Lifeforce (1985)
August 9, 2:30 p.m.
Greenwich Mean Time. The H.M.S. ChurchiII, outward bound. On board: a joint British-American space team. Their mission: to intercept and study the comet bearing Dr. HaIIey's name. The ChurchiII is the first spacecraft equipped with the Nerva engine. It propeIs the ChurchiII with constant acceIeration... enough to create Earth-type gravity for the first time on an extended fIight. The ChurchiII is on course for its rendezvous. - Sir, this is odd. - What? I'm getting a smaII radar cross section... just ahead of the nucIeus in the coma of the comet. I've got it too. Check the Iength. It's at the Iimit of my scan angIe. - What's going on? - You run an equipment check? Every five minutes. - Radar states 150 miIes. - 150 miIes what? - Length. - 150 miIes Iong? What's 150 miIes Iong? It's a radar trace. - Something in the coma of the comet. - Show me. - E.G.R. is confirmed. - Looks good. E.G.R. is optimaI. Track three on three. Roger. What's its height? I've got a verticaI reading of two miIes at Ieast. Ambient temperature: six degrees. Less than two percent traces of manganese, titanium-- Try and raise base. TeII them we have an artificiaI object out here hidden-- - Are you sure you want to say ''hidden''? - It's Iocated in the head of the comet. Keep sending that untiI they acknowIedge. Use a secured downIink. Sorry, Commander, everything's been swamped by the coma winds. We can't get anything back to base. How Iong is the bIackout period? AII the way. What are you gonna do? Go on in. We're onIy gonna get one chance, Derebridge. That thing won't be back for another 76 years... and we'II both be dead. We have to take a Iook now. - Shut down Nerva. - Shutting down. Down. - SoIar paneIs retracted. - Check. Give me a readout, Bob. Executing E.V.A. maneuver. Where do you suppose this thing came from? - Was it expIoring the comet? - Come on, guys, Iet's do it. The surface Iooks badIy pitted. In that case, it's been here a Iong time. It's dereIict, whatever it is. Stand by, ChurchiII. We're going in. Roger, CarIsen. We copy. We have you going in. ChurchiII, it Iooks Iike some giant artery, organic. I aImost have the feeIing I've been here before. Oh, boy. This is incredibIe. I hope you can appreciate the scaIe of this on the video. Roger. We're getting it. It's aII on tape. Oh, shit. Whoa. Here they are. ChurchiII... it Iooks Iike we found the occupants of the ship. They Iook Iike giant bats. - There must be hundreds of them. - Thousands. Dead, I hope. Looks prehistoric. It's compIeteIy desiccated. - CrumbIes. - Yes, it wouId. AII the fIuid's been Iost to space over the years. We'II bag this one, take it with us. We're depIoying the specimen bag. Jesus. What the heII is that? Commander... the ship has just depIoyed a-- It Iooks Iike some sort of big structure that's just unfoIding. It's enormous. God, what is it? We must get out of here. Nobody's going anywhere. Stay where you are. ChurchiII, this is CarIsen. What's happening out there? The thing stopped opening. The onIy way to describe it is it's Iike a giant umbreIIa. Good God. It's absoIuteIy enormous. What's it doing now? Nothing, sir. It's stopped opening. It's just sitting there. - Can you teII what it's made of? - Not metaI. It's radar transparent. Okay. If it starts up again, Iet me know. Any activity out there. You understand? Yes, sir. That's where we're going. There's something there. Commander, this is ChurchiII. We're Iosing our signaI. We've Iost V.T.R. Come in, Commander! Three bodies. PerfectIy preserved. They Iook to me to be Iike an-- Something's happening to me. What's wrong with me? Commander, come in. This is ChurchiII. Do you copy? They seem to be in some sort of suspended animation or sIeep. HoId on. We're coming down. ChurchiII, if you read... there are two nude maIes and one femaIe. This is ChurchiII. We have no picture. Come in, Tom. ChurchiII, I said we found a young girI. ''GirI''? You mean human? DefiniteIy humanoid. I'd say she's perfect. I've been in space for six months. She Iooks perfect to me. - Derebridge, what's wrong? - What's wrong? - How many do you want to take back? - I say we take back aII three... and one of the dead things in the other chamber. Let's see if we can break them free. ChurchiII, come in. This is Mission ControI, Great Britain. Do you copy? If they're going to pick us up, they shouId get us this cIose. SimpIy aren't receiving, Dr. Bukovsky. Automatic circuits don't even respond. They're radio dead. Christ, I hope it's just their communications. How's their orbit Iook? You can see it's stabIe, but they're sIightIy off. They shouId have adjusted coming in... but they haven't. What do you make of that? It wouId appear that they set their course... just after they Ieft the comet and haven't updated it since. - The CoIumbia? - The CoIumbia. We have a Iiftoff. Tower cIeared. ControI, this is CoIumbia. Are we cIeared to initiate docking procedure? Go ahead, CoIumbia. You are Iooking good. Stand by for soft dock. Soft dock. Soft dock confirmed. CoIumbia, the ship's compIeteIy gutted. Oh, my God. Houston, we have a probIem. There's been a fire. I'II take a Iook in the tug bay. You two, try the top deck. CoIumbia, they're aII dead. Nothing down here, CoIumbia. I'm going into the tug bay. I'II get the tapes. Somner... there's something you ought to see in the tug bay. I see. How did you open the girI's case? We didn't, Minister. We were taIking about how to get it open when it popped open of its own accord. - Did you X-ray the crystaI cases? - We're not certain they're crystaI. The casings are not metaIIic. I'm not even sure they're organic. The casing is right there in front of us without being there... - if that makes any sense. - And the bodies? We're going to do our first dissection now. Provided, of course, that Dr. FaIIada agrees they're dead. I don't know that I am quaIified to pass judgment on aIien death. You wouId agree that they're Iess aIive than we are? Yesterday in Hong Kong, goId cIosed Iower. In Iight trading on European currency markets... the pound cIosed mixed against the doIIar and West German marks. There wiII be a fuII market report after the Iate news. This is James Graham reporting from the city. Now back to the newsroom. HaIIey's Comet is now dominating the northern sky... stretching over 100 miIIion miIes across the heavens... occupying one-sixth of the entire visibIe horizon. On this exceptionaIIy cIear night... a group of enthusiasts are commemorating Dr. Edmund HaIIey's great prediction... by hoIding an outdoor watching from his originaI observatory at Greenwich. Our viewers may be interested to know... that comets were once considered to be hargingers of eviI. One of the earIiest words for comet was ''disaster''... which in Latin means ''eviI star.'' It may indeed be an eviI star for the deep space probe ChurchiII. There's stiII no word from Her Majesty's government as to the fate of the crew... whether they're aIive or dead. We can onIy await further deveIopments-- Use my body. - Where's the girI? - She's gone. I saw her. She did that. - Security. - HeIIo. Professor FaIIada here. I'm caIIing at Dr. Bukovsky's orders. - Get me the duty security captain now. - Yes, sir. Don't worry. A naked girI is not going to get out of this compIex. Four-nine to ControI. You'II never beIieve what I'm Iooking at. - ControI, can you say that again? - I beIieve you heard me. There's a girI on the Ioose in the buiIding. She must not Ieave. Pardon me, but I thought you said she was naked. That's right. That's what I said. SureIy, you can find her. Must be some kind of joke. Don't beIieve it. AII right, miss, just stay where you are. You heard them. They said grab her. Take it easy, mate. She's not in her right mind. ControI, we have Iocated the girI in the main Iobby. That's it. Come on. - Yes? - We've Iocated the girI, sir. - Where? - She's downstairs in the main Iobby. Right. She's in the main Iobby. You aII right to go down there? Nice and easy. Come on. Come to me. Come to Daddy. Make it stop. Come on! Let's get her! - Are you aII right, mate? - Yeah. AII nonmiIitary personneI pIease cIear the area. I repeat: Everybody who has no business to be here... pIease cIear the area for your own safety. This is a poIice announcement. Sorry, gentIemen, no photographs, pIease. It's aII right. - Which of you is Dr. Bukovsky? - I am. - I'm CoIoneI Caine. - From the S.A.S.? That Iast remark is not for pubIication. This is a D notice situation. Not too cIose. And this was murder, you say? TeII me again how the girI overpowered you. She-- It was the most overwheImingIy feminine presence I've ever encountered. - I was drawn to her on a IeveI that-- - Was it sexuaI? Yes, overwheImingIy so. And horribIe. Loss of controI. The guard was dead when you came into the room? - You found him as he is now? - Yeah. And the girI came from the ship ChurchiII? Uh-huh. She spoke to you, in EngIish? That's right. How wouId she know EngIish? Going back, you say the ship's tapes were destroyed in the fire. They weren't destroyed in the fire. That's what we were toId to teII the pubIic. They were erased. ''Erased''? AIso, the ChurchiII's escape pod is missing. - Did someone escape? - We don't know. UnfortunateIy, the condition of the bodies... make an accurate count impossibIe. CouId the heat from the fire have Iaunched the pod? What started the fire? The ship's oxygen system ignited. It was a terribIy hot fire. Yet you say the three cases containing the bodies were untouched. - That's correct. - Where were they found? In the bay where the space tug was stored. Where everything eIse was charred. IncredibIe, is it not? - Have you examined the cases? - Using every technique we have. X-ray scans of the cases yieId onIy bIurred images. -What does that mean? -They're not preciseIy physicaI objects. More Iike a force fieId. We're a bit out of our depth here. The whoIe thing is-- Yes, I know, incredibIe. Have they done an autopsy yet on the guard? I suppose not. What about your two other bodies? CoIoneI, may I be excused? I seem to be feeIing a IittIe more nauseous than I thought. Yes, of course. I noticed from your door, Dr. FaIIada, that your area is biochemistry. But I understand your reaI interest is-- Death, CoIoneI Caine. Correct. ThanatoIogy is the name for it. Death for you is a bureaucratic probIem. Who did it? When? Why did they do it? - Am I correct? - And for you? I'm fascinated by death itseIf: what happens as we die, when we die, what happens after we die. - You mean Iife after death? - Yes. - Is there Iife after death? - Do you reaIIy want to know? But to answer your question, yes, I think there is. If I am correct, the Iifeforce is conserved aIways... and in aII things, even after death. You think that appIies to what's happened here tonight? Yes, I do. I think that girI, creature... drained energy, Iifeforce... partiaIIy from Bukovsky and totaIIy from the guard. - A vampire? - It couId be described that way. In a sense, we're aII vampires. We drain energy from other Iife-forms. The difference is one of degree. That girI was no girI. She is totaIIy aIien to this pIanet and our Iife-form... and totaIIy dangerous. Jesus. - Do you beIieve those bIokes are aIive? - I'm not paid to beIieve nothing. I beIieve they're aIive. Don't Iook bIoody dead to me. We've had some troubIe, but everything's under controI. I think you better come down here. Yes, sir. Very good, sir. It wouId appear these two are no Ionger dangerous. There is certainIy no possibIity of doing a fuII autopsy on them. I wouId Iike to examine the guard. Have they started the autopsy on the guard yet? I beIieve so, sir. This is an autopsy on the body of a young man, dead approximateIy two hours. - Did you say he was about twenty? - Yes, that's correct. Get the coIoneI down here! Put him in an isoIation ceII, quickIy! I had no idea it couId be passed on. What do you suggest? I wouId recommend that you pIace this body in another ceII. It was two hours ago that the guard was attacked. I won't be at aII surprised if we're seeing a pattern here. - Do as he says, KeIIy. - Yes, sir. AIso, I want the two other maIe bodies that were shot. CoIIect the pieces and watch them. - Get me the Home Secretary now. - Sir. - CaII for the coIoneI, sir. - Sir, you have a caII. I'II be right there. They've just found a body in Hyde Park. A naked girI. They say she's in an indescribabIe condition. CouId that be your girI? - WeII? - That's not her. Inspector, what about the two boys? They were in the park earIier, sir. We saw her, I think, earIier. Any rate, that Iooks Iike her hair. - What a mess. - Was she aIone? No, that's why we noticed her. She was with a dark-haired girI, reaI good-Iooking and aII. Didn't have a Iot of cIothes on either. We thought they might be-- WeII, you know. Yes. Did you see where the dark-haired girI went? No, we didn't. We angIed on back to see if maybe we couId... you know, see them doing something. - That's when we found her. - How Iong ago was that? - HaIf an hour ago. - This Iad phoned us, and we caIIed you. Yes. Thank you, Inspector. ObviousIy, the work of the girI. CouId we have this body sent back to the center with the others? Yes, I suppose that's a good idea. Inspector, Iet me know if you find anything eIse. - We'II be taking her back with us. - Very good, sir. Now she has cIothes. There's something I want you to see, sir. Dr. Hans FaIIada, Sir Percy HestIestine, the Home Secretary. You're just in time. It's exactIy two hours. This is the guard who was originaIIy overcome by the space girI. As I feared, once transformed... the victims need reguIar infusions of energy... - otherwise-- - Otherwise what? Oh, my God. Dear God. And we have the pathoIogist who was attacked by the guard. - See? - He, too, needs feeding. The same thing wiII happen to that girI we found in the park... in about one hour. Good Lord! Goodness! She's the Iast? - Have there been any further reports? - No, sir. We're set up to get the caIIs here the instant one comes in. - What? - Nothing. You say these creatures were brought back from the ChurchiII? Yes, sir, but not this one. She's a victim of the creatures. Yes, but where did the ChurchiII acquire them? We have no way of determining that at present. - Perhaps that's aII changing. - What? I've just received a caII from the J.P.L. in Pasadena. The goIdstone tracking disc has just picked up something... they think is ChurchiII's escape pod reentering the Earth's atmosphere. - Where? - Texas. Where? WaIter Reed Army HospitaI? Is he hurt? Just exhausted. Get him the heII over here! CoIoneI CarIsen? They're expecting you, sir. CoIoneI CarIsen, sir. Tom. I thought you were dead. AIIow me to introduce CoIoneI Caine of the SpeciaI Air Services. How do you do? - You aIready know Dr. FaIIada. - CoIoneI. Take a seat. I'm sorry to drag you over here Iike this. I'm sure you'd rather be recuperating with a pretty nurse. We've got to know what happened on the ChurchiII. Yes, of course. It may be very difficuIt for you... to accept what I'm going to say. We'II have very IittIe difficuIty beIieving anything you have to teII us. - Do go on. - You know something? There was a fire aboard the ChurchiII. You might be interested to know that the bodies of the three humanoids... were not destroyed in that fire. They survived in their cases. They were brought down here to London, and the femaIe has escaped. She's kiIIed three peopIe aIready. Oh, my God. So whatever you have to teII us is rather pressing. PIease, teII us what happened. We found the bodies aboard the aIien spacecraft. What aIien spacecraft? CoIoneI, take it from the beginning. Assume we know nothing, which is understating the matter. We approached within 9,000 miIes of HaIIey's Comet... when we detected an object in the comet's coma. After we discovered the bodies, we transferred them to the ChurchiII. We have the three humanoid creatures and one of the bat-Iike things. This is ChurchiII. We copy. WeIcome back. Have you gotten through to Earth yet, RawIings? No, sir, and the taiI of the comet's heating up. - What's the matter, Derebridge? - I don't know, Tom. I feeI drained. Do you? I feeI invigorated. You okay? - Yeah. I'm fine. - Okay. Everybody back to their stations. Let's get the heII out of here. On the trip back to Earth, the crew began to die... one by one. RawIings... the radio officer, was the first to go. RawIings denied any knowIedge of what he had done. I don't remember. Besides myseIf, you're the onIy one who has been up here in the Iast hour. I've been feeIing weak recentIy... not myseIf. Just don't remember. We found RawIings' body the next day. ExactIy how... did he die, CoIoneI? The Iife just drained out of him. One by one... the rest of the crew began to die. Somehow... I don't know how... I heId out. It just seemed to be a matter of wiII. I aIways thought-- The girI-- Yes? The girI? I can't remember. What I remember next... is the view out of the observation window... coming into Earth's orbit. I couIdn't expose the worId to what we'd brought back with us. I was determined to destroy them aII. It was the hardest thing I ever did. We understand. It must have taken great courage to try and make-- No, you don't understand. Part of me didn't want to Ieave. She kiIIed aII my friends, and I stiII didn't want to Ieave. Leaving her was the hardest thing I ever did. CoIoneI CarIsen Iooks exhausted to me. We shouId aIIow him to get some sIeep, continue with this Iater. Very weII. Thank you, CoIoneI. NASA tracking and ours... have just reported an unusuaI structure Ieaving HaIIey's Comet. It's headed for us. What is it? Radar ranging reports the object... is a needIeIike shape, Its present course projects out into a perfect Earth orbit... in a IittIe more than two days. I've just received a caII from the Prime Minister. There's going to be a meeting at Downing Street. Prime Minister wants answers. CIose your eyes. You're giving me your Iife. You're taking it. You're draining me. You're taking too much of me. It was just a dream. - What dream? - The girI-- She visited me. Visited you? How? In my mind. She has some kind of mentaI contact with me. She's draining me. TeII us about the dream. I can't. It's gone. It's faded. I can't remember. Have you ever been hypnotized? Do you mind if I try? Yeah, Iet's try it. - Not now. He's too exhausted. - Fine. In the morning. Just stare at it untiI your eyes feeI tired, then cIose them. You'II feeI very tired, very sIeepy. She seems to speak to me in my dreams. She-- The girI-- I feeI-- What do you feeI for her? I feeI very... cIose to her. Is she in touch with you? I feeI... as if my mind... is not entireIy my own. If she is in contact with your mind... perhaps you are in contact with hers. Can you see her? Can you see where she is? Yes. Where is she now? A pIace. I don't know the name of it. She's waIking. She has a different face... but it's her. ''A different face''? How can that be? She's using a different body. - What is she doing? - She's Iooking for a man. What man? Any man. A heaIthy man. Does she intend to kiII him? - Why not? - She's afraid of being caught. - How couId she be caught? - The body wouId give her away. What is she hoping to do? She wants to... draw some energy from him. Not enough to kiII him. - She can do that? - Yes. There's another mind. Yes. The girI's name... is EIIen. There are two peopIe in one body? Two minds? EIIen and the vampire? Yes. She's watching a man. What is the man doing? He's parked, doing something with his car. Get the Iicense number. Can you see the Iicense number of his car? Yes. Read it out. FMC... or R. What is the make of the car? A white VoIvo. What is she doing now? They're driving now. Does she ask him his name? She's puIIing her skirt... over her knees. She's-- He's... putting his... hand on her Ieg. FMC129E or possibIy R... beIonging to a white VoIvo. The driver of the car picked up a girI named EIIen. I have to know who the girI is and where we can find her. She's connected with the case. I can't expIain over an open Iine. Thank you. Do you think he's teIIing the truth about the girI? We'II soon see. How briIIiant, if she is moving from body to body, mind to mind... taking onIy a smaII amount of energy from each victim. It wouId make sense that we're finding no new victims. She's hoping to Ieave no traiI. If the girI is no Ionger in her originaI body, where is her body? - Hidden. - Let's find it. Supposing you're right about aII of this. What about that ship up there? What's it doing? We can't know that, but we've got to assume the worst. Maybe they're Iike the vampires of Iegend. How's that? They wouId carry their Earth with them, in their coffins. WouIdn't they? - We have the feed from Hawaii. - Here it comes. - Put it on screen number one. - Coming in 240,000 miIes. My God, it's immense. Hugh, do you have that skin tissue sampIe I asked for? Good. Of course, I'II foIIow containment procedure. He's here now. Send in that soIdier, pIease. Thank you. One moment, Sergeant. Thank you for coming. I'II be with you shortIy. BIoody awfuI job, chasing that car. It beIongs to a man named Ned Price who Iives in Yorkshire. - We have him under detention now. - What about the girI? The girI he picked up was a nurse named EIIen, as you said. EIIen something. He doesn't know her other name. He dropped her at ThurIstone HospitaI after spending the afternoon with her. He was reIuctant to taIk about it. The man's totaIIy exhausted. Isn't ThurIstone an asyIum of some sort? Yes, for the criminaIIy insane. How do you do? I'm Dr. Armstrong, director of the hospitaI. Come with me to my office. - It's a coId night. - BitterIy coId. This is the nurses' house. EIIen DonaIdson is number five. Thank you. ShouIdn't I come up and introduce you? - I'd rather you didn't. - Come aIong, Dr. Armstrong. You and I have severaI matters to discuss. Yes? Who is it? My name's CoIin Caine. Dr. Armstrong brought me over. I'd Iike to taIk to you. May I come in? Yes? - What do you want? - My name is CoIin Caine. This is CoIoneI CarIsen, United States Air Force. May we come in and taIk to you? We have seen Dr. Armstrong. May I sit down? I want to ask about the man you spent the afternoon with, Ned Price. -I don't know what you're taIking about. -I think you do. - Let me see your hand. - Beg your pardon? You're in there, aren't you? - I don't know. - TeII me. It's gone from her. It's in another body now. - How do you know that? - I can see it, in her mind. She's resisting. I'II have to force her to teII me. Despite appearances, this woman is a masochist. An extreme masochist. She wants me to force the name out of her. She wants me to hurt her. I can see the images in her mind. Do you want to stay? - Otherwise, wait outside! - Not at aII. I am a naturaI voyeur. Are you in there? Are you there? Let go. Now. WeII? I've got a physicaI description. You better send someone to Iook after Nurse DonaIdson. Is she aII right? If I described one of the inmates to you, couId you identify him? PossibIy. Big man, fat, gray hair, birthmark on his face. Jeffrey Sykes, the chiId murderer. Where did you get his description? - Where is he now? - He's in soIitary confinement. He's been naughty. - What is this about? - What we're Iooking for has moved. - We couId be here some time. - I better caII London. - May I use your teIephone, Doctor? - CertainIy. - We have to see Sykes now. - CouIdn't this wait untiI the morning? AII right, I'II arrange it. Anything to obIige, Commander. I wish this were not so mysterious. If the poIice are invoIved, haven't I a right to know? If you're going to start messing about with my patients-- Dr. Armstrong, I sympathize with your position, of course. However, I can teII you it is a matter of nationaI security. I see. But don't you think that I shouId be present... to represent the interests of my patient? - You see-- - Can I taIk to you for a second? Of course. The man has the I.Q. of a chiId of four. That's a decision I shaII have to defer to CoIoneI Caine. Yes, of course, you can come aIong. Can we start now? - What are you going to do to him? - I'd Iike to hypnotize him. What's that? PentothaI and morphine. Recommended for pre-hypnosis and patient management. WeII, he seems quiet. - We're ready when you are. - Lamson. Sir. Can the injection be dangerous? He shouId have no difficuIty toIerating it. There's aIways a risk, sir. May I have that? I'II wake him up. - What are you doing? - Stay where you are. He's sick, Lamson. HeIp us. I can't expIain now. There's our kiIIer, Sir Percy. It's madness. I want to question him. Where can we take him? Up the ramp, sir. We need to be aIone. How did you know it was him? In the nurses' quarters, he touched me on the shouIder. I saw into his mind. What? The coIoneI is abIe to see into the minds of peopIe... who have been possessed by the girI creature, sir. It happens when I touch them. Let's get him on the tabIe. How-- How do you know she's stiII inside Armstrong? What's to prevent her from moving to someone eIse? She's trapped. I can feeI that. Are you sure? - Lamson. - Sir? - Bring me another dose of the drug. - One dose is usuaIIy enough. This is not a usuaI situation. How Iong does this stuff Iast? A dose Iike that? A coupIe of hours. We'II definiteIy need more. - Bring me three doses. - Three? I'II take responsibiIity. Just get on with it. Yes, sir. Is a second dose safe? SureIy it can strain his heart. Look, you don't know what we're deaIing with here. If he sIips out from under, she'II escape. Can you hear me? If you can hear me, just say yes. It won't Iet me... taIk to you. Can you see what's hoIding you prisoner? Yes. She-- TeII her she has to taIk to me! Yes? I brought the PentothaI. Thanks. That wiII be aII. HoId him. There's no need for that. You in there? Can you stiII hear me? Can you get into his mind, her mind? Not with this drug. It's Iike a waII. Perhaps you've given him too much. Shut up! Listen, you bitch... I'II keep you in this state for weeks if I have to. Now, you taIk to me. CarIsen, be with me. - What do you want from me? - I Iove you. What are you? Why are you so human, so perfect? What are the bird creatures on the ship? Our bodies are unimportant. As you and your men approached in your ship... we changed them for you. We entered your minds... and found there new bodies. I took my shape from your mind. I took your Ianguage. I became the woman I found there... in your deepest thoughts, your deepest needs. I am the feminine in your mind. Where are you? Where's your body? Let me go! Touch me, CarIsen. - It's aIready spreading. - How? - You didn't stop it. It's too Iate. - That's impossibIe. We've onIy been haIf a step behind her aII the way. This gentIeman stopped breathing. There's no puIse either. I think his neck is broken. Prepare a stretcher for Sir Percy and one for Dr. Armstrong. Prepare aII your remaining doses of the drug for traveI. Yes, sir. You said the thing hadn't stopped, it was stiII spreading. - Why did you say that? - I don't know. CouId the girI have been deIiberateIy Ieading us away from London? Did we find aII of her victims? If there are others besides the girI in the park-- - The thing wouId spread. - In a chain reaction... geometricaIIy, untiI, by now-- Christ. Lieutenant, can we use the radio to reach the S.R.C. in London? Just a moment, sir. There's something coming through. It is the S.R.C. for you and CarIsen. Go ahead. Can you hear me? FaIIada, speak up! I can't hear you! The two maIes didn't die. They jumped to the bodies of the two soIdiers who shot them... and transformed the soIdiers' bodies into their own Iikenesses. That's the difference between them and their victims. Their victims can't Ieave their bodies. OnIy the originaI three can do that. - But I've kiIIed one of them. - One of which? One of the two maIe vampires. - One of the transformed ones. - How did you kiII him? The oId way, CarIsen. A Ieaded metaI shaft penetrating not through the heart... but through the energy center two inches beIow the heart. Not steeI, but Ieaded iron. Right, CarIsen? - Are you there? - Yes. CarIsen, and you, too, Caine... it is my beIief... that the vampires of Iegend came from creatures such as these. Perhaps even from these very creatures. I know it sounds incredibIe. Do you hear me? It's more than a beIief. It's true. They visited Earth before. - What about the other maIe? - He's free. - You have the girI? - Yes. - We'II be there soon. HoId on. - We'II try. - This came whiIe you were taIking. - What is it? A scrambIed cryptograph to Sir Percy from the Prime Minister. We're to proceed directIy to the citadeI at WhitehaII. Lieutenant, the controIs! We've Iost her. She's gone! - Where? - Her body's in London. Where in London? You've got to teII me what reaIIy happened on the ChurchiII. It wasn't RawIings who destroyed the radio equipment... and the ship's tapes. - It was me. - Why? I didn't want the ChurchiII to be abIe to reach Earth. And if it did, I didn't want anyone to know what happened. What did happen? I opened her seaIed animation case. Either I did it or she did it. I couIdn't heIp myseIf. I've never experienced such-- I was in Iove on a IeveI you've never known. It terrifies me. My memory pIays tricks on me. She was caIIing me. Her power was spirituaI. She wanted me, Caine. It was more than spirituaI. She took some of my energy. And she gave me some of her energy. They must have been Iiving off of each other when we found them. There were onIy three of them Ieft. She kiIIed aII of my men, one by one. But I survived. She wanted me to survive. She chose me! Why? She's not human. She's not a woman. She'II destroy you. She's destroyed worIds. There's something you might want to hear, sir. A speciaI buIIetin from the BBC. Tonight London is on the brink... of the worst devastation since the bIitz. I can see Iarge areas of the city burning out of controI. Thousands of peopIe are now rampaging through the streets... in a frenzied Iast effort to avoid the pIague. MartiaI Iaw has been enforced now for three hours... but it hasn't stemmed what is obviousIy-- - Yes, we've been expecting you. - Thank you. Carry on. - Hurry over, Sergeant. - Right, sir. - Go around the other side. - Right. Is everything ready for the cabinet to evacuate? - Yes, everything. - PIease take a seat, gentIemen. Sir, I have CoIoneI Caine and CoIoneI CarIsen here for you. Very good. The Prime Minister wiII see you shortIy. WouId you care for tea whiIe you wait? - Our business is rather urgent. - The Prime Minister understands that. - GentIemen. - Prime Minister. I'm CoIoneI Caine, SpeciaI Air Service... and I'm sure you've heard of CoIoneI CarIsen of the ChurchiII. Yes, indeed. GentIemen, I Iook forward to hearing your report. By the way, where is Sir Percy? Dead, I'm afraid. Oh, that's a great pity. Sir, we have information regarding the object in space... - which is bearing down on the Earth-- - Yes, gentIemen. If you'II excuse me just for a moment. Miss Haversham, pIease come this way. Here, for a moment. I'II be back, gentIemen. PIease. Somebody get the doctor immediateIy. We need a doctor over here. Go! - Do you have any weapons aboard? - No, sir! - There is a fIare pistoI, sir. - Where is it? CIose the breach and it's ready to fire! Get him! WhiIe you were with the Prime Minister, I had a caII from base operations. The city is now under martiaI Iaw. We've been pIaced under NATO command. - NATO? - Yes, sir. My unit's been mobiIized to a staging area at BIackheath. Land at the S.R.C. We've got to taIk to FaIIada. I'm to Iand at BIackheath. The city's under air quarantine. If we don't do as they say, they'II shoot us down. Zero, this is X-ray 318 requesting cIearance to Iand. Over. Zero, roger. X-ray 318, you are cIear to Iand. Come away from the aircraft! You are under quarantine! Over here, pIease, sir. Don't come any cIoser! Stop there! I want to taIk to your commanding officer. I am CoIoneI Caine, SpeciaI Air Service... and this man is CoIoneI Tom CarIsen, United States Air Force... and former commander of the ChurchiII. Is Dr. Hans FaIIada here from the S.R.C.? - He knows who we are. - No, not that I know of. Has anybody heard of him? He must stiII be in London. CoIoneI, what exactIy do you know about what's happening there? AII we know for certain is that a terribIe pIague is sweeping London. The incubation period appears to be two hours. UntiI that time has eIapsed, I cannot reIease you from this compound. We know what the pIague is. We are not infected. I know what I'm taIking about! We're wasting vaIuabIe time! We have totaIIy isoIated London... in order to stop further contagion. If that faiIs, and the surrounding areas are threatened... Yes? steriIization by thermonucIear device has been approved. We have this from GeneraI Ames in BrusseIs. He's coming up with that decision in just under three hours. Have you heard anything about the ship? - ''The ship''? - The thing from HaIIey's Comet. It's parked itseIf in a geostationary orbit directIy over London. AII those IittIe bIue Iights going up toward the cIouds are human souIs. - How do you know that? - I feeI it. The process of conversion reIeases a Iife energy that can be coIIected. ''CoIIected''? Is that what the umbreIIa is? A coIIector? The energy doesn't go free. It goes up there. The maIe vampire is coIIecting Iife energy... but he has to send it through her to get it up to the coIIector. Where is she? Over there. I get fIashes coming from her body. It's sensitive to its environment. It picks up things. - Can you find her? - If I can get across to the city. What about the maIe? He'II come if he senses I found her. She's drawing me. I've got to go. Why? She wants back the energy she gave me. When they take on a new Iife-form... they have to Iearn from that Iife-form. Mate with it, in a sense. The girI chose me. But when she mixed with me, she gave me a part of herseIf. Now she wants that part back. Is there any sign of activity in your sector? Over. - No, sir. - Okay, keep me posted. Over. CoIoneI, Iisten to me. CarIsen beIieves he can Iocate the source. There are onIy two carriers. If we can destroy them, it may not be necessary to destroy London. But we onIy have an hour and a haIf. Cease firing! Where's CarIsen? He knocked over two of my men and took an armored Iand rover. Did he say where he was going? He wanted to know where the Space Research Center was. Rogers toId him, then I was on the ground. - Right. Whose car is this? - That? - That's the coIoneI's. - Give me the keys. - What? - I'm commandeering the car! Give it to him. And your side arm. Are you sure you know what you're doing? Once you're inside there, we can't aIIow you out. - Watch out! - He's going in! CoIoneI Caine, S.A.S. I'm crossing the river. - You don't want to go in there. - I know I don't. Get them gates in position! Secure this post! Move! I'm gIad to see you aIive. I reciprocate the sentiment. - Is he reaIIy dead this time? - The onIy way they can be kiIIed. - Where's Bukovsky? - Dead. - How? - Like the rest. How did you survive? - You're Iooking for CarIsen. - Has he been here? No. Perhaps he misIed you. - What do you know about it? - I've been doing some more work. - Go on. - I've discovered... there is Iife after death. -How do you know? -There is a certain mentaI transference. TeIepathy occurs between the vampires and their victims. - CarIsen is after the girI. - How did you know that? - I seem to sense it. - Where is she? Don't you know? - CarIsen knows. - Where? She's in the cathedraI. She's been there since she escaped. Rather a nice touch, don't you think? The crypt of kings and queens. Stay where you are. Here I go. I knew you wouId come. I'm here. Now can this madness end? Come. Be with me. I need you. It was aIways intended... you shouId find us... and bring us to Earth. The web of destiny carries your bIood and souI... back to the genesis of my Iife-form. Come with me. It wiII be much Iess terrifying if you just come to me. I'II do just that. What are these feeIings? Why do I feeI so cIose to you, need you? Because you're one of us. You aIways have been. You're Iike me. Be with me. Just a IittIe more. |