Listen to Your Heart (2010)

Music is powerful.
One song can change the mood, trigger a memory.
One song can change your life.
Listening to my heart
For God's sake, help me!
George, are you okay?
- Thanks.
What a mess, huh? Quite strong spirit today.
Be careful.
- Of course.
Would you like paper? You have to be informed.
Goodbye. Have a nice day.
- Thanks.
Danny, the obligations they cry. The toilet is clogged again.
Whose fault this time?
- My.
But you have to throw trash and clean the tables.
We will take care of.
- Thanks.
Give it.
Danny, welcome. Not much, but go well work again ...
I do not work weekends, but I lack staff.
In what should be here?
- Come later to 11.
Thanks, kid.
- Until tomorrow.
I'll see you tomorrow?
- Yes. Good night.
Used recording kit $ 500
A few more months.
How can you give a sweat-earned money used shenanigans?
What you spend?
- Tickets for the Knicks, the first row.
This is really something.
That's right.
What are you doing after the game?
- Going home.
With these "shenanigans" I can do something that will be forever.
People can listen to music for years.
Who are his shenanigans ever need him?
- Seriously. This is a good question.
School of Music? You must be kidding.
Can I take your order?
- For her Caesar salad without croutons.
We will share the chicken parmesan.
Have you?
- Yes, it ...
Would you repeat that?
- Caesar salad without croutons.
And we will share with the chicken parmesan.
- Soup or salad?
You can choose soup or salad to chicken.
What soup?
- Chicken Soup ...
We'll take it.
- It will eat chicken.
And three cups of water.
I'll bring them, ma'am.
Can not take an order.
So good education is so important.
If they see Tony will kill you.
- Relax, I'll eat a few.
There will come a day when Tony will work for me.
I will buy this place and call it "When Roger."
Tasty Was?
- Very. Bill, please.
Sorry, forget it.
"Forget it"? Very clever, Danny.
Every day comes a bunch of cute girls ...
... And you stop at one.
It is different.
- Do not call you.
Maybe he wants to wait a little? Is not this a rule?
Do not call the boy soon get his number?
The rule is two days.
Some girls call after three days.
I think, depends on their menstruation.
How long since?
- Almost two weeks.
You saw the girl two weeks ago?
I understand that after some time to dry, despair, and I am so.
But it's time to overcome.
Do you always eat like that?
- How?
You're here?
Why do not you call? Me to tell you.
I will not tell anyone. Do not like it, right?
And if you like, two weeks its been a long time.
This is not according to rule for two days, regardless of menstruation.
He here?
In the kitchen f.
I'll call you?
Would lead him.
It's here.
- Yes, but I must tell you something.
Come to eat?
Why did you come then?
Do not call.
I have no phone.
I'm deaf.
Mom's friend was deaf. I only know his name.
Can you give me your email?
You need a maid.
Or girlfriend.
We are going to the movies.
But she did not hear anything.
Lip-read if you can. And if not, enjoy the view.
So it is with other things in my life.
Did you?
Try to talk. I'm sure they will understand.
Are you hungry?
Tell me about yourself. I know almost nothing.
Spaghetti with minced meat? And I have my favorites.
You can not drive? You can change this.
Music, but how ...
Sorry about your father.
Is there more?
And you're sweet.
How do you talk to people? With my family for example?
But how can they say what you want?
Why not with sign language?
Mom did not allow me to teach him.
So you do not know how?
Attended normal school, so I better read lips.
Learn sign language when I grow up?
Very cute doing it.
Let me show you something?
That is why I work here. I play every day.
Want to become a famous musician?
No, but I want my songs to become famous.
And then compose?
I learned to play the 12, and since then I write the songs himself.
Save for a demo, but I have much time to write.
Must be nice to play the piano.
No, everything is fine.
You will play this part, and I with his right hand.
What do you say?
I know. But it was fun, right?
How lost your hearing?
- Meningitis is spent.
Her father also had it. Can not pay for treatment
and died before her eyes when she was 5 years old.
This makes me remember how my mother died.
I do not wish anyone.
So good to know you?
You have no idea.
- Seriously?
I spend the night with you?
Over and sent her to go there?
I have not slept with her.
What did you do then?
- We laughed, ate, talked about her.
Are you kidding me? How do you talk to her?
It was weird. You can learn sign language.
We have many things in common. She also loved music as a child.
I know you like her, but do not rush it a bit?
Any idea how difficult it is to communicate all day?
You'll learn sign language.
- You can not say anything.
In addition to her friends and get a bonus.
And so I'm Diana.
- Chattermouth.
I'm saying that you think better.
Make him consider things.
I will not give up something beautiful just because it can be difficult.
You look wonderful.
- You too.
What do you eat?
- Halibut sounds great.
Sorry, it says ... Spaghetti with minced meat?
Sweetheart, this is a chic restaurant.
- No, no problem.
How can you afford such a place?
Sorry, but her mother would ask at this point.
I work hard.
What do you do?
- Waiter am.
Her mother would not approve.
Only transfers until I am ready to meet with the family.
I doubt it will get there.
I do not like wine?
- Never drank, silly.
Even wine?
- This will appeal to her mother
Wine like.
- Accumulating points towards the family.
Give alcohol to their daughter.
She is 21 years old and never drank, even birthdays.
Never has rules and sex. Will take away her virginity and you?
Keep the reins too tight. Do you go without it?
This is called defeat.
- It will not happen.
You know your mother would not approve it.
Is large enough to solve alone.
Welcome to the official party for your birthday!
People Ariana turned 21 today!
Really your birthday?
Already has.
You're drunk.
What is it?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
I'll take you home.
My house is quite small and reigns mess.
Are you sure?
Come on, drink the entire cup.
Put this on.
Time for sleep.
Good night.
Good night, Princess.
Good morning, sunshine. This is for you.
Congratulations on your first hangover.
Evidence for a great birthday.
Answer the following philosophical question:
If a tree falls in the forest and no one around to hear
will issue a sound? How do you think?
Come on.
Mr. Walker.
Sure, it sounds made.
- How do you know?
Tree falls, then sound.
- But nobody was there to hear.
So, if you let off and no one will release it sound?
You will hear, and smell.
You back.
Depends on the definition of "sound". Is it physical or mental.
If you define sound as natural,
there will be vibrations in the air.
But the sound can be thought. In this case there is no vibration,
and the way our brain interprets sounds.
If we consider sound as a physical concept, the tree will produce a sound.
But if you look like a mental concept, there is no sound.
It is so obvious, right?
In any case, she would not hear it.
How do I hear?
Are you okay?
Everything okay?
Attend two courses together. I'm Nicole.
You did great.
Pay no attention to Mitch, he is badass.
But on this subject will not be calling anymore.
Come here.
Let's go inside.
This is my mother.
Died 4 years ago.
Every day I hear how people complain about minor things.
I was with her all the time.
All five years, while struggling with cancer.
Not once did I heard her complain. But I did it.
Waking up in the morning, saying: "What a great day to live."
I watched her I said that there must be paradise.
I saw it in her smile
He was always beside me, still here.
This is her favorite sweater.
Sometimes I take it in her hand and she gives me strength.
Of course.
Your father is also a composition?
It's nothing.
Can I try?
Near E.
Loved his father, right?
Sam? So I call you father? I like.
Sam's name do you like more?
Very beautiful, Sam.
Sounds good.
- Sorry, I did not know you're here.
Did you wrote it?
- Yes, just killing time.
How about to make a small concert here?
Will play songs, you will invite your friends.
Are you sure?
- Let's try.
Music can be beneficial for business.
Good night.
- You too. And thank you.
What would you do with Danny in the summer?
What is it?
Not a packed suitcase. When will they take?
Leave for two weeks? What if your mother know?
I'll miss you.
That was Mom.
No problem.
Like it?
What is it?
Do not worry about it.
I should not say it to you, but it very seriously.
"Seriously?" What do you mean?
- Love is to the ears.
Speak with sign language.
- Use sign language?
You see? Was it scary?
Job Interview? Where?
Why do you want to intern in an accounting firm?
This is nice for certain people
but I know you long enough and I know that this is not your dream.
Seriously? Always wanted to play with numbers?
What then? What dreamed as a child?
I knew it. What went wrong?
Why not play before a large audience?
Wait. This does not mean you can not play.
Look at Beethoven.
You can do anything you want.
What is wrong with my lifestyle?
Do not tell me.
You know what I think? I think that fear.
Indeed, fear is.
Not from your mother, or Marianne, or anyone.
Afraid of myself, afraid to be yourself.
Life is too short to live for others.
You can not destroy their future. There disability.
Are you there, dear?
Sorry about yesterday. Can I come with you?
I had to leave.
What do you mean?
Last night they came to take me.
I will be away almost all summer.
You would be here two weeks? Where go?
Europe. I gotta go. I'll be back next month.
Month? At least I will write it?
I love you.
Greg, you know that Arianna is here?
- I'll check.
Last night is gone, will be absent all summer.
Are you sure?
- They left in 23:27.
Thank you.
- Enjoy the summer.
This is the last time you hiding something from me.
More will be meeting with him, talking or even thinking about it.
I have not raised to do with a waiter.
You'll get it in the autumn, when you start school.
Hide it. And silence again if something will look for another job.
Discard it. And everyone else.
I do not know how to tell you, but I met another. Forget about me.
I read the email.
Sometimes I forget how hard it was before.
Not properly celebrated 21st birthday.
Give me another chance. What do you say we go for a dress?
Nicole, how was your vacation?
- Great, I was with my parents.
Hear you Sam? When he returned from vacation?
What holiday?
I do not know what happens. Does not correspond to my messages.
Is it online?
- Do not you see?
Will she rang the home.
So you know where you live?
- Were you I would not ...
I worry. I have not seen her for over a month.
I do not want to lose her. Please.
Ariana is not here.
- I Sam.
And it is gone.
- Still on holiday?
She does not want to see you.
- Leave her alone to talk.
Do not you want to see me?
I don't get it.
- You must leave.
We will leave when she tells him.
Throw this man from my home.
Get out.
This is Richardson family. Henk, a colleague of David.
And this is Tyler, his successful and handsome son.
You flatter me.
Nice to meet you.
Arianna, why not divorce Tyler around?
I will make coffee for me and Henk.
Do not go.
Not yet.
I do not know what it is, but wants to be alone for a while.
Sorry, sometimes it takes time to relax.
It's nothing.
- You're so nice.
Once again, thank you.
Do not you dare make me so ashamed again!
You forget.
Sometimes feelings to someone, but not mutual.
You can not change it.
Do not want to hear, but outside is full of girls.
You'll meet someone suitable.
I'm sure it is appropriate.
- No, not when they are evaluated.
Who always tells me that everything is good?
Sometimes it is difficult to see things that way.
Think about great songs that you wrote.
There is no better inspiration than love ... and pain.
Probably does not make sense, but I will ask Sam to come?
Would mean a lot to me.
- Will come.
"I'm sorry, but I met another. Forget about me."
Did you wrote that?
This email address does not exist.
I did it for your own good. Do not want to create ties with this person.
One day I will be grateful.
I had to discard them. Take care.
Mrs. Scott, with Ariana want to go shopping before the film.
More are coming!
We need chairs.
Below is more. This is great!
Congratulations. I sat back. It was incredible.
Thank you. I'm glad you came.
- Sam really wanted to be here.
I really tried. The bus stop ...
I do not want to hear. Is large enough to solve alone.
If you want to be here, would come.
'll Talk to him.
If you still want to do a concert, just tell me.
Turnover has almost tripled.
You have a golden voice, kid.
We want chicken wings for an appetizer, and four cups of water.
Excuse me, sir.
The service here is great.
What are you doing?
Everything is fine. It is usually very sweet.
Get in the car!
Climb in the car!
Arianna, God!
Her mother does all that. I swear it is the foundation of everything.
Sam slapped her, all they saw.
Sam is devastated. Coming after you.
I still love you.
- You had to forget
because it is full of girls?
- Forget it, I was wrong.
Perhaps you are right, maybe Sam is really appropriate.
Have something most can only dream.
You can not deny it.
Went in this direction. Maybe go with you.
Whether ...
- Run!
I will take your change.
Do not let it go!
I love you.
We found out that you gave up your hearing aid operation.
About 65% of undergoing such an operation,
can hear sounds, voices, even music.
This will permanently damage your ears.
- My ears have been damaged.
How dare you take such a decision without telling me?
Life is mine and I want to hear. You want to control me.
So do not learn sign language and interpreter have that stupid.
That's why you never told me about this type of operation.
Do not want to hear, because you will lose control over me.
Well, I just lost it.
More I do not need a translator.
And you do not need me.
- I needed you more than ever.
Who will they last? That loser? Who will pay for college?
I will not go back to college. I will study music.
Always been dreamer, like his father.
That's right.
Because dreams come true, Mama.
Dad knew it.
Do everything to prevent me, but I'm in love.
Again, you hear and play, just like Dad.
And there's nothing to prevent me!
Where are you going?
- To correct an old mistake.
She is 21, slightly relax the reins.
If you climb into this car, I fired.
Marian, come back. My daughter can not even drive.
You want a beer?
Every day you buy a newspaper?
And every night you throw?
Ever read it?
Why buy it then?
- The seller is nice.
"The seller is nice"?
- Yes, George.
Instead of begging on the street, it sells newspapers.
Nobody buys a newspaper from a man like him.
Buy in store or kiosk.
But in the end, is the same newspaper.
The same, eh?
Is there a sports page?
- I do not think.
- I have no idea.
I will use it for something more useful.
Play nice water.
The stock market dropped 300 points ...
Receives a sudden attack.
- I'll heal, right?
You are here.
Glad to see you.
I am Dr. Fraser.
Fainting is caused by glioblastoma multiforme.
This is a malignant brain tumor.
This type of cancer difficult to treat. Especially if the tumor is inside.
Chemotherapy can attach your condition for several months,
but in any case will reappear spread.
There is one medicine that has not yet been tested as a lump ...
... And is not covered by health insurance.
It is very expensive, but can ...
- For how long?
At this stage, can give you only a few months or even days.
It is time for the next procedure.
- I'm done.
Not yet, there are several therapies ...
- I'm done.
When I was 10, my mother brought home a duck's nest eggs.
Be looked after for some time, but not allow me to keep them.
I was very upset by them back,
but it was actually the best part.
They no longer need me.
Once spread their wings were free.
Heaven is theirs.
After a year I saw a group of young ducks under the bridge.
Are returned each year.
Now there are only two.
Danny, we will now guess what girls say.
Girls, what can be used more than once?
Are you ready?
I know your expensive taste.
You're wrong.
Good books.
Do not play it.
- What do you mean?
It comes to shoes, books or your favorite food. Something fun.
But love is something better.
- Should be fun.
We have fun.
Next question?
Soon you will see her again.
It's okay, do not worry.
You know? I am the happiest man in the world.
How many people can boast that they have experienced true love?
They have found the love of your life?
Will you promise me something?
Whatever happens,
listen first to ourselves,
in his heart.
And make that transaction.
Why wait? I want to attend.
I want to be there when the world heard for the first time.
I want to hear your beautiful voice.
You can hear it now.
I love you, Danny.
- I love you.
What do you do, Sam?
I'm going to eat. Can I get you something from home?
Under the bed is a shoebox. We'll bring you?
Of course.
- Thanks.
Tomorrow I will operate.
- Everything will be fine.
The nurse will come again?
And Roger?
It is for Diane.
So we are alone.
I love you.
The operation lasted several hours, one day you will remain under observation.
Some patients say that after several years
signals associated with sounds that recall.
Help me out here.
Only a few hours, you must do something.
Are you crazy? Will not happen.
It is unbelievable that we do.
See you there.
- What are you talking about?
First you walk.
I want to breathe clean air.
- Minus 10 degrees F.
I'm fine. See you at the restaurant.
Fresh air ...
A few more months.
- For what is this bug?
What do you buy?
- Tickets for the Knicks.
Is that you?
How are you?
- Better than you, you look terrible.
What are you wearing? Are you lost?
I have not seen lately.
I was sick for some time.
- Do not go out in the cold.
It's nice outside. A great day to live.
How is business?
- Stagnant know how it is
Gone for a while.
- With a girlfriend?
Pretty girl f.
- No, it will remain here.
I need something to read. Do you have papers for me?
Of course. You should be aware what is happening.
How do you want?
- I do not know. Around 500?
I was worried about you.
You're a good friend.
Come on.
I'll take you back.
Call a doctor immediately!
- Call Dr. Fraser.
Are you crazy? Cold could kill him.
Put his oxygen mask.
It was a good idea.
It was wonderful.
Sam will soon be out of intensive care. You can see it.
Why not?
- You look terrible.
You know, that does not care.
And do not look too bad.
But you sound bad.
I never had a brother.
I love you.
I love you, brother.
But care must be toilet is not forever closed.
Do me a favor?
Will you go to see how Sam?
That's love.
The answer in the game is love.
Do you know when Ariana Scott will leave the ER?
And you are?
- Her friend.
What can you use consistently?
Don't mention it.
Her father died in her eyes It reminds me of my mother's death.
I do not wish anyone.
Danny would say that he lived a wonderful life.
Considering where you live and work
Its hard to believe.
But people who knew him well would agree with his words.
Danny was only 24 years but lived more than
some people succeed for life.
Do not worry, you will cover replacement, brother.
We are gathered to say goodbye to Dan ...
You can call anytime.
It is still strange to hear.
And to hear her voice.
I do not know whether I like it.
You need time to get used to.
When Danny got acquainted with you, it was love at first sight.
I tried to warn him when it became serious.
I told him it would be difficult. And that everything is unreal.
I tried to quit.
You know what I said?
He said he will not give up something beautiful just because it would be difficult.
If I had listened, we would not experience the most wonderful thing.
I have something for you.
From Denmark.
What is this?
That's love.
Beware, Sam.
Honey, I'm very pleased for you. This is the first day of your new life.
But do not take good things for granted.
Listen to the world.
Is a wonderful place, and says many things. Now you can hear them.
Live a full life, Sam. The life that you have chosen.
Seems to me no longer, but it is not.
I'll be with Mom for a while but will come when you need me.
Love with all your heart, because you will find me where is love.
Where love will hear my music. You only have to listen.
I love you, Sam. Forever. With love Danny.
Music is powerful.
One song can change the mood, trigger a memory.
One song can change your whole life.
In memory of Nicole, which every day was wonderful to live