Les Miserables (1952)

Before we proceed...
will the accused explain
the presence of this family in the court?
They're the children of my friend,
Monsieur le Prsident.
Their mother gave me shelter
while I looked for work.
- Yes, well, get on with it.
- I'm sorry.
It's just that...
I knew how hungry they were.
When I saw them standing there,
looking at all that bread-
- They were starving, monsieur.
- Then you admit to the theft.
Yes, I do.
- I would have-
- The sentence is 1 0 years.
Ten years? It can't be.
You don't understand, monsieur.
Clear the court.
Bring in the next case.
Remove the evidence.
[ Lashes Landing ]
[ Thunderclap ]
[ Bangs ]
Double the beat to port, sir.
We're going on the rocks!
We're going on the rocks!
Double the beat to port!
[ Gong Banging ]
Back the port oars!
Back the port oars!
Back the port oars!
- [ Gong Resumes Banging ]
- Three!
- We're going to wreck! We'll sink!
- Good! Then we'll get some rest!
Be quiet and pull your weight.
We're going to hit!
[ Men Shouting ]
- [ Groans ]
- Take off the chains!
We're sinking!
Unchain us!
[ Shouting Continues ]
[ Screaming ]
[ All Shouting, Screaming ]
Get those men back on the benches!
[ Officer ]
Guard.! Lift this beam up.!
- They'll never lift it.
- We need a jack.!
Jean, get down there.
That beam will crush him.
He's better dead.
I spend years educating this beast.
I teach him to read and write.
Now he answers me like this.
Get down.
Get down!
Stand aside. Stand aside.
We'll get it, Lieutenant.
[ Grunting ]
Pull that man
out from under there!
- He's badly hurt, Lieutenant.
- Take his collar off. Can't you see the man's dying?
Take him aft.
Give him every comfort.
But don't touch the collar.
Regulations, LieutenantJavert?
Number 57 6, to be specific.
- He may die.
- No.
Not regulation.
- They provide for everything.
- So they do!
Even to the number of lashes,
for instance.
Man that oar, Valjean.
[ Wood Creaking ]
Man your oars!
We're sliding off!
Man your oars!
[ Banging Resumes ]
[ Man ]
No.! No.! No, Genflou.!
I didn't mean it.! Please, Genflou.!
Oh, don't, Genflou.!
- [ Genflou ] You misbegotten...
- [ Man Gagging ]
- son of Satan!
- Genflou!
So, one beating a day
is not enough.
- Attacking a fellow convict?
- It was a joke. Only a joke, Lieutenant.
Brevet didn't think so.
Did you, Brevet?
It was a joke, Lieutenant.
Yes, Lieutenant.
- I don't think so. Get back to work.
- Yes, sir.
And you- 1 0 lashes!
- Stay out,Jean.
- You don't seem to have
enough work to do, Valjean.
Be careful,Jean. He's trying to trick you.
You've only three more weeks.
I have no wish to shorten
or prolong the sentence.
My duty is to see
that he violates no rules.
You have, for which
you will receive 1 0 lashes.
Now get back to work.
Your father would not
have approved of this.
What has my father
got to do with it?
I happen to know that the old man who died
chained to the bench next to me...
was the lieutenant's father.
He was a fine man,
a good companion.
He was a fool, like you
and every other criminal.
He thought the laws
were made for someone else.
And if, as you say,
you knew him...
then you know I was born over there,
in the women's ward.
I was raised by the law,
and I know something of it.
It's hard, but it's wise andjust.
There can be
no compromise with it.
I only thought you might-
You thought to use
your knowledge against me.
That was not very clever.
Consider yourself lucky
I don't double your punishment.
Now get back to your work.
[ Panting ]
Did you change his mind?
Jean, I have something
to add to your education.
- Shall I write?
- No.
This is for your memory.
In the mountains,
which were once my home...
there is superstition that
in the litters of wolves...
is sometimes born a dog.
Since he would know too much
of the ways of wolves...
the mother wolf
destroys him instantly.
But once in a while,
such a dog grows to maturity.
It is then my people say...
''Let the wolves beware.''
[ Metal Clanking ]
Jean Valjean, thief, number 1 082.
Sentenced to 1 0 years.
Be paroled May 8 of this year.
All right, make your mark there.
Make your mark.
You're assigned to Orlans District.
Proceed there immediately
and report to police headquarters.
Thereafter, report once a month.
Failure to do so means you will be
taken and sent back here for life.
You understand?
This is marked yellow!
It's yellow, he says.
Pay him.
Hmm. Learned to write
while you were here.
- Well, you can thank the king for an education.
- Not yet.
- Hmm?
- I also learned to count. Eleven francs short.
- Thirty-three francs.
- Forty-four.
- Thirty-three!
- 3,653 days! You think I've forgotten any of them?
- A lot of them. Sundays.
- I worked Sundays!
A day of rest. State regulation.
Move on.
- Pay him the rest of his money.
- But it's not customary-
Pay him!
I know the regulations.
I'll deal with you later.
- Thank you, sir.
- And you!
Come here.
Stand to attention
when you address a police officer.
Now get out.
[ Clerk ]
Boulgeral, thief-
[ Children Chattering, Laughing ]
[ Barking ]
Children. Please, children.
Leave me alone. Leave me alone.
[ Chattering, Laughing Continue ]
Your identity card, convict.
The mark of the collar
is still on your neck.
Don't linger here, convict.
Move on.
[ Wagon Approaching ]
[ Thunder Rumbling ]
[ Bell Tolling ]
- Will supper be ready soon?
- We will not serve you.
- Why?
- You're a convict. Get out.
I don't ask to eat with your guests.
I'll eat with the dogs, sleep in the stable.
- I-I have money.
- Convict money.
- I worked 1 0 years for it.
- I will not feed you. Get out.
You will feed me.
- Corporal. Corporal!
- [ Barking ]
- Fat pig!
- Ohh!
- Marco! Get him!
- [ Dogs Barking ]
[ Chattering, Indistinct ]
[ Barking Continues ]
[ Crowd Shouting ]
And it's a wonder anything gets done around here
at all, sending me across town at this hour.
After all, it was a christening,
and they do expect something from the bishop.
They all expect something
from the bishop.
But he didn't have to
give away half our dinner.
Let me stay. A few minutes, and I'll go.
Only a few minutes.
Twelve leagues I've walked today
through four towns...
and everywhere
they set the dogs on me.
I ask for food, they'll not give me any.
I say I can pay, they turn me out.
I even asked to stay in the prison,
and the jailer turned me away.
Set another place, please,
Madame Magloire.
You don't understand.
I'm a released convict, a galley slave.
My name is Jean Valjean,
number 1 -0-
We should be happy
if you will join us for supper, sir.
Is this an inn?
- I tell you, I can pay. I have money.
- There is no need.
- I am a priest.
- A priest?
Of course.
I should have seen.
You'll give me food, cur, and perhaps
you'll not want my money, priest.
This is Mademoiselle Courbet,
my sister.
And this is Madame Magloire,
my housekeeper.
- You'll join us, monsieur?
- If you'll give me food, I'll eat from the yard.
Would you prefer that,
Monsieur Valjean?
- This is your home.
- This is church property.
The church belongs to its people.
We would be honored
by your presence.
Ah. I'm afraid you will find our meal
a very slight one.
But the good Madame Magloire gave part
of our dinner to a deserving parishioner.
[ Clearing Throat ]
[ Praying In Latin ]
- [ Prayer Concludes ]
- Amen.
Madame Magloire!
We have a guest.
Aren't we missing something?
Forgive me, sir, but we have
so few opportunities for social life here...
that whenever we are
honored by a visitor...
I feel I must show you
all our fine things.
Thank you.
We lack candles, madame.
They are silver, sir.
A gift to me from the sisters of
the Convent of the Child Mary, near Paris.
Convent of the Child Mary can well
afford them after all you've done for them.
The Convent of the Child Mary
trains young ladies...
to be gracious women.
A rare commodity, sir.
Madame Magloire has a feeling
that the world is full of thieves...
all anxious to steal our silver.
I'm a thief.
I spent 1 0 years in the galleys
for stealing a loaf of bread.
They did you a great wrong.
Madame Magloire, after dinner...
will you please put covers
on the bed in the alcove?
I'm sure our guest is tired
and would like to stay the night.
A glass of wine, sir?
[ Valjean ]
You're a fool, cur.
I'm a released convict with the state's
few measly francs in my pocket.
Yet you give me food
and a bed in your house.
What prevents me from strangling you in your
sleep and making off with your treasures?
[ Laughing ]
It works both ways, my son.
What is to prevent me
from- from-
Oh, well,
I'd have to find another way.
Eh, but you wouldn't do it.
Why not?
Because at heart you are a good man,
as are all other men.
The good was beaten out of me
many years ago.
Unless I forget,
they gave me that-yellow.
Released convict.
Dangerous man.
It was only fear that
made them do it, Valjean.
These are unsettled times,
and fear is everywhere.
It leads to bitterness, hatred,
the setting of dogs on one another.
But do not forget
that in each of us lies the seed...
that can conquer all this.
Yes, even in the most evil of men,
my son, there is some good.
[ Chuckles ]
It is true.
And don't let your own fear of it
blind you to it.
No, look for it
and you will find it-
[ Chuckles ]
But I am preaching.
And you are tired.
There. It's a hard bed, but I trust
you will find some comfort in it.
I slept 1 0 years on a rowing bench.
There are free men
who nightly sleep on the damp earth.
Never try to exchange your troubles, my son.
You will not like those of others.
Good rest to you.
[ Humming ]
Really, Madame Magloire,
I'm sure he meant no rudeness.
Whether he meant it or not,
he was.
He ate your dinner,
he slept under your roof...
and then he sneaked off
without so much as a ''by your leave.''
Well, he may have been a man
who liked quiet in the morning.
- Huh?
- I said, he might have been
in a hurry to be on his way.
Not in such a hurry that he didn't take
the last piece of chicken!
- Oh, I think we can afford it.
- See?
That's a silver basket?
Yes, it is.
- Where's the silver?
- I haven't the faintest idea.
- [ Knock On Door ]
- Come in.
What's the trouble, Corporal?
I recognized them immediately
as yours, Your Eminence.
- He didn't get far with them.
- Everything gone but-
- It's him! H-He-
- Quiet, Madame Magloire.
Such stupidity, Mr. Valjean.
I told you these would bring
much more than the plates.
I fear you won't go far
if you are that forgetful.
[ Corporal ]
You can be sure he won't, sir.
What are you holding him for,
Holding him for? He's a thief,
a former convict. He stole your silver.
Who said so?
These are a gift from me to him.
Didn't he tell you that?
- Certainly, but he's-
- Well, then release him.
I am a bishop of the church.
Do you presume to doubt me, Corporal?
You gave them to him,
Your Eminence.
There is also the matter of his creating
a disturbance at the inn last night.
Well, if this is a charge, you had better
arrest most of the men in town...
including yourself.
You have our permission
to withdraw, Corporal.
You a- a bishop?
The church is infallible on matters
of faith and doctrine, not men, Valjean.
And you're letting me go?
You're not sending me back to the galleys?
No, my son.
And this time take these, freely.
And use them wisely, so that you may
never have to go to the galleys again.
- But I-
- No, no. I should thank you.
It is the giver who receives
the benefit of a gift, my son.
It is he whose soul
is exalted and gratified...
because he feels he has done
something generous and noble...
that sets him above other men.
- Do you understand that, Valjean?
- No.
Well, then let us say that I have
done this to gratify myself...
by proving a point...
and that in future you will not
look upon all men with suspicion.
It may be that these
material treasures...
will lead to those of the spirit...
and you will one day
understand their true value.
Do you understand that?
- I don't know.
- Well-
Monsieur Valjean,
my brother's a very good man...
and he's giving you excellent advice-
take the silver.
But if you wish to keep it
in this practical world...
it would be wise if
you replaced those rags...
and also removed
that unsightly beard.
Unlike my brother, the police seldom
look for spiritual values.
[ Groans ]
I have been told that
to grow potatoes...
is more practical
and less dangerous.
But beauty has its place,
even in these times.
- [ Praying In Latin ]
- I'm not a religious man.
Few of us are.
[ Prayer Continues ]
[ Dog Barking ]
Do you buy silver?
Oh, yes, sir.
Won't you come in?
Mmm, these are very fine. Let me
weigh them, and I will make you a price.
I can give you 408 francs.
Yeah. Satisfactory.
- And now these-
- A moment, sir. I've decided not to sell those.
- [ Man Shouting ] Runaway.! Runaway.!
- But you said-
[ Boy Screaming ]
Help! Help!
George! George! My boy!
- [ Dogs Barking ]
- [ Onlookers Chattering ]
[ Horses Whinny ]
- Bravo, monsieur! Bravo!
- [ All Chattering ]
- Anything we can do?
- No. I'm perfectly all right.
Just a chance to catch my breath.
- [ All Chattering, Shouting ]
- We are grateful to you!
You are a good man
to save the boy's life, sir.
- Out of the way. Stand aside, please.
- Monsieur, you're a brave man.
Rest here, sir.
I'll see you're not disturbed.
Back to your tables, gentlemen.
- May I get you something?
- If I could just sit here for a minute.
Certainly, sir.
Monsieur, I do not know what to say,
how to thank you.
You have saved my grandson's life.
- The worst, he might have had a bad fall.
- You are too modest.
And you must allow me
to do some favor in return.
Your name, sir.
I must know your name.
It is Madeleine, monsieur. It's Madeleine.
And you owe me no favor-
But, Monsieur Madeleine, please, you must.
Your clothes-At least let me-
It's nothing.
Just some dirt, monsieur.
-Please, monsieur, I must be in Orlans tomorrow-
- Orlans?
But that is perfect.
I'm returning there myself within the hour.
You must allow me to drive you.
I will not take ''no'' for an answer. It is agreed?
It is agreed.
He will go with us,Jacques.
You are a fellow citizen,
Monsieur Madeleine?
- I do not recall the name.
- Why, I was on my way there
to look for work, monsieur.
Then I could ask for nothing better.
I am not without influence
in Orlans.
What is your line of work, monsieur?
I'm a... potter, monsieur.
I too.
That is one of my shops.
Nothing, I assure you,
to my factory in Orlans.
As a matter of fact,
I had come here to arrange its sale.
But, come, come.
It will interest you.
I have some matters to dispose of
before we depart. Come.
- Were I not a loyal citizen, I-
- Monsieur! Monsieur!
Your money, monsieur- 408 francs.
And your candlesticks.
You will not consider selling them?
- No. No, I'm sorry, monsieur, but no.
- As you wish, monsieur.
I was about to say, but were I not
a loyal citizen of Orlans, I would stay away-
a violent, dirty place, sir.
This town would suit you
far better.
But I have business in Orlans.
Look around.
See what you think of our product.
We'll leave as soon
as I complete some papers.
- You wish something, monsieur?
- Only to look at your shop.
- You're interested in buying, perhaps?
- No.
- But you've formed an opinion of our little shop.
- The product is poor.
Well, now that you've expressed an opinion
and bothered my men, perhaps you'll wait outside.
- Why, no, monsieur.
- I think so.
So be it.
Uh, monsieur, a-a question.
Why is it that one piece is thick
and another thin?
- One piece is well glazed, another not.
- It is always so.
- Each man has a different skill.
- And the product has always been bad.
- True.
- Why not let each man do what he's best at?
- The best potter turn, the best glazer glaze-
- No, no, monsieur.
Our artisans have always-
Perhaps you're right.
How did you-
- I'm a man with brains, which I use.
- You could be a potter.
If you were a man of means
as well as brains...
I would suggest you buy the shop
and try your ideas.
Now, run along,Jacques.
Tell Pierre we're ready to go.
Sorry to take so long, monsieur...
but if we are to reach Orlans tonight,
we must start.
I-I've decided to take your advice
and remain in this pleasant town, sir.
- Oh?
- And there's a little business
I'd like to discuss with you.
Well, I'm delighted! Delighted.
Come along, monsieur.
[ Man ] It's this very pattern that has made us
famous throughout all of France.
Our factory
is the finest in the district...
our town the most prosperous.
My friends, the time is now.
Hear! Hear!
- Well, Robert?
- Well what?
Well, we thought you would,
uh, ask him to sign.
[ Sniffs ] I might have known
the wine wasn't entirely free.
- [ All Laughing ]
- Why don't you ask him yourselves?
- Well-
- Robert.
You know how Monsieur Madeleine
dislikes any kind of display.
His good works, his charity-
he doesn't want to hear about them.
We were afraid we might
embarrass him, Robert.
- I think you're just afraid of him.
- [ All Laughing ]
Please, Robert.
You are his friend. Persuade him.
Without his agreement,
we are nothing.
All right.
But I think you all
ought to be back in the nursery.
[ All Laughing ]
Bills, bills.
Money seems to go
one way, Rene- out.
But there are several overdue accounts,
Monsieur Madeleine.
- If you would allow me to press-
- They'll pay in good time, Rene.
- What else?
- Well, there's the draft
to the Convent of the Child Mary.
But I thought at the moment,
as we were low on cash-
- I didn't think a few days would make any-
- We're in excellent shape.
But even if we were not-
- Every month. Yes, Monsieur Madeleine.
- [ Door Opens ]
Am I interrupting?
When I'm busy,
there's nothing I like better than interruptions.
All right, Rene.
[ Sighs ]
What now?
We're to petition the king
in regards to the charter of the city.
The council respectfully
requests you to sign it.
City, eh?
We're coming up in the world.
So it would seem.
It's ridiculous, Robert.
To make me mayor?
Why, it's impossible.
- Have to ask somebody else.
- But why?
Because I couldn't do it.
- What do they want me for?
- Who else would they get?
There aren't more than 20 people
in the town...
who don't depend on this factory
for their existence.
And six years ago
it was a mud hole.
- Six years.
What do they know about me before that?
- What difference does it make?
- They know who you are now.
- It makes a difference to me, Robert.
- It doesn't to me.
- You've only known me for six years.
- How do you know what I was before?
- Why should I care?
Robert, I'm going to
show you something...
something I've never
shown anyone before.
You don't have to.
You knew about this?
You remember when you first came to this shop
and bested me in a trial of strength?
I saw the marks of the collar
on your neck then.
- Well, then?
- That's years ago. It's all forgotten now.
Not by me.
You see that? Orlans. I never re-
I never reported.
It's not just that I'm an ex-convict.
I'm a parole violator.
Any day, any night,
they can take me and send me back.
- This time it'll be for life.
- Which they haven't done.
You've been here for six years,
you've never hidden.
Do you think anyone would recognize you
as the man who came here six years ago?
I wouldn't even
recognize you myself.
Robert, you're
the most cheerful liar I've ever seen.
All right, I am.
But you've been living
with these thoughts now for years.
Would they be any worse
if you were mayor?
Besides which, it'll give you something
to talk about if they do take you back.
You make it sound almost cheerful.
I must think about it, Robert.
Tell the council I'll consider it.
[ Door Opens, Closes ]
- ## [ March ]
- [ Cheering, Chattering ]
Is Monsieur Madeleine
your new mayor?
[ Man ]
Our first mayor.
That's his pottery over there, isn't it?
Indeed,yes, monsieur.
- [ Door Opens ]
- Yes, Rene?
Just because they're officials, some people
think you have nothing to do but receive them.
- Who is it?
- He wouldn't give me his name.
Just insisted he see the mayor personally.
I see. Well, he probably didn't realize
our importance. Let him come in, Rene.
Yes, monsieur.
InspectorJavert, monsieur.
Assigned directly to this city
by the commissioner in Paris.
The state police are highly efficient.
The king saw fit to charter us
as a city only three days ago.
In troubled times,
it is the duty of the police...
to be particularly efficient,
Monsieur le Maire.
- Yes, I suppose so, Inspector-
Ah, yes, here it is.
Born, Marseilles.
Entered police service, Marseilles.
The galleys, I presume.
Yes, sir. My work there
led to this promotion.
So I see.
Your record is excellent.
Police work is my life,
Monsieur le Maire.
- I pride myself on being a good officer.
- That's very good.
Only I'm afraid you'll get
little practice here, InspectorJavert.
- We're a quiet town.
- I have heard this.
Yet there is crime
everywhere, monsieur.
And filth also,
if one looks hard enough.
I am sworn only to uphold
the laws of France.
And I shall be delighted to assist you.
I only suggest that you do not look for evil
where none exists.
If I did that, sir, I should be guilty
of personal immorality...
and I would resign.
Then we understand each other.
- I trust we shall work well together, Inspector.
- Thank you.
I will try to bother you
as little as possible.
- Good day, Inspector.
- Good day.
[ People Laughing, Chattering, Faint ]
- Button that tunic!
-Just checking the lock, sir.
Get back on patrol.
Yes, sir.
[ Chattering Continues ]
- Is anything wrong?
- I'm a gloomy drinking partner tonight, Robert.
- They're better without me.
- Monsieur le Maire.
- M- Monsieur le Maire?
- Come on.
Monsieur le Maire. Monsieur le Maire.
You did not-
- You did not have the drink with me.
- Tomorrow, possibly.
- Come on back in here.
- Let me alone!
[ Muttering ]
[ Door Closes ]
[ Spits ]
[ Man ]
Nobody drinks with me.
- Hello, petite.
- Please, monsieur, let me pass.
- You- You know me, Fantine.
- Only too well. Let me pass.
- Pretty fancy tonight, aren't we?
- Let me pass.!
Certainly, Countess.
One moment, little alley cat!
[ Laughing ]
Let go, you country lout!
- Let me go!
- [ Laughing ]
- Country lout, let me go!
- [ Chattering ]
Stop that!
- Take her in charge!
- Please, Inspector-
Lock her up!
I-I-I swear to you,
I was not to blame, MonsieurJavert.
You must believe me.
I-I lost my temper.
Where is he now?
Why isn't he here?
I'll ask his pardon.
Please, monsieur, he knows me.
He knows I meant him no harm.
It was only that-
[ Coughing ]
Monsieur, you must hear me.
I'm ill.
I-I should be home in bed.
I have a fever.
Look at me, MonsieurJavert.
I am ill.
Can't you see?
They will care for you in prison.
Please. Please, MonsieurJavert,
you must hear me.
I-I will tell you everything.
I have a child.
She is kept for me
by an innkeeper and his wife.
But I must pay for her.
More and more, they make me pay.
If I don't pay,
they will throw her out into the streets.
Don't you understand?
If I don't pay, she will starve!
Take her away.
Oh, no, no. Please, monsieur.
You must listen to me!
My child! My Cosette!
- [ Crying ]
- Wait!
Monsieur. Monsieur, you've changed your mind.
You will let me go?
Monsieur le Maire,
my office is honored.
Monsieur le Maire.
He- He's the cause of all my trouble.
I dare you to deny to MonsieurJavert
that those gossiping cats in your factory...
had me discharged
when they found out I had a child.
I worked in his factory when I first came from Paris.
Every sou I made went for Cosette's care.
I worked hard!
I minded my own business!
- I knew nothing of this.
- You lie! I'm on the streets because of you.
Silence, woman!
You're talking to Monsieur le Maire.
Monsieur le Maire. Monsieur le Maire.
I spit on Monsieur le Maire.!
- Get her out of here!
- Wait. What will you do with her, Inspector?
Have no fear. For disturbing the peace,
she will be sentenced to six months.
- Six months?
- And for the insult to your person-
- Forget the insult to my person.
- Very well. But there is the other charge.
- The woman is obviously ill.
- She will be treated in the prison hospital.
- She is not going to prison.
- You misunderstand.
This woman has violated the curfew
and disturbed the peace...
by attacking a citizen of the town.
The man was drunk
and a notorious rake.
Had she not been on the streets,
the incident would not have occurred.
- She will serve six months.
- She will not serve one single day.
Apparently, you do not understand.
This is a matter of law.
- This is a matter of justice-
- They're one and the same.
This is a police matter,
and I am chief of the district.
- I detained this woman.
- This is a matter for the commune
of which I'm a magistrate.
I say the woman goes free.
Release her.
As you wish.
- Come.
- MonsieurJavert.
- I- I will not go to prison?
- No.
I cannot undo what happened to you
at my factory...
but I can see that you're cared for.
If you tell me where your child is,
I'll bring her to you.
You will bring Cosette to me?
I will bring her to you.
Good night, Inspector.
Good night, Monsieur le Maire.
Oh! I'm sorry, monsieur, but the shoes-
I am not used to them.
They're a nuisance anyway,
except on rainy days.
- [ Knocking ]
- Come in.
Madame Fantine, you have guests.
Monsieur Madeleine,
I- I did not know you were coming.
M-My hair is-
This is Cosette.
But, monsieur, you're mistaken.
This is not my child.
She's lovely,
but- but Cosette- Cosette was-
That was six years ago, Fantine.
Your little girl is no longer a child.
[ Gasps, Sobbing ]
[ Crying ]
[ Crying Continues ]
Don't cry, Mama.
Don't cry.
Let me cry a little...
for all the years we were apart.
You did not tell me
she was so beautiful, monsieur.
No, I... suppose I-
is my mother going to die?
- Why do you ask that?
- Is she?
We said last night that everyone
must always tell the truth, didn't we?
Then I must tell you
that I- I think she will.
She's had a hard
and unhappy life, Cosette.
She'll be happier wherever she is...
and she'll be happier knowing
that you are safe and well.
Does your mother know
she's going to die, Cosette?
I think so, monsieur.
When you see her tomorrow, tell her
I'll do my best to raise you as a good father...
stand between you and all harm.
Let's make her as happy as we can
and not think about dying on such a morning.
- Agreed?
- Agreed.
Well, an unexpected pleasure, Inspector.
- I thought to see you in your office.
- Well, I'm here.
-Join me?
- Well, only for a moment.
- I, uh- I'm rather pressed for time.
- Oh.
I'm afraid I won't be able to
attend the council meeting.
- I'm on my way to Arras.
- We shall miss you, Inspector.
But police business, of course.
A case of theft.
The man was taken stealing apples.
A very serious crime, Inspector.
Were it only that,
there'd be no need for me to go.
there is a question of identity.
The man is believed to have been in my charge
in the galleys at Marseilles.
[ Chuckles ]
If it is the same man...
he's also a parole violator.
A parole violator, you say?
- And you are to establish his identity.
- And to corroborate.
When he was taken,
a trustee named Brevet...
thought he recognized him
as a man who pulled an oar beside him.
A man named, uh,Jean Valjean.
We've been looking for this man
for six years...
ever since he failed
to report in Orlans.
It's strange that he should again
be taken for theft.
Oh, but I'm boring you, monsieur.
Not at all, Inspector.
Do you think you can recognize the man
after all these years?
Names and faces are my profession.
If it is the man, I'll know.
I see.
I'm holding you, Inspector.
Good journey to you.
Thank you.
Oh, and, uh, again my apologies...
for missing the meeting.
Good day.
And it is our contention that this man
is not Champmathieu...
butJean Valjean...
and therefore not only a thief...
but an ex-convict
of a most violent nature.
Defense counsel.
The prosecution has presented its case
most admirably.
The burden of proof
is on the prosecution.
Defense rests.
Have you anything to add
to your defense?
Have you anything
to say, prisoner?
Me? Yeah, yeah.
I have something to say.
I- Um- Eh-
- I've forgotten.
- [ Spectators Laughing ]
Prisoner, pay attention.!
Do you deny that you are
Jean Valjean...
born in Faverolles...
that you served 1 0 years in the galleys
for a previous theft...
and that you have violated your parole
for the past six years?
Do you deny
that you are a thief, prisoner?
If the court pleases,
this man will not answer me.
Yeah, yeah.
I have this to say.
Th-That one,
he's a wicked man, eh?
- [ Spectators Laughing ]
- T-Tells lies about me.
[ Laughing Continues ]
Lies, yeah. Why-
Why do you call me thief?
I never stole anything.
I was walking along after the rain.
I found a branch on the ground
with-with apples.
- [ Laughing ]
- A-Apples.
I don't get something
to eat every day.
Y-You call meJean Valjean?
I don't know anyJean Valjean.
I am Champmathieu.
Champmathieu. Yeah.
[ Spectators Murmuring ]
When I was small,
they called me ''little one.''
- Now- Now they call me ''old man.'' Old man.
- [ Spectators Chuckling ]
I'm not old.
[ Laughing ]
Wh-Why do you all hate me?
I- I only want to walk the roads.
Wh-Why do you stone me
and set the dogs on me?
Why-Why do you call me
Jean Valjean?
I-I'm only Champmathieu.
Champ- Champ-
The court has heard
the prisoner's brilliant exposition.
- [ Laughing ]
- It is obvious that he is trying to pass as an idiot.
But he will not succeed.
We warn him.
Will it please the court
to call the State's witnesses?
Uh, bring in the, uh, witnesses.
Uh, Police InspectorJavert.
Monsieur le Prsident...
I should like to request
that my testimony be delayed...
until the other witnesses
have examined the prisoner.
This man may spend the rest
of his life in the galleys.
And as a police officer...
[ Chuckles ]
I feel I might, uh, prejudice...
or influence...
the viewpoint...
of these other witnesses.
[ Monsieur le Prsident ]
Very commendable, Inspector.
You may be excused.
[ Chuckles ]
Brevet, you are a convict
and cannot be sworn.
But the court appeals to the honor which
it feels is present even in a degraded man.
Will you examine this man closely?
[ Laughing ]
Jean theJack.
Well, Brevet, can you identify him?
I can. He is Jean Valjean,
who sat beside me in the galleys.
- [ Spectators Murmuring ]
- Cochespaille.
Will you inspect the prisoner?
There is no need.
I would know him anywhere.
He is Jean Valjean.
And you, Genflou?
Light is dim,
Monsieur le Prsident.
Will you inspect him closer?
Jean, is it you?
I can tell them it's not.
If the court please-
- Who disturbs the court?
- Monsieur Madeleine, the mayor of Morvin.
Ah, Monsieur Madeleine,
the court is honored.
- Do you wish to speak in this case?
- If the court please.
You, Genflou.
Do you recognize me?
The court must release that man.
He has told the truth.
I am Jean Valjean.
- You fool.
- Order! Order!
Monsieur Madeleine,
the court cannot understand this.
He's crazy.
That's Jean Valjean.
Cochespaille, there is a burn on your right shoulder
where you tried to efface a number.
And you, Brevet,
you used to wear a gold earring.
It's no longer there,
but the ear is still pierced.
Now, Genflou, do you recognize me?
- No.
- Genflou.
That poor wretch could join you
in the galleys for life!
He's already an idiot.
What difference does it make?
He's a man, a free man, Genflou,
and he's innocent. You know he is.
Have they beaten all the pity out of you,
that you can do this?
I don't want your loyalty, Genflou.
Tell the court who I am!
If this is what you want...
you areJean Valjean.
All right?
[ Spectators Murmuring ]
I think there is
no further proof needed.
As there is no warrant for me, I will await
the disposition of the court at my home.
Monsieur le Prsident,
this is fantastic!
It is impossible for me to believe...
that any man in his right mind
would thus jeopardize his liberty.
I demand that Monsieur Madeleine
be examined by a physician.
There is no need.
I am not insane.
What I have done here I've done
with the full realization of the consequences.
Until today, I thought I was concealed
behind the name of Madeleine.
But it was not to be.
The galleys make the convict,
Monsieur le Prsident.
And even the name and the position
of Monsieur Madeleine...
had their beginnings in thievery.
The theft of some silver
from an old man.
I cannot rail against fate.
When I think what I might
have done to that poor wretch...
I know that I'm to be envied...
rather than pitied.
Although, I can wish
that all this had never occurred.
If the court will excuse me.
- Order. Order. Order.! The witnesses are excused.
- [ Gavel Rapping ]
[ Valjean ]
Fantine, please understand me.
Cosette will be cared for all her life.
Do you hear me?
Fantine, do you hear me?
She's very ill, monsieur.
Perhaps in the morning.
- This is most urgent.
- Cosette.
Yes. Cosette.
Robert will care for her.
- Robert?
- Yes.
I must go away.
But- But you promised.
I know.
I've provided for her.
He's come to take me.
Oh, please, Monsieur Madeleine,
don't let him take me!
- There is no Monsieur Madeleine.
-Javert, please don't!
There is only
the ex-convictJean Valjean.
I have an order for his arrest.
But this-
this is Monsieur Madeleine.
You're lying.
Tell me you're Monsieur Madeleine!
Tell me he's lying!
She's gone.
You couldn't even
let her die in peace.
I have an order-
[ Gagging ]
Serve your orders,Javert!
Everything is signed over to you.
Dispose of the factory
and make your way to England.
If I can, I'll contact you in London,
and we'll operate through our agents there.
- Here's your authority.
- And Cosette?
Tell her the truth about me
and why I couldn't see her.
- But England- Shall I take her?
- No, no.
Take her to Paris,
to the Convent of the Child Mary.
The sisters will care for her
for the sake of Monsieur Madeleine.
Tell her-Tell her
I'll always be close to her.
Tell her to keep these for me.
Tell her they're very dear to me.
- I'll go through the back and down the river.
- In the name of heaven-
Rest assured,
I'll do nothing foolish.
Stay where you are.!
Search every room.
You're a little late, Inspector.
Oh, you think so?
For the police, it is never too late.
If he's escaped us tonight,
then what of tomorrow?
Or next week?
Or next year?
We are patient men, Robert...
and there is no escape.
[ Bells Pealing ]
[ Women Singing Hymn ]
- Mother Marie?
- Well?
I thought possibly-
Cosette's examination, did she-
I- I declare!
Every year it's the same.
''Did she pass? Did she pass?''
You'd think you were taking
the examination yourself.
Yes. You know the rules
as well as we do.
No marks can be discussed
till they're posted.
- You'll know soon enough anyway.
- Very sorry, Mother Marie.
She did very well.
The petunias-
Will we have some soon?
Very soon, Mother Marie.
[ Chattering, Laughing ]
Oh, I'm so excited.
I'll see you later, Mary.
Oh, Father, I passed!
Mother Marie said
my examination paper was excellent.
Of course. I knew you wouldn't
have any trouble with it.
You always say that.
But- But literature's next...
and, oh, I'll never get through it.
Shakespeare. I don't
understand a word of him.
- You'll be all right.
- If I only knew what passage they'd ask.
Father, come and see if I
know this one, will you?
Here. Romeo's speech
at the bottom of the page.
''O, she doth teach
the torches to burn bright.
''Her beauty hangs
upon the cheek of night...
''like- like a rich jewel
in an Ethiop's ear.
''Beauty too rich for use...
''for earth too dear.
''So shows the snowy dove
trooping with crows...
''as yonder lady o'er her fellows shows.
''The measure done,
I'll watch her place of stand...
''and, touching hers...
''make blessed my rude hand.
''Did my heart love till now?
Foreswear it sight.
''For I ne'er saw true beauty
till this night.''
''Till this night.''
Now, who would ever say
anything like that?
I know nothing of Shakespeare...
but seems to me he must have meant this
when he wrote it.
You always say the right thing.
Father, don't you ever get tired
of hearing the silly things I say...
or of working here
and waiting for me?
Child, I'm the happiest man
in the world.
- [ Bell Tolling ]
- Oh, I'll be late.
Father, say a prayer for me.
[ Bell Continues Tolling ]
[ Hoofbeats Approaching ]
[ Gunfire ]
[ Men Shouting ]
[ Gunfire Continues ]
- What have you done?
- How do I get out of here?
- What have you done?
- Spoken the truth.
- I said the king was a fat pig!
- Shh!
It's true. Even today he has silenced the press,
dissolved the Chamber of Deputies.
You keep talking, they'll come swarming
over that wall like hornets. Follow me.
- Where are we going?
- Keep quiet and follow me.
You'll be safe here
unless they search the grounds.
Now, what happened?
We held a meeting in the woods yonder
to protest the king's actions.
The police charged us on horseback.
But there is one with a broken head
who regrets this saber slash.
Were the king's actions worth that cut?
Were they worth it?
Are you insane, man?
You are not 1 0 kilometers
from Paris...
and you don't know the whole city
is in revolt against this monster?
I'm just a gardener living
in this humble cottage.
I'm ignorant of these matters.
You've given me shelter.
Your pardon, sir.
My name is Marius.
Baron Pontmercy.
A royalist
speaking against the king?
My father was knighted in the field at Austerlitz
by the emperor Napoleon.
And were he alive today,
he would be the first to the barricades to defy-
Yes, I understand.
Perhaps I'd better see if your friends
with the sabers have given up the chase.
Help yourself.
And I suggest you stay concealed.
[ Door Closes ]
[ Girls Giggling ]
- Maybe I'd better not-
- Oh, nonsense. Come on! [ Gasps ]
Oh, I- I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to frighten you,
I'm- I'm not frightened.
What are you doing here?
Your gardener
most kindly gave me shelter.
- Father?
- He's your father?
Well, he's not really my father.
My- My guardian.
You're hurt.
No, it's just a saber cut.
It's not deep.
Well, it should be cleaned.
Sit down.
- I assure you, mademoiselle-
- Sit down!
Mademoiselle, the door.
Raise your head.
- Do they train you for nursing here?
- It's one of our studies.
You are my first patient.
- [ Groans ]
- Oh, I'm sorry.
I'll try not to hurt.
You're remarkably gentle,
- Cosette.
- Cosette.
[ Approaching Hoofbeats ]
- Search within those walls!
- But that's a convent, sir.
- Get permission and search the grounds.
- All right.
That's healed already.
I don't know how to thank you,
Mademoiselle Cosette.
- It was nothing, I assure you.
- Oh, but it was.
I consider it a debt of honor.
Today I'm somewhat pressed for time.
Tell me, would it be possible
for me to see you again?
Well, I-
On Sunday the sisters
take us for a long walk in the woods.
And if a gentleman
should be walking the same way...
there's nothing they could say?
I'm passionately devoted
to trees and flowers.
Cosette has just tended my wound
like a ministering angel, sir.
Cosette? Unless you wish to receive more
of them, I suggest you leave immediately.
The police are even now
preparing to search the convent.
The lane at the back is clear,
and there are fields beyond.
Many thanks.
Until Sunday, Cosette.
Wasn't he charming, Father?
- I didn't notice.
- And a baron. Isn't that exciting?
Why, sometimes he doesn't
even get enough to eat.
- He doesn't, eh?
- No.
He studies law at the university.
He'll be walking in the woods
next Sunday.
- Next Sunday?
- And he says such terrible things against the king.
Yes, I heard.
So did the police.
I'm sorry, Cosette. We'll no longer be here
next Sunday. We're leaving.
- Leaving?
- Your education is completed, child.
There's no longer any excuse to stay.
I'll write to Robert.
He'll meet us in Paris.
Paris? Oh, Father!
- To stay? Will we live there?
- I think so.
It should be big enough for us not
to be noticed. Would you like that?
Oh, like it?
I must tell Cicely.
Or should I?
It might be better if you don't.
Of course.
[ Knocking ]
- Citizen Cosette.
- Citizen Gavroche.
I have a message, citizen.
''Dear Cosette''-
- He will meet you at the fountain.
- Thank you, citizen.
For you, citizen, anything.
Father, we're going to
the Bois for some air.
We won't be long.
[ Door Closes ]
I can hardly believe it's the same child.
She's so pretty.
- Yes, isn't she?
- Good catch for somebody.
- You were saying something about a shipment.
- Oh, yes. Now, where was I?
A thousand pounds
I put into a shipment of spices...
consigned to Atlanta, Georgia.
They arrived at a-
If you don't mind, Robert,
we'll continue that later.
Come on!
- You're very bold, monsieur.
- Thanks to you.
If you hadn't sent Gavroche
to the university to find me...
I might still be tramping the woods.
It- It was only to tell you why
I wouldn't be at the convent that Sunday.
[ Laughing ]
How did you charm
the little monster...
so he won't tell me where you live?
- [ Giggling ] You did that.
- I?
You told him I saved your life,
so now he'll do anything for me.
- Cosette.
- No, Marius. Marie.
Marie. Why?
Tell me, why is it
we can only meet here...
with that watchdog looking on?
- If you would prefer not to-
- Oh, stop it, Cosette.
I'm in love with you.
You know it.
I'm tired of this childish conspiracy.
- I want to come to your house
and speak to your guardian.
- No, Marius, you mustn't.
Why not?
If he dislikes me, he orders me out.
Oh, it isn't that, Marius.
I- I think he would like you.
Cosette, what then?
I can't tell you, Marius.
Not now.
Maybe sometime.
Maybe soon.
But right now I can't tell you.
Please don't ask me why.
[ Sniffing ]
- But are you certain?
- Of course I am.
I can smell them.
He was a police spy,
and that boy is a known revolutionary.
- After all, if they do arrest him, it's none of-
- Arrest him?
I wish they'd hang him.
But they won't.
They'll watch him,
and sooner or later he'll lead them here.
- Was it pleasant in the park?
- Yes, Father. Very.
It's brought
the color to your cheeks.
Father, there's something
I must speak to you about. Could we-
Strange. I was about to say
the same thing to you.
I- I don't-
Perhaps it would be better
if I spoke first...
since this is a matter
which concerns both our lives.
Cosette, I find I must go to England.
- But why?
- It's no longer safe for us in this city.
That was so long ago.
They can't still persecute you.
I'm a parole violator.
As long as I remain in France,
they can return me to the galleys.
It's true, Cosette.
Then-Then we must prepare
to leave immediately.
No, my child.
Much as I desire it,
I can't ask you to go with me.
I'm going with you.
But you have friends here,
Cosette, and ties.
I have no friends and no ties.
Nothing to hold you?
Are you sure, Cosette?
I'm quite sure, Father.
Marius, how did you-
You shouldn't have come here.
I asked you not to.
I know. I followed you.
I had to. I wanted to-
Oh, good day, monsieur.
Well, had I known the art of gardening
could be so lucrative...
I would have certainly
never taken up the study of law.
Your comments
are very interesting, monsieur.
They hardly explain
your presence in my house.
Your pardon, sir. I felt it my duty
to come and speak with you.
For the past month I've been seeing Cosette
in the park without your knowledge.
This seemed to me both dishonorable
and unfair to you, sir.
Very commendable. And now you wish
my permission to make a formal call.
- Well, yes, and to-
- I see no reason to object to your request.
But I believe Cosette is leaving Paris.
I'm going to England, Marius.
- England? No, you won't. I won't allow it.
- Marius!
I think we can consider
this little affair closed.
I assure you, monsieur,
this is no ''little affair.''
I've come here to ask
for Cosette's hand in marriage.
- Marriage? She's a child. Do you think I'd let-
- She's not a child!
Marius, Father, please!
I- I'd like to speak
with Marius, Father.
Do you mind?
I'll be in the study.
- Marius, you shouldn't have come here.
- Why?
So you could go to England
without any unpleasant explanations?
You know that's not true!
I would have told you.
There are things you-
you just don't understand.
What difference does it make?
I love you. You love me.
You can't deny it.
I never said so.
No, not in words maybe...
but your eyes, your voice,
the touch of your hand.
Oh, no, Marius, please.
No, I won't let you go.
That wasn't fair of me, nor you!
Who cares about being fair?
I love you
and I want to marry you.
He's dragging you off to England
just to keep you away from me.
Oh, Marius, that's not the reason.
He's cared for me since I was a child.
I'm all he has.
That's ridiculous. Does he think
he can hold on to you forever?
You're a woman, Cosette.
Someday, no matter what he does,
someone will take you away from him.
Oh, Marius, stop.
You know there'll never be
anyone but you.
Oh, wait.
Wait only a little while.
I could talk to him.
Marius, you can come
to England. Yes.
Cosette, this is child's talk.
My place is here with my people.
And I want you with me.
But you must make
the decision here, now.
The decision is not mine, Marius.
It is yours.
Pleasant voyage, Cosette.
Don't worry.
You've won.
She's going with you, this time.
But I warn you, sir, there will be
other young men who'll seek her hand.
And if you persist
in running away with her...
you will do her irreparable harm.
I'm grateful for your advice, Baron.
- However, as I said, Cosette is still a child-
- She's not a child!
She's a woman,
a beautiful and desirable one...
as you well realize.
What do you mean, monsieur?
I mean that whether you know it or not,
you're in love with her...
and you want her for yourself.
You won't face that, will you?
It's true, and you know it.
- Get out!
- Very well, sir.
But be careful of your next rival.
You may not
dispose of him so easily.
Robert, he's across the street.
The one in the Bois.
- I saw him.
- Make arrangements at once. We leave tonight.
- Cosette, I-
- I'll be ready, Father.
Subject was then
followed from the Bois...
to a residence on the Rue Brissac...
number 34...
where he remained for some time.
He then returned
to the Place Marengo...
and was passed
through the barricades.
34 Rue Brissac.
Who lives in this house?
The girl, her father and another.
All I could find out was that
they'd been there a short time.
Two men? They must be taken
for questioning. Arrest them at once.
Never mind.
There is no need.
We have other fish to fry, Vero.
The king has,
at last, seen fit to act...
and the militia has been ordered
against the barricades.
After tonight,
there will be no revolution...
and no revolutionaries.
It'll be our task to see
that any who escape...
are tracked down
and brought to justice.
And, Vero, I shall need
all your available men tonight.
Yes, sir.
[ Glass Shattering ]
Good night.
You again.
- Now what are you doing?
- The revolution is on.
We're on the barricades,
and you still burn lights on your street.
- Not anymore. Well?
- I have a message from
a member of the provisional government.
- It's for Citizen Cosette.
- Give it to me.
- No! This is an official document.
- Give it to me.
Well, I'm not to be corrupted.
- It's for Citizen Cosette.
- I'll give it to her. Where is Marius?
- I will not tell you.
- Where is he?
- On the barric-
- Shh!
On the barricade.
Rue Saint Denis.
[ Marius's Voice ]
''Cosette, I beg of you not to sacrifice your life...
''to this man's selfishness.
''He holds you only by your own
exaggerated sense of gratitude.
''I cannot deny my heart.
I love you.
''And if I live...
I will follow
wherever he takes you. ''
They have made no move... yet.
Every street leading
into the square is barricaded.
You will warn your men
that not a single shot must be wasted.
There's little enough
ammunition as there is.
Good luck, citizens.
If one of our defenses is breached...
we fall back to the wine shop.
- It's the king's wish that none escape.
- None shall.
- When the barricades go, then-
- Yes, Inspector?
It can't be.
I could swear that I know that man.
Wait here.
[ Gunshot ]
You, on the barricades!
Don't shoot!
- Who speaks?
- A friend. I want to talk with Marius.
Raise your hands and come around.
Through that door.
- [ Gunshot ]
- [ Grunts ]
This one says he knows you.
It's all right, citizen.
- Well, monsieur?
- I intercepted your letter.
I heard.
I came to tell you
you're right and you're wrong.
I love Cosette, it's true...
but not as you seem to think.
She's all women to me,
the only one in my life.
I love her too much to stand
in the way of her happiness.
- I- I'm sorry, sir.
- I don't want your sympathy!
I came here to tell you you're free
to go to her whenever you wish.
Thank you, sir,
but you're a little late.
If you stay here, you'll be destroyed.
It's useless!
Perhaps, but what Paris does tonight,
France does tomorrow.
- I stay here!
- You seemed to have other ideas this afternoon.
You had better leave here
while you can, monsieur! Come!
Well, citizen?
Who is this, a spy?
He refuses to talk.
I'm InspectorJavert of the police.
Your men took me
in pursuit of a criminal.
This man is Jean Valjean,
a parole violator.
He has nothing to do
with your revolt.
I demand that you allow me
to do my duty and arrest him.
[ Spits ]
Is this why
you were going to England?
This is an old score
between him and me.
Will you let me settle it?
I will vouch for him.
Will you grant me this favor, citizen?
[ Man ]
They're charging the barricade.!
So,Javert, found me at last.
I found you, and I arrested you.
My duty is complete.
End it now.
Have your revenge.
That suits you better, doesn't it?
Turn around.
Now you're free.
Find your way out.
- Kill me! Kill me now!
- Get out!
You think you can bargain
my life for freedom.
There's no bargain.
I give you your life.
Don't you know that as long as I live,
I'll hunt you? That this will not change it?
You're a convict, a criminal.
You're sick. Your mind is sick.
Go, quickly, while there's still a chance.
You want me to grovel
and thank you.
You want me to see
the nobility of your soul.
I spit on your nobility.
You are a criminal!
[ Shouting ]
[ Gunfire ]
[ Echoing ]
Jean Valjean!
[ Hammer Cocks ]
There's no escape from you,Javert.
I should have known.
- Let me get the boy inside, and I'll go with you.
- You'll go with me now.
He's wounded.
I must get a doctor for him.
- The man may be dying,Javert.
- If he lives, he'll be shot.
Javert, I spared you
at the barricade.
I told you I'd make no bargain.
You're both under arrest.
Javert, I pledge you my word
I'll go with you without protest.
Only let me get the boy inside
and care for him.
- Surely the law can-
- The law allows you nothing.
But this is common humanity.
Are you a machine?
I am an officer of the law
doing my duty.
I have no choice in the matter.
It makes no difference
what I think or feel or want.
It has nothing to do with me-
Can't you see that?
No, I cannot.
An old man once told me there was some good
even in the most despicable of men.
Through the years I've
found this to be true, but-
Stop your whining
and take him inside!
- [ Groans ]
- Let him go, Robert!
Let him go.
I gave my word.
Send Marie for the doctor,
Send Marie for the doctor!
- Everything is ready.
- Never mind. Run and fetch a doctor, quickly.
- A doctor?
- Yes, quickly. Go on.
A doctor, Robert?
What is it?
Marius has been hurt.
- Marius?
- Go to him.
I'll wait.
He could escape.
There are windows.
But he's given his word, hasn't he?
The word of a convict
given to you, the law.
But he'll keep it.
Even if I take that pistol from you
and break it over your head...
he'll go through that door with you,
back to the galleys for life.
How does success taste after
all these years, Inspector?
[ Sobbing ]
I've sent for the doctor.
We mustn't touch him.
- You can't.
- I must.
I leave you with Marius.
He loves you even more than I do.
Good-bye, little Cosette.
[ Gasps ]
Take care of her.
[ Sobbing Continues ]
[ Praying Silently ]
I can do no more, Lord.
Take what you will.