Little black spiders (2012)

How many girls are there?
Including you?
And are they all like me?
Will we all sleep together?
No, in the attic everyone
has their own room.
It's important that you sleep well.
Don't worry.
See it as one long holiday.
Voila, we're there.
That's the hospital.
- It was about time, right?
- What was it?
A boy, but it's not all right yet.
Does she have a name yet?
My name is Katharina.
Yes, that will be Katja,
but we'll arrange that tomorrow.
Wow, this is heavy!
You don't need all this, you know.
This way, so we don't bother
the patients.
Cecilia, my name is Katharina actually.
In the attic everyone
has a different name.
Here you are somebody else.
Besides, Katja,
does it really make a difference?
Here you are.
This is your room.
Number six.
You can unpack if you want.
Make yourself at home.
What are you doing here?
They said it was my room.
But this is not your room!
Anne, this is Katja.
And Vicky?
Vicky is doing well.
She just had her baby.
- And what is it?
- A boy.
Cecilia, can I see Vicky?
- Anne...
- Come on, she's my best friend.
You know the rules.
- Come, it's dinner time.
- It's Roxanne, by the way.
Dinner's ready, girls.
Come and set the table.
Who's that?
What did they do to you?
For food and drink
for our daily bread
We thank you, oh Lord
April 18, 1978.
My dearest, dearest Guy.
So here I am. I arrived
at the secret address you gave me.
I long for you, Guy.
I long for you and our child.
It's now five months.
I feel the life in my belly.
I cherish our child with all my heart.
Our child.
Promise me you'll come and visit.
I love you. Your Katharina.
So why can't I flnd her?
I want to see her.
I want to see her and the baby.
Vicky is my friend, you know.
You can't go down there.
You know that.
- Sister Simone won't like it.
- I don't like it either.
Beersman File.
- Parents?
- Deceased.
- Any other relatives?
- No.
- Isn't 16 a bit young for love?
- 17. I'm already 17.
Is there a father?
Ah yes, I see.
You know why you're here...
- ...Katja, isn't it?
- Yes.
The attic is a place where girls in your
condition can comfortably wait for labor.
Without anyone interfering.
Away from the world for a while.
After that, it won't have happened.
You'll soon forget it.
Until then, you can't go anywhere
except for the attic and the workshop.
People shouldn't see you here.
Other than that,
everything's allowed here...
...but we're discrete about it, OK?
Then you can sign here.
That's it.
They told me that you'd help me, Sister.
Yes, of course I'll help you.
- That's what I'm here for.
- I'll be a good mom.
Good is not always the best.
It's about the child here.
We want the best for the child.
Don't you?
Hendrik, please show this girl
the workshop.
It fell out of the nest.
It won't survive.
Not without its mother.
It's there, straight ahead.
You can earn a bit extra with it,
if you want.
You get 5 franks for a syrup
and 50 for a dress.
- How far along are you?
- Five months.
You don't show it.
- Anne...
- It's true. It doesn't show at all.
Make sure it goes on smoothly.
- Yeah, I know...
Six vests, cradle, hat.
Wow, that's a lot.
But you'll get there.
I want to get out of here.
I'm not here.
I'm in Switzerland.
Look at all those mountains.
My parents did a great job
organizing that.
There's nothing to do around here.
Absolutely nothing.
Why nothing?
Even the TV's broken.
- There's so much you can do.
- Like what?
We did all sorts of things.
Games, charades...
Have you started yet?
- What a stupid game.
- The Virgin Mary?
- Jesus?
- I don't get it.
What's that?
A statue.
My turn.
- An abortion.
- A little ball.
- A toadstool.
- A tortoise.
A cloud.
- Lightning.
- Windmill.
No. Hold on...
A record player.
A dragon.
Burn wounds.
- A disabled person.
- No!
- The sun?
- The sun.
It doesn't look like the sun at all,
- Dancer.
- Elvis
- Diva.
- A dick...
That guy with from Queen...
Freddy Mercury!
I'll be back in a sec.
Can I have a smoke?
Five, OK?
First give me a kiss.
Where is Roxanne?
She forgot her shoelaces.
Hey, hurry up!
Katja, is that your real name?
No, Katharina.
- Finally!
- I thought your bed was on fire.
No, I was just smoking.
I wouldn't be able to do that.
I'm not keeping it anyway.
- Why?
- It's inconvenient for me, and Luc.
It's just a nuisance.
I have other plans.
- What does yours think?
- Who?
Your boyfriend, who else?
It's complicated.
Were you raped?
- He's married, isn't he?
- His name is Guy and he loves me.
Silly cow.
But isn't it beautiful, when you love
each other forever and ever?
That's not beautiful.
That's retarded.
What does your family think?
I haven't got any family.
This will be my family.
Babies are a lot of work.
They're smelly.
They cry at night
and you have to get up.
Lights out and go to sleep!
Give it back, it's mine.
Are your hormones acting up?
This place is driving me crazy.
Guy, Guy, my Guy...
I wait...
I know I must be patient.
I will be patient.
Read Scorpion out loud.
Wait your turn,
or buy one yourself!
You've got plenty of money!
- Want me to turn it on?
- No, it's OK. I'll manage.
You need to press 'play' here.
- It's OK. I'll manage.
What is it?
Do you like this?
Hey, Clara, turn that music down!
Come on, Cecilia...
What are you reading?
It belongs to my Greek teacher.
- Pregnant by a married man.
- What's up with that old guy?
Old men are filthy.
They smell like death.
That's so not true.
It was very beautiful.
Yeah, it always is in the beginning.
- That's a sex book!
- What sex book?
We were doing a play about
the goddesses on Olympus.
It's about sex with animals.
No, that's not true...
'Dedalus, made a wooden cow that
was hollow, and helped Pasiphae.
Her legs fitted perfectly
into the hind legs.
Soon, the rutting bull came...
...and mounted Pasiphae
...with his huge member...'
'After 9 months, she bore a monster...
...with the head of a bull and
a human body: the Minotaur.'
But Katja, that's a perfect story to play
here. It's almost about Mia.
I like it. I'm in!
- Yes, me too.
- To do Katja's play.
- We can, can't we?
- Please, Cecilia.
I'm sure that's allowed.
But everyone has to participate.
Where will we get the bull?
There you are! It's perfect.
Yes, and the woods are our labyrinth.
- Yeah.
- And I'll play the lead role.
Why you?
It makes perfect sense.
- Why does it?
- Because I'm the best.
But come on,
you don't honestly believe that?
- I took Greek.
- What's that got to do with it?
- Everything.
- It's more a role for Roxanne.
It might be a good role for me,
but it's definitely not for you.
- Why do you think you can do it better?
- At least I have charisma.
You have absolutely no charisma.
I have talent and stage presence!
- I actually also want to...
- Look at you.
- No personality at all.
- I really want to...
No need for discussion.
I'm playing the lead role.
You're just spoiled.
- Just because I am the best.
- It's always you.
I want to do it with the bull too.
I can do it!
Yes, Clara will play the lead role.
Yes, Clara will play the lead role.
Good idea.
But what do I have to do?
I'll do anything.
We know you will, Clara.
- Simone?
- She's over there.
Excuse me, ma'am.
- Yes.
Those pregnant girls?
Do they live here?
Pregnant girls?
- In the attic.
- In our attic?
It's been empty for years.
For as long as I've been working here.
Who are you?
Never mind. Thank you.
How long is this going to take?
A very long time.
Goddesses live forever.
- Could you draw me without the belly?
- That's what's so beautiful.
- You think?
- Yes, stand up and say your lines...
O noble fruit.
Equal to the gods.
My tongue stiffens.
An all-consuming fire
rages through my flesh.
It seems.
- Don't do that.
- So what!
- That's really...
- Improper?
You're the weird one.
Stand up and look at me, my love.
Reveal the beauty of your eyes.
Stand up and look at me, my love.
Reveal the beauty of your eyes.
Kiss me.
Kiss me.
What do you mean?
Then you have to kiss him.
That's what it says here.
A good kiss.
What's your idea of a good kiss?
...not too hard.
And also not too wet.
But a dry one is not so great either.
I miss that, a good kiss.
You don't dare, do you?
Arise and look at me, my love.
Reveal the beauty of your eyes.
What makes me so happy
is your smile.
Your smile that warms my heart
deep inside.
...that warms my heart deep inside.
And if I...
And if I glimpse you again...
...then I will be blinded, deafened... the sound of thunder in my ears.
Deafened by the sound
of thunder in my ears.
I am perspiring. My body trembles.
I stiffen.
I become paler than parched grass.
Death seems close, but I must.
- But she'll see.
- I know, but what else can I do?
Maybe just...
Cecilia, could you get me
the Vicky Leemans file?
- Veronique's, you mean?
- Yes, Veronique's.
With the France files,
anonymous birth.
But that's impossible.
You promised!
Yes, Sunday.
That's too soon. It's impossible.
And we're really looking forward to it.
Exactly, here. As always.
I understand, but...
I'll get back to you, OK?
- Something wrong?
- No, everything's fine.
And Sunday?
Yes, Sunday.
- Come on.
- No.
I've got him!
I've got him!
I don't have a lot of time.
You're the bull, OK?
Just for a minute then.
O noble fruit, equal to the gods.
My tongue stiffens. Fire!
An all-consuming fire
rages through my flesh.
- O noble fruit...
- Arise and look at me, my love.
Reveal the beauty of your eyes.
Blinded, deafened, by the sound
of thunder in my ears.
My tongue stiffens. Fire!
An all-consuming fire
rages through my flesh.
Arise and look at me, my love.
Reveal the beauty of your eyes.
Blinded, deafened, by the sound
of thunder in my ears.
Ah Cecilia, where are they?
I let them.
It's innocent.
A play.
What's going on here?
Can somebody please explain?
I had to dismiss Hendrik,
do you realize that?
Is something getting through to you?
Awaiting birth... awaiting.
You've got to take that seriously.
I wouldn't have expected anything
different from you, Anne.
But you, Katja... have seriously disappointed me.
From now on, everyone
will obey the rules...
...whether you like it or not.
Vicky, sweetie, how are you?
Let go off me!
- You stole my baby!
- Vicky, calm down.
- Give me back my baby!
- Calm down, I said!
I didn't sign anything!
What are you still doing here?
To the living space. Go!
Cecilia, do something!
Vicky, that baby's dead.
You have to...
No, it's not dead!
It wasn't dead! It was crying!
It had brown hair!
- Vicky, you're hysterical!
- Simone!
I'm on to you, you know.
You're lying!
Yes, but now you know why.
- There were complications.
- Yeah, right.
She didn't want that baby.
You know that, Roxanne.
- She probably had a miscarriage.
- Hypocritical bitches, all of you.
Hey, say something.
Leave me alone, Rox.
- We always do that in France.
- Why in France?
This is our Katja.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, and thank you.
Can I ask you something?
I don't know what it's like...
...having a baby.
I'm a bit scared.
The labor and all that.
All mothers have done it.
You can do it too.
They say that it hurts a lot.
It's not a lot of fun.
But you'll soon forget it.
Yes, that's true...
...when I see my baby.
- I'll get something beautiful in return.
- Yes.
That's right, Katja.
Wednesday, May 12, 1978.
Dearest Guy, I miss you.
I miss you so much.
What's that?
Is that chocolate?
- Give it to me.
- Share.
- But it was a gift.
- Clara, share.
Thank you.
Come on!
I'm worried, Guy.
You were going to tell me something.
I'm waiting for you.
I love you.
I think of you. I think of you all the time.
All day long I think of you.
Do you still think of me?
I want to see you.
My dearest Guy, where are you now?
I miss you, I need you.
You promised to help me. I need
to talk to you about our child.
My dearest Guy, I miss you.
I need you.
Your Katharina forever and ever.
Friday, June 3, 1978.
Guy, you haven't forgotten
about me, have you?
I don't know what to think anymore, Guy.
The devil!
The devil!
Go on, phone him.
You're already at it, anyway.
Is Guy there?
Could you ask Guy to phone me?
It's Katharina.
The number is 011682311.
He knows who.
It's urgent.
They're all the same, Katja.
Guy isn't. He's different.
Oh, Katja.
- Are you ready?
- Yes.
- Do you have everything?
- Yes, everything.
OK, good.
- Aren't you cold?
- No, I'm fine.
- Here.
- Thank you.
See you tonight.
- Katharina?
- Guy.
I need to talk to you.
Five minutes.
OK, get in.
The door is open.
We have to move... Westmalle. New school too.
A boys' school.
I'll teach second year: Latin Greek.
Latin Caesar
De Bello Gallico.
'Omnia gallia devisa est in partes tres'.
- It's pretty big already.
- Yeah.
It's nearly 8 months.
I think it's a girl.
How are we going to do it?
When the baby's born?
Because Westmalle is far away.
Everything... will be fine.
You aren't ashamed of me, are you?
Everything will be arranged.
I took care of everything.
You don't have to worry about money.
I'm paying for everything.
Also afterwards.
- You're ashamed of me.
- Yes.
Yes, actually.
Your favorite story, Orpheus and
Eurydice, what happens there?
Orpheus is not allowed to turn around
or he will lose Eurydice.
She flies back to Hades.
Then he lost...
No one slept one wink last night.
We looked for you all night long.
You don't have to stay here for me,
you know.
You're free to go wherever you please.
There are no locks on the doors here.
It's not a prison.
...what's it going to be?
I want to come back, Sister.
I want to come back, Sister.
That's fine.
This is the last time.
If you run away again,
then you can't come back.
Then you will really be
out on the street.
You should be grateful
you've still got us.
Thank you.
I'm all alone.
That's not true.
I'm there for you, little one.
I once heard of someone whose
baby was born with a water head.
The head was so enormous...
It was like a giant watermelon.
And it tore her, from front to back,
anus and all.
She was never the same again.
Incontinent and everything.
The soup's ready.
Come and have a seat.
I was in love.
I was crazy about him.
But he was married.
And when I got pregnant, the baby
was suddenly my problem.
I had to figure it out on my own.
I wasn't allowed to go back home,
unless I had an abortion.
I wasn't able to.
Then I was given this address.
Sister Simone was my saving grace.
And what happened to your baby?
I did what was best for my child.
I gave it away.
You must miss it.
Not a day goes by that
I don't think about my little son.
He's turning seven this year.
I wouldn't be able to do that.
My son has everything
he needs, Katja.
My baby needs me, and I'm also
going to give her everything...
- A baby costs money, Katja.
- Yeah, I know...
...but I'm working and I'm saving.
It will be OK.
Anything is possible... anything.
But think about yourself too.
Think about yourself, Katja.
I'm not going to wear that dress.
No matter what you say.
It makes me want to puke!
I'd rather go naked.
My parents are here!
They're coming to get me!
- Have a safe trip home. Goodbye.
- Thank you.
Mom, wait for me!
You're animals!
You don't even do that to a dog!
Calm down. Calm down, I say!
- Oh, no.
- I have to go and get help. Quickly!
Who are those pathetic types?
Mr and Mrs Average from a nice,
Christian family.
Don't you get it yet?
It's not for me, you know.
I know mine already.
Decent people.
I can't complain.
I'll get my old life back.
As if that's so easy.
Maybe it's for you?
You haven't signed anything, have you?
I don't think so.
Are you sure?
Ah, Katja.
You again. Is something wrong?
I'd like to phone the orphanage.
Can you do it tomorrow?
I've got visitors now.
I'd like to do it now, please.
OK, quick then.
You don't have to be present, do you?
You shouldn't be here!
Look what I got, aunty Simone!
Beautiful, isn't it?
Come, we're going to fill it up.
Do it like this. They have to cook.
They have to make a meal.
My brother thinks this has to stop.
- He's going to start asking questions.
- So what?
- He's all I've got.
- I know.
I know how important he is to you.
I don't want to lose him either.
But this always takes longer
than scheduled.
Dear madam, for personal reasons
It's impossible for me... bring up my child.
I will not undertake any action that will
hinder the adoption process of the child.
I transfer all my rights to the family
who will adopt this child.
Thank you for all your
understanding and compassion.
Signed, Katharina Beersman.
And now?
Say it again.
Remember that.
That's where I live.
When I've had my baby,
you can come and live with me.
Everything will be fine.
Can't you hear the music?
- It's really loud.
- I can't hear anything.
Come on, listen carefully.
There's a guy standing there
looking at you.
What does he look like?
Very cute.
Curly hair?
Yes, dark blond curls.
And nicely built.
And chest hair.
Quite a lot of chest hair.
Lots of chest hair.
Has he got a car?
Yes, he's got a car.
He's a real gentleman,
and he wants to dance with you.
Surely he doesn't want to dance
with me. I'm far too fat.
No! He thinks you're
the prettiest girl at the party.
Yes, really.
He wanted you.
He's wondering
what he thinks is more beautiful.
Your eyes...
...or your mouth...
...or your hair.
He can't choose.
He thinks you're very beautiful.
Vera is pretty.
Or Suzy.
Or Helena.
Or Herman, if it's a boy.
No, I don't like that.
No, I'd call mine...
...or Andy.
Listen to me.
That's too tight.
Hey, is that normal?
I have heard of it.
What would it taste like?
I don't know. Try it.
Don't cry, Rox.
I'm not crying. I'm happy.
Then say so, silly!
Are you OK?
Are you OK, Rox?
I think I ate something bad
But we had the same food.
Yes, that's true.
Where does it hurt?
- I think it's started.
- It's already better now.
Roxanne, they're contractions.
Really. Let's go inside.
Promise me that you won't
leave me alone with those nuns?
Yes, I promise.
- I'm really kind of scared.
- I can tell.
- How far apart are they?
- Fifteen minutes.
- So it hasn't really started yet.
- I think it's started with me too.
Really! They're contractions.
- Yes.
- Yes, I've really got contractions.
If you think that those are contractions,
it's not that bad.
We've still got time to go by car.
Why by car?
Don't we just go downstairs?
It's Sunday, so Dr Goossens isn't there.
We're going to a different hospital.
I'll let Lacroix know.
Take care.
Bye, little babies!
- Is it far?
- Just a little longer.
- Simone?
- Yes?
Did you speak to your brother yet?
Yes, I phoned him.
It's arranged.
Once a year at Easter.
Yes, at Easter.
But I can't see my boy just once!
That's not right.
Cecilia, not now.
I can't do that.
Then rather not at all.
I'm not going to give it away, Katja.
I'm not going to give it away.
Then we need to get out of here.
Sit down, you!
You can't order me around anymore.
I'm keeping my baby!
We need to get to a hospital,
or there won't be any baby to keep.
Did you hear what I said, Simone?
I need to take a shit now.
- How far apart are they?
- One minute.
Are we nearly there yet?
Are we nearly there yet?
Come on, do something!
Help me.
- Stop the car!
- Give her the Ventolin.
Here, breathe that in.
Breathe that in.
It will make you calm.
Sing a song.
- France?
- What?
You can do it, Rox.
She's in labor. So is she.
- No, I don't have any contractions.
- Where is Dr Lacroix?
Simone, I don't have any contractions.
I'm not due for another three weeks.
- Calm down.
- Let go off me!
- Calm down!
- No, I'm not ready yet!
We're going to induce it.
That's normal.
- Just sign with an x.
- I have a name.
Induce labor, whatever.
The pediatrician still needs to check him.
Come, my sweetheart.
But you're coming back, right?
Where is she?
Babies sleep in the nursery.
You both need your rest.
- It won't be necessary. I want her with me.
- That's not how it's done, Katja.
You could suffocate her.
And besides, you need to rest.
It was a difficult labor.
You better get some rest.
Where is Roxanne?
He was blue.
And he didn't even cry.
I saw it myself.
I saw it.
I wasn't allowed to hold him.
I wasn't even allowed to hold him.
It's a girl, Rox.
Rox, we're going home.
- Where are we?
- We have to get out of here.
Before they see us.
I want to register her
as soon as possible.
We've got to get back
across the border.
- That way.
- Are you sure?
Are you OK?
Come, it's not far now.
We're nearly there.
There's a road.
There's a road.
I'll go.
Come on.
I know, but there's nothing
I can do about it.
I've come to register a birth.
This is my daughter.
Her name is Katharina.
- Can I phone my family?
- Yes.