Lifted (2010)

[Tentative music]
[Tentative music continues]
Come on, baby doll.
[Clears throat]
Do you want eggs, hon'?
Um, no, just cereal.
There's more for me.
Everything else you want
you have to get on your own.
I have to get ready.
Yeah, I want to make
the 9:00 A.M. Meeting today.
You want me
to give you a ride?
No, I'll take the bike.
I don't want to walk back.
Give me a beatbox.
Come on, it's too early.
Come on now.
# I don't feel that
just because my missus #
# Turned me down for a ride
# Won't let it hurt my pride
# I have to let it slide
# If she prefer her two-wheel
# To the feel of my four
# I will kiss her
then I'll miss her #
# As she walk out the door
# 'cause she the prettiest thing
that you ever did meet #
# Sure to stop traffic
right there in the street #
# And every time my wife
is away from me #
# My heart gets heavy
and I hear a melody #
# About the clouds moving in
to grip the sky #
# You know
just what I'm talking 'bout #
# So sing about why
# Ain't no sunshine
when she's gone #
# It's not warm
when she's away #
# Ain't no sunshine
when she's gone #
# She's always gone too long
# Anytime she goes away
Genius son of ours,
ain't he?
Good genes.
# Wonder this time
where she's gone #
# Wonder if she's gone to stay
# Ain't no sunshine
when she's gone #
# This house
just ain't no home #
# Anytime she goes away
# I know I know I know I know
I know I know I know #
# Hey
# I ought to leave
the young thing alone #
# But there ain't no sunshine
when she's gone #
# Anytime she goes away
[Indistinct chatter]
[Mimics explosion]
[Brakes squeal]
See you later, bud.
See you, dad.
[Indistinct chatter]
Hey, Matthews.
What's that in your pants?
Your mom still so high
she can't even potty-train you?
[Kids laugh]
I've been sober
for a year and two months.
On my way here,
I had to pass by
my old stomping ground.
All the people
I used to get high with are...
Still there.
Still shooting up.
I miss it...
Getting high.
That scares the living daylights
out of me.
But you know, I mean,
the second that I feel that,
The second I get tempted,
I just think about my husband
And my boy.
They're my world,
My love.
They're my high.
It helps me
fight my temptations,
Stay on the path.
Day by day.
That's right, girl.
Yeah, that's right.
[School bell ringing]
Get him.
Come back here, chicken.
Get him!
Where you gonna go, Matthews?
He's going in the church.
Hey, hey.
Can I help you?
Are y'all here
for prayer meeting?
We're leaving.
I think you're safe now,
But I'd wait a second
before I leave.
Oh, yeah.
Thank you.
Hey, William.
Hey, Carl.
How's it going?
Oh, the same old, same old.
What you got?
Bills, bills, and more bills.
I do have something else
for you,
But it's addressed
to your house.
You want it?
Why not?
All righty.
You be good.
You take care.
[Light piano music]
Do you play?
Not really.
Oh, son, you either play
or you don't play.
Well, I do, but I don't
have a piano like that.
You ever played a real piano
No, sir.
You want to try?
Come on up here.
Come on.
Play whatever you want.
What was that
you were just playing?
Just a little something
I was working on
for worship service.
Here, you want to try?
All right.
Here you go.
[Soothing piano music]
# Come inside my heart
# Come inside, it's glorious
# Come inside, spirit
# There's nothing more
# There's nothing less
# Come inside my soul
# Come inside, my glorious
# Love can make you whole
# Want nothing more
# Want nothing less
# Beautiful
# Spirit
# Wonderful
# Spirit
# Marvelous
# Spirit
Mrs. Declaire,
I think we're in the presence
of an angel.
If there be any angels
up in here,
How come they ain't helping me
with these books?
I'm not gonna be long, babe.
I don't know
if I can manage without you.
'cause the last time you left,
I had-
You stop that.
You've grown, babe.
You're not the same person
you were then.
Work the program.
Meetings every day.
You'll see.
Time will fly.
It will.
It will.
Our income's gonna suffer,
So you're gonna
have to cut back some, okay?
[Door creaks open
and closes softly]
What's going on?
What's wrong with you?
There's nothing wrong
with your mom, Henry.
She's fine.
Then what's going on?
I've been recalled
to active duty, son.
I'm leaving...
For Afghanistan in a few weeks.
How could they do this?
This isn't fair.
You've already been to Iraq.
I know
this doesn't seem fair to you,
But this is my choice.
The money that I've been paid
as a reservist
Helped your mama get better.
It allowed me to put
a down payment on this house
In this neighborhood.
Now it's my turn
to keep my word.
You understand?
[Door shuts]
He'll be fine.
He'll be fine.
[Delicate music plays]
[Knock at door]
[Music clicks off]
I'm sorry.
Hey, I'm not mad at you.
I'm just-
I know.
It stinks big time.
You know I'm gonna need someone
To keep something safe for me
while I'm gone.
But you're gonna have
to email me
Some of your new recorded stuff,
Because I got to show my son off
while I'm over there.
Wait, you can get emails
over there?
I might can't check them
every day,
But they got computers.
I was playing
a real piano today,
And it was amazing.
At the baptist church
down on main street.
And what were you doing there?
Just stopped by.
And we ended up
composing a song together.
Did he try to talk you
into joining his church?
Did he talk to you
about the bible?
Did he pour water
over your head
While you weren't looking?
I ain't never heard
of a pastor like that before.
So you gonna play me a song
or what?
Oh, okay.
I just added a new beat.
[Clears throat]
[Soothing keyboard music]
# Come inside my heart
# Come inside, it's glorious
# Come inside, spirit
# There's nothing more
# There's nothing less
# Come inside my soul
# Come inside, my glorious
# Love can make you whole
# Want nothing more
# Want nothing less
# Beautiful
# Spirit
# Wonderful
# Spirit
# Marvelous
# Spirit
# Holy, holy
# Spirit
# We be living down here
in the bible belt #
# Where some say a strong
presence of the lord is felt #
# And people fear the devil
# Prepare me
for the next level #
# We ain't seen you at church,
now you a rebel? #
# Questioning god is natural
# Look at circumstances
# 'cause man created the bad
# The way the devil dances
# God is beauty and love
# The search within your heart
# So if you need
to practice faith #
# Go and play your part
# Beautiful
# Spirit
# Wonderful
# Spirit
# Marvelous
# Spirit
[Laughs and claps]
Well, I guess that's it.
You know what your job is,
What is it?
Take care of mom.
No, bud.
That's mom's job.
Your job is to go to school.
But most important,
You sing...
Every day,
All the time.
You hear?
It'll be all right.
I promise.
You don't have to worry.
[Breathes deeply]
[Alarm ringing]
[Wistful music]
[Faint applause]
[Wistful music continues]
[Man singing distantly
in foreign language]
[Indistinct radio chatter
and motor rumbling]
[Helicopter rotors whirring]
Need help with that?
Yes, sir, sergeant.
What you got there, man?
Some new music from your little
blue-eyed soul wonder?
You know it.
Let me hear some, man.
Come on.
[Passionate guitar chords
# Walking down
a cold and lonely road #
# I feel so much pain, sadness,
and hurt #
# Down in my soul
[Bluesy rock music]
# Wondering will I ever
see your face again? #
# And will the weight
in my heart ever be lifted? #
Are you sure
that's a white boy, man?
Come on.
# I open up my eyes,
I miss you #
# Every time I fall asleep,
I miss you #
# I want to scream
- Your boy got some flavor, man.
- Uh-huh.
# Every day is all about
how I miss you #
# Every time I close my eyes,
I miss you #
# Every day, walking the streets
to be near you #
All right.
# I feel you
# How can I help it?
# You know I miss you
He leaves this part
For me to freestyle.
Oh, does he, now?
So let me see something.
Let me hear something, man.
What's going on?
- You first.
- Come on, man.
Oh, all right.
It's like that?
# I miss her much
# You know she gold
# My version
of Janet Jackson #
# With a little extra
bit of soul #
# You know how we roll
# Off the wall, on the floor
# By the shore
# Of the beautiful
river Jordan #
# Early in the morning till
we get up out this sand trap #
# With terminator gat
# On an adrenaline high
# Semper fi,
do or die #
# Cross the line,
bullets fly #
# 'cause it's you or I
# Guns smoking like sun spots
# Who got the drop?
# My band of brothers
light it up #
# Keeping it hot,
hoo-ah! #
All: # Hoo-ah!
Come on.
Check it.
# It's the little things
I miss the most #
# At home with my son
sharing the mic post #
# When we suddenly overcome
# With the smell
of my wife's roast #
# Then we both know
to finish the song #
# I'm spitting,
he's hitting the right notes #
# If y'all were sitting there
hearing it #
# You would be swearing
it couldn't be white folks #
# And I might boast
# 'cause all that I have
to grasp #
# Are weapons and rifles
# As long as I rep
with my brother disciples #
# But a light goes,
give me restart #
# I can't see
the eyes of my son #
# And I welcome the day
to lay down my gun #
# And into my arms he will run
# I open up my eyes,
I miss you #
# Every time I fall asleep,
I miss you #
# I want to scream and shout
How can you do this?
Is this legal?
You listen to me.
My husband is in Afghanistan.
He's serving this country.
Do you understand?
If you're so sorry,
Then why
are you doing this to us?
I have to go now.
What's going on, mom?
It seems that
we can't cover our mortgage
On your father's
military salary.
The house
is going into foreclosure.
No, wait.
I'll get a job.
If anybody gets a job,
it's gonna be me.
And I just-
I tried for four months,
But it-you know?
This was apparently
a bad mortgage
That the bank tricked us
into signing with lower rates,
And now they want
to raise those rates
To three times as much and-
Which I don't understand.
And they don't care that
your father's on active duty.
What are we supposed to do?
I mean,
we can't just leave the house
That dad
expects to come back to.
Okay, well, baby,
what are our options?
Should we tell him
That we lost the house
while he's in Afghanistan,
Where he can do absolutely
nothing about it but worry?
Where are we gonna live?
Until I get a job,
we'll have to stay with my dad.
No, mom, he hates me.
He doesn't hate you.
He just-
he doesn't like the music
You and your dad listen to.
So just wear your headphones
while you're there.
It'll be fine.
I promise you,
it's just gonna be
For a short little while, okay?
[Ignition turns over]
[Slow beeping]
[Dog barks distantly]
Hi, dad.
I told you not to marry him,
didn't I?
Always thinking
he's better than us.
But have I ever
lost the roof over my head, hmm?
No, you haven't.
That's not all coming inside.
I'll tell you that.
No, we'll store most of this
stuff at a friend's.
It's just for tonight.
Come on, baby.
Hey, Lisa.
You can store some of that
stuff in here if you want.
I got room for you.
No, that's okay.
No, mom.
Let me carry this one.
He ain't wearing those kind
of clothes around here, Lisa.
This ain't
no jungle bunny ghetto.
You hear me?
I hear you.
[Rooster crows]
Morning, mom.
Morning, baby.
Do me a favor
and wear that today.
[Glass clinking]
Henry, baby, please.
I just want to keep the peace
while we're here, okay?
Mom, I can't wear this
to school.
I'm gonna get a beating.
You've grown.
Henry, it's not that bad.
Let me see your hem.
It's not that bad.
Anyway, you're much more likely
to get a beating
From your grandpa
from wearing those baggy pants.
I got to go.
What about breakfast?
No, thank you.
I'm late.
you have to eat something.
Hey, I'll eat it.
You're sober now, huh?
A year and ten months.
Well, too bad.
'cause I got me some
of the finest local right here.
Oh, Clayton,
put that away, please.
You sure?
Just one little hit?
No. I have to go
to my meeting.
Suit yourself.
- Honey, your backpack.
- Thanks, mom.
[Indistinct chatter]
I'll be damned.
Eminem turned into
Peewee Herman.
Look at his pants.
Tell your mom to stop buying
crack and buy you some clothes.
And why don't you
tell your mom
to stop stuffing her face so she
can fit through the front door again?
- What'd you say?
- You heard me.
After school.
[Breathes deeply]
My husband
is still in Afghanistan.
And we lost our house.
We have to stay with my dad.
And this morning,
His neighbor offered me a hit.
I told him to put it away,
And I left.
But I really wanted a hit
so bad.
I imagine that moment when
All your problems disappear.
I just miss my husband so much.
And I worry about him so much.
The idea of not worrying,
Not missing
And feeling
A few moments of peace
Is just so tempting.
You know, but I prayed.
And I didn't give in
to that temptation.
So for today,
I'm okay.
[School bell ringing]
You little wimp.
We're gonna get you.
No hiding.
[Rapid footsteps]
[Footsteps thundering]
Let's go.
We'll get him next time.
Aren't these guys getting tired
of this already?
I wish they would.
Come on.
Sit down.
"Alabama Teen Starquest."
Think about taking part in this?
I don't know.
Of big-time
record executives there.
You should try it out.
I'm more interested
in the $5,000 prize money
It says you can win.
Well, you're certainly
good enough.
You think so?
Why don't we go downstairs
and make a copy of this flyer?
All right.
[Indistinct chatter]
[Cell phone ringing]
Hi, baby.
Hi, darlin'.
Oh, my god!
I miss you so much.
It's so good to hear your voice.
It's good to hear yours too.
How are you?
I'm good.
I'm great.
How's Henry?
Oh, he's great.
He's counting the days
till you come home.
Tell me about it.
I can't wait to come home.
Is he back from school yet?
Uh, no, not yet.
He's been spending a lot of time
with pastor Johnson,
Which makes me
actually kind of glad,
'cause I'd rather
him be there than-
- What do you mean?
- [Stammers]
You know, nothing.
It's just he's been spending
Quite a bit of time in his room,
you know?
Behind the computer.
It can't be healthy.
Don't worry, babe.
The kid just loves his music.
Music ain't never been bad
for anybody.
Speak of the devil!
Yeah, yeah,
here he comes a-running.
Come on, it's your dad.
Okay, hold on.
Here he is.
Hey, buddy.
What's going on?
- Guess what.
- What?
Okay, so pastor Johnson found
A singing competition for teens
in Birmingham.
I could win $5,000.
Well, you gonna do it?
I don't know.
I'm really nervous.
I wish you could be there
with me, you know.
Help me choose some songs,
freestyle some.
Well, when is it?
Uh, in a couple of months.
- Well, I could be back by then.
- Really?
Yeah, they're talking about
shortening our deployment.
We'll do it together.
But if you're not here by then,
I might have to do it on my own.
'cause I really
want to win the money.
I will be there.
We'll win it together.
[Alarm blares loudly,
phone crackles]
Hey, what's that?
It's just a gate call,
But I'm sergeant of the watch,
so I got to go.
Tell mom I love her, okay?
Okay, I will.
Hi, baby.
No, mom.
He had to go.
I barely got to talk to him.
[Thunder crashes]
[Thunder continues rumbling]
[Rain pattering]
[Bird squawks]
[Rain pattering]
[Thunder rumbles]
[Alarm ringing]
Henry, you awake?
I'm gonna leave now.
Don't be late for school.
Hey, I met you at the meeting.
How are you?
Hey, isn't that Lisa?
Looks like she ain't coming.
Hey, Lisa!
I need to get high.
I got you.
No worries.
Okay, not too much.
I have to be normal by the time
Henry gets back from school.
[Angry music blares loudly]
[Muffled hip-hop music
He been here all day, huh?
I'm not having his lazy ass
hanging round my house all day
Playing that nigger music.
Now, you get him up,
or I'll do it, you hear?
All right, then.
[Muffled hip-hop music thumping]
[Hip-hop music blares loudly]
I told you,
I don't want this music
in my house!
Didn't I?
Didn't I?
[Muffled shrieks
and smacking continue]
Get off of me!
If I ever
hear this shit again,
I will shoot you.
You hear me?
Now get up and go to school!
and sobbing quietly]
Thanks, sir.
Good night, now.
[Horn honks]
[People talking indistinctly]
Can I have y'all's attention,
The competition will begin
in here shortly.
Y'all then will be called
into the theater, uh...
One by one.
[Distant train whistle blowing]
[Ignition turns over]
Damn, girl.
You done cleaned us out.
I'm gonna go
have to get us some more
So as I can join the party.
[Pounds on door]
It's will Matthews.
Damn, Lisa.
You promised me.
Where's Henry?
Where's Henry?
He wasn't in school today.
Where is my son?
What'd they do to you?
Sammy Jo Snyder, theater two.
We need to pray not to get
called into theater two.
Those judges are mostly blues
and urban-type music.
Theater two.
Theater two, please.
Theater two, please.
[Engine humming
and hissing loudly]
[Train whistle blows]
Your dad will be home soon.
Hey, you want to come over
to my place and do some more?
No, not right now, Clayton.
I got to find Henry.
Now what?
Do you know where Henry is?
No, and I don't care to know.
Well, when's the last time
you seen him?
When I
beat the crap out of him
For playing his ghetto music
in my house.
When was that?
Yesterday, I think.
Have you seen my son, Henry?
[People talking indistinctly]
Josh french, theater three.
You're here.
Come here.
I missed you so much.
You don't even know.
I can't believe you're here.
How are you here?
I told you I'd be here.
What did I miss?
Just one person ahead of me,
then it's my turn.
What are you gonna sing?
Well, I was thinking about
either "My girl"
Or "Ain't No Sunshine."
What do we know
about the judges?
Well, um, I know theater two
is into blues,
So I'm trying
to get called into there.
Well, what about the others?
I have no idea.
I don't know anything.
You got to know your audience,
All right, wait here.
I'm gonna go check it out.
Avery O'Brien,
theater two, please.
Henry Matthews, theater three.
Are you by yourself?
No, sir.
My dad's already in there.
[Indistinct shouting]
You people are absolute idiots.
Let's go.
Hey, wait. Wait.
These judges
make white bread look dark.
I don't think you're gonna get
by with "My girl" or "Sunshine."
What should I do then?
"Battle Hymn?"
All right.
My name's Henry Matthews,
And I'm singing
"Battle Hymn of the Republic."
# Mine eyes have seen the glory
of the coming of the lord #
# He is trampling out
the vintage #
# Where the grapes of wrath
are stored #
# He hath loosed
the fateful lightning #
# Of his terrible swift sword
# His truth is marching on
# Glory, glory
# Hallelujah
# Oh, glory
# Glory
# Hallelujah
# Oh, glory
glory #
# Glory
# Hallelu-lu-lu-lu-jah
# His truth
# Is marching on
Young man,
You have definitely made it
through this round.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Thank you.
[Gasping and sniffling]
Pastor Johnson.
I'm Henry's mom.
Come on in.
Come on.
Can I have y'all's attention,
The competition will now begin.
Find a seat and wait
until you're called onstage.
Thank you.
Let's find a quiet place
in the back.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am Mr. Shelton,
The director
of the Alys Stephens Center
And the City Council for Arts.
Thank you all for coming.
I welcome you to our annual
singing contest for teens,
The Alabama Teen Starquest.
[Cheers and applause]
Um, please welcome with me,
if you would,
This year's host
for the Starquest.
Um, he is one of
the five original MTV VJs
And of course,
pride of Birmingham,
Mr. Alan Hunter.
[Cheers and applause]
Mr. Shelton.
Good job, Mr. Shelton.
I am so happy to be here.
And I do want to recognize
A true patron
of the cultural scene.
That would be
Dr. Jack Schaeffer.
Stand up and take a bow.
[Polite applause]
Thanks for supporting
the event today.
First up,
let's get to know our judges.
From Huntsville, Alabama,
a professional vocal coach
And former winner of the
Birmingham senior talent show,
Mrs. Darlene Mayer.
Hello, Darlene.
All right.
Alabama's most beloved
radio host,
Bubba Stancer of Radio 101's
Bubba Stancer show.
Thank you.
[Cheers and applause]
All right,
a couple rules here.
All contestants must sing live.
They can be accompanied
by their own tracks,
Live musicians,
or backup singers.
Judges will score points
from one to ten
After each performance.
The eight contestants
with the highest score
Will be invited to part two,
which will take place tomorrow.
Lastly, if you stop
in the middle of a song
Or you forget the lyrics,
The judges will deduct one point
from the score.
So first up on the stage,
A young man
by the name of Todd Simpson.
Todd Simpson.
[Cheers and applause]
[Slow guitar chords strumming]
# Oh, I died when I met you
# I've been
trying to forget you #
# I know you're meant
# To feel all alone
# Baby, it's hell
# When you were leavin'
# Broke my heart,
so deceivin' #
# Broke my heart
# When you walked out my door
[Melancholy music]
# Darlin'
I guess we should decide
what you're gonna play next.
All right.
Not Usher.
It's too hip.
No, bud.
You got to think
differently here.
Bubba is a huge '80s fan.
He plays it on his show
all the time.
[Melancholy music continues]
# Now I'm crying
# Oh, to that Alabama line,
yeah #
# Oh
[Cheers and applause]
Let's see some scores.
Nine from Bubba.
Seven from Darlene.
That one's awesome.
That'll show off your voice.
[Scattered applause]
# I don't know
if you ever thought that #
We're gonna do it together,
Of course.
We're gonna kill it.
I thought he was really,
really good.
Yeah, and he clearly
knows it.
# We were friends
right from the start #
# He made me happy
# He made me laugh
# So I don't care
what they say #
Do you know
when this happened?
I think yesterday afternoon.
He hasn't been home since.
Well, I have a few friends
at the police station,
So I'll go down there
and report Henry missing.
In the meantime,
I think you should make
A missing persons flyer
here at the church.
Do you have a recent picture
of Henry with you?
It's okay.
Mrs. Matthews,
do you have a place to stay?
I don't think it's safe for you
To be going back
to your father's house tonight.
I'll find someplace.
Please, we have enough room
here at the church.
We'd love
for you to stay with us.
Mrs. Declaire?
Yes, pastor?
This is Lisa Matthews,
Henry's mother.
She's gonna be staying
In our guest quarters
for a little while.
Would you take care of her
for me, please?
Of course.
Come with me, baby.
Thank you.
# Come on
# Come on
# Come on
- # To giggle town
- # Come on
Both: # Giggle
# Town
[Smattering of applause]
All right.
A rainbow of talent
here in the contest.
Darlene, this has got to be
up your alley.
I didn't think it was bad.
what did you think, my friend?
I would rather crap hot manure
And serve it to myself
for lunch
Than to ever hear
you two windbags perform again.
That's just mean, my friend.
So what's your score?
One, Al.
Only 'cause there's no zero
on this on this panel, pal.
No surprise there.
What do you got for us?
An eight.
A total of nine.
Congratulations, kids.
They seem happy.
Next up on the show,
it's Henry Matthews.
Henry Matthews, come on up.
Do you want me
to connect that for you?
No, thank you, sir.
My dad'll do it.
I'm singing "Forever Young"
by Alphaville.
My father's supporting me.
[Lively music blast]
# Let's dance in style
# Let's dance for a while
# Heaven can wait,
we're only watching the skies #
# Hoping for the best
but expecting the worst #
# Are you gonna drop the bomb
or not? #
# Let us die young
or let us live forever #
# We don't have the power
# But we never say never
# Sitting in a sandpit
# Life is a short trip
# The music's for the sad man
# Yeah
# Can you imagine
when this race is won #
# Turn our faces into the sun
# Praising our leaders
we are getting in tune #
# The music's being played
by the madman #
# Forever young
# I want to be forever young
# Do you really want
to live forever #
# And ever?
# Ugh, come on
# Forever young
# I want to be forever young
# Forever, y'all
# Do you really want
to live forever #
# And ever?
# A wise man once told me
# That the key to soul
# Is throw caution to the wind
like a three-year-old #
# You're giving 100, give 110
# And always look out
in front of you #
# Not to see where you been
# And when you leave,
then remember #
# That you'll always be caught
# You got to trust in your guts
and the power of thoughts #
# It's the very beginnings
# Where my feelings are true
# That's the magic passage
to the fountain of youth #
# Come on
# Forever young
# I want to be forever young
# Do you really want
to live forever #
# And ever?
# Forever young
# Forever, y'all
- # I want to be
- # It's forever, y'all
- # Forever young
- # Forever, y'all
# Do you really want
to live forever #
# And ever?
# It's forever, y'all
# La
That's what I'm talking about.
Henry did it again.
[Cheers and applause]
I liked it.
Good job, my friend.
Nice job.
Let's see what the judges say.
What's your name again, kid?
I think god sent you here today,
Henry, to restore my belief
In teenybopper
singing competitions.
I was considering
faking a heart attack,
Bad flatulence,
anything to get out of here.
But, boy, I sure am glad
I discovered you today, kid.
Darlene, what'd you think?
Well, I'm not familiar
with that song...
But I thought
you had a beautiful voice.
Looks like you might have
restored peace
In the gaza strip there.
Let's see some scores.
Bubba's got a ten.
And Darlene is a nine.
You did good.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
[Cheers and applause]
The results in now
for the final eight contestants
In the big Alabama
Teen Starquest contest,
So when you hear your name,
please hop on up here.
And in advance,
Congratulations to all of you
so far.
First up, Kayla Daly.
Kayla, where are you?
Hey, I'm gonna sneak out
for a second, okay?
Where are you going?
You don't want to see
if I got through?
I know you got through.
I did the math.
Look, I came looking for you
so quickly,
I didn't bring my wallet
or anything.
So unless you want to sleep
on the street tonight,
I got to scope out this place
for somewhere to sleep.
I'll come and get you.
Number six here on the list
today is Kimrance Young.
Kimrance Young.
Yeah, there she is.
She did a great job.
So our seventh contestant here
is Todd Simpson.
Todd Simpson.
Don't bring the band.
We'll get them later.
Todd Simpson,
ladies and gentlemen.
The final contestant
in our big contest here,
Number eight,
Please come to the stage...
Henry Matthews.
[Cheers and applause]
I really liked your gig, man.
Dad, come on.
Wake up.
It's starting.
We better find a bathroom,
Get you cleaned up.
Welcome to part two
of the Alabama Teen Starquest.
First off,
I want to say another welcome
To our special judges here.
The ever-popular, always amusing
Mr. Bubba Stancer...
[Cheers and applause]
The delightful and lovely
Ms. Darlene Mayer...
[Cheers and applause]
And for the first time
in Starquest history,
We have a special guest judge.
He is a real superstar,
Having had 20 singles
On the Billboard
Country Music charts.
He's got multiple platinum
and gold records to his credit.
Because he is a real powerhouse
in the country music biz.
Please, put your hands together
for Jimmy Knox!
[Cheers and applause]
How you doing?
Hey, Jimmy.
[Cheers and applause]
All right,
as soon as he gets settled,
Let's get this thing
started today.
I'm glad you're here with us.
We got a lot of talented people
here with us,
Like this next young lady.
Her name is Kimrance Young.
So put your hands together
for kimrance Young.
[Cheers and applause]
[Upbeat synthesized music]
# Ooh
# Oh-oh-oh-oh
# Swing low
# Sweet chariot
# Comin' for to carry me home
# Well, I looked over Jordan
# And what did I see?
# Comin' for to carry me home
Good job, there, Kimrance.
Let's see what the judges
have for you.
Judges, scores, please.
All right.
# Comin' for
to carry me home #
# And if you get there
before I do #
# Comin' for to carry me home
# You can tell my friends
that I'm comin' too #
# Comin' for to carry me home
# Home
# Swing low
# Sweet chariot
# Comin' for to carry me home
# Swing low
# Sweet chariot
# Comin' for to carry me home
All right,
next up on the stage,
Please welcome Henry Matthews.
Henry Matthews, everybody.
[Cheers and applause]
I'm singing an original song.
It's called "I Miss You."
[Passionate guitar chords
# Ooh
# Ooh-ooh-ooh
# Walking down
this cold, dark, lonely road #
# I feel so much pain, sadness,
and hurt #
# Down in my soul
[Bluesy rock music]
# Wondering will I ever
see your face again? #
# And will the weight
in my heart #
# Ever be lifted?
# Whoa-oh-whoa
# I open up my eyes,
I miss you #
# Every time I fall asleep,
I miss you #
# I want to scream and shout
how I miss you #
# Every day is all about
how I miss you #
# Every time I close my eyes,
I miss you #
# Every day, walking the streets
to be near you #
# When I drop my beats,
I feel you #
# How can I help it?
# You know I miss you
# It's the little things
I miss the most #
# At home with my son
sharing the mic post #
# When we suddenly overcome
# With the smell
of my wife's roast #
# Then we both know
to finish the song #
# I'm spitting,
he's hitting the right notes #
# If y'all were sitting there
hearing it #
# You would be swearing
it couldn't be white folks #
# And I might boast
# 'cause all that I have
to grasp #
# Are weapons and rifles
# I'm a go
where the fight goes #
# As long as I rep
with my brother disciples #
# But a light goes,
give me restart #
# I can't see
the eyes of my son #
# And I welcome the day
to lay down my gun #
# And into my arms he will run
# Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
# I open up my eyes,
I miss you #
# Every time I fall asleep,
I miss you #
# I want to scream and shout
how I miss you #
# Every day is all about
how I miss you #
# Every time I close my eyes,
I miss you #
# Every day
I'm walking the streets #
# To be near you
# When I drop my beats,
I feel you #
# How can I,
how can I let you know #
# How much I miss you
# Whoa-oh
[Music fades]
[Cheers and applause]
Judges, what do you think?
Excellent, kid.
Just pure talent.
[Cheers and applause]
All right.
Well, obviously,
I'm not an expert on your style,
But I do know a good voice
when I hear one.
You got chops, kid.
[Cheers and applause]
Let's hear from miss Darlene.
Well, yes,
you've got a good voice,
But this is
a singing competition.
You've only got a minute
and a half for your song.
You should use this time to sing
Instead of that
other nonsense.
[Crowd oohs]
Think we could switch seats?
Oh, no way, buddy.
Not even for you, pal.
All right, let's see
what the judges' scores are.
Bubba, what you got?
Ten, Al.
Ten from Bubba.
Jimmy, what do you say?
Jimmy gives you a nine.
Just like that, 19 points.
Oh, well.
[Crowd booing]
No surprise there.
You did good, though, kid.
And you will be back, I'm sure.
Next up-
[Cheers and applause]
Give him a hand.
Give him a hand.
Next up on the stage,
Todd Simpson.
Please welcome Todd Simpson.
[Cheers and applause]
# When I was a young boy
# My daddy said to me
# Live your life, son
# Be all you can be
# But I didn't know this
# That my daddy's words
# Would be the last
# I ever heard
# Well, live your life
# Live for the day
# The good lord may come
and take you away #
# I said live for the day
# Don't live in no past
# And if my father never
started livin' like this #
# Whaa-ow!
# Live like this
[Wailing guitar solo]
We can't sing another ballad.
What am I supposed to do,
I think I have an idea.
[Wailing guitar solo]
# Well
# Live your life
# Live for the day
# The good lord may come
and take you away #
# Live for the day
# Don't live in no past
# Ain't about thoughts
of death #
# It's about living like this
# Yeah
[Cheers and applause]
Holy cow.
[Cheers and applause]
Get that man some water,
would you?
Todd Simpson, everybody.
Judges, let me see some scores.
Ten from Bubba.
Ten from Jimmy.
And nine-
we'll take it.
29 for Todd Simpson.
Good job, my friend.
[Muffled voices]
Fox six news
with a special report
From our annual
teen singing contest,
The Alabama Teen Starquest,
Where a major celebrity
Has generously
graced the competition
With a surprise appearance
as a guest judge.
The contestants
as well as the crowd
Cheered enthusiastically
as Jimmy Knox showed up
And took his seat
at the judges' desk.
Mr. Knox seemed generally
impressed with the contestants
I'll be damned.
Jimmy Knox is in Birmingham.
Simpson and a young newcomer,
13-year-old Henry Matthews,
Who are both favorites
to win the $5,000 prize.
You little piece of-
[Motor rumbling]
[Country music playing faintly]
[Engine revs]
You want me
to take you to Henry
Or not?
Where is he?
You get in,
I'll take you there.
No, dad,
just tell me where he is.
Look, you either get in
and I'll take you there,
Or you can try to find him
on your own, hmm?
Let's go
talk to pastor Johnson.
What is it?
I'm not waiting round here
much longer.
- Lisa.
- I have to go get my son.
Come on.
Come on, then.
She went with her father.
Because he told her
he knew where Henry is.
What's today's date?
The 19th.
I think I know where they are.
Oh, man.
Hold my sermon for me
and tell everybody I'll be back.
And send my apologies, please.
And now
for the last performance
Please welcome back to the stage
young Henry Matthews.
Henry Matthews, everybody.
[Cheers and applause]
I'm singing "Our House"
by Madness.
[Whistles and claps]
[Light sentimental music]
# Father wears his Sunday best
# Mother's tired,
she needs a rest #
# The kids are playing up
downstairs #
# Sister's sighing
in her sleep #
# Brother's got a date to keep
# And he can't hang around
# Our house
# Hey!
# In the middle
of our street #
# Our house
# In the middle of our
# Our house
# Hey!
# In the middle
of our street #
# Our house
# In the middle of our
# Our house
# The spot on the block
where I rock #
# You'll be hearing us
all the way to the bus stop #
# Where we play
like there's no tomorrow #
# And every day
there's a new way #
# To eliminate the sorrow
# The world
will be filled with joy #
# If you saw what it's like
at my house #
# Holla at your boy!
# It's the feeling of calm
# Grace your beats
# But then we drop the bomb
and we raise the beats #
# Our house
All: # Hey!
# In the middle
of our street #
# Our house
# In the middle of our
# Our house
All: # Hey!
# In the middle
of our street #
# Our house
# In the middle of our street
[Cheers and applause]
Let's see those judges' scores.
Ten from Bubba, ten from Jimmy,
I think they liked it, kid.
I think they liked it.
All right, everybody,
We have
our three semi-finalists.
Please welcome back to the stage
Kimrance Young, Todd Simpson,
and Henry Matthews.
Come on out, guys.
Take another bow.
Here they are,
your three semi-finalists:
Kimrance Young, Henry Matthews,
Todd Simpson.
[Cheers and applause]
We're gonna take a short
two-hour break.
We'll be back about 6:00 P.M.
At that point,
the local television station
Is gonna
cover the competition live,
So come on back.
We'll see you.
[Cheers and applause]
Somebody's hungry.
Get out of my way.
That's my grandson over there.
- Mom?
- Henry!
- Mom.
- Henry!
You're gonna be in big trouble
for letting him do this trash.
Oh, my god, baby,
I was so worried.
What were you doing?
Let's get him out of here.
Let go of me!
What's going on here?
I'll tell you what's going on.
My grandson's
been reported missing.
His mother was sick with worry.
These people let him take part
in this show without a parent
When he's a minor!
What are you talking about?
Dad's been with me
the entire time.
- You're a goddamn liar.
- [Sighs]
His father died
three months ago in Afghanistan.
That's not true.
Just shut up.
Just shut up!
Henry, no.
Shut up!
He's lost his mind.
Dad, say something, please.
I don't think
they can see me, son.
you know your father's gone.
My father's supporting me.
Nice Christian boy.
What, you don't want to see
if I got through?
Where are you going?
I can't believe you're here.
How are you here?
You should use this time
to sing
Instead of that other nonsense.
# Our house
# The spot on the block
where I rock #
# You'll be hearing us
all the way to the bus stop #
# Where we play
like there's no tomorrow #
# Every day
there's a new way #
# To eliminate the sorrow
That's not true.
It's not true.
It's not true.
I got to go.
Tell mom I love her.
[Indistinct shouting]
Go! Go! Go!
What's going on?
We got a local woman
who came up on us.
We told her to leave,
but she won't go.
Aasalaamu aleikum.
Aleikum Salaam.
[Speaking Arabic]
[Speaking Arabic]
She just wants some water.
Hey, get me some water.
Staff sergeant,
The locals know
they don't belong up here.
I wouldn't go out there, man,
not for nothing.
And let her die
of dehydration?
Give me the water.
I'll give it to her.
Drop it!
Hold, men!
You're gonna be good.
Stay with me, man.
Come on.
You're gonna be all right.
Dad's here.
He's right here.
that's enough of this, huh?
He's gone crazy.
Oh, you know what?
Don't you ever call my son
crazy again, you hear?
If he says his dad's here,
Then that's the way it is,
all right?
Oh, good,
now you've both gone insane.
- Oh-
- let's go now, hmm?
- Dad, don't touch me.
- Sir.
You're gonna have to step back.
You don't touch my family.
If I could punch you in the face
right now-
Don't you see, officer?
They've both gone crazy.
And I obviously have to take
responsibility for both of them.
I'll tell you what.
I'm gonna wait outside,
And if you're not there
in ten minutes,
You can walk home.
Whoa, this guy's got problems.
[Indistinct whispering]
Are you gonna be all right?
Yes, sir, we'll be fine.
Thank you.
Come on, baby, let's go outside.
Attention, please.
The talent show will continue
in 30 minutes.
[Clears throat]
I- I really-
I really enjoy your music,
Mr. Knox.
Thank you.
Yeah, I got all your albums.
I had my neighbor download them
for free on the internet.
Uh, you know, my grandson,
he's in the competition.
Oh, yeah?
Who is he?
Oh, he's a little kid
named Henry Matthews.
Oh, yeah.
He's very good.
I just wished that he would sing
your style of music,
Not that-
That filthy nigger stuff.
You know what?
I'm just gonna have to do this
with wet hands.
Excuse me.
I'm so sorry,
But the competition's
fixing to continue,
And we were wondering
if you wanted to go on.
[Sniffles, sighs]
[Clicks tongue]
You've come so far.
Are you sure, baby?
Come on, Henry.
You can win this thing.
That's gonna open up
so many doors for you.
[Sighs heavily]
Oh, great.
Yeah, baby?
Can I be alone
for a few minutes?
Is it because
you want to talk to your dad?
Is he here?
Well, baby,
I can't see you...
But I want you to know
I'm so sorry.
[Breathes deeply]
I'll never let this happen
I promise on my life.
I'll never let you and Henry
down again.
I won't even leave his side
till he's at least 21.
I don't know
if I can do this without you.
I'll be there.
I know.
But...I don't know
why I thought you'd be there.
I mean, I don't know
if I can perform by myself.
I think you can.
Now remind me
how this next round works.
Well, the person
with the lowest score's out.
And then it's between
the two finalists.
I really
just want to win the money
So mom and I can start over
I know, son.
You think you can get through
this round alone?
I've got to go see someone,
A friend
that's gonna perform with you.
No, dad.
Trust me, Henry.
It'll be
just like having me up there.
He's a little more alive.
What's it like,
Being dead?
I'm not quite sure
how to explain.
I'm pretty new at this.
All I know is that
I understand certain things now.
Like what?
Where I am now
Feels like home.
And I realize now that
From this point of view,
Is merely as long
as a roller coaster ride
At the county fair.
What I'm trying
to say to you is,
Enjoy the ride.
Always keep those eyes open,
Even right before
the scary drop.
Heck, raise your arms up high
especially before the drop.
Experience every single moment
With every fiber in your body.
That's why you bought the ticket
in the first place.
You understand?
Just make it
through this next round.
Will you be back?
Even if you may not be able
to see me anymore,
That I will always be there.
I love you, son.
I love you, dad.
[Church bells tolling]
[Indistinct speech on TV]
Man, you got
to lay off the sauce, brother.
A curious incident happened
at the Alabama Teen Starquest.
Celebrity guest judge Jimmy Knox
was accused of assault
By one of the young
participant's grandfathers,
Travis Parker.
To add another strange twist
to the story,
The man's grandson,
Henry Matthews,
Was named by Jimmy Knox
to be the favorite to win...
Henry Matthews.
I guess
we're just gonna have to see
If the young fella can overcome
Whatever family drama
he has going on.
Traffic is backed right up.
Thank you.
if you're reading this letter,
"I'm dead.
"man, that would really stink.
"let me just say it was
an honor serving with you,
"and I'd like to ask you
a favor,
"knowing that
you're the only one
"I could trust
with this request.
"please keep an eye on my son
"and be there for him
if ever he needs something.
"I will be eternally grateful
to you.
"Semper Fi,
Your friend, William."
# Oh-whoa-oh
# Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
# Whoa-oh-oh
# Whoa-oh
# When you hold me, yeah
# Yeah-yeah
# That's how I feel
[Cheers and applause]
Nice job, my dear.
Well, Kimrance,
let us see how the judges feel.
Judges, the scores, please.
Look at that.
All right, last performance
of our pre-finale,
It's Henry Matthews.
[Cheers and applause]
I'm singing "Battle Hymn
Of The Republic."
# Ooh, yeah
# Mine eyes
have seen the glory #
# Of the coming of the lord
# He is trampling out
the vintage #
# Where the grapes of wrath
are stored #
# He's loosed
the fateful lightning #
# Of his terrible swift sword
# His truth is marching on
# Glory
# Glory hallelujah
# Oh, glory
# Glory
# Hallelujah
[Sparkling music]
I'm sorry.
Come on, everybody,
give it up.
Give it up for Henry.
Happens to the best of us, kid.
Understanding, of course,
there will be a point deduction.
Judges, what do you got for us?
Let's lift it up, guys.
Here we go.
All right.
All right, Henry,
that was a great effort.
[Cheers and applause]
Henry Matthews, once again.
Henry Matthews.
Kid's got heart.
[Cheers and applause]
Well, there you have it.
The two finalists in our
Teen Starquest Competition
Are Kimrance Young
and Todd Simpson.
Come on out, guys.
[Cheers and applause]
Oh, hey, Todd.
Good job.
[Cheers and applause,
inaudible speech]
No, man, it's yours.
It'll be fine.
You're it.
You did good.
Winning's not all
it's cracked up to be, is it?
Sudden turn of events,
Per the rules
of the competition,
If a contestant
willingly drops out,
Then he or she will be replaced
by his runner-up.
Now, today's results would,
of course, been
Kimrance Young and Todd Simpson,
But Todd Simpson
has just bowed out.
So it looks like the finalists
for the Alabama Teen Starquest
Are Kimrance Young
and Henry Matthews.
Henry Matthews, everybody.
[Cheers and applause]
I'll be right back.
[Cheers and applause]
Why aren't you
in there singing?
What'd you do that for?
Five years ago,
my brother died over in Iraq.
It was rough, man.
I know how you feel.
Ain't we all?
Be good, brother.
Hey, Henry.
- Yeah?
- Hey.
I'm Jeremy Walt.
I was a friend of your father's.
Yeah, I know.
He said you had some
of the best freestyling skills
That he'd ever seen.
Well, listen.
This belonged to your dad,
And I'm sure
he'd love for you to have it.
Thank you.
Right on.
So are you gonna perform
with me?
It'd be my honor.
All right.
Come on.
[Motor revs]
Welcome to the stage,
Kimrance Young.
[Applause fades]
# The boys get to krumpin'
# The girls get to krumpin'
# The boys get to stuntin'
# The girls get to stuntin'
# The boys get to trippin'
# Now everybody's slippin'
# Oh-oh-oh, yeah
# I know you think I'm trippin'
but I can't hear it #
# I know you think I'm trippin'
but I just need a minute #
# Been gone for a while,
but now I'm back up in it #
# Pushing me to the limit
# And all up in my business
# Don't worry 'bout my life
# Who I got up in it
# You had me for a minute
# But now it's time to finish
# I know you hatin' hard,
but hate me from a distance #
# If you ready to rock,
you're ready to roll #
# Let's get it on
# I need a hot one,
can I get a hot one? #
# We keep it rockin',
we keep it flavored #
Is that okay?
So what do you want me
to freestyle about?
Well, if I tell you,
Wouldn't that defeat the purpose
of freestyling?
Just say what you feel.
It ain't always PG, my man.
Neither is life.
You're a wise kid,
Henry Matthews.
# Watch me
get the party started #
# Can't be tardy
# Like whoa-oh-oh-whoa-oh
[Cheers and applause]
All right.
Good job.
Good job, Kimrance.
Judges, what say you?
Bubba, what do you got for us?
Bubba says...
All right, Bubba.
Jimmy Knox, what do you say?
Ten from Jimmy Knox.
All right.
20 so far.
Nine from Darlene.
Boo, indeed.
That was a great job, though,
my dear.
You did great.
Take a big bow here.
Kimrance Young.
[Cheers and applause]
Next up here, the grand finale
Is a little man
with a huge heart.
Please welcome back to the stage
Henry Matthews, everybody.
Henry Matthews.
[Cheers and applause]
He's in the finals.
That kid is unbelievable.
He sure is.
[Cheers and applause]
I'll be singing
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"
By Bob Dylan.
Performing with me
is Jeremy Walt.
We'd like to dedicate this song
to my father
And all our fallen heroes.
[Jaunty rhythmic music]
[Energetic martial drumbeat]
# Mama,
take this badge off of me #
# I can't use it anymore
# It's gettin' dark
# It's getting too dark
for me to see #
# And I feel like
I'm knockin' on heaven's door #
# Oh, knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# I'm knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# Oh, knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# I'm knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# Tears drop,
knock on heaven's door #
# Angels carry heroes home
from this manmade war #
# Some ask what it's all for
# And we still ain't sure
# All I know
is that it's stone #
# Where this heart was pure
# A sense of purpose
is worthless #
# When you're six feet down
# Maybe we did it all
for country and crown #
# Or did we do it
# For the Dow Jones blues
going down? #
# I guess we'll have to let
the politicians figure it out #
# Come on, now
# Mama,
put my guns in the ground #
# I can't shoot them anymore
# That long black cloud
is comin' down #
# And I feel like
I'm knockin' on heaven's door #
# Knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# I'm knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# Oh, knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# Yeah-yeah
# Knockin', knockin' on
# Knockin', knockin' on
heaven's door #
# Hey, yo, some cats came home
with half they hands #
# Traumatic things,
call him half a man #
# I feel your way sometimes
# It feels
that life's a scam #
# And can we see a light
in the end of the plan #
# Young blood, I know your dad
rests low in the calm #
# In the cradle
of the Lord's loving arms #
# Behind the night
# Hear the angels fall asleep
singing songs #
# We'll all be together
when the father calls #
# Hey, yeah!
# I'm knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# I'm knockin', I'm knockin',
I'm knockin' #
# Knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# Can you hear me?
# Knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# I'm knockin'
# Knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# I'm knockin'
# I'm knockin'
# Hey
[Choral humming
and rhythmic clapping]
[Cheers and applause]
[Wild cheers and applause]
That-a way.
What a performance.
Judges, what do you say?
Bubba, put it up there.
- Ten!
- I knew that.
What do you say, Jimmy?
What do you say, Darlene?
I know.
I'm looking for the paddle.
Jimmy, you might want
to consider ducking.
You got it, partner.
Darlene, come on, give it up,
my dear.
Darlene's ten!
[Crowd roaring]
We won!
[Cheers and applause]
We have a winner!
Henry Matthews,
The big winner
of the Alabama Teen Starquest.
[Cheers and applause]
Where are you guys going?
Oh, well, Jeremy's gonna give
us a ride to a motel tonight.
- Really?
- Yeah.
How would you guys
like to go to Los Angeles?
Los Angeles?
Call this guy.
Next Thursday, 3:00 P.M.,
be in his office.
He's dying to sign you two.
And make sure you make that
sucker pay big time, okay?
You bet.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
What do you think?
[All laugh]
# Do you dream
# That the world
will know your name? #
# So tell me your name
# And do you care
# About all the little things
# Or anything at all
# I want to feel
# All the chemicals inside
# I want to feel
# I want a sunburn
# Just to know that I'm alive
# To know I'm alive
# Don't tell me if I'm dying
# 'cause I don't want to know
# If I can't see the sun
# Maybe I should go
# Don't wake me
'cause I'm dreamin' #
# Of angels on the moon
# Where everyone you know
# Never leaves too soon
[Passionate music]
# This is to one last day
in the shadows #
# And to know a brother's love
# This is to
New York City angels #
# And the rivers of our blood
# This is to all of us
# To all of us
# Don't tell me if I'm dying
# 'cause I don't want to know
# If I can't see the sun
# Maybe I should go
# Don't wake me
'cause I'm dreaming #
# Of angels on the moon
# Where everyone you know
# Never leaves too soon
# Don't tell me if I'm dying
[Music fades]
[Jaunty rhythmic music]
[Energetic martial drumbeat]
# Mama,
take this badge off of me #
# I can't use it anymore
# It's gettin' dark
# It's getting too dark
for me to see #
# And I feel like
I'm knockin' on heaven's door #
# Oh, knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# I'm knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# Oh, knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# I'm knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# Tears drop,
knock on heaven's door #
# Angels carry heroes home
from this manmade war #
# Some ask what it's all for
# And we still ain't sure
# All I know
is that it's stone #
# Where this heart was pure
# A sense of purpose
is worthless #
# When you're six feet down
# Maybe we did it all
for country and crown #
# Or did we do it
# For the Dow Jones blues
going down? #
# I guess we'll have to let
the politicians figure it out #
# Come on, now
# Mama,
put my guns in the ground #
# I can't shoot them anymore
# That long black cloud
is comin' down #
# And I feel like
I'm knockin' on heaven's door #
# Knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# I'm knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# Oh, knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# Yeah-yeah
# Knockin', knockin' on
# Knockin', knockin' on
heaven's door #
# Hey, yo, some cats came home
with half they hands #
# Traumatic thing,
call him half a man #
# I feel your way sometimes
# It feels
that life's a scam #
# And can we see a light
in the end of the plan #
# Young blood, I know your dad
rests low in the calm #
# In the cradle
of the lord's loving arms #
# Behind the night
# Hear the angels fall asleep
singing songs #
# We'll all be together
when the father calls #
# Hey, yeah!
# I'm knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# I'm knockin', I'm knockin',
I'm knockin' #
# Knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# Can you hear me?
# Knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# I'm knockin'
# Knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# I'm knockin'
# I'm knockin'
# Knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# I'm knockin', I'm knockin',
I'm knockin' #
# Knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# Can you hear me?
# Knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# I'm knockin'
# Knock, knock,
knockin' on heaven's door #
# I'm knockin'
# I'm knockin'
# Hey