Lemonade Mouth (2011)

Lemonade Mouth has been called
all of these things.
But the real story,
the story of how our band came to be,
is a mystery to them all.
I wonder if they'd believe it
if I told them that it all started...
Ooh, yeah
...right here.
The rules in here are simple.
No eating, no drinking, no sleeping,
no talking, no tapping, no texting.
You break a rule,
l add another day of detention.
Are we clear? Great.
Stella Yamada, lead guitar.
Wen Gifford, keyboard.
Mo Banjaree, bass.
Charlie Delgado, drum god.
And me, Olivia White,
future frontman for Lemonade Mouth.
One, two, three, four, five.
It was this ragtag group of five
that started it all.
All right. I have decided,
rather than let you twiddle
your little thumbs for the next hour,
we are going to
put those thumbs to use.
We're gonna clean up around here.
We're gonna unpack,
and we're gonna turn this storage room
into a music room.
I mean, we might as well
make the best of it, right?
We've been banished to the basement.
Did you hear that?
You know what?
If they spent a fraction
of what that new gymnasium cost
to keep this music program alive, I--
That is it. That is it.
But if I'm gonna tell you this right,
I need to go back to the beginning.
The morning it all began.
Let's go, Stell.
You don't wanna be late
for your first day, do you?
Look, I know this is hard.
Transferring to a new school
a month into the year?
Yeah. Yeah.
Why would that be hard?
- But who cares, right?
- I care.
Then you and Dad
might have thought to ask me
before you moved our family
halfway across the country.
Hold that thought.
Hello? Yes, Mr. Johnson.
The bioplastic certification documents,
they should be on your desk...
Ho-ho, check out the new girl.
Nice hair.
Have fun.
Hey, Dad,
don't you think it's a little weird
that your girlfriend's still in college?
She's 28, Wen.
She's just taking a photography course.
Look, Dad, when guys
go through midlife crisis, they--
They buy a sports car, right?
What do you say?
We turn in the truck, get a sports car?
I would fully support that.
Give Sydney a chance, for me.
Why is everything about Sydney?
"Sydney wants Chinese food."
"Let's watch Sydney's favorite show."
"Can't pick you up from piano practice,
Sydney called."
- Hey, I apologized for that.
- Yeah, I know.
You know, whatever. Let's just go.
I'm gonna be late
for my history presentation.
Are you excited, Charles?
- Soccer tryouts are today.
- Oh.
Right. Yeah, I'm-- I'm thrilled.
- Oh, your mother--
- We.
--thought you might like to have this
with you today, for luck.
It was your brother's.
Tommy scored the winning goal
at state finals with that ball.
Mom, what are you crying for?
Tommy's just away at college.
I... Oh.
Whoa. Unh.
Remember, Mohini, you need to speak
to your teachers about extra credit.
Get your GPA up
for the college applications.
But that's a couple of years away yet.
It's never too soon to think about
your future, Monu. Understand?
- Yes, Baba.
- Mm.
Is that...?
Is that lipstick you're wearing?
No, Baba.
Because you're too young
for that sort of thing.
Yes, Baba. I'm late. Um...
- Bye, Baba.
- Monu--
Don't forget, extra credit.
Please don't see me.
Please don't see me.
Yeah, you know it.
Have fun.
Way to go, Olivia.
One last reminder to
show some school spirit this weekend...
Hey. There you are.
Hey, Scott. You scared me.
Well, I've been looking all over for you.
So the band and I,
we're gonna ditch this morning,
head on over to Ray's
and practice for the Halloween Bash.
- Wanna come?
- Sure, I'd love--
I can't.
What? Come on, Mo.
We barely see each other as it is.
Well, maybe this Saturday.
I'll tell my dad
that I've got extra credit, or--
No, you know I got Mudslide Crush
rehearsals all weekend,
plus soccer practice.
Come on. Just this once? For me?
Don't worry about Brenigan, all right?
He's with the new girl.
Well, I think that Stella's
still working through some anger issues
about moving.
Yes, I can see that.
But I'm afraid that shirt is...
Is there a dress code here?
Well, heh, no,
but there is an unwritten line,
and that shirt crosses it.
What about freedom of expression?
Do you have that here?
Stella, just...cover up for the day, okay?
Stella, is it?
l run a tight ship here.
I don't know how they did things
back in Rhode lsland,
but in my school,
students respect the rules.
Written...and unwritten.
Come on, come on.
Please don't call my dad. He doesn't
even want me alone with a boy.
If he found out I skipped class with one,
he'd never let me out of the house.
This is your first infraction.
You are on the honor roll.
- I won't call your father.
- Thank you.
This time.
But if I ever catch you
skipping class again...
You won't, I promise.
That's why the American Revolution
was so important.
Thank you, Sharon. Very nice.
All right.
Wendell, you're up.
- We're waiting.
- One second, sir.
I'm sorry.
Sorry. Um...
This can't be happening.
Hi. I'm sorry to interrupt.
Wen, I have your folder.
Check out Wen's mommy.
- You must be Wendell's mother.
- No, I'm--
She's not my mom, okay?
Are you kidding me? Look at her.
All right, are you stupid?
- Whoa.
- Oh.
- So...?
- Detention.
But at least we'll be together, right?
No, he actually let me off
with a warning.
- A warning?
- Yeah.
You know, I got soccer practice,
some big games coming up.
I just can't miss them.
But I'll see you at lunch, okay?
- Yeah, sure.
- All right.
What can I tell you, Jenny?
That you put the same value on the arts
as you do sports.
You've cut the music budget to zero.
You've moved my classroom
down to the basement.
And for what? Some gymnasium?
Whoa. This is not "some gymnasium."
Sports bring donors, donors bring money,
and money makes my school run.
Your school?
Times are tough, Jenny.
Someone's gotta make the hard decisions
around here, and that someone is moi.
"I'm Nobody. Who are you?
Are you nobody too?"
Heh. Well, that would be a yes.
Here we go, hustle up. Move it, move it.
- Come on, let's make a move.
- Unh.
- Heh.
- Ray, cut it out, dude.
Keep it going. Keep it going.
Delgado, come on, get with the program.
- I'll see you later.
- Eh.
Come on, what are y'all doing?
- Ha-ha-ha.
- Let's go, Delgado. Come on.
All right, guys,
set up for drill number two. Hustle up.
- Coach.
- Come on, kids.
- Drill number two.
- Drill two, kids, come on.
Are you sure
that's Tommy Delgado's brother?
- Yeah.
- No, no, Delgado, you gotta kick the ball.
That's it. You know what?
I don't wanna play soccer,
I don't want your abuse,
and I certainly don't want my brother's ball.
Yeah, I think he did that on purpose,
- Aah!
- TurboBlast.
Welcome to our first assembly
in our new gym,
generously funded by our school sponsor,
Drink of champions.
Yeah. Whoo!
You the man, Brenigan.
Right there, that. That's good, Phil.
Our assembly today is about--
Are you ready?
--personal empowerment.
- Hi.
- Hi.
That's right. Dig deep inside,
find the power within...
Why don't you, uh, find another seat?
- Why don't you make me?
- Oh!
--excel not only on the field,
they excel in life.
All right, move it.
- Come on.
- What a freak.
A student who's willing to take risks.
An empowered student.
And by empowerment, I mean going
above and beyond what's expected of you.
You want empowered students?
Now, I know it's all within you,
and you know it is as well.
- Then you're gonna get them.
- On behalf of TurboBlast,
all our coaches--
My shirt, my decision. Okay?
Don't let your school
take away your rights. Okay?
Be heard. Use your voice.
Come on.
- He can't tell you what to wear, who to be.
- Let's go.
You can wear what you want.
We can wear whatever we want.
- Whoo!
- Come on.
Sit down.
I can wear my own T-shirt.
Wear whatever kind of shirt you want.
Today, tomorrow.
Okay. Ready? Okay.
Defense! Push 'em back!
Defense! Push 'em back!
Defense! Push 'em back! Way back!
Defense! Push 'em back!
You lost?
- Oh, no, I'm just looking--
- Detention, huh? Follow me.
- What is this place?
- This is the underground.
Robotics club. Hey, Alex.
You working hard?
Shakespeare society.
Chess club.
He hasn't found a partner in months.
And one, and two...
Art club.
Looking good, honey
Play that, DJ. What you say?
Even the school newspaper.
Victoria, you doing good?
Anything that doesn't fit
Principal Brenigan's mold,
you'll find it down here.
Oh. This is my stop, AV club.
You're telling me Brenigan
just stuck your clubs in the basement?
Pretty much.
Unless you're wearing a varsity jacket
- or a cheer skirt, you're basically--
- Invisible.
See? You're catching on already.
Detention's at the end of the hall.
Good luck.
No, guys. You keep doing this wrong.
There is a moment
where the stars align
and fates collide,
creating that perfect union.
Mm. Hmm.
This was that moment.
I am gonna give Brenigan
a piece of my mind, and while I do,
I want you guys to just start
cleaning up or something around here.
She can't make us clean.
- It's cruel and unusual punishment.
- Welcome to high school.
This school stinks.
Can you guys just do what Miss Reznick
asked and be quiet? Okay?
I'm not getting another detention
because of you people.
Na, na, na, na, na
Na, na
Take a look around
Who would have thought
We'd all be here?
So let's mess around
'Cause the future is unclear
We got nothing better to do
We're just trying to get through
- Can you hear me?
- Ha, ha.
Can you hear me? Yeah.
Let the music groove you
Let the melody move you
Feel the beat and just let go
Get the rhythm into your soul
Let the music take you
Anywhere it wants to
When we're stuck and can't get free
No matter what, we'll still be singing
Come on, come on. Turn up the music
It's all we got. We're gonna use it
Come on, come on. Turn up the music
All we have is now
Let's make the most of this
Come on, break it out
So everyone can hear it
- They don't have to understand
- Ha, ha.
But we'll make them if we can
Do you hear me?
Are you with me? Yeah
Let the music groove you
Let the melody move you
Feel the beat and just let go
Get the rhythm into your soul
Let the music take you
Anywhere it wants to
- When we're stuck and can't get free
- Aah!
No matter what, we'll still be singing
Come on, come on
Turn up the music
It's all we got
We're gonna use it
Feel the beat and just let go
Get the rhythm into your soul
Let the music take you
Anywhere it wants to
Come on, come on
Turn up the music
- That was so cool.
- That was awesome.
Oh, I'm really sorry.
We just started to, um...
- We were just...
- Shh. Shh.
- We weren't...
- I...
- Uh--
- Shh! Let me think. I need to think.
- You.
- Yeah, I'm just gonna sit down.
Olivia, you have a beautiful voice.
Aah! Ha, ha!
Your band, it's a gift.
- We're not a band.
- We don't even know each other.
You were meant to play together.
It's-- It's destiny. Oh, come on.
You don't have a moment like that
and just ignore it.
People, they-- They need to hear you.
Shoot. That'll show Brenigan.
That will show Brenigan.
That's it. Rising Star. Ah! Rising Star.
- Rising what?
- Rising Star.
It's a talent competition.
Winner gets a record deal.
And some serious air time.
Making tomorrow's stars today
Making to-- Making to--
Just think, you guys.
You can show everyone around here
that sports isn't the only thing that matters.
So. Hee-hee. What do you think?
You in?
- Pass.
- What?
It's ridiculous.
I really can't. Between my AP classes
and violin lessons...
Yeah, I've-- I've got stuff.
Okay, well, then,
what about you, Olivia?
I don't sing.
Uh, we just heard you sing.
Well, yeah, but that wasn't real, like--
Like on a stage. I can't do that.
Oh, come on. Sure you can.
No, no, trust me, it wouldn't be pretty.
The last time I performed on-stage
was my first-grade recital.
Five minutes into "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep"
I threw up down Mikey Nichols' back.
Ha, ha. Yeah, I remember that.
That was hilarious.
No, it was humiliating.
I'm sorry, I can't.
Well, I--
I guess that counts me out, right?
Can't really enter a competition
with one man in a band.
You know, unless you're thinking
of a solo career.
Which I'd be happy to consider.
Guys, Mudslide Crush are entering.
We wouldn't have a shot.
He's right. They're amazing.
They're not that amazing.
Well, if we don't stand a chance
against these Mudslide guys,
then why bother, right?
Because, you said it yourself,
you deserve to be heard.
Hey. Oh, Olivia, sweetie.
- Hey.
- Ha, ha. Aw.
Oh, how's Nancy doing?
Oh, she still hasn't eaten.
Nance. Come here. You need to eat.
You need to eat, old girl.
Come on, girl. Come on. Look. Yum.
Hey there, buddy.
We're going out for a ride. Wanna come?
No, I don't like to ride.
- Yes, you do.
- No, I don't.
Come on, Wen. Since when
don't you like to ride your horse?
Come on, ladies.
We are going for a ride.
How were soccer tryouts?
Well, um
they were...
- Great.
- Oh!
- It went-- It went great.
- I knew it. I knew it. Mwah.
Why don't you come in now
and hit the books?
You're never gonna make it to Stanford
with your brother
whacking away at these drums
every day, are you?
Come on. Start with your math.
Yuck, Dad.
How can you eat that?
Imagine how that poor fish felt.
Fish don't feel pain.
Just because you don't see agony
doesn't mean it's not there.
When did you become a vegetarian?
Yeah, when did, uh, this happen?
Four months ago.
For geniuses,
you don't pay very good attention.
Because it's stupid, Stella.
Sorry I'm not out inventing
biodegradable plastic,
or making my own toys, or,
oh, yeah, curing cancer.
We haven't cured it yet, honey.
Hello. I know that.
l may not be a genius--
Which is, like, I don't know,
a genetic abnormality in this family.
But I can do things too, you know.
I could start a revolution.
That's nice, dear.
Good morning, Mesa High.
Yes, it's that time of year again.
You have to get out there and vote,
because guess what.
Yes, I have been nominated, yet again,
for School Administrator of the Year.
Let's keep that winning streak alive.
Vote today, the polls are open all day.
There's extra credit involved.
- You think it's about the band?
- Oh, my.
We talked about this.
It's not gonna happen.
Sure it is.
l signed us up for Rising Star
this morning.
Check. Check, one, two, check.
We're not experienced enough.
Which is why I also signed us up
for Halloween Bash.
- Check, check, one, two, check.
- What?
Wait, how'd you pull that off?
It's amazing what a principal will agree to
if he thinks his new "problem student"
is channeling her energy
into something productive.
Goofing around in detention
does not make us a band.
So we'll practice.
You have real drums, right?
- Yeah.
- See?
- I didn't even know that.
- Ha, ha.
Okay, so, what are we gonna play?
You could write our songs.
- Me?
- Yeah.
That one you did the other day
was pretty amazing.
- Mm-hm.
- That was nothing.
I think I'm gonna be sick.
Wait. We can't play the Bash.
Mudslide Crush is playing.
And we are opening for them.
I don't know about the rest of you guys,
but I don't wanna be some random face
in a yearbook.
Or a kid people vaguely recall
passing in the halls.
I wanna be heard.
- Hi.
- Ha, ha.
Wen and I are in. Who's with us?
I'll give it a shot.
- Really?
- Yeah?
But only if everyone else agrees.
Just one practice. If it works, great.
If not, I'm out.
- All right.
- Okay. Ha, ha.
Come on. Say you'll try.
- Please.
- It'll be fun.
It'll be so much fun.
- Pretty please, sugar on top?
- You will have so much fun.
D'oh. Okay, okay. I'll do it.
- Yes. Yes.
- It'll be great.
You know what?
Heads, we do it.
Tails, we don't.
One of the misconceptions
about Lemonade Mouth
is that we were a natural fit
from the start.
Totally not true.
Come on, Charlie.
It's a simple four-four beat.
You're not even trying.
It's B to B-flat, back to B,
then an F-sharp. Ready?
Okay, this isn't working.
We'll get it.
We just need to keep practicing.
Also, maybe we need to go
a little more hardcore.
That's it. I'm out of here.
What? You're just gonna stomp away?
Yeah, come on. Don't leave.
In case you guys hadn't realized,
I'm classically trained.
On the violin.
I don't play whatever this is.
I'm-- I'm out too.
- What?
- Guys, look.
Come on. We can work this out.
Yeah. Yeah, Wen's right.
Maybe if we just take it from the top
one more time?
They're quitting
before we've even started.
- They're quitters!
- Shut up, Stella.
- Wait, Mo.
- Mo.
Please, don't. Wait.
Can you see me?
'Cause I'm right here
Can you listen?
'Cause I've been trying
To make you notice
What it would mean to me
To feel like somebody
We've been on our way to nowhere
Tryin' so hard to get there
And I say
Oh, we're gonna let it show
We're gonna just let go of everything
Holding back our dreams
And try to make it come alive
Come on, let it shine so they can see
We were meant to be
- Somebody
- Somebody
- Somebody, yeah
- Somebody
Somehow, someday, some way
- Boy, go to class.
- Somebody
Get out of this darkness
Feel the spotlight glowing
Like a yellow sun
- Oh-ooh-oh, oh oh
- Oh-ooh-oh, oh oh
And when we fall. We fall together
Till we get back up
And we will rise as one
Oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh. We're gonna let it show
- Let it show
- We're gonna just let go of everything
Holding back our dreams
- And try
- To make it come alive
Make it come alive
Come on, let it shine
So they can see
We were meant to be
Somebody, yeah
Somehow, someday, some way
Olivia, did you really write that?
Yeah. Ha, ha.
You guys,
we are so winning a record deal.
So Brenigan took away half my set
for the Halloween Bash.
- What?
- Yeah, I know. The guy's insane.
I mean, what is he gonna do?
I mean, I'm the man, all right?
Hey, what's up?
I didn't think you were gonna make it.
So how'd you get out of the house?
- Um, I told my dad I had a study group.
- Ha, ha.
I mean-- I mean, what does Brenigan
expect me to do? Jump up and down?
Like, "Oh, I get to play half my set?" No.
- What's Ray talking about?
- Eh, it's nothing.
- Come on, don't worry about it.
- Just tell me.
Brenigan told us we don't get
the full set at the Halloween Bash.
- So you know that new girl, Stella?
- Mm-hm.
Yeah, well, I guess she told Brenigan
she has some band,
and Miss Reznick is in on it.
Miss Reznick is a really
talented music teacher, actually.
Yeah, whatever.
I mean, that's not the point.
The point is, this so-called band
has half our stage time now. It's nuts.
You don't cancel the Crush.
Um, do you know who else
is in the band?
Nope. Just a bunch of nobodies.
- Okay, and that's why--
- Hey, hey, get away from my car.
- It's me.
- What?
I'm in the band.
I play bass.
I mean, you're kidding, right?
No. Actually, we're not bad.
I mean, we met in detention.
We're just opening for you.
Look, Mo, I mean, if you wanna be
in the band, that's great.
You could play backup guitar for me
or something.
But, come on, joining a band
that's taking half our night from us?
- What's up with that?
- What, so now it's your night?
Yeah. I mean, my music, it's--
It's important to me. You know that.
Well, maybe my music
is important to me too.
I'm sure it is. It's just...
Just think about it, okay?
I mean, I really don't want this
to come between us.
Me either. It's... Ahh.
Good. Good.
Now, I'll be back in a little bit, okay?
I'm taking that band down
one way or another, okay?
Ray. We're up, my man.
- All right, let's do this thing. Let's do it.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I love this song!
Who's that trying to talk to me?
Standing over there
Looking like a wannabe
Keep me on ice, subzero degrees
I'm so solid
That you can't see through me
We rock the stage like a playoff game
Don't have to say it. You know my name
Three-point shot. No time on the clock
And the crowd goes wild
Are you ready or not?
And the crowd goes
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
And the crowd goes
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh. And the crowd goes
I'm a superstar, and I got a cool car
And the girls like me better
Than whoever you are
'Cause I make your day
Let me hear you say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Can you give me some of that?
It's the Crush.
Here we go, here we go
And the crowd goes
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
And the crowd goes
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
- Oh, oh, oh, oh
- Come on. What?
And the crowd goes
I'm a superstar, and I got a cool car
And the girls like me better
Than whoever you are
'Cause I make your day
Let me hear you say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
We're Mudslide Crush.
Thank you for coming out. Whoo!
What's going on?
Mudslide Crush.
They're mad we cut their show short.
- So?
- So they're the cool guys.
The pride of Mesa High.
- And what are we?
- We are rash-like, persistent.
- Excellent.
- After you.
- Look at you.
- Yesterday.
- Oh, okay.
- Yeah.
I see everyone brought their official
underworld badges.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- We're subterranean and we're proud.
- Ha, ha.
- Yeah.
- Mm-hm.
All right. First order of business:
a band name.
- We need one for the fliers.
- Right.
Okay, okay. What about Soul Groove?
- Mm. Mm-mm.
- No. Oh.
- Um... The Anarchists?
- No.
- Well, that's not so bad.
- The Anarchists.
- No.
- No.
No, no, you're right, it's terrible.
Um, I'm gonna go get another lemonade.
All right, look, guys, I got one.
Um, let me just find it.
- Wen.
- Wen?
- He's kidding, right?
- Come on.
It's the whole one-name thing.
You know, like, um... Mm.
- Like Bon Jovi.
- Mm.
- Or Cher.
- Ha, ha.
Back off the bash.
- What kind of band name is that?
- I love it.
No, this was on the door.
Good morning.
Over the weekend, I was notified
that there was gum found underneath the
seats of the new bleachers in the gym.
This is a personal affront to me.
I've assigned seven students as our...
You haven't called me back.
Sorry. You know,
I've just been distracted.
Got band rehearsals, soccer practice.
I mean, you know how it is, right?
Okay, is that what this is about?
The band?
- No, no.
- That is all.
You know, I gotta go.
I'll call you, all right?
Sure you will.
If a guy doesn't call for a few days,
should the girl worry?
Do guys do that?
You're a guy, right?
Heh. Wow.
No, I just mean, like, you're my friend.
You're not, like, a "guy" guy.
Yeah, that's not really helping.
What's up. Am I interrupting?
- Thanks. My favorite.
- Could I just have--?
So hey, you're the lead singer
of the new band, right?
Oh, then why don't you just
belt one out for us?
- Show us what you've got.
- Could you just leave me alone?
- What's going on?
- We're just making small talk.
Ray, come on, bro.
Just leave her alone.
- And are you gonna make me?
- You're being a creep, Ray.
So if you're not gonna make me,
then who's gonna make me?
- That's who.
- You?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, okay.
- Can't--? Can't we talk this through?
- No, we can't talk it through, no.
- Wen? Wen?
- Wen.
- Yeah?
- A little help here, please.
- No, no, I'm a lover, not a fighter, bro.
- Perfect.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Go help him.
- Can you just make it quick?
- Make it quick? Yeah.
I have a better idea.
- What?
- One second.
- Unh!
- Whoa!
- You think it's funny? Is that what it is?
- No, it's not funny. I'm sorry.
- You're cra-- No. No, no, no.
- Back off.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Guys, stop it.
Break it up here, break it up.
Step away from the puddle, people.
What is going on here?
Principal Brenigan,
I went to go get a TurboBlast,
and they just start threatening me.
Next thing you know it,
lemonade mouth over here
spits all over me.
Look at my clothes.
We didn't do anything.
And that is how we got our band name.
- What are you doing here?
- Uh...
Stella said I should come by,
work on some songs with you.
So, uh...
Oh, right. Sorry. Um...
Come on in.
All right. Oh, wow.
- Thanks, Gram.
- Mm-hm.
So you're Olivia's friend?
That's right.
I've never met
one of Olivia's friends before.
- Um... Gram, mm-mm.
- Hmm?
She was just kidding
about the whole friend thing.
She's met a ton of my friends.
Like, tons and tons.
- Friends.
- Right.
Of course.
- You wanna hear a rap?
- Oh, yes.
- Yeah? All right. Um...
- Okay.
It's Wen, and I'm musically inclined
Get a shiver down your spine
Every time I rhyme
I'm in Lemonade Mouth
We don't learn to wait
We get on stage and determinate
- Determin--
- Ha, ha.
- Like, it would keep going.
- Wait, "determinate"?
Yeah. It's like, get determined.
- Ha, ha.
- Like, put on your game face. Yes.
Oh, I'm sorry.
That is so not what "determinate" means.
Wow. That is an old cat.
Yeah, she's really old.
Are you okay?
Yeah. Um...
Nancy was my mom's,
and so she's just kind of like
the last real thing I have left of her, so...
Oh, I'm sorry.
Well, what about your dad?
You know, can we just
work on the songs?
Because I-- I have this one
that I think is pretty good.
So, um, here.
- And then...
- Okay.
Trying hard to fight these tears
I'm crazy worried
Messing with my head, this fear
I'm so sorry
You know you gotta get it out
I can take it
That's what being a friend's about
I like when you smile.
- Ha, ha. Sorry, I--
- No, it, um...
- Right, so--
- Yeah, we should... Ahem.
Basically, it just picks up a little bit
and we go through, like,
this slow portion of the song, right?
And then I was thinking that...
- Well, this is it, guys. Our last rehearsal.
- Lyle.
Guys, I can't believe
the Halloween Bash is tomorrow night.
And Rising Star in a few weeks.
You okay?
Fine, fine. I'm totally fine.
- We're all nervous, Olivia.
- Try terrified.
Hey, come on, you guys,
we're gonna be great.
In fact, I think I know just the thing
to make us feel better.
I'd like to know what's happening to
the lemonade machine in the basement.
There's a lemonade machine down there?
Yeah, for now.
And I'd like to know
why it's being removed.
- Oh...
- Hey, we--
We were just wondering
if it's gonna be replaced or repaired.
You know, any information you have, we--
We would really appreciate it.
Well, I'm sure it's just a mix-up.
See? Just relax.
Uh-huh. Oh.
Oh, well.
Well, that machine
should have been gone ages ago.
Well, what with Principal Brenigan's
sponsorship deal.
A sponsorship?
TurboBlast donated the gym
and the scoreboard,
and we have to get rid
of any competing drink machines. Ha, ha.
What? That's the stupidest thing
I've ever heard.
Now, I don't care for your tone,
young lady.
I suggest if you have
any more questions,
you bring them up
to Principal Brenigan yourself.
It's okay. Relax.
Yeah, so like I was saying, Maureen,
he told me I looked nice
and he smiled at me. Ha, ha.
We're not going down without a fight.
Ahh. Look, it's just a machine, Stella.
No, it's not. It's more than that.
Afternoon, students.
Are we having a good day?
- Yeah.
- Thank you, Faye.
Hey there, buddy. You're home early.
Yeah, practice sort of got cancelled.
What's all this?
Sydney's stuff.
Um, what's it doing here?
Look, I know
this has been tough for you.
Mom leaving, me moving on.
But whatever issues you're having
with Sydney, we have to figure them out,
because she makes me happy, Wen.
- Yeah.
- And I've asked her to marry me.
- Here you go.
- Oh, thank you.
Hey, Mo.
What's up with you?
Nothing. Hey, have you seen
the new weight room?
- What?
- Oh, okay. You gotta check it out.
- It's really great.
- Okay.
So how's that whole band thing
working out for you, anyway?
Yeah, it's great. Um...
- What are you up to?
- Can you tell I've been working out?
I don't have time for your games.
Hey, Mo. You know Jules, right?
No, wait, Mo.
Let her go. Whoa. She's made her choice.
Hey, good luck tonight.
Yeah. What's up, man?
Show 'em all why
She promised she'd be here.
- Maybe she just got held up.
- We're on in ten minutes.
Oh. Guys,
I can't find her anywhere.
I don't have time. Those Mudslide jerks
wrecked my setup before sound check.
I'm telling you, it's sabotage.
Doesn't matter. We can't go on
without a lead singer.
Who, Olivia? She ran through here
a couple minutes ago.
- What?
- That way.
Looked like she was gonna hurl.
Turn it around
Yeah, yeah. Come on, come on
Yeah, unh
Show 'em what you're made of, boy
So I think those lemon heads
are bailing on you, Mr. B.
- Is that right?
- Yeah.
You know, we got two sets ready.
We'd be happy to go on early
and cover. Hmm?
Give me one second.
Yeah, just turn it around
Come on
- Jenny.
- Huh? Oh. Ha, ha.
- Do I need to be worried?
- Huh?
Oh, no, they'll be fine. They'll be ready.
- Oh, look at that costume over there.
- What do we got?
Turn it around
Are you in here, Olivia?
Oh, sorry, Janet.
Found her. She's in there.
I'm going in. Okay, we-- I'm going.
- We're coming in.
- We can't go in the girls' bathroom.
- How you feeling, Olivia?
- I'm great. Super.
- Ah! That's my girl.
- That's great.
But it's probably not the best idea
for me to actually go out there.
You know, physically.
We got plenty, thank you.
Maybe next door. Sorry.
Olivia, we've rehearsed these songs
a million times.
We've put everything we have
in these songs.
I know, and I'm scared.
Look, we're all scared.
- We have like six minutes.
- What are we gonna do?
I don't know.
What's that?
Cool, right?
Look, we believe in you, okay?
I believe in you.
- I'm ready.
- Yes!
- Yeah!
- Now we're going out there.
Hey, nice costumes.
Oh, you're not wearing any?
Hey, come on. Quit it.
Trying hard to fight these tears
I'm crazy worried
Messing with my head, this fear
I'm so sorry
You know you gotta get it out
I can take it
That's what being a friend's about
I, I wanna cry
I can't deny
Tonight I wanna up and hide
And get inside
It isn't right
I gotta live in my life
I know I, I know I, I know I gotta do it
I know I, I know I, I know I gotta do it
Gotta turn the world
Into your dance floor
Determinate. Determinate
Push until you can't
And then demand more
Determinate. Determinate
You and me together
We can make it better
Gotta turn the world
Into your dance floor
Determinate. Determinate
Hate to feel this way
And waste a day
I gotta get myself on-stage
I shouldn't wait or be afraid
The chips will fall where they may
I know I, I know I, I know I gotta do it
I know I, I know I, I know I gotta do it
Gotta turn the world
Into your dance floor
Determinate. Determinate
Push until you can't
And then demand more
Determinate. Determinate
You and me together
We can make it better
Gotta turn the world
Into your dance floor
Determinate. Determinate
It's Wen, and I'm heaven-sent
Music like a veteran
Renegade lemonade. Use it in my medicine
Go ahead and try to name a band
We ain't better than
Reason why the whole world's picking us
Instead of them
People need a breather
'Cause they're feeling that adrenaline
Now hurry up and let us in
'Cause we're coming to your house
People keep on smiling
Like a lemon's in their mouth
I'm the real deal
You know how I feel
We're not in it for the mill
We're just in it for a thrill
Get down now. I ain't playin' around
Put your feet up on the ground
And just make that sound like
Gotta turn the world
Into your dance floor
Determinate. Determinate
Push until you can't
And then demand more
Determinate. Determinate
You and me together
We can make it better
He's so cool.
- Turn the world into your dance floor
- Be quiet.
Determinate. Determinate
Come on and, come on and
Come on and get it going
Come on and, come on and
Come on and get it going
On the dance floor. On the dance floor
- Come on!
- Dance floor
Looks like we got some competition
at Rising Star, man.
Huh? You know, they're not that good.
No, man. They're great.
Well, we're Lemonade Mouth.
And now a few words
from our lead guitarist, Stella Yamada.
- Yeah!
- No!
Come on. Everybody, we want you
to pass these back, so hurry up.
We'd like to shine a light
on a recent change that affects us all.
We'd like to talk about...
The Mel's Lemonade machine
in the basement
is scheduled for removal
to help pay for this gymnasium.
It's about this school,
it's treating certain people
like they matter more than others.
Or like funding for sports
is more important than a music program.
Or a school newspaper, or any one of us.
Do you know about this?
We all deserve to be treated
like we matter.
Because, ladies and gentlemen,
we do matter!
Be heard, be strong, be proud
I wanna make some noise
Stand up, come on, be loud
We're gonna raise our voice
Come on, come on, come on
You gotta hear me now
You gotta hear me now
You gotta hear me now
Hey now
We no longer wait around
My team's stronger like weights now
Keeps on growing
Our muscle keeps on showing
We came here to make a change
We came here to rearrange
We came here 'cause we believe
We came here 'cause we achieve
While I got the microphone
Make sure how I feel is known
All for one, we rock the zone
How I feel to each his own
All my people, treat 'em right
We reserve the right to fight
For what we want. For what we need
To the front, we shall proceed
Here we come
And we're ready to go, go, go
You better run
'Cause we don't take no, no, no
Come on
Be heard, be strong, be proud
- I wanna make some noise
- Stella, stop it!
- Stand up, come on, be loud
- We're gonna raise our voice
Come on, come on, come on
You gotta hear me now
- Mohini, I will call your father.
- You gotta hear me now
- I said we're tired of this.
- Wen, what are you doing?
We're gonna stand up
for what we believe in.
- Listen to me!
- We might be on our own,
but we are one.
- Oh, ho, ho.
- Everybody ready? Let's go!
Be heard, be strong, be proud
I wanna make some noise
Stand up, come on, be loud
- We're gonna raise our voice
- Shut it down! Shut it off!
You gotta hear me now
You gotta hear me now
You gotta hear me now
Well, well, well.
That was quite a show you all put on
at the Halloween Bash.
Mm. Heh, heh.
You're very talented. Very.
But just for your information,
a high school dance is no place
for a...political tirade.
What you did Friday night
was completely...
Completely disruptive.
And you.
You promised
there'd be no funny business.
But it wasn't funny.
We just spoke our minds and--
Principal Brenigan, you shut us down.
Yes, I shut you down,
because the decisions I make
are for the good of this school, okay?
And with that good in mind,
Lemonade Mouth is finished.
You will not use the music room.
You will not use the instruments.
If I hear so much as a hum
coming from the locker-room showers,
I will suspend you.
Good. Dismissed.
What's this?
It's you.
Your show.
Listen, a bunch of kids
have been asking if they can buy them.
l hope you don't mind,
but I've already sold like five copies,
l figure, you know, AV club gets
"This year's Halloween Bash
will best be remembered
for the powerful performances
by surprise standout Lemonade Mouth."
"A champion for students sidelined
by the high school privileged and elite."
- Can you believe it?
- Our first review.
And last, apparently.
I think they like us.
Ha, ha.
I'm not sure it's us they like, Charlie.
What do you mean?
- Come on, bro.
- Never mind. Never mind.
You think you've seen it all before
Just watch me now
But I'm bringing so much more
Just watch me now
And when yourjaw drops to the floor
Just watch me now
I'll be showing you...
Oh, my gosh, it's them.
Just watch me
- Awesome. Lemonade Mouth.
- Oh, hey.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Hey, Olivia.
- Hi.
- Oh, sorry. Sorry, Alex.
- Hi.
You think you've seen it all before
That's Lemonade Mouth. That's our band.
- That's us. Oh, my gosh.
- I know.
Just watch me now
Don't poke it.
You've gotta pull it down.
Just yank it right off the wa--
Hey, Stella. Come here.
Now, I thought I made myself clear.
This lemonade business is over.
It wasn't us.
You're playing
a dangerous game here, miss.
- We had nothing to do with that.
- And you're gonna lose.
Hector, it is not a piata.
Don't poke it, hit it. Take it down!
What would you say...
lf, um, we told you we could play again?
Heh. I'd say you're nuts.
Brenigan is never gonna change his mind.
We're not talking about at school.
We're talking about here.
- Here?
- Mm-hm.
Look, guys, I--
I gave Dante our CD, and he loved it.
Yeah, and he said
we could start playing here.
Principal Brenigan can tell us
we can't play at school,
but he can't tell us not to play here.
- And it could become a regular gig.
- Mm-hm.
Wait, wait, a regular gig?
I barely made it through the first one.
Guys, my parents already think
I'm at soccer practice every afternoon.
There's no way I can pull this off.
Me either. Scott eats here,
and I'm pretty much planning on not
seeing him again for the rest of my life.
Guys, we mean something to people.
Lemonade Mouth is their voice.
It's like we're at the center
of a movement here.
- Hi.
- Maybe if...
- I mean, it--
- Guys, good luck with your movement,
but I've got homework to do.
- Mo.
- Let's go.
Mo, you okay?
What? No way.
- Oh, it's beautiful.
- Look at us up there.
Maybe we do matter.
Of course we do.
Before we knew it, we were playing
at Dante's Pizzeria
every Thursday night.
Standing room only.
We were ready for Rising Star.
We were ready to be heard.
Insecure in her skin
Like a puppet. A girl on a string
Broke away, learned to fly
If you want her back
Gotta let her shine
So it looks like the joke's on you
'Cause the girl
That you thought you knew
- She's so gone
- She's so gone
That's so over now
- She's so gone
- She's so gone
You won't find her around
You can look, but you won't see
The girl I used to be
'Cause she
She's so gone away
Like history
She's so gone
Baby, this is me, yeah
- She's so gone
- She's so gone
That's so over now
- She's so gone
- She's so gone
You won't find her around
You can look, but you won't see
The girl I used to be
'Cause she
- She's so gone
- She's so gone
That's so over now
- She's so gone
- She's so gone
You won't find her around
You can look, but you won't see
The girl I used to be
'Cause she
She's so gone
So long. She's so gone
Lemonade Mouth
was officially a sensation.
Will you autograph my CD?
And five strangers
were suddenly much, much more.
We were friends.
Can I get your autograph?
- Would you listen to my demo?
- Charlie!
What's up, guys?
Has anyone seen Olivia today?
- I haven't seen her all day.
- No?
You okay?
Yeah, you came.
We all did.
- Hey.
- Hey, Olivia.
Look, I'm-- I'm really sorry about Nancy.
Yeah, me too.
Hey, it's nice out here.
Yeah. Sometimes I like to look up
and see what shapes I can find.
You know, in the clouds.
It's a giant old lady with a...
A skirt and an umbrella.
See, there... There's a flower in a vase.
Oh, I see a hand.
No, you're way off. It's a...
It's a alien pushing a baby carriage.
All I see is a blob.
Sometimes I think I'm too stupid
to be in my family.
Like I'm just some big letdown.
No wonder my mom ignores me.
I wish my dad would ignore me.
I'm never gonna live up to this idea he has
of this perfect Indian daughter, you know?
Heh. Try living up to a perfect brother.
I'd take perfect brother any day
over my dad's ridiculous girlfriend.
My dad's in prison.
I just--
I'm too humiliated to talk to him
or about him and...
You know, he writes,
but I don't write back,
because I don't know what to say.
I mean, he's made some really bad
decisions since my mom died,
and I still love him, but he's--
He's a stranger now, you know?
Which is why I'm so glad to have this,
you know.
- Our friendship.
- Mm.
Yeah. Okay.
I can't pretend to know how you feel
But know that I'm here
Know that I'm real
Say what you want
Or don't talk at all
Not gonna let you fall
Reach for my hand
'Cause it's held out for you
My shoulders are small
But you can cry on them too
Everything changes
But one thing is true, understand
We'll always be more than a band
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
You used to brave the world
All on your own
Now we won't let you go. Go it alone
Be who you wanna be
Always stand tall
Not gonna let you fall
Reach for my hand
'Cause it's held out for you
My shoulders are strong
But you can cry on them too
Everything changes
But one thing is true, understand
We'll always be more than a band
I never knew you could take me so far
I've always wanted the hope
- That you are the ones I need
- Yeah
Reach for my hand
'Cause it's held out for you
My shoulders are strong
But you can cry on them too
Everything changes
But one thing is true, understand
We'll always be more than a band
Reach for my hand
'Cause it's held out for you
My shoulders are strong
But you can cry on them too
Everything changes
But one thing is true, understand
We'll always be more than a band
Oh, come on, Mo.
Can we please just talk?
- We don't have anything to talk about.
- I think we do.
Look, Mo, I made a mistake.
Look, Mo.
l still have feelings for you.
What about Jules?
Mo, come on, we're just friends.
That's all.
The thing is, Scott,
I'm not the same girl I was
two months ago.
Not anymore. I'm not trying to be
something that I'm not, you know?
Not for anyone.
Me, my music,
we're a package deal now.
Okay, and I know. I get that now, I do.
And I'm sorry, Mo. I am.
Can you forgive me?
Of course I can.
But it doesn't change anything
between us.
It's gonna take a lot more than "sorry"
to fix this.
Come on, Mo, just wait. Mo.
The band was, uh... Ha, ha.
Was originally called Wen.
And, I know, but after about
months and months of arguing, uh,
- and debating the--
- Wen.
- Don't you knock?
- Yes.
No. Just-- Come on.
You've got to hear this.
I can't deny
Tonight I wanna up and hide
- Listen. Your song.
- And get inside
- It's you. Ha, ha.
- What?
Yes. Ha-ha-ha.
- Yes! What?
- It's you.
- That's incredible.
- What's going on?
- We're on the radio.
- Ha-ha-ha.
- Hello?
- Turn on WRIZ.
I gotta get myself on-stage
I shouldn't wait
Gram. Gram. They're playing our song.
On the radio.
They're playing our song on the radio!
Yes! Yes!
The radio sponsor for Rising Star
heard our demo and put it on the air.
It was a dream come true. For all of us.
Like there's lemons in their mouth
I'm the real deal
You know how I feel
We're not in it for the mill
We're just in it for a thrill
Get down now
I ain't playin' around
Put your feet up on the ground
And just make that sound
But just when the future
looked brightest for Lemonade Mouth,
everything started to fall apart.
Set free what is inside of me
Mo, you sure you're okay?
Yeah, I think it's just allergies.
It's a long way down, but I say
Oh, we're gonna let it show
- We're gonna
- Losers.
I'm just saying, I'm gonna take you down
at Rising Star tomorrow. You just wait.
Look, just ignore him.
--back our dreams and try--
All right, thanks.
Hey, good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
May I introduce Loser Mouth--?
- Give me the-- Give me the mic--
- No, no, bro.
Hey. Oh!
We wanna party
So get started
We wanna rock it
Calm down.
Go, go, go
Go, go, go
Yeah, yeah
Yeah. Yeah.
- Ooh! Uh-oh.
- Oh!
- Ray is such a jerk.
- He got what he wanted, didn't he?
Dante's not gonna let us
play there anymore, that's for sure.
You sure you're okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Just a little bit tired, that's all.
Wait, wait, Mo.
There's, um,
something I need to tell you.
For a long time, I've wanted to
tell you, just, you were--
You were with Scott,
and then we became friends...
I like you, Mo. There, I said it.
We're just friends, Charlie.
Good friends. That's all.
- Fine.
- Charlie, please, just--
No, you know what?
"Be heard"? It's a stupid song.
- What?
- I'm never singing it again.
No, Charlie, no. Don't go.
It's time to come in, Monu.
You are too young for boys.
Charlie is just a friend, Baba.
I didn't come to this country
and make the sacrifices I made
just so that you can
throw it all away on boys.
And rock bands.
Charlie is just a friend, okay?
And the band?
It's nothing.
It's just a bit of fun, that's all.
What's going on?
Baba doesn't trust me.
We do trust you, Monu.
Do you?
- That's what I thought.
- Mohini?
You're burning up.
Let's get you to bed.
A little to the right. Right, no, left.
- There. Good.
- Unh.
Yeah. Thanks for helping.
It'll mean a lot to Sydney.
- You got it.
- So, Wen,
- Yeah?
- I've been meaning to ask you.
Will you be my best man?
Your what?
Wen, you okay? Let me see.
Mo has a hundred-and-two fever,
Charlie has three broken fingers.
Tomorrow's gonna be a disaster.
Well, we'll just call and back out.
No. Back out of Rising Star?
Out of everything we've been through?
You okay?
Yeah. Yeah, I just--
I just get blurry vision sometimes.
What do you mean?
Oh. Wow.
Yeah. Doctor said
it should be gone in a couple days.
What happened?
- Sydney.
- Sydney did it?
Well, Sydney's picture.
I was helping my dad hang it up,
and then he asked me to be his best man.
Wen, that's great news.
- No. Okay, that's terrible news.
- Oh.
All right, just because Sydney
wormed her way into my family
doesn't mean
I have to be happy about it.
You're-- You're ridiculous.
Wen. Wait, where are you going?
Hey, we have to talk about tomorrow.
What's to talk about?
Okay, we can't play. So we're out.
You know, maybe...
Maybe this is a sign.
Maybe it's time to call it quits.
What, so you just wanna give up?
You just be happy
that you're off the hook
- and don't have to go on-stage anymore.
- No, no.
Wen, this isn't about Lemonade Mouth.
This is about you not appreciating
what you have.
You have a family.
Your dad, your sister, Sydney.
I don't even remember my mom.
I haven't talked to my dad in years,
and you have the nerve
to feel sorry for yourself?
Well, okay, no, fine.
Go ahead, give up. See if I care.
I didn't even wanna be in this band
in the first place.
- Well, then why did you do it?
- Oh, for you, you jerk!
I did it for you.
Hey, it's me.
We have an emergency.
I'm right in front of the school.
Yeah, yeah. Hurry.
- Anybody know what this is about?
- Where is she?
What happened to your voice?
There she is.
- What happened?
- Achoo.
Did you all get hit
by a bus or something?
- Look who's talking.
- What's going on, Stella?
Yeah. What are you doing?
I am protesting the removal
of our Mel's Lemonade machine. Hmm.
You're kidding me, right?
In this weather?
Okay, kid, enough playing around.
I got three more pickups today.
It's gonna rain. Let's get out of here.
Are you really willing to support
the rampant tyranny and oppression
of the powerful over the voiceless?
- Aw.
- You move, or I move you. It's your choice.
I am not moving until you put
our lemonade machine back.
- Have it your way, kid.
- All right.
- Hey, no.
- Hey. Hey, put her down.
- Get off of my friend!
- Hey.
Needless to say, that day
was a bit of a low for the band.
So much for Rising Star.
We can't skip it.
Well, we can't play.
It's over.
Wen's right.
We lose.
So we lose. So what?
Lemonade Mouth
is bigger than a competition.
We did it to be heard.
For our fans, for ourselves.
- For our friendship.
- Thank you.
Guys, we can't give up.
Olivia, this isn't
just humiliating ourselves on,
like, a high-school level.
- Look, we're not doing it.
- Agreed.
In case you haven't noticed, Stella,
we're in a holding cell.
Okay, and you're the only one to blame.
- Me?
- Yeah, you.
Yeah, it's pretty much
all your fault, Stella.
We didn't actually get arrested.
Okay? We're waiting for our parents
to come pick us up.
Oh. Great. Our parents.
- Guys, can you please stop fighting?
- Stupid...
It would be there just like that
No matter what. We'll still be singing
Come on, come on, turn up the music
It's all we got. We're gonna use it
Come on, come on, turn up the music
- Are we in?
- Ha, ha. This is crazy.
- Oh, watch my eye. Ow. Oh.
- I know. Sorry.
We sent two cars out there now...
Oh, darling.
When I said get out of the house,
this isn't what I meant. Ha, ha.
- Gram.
- Oh, my sweetheart. Oh.
Wen, your dad,
he's stuck in town at work.
He's on his way.
I just thought I'd come and--
- Thanks for coming.
- Absolutely.
Okay, look, I know
you're disappointed in me, but I just--
I don't want to talk about it. Let's go.
No, Baba, please.
I need to say this.
Look, I'm never gonna be this perfect
Indian daughter you want me to be.
I'm never gonna be
just a regular American teenager.
I guess I don't know what I am exactly,
maybe a little bit of both?
But what I'm trying to say is,
I'm finding my way.
And, yeah, I'll make mistakes.
But I deserve for you
to just let me be me.
Could you at least try, Baba?
But you're still in trouble.
I know.
Ahh. Here we go.
You're lucky I picked up the phone
instead of Mom.
Tell me about it.
Here's the thing, Charlie.
You wanna play music,
you need to stand up to Mom and Dad
and tell them that.
Tell them soccer isn't for you.
That you wanna go to music school,
not Stanford.
That's easy for you to say.
They think everything you do is perfect.
Yeah, well,
they're not thinking that for long.
My grades this semester? Not so hot.
So much for that whole
"perfect" thing, huh?
Here's an idea.
What do you say we go
tell Mom and Dad together?
Yeah, I know.
Grounded for life.
You got off with a warning.
Let's just leave it at that.
Do you know what I see
when I look at you, Stella?
I see the most determined,
focused girl I've ever known.
I mean, look at what you've done.
You started a band.
You stood up for what you believed in.
I'm sorry that I've been
so distracted lately.
But, Stell,
I couldn't be any prouder of what I see.
- Thanks, Mom.
- Hey, let's get out of here.
You wanna come see our revolution?
We were planning on it.
You guys, come here.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Rising Star presents Mudslide Crush.
My girl is hotter than your girl
You know it, you know it
Yeah, my ride is sweeter than your ride
You know it, you know it
Don't you wish you were us?
Don't you wish you were us?
You know we own this party
You know we run this town
I'm about to steal your girlfriend
I'm about to knock you down
Sorry, but your train has left the station
Maybe you should try
A permanent vacation
Never even got an invitation
Did ya? Did ya?
Hey, what?
Don't you wish you were us?
Hey, what?
Don't you wish you could rock?
You're MIA. We're VIP
You're LOL. We're BIG
No one really likes you that much
Don't you wish you were us?
Don't you wish you were us?
Yeah, yeah
Now all the pretty girls are waiting
To get their picture taken
With the Crush
Don't you wish you were us?
Yeah, don't you wish you were us?
- They really are...
- Very, very good.
Whoo! Hey, what?
Don't you wish you were us?
Hey, what?
Don't you wish you could rock?
You're MIA. We're VIP
You're LOL. We're BIG
No one really likes you that much
Don't you wish you were--?
Top that.
Oh, we will. Trust me.
- Good luck.
- Thanks.
Ladies and gentlemen, Lemonade Mouth.
Trying hard to fight these tears
I'm crazy worried
Messing with my head, this fear
I'm so sorry.
In the bag.
Please. You can do this.
I can't.
- Okay, where are you going?
- They need help, man.
No, no. You do that, man,
and you're out of the band for good.
Trying hard to fight these tears
I'm crazy worried
Messing with my head, this fear
I'm so sorry
You know, you gotta get it out
I can take it
That's what being a friend's about
Then I guess, you know,
I'll find another band.
Man, don't walk away from me.
I, I wanna cry
I can't deny
Tonight I wanna up and hide
And get inside
It isn't right
I gotta live in my life
I know I, I know I, I know I gotta do it
I know I, I know I, I know I gotta do it
Gotta turn the world
Into your dance floor
Determinate. Determinate
Push until you can't
And then demand more
Determinate. Determinate
You and me together
We can make it better
Gotta turn the world
Into your dance floor
Determinate. Determinate.
We didn't win Rising Star,
but we won something bigger that night.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Thank you for helping us out.
It's the least I could do.
So this package deal
that you were talking about?
- You and your music?
- Yeah?
Well, it sounds pretty good.
And if you, um--
If you could give me a chance,
I'd really like to get to know this Mohini.
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
I'd like that.
- Hey, Charlie.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- What's up?
- I brought you something.
What is it? Oh, my goodness.
Oh, the little kitty.
Where did you get her?
One of Sydney's old roommates
found a whole litter,
and, uh, I thought of you.
Oh, she's adorable.
Hi. Hi.
You were right, you know.
About Sydney.
You know, she may not be my mom,
but she definitely cares.
I mean, it's not perfect, but it's okay.
Yeah, well, perfect, Wen?
Way overrated.
Come here.
Thank you. Thank you.
For a long time
there has been an empty spot
in my life and in my heart.
And meeting you has brought joy
back into my life.
In life, and in music,
things have a funny way of turning out
exactly the way they're supposed to.
--will make Wen and Georgie and I
happy and complete
for the rest of our lives.
That's my band mate up there.
- And that's my old college buddy.
- Huh.
See, you and me, we're, like,
practically best friends already.
You know, I used to be in a band too.
- Really?
- Yeah. Played bass.
What do you do now?
Now I own an organic lemonade company.
Thing is going gangbusters. It's crazy.
People just can't get enough of the stuff.
- Mel?
- Yeah.
Let me ask you something, Mel.
Sometimes, risking it all
to have your voice heard
pays off in ways you never imagined.
Mel understood this,
and was more than happy
to help us build a place
where all our voices could be heard.
Outside of the basement.
Congratulations, Miss Reznick.
Thank you so much. Thank you.
All right. Let's open up our music hall.
- One second, Jenny.
- We are officially--
- Photo op for the papers right here.
- Okay.
- Here we are.
- We are open.
Who would have thought? Stella.
Stella did all of this.
Hey, you guys. Cheers.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- Oh! Ha, ha.
- Cheers.
- To music.
- To music.
You know, she'd actually make
a very good principal one day.
Well, I used to be a bit
of a rebel myself, back in the day.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Oh. Hee-hee. Stanley.
Lemonade Mouth! Whoo!
And that, Dad,
is how Lemonade Mouth came to be.
God, I can't wait to tell you the rest
in person.
I really miss you, Dad.
Love, Olivia.
Oh, I almost forgot, Dad.
You're never gonna believe
where we're playing next week.
I just hope
our new guitar player can keep up.
Ooh, yeah
Up, down, spinning all around
Fly high, falling to the ground
Sometimes dreams can feel so far away
Time keeps skipping out of beat
Left, right, tripping on your feet
- Life feels like a string of cloudy days
- Here we go.
Sometimes it's raising your voice
Sometimes it's making some noise
Sometimes it's proving to the world
It was wrong
Whenever you can't see the light
Whenever there's no end in sight
Keep on, keep on moving on
Keep on moving on
Here comes a breakthrough
Here comes the day
Here comes the moment
That you gotta go for it
So don't let it get away
It's all about a breakthrough
Just turn the page
'Cause every day you're getting closer
Life is just a rollercoaster
Shake it till you make it
Till you're breaking on through
Don't stop
Till you're breaking on through
Shake it till you make it
Till you're breaking on through
Don't stop
Till you're breaking on through
Stop still
Take another breath
Roadblock, moving to the left
Get around whatever's in your way
Heartbreak, pick up all the pieces
Don't stop dancing in the bleachers
It's gonna be your turn to play
Gonna be your turn to play
Sometimes it's raising your voice
Sometimes it's making some noise
Sometimes it's proving to the world
It was wrong
Whenever you can't see the light
Whenever there's no end in sight
Keep on, keep on moving on
Keep on moving on
Here comes a breakthrough
Here comes the day
Here comes the moment
That you gotta go for it
So don't let it get away
It's all about a breakthrough
Just turn the page
'Cause every day you're getting closer
Life is just a rollercoaster
I see it in the blind side
Movin' through the limelight
Groovin' to the music
I'm a use it when the time's right
Hopin' I can do it
Through the shadows, I can shine bright
Usually in life there's one shot
And this is our night
Listen to the rhythm we givin'
And it'll make you
Start pushin' through barriers
It'll take you wherever that you wanna go
Never too late to keep pushin'
Till you break through
Sometimes it's raising your voice
Sometimes it's making some noise
Sometimes it's proving to the world
It was wrong
It was wrong
Whenever you can't see the light
Whenever there's no end in sight
- No end in sight
- Keep on, keep on moving on
And keep on moving on
Here comes a breakthrough
Here comes the day
Here comes the moment
That you gotta go for it
So don't let it get away
It's all about a breakthrough
Just turn the page
'Cause every day you're getting closer
Life is just a rollercoaster
Shake it till you make it
Till you're breaking on through
Don't stop
Till you're breaking on through
Shake it till you make it
Till you're breaking on through
Don't stop
Till you're breaking on through
Shake it till you make it
Till you're breaking on through
Don't stop
Till you're breaking on through
Shake it till you make it
Till you're breaking on through
Don't stop Here comes a breakthrough
I, I wanna cry
I can't deny
Tonight I wanna up and hide
And get inside
It isn't right
I gotta live in my life
I know I, I know I, I know I gotta do it
I know I, I know I, I know I gotta do it
Gotta turn the world
Into your dance floor
Determinate. Determinate
Push it till you can't
And then demand more
Determinate. Determinate
Come on and, come on and
Come on and get it going
Come on and, come on and
Come on and get it going
Come on and, come on and
Come on and get it going
- On the dance floor
- Come on
Dance floor
And five, four, three, two...
Welcome to The Music Scene.
I'm Moxie Morris,
your host for all things musical.
And do we have a treat for you tonight.
Here in the studio with us
we have Lemonade Mouth.
- Let's give it up.
- What's up?
Thanks for coming, guys.
- Oh, no problem.
- Yeah.
So eight months ago, you were all
just normal high school students,
and now, here you are,
at the top of the charts.
How did you get here?
- Nobody?
- Well, we're--
We're just saving that for the movie.
Oh, come on. I mean, you guys, tell me
a little bit about how life has changed
for all of you. I mean, Charlie,
you're America's new heartthrob.
- Charlie.
- Yeah.
- Is there anyone special in your life?
- Charlie.
Um... No. No one special.
Not yet, anyway.
Well, speaking of someone special,
Scott and Mohini,
how is your relationship holding up
under all this new pressure?
Relationship? Mohini? What relationship?
We talked about this, Baba.
We didn't talk about a relationship.
- No. No, actually, it's not Mo, it's me.
- What?
I have no idea what she's talking about.
Oh! No, no, no. I mean, me and Wen.
We've been dating-ish, I guess.
Haven't--? I mean, we have, haven't we?
I mean...
I mean, I think we have, haven't we,
sort of? I mean--
Or not. It's okay. Or not.
Oh, no, no. Yeah, yeah. We--
She-- She's my girl.
Looks like love is in bloom
for Lemonade Mouth.
Okay. Here's the deal, Moxie.
Life for us, it's different,
but, uh, it's still the same.
I mean, the stage is bigger
and the crowd is way louder,
but every night we get out there,
we know where we belong.
And where is that?
Together. Making music we love.
- Yes.
- Now, if you don't mind,
I think we'd really love
to play our new song.
- Absolutely. And we'd love to hear it.
- Yes.
Let you set up. Ladies and gentlemen,
what a treat. Here, with their new song
"High Wire," Lemonade Mouth.
Listen up.
This the story on how we live
The glory of what we did
It started when we were kids
With music up in our heads. She said
I've been out on the edge
Breathin' a little bit of fresh air
Big dreams. I took a chance
Held out for everything I got here
I've been feelin' this life's a circus
Hangin' on without a fear
Livin' on a high wire
Runnin' through a wildfire
You can't shake me.
I'm not goin' nowhere
Walkin' on a tightrope
No net, high hopes
Step back. I'm gonna make it over
Na, na, na-na-na, na, na. Na, na
Livin' on a high wire
Na, na, na-na-na, na, na. Na, na
Livin' on a high wire
This the story on how we live
The glory of what we did
It started when we were kids
With music up in our heads. She said
Big top turnin' around
No clowns
I'm runnin' as I hit the ground
Front row. Big show is sold out
So I'm ready for the crowd roar
Let's go
I've been feelin' this life's a circus
Hangin' on without a fear
Livin' on a high wire
Runnin' through a wildfire
You can't shake me
I'm not goin' nowhere
Walkin' on a tightrope
No net, high hopes
Step back. I'm gonna make it over
Na, na, na-na-na, na, na. Na, na
Livin' on a high wire
Na, na, na-na-na, na, na. Na, na
- Livin' on the high wire
- Gettin' used to the beat
Seein' that the heads are movin'
Move off your seat
Achievin's what we really doin'
Freedom of speech
I'm in it just to win it
I'm sprintin'. And I can see it in me
And that you can be it
'Cause it's patience, statements
Famous, greatness
Move until you make it through
And, baby, you can make it too
Livin' on a high wire
You can't shake me
I'm not goin' nowhere
Walkin' on a tightrope
No net, high hopes
Step back, I'm gonna make it over
Na, na, na-na-na, na, na. Na, na
Livin' on a high wire
Na, na, na-na-na, na, na. Na, na
Top story. Top story
Livin' on a high wire
Yeah, yeah
Livin' on a high wire
Na, na, na-na-na, na, na. Na, na
We lookin'. We lookin' down now
Livin' on a high wire
Ladies and gentlemen, once again,
give it up for Lemonade Mouth.
This is why they're number one.
Thank you. Thank you so much
for coming on the show.
Wow. Wow.