Les Girls (1957)

Paper, sir? Paper, lady? Paper?
Paper, sir? Paper, governor?
Feature's a society scandal.
''Lady Wren to 'tell all' in libel defense.''
Paper, governor?
Darling, do stop going on and on.
[ln French] We'll have lunch at the club.
That terrible Angele.
hurry, Pierre, there's that terrible Sybil.
All clear now, darling.
One more, please. One more.
Could you autograph this copy, please?
My wife and l love it.
One more.
Silence. Silence in court.
-Are you ready to resume, Sir Percy?
-Perfectly, My Lord.
l was in the course of
my cross-examination of Lady Wren.
Thank you.
Now, Lady Wren, you have acknowledged
authorship of this biography...
entitled Les Girls.
l have.
This is your first venture into literature?
how kind of you to call it literature,
Sir Percy.
l'd only aspired to write
a few amusing anecdotes.
When you wrote that the plaintiff,
Angele Ducros, attempted suicide...
for the love of a man who rejected her,
was that little anecdote...
intended to amuse?
lt seemed to me to be readable.
And it was true.
lf that's what you're getting at.
Do not concern yourself with what
l'm getting at. Just answer my questions.
You are aware, Lady Wren,
are you not, that if certain statements...
made in your book
are false or misleading...
then Madam Ducros has been
most cruelly libeled...
for which she can justly claim damages.
The story of my life
in the theater may read like fiction...
but everything l've written in that book
happened exactly as l remembered it.
That is not for us,
but for the jury to decide.
Wasn't that last observation a comment
rather than a question, Sir Percy?
lf Your Lordship so wishes.
Now, in Chapter Seven,
which you've entitled ''All For Love''...
you suggest that Madam Ducros not only
attempted suicide for the love of a man...
but for a man who was not then,
and is not now, her husband.
Do you swear under oath that
that is to be the truth?
l'm not a flighty woman who deliberately
fabricates something...
to injure the reputation of Madam Ducros.
had l realized she was going to materialize
out of the past, claiming damages...
l might have omitted the chapter.
But it did happen.
l must defend my statement.
She did attempt suicide.
-ln Chapter Seven, which you've entitled--
-''All For Love.''
Thank you.
The opening sentence reads:
''Our valiant little musical act
had decided to conquer Paris.''
-''lt was spring.''
-Yes, it was spring.
Spring is a chronological truth,
it happens once every year.
l can remember what l wrote.
We were in Paris, that was true.
We were playing
at the Music hall Parisien...
in an act called
Barry Nichols and Les Girls.
SYBlL: lt happened some years ago.
lt was our first engagement in Paris
and l can recall the excitement we felt...
at being in this gay city
in the world of the theater.
Everything to us about Paris was exciting.
The smells, the sounds,
the taxi noises, everything.
l was sharing a little flat...
with an American dancer
called Joy henderson.
hey, Sybil!
There's a message from Barry,
he wants us at the theater right away.
-What for?
-Gee, l don't know.
Come on down, l'll wait for you.
Madame, would you hold on
to these things for me, please?
-Oh, but yes.
[Playing lively piano music]
MAN: [ln French] Georgette, hurry up.
Be quick.
Please dance, miss.
-l'm replacing Mimi.
-What for?
-Sit down.
-But why?
l don't like complications.
She's been carrying on
with that Romanian necktie salesman.
[ln French] Thank you. They'll call you.
What do you mean by ''carrying on''?
he's going to give her a ring.
Oh, so you knew it all the time.
You didn't tell me.
That's what l call loyalty.
Mr. Manescu wants to marry Mimi.
She wants a home, it's not a felony.
You want a home, you go to
a real estate agent. You don't come to me.
-l don't ask for gratitude.
But when l hired Mimi,
she crossed the stage like...
her rear end was
made out of old venetian glass.
have you any idea how much time...
l put in day and night
teaching her how to dance?
-Especially nights.
-lf l need jokes, l'll hire a comedian.
[ln French] Come on, come on,
what's holding us up?
lt's your turn, miss.
What do you do? Do you sing, dance?
l am Angele.
Well, go right ahead.
[Singing in French]
[ln French] That's enough.
But l didn't finish it yet.
lt was bad because l was nervous.
Can l take it from the beginning again?
Come here, please, dear, come here.
Please, it's all right.
-l know it was bad, but--
-Are you good at picking up routines?
-l think, very good.
-Good. Show me some chaines.
Come here, kids.
[ln French] -Oh, these heels. They hurt me.
-Take off your shoes. l understand.
Yes, that's fine. Would you try for me
the glissade assemble?
slowly, with a smile.
Yes, very good.
Why do you want this job with me,
an American act?
l've seen you dance.
Then you know what the act is.
-Come here, kids. You free to travel?
Get in the middle, tall one.
Let's see. Nope. Take it the other way.
And back again.
We're gonna travel around Europe.
l want someone who can stick with us.
-l can.
-You can?
-You married?
-Oh, no.
[ln French] That's all, everybody.
That's all. That's all.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
That's all.
Well, you're now one of Les Girls.
Oh, merci!
-Oh la la--
-This is Sybil and this is Joy.
-how are you?
We got to work fast. Let's grab
some lunch and come back and rehearse.
l was looking for a place to live
because l was on tour.
have you kids got room for Angele?
The flat isn't exactly elegant
but if Joy doesn't mind--
l never mind saving rent.
You're both dolls.
We got to grab some lunch.
Get back quickly.
1:15 sharp.
-You can change in there.
Girls, listen.
There's only one thing l have to insist on.
No complications.
But she's right.
l don't interfere with
my girls' private life...
but l don't let it
interfere with their work.
l have a few simple rules.
And l have to insist on them.
l call them my ''Three P's.''
The girls have to be prompt,
persistent and perfect.
Everyone's born with two legs.
Being a good dancer isn't good enough.
[Knocking on door]
-She's here.
-Open the door.
l've got it. You made it.
hello. Welcome to Liberty hall.
Oui. ls there a place
where l can put my little things?
Of course there is.
Just push something aside.
-l have a few little luggage.
-Bring them in.
Remove those things over there.
[ln French] hurry up.
lf you please.
Oui, madame.
-Quite a load of clothes you have.
-My mama makes them.
how sweet.
Does your mama make perfume, too?
These? lt's a little weakness of mine.
l love to collect perfume.
-You may help yourselves if you wish.
-Where were you working before?
l was last in a ballet called Le Coquerico.
All about chickens.
-Did you lay an egg?
-l do not understand.
Joy means, ''did you get fired?''
Oh, no. l quit.
Nobody could see me behind
all those feathers.
lt's important to be seen
if you want to get ahead.
You will. We saw you dance.
You are very kind.
-Not everyone has been kind to me.
-So l notice.
-That's old.
-Yes, but this isn't old.
That's my fiance, Pierre Ducros.
Fiance! You told Barry
you weren't engaged.
They'll never meet.
Pierre lives in La Porte.
What if he came to Paris
and to the theater?
Never. Pierre thinks
l'm studying to be a nurse.
he's so sweet. he gave me this watch.
lt cost his grandfather 100,000 francs.
-You know why?
[Bell tinkling]
So sweet.
Blimey, there's dear old Dad.
-hurry it up, kids. You got half an hour.
he lives here?
Yes. And if he finds out you're engaged,
you're a canned frog.
how will he find out?
Surely neither of you...
We are friends and
one doesn't betray a friend, no?
No. One does not betray a friend.
l want you to know when the bell rings
we'll be in your corner, honey.
-Bring the soup.
-l will.
Do you want some bread?
[Playing dramatic instrumental music]
[Singing Les Girls by Cole Porter]
[Audience applauding]
All right, hurry, girls.
hurry, please.
You got one quick change, Angele, here.
Feel my heart,
you can almost hear it pounding.
-Does it chime the hour?
-Oh, Joy, really.
EMCEE: [ln French] Be ready
for the final act.
Curtain in five minutes.
Do you think Mr. Barry
was pleased with me?
Yes, l think he was pleased.
You'll know when he's not.
ls he unhappy to be away from his wife?
he fell in love with himself
the first time he looked in a mirror.
-he's been faithful ever since.
-That's not fair.
What she really means is Barry's very
ambitious and the act always comes first.
You are in love with him maybe?
Are you kidding?
-he belongs to you, then.
-What a question.
-l like him.
-What about Pierre?
Pierre is in La Porte. And l'm in Paris.
-l mustn't allow myself to be despondent.
-vive la France.
We're gonna go to the flat
and have some cheese or something.
-Do you want to come with us?
-You buy your own food?
We don't grow it.
With Paris full of men
who are rich and hungry?
That's such a bore.
Besides, there's the old language barrier.
To say nothing of the moral barrier.
To me it's immoral for a beautiful girl
to eat alone.
Tonight, l rescue a poor banker
from loneliness.
Better wind Pierre's watch.
l think it's running down.
No, you don't understand.
Pierre loves me,
we might get married one day.
lf his parents consent.
But that's not tomorrow.
-And tonight is tonight.
-What you do is none of our affair.
lf you have a dinner date, keep it.
l hope you have a wonderful dinner.
-l intend to.
Don't you ever knock
before you walk into a room?
What for? You got secrets?
l think we finally got it.
A real act. No complications.
You stick around,
you and l got to rehearse.
-Sure. You don't know those routines.
But it's not possible. l have
an engagement tonight. With an uncle.
Make it tomorrow.
-But he leaves Paris tomorrow.
-And tonight is tonight.
-l've got a reputation at stake.
-So has she.
The poor girl's exhausted,
can't you rehearse her tomorrow?
My uncle, he would be very sad.
Your uncle ain't running the act.
On stage. 10 minutes.
All right. We'll take it once again
from where you pull the rope.
Did l do wrong?
honey, it was nothing.
There was no excitement.
l'm not a potato. l'm a man
you're supposed to be in love with.
l wish you were a potato. l'm hungry.
And tired. lt's been already two hours.
-Do you want this job?
Then we'll rehearse until you do it right.
Don't pull so hard on the rope.
The last time l almost went on my ear.
Okay. Start the music.
[Dramatic instrumental music]
-That's more like it.
-Now, may l go to eat?
Tell you what. l'm gonna break a rule.
l never mix business with anything else.
But, you've done so well,
l'll buy you some supper.
With wine?
The sky's the limit. A whole glassful.
SYBlL: And so, Barry paid for her supper.
he even bought her wine.
Not a good wine.
But quite good enough for a beginning.
l wouldn't mention this to any of the girls.
Rehearsal at 11:00.
SYBlL: ln the weeks that followed, it might
have struck certain people as odd...
certainly not me,
that Angele needed so much rehearsal.
l decided to have a talk with her.
Would you mind if l said something
very personal?
You tell me what it is
and l'll tell you if l mind.
l should hate to see you hurt.
-And who will hurt me?
-Are you seeing Barry?
You see...
some men take very casually
what you and l...
and possibly your friend from La Porte,
regard as rather serious.
You English.
When will you learn that love is a souffle,
not a pudding?
l didn't say that l'm meeting Barry.
Well, that got you nowhere.
-At least my conscience is clear.
-Your conscience?
Do not talk like the pudding.
Love is a souffle.
So sweet.
And if our little friend,
she eat too much...
believe me, she get very, very sick.
-Bonjour, Barry.
[ln French] have fun!
Come on.
That's our Barry. Strictly business.
No complications.
-Where do you suppose they're headed?
-To the woods, if you ask me.
But l've done my duty.
l think l'll write home to Gerald.
What a dear, sweet, patient darling he is.
l'd write home to my darling,
but he isn't quite so patient.
he's marrying my cousin.
[Knocking on door]
-We've paid the rent, haven't we?
-l'll get it.
[ln French] Can you tell me
if Miss Angele lives here?
Yes, Miss Angele lives here.
She's not in.
-Do you expect her soon?
-She didn't say.
Say, you're Pierre What's-his-name,
aren't you?
-Yes, l am.
-Come in.
Come on.
[ln French] After you.
Thank you.
l arrived this morning to surprise Angele.
lt's too bad you didn't come
a minute earlier...
or you would have succeeded.
-Do you know where Angele has gone?
Yes, of course.
Every Sunday she...
does volunteer work.
-Well, that's good for her.
Do you know that
when l first met Angele she was very shy.
She was even afraid of men.
Now she has more courage.
-You don't mind--
-Would you like some wine?
Thank you. You don't mind if l stay here,
do you?
Not at all.
lt's been such a long time
since we have seen each other, you know.
-Would you like some wine?
-l never touch it.
You have known Angele long?
l never feel as if it's a question
of hours and days, do you?
-You are nurses?
-l beg your pardon.
l mean, do you work with Angele
at the hospital?
Oh, no.
No, we flunked out, couldn't tuck a sheet.
l'm sorry. But Angele, she goes ahead?
By leaps and bounds.
She has such a gift for applying herself.
l have come to Paris today.
She may have told you.
We hope some day to get married.
Oh, that sly little pussycat.
She has not shown you
the watch l gave her?
-She adores it.
-She even sleeps with it.
l am not without the guile, mademoiselle.
l want to be remembered.
Each hour it rings a tiny bell.
[Bell tinkling]
What's that?
My heart.
When you touch me, it plays little tunes.
Does anything happen to you
when l touch you, Barry?
You set off a fire alarm.
And Sybil, has she ever set off
a fire alarm?
She never even started a fire.
-And Joy?
-She never even lit a match.
You want to know something?
l don't believe you.
Do you want to know something?
l didn't expect you to.
Why don't you dance in America?
Well, in America
l'm just another American dancer.
And over here l'm something special.
Will you go home one day?
One day.
You are never lonely?
Now and then.
l think you should be in love.
lt would be good for you.
You wouldn't be lonely
and you would be something special.
Well, l am.
-ln love?
-Something special.
l don't think you know what it means
to be really in love.
-Shall l tell you?
-lf you like, sure.
To me, Barry, real love is like...
l can't talk when you kiss me.
Well, l can't kiss you when you talk.
Real love is when suddenly you sight...
someone for whom you yearn.
[Singing Ca, C'est L 'Amour by Cole Porter]
[ln French] -how are you?
-Oh, it's you, Barry!
haven't seen you in a while.
-how are you?
have you been out in the country?
-Am l intruding?
-hello. Why, not at all.
Your uncle is waiting upstairs for you.
-My uncle?
-Uncle Pierre from La Porte.
My uncle from La Porte. Pierre.
Excuse me, Barry,
l've got to see my uncle from La Porte.
Well, that was a very good rehearsal. Yes.
Getting along fine.
Making a lot of progress.
[Bell tinkling]
Making time, too, aren't you?
l am embarrassed,
l have talked to you of nothing but Angele.
-Wonderful girl, do you think?
-Oh, yes. very.
Mon cher, how are you?
Why didn't you write?
l would have been waiting.
Do not scold.
l didn't know you would be working.
Working? Oh, well, l, yes, we--
Why didn't you write Pierre...
you were doing volunteer work
at that orphanage?
-You are too generous with your time.
-Everything all right?
-So far.
Then l'm sure Monsieur Pierre
will excuse us.
l've promised to wash Joy's hair.
You lucky girl.
l have missed you, little angel.
Let me look at you. You are pale.
-You took me by surprise, mon coco.
-Guess why l've come to Paris.
-Guess what l have brought you.
-l can't guess. Tell me.
My parents.
Oh, your parents.
My mother and my father.
They are to meet you at last.
But l'm afraid, Pierre.
l'm only a nurse. l have no dowry.
-They may not like me.
-They will adore you.
Tomorrow night we are to have dinner
with them.
But l can't. l'm working.
At the hospital.
l won't be free until after 11:00.
Don't worry.
Then, we shall have a late supper instead.
And while we wait, we can...
l shall take my mother to a theater.
Oh, no, don't.
There's nothing good in Paris.
You're wrong. You are good.
Sweet, lonely girl.
Come away from there.
Angele's gonna have to be better than
houdini to get out of this one.
Our little French souffle
may soon become the pudding...
if she does not take care.
lt's Angele. l must see you.
Come in.
There's something l must know,
and l must know tonight.
-Will l take you to supper? Yes.
-Don't joke. Please.
how would you feel if l decided
to give up the theater and went away?
-Don't you joke either.
-l'm serious. how serious are you?
What's got into you?
Everything was fine yesterday.
EMCEE: [ln French] On stage.
-Pick up your train, baby, you're on.
-Do you love me? Do l mean anything--
Of course l love you. Come on. Get out
on stage. l got to change my pants.
Now, go!
[Audience applauding]
[Playing sweeping instrumental music]
[Singing Ladies-in-Waiting by Cole Porter]
Someone's in for trouble.
l just spotted Pierre and his parents
sitting up in the box.
-Are you sure?
-See for yourself.
-Pierre's in the audience.
Pierre's up in that box with his parents.
l'm not joking, look.
They mustn't see me! They mustn't!
-What are you trying to do? Wreck the act?
-There's a thing l must explain.
What excuse could you have
for doing that?
There's someone out there who
mustn't see me.
What are you saying?
Those people pay to see you.
You got a half a minute to change.
[ln French] What's the matter?
-Angele, are you sick?
-You must get changed. lt's all right.
he couldn't have recognized you.
Your mother wouldn't have
recognized you.
he's so angry.
lf you don't hurry,
we're all gonna be in trouble.
l cannot go out there!
You have to. You can't leave Barry
stranded on the stage.
l've lost Barry and now l'll lose Pierre.
[ln French] hurry!
Angele, you'd better hurry. Come on!
She got a little excited
but it won't happen again.
EMCEE: [ln French] Barry Nichols
and Angele. One minute.
[Playing dramatic instrumental music]
[ln French] Bring down the curtain.
hurry up. hurry up.
Where is she? Where is she?
[ln French] On stage, on stage!
have you lost your mind?
-Get out!
lf you're not out of here in one minute,
l'll throw you out of that door.
What's got into you?
l don't know. Please trust me.
Trust you?
Nobody's ever pulled that on me before.
l'll explain tomorrow, l--
You'll not explain tomorrow,
tonight, or any other time!
You mustn't do this to me after we...
l love you.
-Oh, you poor darling.
-Oh, honey.
l love him.
he doesn't know how much l love him.
l love him. he doesn't care.
-he isn't worth crying about.
-hurry back to the flat.
Pierre will show up.
Get there before he does.
Joy and l'll stay away,
so you've got the flat to yourselves.
l want to die.
Darling, you'll feel so much different
tomorrow, l promise you.
hurry. Take a taxi, now.
Don't waste any time.
help! Au secours!
Oh, please. help!
Darling, Angele.
She said she wanted to die.
lf it hadn't been for my prompt action,
she'd certainly have got her wish...
a point she seems to have overlooked.
And she recovered and disappeared.
l didn't know she'd eventually married
Monsieur Ducros.
Or that she'd read my little book
of memoirs or l'd never have mentioned it.
lt's the dullest chapter in the book.
And all that you wrote was the truth.
Every word.
l'm a little confused, Lady Wren...
as to how you can remember
so accurately...
scenes which you
could not possibly have witnessed.
l reported them as Angele
repeated them to me.
According to your account,
the incident you described...
occurred in the year 1949 when you were
playing at the Music hall Parisien.
We played there for months.
Every Paris newspaper would confirm that.
lt was at the Music hall Parisien...
that you saw Pierre Ducros
in the audience?
What would you say, if l told you that
Pierre Ducros will swear, under oath...
that he was not
in the Music hall Parisien that night.
That he'd never been inside
the Music hall Parisien in 1949...
or any other year in his entire lifetime?
My dear Sir Percy,
if you'll refer to my book again...
l think you'll notice that
never at any time did l say l saw him.
But that is precisely
what the book implies.
No, you're quite mistaken.
l said that Joy told me that
Pierre was in the audience.
Never at any time did l say ''l saw him.''
heaven knows l can't see 10 feet
without my glasses anyway.
[People laughing]
Silence. Silence.
Picture, please. One more.
-Excuse me, gentlemen. Thank you.
-No, please. No pictures.
Must be quite a shock
after all these years...
for a chap to learn the truth
about his wife.
Poor devil. l feel sorry for him.
Big smile, Lady Wren.
-Big smile this way, please, Lady Wren.
-One more, please.
Another one, please, Lady Wren.
Over this way, please.
Drive on, Travers, will you?
And you told me my watch was lost.
lt was lost.
Barry borrowed it and lost it.
l had no way of replacing it.
-Please believe me.
-how can l believe you?
You lied to me about the theater.
Oh, that!
l'm so sorry l hurt you.
l didn't intend it, Pierre.
Are you going to withdraw the libel suit?
Tomorrow, you'll hear my side of the story.
l am not sure l care to hear it.
Don't go out. Don't leave me alone.
Listen, l love you, Pierre.
From what l heard in court,
those words come easily.
You don't know what you're doing to me.
l'm not worried that you might
consider suicide over my going.
That honor belongs
to Monsieur Barry alone.
MAN: ''What happened to Pierre's watch?''
''Lies! All lies! ''
''French dancer promises true story today.''
lt is not true.
ln what manner is it not true,
Madam Ducros?
Mostly in what Lady Wren has left out...
of her amusing little anecdotes.
Why don't you tell My Lord and jury
just what did happen, in your own words.
l'm sure my learned friend
can have no objections to that.
Not at all,
provided the words are her own.
What Lady Wren says about
my joining the act is true.
The three of us lived together, that's true.
And it was spring, that's true.
But that is all that is true.
ANGELE: l'll never forget the lovely
flower market near our flat.
Joy and l had become good friends.
she had been very nice to me
since l had joined the company.
We always did the marketing
for our little family and we didn't mind...
that sybil had no interest
in such common domestic duties.
We thought it was fun.
-l beg your pardon, do you speak English?
-Nothing else.
These house numbers
are rather mystifying.
Do you know if a young Englishwoman,
Sybil Morgan, lives here?
We live together.
This is luck. l'm an old friend of hers
from London, Gerald Wren.
-l believe she's gone for a walk.
lf you'll wait here,
l shall go run up and see.
l thought she was expecting me. l sent her
a cable. Do you know if she got it?
She couldn't have.
You know, l'd wait. lt's a long walk up.
-Yes, Joy?
-Yell out of the window!
l think l will dash up.
An interesting thing about Poughkeepsie...
it's south of Claverack,
and it's west of Mahopac...
it's east of Nyack and
it's north of hackensack.
Bit of a sticky wicket, what?
hello, old girl.
Now, why do you two always insist
on wearing the same clothes.
You really are the most
extraordinary couple l've ever...
l'm going to make some tea.
l've lost my cozy.
Where's my tea cozy? Tea cozy. Tea cozy.
-Tea cozy, who's got my tea cozy?
-Oh, Sybil.
-Sybil, you promised you wouldn't.
-l don't know what you're talking about.
Where did you get it?
We searched the whole place
before we left.
You're being very suspicious
and very unpleasant.
No, don't go out there, there's someone
downstairs you don't want to see.
Who? Where?
he says he's a friend from London.
lt must be Gerald.
Sir Gerald Wren.
Rich as Croesus and mad about me.
have him come up and
l shall tell him again, ''No, dear boy.
''No, l will not marry you.''
Oh, no. You must not see him.
Sybil, wait. Wait.
Lie down.
We have a rehearsal this afternoon
and you must be in condition.
Lovely, rich. Lovely, rich pussycat.
l'll be right back.
Promise not to move.
l doubt very much if l could.
-l'm terribly sorry, but she's out.
Cold! She has a very bad cold.
She probably went out for some sunshine.
-l hope she's taking something.
-She is.
What a pity.
l have to catch the 4:20 plane home.
lf Sybil does get back in time, you might
ask her to ring me at our Paris office.
-Of course.
-Thanks awfully. And tell her to take care.
-We will.
What can we do with her, Joy?
l have an idea,
but there's a law against it.
[Sybil singing in French]
Come on.
l am the naughty cigarette girl.
And all the men, they want my cigarettes.
[Sybil singing a high note]
Put the coffee on. l'll get the bed ready.
-Fill the bath.
-With gin.
She wants some more
of her cough medicine.
Don't be hard on her, Joy,
she's a sick girl.
Deep, deep inside her.
lf she isn't sick now, she's gonna be soon.
But why does she drink?
There must be a reason.
There is. She likes it.
l found where she's been hiding it.
-But what did she do with the perfume?
She probably drank that, too.
[Knocking on door]
hello, girls. Oh, hi.
lt's a lovely afternoon.
l thought we'd walk to the theater.
Where's Sybil?
Barry, could we rehearse
without her this afternoon?
-She isn't feeling well.
-What's the matter?
-Sort of a cologne poisoning.
No, don't go in there. She's asleep.
[Sybil singing in French]
What's the matter?
l'm no good, Barry.
l'm no good.
Nobody wants my cigarettes.
-That does it.
-We can rehearse without her.
l've had enough of this cough medicine
routine. l'm gonna replace her.
-She's sick.
-She is out.
Can you take care of Sybil?
l've got to talk to Barry.
Remember, she's a sick girl.
She's out. She's through.
She's not that good.
Barry, if you let her go,
it will be the end of her.
That's just too bad,
she's not my responsibility.
-Why do you think she does all this?
-Because she's a lush.
She's a heartbroken girl trying to forget.
Let her forget in some other dance act.
You're so blind.
She drinks because
she's hopelessly in love with you, Barry.
-ln love with me?
Why, you're nuts.
lt's true. haven't you seen
the way she watches you?
Yes, she watches me
for a chance to sneak out for a snort.
You're so heartless.
You're killing this girl and
you don't even suspect it.
-She hates me!
-She loves you.
ls that her fault?
What am l supposed to do?
Be kind to her and help her forget you.
how, by drinking with her?
Let her stay with the act.
Save another human being
from self-destruction, Barry.
You really think she's gone on me?
l know she is.
-She's never acted like it.
-She has pride.
Look, Angele, l'm not blind. l--
No, just modest.
l thought l knew women.
[Sybil singing in French]
l can stand her crying,
but l cannot stand her singing.
l'll go in and have a talk with her.
has he been hitting
the perfume bottle, too?
l like that.
l never knew you could sing opera.
Well, of course l can sing opera,
you silly man.
That's why l'm dancing.
how do you feel?
What do you care?
You're one of my girls.
l care a lot what happens to you.
l think l ate a bad oyster.
That's not fatal.
l don't think you have
enough to do in the act.
how about me working up
some new routines for you?
l like the old routines.
But, l wanna feature you.
l don't think the act is taking advantage
of what you have to offer.
What have l got to offer?
Talent, beauty. And you sing like an angel.
Then you're not angry with me?
Angry? Why should l be angry?
Because l'm always getting ptomaine.
That's not your fault.
You've just got to keep away
from bad oysters.
Don't worry, l understand everything.
You can be so sweet.
l think you better get some sleep.
We've gotta help that kid.
ANGELE: lt's a strange thing about truth,
it can often make enemies of lovers.
But a lie can make lovers of enemies.
Barry gave up drinking...
and insisted that the rest of us
set a good example, too.
-What'll you girls have?
-A glass of water.
-Tea, milk, water, nothing?
That's correct.
ANGELE: And so Les Girls
became Les Girl Scouts.
We were going on tour that night.
Joy and l had packed for sybil and
of course, sybil was packing for Barry.
l was worried about her.
Now then, there's one thing
l insist on in my act...
plenty of complications.
l won't interfere with your private
lives if you watch my Three P's:
Pickles, pins and poop-poop-a-doop.
l do find you English very amusing.
Come here, old girl,
give us a kiss, won't you?
-Goodness gracious.
-l think it's funny, too.
how could l have been so wrong?
About you?
About me?
You won't believe me,
but l didn't like you when l first met you.
-Now you make me feel little...
and helpless and tiny and frail.
All the absurd things that l know l'm not.
Since we're on a truth kick, l thought
of you as a cold-blooded hoot owl.
-hooting at everything l did.
l don't mind being compared
to a hoot owl. They're rather sweet.
But you don't really think
of me as ''cold-blooded,'' do you?
All Americans think the English are.
Oh, no. The English...
Now, take the Latins,
they light up like a paper fire.
-You're more like hard coal.
-heavy and lumpy. Thanks.
hard coal is slow to burn,
but once it starts...
there's quite a blaze.
And for a long time.
-Yes, my love.
honestly, hot or cold,
l couldn't care for you more than l do.
But well, you know me.
l know you.
Dear, sweet cautious Barry.
There'll be no complications.
We'll be late. We'll be late.
What's the train schedule?
The train ''shedule''?
-Well, l ''sharcely'' remember.
-You're just too ''shilly.''
And you're just too too-too.
[Singing You're Just Too, Too
by Cole Porter]
Look at me, l'm dancing.
hot dog.
hold on, old girl, we'll miss our train.
lf we miss the train we'll go by plane.
-l feel like a banjo.
-how's that?
Everybody's picking on me.
[Singing Les Girls by Cole Porter]
ANGELE: But what l have to tell all
took place the week we were in Granada.
No, gracias. l wait. l expect someone.
A gentleman? he is here.
Gerald, what on earth
are you doing in Granada?
For the last two hours
l've been trying to find you.
l must say it was worth the bother.
Well, as always, you look superbly
healthy, extremely rich and jolly nice.
-Nice enough to marry?
-Why, l'm sure of it.
You'll have no trouble in finding a wife.
how's your father?
You have absolutely no interest
in my father.
-Oh, how nice.
-Gerald Wren. Barry Nichols.
how do you do?
lf you'd like to have a drink with us?
Thanks, l would.
-lt's Barry's act l dance in.
-l know.
l was hoping she's had enough
of this career nonsense.
Just why, my friend,
should that concern you?
Since l'm the chap she's gonna marry--
-l didn't know that.
-Nor do l.
Gerald knows that my foolish little heart
has been won over by the theater.
Why not come back to London?
Our theater's as good as any in the world.
We'll play London all right,
but not until l get the proper setup.
My own revue, the right house,
the right people.
This may interest you,
one of our theaters is going vacant.
-Your theaters?
-Our banks own them.
-Same thing.
-ls he kidding?
Unfortunately, no.
lt's the Christopher Marlowe, where
Sybil was playing when we first met.
Do you remember how badly you sang?
-Why, l've improved.
-Oh, you must have.
No, l don't see why
you shouldn't have the Marlowe...
with a little financial backing, of course.
American enterprise does very well
in West End show business.
And l say British enterprise
isn't so bad either.
You know, old man,
if this is meant to be a bribe...
l'm definitely interested.
You'll want Sybil costarred, of course.
-No, l merely want her in London.
-Well, really!
l see, the big men talking business.
l must be quiet?
Yes, please. The name, though.
The Christopher Marlowe, it doesn't--
lt's not very suitable
for musical shows, is it?
-But it could easily be changed.
-To the Barry Nichols Theater.
This girl has good ideas. Just where is it?
ln Charing Cross Road. That can be
changed to Barry Nichols Boulevard.
That'll come later.
Why don't we have supper tonight?
Just the three of us.
-Talk over details?
-Tonight is--
Tonight is fine.
You know, l like the way
your friend works.
-Quick decisions.
-l like the way your friend works.
Don't you both think
you're working a little too hard?
Your order?
An aspirin.
[Lively Spanish music playing]
-Where's our friend?
-Where's our friend?
-l'm gonna be very candid with you.
l don't want you to see Barry again.
Well, why not?
Well, there are several reasons
why l'd rather the show wasn't put on.
l am not ready to go back to London.
l am not good enough yet.
l like the act the way it is.
l've never had so much fun.
Please don't spoil it.
-Aren't you being a little selfish?
-very selfish.
lf l were a man
l'd have nothing to do with me.
Be an angel and kiss me goodbye.
ls having fun that important?
Don't worry, l'll grow up someday.
l do appreciate your patience
and understanding.
Quite frankly--
Gerald, please. Before he gets here.
have a heavenly trip
and do remember me to your father.
Where's he going, Sir Gerald?
-he's not having supper with us.
Well, l had a little talk
and explained a few things.
You're good enough to get along
on your own.
Well, sure.
But what are you talking about?
l knew you wouldn't want him
to be under any illusions.
What did you tell him?
That you and l were lovers.
-Oh, you didn't.
-l did.
You should have seen his face. he turned
the most extraordinary shade of green.
-The color yours is now.
-You're crazy.
-What's he going to think?
-Well, we're lovers.
-Will you stop saying that.
-l thought over what you just said--
-l know what she said...
believe me,
there's not a word of truth in it.
Not one word.
l don't doubt what she told me,
l merely questioned the wisdom of it.
Sybil, l do understand why
you want things to go on as they are.
l know the fun you're having.
Let's not jump to conclusions.
There's been no fun.
My dear fellow, l think l know Sybil
well enough to know what she enjoys.
-Let's take it easy.
No, we've got to straighten this out now.
Sybil and l,
we might have fooled around a little bit...
you know how it is on the road,
but we're not lovers.
Just what did you say?
Well, l hate to call anybody a liar.
When she says--
Mr. Nichols, you're speaking of the woman
l'd intended to make my wife.
l'm terribly sorry--
You've got this all wrong.
[Train whistle blowing]
[ln Spanish] Perhaps you'd like some wine?
Thanks. Do you speak English?
English, no.
[ln Spanish] -To your health.
-To your health.
This is very good. My wife makes it.
No, thank you. This is what l need.
-Could l talk to you please, Barry?
Please come on out in the corridor.
l must talk to you.
You can talk in here,
he can't understand English.
The eye is looking much better.
lt couldn't feel worse.
[ln Spanish] Do you want some wine, miss?
No, thank you. l'm sorry it all happened.
lt wasn't my fault
that the act was cancelled.
We went through all that before.
-With your permission.
-But you're angry.
l can't stand it when you don't talk to me.
-Leave me alone, will you? Thanks.
-Why can't we straighten this out?
-l'm not interested.
l didn't know it was
so important to have a show of your own.
lt isn't. With your permission.
l'll make up with Gerald.
But please stop sulking.
lt's the story of my life.
Even when l was a kid, if l brought
a sick puppy home, it bit me.
l just don't understand
why you're so angry.
Look, l tried to help you.
l even quit drinking myself
and look at the appreciation l get.
Thank you.
l know how sweet you've been, Barry.
This is what makes me feel really awful.
You know...
This is the last time
l'm gonna be a boy scout.
When Angele told me
that you were drinking...
because you were in love with me
l thought l'd try to help you.
l've done my good deed.
Angele told you that l was drinking--
l broke the most important rule in my life
for you. l got myself complicated.
Oh, yes, you did.
l've been so terribly selfish.
l wish l could pin a medal on you.
''To Barry Nichols for the sacrifices
beyond the call of duty.''
l don't want no medal.
My eye is killing me.
ANGELE: We were back in Paris...
but things had changed.
The night we opened
sybil was in very high spirits.
[Sybil whooping]
[Singing Ladies-in-Waiting by Cole Porter]
[Audience laughing]
Oh, a little dizzy spell.
They keep the theaters so warm.
-Was it ghastly?
-Well, it was different.
-Sit down over here.
-l was naughty, wasn't l?
-Maybe a cool damp cloth'll help.
-Will you two get out for a second?
l wanna talk to Sybil.
he wants to remind me
to avoid oysters and he's quite right.
Please don't scold me.
l'm not gonna scold you.
l think you better go home.
Maybe somebody there can help you.
No, you can help me, darling. Only you.
You were so sweet to me once.
-So very sweet.
You mustn't worry about me.
l'm gonna be perfectly all right, honey.
Please don't scold me.
l have to bring someone in
tomorrow morning to replace you.
l'm sorry.
What l feared had happened.
Poor Sybil had lost Barry
and had decided...
life was not worth living.
l fainted and when l recovered
she wasn't there.
She had been taken to the hospital.
And l never saw her again.
The act broke up and...
l married the only man that l ever loved...
Pierre Ducros.
We had a good life until this...
terrible book was published.
That is the truth.
That concludes my re-examination.
Sir Percy, Mr. Outward...
since both litigants under oath
have told conflicting stories...
only one of which can be true...
the other obviously perjury...
l must consider sending the evidence
to the public prosecutor.
Court is adjourned until tomorrow.
-Mrs. Ducros!
-hold it. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
hold it there, please.
Together. Over here, please.
-Smile, now.
-Another one, please.
Just one more, over here.
Thank you very much.
One more now.
-Big smile, please.
-One over here.
-hold it.
-Thank you very much.
-how do you like London?
-Thanks. very nice.
-Do you like the climate?
-very much.
-lt takes some getting used to.
-Thank you.
But she invented everything.
This scar l got from your lover
isn't invention.
Oh, Gerald, look,
must l explain that all over again?
l told a stupid lie. lt was pointless of me.
Oh, give me a drink, will you?
Would you like it in a perfume bottle?
No, l don't want a drink.
You couldn't be taken in
by that absurd story.
You know l've always had trouble
with my throat.
Sybil, l don't mind paying any sum...
for the libel damages but l wouldn't give
a brass farthing for our marriage.
''Judge warns truth or jail.''
Paper. Paper, sir?
What is your full name?
Barry Nichols.
Mr. Nichols, as a witness of the court,
kindly tell the jury...
if you are familiar
with Lady Wren's book, Les Girls.
Oh, yes. l read it on the plane trip
from California. l got in last night.
lt's quite a book.
-You are employed in California?
-California, Washington, Oregon.
l own a chain of orange-juice stands.
Then you have retired from theatricals.
No, l have a television show...
sponsored by Barry Nichols lncorporated.
Mr. Nichols, have you any knowledge
of the evidence given in court...
by Angele Ducros?
There was hardly anything else in
the morning papers. l didn't skip a word.
Now, comparing her story...
to the one related in...
Chapter Seven of Les Girls...
which, to the best of your knowledge...
is accurate and true?
Well, that's kind of hard to say,
Judge, My Lord.
hard in what way, Mr. Nichols?
Can you clarify that?
Well, there were bound to be
You see, certain things happened...
that neither of the girls
knew anything about.
Do you recall these certain things?
As though it were yesterday.
As both girls said, it was Paris
and it was spring and l had this act...
called Barry Nichols and Les Girls...
but even in a great cosmopolitan city
like Paris, l was a lonely man.
Oh, around me were some of the most
beautiful girls in the world, but...
l was no longer interested.
BARRY: Are you decent?
SYBlL: Yes, come in.
lt's a great audience tonight.
-They loved the act.
-Why not? lt's a lovable act.
-You girls going out tonight?
-Just Sybil and l.
Joy would rather go home
with an old book.
lt wouldn't hurt you two girls
to stay home once in a while...
Stay home once in a while
and read a book because....
Well, in this business
you need a lot of rest.
Dear old Dad forgets that his little girls
have blossomed into womanhood.
-Good night.
-Good night, girls.
-Good night, Joy.
-l envy you, Joy.
Well, you're so self-sufficient.
You don't need a lot of friends
or companionship or men hanging around.
lt's a great gift.
You sound as though l were hortense
the hermit, living down under a bridge.
l like companionship and l like men.
Only, the ones l meet, companionship
is not what they're looking for.
l know how you feel.
l'm kind of lonely myself tonight.
l thought, maybe we could
do something together if...
Are you gonna start that again?
-Start what?
-Look, Barry, l'm tired.
This debate ended last night.
Joy, l wish you'd thought more of yourself.
Then maybe you'd realize that a man...
can wanna be with you just to be with you.
For yourself.
For your mind.
For laughs.
You said all that last night.
-Was l all right?
-You were a perfect little gentleman.
l promise not to tell.
l know what your reputation
means to you.
-Thanks. Good night.
-l'm coming up.
-l said ''good night.''
-l know. lt's getting pretty monotonous.
Look, l told you,
l can't offer you any supper.
All l have is a few carrots and some milk.
Could you spare some salt?
What for?
l brought along my own supper.
Oh, Barry!
l wanna talk to you about something.
No kidding, it's important.
lt better be.
[Joy sniffing]
There's a loose connection
around here someplace.
Someday it's gonna blow us all up.
Light some place, will you please?
All right, Barry, what do you want
to talk about?
Books, vegetables, cauliflower...
Shakespeare, Tolstoy, l don't care.
l come up here for a sociable visit,
you act like a district attorney.
l told you l was tired.
Would it make any difference
to you if l told you...
l'm in love with you?
When a man's really in love with me,
he'll have more to say than that.
Well, what more can
a man say that...
You mean marriage?
l'm an old-fashioned girl, Barry.
l know, that's what l like about you.
But not marriage.
That's a serious step.
Not that l haven't thought about it.
But, Joy, if that's what you want,
why not?
l mean l'm all for it.
l really am, honest l am.
-Yes, Barry?
Let's do it right away.
Let's get engaged.
l suppose you believe
in long engagements?
Well, yes, to get to know
each other better.
And really make sure.
You know what l mean?
Yes, l think l do.
First let me get comfortable, huh?
What's in that green bottle?
Sauerkraut juice.
l like it.
Joy, what are you doing?
Slipping into something else.
Just a minute? l'll be right with you.
Nothing better for a dancer's feet.
Now we were talking
about our engagement.
That's right, so we were.
Would you mind pouring a little more
hot water in the basin for me, dear?
Not at all.
You know it's amazing...
lt's just amazing
how the average girl...
looks like nothing at all
without a lot of rouge...
and elaborate hairdos
and attractive clothes, but...
you, especially in this light,
you have a quality...
a glow like
a wonderful lmpressionist painting.
A painting of a dried-up old carrot.
BARRY: Some day there's going to be
a murder in this attic...
and it won't be a mystery.
[Knocking on door]
You brought help this time.
lf you wanna make trouble--
No, we have enough trouble.
We're here to ask for your help.
Why didn't you say so? here, have a drink.
-Oh, thank you very much.
-What's your problem?
Angele thinks that she has deceived me
about her career.
But l know...
We have decided our only rival
is the theater.
Yes, of course. But what can l do?
-You could dismiss them, Nichols.
-You mean fire two of my best girls?
They will be much happier.
Would you promise to look after them...
cherish and protect them
when they can no longer dance?
l'm sorry, boys, but it took me a long time
to build up this act.
You don't actually need Sybil and Angele.
You and Joy could do superbly,
just the two of you.
Do you know what a dirty trick
you're asking me to pull?
But have you ever been in love?
have l ever...
have l ever...
That iceberg...
is sinking me in mid-ocean.
l still have the theater, you know.
lt's yours if you want it.
Joy might rather like being
the most important girl in the show.
Then you will consider
dismissing the girls?
Oh, no. That's too cruel. lt's...
You have a plan?
have l a plan?
lt takes a rat to think like a rat.
Gentlemen, l give you Les Girls.
All but one.
Merci, madame.
-hello, Barry.
-hello, Joy.
l don't know why you have to go...
on sulking like a spoiled 10-year-old boy.
-Barry, what is it?
-lt's nothing, please.
[ln French] -What's wrong?
-lt's nothing.
-Twenty francs.
-Can l?
No. l'll see you at the theater.
[Playing slow instrumental music]
[Gun firing]
[Motorcycle engines revving]
[Singing Why Am l so Gone
(About that Gal)? by Cole Porter]
[Motorcycle engines revving]
Will you get me a glass of water?
There is something wrong. Tell me.
lf you just get me a glass of water
l'll be all right. Please.
-here now. Drink this.
Are you sick?
l'd rather not talk about it.
Make your change.
You're acting so strangely.
You frighten me.
Frightening you is the last thing
l wanna do, you know that.
Go on. Make your change, will you?
l guess l should've stopped dancing
the first time this happened.
What is it, Barry?
What's happened before?
Please make your change,
l don't wanna bother--
Barry, you're not bothering me.
have you seen a doctor?
-What'd they say?
-The same thing.
Now look. l don't want you to worry.
l've worried enough for all of us.
Go on, make your change.
lt's kind of ironical for someone
who likes to dance as much as l do.
Barry, is it your heart?
l don't wanna talk about it.
But if you've known about it,
why haven't you stopped dancing?
lt's my life, you know that.
Now don't get the idea
it's because l don't want you girls...
thrown out of work.
Naturally that does concern me.
l'm not a heel.
lt is your heart? lsn't it?
You've got to promise me
you won't tell the other girls.
Swear you won't tell them. Swear it.
Oh, Barry. l swear it.
lf you don't want anyone
to know your secret,
l'll keep it for you,
Barry dear.
l swear it.
The awful part about it is...
he's been working every night
against the doctor's orders.
-Oh, no.
-l'm sure it's so we won't be out of a job.
-lt's too dreadful.
-Did he say what it was?
heart, but he wouldn't admit it.
l wondered why he'd given up
drinking a few weeks ago.
-And he's been so quiet lately.
-And his hands.
Joy, l noticed, they've been trembling.
Poor, dear Barry. No onions.
There aren't many men
who'd do what he's doing.
Not one.
You should've seen his eyes,
dark pools of suffering.
What are we going to do about it?
We can't let him kill himself just for us.
Joy, he's gotta believe
he's got something to live for.
Don't say that, Sybil. l feel so guilty.
l know what l'm going to do.
Saturday l will quit.
Saturday. he's not gonna sacrifice
himself for me.
l'm proud of you.
l'm so proud of you.
We were so happy together.
Listen, tomorrow night
we'll have been together a year.
We'll give him a party and tell him then.
We'll have to make it a gay, happy party.
The last one, maybe, together.
And you must swear not
to tell him the reason.
Well, really, Joy!
Well, it don't say ''Barry Nichols.''
You are dreadful. But we love you anyway.
lt's been a happy, happy year. Thank you.
Do l need to tell you?
-Let's have some champagne.
-Yes, let's do.
A man never had three finer kids.
You hear that.
A toast just for us.
-A toast.
-Thank you.
here, Joy. That's good luck. Good luck.
-To another year.
-l'll drink to that.
-Many, many happy years, Barry.
To Les Girls.
My girls.
-Bonjour, Angele, you're very swell.
-No. That's enough.
No! ''That's enough.''
You bourgeois French!
Joy, Joy, don't be coy.
hold up your glass.
lt's all l can do to hold up my head.
lt's all you can do to hold up
your pretty little head.
Sybil, Sybil, let's not quibble. Sybil.
All Sybil wants is little
old beddy-bye. Please.
So you're throwing me out.
You should, Barry. Angele?
Before you go, there is something
Sybil and l want to tell you.
-You're gonna hate us, Barry.
The truth is...
we want to give up the theater.
-Are you kidding?
-No, Barry.
We've just lost the taste
for a career, that's all.
And age isn't kind to dancers, you know.
Of course you're...
You're right, but...
l'd give up the act if you left me.
Barry, don't make us feel like deserters.
Let us go. Please.
how about you, Joy?
lf Sybil and Angele are giving up,
l suppose l have to.
lf that's what you want
l won't stand in your way.
-Oh, Barry, you're so dear to us.
-So understanding.
-So kind.
-So sweet.
-Can you forgive us?
-Any time.
You should go now.
Oh, Barry, you're so sweet.
-So dear.
-So adorable.
-So kind.
-So understanding.
That's where we came in, girls.
Come along, Barry dear.
We do love you.
You can go to your Gerald,
but l'm not so fortunate.
Pierre is cold to me.
My Gerald. l telephoned him this morning
and he couldn't even remember my name.
Oh dear, l'm depressed again.
You didn't tell them, did you?
Oh, Barry, l gave you my word.
l'm sorry, Joy.
But one gets suspicious
when time is running out.
You must get some rest now, dear.
Joy, l know this is a silly thing
to ask but...
would you mind seeing me home?
l'm a little shaky over all this.
Of course, dear.
-Would you like to lean on me?
l'll go out on my own two feet.
All those pictures of me.
Yes, you're always with me.
l'm touched.
-Barry, let me do that, please.
-Thank you.
May l get your robe for you? ln here?
Please don't. l hate to be a bother.
You're such a sweet kid.
Get some sleep now, Barry.
Good night.
[Barry groaning]
-Good night.
-Don't go. Just for a minute.
Well, just for a minute.
Where'd you get that dress?
l bought it for your party.
-how do you like that?
-l wanted to look especially nice for you.
-lt's beautiful.
-Thank you.
What is it? ls it silk?
No. Peau d'ange.
Peau d'ange. Angel skin.
lt sure feels like it.
-lt cost a fortune.
-Not much back to it.
With this kind of a dress,
you're paying for what they leave out.
You smell good.
Oh, no, we mustn't.
You mustn't get excited.
A little excitement's not gonna do me
any harm.
No, l'm responsible.
Tell me, who cleans up for you here?
Who cares?
Remember what the doctor told you?
The doctor told me not to dance.
l'm not gonna dance.
You mustn't exert yourself.
-You know that.
-Then stand still!
Don't make me run around tables.
lf you don't sit down and be calm,
l'm going.
Okay. Let me die if l want to.
Now, that's better.
You really don't know what's good for you.
l know what's good for me.
You don't know what's good for me.
You're making a wreck out of me.
-Would you like some water?
-You wanna soak your feet?
-Please don't be cross with me.
l'm being strong for your sake.
Joy, l wanna confess something.
-Swear not to tell.
-haven't l proved you can trust me?
All right, look,
there's nothin' wrong with me.
l'm putting on an act.
Nothing wrong with you?
You made all that up?
Joy, are you sorry l'm not dying?
l only did it for Pierre and Gerald.
And the girls and ourselves, Joy.
And you swore me to secrecy
knowing l'd tell.
-Don't get excited.
-Don't you tell me not to get excited!
Of all the low contemptible tricks...
Where's your sense of humor?
l was only playing cupid.
Cupid? You?
-You dirty old fake.
-Joy, remember my heart.
-Your heart? ha, your heart!
-Joy, remember you're a lady.
When l think of what
l paid for this dress...
Joy, please.
Please, Joy, because if l...
Joy! Wait! Please.
Joy, l wanna tell you that l love you.
l can't live without you!
l love you.
l love you!
Joy, l love you! Do you hear me?
Everyone in Paris can hear you. Go home.
l wanna see you. l wanna apologize.
l'm gonna stay here all night
until you answer me! l'll yell all night.
l love you.
You Americans. ln the name of peace,
go up and tell her quietly.
Let decent people sleep.
Joy, please.
That's what happened.
Both girls were lying on the floor
unconscious, overcome by gas.
-Both of them?
-Both of them.
We got them to the hospital
and they recovered.
But we never got together again.
That was the end of Les Girls.
Mr. Nichols do you mean
to tell this court...
that both of these ladies
attempted suicide?
Why, no, sir.
Neither of them attempted suicide.
-Neither. lt was an accident.
You see, the connection on that
old heater was always coming loose.
When the girls recovered
they never saw each other again so...
naturally they each thought
the other had turned on the gas.
And that is the truth?
Your Lordship, l'm under oath.
Thank you, Mr. Nichols, that will be all.
ln view of what we have just heard...
the counsel may wish to reconsider
their course of action.
Madam Ducros came into court
to protect her reputation...
not for monetary consideration.
l don't think that my learned friend
can strenuously object...
if l move for withdrawal of this case.
The Defense does not object, My Lord.
Members of the jury, it seems that you
will no longer be troubled with this case.
Thank you. You are excused.
-What a beastly trick.
-But darling, l loved you.
-l wanted you.
-Look, now don't speak to me.
-You've ruined my career.
-But, Sybil--
Don't speak to me!
Forgive me, little angel.
l shall never deceive you again.
Now, we will be sued.
Oh, darling.
-l was a fool!
-l was the fool.
No, l hate myself.
-Darling, my darling.
-Oh, poor pussycat.
l was sitting in the back of the courtroom.
-You were very good.
-Well, thank you, Mrs. Nichols.
l did what anyone
should do in a court of law.
l told the truth.
Don't you believe that?
Barry, we came to save their marriages,
ours was fine.
What do you mean ''was''?
Sybil and Angele couldn't have invented
those stories completely.
There must've been some truth
in what they had to say.
-l remember. l can think right...
-here we go again.