Little Birds (2011)

My best friend Lily
thought she was drowning.
Drowning in the Salton Sea.
Even though the water was
tau polluted to step foot in
and left everything in our
town either dying or dead.
Are you okay?
Lily was determined
to never let it get her.
I'll see you later, okay'?
Hey, Aunt Bonnie!
Good morning.
You're like a fucking tornado, kid.
You know that'?
There's my poor little cousin.
You're late.
Did you get my cigs'?
These come open now'?
Hey, handsome.
Shh. Shh.
You trying to burp him
or break his neck?
God, I really can't
do anything right today.
Well, I don't want him ending
up with shaken kid syndrome.
I might be
doing him a favor.
What does that mean'?
You want this'?
Yeah, yum.
Look at the cartoons.
What's happening?
Look, he's thinking
about a bird.
He's flying like a bird.
Can you do that'?
Wham Lily.
Get off your ass and grab
your uncle's Epsom salts.
I got to go help out
your mama, little one.
You wanna hand me the salt'?
Hogan says the fish
don't die from pollution,
because when the algae blooms,
it sucks up all the oxygen.
And then the fish suffocate.
That's boring.
I don't think so.
You're such a baby.
I'm two months
older than you.
The train's coming.
Come on.
What are you doing?
Is baby scared'?
Do you want mommy
to sing you your song'?
Cut it out.
Hush little baby,
don't say-
Stop it!
Come here.
Mommy's gonna buy you a
mockingbird Cut it out.
And if that
mockingbird don't sing
mommy's gonna
buy you a...?
Lily, is that you?
Oh, hey, Ali, how are you'?
Ifs Alison, Mom. We're not,
like, five years old anymore.
I didn't realize you guys were so grown up
now. She's staying for dinner too.
Oh, actually, I was gonna
go cook my dad dinner.
Oh, how is your dad'?
Oh, he's good.
He found some copper wire...
Have you seen my black pumps?
Are they up your ass'?
No, Lily, I don't believe
they are up my ass.
You're such a spazz.
You interrupted Alison.
I'm sorry, Ali.
That's fine.
It's Alison, Mom.
Alison. Your dad
found some wires?
I was just trying to say he's good.
Same as always.
That's good. Well, tell
him I say hi. Yeah.
Was that so hard'?
Since when did you
become Miss Manners'?
For once someone's gotta
be civilized in this house.
Why don't you
help me find my shoes?
So I'm going to go meet
some friends at the bar.
And don't forget, we have your
appointment tomorrow. Fuck.
And we can't cancel
because I lose money
every time we don't
cancel 24 hours in advance.
It's such a waste
of time, Mom.
Don't say that.
You need to talk to someone, kiddo.
You need to.
And you're surely
not talking to me.
I talk to you every day.
I just want to understand
why you did it.
Did what, Mother'?
You know what.
I'm sorry, Mother,
but I surely don't.
Why did you
out your leg'?
I was shaving.
I guess I'm just
not that good at it yet.
Okay, your appointment
is tomorrow at 10.
I got you something'.
Ifs in your room.
Hey! Does this look okay'?
I have to get ready.
Can you give me some space to
fucking pee by myself, please?
You know, stop saying the word
"fuck" so much. You sound...
Well, then will you
give me some privacy, Mom'?
I'm just asking,
does this look cute'?
I don't know. I don't know.
Does this dress look cute'?
You look old!
You should
take down your hair.
You seem bored.
I don't understand
why I'm being punished.
What makes you think
you're being punished?
I'm here, aren't I'?
Well, what would
you rather be doing
instead of sitting
here with me'?
I don't know. Shooting
myself in the face'?
Dousing myself with gasoline
and lighting a match.
Ifs funny how you often
mention hurting yourself.
Thanks. I thought
I was funny, too.
No, I guess I meant ironic.
But with your father and all,
it's interesting.
Your mom's interesting too.
I'm curious about
the structure she provides.
Have you seen any drug use'?
Does she have a boyfriend?
I'm trying to help, Lily.
Why do you think
you cut your legs?
Why don't you
just out it off'?
Cut what out'?
Cut it off.
Off'? Yeah, the
hair on your face.
Are you talking
about my mole'?
That fucking gross
thing on your chin.
We're here to talk
about you, Lily.
How am I supposed to talk when
I feel like I'm gonna barf'?
How'd it go'? Yeah, it was great. I
think it's really starting to help.
Do ever feel like
you're going to die'?
Like in a car crash?
I don't know.
Like the seaweed Hogan
was talking about.
I feel like somethings
stealing all my air.
That's messed up.
Hey! Cut the shit!
It ain't yours.
So, it ain't yours neither, and
I hope it bites your face off.
I hope he bites
your tits off.
Stupid fucker!
You touch that dog again
and I'll burn down
your fucking
welfare ass trailer.
They took the baby
for the day.
They took Mark
for the day.
Probably going to parade him
around the neighborhood.
Our son, the war hero.
He is a war hero.
Give me his medal in one
hand and shit in the other.
See what I got.
That whole table there is 40
percent off for just today.
Till death
do you part, right'?
Mark died the day some sand nigger
buried an IED in a garbage can.
What they sent home...
I don't know what that is,
but ifs not my husband.
Did you get
lipstick all over me'?
Look, it's the Bobbsey Twins.
Aw, they're like
a little cartoon duo.
Lily and Ali and the case
of the haunted mansion.
She doesn't want
to be called Ali anymore.
What does
she wanna be called?
Oh, excuse me.
Lily and Alison in the case
of the haunted mansion.
Jesus Christ. Come sit
next to your old mom.
I've got
a mystery for you.
Who's shit-faced at two
o'clock in the afternoon?
Guilty as charged, Scooby Doo.
That's right. Yeah!
You look cute. Maybe you should do
something with this hair, though.
Like put a deep conditioner
on it or something.
Wow. You know what'? You should do
something with your face, okay'?
That's not nice.
Can we dress up'?
No, I have to sell this stuff.
You can use
the things over there.
No, I wanna
use this stuff.
Don't use
the feather thing.
Why? it's the best one.
Can I wear the skirt at least'?
At least that one
picked something normal.
Look, I want to look
like a fuzzy alien.
At your service,
my fearless queen.
Lily! Lily!
My fearless queen,
don't you dare!
I'm going to push you
in the water.
Yes! Yes!
No! No! No!
I'm melting.
Oh no! Don't die.
Ifs too late.
Here. Don't you
ever forget me.
Then, I'll put one on.
What's that sound?
I don't know.
Let's investigate.
My queen, you are alive! Shh!
You look stupid.
You guys want some beers'?
Climb over then.
What, are you,
like a raver or something?
What's that'?
Somebody who
dresses all crazy.
No, it was just
this stupid thing.
I like your boots.
Yeah, I think they're cool.
You know, you can't find empty
pools like this in L.A. no more.
We heard about this spot
and drove all the way out.
But your town
smells like shit.
Ifs the salt influx from the
sewage and irrigation runoff.
Are you a scientist?
See all this white stuff'?
The sand'?
It's not really sand. it's
dead fish and bird bones.
So, you have
a boyfriend?
Jesse, let's
fucking go!
You cold?
What the fuck?
Let's go.
If you're ever in L.A.
Bye, Lily.
Where'd you go?
Didn't think
you'd notice I'd left.
What's up your ass'?
I kissed that boy.
I bet he's kissed
lots of other girls.
We're gonna
hang out in L.A.
How are you
getting there'?
I don't know.
You can come along
if you want.
Hey, Tiger Lily.
I know you're awake.
Why do you always
have to touch me'?
Because I didn't
get to hold you
for that whole
first month you were born.
You were stuck
in the incubator.
Your dad said that
you looked like
a little chicken who came
out of the oven too early.
Please, Mom.
Lily, what are
you doing here?
I figured it out. We're gonna
take Hogan's truck to L.A.
No way. He's never gonna notice. It
just, like, sits here all the time.
Shh. Hey, Lily.
You here
to unload some hay'?
Well, I hear worlds
good for the soul.
My soul's beyond repair.
Think about it.
I see that charm school
is really paying off.
She don't mean it.
She just doesn't
like living here.
Well, one day she'll realize
ifs just geography.
Where's the furthest
you've ever been?
Bora Bora Bora Bora.
No way.
I found work
on a freighter.
We docked there
and I decided to stay.
Was it amazing?
I got a job at a resort
where this mangy dog
and her pup would hang
around begging for food.
The guest complained,
so the manager sent me
and this other guy, just
a local, out to get 'em.
The mother, she trusted
humans, so she was easy.
But her pup, she was
a slippery little sucker.
We couldn't get her
no matter how hard we tried.
We were supposed to take her
out to the bigger island,
about a 20-minute boat ride.
My co-worker wanted
to get home for dinner, though.
His wife was making
a Poisson Cru.
So he threw the dog off the
boat about halfway there.
Oh, my God!
That night
the whole island
could hear
that pup howling
and crying
for its mother.
I traveled halfway
across the world
to find out
that people are
dumb and cruel everywhere.
I could've just stayed home.
I went
to Aunt Bonnie's.
You weren't there.
Did you change your mind'?
I can't, Lily.
I can't do that
to Hogan.
What's so great
about L.A. anyway?
Ifs not here.
Where are you going?
I don't know.
Can I come'?
You're ugly.
So don't go walking around here acting
like you better than everybody else.
I don't. You told my brother you
was going to burn down my house?
I'm gonna ask your ass again.
Did you tell my brother you
was gonna burn down my house?
Don't look at that cunt.
Look at me! Look at me.
No, I didn't say that.
Next time I see you
I'm gonna stab you in
your little frizzled head.
Thanks a lot.
What was I
supposed to do'?
I'm leaving tonight.
I'll wait by the bar and get some
trucker or methhead to drive me.
Are you stupid? That'll get you
dead in a ditch somewhere.
Yeah, well,if I stay here, Shawna's
just gonna kill me anyway,
so, what's
the fucking difference?
I knew you'd
come through.
You're my best friend, stupid.
Fuck you!
What the fuck?
it's fine.
Did you just fall asleep?
Ifs three in the morning.
You're such a baby.
Fine, Lily,
why don't you drive?
Oh wait,
nobody taught you how.
You don't have
to be a bitch about it.
I'm sorry. Let's just pull
over and sleep for a while.
Do you remember
when we thought
that your mom
was gonna marry my dad
and we were gonna
be sisters for real'?
Yeah. Then we realized
that your dad's, like,
and super ugly.
You're just upset because we
saw Darryl Baker's father
coming out of your
mom's room in his underwear.
Oh, you cried.
You cried so hard
thinking that Darryl
was gonna be
your brother instead.
Yeah, my mom was
gonna marry your dad.
And we were gonna
move to the beach.
A real beach
with a real ocean.
And every morning
we would wake up
and roll out of bed and dive
straight into the water.
Hey- Hey"
So Jesse said
we're not far out.
He gave me an address
for where we got to meet them.
Hey, where'd you
get those chips?
I bought them.
But I thought you
didn't have any money.
Fine. Whatever.
I stole them. Sue me.
Who cares, huh'?
Something for you anyway.
Hey, I'm just kidding. Where are you going?
To pay for these.
No, if you pay for them,
they're gonna know I took them.
For the first time in your life,
could you just not be a baby'?
No fucking way. No.
God damn it.
Your friend send you back for more'?
No, I was just putting it back.
Do I look that fucking stupid'?
No! I'm sorry, okay'?
We're gonna wait right
here for the police.
No, please let me go. You
and your little girlfriend
come in here thinking the
sun shines out your asses.
Well, I got a rude awakening
for you, all right'?
This is
a citizen's arrest.
Stand back!
Lily! Rum
What {he hell
are you doing?
Fucking, drive!
Come back here!
Go, go, go!
Come on!
Fucking bitches!
That's not funny!
"This is
a citizen's arrest."
It's a little funny.
Hey, there they are!
Look! Pull over.
Pull over. Come on.
I'm going. I'm going.
Pull over.
I'm going.
Where am I
supposed to park'?
Lily, where am I
supposed to park'?
Where's Jesse?
Ifs Lily.
From the pool.
He said he don't
want to see you.
What'? He said to go back to
wherever the hell you came from.
Why'? What did I do'?
Yo, we're just playing'. He's there
with the homeless dude gettin' booze.
Yeah, I'll keep you safe till he
gets back, what do you think'?
Where's your ugly friend?
She's not ugly.
She ain't pretty.
you trying to get busted'?
Let's not stand in the middle
of the fucking street with beer.
Huh'? Use your fucking head.
What do you think'?
What's going on'?
Just drive.
Let's go.
Take a left.
Yo, so there are, like,
a bunch of Wildcats up here
like fucking cougars
and shit like that.
They fucking are eating
people, like, all the time.
No way. I don't believe you.
That's bullshit.
I swear. I swear. David.
No, man.
They all died in the wildfires.
You know that.
You're fucking
full of shit.
He's just trying
to spit game...
That's really awful.
Like, a wildfire? Like...
Yeah, you know,
ifs crazy.
Me and David, after the last
fire, we snuck up here.
But you gotta be really
careful because there's
firemen and police
and you gotta sneak in.
And then when
you get up here,
there's nothing but charred
rabbits and fucking coyotes.
Then there was
the fucking deer tree.
There was
this tree somewhere.
I don't remember
where we were,
but there's this deer just
strung up... it was in the tree'?
I don't know, he must've had
his antlers stuck in a branch
when he was trying to outrun
the flames or something.
But when we found him
there was nothing left.
He was, like, just
charred meat and skeleton...
Okay, we get the picture.
Okay, we get it. It was awful.
No, it's awesome.
That's reality.
Living's hard.
Especially around here.
Living's hard
Oh, wise one, do you have any other
pearls of wisdom for us today'?
Screw you. No thanks.
I like girls.
Okay. Okay.
I'm serious.
Be nice to Lily's friend.
Okay. Let's be friends.
Shut the fuck up
and do what you're told.
Wait. Where are you going?
To piss.
You want to hold my dick'?
I like him.
I know you do.
Are you drunk'?
I don't know.
I'm, like, totally
fucked up right now.
Be careful.
Of what'?
I fucking
love it here.
My bad.
Excuse me.
Hey, watch where the
fuck you're going. Lily.
Wow, there's no
reason to be a bitch.
Fuck you.
Okay, tough guy,
have a nice life.
What's up'?
Hi. What happened?
Nothing happened.
This guy called me a bitch.
Did you call
my friend a bitch?
Listen, I don't got
a problem with you.
Well, maybe I got
a problem with you.
If I offended anyone, it was my mistake.
And I'm sorry.
Okay, but you don't
need to apologize to us.
You need to apologize
to the girls.
I'm sorry.
Oh shit!
Gimme this bag,
mother fucker.
You okay?
Come on. Come on.
Hurry UP-
What is this place?
This is where we live.
This is cool.
Yeah, it's sick. David even
tapped into the power.
You guys don't get in
trouble for staying here?
No, every once in a while
you gotta come through
and kick some fucking
homeless people out, but...
Yeah, they poop in the hallways.
That's gross.
Okay, so we got a laptop, a
calculator, and a bunch of books.
Probably get, like, a grand on
Craigslist for the computer?
Yeah, but that guy
probably needs it
for school
or something, right'?
Golly gee willakers,
she's right.
We should probably turn it
into the lost and found.
Actually, the next time
we wanna hear from
the my bitty titty committee,
we'll be sure to ask.
my bitty
fifty committee.
Are you gonna
make outwith Louis?
What'? No.
I think you should
hook up with him.
I don't wanna
be the only one.
Then why
don't you either?
Can you just
try to have fun'?
For once?
For me'?
I think you're pretty.
I have to go
to the bathroom.
I have to go
to the bathroom.
Hey, I hope you
didn't drop a deuce.
The plumbing
don't work.
Where are we going?
I wanna
show you something.
Hey, where did you go'?
Home sweet home.
This is your house?
It used to be.
Where's your family?
Moved to Arizona
about six months ago.
Are you rich?
If we were rich, we
would still live here.
So then out of the
blue my dad says
we're moving
to Scottsdale.
And we're staying
with my grandparents.
And they told me that I
wasn't allowed to take King.
Who's King'?
King was...
this big dumb...
fat, and he's
completely retarded,
he was this big,
fat, ginger cat
that I had, you know, since I
was, like, five years old.
He was cool.
But he got kinda sick, so he needed,
like, a lot of medication and stuff.
So one day my dad drove
him to the animal shelter
while my mom and my sister
packed up the house.
And then it was
just like that.
We were,
we were up and gone.
I bet he ended up going home
with a really great family.
Or he's dead,
put to sleep.
You know, I stayed, like, in
Scottsdale for about a month.
Close to a month,
and I couldn't take it.
So I snuck out one night
and hopped on a bus
and I came back here.
Aren't they, like, freaking
out looking for you'?
Yeah, probably.
Fuck it, you know?
Now they got
one less mouth to feed.
I'm-can you do me a
favor and please don't
tell the other guys about
this place, okay'? Why'?
You should all live here
instead of that nasty motel.
No, they'd just
come and trash it.
I mean this is
still my home.
Here. Get it.
Is that them'?
What'd they say'?
Nobody there.
They hung UP-
I'm sorry, Hogan.
Look, I swear I'm gonna
bring your truck back
without a scratch
on it, I promise.
Oh hell, I don't care
about that truck.
I care a little
about that truck.
I care a whole lot more about you
getting home without a scratch.
How's Lily'?
She's okay.
We're both okay.
I don't know. I don't
know anything anymore.
Well, they say
if you're not confused
that means
you're not thinking enough.
I'm sorry, Hogan.
Now, now, hey, hey, hey.
So what kind of trail of murder
and mayhem have you two left'?
Not too bad.
No harm, no foul, right?
You just come home.
You got people here
worried about you.
It's time to come home.
BYE, Hogan.
Hey, come on.
You sure you
wanna do this'?
'Cause we don't have to.
I know. I want to.
What is that'?
Ifs nothing.
Are they scars'?
What happened?
I don't know.
I got bored.
Did it hurt'?
I'm sorry.
Maybe we should just
wait anyway, you know?
...foreclosures now.
Oh, shit!
They're ripping up
the carpet and faucets.
I don't know.
That's disgusting.
Seriously, that's gross. Really.
I'm not sure how I feel about...
and we'll probably have to blast out these
walls to make room for the nursery.
The kids could always live in the backyard.
What do you think you're doing?
Maybe make a shed
for them or something.
Excuse me.
Yo, you gotta
check this out.
Thick uncut cock
ready to unload.
What are you talking about'?
Young sexy couple
looking for a kinky girl.
I really don't wanna look at porn
with you guys. It's no! porn.
It's this website where people put these
personal ads and they meet up and fuck.
Any ladies in need of some big black
dick this morning? Yes, please.
Who the fuck is Tina'?
Everybody's looking for her.
It's crystal meth, idiot.
All this shit is drugs, like
party favors, snow, powder.
We're gonna write one.
We're gonna lure some pervert
back here and rob him.
How exactly do you
plan on doing that'?
No. Come an.
We'll be right
in the bathroom hiding.
She says the code word,
fucking... We jump out.
Yeah, and then what happens
when she gets hurt'?
How'? We're right there.
Okay, then, what happens
when they call the police?
Oh, you think he's gonna
call the fucking police?
"Yes, Officer, I was about to
have sex with this underage girl
and then some hooligans
jumped out and robbed me."
Fuck that.
Yeah, fuck that.
Shut the fuck up, Louis.
Shut the fuck up, Louis.
Come an.
I don't know, man.
See, everybody
always wants to be down
and when shit gets real... No,
look, I'm just sayin'...
Yeah, you're just saying
you're a fucking pussy.
What about you'?
What do you say'?
Thank you. Fuck.
Some nuts, finally.
Young, white girl
looking for my big daddy.
That's gross.
Must be white
and very generous.
Come find Alison
with me.
Shit. I keep
losing the connection.
Please? Come on.
Yeah, we're gonna
go look for Alison.
Holy shit!
Look, dude, look
at all of these responses.
Come on, come on.
Get up, get up.
I'll be your daddy.
Sugar daddy here.
What can Daddy for you'?
Dude just sent
a picture of his dick.
Oh my God,
I'm going to throw up.
What about this guy?
I don't know,
he looks nice.
Yeah, no, he does.
You guys are pathetic.
This guy's a piece of shit.
He looks nice? What the hell's the
matter with you people? What'?
We're going to rob
a perv. Come see.
This is so stupid.
She could be abducted.
She'll be fine.
This feels like
a surprise party.
Where are we going?
My car is back there.
I just gotta
grab my stuff.
You live back here?
Yeah, just for now.
Are you a runaway?
I guess.
Well, does anyone
know where you are'?
You do.
This is taking too long.
Shut up. Sorry.
Nice little
setup you got.
I like it.
Looks like the
bed's seen some use.
Did you bring money?
How generous would you
like me to be'?
I like your eyes.
Very generous motherfucker.
We were just talking.
I don't give a fuck. Give me
your money, you fucking pervert.
Okay. Okay. Let's all relax. No.
How about I leave and we
pretend this never happened?
Yeah, go and get
the fuck out of here!
Get the fuck back!
Whoa, hey!
Look, relax, man.
We got his money.
Just let him go.
I know you got a phone.
Give me your phone.
No, ifs a Blackberry.
I don't give a fuck, motherfucker.
I'm gonna assume that
somewhere in that phone
there's a number
that says "home"
and at said home
there's a woman
who would be less than pleased
to find out her husband
was trying to fuck
a 15-year-old girl.
I'm sorry.
Shut the fuck up!
So when I ask you for the PIN number
I assume you're telling the truth.
Otherwise, I'll have to call
your wife and ask her for it.
Seven, four... Speak!
Seven, four, nine, four.
Is that your final answer?
Yes. Yes.
Michael Kenneth White.
Glendale, California.
Get the fuck
out of here.
Go. Go.
Holy shit!
That was such...
a fucking rush.
Is that your final answer?
What the hell?
You never said
anything about a gun.
I didn't realize
I had to clear it with you.
Can I hold it'?
Lily, be careful.
You're such a baby.
Yeah, well, I know a lot
more about guns than you.
I shoot with Hogan
all the time.
What the fuck's a Hogan?
It's Alison's Big Daddy.
Screw you, Lily.
it's not a toy.
Let's go get some fucking shit.
Fuck yeah.
What if he had
hurt that guy'?
He didn't.
No, I know,
but what if he had'?
Ifs not a big deal.
We have to go back.
What'? No. Not yet.
Okay, when?
I just want to spend
some more time with Jesse.
We'll go back tonight, okay'?
Sure. No, you have to promise me, Lily.
Okay. Don't spazz out.
Oh, shit. The only
time they put the jump man
on anything other than Jordan was the
P-Rod collaboration. How do you know?
Well, because I'm not
some stupid fucking spic
who doesn't know jack shit
about sneakers like you.
I got you something.
What now'? We are gonna
go buy more sneakers.
If we don't do our part, the
terrorists will have won. Come on, Alison.
Louis, I can physically
hear you developing diabetes.
I'd rather have diabetes than drink
diet soda and get rectal cancer.
Alison's mom
died of cancer.
What? it's true.
Yeah, but it's none
of their business.
I don't go around
talking about your dad.
What'? That he killed himself?
Everybody knows now. I guess
I should totally freak out.
How'd he do it'?
A gun.
That's so fucking cool.
Shit, if I was gonna kill
myself I'd use a gun, too.
or jump off
a big ass bridge.
Yeah, I hear when you
jump off a bridge
you fall and you die on impact
when you hit the water.
The bridge
gotta be high, though.
Thank you, Louis.
That's very
Of course ifs gotta
be fucking high,
otherwise you'd just
hit the water and drown.
I hear drowning's a really
beautiful way to die.
It's really peaceful.
Who told you that'?
I don't know.
I read it.
How the fuck
would they know?
They obviously didn't drown
if they wrote it in a book.
Well, maybe they, like,
maybe, like, almost drowned.
No. No. No.
Why? Maybe someone
came and saved them.
No, but that ain't drowning.
what if almost drowning
was all peaceful and shit
like those last few minutes of
actually drowning is fucking horrible.
I mean, how fucking
pissed would you be'?
You're fucking, like,
expecting rainbows
and fucking
angels and shit...
and it's just this
total fucking horror.
Sweet. Okay.
You're meeting' your
next guy in 20 minutes.
What do you mean?
What do you mean what do I mean'?
Did I stutter'?
Well, you already
got a bunch of stuff today.
Yeah, and now we're gonna
get a bunch more stuff.
So you can either shut the
fuck up or get the fuck out.
'cause you've been a stupid
fucking cunt since you got here.
Come on, Lily, let's go.
Let's go. Come on.
We're gonna go.
Good riddance, bitch.
What are you doing?
I'm going home, Lily.
Why do you have
to ruin everything?
I'm not ruining anything. I just
don't even recognize you anymore.
That's because for the first time in
my entire life, I'm really happy.
Good for you.
Let's go.
Let's go home.
I'm not fucking
leaving Jesse.
He doesn't care
about you, Lily!
You're just some
stupid girl to him.
We're moving in together.
Into his parents' place.
They're gonna
let us live there.
Ifs huge.
Ifs got a pool
and everything.
What about
your mom, Lily'?
Now she'll have
one less mouth to feed.
What are you
talking about'?
You know what, Alison?
You should go back
to the Salton Sea.
You belong there.
Don't say that.
Things are different now.
No, they're not!
Lily, nothing has changed!
Maybe not for you,
but they have for me.
You're supposed
to be my best friend.
Who the fuck else was I
supposed to hang out with, huh'?
You were it.
Fuck you.
Are you Lily'?
I wasn't sure I was gonna find the place.
I came out from Whittier.
Passed by a couple times to make
sure there weren't any cops.
You're not a cop, are you'? No.
Yeah. No, you look too young.
You're like a kid, huh'?
No, I'm 18.
Want something
to eat or anything?
I'm not really hungry.
Do you just want to go'?
I'm not hungry either.
Yeah, let's do it.
Where are we going? I'm staying
in a motel just up here.
Oh, good.
Hey, do you have a cigarette?
Oh, sorry. I'm a little wired.
Do you party'?
Ifs right up here.
Oh, cool.
You staying in here?
I don't know,
I smell a trap.
What are you
talking about'?
I don't know.
I don't know.
What's wrong?
I'm going to go in there
and your big black boyfriend
is going to bash me
in the head with a pipe.
Come on.
You gotta promise me.
Promise me that I'm not
gonna get my head bashed in
by some nigger if I go in there.
'Cause I couldn't
handle that.
I couldn't fucking handle that.
Okay. I promise.
Okay'? All right, I promise.
My room's right over here.
You sure you're
all alone in here?
I'm sorry, you know,
ifs just that...
something seems
too good to be true...
Whats in there? it's nothing.
It's just the bathroom.
You don't get scared
here all by yourself?
Take your clothes off.
I want to see
what I'm getting into.
What the fuck'? I like your eyes.
Mother fucker!
Give me your fucking money!
Give me your fucking money!
Oh, I knew it. Give me your money!
You're a liar!
Shut the fuck up
and empty your pockets.
You gonna shoot me'?
You gonna shoot me'?
Shut the fuck up
and empty your pockets.
Oh, you're gonna shoot me. Shut
up and give me your money.
Shut the fuck up!
Give me the money!
What the fuck
are you doing?
Do it. Do it.
What the fuck is wrong with you'?
He's a fucking psycho.
Hey. Look man, we don't wanna
fucking hurt you, okay'?
So just get
the fuck outta here.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
Well, get the fuck
outta here, man!
Come on.
Hey, Stop! Stop!
Get off him! Stop!
No! No!
We're sorry. Please.
We're sorry.
You're just a bunch of fucking
kids screwing around.
You're just a bunch
of fucking kids, huh'?
Cut it out, please.
You're just a bunch of
fucking kids, huh'? Oh!
Oh, why didn't you do it when you had
the chance, and it was right in me'?
Is that what you wanted?
A little party'? Huh'?
You only get a
little time between a cut
and knowing
how deep if is.
If it's gonna
leave you nicked
or disfigured forever.
All you can do is try
to stretch nut that moment
for as long
as you possibly can.
Cause once you know...
there ain't no coming back.