Les Gardiennes (2017)

(birds chirping)
Not bad!
You fought for it.
You deserved it.
Your father would be proud.
Woman: The school teacher
is now a lieutenant.
We're all heroes there.
If we hadn't stopped them,
it would be over for us.
I'm very proud of you.
And of the others.
We'll prevail.
Yes, we will.
Hello, sir.
Hello, children.
Hello, Luce.
Hello, Constant.
Sit down.
How are you?
Well, thank you.
We have a surprise for you.
"The Krauts."
Foul nasty louts, plotting about,
Killing women, old folk, kids
They disgust murderers.
The Krauts!
Of honor, we are slaves
We respect Church and graves
In their heads, no doubt,
all good is ruled out
The Krauts!
Frenchmen, be proud
Your hearts are endowed
with musketeers, unbowed
Victory we've vowed...
Over the Krauts!
Thank you, Baptiste.
- May I?
- Of course.
(church bells chime)
It's hard.
Everyone here is proud of you.
Very proud.
Take this off.
My beautiful sister.
You should modernize the farm
while Clovis is away.
We see things on the front:
machines that wash the laundry.
New things.
To the boss!
A boss with no employee
is no boss.
After the war,
it will all be different.
May your future children
live in peace.
I'll never have children.
I can't.
Does Clovis know?
To victory, then?
To victory.
To victory, then.
No one was ready.
Don't believe what they say.
A swift war turned
into two years of hell.
Some guys in my regiment
have gone crazy.
Soon we'll need a gendarme
behind each guy.
(breaking eggs)
If we get a good harvest,
I'm going to buy a baler.
But they're a bit expensive.
They're expensive,
but a good investment.
You won't break your back
and you'll save time.
The mayor says
I'll get government compensation
if I lend it to three villagers.
Good, Mother.
That's good.
Get someone to help out.
Too bad you fired the farmhand.
Even Solange said
he did nothing.
Yes, but what he did
got done... halfway.
- Woman: And we had to finish his work.
- Man: Sometimes.
- Woman: We always had to.
- Why not ask Suzanne?
Her son got drafted.
She's too busy.
Can't move to Le Paridier?
We each have a home.
Constant: Find yourself a helper
before the harvest.
So I can't give you a ride?
I feel like walking.
Safe travels.
Be strong.
Go! Go!
Hold on...
Given the situation,
and it being harvest time,
I have no farmhand for you,
not even a day laborer.
You're coming a little too late.
I had no time.
Are they all already taken?
We may have a young maid.
She's hardy, honest
and an excellent worker.
She'll be free soon.
To meet her,
you'll have to go to Bellac.
That's too far.
I trust you.
I'll hire her till harvest end.
You won't regret it.
Francine Riant is only 20,
but she's as fit for hard labor
as for housework.
Thank you.
She may come as soon as she can.
I'll be expecting her.
I'll draw up the contract.
Woman's voice:
My beloved Georges,
How horrible for a mother
to imagine her child suffering.
I stopped reading the papers.
The fighting scares me
and it pains me to think of you.
You always said
how beautiful our country is.
Constant got his leave.
He is well.
He's a lieutenant now.
We had too much rain
and the wheat is patchy.
Tell me what you need.
I'll send a package soon.
Your mother,
who is thinking of you.
- Thanks.
- Sure thing.
Madame Hortense?
I'm Francine.
I've been expecting you.
I'm glad you're here.
Come on.
Let's get going.
Can you drive cattle?
I did for my former employers.
It doesn't scare me.
How did it go there?
You'll work with us in the fields
and help Solange with housework
and with the vegetable garden.
For 40 francs, as agreed,
at the end of the month.
You have Sundays off.
Except during harvest.
Gather your things.
Solange will take you.
Come, I'll show you.
Pleasant and kind,
We'll see.
(cow moos)
Mind your fingers.
- Two?
- Yes, one more.
That should be enough.
we add some wine.
One pit isn't much.
- Know what a pit is?
- No.
A small barrel, like this one.
A small barrel.
Fifteen gallons.
Add another one.
- Good.
- That's all?
We'll add more if necessary.
We'll taste it.
The bread absorbs the wine.
That's all there is to it.
No need to be an engineer
to make "miget."
Thank you, Hortense.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I'm Marguerite.
(animal sounds)
(baby crying)
(baby grunting)
All: Clovis!
How about the Krauts?
Who are the Krauts?
Bloodthirsty monsters?
Not at all.
The Germans are people like us...
School teachers,
like Constant.
like us.
I expect nothing.
In one day, we gain...
thirty feet.
And the next day...
we lose them.
And we can't say a word.
Did you notice Clovis?
He's started to drink.
Man: They booze you up
on the front.
To keep you going.
Will it show?
A little.
Not much.
Can you leave it with me?
Marguerite: Did you learn to sew
at the orphanage?
Reading and writing, too.
I have my diploma.
Is what you're studying difficult?
Agricultural accounting.
It's hard, but it can help
my father with the farm.
I want to make him proud.
He scared me at dinner.
I didn't recognize him.
I'm afraid he'll go back.
Don't worry.
Your father will be brave.
When the war is over, it'll be...
a lot better for you.
Maybe I could even help Georges
on the farm.
He'll be on leave soon.
I'm only here three days
for harvesting.
Then I'll go back to school.
You're lucky to see him first.
I hired you for the harvest,
but I'm happy with you.
You work well.
If you want,
I'll give you a one-year contract.
Yes. Thank you.
- Thank you, Madame Hortense.
- Enough.
Lagorce, Lucien Jean Lon.
Tenant farmer.
66th Regiment.
Killed in action.
Marchadier, Franois Louis Gaston.
Road mender from Lagache.
63rd Regiment.
Killed in action.
Rifaud, Jean-Louis Alfonse.
Carpenter from Lalande.
138th Regiment.
Killed in action.
Welcome them, Lord.
Grant them eternal rest
and let perpetual light
shine upon them.
It's fine.
Francine: Go!
Any news from Clovis
since his last leave?
Mostly in the form of orders.
He thinks you can run a farm
from the front.
Talk about trust!
Are you less tired, Mother?
It's easier with the girl.
She's a hard worker.
As good as any man.
Mimi, come...
(dog whines)
Have you ever, up on the hill,
While gently stroked by a breeze,
Heard that song so divine
Chanted by the quivering wheat?
Sweet, when evening
descends upon earth,
And the nightingale
comes out to sing
Miss Francine?
- Best farmhand in the region?
- I try my best.
I must go, Monsieur Georges.
Not "Monsieur."
Just Georges.
Do I intimidate you?
I'm going now, Monsieur Georges.
Goodbye, Henri.
See you tomorrow, Francine.
Francine: Go!
It's probably not much fun
at Le Paridier.
I know my mother.
She has reason to worry.
I understand.
How about Solange?
She's so elegant.
Different from the other farmers.
You have no reason
to envy her.
I didn't get the chance
to take you to my corner in the woods.
Prettier trees than these.
And a treasure.
A treasure?
What is it?
I won't say.
It's a surprise.
So will you come?
Of course.
With Marguerite.
I like her, but she's like a sister.
I saw her grow up.
I'm leaving tomorrow.
Who knows if I'll come back?
You'll come back.
You may be gone by then.
That's not my decision.
Georges: We need you.
We appreciate you.
No one wants to let you go.
Then I'll stay.
Will you write me?
We'll take the mare and a cow.
Last time for this year.
I'm awaiting government coupons.
You'll be paid next Thursday.
(cow mooing)
Flatten it well.
It mustn't be bulging.
Wipe off the extra.
If you're cold at night,
ask Solange for a blanket.
Thanks, I'm fine for now.
Even after the war,
we'll keep you, child.
Francine's voice:
Dear Georges,
Since you've allowed me
to write to you,
I'll give you some news
from Le Paridier.
This is my first winter
with your family.
We heard about Verdun.
It warmed our hearts.
Victory is near.
All is well here.
Your mother said I could stay
after the war.
If it helps, know that someone
thinks of you every day.
And now there is someone on earth
who thinks of me,
who recounts his sorrows
and offers to share them.
I am praying for you.
It's Clovis.
He was taken prisoner in Germany.
You'll see your husband again.
It's no dishonor.
look on the bright side:
at least, he won't be killed.
- (Solange sniffles)
- Come on.
I don't understand where he is.
What was it again?
Hold on.
It's there.
(pigs grunting)
(cow mooing)
- See you tomorrow.
- Bye, Francine.
Who is it?
Can I do something?
My mother also died giving birth.
I bet she was beautiful.
I don't know.
I never saw her photograph.
I'll never know
what my parents looked like.
I try to imagine them.
You have to try to sleep.
you'll have to be strong.
(speaking Latin)
All: Amen.
Let us pray.
O Blessed Virgin,
in Your sojourn of glory,
do not forget
our sadness here below.
Look with kindness
upon those who suffer,
those who struggle,
those who still drain
the bitter cup of life.
Take pity on those
who were in love
and were separated.
Take pity on those
whose hearts are lonely,
on those whose faith is weak
and on the objects
of our affection.
Take pity on those who weep,
those who cry out,
those who suffer
and those who tremble.
Give them all hope and peace.
- Amen.
- All: Amen.
(organ playing)
(organ continues)
(organ continues)
Georges's voice:
You mustn't pray anymore.
Prayers won't save us.
Getting to the front
is exhausting and dangerous
a ravine over half a mile long.
Who knows how many men
have died in it?
At times, I fear
Constant is among them,
among those decomposed,
unidentifiable corpses.
But it's the only way.
There's no way around it.
I miss you, Francine.
A letter would do me good.
I'll come back, I promise,
and take you into my woods.
Wait for me. Be good.
Take care, Francine.
Your soldier, Georges.
I promise you, Hortense.
Our teacher will get
a dignified funeral.
But when?
He must be somewhere.
He was put somewhere
underground in a coffin!
It can't be that hard!
It's normal for a mother
to want her son!
It's not an unusual request!
He's my son.
Francine's voice:
My dear Georges,
I suffer knowing
you're so unhappy.
Often, despite the fatigue,
I cannot sleep
because I worry about you.
I've tried my best
to help your mother.
Her sorrow is great,
but we try to be brave like you.
Many people came to mass
for your brother.
His students sang for him.
Everyone was moved.
I'll turn 21 on Tuesday.
I consider myself lucky
to work for your family.
As a result,
you never leave my mind.
With each letter, I hope to hear
you'll be on leave soon.
I long to see you again.
Your Francine.
the State is giving you
your bank book.
The treasurer put 700 francs on it.
A nice sum at your age.
I've saved up 150 francs
100 in government coupons
and 30 in cash.
Many girls from bourgeois families
are not as rich.
You're a good match,
Miss Riant.
And I'm sure that in a short time,
you'll marry an honest boy.
Your diploma.
After the war,
it will come in handy.
How much is the butterfly?
18 francs.
- I'll take it too.
- It's very pretty.
- Thank you.
- My pleasure.
Marguerite? I have a gift for you.
What's wrong?
This butterfly is for you.
It reminds me of you.
Are you sad to be leaving?
You have no one on the front.
He was all you could find?
Why didn't you say
he writes to you?
- Only to get news of the farm.
- No.
He loves you.
Get out of my room.
Get out.
All I want is Georges.
War damages men, Marguerite.
You're too young for that.
Georges has changed.
Clovis too, as you know.
Solange: Go!
Solange: Go! Go!
It's like a bad dream.
Every day,
I expect him to come home.
Every day.
(Solange sniffles)
Every day.
How about Clovis?
His morale is high.
They're not treated too badly.
Georges: Good.
- Hello, Mr. Georges.
- Solange: Leave us. We're sad.
(distant sound of explosions)
(explosions continue)
(muffled dialogue)
(muffled grunts)
(grunting stops)
(muffled crying)
American Man: (in English)
Everything good?
(in French)
My brother Georges.
(In English)
Nice to meet you.
Solange: They're buying
butter and vegetables.
Good French vegetables.
So, do you like France?
American Man: (speaks English)
Very much.
(in French)
The people...
are very nice.
(in English)
And women...
(in French)
- Beautiful.
- (in English) Exactly.
Yeah, that's it.
(in French)
- What are you here for?
- (in English) What's that?
- Why are you here and not fighting?
- (in English) I don't understand.
While we die in the mud,
like my brother.
Someone should tell me.
- Answer me!
- Georges...
American Man: (in English)
I don't know what you're talking about.
You understand?
Stop it.
They're far from home too.
Your letters never
mentioned Americans.
I thought Solange told you.
They're good customers.
They buy a lot.
Good customers?
They're thieves!
They think that with our girls,
anything goes.
I understand you're upset.
But it's unfair.
They're awaiting orders to fight.
We'll go to my corner in the woods
on Sunday.
Will you come?
Francine: Yes.
I'll pick you up at noon.
At the Cross.
- Hello, Francine.
- Hello.
Georges: Go!
You can open them.
My God.
(upbeat music playing)
(people chatting and laughing)
I don't need a hypocrite.
What did I do to make you mad?
You wrote to Francine.
She's the one you love,
not me.
Of course, I love you.
I've known you
since you were 11.
You're my kid sister.
You're my sunshine.
I'm a woman now.
You're becoming
a very pretty young woman.
You put the fruit in here,
into this compartment.
You boil it,
then the steam,
which is the alcohol,
passes through the coil
and cools down.
(in English)
I like this guy.
It drips down here,
then you serve it and drink it.
(in English)
We drink! We like that!
(singing in English)
Everybody loves Mary
That's why I'm in love with you!
Pretty Mary! Pretty Mary!
All: Cheers!
(in English)
I'll give you a big hug.
Henri: See you next time.
- American man: Let's go.
- American man 2: Let's go.
(in French)
Thank you very much.
Have a safe trip.
Good luck!
- (in French) Thanks!
- Safe travels!
(in English)
Okay, let's go!
Show the Americans
how to do it.
Like this.
Nice and straight.
You take turns.
American man: (in French)
Take turns.
American man: (in English)
Shit, man.
(in English)
(indistinct chatter)
(both panting)
Francine? Do you know
where Solange is?
No, I don't.
You've increased crop yields.
That's pretty rare nowadays.
We've found solutions.
Be careful, Hortense.
People are jealous.
I defend my family's interests
as best I can.
People are saying things
about your daughter.
Folks around here
say a lot of things.
No need to lie.
I may not come back.
Like Constant.
I wanted to say...
we're proud of you.
My sister...
you'll give us
beautiful children.
you're a wonderful woman.
I love you all.
take good care of my love.
Don't let him
get killed or wounded.
Any alcohol for the Americans?
I think so.
I'll go take a look.
- (motor running)
- Man: (in English) All right.
Five... ten.
Here you go.
And... that's 12.
Give me a real kiss!
Come on.
Francine is a good worker,
but she comes from nothing.
She sees foreigners.
You knew?
You knew your maid was a slut?
With girls like her,
anything's possible.
It's in their blood.
Get rid of her.
(whistle blows)
My child,
starting today,
we no longer need you.
What did I do?
There's too much gossip.
About Le Paridier
and the Americans.
And there's no smoke
without fire.
But, Hortense...
it's not me.
You know it's not me.
I've done nothing.
I know.
But it must stop
before Clovis gets back.
He has nothing to do with it.
I've been working here
two years.
I've done everything well.
And you appreciate me.
I know.
I must protect my family.
So I'm not family.
It's unfair.
It's unfair and you know it.
I had it all here.
I had it all.
I wrote a letter of recommendation.
I'll give you two months' pay.
I don't want it.
I don't want it.
You're a monster.
(door opening and closing)
I'm ashamed of you.
Your husband's a prisoner and you,
a whore for Americans!
I'm not a whore.
He didn't pay me.
- How dare you speak like that?
- How about you?
How dare you fire Francine
after all she's done?
Just to marry off
Georges to Marguerite!
I fired her because of gossip
about the Americans!
I fired her to save your honor,
and your husband's.
I asked nothing of you.
- And I did nothing.
- I saw you!
- Really?
- With him.
What did you see?
Yes, I'm a young woman.
I have desires.
And I found him handsome.
Want to know the truth?
He kissed me.
I kissed him.
He stroked my chest.
Yes, it gave me pleasure.
A lot of pleasure!
And then I thought about Clovis.
And we got dressed, that's all.
Nothing happened.
(door opens and closes)
Girl: Hello.
Hello. I'm Francine.
Girl: (whispering)
Mommy. Mommy.
Mommy, she's here.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Come in.
The small ones on top.
Excuse me.
I don't know why,
I've been feeling nauseated.
I had that with Jeanne at first.
How so?
It's obvious, child.
You're pregnant.
Don't look so glum.
It's good timing:
Winter's coming.
There'll be less work.
No, I'm not pregnant.
What will I do?
Like everyone else.
Francine (singing)
Come my angel
My beloved little angel
Come with me under a pure sky
to sing a sweet song
Come, my angel
My beloved, beautiful angel
Daddy toils away
and only thinks of us
Are you tired?
Careful, your laces are undone.
"It was brought to the two sisters,
who tried to squeeze
their feet into it,
but were unable to.
saw it and recognized it,
Are you going to stay here
for a long time?
As long
as your mother wants me.
"Would you like me
to try it on?"
(cows mooing)
Georges's voice: As far as the eye
can see, there's fields of corpses.
Everything has changed:
the living are underground,
and the dead above them.
This is the state of mind
with which I confront danger.
I swear death doesn't frighten me.
And if I seem discouraged
in my letters,
it is not out of fear.
think of me.
No one will ever know
how much we suffer.
Your Georges.
(crows cawing)
Monette, I'm worried.
Ever since I've been here,
my letters keep coming back.
Maybe something
happened to him.
No, you'd know.
Here, word gets around.
Maybe he's dead.
No, don't worry.
I don't understand.
He knows I love him.
I said so in my letters.
He can't believe
I've betrayed him.
You'll get back together
when the war is over.
Becoming a father
changes a man.
Eat a little.
(chicken clucking)
Make a ball.
A nice ball.
To make a ball,
you press it down.
Like this.
- (knock on door)
- Come in.
Time for a walk, Jeanne.
It's your husband.
I want to stay with Mommy.
No, we'll take a walk.
Get some fresh air.
(Monette panting)
(motor running)
Woman: Your meal is ready.
See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
Thank you, Marthe.
He went back to the front.
He won't answer my letters.
He's behaved as most boys do.
He stopped seeing you
once he saw you were pregnant.
He doesn't know.
No one knows.
I didn't tell him.
Come now, Francine.
Had he known,
he may have acted differently.
I want you to tell him.
If not for you, then for the child.
So you want to... abandon it.
I have money.
I'll raise him.
I'll work.
I'll sacrifice myself for him.
He'll carry my name.
He'll fight for me.
He'll fight for me.
Francine's voice:
I hesitated a while before writing.
That's how angry I was with you.
You were so unfair with me.
Today, I am writing you because
I'm expecting Georges' child.
He won't answer my letters.
For sure, he thinks
I did something with the American.
I can count only on you
to tell him the truth.
Hortense, the fair,
honest woman that you were
cannot have changed.
Please, write Georges
to tell him that I've loved or known
no man other than him,
and that he'll soon be a father.
I stay hopeful,
knowing that every day there,
I served you sincerely
and was very happy.
(Hortense whimpering)
(indistinct chatter)
Bye, Benjamin.
Are you wounded?
An old wound.
(Francine humming)
(baby whimpering)
Official's voice: Make of us,
godfather and godmother,
true witnesses of God's love.
Teach us to practice
what we preach,
to preach what we believe
and to believe
what we learn of You
in our hearts
and in the Gospel.
Hello, Hortense.
(priest speaks in Latin)
(baby crying)
(baby crying)
See you tonight.
I got it for a good price.
The Americans left
everything behind.
This is great.
Constant never cared
about our land.
- He was a teacher.
- What did he do with it?
He walked on it.
And took his classes there.