Lhorn (2003)

Are there any ghosts here?
Are you afraid of ghosts, Dao?
At the beginning,
were we going to Hua-Hin.
Right? But why we come here?
It seem like something
made us come.
Do you know, Dao?
Why Dech meeting us here?
No, tonight he might have explanation.
When did you arrive?
Come upstairs quick.
Who is that?
No. I don't know.
Come upstairs quick...
Is this the father have told you
to take the dimensions?
Krit, wait a moment.
Are you asking the drive
to having film developed?
Oh. Yes! But only 2-3 pictures left.
Now go and take photos.
Quick! Quick!
Come... Come... and take pictures.
It is on 1-2-3...
It's last, then the driver
will have it developed...
say 1-2-3... O.K.
Quick... Tell me all your names.
That's Boy, Thong and I'm Uab.
Hey! Look at the house! It's gorgeous!
Alright, you guys sleep in this room...
Ladies, you sleep in here...
You can put your things down in here
and head straight for the kitchen.
Krit, you sleep with me buddy.
What's wrong? Let's go...
Manao, what are you doing?
You can read that in the room...
Come on!
Just hurry up so we can
quickly get everything done.
Manao... Come on, hurry!
I am hurrying...
Manao, will you please just hurry...
I am hurrying...
Well, move over... Dao!
Dao! Are you ready?
Can we use any of this?
Let's see what we have to eat here.
Fah, I'll just sit over here
and keep you company beside.
I don't know how to do anything anyway.
All you ever do is sit and read...
Dao, see what we bought over here to cook...
All we have here are ready-made food.
This is what you call ready-made?
Look at this, it still needs to be
fried in the frying pan...
So what the hell is ready-made here.
Oh... Stop complaining, at least we
don't have to do everything ourselves.
But we still have to cook anyhow...
What a waste...
Don't you think Fah, that this house
is kind of spooky in a scary way.
Dao... you know those 3 guys
that are here...
I just can't seem to remember
where I've seen them before.
They do seem kind of strange
I don't think we can trust them.
Damn it! I don't know
why the hell I came here...
I don't even know how much money
we're going to get.
Stop complaining Thong...
Come over here and take a look at this.
What is it?
What are you reading, Manao?
Are you scared of ghosts?
A completely different world from us.
My father wants to remodel the place
into a middle class ancient
Thai style house...
so, you were all invited here to
use the skills that you have.
Krit... You photograph
the different angles of the house...
O. K
I know you take great pictures.
Fah and Manao,
you two like doing research...
so, you'll be writing an illustration to
the photographs that Krit has taken.
So, your father wants us to estimate all
the areas of the house.
How are we suppose to do that?
Well, the original landed property document
I can get myself at the administrative office
but the house has to be re-estimated...
because the original document was lost.
Basically, all I want to know is the total
estimation of the land and property...
All of you understand, right...
Anyone don't understand?
Manao, do you understand?
Didn't you hear him,
he asked you if you understand...
What are you reading?
Here, let me see... The Paup ghost...
Come here...
You're reading a ghost story?
- OK
- You really don't know how to grow.
I think it's time we all split up
and get some rest.
So, how much does the job pay?
Tomorrow I'll call and
ask my father for you.
Get this cleared up...
I've never worked and not gotten Paid...
Come on, let's go...
This is a waste of my drinking time...
Damn waste of time.
Forget about them...
This Paup ghost is the same one
as the movie right?
How does the tale go?
They're just stories for scaring little kids.
I don't see anything worth listening to.
Well, I want to hear it...
Please manao... Tell it... Please...
Well, everyone else doesn't seem
to want to hear it.
If they don't want to hear it,
then forget them I want to hear it...
Tell it to me... Please Manao... Please...
Have you ever eaten
anything raw before, Dao?
Like a raw duck or a raw chicken?
The kind that is still alive?
You pull it by the neck and just
stuff it in your mouth.
And doesn't have to be broiled,
grilled or cooked in any way...
Why you look at me?
Are you crazy?
Damn! Get away!
What are you looking for?
Chief... Chief... Are you home?
What is it Chet?
Chief... There's a Paup ghost in
in our village,
and it has already eaten most
of our chickens.
We have to keep a watch for it...
before it eats all of
the chickens in the pen.
What and where is this Paup?
Our village has never had such a thing.
It's true Chief... It's the real thing.
If it isn't the Paup, then
what's eating all our chickens raw?
It could have be one of those monitor lizards,
they also eat chicken raw.
Chief, Sir. Those type of lizards eat,
the whole chicken not just the intestines.
Don't be foolish, Chet...
These are modern times...
It's true that there was such a thing
as a Paup ghost in the old days...
But nowadays it's impossible.
It is possible Chief,
and it has happened.
You must do something about this, Chief.
Do something?
And how do you know, who this Paup is?
Chief, what brings you all here?
Is Kane around?
No, Kane isn't here...
Is there something wrong?
I heard that your mother was ill...
So, I brought over some visitors.
How are you doing there, Jan?
I've just been lying and sitting around here.
What brings all of you here?
Heard that you were ill...
So we all came to visit, that's all.
Thank you.
Errr... Jan... Seriously...
Do you know anything about Paup?
What is it, Aer?
People... There's so many people
over at the house...
Chief is there also.
Why was Chief Nab and all
those people here?
They came to threaten me...
they say that I'm the Paup.
They're not going to let us stay
in the village anymore.
And how did you fall off your mattress?
They pushed me off the mattress.
That bald headed bastard!
How dare he do something like this?
Kane... Kane.
What is it, Aer?
Mother said she wants to eat fish.
Chief. Chief. She's practically dying there...
How can you do something like this?
This is just plain cruelty.
Calm down, Kane...
I was just trying to help you...
The villagers think that
your mother is this Paup ghost.
And to take them to see her...
That is all.
You call this helping?
What you did was just too much?
What did I do?
Kane. Calm down.
We all live in the same village.
We can talk about this calmly.
There's nothing to talk about...
There's nothing to talk about
is paralyzed and ill...
Instead of stopping the villagers,
you actually went along with them.
Kane, what are you talking about?
I have no idea of
what you're talking about.
You stop right there!
Don't come any closer!
You damn bastard!
You got me pregnant. Filthy animal!
Sleep my baby... Close your eyes,
I'll sing you a lullaby.
- The Paup ghost! The Paup ghost!
- Where? Where is it?
There! It went that way! Hurry up!
Catch it! Catch it! Hurry!
- Where is it?
- Which way? Hurry up!
- Where is it?
- Which way? Which way did it go?
Catch it! Catch it! Hurry!
Which way did it go?
Which way did it go?
Are you sure you weren't
just seeing things?
Your mama!
I saw it with my own eyes
that it ran towards this way.
Something must be done to
get rid of this Paup ghost.
Is it really somebody
said they met Paup?
What is it this time, Chet?
Did you hear about
what happened last night, Chief?
So, what are you going to do about it?
And what is it that you would like me to do?
It's difficult to do anything
when you don't have any proof.
What else kind of proof do you want?
I was there with Teu here...
and we were both chasing after it.
It ran towards Thidkane's house.
And did anyone see its face?
Who else can it be?
There's only one person.
How about this, Chief...
We'll go and get the witch doctor Sin
to get rid of it once and for all.
That's right... If not...
then this will cause
more problems for us Chief.
- Yes... Yes...
- Be patient...
Don't rush into anything...
or you can easily end up in prison...
Is that what you want?
What are you going to cook today?
I'll blanch some Sesbania flowers
to eat with the chilli paste.
What are you doing here... I told you
to stay home and take care of mother.
Mother told me to come and
tell you that she wants to eat fish.
That's what I'm doing here...
I got one, Aer...
Wow! A big snakehead fish!
What are we going to do if we see a ghost?
You idiot... What kind of ghost
comes out during the day.
The Paup ghost...
If you're so scared then
why did you agree to come?
So I'd get some money to buy liquor.
Well then, shut up...
Wait for me...
Hurry up...
Wait for me...
Aer, take the fish and boil it for mother.
And put in lots of tamarind leaves.
And what about you?
I'm going to go and check on the buffalo...
I tied it up way over there...
Snakehead fish in Tom Yum soup.
Hey! And put in lots of tamarind leaves.
A huge snakehead fish...
Yes, mother...
What are you going to cook, child?
A huge snakehead fish in
Tom Yum soup, mother.
Don't start cooking yet...
saw it with my own eyes...
This time I'm not going to just let it get by.
Hey... Don't call on him...
Aer, where's Kane?
Kane's out in the fields.
That's good...
Okay, let' all help the doctor
here start the ritual. Go on...
Wait... Are you sure we're not
going to wait for Thidkane?
No need to...
He'll find out soon enough.
Quickly help sit her upright.
Hold still... For I'm here today
to tame your evil ways.
Why the hell are you tying me up?
You'll know soon enough.
Now, answer me... Who are you?
Where did you come from?
Speak now!
What is it, Aer?
People. So many people are over
at the house.
Answer me now! Who are you
and where are you from?
I'm Jan. Thidkane's mother...
you insane doctor.
Come on doctor, just get rid of it!
Chet and Teu... both of stay still.
The doctor will take care of everything.
I've asked you nicely
but you refuse to answer...
You need a stronger persuasion.
Are you going to... answer me now?
Answer me!
Answer me!
Answer me or not?
Do you know who I am?
Who are you and where are you from?
Chief... Chief... Thidkane is here...
Hold him off.
Let me go!
This is all just plan foolish nonsense!
Let me go!
This isn't foolishness or nonsense, Kane...
- Your mother is the Paup ghost...
- Kane... Help!
You must allow her to go
through the ritual.
This is crazy! What Paup?
I'm not going to let this happen, Chief.
You must allow the doctor
to do the ritual.
If not, then you'll all be evicted
from your home.
Be gone from this woman!
Leave her, now!
Mother! Let me go!
That's enough! Enough, Chief!
She's going to die!
Stop this nonsense and get out!
Nonsense? Your mother is The Paup.
Are you going to leave or not?
If you don't leave now, I'll split your
head wide open... Go on! Go!
Kane, your mother is the Paup...
You just won't believe it.
One day this Paup
is going to eat your liver.
What Paup? I won't believe it.
I'm warning you with good intentions,
This Paup is old and clever with its ways...
You just be really careful.
This is all just foolish nonsense.
Get out of here!
Are you going or not? Go!
Why did they have to do this?
Mother... Are you able to get up
and eat something?
Just leave it there...
I'll get up and eat by myself...
You're not this Paup
that they say you are, right?
Do you believe that I am?
No. I don't believe any of it.
These days, there aren't such things
as a Paup ghost anymore.
That's good... You go on to bed...
Don't worry about me...
Then I'll just leave this for
you right here, alright?
Uh huh...
Aer... Why are you sleeping
out here and not inside?
I want to sleep with you tonight.
Are you crazy?
Go and sleep inside... Go on...
I'm scared of ghosts.
What ghosts? There are no ghosts...
Go and sleep inside...
Go and sleep inside...
What brings you around here...
I came to see you...
I heard that the villagers
believe that you're the Paup.
No wonder...
So, what are we going to do now?
It doesn't scare me as long as
I have Kane around.
Where is Kane?
Can I see his face?
There he is.
Kane, get the flowers ready...
This way, please.
Alright now its time for everyone
to pay their last respects...
Come along Doctor Sin...
Try not to grieve so much over this...
Just try and accept what has happened.
Walk down this way...
Do you think Jan's death had anything
to do with the Paup?
Who knows? It could be that
she died from her illness.
I feel sorry for Thid kane.
Hey, Teu... Where the hell is Aer?
Hey, that's right... Haven't seen
her around since the day Jan died.
That's strange...
That's scary.
Young Aer has to be the one left...
eating raw ducks and chickens
instead of Jan?
That's scary and disgusting...
Is the Paup only stay in E-SARN?
What about other parts...
What kind of ghosts do they have?
There are also ghosts in other parts,
but each part is different...
Like the southern part would have
to be the ghost of Prythani.
Yeah? Well, let's hear it...
Read it for yourself if you really
want to know.
I'm already tired of talking.
I won't read it... you tell it.
It's much more fun if you tell it.
Always you are.
So, this means you're going to
tell another story.
Well, if you don't like it,
then go sit somewhere else.
Damn! This is fucking irritating!
This ghost and spirit nonsense...
I say we find another place to drink...
Come on... Uab,
gather everything and follow me...
Damn it! Me again...
Heh... You don't have to look so surprised...
Fah, I'm sure you can stand listening
for a little while...
There's a lot of us here so
there's nothing to be scared of now.
The Thani ghost only goes after the men...
and the scary thing is...
that this type of ghost
has very strong sexual urges.
My type of ghost! I'd like to meet her...
Get serious or I won't tell it.
Manao, there are these types of ghosts too?
Hey! Just let manao tell the story...
Go on Manao.
This Thani ghost will enter
into the man's dream...
seduce him and will appear to him...
the ghost will make love
to him every night...
until he becomes so weak
and drained of energy...
that eventually he just drops dead.
If you do agree to it,
can move in right away...
I already had my daughter
clean up the place...
or if you want you can first see the inside...
Anyway I'll be renting the place, sir...
I've looked at so many places around...
But they were either too far
or too expensive for me.
If its in this area then this is
the cheapest place around.
The house looks livable...
Why aren't you living here?
How many of the Para Rubber trees
have you planted?
About 500 rubber trees.
These days the prices have dropped.
It's just not worth the effort...
It's better to make a living
by telling fortunes,
stars taking in spiritual forms.
It's a better living.
- You know how to contact the dead?
- Hey!
come on inside.
Do you like to eat bananas, sir...
You seem to have planted lots
of them here.
You can eat the field bananas...
But Thani bananas, no one eats those.
What's it going to be?
Are you going to rent
the place or not?
Yes, of course... 2 months rent
in advance, right?
Water and electricity you pay separately...
Are you going to use the place
for anything else?
Apart from living here, also
I'll be making pottery for sale...
I'd like to ask for your permission
to put up an oven here.
Just don't put it up too close to the house.
No need...
Some help... It's high, you can fall down.
No need, I can get down on my own...
You see over there... go and help lad
carry the stuff... Go...
What kind of lovers are you...
You can't even touch any part of her...
Where do I put this stuff, Den?
Just put it upstairs...
Sao will arrange it all later...
Lad, you sleeping over tonight?
It'll be better if I sleep over
when we put up the oven...
So, where are you
going to put up the oven?
Over there...
Where over there?
Over there...
So, when are you going to be able
to come and help here?
I can come and help after school...
Although, I won't be able to stay late...
Who's there?
Who's there?
Nui... Nui... Would you like to go to
the market for some ice cream?
Yes... Yes...
Hey... lad...
I'm going to go with Nui
and then straight home.
Then I'll see you in the morning.
Be careful going back home.
Your girlfriend sure has a way
with clothes...
You can barely see her figure.
You like sassy type of girls...
That's just the way she is...
How do you expect her to dress?
Are you sure she's the one?
Graduation, then marriage...
You're embarrassed... You're blushing...
Let me ask you for real...
Have you ever seen anything
that's under those clothes of hers...
I bet you haven't...
She's one of those shy...
good type of girls that no one
gets to see the goods.
Why the hell are you
talking about this to me?
I'm leaving... I'm going home.
I'm coming too...
I thought you said you'll come over
when we put up the oven.
I'll be there on that day also...
but today, I want to come over
and drink with you...
I want to drink with my partner...
The view is nice so we can
save on snack food.
Come on... Stop thinking so much...
Hey... You just wait...
I see that Sao came by and arranged
the place for you?
No... No one arranged the place... Why?
No... I...
I just see that the house is nice
and tidy, so I asked...
Forget it... Let's just drink.
You go ahead without me...
I'm going to change my clothes first...
Go on right ahead buddy...
Just feel right at ease.
You know, this house feels kind
of empty and spooky...
Aren't you scared at all, Den?
Scared of what?
Ghosts, what else...
You're not scared of ghosts...
That's nonsense...
There aren't such things as ghosts.
What's that noise?
Something must have dropped...
Just forget it... Here, I'll go take a look.
Hey, lad... Leaving already?
Aren't you going to sleep over?
I think it's better I sleep over
when we put up the oven...
I'll see ya...
See you tomorrow, man...
Are you drunk?
Don't worry about me... I'm fine...
Drive carefully...
Alright then,
I'll see you tomorrow morning.
Den... Den...
Is there something wrong?
You look kind of pale...
No... nothing's wrong...
Probably just drank too much last night...
Are you coming over to the house today?
Yes... Yes, I'm going...
Buy rice on the way back.
So we can have dinner over at the house.
Where do I put this shirt?
You can put it on the bed.
Can you hear me, Den. I came
over to ask, where are we going to eat.
Can you hear me, Den...
Shall we eat inside or outside...
Why don't you answer me...
Let go!
Come on... Just a little...
I've told you...
If you ever do anything like this again,
I'll never go with you again...
Let go... Let me go... Let go now...
How come there are so
many banana trees here?
These are field bananas...
The ones in the middle are
Thani bananas...
I don't know why the owner
planted them either.
Why did you fold this banana leaf here?
Where's the banana leaf...
Right here... This banana leaf...
That's not a banana leaf.
It's a piece of cloth.
What's wrong with your eyes, Sao?
Hey Sao... Take it easy...
Den... Why did you do this to me?
What, Sao...
You're the one that started it all.
Sao... Wait...
Hey! Young man... Young man.
What are you doing sleeping here?
I don't know...
I remember I was molding clay
for my pottery.
But how I ended up
sleeping in the banana field.
Then it was probably just a dream...
Did you see anything strange?
I saw a very beautiful woman,
wrapped in green cloth...
see her every night...
I don't really know
if it's a real or just a dream.
Young man...
Did you sleep with that woman?
Why have you called for me?
To ask for you to spare the life
of that young man.
It's no concern of yours.
You've done many good deeds.
Don't cause yourself to suffer more pain
for the punishment of retribution...
You dare to lecture me...
just a human...
What right do you have...
But what you're doing is sinful.
That human has past life retribution with me.
Go back to your own place before
restrain you from it.
This is your punishment, young man.
What's there to be scared of?
You're lovers...
You should talk this out... Go...
Den... Den...
It's his past life sins that he must payback...
Come... Help collect his body...
- Den...
- Den...
That's scary, but I want to hear
some more... Manao, keep going...
what about the northern part,
what kind of ghosts do they have?
The northern part has
what they call The Pong ghost.
What kind of ghost is that...
Strange name, never heard of it.
The Pong ghost is all about retribution
that's been brought down from past life...
The person who is The Pong ghost...
really just trying to free
themselves from who they actually are...
but cannot...
so, The Pong ghost is the most
pitiful ghost of them all...
Aren't you scared at all, Dao?
Look at me, I'm getting goose
Bumps all over...
If I keep listening to this I won't be
able to fall asleep tonight...
I'm going to bed.
Go on then.
Bye, Bye.
I don't think I can go on either...
I'm really sleepy...
I'm going to get some rest... Really tired.
This tale takes place in the countryside
of the northern part...
They believe that these herb like plants...
Wait, do you know what type of plant
I'm talking about?
Not a clue...
Anyway, these plants are
where The Pong ghost stays...
you see, when a person
gets possessed by The Pong ghost
their appearance, characteristics
and attitude will change...
Then before the sun rises,
the spirit leaves the body...
and goes back into the plant.
Don't, Dech... We're in the temple...
It's a sacred place...
We've been walking for hours now,
and all we've caught was
this one lousy frog...
I wonder where they're all hiding today...
This is just no fun at all.
Yep... No fun at all...
Hey! Pang. Wait. Who's that?
Scared me half to death.
Hey! Who's there?
What are you doing there in the dark?
Hey! I said, who's there?
Pang! It's a ghost!
Pin... Pin... Wait for me! Pin...
Really working hard there...
Well hey there, Uaykong.
What brings you all the way here?
Just came to visit.
Please, come and sit down.
Have some water to cool down. Jan!
Can you please bring down some
water for Uaykong here...
Surely, wait just a minute.
Quickly now...
Wait just a second, Uaykong.
Oh! He is still chopping.
Here we are...
Carefully now... Easy does it.
Here, hand it to me. Let me help.
Now, slowly step down.
Can't risk that pregnancy...
Thank you.
You're welcome...
Come... come here... carefully now...
You must be careful moving around...
Careful steps when going up and down.
You're quite big already.
Is the baby almost due?
It shouldn't be
more than a couple of days.
That's good...
Oh yeah, Uaykong...
Last night I saw a ghost
on my way back home.
Pang, how come you didn't tell me
anything about this...
I didn't say anything to you...
because I was worried this will startle
you and you might just go into labor...
Uaykong, but this ghost that
saw its face was pale white...
and it was holding a frog in its mouth...
There was blood smothered all over.
Did you happen to see its face clearly?
No, I couldn't see it clearly.
Because Pin's lamp was low on gas...
so there wasn't much light.
But there was light coming out of its nose...
I wasn't really that scared of it,
but Pin was so scared that he ran off
ahead of me so I had to run after him.
It seems like you both saw
the Pong ghost.
What exactly is this Pong ghost?
It looks just like an ordinary person...
It won't harm anyone...
Well, that's good to hear
because the next time I see it...
I'm going to knife it right to the head...
You know its eating all
the toads and frogs around...
Why would you want to harm it, Pang?
It's better to just leave it alone...
Jan is right... Don't harm it.
Fate has already overtaken it to suffer
the punishment of retribution.
May all your morale...
spirits return back to you, Pin.
Errr, father...
Will anything bad happen to Pin?
He'll be fine in a few days.
This just really startled him.
The important thing is not to be
going out during the night...
looking for any more frogs and toads.
I'm already afraid to, father.
Thank you so much, father...
If there's nothing else
then we'll be leaving now.
I give you my blessing.
Yes... I brought Pin over for
the father to bless him...
Seems that he has seen a ghost...
Well, I've got to be going now...
It seems to me that our homes
aren't peaceful nowadays...
with this Pong ghost
wandering around like this.
But it hasn't harmed anyone.
That may be true...
but no one can be at peace
while living in constant fear...
It's just bad fate...
The Pong ghost is summoned
through these grass like plants...
by the person having high knowledge
in incantation.
The ghost feeds on tiny
creatures and rotten decays.
Its appearance will reflect exactly...
on the image of its master.
That is why it doesn't want anyone
to see it.
But if you do happen to see its face,
that is when you will be attacked.
How will it harm us?
It'll just straight on attack you.
And can the ghost pass itself
on to anyone?
It is said that there are 2 ways
in which this is possible...
way is through saliva
and the other way is if that particular
plant has been passed on to you.
So, what can we do about this?
We'll just have to find
out who owns these Pong plants
and then we'll see
how we're going to deal with it.
For now, we must tell everyone not to
be out wandering around during the night.
Unless you really
get face to face with the Pong ghost,
then there's no problem.
The worst that can actually happen to
you is you'll lose your sense of self-esteem.
Want to take some bananas back with you?
No, that's alright... You take them...
I have lots of them at home...
Would you like to stop by at my place
for a glass of water?
No, you go ahead... I didn't think
I was going to be so long today...
Took up almost a whole day...
You just go and check on Jan...
I hope she hasn't given birth yet...
I'll see you...
Alright then, it's up to you...
Besides, I'm also worried about Jan...
Jan... Jan...
Yes... I'm in the kitchen.
That's good, because I'm already hungry.
What did you cook today?
Hung-Leh curry...
Hey! Be careful...
You're still pregnant, you know...
How are doing today?
Any labor pains?
The pains get stronger...
and more rapid now days...
But it's better now...
That's good... Come here,
let me listen to the baby...
Daddy's hungry now...
So, Daddy's going to eat...
I'm having labor pains again...
Labor pains...
You're going into labor?
The baby is coming!
Go on... Just stay in the other room.
What's wrong, Pang?
What's your hurry?
My wife is going into labor...
I'm going to fetch
Uaykom to do the delivery.
You go back and look after Jan...
I'll go and fetch Uaykom for you.
- Pang! Where's that boiled water?
- Yes, ma'am...
It's coming! Just a second!
Take it easy, child... Slowly...
Here comes the water Uaykom!
Put it down.
And both of you go on outside...
I'll take care of everything in here...
Go on...
Come on... Let's go... Pang, come sit...
and wait over here... It won't be long
until you see your child...
It'll be over soon.
I'm just excited.
Excited about what?
Where did Uaykong go off to?
He disappeared right after
he went to fetch mother...
He must have gone home.
Calm down.
My mother delivered babies for
the whole village. Don't you worry.
Hey! That's my baby crying!
Oh... Pang... You've got
yourself a daughter...
She is quite a sight...
I have a daughter!
My baby has been born!
I have a daughter! I'm a father!
Hey! Who's there?
Hey! Who's there?
It's that Pong ghost!
It came to eat my baby's placenta...
Did you see it's face?
Well, who is it then?
Uaykong, what are you doing?
I'm working... Can't you see?
Yes, I can see...
I just came by to thank you
for fetching Uaykom for me last night.
That's alright...
How's Jan doing?
Oh, Jan's fine now...
Did you know I have a daughter?
I was at the temple this morning
and Uaykom told me...
Is there anything else
you need to see me about?
No, that's all...
Just came by to thank you...
I'll be going then...
What's that you're planting there Uaykong?
Just some wild plants, father...
They looked nice and strange to me...
They seem to be able to adapt to
being watered once in a while...
They won't become a burden to you, father.
Oh, that's alright...
I usually water
plants everyday anyway...
One more plant to water isn't a big deal...
Doing the laundry, Jan?
Yes, Uay... Almost done here...
Won't the baby cry?
Who's staying with her?
She's sleeping...
She's with her father.
Men aren't very good at this sort of thing...
So, hurry back when you're done.
Yes ma'am... What brings you here?
Oh, I just came for some water.
I have to be going now...
I still have to start cooking.
Uh... Now, where is my shaft?
Hey there baby...
What was that noise, Pang?
I don't know... I'll go and see...
Jan, light up the lantern for me...
Are you sure?
It was the Pong ghost that
threw the shaft over your roof?
Quite sure of it, father.
Then this means, you must have
done something to offend it...
That's why it threw
this widows shaft over your roof.
So, what does this mean father?
Anyone that gets a windows shaft thrown
over their roof by the Pong ghost is damned.
So, how do I undo this curse father?
The Pong ghost is most afraid
of anyone seeing who it actually is...
If anyone sees it and calls to it,
it will attack that person instantly...
But if that person survives
the Pong ghost will die the following day...
You're asking as if you know who it is.
I'm coming! I'm coming, baby.
Oh... Don't cry baby...
Fire! Where are you, Pang! Help me!
Pang! Pang!
What is it? Luan...
What is it? Slow down...
Catch your breath... Now, what is it?
House is on fire!
Who's house is on fire?
Your house is on fire!
My house is on fire!
Has anyone seen my wife?
My wife? Jan! Jan!
Let me go Pin!
- Jan is over there.
- The baby and I are over here!
Jan... Jan...
Are you alright?
We're both fine...
But our house... Our house...
I'll build us another home...
I'm just relieved you're alright...
I'll build us a new home.
I didn't mean to...
How are you doing, Jan?
I'm still in quite a bit of a shock, Uay...
If it wasn't for you and Pin I don't know
where we'll all be right now...
Don't you worry yourself
at all about anything...
You can stay here with us
and then slowly think
about building a new home...
Although the place is a bit small
but, having 2 or 3 more around
won't be a problem...
Pang... Don't think anything of it...
Just feel at ease...
I know you're worried about me, Pin...
But either way I'm going to get back
at that Pong ghost.
How are you going to do that, Pang...
I surely can't think of a way...
I know it's Uaykong...
It has to be Uaykong...
That frightening cry last night...
That was the Pong ghost, right?
And so it was really Uaykong...
I still can't believe it.
Yes, it was... I was wondering
for quite some time.
But, I didn't want to really
believe it either.
Normally, Uaykong is a good person...
I guess its all about fate
and retribution just as father had said.
So, what do we do next?
This evening we'll gather all the village
people and go over to Uaykong's hut.
If what the father said is true...
then by sundown
the Pong ghost should be dead.
And what about Uaykong?
Everyone listen up...
Uaykong is dead...
From now on our village...
will no longer wandering around.
How can we be sure of this?
You saw it with your own eyes...
How about this...
Just to be sure, let's burn it all down.
So, the Buddhist father was left with
the retribution of being possessed.
By the spirit that's inside the plant
that Uay Kong planted.
That's right... One dies,
another replaces... Never ends.
Now, the next tale... Central part...
I don't see that there is any legend
in here... Where is it?
The tale of Nang Takien is not a legend...
That's because it was told by many people
with all different versions...
and besides, no one knows where
the real location of The Takien tree.
So, some part of it is legend
and some just tales...
There... open to the first page if you
want to read about it.
Found it... Here it is...
evil soul of The Takien tree...
I won't read it... you tell it,
Manao... It's much more fun if you tell it.
Aren't you going to stay
and talk for awhile?
You're done and off you go...
you're afraid they'll miss you back there?
That's not it.
I just want to put my pants on first.
We can stay and talk for awhile.
Wait... Don't sit down yet...
You made such a mess here...
Is it your mess or mine?
What is it... huh?
You never take that off...
Well, who's the one that bought it for me...
So... Dao, you want to hear some more... okay!
This tale is about an affair
that goes against all moral standards...
between a highly respected
upper class Gentleman of the court...
and one of his servant... this tale takes
place about 80 or 90 years ago...
The young servants' name was Pohngneyan,
and she was in love with
the gentleman Phisan,
who is also her employer now the two
were secretly having this love affair.
One day his wife caught them both.
This is degrading...
You're both just disgustingly wicked...
Phong... You and I can't be living in
the same world, not in this lifetime.
Stop! What are you all doing?
The slave era was over ages ago...
you're just asking for trouble...
I think that when you feel better
you should leave here for awhile.
No... I...
I know that you love sir
Phisan very much...
But right now you need to think of
getting yourself out.
I'm going to go up first.
And when the coast is clear
I'll give you the signal on the flashlight.
Uab, you keep a look out...
If Fah plays along, you can jump in later.
Hey... This time it's my turn to go first...
I don't want your leftovers...
As soon as she sees you... She won't be in
the mood anymore and as for you Uab...
Don't talk to much.
You will wait your turn.
Let's go...
I always have to be the one
to keep a look out...
I've been waiting for you
whole lifetime, sir...
How's it going there girly...
You kind of hot there?
You here for a little bath along the stream?
Want me to scrub your back
for you, my dear?
Don't you get nasty with me... Go away.
Boy! You bastard! Get the fuck off me!
Bitch! You think you can slap me!
Pull her over there.
Aw man. The bitch isn't
wearing any underwear.
Uab... You idiot!
I told you to keep a look out...
What the hell are you doing here?
Damn it! Me again?
I told you to go... so, go...
We're in the woods... Who the hell
is going to see anyway...
What an idiot...
When the wife found out that
Phong was trying to leave.
The wife with revenge sent Som and Pan
to follow her and rape her...
So, Som and Pan asked
Toob to be look out.
Toob. I thought I told you to keep
a look out.
What the hell are you doing here?
Well, you were blocking my view...
I couldn't see...
Why the hell are you screaming?
The neighbors will hear you...
and I'll be damned!
Someone help me!
Som... Help me shut her up...
Why the hell are you screaming...
That's because you just won't shut her up...
Just something as simple as this
and you can't do it...
- I am trying to shut her up...
- Then why the hell is she still screaming?
How the hell should I know?
How the hell are you shutting her up.
She's still screaming on and on...
Why don't you look and see
if my hand is on her mouth...
wouldn't be any noise coming out of her
if you were...
Pan... She's dead...
I didn't... It wasn't me... I didn't do it...
I just felt her breasts, that's all...
didn't do anything...
Where do you think you're going, Uab...
Uab! You get back here...
What do we do now?
We get the hell out of here!
What the fuck are you waiting for!
Ghost... Help me! Ghost!
I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
Hey! Dech!
Som and Pan took her body and
buried it under The Takien tree.
And that's where the soul just stayed...
People tried to use the tree to build houses.
But for some reason people just
either became badly injured or just died...
later on, by performing the right ritual...
they were able to use...
the tree as a main post for the house...
by floating it down The Chaophraya river...
So, where's the house that...
they used that tree to build?
Do you know, Manao?
Don't know either...
There's nothing about it written in the book.
It could be somewhere
like Ayuttaya, Bangkok...
or Paknam...
because that's where the river ends...
I hope it's not this tree...
Are you trying to get me drunk?
If I was, by now you'd be over
and done with...
hey, look how late it is and no one's back...
let's go to bed so tomorrow
we can get up early...
Help! Help!
Who's voice is that?
Help me! Help!
Help! Help!
Open up!
I can't get it open!
Help me! Help!
I can't get it open!
Wait... Manao.
- Manao...
- Dao!
Manao... Manao! Open the door!
It won't open!
Manao! Let me inside!
Dao! Dao! It won't open!
Dao! Go get Dech to help you
open the door!
Manao! Dech's not here...
Do you remember me, my lady?
It's Phong...
We'll just have to
break the door down...
Dao! Dao! Where are you?
Hurry up and help lift up the bodies...
private, get the fingerprints...
This body here... and that body
over there too...
and that body over there too...
both of you will have to give
your statements at the police station...
you brought your car, right?
Take these two down
to the police station...
Here are the pictures you
wanted for me to developed...