Leprechaun in the Hood (2000)

Death to he
who sets a leprechaun free.
Steal his gold,
it will corrupt your soul, you see.
For many a moon,
the legend has grown.
Death toll increases,
solution unknown.
Beware the evil wanderer,
in search of his loot.
Lest ye suffer the wrath
of his golden flute.
Flee while you can,
the future's not good...
For no one is safe
from a lep in the hood.
This map you bought
was bullshit.
Man, it got to be
down here somewhere.
Do you see any gold, fool?
The burger's probably still good.
The burger's probably good, huh?
What you talking about, man?
What the fuck?
Holy shit!
You midget Midas motherfucker.
Yo, Slug, look at this shit.
Oh, shit.
That's it.
It's all here, baby.
That's all I want, right here.
You collect the rest
of this stuff, man.
Now we're moving on up
to the East Side.
Yeah, that's it.
That's all I needed.
Ah... free at last.
Free at last.
Thank God almighty.
Free at last.
Come on, come on.
I'll knock you...
Stealing me gold
is a sure way to grow old.
Now me little room
will become your tomb.
Got your ass.
Motown, here I come.
Ain't nothin' in this world
gonna be for free...
Everybody's comin' up,
but not like me.
Somebody's gotta win,
but somebody's gotta lose...
Live your life right,
good choices choose.
Let no one
try and hold me back...
I'm rippin' up the stage,
Butch rippin' up the track.
Postmaster P, that's me,
you see...
The P's for Positive,
and that's my guarantee.
I got no time
for negativity...
Smooth is my groove,
and fresh my recipe.
Postmaster P, y'all,
A positive flow to your speakers
is what I'm bringin', see.
The crew and me,
we all got unity...
We keep the crowd hyped,
Oh, shit!
Damn, what the hell happened?
What the fuck y'all did
to the stage?
Too much ammonia?
Not enough nitrogen?
So, whuddup wit' the gig?
We on the bill?
Don't worry about the bill.
You'll get that.
This is our shot out, man.
If we win this contest, we're going
to the Vegas Hip-Hop Cafe.
We're talking video promo,
publishing rights...
record deals. All that shit.
Only record deal you're getting
is with the the L.A.P.D.
If you get your shit right,
I might give you another audition.
Now get the fuck out of here.
Shit, I almost get my ass
blown to bits by a virgin.
Shut up, fool. I should have never
told you I was a virgin.
I know you don't know nothing
about no pussy...
but I thought you knew
about that nitrogen trimesteride.
That's nitrogen tri-iodide, fool!
It's an iodine/ammonia compound.
Fool, you're going to
wind up in a compound.
The hell with it,
we fucked up.
See, Stray, you're thinking
with a spirit of failure.
You really do need to hook up
some Tony Robbins.
That big, white
goofy-lookin' mo'fo'?
Always talking about
if a tree fall in the bathroom...
take time to stop
and smell the forest...
That ain't right.
See, our unconscious beliefs
control our behavior.
Only through daily positive,
positive affirmation can we overcome.
Yeah, well,
affirmate this, motherfuckers.
If we don't get
this equipment fixed...
we ain't winning no contest...
we ain't going to no Vegas
and we ain't ever leaving Compton.
The guy said we could
audition again, right?
What'd it take
to get our shit fixed?
This shit?
A whole lot of money.
We're fucked.
We just got to think positive.
Jimi Hendrix.
The real Jimi Hendrix.
Boy, where you get this guitar?
It was my Uncle Junior's.
Yeah, yeah,
he got it from Jimi Hendrix.
Yeah, that's right,
when they used to play together.
Your Uncle Junior
used to play with Jimi?
At Psychedela-Palooza in 1971.
Yeah, that's right.
That's, that's Jimi's guitar.
I never heard of that one before.
Wait a minute. '71?
Didn't Jimi die in 1970?
No, no,
that was Paul McCartney.
So, what'cha give us
for this piece of music history?
I'll give you about five seconds
to get out of my shop.
Come in here bullshitting
with this piece of crap.
Hey, man, ain't nobody
bullshitting you.
Stray Bullet...
Boy, you ain't no gangster.
And Postmaster P.
What is that shit?
You ain't ever been
in the military.
It's Postmaster P, 'cause I deliver
a positive message, that's all.
Positive message?
- Yeah.
Punk Ass is more like it.
And Butch...
Boy, you need to get yourself
some pussy...
before you blow off your dick
fucking with those chemicals.
Now, get up out of my shop.
This ain't no charity.
How much you give us
for it, Chow?
Is this Jimi signature for real?
Yeah, who else you know
signs his name like that?
I look stupid?
Everybody know Jimi die in 1970.
You try bullshit Chow?
Get the fuck out.
Damn, Chow.
Come on, man.
Hey, don't touch.
Don't touch.
You leave Chow's store.
Go on!
Hip and Hop
your black ass home.
Hula, hula, go, go, go.
What are we supposed to do now?
Rob somebody?
No, man,
we ain't robbin' nobody.
There goes Mack Daddy O'Nasses
right there.
Why do they call him
He don't look Greek to me.
He was a pimp, man.
Back in the day,
Mack Daddy owned asses.
So now he's got his own
little hip-hop thing goin'.
Yeah-gangster hip-hop.
Man, bitches and ho's
ain't all my man knows.
If it ain't the Milli Vanilli
of Compton rap.
I heard you guys were sampling
chipmunk tracks now.
The machine broke, man,
that ain't no chipmunk track.
Yo, we got some new shit.
It's hot, man. You should hear it.
What's in it for me?
What's in it for you?
- Moolah.
You could be reppin' us, man.
After we win that contest in Vegas,
we gonna be the hottest act around.
Get in.
Better not be wastin' my time.
Oh, shit-!
Uh... we tight...
Uh... that's right.
Uh... we tight...
Postmaster P, y'all,
a positive flow to your speakers
is what I'm bringin', see.
The crew and me,
we all got unity.
We keep the crowd hyped,
Do what you gotta do,
comin' from the hood...
It's not much,
but it's not the worst.
You guys seem hungry.
I'm sure I can do something with you.
We got to change some things.
Like what?
This bullshit, all right?
I ain't with that
save the fuckin' hood bullshit...
treat your girl right.
That shit is wack, all right?
This label, we rap about Uzis,
blowing motherfuckers' heads off.
You know what I'm saying?
Smack your bitch up.
Shoot your motherfuckin' homeboy
in the face type of shit.
Yeah, but Mack Daddy,
that's not what we do, man.
We try to send out
a positive message.
Yeah, I mean, really,
the shit is sellin'-
Man, they wanna change everything.
Hey, you wanna be large?
- Yeah.
All right then, you gotta
do what he says.
So you wanna change
everything we did?
Who gives a shit?
If we're large?
Hey you... get the fuck away
from that. Is that yours?
Stop touchin' shit.
Go over there
with your fuckin' friends.
You fuckin' up.
Watch this fuckin' kid.
Hey, you, you listen to me.
You don't wanna fuck with me, okay?
I hope you had sex last night
'cause I'm gonna cut off your dick.
Then, I'm gonna feed it
to my pit...
then I'm gonna burn the shit
when it comes out of my dog's ass.
You hear me?
Don't fuck with me, bitch!
What are you guys gonna do?
Yo, Mack Daddy,
I don't know-
You don't know?
Get the fuck outta here.
Hold up, Mack, look...
- Get the fuck outta here!
Let me talk to my boy,
he's trippin'-
You motherfuckers
are wastin' my time.
I got chumps lined up
tryin' to be down with this label.
You get no second chance.
Get the fuck out.
Please, let me talk to him.
We wanna do this...
What's the matter with you, kid?
You deaf?
Or are you just dumb,
like your mom...?
I gotta bitch-smack you
like I used to do to her?
Let me tell you something...