Let the Bullets Fly (2010)

"To the end of horizon,"
"four corners of Earth,"
"scattered one's true friends"
"A bottle of wine for remaining joy,"
"as sun sets among the mountains."
You prefer the food or my singing?
I love them both!
Brain and brawn have helped me far,
that's why I am so unique!
One must learn to live in style!
Governor, with your style and poise,
you remind me of...
a modern-day Robin Hood!
Robin Hood is a common thief!
With Samson's might and Solomon's wisdom!
- Bullshit! - Yes, bullshit!
if you're trying to flatter me,
you must first woo my wife!
Compose a poem in her honour.
It must have a tempest, food,
a hotpot, some mist,
pretty maidens, and a mule!
Get up!
Let's eat, sing and be merry!
Sir, we are the elite Republican Guards,
here to ensure your safe passage!
don't - need -to - eat!
You missed?
Let the bullets fly...
Two and Three come with me.
The rest round up the horses.
Raining hot pot?
Pop, we've looked all over.
There is absolutely nothing!
Should we just kill the two survivors?
Tell me where the money is?
Or I'll out off your head,
when the alarm goes off.
Stop it!
Tears won't stop it from ticking.
You'd better come clean with them.
Who might you be, ma'am?
I'm the Governor's wife.
Forgive my impudence.
So you must be the Governor.
Yes, of course! There's money!
We're on our way to inauguration.
He ruined it all by getting drowned!
But we can still hit jackpot
if we take his vacant post.
I'll give you another chance. Tell me more.
- Where is it? - Bought the post with it.
- What for? - To make more money.
- How much? - Twice as much.
- How long will it take? - A year.
I've to wait one year?
A month, if you're in luck.
- Who will be the governor? - Me.
- And who might you be? - I'm a counselor.
You dare to impersonate the Governor?
They've never met him.
- Done this before? - Twice a year.
- Since when? - Eight years ago.
You've made more than $6.4 million?
That's what the "Governor" made.
I only get the small change.
Ever failed?
We use our brains, not brawn.
Where are you heading to?
Goose Town.
How do you explain the hold-up and the bodies?
I bought the train and hired the soldiers.
No one will ever find out.
Don't take it off! Leave your mask on!
I know the rules.
No one lives after seeing a bandit's face.
Just wait here for me.
I'll bring you the money once I have it.
We came to rob a train,
we can't go empty-handed.
No, you can't.
If you die for peeking at me...
That's even worse.
Can I borrow those bodies?
Yes. These bullies deserve no better.
But what do you want to do with them?
They can be more useful than the living.
Take a look at me.
Look at me!
Just one look!
- What's your name? - I...
- What's your bloody name? - Tang.
I'll be the Governor,
and you'll be my counselor!
Let's go and rule Goose Town.
Ma'am, coming with us?
Well, why not?
Brothers, let's move on to Goose Town!
Goose Town here we come!
We've messed up badly.
End up drowning your husband.
I feel bad about it.
I've already been widowed four times.
Don't let there be a fifth time, then!
That's all up to you.
What's important for a couple?
In love.
I can't hear you.
In love.
Six, come greet your Mom.
I wish you well, Mother.
You bring your son to battles?
His father was a comrade. Died in battle.
So I adopted him as my god son.
Now you're my mother.
After we're done with Goose Town,
you must come and join our gang.
Then you can continue to play mother.
One should always aim high.
After serving as county governor,
I can't return to banditry.
I won't be able to handle it.
Once you've scaled Mount Everest...
Such eloquence!
Then what should we do?
"Bring him back from the front for a laugh!"
We can continue to be civil servants!
Use your brain, not brawn.
Think twice before you make a move.
Got it.
We're government officials now.
We can't act like bandits!
What is a good governor's virtue?
"Goose Town"
You've escaped once.
Try this one more time...
You'll have me beheaded!
Let's go!
City girls are so fair and delicate!
"Wanted, Dead or Alive!"
Pop, look!
Look what they've made of you!
The less it resembles me, the safer I am!
Welcome, your honour!
Appointment Warrant!
Ma Bangde is appointed Goose Town Governor
by authority of the Provincial Chairman,
on this 28th day of February,
the 8th year of the Republic...
Master Huang has arrived!
Greetings to Master Huang!
Good fortune to Master Huang!
Huang Silang is the local godfather.
Made his fortune from opium and human trafficking.
Master is currently engaged.
So he sends his majordomo, Hu Wan!
And his militia coach, Wu Zhichong!
To welcome you, sir, with his hat!
Who dares win!
Do you dare?
He's here, sir.
Who's here?
Long live Master Huang!
Greetings from Yang Wanlou !
A remarkable fake!
A remarkable fake!
Take a few steps.
Walk purposefully.
Walk with spirit.
Walk pensively.
Why isn't she afraid?
She must be daft.
Know why we shot these bandits?
It's because they ambushed the Governor.
Let this be a lesson to all!
Never mess with the Governor!
Hail the Governor!
Peace and justice is here!
Great speech!
Remember what I told you?
The dead can be really handy.
You're absolutely right.
Such arrogance!
He's trouble.
A show of force!
This one is a tricky customer!
Should we strike first?
No hurry.
Let's toy with him.
No hurry, let's toy with him!
Cut it out!
Cut it out!
Cut it out! Cut it out!
Cut it out...
Cut it out!
Cut it out!
Cut the bloody hell out!
Yes sir!
Take him to the dentist.
Fix him up with gold teeth like mine.
Yes sir!
The reason I am here,
is to get rich,
not to get laid.
We share a bed,
but not our dreams.
Here's a pistol.
Just in case,
I overstep my mark,
shoot me between the eyes.
But if you have that urge,
then yours truly,
would be happy to oblige.
Let's sleep!
Husband and wife - even for a day...
I've always wanted to be a governor's wife,
and I don't care who the governor is.
So, brother, be my guest!
Your guest?
Go ahead!
You make me blush!
Well, do I?
Then I must oblige.
We're late!
Previous governors
have levied tax for the next 90 years!
So everyone has paid up to 2010!
We've come to the wrong place!
I like this town, though.
But people here have nothing left.
I never take from the poor.
Who are your victims, then?
The rich, of course.
Ever been a Governor?
Listen carefully!
You have to devise ways to raise money,
Make the rich pay first,
townsfolk will follow suit.
Then reimburse the rich with what they paid,
and split the rest 30-70!
We only get 70?
No, the rich get 70.
We get 30 at Huang's discretion.
At whose discretion?
I come all this way,
only to become his running dog?
It's hard enough robbing your train,
and play-act governor.
I still have to play boot-licker to the rich,
make up silly excuses,
and do things at his whim.
Doesn't that make me a beggar?
If you want to put it that way...
Many would love to be in your position,
but few could afford to buy a post.
Do you know why I became an outlaw?
It's because my legs are not built for kneeling!
If you want to make money standing tall,
ride back to the mountains.
I don't get this.
I am now governor,
how can I be worse off than a bandit?
You may be a governor to the townsfolk.
But in the eyes of Huang,
you're a mere beggar!
This is only business. There is no shame.
The hell there isn't!
It's shameful!
Do you prefer to stand tall,
or do you want to make money?
I want to do both.
No way.
Why not?
It's impossible.
Can I make money with this?
Yes, but only as a bandit.
Or with this?
Yes, but only on your knees.
Combining the two,
can I make money standing tall?
Mr. Nine, who exactly are you?
"Pocky" Zhang!
Stop it! This is not a tree!
It's an ancient magisterial drum!
Totally neglected,
it's taken root and sprouted leaves.
Pop said to me,
we need this to convene court.
He wants to try a case.
What case?
Has someone filed a complaint?
It's been here for 100 years.
If you now unveil the drum,
who knows what case it may bring?
Where's your old man?
In bed.
At this hour? Who with?
What happened?
Where is it going?
Look what you've done!
Out of my way!
It's homing in on me!
Help! Help!
My wine is ruined,
my mood destroyed!
Everything's spoilt!
I'll deal with you another day.
The drum is shattered!
So there must be a case to try!
How have you been wronged?
I'm not.
If no one is wronged, case dismissed!
I have wronged Master Wu.
I was careless.
I ran into him and knocked over his wine.
Completely ruining his day.
I need to kowtow and apologise. Sorry!
That was nothing.
How dare you say nothing?
He coaches Huang's militia.
Go easy on him.
During the reign of the last Emperor,
I was bestowed a Martial Scholar.
My rank was higher than yours.
You should kneel in front of me!
This is bullshit!
The last Emperor? Have I ever met him?
If you'd been a Literary Scholar,
he'd have to kowtow 200 times.
But as a Martial Scholar,
you'll get only 100 kowtows.
Since he has already done 200,
you've to return 100 kowtows.
But I've only kowtowed twice!
Does it really matter?
Do it!
Flog him!
That's no good.
This is more effective.
Stop! I'll do it.
You kowtow, and you do the counting.
One, two, three, four...
Hail, Governor!
Stand up everyone!
No one is worth kneeling to.
Least of all to me!
I've brought three things to Goose Town.
and goddamned justice.
Hail, Governor!
Stand up! No kneeling!
That's better.
No kneeling?
He was not only flogging me,
he was slapping you in the face!
When my butts stop hurting,
I will personally avenge you.
Summon the noodle vendor.
If our governor loves to try,
we'll give him a case to try.
Pop, you were brilliant today.
Flogging that martial scholar was a hoot!
I'd love to be a governor one day.
I don't want you to be a bandit or politician.
When your father entrusted you to me,
I promised I'd raise you properly.
Then what should I do?
Study and learn to enjoy this.
There is no sound!
Politicians only know how to bully.
This gramophone was broken,
Now it is fixed.
Once we're done here,
I'll let you study abroad.
and 3 more in the south.
How about 3 years in the north?
No, you're born in the north.
Who is this by?
I think it's Wolfgang.
Sometime known as Amadeus.
We call him M-o-z-a-r-t.
You can tell by listening?
It depends.
On what?
If his name was printed there.
Pop, this Mozart...
How did he get the sound in there?
You'll learn by studying abroad.
Where's this Mozart?
How can I find him?
He is far away from us.
Know what you have to do?
Who ordered you to do this?
Who, sir?
Did I tell you to do it?
Yes, sir. You did.
No, it's "me"!
You, you yourself!
Yes, me and me alone.
I can't hear you.
It's my own plot.
There are no co-conspirators.
Saviour! My Saviour!
You're addressing me?
Since when have I become your Saviour?
You spared my life,
and I'll save yours in return.
Do tell.
Never sleep with a widow.
It's very bad luck!
Is she really a widow?
She doesn't act like one.
But I witnessed her husband drowned!
If she really is a widow,
Then I must not...
leave her alone uncomforted.
That's my first move.
Within three...
they'll either leave with tails
between their legs,
or stay and become our poodles!
Right, absolutely right.
You're looking for me, sir?
Have you entertained our new officials yet?
Not yet.
The Governor doesn't frequent brothels?
He'll never make a good governor.
I don't indulge much in sex.
So you won't make a good governor either.
Why is that so?
The two bear no comparison!
Governors come and go.
But you, sir, will always be our godfather!
You speak well!
I'm sure they will come.
Eavesdrop their every conversation,
report their every move.
Go now. Just don't become a Mata Hari!
Who's Mata Hari, Master?
What kind of whore are you?
She's the world's most infamous double agent!
You two can leave.
Now the Governor is in bed with his wife.
Let him enjoy one more night in peace!
The Governor's boy is in trouble,
your presence is requested at the teahouse.
Why don't they convene at the magistracy?
The magistracy is just for show.
All cases are tried at the teahouse.
Master Six,
you've eaten two bowls of jelly,
and paid only for one.
Bullshit! I have only eaten one bowl!
And I paid him for one.
How many bowls did he eat?
No way!
Master Six is the Governor's godson,
why would he want to cheat you?
But he ate two bowls and paid for one.
The Governor brings justice to our town.
And justice is what I seek today!
Hear hear!
From the Governor's son, of course.
Ate two bowls, paid for one!
That's so wrong!
Since his boy is guilty of unjust,
the Governor's crusade is bullshit!
Screw you!
Master Six...
Master Six is the Governor's godson!
Would he cheat over a bowl of jelly?
Did you see it with your own eyes?
You double-crosser!
What's wrong with you?
You're thinking with your butts?
It's not about my butts.
We're here for the truth!
One or two bowls?
No beating about the bush!
I admire your courage, sir.
I know how to count!
I ate only one bowl!
You ate two and paid for one.
If you can't afford it, my treat!
I can afford all the jelly in this world!
But I pay only for what I ate.
How many bowls did he eat?
Let's be frank.
He wants to be treated fairly.
It's wrong to bully a commoner.
Are you an honest person?
Yes, I am...
How many bowls did I eat?
Tell him!
Speak up!
Stop threatening this poor man with a gun!
Who doesn't carry a gun around here?
Noodle vendor!
How many bowls did he eat?
Everyone in this teahouse,
will bear witness on your behalf.
Speak up! How many?
Two bowls.
You're nasty!
But I dare you to match me!
Take a good look!
If there are two bowls of jelly in me,
I'll die!
If there's only one,
I'll die.
If he has two bowls in him, I'll die with him!
Where's the jelly?
Deeper! I can't see.
Very gutsy, sir!
Try sliding the blade sideway,
so that we can all see.
Show us if there is one or two bowls.
Out with it!
Here's a bowl, sir.
See! Can you see?
One bowl!
There's only one bowl, right?
Hang in there! I'll get a doctor!
There's only one bowl, right?
There's only one bowl, right?
Your turn!
I knew it all along.
You fell for it.
You mustn't kill him! No, I won't!
Tell me why I should spare him,
or I'll shoot you, too.
Don't let Six die in vain!
I didn't do it. He stabbed himself.
We'd a wager.
He lost.
Let me blast his head off!
You wouldn't dare! You can't do it.
Huang is provoking you.
He wants you to lose your head.
We'll lose if we kill him now.
Let him go.
You must destroy Huang's soul!
- Pop, he's right. - Let him go!
He stabbed himself? What about the jelly?
and no...
Tell me if it was still jelly.
Yes, it was.
Come over here.
is he dead?
Did you implicate me?
I did invoke your name.
Were they scared?
They said to kill, a person's soul
must first be destroyed.
Murder? Soul destruction?
How awful.
Brother, I vow to avenge you!
Brother, I swear I'll avenge you!
Brother, I vow to avenge you!
Two is drunk. I am pledging for him.
He will avenge your death, too.
Brother, I swear to avenge you!
Two is sober, he's just pissed off!
Chief doesn't want to risk our lives.
Are we boy scouts or what?
Chief should have ignored Tang.
He is a good-for-nothing!
Huang kills without lifting a finger!
We must retaliate by destroying his soul.
We can't jeopardise our chance to get rich!
I do not care about being rich.
But I must come up with a game plan
to rid of Huang once and for all
Give me time,
Pop will avenge your death.
Show your respect!
Have a safe journey, Six.
Safe travel, Six!
How should I play my hand?
Banquet, kill him or throw him to the dogs?
I'd Say kill him!
Host a banquet!
Dinner invitation! it's a death trap!
Our ploy is working!
I have another idea: delay tactics.
The longer we drag this on the better!
Huang will end up kneeling here.
What kind of banquet is this?
It's just a meeting between two thugs!
It's like MacBeth hosting Banquo.
What'd become of Banquo the guest?
His son became king.
And MacBeth the host?
So we should go.
We can also sound out Huang,
and see if we can work together.
"Bring the guns."
"Dress up as Huang's militia and follow me."
Got it!
"Kill Huang and avenge Six!"
You see Six's death as a shortcut to bonanza?
Perhaps your severed head can make us more.
What do you mean?
Let's go and meet your new pal.
Governor, counselor! Welcome!
Master's citadel dominates Goose Town.
It is simply impregnable.
An intrepid governor, an erudite counselor.
What a dream team!
Master Six has died heroically.
I've invited you here today
to witness how justice is done.
If I'm proven to be the instigator,
I will follow Master Six's footstep,
and disembowel myself!
I invite you to be my second,
to ritualistically cut my head off
and hang it from the restaurant.
If I'm proven innocent,
those who slandered me
and shamed you in the process...
will have to kill themselves.
It's me against these three.
I am ready.
You should use this for disembowelment.
The full blade is for your second.
It's great to have an expert as my second!
This way, please.
I bought this governorship.
Sole purpose is to get rich.
But I don't take from the poor.
Then who are you targeting?
Only the wealthy people.
Who are the wealthy?
Such as you.
Whatever you fancy, help yourself.
I'm no bandit. I'm a governor.
I make my fortune the proper way.
Well said!
Goose Town has two big families.
They sell people to America to build railroads,
in return for dollars!
What do you mean by dolls?
No, d-o-I-I-a-r-s! American money.
Dollar! You know?
Oh, dollars!
I can smell it in your presence!
- Let's drink to that! - Great, cheers!
Master Huang is so modest.
It is an open secret that,
in Goose Town,
Master Huang is our real boss!
It is hard to be a boss.
Hundreds of people everyday
waiting to be fed.
There is little left for me.
If you're looking to make a fast buck,
I know exactly what to do.
Please tell.
Pocky Zhang!
One of them just died!
Pocky Zhang?
Yes, Pocky Zhang!
What has he got to do with us?
Or with our money?
Is he here in Goose Town?
Well, yes...
and no!
Master Huang speaks in riddles!
Where is he, then?
Let Master Huang enlightens us.
He has grabbed Goose Town by its balls!
- Know what I mean? - No
Know what I do for a living?
Half the opium smokers in this nation
rely on Master Huang for their supply!
No, I'm only a pawn for General Li...
I'm just one of his runners!
How many runners does Liu have?
And Master is the most able one!
Yes, the strongest one!
But this runner,
is now crippled!
What happened?
Zhang has seized nearly all my goods.
Imagine what he can make from them.
He must be very well off!
I wonder if this is true.
You can write your own cheque,
if you can take him out!
We wouldn't dare to!
But if this can make us rich,
I wouldn't mind having a go!
Then blame yourself for your timidity!
But I would be happy to assist.
I can put up money as a bait.
The families have to match my contribution.
We're hoping you'd say that.
How about $800,000'?
No! I'll put up $1.8 million!
The more the merrier!
Yes, we'll pay you back $1.8 million,
and split the dollars from the others.
There's no need to pay him back!
We'll hit these bandits hard!
Whatever they seized in the past,
we will retrieve for the Master.
Look at the bigger picture,
the $1.8 million bounty is but a strand of hair.
Surely you won't mind!
We'll get rid of Pocky Zhang!
- Cool enough? - Very cool!
We can discuss that later.
The only thing I want to do now
is to fix Master's crippled leg.
Pocky Zhang's such a nuisance.
He shouldn't have messed with Master Huang!
Let's top up.
I believe in taking our time,
doing things step by step!
I don't want to break my balls
by over-stretching!
We should agree on the split first,
before thinking of how to fix his leg.
If you want to settle the split now,
then just carry on.
Counselor, you decide.
About the dollars,
let's do a customary 30-70 split.
How can you even say that?
Master Huang is so instrumental.
And you give him only 30%'?
Let's go 50-5O!
My apologies, Master Huang.
So inconsiderate!
I'll go along with that: 50-50.
If you've the guts to take on the bandits,
the dollars from the two families,
are but strands of hair!
Strands of hair!
May not be even that!
I know you have the courage.
But ability-wise...?
How do I know if you can overcome Zhang?
May I ask you a question, sir?
Go ahead.
If Zhang can seize your goods,
why can't he break in here?
My citadel is impregnable.
There's no way that he can get in.
Are you sure
that we're the only ones here?
An order to retreat!
- Split? - You sure?
Let's split.
"Chief, watch your back."
Did you hear that?
Where Pocky fails to breach, I succeeded!
I can kill him when he is least expecting it.
Another one bites the dust!
Implicate me for all you like.
I couldn't care less!
Governor. I sense that you're special.
I am flattered.
But those who waged war on the bandits,
none has survived.
Why not?
Pocky Zhang is a tough cookie.
I met him once 20 years ago.
Isn't that fate?
How did it happen?
He stood by a lantern and turned towards me,
and I was standing in the shade.
He was well lit up,
and you're in the dark!
Quiet, quiet...
So it was there and then...
A bit like, here and now!
What a coincidence!
But you're missing something.
You mean his facial scars?
Of course not.
Then what is it?
You don't know how to play act.
A fortune teller told my mother
before I was even born!
He said my Achilles heel
would be my inability to play act!
Can I change it?
No way! it's in your genes!
But our counselor is a born actor!
Confusing dollar with dolls?
What is dollar?
American money!
A genius when it comes to play acting.
Counselor, cheers!
Thanks for your compliment, sir.
Allow me to play the fool for once.
After defeating the bandits,
we'll take just 20% of any opium recovered.
No, I insist 50-50!
To show my sincerity,
I'll send over $1.8 million now.
That's too soon. We haven't started yet!
Marie, Claire!
Master, I can't take women.
No interest in money or women,
what do you want?
A runner.
What runner?
Master Huang's a runner of exceptional courage!
- Brother! - Brother!
We can run side by side!
We'll run for our lives!
Roads won't exist in this world of chaos,
unless people like us run on them!
I see, I see...
Yes, me too.
Stupid birch!
While flowers can blossom again,
time lost will never return.
This girl is as delicate as jade.
Please don't be mad at her.
Master Huang, easy easy...
Shame we didn't meet until now!
Diamonds, the girl - they're all yours.
I've brought my wife with me.
So I can't take her home.
Then take the diamonds for your wife.
I accept them on her behalf.
Get up.
I thought you'd summoned two girls.
How come there's only her?
You mean she is Marie-Claire?
You are really naive!
She's adopted a fashionable name.
It's Marie-Claire!
There goes the last of them!
A wise counselor!
A tough governor!
Master, you're both wise and tough.
Are you really "Pocky" Zhang?
Supposing that you are.
You've already made a fortune
from "crippling" Liu's runners.
Why bother with Goose Town?
But if you are someone else...
Kill the chicken and take the eggs.
Let him die in his own bed.
Don't kill him on his way home
after dining as my guest.
Who is the "chicken"?
The Governor.
And the "eggs"?
I'll out his balls off!
My two diamonds!
Don't worry, sir!
I'll retrieve your diamonds.
I'm sorry.
My pleasure, sir.
Know why I'm sending you?
It's because I'm already dead.
Do you know why?
I shouldn't have implicated you.
Right! If you are alive, you'll eventually die.
But if you're dead,
you may live on forever!
Kill the chicken, take the eggs!
Where's Chief?
Punch drunk!
Where is he?
We're still chatting just now!
I must be drunk, too!
I'll sort you out later.
He must've fallen off the horse.
I heard that you slept.
Look up when you speak.
I heard that you slept last night.
I sleep every goddamned night!
Look at me when you speak.
You slept with the bandit?
Do you want a blow-by-blow account?
Tell me more.
When a seasoned pro meets a bandit chief,
anything could happen!
What now?
Whore! Bitch! Vixen! Tramp!
What did you call me?
Whore! Bitch! Vixen! Tramp!
If I'd more time,
I'll put you in your place!
Come on!
I dare you!
You're all talk!
A perverted, dirty old man.
Could you have bought the post
without my money?
Don't piss me off!
I think the bandit is more able!
What do you mean?
He's got more balls than you!
He's good at getting drunk!
These will make your day!
Three of Huang's dogs died today.
I know they're not worthy of you.
I was going to lead our brothers,
engage Huang in a deadly duel,
and avenge your death.
But I've changed my mind.
I can't take revenge this way.
I can't risk more lives.
Chief, we're looking for you.
Why did you signal retreat?
Huang heard your whistling.
I knew that I was safe.
Leave, I want to spend time alone with Six.
It has finally dawned on me,
why I became a bandit in the first place.
I was no match for these people.
But I must take them on at their own game now,
and to win for you.
What the heck?
You stole my diamonds.
They're not meant for you.
They're a gift for Mrs. Governor!
Which of us is the Governor?
Who's the Governor?
Tell me who's the Governor!
You want to kill me?
Or to sleep with me?
Is there a difference?
It's different!
I can bed you first, and kill you later.
Then you'd better kill me now.
I don't sleep with dead bodies!
I won't take drunken advantage of a widow,
so I'll just sleep next to you,
not with you!
Holy smoke! I was fooled!
You and Wu both faked death!
That's right.
Why dressed up as a bandit?
I'm a bandit. "Pocky" Zhang's my boss!
What's your rank, then?
I am Three!
Three, you've hit big time!
You've got yourself a fake!
Chief, don't listen to his bullshit!
He plotted Six's death.
Let me shoot him now!
Were you sent by "Pocky" Zhang?
Or by Master Huang?
I want the right answer!
- Master Huang. - Why?
We commit crimes posing as bandits,
forcing governors to launch expeditions.
Creating more chances for Huang to swindle.
And then?
- That's all. - Really?
I don't know anything else!
Why did you target my bed?
Master said you're arrogant,
a threat!
Take him a message:
While he likes people to fake death,
I'm fond of killing people more than once!
Letting me off again?
He can only understand words you say.
Chief, you're...
Yes, "Pocky" Zhang.
Where are your pockmarks?
Does your boss have "Huang"
inscribed on his face?
That's true.
My friend,
you must not tell anyone,
that I am "Pocky" Zhang.
You have my word!
I never want to be a governor,
but you still bought me this post!
The position has been usurped,
and now you're dead too.
Huang has brought his militia.
Wanting to fight bandits with us.
She was my wife.
- I am the governor! - Let him in.
I am Ma Bangde!
Is the Governor okay?
Give chase! Don't let anyone get away.
Those goddamned bandits!
Scum of the earth!
The Governor has only just arrived...
Said I didn't want to be a governor,
but you still bought me this post!
The governership is now mine,
but you've left me on my own.
She was my wife.
I am the governor!
I am Ma Bangde!
You're too hot-headed.
You shouldn't have shot those bandits.
They'll take revenge for sure.
Don't cry.
She died for Goose Town.
She deserves a proper burial!
Invite every townsfolk to attend.
Certainly. I'll take care of it.
"Here lies Madam Governor"
"Master Six rests here in peace"
...to be relieved of life's burden.
Thus we commit their bodies to earth.
From which they came,
and do now return.
We know we can place ourselves,
in the hands of our Father in Heaven,
who has promised us eternal life.
We're from "Pocky" Zhang's gang.
We're here for the money.
Sorry for the intrusion!
We're looking for...
Huang, heads of families, show yourselves!
Hu Wan?
Father, our apologies.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the rest has nothing to do with this.
Gag them!
Get up!
I'm the governor of this county.
I volunteer to be your hostage.
Just shut up!
We spare you to deliver our ransom.
Three days, pay up and they go home.
- If not, they die. - Shoot me first!
- Stop it! - Shoot me first!
You're asking for it.
Beat him up!
You talk too much!
I'll teach you a lesson!
Stop messing with my mask!
Don't screw things up.
Take them away!
- it's him. - Three!
Pack them!
No one goes until we get his ransom.
Butler, stay calm!
One, two, three...
Huang is in there!
One, two, three...
You plotted this scheme
over my wife's dead body?
I am impressed!
We'll kill the hostages in 3 days!
Remember, I am Nine!
That was quite a show.
- Almost pass for real! - Sure.
It'll be more convincing with some blood.
Was that necessary?
Was that really necessary?
Shoot! Give them hell!
Butler, hold your fire!
We need time to prepare the ransom.
Otherwise they will kill the hostages.
Let them kill the hostages.
In fact, I want them dead!
Why do you think I need a double?
I'll not pay any ransom.
But the families will pay up.
You'll get your money for sure.
I'm fine.
Don't worry about me.
Hu Wan must have defected to Zhang.
He must be found,
dead or alive!
A double is useful. Find me one, too.
Pocky, have you no shame?
The game's up!
Yes, game's up.
The fun has only just begun.
Release them.
Here's a souvenir. Don't look back. Scram!
Ma'am, if you're still alive,
you'd see this for yourself.
If she was alive, there'II be nothing here.
She traded her life for this.
Doesn't Six's life count?
It's different.
Goddamned it isn't!
My wife.
Whose wife?
What about her?
She was murdered by Huang.
But Six died at his own hands.
I'll shoot you dead,
for demeaning our Six!
Two, put down your gun.
Stop pointing your gun at me!
I've never seen bandits as dumb as you!
Stop laughing! Cut it out.
I didn't belittle Six! He had courage!
He was a hero!
Yes, he was heroic.
My wife went to sleep and died in bed.
Don't cry! Your wife was heroic, too.
Brothers, why are we here?
To get rich!
Have we succeeded?
Yes, we have.
So let's leave!
Let's go.
Why are you still in tears?
I'm overjoyed.
Chief, when do we leave?
We're not.
This is not Huang's money.
But the money's still good!
I want Huang's fortune.
You refuse to take money from rich or poor...
The blood debt of Six and Madam,
must be repaid by Huang!
You're gambling with our lives!
You call this a gamble?
Yes, and you'll end up a loser!
We're not leaving.
We don't want this money either.
Give them away.
But Chief...
Who do you want to give this to?
To the poor.
Who are the poor?
Those in dire need.
You wore "Nine" when you ambushed me.
What am I wearing now?
Feel it for yourself.
Fun, isn't it?
Haven't you always wanted to play God?
What has it got to do with Huang?
If I am God, ridding him should be a piece of cake.
I think I know her.
So do I!
Let's give her some money.
Hang on!
She is not exactly poor, is she?
So who are the poor?
Those who're forced to sell their own children.
Correct! She was sold by her parents.
Make sense!
So you're bandits in disguise!
We've come to give you money.
Kill her. No option!
Whoever sees a bandit's face has to die.
It's your own rule.
The first to see our faces
was you!
Our mission is only half accomplished,
and we're bickering over a broad!
You're the lead drummer at my inauguration?
What's your name?
Call me Flora.
Are you related to Huang?
No, he bought me.
There are posters by the city gate.
Know what they're for?
Bounty offers for "Pocky" Zhang.
I am "Pocky" Zhang.
The bandits were behind this.
Is it because of the masks? We have masks too!
Then it must be the Governor!
He is giving money to the poor?
No bogus governor would do that.
I want you to dress up as bandits.
Exactly like them.
What they give out, you take away.
Let's cause havoc!
I'll have him checkmate in 3 moves!
But we've made 3 moves already.
Driving Six to death,
killing the chicken for the eggs...
Those were old moves!
I'm talking about 3 new moves!
First, check out the Governor.
He doesn't act like someone who'd buy a post.
At least, he's not Ma Bangde.
Have you found Hu Wan?
Hu Wan? Not yet.
How come he is still missing?
Don't worry, sir. I'll find him.
Do you know...
how much I miss him?
On master's order, let's wreak havoc!
Let's show how we can mess things up!
Did you get your share?
How are you going to thank us?
Any way you like.
Any way I like? Great, you said it!
Know why we gave you money?
It is because you're benevolent.
We can do even better!
Batter! Batter!
Governor, we want justice!
It's all over! We're finished!
Even rabbits wouldn't do this.
Six men, in front of her husband,
and in broad daylight!
I've never even done this with lights oh!
If you're desperate, paid for it!
Be extravagant!
Visit a brothel!
It won't cost much!
You don't even have to be discreet.
This is stupid!
You're worse than bandits!
And we'd wanted to leave a good impression!
One word comes to mind: revolting !
Our scheme is now in ruin!
Filthy, nauseating...
You know me.
When it comes to this sort of thing,
I prefer to be passive...
You know me,
I am alone wolf,
always acting on my own.
You know me,
If it was me,
she wouldn't have lived to squeal.
You know me.
I may be the eldest,
but I am...
still a virgin.
Stop staring at me!
You know me well.
If I was responsible,
the one on the receiving end,
would have been her husband!
Each of you is so unique.
I've been betrayed.
By who?
How could he overlook the obvious?
Huang is behind this scam.
Tang's not behaving properly.
He must be up to something.
Come out! Stand up!
Who have you been seeing lately?
Master Huang?
Don't move! Raise your legs.
- Who's there? - A boy, my child!
- Your child? - Yes, mine.
You're a child?
- How old are you? - Eight!
Come out!
He's eight?
I find it hard to believe myself!
As tall as Mom when he was three.
Taller than me when he was five...
Screw you!
Mom, mom!
Screw you!
Hands off my boy!
- Screw you! - Screw you, too!
Screw you!
She's your mother?
Yes, she is.
And he's your dad?
None of your goddamned business.
Stop it!
Ma'am, what's going on?
I come for money. I won't leave until he pays.
He owes you?
It was eight years ago in Shanxi.
This crook made me pregnant.
He is a man of poor repute.
Ran up a mountain of debts,
then vanished without trace.
Creditors kidnapped my younger son.
He'll die if I don't clear his debts.
He's not my child!
He is!
- He isn't. - He is!
He is! I counted the days!
He swindled someone.
His victims tracked you down,
and kidnapped your younger son.
Threatening death...
Yes, so I need the money.
Pay her.
Money! The stones...
Just a small gift,
to mark our acquaintance.
I don't want these. I want real money.
You stupid idiot...
These diamonds are worth a fortune!
No kidding?
I can ride that?
We rode one once in Shanghai.
You have been to Shanghai?
I'm sure you'd fall over.
Come on. Try it.
Hop on!
Let's go!
Made of flesh and bones...
Have I come to the wrong place?
Or at the wrong time?
Serve your customers.
They're my customers.
We're here first.
Have they paid?
The "bicycle ride" doesn't count.
Show them out.
But I've paid my dues.
With What?
Money you received through the window?
Isn't that bandit money?
I wonder if they are also bandits.
No, they work for the Governor.
How dare you pay their tab with bandit money?
Cut the crap! Let her go!
White knights to the rescue!
White knights to the rescue!
I'm no damsel in distress.
They're no knights in shining armour.
After all, they're customers.
I've already settled their bills.
You taught me yourself,
customers are always supreme!
Isn't that right?
Instead of knights coming to your rescue,
they are being saved by a damsel.
You're turning into a Mata Hari.
You've just pissed him off.
He doesn't need to be pissed off.
If he wants you dead,
you die!
I should've put a bullet through his head.
That would be the end of it.
Don't be silly.
Chief wants to go after his fortune.
If you're here for the money, then...
why are you giving it away?
Is this the right colour?
Lower the umbrella.
The red is fine. Come over here!
First apply green, then red.
Okay, got it.
Don't forget to lock up.
- Bring the shovels. - Got it.
- Six shovels! - Got it.
Chief, how do I look?
Hair is fine. Face is flushed. Come here...
Apply that to a dead man's face
will turn it into pinkish red.
- Got it. - Good.
Come here.
Green is the base colour.
Add that and you'll get this!
- Oh, I see... - Got it?
You want shovels like these?
Shorten them and put them in the bag.
How short?
Short enough for the bag.
Hurry up! Six shovels!
Where are you going?
What's with the make-up?
Are you leaving for good?
Come with us to give out money?
No, what a waste!
- So you're not coming? - No.
Now listen.
This time, I may come back,
but, then again, I may not.
If I do, you can leave with us.
If not, you plan your own getaway.
Aren't you just giving out money?
Yes, we are.
By the way,
at midnight tonight,
someone may come calling.
Engage him in conversation.
Whatever the topics,
just chat along with him.
you have to stay calm,
make it nice and slow.
You saw it with your own eyes?
You saw the Governor leading his men out?
Yes, with my own eyes.
They've gone to give out money?
Yes, indeed.
Which mask does he wear?
Splendid. Tonight we shall only kill!
Our target?
The Governor, wearing "Nine"!
Masked or not, consider this done!
All of you, put on your masks!
"Firefight with bandits,
intrepid Governor killed!"
That would be music to my ears!
Which mask is their leader wearing?
Let's all change to "four"!
Kill anyone who is not a "four"!
Which mask is their leader wearing?
Know what we'll be wearing, then?
Got it.
Let's get rid of "Nine"!
Master Huang, what brings you here?
Can I not visit the magistracy?
Light in
When the cat prowls, the mouse seizes control!
Sit down!
Where's the Governor?
Everyone is a "Four"? I'm confused!
I'm confused, too!
It's bad to stay out in a thunderstorm.
Yes, it's awful.
Let's reschedule. Split!
Be in touch!
What now?
It's back to square one.
Yes, square one.
Split! 1, 2, 3.
Listen! Someone's been shot.
Soon someone will mourn.
Mourning will lead to confessions.
You've at least three confessions to make.
I shouldn't have given your diamonds away.
Try again.
I suggested "to kill someone,
first destroy his soul".
Not that either.
We should have hosted the banquet instead.
The banquet?
I can't hear you.
I can't hear you!
There was a shoot-out.
Six killed. We're unscathed.
Counselor, come take a look.
Your saviour may be among them.
No, you are my Saviour.
If that is the case,
remove his mask,
and have a good look.
Come on, lights!
What's going on?
What's happening here?
It's Hu Wan!
Hu Wan?
How come it's Hu Wan?
This is weird!
All those wearing "four"
are my men!
Where are the bandits?
Where are they?
Hu Wan was a bandit!
He was one of them!
Murderers and kidnappers,
those who terrorised Goose Town,
were led by your own Hu Wan!
I wondered why you didn't fund the expedition.
You may even be the bandit chief himself!
You dare to turn your guns on me?
You dare to turn your guns on me?
Do you want a shoot-out?
Take a good look at a bandit's fate!
I'd still have him shot
if he was my father...
sooner or later!
You just shot Hu Wan 5 more times.
You want to show justice?
Or to make sure he's dead?
Only "Pocky" Zhang would want to silence him.
If you'd only wanted to show justice,
why not fund my expedition instead.
Done deal!
You shall receive a nice surprise in 3 days.
He was Hu Wan's boss.
Now he's your boss, too.
Please act as our interpreter.
What is a "nice surprise"'?
Interpret for me.
There's nothing to interpret
What on earth is a "nice surprise"?
It is what it is.
You just don't get it, do you?
Go ahead and interpret. What is it?
A nice surprise!
Translate for me!
What is this "nice surprise"'?
What is this goddamned "nice surprise"'?
What is this "nice surprise"'?
It means that in 3 days,
I'll put up $1.8 million for your campaign,
to fix my crippled leg!
Is that clear?
That's the "nice surprise"!
The nice surprise is that,
he will give you $1.8 million in 3 days,
to fund an expedition to fix his broken leg!
What a nice surprise!
I'm willing to wait 3 days.
Master Huang.
I adore my Counselor,
I can't let you have him.
Fair enough.
We're almost there.
Say, 70% done.
I've asked Two to take off first.
He'll wait for us at Emerald Creek.
I will keep my promise.
Know what you have to do?
When $1.8 million is in hand,
I'll consider Six avenged.
I feel that...
my wife's death is also avenged.
Saviour, you still want to kill Huang?
I'm not your Saviour. Huang is.
You're my Saviour. Not him.
Did you think I was lying dead back there?
No, of course not.
Never crossed my mind.
I've to hand this to you.
Abracadabra, and Hu Wan magically appeared!
But I really didn't get it.
Those six bodies,
such a distance, so little time,
how did you move them so quickly?
Huang and I took the shortcut.
You've to carry six bodies.
How did you manage?
They weren't buried at the magistracy.
The bodies were buried there all along.
I ensure the standoff was at their burial site.
That's where I led Huang to.
I'm convinced you're "Pocky" Zhang.
Sit down.
My name is Zhang.
I know that.
Zhang Muzhi.
A fine name!
It has auspicious meanings.
You father must have high hopes.
After graduating from military academy,
I enlisted in General Cai's army.
Served as captain of his riflemen.
How old were you then?
A youthful genius!
Cai was wounded during the Battle of Luzhou,
and later died in exile in Japan.
I came back alone.
The country was in total chaos.
So I became a bandit.
They nicknamed me "Pocky".
Shame! You're so handsome.
People have an odd way of thinking,
that bandits shouldn't have proper names.
They love calling their bandits "Pocky".
Not only that,
they want their bandits scarred and scary.
People can be so ignorant.
My own story started like this...
I too was a tenderly 17,
and so was she.
Stop, I'm not interested.
I don't confess to just anyone.
I've to continue now that I started.
Take it back!
It's all made up anyway.
You're a conman!
In our part of China,
There are only two such landmines.
Both limited edition.
Made in U.S.A.-1910!
Bang and everything's in smithereens!
So if it doesn't take some lives with it,
it'd be such a waste.
where's the other one?
It exploded.
The first bang during the 1911 Revolution!
Oh yes, I've heard!
It went off at Xinhai!
Xinhai's not a place! it's a revolutionary icon!
You should've said so earlier.
Now, tell me about this one.
You must stay focused.
I want it to shake the world,
I want it to rock and roll!
Pick a good spot,
find an auspicious time...
So, who's our target?
You should've asked...
Where, then?
Where the expedition force must pass.
Yet another expedition?
Can I have a bigger out this time?
You can have it all if you're the real Pocky!
No problem, sir. I'm a fake.
I'll take whatever you can spare.
When do you want it to blow up?
That's our denouement!
Let's play out our second act slowly.
Hold Still!
Let her speak.
Two left without saying goodbye.
Now Three is leaving too.
You are tearing us apart!
You're doing this for Two or Three?
Shut up!
I Know your left hand's intention,
I know your right hand's intention.
But both hands together...I don't get it.
I'd rather be dead!
Typical Scorpian!
Shut up!
Sit down, all of you.
Let me talk to her.
You were bought by Huang?
- Been mistreated? - Yes.
- Have I ever laid hands on you? - No.
- Hate him? - Yes.
- And me? - No.
Then why threaten me with a gun?
Because you're a good person.
What kind of stupid logic is that?
You threaten me because I'm good?
Flora, Chief is right!
Go back! Sit down!
You bunch of idiots!
I told you to give money to the poor.
And you gave it to her?
I warned you but nobody listened.
Shut up! You're a born cheat!
Always plotting to swindle me.
Working with Huang behind my back.
When a bandit confronts a godfather,
the outcome should be simple.
How can you screw up so badly?
How dare you still point your gun at me?
If I don't dare to draw a gun on you,
I'll never make a good bandit.
I dare you all!
Whose quirky idea is this?
I was just teasing her.
You want to become one of us?
Yes, to give money out to the poor,
to hear and share their joy.
You're now one of us.
But I am not prepared.
No need!
Did you make preparation?
How about you?
I was eating hotpot and singing songs.
My train plunged and I ended up here.
We're leaving Goose Town soon.
But you have to stay.
A bandit must have discipline.
Chief is right.
But she has a point, too.
I have an important mission for you.
I think you can manage.
This is our nice surprise!
A nice surprise indeed.
He is not Ma!
Now that we know,
My next move can be more leisurely.
Impersonating a governor
warrants capital punishment.
His whole clan dies with him!
Master, just you wait.
I'll go and blow him away!
Before they die,
I want to toy with these circus monkeys.
But Master,
they're not worth your while.
No, I must toy with them!
Otherwise, I couldn't get others to pay,
the Governor couldn't go and fight the bandits,
and they wouldn't trot on my landmine!
Huang has a double.
They are indistinguishable.
I can't tell if this is really Huang.
I need you to check for me.
He's a fake.
He's not Huang.
Told you I'm not Huang!
I really am not him.
I'm certain.
Let me go.
Keep an eye on him until our return.
If you have to, use your guns.
I've never used a gun.
Three, show her how.
Is that your photo?
Yes, it's mine.
I was Slimmer then.
I don't think it's you.
It isn't?
No, it isn't.
I don't think so either.
No, that ain't me.
What is this all about?
I was totally baffled myself.
When I bought the post, I needed papers.
I had my picture taken at a gallery,
and that's what they gave me.
I said the man in the photo wasn't me.
They insisted that it was.
I've no choice but to use it.
Is that so?
That's obviously me!
I am the real Ma Bangde.
Is that so?
I was ambushed by bandits on my way here.
He saved my life.
So I let him take the post.
After all, he's my nephew.
Uncle, we shouldn't be telling him this.
Shut up!
I've travelled all over China,
I have been governor in 9 counties.
I excel in confusing facts with fiction!
So, Governor Ma...
He's addressing me.
You were saying?
Just as I uncover the truth,
you blow your own cover!
What a coincidence.
"Stop frowning to dispel ill feelings,
and brush aside quarrels with a smile."
Want to make peace?
Splendid. Where's my double?
Return him and we'll call it quits.
We've killed him.
Which asshole ordered his execution?
You're that asshole!
I dare you to pull your trigger!
Lay down your guns!
I know I could take you out first.
Put down your guns on my count of three!
One, two, three!
Huang, put it down!
He may be a brute, but you too?
You're the worst!
When are you leaving for your expedition?
We aren't.
We can't leave without funding.
We can't fight without leaving!
You've failed to live up to your promise.
You had agreed to
lead the contribution
in order to make the others pay.
Not only have you not put up any money,
you've also fought us posing as bandits!
Wrong! You saw my men dressed up as bandits.
I saw yours posing as bandits, too.
But when the others see these bandits,
they wouldn't know that they're fakes.
Now is the time to pay for the expedition.
If I pay, others will follow suit.
Where's your money?
It's all here.
I've money stowed away everywhere!
It's all here?
This is only half of my share.
Each family will have to put up the same.
Uncle, this is a trap.
A trap?
After all these confrontations,
he has not put up a dime.
Why so generous all of a sudden?
Did I surprise you?
Yes, you did.
I surprised myself too!
Want to know why?
Come here.
I won't make a Governor?
Don't I look the part?
Yes, you can swear in as soon as we leave.
Goose Town?
I bought governorship of 6 more counties!
I can't handle all on my own!
That is why...
Get out!
Leave us.
I need you to govern three of them for me.
Brilliant! I'm good at governing.
Hey, wait...
What about me, then?
can play "Pocky" Zhang!
Great idea!
Since the abdication of the last Emperor,
Goose Town has 51 governors.
They're all bastards, parasites and leeches!
But our beloved Governor Ma,
is neither a bastard, parasite,
leech, nor a beast!
He risks his life to combat the bandits.
He is our hero!
Counselor, please.
It's time for heroes to take centre stage!
It's time for heroes to show their mettle!
We must rid ourselves of these bandits.
We don't have a choice.
Imagine, if you take your wife out,
singing, eating hot pot and be merry,
when bandits jump on you from nowhere!
I long for a world without thieves,
for days of wine and roses!
Governor, please!
want to check this out?
Isn't that the warrant?
Read it out loud.
Ma Bangde is hereby appointed...
Read on!
Don't miss out the words in between...
Ma Bangde is hereby appointed
Kang County governor...
Hang on...
Kang County?
Not Goose Town?
It has always been Kang County.
You bastard!
Blame yourself!
When you dumped me in the river,
scared as I was, I had an inspired moment.
I brought you to Goose Town.
What's their difference?
Kang County is affluent. Goose Town is deadly.
Why Goose Town for me?
You're a tough cookie, aren't you?
There can only be two outcomes.
Either Huang kills you dead,
and I'll move on to Kang County.
Or we sort out Huang instead,
like what's happening now.
Very clever!
You goddamned crook!
One day Pocky will get you,
and blast you to hell!
You won't.
You love me too much.
You still think I'm "Pocky" Zhang?
If not, the real one must be somewhere around.
We're doomed if we run into him!
Speak of the devil!
Tell our men to hold their fire!
Scatter! Run for the peak.
"Hold your fire. Scatter!"
"Run for the peak. Grab their leader."
'IO to the west.
Another group to the east.
Tell Seven to join Three!
Secure our west flank.
"Seven and Three to secure west flank!"
"I'm there!"
"There are 11 of them, not 10!"
"No sweat, let's share them!"
Message from Three. West is secured.
These pheasant calls really work wonder!
Tell them!
Three joins Four to secure our south.
Seven back to protect the Counselor.
"Three and Four to secure the south."
"Seven back to guard the Counselor."
"I'm out-flanked."
"Throw the hats on my signal!"
"I'll take the east. You the west."
Three and Four are done.
I'm back. I'm back.
Stay with the Counselor!
Counselor, come!
It looks like Two.
Pocky Zhang is here.
- Leave your money... - It's Two.
Is he dead?
Goddamned it!
Tell everyone to go east.
Bring one in for interrogation.
I'll kill their leader myself.
Let's move.
Where's your leader?
In the north, with a pockmarked face.
Go north! On the hill.
Am I dead?
No, you're still alive.
Do you want to signal a message?
How do you whistle?
Can you lead the way?
No, I can't run any more.
Follow me, then.
I can't run.
You've only blown up your cheeks.
Your legs are fine.
"Chief is dead! Chief is dead!"
The Chief is dead?
You just signalled the Chief's death!
Five, go check it out.
They said you're dead.
Bullshit! Am I not alive?
"Chief is alive and well!"
Why missed out signalling "bullshit"?
"You're full of shit!"
Hear that?
He said we're full of shit.
They caught the fake!
You're "Pocky" Zhang?
Where are your pockmarks?
No one asking that question has survived.
Oops! I take it back.
I've got something special.
You can have them,
in exchange for my life.
What happened to them?
If I tell you, will you spare me?
I sawed the legs off the tall one.
And the short one?
She died of fright at the sight!
Who's behind this scam?
Master Huang.
Nice pockmarks!
He burnt them.
How many governors have you robbed?
Will you spare me?
I've killed five governors,
and shared the loot with Master Huang.
What's that?
A governor's silver umbrella.
Take it!
- Which way to Shanxi? -I have four more.
I know the way.
Will you spare me if I tell you?
Goddamned it! Speak!
To the east, to the east!
Come back! You mustn't go that way!
But Shanxi really is to our east.
Are you really "Pocky" Zhang?
Yes, I am.
I am about to kick the bucket,
don't lie to me.
Don't worry.
I really am "Pocky" Zhang.
My ass...
it hurts.
Your ass is on that tree.
You can't feel it.
On my ass over there,
I have another five warrants.
Take them.
Promise never to return to Goose Town.
You can't beat Huang.
Take the money and run.
Don't worry, I won't go back.
I lied about two other things.
No big deal.
I must confess before I die.
What was the first lie, then?
Can I confess my second lie first?
Do you still remember...
I can't quite figure you out.
Counselor Tang or Governor Ma?
Now that you're gone,
"Pocky" Zhang, too, is no more.
Fact or fiction no longer matter now.
For you, I'll go back and finish this war!
March on Goose Town!
This "Pocky" Zhang
has killed his imposter.
But instead of fleeing with the money,
he wants a showdown with me.
Let's get reinforcement.
I've sent Hu Bai to fetch troops.
Cavalry will arrive in 3 days.
Governor swears to behead Huang,
public enemy number one.
Trades in opium and human misery,
Huang has killed five governors.
The money that's been given out,
is but one-tenth of his hoard!
In memory of his dead comrades,
Ma will parade Huang's head in 3 days!
He gave away all his money to the poor.
The money is not being taken!
No one dare to go near except those geese!
I'll go and find Flora!
Bring her and Huang's double back.
We only have three days.
What is on his mind?
They're a bunch of clowns!
We simply want them...dead!
He has sworn publicly,
to behead me in 3 days.
Some said I'd win the lottery too!
Can the four of us
kill Huang in three days?
We've been telling everyone that.
We can't back out now!
What are our chances?
Time for a nap. Keep watch.
Chief, the money is gone.
I could see that.
We must have a 40% chance now!
Surely not!
Still only 30% after they took the money?
If things are that simple,
our efforts will be in vain.
Send the carriages!
I'll show you how to
"borrow arrows with a straw boat"!
But we just sent horses, not straw boats.
It's only a metaphor!
You're almost metaphysical!
Huang has taken all the Silvers.
We've no chance of winning.
Huang didn't even have to show up,
everyone has surrendered their money.
How can it be 60%'?
Well said!
So why 6O%?
It's because of fear.
What lies beneath fear?
We need to bring forth their rage!
As guns and ammos wait for you,
Huang hoards fortune in his citadel.
As guns and ammos wait for you,
Huang hoards fortune in his citadel.
I like that!
Those are guns! Send carriages?
Money incites greed. But guns are seditious!
They wouldn't dare.
The money's gone, but the guns remain!
What do we do now?
What are our chances?
Huang has taken all the money.
But no one takes our guns.
How come it's 7O%?
If he hadn't taken the money,
I wouldn't have to distribute the guns!
...wouldn't have distributed the guns!
need a nap.
- Queen! - Bingo!
I got it!
You were inciting rage and anger!
Collect the guns.
You missed?
Let the bullets fly!
Shots were fired!
They're all raging mad!
How dare they shot my horse?
Those with guns follow me.
Kill Huang and storm his citadel...
Those with guns follow me.
Kill Huang and storm his citadel...
Those with guns follow me.
Kill Huang and storm his citadel...
Those with guns follow me.
Kill Huang and storm his citadel...
Those with guns follow me.
Kill Huang and storm his citadel...
Those with guns follow me.
Kill Huang and storm his citadel...
Those with guns follow me.
Kill Huang and storm his citadel...
Chief, look.
Only they have come this far with us!
We're on our own!
I see.
They will only side with the victors.
We can't overcome Huang's 400 men!
Shoot! We can win!
What's our target? There's only a gate.
Let's blast the gate, then.
How many people have they brought?
Just the four of them.
You're kidding!
And also...
fifty geese.
Great! Let them shoot!
Let them goddamned shoot!
It's almost day break.
If Three doesn't return in time...
I know what's on your mind.
Can you draw an exclamation mark?
Let's do one on the gate!
Right on.
What's that? Where's the dot?
You missed!
Move over.
A hook stroke?
Look again!
A question mark!
If you can shoot straight,
you'll have nothing to worry!
Empty your guns
at the question mark!
Chief, chief...
Speak up!
I'm back!
Three days,
one mission!
Where are they?
They're here.
You're back, at last.
I'm not Huang! I'm just an actor!
What happened?
He ran away and I chased after him.
We ran along way!
I caught up with them.
He finally succumbed after I'd him cornered.
That was it?
Yes, that simple.
To mark Three's return,
let's go and empty our guns!
- Right. - Let's go!
What about me?
Just four of them?
Go and take a look.
Someone will die!
There will be fatalities!
At least one of them will die!
Brothers! We've won the war!
Say it out loud!
Yes, victory.
Let's parade him.
Follow me.
Huang's been captured.
Huang's been captured!
Huang's been captured.
Shit, we're in trouble!
I've died as my double!
Reclaim what's yours from the citadel!
Come with me!
Follow me!
The citadel's been breached?
Huang's been captured!
They took him for his double.
You've ended Huang's reign.
What do we do with him now?
Let him go?
You bastard, go over here! Over there!
Stand properly!
My fellow townsfolk!
Huang has died!
But he has got off lightly!
He was fell in one blow
by that stupid Governor!
That was stupid! That was ignorant!
That's not justice!
No! it's not!
Can you let this pass?
I am not him.
I know you're his double.
But you shared his life and committed his crimes.
So you should be punished
as if you were him!
- Kneel down! -I really am not him!
Kneel down! Kneel!
Don't make me mad!
On my count of three!
What them? Who's the son-of-a-bitch?
Want your ass kicked again?
Am I bothering you, sir?
Say the word and I'll disappear.
If not, I'll just carry on.
Go away.
Right, we're going.
Just yell if you need me.
Always at your service, sir.
Goodbye, sir. Beat it!
What's next for you?
Take my place here?
I'm not a caged bird.
You're a predator.
The day of your inauguration,
had I greeted you in person,
would things have turned out differently?
It was a nice hat. I liked it.
I have nicer ones at home.
I can give them to you.
Everything's gone in a flash.
You've totally wiped me out.
It's not that bad.
You're still having a smoke,
still chit-chatting.
But Six, Two, Counselor and his wife...
I can no longer hear their voice.
Never ever again.
Their four lives,
in exchange for my heirloom,
isn't that enough?
That's none of my business.
To me,
they are separate issues.
You could have kept the money.
But why did you give it away?
Master Huang, let me ask you a question.
Which is more important to me?
You or your fortune?
Think again.
Can it be the money?
Think again.
I still think it's me.
Neither matters to me.
Then what is?
To rid of you is more important.
Looking for a light?
You must be...
looking for this.
You're a man of honour.
There's only one bullet left.
That's enough.
Any message for Tang?
Right, tell him...
I owe him an apology.
I lied to him.
What was your lie?
I said I wouldn't come back.
But here I am.
You should have kept your promise.
Yes, I let him down.
But when it comes to you,
I'll definitely keep my words.
These chairs are mine.
Can I ask you a question?
You fancy Flora, right?
may I interrupt?
I overheard everything.
Huang is not an honourable man.
I gave him a pistol.
He can take his own life.
If he doesn't, lend him a hand.
I have 9 ways to skin this cat!
Nine ways!
You'll hear my roar!
Maybe just a little. Why?
Don't say I tipped you off.
Chief, we're off to Shanghai.
Not riding back with me?
Still want to resume banditry?
You're too old for this.
You should've given me a heads-up.
That's what we're doing!
Didn't you want to be one of us?
I just helped to dish out the money.
I've never had a more satisfying day!
I'm even dressed for the part!
you've changed your mind?
That goes without saying!
What's your plan, Three?
I'm going to marry her, on behalf of Two.
Chief, I'm Three!
Three, it no longer thrills you
-to ride with me? - Yes!
it's been hard going lately.
- What about you? - We've had...
better days.
hold your guns like this,
makes you look even cooler.
They're yours.
Chief, we've got to go.
Goodbye, Chief.
Bye, Chief!
Give me a heads-up next time.
Chief, take care.
Take care.
Goodbye, Chief!
Bye, Chief!
Bye, Chief!
"Pocky" Zhang!
Six, Two, Counselor, Madam...
Did you see that?
Three, Shanghai or Pudong?
Three, Pudong or Shanghai?
Shanghai is Pudong!
Pudong is Shanghai!