Less Than Zero (1987)

One last thought before
the bright halls of high school
fade into memory--
Good luck, good life.
I wish you all
the health, prosperity...
We want money!
and happiness you desire.
class of'87.
Here, that's yours.
See you later.
Thank you.
This is too great.
Consider it
a graduation gift.
The fact is,
I never thought
we'd get this far.
Um, I'm speechless.
That's another surprise!
All right,
I'll be home much later.
Thanks, man.
Keep on your toes.
Nobody likes a complacent parent.
Hi, Miss Simpson,
how are you?
You have plans
for tonight?
After dinner,
a few parties.
How's your father,
He was supposed to be here,
but I guess his plane was delayed.
Mom Easton,
you must be very proud.
the ex-Mr. Easton?
He's bringing the car around.
I'll see you at dinner?
Yeah. Dad coming?
Yes, but don't worry.
Amnesty for a special occasion.
All right, bye.
Hey, congratulations!
Catch this!
Good catch!
Wait a minute!
Hold up!
I have a brief announcement.
I want you to know
that I, Julian Wells,
have just become
a fully-financed record producer.
Where did you
get the dough?
Mr. Benjamin Wells,
the greatest dad in dad history.
Tone Deaf Records
is a reality.
If you quit college,
we could work together.
Why don't you
try college?
I barely survived
high school.
I can't believe
we won't be together.
We have the summer together.
Markie, a photo
for posterity.
Ha ha ha!
Hi, it's me. It's early, huh?
It's late for me.
Are you coming home
for Christmas?
Why are you calling?
I'm sorry.
This is stupid.
I just want to
see you.
Call me when you
get back.
I need to
see you, Clay.
What's the matter,
I'm not going to college.
I'm staying here.
I can't leave now.
I'm starting to get
all the great jobs.
I worked really hard
for all this.
Modeling? Why don't you try
something more challenging,
like a game show host?
What happened
to our plans--
You and me,
the apartment together?
I can't go.
because I don't want to.
Because I'm afraid to, OK?
This is
where I live.
Because I'm afraid, OK?
I am.
I'm sorry.
Take care of Blair
for me.
Forget about her
and go east, young man.
Hot cocoa, girls
with woolen knee socks.
Don't forget
the high-IQ pussy,
''On leaf he walks, ''
girls in flannel nightgowns,
L.L. Bean.
Take care of Blair
for me.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Needed time, Blair?
It didn't take much time
to fuck my best friend.
#Time, time, time #
# See what's become of me #
#Time, time, time #
# See what's become of me #
#While I looked around #
# For my possibilities #
# I was so hard to please #
# Look around #
# Leaves are brown #
#And the sky #
# Is a hazy shade of winter #
# Hear the Salvation Army band #
# Down by the riverside #
# It's bound to be a better ride #
#Than what you got planned #
# Carry a cup in your hand #
# Look around #
# Leaves are brown #
#And the sky #
# Is a hazy shade of winter #
# Hang onto your hopes, my friend #
#That's an easy thing to say #
# But if your hopes will pass away #
# Simply pretend #
#That you can build them again #
# Look around #
# Grass is high #
# Fields are ripe #
# It's the springtime of my life #
#Ahhh #
# Seasons change with the scenery #
#Weaving time in a tapestry #
#Won't you stop and remember me? #
Mom. Anybody home?
#Time, time, time #
# See what's become of me #
#While I looked around #
# For my possibilities #
# I was so hard to please #
# Look around #
# Leaves are brown #
#And the sky #
# Is a hazy shade of winter #
# Hear the Salvation Army band #
# Down by the riverside #
# It's bound to be a better ride #
#Than what you've got planned #
# Carry a cup in your hand #
# Look around #
# Leaves are brown #
#And the sky #
# Is a hazy shade of winter #
# Hang onto your hopes, my friend #
#That's an easy thing to say #
# But if your hopes will pass away #
# Simply pretend #
#That you can build them again #
# Look around #
# Grass is high #
# Fields are ripe #
# It's the springtime of my life ##
Hi, Clay, it's me.
Are you home yet?
I'll see you
at Alana's party.
Hope so.
#Whoa #
# Come on, boys #
#You show us
everything you've got #
# Keep on dancin',
and the room gets so hot #
#You drive us wild #
#We'll drive you crazy #
#And you say you want to
go for a spin #
#The party's startin',
babe, I'll let you in #
#You drive us wild #
#We'll drive you crazy #
Hey, Trent.
Hey, nice tan.
# I wanna rock and roll
all nite #
#And party every day #
Hi, Clay.
Hey, Eddie.
#And party every day #
# I wanna rock and roll
all nite #
#And party every day #
# I wanna rock and roll
all nite #
#And party every day... #
When did you
get back?
How's M.I.T.?
It's weird
and stimulating.
Did you know you have television sets
between your legs?
I'll see you later.
#You show us
everything you g-g-g-got #
# Baby, baby,
that's quite a lot #
#You drive us wild #
#We'll drive you crazy #
#You keep on shoutin' #
#You keep on shoutin'... #
Happy holidays, sport.
Nothing like a small,
intimate gathering among friends.
I'm hoping for a little
seasonal caroling myself.
When did you
get back?
This morning.
Are you gonna stay
a while?
How are you doing?
Working for a living.
Well, my fingers
to the bone, friend.
Are you staying
in school?
Don't fuck off.
Don't be a bum.
Like you?
Just like me.
You look like you could use
a little Christmas cheer.
Come on, Clay.
Old habits never die.
They just hibernate.
Old dealers?
They go to jail, right?
Play handball
with the Wall Street guys.
You don't belong here.
These people are assholes.
Who gives a fuck
about these people?
I don't know, Rip.
Good customers though, huh?
Bread and butter.
Blair's upstairs.
# I wanna rock and roll
all nite #
#And party every day #
# I wanna rock and roll
all nite #
#And party every day #
# I wanna rock and roll
all nite ##
...Keep right
on the floor.
They really belong
to the company.
Hello, Clay.
Bye, Blair.
Hi, Clay.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
You look pale.
Santa's gonna put
a suntan in my stocking.
So how's school?
You know, school.
Well, you--
you look great.
I thought
I looked pale.
Well, you look
pale and great.
Have you seen Julian?
He misses you--
The three of us--
like high school.
Why did you call?
I wanted to.
Good reason.
Well, there's more.
I'm here.
I think Julians
in a lot of trouble.
I didn't know
who else to call.
- I can think of 500 people downstairs.
- No, he's in trouble.
Old trouble
or new trouble?
He disappears and comes back
like nothing happened.
He's wasted
all the time.
Julian's been doing that
since he was 10.
No, he gets
really sick.
It's not like you remember.
Talk to him.
- I didn't come home to talk to Julian.
- Please.
- I got to go.
- No, um--
Do you ever think
about me?
Do you?
All the time.
# Kick it #
#Yeah #
No, not beautiful
- Who's he going with?
- Nobody!
Who was he
going with?
He is not a slut.
He hasn't slept with anybody.
He's a nun!
He slept
with Kim--once.
The hit list.
Tequila shot,
and a shotgun for my buddy.
What do you think?
It's one barrel,
two shots, huh?
Quench that thirst
for revenge?
- When did you get back?
- Today.
Well, you look
very collegiate.
- How was it?
- What?
Harder than I thought.
Still pissed?
I'm not.
Well, it's been sentimental.
Got to go.
# Bo di di bo
de bo di di bo #
# Bum di di bum di di bum #
#Yeah #
#Ah, yeah, hey, ah #
# Bom did dee ba #
# Don't you know it? ##
We'll bring Clay with us.
- Clay!
- Clay!
- Hello!
- Hi!
I'm out of here,
No, you're not.
This is the holiday hour.
You can't argue
with him.
We'll go out--
just the three of us.
Whoa! Blackout!
Listen, you must party
with Julian and Blair.
How long is this
going to last?
I'm out of here,
I will beg.
Blair will plead.
Ok, fine.
It's your loss.
Let's do it!
#Jingle bells #
#Jingle bells #
#Jingle all the way #
# Oh, what fun
it is to ride #
# In a red Corvette today #
# Hey, hey, hey #
#Jingle bells #
#Jingle bells #
#Jingle-- Hark #
#The herald angels sing #
# Fa la la la la #
# La la la la #
# 'Tis the season #
Where are we going?
Where'd we used to go?
# La la ha ha #
# Silent night #
# Holy night #
# Round yon virgin #
# Mother and child ##
Come here!
Thank you.
Oh, what do I do?
You guys have heard
of the Panic Club?
Ninth and Figueroa.
You guys are from Reseda?
Just kidding.
No, I'm about to own it.
Be nice to Julian,
would you, please?
You don't understand.
He tried so hard.
That record deal fell apart.
He lost his money his father gave him.
But he wouldn't give up.
He borrowed money from Rip.
He worked day and night.
He did everything he could
to keep it going.
Nothing helped.
Julian was so hurt.
I don't think he ever really,
you know, failed before.
He got high
all the time.
Once he faced his father,
he was so fucked up
Mr. Wells finally
kicked him out.
Julian needs you, Clay.
He was always there for you.
Cheer up, will you?
It's Christmas.
Remember the infamous
coffee cup?
Oh, no, don't, please.
Oh, yes. How to seduce Blair
without really trying.
There's the smile.
It's nice to see it again.
that's half our lives.
# Livin' in a shack
in a one-horse town #
#Tryin' to get to heaven
'fore the sun goin' down #
# Lizard in a bottle, yeah #
# Dizzy in a haze
for 40 days #
# Hey there,
little devil #
Got a minute,
We gots to talk
business, friend.
Relax. I'll pay you.
Just trust me.
I don't want to
trust you.
I just want my 50K.
Patience is next
to godliness.
It's the flip side
of cleanliness,
but it's still pretty
fuckin' important.
What are we talking about,
- You giving me a ''G'' on spec.
- No. No way.
Very attractive girls
falling all over me for some blow.
Just hook me.
This is the last time.
As soon as the club deal goes through,
I'm recashing you every penny.
I hope so.
Well, don't hope.
# Lizard in a bottle, yeah #
# Come in, little devil #
# Be my little angel #
# Come on, little devil #
# Be my-y-y a-a-angel ##
# I believe #
# I believe #
- What are you listening to?
- What?
I can't...
some kind of
Eastern philosophy?
# I believe ya #
# I believe #
# I believe #
# I believe ##
What's your name?
You're gonna give me
a negative self-image.
This is great,
isn't it?
The three of us together,
seeing you again.
You happy or sad?
I'm not sad.
You don't look happy.
But do I look good?
You're gonna get
real serious now, huh?
I'm sorry.
What for?
It doesn't matter anymore.
I just wish that you knew.
It's not the same
with you and me.
It's not the same.
Well, what's it like?
When you left,
you left the both of us.
Everything just changed
so quickly.
Julian needed somebody.
I guess I needed
somebody, too.
It doesn't matter.
Forget it.
- Did you talk to Julian?
- No.
I asked you
to talk to him.
All right, I'll call Betty Ford,
get him a room.
-Just talk to him. He's your friend too.
-It's funny.
When you called me,
I thought I was coming home to see you.
# Stop actin' so crazy #
#You say your mommy ain't home,
it ain't my concern #
#Just don't play with me,
and you won't get burned #
# I have only
one itchin' desire #
# Let me stand
next to your fire #
# Stand, yeah #
# Let me stand, baby #
# Let me stand #
# Ohh, let me stand #
#Aow! #
# Oh, move over, Rover #
#And let Jimi take over #
#Yeah, you know
what I'm talkin' about #
get on with it, baby #
#That's what I'm
talkin' about #
# Now, dig this #
# Now, listen, baby #
#You try to give me
your money #
#You better save it, babe #
# Save it
for your rainy day #
# I have only
one burnin' desire #
# Let me stand
next to your fire ##
Thought I'd
find you here.
I'm having trouble
at home.
Which one?
All of them.
Who drove?
You did.
Oh, parking is key.
You ever think
about going back?
School. I did.
I just like
dropped by,
took a nostalgic
walk around.
It was weird.
All the kids
had grown up.
It wasn't like it was
when we were there.
Think they miss us?
Come on, Clay Easton,
Julian Wells--
Legends, baby.
We could do anything.
What are you going to do?
Take a nap.
After that?
Are you dealing?
My most lofty ambition
is to deal.
You look bad.
What's going on?
I'm serious.
I'm seriously getting frustrated
with these questions.
Someday we're gonna
look back on this.
It's all gonna seem groovy.
- Are you going to see Blair?
- Yeah. She's working downtown.
Give her my love.
The soap is fine.
There are flecks on her neck.
You can't see anything.
Take care of the flecks.
Great. Great.
Sign the contracts
for next week's shoot.
We got to get
them signed.
If you want a new bar,
get rid of the flecks.
This shoot better be over by Friday.
I've got Rose Bowl tickets.
Come in.
I always wondered about
the glamorous life of a fashion model.
Well, now you know.
Oh, my neck
is killing me.
Will you rub my neck?
- I spoke with Julian.
- Yeah?
He doesn't want my help.
Oh, Julian is a mess.
He's out of control.
You saw him.
And you're not?
I can quit anytime.
It's all the control
I need.
I'm impressed.
Do you want to go out tonight?
We could go to some clubs.
I'm taking off
right after Christmas.
Things didn't work out
the way I thought.
I thought you
were staying longer.
I was hoping we could
spend some time together.
Well, maybe next time.
Yeah, next time.
I'll call you
before I go.
- Will you?
- Yeah.
Okay, great.
I miss you.
Where the hell
is everybody?
# Who's that girl cryin'? #
#I'll tell you
the reason she's blue #
#She's lost you...#
Uncle Bob.
You're early.
This is a matter of great consequence
and potential global expansion.
I'll bet.
How much?
Please drive.
Very good stereo.
# Who's that girl cryin'? ##
Why don't you borrow it
from your father?
Come on. Dad lacks
a certain amount of imagination.
This is not
just any nightclub.
This is the infamous
Panic Club.
The ex-owner is now into conceptual
art-- another good money move--
but what he's done thusly
is left behind a gold mine.
I'm talking Panic addicts--
kids who want fake fashion,
loud music every weekend religiously.
I want to provide it for them,
at a reasonable fee, of course.
Of course, but I am not
into investing into clubs.
I know,
but it is a sure thing.
It's low overhead.
There's high volume.
It's the most strictly controlled
all-money business.
It's not just
investing in a club.
You're investing
in a blood relative.
- 15 grand?
- I'm the son you never had.
I got two sons.
I can't afford any more.
But they're not like me.
So don't make me beg.
- Okay, where is the place? Let's look.
- Cool.
- You wanna bum?
- Please.
My office.
Hi, honey.
I brought you a present.
Wait a minute.
I'll be right out.
No, I gotta go.
You sure?
Cindy'll order out.
Sorry, I can't.
Anything I can do for you?
No, I'm fine.
Merry Christmas.
I'll see you Monday.
Merry Christmas.
I left your present
on the table.
Thanks, sweetheart.
Hi, Blair.
You look great.
Listen. If I don't see you,
merry Christmas.
Oh, you, too.
I didn't expect
to see you here.
Changed my mind.
I'm glad.
#I wanna jump
but I'm afraid I'll fall #
#I wanna holler
but the joint's too small #
# Young man rhythm's
got a hold on me, too #
#I got the rockin' pneumonia
and the boogie-woogie flu ##
Blair! Who's this guy
on your neck?
- Oh, it's okay. He's familiar.
Still, don't you think a little
goddamn consolation is in order?
You guys gonna do vile things
to each other in public?
Hey, don't underappreciate
my efforts, okay?
My tact.
Just don't.
This the plight
of the beautiful people?
We're trying to have
a private conversation.
All I can see is someone who needs
to even out. You want a drink?
I want nothing from you.
Now, that's a surprise,
Julian, don't start.
You've done just about
everything this evening.
I'd appreciate it if you'd stay out
of my fuckin' business.
You need a drink,
Don't worry about it,
all right?
- I'm sorry.
- No, it-- no.
I want to go home, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.
No, I don't.
Wait a minute.
Wait. Hold on.
Come here.
Oh, God!
Will you stop that,
Ha ha!
Oh, we're here.
Not yet.
Put it down.
Hi, Dad.
This is
the Wells residence.
Yes, yes, everything is fine.
Thank you.
Code 13472.
I'm real tired.
I'm going to go to bed.
Not here!
How about here?
We talked about this.
When? I forgot.
Refresh my memory.
You can't stay here.
Live your life
anywhere but here.
Just give me a second.
You're a father, I'm a son.
I'm your son.
I'm sleepy.
- Dad?
- Get out.
I'll call the police.
Fuck you.
You can't--
Get out--
Get out of the house!
Leave him alone.
Always a pleasure.
What are you
thinking about?
What I'm going to
say to Julian.
Nobody can say
anything to Julian.
I'm going to school in a week,
and I want you to come with me.
- No.
- I mean it.
- I have a better idea.
- What?
- Let's get married.
- Great.
We'll have a big,
expensive wedding.
We'll invite 2,000
of our closest friends.
We'll have a couple kids
and find a great maid to raise them.
- I'll raise them.
- You will?
Can't we just
stay together?
I'm going to school in a week, and
I'm shoving your ass in the suitcase.
Come to my house for dinner.
My dad'll be there,
and the whole family.
It's Christmas, you know.
The door was open.
What do you want?
I'm lookin' for Julian.
Is he around?
Well, if you see him,
you tell him
to give me a call.
I'm Bill.
You're Blair.
I don't know you.
See you later.
Where would he sleep?
Maybe Zuma--
Markie's party.
looking for you.
You know him?
He's very cool.
He's an old friend.
I don't remember him.
You've been away
for a long time.
I've met a lot of new
and interesting people.
Why? Where'd you two meet?
At the loft with Blair.
# Dum da da dum ##
Want to talk about it?
- Do you want to fight?
- Nope.
This is the way it's supposed to be.
Turnabout is fair play.
Blair was good to me.
I was lonely,
and I needed somebody.
She was there.
It was nice.
It wasn't exactly
the World Series of love, though.
Oh, this is my club.
Check me out.
I'm going to make a serious comeback.
Yeah, and I'll sneak in and take Blair
away when you least expect it.
This will go on for years.
Be good to her.
She really deserves it.
I'm going to go.
Always leaving, you.
Well, somebody's got to.
Ha ha!
Watch out for the sharks.
- What about you?
- They know me.
All right.
You need anything?
All right.
Thank you, Elaine,
for having us in your home.
Well, thanks for having me.
Alice, too.
Um...this is a special
time of year.
It's a time for family,
for friends.
It's a time
for forgetting our differences,
and for coming together
so that we might...
well, uh, come together.
Ha ha ha!
It's clearly also a time
for incoherent toasts.
It's an old family
tradition here.
Um, well, merry Christmas,
May we all
love each other as we are
and as we hope to be.
Thanks, Elaine.
Liz, Jenny...
and Alice.
Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Oh, been waiting for ages.
Where you been?
- Traffic in this town's a joke.
- Look at these ceilings.
The D.J. will show you around,
let you listen to the sound system.
This isn't a good time
for bad news.
I can't loan you the money.
I spoke with your father.
There's no way I can--
I know. I know.
That's cool.
At least you tried.
Here, take a couple of these.
They're like kind of
collector's items.
Limited edition stuff.
This doesn't mean
you're not my favorite nephew.
- Come to our house for Christmas.
- Great.
No, actually, I can't.
I made other plans.
I'm sorry.
I really am.
Me, too.
Hey, Rip.
#I was walking down the road
the other day #
# When I hear
a little human say #
#He said #
# You no see
me situation #
# You don't have
no accommodation #
#Me have to sign on
at the station #
#At 6:00
in the evenin'...##
You have something for me?
Man, I had it
all worked out.
Christ, I thought I did.
I fucked up.
I don't have any money.
I don't know where
I'm going to get it.
this cannot go on forever.
You owe me a lot of cash.
I'm carrying you
like I'm stupid.
But if you just
give me a chance--
Please don't cut me off.
I'll do whatever you want.
Listen, uh...
I want you to do
a favor for me.
You're going to work for me, just
for a while, till we're even-Steven.
Business? Like sales?
I can do that.
I just want you
to meet some people.
They're very cool.
You'll like them.
These are very important people,
Bill's gonna take you there.
It's just a party.
Everything's going to be
just fine.
# Oh, yeah! #
# Lookin' for love... #
#Tonight #
# So shake it slowly #
#And do the bump 'n grind #
#Well, I can tell
you got a few reservations #
# More value,
bang for the buck #
# Shake it slowly #
#And do the bump 'n grind #
#Whoa! ##
You enjoy the party?
Can't hold.
Got two more stops.
Then we'll call it a night.
We haven't seen you
for a while, Blair.
I've been busy.
That's a--
a lovely dress.
You modeling?
Yeah, I had a great year.
Better than I expected.
Are you planning
to go to college?
I haven't
decided yet.
You seem happy here.
Are you playing tennis?
No-- My elbow.
I tried a different wrap,
but, you know.
It's a better environment for Clay,
all things considered.
I guess so.
What the hell
are you doing?
Just watching.
I feel like
Come inside.
No, no,
it's too crowded.
- What's wrong?
- Do I look like something's wrong?
- I need money, Clay.
- How much?
How much?
I could use that.
Yeah, Jesus.
- What for?
- Drugged out.
What do you think it's for?
- All right. I'll talk to Rip.
- No, you won't.
You don't wanna talk to him.
I can't get that much--
Not right away.
Clay, I'm fucked,
all right?
I don't know what to do.
You're the only one.
What happens when you pay?
- I don't know.
- Think about it.
- Do you start over?
- Clay, I need the fuckin' money.
I don't need a discussion on
the finer points of morality!
How much do you have?
I'm out of here.
Merry Christmas.
Wait. Just wait.
Just wait.
- Yeah?
- Got a sec?
I need your help.
I need some dough.
- How much?
- I need 50 grand.
- You're not asking me for $50,000.
- Yeah, I am, Dad.
What are you doing here?
Trying to salvage what's left
of a very important relationship.
Ah, Jenny, I've been sitting
by the phone, but it didn't ring.
You don't call,
and you don't write.
We just don't communicate,
you know?
It pains me deeply to accuse,
but I just--
I suspect you're
freezing me out.
You're just such
a heartless preteen hussy.
Why are girls so cold?
Oh, and then she laughs.
Girls learn this
really early.
They break guys' hearts
in pieces.
You know what
the sick part of it all is?
You know you love it.
- Uh-uh.
- Don't play innocent with me.
I know what girls like.
Diamonds are
a girl's best friend.
I saw him go inside.
Where did you get--
where's Julian?
We were playing.
Get that stuff off
before Ma sees you.
My mother's jewelry.
Hey, Clay!
# In-a-gadda-da-vida, baby #
# Don't you know
that I want you? ##
How you doin'?
Seen Julian?
No, I haven't.
- You been here all night?
- All night. Sorry.
# It's Christmastime
in Hollis, Queens #
# Mom's cookin' chicken
and collard greens #
# Rice and stuffin',
macaroni and cheese #
#And Santa put gifts
under Christmas trees #
# Decorate the house
with lights at night #
# Snow's on the ground,
snow white, so bright #
# In the fireplace
is the yule log #
# Beneath the mistletoe
as we drink eggnog #
You seen Julian around?
you seen Julian?
No, man, uh-uh.
# Run so loud and proud
you'll hear it #
# It's Christmastime,
and we got the spirit #
#Jack Frost's chillin',
the hawk is south... ##
You seen Julian?
No, man, I haven't seen him.
Blair, how you doin'?
You remember Bill?
You look wired tonight.
- Is there anything I can do for you?
- No, thanks.
- You looking for Julian?
- Bill, please.
Do you know where he is?
'Cause we called the loft, and I can't--
-Julian doesn't stay there anymore.
- He doesn't?
Where's Julian?
Fuckin' game show.
What are you doing to him?
What's going on?
Why don't you ask Julian?
I bet he knows.
Relax. Relax, sport. Julian will
show his face. He always does.
You're on vacation.
Don't forget that. All right?
See you later.
# Don't be a slave #
# No one can tell you #
#You've got to be afraid ##
- Let's try the beach.
- I don't want to. I wanna go home.
You want to find Julian?
It's a coyote.
We hit it.
Maybe we missed.
You OK?
This cocaine...
too much speed or something.
- That's a relief.
- What?
You're fucked up, you look shitty,
but hey, all you need is better cocaine.
You walking home?
- I've had enough fun for one night.
- Are we having fun?
- It doesn't feel that way to me.
- You don't know what you're saying.
I know what you're doing.
I know what Julian is doing.
- I'm not like Julian!
-Julian's messed up. Talk to him, Clay.
Julian has a problem. What makes
you think you're so different?
- You weren't here to help anybody!
- Do you want me to stay?
- No!
- You want me to be just like you?
Putting shit up my nose till it bleeds,
no matter how much my friends care?
Very romantic. We'll all go down
together. I won't do it. I can't.
I love you, but I am leaving
as soon as I can.
You guys be careful!
- You're gonna scare somebody!
- What's wrong with you?
Nothing a little coke won't--
- Let's get him to the hospital.
- No!
I'll handle it!
Come on. Come on.
It's safe inside.
It's home.
Let's lie down right here.
No, come on.
It's safe here.
Come on in, OK?
OK. See?
You're home.
- Come on, sweetheart.
-Just let me sleep.
Wait, I got to go.
Rip's looking for me.
Just take a deep breath.
You can do it.
Go real slow.
- I'm gonna throw up.
- The bucket's under the sink.
Honey, hold on.
OK, baby, hold on.
Just hold on.
OK, hold on.
We're here, baby, OK?
Just stay here
till I'm out, OK?
Who's gonna take care of you guys
when I'm gone?
Come here, baby.
Sit up.
Come on.
Julian, sit up, OK?
Drink this.
It'll stop you
from throwing up.
You don't know what it's been like
with Julian sick all the time.
I'd get so angry,
but it didn't do any good.
He'd just promise me he'd get better,
and then he'd start all over again.
Police even came here once
looking for him
and I was here.
I took care of him.
I did the best I could do.
That's what it's been like
while you were gone.
I'll do whatever I can,
whatever it takes.
I'm in the tub.
It's beautiful here.
Five or six people.
Come on up.
I'm not gonna leave.
Let me get back to you.
Listen, leave Julian alone.
Well, merry Christmas
to you, too, Clay.
You heard me.
You need a hobby.
Bustin' your butt
for Julian is a waste of time.
I know.
I'll get the money.
I'll sell my car,
whatever it takes.
You've seen Julian recently?
- You'll get what he owes you.
- You're right. I will.
And you know something?
It's got nothing to do with you.
Now, listen to me.
I am not the problem here.
Julian is.
I've been patient.
I let it slide.
You know how much he owes me?
Anybody else would have cut him off
a long time ago.
Julian's dead.
Forget about him.
I'm telling you that
as a friend.
I'm not your friend, and I'm tired of
your bullshit. You leave Julian alone.
Don't deal to him, don't give it to him,
don't fucking go near him.
I'll get the money.
You just leave him alone, asshole.
Who the fuck do you think
you're talking to, pal?
How do you feel?
My head feels like
a frozen pineapple.
- Are you OK?
- Yeah.
Got a stogy for me?
Where's Clay?
He went home.
Oh, it's Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
It's not gonna
happen again.
It's over.
Thank you for
taking care of me.
You look great.
We had fun, didn't we?
I mean,
some of the time we did.
We did.
What do you want?
Just a couple minutes.
My God, you look terrible.
I was wondering
if I could stay at home tonight.
I would love to wake up
and know where I am.
It'd be a nice change of pace for me.
I can't do that.
I wouldn't ask, except that my options
are kind of limited right now.
Julian, we've been
through this a hundred times.
No, 101, actually.
You conned your way through rehab.
You lied.
You stole.
Look what you've done
to our family.
I just need you to be my father
for one goddamn day
and just help me.
Can't you tell when
I'm telling the truth?
Trust was the first thing
you ruined.
OK, I'm gonna go.
There's this guy I owe
a large sum of money to.
I know that's a big surprise,
but I'm gonna try to work it out.
I'm gonna try to do something
right for once. I mean it.
I just want you to wish me luck,
whether you believe me or not.
Can you stay clean
for one week?
For one damn week?
I'll do everything
I can to help you,
but I need you
to help me, too.
I could try.
You all right?
I just got here.
Rip did this.
Blair, it's Markie.
Just checking to see if
you need a ride to the Springs.
See you at Trends. Bye.
Hi, it's Julian.
I'm gonna talk to Rip,
settle some business--
Better late than never, right?
Anyway, I'm outta here.
Merry Christmas,
and thank you for last night.
Both of you.
I mean it. Bye.
What are we gonna do?
Find him.
Bring him back.
It won't make any difference.
He'll just start all over again.
Not if he leaves.
Julian would be better off
somewhere else.
I'll take him with me
if I have to.
Don't look so surly.
Julian's in the back.
How you doing?
You look great.
It's been a long time.
Hello, Julian.
I missed you.
- I got to talk to you.
- Sure.
Have a seat.
OK, just for a minute.
I gotta get back into town.
Basically, uh--
It's over. I'm quitting.
I'm not gonna work for you anymore.
I'm not buying.
I'm gonna clean up.
I'm probably going back into rehab.
I'm just gonna get
my life under control.
Julian, who the fuck do you
think you're talking to?
You're a junkie.
You're not gonna quit.
- I'll get your money back.
- When?
I don't know. I'm talking to my dad.
I'm gonna work it out.
I just know I can.
You look so sincere
when you say that,
but I've heard
all this before.
What are you telling me
that's new?
Julian, make an effort.
Give me a new excuse, at least.
I've heard this shit before!
The difference is
that I mean it this time.
Are you ready to
work for me tonight?
No, I'm not.
Julian, where you been hiding?
Rip, how long have
we known each other?
We've been friends.
Yes, we are friends,
aren't we, Julian?
For a long time.
Please don't make me do this.
I can't do it again.
I think you'd be surprised
at what you can do, Julian.
I'll be back in a few seconds.
# Let's swim to the moon, uh-huh #
# Let's glide to the tide #
That's a really cool tux.
Where'd you get it?
- Your dad?
- My mother!
- Hey, guys.
- Clay!
- Have you seen Julian?
- Not yet.
- How about Rip?
- He's probably at the hotel.
- What?
- He's got a suite.
- Where?
- Laurel Palms.
All right, thanks.
I'll see you later.
# ...River on a #
# Moonlight drive #
Rip is over at the Laurel Palms.
Julian might be there.
I hope not.
Stay here.
I'll be back.
Be careful.
I love you.
# Let's swim to the moon #
# Let's glide to the tide ##
USC won't let him in because
he's a heroin addict.
Blair, where's your tux?
Oh, we just drove out.
- I don't know these people.
- Maybe they're from Palm Springs.
Nobody's from Palm Springs.
Frank Sinatra.
Oh, darn.
The party was
better last year.
Kim, here.
I think it was
exactly the same.
Rusty pipes.
Hey, what is this?
I thought this was all cool.
Who the hell are you, man?
Make me understand, Julian.
I really want to understand.
No, you don't.
- You look like a fuckin' whore.
- Rip made me do that. I had no choice.
Shit, man, you did it to yourself!.
Fuckin' run away.
That's what you're really good at.
I'm not coming after you.
- You don't know!
- Well, tell me!
- Forget it!
- Get in the car.
- Leave me alone.
- Are you gonna go back to Rip? Hide?
- I wanna know what you're gonna do now.
- I don't know!
Come with me. Leave with me.
I'll take you back to school.
There's no reason to stay in L.A.
- It's over. Let's go.
- Do I look like I'm ready for homework?
# How low can you go? #
What a waste.
Oh, man, what a waste!
Well, call a plumber.
Nice ride there.
Yeah, it is nice.
You all right?
I'll be right back.
Just wait here, OK?
I'll be one minute, OK?
# I can't get your love #
# I can't get attraction #
# I only get a little
psychotic reaction #
- Did you find him?
- Yeah, he's in the car.
You don't have a clue
what you're getting into.
This is not recess, and I'm sick
of playing fucking games with you.
Everyone is accountable!
Now tell me where the fuck Julian is
so I can get back to business.
- Is that what you call it?
- Where is he?
Why don't you
just leave us alone?
Why don't I check the car?
Stop! Leave him alone!
Stay out of it!
Clay, come on!
Come on! Come on!
I'm all right.
What a party.
You have enough gas
to get to college?
Ha ha ha!
I love you guys!
I'm all right.
I just got this uncontrollable urge
to fall down.
Oh, let's walk with one another.
I just want you to know
that I know how much you've helped me.
You've helped me
when I didn't deserve help.
You've been so kind to me,
no matter how much I keep fucking up.
This is why I'm going
to make it up to you for everything.
I'm going to deserve
your friendship.
That's it. I wanted you
to hear it from me.
I want you to stop me before I say
something grotesquely sentimental.
You need a doctor.
No, I don't.
I just need to get outta here.
A couple hours sleep,
I'll be a new me.
You're sure?
Come on.
- Don't, man--
- What?
Oh, my God.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
I'm sorry.
Oh, my God.
I remember, Julians mother
died when we were 5,
and it was awful.
Julian didn't cry,
though, or nothin'.
He just sat by the phone because
his mom used to call him every day
when she was away on business.
Nobody could get Julian
away from the telephone.
Mr. Wells, he called all our parents,
but nothing worked.
So one day, Mr. Wells,
he sent Julian a telegram
like it was from his mother,
saying that she had died
and gone to heaven.
I remember Julian
showing it to me.
He carried it
around for a year,
and he was OK.
He was a tough little kid.
I don't know.
I did everything
that I could do.
I'm going to miss him so much.
Well, I'm going away tomorrow,
and I want you
to come with me.
Yes, I want to go with you.
I do.
- I want to.
- Good.
# My time has come,
the clouds are calling #
# December wind
has come my way #
#And now I feel
the world falling #
#All at once #
# It's too late #
# Life fades away #
# Life fades away #
#The night is my way #
#All thoughts slip away #
#And even though
I must leave you #
# Remember I love you #
# I'll always be #
# In your memory #
# I will always
be with you #
#When I am gone #
# Babe, life fades away #
# Oh, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah #
# Life fades away #
# I'm tired of tomorrow #
# Lost for today #
# I long to hear #
#That peaceful river #
# My time is here #
#And even though
I will miss you #
# I must leave you #
# Babe, life fades away #
# Oh, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah #
# Life fades away #
# So please forgive me #
#And try not to cry #
# I long to be #
#At peaceful river more #
# Forevermore #
# Oh, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah #
# Oh, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah #
# Oh, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah #
# Life fades away #
# Life fades away #
# Life fades away #
#Away #
# One last thing to say #
# Life fades away ##