Lion (2016)

Guddu? My Saroo?
Saroo, Saroo...
Thank you.
Come closer..
LOS Saroo...
Fork. Yes good.
Very good.
Okay, okay.
Thank you.
Hello, I'm Swarmina.
Oh hello, I'm John, this is Sue.
Hello there.
Hello, here it's for you.
Good on the plane?
Eh, good?
This is...
Mummy and...
And we're so happy to meet you.
A boat.
Gently... gently...
This is where you will live.
Down there, that's the living room.
Do you know what a television is?
You can open it.
Do you want me to cut it up for him?
What was it?
Yes, pepper.
That's right and...
Very good.
So, you've come a long way,
haven't you? Hmm?
Little one.
I'm sure it hasn't been easy.
One day you will tell me all about it.
You'll tell me everything.
Who you are, everything.
I'll always listen.
Steer, yeah yeah...
Yeah, that's that's good.
How's it....?
Okay mate.
Mum... Daddy...
Here he comes! Come on mate!
She's out!
Oh my God!
How did you do this to me?
All right.
Dad, mum, Saroo...
Hello again!
Oh Saroo, my goodness, look at you!
Oh my gosh, we've been so excited!
This is Mantosh.
Hey Man...
This is Saroo. I'm Sue...
This is Saroo, your brother.
And John...
Hello mate!
Show show Mantosh what you've done.
He did a picture, Yeah...
- It's been a long flight?
- Yes, Yes, Yes.
Must be hungry.
We should get something to eat.
Would you like to join us?
Oh alright, okay that will be nice.
Stop, stop, stop, stop.
No no no, It's alright.
I know it's Okay.
Stop it, stop it, stop it!
- Come on...
- I know I know...
- No no no.
- Hey mate.
- It's okay, Man.
- Get the toys.
No, no, no, don't hit mate.
Don't hit yourself. No no no..
Not your head.. Not your head.
- Come on
- You're right, you're right...
It's okay.
Come on, it's okay Man.
Look, there's a boat there.
It's better now.
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
... on this one.
- We're gonna miss you.
- Yeah.
It's only Melbourne.
Who is across the border?
Our beautiful boy!
May this bring you
all that you could wish for.
Yeah, and then some.
Thanks mum. Thanks dad.
From the moment you
came into our lives...
- Mum...
- No no no, let me finish.
From the moment you
came into our lives...
It was all we could have hoped for.
More, more than we hoped for, really.
And, er, more work, that's for sure.
You really embraced every opportunity.
We're very proud of you, son.
Very proud and very excited with this
new chapter in your life.
- To success!
- To success!
Are you still waiting on someone?
Or can I take the plate away?
- Yeah, you can take it away.
- No no no, you can leave it.
No, take it.
I'd like to keep it.
Thank you.
You don't really think
he will turn up, do you?
Just leave it, son.
That's a nice one.
- Yeah it's a good one.
- It's a local one.
Sorry, I didn't meet lunch.
What's that course again?
Hotel Management.
So you're going when to do what?
Manage a hotel...
Well... have fun!
Any bills you need to pay?
You can give us a job
when you come back.
Please could you not do
anything while I'm away?
- Yeah Yeah...
- make mum...
...more unhappy than
you already do.
Why do you think I stay away?
We see ourselves as United Nations
of hospitality schools.
And we'd like to think we teach
a global and balanced perspective.
You're here because
you have a dream.
We're here to help make
that dream a reality.
Yeah and I saw firsthand how
the hospitality industry
can really bring infrastructure to
communities that need it.
But I also saw a lot of problems
that they cause,
which is why community groups need to
be, involved every step of the way,
and they need to be taken seriously.
I guess I want to help facilitate that
and help give them a voice.
I want to run hotels, so I put
all the profits into my pocket.
Well, let me ask and start with
where you are from? Shall we?
So, born in Australia?
Yeah No, er...
I've got family in Calcutta.
My cousins are at ....
Which part?
I'm adopted. I'm not really Indian.
But you like cricket though, right?
Ah, you like cricket...
You go for the Aussies or the Indians?
Only the Aussies, mate!
Only the Aussies, mate!
This is going to be interesting.
Okay, Saroo...
Why did you choose this course?
What else do you want to
get out of it?
Hi, Hey!
Come in. Come in.
Hi, how are you?
Do you guys like Indian food?
That's all we have.
It's so great.
I tried to copy someone.
..Bollywood dance..
- This side, one leg.
- Yeah, one leg.
Where I grew, I say flashlight.
What do you say?
- Lampo de poche.
- Lampo de poche?
- Lampo de poche.
- Flashlight is er...(Indian word)
What do you say?
If you want to eat with your hand,
you need to use the naan,
like a spoon.
- Use a fork.
- No, let him use the naan.
So how do you say taxi?
- Taxi.
- Taxi.
It is the same in every language.
Do you want a fork?
He's like my father.
- You want another beer?
- Yes please, thank you.
Guddu, I want some jalebi.
You okay?
I'm not from Calcutta.
I'm lost.
The Howrah station is enormous,
you must have been freaking out.
I once went through there
on a pilgrimage to Puri,
and I missed my connection twice.
And you didn't speak Bengali?
I didn't even know it was called that.
- How long were you on the train?
- A couple of days.
A couple of days?
Saroo, what was your hometown again?
I must had it wrong
because it doesn't exist.
But there must be something else
that you do remember.
The platform...
where I fell asleep on,
there's a big rain tank.
That was only a few stops
from Ganestlay.
There are thousands of
stations with rain tanks.
Okay, it was a long time ago.
Have you heard of this new
program, Google Earth?
It's incredible, you can find
any place from anywhere.
Listen to me, we can find out how
fast passenger trains went back then.
We take that speed, multiply by
the hours that you were on the train.
That's it.
We create a search radius.
And inside there, you will find
the station with the rain tank.
Yeah, but it will take a lifetime
to search all the stations in India.
Did I say all the stations?
Ok, even half the stations..
Really guys,
I don't want to talk about this.
Did your parents
try to find you?
- What?
- They tried to find him.
I mean, if they tried to find him,
maybe they left like a paper trail.
What paper trail?
- He didn't know his surname.
- My mum couldn't read or write.
What does she do?
A labourer, she carried rocks.
Your mum?
My mum died about four years ago now.
I'm sorry.
My dad is still so angry at her.
Not for getting sick, obviously...
but just for refusing chemo.
But she just knew herself, you know,
she knew what her terms were
and she knew how
she wanted to live, so...
Just couldn't accept that, I guess.
And how do you feel?
I miss her.
And what do you think of
Bharat's search radius idea?
What was that?
Is that your dance?
Oh, God!
Hey, you can't go on like this.
Let me help you.
Let's go for a run.
Come here.
Hold on.
Got a cramp.
You lied! You cheat!
I never show anybody this.
Okay, they're beautiful.
Do enjoy it.
My little hobby.
Oh wow.
I'm so glad you're coming tonight.
Cheeky little thing.
Pure energy.
But incredible.
So sweet!
It's been hard to control, but...
very very smart... and very...
I mean, he can do anything if he just
learn to control that energy.
He can do it and do it all.
Saroo is very protective of him.
I've been blessed.
Very blessed.
Your mum showed me
all your old trophies.
Mum, you didn't.
Now I know why
you're so athletic.
That's only half of them.
There's plenty more in the garage.
Hey, where you going, mate?
Finishing a smoke.
- I can barely get him off the couch.
- Lucy...
Why can't you just tell them
what you've been up to?
Tell us.
They will understand and
they will support you.
What? Come on.
Hey, um, dinner!
Better eat it, while it's hot.
- You hungry?
- Yeah.
What have I missed?
- She looks upset.
- She's not upset!
You and I are leaving.
Saroo knows everything.
- He's an expert.
- I hope.
He's a manager.
Why are you here?
He's here because
he's your brother.
No, he's not.
- We're different.
- Hey, none of that, Saroo!
It's all right.
Hey no no...
It's all right...
Don't move.
It's okay.
Nice one, mate.
It's okay, just breathe, mate.
Just breathe...
I hate what he's done to you.
I'm sorry.
Kiss me.
- Stop, please.
- Hey!
Look at me.
Look at me!
- Can this wait?
- Where are you?
Can this wait 'til we get home?
- Yah?
- Home?
What home?
You mean, I'm alone in one room
and you alone in another room?
Come on.
Stop, Luce.
Come on.
You need to face reality!
What do you mean - reality?
You have any idea what it's like
knowing my real brother...
... and mother spend everyday
of their lives looking for me?
How everyday my real
brother screams my name!
Can you imagine the pain they
must be in for not knowing where I am?
25 years, Luce.
Why didn't you tell me
that's been happening for you?
And we swung about in our ...
... privileged lives.
It makes me sick.
I have to find home.
They need to know, okay?
I never stopped you.
I want to help.
I can't do this anymore.
You deserve more.
Don't you do that!
Don't you dare do that,
because you know I'm in!
Saroo, you there, mate?
It's One-day International (cricket)
tomorrow. You can come over if you like?
I meant to tell you I fixed the rudder.
Why don't we take her out
and head up the coast?
Hey, Saroo...
mate, your mum's not, um,
look, we've lost track of Mantosh
and she's missing him.
You know how worried she gets.
We know you quit your job, mate.
Just worried about you, son.
I've been visiting her.
Every night I walk
those streets home.
Home from the dam.
Home from the station.
I know now...
...every single step of the way.
And I imagine now...
...whispering in her ear.
I'm here, it's alright.
What was she like?
How was New York?
It's the same.
So, what brings you back?
My funding came through.
It's great!
They know how good you are.
I missed you.
I saw your mum.
She's not doing very well.
Worry, it would kill her
if she knew I was searching.
You underestimate her.
She needs you.
What if you do find home
and no one's there?
And you never stop and keep searching?
And you don't know what happens over time,
things change, and entire worlds change.
I don't have a choice.
I can't.
John heard Mantosh
is out on the boat...
...pulling lobster runs.
It's due back tomorrow.
So be flushed with cash,
back on the hard stuff.
Sorry you couldn't have your own kids.
What are you saying?
... weren't blank pages, were we?
Like your own would have been.
You aren't just adopting us
but our past as well.
- And I feel life quickened on you.
- I could have had kids.
We chose not to have kids.
We wanted the two of you.
That's what we wanted.
We wanted the two of you in our lives.
That's what we chose.
It's one of the reasons
I fell in love ...
... with your dad.
Because we both felt, as if...
... the world has enough people in it.
Have a child, couldn't guarantee
it will make anything better.
But to take a child that's suffering
like you boys were.
Give you a chance in the world.
That's something.
I bet you never imagined
it being this hard.
It's not a matter of hard.
It's not a mat...
There's only one path for me.
That's, how I think.
That's how this happened because...
When I was 12
I had a vision.
Some people would say,
it was a breakdown. But it...
My dad was alcoholic.
And you know that he was like
he wasn't a good man.
He was out of control when I was...
I was standing at the back of the house.
I was looking out across this field.
And I just wanted the
earth to swallow me up.
And I...
I felt an electric current
that was like a shock,
A shock through my whole body.
And then I saw...
A brown skinned child
across that field.
And he was standing beside me.
And it was right there and I could
feel it so strongly.
And for the first time in my
life I felt something good...
I felt good.
And I knew it was guiding me.
And I knew that
I was going to be fine.
It was, as if, that moment
I could see my future right.
Right there!
Because I always thought that
I could keep this family together.
And now...
Now I don't know.
- Mum...
- What's happening? I don't understand.
You don't talk to me any more.
I need you, Saroo.
Sorry about what I said at dinner.
Ganesh Talai...
Ganesh Talai.
I found home!
Please wait for me.
I'm here.
So this is where you've been.
I don't want you to feel,
I was ungrateful.
There wasn't a day,
I didn't want to tell you.
I really hope she's there.
She needs to see
how beautiful you are!
Hi, I used to live here.
Can I help?
That's me. I'm Saroo.
I used to live here.
- You lived here?
- Yes I used to live here.
I'm looking for Guddu,
Kallu, Shekila.
My mother.
Come where?
Come with me.
Just come.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Yes, tarabuja!
Where is Guddu?
Where is he?
Guddu is no more.
He is with God.
She's so big!
I'm Saroo.
She's beautiful.
Hi, mum.
I know you will be sound asleep.
I just want to say that I'm safe.
Safe and all the questions
have been answered.
There are no more deadends.
I found my mother, and...
... she thanks you both for raising me.
She understands that
you are my family.
She's... happy,
just knowing I'm alive.
I found her, but that doesn't change
who you are.
I love you mom...
so much.
And you, Dad.
And Mantosh.