Kansas, and her friends,
will accompany me as my servants...
on a mission
to Emerald City to meet...
with the Scarecrow.
With his eminent wisdom,
we will surely find a way to end
the Jester's reign of tyranny.
Bow to me.
- Huh?
- Bow to me.
Not to worry, my dear people.
I'll be back soon!
What in the Land of Oz
is taking so long?
Ha-ha! They're here!
Oh, I do so love
having important guests.
Distinguished company, welcome.
You always tie your company up?
As a matter of fact... yes.
Are those real... people?
They were real people.
But now they're better than real.
As puppets, they still act
like people...
when I want them to.
You can't make someone do
that against their will.
Dancing is very personal.
Yeah, dancing is a very
per... very personal thing.
I can make them do whatever I want.
I pull the strings! Literally!
I would rejoice
At the top of my voice
I'd be a true warlock
But I had no choice
My sister was frightful
And spitefully made me a clown
I shall possess
My one happiness
The power I covet
And who wouldn't love it
Would you?
Now would you dare try me?
And would you deny
me what's mine?
Well, now that's a punch line!
I guess you'd have guessed
A jester must jest
When I laugh alone
It is I who laughs best
Stop bouncing.
You're going to scuff my finish.
- I'm just walking.
- You're bouncing.
This is very uncomfortable.
I hope you're not gonna be
like this the whole trip.
I am a princess! Remember?
More destruction.
Where are we?
This is the Munchkin River, Your
Highness. It leads to Emerald City.
It looks like the yellow
brick road ends here.
Oh, great. What do we do now?
Make camp and wait for orders?
We'll build a boat.
And what, pray tell, will we,
or rather, you,
build this boat out of?
- The owl?
- Uh, no.
We'll figure it out.
How hard can it be?
There are trees everywhere.
Ow! Hey!
Sorry. So sorry. I...
How would you like it if I just walked
up to you and broke your arm off?
Ow! I didn't mean any harm.
We're trying to get
to Emerald City.
And to do it we need wood...
to build a boat.
- A boat!
- A boat?
- You want to build a boat?
- You've got a lot of nerve.
Not my idea.
Hey, I know her.
Isn't she the one that stole
the apples off Uncle Manny?
- What?
- That's her.
Ow, ouch, ow! Boy, those
trees really hold a grudge.
At least we're out of range.
- Ow.
- And stay out!
Take me.
Take me.
I would like to volunteer these old
timbers as material for your boat.
Oh, no. We could never
hurl a talking tree.
At least not on purpose.
I'm 978 years old.
And honestly, I don't have
many rings left.
I can stay here and rot,
taking up someone else's sun,
or I can come with you and be part of
something important, something great.
I don't know what to say.
Except thank you.
Oh, this is a very brave
sacrifice you're making.
No sap off my brow.
Gonna get things rollin'
I know I can
Let's get things goin'
'cause I've got a plan
Put it all together
till the job is done
This should be easy
It should be fun
Work with me
Can't get across
It's sink or swim
I'll build a boat
It's the next best thing
We're better together
all as one
With a little help, we can
get this done, work with me
Work with me
I will work with you
Maybe we will see
just what we can do
It's true, it's true,
it's true, it's true, it's true
Work with me I'll work with you
We need to truss that up there.
We're gonna get there
Need a little time
- You give me yours
- I'll give you mine
Heads together till the end
- Huh?
- All I need is some help from my friends
Work with me
I will work with you
Maybe we will see
just what we can do
It's true, it's true,
it's true, it's true, it's true
Work with me I'll work with you
Come on, you guys.
Lift it up there.
What the heck?
Anchors aweigh!
Good job!
Work with me, work with me
There, all finished.
I think we should call it Tugg.
Hey, I like that.
Climb aboard, everybody.
Work with me
I will work with you
Maybe we will see
just what we can do
- It's true
- It's true
It's true
Work with me, I'll
work with you
Catch you later!
Here we go!
Tugg, you do make a wonderful boat.
Well, thank you, Princess.
Land ho!
Oh, my.
What happened to this place?
It used to be... so beautiful.
Lion? Scarecrow?
Tin Man?
It's totally abandoned.
Scary, huh?
What a mess.
- Scarecrow?
- General Candy Apple, sir?
They've all gone.
P-Perhaps they're having lunch.
The courteous thing to do
would be to come back later.
M-Much later. Hoo.
This is where the
broomstick should be.
No wonder things are going wrong.
Oh, look. It's a prismatic tubular
inter-dimensional transporter device.
- What?
- Huh?
In simpler terms,
it's a rainbow mover.
This is the machine
that brought me here.
Technically the rainbow brought you here.
The machine created the rainbow.
It's sort of
a chicken-and-the-egg thing.
- Ahem.
- Ooh, sorry.
Oh, my gosh. Dorothy,
that might be for you.
What are the odds of that?
65 to 2? I mean...
Dorothy, we don't have much time.
There's trouble in Oz,
and only you can help us.
An evil Jester is
threatening the land.
His power comes from a magic scepter he
has at his castle. The scepter is...
Well, well, well. If it isn't
the famous Dorothy Gale.
You stay away from her!
I'm not talking to you, puff ball.
- I, the princess of Dainty...
- Silence!
All right, Jester, what have
you done with my friends?
Your friends?
What a coincidence. Why,
I've got them right here.
- They have all the comforts of home.
- Yikes!
Central heating.
- Running water.
- No!
- And the coziest accommodations imaginable.
- Save yourself Dorothy!
You let them go!
I give the orders around here now.
So if you know what's good for you,
you'll hop in your little rainbow mover
and go back to Kansas where you belong!
- No.
- Either do as I say or die!
Mallow, grab her!
Right, milady.
Owl my!
Oh, why don't you
sing me a song, eh?
Tugg! Tugg, let's move it!
What's the rush?
- Flying monkeys!
- Flying monkeys?
Dorothy, take cover.
I'll fight them off.
Here they come.
- Goodness me!
- Oh!
Hey! What do you
think you're doing?
Stop! Stop!
Can't this old barge
move any faster?
Hang on!
Just try and keep up.
Take that!
Tugg, stay to the right!
Head for that cave!
Aye, aye, Your Highness.
They're on us!
No! No, no, no, no, no!
You cowards!
You're letting her get away!
Why do I have to do
everything myself?
They're not coming in.
They've left us.
They must be afraid of
the dark! Ha! Nyctophobia!
Ha! They act so tough.
But I bet they sleep
with a night-light on.
Silly, scaredy...
I can't see a thing.
Me neither! I'm terrified!
You're nocturnal. Get a grip.
Hey, I think I see a way out.
I haven't seen you guys in ages.
Where have you been?
Oh, they're... They're beautiful!
That's the prettiest
thing I've ever seen.
Oh, how romantic.
Where do you think we're headed?
By that compass,
we are heading northwest,
which means this little tributary
will take us to the Jester's castle.
- Yes!
- Perfect! That's great.
Under cover of darkness, we can
belly crawl past the guards...
Then we can sneak in
and free my friends.
Ah! We have a plan.
Oh, there's a fork up ahead.
Which way should we go?
Let's follow the fireflies.
They seem to know.
Looks like right... is right.
Thank you, fireflies.
Aha! It's the least I could do.
Have a nice ride!
See you next fall!
Oh, no. It's a trap.
Tugg, turn back!
I can't! The current is too strong!
Everyone, hold on tight!
Good-bye, Dorothy Gale.
Say good-bye to Dorothy
Gale, everyone.
Let that be a lesson to all of you.
Don't... mess... with the Jester!
What have you done?
Is everyone okay?
You all right?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Wiser?
Hmm? Affirmative.
- Tugg?
- Oh. A few splinters.
China Princess?
China Princess?
China Princess!
Oh, no.
Oh. I should have protected her.
I neglected my duty.
Where are you going?
I'm going to confront
the Jester myself.
I can't let anyone else get hurt.
- We won't let you go alone.
- Don't follow me.
- But we've come this far.
- That's an order.
How? How is it
possible she survived?
Foiling those stupid
monkeys is one thing,
but surviving my waterfall trick?
I mean, that's a good trick!
Positively... humiliating.
Idiot! This is all your fault!
Dorothy would be dead by now if it
weren't for this abysmal failure.
Your abysmal failure, pal.
How dare you ruin my perfect
record of jesterly awfulness?
Well, don't say I didn't warn you,
you fuzzy evolutionary reject.
You're grounded!
Ready the castle! Roll out the
welcome mat for Miss Dorothy Gale.
She's going to get the kind of
reception that's to die for.
Is there anything I can do?
Yes. Get some help.
Oh, I don't know,
smart guy! Figure it out.
Forgive me.
- Ooh! Ooh!
- You're flying.
You're flying!
I am? I am!
I mean, I mean,
it's been a long time.
I will find help, but I don't
know how long I can stay up.
Believe in yourself, soldier.
Dorothy's life depends on it!
Sir. Yes, sir.
Ooh, ooh.
Never told you
But I meant to
Before I could begin
Even then
I loved you even then
See my heart is
scared of places
That it's never been
But even then
I loved you even then
If my voice should
start to tremble
If I am shaking
I love you now
Like I loved you even then
- Even if it's uphill now
- See my heart is scared of places
- Even when I can't say how
- That it's never been
- Even when my heart won't stop pounding
- My heart won't stop pounding
Even then
Even then
I'll keep on even then
I loved you even then
Even if it's uphill now
Even when
there are no words how
When my heart pounds this loud
Even then
If I left you I never meant to
And I won't pretend
Even then
I loved you even then
If I just knew how to show you
Let me try again
I love you even now
Like I loved you even then
Even then
Even then
Well, this is it, Toto.
Oh, Glinda! I'm so glad to see you.
Hello, Dorothy and Toto.
Welcome to the Jester's
wonderful palace.
Glinda, what's wrong?
Nothing is wrong.
Everything is simply delightful.
Oh, no!
What has that horrible
Jester done to you?
The Jester isn't horrible.
He's the most generous
Jester who ever lived.
All hail the Jester!
All hail the Jester!
The generous Jester of Oz!
Scarecrow! Tin Man!
Glinda. Somebody, help!
All hail the Jester!
The generous Jester of Oz!
What's wrong with all of you?
Why won't you help me?
Because I...
don't want them to!
Thanks, everybody!
Job well done.
Back to your cubbies.
Thank you.
All hail! All hail!
Aren't they just marvelous?
And so obedient.
What have you done to them?
Don't worry. I won't let
them kick the bucket.
Besides, buckets are your
weapon of choice, aren't they?
Like the one full of water
you threw on my sister.
Your sister?
The Wicked Witch?
But I didn't mean to kill her.
Oh, don't apologize.
After all, she was wicked.
And if it wasn't for your meddling,
this little baby might never
have found its rightful master.
The witch's broomstick!
I gave that to the Wizard
for the protection of Oz.
You stole it! It belongs to me!
And no little girl from Kansas
is going to take it away!
Where once your living
soul did dwell...
Get me outta here!
I can't see a thing!
Good work, Toto! Great job.
Is that you?
Oh, I was so worried about you.
I'm so glad you guys are all right.
Aw, I think things are better by
the minute now that you're here.
We were worried about you too.
You are very brave
to come and rescue us.
That's not good! Get me outta here!
Your heart is stronger than
the Jester's magic any day.
It's beyond belief.
Come back here,
you fuzzy freak of nature!
- Come on!
- Right behind you, kiddo.
Let me at 'em!
Oh, I see.
Someone is feeling pouty.
I think I've let you hold
that scepter long enough.
Now give it back!
Flea-bitten, dirty,
possibly rabid...
Not you.
This you. Just throw it to me!
No! Throw it to me!
Hey, back off,
or I drop the little dog.
Sixty-two degrees north,
with a radial arc of 2.5...
Please, tell me you're
calculating how I can eat 'im!
Tin Man, present arm.
Loading concentric
projectile trajectory schematic.
Wiser, you're flying!
I know! I-I am!
- Isn't it fantastic?
- Oh, thank goodness.
It's a simple matter
of wind speed...
thrust and...
Aah! Ow! Oh! Ooh!
- Oh! Ooh!
- Bravery.
I was going to say weight.
Tugg! Look at you!
Call me Tank now.
- Dorothy Gale!
- Dorothy!
Princess, you're okay!
Fractured, but not broken.
Why are people always
helping Dorothy Gale?
Troops deploy!
The cavalry has arrived! Hooray!
- Oh! This is all your fault!
- Oh!
Get the troops and destroy
those trespassers!
Brains, Heart and Courage Brigade
reporting for duty, sir.
Fall in, recruits. Glad
to have you on board.
Battle stations!
Shotgun. I called shotgun!
Let's give these monkeys what for!
- Ready the candypult!
- Gum balls loaded, sir.
- Here they come!
- Let fly!
Stop it!
Let 'em have it!
Soldiers, cake formation!
Knock yourself out! It's all straw!
How about this, you flyin' monkey?
Want some of this?
Where you going?
You fools! Come back!
Ah, who needs 'em?
Winds of fortune, winds of fate,
winds come forth and eliminate...
Oh, no.
Dorothy, run!
In a twister, you
fell from the sky.
And in a twister, you shall die!
Everyone, run for cover. Now!
Take shelter in the alcoves!
Dorothy, wait.
- Oh!
- Stop!
Well, aren't you a
persistent little Munchkin.
The scepter's power
is mine to wield.
Dorothy Gale, your fate is sealed!
Give... me... that.
Grab on!
Oh, Dorothy, I'm
forever in your debt.
The least I could do is,
oh, I don't know, perhaps
help you rule Oz?
Oz has its leaders, and they
don't need this to rule.
My baby!
Fly, fly. Don't ever leave me!
Oh, Glinda. It's you.
- It's really you.
- Yes.
The Jester's spell is broken,
and we couldn't have
done it without you.
Oh, it wasn't just me.
I couldn't have done
it without all of you.
But Kansas must be
missing you by now.
I'd love to stay, but I do
think I'm ready to go home.
Whatever will we do without you?
There will always be a rainbow
when you need one most.
Good-bye, Dorothy.
Good-bye, my friends.
Good-bye, Dorothy.
For the first time ever,
I'm at a loss for words.
Which reminds me, there's actually
a very funny story about...
- Good-bye, Wiser.
- Hoo.
Good-bye, Dorothy.
And thank you.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye, Dorothy!
Good-bye, Dorothy. Good-bye.
- Say good-bye Toto.
- Good-bye!
- Good-bye, Dorothy.
- Good-bye, everybody.
Auntie Em! Uncle Henry!
- Henry! She's over here!
- Yeah, there she is.
Oh! Where on earth have you been?
I see you're almost packed.
Dorothy, we've been
through this already.
Uncle Henry, Auntie Em,
there's something we can do.
- What? There's what?
- Follow me!
- Dorothy, wait!
- Come on!
Hey! Where are you going?
Sign this. Can you write?
'Cause an "X" will do.
Oh, goody gumdrops, look who it is.
Everyone, please.
Don't listen to him.
These are our homes!
And nobody has the right
to take them away from us.
Au contraire, my puppet.
This document gives me full
authority to do exactly that.
- Next!
- Has anybody even looked at this?
- Gimme...
- No.
- Give... me... that.
- Yep, that's her.
Watch it.
Someone get me out of here.
Would you stop it?
Look, look. Who is this guy?
- Hmm.
- Which one is he really?
Well, let's just see.
- Get me out of here.
- Huh?
- Get me out of here!
- I'll get you outta here and right to jail.
- Let's go, joker.
- Please, you're making a horrible mistake.
- Good riddance!
- You can tell that to the judge.
Hey, what about him?
Where is he going? Get him.
Stop him! He's getting away!
This is all his fault.
He made me do this!
I was coerced.
I didn't want to!
I'm so proud of you.
That's our girl.
One day, there'll be laughter
Blue skies ever after
One day, it's gonna be fine
In my world, dreams
have come and gone
In my life
I know I must be strong
I knew we'd get through this
Look how much we've grown
I knew we could do this
Who says you can't go home?
One day, there'll be laughter
Blue skies ever after
One day, it's gonna be fine
I know, come tomorrow
Someway, beg or borrow
I believe dreams
really can come true
Yes, they do
Somehow, everything has changed
Together, we can
build it up again
We'll pick up the pieces
It isn't done alone
We've been waiting to do this
To find our way back home
Oh, when it all
comes falling down
Oh, you've got to
turn it all around
Yes, I will, yes I will
One day, there'll be laughter
Blue skies ever after
One day, it's gonna be fine
I know, come tomorrow
Someway, beg or borrow
I believe dreams
really can come true
Yes, they do
One day, one day
One day
When the world
turns upside down
There's just one thing to do
Shake it off and get back up
And night in front of you
There is work to
do and miles to go
No need to stick it out alone
You're not alone
There's something I know
How to change the bad to good
Our hearts together
Go further than just
one heart could
If you feel so small
You're not alone at all
When the world has
turned upside down
We can see just what we can do
Oh, no, we don't know
where the world is gonna fly
But we still gotta
give it a try
When the world
turns upside down
It takes your breath away
Think of all the
wondrous things
That happen every day
No matter how you add it up
What turns the world
is always love
It's always love
There's something I know
How to change the bad to good
All hearts together
Go further than just
one heart could
If you feel so small
You're not alone at all
When the world has
turned upside down
Has turned upside down
Has turned upside down