Liao zhai yan tan (Erotic Ghost Story) (1987)

What else do you want?
No more
What's your order, Miss?
All I want is a little rest
A pot of tea please
Mo, the meat buns in Mao's restaurant
really are big and good
Yes, nice, smooth and big as a bowl
A bowl's not big enough. A teapot
Let me show you the two buns
I've just bought
Why are they missing?
How come? I really bought them
Just look around
Get away
have you seen my buns?
Brother, she stole them; she's got them
Stop making trouble here
Keep away, old man!
Give me back my buns
Get away
Miss, they really are tough
They'll get help. Run now!
Faces up
Banker takes all
Damn, what's become of you two?
Brother, a woman did it
You can't beat a woman?
You deserve it
Brother, she's excellent in kung fu
So you suffered a glorious defeat!
her kung fu is no fun
Is she equipped with lots of biceps?
And her chest is as big as a teapot
Yes, it's true
You'll too fall...
for her low-cutting dress
Let's go
Seeing is believing
It's up there
Try to keep up
How strange
Not her
Damn, is it her to not?
You must mean my sister
Have you got a sister?
She's Fei-fei,
carrying an umbrella, right?
Yes, she did carry an umbrella
Miss, your sister has wounded my brother
How are you going
to make good the damage?
How did they get hurt?
She's rude
My sister's an arrogant man-hater
She's not as sociable as I am
Are you? Let's...
You're tall and handsome,
and their big brother
I'd jump at the chance
Great, let's do it now
Hold it
What? You're changing your mind?
How can I alone cope with you five?
Never mind, serve me first
They'll join later
Right, you go first, brother
Follow the queue
Don't fight
Don't fight,
I still have 4 sisters over here
Come out
Each of you will have a share
This is for me
She's curvaceous
Possessed by evil spirits!
They're gone
Never thought we could've come upon this
soon after we came here
to seek perfection
Don't ever let sister know about it
or she'll blame us for our behaviour
I won't
Well, where has sister been today?
If the Wutung fairy was any good,
I'd offer a pig
That woman next door said he's good
Is he?
Thank you
Hello, Miss, some candles?
Why are there...
only female worshippers here?
No men?
You must be a stranger here
I've just moved in
Wutung is deity of fertility
Any barren women blessed by him...
will be pregnant
Come on
Serve some incense now
He's handsome
Taoist priest, be on your guard
You should be on your guard, Miss
My name is Hsuan Kuei
What's your name, Miss?
We're only strangers
Let's not exchange names
One not going straight is not
a devout believer
Old Taoist, what are you up to?
You know what you've done
What have I done?
You were lusty in the presence of Wutung
you may encounter fatal disasters
Why are you picking on me
of all the many female pilgrims?
Is it taboo for me even to think of it?
That's all right for women in general
But not for you
Women are human. Human and demons can't
mix no matter how you yearn for it
But you...
What about me?
You're an accomplished vixen
going about your wicked ways
in human form
Your lust in Wutung's presence...
invites disaster
Woe betide only those who ask for it
Repent now
Enough, old priest,
you really have the guts
Watch out!
I can't help if you don't take my word
If anything happens,
come to see me at Pi Tan Falls
Have you cleaned up everything?
We've done it most of the day
See for it yourself
Those who seek perfection must be
in the right mood
When you're peaceful in mind,
there's peace in your heart
You should understand this principle
Sure, sister,
you've said that repeatedly
Though we're sworn sisters,
I mean every word of it
Remember that after 36 days
we may shed our animal frame
and be immortal
During this period, monsters,
within or without
may try to ruin us
Guard against this
Don't worry, we'll bear this in mind
How can...
there be monsters over here?
Speak of the devil,
and the devil appears
How could...
there be visitors right now?
Fei-fei, go and see who it is
Greetings, Miss
Who are you looking for, madam?
I'm your neighbor. My husband is Wang
Let's greet you as Mrs Wang then
As you please
It's spotlessly clean here
Please sit down
Thank you
It's a big house
Only the 3 of you here?
Yes, we three sisters only
Only you three sisters, and not a man?
You really are great
Nowadays cases of women getting pregnant
before marriage are not uncommon
I must be off
They say: A neighbor is closer than
a distant relative
This is only a courtesy call
Please just tell me if you need anything
Be free to come over to me
Just drop in when you have time
What a busybody
She means well
Where's she now?
Go over to see how our neighbor is
Three girls have just moved in
as our neighbors
You never go out
How do you know?
Well, you're right
I must go for a walk now
you haven't answered my question yet
I saw them in the garden
Did you dig a hole over there?
No, I climbed up the wall
Forgive me, darling,
I won't do it again
I really won't do it again
I really won't do it again
I'm finished, I'm finished
The old Buddha's statue's fallen. Why?
He needs a rest
after such a long practice
Don't make fun of him
It's late. Let's eat and retire
Help, help!
Don't run!
Stop, or I'll chop you dead!
How could you use violence...
in broad daylight?
Miss, you come at the right time
Let me butcher this kid
this take you up the mountain
to have fun
Brother, are you all right?
Let's go
Forgive me for touching...
your body accidentally
Forgive me
Scholar, you had a narrow escape
Don't be formal
I remember now
I was pursued by 3 bandits and fell
I can't remember what followed then
I've driven the bandits away for you
You did?
You're only a frail girl
I've learned boxing
from a famous instructor
Who are you?
How did that happen?
I'm Wu Ming sitting
for the scholastic examination
I've been studying...
in the hut for it
I was going to town to buy
some daily necessities
I came upon these bandits
and nearly got killed
May I know your name, Miss?
I'm Pai So-so
Thanks for your help
I must take leave now
Are you all right?
You can't make it
Don't be silly
You can't go back the way...
you walk
Let me help you
Proximity between sexes is not decorous
But the sage says:
Cases of emergency are excepted
Come on, let's go
Take care
Thank you, Miss
Here I am. Let me go in now
There's a saying:
"See a good deed through"
Go in
My humble dwelling can't
admit of distinguished guests
I'm neither a distinguished guest
nor a priest
You're a mudman
Go back and change
Yes, Miss, please
I cleaned up for you. Are you satisfied?
You did that in only a moment
Scholar, girls can do such chores
much more efficiently than men
"Men take charge of outside, women,
inside" is the saying
Do you live here alone?
You cook your own meal every day?
Does that take up much of your time
for studies?
There's no other way out
There is
Let me buy you food
and necessities every other day
No, never
Why not?
I'm too poor to afford an amah
I didn't ask you for wages
I can't feel at ease then
Just pay me $1 every day
Are you serious?
No kidding
It still won't work
It's inconvenient for us to live
in the same room
If this becomes known
it may affect my name and your chastity
I won't live here long
I'll just put down
the things and leave
Sister, where have you been
the whole day long?
Only for a walk
What's she doing?
Why hasn't sister risen yet?
After breakfast, do your morning lessons
Where are you going?
I'm out for a walk. Don't wait for me
Scholar, anything else...
you need besides food?
I'm only a poor scholar
Who's it?
Miss Pai?
A burglar for a poor scholar's home?
Who...who are you?
I don't know you
I'm So-so's sister
Why are you here?
To see my sister
I happen to see you taking a bath
You peeped at me
when I was taking a bath?
That's misdemeanor
Aren't you ashamed of it?
I'm sorry
A girl trespasser
peeping at a bathing man
Have you no shame?
This is my study. Please go now
Go now
That man scolded you?
And he loudly threw me out too
Damn you, creep!
Sister, you...
I must settle scores with him
Don't, it was all my fault
Moonlit night and shooting stars
How dare you bully my sister,
poor scholar?
Watch out!
See if you can get away
Keep away. Let me splash you
Splash me? I'll burn all your books
Help, help!
I want nothing but to kill you today
I'll fight with you
I'll fight with you
Don't get hold of me, damn you!
Where's sister?
Back, and doing her evening sessions
what've you done to that scholar?
It's over now. Never mind him
Have you killed him, sister?
No, but he's suffered enough
Why are you here again?
I've come to say "sorry"
There's nothing between us
It's between you and my sister
I'm really sorry
She has a devil of a temper
She sure has
She can hurt others easily
Never mind, she didn't hurt me
You lie
She hurt you badly
Let me dress up your wound
She's gone too far
She shouldn't have done that
I asked for it
You're badly wounded, it's fatal
Get up
Sister, get up
Is it very late now?
It's late morning now. Get up
I'm so tired
Where have you been last night?
I went out for a walk
You talk like elder sister
Hall of Repentance,
Examination on classics and analects
Miss Pai, please sit down
I'm not here to sit
Do you need anything?
Let me fix up everything for you
Isn't it all right now?
Let me fix the bed for you
Thank you, Miss
Wu Ming, who left this hairpin?
I bought it for you. Satisfied?
You lied
The hairpin is greasy. It's been used
My late mother left it to me
You lied. I must leave
Miss Pai, please calm down and don't go
You've another girl
No point in me staying
She can't match you
Who's she?
Your sister Fei-fei
Fei-fei? You had an affair with her?
When was that?
Miss Pai, please calm down
Speak up
The romance left behind by
you and Fei-fei?
Another girl?
Your sister Hua-hua
My foot!
Miss Pai
Miss Pai, are you all right?
You knew they're my sisters
and yet you...
I couldn't help it
They offered themselves to me
I always respect you
I cherish no evil thoughts for you
You're so pure that...
I don't feel like doing that to you
How do you know I don't want it?
You're erudite, elegant and virtuous
And you observe the "four don'ts"
called for by the ancients
Miss, you're chaste
I speak,
see and hear nothing against propriety
Don't, Miss,
don't touch anything against propriety
Now shut up
I'm waiting for you
Sit down
There's something inside you
Spit it out if you do
And you too
You think so?
Sister, we can see it
I don't deny it
Don't put pressure on us then
let's spit it out in one sentence only
You, first
Sister, sorry, I've taken away your man
Sister, sorry,
I've taken away your man too
And you, sister?
I've taken away your man too
Wu Ming?
I'm here
Drink again?
Eat again?
Darling, I want it
Keep away. Each time you turn me on
you lie down like a worm
I'm your husband, you can't turn me down
Hell with you!
My little darling!
Mrs Wang, have you eaten?
Have you got guests?
Only ordinary guests
Not so ordinary, I must say
What social depravity
Three unmarried girls keep a man at home
Mrs wong, we didn't mean to offend you
You may say so, but
you disturb others...
with your noises
You may have no shame, but
you can't disturb others
You're getting your neighbors involved
Now you've influenced
my husband adversely
Sorry, Mrs Wang, it was our fault
I'll have to report...
to the village head
why did you let that bitch lecture us?
Sisters, she's right
We must practice to become human beings
Wu Ming's presence has ruined us all
Sister, we...
Let's turn over a new leaf
Let's start anew by removing the evils
we may be back to our original forms
And we'll never make it
What now?
What now?
Let's go in to explain to Wu Ming
Blaming me for getting up too late?
Wu Ming, listen
Go on
This is the place
where we sisters practice
You mustn't blaspheme this holy ground
We had a good time together
a few days ago
It was different
Remember, don't ever come here anymore
What about me?
Go on with your studies for the exam
I see,
someone must've tried to sway you
I don't care any more
At worst I won't come any more
Wu Ming,
we'll come to you if we need you
This is in the distant future
Forget it now. Let's have fruit
After that, I'll leave
And a pineapple
It itches
It itches
It itches badly
It itches badly
What are you doing?
Darling, do it with me, I beg you
I'm not yet recovered
from the last wound
No, keep away
I don't care, I'm your wife
Don't turn me down
Get me a woman, quick!
Or I'll become old and die soon
Getting up so early?
Wu Ming hasn't been around for days
That's a good thing
He may obstruct our practice
Where's Fei-fei?
She hasn't got up yet
How come?
Sister, what happened?
I'm dying, I'm dying
Sister, what happened?
I'm going to get back to original shape
The mirror reflected my animal self
Don't cry. Let's think it over
what caused this?
Practice gone and body turned back
This is the cause of the retrogression
Sister, we didn't do anything
Why have we lost our practice?
We did. It was Wu Ming
Wu Ming?
Since he entered our hearts
this happened
It must be linked with him
Sister, Wu Ming is only human
He can't possibly hurt our works
Right, and he hasn't been here any more
Only for the past few days
There's something eerie
about his presence
He may have resorted to evil means
to take away our magic
So we've returned to original form
Right, we must take it up with him
Sisters, what monster is he,
so horrible?
He's not a monster,
he's Wutung
His name speaks for itself - Wu Tung
He really is crafty
Sister, I'm scared
At worst,
we won't see him any more
If we don't, he may come to us
What then?
You go back first. I must go somewhere
Pai So-so, you've come at last
Taoist priest, I'm ignorant
I got involved
I've come to you to seek help
Men court disasters themselves
You can court them,
you can expel them
Wu Tung is powerful
I can't beat him
I'm seeking your help, Taoist priest
You can't cope with him when you're
still haunted by evil thoughts
Pai So-so,
skeletons and demons have no heart
Don't hesitate at this crucial hour
Please enlighten me, Your Worship
Here's my message for you
Power against power, evil against evil
A devil has his power,
a god has his magic
You won't lose
Thank you, I'll take my leave
What a bad smell
You've gone too far
You'll die without burial
Come on
I really don't understand
what's happened between us
Let's go to bed to have a good time
Come on
they've woken up and their lust's over
What are you up to again?
this is my business, not your business
Doing good is godly;
doing evil is satanic
I won't forgive you
Conquer evil with a sword
Keep it
Evil finds its root
Thank you for your help, Taoist priest