Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The (2004)

The Obeamyway peninsula a
remote and fascinating region
teaming with
extraordinary marine life.
we choose this mysterious water as
Bellefontaine's next destination.
In preparation for our voyage
The members of team Zissou's gathered
at my Oceanographic observatory
here on Precious Spot Island.
This was to be our most ambitious adventure
to date and ultimately a tragic one.
Our team included Esteban du Plantier, chief diver,
our senior statesmen, my closest colleague for 27 years.
Klaus Daimler, 40, engineer,
calm, collected, German.
Vikram Ray, 28, cameraman
Bobby Ogata, 22, frogman.
Renzo Pietro, 45,
editor, sound man.
Vladimir Wolodarsky, 33, physicist,
our original score composer.
Anne-Marie Sakowitz,
25, script girl.
Pele dos Santos, 30, safety expert.
Eleanor Zissou, my wife, vice
president of the Zissou Society.
We also invited 7 marine science
students from the University North Alaska
to accompany us as unpaid interns
in exchange for school credit.
October 12th, Esteban and I explore
the blue reefs beyond the peninsula.
Florescence Snapper unexpectedly appeared
in shallows extremely rare in this depth.
Where is your gun?
Steve Steve, where is Esteban?
Check the scanning monitor, start
tracking before it goes too deep.
-Esteban was bitten?
-Is he dead?
-Esteban was eaten!
-He was swallowed whole?
-No! killed!
Check the scanning monitor!
Steve, we think you got crazy eye.
Get him out of the fucking water.
Esteban! Esteban! Esteban...!
-Esteban! Esteban...!
-Esteban! Esteban! Esteban! Esteban...!
(Italian question)
Was it a deliberate choice
never to show the Jaguar Shark?
No, I dropped the camera.
(Answer in Italian )
Why are they laughing?
(Italian: up there, the young man)
yes, what is next for team Zissou?
Well, that was only part
one. It's a cliff hanger.
Now, I am going to hunt down that shark
or whatever it is and hopefully kill it.
I don't know how
yet, maybe Dynamite.
-You don't what it is?
-No, I never seen anything like it before in my life.
You said it was a Jaguar Shark,
that was the title of your film.
It was coming right at us I just said
the 1st 2 words that came into my head.
(French question)
What fun!
Steve, I would like to introduce you to
Tonie Coach the new head of the film society.
You must be so excited.
I hope so, Do you it went ok?
No, congratulations, seriously.
Thanks, I wish it didn't require
the "seriously" but thank you.
Well, I just don't
think they got it.
You know Larry Arman,
chairman of a Saudi firm
-Oh yea Hi
-Nice to see you
Larry was discussing
our financial difficulty.
I thought it was nice for just the 3 of us
roll out the party together, just the 3 of us.
-Why? Does Larry have that kind
of spending power to invest?
-Keep him happy now
-I have got 500 million dollars capitalisation worth
Capitan Zissou, can I get a shot
of you with captain Hennessey?
Make it quick.
Hey Steven, how is going with your err...
what are you calling... Leopard Fish...?
-Jaguar Shark!
-Jaguar Shark! Exactly, I love it.
Tell me something,
does it actually exist?
You know Ali(Hennessey )I don't
wanna give away the ending.
Good man
Oh, here comes our girl
You are the most ravishing creature
that I have seen ever in my life.
-Hello, Skinny.
-Hello Eleanor
Is that a new merit badge?
yeah, as a matter of fact, it is.
I just became a knight in Portugal.
-The presidenty gave us a special bottle of...
-Tell me to be nice to Ali, because I am nerves.
How could you lay that slut faggit!
I was in love with him at the time.
-Yeah, just gets me mad.
-How are you feeling?
I am right on the edge.
I don't what comes next.
Wait here, I will be right back.
I just want to say hello. Hi
Hi ya babe.
I said I wanted to say hello. I did
not say I wanted you to touch me.
I am here with my wife,
Eleanor, this is Mandiser.
Do you really wanna
put me through this?
People say, Eleanor is the
brain behind team Zissou.
What is Steve?
He is the Zissou!
Steve, this is my
little nephew Vernard.
He wanted to meet you.
How are you doing, Vernard.
He brought you a present.
A cramloli fish.
Wow... Interesting specimen.
Thanks pal.
You are welcome.
Steve you don't look too good
How is this?
Steve, there's a bloke over
wants to have a word with you.
What do you need, old man?
How many of this do you have?
Hi, look, just forge the
rest of them yourself.
Get out of here.
Hey Steve
How come you are not shit and
shiver for your friend Esteban?!
What did you say?
Who are you going
to kill in part 2?
(Singing in French)
Larry Arman is flying to Mecca tonight.
See you can make the numbers work.
You should have an
answer from us in 10 days
Tell him I need to know by Sunday.
Why would I do that, my darling?
Call his bluff, damn it! and
light a fire under his ass.
My darling, we haven't made
a hit documentary in 9 years.
Lets not fuck with Larry Arman.
-Explain to him, would you Eleanor?
He understands, Arman need to make
projection of the world grosses
to see if he can run a tax break,
run it through his output deal.
I don't understand but I
can tell it is bullshit.
-Oh, what the hell is going on?
-You need a blackjack and reel cleaner.
Well, if you excuse me, I am
gonna go an overnight drunk
and in 10 days I am going set out to find
the shark that eat my friend and destroy it.
Anyone who is care to join
me is more than welcome.
Captain Zissou, I am sorry to
bother you. I am Ned Plimpton.
My mother's Catherine Plimpton.
You kidding?
How is she?
I am sorry. Shit!
She was...
I don't know if it is true
or not by the way, do you?
No, I don't.
I haven't heard
from her in 30 years.
I guess its too late now.
She never contacted me, you know.
Yes, I see.
You are suppose to
be my son, right?
I don't know...
but I did want to meet
you... just in case
I appreciate that.
I'll be right back. Don't go away.
(Song: Life on Mars Sailors
fighting in the dance hall
Oh man! Look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the Lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?)
Sorry about that you caught me with
one foot off the the other one tonight.
That's alight, I don't wanna
take too much of your time.
I wanna thank you
for talking to me.
-We'll find a way, mate.
-I know we will.
I just had a lovely
chat with Si brooman.
He wants you to make an
Oceanographic explorer article.
Possibly going to be the front cover
so do be nice to this girl, Won't you?
Apparently she worships you
and clearly need the press.
Oseary, this is probably
my son, Ned. We just met.
Anyway, his mother just died.
Plus we are having some problems.
I just think it to be a very
special opportunity for all
Ok, bring him over.
So, what do you do?
I am a pilot, Air Kentucky.
-Air Kentucky -
co-pilot actually.
-Yeah, I don't know that one.
-We help out at Louisville.
Sure, there is pretty
country in those parts.
I have to tell you I have been a member
of the Zissou Society since I was 11.
Well, I will be
damned, look at that!
Wanna kill this?
Frankly, I been denied I
don't usually try grass.
Let me tell you about my boat.
The Bellefontaine was a long range
sub hunter during the 2nd world war,
which we bought from the
US navy for 900,000 dollars.
This is my mentor Lord
Mandrake, he is dead now.
The sauna, which was designed by a
engineer from the Chinese space programme
and we keep a Swedish
masseuse on staff
Here is where we do all our different
science projects, experiments and so on.
This is the kitchen which contains probably some of the
most technologically advanced equipments on the ship.
Eleanor and I put together a
top notch research library for us
with complete 1st edition set
of life aquatic companion series.
We process our own rushes and keep a cutting man
on board so we can do a assemble while shoot it.
I can't find them.
Once again please.
This is the observation bubble, which
I thought up in a dream actually.
Two Albino scouts
swim with the ship.
They're supposedly very intelligent although
I have never seen any evidence on it.
Here's the engine room, the bearing
casing is not suppose to look like that
but we can't afford to
fix them on the ship.
Tops that, we get the bridge,
then a sub, an old chopper,
all kinds of radars, sonar
and underwater movie gadgets.
What happened to Jack Cleeny?
She did not really love me.
Old Mandrake.
It is wonderful.
-Very lifelike.
-I am not crazy about it.
This guy is a big time asshole.
We were roommates at the academy.
He used to married to Eleanor.
He owns apparently a lot of money.
You think you will
wanna change your name?
No. nothing the Ned
part unless you want to.
I meant your last name I thought you
might like to let me give you mine.
-Ned Zissou...
-Ned Zissou, exactly.
Or if you want to, you can
change the first part too.
I would have named you
Kingsley if I have a say in it.
Kingley... I don't know.
Maybe I will stick
with Ned for now.
Sure, that is ok. Anyway I will
order you some correspondent stuff.
What are you doing,
I ordered the wine.
Pour it over here please, he
doesn't know anything about wine.
Are those assholes
talking about me?
People say when people say something like
that about you is because they are jealous
but it still hurts
It hurts bad.
That man was damn rude,
he can go straight to hell.
How did she die by
the way? your mother.
She took her own life,
took sleeping pills.
Why would she do that!?
Well, she was in a great
deal of pain, you know.
I see, yeah.
You know my best friend
just got killed, Esteban.
Yea, I know. Your old man.
Let's go to my island.
Well, I have to be back
in Kentucky on Thursday.
Thursday? ok! that is ok.
(Singing in French)
Your cat's dead.
What? Which one?
Marmalade, I am sorry.
What happened?
A rattle snake bit
it in the throat.
God damn it, Eleanor, why did
you have to say it like that!
You couldn't try and break
it a little bit nicer!?
She is a rich bitch, you
know. She was raised by maids.
Her parents paid for this
Island during my worst moments.
People say she the
brain behind team Zissou.
People say a lot of things.
What kind of cat was it?
Who gives a shit!
-I think it was a Tammy.
-Ned, wanna come inside, we'll make up a room for you.
Steve, that reporter called.
-Ned, wake up!
I am on echo box. Press
the red button to answer.
-Meet me on the beach in 12 minutes.
-The what button? OK.
Only twice before have I a good
future to observe a rubber tide.
That rare occurrence when 100s of electric jellyfish
spontaneously washed on to a beach all at once.
Bobby Ogata brings exactly
this to our attention tonight.
Steve, what produces this effect of illumination?
Is there chemicals inside the organism?
No, Ned, its actually the reflection of
the moon light on their outer membranes.
That is very good outlet.
Klaus, come over here, get a shoot
of me and Ned. Ned, come in here.
Would you like to join my crew?
-Would I like to...
-I want you on team Zissou!
-I don't think I can do that.
-Why not?
Well, it's my field, I don't
have a background before.
No one here does.
Klaus used to be a bus driver.
Wolodarsky was a high
school substitute teacher.
We are a pack of
straights, don't you get it?
See, I am not even
that strong in swimming.
-The answer is Yes.
-Well, it's gotta be.
I will order you a
red cap and a Speedo.
-Klaus, why aren't you rolling?
-Can I have a word with you please?
Why aren't you getting this?
That was a God damn tear
jerker why did you cut it, man!?
Because this sounds going to be shit he
does not even know how to hold a broom.
He doesn't diddly jack
about work with me.
Don't cut unless I say cut.
I never seen so many
electric jellyfish in my life.
Thay are Viacon madawores.
Ah, shit, she is right.
Where do you come
from? You look pregnant.
I am pregnant, not even going ask what you men are
doing out here with your matching pajamas by the way.
We are producing a film
as a matter of a fact.
Who are you?
I am Jane Winslet-Richardson, I am the
reporter from Oceanographic explorer.
-Oh, yea, sure, how did you get out here?
-I hired some drunk in a fishing boat.
That would take 4 hours,
why would you do... that?
-Because no one picked me up at the FN airport.
-Jesus Christ, Klaus.
One of my guys suppose to do that.
How long have you been
working with Zissou?
Ah... Approximately... only 10 minutes actually.
I was hired doing the scene on the beach.
He is Steve's son supposedly.
You are? No, you are
not, he doesn't have one.
We are not 100% sure about
that yet, we just met yesterday.
Not this one, Klaus.
You heard me, not this one.
First thing in the morning.
-It's got everything?
- Yeah, tell him to pus a stop and a half (photographic term)
What are you going to do with him?
Who? Ned?
What do you mean?
I don't understand the question.
I offered him a spot
on the Bellefontaine.
He didn't take it, did he?
Of course he took it, we are going
to put him on the map, Eleanor!
We are going to throw
him a life-preserver.
I believe in this boy.
Because he looks up to me.
Yes, Sir, and Mckernan's going
to take my shadow flights.
That is right.
I just feel like I need to
see this thing through, so...
Thank you for understanding. I'll check
in with the Louisville office next month.
(Jane, reading a book)
Hold it!
That's poetry?
No, It's a six volume novel.
Oh, I see. You are going read that
whole thing to yourself out loud?
I am not reading it to myself,
I am reading it to... him.
When did you learn
Zissou was your father?
-Does it freak you out for me to ask that?
-No, it doesn't.
But its a difficult question. I sew
the pieces together over the years.
Well, How did he first contact you?
He didn't. I went looking for him
last month after my mother died.
She had ovarian cancer, then it
spread to her stomach and liver
and she took her own life.
-Oh, good night I guess.
-Good night
Do you mind if I sit down
and listen for a little while?
Do you want me to catch
you up on the story?
No, I will be able to figure it out.
I'll just catch as much as I can.
They made these about...
3 and a half year before they
terminated my sponsorship.
These are great!
May I turn this on?
Fire one.
So, what happened in your opinion?
What are you talking about?
Well, don't you think the public reception of your
work is significantly odd over the last 5 years!
That's your first question! I
thought this suppose to be puff piece.
Should we come back to it?
Is it true this is going
to be your last voyage?
Wow, no comment.
Who told you that?
No, God damn it! I am only 52.
I am gonna to start
with some stark dialog.
favourite colour, blue,
favourite food, sardines.
How do you feel about
part 1 of your new film?
Why? How do you feel about
part 1 of my new film?
-Well, I am honest, you know.
-Just say it!
I thought I suspect
it is slightly fake.
Wolodarsky, I am going
to take 5 (minutes).
Did it seem fake...
when my best friend was bitten
in half right in front of me?
and eaten alive screaming?
I think you are fake.
I think you are phoney.
Not a bad reporter.
How's that feel?
and tell me something
Does this seem fake?
How dare you!
This entire article was my
idea, no one else gives a shit!
What about Si Brooman?
Are you joking, he is not
even covering my expenses.
You are taking something out on me.
Wah, stop crying.
What is the deal here? I was
only trying to defend myself.
Well, you did a great job.
I am sure you will
make a terrific father.
You really think you are a Zissou?
I don't know.
You travelled a long way
for "I don't know" sonny.
That's true
but it's important to me.
Yah, well, there are a lot of things that are
important for some people around here sonny!
Klaus, don't call me sonny!
One more thing, it's Steve
Zissou show, not the Ned show!
You hear me?
Yes, I do.
If you ever touch me again,
I will kick your God damn
teeth out, is that understood?
Not if I don't see you first sonny.
We gonna watch ourselves
around this Jane character.
Don't tell her anything personal.
If you are not sure about something
change the subject and look for me.
This bulleye (Lesbian term)
got something against us.
I don't think she's a
lesbian, she is pregnant.
bulleye can get pregnant.
Anyway, I would back out
now but we need the press.
See you tomorrow
When did you first hear about me?
About 5 years ago, I...
Read it in an article about myself.
Do you believe it?
It was in the paper, I assumed
they checked their facts.
Why didn't you contact me?
Because I hated fathers and
I never wanted to be one.
I forgot, your
correspondents stuff came in.
(Text: Paper title
Kingsley (Ned) Zissou)
Hi Ross, it started today.
I will forward some pages to
you through the copy department.
You probably right there.
What am I doing here?
I miss you and...
Oh God, I don't know Ross.
Where are you?
Listen! I am not
leaving this message!
Don't even know why
I am still pregnant.
Script girl use
this for continuity.
-No no no no....
-No exceptions, everyone gets one.
-Ann Marie, did the interns get guns?
-No, they all share one.
Take it, Ned.
Wack on the echo box.
Zissou here.
Steve, Oseary Drakoulias on line 2.
I spoke with Larry
Arman and it's a pass.
In another word, you fucked us!
Let's not cast stones
on one another, my boy.
-Do you hear me, damn it, do you?!
-No, I don't!
-I told you I will not quit!
-Listen here mate...
Can I have a moment?
Who the places is there?
It's me Ned Maybe this is not
nothing, maybe it's something.
I don't know your
problems, I don't know...
but I just inherited
275,000 dollars.
Would that amount
make any difference?
What sort of expression the
lad is wearing on his face?
Can you ply a chopper?
I have! Certainly not licenced
but lets see how she performs.
Great, let's go.
When this water bird last serviced?
I don't know, Klaus suppose
to check it every 6 months.
You are back on the water, boys.
The wire transfer came right through from
Kentucky and jackman get finance a rest.
but we have a few hooks on it. So, take a pill
for a spill (cockney slang as in take a seat)
No.1, the bank wants to take a drug screen for
everyone on the crew before they forward the money.
-A piss test?
-Yes, piss test.
2.A Stooge from the bond company will be riding
everywhere during the whole shoot to keep you on budget.
Who is the stooge?
A chap with the name of Bill Ubell and there is
not a damn thing you can do about that, Steve.
3.You must swear, legally swear that you
will not kill that shark or whatever it is.
If it actually exists.
I am going to fight it
but I will let it live.
What about my dynamite?
Philip, dynamite. I am off
to Zurich, follow me chaps.
Mr. Ubell, I would you
to know Steve Zissou
and our equity partner, Ned.
I hope you are not going
to bust our jobs, Bill.
Why do I ever wanna do that!
Because you a bond company stooge.
Sss... I am also a human being.
Oh right, that is,
I will take it back.
Let's have some teamsmenship.
-1, 2 , 3
-come on
1, 2 , 3
Head up, head up, boy, here he is,
here he is, you ok, Ned? You are ok?
Alright, give him some room, he is ok.
He just drunk a little too much water.
-How are you shooting this? Wide open?
-Err, 5 by 6 (picture ratio)
As always, even in the most
challenging circumstances
the members of team Zissou
find ways to keep moral high.
Wait, hold it! Is
that a distress bark?
Is something wounded out there?
We quickly located the
source of the mysterious cry.
What is she, Steve?
A wild snow mongoose
We thought they were extinct.
Her ankle's broken. Ogata...
Go and get some hot milk and
put these guys in the incubator.
We radioed for emergency transport
of our beautiful new friends.
That's what it used to be like.
Has Ned's heart stopped beating
before you pulled him out of water?
Has Ned's heart stopped beating
before we pulled him out of water?
Yes but we got him to
start again pretty quickly.
Don't go on this
voyage right now, Steve.
One of you is already
dead after all.
Oh, you mean Esteban?
Thanks for bringing that up.
Who is going to tell us the Latin
names of all of fishes and everything!
You know I can't
remember all that shit.
Please stop Eleanor, Eleanor! Stop!
Why are you leaving?
I am leaving because I don't wanna be a part
of whatever is going to happen out there.
Nobody knows what
is going to happen
and then we film it,
that is the whole concept.
It's what we've always done.
I can't believe you
took that boy's money.
He is an investor.
You are my sidekick.
The sugar crabs are back.
They are early this year.
I never saw them mating
before the they sourced us.
Is that mating?
Bye Steve.
-Don't say that, even it's true, it's too painful.
-What do you want me to say?
Say Bon Voyage.
Bon Voyage.
(Singing in French)
Kinsley Ned Zissou, 29 junior
grade diving tech, excusive producer
energetic, spirited, youthful.
Normally, we would track the Jaguar shark with a
scanning monitor we keep on board of Bellefontaine
but it's power tube
sized up in Madagascar.
We now proceed to a more advanced system
located on a colleague's off-shore facility.
See Renzo, this is what I am
talking about, a relationship sublock
There is chemistry
between us, you know!
-Here is a quote.
-When? Who from?
Zissou almost has a magical
connection to the life of the sea.
He speaks it's language fluently.
I never met a boy like
that through all my life.
Lord Mandrake.
You should have
opened with that one.
-He was your mentor.
-Hey intern, Come here compart it, will ya?
On rocks?
You wanna go up my ballon?
I like her hairdo.
Me too but Steve called it first.
I am sorry I made
you cry the other day.
Oh, that's ok, not
completely your fault anyway.
I do have some personal problems.
Really, what do you got?
Well, I am...
5 months pregnant, my editor is
the father He's married but...
not to me.
Wow, that's breath taking.
You know my first wife
left me when I was your age.
-What is deep search?
-a submarine.
I had the exact the same image of you tacked up on
the wall of my aquarium all through primary school.
Oh yeah, you mean the official
photograph when I am doing this?
That's the one.
Maybe it's just me but I don't
feel like that personally.
I never did.
Why did you abundant Ned?
I didn't, I never even met him.
What kind of piece you
are writing, cowgirl?
Are you going to
screw us on this deal?
I hope not.
You really think it's cool to hit the
source when you got a bun in the oven?
Pele, bring us back down please.
I don't have a problem
with objective reporting.
What I have a problem with is some wombat coming
on my boat and trying to reel with me, you know.
I need to see if you can you get one of the
dolphins swimming onto the hole and give us a look.
Nah, either they can't hear
us or they don't understand.
Son of a bitch, I am
sick of these dolphins.
Quiet out there tonight.
Can you hear the
Jack-whale singing?
Beautiful, I wonder
what they are saying.
That was the sludge
tanker over there but...
There you go that's them.
By the way, Would you mind if I made a few
modifications to the team Zissou insignia?
-I have some ideas...
-New badge?
Yes, insignia.
Yea, it's probably
kind of dated, isn't it?
Sure, take a crack at it.
Make it a little trendier.
Are you finding what
you are looking for?
Out here with me?
I hope so.
I wrote you a letter
about 17 years ago.
You mean like a fan letter?
Did I write you back?
I tried to answer as
many as I personally can.
"reading a letter...
Dear Ned Plimpton,
First, in answer to
your question. Always.
Second, thank you very much
for naming your bug after me.
My wife tells me it is
actually a type of gnat,
you strike me as a very special boy
and a key member of the Zissou society.
I wish I could come visit you in
Kentucky and assist you with your work.
I remember your mother
Take care yourself, Ned Plimpton.
You've severed well. Your
friend Captain Steve Zissou
Dictated but not read (sz/jz)
Yeah, more or less end
of the board play I guess.
There are some real high tech
gears inside this steel, believe me.
First, we go stairs and turn on the tracking system,
then as long as the battery on that homing dart...
-Who locked us out?
-No one, we are trespassing.
Steve, are we allowed in here?
It's scientific community, man.
Captian, I am required by law to
notify the bank of any illegal actives.
Just do what you gotta do
and cover your ass, Bill.
Fuck! They wired it!
Klaus, go down and
get me some cables.
Warning: this is captain Hennessey, you
have trespassed on a private facility.
The coast guards have
been alerted by Satellite.
Again, this is Hennessey,
immediately leave the...
Ok, action. Look
who's back in town!
You travelled 150 miles
since we last heard from you.
This sun of bitch is heading
for the south Pacific.
-Turn your tape recorder, carbie (Jane).
-Is the attack of the shark?
On the record, yes. Cut.
Rips all takes, Vikram.
Was I just in the film?
-Yeah, you are going have to sign a release.
-But, but you actually located the shark...
You bet your fucking ass we did.
Alright, everybody, we've got about 25-30 minutes
before the coastguards get here to arrest us.
I want you all get Hennessey's best
gear onto Bellefontaine in 15 (minutes).
-You are going to steal this stuff?
-No, we will give it back to him.
Interns, let's seize some house.
Arr... what is this, Pele?
Don't know err.. the map...
Do you know you just charted us
on a course to unprotected waters.
Yar, we are taking a shortcut.
-But it's outside IMU Jurisdiction there, isn't there?
-I know, give me the map.
We go your way, that
is about 4 inches.
We go my way, that is an inch and a
half. Do you pay for the extra gas?
What kind of system is this?
It's Burnstain 9, just started
last summer. -Is the 9 out already!
-Is this for Capriccio?
Wait a second, Steve,
this isn't the procedure.
Steve, one of the interns just fell
downstairs with the mine tracking Processor.
Aright, just make sure
we steal the backup.
Are you listening to me!? I was
told under no circumstance...
Shut up before they
jail us, Anne-Marie.
You are catching
anything? -Mmm mmm.
Hook this up and make me a latte.
You know, carbie (Jane) is kind of
sucker maker but she's got some moves.
I agree.
If she wasn't a bulleye, I might
have a bit of thing for her.
As you can see...
If the creature continues it's current to migratory
route. Our path should converge... less than 4 days.
I wanna get there in 3.
-Vladimir, what is this... right over here.
I don't know, I have been
trying to figure that out.
We might have them both mixed up
or it could be the other way around.
But anyway, we are going to be right
on top of it first thing in the morning.
-Good point, Ned.
-Thank you, should we investigate it?
Yah, let's make a quick dive at 6am
and we will scope
out the phantom signal
It's probably just one of
Hennessey's research turtles.
I wanna be back on
the route by lunch.
Do me a favour.
Next time you got a hot idea in front
of a reporter, whisper to my ear first.
Otherwise, I look kind
of like a day-dream jonny.
Alright, I got it.
-You let him change your name!
-Well, we changed it together.
-What was it before?
-Edward Plimton.
That is a million times better, change it back,
Ned. I really don't think you as a Kingsley Zissou.
Do you think Steve and I
have a family resemblance?
I guess it doesn't
really matter anyway.
I stole it back.
I strung it on some peppermint dental floss
in case you wanna wear it like a necklace.
-Happy with the piece, Jane?
-What are you doing in here!
Am I? No.
-Put that down!
I assume I am Mr.Z. I am sorry
you think my red hat is err..
what did you use... contrived.
and that...
the Zissou of my childhood represent
all the dreams I come to regret!
-What? Why?
-I am going have to start locking my cabin door.
It was locked, I kicked it in.
Why don't curse like other people?
Because I am trying to get out of the
habit before I have my fucking baby!
Ok, that makes sense.
Please clean your room anyway,
it looks like God damn Typhoon...
Get out!
Please don't make fun of me, I
just wanted to flirt with you.
I will have an intern
come and fix the door.
This is a message
from the IMU coastguard
Apparently some crooked fuckers
broke into my sea lab yesterday.
How awful! Did they nick anything?
It doesn't say, they probably
just trashed the place.
I am so... pissed, I wanna spit.
We are going to hunt these sickos.
Supposely, Crew stole this cronies invented the
idea of putting walkie talkie into the helmet.
We made ours with a special rabbit ear
(antenna) on top, so we can pipe in some music.
Let's start with a reverse scene.
Ok, roll it, Vikram.
Would you be comfortable for me to
address you as dad in this scene?
No, why?
Oh, excuse me, I am sorry,
I forgot... I am sorry.
Where are you coming
from! check off? Shit!
It's not a bad impulse though,
some of kind of nickname.
Not that one, it's too specific.
Try invent something else.
Another name?!
How about Stevezy?
That is good, try it. What
were going to say before?
Good luck, Stevezy.
Fantastic, let's go.
Ok, action.
Look, Ned, there is a
sunken airplane down there.
Let's check it out.
We examined the crash site but we were
careful not to disturb the forensic evidence.
How was that?
Not bad, the first thing
was a little faster.
Klaus... Klaus!
-Can I have a work with you please?
-Why did do that?
-Because I owe you one.
What! You give me a warning
already! You stood up for yourself!
I still owe you one.
-Now I owe you one.
-No, now we are even.
Why did you do this? it is not my
fault, you know I don't have that...
What are you talking about?
We are even, damn it! that's it!
No, it was like a...
beat up little jalopy.
I don't know what you call
it. You didn't see it!?
I don't see it, boss.
Well, keep your eyes peeled.
Klaus, check who is the
watch. I will be in the Sauna.
Pele and who the shit
is Kingsley Zissou?
-Is that him?
-Hmm, that is him.
I never felt a baby in
someone's stomach before.
I think you will make a
very good single mother.
Although it does bring you
both tremendous disadvantage.
You know...
Steve got a little
bit of thing for you.
Why do you say that?
Because he told me.
Really! I thought he hated my guts.
Oh, I think you have hurt his feeling
a little bit but it doesn't mean...
He said that I hurt
his feelings...?
So! I've fucked up.
Steve, would you
please open the door?
Jane, is Ned in there?
Stevesie, what's happening?
Are those hijackers?
Well, we call them
pirates out here, Ned.
You are supposed to be
on watch, by the way.
My god, you are right.
So tell me, you are reading
to each other in French?
No, it's in English.
It was translated.
You know, you are not supposed to
go into each other's cabin on a boat.
Why not?
It's just kind of an unwritten
maritime rule when you are at sea.
Especially be an goddamn lookout.
I am so sorry.
So am I.
You hung myself to dry.
We don't handle this right,
We'll all get murdered.
Including her unborn British child.
I will kill you asshole.
I am gonna hit you so fucking hard.
You will be blind.
Please don't hurt him.
Watch me.
I'll let you know what I am
going to make them a little...
Steve, it's a way to
save the passengers.
Do what they say.
Help them put money and
jewelry in the chest.
Yeah. How am I going
to finish my movie then?
Jesus Holy!
They are going to kill us, Steve.
I am patting you on the
back right now, Klausie.
Don't be scared.
We'll get through this, everybody.
Wake up, Nedo.
I'm sorry I yelled at you.
I need to speak to the
man in charge, fellas.
Don't point that gun at him.
He's an unpaid intern.
What kind of coverage did you get?
I just kept it rolling until
they put this hood over my head.
Bill speaks their language.
What are they saying, Billy?
Hold on.
Apparently they are
taking a hostage.
Obviously they have chosen Ned.
Now they find out
that I speak Filipino,
They seem to be
changing their minds.
You have a vault? They want
to know if there is a vault.
There's no vault.
"Our vault contains at least ten different currencies
from all over the world at any given moment.
"We are prepared for every
kind of financial necessity."
There goes Ned's inheritance.
Tell them if they don't
get off my boat right now,
There is going to be
a major shit storm.
Nedo, can you hear me?
We'll get you back, Billy.
Is everybody else save?
Anne-Marie, are you ok, honey?
No, I'm not.
I told you there are
unprotected waters.
What a fucking nightmare.
Be cool on this shit, ok?
I mean at least try
to show both sides.
I need to find a
baby for this father.
Yeah, I think I know what you mean.
Here we go.
I said "Get your ass
the hell off my boat!"
I've never seen a bond company
stooge stick his neck out like that.
What's this sound?
Is that ...
Artic night lights, yeah.
As if the natural world
has been turned upside down.
Get some cuts away of this miracle.
Klaus and Ogata, put out
the deck fire before we sink.
Those fucking amateurs, you
left your dog, you idiots.
Wrap this stiff in a table cloth.
We are going to bury him at sea.
Should we give him to the
authority or something?
I'll write up a few
words to read over.
How are you holding up
there, intern? Doing ok?
Ned, how many fingers
am I holding on?
I don't know.
That's not my job.
Too many to tell.
He's gonna be just fine.
I believe it's criminal that
Steve allowed this to happen to us,
By which I mean illegal.
We are being led on an illegal
suicide mission by a selfish maniac.
I hear what you're saying.
But I think you misjudged the guy.
Holy shit! Son of a bitch!
We are here to response to your
distress signal. Remain calm until...
Ogata, run upstairs to put a chart board
over, says "Operation Hennessey" on it.
What about this guy?
Just throw him over the other side.
Your engine blown up and all your
fuel been stolen. Is that correct?
I certainly know how you feel.
Some fuckers just stripped
my sea lab, you know.
Probably the same dudes.
I can tow you as far
as Port-Au-Patois.
I'll need your signature
on that invoice first,
to account for the expenses of this rescue
operation as well as my time and that of my crew.
This is more than the
budget of my whole project.
It's an estimate.
What is your dog's name?
Be still, Cody.
I have to run this by
my bond company stooge.
He's been kidnapped.
It's true. I have
to rescue him first.
Sorry, in an hour
I'm leaving out here.
Oh, I dined with
Eleanor last weekend.
By the way, she's summering in my villa
in west part of Patois, don't you know?
Say, how's Team Zissou
holding up without her?
The first thing that goes through a captain's head
when he hears there is low moral going around is
"What did I do?"
"Is that all my fault?"
Well, it's probably right.
Most of us have been
together for a long time.
The others got here before we left.
Do you all not like me anymore?
I mean.
What am I supposed
to do? I don't know.
Look, if you are not against me,
Don't cross this line.
If yes, do. I love you all.
Are you sure?
Yes, I am.
I don't understand. Why?
What do you mean?
Wait a second. What are we doing?
You said cross the line if...
Cross the line if
you are going to quit.
Oh, do it again. I misunderstood.
Hi, Ross.
I got your questions.
They are fine.
But I am not coming back.
It's over.
Please don't try to contact me, ok?
You'll hear from us sometime.
He got attacked by pirates.
I fear if life is ...
Well, you get the idea.
Anyway, take care
of yourself. Jane.
Will you write to me?
Of course. Give me the address.
Actually I went ahead with stamp
and self-addressed 50 or so envelops.
I think it will be easier for you.
Thanks. I'll use them.
Each one has three
blank pages in it.
Here's a pen.
Maybe I am going to write
you a letter right now.
Bet I'm really going
to miss you, Ned.
I'm going to miss you too.
In fact I feel like,
I don't know. I feel like my
heart is almost getting broken.
I guess I'm over-reacting.
Is it really true?
Yes, it is.
That was all off the
record. That whole deal.
Actually, I was surprised you
didn't cross the line yourself.
What line?
The line I drew on the deck
just now. You weren't up there?
You're kidding.
That was one of the most dramatic
things that ever happened on this boat.
I just lost all my best interns.
I thought you were supposed
to be covering this story.
You just said it's
all off the record.
Yeah, but you didn't know that.
Must have down here packing.
So, you are leaving?
You are jumping ship out of me.
Thinking of scrap the article.
You mean you are not even gonna
writing the cover story on me?
I just don't have
any statue anymore.
Sorry, Steve. Everything just
got too weird. That's all.
But I gave you a goddamn
showstopper up there.
Are you sleeping with Ned?
That's none of your business.
Are you?
No, I'm not.
You are gonna miss
the Jaguar shark.
Or what ever it is
if it actually exists.
Are you crying?
You cry easily, don't you?
Bloody hell.
God save that poor little stooge.
This never would've happened
if Eleanor was with us.
Thanks, man.
You are lack of a bit
damn well Zissou mate.
Now I must go away.
I'll send you a
postcard from my chapels.
What? Where are you going?
Abroad, my darling.
It's my passport status.
I am X-9 for the moment.
Legally I am a fugitive.
Wait a second. They
stole my budget,
My boat is broken,
You are ditching me up the creek.
What am I supposed to do here?
I must say, nothing
is jumping to mind.
Phillip, any suggestions?
No, he's shaking his head.
No. I can't give you full credit.
But I'm not going
to flunk you either.
You are all getting incompletes.
This is bullshit.
Oh shit, what do you want?
Do you mind if I buddy up a little
bit before I answer that question?
Yes, I do. Tell me now.
I need some money.
To get the boat out of Patois.
and rescue my bond company
stooge who got kidnapped.
Could you ask your parents
to loan money to me?
Could I go ahead
and buddy up anyway?
It took me two and a half
hours to get down here.
Who's that dude?
He's my research assistant.
You know I have to be jealous
about you staying at Ali's place.
I always thought it's
a closet aquarium.
How's your father-son
relationship coming along?
Well, nobody has a real
luck on any of these.
So I don't know how
it all times out.
I mean, I know I want him
to think of me like a father.
But the fact that there
is an outside chance,
That he could really
be my actual...
Biological son,
It's very difficult for me.
You know I'm not
big on apologizing.
So I just skip it if
it's all the same to you.
Anyway, I'm sorry.
I know I have not been in
my best in the past decade.
That's true.
What happened to me?
Did I lose my talent?
Am I ever gonna be good again?
I don't know.
Doesn't matter anyway.
It's probably the last
adventure I got in me.
I was hoping to go out and
flash a blaze as it has been.
I probably just end up going home.
Unless you plan to sell the island.
I don't know how
much I can get for it.
In this market?
You are probably right all along.
We should've had a kid together.
Of course,
You are kind already on
the edge of being too old.
Unless maybe ####
It's worse than a ###. I was 34.
It's good to see you, Eleanor.
I'm about to blow my stack.
I turned my back and
the bullshit begins.
Ned, yours come back.
Jane, you're a goddamn liar.
What the fuck are you doing here?
What the F are you doing here?
I warned you of being in
the other people's cabins.
You were supposed to go home.
You can beg me to stay
and finish the story.
Is there still a cover?
I don't fucking know.
Don't you dare to
put on that uniform.
It's all I have with me.
I told you I have a
bit of thing for her.
Not this one, I said.
You said: " Not this one, Klaus."
So you heard me.
You are too old for me, Steve.
Well, you are pregnant.
I have a word with you privately.
Follow me.
Are you two fighting?
I'll deal with you later.
Look, Steve.
I know we both like her.
You are angry and embarrassed.
Leave her out of it.
You think that was
what this is about?
Shit. What was that bull
I've been telling you?
All right, I am gonna warn you now.
Be a gentleman.
What are you doing here?
I thought your
interns ran out on me.
I want to help you find that shark.
Goddamn it. Thank you, intern.
You'll get an 'A'.
His name is Nico.
Give me that camera.
I'm gonna smash it, or you could.
I misread you, man.
I'm gonna have to
rethink some shit.
You don't know me.
Never wanted to know me.
I'm just a character in your film.
It's a documentary.
It's all really happening.
Damn you for that.
Go to bed, you sons of bitches.
That pregnant slug has been
playing us like a cheap film.
That's it.
I'm gonna fight you, Steve.
You never say: "I'm
gonna fight you, Steve."
You just smile and act natural.
Then you suddenly punch.
You fight your way
and I'll fight mine.
Listen, Ned.
Don't you try ...
I think your "Team Zissou" ring
might have caught me on the lip.
You call yourself my son.
But I just don't see it.
It's nothing personal.
What do you want?
That's so arrogant.
That's... screw off.
I can't believe I've asked
if I could call you dad.
Of course you said no.
I like you call me Stevesie.
It sounds better.
It doesn't mean the same thing.
A week before she killed herself,
my mother told me that you've known
about me since the day I was born.
Is that a fact?
That's a fact.
I ought to stay in
Kentucky where I belong.
Somebody pays for this water taxi.
You got any petty cash on you?
Remind me of sending the owner's parents of a
"thank you" note on a good correspondent stock.
This is the message we received earlier
tonight on our answering machine.
"Billy Ubell here.
I am on a pay phone.
"I'm still blind-folded.
"My arms are bound. But a young boy
has been kind enough to assist me.
"There is not much chance I will
get another opportunity to call.
"So I thought I would ask if ...
What? No.
Well, thanks for checking in, Bill.
Next time maybe you could
let us know where you are at.
Based on the quality of the connection, the
variety of wild life in the background and
The lapse of time between Mr.
Ubell's capture and this message,
There is a good chance he is
on one of the Ping Islands.
There used to be a four-star
hotel on Little Ping.
But the entire island was
destroyed by monsoon five years ago.
It's been uninhabited ever since.
I know the place. Hotel Satoir.
I'd like to speak on
the record for a moment.
Eleanor has always been the
brain behind Team Zissou.
By the way, are you going to put in a good
description of the command center set up down here.
Ok, gang. That's the plan.
Set the course for the Ping
Islands, full speed ahead.
You need to hire a team of mechanics
to rebuild the engine first of course.
I know. I am saying after that.
Just because I've decided to save your neck again, help
you do this rescue, doesn't mean you've won me back.
Yes, Ma'am.
The father is out of the picture?
Actually I was sort of
terrified about having this baby.
Right now, I am not
really scared of anything.
Maybe it's my hormone.
That makes sense.
I'm going to tell you something confidentially,
which will not be mentioned again.
I'm pretty sure I'm the only person
who could say this, including Steve.
Never mind how I found
out. I'm a scientist.
It's the thing that puzzles
me about Ned's situation.
What is it?
Zissou shoots blanks.
I think maybe it's because he
spent half of his life underwater.
let's try track 3
against this picture.
"A treacherous reefs surrounds the Ping Islands,
warning intruders to keep their distance.
"Today we discovered one of it's
victims off the coast of Ping Three.
"Our colleague Alistair Hennessey
and his crew are nowhere to be found.
"We will land at dawn.
Not bad.
We will temper with that anyway.
All right, let's go.
Oh, shit. Swamp leeches.
Everybody, check for swamp
leeches and pull them off.
Nobody else got hit. I'm the
only one? What's the deal?
What a shame!
They had a bar tender here, who
made the best Rum I ever tasted.
You are ready?
Should we do this?
The barometer is falling. It's
gonna rain in five minutes.
We gotta be quick.
Where are they? Unknown.
We will split into two groups.
I'll take Ned,
Ogata and Wolodarsky.
Thanks a lot for not picking me.
We are smack in the middle of a
lightning strike rescue op, Klaus.
What's the deal?
I'm sick being on B squad.
Listen, maybe you're on B squad.
But you're the B squad leader.
Don't you know me and Estaban
We always thought of
you as a baby brother.
I've always thought
of you two as my dads.
Please don't let any new one
make fun of me for saying so.
I can't guarrantee that,
Klausie. But I'll try.
Can we get on with maneuvers now?
Wolodarsky, got something? Not yet.
Anybody sees anybody? Empty.
I think the whole
place is deserted.
Ok, let's not get down on ourselves. We
still get two more Ping Islands to check out.
Except I don't know if we
have enough gas to do it.
Damn it, Steve.
This sucks.
I'm disappointed in myself.
My first wife Jacqueline and
I spent our honeymoon here.
Things are pretty different now.
All right, let's check out.
Did you get that?
Good. We'll give them
reality this time.
A wash-up old man with no
friend, no distribution deal.
Wife on the rocks.
People laugh at him.
Feeling sorry for himself.
Can I have a word alone
with my son, please?
Are you all right?
Not really.
By the way, I've been thinking of a
nickname that might mean the right thing.
I came up with "Papa Steve".
I'm sorry I've never acknowledged
your existence all these years.
It will never happen
again, I mean it.
You're my son to me.
Almost more so.
See, for me to meet a guy like
you at this time of my life,
I don't know, it's just...
I want to communicate
my feelings for you.
I think I'm gonna start to cry.
That's ok.
There's something
in the coat check-in.
Hey, Billy. Are you ok?
Did you get my message?
These pirates are monsters.
Well, yeah. They remember I shot one of their
guys in the neck last week and killed him.
So I think we are OK too.
Where is Cody?
Are you rescuing me?
Klaus, bring the dynamite.
They are in there after all.
Run! Go! Move now!
We got some great footage
of your boat out there.
I guess it's totaled.
Perhaps. We are extremely well-ensured.
We will come out ahead, man.
Although allow me, I have to recruit
the crew from scratch next time.
They made soup out of
my research turtles.
Ogato, get the first aid kit.
Klausie, Nedo, dig in here and hold these
weapons off while I call in rendezvous.
We'll meet on the beach.
You're A squad.
Renzo, Renzo.
Anybody? Hello? Hello?
This one is out of juice.
No, Captain.
This is Cedric.
He's a friend.
May I see, Cedric?
Remind me. We'll
send him a red cap.
Wolodarsky, go get the
keys to their fishing boat.
Throw them in the water.
No, wait. They may have
another set. Just blow it up.
Hey, Ned. It looks like we
recovered your inheritance.
That's it. I'm retired.
Oh, no. We forgot
Cody. We gotta go back.
Good bye, Cody.
See, this represent Belafonte.
Here is the island.
That circle represents friendship.
And KS stands for Klaus.
Where's your symbol, Ned?
I don't want to pose myself.
Klaus is right. The flag
needs a Ned's symbol.
I suppose we could put an "N"
on the side of that octopus.
What does that
stand for over there?
Worked last night. But now the whole
tracking goes completely on the fritz.
Screw it.
We'll sell it for scrap along
with the boat and the submarine.
We're going home.
Just take up the whirlybird and see
what we will find out there anyway.
I got a feeling we can spot
this fish from 111 feet up.
Ned, I don't know if I
really saw the bastard.
I have $275,000 investment
in this damn production.
Something ate Esteban, did it?
Now lead!
What's that?
A letter from Jane.
What does she say?
Nothing to speak of.
Thank you for putting
me on the flag, Ned.
Of course, Klaus.
It was my pleasure.
But you stick me on the dolphin.
I want you to know how
much it means to me.
Well, I'm very pleased you like it.
You didn't listen to me.
I didn't just like it.
You understand?
Yes, I do.
Thank you, Klaus.
I still got yours of course.
My what?
"Dear Captain Zissou,
I am 12 years old
and live in Kentucky.
A creek runs behind our house.
I live with my mother.
She met you once some years ago.
I collect catalogue of
amphibians, reptiles and insects.
I don't know what this one was
called. So I named it myself.
You are probably my one of, if not
the favorite person I've ever studied.
I plan to be either: A. an oceanography,
B. an architect, C. a pilot.
Thank you very much
for your good work.
Sincerely, Ned Plimpton, Blue
Star Cadet, Zissou Society.
P.S. Do you ever wish you
could breath underwater?
I still wish I could
breath underwater.
Me too, Ned.
Fluorescence snapper.
What's that?
A good sign.
The last time we saw
that, the big fish....
Zap a bark up there, didn't it?
I heard a pin snapped,
loose the rotator mechanism.
This is gonna hurt.
Ned! Ned!
Hey, Stevesie.
Are you ok?
I'm ok.
What happened? Do we hit something?
Maybe the push drive failed.
I am sorry, Ned. I should've
scrapped this chopper ten years ago.
No. maybe I should've auto rotated and
perform a hard bank for the descent.
We might crash a little softer.
I wouldn't make any
difference at all.
All hands bear the deck.
This is the first time Eleanor's ever cried
in front of me as long as I've known her.
Except once when she got her
arm caught in the deck wrench.
Is this mine...
Espresso machine?
What is, how did you
get my espresso machine?
Well, uh...
He fucking stole it, man.
Ali, Why don't you go party. You
know, I need to talk to your ex-wife.
We've never made great husbands.
Have we?
Of course.
I have got an excuse. I'm part gay.
Supposingly, everyone is.
I never told you
this, but I was hoping,
We might get a chance to adopt Ned.
I think he would've
wanted it that way.
Would you go along me on that?
He was 30, Steve.
But I would have considered it.
Thanks, Eleanor.
We are a dying breed.
I guess we were all right while
we lasted thought, weren't we?
We would like totally
escape, my darling.
We would like the body shot of
yours. You slam with the ahhh...
Damn it. I had it on the plane.
What was I gonna to say?
Oh, well...
It's good to see you.
How's your passport status?
Much better, thank you.
I'm back down to X-4.
Tell me.
Who knocked up the reporter?
I don't know.
By the way, thank you for
showing me the first draft.
You read it.
What did you think?
I was a little
embarrassed at first.
Obviously people is gonna think I am
a showboat, a little bit of a prick.
But then I realize,
That's me.
I said those things.
I did those things.
I can live by that.
You are a good writer, Jane.
It's the icing cover.
Is that a girl?
Excuse me.
I am sorry to interrupt.
But we've just got the
scanning module to back up.
It looks like the Jaguar
shark or whatever it is,
We're tracking it in the trench
on the far side of the reef.
Everybody feels like
going for a ride?
I hook up a bluefin on the rope
to give it something to eat.
Is that one of mine?
I think one of my
research turtles survived.
Is that him?
That's him, Klaus.
Are we safe in here?
I doubt it.
You still want to blow him up?
No. We are out of dynamite anyway.
It is beautiful, Steve.
Yeah, it's pretty good, isn't it?
I wonder if it remembers me.
In 12 years, he will
be eleven and a half.
That was my favorite age.
Like this?
Just like that.
You do it too.
We completed the adventure.
But another member of
my crew has been lost.
This one was my son.
Also our equity partner.
We started our voyage
home in our wounded vessel.
This is an adventure.