Life (2015)

And now, if you dig that
new country blues sound
that's got everyone talking,
don't touch that dial,
'cause here at KFVD Los Angeles,
we've got Lightnin' Hopkins...
with "I'm Wild About You Baby".
Yeah, she made me mad
You don't know, baby,
what I got on my mind
You can't quit me,
there's no need to try
I'm wild about you
I'm wild about you, baby
I'm wild about you, baby
As wild as I can be
Whoo! Been a long time
Good evening.
Uh, Dennis Stock
for Nicholas Ray's party.
Excuse me sir.
Uh, Mr. Ray?
Dennis Stock.
I, uh, I...
I took some, uh,
publicity photos
for you on "Johnny Guitar".
Yeah, Dennis!
Great. Great.
I remember.
So, uh, you on to the next one?
Pretty much casting
"Rebel Without a Cause".
Uh, I'd love to show you the photos
sometime. They turned out pretty great, so...
Um, this is Natalie.
She's my "Rebel" lady.
Uh, nice to meet you.
You having fun?
Come on, honey.
Nice to see you again.
- Enjoy it.
- Thanks.
Hey! Why have you
been dodging my calls?
- Take our photo!
- Excuse me?
Oh, you're the guy
from "Photo Play", right?
Huh... Uh,
"National Geographic", actually.
"Photo Play". Yeah.
Good luck with that.
And er... "The trouble ain't that
there's too many fools,
but that the lightning
ain't distributed right."
That was Mark Twain.
Who do you work for?
I'm kind of a self-assigned
assignment photographer.
That's what you all say.
I create my own assignments
for "Life", "Look",
"Ladies' Home Journal"...
I'm guessing that you're
one of Nick Ray's actors?
Or want to be?
You play the Conga?
Uh, no.
I'm Jimmy.
Uh, Dennis.
Hey, Jimmy!
Oh, hey, Nick.
I got some people
I want to introduce you to.
Yeah, alright.
Alright, yeah.
I, uh, I got a little part
in the new Kazan film.
There's a preview at the Electra
tomorrow morning at 11:00,
if you wanna come.
Yeah, sure.
We could meet at Googies after.
- Come on!
- Yeah, I'm comin'.
I-I-I'm comin'.
You won't get the role
hanging out there.
I'm more like you.
Who is that guy?
How's Adam?
How's your father?
I don't wanna talk about him.
- Oh, you don't, huh?
- No.
Hey, Jim.
God damn, you didn't tell me
you're the star of it
Oh, I don't know about that.
Hey, uh... we should, we should
definitely take some photos.
It was a bit overdone, no?
Not too melodramatic for you?
No! Um it's great.
I mean, maybe throwing the money
to your dad was a bit...
Yeah, I know what you mean.
Believe me, I was there.
But they weren't fake
tears in the end.
No, I'm just kidding.
You're good.
It's Hollywood.
You're doing something else.
It's... it's
not Hollywood.
Scrambled eggs for table 7!
Wow, they let you on set,
you must be well-behaved.
I mean I... I'd rather be doing
my own assignments.
I am one of those
red carpet gorillas.
Yeah, so, what are you ...what are you
going to do with all this talent?
I think I'll just
keep ignoring it.
It's worked so far.
Are you married?
No! No.
My... my ex-wife's in New York.
You got a steady girl?
Nah . No, I'm...
I mean, not one...
What, don't you
read the gossips?
Pier Angeli is currently
making my life a misery.
You got much of a family?
Nah, I just got crazy mom
out in Long Island.
I grew up on a farm in Indiana.
With my aunt and uncle.
So you wanna take some photos?
Oh, I don't know. I'm mean,
I'm planning on going back to New York.
I can come to New York.
Get "Life" to pay.
You wanna go for
a ride on my 'cycle?
not really.
Hi, Jimmy.
Hey, Pier.
That's Dennis.
- Hi.
- Uh, he doesn't like my driving.
Do you mind if I
use your bathroom?
Sure. Let me show you.
And he's a photographer.
Oh, look...
That's who he works for.
For "Life"?
That's big.
Everything alright?
Didn't we meet when you
photographed Paul Newman?
Uh, yeah, we... we took
some photos on set last year.
And who do you
think will be bigger?
I mean, Jimmy or Paul?
Well, definitely Jimmy.
- Have you seen his film?
- Uh, yeah.
Yeah, it's...
it's very good.
It is.
When your film comes out,
then your life will become horrible.
Now what are you going to do about a
girl who says a thing like that, huh?
Maybe she knows
a little more than you do.
- Always your life is horrible.
- It's a nightmare!
Yeah, maybe that's just because
your English is lousy
and you never understand
what's going on.
- Shut up or I'll kill you!
- I kill you back!
Jimmy, Jimmy!
Elope and marry me.
Marry me.
This is a proposal in America?
Yeah, why not, huh?
Dennis can be the wedding photographer.
How does that sound Dennis?
Yeah, that's my aim in life.
I got to tell
a compelling story,
alongside an exemplary cast.
I've been asked to mention
the new boy, James Dean,
whose unconventional approach
some may appreciate.
I got to work with Elia Kazan,
a wonderful director.
Ever since I saw
"A Streetcar Named Desire"...
I thought here is a man...
a genius I simply
must work with.
Here's a man
who interprets
Tennessee Williams,
- John Steinbeck...
- I am so sorry.
Mr. Massey will only be five
more minutes, and then it's you.
...a great literature, even.
For example, you know,
" On the Waterfront",
Kazan delved into our,
our urban soul,
and I like to think of
" East of Eden"
as a kind of companion piece,
only, of course, this time it's...
"Magnum", New York.
John Morris.
Hey, John, it's Dennis.
My favourite menace.
Listen, you know Kazan's got
his new movie coming out?
- Kazan...
- Yeah, Elia Kazan. "On the Waterfront".
Oh yeah . Kazan.
I-I never saw it.
Yeah, well, there's this kid
in it, he's interesting.
In "Waterfront"?
No, in, uh, in the new movie.
It's, uh...
from a Steinbeck book.
The kid's name is James Dean.
You heard of him?
Dennis, I am very busy.
What's he been in?
I mean, nothing yet.
But, uh...
I think he might be
starting something special
and I want to get in early,
do a photo-essay on him.
A photo-essay on
an unknown actor.
The way he looks,
the way he acts...
He won't be unknown for long.
You lose me here, Dennis.
Sell it like he's the symbol of the new
movement or something.
A movement? Like, what,
like a political movement?
John, I've been busting my gut doing
red carpets and set stills,
and I finally find what
might be a good story,
and I want to chase it! I want get
it on people's radar.
That's our job radar.
- Just leave that to us.
- Yeah, well, if leave it to you,
I'm going to be doing
this shit in ten years.
I've got to push
things along, John.
You're doing good stuff.
You're building your portfolio
one job at a time...
Yours is coming . It's coming.
Yeah, but you get these good jobs
for Elliot Erwood and Ernest Hass.
You know, Hass
had an exhibition.
I want to get an exhibition.
One day, you will have the body
of work for an exhibition.
This is my ticket out of here.
I got to get back to New York.
No one respects
a photographer in LA.
Do you realize how many
prima donnas I deal with every day?
I'm going to hold you directly
responsible if my mind gets poisoned.
Tell me what his name is, again.
His name is James Dean.
Alright. Who would you
like me to talk to?
I mean, who do you think?
You try "Life".
They'll know who he is.
I'll get back to you.
James Dean.
You know who James Dean is?
So you did theatre arts at UCLA.
You didn't graduate?
Why you asking me questions
you already got the answers to?
Well, I'm just confirming.
Oh, okay, so it's
like a... statement,
not a question.
Yes, I did one semester at UCLA.
But then I decided that acting
was better than studying, so...
here I am.
Like, uh... some people
might think that
writing novels is better than,
you know...
writing about them.
Or something like that.
Do you prefer film to theatre?
I mean, I've done
more theatre than film,
so the jury's still
out on that one.
But you think you'll move in the
general direction of film?
I mean...
I just want to do good acting.
Challenging roles.
I'll go wherever that takes me.
What kind of roles...
- would you not want to take?
- Bad roles.
I mean, what kind of films
are you not interested in?
Bad... bad films, I guess.
How about monster movies?
Monster movie...
Do I like monster movies?
Sure. Doesn't mean
I wanna act in them.
- And Westerns?
- What about Westerns?
Would you do Westerns?
Any recent ones you've liked?
"The Bounty Hunter"?
"The Boy From Oklahoma"?
Not "The Boy From Oklahoma".
And what is it about that film?
Well, did you see it?
Well, I'm asking you.
Did you see it?
Um... well, it was
a very popular film.
Hey, did you get the cheque?
I got it.
It's all gone now.
I've had to buy him
new shoes twice in nine months.
I swear I can hear
his bones growing.
I'm on dinner shift
two nights a week now...
Ah, good . So it all
came to good use.
I'm sending you all I can.
So... how are you?
I'm fine.
I'm tired.
Can... can you put him on?
He's at school, Dennis.
Why can't you ever call
at the right time?
I'm sorry.
It's really not that
difficult to work out.
He misses you terribly.
I've still got to be
in LA for now.
I'm just here trying
to make a living.
I'll come to New York
when the reason's right.
Your son's not the right reason?
Come on, Norma.
How many times
do we have to go over this?
Well look, listen, I...
I might even be there next week.
There's a job I'm chasing.
I know you keep saying
you want to move back,
do more important work,
but I think you want
to stay out there,
taking pictures of spoiled
actors on film sets.
Norma. That's just not true,
and you know it.
Why are you sad?
One more orgasm behind you
and one step closer to death.
Sometimes I think
you're an idiot.
The rest of the time, I know it.
Well, like they say...
He who knows he is a fool,
is not a great fool.
Why haven't I heard
about "Rebel" yet?
You will.
You will hear.
Good stuff is so elusive.
They want to fly me to
Algeria in the summer.
I mean, Algeria!
Yeah, I read that script.
What are you going
to do that for?
What are you talking about?
You know what I'm talking about.
I've gotta pack for New York.
Oh . Back to cry poor with
the starving artists.
Well, something like that.
And I miss my friends.
You don't make friends here.
What about me?
Ah, you're my lover,
not my friend.
But I can be both.
I'm serious.
Come to New York with me.
I have to go.
No... no...
No, don't go.
I have to.
I have to get ready
for Judy's Premiere.
Takes me seven hours just
to get ready for these things.
Hello? Hey, Jimmy?
It's Dennis. Dennis Stock.
Oh, Dennis.
What do we have to do exactly?
I mean, what do you mean,
"What do we have to do"?
We have to take some pictures.
It's like a photo essay.
Photo essay...
We tell a story with images, like you do
in movies, except this time it's about you,
and it's not a character.
Do I like the sound of that?
Jimmy, man, it's "Life"!
Come on.
That means no studio shots,
no lighting, none of that crap.
I know, I wanna help you.
Well, I'm helping you, man.
Yeah, I get that.
But I... I admit, I want to get them first.
That's exactly what I just told "Life".
The public, they gotta
get to know you a bit.
Yeah, I... I know. I'm just not sure how
much I want to speed up that process.
Well you just gotta trust my intentions.
Ah... Dennis...
Look, I'm... I'm just lazy is all.
Man... I've got to go.
I'll call you.
Mr. Warner will be
with you in just a minute.
Mr Warner's office.
He's not available.
Oh, shit.
That's Warner Brothers?
You didn't know?
And this is, uh...
what, this is always here?
An exhibition
just for you, I'd say.
Oh, I thought this was
gonna be good news.
It's so good to see you.
It's all beginning to happen.
We're very excited
with the final cut.
Yeah, looks good, right?
Roger here has got a
ton of stuff lined up for you.
Oh, a ton!
Sounds heavy.
We don't have any time, so there's
probably some ground rules
we need to go through.
Things that should've been clearer
from the start.
You're an intelligent boy, right?
It's a question.
Oh, uh...
Well, I think so.
I'm intelligent, right, Roger?
Huh... Hm.
John Barrymore,
Douglas Fairbanks,
Cagney, Bogart.
These were my actors,
you understand.
They followed certain rules.
Basic rules
for intelligent people.
Then I made all the decisions
that made them what they became.
I cleared the path,
you understand.
I hear Nicky Ray is
thinking of you for "Rebel".
Course, he's thinking
about a couple of others too.
I'm not sure we should emphasize
the rebel in you, Jimmy.
Whatever's gonna happen to you...
doesn't just happen by accident.
I had to work to get this.
Um, I'm going to get
better at interviews.
It's not about speaking
your mind, Jimmy.
If you're not a good boy...
I'm going to fuck you.
Till it hurts very much.
So do you wanna be working
back at the CBS parking garage?
So, what have we got
for Jimmy, Roger?
How would you like to be a judge
at a bikini contest at Santa Monica?
Picks are gonna cover it,
six-page spread, lots of flesh.
We just want to see you out
and about for the next month.
Different situations.
Here, there.
High, low.
A lot to do before the Premiere.
Uh, well... I was thinking of
going back to New York to...
catch up with some friends
before it all gets busy.
When you're Humphrey Bogart,
you can catch up
with some friends.
On your favourite yacht,
for all I care.
Right now, we need
all hands on deck.
The film could go
this way or that.
We just want it to succeed
for you, Jimmy.
Come on, Jimmy, let's go. Mm?
Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Judy Garland!
Here we are.
Hey, tell me again.
Keep breathing,
drop your shoulder,
and smile.
Hey, give me a kiss.
I can't, I have my lipstick, Jimmy.
This is Pier Angeli.
I can't!
They're ready for
you, Miss Angeli.
Oh, and, uh... and James Dean!
Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Pier Angeli!
Miss Angeli.
Right here, please.
Turn your head just to the left.
Over here!
Who's your date, Miss Angeli?
Come on, guys.
You know James Dean, right?
Beautiful, Miss Angeli!
Great! Great, thank you!
Oh, look, it's Dennis!
Hey, Dennis!
Hey, I didn't realize
you'd be here.
Hey, what were you saying, what were you
saying about, uh, "red carpet gorillas"?
Are we gonna take some
great photos or what?
Are you going to make me famous?
I guarantee it.
I'm... I'm thinking about it.
What was that all about?
Mr. Stock!
Phone call!
Yeah? Dennis Stock.
Dennis. So, I spoke to "Life"
and they know who he is.
Yeah, they said that Warner Brothers
is trying to push him
as some mix of farm boy
and serious young New Yorker.
- Yeah.
- The catch is,
they're only interested if it coincides
with the "East of Eden" Premiere.
Which is when?
It's... early March.
They want the pictures
by the end of the month.
Shit. Um... ok. No problem.
What's the bad news?
They'll only advance
for four days.
Oh, come on, I need
more than that.
Well, this thing is not that
interesting a story.
Well, what about
travel costs and expenses?
Well, they said,
could you shoot in LA?
Jesus, John,
it's not an LA story.
If it's any consolation, Dennis,
I've negotiated
a guarantee of $500.
Oh yeah, if they
like the photos.
Of course, they've got
to like the photos first.
Okay, no pressure then.
So basically,
I pay for the trip
out of my own pocket,
and I may or may not
make my money back.
Correct. And correct.
Isn't this what
you've been waiting for?
So how's Mr. Dean?
Yeah, he's totally keen.
He's committed.
OK. Bye, Dennis.
- Hello?
- Got you at last, hey!
It's Roger.
- Roger, hey.
- Got some good news for you.
We're coming to New York
for the final couple weeks.
Mr. Warner's decided
to go all out.
He's gonna make
the Premiere big.
He's really behind you, Jimmy.
Yeah, I can feel it.
Hey, listen, you're
going to have a ball.
We've got some interviews
and engagements lined up.
Nothing too strenuous, ok?
Alright... I thought this was
gonna be news about "Rebel".
I know this is difficult
for you, Jimmy.
And I wish I had some good news
for you, but, um...
but this is good news, right?
Yeah, it's great. It's really...
That's great news.
Oh, uh...
someone's at my door. I'll...
Can I call you back?
We have the schedule to
talk through, Jimmy.
Yeah, I know...
- I'll call you back.
- No, Jimmy, don't...
You hung up the phone.
Hey, Jimmy?
Hi, Jimmy, it's Dennis.
Are you there?
I, I flew all the way from LA.
Pier gave me your address.
What do you mean you haven't
taken any photos yet?
You know how to make
appointments, don't you?
John... I got them
bugging me for proofs.
They're asking me
how it's coming along.
Hey, John, this is not
for lack of trying.
I mean, he's unreliable,
he's evasive,
he doesn't do what we
set out to do. So...
Great. So, you want me to sell
something we can't deliver.
I can deliver. It's coming.
Why do you wanna
shoot him, Dennis?
I mean, what is it that you see?
Just trust me, he's interesting.
When you see the photos,
they'll be interesting.
What is it in him?
There's an awkwardness
I want to capture.
It's, uh...
it's something...
it's something very pure.
You can't fake it.
OK. There...
Be patient now.
This Eugene?
Is it a good show?
It is very good.
Now, you need to find a way in.
You have to let go
of expectations.
Uh, well, that's not
going to be hard.
It's harder than you think.
Well, I appreciate the pep talk.
He's an artist. Isn't
that what you said?
Yeah... Well, I'm a god damn
artist too, John.
Well, that isn't for
you to say, Dennis.
It's for others
to make that call.
I know what I am.
Without a body of work,
you don't know anything.
- Thanks for the vote of confidence.
- Listen...
do you want me to find
something else for you?
Just, uh, just let me
see it through.
Come on.
Hey there, little man.
You keep warm now, alright?
Wanna put them on?
How you doing?
Like your, ah...
like your mittens.
They new?
I'll be back at 4:00,
so drop him off after.
At 4:00?
Be patient, Dennis.
You're the second person
who's told me that today.
Take him to the park
or something.
You want... you wanna
go to the park?
You should come
and visit me in LA.
It's sunny there.
Hey, it's not a toy.
- It's not a toy, buddy.
- Sorry.
Hey, listen, uh...
I gotta get to a meeting.
But I'm gonna be here
for two weeks,
so we'll do some more
stuff, alright?
Come when you're done with that.
Let's get you back
to your mother.
Hey, Jimmy. Jimmy!
Whoa! Dennis.
You been following me?
No, no, I got... I, I... A lot of
reasons to be up here,
but, uh, you know, "Life's"
been calling my agency,
- asking to see stuff.
- I know,
I'm so popular, right?
I mean, seriously,
can we do something?
Well, we can, uh,
we can get out of the cold.
Looking good, Jimmy.
I got this uh... "East of Eden"
press conference,
you want to come to that?
Jimmy, no offense,
but I don't want
to take photos of you
at a desk in front
of a microphone.
- Come on, you don't?
- No.
I mean, maybe that
world interests you,
but it doesn't interest me.
I like to think
I have a few better ideas.
Oh, well, I just thought
it might be nice
to have some company,
that's all.
Well, yeah, why not?
You're something else.
OK, gentlemen, thank you.
You got your shot?
Thank you very much.
Ladies and gentlemen, the director
and the cast of "East of Eden"
are ready for your questions.
Miss Harris,
your character, Abra,
is gradually drawn to
Mr. Dean's character, Cal.
Off-screen, any romance
to tell us about?
Jimmy was a gentleman
at all times.
We're very good friends.
Yeah, not for lack of trying.
Mr. Dean, any
comment on the announcement
that Pier Angeli is
to wed Vic Damone?
You heard that?
"Actress Pier Angeli
and singer Vic Damone
"took everyone
in Hollywood by surprise
when they announced
their engagement yesterday."
Well, I... I obviously
knew they were an item.
Yeah, she's, uh...
yeah, she's a beautiful...
charming woman.
And he's...
wow, he...
he's a great singer.
Uh, that's great.
That is... that
is really great.
I dare say, young man,
there'll be plenty more
opportunities for romance
when the film is released.
OK, do we have any more
questions about the film?
Why didn't someone tell me?
They're reporters.
They love an ambush.
I'll kill that son of a bitch!
It doesn't make any sense!
We were going out!
It's not like you were
about to marry her.
You know what this is, he's...
He's... he's a big star.
You know what that
says about her?
How the hell am I in this bubble
and every newsstand
in the country
is saying that my girlfriend
is screwing somebody else
and I don't know
anything about it?
Well, it probably doesn't say she's
actually screwing him.
Oh, shut up, Dennis.
I don't want to play
their stupid game.
You don't have to. I mean,
just let me help you.
I've got 30 million people
reading "Life" magazine.
- We do a great shoot,
- Wait a minute...
I mean, none of this
stuff even matters.
Wait a minute. You think you're
giving me something
that's not already
coming my way?
I lose myself in my roles.
I don't want to lose myself
- in all this other stuff.
- Great.
And you are this other stuff!
What, you're not?
What, that was your stand-in at the
"Star Is Born" Premiere?
And, and all this with Pier,
that was a real relationship?
You think you're experiencing
real loss right now?
Oh, man...
Look, all I'm saying
is I've got some ideas,
and you're not going to be thinking
those things about me
- when you see the pictures!
- Alright,
- then give me one of your ideas.
- Alright!
Where in New York
makes you most happy?
Alright, but you're
not going to like it.
Show me.
Knowing is not enough,
we must apply.
Willing is not enough,
we must do.
You started out with
some very specific ideas,
and I think they may have
had a certain validity,
and they may have
been very sound, but...
they were all up here.
So, what you have to do
is you have to go right
back to square one.
But you were holding back.
You were holding back!
It's like Gerta says:
"Until one is committed,
"then there is hesitancy.
"But the moment you commit,
providence moves too."
Yes! Alright, you understand.
Alright. So, do the scene again.
Go on, try it again,
get set up,
allow it to unfold.
Anyway, it's good
to see you, alright?
Yeah . Yeah, it's...
good to be back.
I forgot what was
important for a while.
Take care.
Well, you get anything good?
It's a start.
Hey, Jimmy.
Oh, hey, Veronica.
Do you guys want to
get a drink somewhere?
Look at him.
He's sweet, right?
And so gifted.
So, where you from?
Des Moines.
Let me guess, you wanted to get out of
there as soon as you could?
Oh, Eartha.
Oh, it's good to see you.
I was hoping you'd be here.
This is Dennis Stock.
Eartha Kitt.
And this is, uh, Veronica.
- Good to meet you.
- And you.
Have a seat. Can I get
you something to drink?
Whatever you're having.
Uh, can we have four
more of those, please?
You look tired, Jamie.
Well, I feel tired.
Well, I've got
something for that.
You want a Benzedrine?
Hey, you ever had a beni, Denny?
- Nah.
- Tonight's your lucky night.
Well, cheers.
I got an idea.
I think I like this idea.
Hey, hey, hey.
Excuse me, folks.
Yes, they called me
the rocker
I can rock you all night long .
- Do you wanna dance?
Uh... I... I don't dance.
I can let you down easy
When I think your money's gone
How long do these things
take to kick in?
A lot faster if you get the blood
flowing through you.
I can rock you easy
I want you to have a jam
I could let you down easy
Jelly on a plate
Because you know
I need to be in LA,
you know, for obvious
reasons, for now.
But... there, there's
something in the air here.
And it's not going on there.
Something, something's changing and...
in, in, in music, in art,
in photography, in everything.
Jimmy's a part of that.
And that, that's why we're taking
photos in New York,
so people can see that things
are different now.
There's jazz clubs here where
everything feels new.
You know we, we could go
to one tonight, you know.
I could show you
exactly what I mean.
There's musicians doing the
most incredible things,
while I'm sitting around in LA,
busting my ass
just doing bullshit set
photography, you know?
It's all very well and good
hearing about these things,
but you've got to get here,
and you've got to...
you've got to feel it.
Sssh . I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry. Um...
- It's alright.
I don't like to brag
I don't like
to say what I do
But I'm like poison ivy
I'll break out all over you
Oh, I'm out of quarters!
I'm out of quarters.
Uh, we're gonna go.
But I'll get all this.
I guess that means
he's over Pier.
Doesn't mean that at all.
He's just a very good actor.
Hey, I was thinking...
Maybe after the Premiere,
we could go to Indiana
and take some pictures there.
J... After the Premiere?
I mean, Jim,
my... what, my deadline's
a week before the Premiere.
A... And what the
hell's in Indiana?
Oh, well, it's the past, mostly.
Ah, who cares about the past?
And then, there were two.
Have a nice time.
So then there were two.
Have you got any
more of those pills?
What... you, you leaving?
Yeah, I've gotta get
home to my kid, Jimmy.
Uh, it's Dennis, but...
you know...
I hope you find what
you're looking for.
OK. Bye.
You don't look so well.
I don't feel so well either.
I think I've got cancer.
OK, you know what,
don't be so morbid.
Here we go.
This is our publicity schedule.
What, are you kidding me?
Mr. Warner was willing to let that
journalist thing slide,
but you've gotta keep him happy.
He's thinking of you
for "Rebel," remember.
Uh, I thought the director was supposed
to make those kinds of decisions.
Come on, Jimmy.
You've gotta go
with us on these ones.
You've gotta play the game.
Just a few more weeks.
Don't you want to be a star?
Can we talk about the
"East of Eden" Premiere?
I'm feeling faint.
Are you okay?
Mm... No.
No, I don't... I don't
think so. I've gotta go.
Jimmy you just got here.
Yeah, I'm sorry, Roger.
I just, I...
I've gotta go.
I've gotta go.
I'm not gonna even send
these through to "Life".
A guy in an audience,
looking bored.
A guy asleep in front
of a beer, looking drunk.
That is your leader
of a new movement?
A guy getting a haircut?
It's a very nice
composition Dennis, but...
That is your actor
getting a haircut.
And it makes him look...
It makes him look vain.
Where is the soul
of your subject?
You want an exhibition, Dennis.
I'm afraid this is not it.
I got my reputation
to protect too.
Well, um...
I have Times Square
tomorrow. Yeah.
Dennis, you don't look so well.
Yeah, I just got a...
I just didn't get a lot
of sleep and...
You've been chasing a nobody...
who likes to be chased.
And it hasn't worked out,
and that's fine, it's okay. It's...
Happens sometimes.
Here. You're lucky,
I have something big for you.
It's only set stills,
but it's brand new.
It's a month in Japan.
It's a film called "The Teahouse of
the August Moon".
And it pays some real money.
You just chalk this James Dean
thing up to experience,
you go to Japan,
you build up your portfolio,
you take some landscapes
in your spare time.
It's travel, Dennis.
You'll love it.
Ah, god damn...
I, uh...
I promised my son that I'd do
something with him this weekend.
Well, you have to be
in Japan in four days.
You can buy something real nice
for him with all that money.
You're such an asshole.
You never see anything through.
You told him you were coming
for at least two weeks,
and now you're leaving
after less than one?
You made him a promise.
Norma, it's no big thing.
Tell him it's no big thing.
Piece of shit.
Hey, Rod. Rodney?
Hey, little bud . Um...
Hey, did you hear any of that?
You know...
Do you know where Japan is?
Yes. It's far.
Nah... it's not... you know,
it's not that far, it's uh...
I can be back in two days right.
Mom! Mom! Mom, look!
Hey, Rodney...
Oh no, Dennis!
What did you do?
Let's hurry up, we're
gonna be late. Come on.
You alright?
What are you doing here?
Uh, well, I've been thinking.
Why don't we go to Indiana now?
Before the Premiere,
and that way you can still
make your deadline.
We... we can
experience some real life.
Take some photos.
Jimmy, I can't
even think straight.
Well... well, you don't
have to think at all.
We've got Times Square
tomorrow morning.
Think that about does us.
You feeling alright?
I vomited on my son.
- Hey uh, hey Jimmy, I'm...
- Yeah.
I don't think "Life"
is going to want the shots.
I don't know why.
I mean, they're, I mean
they're not good enough.
I'm sure they're ok.
Yeah, well, I...
I thought I'd just come
because we organized it.
And to say goodbye.
Well, you know, this is where
the "East of Eden" Premiere is?
Yeah, I know.
I'd love to be here.
I just booked an
assignment in Japan though.
Then I go back to LA.
Well, you won't miss much.
I think my big idea
was this'd be, like...
some kind of symbolic site.
Or the ultimate goal
for the young actor.
If I could get our
photos in "Life"...
Kind of my goal.
You know?
Make me feel like an artist.
And if anything was going to
capture their attention it's...
going to be Times Square.
We live in hope.
Wow, it sure is pretty, though.
I was picturing sunshine.
Let me ask you something.
What made you want
to start taking photos?
I had to do something.
You know, I... just needed a job.
I... I joined the Navy at 16,
Um, my dad just died,
so I had to find a living.
You were in the Navy?
Well... Philadelphia Coast Guard.
Yeah, the Coast Guard
had a darkroom,
and I figured that was as
good a place as any to hide.
I just went to the library,
read everything I could,
started selling
portraits to sailors,
a dollar a pop.
Everybody wants a record
of themselves.
You know, it's a...
It's a good way of saying...
"I've been here,
and you've been here," I guess.
And this job in Japan...
you going off to be an artist?
Would you mind getting wet?
We'll do the photos anyway.
Well, I mean, we're here, right?
Come on.
Okay, just keep coming at me.
Alright, just keep
walking toward me.
That was great, Jimmy.
Are you still going to Indiana?
Uh, tonight.
Yeah, I think I wanna come.
Now we're in business.
Here's your food, gentlemen.
Anything else?
- Uh, no.
Well are you gonna say Grace?
Two, four six, eight,
dig in, don't wait?
I like it.
- You never heard that one?
- No, it's new to me.
Your folks religious?
They're the nice ones, right?
They're the only ones
that everybody likes.
They do anything special?
Anything I need to know?
No, they're quiet.
You know, when my mom died,
my dad, well, he had to...
He had to keep working.
So, he sent me
back home to Indiana.
From where?
Grandma came to take me
back from Los Angeles.
I remember my dad
at the station, he um...
He held my hand.
And leaned over and
kissed my mom's coffin.
It was the only time
I ever saw him cry.
And then he hugged me goodbye.
And me and Grandma got on the
train and went to Indiana.
Because everything
ends up in Indiana.
You might not know that.
You went with the coffin?
Yeah, how else do
you think it works?
And every time we'd stop in...
Albuquerque or...
Kansas City...
my grandma let me run down to
the end of the platform, and...
and I'd sneak into
the freight car.
And it was...
it was like Aladdin's cave.
Just stuff.
Crates and boxes.
And then, way up the back...
was my mom's coffin, kind of
strapped to the wall.
And there was
this old conductor there.
And he uh... he took his little
conductor's cap...
and uh... he'd say,
"step right in, sir."
And he was utterly...
And he was utterly kind.
What did you do in there?
I touched the coffin.
And I stood there.
And then, after a minute,
he'd come up and he'd say uh...
"Well, you better
run on up, kid . I'll...
I'll see you in Fort Madison,"
or "I'll see you
in Chicago ."
And then I'd sprint all the way
back up the platform.
I can remember, I...
I just kept thinking...
"Who am I going
to play with?"
Because that's all
we'd ever do. She'd um...
She taught me how to play.
On rainy days,
she'd take blankets,
and she'd drape them over...
tables and chairs
and sofas, and uh...
and she'd sit in there with me.
Like the whole day long.
And we'd be all
different characters.
And it was like a palace.
Not a cubby house.
And then suddenly in Chicago,
I didn't want to run
back there again.
It's not as if
I didn't miss her I...
I still miss her now,
it's just...
At a certain point, I...
I got to the front of the train.
And it started picking up speed.
And we were moving so fast.
And it felt so good.
How is everything, gentlemen?
Yeah, great.
Uh... I let my food go cold.
What's your story, Dennis Stock?
Don't talk with your mouth full,
it's disgusting.
Next stop, outward bound train.
Next stop, Lafayette, Indiana.
All aboard, please.
Whey... Sir.
Hey, little partner.
Dennis, Markie.
Hey, kid.
Uh, Dennis Stock,
this is my uncle,
Marcus Winslow.
- Very pleased to meet you.
- You too.
Let me take your bongo, Jimmy.
There's a sentence
I never thought I'd say!
Actually, that's a conga.
Come here, you.
Jimmy! Look who's here!
Oh, Jimmy, good to see you again.
Oh, uh, this is Dennis Stock.
He's a photographer
for "Life" magazine.
- This is my Aunt Ortense.
- Hello!
- And my grandpa.
- Hello.
- And Grandma Dean.
- Mr. Stock.
Come on in and get warm!
Come on in. Come on in.
In you go.
Hey grandma,
Dennis has never been
on a farm before.
Shall we say Grace?
Lord Jesus Christ,
be thou our guest,
and share the food
which thou has blessed.
Oh, Dennis knows a beautiful Grace.
Maybe you should uh... lead
Grace tomorrow night, Dennis.
That'd be lovely.
How does it go again?
Oh, you know what,
save it for tomorrow night.
It'll be a surprise.
Which church do you
belong to, Dennis?
None, really.
Now, Jimmy,
we're very pleased
to have you back,
you know that. And we're
very proud of you,
and your mother would be
very proud of you.
Yeah, well...
To Mom.
To Mom.
What I'm trying to say is,
happy 24th, for last week.
And... we all love
you very much.
Well, I love you too.
Come on in.
- Ahh...
For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's
a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly
good fel-l-llow
And so say all of us
- Welcome home, Jimmy.
- Oh, thanks.
- You didn't tell me it was your birthday.
- Ah...
When are we going to see "East of Eden"?
Oh, well, that'll be
next month, Grandma,
at the... the
theatre in Marion.
They're doing a special sneak
preview for all of you.
- Yeah, family and friends.
- Wow.
Will you come back for that?
I'm gonna do my best.
So, Jimmy, what's next?
I'm waiting to hear about a big movie.
Not at the table
if you don't mind.
- Oh, sure.
- How long you staying with us, Jimmy?
I'm hoping a week or two.
- Jimmy.
- What's that, my little Huckleberry?
Why don't you stay
the whole month instead.
Then you can go
to the screening with us.
Now, now, Mark.
A whole month.
What do you say, Dennis?
Hey, sweetie, if I did that.
I'd miss the world
Premiere in New York City.
But I'll tell you what,
I'll come back for
the premiere in Marion.
Sounds like a lot
more fun, actually.
Now, who's having cake?
I thought we said we were going
to be here for two days.
Yeah, but I was talking about a
couple of Indiana days.
Did I not explain
myself clearly?
Just keep playing.
Dennis, you know...
It's none of my business, but ah...
This feels kind of silly.
I'm just having some fun is all.
Can't go back
You think "Life" is going
to change their mind?
It's not like they
actually said no.
Said to find something better.
Oh, hey!
Hey, Dennis, you ever
driven one of those?
Ah, don't be stupid.
What? Hey!
Hey! He's never
driven a tractor.
It's not hard.
You wanna try?
No, I'm fine, thank you.
Ah, come on . He taught me
everything I know.
No, I'm fine, seriously.
Hey, Marcus,
will you pull around?
Pull around!
Just keep pulling around.
That's perfect.
Alright, now let me
get your glasses.
Hey, Marcus, you look away.
Put your hands in your pockets.
"Move here, stand there."
I've worked with some directors
who think that's
how you do things.
Turn three-quarters away.
Look back at me.
Alright, now look
down the lens, and uh...
you keep that scowl.
I'm disappointed in you.
Well, you're not the only one.
You ok for money in
New York, Mighty Mouse?
No, I'm ok. Thank you.
We don't need to
worry about you in LA?
No, no, I'm fine.
So, your friend...
he's a real city guy, eh?
Well, if by that you mean
he's uh... prickly and pushy
and opinionated
- and rubs people the wrong way,
then I guess so.
But then again,
he is a New Yorker.
If he was a clock and you wound
him any tighter, you'd break his springs.
I felt sorry for him
when we were in New York.
He was... he was following me
around like a lost puppy.
It was kind of hilarious.
What is it that he wants?
Well, I mean, what
he wants is one thing.
The trouble is I'm not sure
he knows what he's doing.
You know, he's, uh,
he's one of these guys
who can't seem to get
out of his own way.
OK, let's get
this firewood inside.
Morning, Dennis.
I was, uh,
I was thinking we might
go into town today.
Yeah, you know what, I think
I might go back today.
Back? What are you
talking about?
Hey, what do you mean by I
can't get out of my own way?
What the hell does
that even mean?
Oh, um...
Oh, uh...
I'm sorry, Dennis. I didn't...
I didn't mean anything by it,
- what I meant was...
- Yeah, you know fuck all about me.
You're just a Goddamn actor
so full of his own bullshit
you wouldn't know
if your ass was on fire.
I got real problems!
I was... I was working at 16,
I was married at 17,
we'd already split up by the time
she found out she was pregnant.
I got a seven-year-old son
in New York, my ex-wife...
You have... you have a son?
Of course I have a son!
I told you about him.
Uh, no you didn't.
Yeah, I did. Times Square.
Remember the vomit?
Course you don't.
You're so wrapped up
in your own head,
you don't even hear.
I came here thinking,
that I'd find something beautiful.
That "Life" would say yes.
But you're just a little shit,
so how's any of that
going to happen?
Maybe the problem
is you came here
thinking that I'm the subject
of this little expedition.
What is that even
supposed to mean?
You've gotta stop
speaking in riddles.
I've gotta get
back to the station.
No... Dennis, just come on.
Just take a seat.
You want to find something
beautiful, then why leave?
You said all that stuff, Jimmy.
There's no going back from it.
If that's what you want.
I'm just wasting my time here.
You do the voices.
Oh, I'm not doing the voices
if you're not doing the voices.
I can't do it!
Oh, yeah you can! Come on,
alright... we'll do them together, ok?
You choose.
How about this one?
Alright, I like this one!
I won't divulge the
secret to the fire powder,
not for all the gold
in Comanche country.
We wouldn't need
to pay such high price.
Let me introduce you
to Chief Redbear.
He makes easy meat of secrets.
You fiends! Let Lady Olyphant go!
Let her go, I tell ya!
Markie, five minutes!
Can you make him stay?
I'll tell you what, I can make
him promise he'll come back.
Is that alright?
I guess.
Markie, brush your teeth,
get your school bag!
Get out of here.
You pick the one we do
this afternoon, alright?
How uh... how often
do you see your son?
I mean, I saw him.
I saw him the other day but...
How do you make
all of this so easy?
What is it that you think
is so easy, exactly?
I don't know...
Well, you can uh... you can run quick
and catch the school bus,
or we can have some breakfast,
and I'll drive
you to the station
in a couple hours.
Yeah, I might stay
a little longer.
Yeah, we should...
we should go into town.
You know, see the sights.
Jesus, Jimmy, how'd you
grow up here? It's tiny.
Well, you see that? That's the only
traffic light in Fairmount.
- Turn around!
- Fairmount's Mount Rushmore.
They'll be back.
Ah... ah, they're just kids.
Must have seen you on TV.
Yeah, I've become a
real local celebrity.
Excuse me, Mr. Dean?
Mr. Dean, on behalf of the
Sweethearts Ball committee,
we'd like to invite you...
and your friend...
Oh, Dennis Stock.
Mr. Stock, to our
annual senior class ball
tomorrow night.
The Sweethearts Ball.
It'd be a terrific honour, sir.
Well, I'm just trying to imagine you
at your high school ball.
- I never went. I was in the Coast Guard.
- What? Oh, Dennis!
- You've got to come to a high school hop.
- Yeah, we'll be there!
That's great! We'll see you
tomorrow night, around 7:00?
Alright. Hey, save me a dance.
Thank you!
- Hello?
- Is that Jimmy?
It's Jack Warner.
Oh, um...
Hello, Mr. Warner.
I don't usually make this call,
but for you, I'm making
a special exception.
Nick Ray is giving you the role.
That's to say,
I'm approving it,
I'm giving you the role.
This means we believe in you.
That means, we scratch
your back, you scratch ours.
Um, is that even hygienic?
We'll see you
at the Premiere next week.
We'll all have a good time,
celebrate a wonderful
motion picture.
Then I'll take you
to the doctor myself.
Why the doctor?
Because you seem
to have a hearing problem.
Otherwise, why else would I be
tracking you down in Indiana?
From now on,
you don't move a muscle
without Roger knowing
where you are.
Ah, you see, sir,
my aunt took ill,
and I had to make a kind
of a spontaneous trip...
See you at the Premiere.
Bad news?
I... I got the lead in "Rebel".
What do you mean?
That's good news, isn't it?
Uh... I guess.
I mean, that's how
the world works, right?
You've had two movies in a row...
You know, maybe you've gotta learn
how to appreciate things.
James Whitcomb Riley.
Indiana's poet laureate.
He ain't no Shakespeare,
but he's ours.
I read one of these in drama.
Seriously, Jimmy.
When I was chasing you
around New York, I...
I knew what I was doing.
I was following my instincts.
I could see it through the lens.
And the whole world's
gonna see it soon.
You know that, right?
"We Must Get Home".
"How could we stray like this?
"So far from home,
we know not where it is...
"Only in some fair,
apple-blossomy place
"Of children's faces,
and the mother's face
"We dimly dream it...
till the vision clears..."
Will you sign this for me?
Thank you, Mr. Dean.
Is it true that you're doing
a film with Marilyn Monroe?
Ah, now where did you hear that?
I don't know.
I read it somewhere.
Oh, I hope one day it is true.
You let me know if you
hear that again, ok?
Do you think you'll ever come back
and settle in Fairmount?
I hope, uh, one day I will.
You can't keep me away.
How about a photo of the
two of you together?
Oh, that's a great idea.
- Nah.
- Come on, give her the camera.
They're always... they're always
shy in front of the camera.
Give her the camera!
You just... you just point,
focus, and shoot.
Alright uh, well, you uh...
you do stressed, and uh...
I'll do serious.
Just turn it vertical.
One, two...
Ah, that's our
cover shot, Dennis.
Let's hear it for
our unexpected guest,
our very own James Dean!
Uh, thank you, Mr Hope.
Thank you.
Oh, hi there.
Um, uh...
welcome, class of '55.
Uh, well, I'm...
I'm good with a script,
I can tell you that.
Alright, um...
I went to this very ball
five years ago.
And I know you're supposed
to talk about the future...
I'm not so fond of the future
to be any authority on that.
I'm still working it out myself.
It's, uh...
Well, that's why they
usually get old folks...
Yeah, I'm... Yeah, they'll, they'll tell
you they know everything.
I don't know.
A friend of mine told me
to appreciate things more.
Well, he's right.
And I feel that here
with all the past...
with all the love...
Well, you all know,
I grew up here.
All my folks are here,
and the farm's here.
That's a lot of love, and...
you know, people will tell
you what's important for you.
But only you can know that.
You've got to live life now,
like there's no time to waste.
Appreciate everything.
Uh, can we get some mu...
music happening?
It was a night
Ooh, what a night
It was it really
was such a night
Moon was bright,
oh, how bright
It was it really
was such a night
The night was alive
With stars above
And when she kissed me
I had to fall in love
Mmmm, it was a kiss
Ooh, what a kiss
It was it really
was such a kiss
How she could kiss,
ooh, what a kiss
It was it really
was such a kiss
- Woo!
- Woo-hoo!
Go get Dennis.
Come on, dance with us.
- Come on.
- No, no thanks.
And I'll feel desire
Follow my lead.
Now she's gone, gone, gone
Yes, she's gone, gone, gone
In the dawn, dawn, dawn
And the night was gone
And my heart was gone
And the love was gone
And before the dawn
Ooh, ooh, ooh,
ooh, ooh, ooh
Such a ni-i-i-i-ight
Thank you.
You feeling alright?
Yeah, you know.
Everything changes so fast.
You about done with that?
One for the road.
One for the road.
Well, sir...
it's time to get
back to New York.
See what all the fuss is
about "East of Eden".
I'm just going to
put these in the office.
That's fine, Dennis.
Then you've got your aperture.
That's the size of the hole
where the light enters
through the lens.
You set that, and, um...
you're ready to take a picture.
I mean, that's
all there is to it.
- You want to try it?
- Yeah.
Press the little button.
Here's your coffee.
Thanks, man.
Get anything good?
I sure am glad
I suggested Indiana.
- What can I get for you?
- Coffee.
Oh, wow.
These are beautiful, Dennis.
That's great.
They're in the
next issue, on Monday.
Well, buried under
all that stress,
who would have known?
We didn't get the cover.
I thought you were going
to make my career.
I thought you were
going to make mine.
- How many Premieres you been to?
- Once or twice,
but, uh, never on your
side of the carpet.
Yeah, well, you think it's any less
pointless on my side, do you?
I got to work it. You can
switch with me if you want.
Be in my tux.
Uh, your car is after Raymond
and before Julie.
They're using
to signal each car
when to leave.
Uh, you should be on the
red carpet by 6:35.
At this stage, all you have to do is
smile for the flash bulbs, Jimmy...
look fabulous.
Uh, there will be
live television cameras.
We may get you
to do a two-minute spot.
Um, you know,
"Elia Kazan is a genius
and it's a wonderful film ."
And then we move inside,
and we get you all on the stage,
you smile at the audience,
you take your seat,
and off we go.
You look lovely, Jimmy.
A real matinee idol.
You can take the rest of the
day off, Jimmy, have some fun.
There he is.
Page 125.
Four-page spread.
"Moody New Star".
He's more like "annoying".
You did good, kid.
- Did good.
Yeah, they're beautiful.
I got to stop offering
you these jobs in Japan.
No more set stills for you.
Yeah, I've been telling you
that the whole time.
There you go.
So, what do you want to do next?
I've been thinking about
doing jazz musicians.
Night clubs.
Good . Good.
You're making art.
Just building my portfolio.
One moody new star at a time.
What are you doing?
- Dennis!
- Where's your tux?
Come on, we're
getting out of here.
What, you're not going
to go to the Premiere?
You've got to drop everything.
It's your big day, Jimmy.
Everything, Dennis!
Come on, I don't need all that.
What, is the... is the world going
to suffer if I don't do that?
You're really being serious?
Yeah, I'm serious.
I... I start shooting
"Rebel" in three weeks.
I've got to go to LA
and start learning my lines.
Staying or going, bud?
I got to stay here, Jimmy.
I've got people
calling my agency.
Feels right to be here.
Christ's sake, buddy.
Alright, well, I guess
I'll see you around.
Yeah, I'll see you, Jimmy.
Thank you, Mr. Kazan.
Mr. Elia Kazan,
about to go inside
for the Premiere of his
new film "East of Eden".
That was Elia Kazan,
ladies and gentlemen.
He was one of our
very special guests...
Is he here yet?
We can't find him.
We are still awaiting the arrival
of the film's amazing
new star, James Dean.
Where is the little shit?
I don't know, Mr. Warner.
- He was supposed to...
- Find him.
He's history.
...the atmosphere
here on Broadway is electric.
The entertainment
capital of the world...
- Well, well, well.
- Can we get a photo, Mr. Warner?
Let's take some pictures.
I'll catch you later.
...Nicholas Ray's
new film "Rebel Without a Cause",
and we can be sure this
is just the beginning,
as the name on everybody's
lips this evening
is James Dean.
We're making history, folks.
Step right in.
Let's have a great time.
Welcome aboard
our flight to Los Angeles.
We've now reached
our cruising altitude
and our flight time
is approximately eight hours.
Enjoy your flight.
Let's play like we do at home.
We can do the voices.
Can you make a dog sound?
Bark. Bark.
- What else?
- Like...
Oh, that's a nice sound.
Can we build a cubby house?
When we get home.
Can you make a cow sound?
Moo-oo! Moo-oo!
OK, you draw the cardinal.
I don't know how
to draw a cardinal.
We must get home,
for we have been away
So long, it seems
forever and a day!
And oh so very homesick
we have grown,
The laughter of the world
is like a moan
In our tired hearing,
and its song as vain...
We must get home,
we must get home again!
We must get home:
All is so quiet there:
The touch of loving hands
on brow and hair
Dim rooms, wherein
the sunshine is made mild
The lost love
of the mother and the child
Restored in restful
lullabies of rain
We must, we must!
Our rainy faces
pelted in the dust
Creep back from the vain quest
through endless strife
To find not anywhere
in all of life
A happier happiness
than blessed us then...
We must get home,
we must get home again!