Life in a Metro (2007)

Bye mama!
- Bye baby!
- bye!
Neha, wake up, wake up! Coffee.
Neha, come on.
Sharma this is my last chance.
Don't worry sir. Just give me
your papers. It will be done.
Here is the file. I have to
get the Dubai job this time.
It will be done, sir.
- Oh hi!
Why are you getting drenched?
I forgot my umbrella
and it started to rain.
Come in, come in.
- Thanks.
Why did you come in such heavy rain?
Why wouldn't I come?
Shruti doesn't come nowadays?
She is very busy.
She's looking for a
suitable match for herself.
Here are your medicines...
...your books and
there is a letter too.
Whose letter is it?
- Someone called Amol.
Shall I read it out?
Shivani, sometimes some
shortcuts turn out to be too long.
A girl used to wait
for me at Sion station.
I was catching a flight for USA.
I never forgot my
mistake and your love.
I can still feel the
tenderness of your hands.
I am coming to India.
Maybe for the last time.
Will you meet me?
Will you have some tea?
Yes. And you?
- No
So let's...
- I'll have it after tea.
Bournvita! Do you have Bournvita?
No sir.
No? All right.
How many men have you seen till now?
About eight, Yes.
Then what happened?
I didn't like them.
And me?
How many women have you met?
You are the twenty-ninth.
Two and nine is eleven.
Eleven. One plus one is two.
Two is my lucky number.
How long have you been in this game?
I can't find a perfect match.
The ones I like don't like me.
And the ones who like me,
I don't like them.
Sometimes I like their nature,
but not their figure.
And some have nice figures
but are not good natured.
This is what's been happening.
You're looking good to me.
You have all the right combinations.
Where were you born?
In a hospital.
In a hospital? Why?
No. I mean. But in which city?
You were born in Calcutta!
Calcutta is a very nice city.
My parents live there
- It's a very nice city.
I live here with a friend.
I used to work as a
visualizer in an ad agency.
Now I am working
for a radio station.
I have a diploma in
mass communications.
Very Nice
- What?
You're from the creative field.
Creative people are very nice.
I like them.
Should I tell you about myself?
Yes, go ahead.
No liquor, no betel, nor do I smoke.
No tobacco either.
I get up very early in
the morning, at 5.30.
I do yoga regularly, I jog,
I go to the gym.
Then I go to office. A simple life.
I come back. I sleep.
And how do you like me?
I feel like adopting a dog
and spending my life with it.
How's he to look at?
He was fine eight years ago,
at least in the photo.
Perfect men only exist in novels.
And most of them are married.
Why are you so upset?
He was trying to
X-ray me with his eyes.
Mom called today enquiring.
Sis, you explain to her please.
She's insisting that
you go to Calcutta.
Yes and get married to
Mukherji's seventh son!
Well she did start with his
first son but you kept rejecting.
I have only one life Sis, how
can I ruin it with the wrong man?
Okay, I'll talk to you later.
Okay, all right bye.
Excuse me. Can I help you?
Can I have your pin?
That's my bus.
Your book.
Read it. It's good.
My friends tell me that
Ranjit and I are an ideal couple.
Marriage may not teach us much...
...but I does teach us
how to put on an act.
It has been 9 years
since our marriage...
...but we are afraid to
spend the evening together.
We have our friends over for
dinner for no special reason.
We both locked our lives away
in our marriage certificate...
We don't know how we
got to be like this.
Not one thing is in
its place in this house!
Don't shout.
- You don't shout!
Really, really upset.
- You must be having your periods.
Don't keep the wet towel on the bed.
Why aren't these jeans washed?
- Confused.
Disorganized and irritating.
Look, don't start again!
- Why do you always insult me... front of your friends?
Then go find new friends?
- I am pregnant.
We cannot afford it, we have to
pay the installments on the car
You are such a chauvinist! - You
go to hell! - I am living in hell!
There were fights
earlier too, but when our...
...feet would meet
accidentally on the bed...
...we would forget
all the bitterness.
But now... now even our
silences fight with each other.
7 years in age has
reduced to 7 months.
Marriages break faster
than the wedding gift tea set.
But still it is this love,
can't run it over with a bulldozer.
It creates homes with sand.
It drenches you... matter how much
you try to evade it.
While dying, no one says I hate you.
Everyone's heart says
I love you, I love you.
Now let's see who
our next caller is.
Hi, this is Vishey K. - Hi Vishey,
I am Pinky. I have a problem.
My boyfriend, his best friend and
his brother, all three love me...
Everybody is falling in love.
The census report says
there are 1000 boys...
...for 930 girls. I
should have at least 70 guys.
Caught up in my career I didn't
even realize when I turned 28.
I am hitting 30,
single and still a virgin.
All the good guys are either
married or have a girlfriend.
And the ones who're
free are free for sex...
...but not for marriage
You can eat as many chocolates but...
they just don't help the depression.
I think he is at it.
Try to find out what he eats.
Are you done? I've been
waiting an hour for you.
Almost done, Rahul.
These things take time.
Why don't you understand?
How long are we
going to meet like this?
Till your husband finds out
- Very funny!
Doctor, the key's fallen. Got it!
Your letter.
- Thank you.
From my mother. The same old story.
She insists I get married.
Will you marry...
...according to your
wishes or your mother's?
I'll marry whom I choose.
- When?
When I find a girl.
So you can't find a girl?
Good night.
Listen, petrol and
youth don't last forever.
Use them carefully. Good night.
Good night.
My dad was a
musician in a restaurant.
But I had learnt long back that... makes the sweetest music.
So I came to Mumbai.
Uncle got me a job
in a call center...
...and made me the guard of his
empty flat and went to Singapore.
I listen to the abuses of
15000 Americans for 15000 rupees.
But I didn't mortgage my
life for camera phones...
...pizzas and discotheques.
I have come here to win the
race and not for a morning walk...
...and I will win this race.
Because I have the key that
opens every door of success.
Yes sir.
- Rahul, I want the keys.
Sir, I was going to sleep sir.
Try to understand, I have
already given the advance.
Sir, there is a lot of work in
the office tomorrow, please...
Even I have a lot of work, I have
to make your performance report.
Sir... sir do you
remember your promise sir?
Don't worry Rahul, I will make the
recommendation for your promotion.
You just handle the head
of the personnel department.
Sir, I just handled him.
But his P.A is very stubborn.
Sir, he can be
handled at lunch time...
...with the typist.
- Smart boy hurry up.
Sir, one more thing hello... okay.
After you left I kept
going back to the station
...Thinking that perhaps
you would come you didn't...
...I got married, had kids but
like you even they've left for USA
I will wait for you.
At the same place
where you left me waiting.
...I am now old Amol, if
you are disappointed...
...when you see me,
please hide it...
Aunt, I will buy some magazines.
You have still not given up
your habit of taking shortcuts.
I was on the wrong platform.
You have not changed at all.
You have not changed either.
You are still as beautiful as ever.
Wait a minute, friend.
Rahul, hi.
- Hi sir.
Rahul, I need the keys
to your flat tonight.
Today there is a booking for Mr.
Khanna, yours is on Friday.
My wife is having
her delivery on Friday.
What will I say to Mr. Khanna?
You say anything you
want to Mr. Khanna.
Look, I have to prepare your
promotion report too, understand.
Sir, you are blackmailing me.
Now Rahul, whether
it is blackmail or...
...anything else, I need your keys.
Yes Mr. Khanna, Mr. Khanna
can you please shift to Friday.
I have to go to the temple
on Friday, will Thursday do?
Okay sir, I will tell you.
- Yes Mr. Gupta, can you shift to...
...Friday instead of Thursday?
I will ask and let you know.
Hello. - Hello darling, will
Friday do instead of Thursday?
The groom's family is
coming to see me on Friday...
...can it be Wednesday?
- Okay sir, I will let you know.
We must achieve the
target that we have set.
Hello. - Yes sir, can you come
on Friday instead of Wednesday?
No, we have to give
the presentation... the client on Wednesday.
Look there is an emergency, please.
Okay, let me try.
Yes sir.
The file that you were
supposed to give me on Wednesday...
...can you give it to me on Friday?
Let me try sir. Darling
have you given the cheque...
...for the installment of the flat?
- Yes, why?
No, just like that.
Can't you reschedule your
Wednesday meeting to Friday?
It's a bit difficult, let me try.
Hold on, hold on
hold on just a minute.
Hello, yes. That
will be a big problem.
Meenaxi, can you do
overtime for me on Friday...
...I have to look after Pappu?
Okay, but you will have to do
overtime for me on Wednesday.
Wednesday done.
- Done.
Okay, Friday done.
- Friday done.
Yes Mr. Khanna, Thursday confirmed.
Hello Mr. Gupta, Wednesday okay.
Okay, thank you.
- The boss has called you.
Okay, all right.
Can I come in sir?
Rahul, how come you have been...
...recommended by so many people?
They say you should be
made junior manager.
Sir, what can I say? I mean...
What will you plan to
do as junior manager?
Sir, use the
resources to the maximum.
Wonderful! What is this racket?
Did you think if I'm
in this closed office...
...I won't know
what's going on outside?
The keys to your flat, who has it...
...what goes on in there,
do you think I don't know.
If the police finds out... you know...
Yes, listen didn't I tell you...
...someone was
arriving today to meet aunt?
- I'll be home late.
So what shall I do?
I wanted to tell you I can't...
...cook for so many people.
Should I order Chinese food?
Yes. What's the occasion?
What is the date today?
Today is...
- What?
15th July.
Did you forget what day it is?
You handle it. I'm busy.
Rahul, your boss told me...'re hard
working and intelligent.
Sir, I'm sorry.
You should be. You
aren't intelligent.
Sir, I am.
You're not.
Sir, I am.
A little.
Not so far.
Third cabin on the right,
Mr. Junior Manager.
Thank you, sir.
From today I will do as you say, I...
Thank you.
Yeah, of course.
Excuse me... You could sit here.
Buy your tickets.
- Churchgate.
Here you are.
Give me change.
If you don't mind,
I will pay for it.
Where do you want to go?
- Churchgate.
Where do you want to go?
- Churchgate.
Amol, why did you come back?
Shivani, there is a fish,
Pacific Salmon... crosses the seven seas...
...and comes to the very place
where it is born just to die.
Even I came back.
Are you ill?
How much time do you have?
Shivani, if I have
your company then...
...every moment seems like an era.
I need you.
If you leave me this time,
then you won't find me again.
No Shivani, I will never leave you.
I will never ever leave you.
Every Saturday, you come to
the old age home, isn't it?
How do you know?
Our drama rehearsals are
held there on the second floor.
And you? - I go to meet Aunt,
my Bharatanatyam teacher.
I had bunked many classes,
so I am paying for that now.
'The train going to Andheri
station is a nine bogey slow local...
...and arriving on
platform number 2.'
Sorry I forgot to introduce myself,
I am Aakash Sharma.
Mrs. Ranjit Kapoor.
Why are you
emphasizing on the Mrs. so much?
Your parents must have
given you some name.
- Nice name.
Well, hope to see you next Saturday.
Excuse me.
Yes listen, cancel the party.
Ranjit, it's too late.
See you.
They are your friends,
you say no to them.
Look, I have a lot of work.
- Hi, Mr. Junior Manager! Congrats.
Thanks. - Where is my treat? -
Surely you'll get your treat.
Neha, do you have 90 rupees?
- Give it to me. Please
Take this. Thank you.
There's a new film premiere
A friend was selling tickets...
...worth 350 rupees for
just 90 rupees Here, keep it.
Rahul, I don't...
- Inox at 8.30 p.m. gold seats.
Rahul! - Free popcorn
delivered to you at your seat.
Rahul, I don't watch films alone.
I have bought the
seat next to yours.
Don't get me wrong. If you'd
prefer, I'll sit one seat away.
Have you bought a third ticket?
Of course.
You're too much!
I have a boyfriend.
- His name isn't Rahul, is it?
Are you flirting with me?
I have no one in this city... share this happiness with.
Please come. 8.30 p.m.
at Inox. Don't be late
I believe the beginning
is better than the end.
So don't be late. See you.
I'm in a big rush now. Bye.
Why am I with this girl?
Because with her I get
the happiness and peace...
...that I don't get at home.
Whether it is the house
or the office there is...
...always irritation,
anger and tension.
The mind is always
thinking about the future.
When I am with her,
I feel twenty again.
Free and joyful.
Is it wrong to be happy in life?
This cannot be called deception,
because nobody is getting hurt.
So what the hell.
Hi, everyone!
- Hi. How are you?
Happy anniversary!
- Thank you.
Yes, speak up.
Are you there?
- Yes.
Before leaving put the keys
below the doormat outside.
You're getting old.
It's because we're
meeting after three months.
Why did you let three months pass?
This is why.
Yes? What is it now?
Where are you? I've
been calling for hours.
What's the matter?
Ranjit, the guests have arrived.
When are you coming home?
Shikha, didn't I ask you to
cancel everything? I'm busy.
What are you busy with?
You don't need to know.
If you celebrate this
anniversary without me...
...what difference will it make?
Ranjit, you have put me in a
very embarrassing position.
At least try!
How can you do this?
Shikha, I'll call you later.
Come on. Let's have dinner.
Ranjit is stuck in traffic.
He'll join us for dessert.
Let's go. Come on baby.
Sorry everyone.
Bye, Neha. Love you.
Where is everyone?
They waited for you and then left.
Then why did you call me?
Everyone was asking about you.
I see. And what did you say?
My husband is very insensitive.
He doesn't believe in anniversaries.
He hurts me. He always
comes late, you know.
Please don't start again.
I'm not starting anything again.
I told you, I am busy and
I will not be able to come.
But you had to invite everyone.
You go to work everyday, don't you?
So what's the problem?
Is working a crime?
Why don't you stop
living in this luxury?
Everything costs money
and I earn that money.
I slog at the office
for 18 hours a day.
I don't sit in front
of the TV like a statue.
With the remote in one
hand and the air-con on.
And what do you watch on TV?
The same old rant about
discrimination against women.
Men are villains.
You've lost your mind.
Didn't I earn money before?
Who asked me to stop working?
Who said to me, I'll
handle everything?
Let's have a baby.
You take care of the baby
and I'll earn the money.
That's what I'm saying. You
look after the house - No! No! No!
That's exactly what I do.
I've been doing that
for the last eight years.
I have made all the sacrifices.
My career, my dancing and my life.
What have you done? Tell me.
Thank you.
You should thank me. You
should bloody well thank me!
Because I'm not weaker than you.
If I wanted to work I could,
and I can earn...
...more than you. You
know that, don't you?
So don't ever talk to me like that.
The cake is in the fridge.
Cut and eat it.
And yes, happy anniversary.
Mummy has put the cake in
the fridge. Shall we eat it?
Let's eat it.
What are you looking for?
I don't know.
Perhaps the father
who abandoned me...
...when I was a child.
Perhaps the classmate who
pushed me out of a moving car...
...because I didn't
have sex with him.
Maybe my boyfriend who left me...
...because his parents wanted
to decide who he should marry.
Neha, you aren't to blame.
I am to blame. I keep getting
involved with the wrong men.
I don't know who you are
seeing these days but...
...I'm really worried.
I don't need a third
mark on your wrist. Okay?
Don't worry this city
has made me stronger.
That's what I like about you.
Here. Have some cake.
My sister has sent it.
It was her anniversary today.
You know my
brother-in-law wasn't even home.
When I see what marriage
is like, it scares me.
I wonder if my
brother-in-law is having an affair.
I guess not.
Right now you are not alone,
Radio Mirchi is with you...
...and if you want to win a
gift hamper then call us now...
...and tell us, what was the
situation when you had a break up.
And when they left you alone.
Yes, distances are decreasing.
But the distance between
hearts is increasing...
...faster than the Sensex.
Shruti, the boss is calling you.
Sir, did you call me?
Yes come in. There
are three good news.
And three bad. What do
you want to hear first?
The bad news. I guess
I'm used to bad news.
Your show's ratings aren't going up.
Good news?
- We'll have a party tomorrow.
Bad news? - The dress you
wear everyday, won't do.
Good news; - Vishey K has
broken up with his girlfriend.
Bad news?
- Other girls are moving fast.
Good news?
Maybe I can fix him up with you.
Okay, sir. Thank you.
When are your parents coming?
In a week.
Can you introduce
them to your girlfriend?
Who is trapped now?
- Shruti
Are you sure?
Vishey, she is
totally trapped, friend.
Nikhil, don't miss
your cue this time.
Your cue is,
'carrying the dead body'.
I don't know who is forcing me to...
...become an animal
from a human being.
I have been
searching for that face...
...carrying the dead body of
my beliefs on my shoulders.
This is your cue.
You are not observing,
not prompting him!
There is no dedication!
- How are you dear?
What is this?
- Sweets.
But you are not
allowed to take sugar.
But Amol is allowed to.
Okay, taste this and
tell me is the sugar okay.
A bit more sugar.
Doesn't this commotion disturb you?
- No, no not at all.
They are very nice boys.
So we get entertained.
They also call me for
their shows for free.
Aunt, can I ask you something?
- Ask.
If uncle were still alive,
would you have met Amol again?
I don't know, maybe.
Love doesn't warn
you before coming...
...neither can you
measure it in years...
...nor can it be
identified with the vermillion.
Its sign is its fragrance,
that's why we...
...should always keep our heart open.
He is here.
Why am I behaving like a teenager?
Why am I waiting for him?
- Hi.
You left early today.
- How do you know? - Visitors book.
Today, even I am headed in
your direction, Andheri.
All right.
Shall we go? - I travel
in the ladies compartment.
No problem.
- No problem?
To travel in that,
you have to be a woman.
Then let's go in the
general compartment...
...for that you
don't have to be a man.
Thanks for the lift. Bye.
Good night.
This is what happens,
when the impotent...
...control the
government and dogs give orders.
My head droops down
with helplessness.
Anguish trembles in forlorn throats.
Those hands that can hold the sun...
...come together to
beg for forgiveness...
...this is what happens.
Why has our will been broken
and where has the trust gone?
Yes. Hello.
Call me later. Yes
Why doesn't our blood
boil until a bomb blast?
Yes? The share price has gone up?
OK. Buy 2000 Mittal shares
Sell all the Wipro shares.
You get angry very soon.
When they don't want to see
the play, then why do they come?
You gave a very nice performance.
I think that you
should try for films.
You are very talented.
What good is talent?
Success stays away from me,
just like my wife.
Did you leave her,
or did she leave you?
The love failed.
Actually it's not her fault.
Shikha, everyone in the
college thought that...
...I would become a
very successful man.
Even then I had these hobbies,
like acting, script writing.
This was my dream.
Then one day when my
dreams were shattered...
...I saw that all my
friends went quite ahead of me.
And I was left
behind in this rat race.
One room kitchen, I
couldn't even give her that.
We bought a two bedroom
flat at Rs. 40000 on...
...a monthly installment plan.
We both started to
work to pay the loan back.
We worked hard, day and night.
Such long working hours,
too much stress.
We mortgaged our lives.
We bought the house, but
couldn't make it a home.
Do you love him?
Does he love you?
Yes, I think.
I'm sorry.
Can we meet next Saturday?
- Hi - Hi. How are you?
You are looking beautiful
- What?
You are looking very beautiful.
How's that?
You said you don't smoke or drink.
Sorry, I lied.
You lied?
- I did.
If my future wife
tells me I'll stop.
- Everything.
You haven't told me
- What?
You haven't told me. Tell me or...
...should I move on?
I'm still waiting for you.
Actually, I'm with someone.
- I'm with someone else. Bye.
What happened?
- Close the door.
Ranjit, what happened?
She has a temperature. I'm
taking her to the hospital.
Where were you?
With Shruti.
Why was your mobile switched off?
I was at the movies.
So I switched it off.
I see.
There are lots of DVDs in
the flat. Go. Enjoy yourself.
I'll manage, I'll manage.
- Ranjit.
Yes, sis.
If Ranjit calls, say that I
was with you. - What? When?
Yesterday evening, we had
gone to watch a movie, okay.
But, since when have you started
lying. - Okay, I'll call you later.
Just a minute, sis.
I wanted to ask you something.
Tell me.
- Forget it. I will ask you later.
No, say it. Say it
Sis actually... do
you think is it okay... lose your
virginity before marriage?
Shruti do you know
what you are doing?
I think so.
Who is he? - There... there
is someone in the office.
Anyway, okay let it be.
- No, no, what is his name?
Sis, I will give you the
details when I will meet him.
I will tell you later, when I
meet you. - Shruti just be careful.
I am hanging up, bye,
bye I am in a hurry.
Is Vishey sir in?
When will he be back?
- He hasn't specified.
Stop it!
Hi Shruti.
Er... hi Shruti...
- May I come in, sir?
When is the last flight?
10.30. All right. Book it. Yes...
do that... book it for Thursday
Sir, I found this mobile in my
flat. It might be your girlfriend's.
Thank you.
The screen has cracked.
Should I get it replaced?
Not necessary. You gave me keys,
that's more than enough.
Anything else?
Yes, if you could please
take a look at this sir.
What is this?
Sir, it's a business plan. Everything
is ready... the revenue model etc.
You keep meeting investors...
so... if you could take this ahead
What is this? Eighty million?
Sir, I have saved up
seventeen million already.
If you could just... You know.
You have just been promoted.
So, why do you want to look
at other business options?
Sir, you don't get
rich with a regular job... I wanted to do something.
Have you done business before?
No sir... but I know how to sell.
Okay. I am going to Bangalore.
Let me see what I can do.
Thanks sir. Thank you so much
Rahul. You don't think
you are running too fast?
Sir, this is a race and
not a morning walk, so...
I quite like your spirit.
Keep it up.
Thank you, sir.
Hi! Hi! Rahul! I'm so sorry
I am really sorry, pal. Actually,
I wanted to come.
But I got stuck somewhere.
I didn't have your number
- Please take down my number
Write it down. Right now.
I've been looking for my
cellphone for two days
Do you have a pen? Hari, a pen
please. I will write it down.
Madam, the boss gave
me this phone for you
What a coincidence!
I just got my cell.
Rahul, give me your number.
Give me your number.
1807. OK.
Shruti, please don't leave,
don't go I'm sorry
If you wanted to hide the
truth from your parents... should've told me,
I would've put on an act
Why did you make me
believe you loved me?
It isn't that simple
It is that simple. You're gay
It's your life. Straight or gay
It's your wish, your right
But destroying someone
else's life not your right
And it's not right!
All the clothes have not
come from the laundry...
...I am packing the grey ones.
- Yes, okay.
What time is the flight?
- 10:30.
When will you return?
- I will return in a week.
Listen, keep the mobile to charge.
You have a message.
What's the flight time?
- 10.30
Where are you going?
How many times must you ask?
I'm going to Bangalore
Where are the cigarettes?
Can I come with you?
I can't take you everywhere with me
You can only take me to places...
...where no one will see us
You leave first. And I
leave two hours after you
Like some thief
What's all this, Neha?
You were so full of fun
I need someone who really loves me
What's stopping you? Find someone
You made it clear to me
This relationship
will be an open one
We don't want children, do we?
Why don't you find yourself
a boyfriend who'll love you,
just let me know when you do.
Is this what you say
after using me for a year?
Did I use you? Don't
start me off. Please.
Who do you think you are?
An innocent sixteen year old...
...who knows nothing. So
I'm the one misleading you.
Madam, even top execs...
...don't have the perks you enjoy
When you travel, you
travel business class
You keep getting out
of turn promotions.
I have given you
everything you wanted
So think twice before
saying I've been using you
It's surprising you
haven't as yet asked for money
You could do that too
Here. The price for using you
Should I make you some coffee?
No. I just had...
- Got a cap?
- What?
A cap? A condom?
Yes. Lots.
What's wrong?
- Doctor, please come quickly
She's swallowed phenyl. Come with me
Doctor, this way
You'll have to pay extra for two
This is too much.
I can explain. Come this
way I'll deal with you later.
this way
Hurry up, Doctor, hurry up
Doctor, here she is
- Oh God
This was bound to happen one day
One lying flat here and
the other waiting outside
One girl arrives
and the other leaves
Are you aiming for a world record?
Add some salt in hot
water and bring it to me
We must make her throw up. Hurry!
What's wrong? - Listen to
me - How much do I owe you?
As we agreed. Thank you very much
That's too little
- Here. Some more - thank you
Who's in the bathroom?
- No one is in the bathroom
How did this happen?
We had a tiff, I went out.
When I returned...
You had a tiff? You went
out and brought another one.
Very fast
What will you tell the
police when they will ask?
Sir you say that, she
is your patient and... gave her phenyl
instead of the medicine.
What? No, I will say that she is my
patient she did not pay me my fees... I gave her phenyl to drink.
I didn't mean that.
- Let it be.
I'll handle the police, just pray to
God that the phenyl is adulterated.
Anil, have some sweets
What's the occasion?
A big occasion. It comes
round once in 35 years
I've arranged your leave.
On the 25th and 26th
I've asked the 'Ministry'
You must come. No excuses will do
- Have you come to meet me?
- Then what are you doing here?
What do you want?
- I have an interview. I'm waiting
All right. Okay
Do you work here?
This is my office. My
office is up on the 5th floor.
You'll be interviewed later.
It's lunch time now
You'll do the interview later.
Have lunch with me
No - Come on. Are you
vegetarian or non-vegetarian?
I - Are you
vegetarian or non-vegetarian?
Are you a Kaist?
Non-Veg. It doesn't matter
You're Bengali. You must be...
Come. Come. I'll show you my cabin.
My interview... - Later. You
have 45 minutes to go. Come
How is she?
She was saved. Now I
have to deal with the police
So why don't you do it?
Why did I make you a manager?
Sir, this job is meant
for a senior manager
I see. I'll stay five days more
Don't let her go home till then
Why not?
Her roommate is my sister-in-law
Sir, she'll be discharged today.
Where will she go?
I am here for your work.
Investors and all that.
Do you understand?
Sir, you can stay for a
week instead of five days
I'll see to everything here
Good, use your brains.
Okay sir.
Vishy K? I knew him. He
used to come to the club...
...with his boys
The first time I saw
him with you I thought...
...he must've changed
You must come on the
25th and 26th. No excuses
Why on the 25th and 26th?
My wedding card.
Did you know the
market price is 75 rupees?
He sold it to me for 45 rupees
Thank you.
Should I do the ding-dong?
- Ding-dong?
So you get your job
Ms. Rinku, the boss please
Greetings, sir
Sir, has your wife
come out of the coma?
I have one question
How long have I worked for you?
Have I ever asked a favor of you?
There's a girl, Shruti.
She's come for an interview
Give her the job
She is more qualified
than the job requires
- Ghose
Shruti Ghose.
- Ghose.
Yes, sir.
I think you'll get the job
Thank you.
So you found the
girl at or...
No. My mother's been
looking for a girl for me
5 ft 4. Fair. Four-figure salary.
Convent educated
And she has a good figure
Mother says she looks like Bipasha
I haven't seen any
of Bipasha's movies
So I'll watch some of her movies now
If you don't fall in love
with her, how can you marry her?
Love will follow later
If it doesn't, then what?
Relationships don't
come with any guarantees
You can't take them
back if they don't work
You know. We might fall in love.
I'll take a chance. If you try,
everything is possible
Everything will be
all right. Don't worry
Relax. Relax.
The flat belongs to me
I'll call the doctor
Hello. Yes, sir. She has
regained consciousness
Yes. One minute.
The boss is on the line
I don't want to talk to him
He tried to...
- I don't want to talk to him
He is worried.
- I don't want to talk to him
I hate him. I don't
want to talk to him
Tell him it's over. I hate him.
Relax. Calm down. Relax.
Boss, you heard her
Yes. I heard.
Keep me informed
- Yes, sir.
What about the investors?
I've met them. I
need to see them again
Okay, sir. Why not finish
everything before returning?
I'll handle things here
Okay sir, bye-bye.
You must be thinking I'm bad
Having an affair with
my boss. A married man
I was thinking how money
makes us dance to its tune
If money was everything then...
I wouldn't have tried to kill myself
Driver, left here
Go straight. Stay at
my flat for a few days
My roommate will be worried
If she finds out then...
...he'll be in trouble at home
Everything is over. So
why cause them trouble?
He was upset. He was
crying on the phone
He was crying. He was like
completely broken down. Believe me.
He was so worried.
He'll be back in a few days
I beg you. Try and understand
Why are you doing
all this? For a raise?
Driver, take that left
I was born here... in Bombay.
But after father's
death we went to Bhillai.
When people used to
eat at the restaurant... dad would stand next
to them and play the violin.
My dad had a dream.
To own a restaurant of his own.
He built these walls but...
...did not have
money to lay the roof.
Then one day he died
on these very steps.
I'll be back in a minute.
You know, Neha? I
had to make do with...
...just one pair of
trousers in my school.
From class seventh to class tenth.
Every year it
would get shorter and...
...I would question God, why
are my legs getting longer.
I became a tutor, sold newspapers
I saved every single penny
I am still saving money
To build a roof over these walls.
If money was everything
then I'd have sold this land...
...and bought an
apartment and a car long ago.
Sorry. Have you been
waiting for a long time?
Who, me?
Weren't you waiting for me?
- No.
Then what are you doing?
The Republic Day parade is
going on, I am saluting it.
What is this? I have been
waiting for two weeks for you.
If you would not have
come for two more days...
...I would have had to
start living here. - Sorry.
I am hungry shall we
go and eat something?
I am sorry sir, her
son had left her here...
...and only he can take her back.
By the way in this age you
should pray to the Lord...
...and you are going in
for a live-in relationship.
Her son has called.
Yes sir, your mother
is here, talk to her.
- Mama, have you gone crazy?
Who is this man?
He must be after your property.
Did you sign anywhere?
Mama, these people are like that.
They will come make you sign on
the property papers and then leave.
Mama, you should inform us.
Mama you...
Hey mister, don't come here again.
You spoil the atmosphere here.
- Shut up!
Please. Let's go, Amol.
Neha! Neha!
Brother-in-law, I am Shruti.
Am I disturbing you?
Just a minute.
Excuse me... Yes, tell me.
Neha has not come home
for the past two days.
I'd called her office,
but she is not there.
Even her cellphone is switched off.
I was wondering... do
you know anything?
No... I am in Bangalore
for the past two days.
- Don't worry. She'll be back.
She must have gone with
her boyfriend somewhere.
Boyfriend? Who?
There is a guy called Rahul.
- He is her colleague.
In fact, he has also
taken leave for 3-4 days.
They must be together.
They will come back soon.
Okay, brother-in-law. Thanks.
- Okay. Bye.
Where are we?
The house belongs to a friend.
I borrowed his bike
I came here to return it
Do you want to come in
for a cup of coffee?
Don't worry, no one is at home
Sorry, the house is in a mess.
He lives alone
He is also very lazy
I will make coffee.
There's no milk. Is black coffee OK?
Akash, I should leave
or I'll miss my train
I'll drop you there
It's okay. I'll go
Are you sure?
- It's okay. Thank you
Who is it?
It's OK. It's the owner of the
house Don't worry. Just relax.
Just relax
Akash. Don't open the door.
Just relax.
- Akash, open the door.
No! Please. Please
hide me somewhere.
Where were you? I
knocked at the door for ages
Actually I fell asleep.
Did you bring someone here?
Everything is cancelled
What's this? A bag?
Oh, no!
- Did you bring anyone home?
We were on our way back
from the rehearsals...
Is there someone here?
Akash, it's wrong. Let go of me
Nothing will go wrong
I have a family and a husband
You're someone too, aren't you?
This is wrong. I'm sorry
I'm stooping too low.
I feel like a slut
Listen. I love you. You
love me too and you know it
- Its over
Shikha, wait! Don't leave me
- Is Neha here?
Shruti, is that you?
Neha? How irresponsible!
You should've at least called
Didn't you think I'd
be worried about you?
Take the medicine on time
Please give her the medicine
What's happened to her?
Nothing. A slight fever
Slight fever! She had a
narrow escape. She nearly died
She drank a full bottle of phenyl
What? Have you gone crazy?
What's wrong with you?
- Shruti, let me explain to you.
Come on, come home right now.
Let's get away from this place
It'll take her a
few days to get well
She'll never get well till
you're a part of her life
- Neha, just shut up! Let's go.
You misunderstand things.
It isn't like that
I know perfectly well,
you won't leave her alone
Why are you ruining her life?
Why don't you listen to me?
Just a minute, Neha.
You men are all alike
You only know how to hurt
Cheating on your wife,
cheating on your girlfriend
Listen to what I want to say...
- Just a minute
A woman is not something to
just seduce. To use and throw away
What are you saying? Listen to me
Shut up!
Neha, let's go
Sit down quietly. I'll call a taxi
Neha, are you all right?
What is this foolishness?
So what if I scolded you
a little? You all right?
Hey, Rucha!
Papa, ever since Mummy came home...
...she has been crying.
She is crying a lot
All right, go to
your bedroom, I'm coming
How is Shruti?
What she...
...said to you... true...
...for the past two years.
There is a girl in my life...
It isn't an emotional tie
It's a mistake.
It's a mistake.
Can't we start a new life?
Can we put this behind us?
Shruti hasn't said anything to me
Well in that case,
will you forgive me?
If... I said the same thing to you...
...would you forgive me?
What is it?
I didn't go to the
movies with Shruti.
I went with someone else
I've been seeing him
for about 5 weeks.
I don't know when it started...
...Ranjit, I made a mistake.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Have you slept with him?
- Ranjit.
So this was going on
while I was at work
Did he use my bedroom?
Ranjit, don't say such a thing.
Is my daughter really mine?
Come here.
It's my problem, I can handle it
Yes, it's your problem you
handle it. You're angry, aren't you?
Who are you angry with?
Take out your anger on the world...
...On everyone, on
the lord, on your fate.
Don't keep your
anger inside. Let it out
Let it out
Shout! Shout! Shout!
It isn't that easy
Just once. Go on, scream
Why don't you try? Scream!
Relax. Relax your body.
Relax your legs
Now do it
Ready. One, two, three
Let it out. Let it all out
It's all right.
Your servicing has been done.
You should always offer
your throat to your anger.
You have to pay a price
to live in a big city.
Sir I understand it could
create problems at home for you.
you don't have to worry about Neha.
Sir, as it is I love her,
I will look after her
Srikant, take this.
- Yes, sir.
Are you going somewhere?
Yes, I have left the house.
Now you don't have worry about Neha.
She will be permanently with me now.
Neha... I mean... she must be very
happy? - Of course she is happy.
Is that something to ask?
And, I have not
forgotten your promotion.
Neha, where are
Rahul's promotion papers?
It is here.
You have to sign at three places.
And where are the keys
to sir's cabin. - There.
I will just get it.
I will get it, sit down.
Congratulations, senior
operations manager. - Thank you
And you will receive good
news for your dream project.
Thank you for everything.
Same to you.
- Thanks.
Is Tiger Balm or Zandu Balm
good for a sprained ankle?
Why? You can manage with anything
I'm not talking about myself
It's for my mother, stupid
She can't walk
There's some shopping
left to do for my wedding
I can buy my suit.
But I have no one... shop for my wife
Can you do me a favor?
Don't even ask me.
You're all so selfish.
Each one of you
Monty, Monty.
- No.
- No.
- Yes
Why are you getting judgmental?
- Prove me wrong
How can I prove you wrong?
That you aren't selfish
How's that?
How, by shopping for my wife.
Let's go.
You won't gain weight by it.
Don't worry. Drink it.
By this time
- the day after tomorrow...
...I'll be married.
The last two days!
Thank you for everything, Shruti.
Why are you crying?
Monty, don't cry. What's the matter?
It's a good thing you're
getting married, right?
Thanks for everything.
Thank you very much, Shruti
You're going to get married.
It is good, isn't it?
These are tears of joy
I don't know when I'll see you again
I don't know if my wife will...
...let me see you
And if she doesn't, what then?
Then I'll not see you
I won't see you either
What will happen to you?
Everybody is getting married
Where will you go?
This world is so heartless
How will you survive alone?
I have a friend in Lucknow
They are traditional sweet makers
They are very successful
They have a huge sweet shop
They own a big shop in Lucknow
Monty, I'm not that desperate
He knows computers well
So he wants to marry a modern girl
You marry him
No! Your friend
will be just like you
He isn't like me. He is too...
He'll be like me? What do you mean?
I mean...
- You mean. What do you mean?
Forget it.
- No, forget it what?
What do you mean he'd be like me?
You're a little strange
I don't know.
Why did you reject me?
Tell me honestly
Why did you reject me?
Because you were
looking at the wrong place
I didn't like it
I'm 35 years old.
But actually I'm 38.
I tell everyone I'm 35
- Really?
I'm 35 years old and I
still haven't touched a woman
You're so beautiful. You
have such a lovely body...
You're at it again
So what's the problem if I looked
here and there? What's wrong in it?
What's so bad about it?
What is so wrong about it!
You reject me for that.
I will hit you with this bottle.
A fellow I'd like
would never do such a thing
What kind of guy do you like?
A normal fellow
What do you mean by normal?
Am I abnormal?
A little caring and
a little sensitive
Am I insensitive? What
else will he be like?
A little sensitive,
and likes reading
Aren't I intelligent?
Passionate with a sense
of humor, loving, caring
He loves traveling. He
must be knowledgeable
He should be a little creative.
I have a friend, you know, I
have a friend - Passionate.
A friend who bought
a car five years ago
It's still in the garage.
Just ask why?
Because he's your friend
- Ask me why. Just ask
He says when all the traffic
lights in the city are green...
...then he'll drive the
car out of the garage
He is a real fool
not to drive the car
How will he ever know if...
...the lights have turned green
- Exactly! Take your car out.
Take a chance, baby
20th April 2004, today I
got the doctor's report... was written,
just two more years.
More than the fear of dying,
I was afraid...
...that I won't not be
able to die in your arms.
We used to say, that we
can cannot even live...
...a moment apart from each other.
But we spent our entire
life apart each other.
Enough Amol.
Can't listen to it.
Even I can't say it anymore.
Okay, you sleep now.
Amol, sleep here tonight.
...will you have some tea? Tea?
Shivani, Shivani!
The hospital is just nearing,
we're almost there.
No Shivani, no.
Why did you stop? What happened?
There is a traffic jam sir.
Shivani, no. Shivani, no.
I love you.
Here is the police NOC
for the post mortem...
...and here is the form
for the death certificate.
Take the body from
here quickly madam...
...there is a lot of rush here.
The past days that I
have spent with Shivani...
...they were the most
beautiful days of my life.
Our entire life could
have been beautiful...
...if 40 years ago, I would
have listened to my heart...
...and not my mind.
The obsession to
get something more...
The search for someone better...
In all this, you lose what you have
The search never ends... time does.
In the matters
concerning the heart...
...maybe you should
always listen to the heart.
I wish I had listened to my heart.
Listen, Rahul. There
is good news for you.
Investors are coming from Bangalore.
Get ready to show them the site.
And... give me the
apartment keys and go.
What is it?
- Sir, now you will not get the key.
What do you mean by I
will not get the key now?
Sir, if you take Neha there,
you'll not get the key.
In a second I'll send
you back to square one.
Got it.
You can forget about
your dream restaurant.
You'll be begging on the streets.
Do not repeat this mistake. Get out.
I had asked for the keys to
your apartment, not to your cabin.
I am talking to you.
What is this?
My resignation letter.
- What?
Madam, courier.
'You had forgotten your purse.
I am returning it.'
'That job in Dubai, I have got it.'
'It's difficult to find
success in this city now.'
'And without you, there is no
reason for me to stay in this city.'
'My flight is at
8.30 in the evening.'
'I'll wait for you on the
same bench like every evening.'
I know you have responsibilities,
I want to accept you with them...
'Please, do come.'
'Either to stop me or
to come along with me.'
And why have you worn
white clothes and come?
Come on, start dancing.
I want to say something to you.
Come on, dance. Should
I get the song changed?
No, Monty, Monty... I have come
to say something to you. Listen!
- I... I... I like you very much.
Thank you! Even I like you.
You stupid! I mean, I love you!
- I love you, Monty!
But the trousseau is all ready.
Why are you saying all this so late?
Go to hell!
Where are we going?
Sorry I have booked
a hotel room today.
Rahul refused to give the flat keys.
The nerve of that guy, he said
if you take Neha to the flat...
...then I will not give you the keys.
Emotional fool.
I did so much for him he
forgot all that in an instant.
It is his project, and I
am running around for it.
The ungrateful wretch.
Boss, please move the car.
What is it? What is it?
What did I do?
- Don't argue with me.
Get lost. I say get lost.
Move it. Move it.
Be careful.
Are you going somewhere?
Doctor, I have a request.
Here's some food for the
fish and keys to my flat.
If it's possible, feed the
fish till uncle comes back.
Does it mean...
Maybe I won't come back
What has happened?
I can't cope with this city
Rahul, we'll miss you.
Run for it. Prove your worth.
Taxi. Taxi.
Be careful or else I will fall down.
Shruti, stop.
Baby, first complete
your homework and then...
...cartoon network.
Mama will be back in a while.
- Bye.
Maggie, lock the door.
- Get aside.
Stop right there.
At least give me a
warning before bumping into me.
Monty. You.
Okay, okay. I know it's the ladies
compartment. My lady is missing.
- Monty.
There she is.
I will miss you.
You go start a new life.
All the best.
And you are not a loser.
Thank you for everything.
Take care.