Lego Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out (2012)

Princess Leia
and the Rebel alliance
- have scored a major victory.
But there is no time to celebrate.
Fellow rebels,
with the Death Star destroyed,
the Empire will surely hunt us down.
So we must evacuate
to our secret base on Hoth.
Luke, we fear an Imperial counter-attack
may come from Naboo.
I need you to go there
and locate the Stormtrooper base.
Then Han and I will lead
the Gungan troops in to destroy it.
Hey, you can count on me, sister.
Me too, sister.
Did that sound weird to you guys, too?
- Oh, yeah. Kind of creepy.
- I don't know why, but, yeah.
All right, let's move it out.
Hello? Hello? Anyone? Anything?
Where did they go? They've left me.
I'm all alone.
I'm not alone. Chewbacca, it is I, C-3PO.
It appears that we are stuck here.
But now, we can be stuck here together.
Maybe it's the soap I use.
He's coming! He's coming! He's coming!
He's coming! He's coming!
We really need a railing in here.
Now! This is the scene you're in.
Oops. Oh... Sorry. Oh, no.
Hang on.
You're a bad man. And, action.
The Rebel scum who attacked us
must be found and eliminated.
For your sake, Admiral,
I pray you are up to the task.
Yes, Lord Vader.
I've dispatched probe droids
all over the galaxy,
each one programed
to hunt down Skywalker.
Not this Skywalker.
Scat. Shoo. Get away.
I will spare your life, Admiral,
but you have failed me for the last time.
You know, if you let him live,
he could fail you again.
- Be quiet.
- You be quiet.
Stop it. Stop it.
Good luck, kid.
We'll see you in Theed.
Thanks, I'll report
as soon as I find the Stormtrooper base.
Boss Nass, on behalf
of the Rebel Alliance,
thank you for your assistance.
Wesa Gungan be happy to helpen yousa.
Big happy.
Well, we're glad you...
Big happy.
So who are these soldiers
we're fighting with?
Messa is reporting for doodoo.
No, noten yousa.
That's a relief.
Oh, c'mon!
I have a brilliant plan
to repay the Rebels
for destroying the Death Star.
Bold thinking, my master.
A lesser emperor
would've done something stupid
like building another Death Star.
I shall build another Death Star.
Best idea ever!
And the best part is
we can build it together,
just me and my boys.
Yes, Master, I...
Did you say "boys?"
I am awesome
I'm so awesome
a wesome, awesome and handsome
a wesome, awesome I'm so awesome
What's up, wheezie?
Show off.
Darth Maul is back, isn't it wonderful?
Keep your eyes peeled for Rebels, men.
Roger that.
Look, over there.
Artoo, this is great.
They've led us right to their base.
Leia, it's Luke.
I'm in Theed and I've found a battalion of...
- Girls?
- Girls?
Oh, my gosh, it's Luke Skywalker.
- You're famous.
- And cute.
You blew up the Death Star.
You're on my lunch box.
Shh. Please. I'm on a secret mission.
Oh! Secret mission?
Hold it right there, Rebel.
I could do that.
Or you could eat my light.
Hang on, I wanna see where this is going.
- Wow.
- Nice move.
That was dreamy.
Oh, man.
I want to take him home
and make him dinner.
This is really not a good time for this.
Please, leave me alone.
I'm a Jedi-in-training.
We're blocked, Artoo,
I'll try to use the Force to build a bridge.
I did it. Hey, I am one with the Force.
Oh, man.
Threepio, I need your help
finding a way off this street.
Threepio? Threepio!
They've abandoned us here
and left us to rot.
Even Master Luke.
I'd like to give him a piece of my mind,
that mop headed little...
Threepio, I need your help.
Master Luke! And you're in danger.
I didn't mean those awful things
I said about you.
I'm okay, I...
What did you say about me?
Oh, never mind that now.
Chewbacca and I
are on our way to save you.
No. Don't come here. I just want...
Chewbacca, let's go.
I am calm. Now fly this crate,
you overgrown scratching post.
I suppose I asked for that.
I'm gonna build a Death Star.
Boys, I really thought
we could do this together.
Nice job on the Death Star, Ani.
Beat it, horn-head.
Make me, pleather-pants.
Don't call me pleather-pants.
Why are you choking yourself?
Why are you choking yourself?
Stop that. Play nice.
Excellency, our probes
have spotted the Millennium Falcon.
It's on its way to Naboo
to meet Luke Skywalker.
I will go and personally crush him.
And then you'll see
who's the most fearsome Sith Lord
in the galaxy.
That was a closet.
Good one.
- Slow down.
- You can't run from us forever.
He went down that alley.
Okay, Artoo. Keep it cool, keep it cool.
Nothing to see here,
just a Sith Lord out for a walk.
There he is!
We love the costume.
We have to get back to the ship, Artoo.
Sorry, lady.
Punish him later on Dagobah I will.
Start the ship! Start the ship!
Go, go, go, go, go.
Why do
the nice boys always leave?
I blew my mission.
And where am I going to get help?
Okay, calm down, Luke, calm down.
Use the Force.
I'll show that yellow-eyed bully.
Use the Force. Use the Force.
- Use the Force.
- Use the Force.
- Wha?
- Huh?
- That was...
- Weird.
I've got sand up my nose.
Other than that, I feel peachy.
Set immediate course for Naboo.
Or, we could run for our lives.
Oh, my head. Oh, that hurt.
Lord Vader,
we are honored by your presence.
Cool. I mean cool.
I didn't know you had an Artoo unit.
I do now.
That's right, we bad.
Step on it, Chewy!
We have to save Master Luke!
But look out for those asteroids!
My mother board, my grandmother board
would make a better pilot than you!
These are Luke's last coordinates.
And there's the secret barracks.
What's crucial here is the element of...
We have come to save you.
That's just swell.
Okay, Rebels, hands up.
You are all under arrest.
Oh my stars, Han shot first.
Of course I did. It was me or him.
Why wouldn't I?
That is a subject of some debate.
Do it, use your blaster.
Cover fire.
How could this get any worse?
Not the helmet.
Oh, right in the air vent.
You want me to buy this junk pile?
No way.
Watto, my old master,
it's me, Anakin Skywalker.
Ani? You are Anakin Skywalker?
Right, and I'm Count Dooku. Crazy droid.
This is not okay.
Now this is pod racing.
I just got a bug in my mouth.
My Death Star is coming to glorious life.
Boring. Needs more red.
Master, I have found the Rebels
and will soon eviscerate them.
Why do you look like
you just crawled out of a junk pile?
No reason.
Keep working
while I monitor the battle, okay?
You got it, pops.
My turn.
Medic. Medic.
That's the last of them.
In your face, Imperial scum.
This is the Empire. Surrender, Rebels.
Listen, I say, I hope I wasn't out of line
with that bit about "Imperial scum."
Capture is too good for the likes of you.
Men, set blasters for "Kill" and...
I'll take it from here, General.
It's Lord Vader.
Lord Vader.
You know, you're a lot shorter in person.
And you're a lot dumber in person.
I'm just saying on TV you look so scary.
Don't make me hurt you.
Now. I order you
to destroy your barracks over there.
That was neat.
Now, I'll just be leaving
with these prisoners and you...
I am the real Darth Vader.
This is an impostor.
Luke Skywalker.
So pleased to meet you at last.
Don't play nice with me, Vader.
You killed my father.
Oh, really? Well, I've got
some news for you.
News that is going to blow your mind.
Here it comes. Right now.
Get ready.
Spoiler alert.
Luke, I am your...
There he is.
- Finally.
- I knew we'd catch you.
Stop it, I'm about to rock his world.
Luke, I am your...
You young ladies
are mobbing the wrong chap.
Lord Vader is much too modest
to show you
but behind that evil mask
you will find this.
Don't touch my chest buttons.
I need them to breathe.
I came here on a Star Destroyer
that's ready to attack us.
We need to take it down.
This is what you trained for.
Rogue squadron will back you up.
Fire at the a T-a T.
- The what?
- The big dog-looking thing.
Hello, big boy. Have a nice trip.
Yes. I'm the man... Um, droid.
Luke, you were right.
There's the Star Destroyer.
We'll never defeat Vader and his men.
We will with Han on our side.
I'm right here, sister.
- Uh, what?
- Relax.
Chewy's flying the Falcon.
We're doomed. Doomed.
Oh, Chewbacca, just watch
where you're sticking your paw.
Oh! No time to disentangle. Fire! Fire!
I'll lead them into a trap.
Ah! I want to go home!
Here's Luke.
Oh, wait.
Now. I have you now.
Oh, come on. Get a life.
Do your parents know where you are?
You're all clear, kid.
Now let's blow this thing
and go home, again.
- We did it.
- Yeah.
Whoo-hoo! Yes.
We did it, partner.
Blast. They got away again.
But I shall soon destroy them with my...
What is that?
How you like it, Daddio?
I totally awesome-ized it for you.
Now it's a Darth Star.
No. No. You Maul-head.
I can't terrorize the galaxy with that.
I'll be the laughing stock of the Empire.
Not my best day.
We are so grounded.
I hate when this happens!
Please feed my dog!
- Vader.
- Uh-oh.
Because of you,
both my new Death Star
and Darth Maul are no more.
That's my boy.
Hugs mean love.
Please. Just take that helmet off
so we can see your dreamy face.
Okay, here you go.
- Get a load of him.
- He's so handsome.
- Awesome.
- Look at those little horns.
We love you.
- Come back.
- No.
Get away. Leave me alone.
Save yourself, legs.
Hey, Darth!