Lilet Never Happened (2012)

Good evening, sir. 150?
Snow White, have you ever had a client?
Oh, bah. Pig.
You also want to?
Once upon a time...
a girl in the Philippines
named Snow White.
When she was a little girl...
Snow White dreamed of
become an actress or model.
But one day...
his mother and stepfather made?him
ate a poisoned apple.
- Stop it, you ruin everything.
- I do not care.
Here it is.
Here it is. She is very sexy,
do not you think?
She can masturbate...
and also pipes...
but she is still a virgin.
Did you bring the money?
After eating
the poisoned apple...
Snow White fainted.
From Snow White
is still sleeping...
Meanwhile the
which will give the kiss...
who wake up...
She has been waiting for so long.
What's your name?
Snow White.
When she sleeps, we want
to wake with a kiss.
Did you bring the money?
The money?
The money? Yes.
- I have to go to the bathroom, Mom.
- Again?
Do not be nervous,
it is very nice.
You'll be good for her, huh?
I can trust you well?
Poor Snow White is found
alone in the scary forest.
She kept running...
until she found
shelter to rest.
Police run.
Stay here.
- It's your first day of work?
- I ask the questions. Your real name?
Idiot. I've already said:
Snow White.
Here we no longer believe in
fairy tales. Your age?
- 69.
- Stop or we'll lock you up.
"Stop, or we'll lock you up. "
She seems drugged.
She said his name was Snow White.
Do not waste your time with it.
We already have this information.
I do this?
Shit, I have to cut my nails.
- She's stubborn.
- I'll change that.
Do you recognize me?
No idea.
Maybe if I see your cock.
I can make you
life easier here.
Now I remember.
You are the corrupt agent...
still fucking free.
Name of God.
You're wrong. I am clean.
They say all that.
You're an accomplice.
I'm not here for nothing.
It must be here.
I want him to come home, he is innocent.
- He is innocent.
- Do not meddle.
You will lose your job.
Nonoy, Nonoy.
He did nothing.
He returns now.
- Nonoy.
- Back in America.
- UN Human Rights.
- It is not necessary.
Well you replace Miss Madison?
- Jos Pineta.
- Claire Hofman.
He is innocent.
I want it now.
- This is a German name?
- Dutch. Bring him.
- You know the procedure?
- Take the key and release it.
Fernandez, frees the young.
Lock him in
your reception center.
How old is this girl?
- Snow White?
- It is called so?
That's what she said...
Should it not be called
Office of minors?
She has already gone.
Hi, Snow White.
Nice bag.
You paid too much.
You already paid for two.
Get the key and get me out of here.
Hurry up.
This is a devil.
- Why Does bleeding nose?
- It happened during the arrest.
Where do you live?
What's your name?
If you say nothing,
I can not help you.
12. I am 12 years old.
You speak English. That is good.
- You're too young.
- Of course.
I'm in college.
I just returned from a hearing.
Thou hast surely very impressed...
They were very impressed
and will remember.
I went home.
When the police arrested me...
and threw me in a cell
with all these dirty women.
- Do your parents know you're here?
- I am an orphan.
I will talk with the police.
What's your name again?
I can take a picture of you?
50 pesos.
This girl was not 16 years old.
She has more than 12.
It is a professional.
In general his mother comes looking for her.
- She has a mother?
- We all, right?
Because she is our daughter.
My daughter, your daughter.
Mom, there was an American lady.
- What do you want?
- You are the mother of Lilet?
- What's she done now?
- Send them.
- Con.
- These are just the missionaries.
- Shut up.
- What are they doing here?
Do not get involved.
You are no longer an orphan.
Treasury, I'm so worried.
So you still live.
She always does this kind of jokes.
I can take now?
Come on.
If there are problems, do not hesitate,
you're always welcome.
Why do you always put
in problems?
Fortunately the American was.
She paid the deposit.
You know, darling,
I was very busy.
Soon we will have
problem of money.
Something big is going to happen.
But first a shower.
You stink.
What has happened with this girl?
I think she went home.
Do not worry too much.
Look at his eyes.
Very expressive.
It would now be the same age...
Mom will be very angry.
I do not have all sold.
I won only 80 pesos.
I promise you that when
I'm rich and famous...
I'll take you with me.
I come from.
You promise?
I've disappointed you?
That's it? It is not much.
Where is the rest?
Do not be silly.
Back on the street.
Go away. This is where I sleep.
- What is it?
- I am looking for my sister, Tessie.
- Everyone is sleeping.
- I do not want everyone.
- Tessie is enough.
- You can not pass. File.
No, wait.
If you are looking for work,
back another time.
In a few years.
I only come for Tessie.
I am invited.
Do you like fish?
All right. Do you like fruit?
No, I do not like.
No, I do not like fruit.
We have a guest.
Say hello to Lilet.
- Hello Lilet.
- Hi, Snow White.
I'm not staying. I hate school.
This is not school.
Between. Stay a little with us...
- Claire, his father is a famous artist.
- Really?
Yes, he acted in several films
I know?
Everyone knows Tom Cruise.
- Why are you here?
- Because you 're not Mrs. Madison.
We do not like it.
This is a big fucking.
She has done a lot for the center.
Do not talk to her.
Sounds just fine.
Bitch, bitch. Fuck, fuck.
Easy to say and do.
Snow White, you coming?
Why? You'd be better
with me in the street.
I am willing to come. Show me.
That's where I was.
Here I sniffed glue
with the remainder of the strip.
Where's the tape?
We fought.
- What has happened?
- Betong stole my money.
You killed him?
Silly, it will be on your tail.
- Nonoy.
- You take things up.
- Betong is on your tail.
- You see.
Come this way.
Who is this boy?
I saw in you.
It's your little brother?
I am alone.
And your mother, she's nice?
I said that I was an orphan.
This is not true.
If only that were true.
Do you know if you stay with us?
I have other things to do.
As the hearing.
There is no hearing.
You speak well for a future superstar.
Today we took pictures
for our brochure. You can be.
Really? I will be paid for this?
No, but we will take good
pictures of you.
All kids love
especially if they are in the foreground.
- You take part?
- Super.
Like this? Or like this?
- So you're in the game?
- Of course.
Hi, little brother.
You're not my sister.
You ignored me.
No, of course not,
but I said that I was an orphan.
Buy jasmine please.
- Mom is furious.
- So.
- I never get home.
- Can I come with you?
I said that I would take you
when I'm rich and famous.
This American woman...
take me to Hollywood.
Why do not you buy these flowers?
What is wrong?
Are you so dull?
Give me those flowers.
What are you doing shit?
- Buy them. Only 100 pesos.
- No, I do not want flowers.
If you do not buy these flowers
I scratch your car.
Are you crazy?
You see, I always take care of you.
When I grow rich,
I'll take you dear brother.
- Where were you?
- Everywhere and nowhere.
- You were expecting me?
- But no.
You're always close to me.
You expect something from me?
No, I think you're nice.
- You 're in love with me.
- But no.
You 're not really
my prince on the white horse.
But you can be my girlfriend?
Get the fuck out.
I'll protect you.
I'm your GI Joe.
I can handle myself.
Auction bids are made.
Here is an object and say 20 pesos.
If someone wants to pay that price,
he raises his hand.
20 pesos.
Come on, it's fun.
- 20 pesos.
- The first offer. Anyone else?
- 21 pesos.
- Very well, 21 pesos.
Even someone?
22 pesos.
- Why should I pay more?
- Silly, it's worth much more.
No one here is silly.
Who offers more?
Where is my daughter?
I want my daughter now.
- Calm down. Where is the problem?
- You're my daughter.
- I know. Where is she?
- I'm not coming with you.
Lilet, down.
- This is my daughter, she comes.
- It helps in.
Why take classes?
She follows me now.
I want my daughter.
Wait. We are home.
- I am the mother. I have the right.
- I know. But wait.
I do not go home.
- I can not keep you here.
- Say I go tomorrow.
But it's your mother.
I have no power over it.
So you can not protect me?
I will be better in the street.
If you do not tell me,
I can not help you.
You want to just
for this dirty old man.
She's lying.
If you behave well,
you receive a beating.
It is a headache.
Come into my office.
And we'll talk about your problems.
Problems? It is you,
white, the problem.
Now you know
I'll meet you forever.
Not fool me...
I am your mother.
I got you.
When I was your age,
I was like that.
You have a mother.
I do not want to see you here.
It is prohibited for children.
We are closed, go away.
I remain. I'm here
my sister Tessie.
Shut up.
The girls are still sleeping.
- Shut up.
- Lilet?
- What are you doing here?
- I do not want to go.
Come quickly, you're soaked.
What din
and who is this girl?
My little sister.
It has problems.
You work here,
keep your problems at home.
I talk to him for a moment in the lodge.
I will not go again.
Mom is so stupid.
Always trying to bet.
And she licks the boots Tonyo.
- You can not stay. You're too young.
- Say I'm 18.
Are you crazy?
You do not even do 15.
You want me to lose my job?
Stay here and touch anything.
The postulants are
more and more young people.
Too much red.
You are beautiful.
Shit, shit, shit.
Why the drama?
I have already two months late.
Why bother? You can always
put you on all fours and do that.
Here it can only
do the dishes or be a waitress.
- Waitress?
- So you pick up the empty glasses.
She is still a virgin?
Mom can do nothing against you here.
Curing mom takes care of that.
- Why do they call you the bother?
- Because it is.
You know.
You are young and inexperienced.
I arranged for
you're the most beautiful princess here.
Can I take them back?
- Come sit with us.
- Yes, good idea.
I can not.
It is a good idea.
A moment only.
You're hurting me.
- I do not have the right to be
at the table. - Just a moment.
Sorry, sir. Sorry.
- How are you?
- Can I get you something?
It's nothing.
Have you ever experienced that?
- What do you want?
- We are looking Lilet.
She is not here.
- When will it be back?
- No idea.
It's been a while
it is not returned.
- Have you told the police?
- The police?
- Yes, the police.
- Do you think it will help me?
Why do not you ask there?
If you do not call the police...
Go and talk to the police.
Look, I got a good tip.
Another one?
- If thou bringest, then yes.
- Good.
When did he take America?
Germany is not America.
It is as well.
I'm so happy for you.
I received so many requests and
promises. But I'm still here.
But he was serious, right?
Of course, and he was drunk,
like all the others.
I give you some advice.
Never believe what they say.
Even if they swear on their mother
they lie.
What they want is sex,
not a woman.
We can sneak out
for shopping?
We will have problems
Curing with Mom.
You're afraid of her?
- This bitch can be nasty.
- Come on. Leave.
This is ugly.
Mom, buy me that.
It's going really well.
What did you buy?
You'll see.
Did you steal?
Calm down.
Great, huh?
I trusted you.
You never catch me.
Do not walk so fast, I can not
with these shoes.
This is correct?
What is happening here?
Where are you past the name of God?
- Sorry, I have nothing for you.
- Do not make fun of me.
- You know we do not come out like that.
- It was my idea.
Alice, you're the oldest.
You disappoint me again.
And if your parents and your child
received no money this month?
Aunt, this month I worked so hard.
You know our agreement.
You knew where they were going?
- No, ma'am.
- " No, ma'am "...
You had to watch her.
You even begged me.
I can fend for myself though...
Small. You are respected no rules.
I promise to watch her.
Your little sister can be very painful.
It is the opposite of what they say.
You know, poor silly?
It is really stupid.
- You do anything.
- I'll lose my job.
Hey, sister. Make lipstick.
Mom Curing is your aunt? Jesus...
You know nothing at all.
Can you help me a little?
Do you miss her?
What do you know about her?
She knows a lot.
What do you mean?
- You know what I mean.
- No, you have to tell me.
Madam, can I go now?
Yes, you can.
- Here you have a lot of girls.
- You enjoy the show?
- Yes, you are full of pretty girls.
- All my girls are pretty.
- And the baby?
- How small?
- The little there.
- At the table? She knows little.
- I love all the more.
- Really?
You want it?
For the right price you can buy everything.
- 15,000.
- 15,000? A little more?
No haggling.
This is what you can offer?
Not a bit more?
- Lilet goes much win tonight.
- How?
I like you a lot to this man.
Go sit at his table.
It is very nice.
It is ugly.
You must cooperate to stay here.
This man has done a beautiful job.
Snow White will be more money...
Lilet that never had.
- Ouch, my arm.
- You just have to be nice.
Two hours
you'll earn 2,000 pesos.
- 2000?
- Yes.
Asks Tessie.
She will tell you that this is a good deal.
- Do you know where is my sister?
- No idea.
What are you doing here?
Curing mom has a range of 2,000 pesos.
This is a nice sum.
Trust in Mom Curing.
But it is ugly.
It's okay.
Wood First once.
Leave now.
Go away.
Of course there is a price bar,
for you only 1000 pesos.
- 8000.
- What?
I'll be nice for 8000 pesos.
Do not play with me.
I decide the price.
Say 8000.
I am young and beautiful.
5000. This is the only exception.
Then it will be 1000.
Where is this girl?
Dirty idiot, why did not you me
never say you 're a virgin.
Jesus. You clean it myself.
- Come here.
- Let go of me.
- Come on.
- It's only a child.
Let me go.
If you have to puke, puke here.
You make us a bad reputation.
I had to give him his money.
He fucked me like a dog.
But he has not kissed a virgin.
- I did like.
- It was not enough.
I do all the work
and you make money. Bitch.
You're completely drunk,
otherwise I would've kicked her out.
- Mrs. Curing is not his fault.
- Do not meddle.
Clean this mess.
And want it out of my sight.
Silly girl.
Do not touch it ever again.
If you touch it still,
I'll kill you.
Welcome to Club Paradise.
The club where you can fuck with all
world where everyone fuck.
The club where everyone is using you.
That's not funny.
of not being able to protect you.
Do not worry. It will.
He had a small cock.
My daughter is the same age.
I should be with her now...
I could meet?
Stop these stories.
I love the shadows.
They seem to hide something.
If you use your imagination...
then they become good people.
I always imagine...
my father...
is one of those shadows.
One day he will appear.
Snow White is now
alone in the forest.
Dark shadows,
the sinister rumors about her.
The forest is so dense that it can not
even see the stars.
Where were you?
- Are you okay?
- Why? I do not seem to go?
We were told that you had ran away.
No, I played in a new
series. You did not see?
See Claire. You have to turn more
often on TV for children.
Claire will return us
if she sees you smoking.
I smoke if I want.
- It is forbidden.
- Get the hell with these rules.
If you're afraid
go sit further.
- Yesterday I swiped a wallet.
- I hope it was full.
Here visitors.
You're not coming?
Lilet, Nonoy. I want you
our sponsors.
- It looks like a movie star.
- My father is a famous actor.
- His father is a famous actor?
- It could be the case.
I will do a tour?
It is a good idea.
Your English is really improving.
Yes ma'am, you can
have and go to your work.
Here is the computer room.
We only have one computer.
It is because of poverty
the girls sell their bodies.
Some parents sell
their children for money.
- Yes I know, some people really are.
- Yes, it happens.
These women are monsters.
They should be locked up.
I am very proud of you.
The visitors were impressed.
But they know nothing at all.
Where did they come from?
They gave me $ 20.
And Nonoy?
He also received something.
You can do this more often.
There visitors each week.
Send me a SMS.
And I remember you.
Who gave you that?
You were really serious
about these mothers?
Yes, monsters mothers
should rot in jail.
You know your mother well?
No, my mother is only
the slave of the monster.
Who is the monster?
My stepfather.
What does he do?
Why do you always
so many questions?
We make love tonight?
I have no experience.
And I thought...
you could teach me.
Then you have to pay me.
According to my mother
everything revolves around money.
That's it?
60 cents?
For that you will get a kiss.
It's easier for us
to talk with the rest of the world...
if we speak English.
What new English words
we learned lately?
- What does piper?
- What?
Who taught you this word?
What other words you taught them?
Orgasm, cocksucking...
- Stop it.
- In doggie.
- But you asked...
- Stop it.
What do you do?
We pilons eyebrows.
Who gave you that?
- We found them.
- Stop it.
But I've done an eyebrow.
No Claire, it's different with Lilet.
You must open your eyes.
Ms. Madison had the same problem.
That's why we sent it back.
- It is not out of place here.
- This is a special case.
It will ruin the purpose of the center.
Think of the other children.
Viewing Nonoy.
He grew...
but now it falls
into his old habits.
- This is a bar girl.
- What do you think?
I think she
a bad influence.
She even teaches others
how to make love.
This is really a tough girl.
Yes, you're right.
But the return is not the solution.
She asked you for help?
If not, you do not have to help.
Are you ready?
What do I do then?
Close the eyes, like the others?
You're not even worth 100 pesos.
You could not bend.
It's not my fault. 500.
Pay me, or...
You still owe me 500, asshole.
It is a rapist.
The girls know it
even they need help.
It does not make sense. He does not care
they help or not.
You know what it is at the bottom?
Your obsession with her.
Calm down.
And thank you for your analysis.
You can turn left here?
At thirteen I
run away from me...
and I worked for...
Hi, it registered?
My father is...
They make a documentary
on child prostitution.
- I'll be just a hotel.
- You must not say that.
The most dramatic plays.
Tell you got 11 years.
- They have someone 15 years.
- So I'm 9 years old.
Say you've got 11 years. then they
remain and we will have more money.
Three men raped me.
They made me so bad.
Since then, the knife never left me.
- The rape story is false.
- They do not know.
You must know what you're doing.
- You still need me?
- No, only your sister.
My father is the brother of Tom Cruise.
Look, I have a picture.
I have a little brother.
Here it is.
Everything okay?
Look I am known.
- What does this camera here?
- Calm down. I have a gift for you.
- I do not know yet read.
- Look at the pictures then.
She looks like me, right? At the end
the prince on the white horse is found.
I am now
an international star.
- I thought you were joking.
- Of course not.
Take me then.
I will, but later.
Then when?
I think we're done here.
- Give him a few pesos, OK?
- Yes.
I do not understand your sister
pregnant can still work here.
She still has regular customers.
Did you miss me?
Did you miss me?
Ah, but this is my little princess.
- What is he?
- My stepfather is here.
I've seen here.
So he came to your sister.
- That's not true.
- Seriously.
- I can not. It is disgusting.
- But he has already paid.
I ask Alice.
He wants you.
Honey, I did not ask you
to the bitch.
It was your own idea.
He'll have fucked anyway.
He has already done.
Now I understand.
Nothing new then. This at least
Once you earn a little money, right?
I never refuse. You know.
You're a real pro, honey.
Behave now as well.
Do not make them wait. Come on...
and do your best.
Can I have your attention?
Can I have your attention?
- Tonyo. How?
- How what?
I know my prices.
What's yours?
800? For the whole evening.
This is an auction. I am the object.
You there.
I'm worth how much?
- Come on, it's fun.
- 900.
900? Someone else Tonyo?
900, anyone else?
- 1200.
- Very well. 1200.
It's a game
More can?
Why not more, Tonyo?
- Even someone? Go.
- 5000.
5000? Fantastic.
Did you hear that, Mom Curing?
Give money to the loser.
I already paid for you.
I'm much too expensive for you,
then get the hell out.
This is not possible.
I have already paid.
Before you gave me free
this is possible.
- Come with me.
- There is a problem?
I never want to see you here.
This is not the right place for you.
Why others always know
what is right for me?
What is good?
The school?
You're a girl so angry.
So your method.
You behave like a gentleman.
More bullshit.
For the right price you can have me.
I won the auction.
You know how it works here.
The money on the table.
I have already paid.
I did that for
save you from this man.
We do not go to the hotel?
You're very pretty,
but I do not do that.
Come, let's go.
- Where to go?
- Outside fun.
I do not have money.
I'll take the balls
if you do not come.
In Roxas Boulevard,
then Grand Boulevard Hotel.
You know, I went
at least 10 times.
And I have to believe that?
No, also at the Hilton.
Even Manila Hotel, my favorite.
How did you get there?
I know big stars.
I still go out with them.
Are you kidding me.
Asked about the rooms.
What is the color of the carpet
House of Grand Boulevard?
Blue and yellow.
Only after it is cream.
If my parents were still alive.
Your parents still live
but you never see them.
I hate people who take care of me.
And my mother wants money.
- Guys, stop.
- What is your problem?
Do not bother.
What has happened?
You should have seen. He fought
against three, with knives and...
Shut up.
- How are you?
- What has happened?
We ate. Three boys
wanted to fight came.
But how it started?
They bothered Lilet,
I had to do something.
Damn, they stole my iPhone.
You have to show to others.
You are a true hero.
He wanted himself.
It is love.
You like it?
It is OK.
A he received what he wanted?
- Why do you ask?
- Kiss.
A he could fuck?
We have not fucked.
Why, after all these men, not
sex with a boy that you like?
It is not your business.
500 pesos.
I want you to undress.
Undress. Usually you do?
- What is your problem?
- Now, for me.
- Everything.
- Fuck you.
1000? So you want 1000 pesos?
Do you want more?
I want to know how your body is.
How much for your breasts? Your pussy?
And Nonoy?
It's expensive for him?
It has a discount? Or is it more expensive
if someone you like?
You think
you can do it like that?
You're so stupid.
I hate you.
You do not understand.
Your body is too precious.
Nobody should pay for.
You can only do one thing: give
someone that you really like.
Dirty fool. You white
think you can do anything.
I trusted you.
What are you trying to prove?
It destroys all your work.
You can not rewrite history.
You can not be the mother of another child.
And you say that now?
It was an accident.
Nobody blames you.
- What do you feel?
- I tried to move forward.
- I am not insensitive.
- You do not even dare look at her picture.
- Because it hurts too much.
- We never talk.
Come on, give me a kiss.
- Come with me. She has herpes.
- Really?
- Why did you say that?
- It was my client.
Your client?
If you really liked me,
it would be with you.
He told me that he likes me more
than you do. Because you're lying.
You lie.
He takes me in Germany.
In your dreams, honey.
Stops. Let her go.
- This bitch has driven my client.
- She had her reasons for it.
So now you choose a camp.
And what am I to you?
I helped you, hosted,
took care of you.
- But never a thank you.
- Thank you so.
Sorry I insulted you?
Princess Snow White.
I treated you like a big sister
and what have you done?
Did you ever protect me
against Tonyo? Never.
You knew what was going on
and you never warned me.
And then you left me.
Do you know how many times I?
so it does not touch you?
You lie.
Wake up, Lilet.
The world no longer revolves around you.
You've always been jealous
because my father is a good actor.
You really believe that?
Leave it.
Mom took this picture magazine
because you always cried after him.
He may be a criminal,
but not an actor.
- That's not true.
- If this is true.
This is the real world. You do not love
but it is the truth.
Super. Mom wants Curing
a contest of wet t-shirts.
And I will of course win.
Why did he have a
person on stage?
Come on, hurry up.
I ran away from home
thirteen years.
Hello. It records?
Three men raped me.
So I always have a knife on me...
My mother is adorable.
But last year
there has been flooding...
- The restoration did not come.
- I forgot to call.
But all the children wait.
Give them McDonald's, I'll pay.
I have a little brother and he is here.
This is my sister. Super.
You know where she is?
- Wonderland Club.
- Club Wonderland? Thank you.
I also know this man.
A real idiot.
Come on.
- I can not leave now.
- She'll be right back.
I wrote a letter to my daughter.
I found her address
and wrote her how sorry I am.
- Did you tell him that you love him?
- Of course. I'll read it, come on.
- I have champagne.
- Who bought it?
I stole it,
Dom Perignon 2000.
- It costs $ 50.
- No, Mom Curing pays only 10.
Show me your permission.
This is an outrage.
- Damn, the letter to Joy.
- I'll take it.
I have a contract with Jose.
How many do you want?
These are all the girls?
We checked, but we
already have the minors.
I know who you are. Bitch.
The American idiot.
There must be others.
Let's go.
- Come on.
- No, go alone.
How dare you show up here?
What in the name of God are you doing here?
I wanted...
It's your fault we're here,
and they will close the Club.
You always lied, bitch.
I do not know.
Application therefore Tessie.
Tessie, tell them.
I knew nothing?
Emerges Lilet.
What? We've all seen your friend
American bitch.
I really do not know.
Shut up and release us.
You are still free.
You can have all the clients.
- Whore.
- Bitch, bitch, bitch.
Lilet, wait.
What in the name of God will happen?
Lilet, get off the roof immediately.
Bitch. I have seen you.
- What are you talking about?
- You went to the police.
I tried to find you.
You're so stupid. There are women
with children there.
But this is not the place for you.
- Why? This is so wrong?
- Yes, you're much too young.
Are you really God?
Come on.
You have to be protected.
How am I protected?
I now live on the street.
What are you doing?
Come here.
- No.
- I'm your sister.
- You did not keep your promise.
- I am here, right?
Lilet, down.
I stay with Miss Claire.
Shut up, fool.
I hate this place,
nothing but bullshit.
They will make you a wimp.
As with Nonoy.
Where are you?
Men will recognize
your approach and your ways.
May I remind you that I was already
prostitute before you be born?
But you walk like an old woman.
Behave like a pro, sexy...
Like that.
I do not want.
Do you know Snow White?
Club Wonderland?
They closed, huh?
So I do not have to pay the club.
But we're expensive.
I like you.
You'd better take my friend.
- And if I pay double?
- No, it's Alice or nothing.
Forget it, Lilet.
Sir, you don't have to.
Take my friend.
She is much better than me.
Take it then?
Here there is a budget hotel.
OK, I take it.
What are you doing here?
- They closed the club.
- Now what?
Why are you not at Claire's?
I left the center.
I'll take my chances on the street.
You're not a wimp,huh?
What does he?
Something happened.
Wait. Leave it alone.
- Who did this?
- She jumped.
Impossible. She would never have done.
You 're a doctor.
Please heal her.
Alice spits.
Alice, wake up. Please.
Wait. Wait.
It's not ready yet.
It's a surprise, go away.
Look, it was still there.
It's so beautiful.
Are you stealing?
No, I have not stolen anything.
- Are you working?
- No.
- Why are you wearing that dress then?
- My best friend made it.
Liar. You're just
looking for customers.
Not True. I don't care
what you think.
Don't you recognize me?
- I'll stop.
Let me go.
You know what I want.
Do what I want,
and I will not stop you.
- Give me what I want.
- Let me go.
- Shut up.
- I do not want.
Give me what I want.
Your dress is dirty.
In your thoughts...
You are always free.
In your thoughts...
you live long and happy.
Men only want my body...
but nobody wants to know
what is under my skin.
When I am dead,
they can have my body...
- But I do not feel anything.
- Lilet 13 years