Lions For Lambs (2007)

Four troops were murdered with
on explosive in a car...
... more than 3 thousand units of the I exercise
North American has died from the 2003.
I increase of the attacks
Office of the Senator Jasper Irving
As you he/she wants.
He is in the Cabinet.
Do excuse?
- The senator.
- Oh.
Hello. Good morning, Janine.
Alone they would be bad if there was not anything...
... new.
Sit down, please.
Do you want coffee, does it dilute, tea?
No, thank you.
- It is very good to see you.
- Thank you.
- Senator?
- Orchid, you bring me a coffee, please.
I read the history that you wrote in
Rise. You investigated in the politics.
Did you make it?
In fact I believe that it is a good history.
It is a different angle.
Thank you.
We are waiting for you
personal of public relationships?
No. Alone we will be you and me.
Not I want them to interrupt
the captious questions.
Oh. that luck.
You were the first that me
he/she helped with my candidacy...
... and now I return you the favor.
Not it was a favor. It was
alone as I saw you years ago.
In all ways I am been appreciated.
I am considering to stay in your team.
Not he/she knew that pressed that the count was.
I won for 77% of the votes.
Oh yes.
I have not forgotten it.
You are aware that I am
making this line of time... ?
If. You are making the line of time
more detailed of the world of the terror...
... and I bet to that if it is as another of those lines
of time that you/they have come out from last year...
... you will hoist the candles
to open up I happen...
... in this complicated world.
I believe that you are exaggerating a little.
You will be you who he/she makes the decisions.
- Don't you trust us?
- I trust you.
And for that reason it is that you are here.
To discuss what, exactly?
To see if you want to write
a honest history again.
To remember the little attention that
he/she has been lent to the war...
... during six years.
You can make money with this.
Which is the history?
It is about a new plan...
... that you is
developing in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan? A new plan?
A new plan that
it will win the war so much,
and as tawdry as this it can sound,
the heart and people's mind.
Which is the plan?
Obviously, I will find it
impossible to be everything.
It imagined that for security, of course.
I announce you that you can
to write a history...
... on what we are
making now in Afghanistan.
Not six years ago, but now.
The defense advisers
they have made sure...
... a sure victory.
What is this?
This meeting.
This is my best effort...
... to maintain to the
it presses well informed.
And to change the matter...
... of the past to the future.
And all the errors...
... and to count about how
we work to amend them.
How long do you have today?
I have up to 11:00 o'clock.
The complete hour?
They should be terrified.
Oh, not.
We are resolved.
Afghanistan. 6:30 p. m.
Hour of Afghanistan.
Having Frinks,
did you make what I requested you?
I already made it, Mister.
How was it you?
I was to 15 miles of the place.
Very well. Rodrguez?
All fact, Mister.
Of agreement, I want them to take notes
because I want that they ask questions.
Good news first.
Al-Qaeda and the talibanes have you
reduced to a flock of wolves,
so they don't create all it
that they read in the newspapers.
We have been successful combatting to the one
enemy and we have weakened them...
... and we are more imposing
since we arrive here.
That is good.
The bad news, we have
that to continue combatting them,
we have to close the attack,
while we don't attack them,
stronger they become.
Remember the motto.
Never attacks for a lot
time to your enemy because...
He/she will adapt to your attack, Mister.
He/she will adapt to your
attack, that is correct.
Here the points are,
study them.
It has been reported...
... that Al-Qaeda plans to open up
a new front in this place.
Are these data up-to-date, Mister?
That is not the whole problem,
there is not there sufficiently nobody him
strong to combat this enemy,
the colonel says that we cannot leave
that these types leave now home.
Then. Why the enemy
is this making now?
What is happening is that the one
enemy intended to settle down...
... as a legitimate force of
it combats with the town, another time.
Of where they would come this people?
Van from door to door requesting him/her to
the families that you/they give to their children,
if they don't give them their children, these they are
executed in front of their families,
this it is the number one.
The second, it is Iraq.
Al-Qaeda and the talibanes are
forming a front to continue...
To continue toward where, Mister?
That cannot say it. No
I can answer that question...
They already know too much.
We are continuing to
terrorists refugees or...
... do we move to another territory, Mister?
In the city they have become stronger
and the conditions are uglier,
it is hour of hitting them
and to kick them the bottom.
Van to make an attack
air in this place of here.
We will establish a center of
operations, here, fair to their left...
... with 4 points of operations.
We will fly to 8 thousand feet of height and
we will give turns of 360 on the valley.
The enemy will want it
as much as us,
so we have orders
of taking it before them.
Chequeen their maps and their
portable localizers,
do you already have it?
- Yes Mister.
- Yes Mister.
Van to make the camp,
they will be calmed,
they won't lose temper, they go to
to wait patiently and...
... if fortunately
they face the enemy,
they will present them all the
magnitude of the American wickedness.
Are we clear?
Concluded meeting.
Are not we throwing, Mister?
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
He/she wants him to close or... ?
As you want, son.
Not it is ethical that he/she makes me bring him/her coffee.
Not more than to make me look at that shirt.
Oh, Doctor.
It is of a genuine mark,
is it worth 89,99 or was it 69?
Oh, seriously, Not you do want to return it?
What did he/she make you come until here?
The gift?
Good, not.
My sporadic absences.
It sounds as if you wanted to make a
book of your acting in the semester.
It would be a good idea.
Yes, oh.
Not I know, Doc. There was never
so busy state in my life.
Good, it is that with so many classes...
Is this your excuse?
And there is also a girl.
- Oh yes?
- Yes.
It is that to who you harass so that you
to your side when you come to my class?
How more it maintains you busy?
People of my fraternity.
Alive the boss.
Was it in that house, not?
He/she remembers of how
busy you can be.
Yes, during the end of
week and the 30 days...
He/she knows to that refer.
Oh, yes, I remind myself.
Not he/she believes that it owes himself
to take a social life...
... at the same time of the studies
to have good education?
I believe that a should be made
balance if you want to be here.
I also think when I smile,
in those boys of the forces,
being about justifying their 30
thousand a year for all those seas.
Let us see, my friend.
You passed the exams,
but, alone you came to
that is an entire record, alone
we see each other once a week.
Then, my attendance is
does it leave of the evaluation, not?
Of what do you speak?
You should win a good qualification
for the rest of the semester,
Not more, not less, alone
a solid B of blue color.
I can give you that.
Right here, now.
It is a shit.
Because you won't come to another class,
for not to write or to read
a word that assigns you,
for not writing in none of my
classes for the rest of your time.
Would it be for anything, not?
You know the ideas, this meeting finished.
The whole class would kill for this treatment.
But I am not meeting
with none of them.
I understand that ago.
Here there is another treatment, of two parts,
both not negotiable.
The first part...
... you will appear every day, to
all the classes, starting from now.
And the second, you will sit down beside those
last two boys that can help you.
Maybe that explains for
what I called you this morning.
You have the reflections of a fetus.
How you don't have him/her more fear
to the shots and the bullets?
Because I have written "bullets"
in my balls. Did you understand that?
This is a call of the high control...
Yes, it is a call of the high control.
But this call is for
the future that we have left.
It is alone a sample of how we solve
the military problems first.
Our soldiers of Forces
Special they have gone into enough...
... and they will occupy the position
before they think it,
disabling the enemy's mobility.
And the military part has
that to arrive first. Why?
Because alone after
let us eradicate the enemy,
we will be able to carry out our
plan of making a new democracy.
So it is basically to kill
people to help people.
Not it is what I said, the enemy I said.
You are leaving yourself the context.
I sit down it, alone it tried of...
- Yes, I know it...
- Good, we continue,
in the 2002 you said something as:
... the talibanes retires, we broke
its center, had many applause...
Fulfilled, smaller mission.
An error.
Because now we know that
the enemy was destroyed,
but it continued alive and we also know...
... that the enemy learned the
lesson of that first setback.
Not it is this way, it would be the second setback.
We would abandon this
meeting if I don't accept it?
It will be this way the rest of
the hour in captivity?
Alone I am asking questions.
Senator Irving, alone
give me an example of the...
... enemy learning the lesson.
They refused to the fact that
we were offering them friendship.
And the history has demonstrated that you
do they punish that behavior class, not?
So we throw this new one
strategy using to the military ones...
... as the entrance blow.
To take their heights is key.
Where he/she wants that we are, us
he/she gives the ability to observe,
the possibility to attack and
the opportunity to preside over.
To preside over?
As the Romans with their strong ones.
You establish a constant presence
or you will have constant violence.
Then, we will be there
for the good, as the Romans?
I said constant, not permanent.
We have to have patience and
determination to solve these urgencies.
With the simple duration and the security
of building schools and clinical...
But, when will we make all this?
Good question, we are in it.
Not we can wait to that
they decide to give us access,
we have put this new one
strategy to work now.
Why now?
Why doesn't one year make?
Or two years, or three years?
For two reasons.
The first reason.
The satellites found that
they were full with ammunition.
There is a market over there.
Everybody knows that, alone
googlea Depredador or Global Hawk.
The second reason is ugly.
Ugly? What is that?
A code stops outside of recording.
A small parenthesis, yes.
Of agreement.
Iran. What are they making now?
They are building nuclear weapons,
negotiating with North Korea,
and to count for their record. Them not
do they know like a true holocaust is?
They are traveling from Wa jabee to Afghanistan
using the more direct possible road.
Crossing from side to side to Iran.
Is that confirmed?
He/she has not refused,
they prove their true ideas
of the new access to the wickedness.
two countries are becoming in...
... comrades to be able to kill
more American in more places.
Do we continue without registering?
Because this is really a history.
That is negotiable.
You see what I say.
They are radical with its
union in against our.
We have to remind to the town
American who are their enemies.
They have tests that you is
uniting in against our,
or you are saying that it is a potential...
No, don't underestimate our
fear that this happens.
This is a significant threat
for the security of our nation...
... and you can believe me this.
Now that they have potential
nuclear, simply we are not able to...
When you say nuclear it seems
kind of a statement...
You position shows certain lust.
Mine not.
It is my responsibility, it is part of my work
to describe it stops to protect to the American town.
It is for this reason that there are
carried out this mission.
When will it begin?
Hands up.
Mr., they are 2 minutes.
Load their weapons.
There is a fair space there.
Are you sure of what you say?
Of foot.
It is not well Mister,
there is rusty wire.
They are 23 millimeters that we will bury ourselves.
Rusty and pointed, inoperable.
Pointed? Who does say?
We won't be able to rush.
If we rush we won't achieve this way it.
Mr., I have seen this type of
I jump from the air the whole time.
Let us fly over this inhospitable place.
Wounded man, wounded man.
We are losing altitude.
Give me your things, give me your things.
Having Foreman, Tte. Foreman.
Earth, earth.
What did he/she tell me that it was?
Artist, Aryan music.
As masterizar that music.
We concentrate on the why.
To what do you refer?
Are you the doctor, hey?
He/she already knows, that class of
people, alone it can be...
... African-American American.
What does ago that differ?
Concentrate on the American part.
Of agreement.
So they do play ball, hey?
It is the only form that you
they can allow to come here.
They are this way the players.
You want to walk with two
types different to me?
You know, the professors
they are teachers that sell.
Of agreement, what do you sell?
To you for you.
You know that not.
Not he/she has to do me any favor, doc.
Why is that, Tom?
Why you don't have
that to do me favors?
Why he/she already is not interested?
How does he/she know that I was interested before?
Did it demonstrate it to him in their classes?
You always showed it, you involved yourself.
You made all that sent.
You were hungry, you requested those classes, you had
that to emit your trial in any debate.
Now, the question
here es:Por how no longer?
I already responded that, Mister.
Many things. Small, the
fraternity, to socialize...
He/she hears, Tod, we go.
Not I want to hurt their feelings.
He/she hears,
we have one hour, don't lose a
second worried by my feelings.
Not I am worried by yours.
Thank you, it has taken out all my letters.
Of agreement, we go.
It is well.
The Political Sciences, doc.
What is there of scientific in that?
Maybe in the psychology that
it is necessary to know all shit...
... it is spoken without they notice it.
So this part, really
alone they worry about how to win.
Not another thing, not how to make him/her
well to somebody, alone how to win.
Not it cares how stupid, or
how criminal you have to be...
Give me an example.
Of agreement, the one
president Kennedy is one.
He/she announced their candidacy stopping
before a great audience...
... and saying in high voice
that he/she didn't want to be a president.
Does he/she know?
- Yes.
- Yes, what is that shit?
That is last time.
No, I don't believe it.
Of agreement, you had me when
we studied the old philosophers.
The Greek.
Doc, you caught me,
they were astonishing.
In some place...
... I got lost, I don't know it.
At some time you have been in Greece?
- No.
- No, of course that not.
You only worry about others that had
a rationalized version of the future.
That was not my point.
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, they could
to solve problems in a very easy way.
How, abandoning?
I have to pay my taxes, I will have
that to pay the lights of the traffic...
He/she was thinking of something bigger.
How what? To be a congress member?
- That is bigger.
- Oh, yes.
Super, and later I will give those trips
to the AD and I will be part of that shit.
Those that make our laws,
I will have to be a puppet,
that they comb themselves all of the same side.
The type that he/she never says anything.
You know that I am never quiet.
It could be the type that him
of lessons of morality,
while they happen to me papers for
under the table, oh yes, please.
The type that uses 1 million of
dollars that don't belong him/her and...
... they are never discovered.
How many they are never captured.
If that is something bigger than to be
a good man with a good work,
I take it.
Yes, it is for that reason that I lost.
Almost you convince me.
Almost you convince me.
You really know of
what you are speaking?
You are brilliant with the words,
but, do you know that he/she would make you better?
That you involved yourself.
If they are confronted in
any type of experience.
If you are not behind the doors,
making a damned meeting,
Alone you put on in the line of
any not well this thing.
Confronting me, that is
to put on in the mean, not?
You would make more than only speaking.
The left part,
it is hot.
Not we should have left
to our parachutes.
The pilots?
They have been on board baleados and
they didn't land where they would should.
Where did they land?
We think that they are in the plateau.
The troops are not well,
two lost men.
Be in charge of of that, who does it lack?
Vinch and Rodrguez.
According to the informations, they should be
in a small place of flat LZ.
They are not known if they can have survived.
Jodido idiot.
How wrong are you?
He/she hears, indicate me.
I am begun.
He/she hears, he/she is Jim.
It tolerates.
How much does it delay the rescue troop?
They are here, but they have to make
a perimeter to make us know,
We won't put them in the same situation.
Put them hidden for
that they tell us that it happens.
Can we control everything?
But I don't know since time, G2 is the one
to be covered by a snowfall that he/she comes at 71mph.
It is about seeing the more than you can
for the possible biggest time.
What you tell me of
to send him/her a sign express?
I am working hard, I sent one ago
- But those...
- Code it.
Make it.
He/she wanted to speak with prostitute's son
that he/she said that this area was sure.
The Afghans cannot train,
the commands are small,
the specialized teams
they established 4 operation points.
I thought that they would be 4 operation bases,
but they are 4 operation points,
a point for if alone it is
smaller than a base.
Because it is it.
I sit down it, not.
Me alone...
That sounds as putting
the bait troops.
Janine, is not as putting 1
or 2 types in the mountains.
Small it is as we decide it.
Alone they are men under those conditions.
This is the war in the
that we are put...
... and unfortunately the civilization
it is not sustained for if alone...
... if there is not an answer violence.
What does that mean? Van to
to drain the diplomatic road?
The State Department...
We will attack.
Not you respond to an attack with diplomacy.
The diplomacy is not made
with the idea of teaching.
new in the UN,
and the UN responded making 30 strong
declarations condemning their behavior.
On the other hand France, China and Russia,
the discussions continue for Sudan.
And we don't arm
also to Sudan in those '80?
But we are here now.
Yes, we are here now and not
you believe that it is imposed to analyze...
... as we arrive to this point.
How and why the matter is not now.
We have to move ahead, we are
fighting against the nickname of evil.
The 1300 years of the human progress they have
been marked by the violence and the death.
Now, if that is something that you not
that should be shown...
I, would like me him to be spoken
of that more than anyone,
but I don't understand how it is that
you don't want to look to the past,
I believe that it is decisive.
What is decisive,
what is outstanding...
... it is the implementation of this new one
strategy that we will make in this war.
A war that we cannot lose.
But we are not winning it.
This new strategy can change that.
What there is of the strategy
of bringing to the troops to house?
Then veto.
That is not an option.
Of agreement, we go...
to put it this way.
We were...
... to Afghanistan in a
beginning for the talibanes.
Alone that now the talibanes has
made of this a bigger problem...
... because they have given to
to glitter their super powers.
They pushed people that voted for
they, were the sufficiently stupid ones...
... to put their faith in our world.
So to call it now the end of the
it thrills to put an end to the life of...
... 10 millions of Afghan for the one
end of the credibility of America.
The end of America is a force
for the incorrect thing in the world.
- When the Americans... ?
- And when our forces...
... return in a couple of
years, please, record you this.
Jodidos will be against
a shit like Iraq...
... and the hopeless one
Afghanistan already nuclear Iran.
How many troops will we need then?
I guarantee you that you will request that they return.
Can I speak freely?
You are when implementing
another new strategy...
... without keeping in mind the human cost or the one
financial cost because you predict...
We think deeply of the cost
human to plan this strategy.
What did they estimate, exactly?
What I can say is that this
strategy has patience...
... and determination in their course...
... and it assures that we can in few minutes
to face, to combat and to kill the enemy.
This way, at the end we can go
and to reconstruct that country.
If it delays 10 years to make it,
we will make that it is necessary.
That that...
... be necessary.
That is necessary.
Why did he/she take 3 years to make this?
He are now and constitutionally...
I don't set that he/she has the same one
protection, senator and you know it.
Why the president insists
in spending trillions in...
... submarines and combat airplanes?
Totally useless in this type of...
In what do you believe that I am working?
Why we send 150 thousand troops
to a country that didn't attack us?
Because there is not an alone one
name of somebody...
How many times will you ask the same thing?
Until we have the answer.
Of agreement.
Here he/she goes.
Iraq was almost the first country of the world.
To what does this come?
We take it quick because
we hate that number.
Afghanistan was, it is and it will always be
the definition of the Third World.
They were developed before...
Alejandro became the Great" one.
Do We Take Iraq?
How did I get lost that?
Militarily, we made it.
We made errors.
Colossal errors,
that should never be forgotten.
But 6 years ago, without
to care who had made it,
after seeing our jets
flying toward the buildings,
you remember that petrified that we are
when our enemies made this?
And how everything was in risk,
our families, friends, the children.
Ros and bridges, implant nuclear.
You remind yourself of the color of that place the
following tomorrow that we had not seen before?
The defense didn't work, for that
fear and the mysteries expired.
But the question not
accuse me of denying it,
because I have the answer.
Is it what we make now?
First platoon?
Oh, my God, they are moving.
They are alive.
Of agreement.
- This stone flew.
- Why would that be?
Give me the pilot's number,
I want to send him/her a message.
They said in 18 minutes.
That was 7 minutes ago. I want
to speak now with the pilot.
Mr., the rescatistas is there
out waiting for their words.
The types in Iran, are voluntary.
Is that a question or a statement?
Of agreement, alone a question.
Yes, they are voluntary.
They are of the violent type,
they like the extreme thing, those types...
No, not. They are a type
ordinary of people.
Of what was speaking it was of
the courage, to be panicky,
but to start to yourself
in the next step.
That is anger.
But of the true type.
To what are you him/her afraid, Tob?
Most of people have
fear of not obtaining a work,
or of moving with their parents,
or to study a lot of time.
Yes, that also scares me, Doc.
Or the voice in your head,
that he/she makes you ask como:Estar
exploiting all my talents?
Not I will be wasting
the time in this planet?
I believe that everybody you
he/she asks those same questions.
Many people have
fear of the answers.
You remind yourself of second o'clock or
third lesson that I imparted you?
When I called you to the slate.
You said: In any side,
that that most of you...
... when they don't want
to be called to speak.
Of course that not you
they feel committed.
But here there is a form
from the one that I can her...
... to see it, it is Colony.
That embarrassed me, he/she asked me
when he/she thought of the reading...
... and me alone I said: I didn't read it.
But you meditated.
Without excuses, without shits, honest.
Alone it was panicky.
But, you overcame
and you took the other step.
Do you remember of what we were speaking?
About what was it the reading?
I am about blocking bad moments.
It was about the panic, of as
he/she makes us open the senses.
They were selling needles
you clean free, for the addicts,
in the class there were people that
they said that it was very good idea,
they said, yes, that would avoid
illnesses and maybe something of the crime,
and your you said...
If we will spend dollars of taxes,
our dollars of taxes,
to help people to violate
the law in a sure way.
Why we don't have a drunk driver
also designated for the highways?
That would not be a problem
for those that use drugs.
And he/she has the same logic exactly.
They are speaking economically.
I am speaking of economy and
I am also speaking of security.
He/she waits one minute, you have just admitted it,
you not even read yourself the article.
I know it, I didn't make it, but
it is some logic...
He/she is right.
I am the boy that doesn't read anything, Doc.
Yes, the boy that one doesn't read
the article and it admits it...
... he/she becomes the center of one of the debates
more interesting of those than I have been part.
To where that boy was?
So you think that...
... the number of troops that we have
in Afghanistan now is enough.
Yes, and a great part that there are not
been able to make more with less in Afghanistan,
he/she is due to the intelligence
precise that have in the area.
It is the pure nature of
our special forces.
They are these boys.
These boys are some professionals.
That reminds me to TO. Bob, in the '68.
- To. Bob?
- Yes, do you remember?
How long does he/she make of that?
Not they could face to those
Vietcom with big fights,
so they sent to small groups for
that they could not resist to ambush us.
At least he/she fought.
it cost that new strategy.
Which is your problem with the evolution?
With platoons again type of
soldiers of special forces,
surgically they opened to the enemy.
But again, those
platoons are small.
Another time, small it is the objective.
To. Bob, you were
seeing History Channel?
The '68 were my first year like reporter,
it was my periodic school.
The Same as Iraq.
I never lost for that reason my pleasure.
I am fortunate.
- 1968?
- Yes, you were 6 years old.
He/she already read in the sixth grade.
Not you have to say the
address of the laugh.
to have enough you leave...
... to know to what me
I refer with my words.
The American town needs to understand
that it is not alone our decision...
... to stop these insurgencias,
but it is a moral obligation.
Simply we cannot allow that
form wickedness and terror to spread.
If we specify of these
work military,
we will take this as first step.
First step?
What we have been making in
the past 6 years, senator?
Second World War lasted the same thing.
Date the turn.
I have to see it well.
He/she looks at this component.
Oh, my God.
You need a tourniquet.
How will I make it?
It pushes hard, brother. It pushes hard.
- Shit.
- The rescue is in road.
Not there is anything that he/she makes me change idea.
Senator, the American town doesn't go to
to accept that another strategy is made,
a more than he/she transforms into one
forgotten mission or an error of the past.
He/she can tell me, with
their own words,
exactly where you
does he/she believe that we make a mistake?
Losing the time in our history
Taken decisions and not carried out.
Public Bad Relationships.
Public Bad Relationships?
You can say that I hate it,
but that is what I think.
At some time it did bleed in a battle?
Intelligence, 6 years.
But not in the combat, truth?
That knows it, I graduated the one
first of my class in West Point,
I paid my studies in the Intelligence.
Are you asking me me to apologize?
No, no, he/she would never make that.
Here we are having a...
... it debates intelligent Preposition
of the war and the politics...
... and it has just happened me that don't go to
to be able to arm a true history...
... among the freedom that you have of
to expose all the bestialities...
... and all your
entertainments in the net.
I have to have my fingers crossed for
seven seconds in that I mentioned you...
... that group that you cre and that baker.
Apologize, it is Summer
Hernandez Kawalski.
Is that their true name?
What does it pass you?
When they became
in some Windsock?
Windsock, flies with
the prevalent breeze.
When they began to confuse the opinion
of most with the correct opinion?
It will have been when
do we support the going toward Iraq?
No, no, you not.
To you never them
I care the invasion to Iraq.
Alone they cared to scream
to the splendid one marine...
... and the racing car eagle furrowing the air.
That is for that believe that
Iraq is a legitimate enemy.
They are a legitimate enemy.
They have the benefit of the doubt
because we have troops and weapons far.
Your net provides that benefit
without our consent.
We give it to you.
Us two,
both make chancy things,
but I have admitted my errors.
When will you make it you?
The conference, will senator, take a long time?
Thank you, request them some
seconds, please.
Not he/she makes sense,
we are in the same team.
We are comrades.
Both have responsibilities.
You have already solved them.
Now I am requesting to you that
help me to find a solution.
Apologize, I have that
to assist this call.
You can use the telephone of here.
You believe that I will leave you
to listen to me to request money?
If I should choose among the correct thing
and the peace, I choose the correct thing.
The new weapons of the Capitol.
THE senator JAsper Irving, has the one
potential of giving him/her a new force,
... to very needy GOP,
as same he/she made it Kennedy.
Irving is the new hope, the one
future of Republican Party.
Somebody that is able to redefine it.
Why do they wait?
Maybe they love each other alive.
Them if they know as.
Ok, the team 1 are who puts the base.
What external relationships or
politicians can be applied,
... to. C. at home, for
a better answer?
I equip 1, already begin,
to favor or in against.
These well, these clever one to make it?
- If.
- He/she breathes.
- I am breathing.
- He/she breathes.
They have to forgive it, this
crazy to give me a good note.
That he/she can that he/she gets dirty those
pants or it swallows himself the language.
If somebody wants something
of that, this it is GPA
- And you Doc?
- What am there with me?
What but he/she can make to part of teaching?
Seriously, to be a professor,
it is it that better he/she can make.
You have me.
You know, 30 years ago I thought that
this serious different work.
It will publish theories that you/they went to
to change to people that read them.
The parents of the university
they would be so impressed,
... that they will give me season entrances
of the 50 alone so that I stayed.
For heaven's sake, tremendous dream.
- Not you do believe?
- If, hey.
The things that public nobody doesn't read them.
The students still
they come and they ask me things,
... but the school still
he/she writes my bad name where he/she wants.
Then you do continue here for the money?
Money? My God, not.
I am still here
because I am a selfish person.
I am selfish until when you know well
that there is somebody in your same class,
... that he/she has the capacity of
to make big things, to great scale.
I realized that my capacity is
of recognizing the potential in others.
And maybe to help them a
little when they need it.
- Do you believe that I am this way?
- Your that you believe?
They demonstrated you that
they were strange every day.
Alone so that the doubt arose.
The only difference between your and them.
It is that him yours is natural, and
they had to work a lot.
It was not them easy, like to you.
That and that they could give him/her
to a ball to 90 miles.
Me me exchange with them.
No, they changed you for you.
They went to the secondary
in the area where they grew.
A forgotten place for heaven's sake, neither
resemblance to where we were your and me.
Detecting of metal in each
door, the teachers with spray.
And these horrible places
they didn't do him/her a favor.
- I saw the same thing in Vietnam.
- What?
The first in signing were
those that the country doesn't try well.
And you have Ernesto and Aarn going to these
neighborhoods where people are killed,
... for the things but ridiculous.
Your neighborhood was to the south of mine.
The churre in your car
it is better than mine.
And what they make after they leave
of those places in a piece?
Van to fight for the same country
that it ignores those neighborhoods,
... unless there is
a revolt or something like that.
And then they have some boys that
they take advantage of what gives them the country.
Is it as me?
And very often they are those
that they throw it stops behind,
... when volunteers request.
- Me this recruiting?
- Recruiting?
I speak to them of the I exercise
to Ernesto and Aarn,
... and now he/she wants me to go.
Three of them didn't come to
he/she marries, one in prison of for life.
Do you want to see the worst wound that I had?
Chicago, after I came home.
I made that opposed to recruit them.
Do I like that they made? No.
Did it agree with that? No.
In fact I broke the heart,
... but that doesn't mean that not
I respect the reasons for those that were.
They were because they thought that the best
way to make something was go to fight.
It combats, it combats it is the politics
external that wanted to apply at home.
We agree in that the secretary
of state it travels but that any.
And we have but embassies that never before.
Its first point, is not
because they have many airplanes.
Not there is but countries now
to have embassies?
We cannot fly those airplanes and
not to recognize the new countries.
But to make it, it is I believe combat.
We are very good in the one
it combats in other countries.
- But we have also failed.
- For example?
As September 11, and Rowamda.
Somalia, the communist country
to 90 miles of Miami.
We need but of 15 minutes
to be able to speak of that.
No country is perfect.
All the countries
they should want to be better.
He/she looks, boy if you don't care it,
... we wanted to use the time that
we have left it to continue in the combat.
And as we see it to it was and not
we see the same thing in the street.
We give to the back to
the real problems here at home.
Although the best way of
to worsen him is to give him/her the back.
If, who would say it,
Does America need to make but?
- We need it.
- Why?
Because if.
As getting lost your first
year of secondary.
There are three options in
time of going to the school.
One year in with body
of peace in the exterior.
One year here in one of those
Or a scholarship T.C. of learning
here or in the exterior.
All choose one and nobody
it sends him/her a note to he/she suckles.
- Is this a joke?
- Is it maybe it the democracy?
And the civil rights?
And the children that learn to
to go, and do the neighbors invade?
We would get lost in the road.
first year of California,
... they don't know the name of the country
that this next to Minessota.
Can you make it?
of first year of the country,
... they cannot name those
neighboring states of where they live.
And 50% of all those of grade TO,
they don't write they don't add like they would should.
And when 25% of our
industries didn't work,
... we call him/her the great depression.
Then as we call at the 50 %
of our students that don't know?
A depression but big.
Or that Canada this beside Minessota?
That is it but intelligent
that they said in the whole day.
And how's it going with the cause?
But it is very ridiculous and
almost impossible of making it.
Not as much as we spend
in students a year.
of new students,
... those they are 34 thousand million dollars.
We spend 2 millions now but that
what we have spent for two years.
And it stops worse.
Who didn't want to be in a
place where there was not a career,
... for a wealth, neither
though where you come.
Common alone because we are American.
I guarantee them that that us
he/she would make better in the life.
And it is a pain that not
we have that opportunity,
... not in this country, to not
to be that there is a service.
Then he/she would have to be
in the school one year but?
You have been here for 8 years.
They can take all the
titles and the money,
... and to hide in one
great house with big walls.
But the house with the walls
high the American dream was not?
July 5 1776.
How's it going December 8 1941?
September 12 2001.
Then both don't want to go to
a company after graduating?
Not they want to make money, that is lie.
I believe that it is a hypocrisy
that they follow all that.
Are they joking?
Order to report for
military instructions.
What does it happen, does it seem as that he/she has it ulcerates?
Because I have them, the question
it is if they are not bleeding.
He/she should stop to think that that
project made us to report ourselves.
- Not it was that.
- I don't believe it.
We go, they can choose any
school in the field that you/they want.
the day that you graduate.
The program of pardon.
If that, but he/she doesn't forgive
as much as they say.
Aarn this speaking
too much for both.
Does he/she believe that I take out the alone bills?
You were who told us that
we didn't live in a lie.
Not I thought that that those
he/she would make go to the war.
If he/she had known it, me
it had cut the language.
I believe that he/she doesn't understand.
Because I don't see to the I exercise as
something better than a school,
... that most of those
students, would kill to enter.
No, because you don't go that
if we made another thing,
... we would not be part of him
but important that happens now.
This will define our life.
The same thing that made Vietnam for you.
Not last, they took out me.
In the first world war those
German soldiers were peons,
... they feared the Englishmen for its
courage, and it doesn't care them to make fun,
... of the English high control, you
they lost but of 100 thousand lives.
A German soldier wrote that
he/she had never seen such soldiers.
That is so effective now.
The stars and the colors
that they began the war.
Not they are neither the best, neither those but
intelligent, neither in the galaxy.
They are those that when one of
our men fly in piece,
... they say as, the enemy us full with
bleed, but we learn of the errors.
Well, which problem is it?
If, which, that you speak?
- We know like it works.
- Think, think.
We already made it.
If this goes bad he/she makes it but important.
What do they mean?
Not 3 weeks we would happen in
the school without the war.
If we kill Bin Laden or to Iraqis.
That is a parade.
Not we have to think of the one who you/they are.
Because the alone religion
he/she requests them murders.
They need a dictator
that it prevents them to make that?
He exercises but big of the
history cannot catch to 3 types.
And like democracy languages,
... while you send trillions
to the Kingdom of Saudi.
Where they are killed.
Did they recruit them, not?
We will sit down in a bank.
Those that alante goes, are those that
they work when it is necessary to make it.
He/she would stop when it is necessary
or he/she would throw it stops behind.
And to let that others make their work.
It is an easy question.
They are very ugly answers, trust my.
If he/she thought that this fight deserves it.
I would support it, he/she would make it.
But for that are fighting here?
To change the politics in the house.
We will make this first and
then we will go to the school.
In the time of the I exercise.
Then we will be able to make something.
The unit of Mexican combat.
To educate us, for heaven's sake.
Any debt that ties us
to that we will make later.
Then they will have us that
to listen, we can change things.
How this the intelligence
of Russia to finish it?
It is better to capture him that to kill him.
When it arrives there, shoot direct.
I want him to approach to the rescue.
We have a bombardier
paw to try to clean it.
But there are still explosive in the area.
I want to be for sure this
this well in the control chain.
Am I you clear?
He/she tells him/her that this is not so
easy as you leave to 9000 miles.
I sit down to make you wait,
there was a voting...
In 1991 my chain was bought,
... for a corporation but well-known
to sell soap and bulbs.
And in one night we become
in an organization of news.
Worried by news,
to a news unit.
Concerned with answers and the ratings.
A shit, and the wise thing.
When I saw my contract, wise that that
he/she wanted and I planned to be able to have autonomy.
I thought that they were still committed,
... to the news but...
Janine, please sit down.
Thank you to say that.
It is the true.
How I can...
... to verify those
results of this mission?
Not it will involve to the press in this?
- No!
Not it will be this way, the forces
special they travel quick.
But I can give him/her the infrared video.
That this well, they are very
popular in the Internet.
And the details you those
I will give directly me.
Thank you, allow me to put an end to the courtesy.
You, really?
In the worst in the cases.
The operation points don't work.
They worked.
The president or you
did he/she think of increasing the troops?
To support the strategy
if it is necessary.
The reputation of the I exercise
this very low one now.
Maybe he/she will have to send to those
boys that didn't sign to go.
Military obligatory service?
No, we don't need it.
We have all that that
we need to enter now.
Except that the public doesn't make it.
There it is where your you enter.
But like we know that
will it leave well well this?
People don't trust.
After September 11
we had to the world on our behalf.
And now 6 years later, we are in one
of the worst moments in the history.
We go, the exaggeration won't make...
We go, nobody this monitoreando
our patriotism.
You have to admit that this it is
one of the moments but difficult,
... to wave our
flag, people need...
A victory, people,
the president, me.
We all need to win in Afghanistan.
To win him/her will allow to the one
public that concentrates.
To win will make that the congress
speak again instead of screaming.
I will tell to people in Afghanistan.
That cannot be known.
And he/she helps to their party.
Because we have a party
that it represents the security.
The power of this country you
he/she knows as the party that,
... it demonstrates that we are capable
of finishing our fight.
- To finish?
- Do you want to win?
- What?
- Do you want to win the war against the terror?
If or not? If or not?
It is very wide...
It is the question that guides us.
It is definitive, if you stop you will die.
The only option for United States...
It excuses.
All they have left ammunition?
How could he/she know?
I believe that they want that they enter to their area.
Stay informed.
Alone you cover me, he/she takes care of your ammunition.
I will tell you of what I get tired...
Let us get tired that they humiliate me.
We have allowed that
threaten to our country,
... for these tribes in taparrabos.
And he/she will end.
Do you realize what we have?
Of what we are capable?
God knows...
I break the heart
to request to the soldiers,
... that they take a risk its
life for this victory.
But you that there is not another form.
Not with this enemy,
not with their beliefs.
But alone I can give them to
the families of the soldiers,
... the absolute conviction.
That at least we attempt it.
Now, I don't see none
transaction, I don't see it.
That is the question.
My notes please?
Is this your strategy?
It is him/her product of a new one
school of military thought.
And your you are the new school.
The president listens to you but
that to the defense secretary.
If he/she is successful, you put him/her your name,
... it is a good form
of leaving the bundle.
and their party him
he/she wanted as president.
I believe that you make a mistake,
I don't want to be a president.
This can help, it is one
great history, and it is yours.
This is my direct telephone,
you call me if you have questions.
Thank you.
As it is necessary.
Do you have idea of how many they are?
A dozen maybe.
Tell to the bombardier that continues
shooting until he/she is not able to but.
The rescue team this to 6 minutes.
We will return later.
Can they see each other?
Why did they leave?
Not you.
Then he/she wants him to make
one of their projects.
Although I sound as
a fairy tale.
- Did he/she give them one TO for that reason?
- I gave them a B+.
- What?
- A B+, bad statistical.
If, I listen to it, why not me
does he/she speak of those that had one TO?
Then the attendance is
but important that the notes?
You already know the secret.
He/she calls himself potential and believe me
that it is better than having one TO.
Of the one that you forgot in some years.
That sounds to what you/they say
the mediocre ones for...
No, that is pretty, but anything.
Maybe both had medals.
Not to leave it.
Your the mndaste there?
I already told it to you, be about stopping them.
Revealing the reasons
for those that made it.
I should listen to it, for
this address that gives me.
Although the two of those that he/she speaks to me.
They didn't listen to him/her and they were and
they made what you/they will make.
Maybe, maybe this throwing the load.
Because, how common he/she finds to
a student that is worthwhile?
and how often flaw in convincing him?
Once he/she found it.
In fact the failure
it began 10 or 15 years ago.
The truth is that taenia
these meetings in the park.
Your, seated students in front of my.
Because we are but intelligent,
we see like everything works.
Not we want to die for this shit.
If you want to distance yourself of the one
real world as it is possible.
And these shits, by the way
how many times you will say it.
They feed of your
apathy, of your ignorance.
They plan strategies with that.
They think like they can achieve with that.
Then accuse me.
Accuse me because I want
to live a good life.
Because I can and because I am intelligent.
You want to accuse me because
don't I want to work with you?
In a collective bottom.
It sounds too much as my parents.
They always speak of as giving me one
life better than which you/they had.
And be they torment for that enjoy it.
Is a check of 90 thousand dollars how well?
Not there is enough gasoline
for the streets and the cities.
Or the fact of investing us in a third world.
If all that you say of the one
congress and the politics.
If the things are as bad as they say.
Then thousands of American
they are dead and but they die,
... maybe while we speak.
Say I eat up you can
to enjoy the good life.
Rome this in flames.
And the problem is not who began him.
They already left, the one
problem is us, all.
That we don't make anything that
we are about avoiding the bad thing.
And there are there out in the entire world people.
That they fight so that everything is better.
He/she believes that it is better to fail
attempting it that to try to fail?
But which is the difference
if you finish in the same place?
It guides you to something.
Thank you to play.
A single time, one hour.
One hour, God, is one
series or a history.
On a new movement of the I exercise.
While we are seated.
A sole right? Well, details,
let us give the basic thing in the line.
Janine, Hello!
Which is the action?
It is a shit, not one is not able to...
I have a bad premonition, he/she feels.
- ?
- Hole.
- Does he/she feel?
- If.
I pay you to investigate
your feelings?
Alone you give me the data.
Not we can make this again.
Not we can believe ourselves the program.
As we made the other time...
He/she waits, while my head, explodes.
- Is this your type, not?
- Not it is my type...
He/she came to you, he/she gave you one
sole right, is a gift.
Not it is a gift, it is propaganda.
And we don't have to transmit
all that the government wants.
No, we transmit news.
A military great movement is news.
Do you have an attack of conscience?
- Please.
- Not it is late for that?
We go, which the history is,
who the informant is?
Your you are big to remember who.
- Who.
- Not he/she wanted to listen to it.
- And what?
- The new boss.
The same one that the old one,
the same of Vietnam.
You will send small new platoons.
Children like bait, it is the same thing...
That is a speculation,
we don't transmit that...
If him you, is that they are so
despaired by an escape road.
So desperate for
to change the topic of Iraq.
They are desirous of winning
that they listen Irving.
And you know, I don't accuse them.
Because the one is good,
but the one doesn't have a plan,
... for the day after the attack, not.
This speaking of heart and mind
and everything is helicopters and soldiers.
Jess, in all ways
you don't care that.
The whole strategy, is
a lubricant one for...
... that the he/she puts on in the White House.
And what, is the one ambitious?
These leaving that the
doesn't politics allow you to think?
Alone it is about making the work.
Your work if I can you
to bring from turn to this time.
It is to report the data
verified, to transmit them.
Not there is none, ok.
Not there are tests, alone
we have to take their word.
It is too hot here.
I will tell you something.
He has a plan for
after the elections.
And it is not a slow process.
No, these boys have toys,
... that they have not been able to use.
Let us get tired that you humble, he/she says.
They are crazy to knock down this.
Not I want that shit...
You will already know what is news.
He told it to me, I have it...
What is to win.
here this aim, what is.
Please calm down.
I find it to my that Irving has a
plan to go after those that attacked us.
People will believe that you/he/she is
a good thing, me also.
What do I happen to you?
You received a blow from somebody
if you believed that it was justified.
You were of the good ones.
I believe that neither it would arrive at the 40.
- We go.
- Not you can leave me.
Not you can make it.
This mistaken one, I cannot make this.
These creating a history
speculative, based in that.
Woman's intuition?
He/she waited but of you.
If you waited that he/she made that.
If we don't make it who will make it.
This is the work, these politicians.
The newspapers that you/they say
that if he/she had known it,
... that that you now,
it is lie, it is lie.
Everything was there, and we ignore it.
If there were us
position for that, but not.
Alone we turn ourselves.
What does it happen if you make a mistake?
Listen to me you have 57
years, you have a mother,
... that he/she needs care 24 hours a day.
What company you
did it hire after this?
- Alone I request you.
- Don't request it to me.
Your version of the history
it was never published, you know it.
Not I can write the one that gave me.
Not I can.
Well, I believe that you should think it.
It happens over there, and it kills to the talibanes.
Look at the poster.
Does he/she wait, do we finish?
Of agreement, this it is the end.
So we go with me.
The decisions that you make
now they cannot be changed.
Not without years of work to change them.
And in those years you
you transform into something different.
All they make it, you marry, you have debts.
But you will never be what you are now.
The promise, potential, is very fleeting.
And maybe not this there forever.
He/she thinks that he/she already makes a decision.
And that I will be sorry.
What I say is that you are an adult.
And the difficult thing of that is...
... it begins before you realize.
When you have already made many decisions.
What you have to know,
... nobody already takes care,
these for your bill.
You are a man and the decisions that
take they are yours until the end.
I sit down it, there he/she says
until the 8 and step a lot.
If, I sit down it.
Not I want to know my decision.
The class is on Tuesday to
the 9, I will find out then.
He/she closes the door.
- Ammunition?
- No.
Me neither.
They didn't rescue us on time.
Veto of here, veto.
I won't make it.
You can move, veto.
I won't make it.
Not this way, I didn't seize.
Help me.
Help me.
Do you go to the party today?
If, JD, this organizing one.
What are you lifted so early?
A meeting with Mally.
Of what did they speak?
The notes.
FBI announces new mission.
-You this managing?
-Him this making, not?
No, not him this making.
The American troops
they look for where to battle.
Do you know what you want?
Do you know?