Like Sunday, Like Rain (2014)

Good morning, Reggie.
Good morning, Esa.
It will be a day
wonderful today.
This woman was treated
like family.
You know what it means?
And it was very well paid.
And now you're telling me ...
Wait, I mean.
And now you're telling me ...
I said to wait!
she is coming back
to Panama?
It has strawberries inside.
Forgot one.
This tiny?
The Euler equation says
dividing the surface
a sphere faces,
edges and vertices,
and if "F" is
the number of faces,
"And" the number of edges,
and "V" be the number of vertices
always we arrive ...
Reggie Kipper?
V - E + F = 2
It's correct.
The same applies to
the pyramid with five sides,
four triangles
and a square,
least eight edges
five vertices.
For any other combination
sides, edges and vertices.
Euler thought at all.
Thank you, Mr. Kipper.
Look forward,
Mr. Kipper.
As I was saying,
consider the roles,
follow the rules and not go wrong.
not fail Rules.
The calculations shall be made
for Friday.
not beyond Friday.
Janis? Hi.
It Eleanor.
Dennis is there?
No, he has not returned
last night.
I'm not worried,
I thought I could
be with you.
No, I looked in the hallway,
it's not there.
It's ok.
Have a nice day.
It's me.
It's already 10:30.
And he did not come home,
last night.
Over, Dennis.
It is best to talk with Gregg.
- He is angry?
- Here it is.
Thank you. Excuse me.
Excuses do not matter.
Just arrive
to work on time.
"Standing on the mature breast
my beloved, "
"so I feel forever
his calm breathing, "
"and wake up one day
a sweet unrest. "
"Quiet, fixed, and I will hear
his tender and breathing calmly, "
"and thus live forever,
or fail in death. "
Did you call me last night?
I was in "Curbieju".
Someone stole my
phone, do you?
Sure, you're a bitch.
How do you think I feel?
They stole my phone.
J volto.
Come with me, asshole.
Relax before
start a scene.
They are about firing me.
Please go away.
Let me explain
what happened.
I do not want to hear.
I've had enough of that.
I'm a fucking musician.
It's my way of life.
- Bullshit.
- It's what I am.
- Only in your head.
- What? No!
He works at UPS.
That's what you do.
Yeah, smart-ass? So, as
we have shows every week?
He had to pay
to let you play.
This does not count as show.
Fuck it, then.
It's all right.
- Eleanor, what is?
- No.
I played his guitar
through the window.
Did what?
It is best that has not
done that.
Eleanor is better
I have not done.
Let's get out and talk
about it a moment.
We can talk?
Do not.
We can not talk.
We can ...
Come talk to me.
- It's all right?
- Everything's good.
Let's go out and
talk about it, right?
- What happened?
- Eleanor?
Dennis, we can talk later
Now, get out.
- Not after. Now.
- Go away, please.
Talk to me!
- Right. Get out!
- Excuse me. Excuse me.
Eleanor, I'm sorry.
Excuse me.
You too, Eleanor.
Time to eat.
No time to read.
The face of flowers called?
No, ma'am.
The house is full of
dead flowers for three days.
Reggie, drove
to school today?
- No.
- What did I say?
I'm crippled.
I can walk.
Reggie, use the car for
get to and from school.
I like air, right.
Like breathing.
Then open the window.
We have a car with
driver stopped here
as you go on foot
to school.
What is this sauce?
Do not.
Now eat.
Tomorrow the entrevistarei
girls in the library.
Let all
take the shoes.
Yes ma'am.
What happened to Tula?
- She returned to Panama.
- Because?
Because of the Green Card.
Is none of your business.
She did not say goodbye.
She asked
dismiss you for it.
It was because of me?
Guess what? The world does not revolve
around you.
Sometimes things just
occur in this world.
Whatever that means.
This is not meat
Also, Reggie.
- With the.
- Yup.
But this brown sauce
It is vegetarian, Esa?
Yes, I already told you.
Is it really necessary
hiring a nanny?
I'm 13 years old.
You have 12 years.
What will you do when I see
dad? Live as a single?
Esa is here.
I will visit my daughter,
for a month.
- I know.
- I warned you a long time.
Yes Yes.
Esa, Jesus Christ!
Take my wine to the room,
I will watch "Masterchef"
and sleep.
Hi Mom.
How are you?
Yes, I'm on a
public phone.
I know.
I do not know, Linden Street?
How's Shelly?
You are kidding with me?
Because she...
Do not let her do it, Mom.
Should not work there,
regardless of money.
I'm fine, I was fired.
It was a lot of things.
And Dennis came and made a scene.
I do not want to talk about it.
I grabbed my stuff
and leaves.
I do not know.
I did not plan any of this.
It just happened.
As a matter of fact,
I was thinking of going back
home for a while.
Probably a few weeks,
I] do not know for sure.
No, I will not go back there.
He would not let me in.
I played his guitar out the window.
I do not know
How long, Mother.
Enough time to
join some money.
I have only $ 160
on my account.
I will not take many things.
What do you think that'll take?
All I have
It fits into a briefcase.
Hello? I'm here, wait.
Yes, I'm sorry.
I did not decide yet.
I'm just thinking.
Can I have a girl from
Work. She said okay.
It's ok.
I have to go. That link
It will cost a fortune.
Okay, I will.
I'll. Do not worry.
Tell that Shelly
It should not work there.
No matter how much
is gaining.
It's ok?
I'll. Right.
- Courtney!
- Yup?
Eleanor will
spend the night here.
- You'll sleep where?
- On the couch. What's the problem?
This is not a hotel.
God. How annoying.
Okay I stay here?
Yes, do not worry.
She was less annoying,
I could stay longer,
but the apartment is hers.
It's all right.
Tonight is great. I already have
place for tomorrow.
- Are you sure?
- Yup.
I will lie down and read a book.
I need to wake up early
and find work.
Want to know?
Here it is...
call these people,
my friend Abby recommended
is kind of a
jobs agency.
Temporary services?
Yeah, like baby-sitting services.
Has cared for children?
Yes. My little sister.
So that's, say
It has babysitting experience
and caring for children,
or whatever ...
My friend Abby managed
work to care for the children
what's the name ...?
British girl,
that program ...
Dress well, come on,
invent who is experienced ...
I myself would go there, but
they confer
criminal record.
Right. See you later?
Close after you leave.
Due to lack of care.
I can sue you so fast ...
Forget Sal, mother.
Sal does not interest me.
Mom, I'm not
interested in Sal.
Mom, stop talking. Stop
talk while I'm talking about.
Stop talking, Mom.
What the fuck!
I've worked on
bar, restaurant,
and caring for children,
most of the time.
- Yup?
- How nanny.
- Babysitter?
- Yup.
worked babysitting
for a family.
Do you have references?
Not because they ...
back to ...
the Europe.
They were from Belgium.
Has somehow
to contact them?
Probably not. I can try
get the new number,
but probably not.
I also took care
my little sister.
I took care of her since her birth
to the second degree.
My mother worked period
full when we were kids.
I practically raised her.
I can call my mother,
or my sister.
For referrals.
Right. I can see your
driver's license?
You can wait outside.
Six letters to
"nothing more".
Mere. Only, nothing
or something besides specified.
"Merest" is your answer.
Yes what?
Is none of your business
where I slept.
I ask you
where you spend the night?
It happens all the time, Dennis.
And I said, eventually.
And thank you for making me miss
employment with his little theater.
What did you think would happen?
What? I will not go back,
I already told you.
Generally we do not move forward without
check recommendations
but I have something perfect
and you do not want to lose,
To begin now,
perhaps this afternoon. Can be?
Yes, I can start
- This afternoon?
- Yup.
- Must live in employment.
- It's ok.
Want someone temporary,
a few months may be more,
is it good for you?
It's ok.
It's a family on the Upper Side,
essentially care
a boy of 12
and light duty, yes?
This is the address.
They will be waiting for you
for a brief interview
with her mother.
On the way, stop at a pharmacy,
buy a blush
and something to behold.
It is heavily loaded.
You better get going.
- Barbara Kipper.
- Eleanor Logan.
Very good.
Let the library
to talk.
You are from the north?
My nanny left me,
My husband is in China,
where your business is based,
I will find it at least
a week. You smoke?
- No.
- If smoke,
only on the balcony,
we have 15 different balconies
choose one, if you want to smoke.
I do not smoke.
Reggie, what Claire said.
- Very little.
- Twelve years old.
lead and seek in school
and make sure they eat.
That's it.
Anything you need,
Esa will help her.
- Esa?
- Yes Madam
He is sticking to me.
Do not do that.
Yes Madam.
Helena will replace, Tula.
- Eleanor.
- Have a boyfriend?
- No.
- If you want to see her boyfriend,
go to his house or
wherever you want, because
is strictly
forbidden here, right?
- Right.
- This is important.
He needs to eat.
If not oblige,
he shall not eat.
He only likes some
things and is very demanding.
Meatless. As vegetables.
He does not eat meat,
fish or birds.
He does not eat anything except tofu
and vegetarian things.
What time it comes out today?
It has music until 16:30.
You seek to 16.30.
I absolutely do not want
it to go or return
walking school.
A: It is not safe,
B: That's what
use the driver.
So, that's right.
Esa, forward Laura,
show your accommodation
and the rest,
I have my massage
15 minutes
I'll take a pill
and prepare.
I'm Eleanor.
I'm here to pick you up.
They warned you?
They not warned. It's all right.
The car is there.
In fact, I'd rather walk.
Well, your mom really
you go by car.
Notwithstanding what my
mother might have said,
I have a hit
with the driver.
I refer to a
financial agreement.
Now, the way home. IT IS
my stuff. I do this every day,
rain or shine,
, period.
It's ok.
You can stop for a second?
I'm Eleanor.
Nice to meet you.
That is not
a little heavy?
Yes, but I do not care.
It was amazing.
- How is it?
- You playing.
It was a composition
absolutely stunning.
Thank you.
The way
the viola and violin interacted
It was so sad and so beautiful.
- Who composed?
- I.
- You wrote that?
- Yup.
You really
You must love this.
You mean,
I would love to play.
It's just something to do.
It's what to do
when grow up?
- When I grow up?
- Yup.
- No.
- Why not?
Why not?
Let's see.
First, end
like a drunk lonely
is a bit much for me.
Not to mention, that art,
as a language, it is dead.
Does not matter
that has to say
or how well can
say it ...
He is dead.
- It is a dark vision.
- Yes it is.
- What is this?
- They are 120 points to me.
- It is not a word.
- It is a word, dumbass.
Noun, plural.
One of 12 legendary knights.
Should know, because
Dungeons & Dragons is nonsense .
Is being said.
I do not believe that
gostosinha is living here.
She's so hot.
Man, it's too much.
So it says to
every girl who knows.
No. Only for
super hot.
That's because you are confused,
strange and insecure.
Okay, Mr. Freud.
I am convinced that no
girl will have sex with you.
Yes right.
Looks delicious.
- What is this sauce?
- Just eat.
Gluten-free meat.
Eat, Reggie,
a vegetarian, right?
They always try to put
animal protein at all.
It looks excellent. I can not believe
he could as fast.
That's what scares me
this whole thing.
I spoke to the mother for 10 minutes
before hiring me
take care of 12 year old son.
When I was living there.
It seems he was lucky.
What's the problem?
They seem zilionrios.
The house has the size
Central Station,
and taking care of a boy
12 years old?
Home, food and payment.
What more can you want?
What's more, he lived with Dennis
more than a year,
letter strip
a boy of 12 years.
Yes it's true.
Here's how to end your relationship
He threw the window of the guitar.
Yes, you're right.
I did it.
Fuck it.
This was my end.
Back to
the land of the rich.
- See you later.
- Bye.
Do not stop.
- It is wonderful.
- No, not really.
I do not feel inspired
for Cello these days.
This is where rehearse?
It's the best seat in the house.
The acoustics are perfect.
This place...
you mean,
this house is amazing.
It was built by Captain
Francis Fowke, in 1898.
He also designed
the Natural History Museum.
He was a big fan
huge pools.
Why it is empty?
My mother wanted tiles
handmade of Mallorca,
or something like that,
I think she does not
even asked.
A lot of things in this
house were not finished.
In the meantime,
you could swim.
No not me.
I do not know how to swim.
What? Because?
I guess I never taught me.
Do not mention it.
I'll teach you.
It is very tasty.
I eat my dinner,
Please advise if you need
She should eat with us.
She likes to eat there.
Is weird.
IT IS? She likes
eating alone.
She read the TV guide.
Sometimes watches
And maybe you
are designing
their concerns and
expectations on it.
It was a brilliant
and triumphal presentation.
Thank you.
So what's the plan?
Making presentations
of his quartet in the summer?
I think I'm
a little tired of the Cello.
Maybe you need a break.
Yes. Maybe I'll.
I will take a break from Cello.
I was suggesting only
a week, or something.
And then resume.
No. You're right.
Anyone under 75 years
cares more
this music
dusty and antiquated.
Your time has come
and has passed.
Is not true.
I did not say a long pause.
I do not suggest this.
No. I think
a break will be good.
This is old-fashioned and obsolete.
I do not want to talk about it.
Where are you from?
Oneida, New York.
Town near Syracuse.
Of course, I have heard.
I researched in the newspapers about
the pre-war architecture.
which involved reading enough
on this particular area.
It was nice growing up there?
It was cool,
when I was little.
Maybe it's the way
as I remember.
Now they are all broken
and unemployed.
Everything is closing.
You have relatives? Mentioned
an older brother.
I have a younger sister.
What does she do?
It works in a bar.
Is your brother?
It is in the Army.
In Afghanistan.
And your parents?
Finish your ice cream
before it melts.
Put down your pens.
This will to
your final grade.
The calculus books are
be delivered on Friday.
Not after Friday.
Not the second; on Friday.
Hi. How was it?
I'm glad it's over.
I hate physics.
Damn physics!
How was the exam
of math?
- Great
- This guy...
how can
stay so calm?
I am not so
incompetent as you.
It's ok. Who wants
taking a juice?
We have to go.
His mother travels today.
Where does it go this time?
Take care of your life.
Hey, calm down.
I ask every time your
mother goes somewhere?
I'm sorry.
It's all right. I'm sorry,
I did not want to be rude.
We need to drive.
Her mother goes to the airport
in an hour.
More raisins, honey?
No, thanks.
Would I like a coffee.
A coffee? No chance.
Sorry for the delay.
The alarm clock did not ring.
Good morning lady.
We have to go to the
camp? What time?
Sit down and have a coffee.
Yes, the camp starts today
but he said he will not.
He has to go.
Why will not you go?
He said he will not.
Okay, let's,
we'll be late,
I do not know where to take you.
Where should I take him?
Relax, I will not.
It does not depend on you.
No? Who else?
His mother gave me
specific instructions.
He gave?
Do not be a smartass.
I'm not being smart.
I'm sitting here
solving crossword puzzles.
I'll go out.
I do not know any of that.
It seems to me,
the instructions left
by my mother
They were not as specific,
because you do not know where
or when I must go.
You go to the camp.
It does not seem so bad.
This will not happen.
What's so bad about that?
You are going camping.
In the field,
in a lake, by God.
I wish I could go.
Camp songs,
banal debates
and useless conversations
heroes and action movies.
All this still on the bus.
Not to mention canoeing,
obstacle race,
campfire and
Teen camaraderie.
Teen camaraderie is good.
You are a teenager.
This is a bad idea
my mother, not mine.
Perhaps we should call her.
I strongly recommend
that do not.
Let me handle it
my way
and we avoid complications.
I am responsible
by you.
So be responsible.
J volto.
As well, solved?
I know that guy.
Will take care of everything.
Hang on...
It marks my presence and you
send a check. No questions.
Hang on.
Send a check to him?
All right. I have an agreement
with that guy.
Try to understand.
Simply camps
It is not my place.
Are you hungry?
I bet it is.
I know a great place,
near here.
Like eggs benedict?
It's all organic. Come on.
Hang on.
Wait a minute.
52 sticks by
spinach salad?
This salad is great.
Can believe.
Everything here is top.
Usually I ask
mushroom risotto.
Ask whatever you want.
I pay.
We have an account here.
I just want green salad.
Only that? With the. The chef
It is known worldwide.
What will we do
the next six weeks?
This is New York, girl.
The options are endless,
can believe.
That's not right.
He should be in camp.
Camp is not
an option, right?
And it never was. I do not want anymore
Know camp.
It does not depend on you.
Yes, it depends.
Nobody cares.
- I do not care where I am.
- Is not true.
I do not think that way,
it's a fact.
The operation continues, is in
camp or at home, reading.
I prefer to read at home,
and I say it's the same thing,
It believes it is the same thing.
- And Esa?
- What about her?
It is legal,
but you think that cares
where I am or
I'm doing?
She looks after the house.
This is weird,
very strange, Reggie.
Well, this is my life.
Welcome to the strangeness.
Just try to navigate keeping
health and sanity
the best I can.
It's ok.
I was about to give up.
What the fuck are you doing?
Clearly, trying to
to talk to you.
I'm not doing little game
or shit like that, right?
I'm serious.
I ended that relationship.
Maybe we could talk.
You did shit
thousands of times.
was always drunk,
He treated me like shit,
forget, forget
and go home.
I made a mistake,
I realize now.
Just want to talk.
We talked.
Stop sending messages.
Since leaving me,
I was desperate.
Sorry I am wrong,
I should have thought of that before.
I wrote several songs for you.
I want you to listen.
- Jesus Christ.
- Let's have a drink.
Let the "scratcher".
Bill is a DJ there.
What are you talking about?
Only a drink.
Just talk.
Are you listening to me?
I'm working, I idiot.
I am very ill,
I can not sleep, eat ...
If you think this
sickening whine,
this despair,
It is somehow
attractive or friendly,
it's wrong.
So goodbye.
Eleanor, come on, please!
Going to be like now?
No more words?
Just end?
There is in other words.
Exactly those words.
Right, but you will have to pay
that guitar.
Do not fool yourself.
Why are you here?
- What happened?
- Anything. Come in.
Will pay my stuff.
- Are you alright?
- Yes I am.
- Sorry about that.
- Want a snack?
I can make vegetable soup
with Miojo, quickly.
Or tofu in curry sauce.
No problem.
I should eat something.
Of course.
And we can finish the movie.
Sorry to ask, but he
usually explode like that?
Do not.
At least,
not that I know.
A monstrous mistake.
Life is a series
of monstrous mistakes.
I'm doing a job
horrible to look after you.
Why that?
It's going really well.
Do not.
I do not want from it.
Sign in to what?
My rolls.
These horrible details
my link.
Things that happen
in my personal life.
We do not know each other
- And it's too young to understand.
- Do not be so sure.
I'm very
ability to understand.
- Oh God.
- Much more than my age.
I do not want
to worry about it.
Do not even think about it, right?
Right. I will not worry.
Do not worry about me.
But I can not guarantee
I will not think about it.
That's what I do:
I think about things.
It's my nature.
- Can you think.
- It's fair.
- Oh really?
- What?
A master giving a
carelessness like that?
Missed the chance
to take down my queen.
There goes your horse.
Does not matter.
I'll still win.
I remember that my family was going to
Sydney, Australia, on holiday?
- Yup.
- No more.
My father lost a business
with a face Stanford
or calling Stanford,
who knows?
Now I have to go
in karate camp.
It seems boring.
Why do they think
I have to learn karate?
Perhaps because we live
picking up the big boys?
I really want is to go
hip hop camp.
It would be great pro your resume.
They play hip hop, dance
style hip hop and stuff.
I know what it is.
It's horrible. Do not go.
For you it's easy. Is every day
in the park with her sexy nanny.
Yes, that's what
I do all day.
See these super women
sexy in the camp brochure.
And I think all these women
beautiful are waiting for you there?
- Have to see it to believe it.
- Good luck, man.
- But my father banned.
- A smart man.
He said some racist things
and threw it in the trash.
You have to stop
to dream like that.
Sugarless gum?
I love this painting.
It looks a bit like you.
- What?
- The eyes.
And yet,
because it is plump half.
Modigliani know something?
No. But I bet
I know that now.
He died penniless
in 1920, with 35 years.
- What is very poor?
- Extremely poor.
The found in the final stage
tuberculous meningitis.
At death,
her bed was full
alcohol bottles
and cans of sardines.
Your girlfriend,
Jeanne Hbuterne, took care of him.
She could have taken
cans of sardines.
She was 9 months pregnant
with her second child.
Two days after his death,
she threw herself from the fifth floor.
- Can I ask you something?
- Of course.
When you became so smart?
I do not know if I was smart.
For example,
- When you learned to read?
- I read already 18 months old.
I think after that
I was intelligent.
What you read
18 months?
My mother found me reading
"All you can think"
- Dr. Seuss.
- Out loud?
- Yup.
- She must have flown.
She liked.
I took at parties.
- It's crazy.
- Yes. It's crazy.
It's crazy lead
a child 2 years
and put it in
means for reading the table
"All you can think"
for a lot of drunks.
My God!
Then lets see ...
with a 4 found that
was a prodigy in mathematics,
solving problems
complex mathematical.
What kind?
Multiplying numbers
seven to ten digits head.
I can give you the cube
any number.
- As the face of the Rain Man.
- Nope. I was autistic.
As for me, I concentrate,
outgoing and articulate.
- Of course.
- Not to mention absolutely gorgeous.
At least...
For me,
all this is like talking.
Do math, play or compose
music is natural. Thus was born.
My father, to my knowledge,
She was extremely intelligent.
What it is
doing in China?
- Who?
- Your father.
Not doing anything in China.
He died.
Mother remarried.
I'm sorry.
Thank you. A long time ago.
I was three.
- How did he die?
- Run over.
In Zurich.
There, they drive like crazy.
It was concert pianist.
I traveled a lot.
And graduated in
Physics at MIT.
It looks amazing.
Of course I had problems,
like everyone else.
But I love idealize it
as a mythical figure.
It does me good.
It also appears that drank too much.
A lot of people do it.
Are you hungry? Come on.
I had forgotten
as Bolia cooked badly.
It tastes like clay.
I will ask if
You can do something else.
No. She's nice.
Let's get out of here?
Chinese food fix?
It is a great place
near where he lived.
I'll distract her.
Throw it away.
Let's go for a walk.
- And the rest of the dinner?
- No, thanks. Let's walk.
- A dessert?
- No, thanks. You can go to sleep.
- Are you sure?
- Yes thank you.
Yes, thank you Bolia.
- Sure?
- Yup.
Madness use the subway
when have a car with driver.
- Yes well...
- Thanks.
Why not dispense
and save money?
He's cool.
But never takes anyone.
Practically lives in that car.
he lives in Crown Heights
with his wife and 7 year old daughter
having cerebral palsy.
I am moved with it.
And still saves me,
if you understand me.
I did not understand.
I did not tell you? Well, is not it?
Can you feel the glutamate
with your toes.
- It will give us sleep.
- I agree.
And another thing Gerard,
he worked
for John Gotti.
- Who?
- Gerard, my driver.
He was
security pro Gotti.
Was it?
And if you can help it
hit something with someone.
I was thinking
it can help you.
- With what?
- Your situation.
I did not understand.
Your situation
with her boyfriend.
Oh God!
He goes out of your life
after that. Believe.
You crazy?
It was his job,
this kind of thing.
You can change the subject,
Only talk to him.
I appreciate your concern.
- It was only a suggestion.
- I told you not to worry.
It's ok.
Okay, come on.
The day is beautiful.
Let's walk in the park.
You know who was Lo Hoi-Sing?
Why not
Training Your Cello?
Can sit on
balcony to play.
It was the first
Chinese immigrant in New York.
Arrived in 1862. He married a
Irish and had two daughters.
Take the Cello.
I do not train for weeks.
I do not want to Cello.
He tired me too.
Do not say that.
I have no more
interest in Cello.
It's all right.
We go to the park.
Let that stinking park
every single day.
So we go
a different smelly park.
You should call your friends,
and make a day of music.
- Music Day?
- Yup.
I think you're tired
to stay with me.
No not a bit.
And you're tired of me?
No. Just thought I would
to see his musician friends.
- Is playing?
- Because?
They are not my friends.
- I have no friends, I said.
- Which is?
They hardly talk to me.
I bet if you give a chance,
They will like you.
May need
try harder.
At least call the Raj.
I know it's your friend.
He is on
Karate camp.
Want to play "foursquare"?
No, thanks.
Come on, Ben!
Damn it,
this is horrible.
We have to leave it
away from the kitchen.
Only lock the door ...
You are enjoying the soup?
We loved it.
We were discussing
about the delicious taste.
That's good,
It is my specialty.
It may be best
change your number.
I'm glad you liked it,
so I will do it again.
God help us!
Yeah, whatever, Dale?
I'm working.
Since when is there?
You have someone with him?
Yes I will.
Why did not you call me before?
Can I talk to my mother?
Sure, but do not know why
not called me before.
OK thank you.
Who was?
My Uncle Dale.
It's all right?
My father is in the hospital.
What does he has?
He's very sick.
Is sick
long ago, but ...
I think now is more serious.
What does he has?
He's very sick.
It is a result of alcoholism.
Cirrhosis of the liver?
I have to go there.
To Oneida?
I can help with something?
No it's okay.
I'm going to call Sylvia,
it stays with you until I get back.
Of course.
I do not want to call his mother
not to worry her.
Of course.
It's okay like that?
I do not see a problem.
I mean, I do not know.
I know Sylvia.
She's great.
I mean, it's cool.
I'll be back in 48 hours.
Can I call to send Agency
a substitute but did not think good.
No. I would not.
It's all right,
do not worry.
I do not want to go.
But I think he will die.
Do you know what I think?
I think you and I ...
Oneida must go together.
I company for you.
Like M & M's?
We have M & M's.
He does not eat those things.
No, thanks.
Like cookies?
Have Cookies,
or groundnuts,
such peanuts?
No, thanks.
I can go on
supermarket tomorrow,
but now must
be closed.
What you like to do,
little boy?
He likes to read.
It's very clever.
That number is?
Fourth? Fifth?
That's kind of complicated.
He is very smart.
It's all right.
Why not take the jacket
and stay here?
Because it is cold here.
How about turn on the heat?
- Do you want to pay my bill?
- It's summer, dammit!
Is about four degrees here!
How long
You are planning on staying?
Is playing?
Just arrived.
Calm down guys.
I will see my father in the morning
and turn on the first bus.
Good well?
You can stay as long as you want,
just do not touch the heater.
It's summer!
Jesus, Eleanor,
you just complain!
I will see my father,
and let's go.
Like roast beef, kid?
I have a huge
in the freezer.
No, thanks.
It looks like my sister
It is relaxed.
It has a lot of stuff.
You can not sleep here.
I will be fine.
Would be more comfortable
to sleep in a hotel?
Yes, but I can not afford.
Yes, but would
more comfortable?
I need the car
- Where are going?
- To a hotel.
- Jesus, Eleanor!
- I bring from the hospital.
- What time? Where are going?
- St. 9 pm,
that will do?
Go around with this kid?
I have no petrol in it.
Where do you think you're going?
I supply. You can not
to sleep in that room.
If warn coming and bring
guests would have cleaned up.
Can you borrow the car
or not?
Has no petrol in it.
Bring back the morning.
You are welcome...
They have swimming pool.
Closed for renovations.
What a pity...
Dale is his mother's brother?
No, I'm my father's brother.
They married
after the divorce of my parents.
They were all friends at school.
My father was in the army,
He fought in the Gulf War.
Dale stayed with her,
I guess.
My father came home,
it was strange,
He started making
bad things.
they divorced and
Dale moved in with her.
I'm tired.
Let's sleep.
When I close my eyes it seems
I'm still on the bus.
Why did you leave?
Your whole family
live here.
I think I answered
his own question.
I wanted to go to Juilliard.
Be an actress?
No. God, no ...
By music.
Yes, I played trumpet.
- What?
- Horn.
As a small trumpet.
I know what a horn.
- Then you play music?
- Yup.
Why did not you tell me before?
I did not tell you.
Since when do you play?
Since the fourth grade.
I made a test of skill,
and took top marks.
I won a free tool.
He won it?
Was when
He began playing the trumpet?
Actually I wanted to trumpet
but they did not and
They gave a horn.
I thought it best because it is
easier to play
and carry around.
- Any luck.
- Yup.
He played in a
band at school.
I loved.
I was chosen
to make a presentation,
one band with the best.
For the inauguration of
War Memorial in Syracuse.
It looks like it was important.
Was Hillary Clinton
to cut the ribbon.
I played a solo.
And what happened
with Juilliard?
I was invited to study there.
But they could not give me
a full scholarship.
I could not afford.
Not so much.
I was not sure
He was what he wanted.
What did you do then?
I got a job
as a waitress.
I started playing in the subway.
I can not believe.
He played old
Beatles and ...
He is earning a few bucks.
There met Dennis.
- In the subway?
- Yup.
He saw me and
He began to appear forever.
On the platform,
trains came and went
and I was there, sitting.
He gave her money?
Soon after, she brought me coffee
and other things.
Once again, he gave chocolate
instead of coins.
It was cute.
Then finally I said:
Hey, you will say "hi"?
What he said?
Said that
I did not want to bother me.
Who loved the sound
my trumpet.
What did you say?
I said...
"is not a trumpet,
idiot, is a horn. "
It's him?
I do not remember.
It took me to a restaurant
Korean barbecue.
It was very tasty.
And we began to leave.
Like lovers?
No. That was after.
He had a band.
Invited me
to play with them.
He plays guitar.
I do not play anymore.
You threw it out the window.
Yeah, but
I'm not proud of it.
I let my emotions
control me.
Where's your horn?
I have no more.
Why not?
It's a long story.
I had some financial problems.
You sold?
I sold, yes.
And a good Horn also.
It was beautiful.
My father gave me
when I graduated from school.
It was a good surprise.
Not even know he was there.
I had long not seen.
ended the ceremony, he ...
was waiting
in the parking
holding a box with
a big red bow.
Good evening.
Good evening.
What is the name of the piece
Composed for the recital?
"A Sunday rain."
Is beautiful.
I will compose a track
for horn.
- Hi, Shelly.
- Hello, Eleanor.
This is Reggie.
She dyed her hair.
I knew they were going to sleep here
last night.
Sorry the mess.
I could take a cleaned.
It's kind of hard working
40 hours per week.
And why are you working there?
There are many places
to work beyond there.
Want to know?
The place I work
is my problem.
You will pay my bills?
Come on.
Yeah, I thought not.
Banque the good girl
in front of his friend.
Where to stay?
Do not say you were in "Days inn".
You can delete the cigarette
because of the child?
- Where's Dale?
- Sleeping.
Like cereal?
We cereals.
He is fine.
Here are the keys.
I'll call a cab.
Where are you going now?
I thought I had come
to see his father.
Yes I went.
And you? It was in the hospital?
Bother going there?
Do not scream. He is mad
since coming here.
I want a taxi in
Penvik street, 59.
Yes, to the bus station.
What is this uproar?
He is in a coma, Dale.
Yes I know.
They said you
They called and never returned!
You know the coverage
military covenant? Almost anything.
That's why we called.
Just do not understand why?
It would have been so hard for you
go and sit next to him?
He's your brother!
And he is alone.
I have not seen you around here,
when he was bedridden.
So do not come with sermon.
Let's hope the corner.
Come back here, Eleanor.
Go to hell!
Hey, Eleanor, calm.
Can be?
I never come back here.
From here, Eleanor?
I'm sorry,
just had it in the cafeteria.
Okay thank you.
Never go back there,
for real?
- At where?
- Your home.
He said he was never going back.
Who knows?
Maybe one day,
if my brother back.
Who knows?
I worry about my sister,
but sometimes
I want to strangle her.
She could come with you
in New York.
Of course.
I'm thinking
to go to the west.
To the west?
I have a friend in Idaho.
Earn good money
on the ski slopes.
Always says you can
I get a job there.
- Looks cool.
- Is very beautiful.
I saw some pictures.
It is not always so cold.
So that's what going to do?
Yes, I think so.
- And the horn?
- What have?
Someday I come back to play.
Back yes.
Why not read your book?
I'm done.
"Grapes of Wrath".
A story
joyful for you.
You have a gift
and the obligation to use it.
What you mean?
You do not even know if I am
the worst Songwriter the world.
I think not.
It would not have been chosen
for the band of the best,
if so.
And it would not have been
invited to Juilliard.
It is a crime to deprive the world
of his art.
I did not say that art is dead?
Yes. And still dead
if the great artists
leave the horn
and move to Idaho.
Promise me
I will return to play.
Promise me you'll come back
for your music.
I come back, if you go back.
I think I dozed off.
His breathing is deep
when sleeping.
I was dreaming.
We were in a lake
I went when I was little.
Dennis was there.
Did you love him?
I think so.
Or at least I thought.
He loved you?
He said yes.
He said he loved her,
but who knows?
At first it was cool,
but then began
to mistreat me
and lie a lot.
I think
We never know.
Think will
marry and have children?
Many questions.
Excuse me. I am curious.
I think not.
I think these things have not
the importance they say.
- Never seen it work.
- I do not agree.
- Is sentimental.
- It might work.
If a surrender to another.
As if they were one,
can function.
The problem is finding
someone who delivered to you,
and that deserves its delivery.
Think that
You will see him again?
Do not.
If someone does not treat you
as it deserves,
then you do not deserve to have you.
My father always said that.
And I?
You what?
I will see you?
I'm right here.
After it leaves.
You're leaving, right?
So back
to see you again?
If you want to.
We can write
and so on.
Something tells me that a year from now
will not even remember my name.
Is not true.
I wonder
if someone will love me.
Chances are pretty good.
- How old is he?
- Twelve.
He's great,
you will love it.
Hello, Reg.
Come to Korina.
Hey, Reggie. Pleasure.
She has a beautiful home.
Thank you. It was built by
Captain Francis Fowk in 1898.
He also designed
the Natural History Museum.
- Very interesting.
- Not so much.
He designed
a lot of buildings,
Come help me
to show the house.
No, thanks. I will
back to my room
complete biography
Groucho Marx.
It was a pleasure to meet you.
My pleasure.
Good day.
Black coffee
French press.
How do you like.
I hope you're hungry.
Made vegetable dumplings
and pancakes without flour.
Let's go down.
More coffee?
No, thank you.
It's delicious.
Esa will come back tomorrow at eight.
So will Korina
make your dinner tonight.
And lunch.
I can manage alone.
- Do not forget your vitamins.
- Why do you have to go?
Should be Korina.
You are unpacking.
You want a ride?
I think I should have to leave.
I did it for you.
What is it?
Pasta with fresh pesto
and some potato chips.
The way you like it.
To go.
Thanks, Reg.
Korina is very good.
Yes, it looks cool.
She said that
like chess.
Her mother around 27.
It must now turn the night.
Esa back tomorrow morning.
Yes I know.
Do not worry.
Straight to Idaho?
I'm not so sure.
I think I have to go
home, a little,
reorganize the head.
I rediscover.
Sometimes it's the best thing.
Reorganize life.
It was nice to meet you.
You too.
Were certainly only
a few months but I feel that ...
I have so many things,
many phrases ...
I feel the need
to say to you.
But now...
suddenly I have
ability to speak.
I could not stay
forever, right?
It has always been a temporary thing.
It's all right.
Be a good boy.
Like Sunday, Like Rain