Listening (2014)

Tell me, why are you here?
I'm here to become a student.
I need to learn how to meditate,
how to control my thoughts,
and where they happen.
Why do you need to learn this?
I've done something.
Something very bad.
And I need to set it right.
Let me take care
of dinner tonight.
I've got an extra sausage.
How could I turn down
charm like that?
I'm serious.
I'm tired.
Yeah, but tonight, I mean.
I'll be more tired after work.
Let's go out, then.
You work too much.
We could ask your mom
to take care of Lana.
We could go to that Thai place
that you really like.
Won't the paper burn
when it explodes?
It's not that kind of explosion.
We're going to make
a chemical reaction.
What's a chemical reaction?
It's kind of like magic.
- Cool.
- Yeah.
There you go, Grams.
Let's roll, gangsta.
What, what!
- Seriously?
- Shut up.
Such a dork.
For example,
the subject is asked
to think about Marilyn Monroe.
My study suggests
not only conscious control
in the hippocampus
and parahippocampal cortex...
Hey, did you hear about
the new bioengineering transfer?
My friend's in her class.
He says on a scale
of one to ten,
she's a lemniscate.
But also...
Mr. Thorogood,
perhaps you could
enlighten us all
with Ryan's gossip
or tell us what else
we can conclude
with this study?
We can conclude that
all neurosurgeons
are in love with Marilyn Monroe.
A single neuron
has not only the ability
to carry complex code
and abstract form
but is also able to override
sensory input
through cognitive effort.
It suggests thought
is a stronger reality
than the world around us.
I think you're both correct.
Dude, that's bullcrap.
I'm telling you, man,
brains out-duels brawn
every time.
It's not just brawn.
He's the most powerful character
in any universe.
He's unbeatable.
Except for kryptonite.
He could only win
if he fought dirty.
If Supes took a sucker punch,
it'd be over just as easy.
Say, no warning,
they're both just teleported
into a cage match.
It doesn't matter.
Batman keeps kryptonite
in his utility belt.
Man, oh, man,
give me some gloves.
Those Bunsen burners
are too hot to handle.
Dude, did you just see that?
See what?
She totally just checked me out.
I'm gonna go talk to her.
Not now. I'm...
Hey. I'm Ryan.
I know.
We have chemistry together.
Slow down.
- David Thorogood?
- Yeah?
You missed your rent payments
for November and January.
I'm here to collect.
No, I-I talked to Stan.
He's... he's our landlord,
and he...
He handed the situation
over to us.
No, he said...
You owe 5,690.
Late fees included.
Is that a new computer, David?
Ah, damn it.
David, I'd like you
to meet Jordan.
Dave's my best friend,
business partner,
and the second smartest person
I know after yours truly.
- Nice to meet you.
- Dude, what are you doing?
Just wait a minute.
I know what you're going to say.
I-I'm sorry. We have to talk
for just a minute.
- Do you mind waiting outside?
- Sorry, babe, one sec.
You told her about our research.
Well, yeah,
'cause she's assigned...
You just met this girl.
If it gets out that...
- I know...
- You're the one that said
it has to stay secret
to remain valuable.
It's fine. I understand I said...
If the school finds out...
if they even suspect,
I cannot afford to lose
my financial aid.
- You said...
- I know what I said.
My own wife doesn't even
know what we're doing.
No... no girls, man.
That was your rule.
All she's gotta do is make one
phone call to administration...
She's not gonna make
a phone call.
About some missing equipment,
unauthorized experiments,
and that's it.
We're done!
Everything all right with Mel?
You want to tell me
what's really going on?
Shut up.
Now will you just
listen for a minute, okay?
Jordan might just look
like a hot body,
but she's assigned to
Professor Hamamoto's experiments
with ATP powered,
cell-powering nanotube devices.
Let's give her a peek,
see what she says.
We'll make her sign
a nondisclosure agreement
and the whole nine yards, okay?
She doesn't know
we've borrowed lab equipment,
so you don't have
to worry about that.
I've seen this before.
Accuracy takes a nose dive
once the word library
goes over 80 or 90 words.
We're averaging
almost 90% accuracy.
Most EEG nets track less
than 100 neurons.
My compact electrode design
lets us track almost 1,000.
How many words
does it recognize?
Holy shit.
Military applications
are obvious, right?
DARPA's been trying to get this
to work for years.
Cell phones themselves
will become obsolete.
But we are nowhere
near there yet.
It's tedious...
it's like training
voice-recognition software
from scratch
with a stutterer.
And response time is slow.
Exactly. It's...
Your mind can have a dozen
thoughts in a millisecond,
but it takes you
five seconds to say,
"Hi, sexy"?
- It's not perfect.
- It's crap.
You're proud of measuring
1,000 neurons?
You're trying to read the
contents of an entire library
by walking through the aisles.
You gotta open the books to know
what's really going on inside.
Look, we're not neurosurgeons.
You don't need surgery.
You need nanotubes.
We can create
molecular electrodes
by embedding carbon nanotubes
into microscopic transistors
that can bond with every neuron
in your brain.
So you can decode signal
from 1,000 electrodes,
so what?
What are you gonna do
with 100 billion?
I told you.
Next suggestion.
Yes, sir.
Good boy, Bubba. Good boy.
Oh, hi.
- Who are you?
- I'm Jordan.
Oh, you must be David's wife.
Hey, Mel, you look amazing.
Who is that?
it's Ryan's friend.
She's helping us out now.
Well, are you ready?
Listen, um, we had
a significant breakthrough.
Things are just changing
so fast.
We really need this
right now, like...
Could we just... could we just
do this another night, please?
Yeah, sure.
It wasn't a big deal anyway.
You look really nice.
Did you get a haircut?
Hey, man. How's it going?
I'm just getting
something to drink.
Uh, you need a ride home
or something?
Nah, it's cool actually.
I think Jordan can take me.
Uh, so how's your grandma doing?
It is what it is.
If I could afford a doctor,
they'd probably find
a million things wrong with her.
You know what?
Why don't you take
some fruit for her?
Come on, man.
You don't have to do that.
Ah, it's fine.
We're gonna bust
this thing open soon.
You know that?
You know it.
Got you some carne asada, Grams.
No, I ate.
They're beautiful.
All right.
Let's do this.
Um, where did this
come from again?
Stop stalling.
You should feel numb
pretty quick.
Why do I have to do
the injections again?
Because, if we need
a second test subject,
I don't want you injecting me
without practicing first.
Here you go.
Holy crap, that's big.
- That's what she said.
- Really?
That's your contribution
to this situation right now?
Relax, man,
you're gonna screw up
if you're all tense like that.
Just get ready.
- I'm ready.
- Okay.
- Give me your hand.
- Okay.
- You feel those two bumps?
- Yeah.
Those are his L-three
and L-four vertebrae.
You want to stick the needle
in the space
just between those two.
You should feel
a give right away,
otherwise you're
in the wrong spot.
I can't do this.
I don't like this.
The computers
I could justify somehow.
They've got tons of computers.
Well, you didn't like injecting
me blind either, now, did you?
This will let you see
what you're doing.
We should be doing this
at night.
It's more suspicious at night.
Plus everything's locked up.
Don't worry.
No one would ever expect
a fluoroscope to be stolen.
Somebody's definitely
gonna notice when it's gone.
That was easy. Grab the blanket.
How you doing?
You're insane.
Hey, kiddo, I think it's time
for you to paint your volcano.
Will you paint it with me?
I tell you what,
how about you paint it,
and then later I can show you
how to make it explode?
All right.
Here you go.
- You got it?
- Mm-hmm.
Shouldn't we be wearing
lead vests or something?
- All right.
- Thanks.
You know what you're doing?
Just, uh,
talk about something else,
so I don't get all
freaked out, okay?
We can do that.
- So...
- Mm-hmm.
why don't we ever
go to your place?
I only bring girlfriends
to my place.
You don't want me
to be your girlfriend?
I live
in a tiny studio apartment
with my grandma.
Not exactly
the glamorous lifestyle.
What about your parents?
My mom died when I was 16.
I'm sorry.
What happened?
She'd been sick for a long time.
It was one of those awesome,
slow, agonizing cancers.
- What was that?
- No, it's okay.
You broke through
the arachnoid matter.
It means you're in.
Keep talking.
My, uh, dad...
Remarried about a month later.
Turned out he'd been
cheating the whole time.
Told me he had a new family now
and that his dead wife's
kid and grandma
were no longer
his responsibility.
That's it.
Thanks for telling me that.
Whatever, I was just trying
to keep Dr. Pansy over here
from cracking
under the pressure.
No, you weren't.
How long does he
have to hang like that?
Long enough for gravity
to take the nanotubes
into his brain.
And, uh, how long is that?
I don't know.
No one's ever done this before.
You're back.
Just for a little bit.
I'm picking up
Angela's shift later.
where's Lana?
She's in the bathroom.
She was covered in paint.
Where is the TV?
We needed it in the garage.
Okay, I'll admit it.
If this thing works,
I'll be thoroughly impressed.
And don't you forget it.
But if it cooks my brain,
you just remember my glory days.
Yeah. Spent in a garage
playing with yourself.
Okay, how are we gonna know
that this thing is working?
Ryan's thoughts should appear
on this output screen here.
Let's start the party!
All right, here we go.
Please, God, don't let him die.
Ryan? Ryan?
- You okay?
- I'm fine. Careful with that.
Okay, what just happened?
The array struggled to enumerate
the number of electrode cycles
flowing through,
let alone to analyze
the input frequencies.
I'll have to apportion the feed
to sector designated processors
before we're even able to fathom
a conscious filter algorithm.
It means it worked.
Sir, it's one
of the university leads.
They've shown progress.
That'll be all, Gates.
Next suggestion:
"Kill the dog."
"I want to kill the dog."
"I must kill my dog."
"I have to kill my dog.
My life depends on it."
We need something new.
Well, the system,
it isn't crashing,
which is really good news.
How is any of this good news?
That we found a couple
of words in the feed.
It's just... it's just way more
data than we thought.
It's just going to take time
to decode, that's all.
How much time?
Months? Years? I don't know.
It has to happen live.
Real time.
What's the point of a machine
that reads your thoughts
a year after you have them?
It'd make a pretty nifty diary.
Damn it! I'm not kidding.
Okay, a full night's worth
of data,
and all you've got is...
"Hippopotamus"? "Menstruate"?
I need an aspirin.
Look, man, I'm... I'm sorry.
There's just not a machine
fast enough
to decode human thought
in real time.
It just... just doesn't exist.
Well, there is one.
The brain is
the world's fastest computer.
- Nothing else is even close.
- No. No, no, no.
- Yes.
- No.
The only thing fast enough
to decode the human brain
is the human brain.
What's the worst
that could happen?
Worst-case scenario,
it's too much activity,
completely fries your cortex,
and you lose
all cognitive ability.
Relax. It's gonna be fine.
It's only a one-way connection.
I'll hear her thoughts.
So, uh,
what do you think of Jordan?
So what, are you guys,
like, officially dating now?
No, no, nothing's happened yet.
But I like her.
Like, I think she could be...
I don't know, something.
She's cool, right?
Just try to think
simple, clear thoughts.
What does that mean?
Uh, I-I have no idea.
- Whoa.
- You okay?
I just got dizzy for a second.
Just try and clear your mind.
It's a blank slate.
- Ten seconds.
- Don't stop it early.
Don't think about DARKBIRD.
I know what you want.
I understand
what you've been through.
It's okay.
Touch me, Ryan.
Love me. Feel me.
I want it too.
Don't let him find out.
Ryan, can you hear me?
Are you okay?
- I'm great.
- What happened?
- It worked.
- Yeah, but what was it like?
- Better than sex.
Ladies and gentlemen...
We have just invented telepathy.
Guys, she said she wanted
no cheese on the salad,
and the burger's supposed to be
well done.
Don't look at me.
I wrote it down.
- Yeah.
- Rough night?
Yeah. Wake me when it's over.
Just getting started, girl.
Honestly, man,
I thought we killed you,
and then I went through
the seven stages of grief
in, like, half a second,
and then I was like...
David, what is this?
Hey, we're having a party!
What are you doing?
Get off of me!
What is this?
What does it mean?
It means we're being evicted.
I thought you were calling
the landlord.
What are you celebrating?
That's what she said.
That doesn't even
make any sense.
Come here, sweetie.
How long do you have?
Two weeks.
So what are we gonna do?
Get a finished product
before then.
Blueberries are my favorite.
It's our secret what happened.
I hope he doesn't find out.
Keep it a secret.
Take my body, David.
That's enough.
- Oh.
- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
- I didn't mean to scare you.
They said they had
a pot of coffee on.
Do you mind if I...
What's this?
We're going around in circles.
I need results.
You're not giving me results.
Well, we're making
steady progress.
Every practical application
has failed.
What do you mean
"practical application"?
You're not field testing.
We... we're nowhere near ready.
Exactly. We're no closer today
than we were a year ago.
What am I looking at?
The next phase. DARKBIRD II.
Looks like a couple
of Caltech students
cracked the nut
before you could.
Well, the likelihood of that
is minimal at best.
Unlikely things happen
all the time, Doctor.
We make a business of it.
"When she thought about it
it occurred to her that she
ought to have wondered at this."
"However, when the rabbit
took a watch
"out of his waistcoat pocket,
"Alice stood silent,
watching him.
"Suddenly, she brightened up.
'Look! Look!' she cried."
- Damn it!
- Look.
I need the money
more than anybody,
but it's just not ready yet.
I talked to some guys
who graduated a while back.
They know
these venture capitalists...
It's not ready, okay?
Like this whole page.
I don't remember
any of this page.
Yeah. I don't even remember
reading this, really.
Okay, so maybe you're reading
What do you mean?
We're tapping the part
of the brain
that we think
is processing metacognition.
Yeah, but if I glazed over...
The words keep coming out
because you know
how to read instinctively.
And instead, whatever it is
you're really thinking
goes through the wire.
Can you show me how
to make my volcano explode?
Sorry, kiddo, look, we're just
really busy right now.
But the science fair is Friday.
Okay. Look, I promise
I'll show you
how to make it work before then.
Yeah, I'm a little more
than slightly nervous.
Don't worry.
Grams actually loves visitors.
Am I dressed okay?
maybe just button up
your sweater or something.
Ah, let me have it.
Okay, now,
It's tiny and probably a mess.
You have to promise
not to judge, okay?
- I promise.
- Good.
Now just wait right here a sec.
I need to let Grams know
you're coming.
She doesn't know I'm coming?
Grams, I brought a friend over.
Think you can get up for a bit?
Grams, there's someone
I want you to meet.
I don't have that kind of money.
That's the absolute
bare minimum.
We can't do it
for any less than that.
I don't have any money.
Isn't there any family
that could...
There's no family, mm-mm.
I'm the only family.
Thanks, baby.
I guessed the jelly beans.
Professor Thompson wanted to
prove the jelly bean experiment.
You know, like we're
in fourth grade or something.
I won two free movie passes.
I want you guys to go,
right now.
Take a break.
I don't like this.
Are you even going to talk to me
about the other day?
No. No, I'm not.
Doug, nice to meet you
in person.
Welcome to
our humble laboratory.
This is Jordan.
Let's cut to the chase.
You made some pretty outrageous
claims on the phone,
and I don't like my time wasted.
But Jerry vouched for you,
so here I am.
- Let's see it.
- Okay.
Sure. Of course.
But you can't really
just see it.
You need to experience it,
which means we need to
administer a small injection
into your cerebrospinal fluid.
Go ahead.
- Um, sir.
- Is it safe?
- Completely.
- So go ahead, then.
You're gonna have
to take off your shirt.
Do you want to see
what we've been working on?
So we're actually
going to be able to talk
to each other with our minds?
Not exactly.
If we both listen
to each other's thoughts
at the same time,
it could create
a circular feedback loop.
Meaning if I was
listening to your thoughts
listening to my thoughts
listening to your thoughts
and on and on and on and on,
then it could create
a resonance,
like when you hold a microphone
too close to a speaker.
So I'm just gonna hear
your thoughts then.
Right. You ready?
I guess.
I love you so much, baby.
Everything I do
is for you and Lana.
This should fix things.
We should have done this sooner.
I shouldn't have scared her
with the feedback loop.
Everything I do
is for you and Lana.
What was I thinking?
I hope you know that.
Hopefully she doesn't
see anything about Jordan.
This is going to
change the world.
Everything is going to be
okay now.
Don't think about Jordan.
- How was it?
- Get it off. Get it off.
- Get it off.
- Okay, okay, okay, there.
It's off.
What happened?
What did you do?
What do you mean? What happened?
- I saw her.
- Saw who? Saw what?
- Tell me!
- I saw Jordan!
You had sex with her.
That... that is not true.
Don't lie to me.
You can't lie to me. I saw it!
Oh, God, I saw it in your head.
- Mel.
- My God.
I kept telling myself
that I was crazy,
that it was... it was nothing...
Melanie, it wasn't real.
It was real. I felt it.
You probably felt
a lot of things.
30 thoughts a second
are flying into your mind.
Anything that pops
into my consciousness,
no matter how fleeting,
you feel it, as if it was real.
Just stop it!
Stop it.
This whole time
I thought that our biggest issue
was your prima Donna bullshit,
and now...
I have never done anything
with her.
I've just...
I've just thought about it.
No. I don't believe you.
Ryan, David,
you mind staying for a moment?
You know, a half dozen computers
have up and vanished
in the last couple of years.
Couple of weeks ago,
half a fluoroscopy table
went missing.
And then last night, at one
of the galas that we host,
I got to talking
to an entertaining young fellow,
and he told me a story
about an invention that's
going to change everything,
about unauthorized
and seriously dangerous,
extremely unethical
human testing.
You're both expelled.
What just happened?
I don't know, man.
We better clear out your garage.
Ryan, come on.
Who was he talking about?
How did he know?
I don't know. We got blitzed.
- Your AC's busted.
- How did he know?
Look, you're obsessed
with testing,
so while you were gone
the other night,
I had this VC guy come over,
and I pitched him the project.
You did what?
I needed the cash. I'm sorry.
You needed the cash.
Yes, I needed the cash.
Oh, shit.
Please wait there, sir.
I said stop!
David, what is going on?
- David Thorogood?
- Are you okay?
You stole everything?
Stop, now!
Ryan. Ryan Cates.
How about this one?
You want to read me
the serial number?
- You can't take those.
- You'd be mistaken about that.
No, I mean
what's on those computers.
I own what's on those computers.
David Thorogood...
you're under arrest.
- Look, I'm sorry.
- No.
Stop, I don't want
to hear another word
coming out of your mouth.
I'm getting evicted,
and you cashed in
behind my back?
I know you were stealing food
out of my fridge.
Who does that?
Who steals groceries?
Bail's been posted, lover boys.
You're free to go.
Grams died.
I couldn't even afford a casket.
Hey, boys.
Let's go.
Ryan, wait.
Ryan, come on.
Hi, Sharon. How are you?
Is Melanie here?
No, she did say that
she didn't want to see you.
Hey, kiddo!
Get back inside, Lana.
It's okay, Mom.
What did you tell Lana?
Her volcano didn't
explode at the science fair,
so she's pretty upset.
- I'm sorry.
- Don't tell me.
So what,
they let you out already?
We posted bail.
How'd that happen?
Jordan had some savings,
I guess.
Of course.
I really need you right now.
No, it looks like she's taking
care of you just fine.
- You know that's not true.
- No, I don't, actually.
We get officially evicted
I think it's time that
we just stop forcing this,
just face the truth.
And we both know that
if it wasn't for Lana,
we would have
never gotten married,
and I just think that...
We should just stop torturing
ourselves and just move on.
So, for you, our marriage
has just been torture?
Come on. You know what I mean.
You cannot tell me that
you've actually enjoyed
the last few years.
I have enjoyed every moment
we've spent together.
Oh, my God.
I can't do this!
I can't have you here.
I can't have you
come here tomorrow.
I just...
I need some time, okay?
So can you...
I don't know, can you stay
with Ryan or something?
Yeah, sure. Whatever you need.
I just need to know
we're gonna be okay.
No, we're not!
You can't have it both ways.
You can't spend all of your time
working on
your crazy experiments
and expect your marriage
to work too.
You have to sacrifice something.
I know.
So what is more important?
Changing the world...
Or changing us?
What's going on?
Oh, man.
What are you doing?
Just taking what's mine.
This stuff is both of ours.
The computers
and programming supplies,
those were yours.
The head patches,
those are mine.
The nanotubes and med supplies,
those are Jordan's.
Why didn't you tell me
about your grandma?
You know what the best part
about it is?
Now that we're bypassing
your BCI
and connecting brain to brain
we don't even need
a programmer anymore!
- Ryan, don't do this.
- Yeah, come on, this is stupid.
- We can...
- You stay out of it!
Look, I get it, okay?
You've been abandoned by every
important person in your life.
Death sucks.
Your dad's an idiot.
It's why you cut ties with
anyone before they can hurt you.
It's why you go
through girls so fast,
it's why you got
an investor behind my back,
and it's why you're leaving now.
You think that
reading my thoughts...
No, it's because
you're my friend.
That's how I know.
I'm not going anywhere, okay?
I'm not gonna die, leave,
or secretly betray you somehow,
I promise.
Just stay.
Are you driving,
or am I walking?
- I'm sorry.
- Just drive, okay?
Package one is in the red sedan
on Lunada Place.
You're back.
Couldn't do it.
Wasn't right,
what he did to you.
Doesn't matter, it's the least
of my worries now.
I guess you're right.
Well, I'm sure you boys
got some questions.
Who are you?
My name's Harry Matthews,
Executive Director
of Operation DARKBIRD.
Brain Information
Reconnaissance Directive.
We work out of
the Clandestine
Information Technology Office.
Oh, shit.
You're a spy?
I'm sorry.
How did you...
What's her real name?
Jordan Rose.
Are you sure?
Yeah, we're pretty sure.
- Where are we?
- KPYL Chemical.
Undercover research facility
in Washington, D.C.
We'd like to offer you boys
employment with the company.
Is kidnapping your usual
recruitment method these days?
Nah. Not usually.
But the ability to read minds
is obviously a matter
of urgent national security.
How did you find us?
Six months ago.
You hacked into
our CITO network,
and you downloaded our most
advanced EEG analysis software.
You thought we didn't notice.
We did.
Most of
the biggest breakthroughs
happen off the radar.
Can she not talk anymore?
I'd prefer it
if she stopped talking.
The company cannot afford
to be behind the curve.
What, so you sent in spies?
Yeah, we're the CIA.
That's what we do.
We've been funding BCI research
for quite some time,
but codes of ethics tend to slow
down our government operations.
We strictly avoid any
dangerous human experimentation.
Yeah, but why did you wait
so long to bring us in?
It's hard to capture
lightning in a bottle twice.
We usually just let
these projects go
until the well dries up.
But Jordan convinced us
that you boys
might be of use to us
here at DARKBIRD.
So... here we are.
If it's still an option,
I think I'll just leave.
I won't tell anyone what I know.
My lips are sealed.
- Sit down.
- No.
I don't care what your pitch is.
I can't work
with either of these people.
You can't work with... you're
the one that we can't trust!
Don't start lecturing me
on trust again, okay?
I don't care what
you've been through anymore.
It doesn't give you free license
to be a backstabbing bastard.
Tell me how you really feel...
wait, actually,
why don't you tell me
about this software you hacked?
It wouldn't have mattered
if you could stop
chasing ass for five seconds.
Okay, stop. It wasn't his fault.
If you want to blame someone,
blame me.
I do.
Your Bond girl act
ruined my marriage.
Oh, your marriage was shit
long before she came
into the picture.
Stop it!
Don't! Stop it!
Oh, my God.
Get up.
Here's the offer.
First, I'm gonna clear your name
of all criminal charges.
Second, I'm gonna
write down a fair salary
right here
on this piece of paper.
you nancies get to continue
your little science fair project
with virtually unlimited
We don't really
have a choice, do we?
Double the salary.
The two of you will have
a team of scientists
assigned to your departments,
and you'll report directly
to Dr. Selph.
Dr. Nicolas Selph?
The one and only.
Dr. Selph, hi.
I'd like to introduce you
to David Thorogood
and Ryan Cates.
It's a pleasure
to meet you, sir.
Your paper on the neuromechanics
of thought origination
changed my life.
It's the reason I'm here today.
Kiss ass.
Well, thank you.
We've had a chance
to take a good look
at your work
on thought decoding.
And you must be
the brain interface expert.
We're very impressed
with your work around here also.
Thank you, sir.
You know,
my head patches really bypass
the need
for any thought decoding work.
Is David even really necessary
on this project?
Yeah, baby?
I miss Dad.
Hey, Jordan.
What's this?
Ryan got wireless working
on the new head patches.
- Crazy.
- Mm-hmm.
You know what's going on?
I guess someone
is coming down hard
on Matthews about security.
Apparently the DS&T found out
about our breakthrough,
and they're trying
to keep a tight lid on it.
Everyone's throwing
"national security" around
like a hot potato.
So what are they doing?
It's Matthews' solution.
It's kind of obvious, actually.
Every scientist working on
this project from here on out
is going to get
a dedicated Listener,
making sure there are
no spies in the room.
They're turning
our own technology against us.
The experiment's results
show that prolonged...
Two-way connection
carries a severe risk...
Recognize patterns in the code.
See, the subject might think...
might think "shoot," right?
But is he thinking about a gun,
a camera, a basketball...
How am I
supposed to work knowing
that Listener's hearing every
thought going through my head?
This is insane.
This isn't right.
Right. Got it.
We are all being violated.
He was thinking about a gun.
Oh. Sorry, sir.
That's all right. It's not easy.
David, how are you?
I'm all right.
Still weirded out
by the Red Room
and all the Listeners
keeping watch all the time.
- It's creepy.
Yes, it's quite scary,
where all this is headed.
Can't believe they've got you
under surveillance.
What did you mean, sir?
It's scary where
all this is headed?
Damn that Ryan.
Spends more time
groping my scientists
than doing any real work.
How did you do it?
I don't like this.
I mean, we were plugged
into your brain every day
and never had any idea
that you were even
thinking something else.
I'm not actually
a nymphomaniac, okay?
It's as simple as that.
I have to see that file.
Plus, thinking one thing
and actively doing another?
You're talking
about forcing metacognition
in a different part
of the brain,
and you know that's impossible.
Buddhist monks can do it.
They can consciously control
their blood pressure,
change their body temperature
just by meditating.
I can't afford
suspicious thoughts
creeping into my head at work.
Do you think
Ryan will ever forgive me?
I've never seen him
let go of a grudge.
But if he was
to forgive anybody,
it'd probably be you.
I love blueberries.
They taste so delicious.
They're full of anthocyanins.
They taste like
blue spectacularness.
They're really good
in muffins, pancakes.
Blueberries in scones.
You can put 'em in your...
- Really?
- I was just...
It's better
if you don't make an excuse.
There's a life-or-death
at the Lincoln Memorial?
If they're reading
our thoughts at work,
it's a pretty sure bet
they're bugging
our apartments too.
Don't say anything
you don't want
my Listener to hear later.
I stole this file from work.
Okay, I'm leaving.
They launched a new operation.
They've got a plan
for every kid in America
to get a nanotube injection
just like any other vaccine
before they start grade school.
That's great.
Everyone's gonna need
Soon enough, anything electronic
is gonna have
a brain user interface.
That's not the real motive!
Okay, then how about
locked-in patients?
Laryngeal cancer?
Children with autism?
15 million Americans have some
kind of communication disorder,
and we're going to put
an end to all of that.
Hell, we've already
done it, man.
The bomb's gone off.
Come on, man, you've seen
how it is at work.
Every contradicting thought
has become a crime.
The whole world is
gonna be like that.
The Red Room was my idea.
Look, they didn't
un-invent the cell phone
just because the FBI
could listen in on your calls.
Do you know why
they've got my team
decoding the entirety
of human thought?
Yeah, so I can tweet
without a keyboard.
That's the endgame.
The power to implant thoughts.
Into a person, a group,
an entire population.
They'll sell it to the world
as the power to communicate,
and then they'll have
complete power to control.
The CIA won't need
to stage a coup
to rig an election
across the planet.
Hell, they could turn
any one of us
into an undercover assassin
whenever they wanted,
and they would do it all from
a computer in a lab, right here.
Matthews lied... they've been
testing on humans for months.
They were stuck, and we just
unlocked it all for them.
This is a cure for war.
Do you realize how many lives
this will save?
It's too much power.
This work, everything
that we're doing...
this is the end of freedom.
No, it's not.
It's the birth of freedom.
Go ahead.
His phone.
It's in his apartment,
but he's not answering.
- Check his car.
- It's on the move.
- Where to?
- Not here.
Why isn't he here?
- Who?
- Santa Claus!
- Don't ask me.
- He's your best friend.
- Not anymore.
- What'd you say to him?
Hey, the boy's
a couple of minutes late.
Cut him some slack.
I want you to go find him.
He's not my responsibility.
Send a field agent.
He's headed to the airport.
- I'll go.
- Not alone, you're not.
We're bringing the cavalry.
- You're heavy!
No more growing up without me.
Where'd the car come from?
It's a company car.
- We need to talk.
- I know, but not with Lana.
We can't talk at home either.
I looked up the venture
capitalist that Ryan talked to.
He died in a car accident
the same night
we were kidnapped.
His assistant too.
I can't go back to work,
no matter what happens.
If they knew what
I wanted to do...
What is it that you want to do?
I have to stop it,
just end it all somehow.
- Dave!
- What?
It's the CIA!
I mean, what are you gonna do?
I don't know.
Find a recipe in The Anarchist...
Daddy, watch me!
Look, um... I'm sorry.
I really am.
I'm sorry you're so stressed.
I am not just
stressed out, okay?
Look, I didn't come out here
to work this out.
I came here to get a divorce.
- Mommy?
- It's okay, baby.
You're late for work.
So you're gonna shoot me?
We didn't know where you were.
So you come with all this?
- Daddy?
- It's okay, baby.
They're not gonna hurt you.
Looks like this was just
a miscommunication, sir.
I think David forgot
to call in a sick day.
You haven't used all your
sick days yet, have you, David?
Well, good thing
you're a government employee
and not a prison inmate,
because government employees
get sick days.
Look, I need you
to know that David
never laid a finger on me.
You wanted me to leave him.
You were expendable at the time.
I was trying to save your life.
He's a good man.
Be there for him.
Whoa, cool!
This is actually really nice.
You've been getting the money
I've been sending, right?
Thank you for that.
- Hey, Dave?
- Yeah?
Look, maybe I started too soon
with all this divorce stuff.
Can you turn that down?
- No.
- Why not?
They can hear us.
I need to get out of here, now.
Well, can we maybe just talk
for a second first, please?
Call Matthews. I'm going up.
You and Lana need to get as far
away from me as possible.
Where are you gonna go?
I think I have a plan,
but it's better
if you don't know.
Daddy, it's loud!
I love you more than anything
in the entire world.
Don't forget that, okay?
I can't hear you!
I should've taken you
on that date.
I know.
Where is he?
Close your eyes.
Breathe deeply.
Clear your mind.
With each breath,
your troubles leave you.
Your worries leave you.
Let go of your thoughts.
Let go of your body.
- Feel only your heart.
Your mind is clear.
- There is only your heart.
Beating... and beating...
And beating.
And now...
let go of your heart.
What happened?
You fainted.
It's a good sign.
The right action
for the wrong reason
is still wrong.
The wrong action
for the right reason
is no more right.
You know that place
between thinking about something
and actually doing it?
I've been there.
It's where free will happens,
It's in danger.
If you go now,
you will lose all
that you have gained.
Then such is my sacrifice.
Holy shit.
Not quite.
Just semi-holy.
You look ridiculous
with my haircut.
How's Jordan?
I've been carrying this around
for two weeks now,
just waiting for the timing
to be right.
It's a little soon,
don't you think?
A lot's changed
since you've been gone.
I'm the head of the lab now,
just under Dr. Selph.
And me and Jordan, we're happy.
We're really happy,
so now I gotta be willing
to step up to the plate, right?
That's great, man.
I'm really happy for you.
So you gonna tell me
why you're here?
I want to go back to work.
Good luck with that!
Man, it was chaos when you
disappeared, a full-on manhunt.
They planted stories
in the news,
saying you'd done all sorts
of horrible things,
trying to get
people to turn you in.
Forget about coming back.
They hate you.
They're going
to throw you in jail.
Or worse.
There has to be a way.
This is all I'm good at.
There's nothing else for me.
It has been slow as hell
since you left.
I mean, we could
definitely use you,
but I think
they're just as likely
to shoot you on sight
as to talk to you.
I'll take my chances.
Hello, David.
Long time.
Well, at least
they didn't shoot you.
Not yet.
I took a bus to New York.
Hacked into a couple
college student databases,
ran them through
facial recognition software
until I found a kid at NYU
that was a pretty close match.
I gave him 10 grand for his
passport, no questions asked.
Since then, I've been living
in a Buddhist temple,
trying to find
a new reason to live.
All over a broad?
I never took you
for the romantic type.
You never know what type you are
until you lose the thing
most important to you.
We need him.
He's the best BCI programmer
on the planet.
I don't trust him.
We'll be listening
to every thought
that goes through his head.
David! Oh.
Can't believe you're back!
- He asked you.
- Yeah.
Isn't it amazing?
What's he thinking?
I think there's something wrong
with my head link, sir.
What's happening?
There's almost no activity.
This can't be right.
Connection looks good.
Everything should be working.
Get out of the way.
Get out!
There's this background noise
that sounds
almost like a heartbeat, but all
he seems to be thinking is...
"Breathe in and breathe out."
Jordan! Your head patch!
This is why you came back?
I had to do it.
There's no other way.
Ryan, listen to me.
The information in our brains,
it's too dangerous.
Open up a head link.
A one-way connection.
I want you to know
what I'm feeling.
How could you do this to me?
It's okay if you kill me.
It's the knowledge in both
of our heads that has to die.
You've taken everything from me.
I said
you've taken everything from me!
- She's not dead.
- She might as well be.
You really thought
you could undo all of it,
just like that?
We never meant
to create a weapon.
You're the one
using it as a weapon!
This was your big plan?
Come in here
and nuke all our brains?
Look at them.
What are you gonna tell
his parents?
"Sorry, your brilliant son
is a vegetable now,
but don't worry,
it was for the greater good"?
Is this the greater good?
Enter the command
for a feedback loop.
Don't hit Enter.
Back away.
You want to erase my brain?
Well, I want to blow yours out.
Draw on the count of three.
Put the gun down!
Well, here it is, Dave.
- Brains versus brawn.
- Don't do this.
Put the gun down now,
or we'll shoot!
Improved by sync.