Life Before Her Eyes, The (In Bloom) (2007)

That old bitch.
I'm serious.
If I have to jump
over another pommel horse,
or whatever
they're called.
You guys should probably
put that out.
'Cause Jenkins is, like,
five feet behind me.
Oh. Sorry.
Why are you always mad?
Because you
make me mad.
Just once,
I would love--
Okay, can we just please
stop talking about it now?
Who was that girl
in the office with you?
Maureen? She's cool.
Today was the first time
we really talked.
I like her.
Oh, good. We can
play together then.
So guess what?
- What?
Nate asked me to go
to the movies with him.
Oh, my God. A second date,
and you didn't tell me?
Well, he just
asked me in Trig.
Well, I'm gonna come
as your chaperone
and make sure
nothing untoward happens.
Mm, that's okay.
We can double-date,
if you want.
Bring your professor.
Yeah, right.
Did I tell you
I've been calling him?
- Yeah.
But I keep getting
his stupid machine.
He's got, like,
a hundred messages
of me just calling, and
freaking out and hanging up.
When is it all
gonna start?
When is what
gonna start?
Our lives.
Not all of this.
You know what
you should do?
Buy him
a frozen yogurt.
Mm, that's what
I did with Nate,
and I got a second
date out of it.
I have to go to
the bathroom.
we're gonna be
late for class.
So if we're,
percent water...
then that's kind of like
there's no boundaries.
I mean, people think skin
is just this thing,
like rubber,
but it's not.
It's just
more water.
Are you high?
You are so high.
You are, like,
Life is my drug,
Maureen, so--
Okay, then let me
see your purse.
We are so
Yeah. By Briar Hill standards.
No, objectively.
We are.
By any standards?
Well, unless we're
in New York
or Polynesia--
- Or Hawaii?
Or some other place
we should go.
I have to start
working on Mom now.
Good luck with that.
Do you realize we're old enough
to get married?
Maybe we should go
to college first.
Yeah, I'm saying we could
if we wanted to.
You need
your parents' permission.
All right. Just so long as
you know that you and Nate
can just drive
to Vegas--
Except that
I don't want to.
But if you did...
You know, if the Church
doesn't let you, uh...
...before you're
Yeah, well...
What is that?
- Do you hear that?
Hang on. I can't
hear anything.
What the hell?
Dee, don't.
It's probably just
some stupid prank.
Come on. Go, go.
I bet Ryan decided he hasn't
been a big enough asshole
for the past--
Oh, my God.
Stop shooting!
I know who it is.
It's Michael Patrick.
Yesterday in Trig,
he told me
he was gonna bring
a gun to school,
and he was gonna kill...
- Who?
"All you fuckheads."
You know, what a freak.
Didn't tell
I thought he was just kidding.
Maybe they stopped him.
Michael, no. No.
Mr. McCleod.
Michael, don't
kill us, please.
How are you?
I'm fine.
I know.
I just have to
keep it together this week.
I'll be fine.
Where are you?
It's not even
remotely amusing.
Where's my little
Is my little girl
in there?
What are you doing?
You're gonna be
late for school.
And don't make me
tickle you.
Can we go
hiking, Mommy?
Maybe in the summer.
Can I have a cheese toast?
I made oatmeal.
Why oatmeal?
I hate oatmeal.
Come on. Come on,
You okay?
Have a good day.
- Yeah, I will.
Can we go hiking
in the summer, Daddy?
Mm, in
the yard, sure.
No. In the woods.
- Ha.
Give me a kiss.
Bye, Daddy.
I spy with my little eye
something beginning with...
Um, C. Uh, cars?
- Hm.
Got me there, Emma.
Hm. That's a tough one, Em.
What's a conscience?
Where'd you hear that?
Dad was talking
to himself...
in his study.
It's complicated.
Not today, Emma.
# Trying to find her
She's not there #
This week,
of the tragic date,
a memorial
at Hillview High School
honoring both the victims
and the survivor--
Your lunch is
in your backpack.
Oh, Mom. Please.
Shall I come in
with you?
Come on.
Good morning.
- Come in, children.
- Okay. Give me a hug.
Be good.
Emma. Come on.
Don't run,
Hey, Amanda.
- Hey, Diana.
Hey, Amanda.
- Hey, Diana.
So are you going?
I saw the bleachers
in the street.
I don't know.
I'll think
about it.
It comes out
in strange ways.
What do you mean?
Bethany told me
that Emma's been
getting in trouble
in school again.
Not that I'd worry.
I mean, you were
pretty wild.
I remember when
you got arrested
for kicking that boy
in the nuts.
I didn't get arrested.
That nun just gave me
a dirty look.
Is it possible that
nothing changes in this town?
Except you.
Hey, Diana. Hey!
Oh, get the fuck
off me.
What the fuck is
the matter with you?
Fuck do you think
you are?
You're just a fucking
dirty little slut--
You have two seconds
to wipe that smirk
off your face.
Fuck you.
I mean...
I was really into it
and I turned around,
and he'd pulled out his...
you know,
and I was so pissed.
You think coral isn't alive.
Like, it's a rock.
But it's alive,
you know.
It's a living thing,
with a brain.
And I just felt like
I was so close to...
Maybe I was just high.
I don't know, but...
now I can't take
goddamn Driver's Ed
because they found me
with pot.
Like, big fucking deal,
you know?
Oh, what are you
gonna do now?
It's like I told
Officer Petersen,
I solemnly promise to take
a break from the pot.
But I can't make any promises
about kicking men in the nuts.
I mean about
Driver's Ed.
I can teach you
how to drive.
Okay. So, uh,
The one on the right
is the gas,
and the one on the left
is brake, okay?
Mm-hm. Yeah.
So, that, just-- Okay.
Yeah, okay.
- Is the car on?
Ah. Okay, yeah.
Sorry. Sorry.
- Okay, careful.
You'll ease.
- In drive?
- Easy.
- Ease on the brake. Okay.
I got it, I got it.
- Okay, just--
Right. This is back--
Where's the signal?
Um, the left.
No, just--
O-okay. Keep one hand
on the wheel--
I got it.
I got the wheel.
I just need to know
where the blinkers?
Can we go
on the road yet?
- I'm so ready.
Uh, just watch
the steering.
- Why? Is that,
Jesus Christ, lady.
What are you doing?
You scared me.
- Why don't
Mr. McCleod.
Okay. Uh,
so what do we know?
We know, for example,
that Stephanie here
was a--
A teenager.
We know that, because
of the narrowness
of her pelvic bones,
and also because
there are these gaps
in her pelvic region,
where an older
human female's bones
would be
That is,
there are parts
of the human
female body
that do not
Um, turn to bone?
Until after
So when
Stephanie died,
that was all
still soft tissue,
and it just
melted away,
which is actually called...
So, of course,
bones decompose
much, much later
than soft tissue
and all the rest
of the flesh.
Do you think Mr. McCleod
He totally blushed.
I feel bad.
Although you did use
ossify in a sentence.
Oh. It couldn't hurt.
I got a C on the midterm.
I could do with
a good class grade.
Anyway, you know there's
something going on
between him and Stephanie.
Hm. The teenaged
A little note can't change
the love they have.
Hold on a sec.
Ah. There we go.
The Breton nuns
can see Jacob
wrestling with
the angel.
Are they imagining it?
Are they having
a genuine visitation?
Or...given the
of the painted work,
the lack of distinction
between the two parts
of the image,
is it fair to say...
that Gauguin doesn't believe
in any demarcation--
Diana? 12:35.
heh --between
the real and the imagined?
Has anybody seen Anna?
You're gonna come, right?
No. My mom won't let me go.
I don't know.
She's "not crazy
about teens writhing around
on the ground
and seeing things."
Don't get pissed.
Just telling what she said.
I know what I saw.
It was real.
A vision of God.
Things froze.
Everything just froze.
Sounds like you got
hit by a car,
or you fucking passed out.
You see it, you see it.
What if
you don't?
I mean, Briar Hill
is nice and all, but--
Shut up.
You hate Briar Hill.
I don't know. Is it
really the kind of place can see
or whatever?
We should probably
get started.
It's too hot
for homework.
See, Maureen.
How could we have done Trig
without cooling down?
So wise.
Oh, shh.
You have much to learn.
For what is trig,
when there's
an early show to catch?
Come on.
Hm. This is
the life, M.
It's not our life. Heh.
They're on vacation.
They don't care.
The Penzers aren't on vacation.
Their grandmother died.
Are you gonna spend
the afternoon worrying?
They can't arrest you
for swimming in a pool.
Who's gonna report us?
Some old bag of a neighbor?
It's just the mailman,
you spaz.
When I was a little kid,
I used to love
hanging out in the rain.
Drive my mom
But I'd watch
the flowers.
Some would get
but some would
burst back up after.
So cool.
I have no fucking idea
what you're talking about.
You know,
it's produced when
water condenses,
or something.
Maybe we're just like
the rain when it evaporates.
You know, like, we just
go back into the atmosphere?
'Cause look at
all this mist.
I wonder who we're
breathing in right now.
Okay, speaking of "ew,"
my mom's new boyfriend.
How is the new
His name is Raoul.
Oh. My mom
dated a Raoul.
Is he like Moby
but Spanish?
Oh, God.
Let's just hope
we don't end up on
the Briar Hill singles scene.
I wonder where
Nate lives.
I think over there.
You mean,
with the fancy people?
Dude, you could
have a porch.
Happy days.
Good night.
- Good night.
The mother cougar will protect
accompanying them everywhere
until they're old enough
to defend themselves.
what are you watching?
Magic School Bus.
You shouldn't be
watching this, Emma.
It's funny.
It's just like a joke.
It's not a joke.
And if I ask you
You shouldn't be
so scared, Mommy.
Don't be scared.
Oh, shit.
Mommy said a bad word.
I have some good news.
Are we getting a pony?
- Mm.
Should I
Say it.
- All right.
As you may know,
every four years
the faculty chooses from
its ranks an individual
of outstanding
academic reputation
to deliver
a lecture in honor
of the college's
founding president,
Arthur M. Fuller.
Oh, this year...
the Arthur
M. Fuller lecture
is going to be delivered
by none other than...
your faithful
Heh. That's amazing.
Do I have to go?
Do you have a title?
Well, I've been
thinking of:
"The Problem of Evil,
The Problem of Good..."
but, you know,
we'll see.
Think you might need
some case studies?
Because, um...
I happen to know someone
that was...
this afternoon.
Hm. Of course, to use her
in my presentation...
I would need her
under glass.
- Sweetie?
Here, sweetheart.
Come on.
- Come on.
- Sweetie?
Come on, babe. Come on.
Come on, cough it up.
Okay. Okay.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
You can breathe.
Breathe, breathe.
You're okay. You're okay.
You're okay.
You're okay, you're okay.
You're okay.
You're okay.
Maybe I'll be too sick
to go to school tomorrow.
We'll see.
I hate school.
No, you don't.
Yes, I do. I hate it.
I hate Sister Beatrice.
Well, Sister Beatrice--
No. I hate homework.
I hate it all.
I fucking
hate school.
Don't say that.
- Why? It's true.
'Cause it's like
Michael "Dickwad" Patrick
would say.
Come on, let's
go inside.
Here you go.
I've been worried
Hiding games she plays.
The other day she said to me:
"Mommy. You can't
make me do anything."
It's just
like me.
I don't think I even
started that young.
You were pretty young
when I met you.
I got a note again
from her teacher at school.
Well, you're the one
that wanted to send her
to that parochial
are you gonna try
and get some sleep?
If you don't sleep,
you don't dream.
Maureen and I used to live
in the shitty part of town. Ha.
And we dreamed about
having a nice house...
with a porch.
Close your eyes.
Keep your eyes
Okay? Give me
your wine. Here.
All right?
Stand right there.
Get a little forward.
Right there.
- Okay.
Keep your
eyes closed.
Okay. You can
open 'em.
It's so beautiful, Paul.
Michael, don't kill us,
No, I'm only gonna
kill one of you.
You don't have to kill
either of us.
Well, I'm going to.
The on--
The only
question is...
which one's
it gonna be?
You don't have to,
Michael. Please.
Come on, girls.
It's time
to choose.
I had a bad dream.
Read it, Mommy.
It's the only one that helps me.
When the voices of children
Are heard on the green
And laughing is heard
On the hill
My heart is at rest
Within my breast
And everything else
is still
Then come home, my children
The sun has gone down
And the dews
of night arise
Come, come, let us play
And let us away
Till the morning appears
in the skies
No, no, let us play
For it is yet day
And we cannot go to sleep
Besides, in the sky
The little birds fly
And the hills are
all covered with sheep
Well, well
Go and play
Till the light fades away
And then go home to bed
The little ones leaped
and shouted
And laughed
And all the hills...
Why does it have to be
All right, wait. Hold up.
Hold up. Check this out.
you know, uh,
Timmy there,
he's part
- No, he is.
He is. See his ears?
How they--?
Just like hers.
Just like me.
Ow. Ha-ha-ha.
Mmm. Mm-mm.
Come on,
Did you see
Said I would
wait for you.
You could have come inside.
So how was it? Did anybody
talk in tongues today?
Well, we prayed...
and we felt a great rush
of the Holy Spirit.
So...that's cool.
Myself, I fucked
my older lover in the pool.
Do they talk about heaven
in your Church?
Pretty much
'Cause I know
Wait, it wasn't
the pool
that we
swim in, right?
Dee? Dee?
I can't believe this.
so gross.
Would you look at us:
the virgin and the whore.
If you listened to Mrs. Goldman,
we're like the whole of female
art history in this room.
Or we could be, like,
this fall on the WB.
Nice. You made a joke.
Shut up.
M, you are so beautiful.
Come on.
- Serious.
Nate is gonna think
you're so hot.
Houston, the genie
has left the bottle.
Yeah, I think she's going
back inside. Give me my dress.
No, look-- All right,
can I just get
a picture first?
- Yes. Okay.
No, no, no.
Forever on film.
We have a week to go... is the end
of the year.
I know some of you I...
won't be seeing too much of
over the next few days.
Uh...but I-- I did want to say
how much I've enjoyed
teaching you guys.
And if there's
I want you guys
to take with you...
from this class,
as you're abusing your bodies
over the break,
uh, is three things.
That the heart...
is the body's
strongest muscle.
That the brain...
has more cells in it
than our galaxy has stars.
And that the body...
is 72 percent water.
So wherever you go
over vacation...
don't get too dehydrated.
Uh-- Excuse me.
One second.
Would you care to talk to me?
Sure. What's up?
I've got the stuff here.
Who did this?
You kids.
There's gonna be
a test next week.
And it will
affect your GPAs.
Everything we've done
this semester.
I-- I just wanted to say
that I learned a lot
in your class this year.
So...thank you,
Mr. McCleod.
You remember
the Bernoulli principle?
Ha. We already have three things
to remember over the break, so--
All birds need to fly are
the right-shaped wings,
the right pressure
and the right angle.
You have
the wings.
You're supplying
the pressure?
I just think you need
to change your angle.
Ahem. Reading minds
are more your thing
than birds
and bones.
Like, this guy,
Paul McFee is
a terrific speaker.
You write me up
a short report,
and I'll give you
the extra credit.
Okay? How's
that sound?
You still have to
take the test.
Where Did We Come From?
What Are We?
Where Are We Going?
Why did Gauguin
pick this title
for such a bizarre
and beautiful painting?
wasn't he trying to
work out
a new way of answering
those questions?
That's exactly right.
And using Polynesian
shape and color
as an inspiration,
he wanted to break through
what he thought of
as outlived
and conventional ways
of asking.
That's a good answer.
It was in the reading.
Well, you did the reading.
All right. That's it.
I would very much
appreciate it
if I could have all your papers
on Friday so I can grade them.
Anna. Can you stick around
for a minute?
Thanks. By Friday.
Be much appreciated.
I think you have
more potential
than you realize, Anna.
With your grades, you could
get into a four-year college.
I just-- I have
a boyfriend in town, so...
You may think you'll
never leave this town,
but you just have to
give it a chance.
No, I don't
think so.
too short.
So unfair. Just 'cause Ryan
called the skeleton a slut.
What did he say again about
the body's strongest muscle?
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
I don't know
how to say this.
Just say it.
If every time somebody
says that word,
you get angry
or assume...
Go on.
If it hurts you,
then...I don't understand
why you act
the way that you do.
Heh. Like a what?
Like a tramp?
Forget it.
Like a
round-heeled woman?
A hussy? I can't
really think of a word.
I don't understand what
you're get--
So I guess I can't
teach you
how to drive
What do you think?
You think if Nate asks you out
you're just gonna
drive around the block?
"Hey, Maureen, I like you.
"Let's go drive around
the block a couple times,
"and then get married
and, I don't know,
wait for the rapture."
That's so unfair.
Well, get real, Maureen.
You don't understand
how things really are.
You think you could say no
to the whole fucking world?
It's not there to say no to.
Diana Adams.
This is the last time.
The heart.
The heart is the body's
strongest muscle.
You know what I love
about you, Dee?
That I'm 17?
That you're not afraid.
And that I'm 17.
Come on, girls.
It's time
to choose.
If you're gonna kill
one of us...
kill me.
Oh, Maureen.
And what do you
have to say?
Maybe I should kill you?
No what?
No, don't kill me.
But if I don't kill you...
then who should I kill?
I don't deserve this.
Wanna drive around the block
a couple of times
and then wait
for the rapture?
If you don't let me teach you
how to drive,
you'll never get out
of Briar Hill.
Say you're sorry.
Say you're sorry.
Okay, we'll say it
at the same time.
Three, two,
Got you.
Very mature.
I think his parents
and this one
has two initials.
Or maybe I could just, like,
talk to him in Bio.
Look, M-- Heh.
I know that
you and Nate
are gonna have,
like, eight kids
and be one of those perfect
creepy Christian families
that live happily
ever after.
Hey, I don't know about you,
but I could do with some soup.
How'd you do
on that test?
I did okay.
I got the one
about the heart.
I don't really think
that's true, though,
About it being
the strongest muscle.
I don't think in my case
Oh. It's okay.
It's okay.
What is it?
What's wrong?
Dee just messed up
her English test.
I didn't know what
the human condition was.
you will soon enough.
I didn't know
you were allowed to lie.
Heh. Here.
Mommy's right here.
Mrs. McFee.
Sister Beatrice.
You understand why you're here?
I-I don't understand
why I'm here,
to be honest
with you.
Your daughter is, uh--
She's very bright...
but she's a handful.
My daughter's not
a handful.
She's smart.
She's spirited.
She disappears...
and she hides.
So I was thinking
And I-- I don't know.
If I just had
this normal life, you know?
Yeah, with a husband
that didn't leave?
Right. But if
I met someone--
And had kids and...
even if I stayed
in Briar Hill, um,
that might be enough?
You-- Heh.
--probably think
that's really stupid.
Hey, Cody is a pretty
cool name.
Jennifer is nice.
Emma. Amber.
I like Emma.
You keep Cody. I'll take Emma.
I wanna go swimming.
Well, just go to
the public pool.
No. There's all
little kids.
This isn't really
ice cream.
Frozen yogurt's
better for you.
I can see
my little girl in there.
You do understand why
Mommy was mad, don't you?
You hate me.
I don't hate you.
You're always
mad at me.
In the car,
you were looking at me.
It's just because you're
so beautiful, sometimes...
Mommy can't help
but to look.
That's not why.
Emma, you have to
promise me.
No more running away,
no more hiding.
I swear on my life.
It's not funny, Emma.
But it is funny.
Goddamn it.
You have two seconds to wipe
that smirk off your face.
Mommy said a bad word.
That's it. We're
going to talk to Daddy.
No. Ow. You're
hurting me!
Stop it.
Ow! Ow!
You've reached Paul McFee
at the Department
of Philosophy.
In his terrible absence,
please leave a message.
Why don't you come in?
I didn't bring my trunks.
Help over here.
Diana? Dee?
Are you okay?
Um. I'm okay.
Where is she?
Can you sit?
Let's just get her off the road.
Don't move her.
Wait for an ambulance.
I'm okay.
She's okay.
He missed me.
Just go on in,
Sit up there.
Type and Rh?
Mm-hm. What's the hemoglobin?
Twelve grams.
Did we doc C-cycling?
Just make sure she gets
the post-procedure meds.
Yes, doctor.
Right, okay.
So is it--?
Is it normal?
Yeah, but I--
What did they say?
I don't understand
a fucking thing.
Do you have,
like, lemonade
or something sweet?
If this gets any worse,
we're gonna have to go
to the hospital.
I'm fine.
I can take that
Blood freaks me out.
I'm sorry.
I wish I could do
something for you.
I want your cat.
All right. Okay.
You must have moved
just in time.
There was all this blood.
You're lucky
he missed you.
I never got drunk before.
Oh, my God.
Do you think he's
waiting for a girl?
We should wait
and find out.
Oh, we're gonna
miss the movie.
So what?
No girl.
Is that him?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I can
do that.
I can do that in, like,
a half hour. Yeah.
Yeah, hold on a second.
Hold on.
How's, uh--?
How's Timmy?
There you go.
it's not.
No, dude.
Trust me.
Nah, it's just
some slut.
Don't think about it.
So...are you up for
a truly hard question?
Goobers or mints?
Maureen, what did I do to
deserve a friend like you?
Um, something
in a past life?
Do you believe
in that?
I don't know. Maybe.
I mean...we have to go
somewhere, right?
# Please don't bother
Trying to find her #
And there much blood.
And...he was such a--
A pussy?
# The way she looked
The way she acted #
Yeah. Such a pussy.
So lame.
# Her eyes are
Clear and bright #
And the blood was--
# She's not there #
Can we change this music?
Mom still at work
par usual.
M, I really
don't wanna grow up
to be one of
those women.
You know, one of those
hard women
that are angry about
everything all the time.
I know.
With a heart like yours, heh...
I don't think
you're in any danger.
Get out of here.
Bye, M.
- Bye.
What's her name, Paul?
Who is she?
There's only one girl for me,
and her name is Diana.
I'm sorry,
I can't hear you.
Is that your powerful
conscience talking?
Maybe we should send you
to parochial school.
Oh. That's all right.
I so loved you.
I so loved
all of it.
I thought if I lived
a certain way...
cared for my daughter...
helped my students...
loved you...
then I could make
everything all right.
You can't understand.
No, I don't...
I-I'm your husband.
You're not my husband.
It is my great honor
to introduce
one of the most
distinguished members
of our academic
Professor Paul McFee.
Thank you.
Thank you. It is one
of the great honors
of my life to be asked
to deliver
this year's
Arthur M. Fuller lecture.
William James...
that most American
philosopher, once advised:
"Begin to be now what
you will be hereafter."
One might ask how?
Our deepest guide
in our beginning to be
is imagination.
Our ability to project
and mold our future selves
from the myriad
possibilities before us.
And to imagine takes
courage and effort...
but it gives us
hope too.
Hope that we can author
our own destinies.
Hope that the rightness
of the decisions we make now
will be borne out
in the future.
As much as we can be
overwhelmed by the world,
we can also draw
hope from it.
From beauty. From promise.
From the simple fact
that we have the talent
to imagine our future selves
from all the possible lives
that pass before our eyes.
We must imagine our lives well.
We must engage
our conscience.
Conscience is the voice of God,
and the nature
and heart of man.
When I was a little kid,
I used to love
hanging out in the rain.
Drive my mom
I'd watch the flowers.
Some would get crushed,
but some would
burst back up after.
So cool.
I have to go.
Excuse me. Are you
one of the survivors?
We have your seats
right over--
Is she here?
Did she come back?
How could you not find her?
At lunchtime,
we believe your daughter
left the school property.
How can you
let that happen?
We try our best,
Mrs. McFee.
I did try to
tell you.
Could she have
walked home?
I don't know. She knows the way.
We have men looking for her.
She's a little girl.
She's a child. How far
could she have gone?
Hello? Yeah.
All right, I'll
get right back to you.
Ms. McFee...
I-- I don't know.
I didn't dress her.
My husband, Paul,
dressed her.
The woods near your house.
Someone just found
a pink jacket there.
You've reached Paul McFee
at the Department
of Philosophy.
Emma. Emma. Emma.
What the hell
is that?
I saw them putting
them up yesterday...
for the unborn.
Hey. Diana. come on,
let's go to school.
Hey. Diana, come on,
let's go to school.
Ugh. Ah!
They're all kids.
What was that?
Do you hear that?
Hang on. I can't
hear anything.
What the hell?
No, don't go that way.
This way! This way!
Dee, don't.
Michael, don't kill us,
No, I'm only
gonna kill one of you.
You don't have to kill
either of us.
Well, I'm going to.
The on--
The only
question is,
which one's
it gonna be?
Just back it up.
Folks, back it up, please.
Come on, everybody
just back it up.
Keep back!
Please, please!
Ma'am! Back up. Back up.
Are you okay? Oh, my God.
All this blood.
He missed me.
Where's my little girl?
Is my little girl
in there?
It's my daughter.
It's my daughter.
Get off me!
You don't have to,
Michael, please.
Come on, girls.
It's time
to choose.
If you're gonna kill
one of us...
kill me.
Oh, Maureen.
And what do you have to say?
Maybe I should
kill you?
- No what?
No, don't kill me.
But if I don't kill you,
then who should I kill?
Conscience is
and the nature
and heart of man.
This is the life, M.
Maureen, what did I do
to deserve a friend like you?
Um, something in a past life?
M, I don't wanna grow up
to be one of those hard women
that are angry about
everything all the time.
I know.
With a heart like yours, heh...
I don't think
you're in any danger.
But if I don't kill you,
then who should I kill?
Shoot me.
Shoot me.
So I was thinking
If I just had this normal
life, you know?
And had kids. And even if
I stayed in Briar Hill,
that might be enough.
Look, M, heh...
I know that you and Nate
are gonna have, like,
eight kids
and be one of
those perfect families
that live happily ever after.
The heart is the body's
strongest muscle.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Were you one of
the survivors?
So guess what?
Nate asked me to go
to the movies with him.
Oh, my God. A second date,
and you didn't tell me?
Well, he just
asked me in Trig.
Well, I'm gonna come
as your chaperone
and make sure nothing
untoward happens.
Mm, that's okay.
We can double-date,
if you want.
Bring the professor.
Yeah, right.
Did I tell you
I've been calling him?
Yeah. I keep getting
his stupid machine.
He's got, like,
a hundred messages
of me just calling,
and freaking out
and hanging up.
When is it all
gonna start?
When is what
gonna start?
Our lives.
Not all of this.
You know what
you should do?
Buy him
a frozen yogurt.
Mm, that's what I did
with Nate,
and I got a second date
out of it.
I have to go
to the bathroom.
we're gonna be late
for class.