Lego: The Adventures of Clutch Powers (2010)

Clutch, you can't
go after the power crystals by yourself
It's too dangerous.
We, re sending reinforcements.
No thanks, Kjeld.
I work alone.
Glad nobody saw that.
Power crystals.
That's big enough
to power LEGO City for a whole year.
Rock Monsters.
Why does it have to be Rock Monsters?
Oh, no.
The Mine Mech.
Come on, come on.
Time to get creative. Hmm.
Okay. Oh?
A baby?
Oh, no. This changes everything.
Shh. You'll be okay.
Good baby Rock Monster.
Is this your baby?
Looks just like you.
I'm sorry. I didn't know.
I just wanted one of your crystals.
Thisis Air 7 with
a Clutch Powers sighting.
Hey, Clutch, thanks
for helping us catch the crook.
Yeah, thanks.
Yeah, thanks a lot.
Hey, look, it's Clutch Powers.
Hey, Clutch.
Looking good, Clutch.
Hey, Clutch Powers,
can we go with you?
We're on our way to a four-alarm fire.
Come on!
Clutch Powers.
Watch out, Clutch!
Watch out!
Clutch Powers.
What's going on, Clutch?
Hey, Clutch.
Clutch, over here.
Welcome to LEGO headquarters.
You'll make great explorers one day.
Kjeld. I got the crystal.
You're late.
You're welcome.
I came as soon as
I got your signal.
The others made it on time.
What others?
Brick Masterson. Firefighter.
Weapons specialist. Demolitions expert.
G'day. Peg Mooring. Biologist.
discovered 12 new species of marine life.
Thirteen, actually.
Ever so pleased to meet you.
Yours, love?
Bernie Von Beam.
The LEGO team's most brilliant engineer.
Hi, everyone. I'm...
Well, you're
Clutch Powers, of course.
Possibly the greatest
LEGO explorer ever.
They know who you are, Clutch.
Everyone knows who you are.
What about me?
Does everyone know me?
So, that's your team.
Wow. Pretty impressive.
But I work alone.
As do I.
Yep. Alone.
I work well with others.
Why does he get to be
team leader, anyway?
Because why?
Because he didn't blow up
a whole city block on his last mission.
Okay. I'm just asking.
What's gotten into all of you?
Have you all lost sight
of the LEGO mission?
Have you forgotten what
this organization represents?
Well, it's about
helping others.
Fighting the good fight.
Engineering better solutions.
Doing whatever it takes,
wherever it takes us.
And how do we do all that?
We build on each other.
It's something
I learned from your father.
Yeah, that sounds like him.
He always talked a good game.
I brought you here
because we've got a problem on Planet X-4.
The prison planet?
The Space Police
Interstellar Supermax
Correctional Facility,
to be more specific.
It holds just three prisoners,
the three most
vicious criminals in the entire galaxy.
Two days ago, we received
a garbled distress call
from the Watch Commander.
The prisoners are escaping.
We need help.
Then we lost communication
with them entirely.
What happened?
Prison break?
That's what I need you to find out.
Come on. We have
a spaceship ready for you.
Oh. Hey, hey! Hey!
Yes, Brick?
Do I get to blow something up?
It's possible.
I guess it depends
on what we find.
It's a bit of a mystery.
I hate mysteries.
I like mysteries.
Clutch Powers?
The Clutch Powers?
And you are?
Your biggest fan.
"A. Fol"? Arthur. My
friends call me Artie.
You can, too. Call me
Artie. Or be my friend.
Right, Artie, like the great
Clutch Powers would ever be friends
with somebody like you. Artie?
He knows my name.
There's no need to bow.
Of course. Of course.
You only bow to royalty,
and you're not a king.
More like a god.
Kjeld says you have
a ship ready for us.
Oh, my golly goodness.
It's gotta be here somewhere.
I know I put it in...
Yes, the other pile.
Yes. No? Right!
This pile is the pile it
was in. I know I've got it.
Just came off
the assembly line.
It's a Space Police
Lighthouse Massive Cruiser
with modified crew quarters,
X- over-M thrusters
and an ion-burst
relativity jump drive
for intergalactic travel.
And it's got a spinner.
Any questions?
Yeah, how are we all supposed
to fit in this little thing?
Well, why didn't you say so?
You're bringing extra hair?
A girl's gotta be prepared.
Whatever. Back up.
Whatever happened
to "ladies first"?
Never send a girl
to do a man's job.
Here. Let me give
you a hand.
Ten, nine, eight, seven,
six, five, four...
Seat belts, everyone?
...three, two...
Seat belts?
We don't need no stinking...
... one, zero. Blast off! belts!
Pizza delivery.
What idiot ordered pizza
on the way to a mission?
Where's my pizza? Are we
there yet? How much longer?
Can't this thing go any faster?
I'll have you know we're going
1.6 million kilometers per hour.
Actually, 1.64 if you factor
in the gravity slingshot effect.
You know, I'm quite
the diarist myself.
I... What?
Isn't that your journal?
What journal?
The one you're sitting on.
Oh, that journal.
It's not mine.
It's my father's.
Your father?
Powers. Of course. You're
the son of Rock Powers,
the legendary explorer.
I found this symbol
in his notes.
It's just like the symbol
from the prison distress call.
What did he make of it?
He didn't. It was his last entry
before he up and disappeared.
He was always missing. Off on
some crazy adventure or expedition.
But, hey, at least it
taught me to fend for myself.
Yet here you are, still
looking to him for guidance.
He was the best. He never needed
anybody or to be a part of a team.
Practicing your
secret handshake?
No, no, no,
it's just... We were...
It's none of my business. I thought
you should know. We're there.
Ready for final approach.
You'll take it nice and
easy, ja? I get motion sick.
Nice and easy.
Have you done this before?
It's like driving
a fire truck, in space.
Didn't you crash
that fire truck?
Slow down.
You're crazy!
Give me the controls.
Relax, I got it.
You killed
the engines.
Let go of the wheel.
This is why I work alone.
There you go, nice and easy.
Maybe I should
guard the spaceship.
Let's go.
This is the first time anyone
had to break into a prison.
Okay. The air is good.
Smells like old gym socks.
Well, it does.
Oh! And garlic, wow.
Oh, and a burrito platter.
That was tasty.
What are you waiting for?
Let's go.
Keep an eye out behind us.
We should have left old
stinky in the spaceship.
Nobody told me there
was a burrito platter.
Guys, come on.
It's empty.
The coast is clear.
Brick, watch our backs.
Keep an eye out for
the Watch Commander.
Something bad happened here.
Brilliant deduction.
Help! Let me out of here!
What is that thing? Let me out of here!
I got this one.
Put that thing down,
you fool. Clutch.
Get her off of me.
What are you doing?
My job.
I told you
to stay back.
Says you.
This is my call.
Says you.
Come on.
Over here.
Please acknowledge me!
Take cover.
Give me that.
It's the
Watch Commander.
I thought you'd never get here.
Come on, they're getting away.
You know, by the book.
So, there's absolutely no way
they can escape from this planet.
It's just a matter of time
before we capture them.
That sounds
like our spaceship.
Who left the spaceship
Um, that would be me.
But Brick's the one
who left the keys
in the ignition.
Yeah, but I didn't leave the
operator's manual on the dashboard.
I wanted to guard
the spaceship.
What kind of rescue team
are you supposed to be?
Thanks to your bickering and squabbling,
the three most
vicious criminals
in the galaxy are on the loose.
Do you have any idea
what a disaster this is?
By now, they're
already in hiding,
plotting their
next move and stuff.
Which is?
To unite all the forces of evil
in the entire known universe.
Would this be the right
time to say we're sorry?
How are we gonna get back now?
let's focus.
It's time to get creative.
Brick, you're on engines.
Bernie, flight control.
Peg, landing gear.
How am I gonna build a team
out of a bunch of strangers?
It's not like we
chose each other.
You can say that again.
Who does he think he
is bossing me around,
just because he's
the boss and I'm around?
What are you doing?
You're making a mess.
I'll take that, thank you.
Who put that there?
Hey, watch it!
Pull it this way.
No, it doesn't.
No, you're wrong.
No, it goes like this.
Come on, it's
just rocket science.
Can't get anyone to do
anything around here.
What a mess this is.
These guys don't
know what they're doing.
There. All done.
This is why I work alone.
If you want something done
right, you gotta do it yourself.
There. All done. Now that's
how you build a spaceship.
Would somebody pleaseexplain
to me whatjust happened?
Well, we built a new
ship out of spare parts.
It was really
quite ingenious. First...
At. The. Prison. What
happened at the prison?
Uh, can I take this one? I just
want to say, this is all her fault!
My fault? You were supposed
to be watching our backs.
Can't hear you.
Stop it. This is my
fault and mine alone.
I was in charge
of this mission.
So, if you want to
blame anyone, blame me.
I allowed myself to be
distracted from the mission.
By what?
I found a clue about
what happened to my father.
My father vanished
three years ago
on a top-secret expedition.
After all this time.
We thought his creation
spark had been extinguished.
But then I saw this symbol
on one of the prison cells.
What does it mean?
It's the name of one of the
three prisoners who escaped.
Kjeld, we've gotta
go after him.
We don't know where he is.
But we've got a lock on the
wizard who led the escape,
and the situation is urgent.
He's putting an entire
planet in jeopardy.
I'm sorry, Clutch.
Omega will have to wait.
Then let's get to work.
Say hello to
prisoner number one,
MallockThe Malign,
the EvilWizard of Ashlar.
What's Ashlar?
A medieval world
forgedfrom might and magic.
Mallock once ruled
Ashlar with an ironfist.
The only thing
that could defeat him
was the golden sword
of the rightful king,
the great King Revet.
He vanquished the dark wizard,
but he paid the ultimate price.
His creation spark
was extinguished.
Now Mallock has
returned to Ashlar
and reunited with
his Skeleton Army
to continue his quest
for evil dominion.
Our only hopeis that the skill
and courage of the great king
have passed to his son,
Prince Varen.
Why doesn't
the Prince fight back?
Heis young and untrained and
something of a disappointment.
He needs someone
to show him the way.
Is there a problem, Bernie?
Got it!
So, what's the mission?
Your missionis tofly to Ashlar,
find PrinceVaren, and help him
recapture the evil
wizard Mallock.
Preparing to engage ion-burst
relativity jump drive.
Be gentle.
Look! It's LEGO Hindge,
the oldest and most mysterious
minifig-made structure
in all the universe.
No one knows what
it was built for.
Oh! They're still studying
it to this very day.
You're going too fast. No problemo.
I've always wanted to see it.
It's so incredible, ja?
You try and
parallel park this thing.
What... Wait...
Help us!
It's the dark magic. None of
our high-tech weapons will work.
Oh, no fair.
He must have cast
a spell on this place.
He? He who?
He, him.
Holy hovercraft!
If I were wearing boots,
I'd be shaking in them.
Let's go find Prince Varen.
I got a bad feeling about this.
I am getting so tired
of your constant negativity.
Well, I'm not the one
who lost the castle.
I didn't lose it.
It's just missing.
help us! Please!
Where is the Prince?
Have mercy.
Lock them away until they tell
us where to find the Prince.
let us go.
See, I think he's happy.
You two!
I am not happy.
Did you find the Prince?
I'll ask you once more and once
more only. Where is the Prince?
Well, not to tell you
how to do your job,
but a better question might be,
"Where is the castle?"
Good idea.
We know that one.
Well? Where is it?
It's missing.
Disappeared without a trace.
Gone with the wind.
And the Prince?
Well, we couldn't find him.
See, we went looking for him at the
castle, but the castle was missing.
Course you already know that.
And then we were attacked
by a bunch of knights.
A knight, actually.
There was only one.
But he was very effective. Unpleasant.
Mean, I'd have to say.
Mean? Would you
go that far?
Yeah. When he did
the thing with the thing...
Right, right. Mean.
I'm good with mean.
This knight had
a voice like thunder.
A sword as fast as lightning.
He came at us like a whirlwind.
All in all, we'd have to say...
It was a dark
and stormy knight.
Find me the Prince, or else!
Nothing here but
a bunch of junk.
We've got everything we
need for a battle cart.
I'll do it.
I'll do it.
Hey! Save your
fight for Mallock.
Apologies, all.
You're right.
Good. It's time we
start acting like a team.
Bernie, you're in charge of
the build. Just make it strong.
Strong. My neck.
And we're gonna need weapons.
Over here. Over here.
Pick me. Pick me, me, me.
Brick, would like to be
in charge of weapons?
Uh, what else you got?
Sure, no problem. You want me
to do weapons, I'll do weapons.
Peg, you see these tracks?
You spotted them, too?
Something with wings, I
think. A griffin perhaps.
Find out what it is and
whose side they're on.
All right, team. You've
got your assignments.
I'll be back soon.
Where are you going?
To find Prince Varen.
What do you
think you're doing?
I told you to
bring me a minifig.
This is a real fig.
Find me the Prince, now!
This whole place
is going to pieces.
Skelly! Bones!
Where are those ninnies?
Hey, look at this. What are you doing?
Follow him!
And he'll lead us
right to the Prince.
I don't get it.
Sneaking, hiding,
sneaking, hiding...
We got him.
Hello, are we still
hiding? Look what I found.
What are you doing?
Same thing as you.
Oh! Don't forget... I'll
just put this on here.
And right on here.
Give me that.
That's not funny.
Get down! What part of
hiding don't you understand?
It's adorable.
I gotta touch it.
What are you doing, man?
No! Don't do that.
You're beautiful.
I'm so in love with you.
We could get married and build
a house and build some kids.
None shall pass.
What are you doing
in my forest?
My name is Clutch Powers.
I must find Prince Varen,
the rightful heir to
the throne of Ashlar.
Nobody crosses this bridge
unless they pass three tests.
If you succeed, I will
take you to Prince Varen.
And if I fail?
Then, I will eat you.
Bring it on.
You say you're Clutch
Powers, then prove it.
The real Clutch Powers
would know
how to build
his own... bridge.
Using nothing but
standard eight-stud bricks,
how many bricks
would it take to build
a spiral staircase as
tall as three minifigs?
There are more
than 915 million ways
to combine
standard LEGO bricks.
But they will never
connect on the diagonal.
So, it's a trick question.
It can't be done.
Not so fast. For your final
test, you must answer a riddle.
A riddle?
Yes, a riddle.
Trolls ask riddles.
It's what we do.
Fine. Ask away.
You hold my hand,
though we cannot touch.
You hear my voice,
though I do not speak.
You see my face,
though I am not here.
Who am I?
You hold my hand, you
hear my voice, you see...
You see my face.
The answer is my father.
Oh! You're good.
Now answer me. Where
can I find Prince Varen?
Yes, do tell.
We're dying to know.
Hand him over.
Mallock's orders.
This is not the man
you are looking for.
Yeah, it is.
Darn! That never
works for me.
Well, hate to
eat and run, but...
Man, that hurts.
I hate when this happens.
Come on. Let's get
him. Hey, where'd he go?
There he is, over there.
I can see
where he is, man.
Okay, wait,
can you remind me?
He went this way.
Which way? Wait, it
might have been that way.
Okay. No, this way. Let's go.
We got him now.
Okay. All right.
He's right there.
This way, this way. I thought
there was a thing over here...
Wait, wait.
Where did he go?
Great. First you lose
the castle, now this.
I didn't lose the castle.
You lost the castle.
Oh, no, you lost the castle.
No, you lost the castle.
You lost the castle.
No backs.
No fair.
Besides, we didn't lose it.
We just can't find it.
Yeah, yeah, and it's not
that we weren't looking,
'cause we were always
looking, it just wasn't around.
We just play stupid.
You think we can do that?
Well, you know,
I think you're probably
Let me out of here.
Did everyone have
the burrito platter?
With extra garlic.
Now let's go.
Not so fast.
Who are you?
I am Hogar The Troll.
And you can take me
to Prince Varen?
Open the gates.
Shall we?
Yeah, where do you
want these doohickeys?
Those are called Rack Winder
Axles. Stack them over there.
In a neat pile.
Technically, there's no
such thing as a neat pile.
How about these
That's a 40-tooth
spur gear.
Yeah, I'll put them over
here with these other gizmos.
You need anymore of
these thingies here?
Those are
called "hinge rods. "
Not "thingies" or "doohickeys"
or "whatchamacallits. " Okay?
Can I have one
of those thingies?
It's not a...
Would you like a blue
thingy or a red thingy?
Well, I'm off.
Cheers, all.
Good luck with your thingy.
Hey, I got that
jazzamabob unstuck.
Oh, you poor dear. That's
a nasty cold, isn't it?
I built that wall to keep us
hidden from Mallock's prying eyes.
You built it?
But you're a...
I mean, aren't you a...
I mean, why?
Why is a disgusting,
horrible, nasty-looking
troll fighting
for the good guys?
I wouldn't say disgusting.
I fight for the memory
of King Revet
because King Revet
fought for me.
Despite my outward appearance,
he saw that we were
the same on the inside.
He took me in and
embraced me. He trusted me.
I will do everything
in my power
to keep this kingdom from
falling to the forces of darkness.
But what does Mallock want?
This is no ordinary sword.
In the hands of
the rightful king,
it has power over
the mightiest evil.
Alas, we have no king.
If this sword falls
into Mallock's hands,
his villainy
will be unstoppable.
But what about Prince Varen?
I do what I can to protect him,
just as his father
once protected me.
But he's young
and inexperienced.
But... There is no
but. His heart is in it,
but I fear the rest of him
isn't up to the challenge.
I can work with heart.
Where is he?
Clutch Powers,
meet Prince Varen.
I got distracted, that's all.
Happens to the best of us.
Happens to me all the time.
I can show you what you're
doing wrong. It's pretty simple.
I doubt it. I'm no good with a sword.
No, it's a broadsword, not an pe.
Hold it high above your head
and swing from the shoulder.
I told you I'm no
good with a sword.
Who said you could bring
strangers in here anyway?
Mallock's army of skeletons
is amassing even as we speak.
We have to move now.
Not until I'm ready.
I'm here to help you defeat the
evil wizard. Trust me. I can help.
Like you helped me just now?
I don't need you.
I've got an army.
But do you know how to use it?
A sword is only as good as
the knight who wields it.
I don't need your help.
Oh! What is
wrong with him?
Why won't he listen to me?
Remember, he's
not here for you.
You have to be here for him.
Wait! Where
are you going?
998, 999,
Are we ready yet?
There. All done.
Sweet meteors, it's about time.
Everything is properly
organized and sorted by function.
First, we arrange the parts in
ascending order of size. Then...
Done. What
do you think?
Well, extraordinary.
Except for this piece,
which was in
the instruction manual
you didn't follow.
But I'm sure
it's not important.
I'll just hold on to
it for safekeeping.
Just in case.
Hey, now you've got
extra hair, just like Peg.
Me, like Peg?
And I quite like you,
too, Bernie.
No, that's not what I said.
I mean, it is what I said,
but it's not what I meant.
I didn't mean I like you.
I do like you, but what
I was trying to say was...
Jumping jellybeans!
What happened to you?
It's just a little flesh wound.
And while I was gone, I see
you were all playing dress up.
Everything went perfectly according
to plan. No surprises here.
Oh! Are you okay?
Oh, I'm...
You poor dear.
Don't mind me.
It's just my head.
I'll give you a pain
in the head! Coming here
to steal me gold
for that evil wizard.
We thought this
mine was abandoned.
Abandoned? She's
beautiful, she is.
I'll give you abandoned, you little...
Who are you calling little?
Wait! You
don't understand.
We're not here to help the evil
wizard. We're here to defeat him.
My heroes!
Lofar, at your service.
Good. We'll need all
the help we can get.
Clutch, you're back.
Did you find the Prince?
We'll have to defeat
Mallock on our own.
We can do this.
He may have
a thousand-strong army
of skeleton warriors,
but we've got...
Me lucky socks.
Each other.
Peg, Bernie, Lofar,
you create a diversion
out front while we
drop behind the tower.
Once we're inside, load
the cannons and let her rip.
Okay. Everyone know
their assignment?
I don't.
I've decided to
allow you to help me.
And I've brought a few friends.
The knights will attack
the front with the others
while I join Prince Varen in the
back to face off with Mallock.
But it's my duty to lead the
royal knights into battle.
But we need you inside
to go after Mallock.
You can't be in
two place at once.
Who says? Your hair. Give us your hair.
What's going on?
You're Prince Varen now.
Get up there and lead
your knights into battle.
I look like a girl.
But a very pretty girl.
Prince Varen?
Mallock The...
Mallock The Malign,
it is I, Prince Varen,
rightful heir to
the throne of Ashlar.
Come out with your hands up.
I can't believe I
have to wear girl hair.
Well, it's stupid.
No, come on. Come on.
Well done, lads.
Well done.
The last person who made it past
my enchanted armor was your father.
Leave him alone, Mallock.
Can't you fend
for yourself, boy?
After all, you are the king.
I said, leave him alone.
Too bad there's no one
to save you now.
I'm warning you
for the last time.
Is that you? Clutch?
He's right here.
Clutch! No! Don't look
at the crystal ball!
Dad! Dad, is that you?
Clutch, don't look at the
crystal ball. It's a trick.
Clutch! Clutch!
Skeleton warriors,
army of the night,
I summon you!
Arise and attack!
These guys look
bad to the bone.
Attack! Run them down
and run them through.
Take that!
Oh, yeah!
Hey, isn't that Uncle Morty? Hey, Morty!
Oh, Morty! Get your head in the game.
He should've boned up
on his fighting skills.
How about this one?
He always was a bonehead.
You out?
Bone dry.
Slow down!
Speed up! Speed up!
Turn around.
I told you. I'm no good with a sword.
This was my fault, not yours.
Why did he let us live?
He wants to display us
like trophies.
Break his enemy's spirit.
Show them their worst fear.
What do you think you're
doing? I was driving.
You call that driving?
It's not her fault we crashed.
The wheels came loose
because you left out a part.
If we stuck to your plan,
we'd still be building it.
Well, at least it
would be done right. Dummkopf
At least we got away.
That makes you happy,
running away?
I knew I couldn't trust you.
Well, we know we can trust
you to wreck everything.
Peg, may I speak to...
What is it, Bernie?
Yes. Well, thank you.
Peg, I have something I've
been meaning to tell you.
I love you. I just...
Bernie, look!
Bring me the golden
sword of King Revet,
or this is the last time
you'll ever see them.
Hogar. Hogar!
Where are you going?
I must do as Mallock demands.
No! I must. I have no choice.
Yes, you do.
Don't give it to him.
I promised his father
I would protect his son.
I gave my word no harm
would come to Prince Varen.
I'm sorry.
You'll pay for
this trick, Hogar.
Wait, wait, where's the sword?
I dropped it.
I couldn't even get it
out of my scabbard.
I guess it's still in
the hall, by the armor.
That means he doesn't
know where it is.
We're going to get out of here,
and I'm going to
get you that sword
before Mallock finds it.
How? There's nothing
but a bunch of bones.
What are you doing?
If you wanna send a message,
nothing beats hand delivery.
Brick, can you show me
how to load the weapons?
What are you talking about?
They're shattered.
Then I'll help
you rebuild them.
What's gotten into you?
Don't you see what
he's trying to tell us?
Uh-uh. We build on each other.
Give me five minutes,
I'll give you an arsenal.
That's the spirit. Bernie,
can you fix this rust bucket?
There's no way. The frame is
shattered, two wheels are gone,
and we're missing
half the parts.
I can't do it!
I tell you, I can't!
Okay. I'll do it.
Lock and load.
We're going in.
Thanks for letting me drive.
How's it handle?
Like a three-legged hippo.
I did the best with what I had.
It's an engineering
marvel, Bernie.
I hate to burst
anyone's bubble,
but I do have one
teensy question.
How exactly are we
gonna get to Clutch?
Good boy!
You do have a way with animals.
Hey, Clutch!
Skelly? Bones? Where
are those nincompoops?
Snake eyes!
Roll them bones.
Here we go. That's right, put it down.
Roll them high.
Come on, baby.
Good stuff.
Good stuff.
Load me up, Bernie.
I'm going in.
What? Wait a minute.
Whoa! Mommy!
Seven, again! This is my
lucky day. Don't be jealous.
The wheel's jammed.
It won't turn.
We have to jump.
On three.
One, two...
I can't. I'm stuck.
Jump! What are you
waiting for?
Hold me tight.
I will go get your legs.
Oh! I'm not half
the man I used to be.
This sword, in your hands, gives
you the power over the greatest evil.
But I'm no good with a sword. You saw.
No. I'll tell you
what I saw.
I saw a brave warrior
tackle an enchanted knight
with nothing but
bare hands and courage.
I don't know.
I can't do it.
Yes, you can.
No! My father had this
power, but I'm not my father.
He's always with you.
His strength lives in you.
This is the end,
Prince Varen.
I'm going to snuff
your creation spark
just like I took your father's.
All your friends
will be defeated
and this kingdom
will be mine, forever.
Take this,
take that...
Back off!
Here's a little bit
more for you to take.
I told you it
might come in handy.
No! You'll never
take my kingdom.
Give me the sword,
Clutch Powers.
Give me the sword, and I
will take you to your father.
You can see him again.
Just give me the sword.
No, Clutch.
Give me the sword.
I can take you to him.
Give me the sword, or you'll
never see your father again.
He's alive?
Clutch, he's right here.
He's always with you.
I already found him.
Don't worry, this is my battle.
Hey, Mallock, over here!
Get him. Yeah!
That's the spirit.
You can do it.
Come on, Varen! Yeah.
This is the end, Prince Varen.
That's King Varen.
And you're under arrest.
Yeah! We did it!
Long live the King!
Long live King Varen!
Oh, my hip is killing me.
Hey, nice toss
back there, gear-head.
You weren't so bad yourself.
Just kidding.
Thanks, Bernie. But I think
it looks better on you.
Clutch, I know what you gave up back
there. And I know it wasn't easy.
I couldn't have done it without
your help. I'll find my dad someday.
For now, it's enough
to know he's alive.
Great work, Clutch.
Uh, don't thank me.
Thank the team.
Tens and 20s would be fine.
We've located your next target,
on the other side
of the galaxy.
I think you know
what this means.
I'm driving!
I call shotgun.
Here we go again.
Preparing to engage ion-burst
relativity jump drive.