Like Someone in Love (2012)

I'm not lying to you.
When did I ever lie to you?
I said no.
You already asked me.
I'm with Nagisa,
I told you.
It's the two of us.
In Cafe Teo.
I'm telling you the truth.
I told you already.
You keep repeating yourself.
It's your problem
if you don't believe me.
I'm telling you the truth.
Come on...
You imagine whatever you want.
I swear to you
I'm telling you the truth.
I will let you talk with Nagisa.
Hello, how are you?
It's been a long time.
It's like you are avoiding us.
I was just taking to Akiko
to arrange to get all of us together.
And Mokoto would like to see you.
It's arranged then.
I will put her back on.
But I told you...
I'm with Nagisa
in Cafe Teo.
I can't today.
I have an exam tomorrow.
Also my grandma is here.
I must see her.
It's not possible.
We have a lot to talk about.
Some other time.
I have to go?
Would you go
if someone asked you?
You suspect me again?
And then you will leave me alone?
In that case, I will go.
Good, I will go.
But stop calling.
Phones are forbidden in the toilets.
What a mess.
- I blew it.
- What happened?
He wanted to know were I was
and I told him I'm in Cafe Teo.
I heard that.
He asked me with whom
and I told him "With Nagisa".
He asked me to go to the toilet,
and I went.
And I flushed the toilet...
thinking he would then
leave me alone.
Then he started to tell me
something about tiles.
He asked me to count
the tiles on the floor.
So he can come himself later...
to count them
and know if I was lying.
What a crazy guy!
And then?
Nothing, I hung up on him.
I think he also heard
Hiroshi's voice.
- What a mess.
- It's your fault.
You spoil him.
- Can I tell you a joke?
- If you want.
Two centipedes marry.
On the wedding night,
the male tells the female:
"It's late, I'm very tired
and I've been drinking.
"I'm up to it...
"but I want some help."
What does he say then?
"Tell me which legs
I have to open".
Excuse me?
Did you think it over?
So much time talking
on the phone...
you can't even think about it.
I told you that today...
This is your own life.
I do not want to intrude.
But continuing
with this story...
you will only feel pain.
You will be destroyed.
You must bring it to an end.
Give them to me.
Thank you.
I'm not telling you this
only because of your job.
It's not my fault.
It's hard for me.
It's nobody's fault.
And he is having a hard time too.
I have understood what is happening.
Everything should be made clear
from the beginning...
so that the lines are not crossed.
If one of you two oversteps them...
then it's over.
We are a couple...
it's normal to quarrel.
I understand what you are telling me.
You have told me before.
All couples fight.
But not necessarily, if you have
a healthy relationship.
Or at least...
they don't fight all the time.
Ever since you became a couple...
you keep on suffering.
It's you own business, of course.
But it's also mine.
Thank you.
Only you can decide
whether to break up.
I tell you this
for your own sake.
I know.
What will you do?
I will discuss it with him...
It's not what I meant.
I mean tonight.
I can't tonight.
I have to revise for my exam.
I studied all night,
I didn't close my eyes.
I'm exhausted.
Also my grandma is here.
I must see her.
Lousy excuses.
I could predict the exam...
but not the visit
of my grandmother.
Here you are.
She left me a message.
You can listen to it.
She arrived in Tokyo early this morning.
I don't hear anything.
She came for a day.
She will leave tonight.
I must see her.
It's the first time she comes
and I'm worried.
I wonder where she found
my phone number.
I must see her tonight.
She wanted to have lunch together.
I didn't answer her calls.
For this reason...
I can't tonight.
I understand.
You are worried for her.
There is no point, however,
in seeing her and leaving after a while.
She won't enjoy it.
Relax, and let her return to her house.
It's better if you don't see her.
She will think she got
the wrong number.
I once called my uncle
from this number,
but I'm sure he didn't
give it to her.
let's go back to business.
Are you ready for tonight?
It won't be possible.
- You don't have another choice.
- I can't.
You have already refused
in other occasions.
That time...
I didn't force you.
Now it's different.
This is someone I respect.
Send Nagisa.
Why me?
I don't know why.
You will know when you go.
I don't force you to work.
I do it for this specific person.
I don't want to disappoint him.
I'm sure
you will not regret it.
Is he a politician?
Stop with the questions.
You will see for yourself.
Come on...
Finish your drink and go.
You will sleep in the taxi.
It's one hour drive.
You must be there at 10.30.
I'm not going, I told you!
You are just in time.
Take a small nap.
Here you go, sir.
Have a nice trip.
You have seven new messages.
First message.
12 of the month at 9:38.
Ki, my dear, it's grandma.
I'm on the train.
I arrive in Tokyo at 10.30.
I called you on your phone
but you didn't answer.
I don't want to tell you
who gave me this number.
She told me not to tell you.
I don't even know
if you received my message.
I will call you again
as soon as I arrive in Tokyo.
I won't stay long.
I've already bought
the return ticket.
I will leave tonight 11.
I left your grandpa by himself
and I must come back.
I will call you again.
Second message.
12 of the month at 10:42.
Ki, my dear,
I arrived in Tokyo.
I will wait for you in the bench
close to gate 5.
You will find me easily.
I'm calling you from a booth
close to the bench.
The is a man here
who plays the accordion.
You will hear him
as soon as you enter the station.
I would really like
to go have lunch together, my dear.
Third message.
12 of the month at 14:03.
Ki, my dear, it's 2 o'clock.
I'm calling you from a restaurant.
I left the station
to go eat some noodles.
It only has cafeterias inside.
I felt like eating soup.
I would have like to lunch together.
The restaurant is
in front of the station.
Come to find me whenever you can.
Otherwise as soon as I finish
I will go back to gate 5.
I will wait for you in the bench.
I hope to see you, my dear Ki.
Fourth message.
12 of the month at 14:42.
Yes, Ki? I took your book.
Fifth message.
12 of the month at 16:01.
Do you miss Matsuda, Akiko?
I calling you from the bank...
Sixth message.
12 of the month at 16:18.
I returned to the station.
In the booth they have put up
a photograph.
The girl looks a lot like you.
She looks like you but she doesn't.
She closes her eyes and smiles.
I called the number
under the photograph.
A man answered,
rather rude.
I will call you, then,
to this number.
I will tell you.
Nagisa's mother...
gave me your number.
She is very worried about her daughter.
Me, on the contrary, I'm not.
I know that my Ki
is smart and sensible.
I'm sure that
you don't do stupid things.
The is here
another photograph.
This one looks like Nagisa...
but with red hair.
I can't be her.
Miku married.
And Mitsuko, Etsuku
and Yuko. I have so much to tell you.
It's 4 o'clock.
I have so many things to tell you,
my dear Ki.
Seventh message.
12 of the month 21:48.
It's almost 10. I imagine
I won't see you finally.
I'm close to the station.
I will take the train at 11.
I will spend this hour
waiting for you...
under the statue.
Maybe you received my messages.
I will seat here
so you can easily see me.
End of new messages.
Excuse me.
Are we far away from the station?
No, it's nearby.
Can we pass through there?
Could we drive around it again?
Of course.
Excuse me.
I'm looking for
door number 3771.
It's supposed to be here.
- Here is the address.
- Call the number on it.
They don't answer.
I called but they
didn't pick up.
She slept all the way from Tokyo.
You have reached the voicemail.
You may also send a fax.
Is it you?
What is the matter?
I can't, I'm busy.
No, as I told you,
I don't have time.
Your sister is worried.
She wanted to show up to see you.
Sorry, are you there?
Do you hear me?
I told you, I can't.
I will call you tomorrow.
Tomorrow? Why do you
think I'm calling you now?
I have been calling you
all evening.
What do you want?
A small translation.
It's barely five lines.
I can't tonight.
Tomorrow, if you want.
Five lines.
I'm not asking for much.
It's not possible tonight.
What are you up to tonight?
You sound weird.
Nothing special.
I simply have to work.
If it's urgent,
I could call Kobayashi.
Why call him for something
that you could also do?
I could also call him.
I want you to translate it.
Okay, fine.
Tell me then.
I will write it down.
Will you do it tonight,
or later?
I already told you
that I can't tonight.
I will do it tomorrow morning.
It's just five sentences.
What is the big deal?
Tell me, I'm listening.
I will start, are you writing?
"My respectable son...
What else?
You broke my train of thought.
What are you talking about?
You must have something written.
Read it to me.
"My respectable son...
"Sekigutsi Masahiro states"...
It's a permanent job
to be a parent.
Something you will also know.
Forget the comments and read.
I will give you the basic idea
and you write the words.
"The exposition
from my respected son...
"with support from
the cultural organisation Tanaka...
"will open to the public
on 18 December".
I have things to do.
Hurry up.
You wrote it all down?
About the rest
I'm not sure.
Make it sound nice.
Good evening.
What did you tell me before?
You can hang your coat
if you want.
Thank you, but I'm a bit cold.
I've been waiting for you
for some time.
Seat down.
You have a nice house.
Thank you.
Do you like this painting?
Isn't it beautiful?
It was given to me
as a gift.
My uncle gave it to me
went in my 14th birthday.
He told me that
he had painted my portrait.
When I arrived in Tokyo
two years ago...
I went to the University Museum
and I saw it.
Then I understood
that he was joking.
It is a very famous painting.
It's from 1900.
From 111 years ago.
Long before I was born.
It's a smart parrot.
"Educating a parrot".
Seriously? Strange title.
The girl is teaching
the parrot to speak.
My grandma used to tell me...
That the parrot seemed
to be teaching the girl.
Why not?
That's how I saw it.
Before this painting...
all our paintings
were adopting a western style.
This was the first painting
with pure Japanese theme and style.
That's why it is special.
And therefore famous.
They used to tell me often
that I look like the little girl.
When I was little,
my grandmother...
made me a kimono like that one.
I wonder if there is
indeed some similarity.
I'm not so sure.
It's possible.
You think so?
Can I borrow a pencil?
She used to dress me
with a kimono.
And make me a hair bun
and we used to go
to the celebrations in the village.
With my hair stick.
- Now I see the resemblance.
- Really?
Every day someone tells me...
that I look like someone else.
I didn't really believe
it was me on the painting.
My eyes are bigger,
aren't they?
Do you agree?
Can I?
I think that we
look very much alike.
Who is her?
And in another photograph...
Can I bring it?
Who is the woman?
Your wife?
Don't I look
a bit like her?
Do you live alone?
Are you a remarkable person?
What do you mean remarkable?
Hiroshi said...
that he really respects you
and that you are a great man.
He said that?
What do you do in your life?
I write and translate books.
they call me to give some lecture
and other things.
That's why you have
so many books.
You have read them all?
Yes, more or less.
You don't throw them away
after reading them?
No, I need them for my research.
I know a joke related
to books.
I have a friend, Nagisa.
We work together.
She told me the joke.
What do a book and a woman
have in common?
A book and a woman?
In common?
I don't know.
Should I tell you?
I don't dare, I'm shy.
I will tell you a better one.
Also Nagisa told it to me.
Even with very
important people...
she is very comfortable
and speaks freely.
She's sweet and funny.
We get along very well.
I will tell you the joke.
It's a story about two centipedes.
They got married...
and the female...
wants to sleep with the male
on the wedding night.
The male, however,
is very tired...
and asks her for help.
He asks her which legs
should he open.
Why do you laugh?
You told me a joke,
so I laughed.
Every time people laugh.
I don't understand,
where's the joke?
I don't know.
You know. Tell me.
Come to drink some wine, better.
I would like to go
to the toilet first.
- It's at the back.
- May I?
Of course.
What are you doing?
You want to sleep?
Come, food is ready.
We will also drink wine.
I'm sleepy.
I made you a soup.
Specialty of your region.
You will like it for sure.
How do you know where I'm from?
Hiroshi told me.
He told me you are
from the same place.
He also told me the name
of the village, but I forgot.
What do you know Hiroshi from?
He brings you girls?
Yes, it smells like perfume.
Hiroshi and me...
we know each other
for a long time.
He is a former student of mine.
I'm from Fukuri.
Now in December,
it's the season of mandarins.
When did you last go?
New Year.
You will go again soon.
I have a surprise.
I made you a very
special soup.
What soup?
A broth with shrimps.
Very delicious.
I hate it.
My grandma used to make it
very often when I was little.
I could never eat it.
It's a pity then.
Never mind, I will eat it
later by myself.
You are not sleepy?
On which side do you sleep?
Come to eat.
I cooked for you.
I'm not hungry, I'm sleepy.
So come to drink some wine.
It will heat us up.
Come to heat me up in bed.
It's warmer in the other room.
We will drink a small glass.
We will talk.
I'm sleepy.
I usually sleep on this side.
Can I?
Come join me.
Let's go to the other room.
The telephone is ringing.
We arrived, Akiko.
I knew a shortcut.
You know your way around here.
I used to pass from here
for 30 years to go to work.
To work?
I used to teach here.
You were a teacher here?
What did you teach?
What you are studying.
So you know this book by heart?
More or less.
- I will wait for you here.
- I might be a bit late.
I have time.
I can take you wherever you want.
We can you to eat.
You didn't eat anything this morning.
What is your name?
Watanabe Takashi.
Excuse me, do you have light?
Thank you.
Excuse me...
but who are you?
Do I have to answer?
Just wondering.
I could ask you the same.
Who are you?
Can I come in?
I'm Higuchi Noriaki.
Watanabe Takashi.
Nice to meet you.
What relationship
do you have with Akiko?
What do you think?
Her grandpa?
Definitely not her father.
I thought her grandma was here.
Nice to meet you.
And you?
What is your relationship with her?
I'm her fiance.
I have asked her many times
to introduce me to her family.
She told me you are not okay.
Is your knee any better?
Yes, thank you.
can I come to introduce myself
to you officially?
You mean...
to marry her?
people get married
without consent of the family.
For me, however, it's important.
What is your job?
What did you study?
I have a small business.
I left school when I was 16.
I know that some people prefer
to lose time in college.
I wanted to work.
When my buddies are in need,
they come find me.
- What is your business about?
- A car repair shop.
When things get hard,
I do other things.
Work it's something important...
but you are both
very young to marry.
You lack the experience.
You think so?
I have been with several...
and girls don't need
experience before marriage.
I think it's the right moment.
Seeing you together earlier...
things didn't seem
to be so great.
We have our disagreements...
but it's nothing serious.
You shouldn't hesitate
about the issue of marriage.
As my grandfather used to say...
"When you meet your better half,
marry her."
"Don't let her go."
You don't have to
over-analyse everything.
I understand what
you are saying, though.
It's difficult
to understand women.
If I loose her...
I won't find another like her.
Why would you lose her...
if it's so good between you?
Yes, that is true.
I will be honest.
How to say it?
For example...
when people have problems...
they often discuss them.
We, however, we don't.
She says, "Who do you think you are?
You're not my husband."
And indeed, I'm not.
Her phone was off all night.
No explanation.
She told me something
about the battery.
She didn't give me
a clear answer.
Isn't it weird?
Indeed, it is.
So you understand.
That's why I want to marry her.
That way she won't have a choice.
She knows nothing about life.
You should also know...
we live in a jungle.
She tells me...
"I know, I'm studying sociology."
What do they teach them in here?
As if the dusty books
will open their eyes.
This city is merciless
and dangerous.
I worry for her.
So I will marry her.
That way I will be able
to protect her.
To reassure the family.
Last night...
she turned off her phone at 10.
We were talking and she hung up...
and now she's playing it hard.
I understand.
On the other hand...
even if you get married, she might
still leave your questions unanswered.
What will you do then?
If we get married,
she will be obliged to answer me.
Ideally, yes.
That's why I tell you
that you lack experience.
Not at all.
Experience means
to accept the lies?
To accept everything?
When you know you will be lied to,
it's better not to ask.
That's what experience teaches us.
What are you implying?
I say forget the marriage.
I love her.
Who told you not to love her?
I'm telling you
not to marry her.
And not to ask her many questions...
or to accept her answers,
no matter what they are.
When you understand this,
then you are mature enough to marry.
This also applies to women?
I'm not sure.
The only thing you care about...
is to defend your granddaughter.
As much as she is my granddaughter,
also are you.
I'm her grandfather...
as much as I'm yours.
I'm just telling you
how things are.
You can either accept it
or reject it.
I told you my opinion.
Your only goal...
is to discourage me.
Did Akiko talk to you about me?
You told Noriaki
that your grandma was coming?
I became grandmother now?
Wasn't your grandma coming?
I didn't understand correctly?
He was looking for grandma,
but he found grandpa.
Where are we going?
You need a book.
One for school.
I will get off a little later.
How did it go?
Quite good but...
But what?
It was hard to concentrate.
You screwed up?
Sorry about before.
I was upset.
I will explain it later.
What topics were in the exam?
The Theory of Evolution.
Isn't it Durkheim?
No, Darwin.
I wrote Durkheim.
Durkheim reinterpreted
Darwin's theory.
What else?
It's better not to find
all the mistakes I made.
I feel quite depressed.
Your timing belt is complaining.
It makes a strange noise.
I didn't notice.
Since when does it do it.
I have no idea.
You entered the highway like this?
Stop the car.
I will take a look.
Not here.
A bit later.
Pull over.
Did he ask you anything?
I didn't tell him anything.
Start the engine.
Press the pedal.
Now turn off the engine.
What did he say?
It could break in any moment.
If you can,
come to my garage.
I will change it for you.
I don't have much time.
- Will it take a lot of time?
- Ten minutes.
Ok, if you want.
- Should I go straight?
- Yes, all straight.
What's up?
Can you go and see...
if we have timing belts
for Volvo?
I will be there in 10 minutes.
Wait a minute.
If we don't have, call Tachibana
and tell him to send us one.
Tell Yutaro to call him.
Is he there?
What is his problem?
Put him on.
I will tell you later.
Will you call Tachibana
for the timing belt?
A timing belt for Volvo.
The guy is an asshole.
The other way I was working...
and he showed me this.
"Who is it?", he asked me...
hiding the bottom
with his hand.
Akiko, I told him.
He burst out laughing.
He moved his finger
and I see the number.
Looks a bit like Akiko.
The face, the smile.
- Don't you think so?
- No.
Why did he show me?
We are going to marry.
He made me angry and we had a fight.
He could never conquer
such a girl.
I was very upset.
In a while, we turn left.
- Have you been here before?
- Yes.
Well, just once.
I don't like to bring
my fiance here.
Here we go left.
And then right.
Here we are.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Sorry, pal.
How did this small guy
manage to move such a giant.
He has three dan in karate.
- You like that?
- What?
That he is strong.
I used to like it.
Where did he find the photograph?
It's old.
I took it two years ago
when I came to Tokyo.
I throw them to the garbage
whenever I find one...
buy maybe I missed some.
Also my grandma saw one.
What do you see in him exactly?
I'm not sure.
You will seat in the back?
What are you talking about?
Why else would you come for?
All yours.
I will take a look.
Give me two minutes.
Look at that.
Maybe you don't
remember me, professor.
I was in the police school.
I took your course.
The police school?
I was also enrolled in sociology.
I was actually teaching...
an annual sociology program there.
You don't know me.
I find it logical.
We were few.
However now we are
almost neighbours.
Can I buy you a coffee?
I'm late to work,
What do you do now?
I left the police.
I am now a freelance worker.
That's good.
I recently read
your last book...
and it was very interesting.
Thank you very much.
I left the police...
but I'm interested in the topic
of violence in the society.
Do you know each other?
We know each other from
many years ago.
Almost ready.
Come a bit further.
A bit more.
You can drive without worries.
It was very worn out.
Put it back.
You will leave today?
We can have lunch together.
Some other time.
Would you give me your mobile phone?
I don't have a mobile phone.
Give me yours and I will call you.
Here you have my card.
- Have you arranged anything for later?
- No.
Let's go eat together?
We have to talk.
- Thank you for this.
- No, I thank you.
Always take care of yourself.
How much do I owe you?
- I insist.
- Nothing, really.
I will arrange it with Akiko.
I owe you one.
We will go for lunch to the bookstore
if you change your mind.
See you at 1 o'clock.
I will help you get out.
Attention to your right.
Are you okay?
Drive safely.
Sorry for the wait.
At least we know
where we are going.
What will I do?
Don't worry.
Things will get better.
Whatever will be, will be.
- You understood it?
- I understood.
Looks like they know
each other well.
Noriaki will ask him
about you.
He will find out that
he was your student.
I had told him...
that my grandfather
was a fisherman.
Never mind.
Everyone has two grandfathers.
From the father
and from the mother.
One can be a fisherman
and the other a teacher.
I still worry.
Don't worry.
Everything will be okay.
Whatever will be, will be.
Whatever will be, will be.
The future we can't
What will be, will be.
What did you two
talk about?
about nothing special.
I didn't tell him
anything specific.
He asked me
if I was your grandfather.
I replied that I am as much
your grandfather as I'm his.
You could be my granddaughter.
And you can call me
whenever you need me.
Do you have my number?
Here is the bookstore.
Don't get stressed.
You don't need to
worry about anything.
- I'm leaving.
- Bye.
Mr. Watanabe?
You must be happy that
your granddaughter came to see you.
Was also your daughter with you?
Sorry, but your car...
Could you park it a bit
farther ahead next time?
If you park like that,
I can't see outside.
Seriously? I think
you can see very well.
I park exactly there...
upon your request.
Because I offered to
clean the windshield...
with the short hose.
I can wash it somewhere else.
Yes, but I told you
that I will do it.
I don't take my words back.
That wasn't very polite.
Hello, Mr. Watanabe.
We had a small problem
in printing.
I already called you yesterday...
but your voicemail
wasn't working.
Call us as soon as possible,
Thank you.
Mr. Watanabe?
Are you there?
It's Miwa.
Are you home?
They called me
from the printing house.
Hello, Mr. Miwa?
Hold on,
I will take a look.
It's like a line is missing.
They stopped printing
and they aren't happy.
I won't take long.
- Let me read it to you.
- Yes, tell me.
Will your also look
in your computer?
Where can I find it?
Chapter 10, page 132.
Page 132.
Line seven.
I will read it to you.
"man with little experience..."
The line cut off.
Sorry, the line cut off.
Who is it?
What is going on?
Where are you?
I'm coming to get you.
Stay where you are.
Don't move. I come right over.
Get in the car.
Why do you sit here?
It's cold, let's go upstairs.
I want to be alone
for a while.
No, let's go inside.
Let me see it.
I will go to the pharmacy.
Wait for me upstairs.
Go, there is nobody there.
What happened to you?
Aren't you the granddaughter
of Mr. Watanabe?
You look exactly like
your mother when she was young.
Of course, after what happened,
nothing was the same.
But this belongs to the past.
Your mother also came?
Why do you talk like that?
I have a toothache.
Gargle with salt water.
I saw you this morning...
when you left with
your grandfather.
But later, he came back alone.
I wanted to ask you something.
I told him something
and he became angry.
At least you look at me.
he doesn't look at me or greet me.
I didn't ask anything difficult.
Only if he could maybe
park a bit farther back.
You will stay long?
I'm not sure.
Your mother didn't come
to see her father?
Nowadays people don't
visit the elderly.
I'm single...
and I don't have children,
and that's it.
I spend my time
looking through the window.
It's my only hobby.
All I have left.
Let me tell you something.
I would have liked to
marry your grandfather.
How can I say it?
When your grandmother came...
I had to forget my dreams.
The truth is that
those times with your grandfather...
She was his colleague,
an educated woman
cute, tall.
How know how men are.
She caught his attention.
Me, however,
to tell you the truth...
I was beautiful in my time.
Maybe not so tall.
Of course, I had
my disabled brother.
If I had married your grandfather,
since we are neighbours...
I could have taken care of
both him and my brother.
Unique opportunity.
I could not ask
for anything better.
But then, your grandmother came.
It was meant to be, I guess.
Now I look at him
when he passes by.
It's my only pleasure.
Sorry, it's my brother.
Take this away from here!
Take it!
Why didn't you go upstairs?
It's cold.
Come in.
I will reheat the soup.
No, you said you don't eat soup.
Do you prefer some milk?
I will warm it for you.
Do you drink milk?
Let's see if I have any.
I do.
I will heat it for you.
It won't take long.
It's coming.
Show me your wound.
Let me see.
Move your hand.
We must clean it.
Otherwise it will swell.
We will fix it.
That's what we will do.
Don't be afraid,
it won't sting.
Otherwise it will
become infected.
You are not scared, right?
Move your hand.
It won't sting.
Really, you won't feel anything.
Who is it? Just a minute.
Can you open?
Everything is okay.
Do you hear me?
I want to talk to you.
Don't pretend you don't hear me.
Come down!
Why are you hiding?
Gomorrita and Ioannitsa.