Little Brother, Big Trouble: A Christmas Adventure (2012)

Niko 2 - Little Brother, Big Trouble
Okay, guys, let's make
this practice flight count!
How much fun is this?
Alright, let's just say...
Santa overboard!
How come is it that Santa
never comes on our practice runs?
Do you really want to be dragging
him around the sky?
Okay boys, well done.
Now... a sleigh malfunction!
Come on, Niko!
It's all in the antlers!
Now you try it!
- I did it!
- That's my boy!
Not bad. Not bad at all.
But what if we lose the sleigh?
Try not to scream like a sissy.
Why can't Santa just walk
like everybody else?
And finally, let's check
the Santa speed before C-day.
Now remember what I told you.
Clear your mind and concentrate
on your happy heart. - Got it, Dad.
Up here they call me Prancer.
- Santa Speed, men!
Niko, it'll never work!
Hey it is working! You're doing
it! You're doing Santa speed!
I can't go any... faster!
I can't see! I can't see!
That's better. I can see!
Hello. What's your name?
- Unhand me, madam!
- I love you.
- We just met!
Niko! Are you okay!?
Sorry, Dad. I guess I'll never
be able to fly Santa speed.
Of course you will. It just takes
time... and a happy heart.
You do have a happy heart don't you?
- Sure I do! Let's try it again!
Maybe next weekend.
It's getting a little late.
Your Mom will be wondering
where you are.
If you lived with me and Mom,
in New Home Valley -
we wouldn't have to keep flying
back and forth. - I know, but...
Maybe we could get her
some of that high mountain moss.
She'd really like that,
it's her favorite.
She will be happy just as long as
I bring you home safe and sound.
I guess.
Which means
we won't be doing any of this.
You mean, this?
- Exactly. Or this...
Oh, I'd never do this.
And we certainly won't be
racing home. - Certainly not.
You're going to race home,
aren't you?
Why do they always
make me worry like this?
Niko should be home by now. - He's got
Prancer and Julius to look after him.
A hotheaded reindeer and a chubby
squirrel. What could go wrong?
Finally! And what time
do you call this? Where's Niko?
Don't worry. You know as long as
Niko's with me he's perfectly safe.
- Well... pretty safe.
- Did I win?
What did I say about racing?!
But Mom, if I'm going to learn
how to go Santa speed...
We talked about this.
The boy's too young to go that fast.
I know, but...
- But I wouldn't listen!
Dad was all, like,
"You're too young to go that fast" -
and "you should listen
to your mother."
And I was all like,
"why?" and he was all like -
"because she's a very special lady"
and then his eyes went like this.
Okay. So, I'll see you next
weekend after Christmas, Niko.
Have a merry Christmas, everybody!
You want to go to the wild woods
with us tomorrow?
I hear there's lots of fresh moss
up there. - Yeah! Can I Mom?
Okay. But right now it's time
for dinner. Good night, guys.
So what do you think?
I picked your favorite. - Wow!
There's so much!
Is that just for us two?
Niko, I've been meaning
to talk to you about something.
Me too. I found out today that my
heart isn't as happy as it should be.
So I was thinking
that wouldn't it be great -
if we had someone around
who could help us out? - It would be.
Someone who could help us forage
and keep you company?
I'm really glad that you think so,
Niko. Because I have good news.
We're not going to be alone
anymore. - You mean...?
- Dad!
- No, Niko, wait!
- Hi, Niko.
- But... but...
Niko, this is Lenni.
- It's so nice to finally meet you!
I've heard so much about you.
I was nervous about meeting you. I
thought I wouldn't know what to say.
Thought I'd end up
rambling on about the weather.
But, now that I'm here,
this isn't awkward at all!
I hear it might snow.
- What are you, a weatherman?
There's someone else we'd like you
to meet. - Come and say hi, Jonni.
Hi. Are you my big brother now?
- Big brother?
- Um, so who's hungry?
Starving! Jonni and I brought
something for desert.
Some high mountain moss.
- My favorite.
So, Niko. I couldn't help but notice
it's a bit cloudy out there.
I was saying to your Mom, "I think
we might be in for some rain, dear."
Do you always talk
about the weather? - No.
I was telling a joke...
about the weather.
I don't hear anybody laughing.
"Rain dear"! I just got that!
Niko, why don't you tell us all
about your weekend at Santa's Fell?
It was nothing special.
Just hanging with the Flying Forces.
Wow! The Flying Forces!
Jonni is a big fan of the Flying
Forces. He knows all their names.
Comet, Cupid, Dancer, Dasher,
Blixen, Donner and Vixen!
You forgot Prancer.
- Oh, I always forget him.
That's all right, Jonni.
It could happen to anyone.
Not to me.
You know you'll always be my number
one, Niko, right? - I know that.
I was really hoping you'd be okay
with Lenni coming to live with us.
He's very special to me, and if you
give him a chance, you'll see why.
Well... of course I'm okay with it.
- Really?
- You've made me very happy, Niko.
Sweet dreams, my little man.
I'm really not okay with this.
What am I going to do?
Maybe you should give him a chance.
- I thought you were on my side!
I am! Look, Niko,
I know it's hard, change always is.
But your Mom deserves a happy heart
too. - Yeah. I guess.
And he seems like a nice guy.
He certainly is funny.
I can't help it... "Rain dear"!
"Rain dear"!
Before there was you
We had nothing to do
Before there was you
We were lonely and blue
Alone and estranged
Now that's all changed
And now that you are here
There's nothing to fear
That was beautiful, boys,
just beautiful.
I'm so glad I met you fellas.
I could really use some friends right
now. You are my friends, aren't you?
- Oh, yes!
- Best Friends!
- Good. Because I need a little favor.
Well done!
- Throw it higher, Julius!
This one's for the title!
How about that,
pretty high, right?
Did you hurt yourself, son?
- No, Dad. I'm fine, really I am.
Niko didn't mean any harm.
He just wants to play, too.
Can I play with Niko, Dad? - I think
we'd have to ask Niko about that.
Niko would love to play with Jonni,
wouldn't you? - What?
But we're going to the
Wild Woods with Saga and Wilma!
I think he's cute.
Me too. He reminds me of... me.
You've found yourself a new best
friend. - How could you say that?
After all we've been through, do you
really think that some little kid...
How adorable is that?
So what do you want to do, Jonni?
Do you like games? - I love games!
How about we play hide and seek?
- Really? I'm a great hider!
Let's hope so. You run deep into
the woods and hide. Off you go!
I have a better idea.
You and Niko hide together.
Hey, hang on. That's not...
- I just love hide and seek!
One, two, three...
Does this mean we're a team?
What's it like to fly?
Do you get scared?
Do you really know
all the Flying Forces?
What does Santa's beard smell like?
Will you bring me with you next time?
No! Not just anyone can go
to Santa's Fell and meet the Forces.
Saga! Have you looked over here?
- Hey, where should we hide?
How about here?
Maybe you should decide.
You're the big brother.
Stop calling me that. I'm not
your brother! Okay? - But Mom says...
And she's not your Mom.
She's my Mom!
I wish he would just disappear!
- It worked?
- Help!
What happened? Where's Jonni?
- I don't know! I left him there.
You left Jonni on his own?
- Just for a second.
- Help me Niko!
- Jonni!
Niko, look out!
They're gaining on us!
- I can't go any faster!
I love it when they run!
- You've got to save yourself!
Forget it. I'm not going anywhere!
Well, well, well.
And what do we have here?
Reindeer. You can tell by the
antlers. - I was trying to be scary.
Sorry. You carry on. - No, forget it,
you've ruined the moment.
That's Boss, we'd better get going.
- You won't be so lucky next time.
Over here!
What happened?
- The eagles... they took Jonni.
What do we do now? - We stay calm
and think this thing through.
There's no time for that! It's my
fault and I'm going to get him back.
I can't possibly allow that!
It's far too dangerous.
There has to be another way. Firstly,
we return and raise the alarm.
Secondly, we elect a search party
leader. Fourthly... or thirdly?
Hey, Nutboy. - Oh no.
He'll never find Jonni on his own.
Where are you taking me?
- Save your breath, Niko.
- I'm Jonni.
- Sure you are!
Jonni! Jonni!
Wilma, I want you to go
to Santa's Fell and tell Prancer.
Saga, I need you to stay here in case
Niko or Jonni return. - And you?
I'm going after Niko. But first,
Lenni and Oona have to be told.
I find honesty is
always the best policy.
It's best you let me do the talking.
- Hey, you're back early.
Where are the boys?
- Boys? What boys?
Jonni and Niko.
- Oh! Jonni and Niko. Right.
The boys went out to play and then
huge flying... - I should have known!
Prancer's taken them up to see
Santa's fell, hasn't he?
As soon as I've turned my back,
Niko's disappeared with his father.
Hey! Come on! Hold on a sec!
What? It went well.
Why didn't you say something?
Well excuse me, Mister
"honesty is always the best policy"!
I thought you said it was best
if you do the talking. - Stop it.
It doesn't matter who tells them
but Lenni and Oona need to know.
Need to know what?
- Hello...?
- Who said that?
Where am I?
- Don't worry, you're perfectly safe.
I've been keeping a watchful eye
on you, young lady. - Young lady?
What? I mean, young buck.
- Can you see okay?
I could count every green hair
on your head from fifty paces.
That's moss. You're talking
to a rock. - I knew that.
Thanks for your help, sir,
but I have to fly.
A flyer, eh? I could tell you
a few stories about flyers.
Thanks but I've got to go. A little
reindeer was taken by the eagles.
You're not going to the Eagles Domain
by yourself, are you? - Where?
That's where the eagles take all
their prey. Very dangerous indeed.
You need to go to the Flying Forces.
- I can't tell them!
I mean, it's so close to Christmas,
they're probably too busy.
Hey, maybe you could take me?
- To the Eagles Domain? Gracious no.
My adventuring days are long over.
- But... but I really need your help.
I'm sorry, but I live out here
on my own for a reason.
I got tired of getting tangled up in
the world's problems many years ago.
The only friends I want
are the rocks and the trees.
Out here I don't need anybody
and nobody needs me.
There's a little reindeer boy who
needs me, with or without your help.
Stop looking at me like that.
Fine, go ahead then, look at me all
you want! But it's not going to work.
You really think I'm going to let
old rocks tell me what to do?
Alright, alright, I'll go!
Are you happy now?
It's best if the reindeer who knows
where he's going leads the way!
Step aside, sir,
can't you see we're in a hurry?
We're back! And I think
you're going to be very happy.
I knew I could depend on you,
my darling eagle friends.
I brought you the little reindeer boy
just like you asked! I got Niko, see?
- Hey! We all got him.
- Yeah!
- That's not Niko!
- He got him!
It was just him!
- It's not Niko? But you said:
"Get the little lying reindeer boy."
That's a little lying reindeer boy.
What are you talking about?! I said:
"Get the little flying reindeer boy".
I told you it didn't make sense.
Didn't you even ask him his name?
- But we thought he was lying.
You can see our confusion.
- Get him out of my sight.
What do you want us to do with him?
- I don't care!
Great, 'cos I'm starving.
Niko is my big brother and the
Flying Forces are his best friends!
When they come to rescue me
you'll be sorry! - Stop!
Niko is your brother?
Nice work, fellas.
Put him somewhere safe.
The eagles have Jonni?!
I've got to find him!
Where am I going? - I guess they're
taking Jonni to the Eagle's Domain.
To the Eagle's Domain!
Where's the Eagle's Domain?
It'll take you days
to get there on foot.
Let me go, I can fly.
You and Wilma ask
the Flying Forces for help.
Ask Prancer for help? I don't
think so. - Not even for Jonni?
You're right.
But what am I going to tell Oona?
I always find
honesty is the best policy.
What? I do! - Julius is right.
I've got to tell her the truth.
You're going to Santa's Fell
to challenge Prancer? - Yes I am.
I'm tired of him upsetting you.
I'm sorting it out once and for all.
Reindeer to reindeer. - Really?
It just doesn't sound like you.
That sounds more like a tough guy,
not like my sweet weatherman guy.
There's more to me than weather.
If you don't mind I have to be going.
It looks like it might snow.
A strange way of telling the truth.
I would never lie to Oona.
Not normally.
But... Let's just say she shouldn't
be upset at the moment. - Why?
I'm coming! You're right. Someone
needs to put Prancer straight.
And I've got a thing or two
to say to him myself. - Okay.
I hope Jonni's alright. Do you know
when we'll get to the Eagle's Domain?
We'll get there when we get there.
Let's keep the talk to a minimum.
I live in the new Home Valley.
Have you ever been there?
There's loads of reindeer.
My name's Niko.
The name is Tobias, if you must know.
I like it just fine on my own.
Don't you get lonely?
- Lonely? Ha!
You've got to learn
to take care of yourself, Niko.
I don't need anybody but me.
You don't get this old without
knowing how to look after yourself.
You can't rely on me to save the
day every time you get into trouble.
Can we just take a minute?
- This is just what I'm talking about!
You wouldn't last a second
out here without me.
Scary down here, isn't it?
Down here
where the light doesn't get in.
No way of knowing night from day.
Just endless, dark tunnels.
- Hi, Speedy!
- Every time. Every time!
Do you think, just once, I could
be scary without you ruining it?
Behold! The Woods of the Vanishing.
- Why are they called that?
- No idea.
But don't worry,
I'm sure we'll figure it out.
You you look a little tired,
young buck.
If you want to rest I'll be okay
with that. - No, no, I'm fine.
Because you sound
a little breathless.
We're not resting
until I find Jonni, alright? Tobias?
Tobias? Wake up, will you?
I am awake. I figured out why they're
called the Woods of the Vanishing.
But if you're awake,
then who's snoring?
Is that a bear?
- You don't have to worry about him.
He's hibernating for the winter.
You couldn't wake him.
Hey! Bear! Wake up!
You see? Nothing.
Or am I thinking of hedgehogs?
- Let's get out of here.
I think that would
probably be best.
- I'm stuck!
- Hang on!
He's coming!
Wow! That was amazing!
You totally defeated the bear!
Did I?
I did, didn't I? HOW about that!
You were lucky I was there.
- Yeah. Thanks.
Although, you were the one
who fell down the hole -
and you woke the bear...
Now what did I say about keeping
the talk to a minimum?
So you didn't have any brothers or
sisters to get you in trouble? - Nope.
And no mother or father
to boss you around? - Nope.
That must have been great.
You could do whatever you wanted!
I saw the world many times over and
had more than my share of adventures.
You're so lucky! Now you live all on
your own. Just you and your memories.
No friends or family to bother you.
No one at all to bother you, right?
I bet nobody even knows you exist.
- You're probably right.
Are you okay? You look kind of sad.
- What are you talking about?
I'm the luckiest reindeer in the
world, remember? Let's move on.
The Eagle's Domain is just up ahead.
We must be very careful from now on.
- Where are you going?
- To get Jonni.
You won't last a second
in the air with those eagles!
What else can I do? - I used to
play around here as a youngster.
There was a passageway into
the Domain somewhere... around...
- Here!
- Perfect!
Follow me.
It appears I've grown a little over
the years. I'll have to wait here.
I won't be long.
- I'll be waiting right here for you.
If I sense any danger,
I'll whistle down the tunnel.
I heard what you were saying there
and you're right.
We really need to get some light
down here. It's so creepy.
This is a dungeon.
It's supposed to look horrible.
There's no need to shout, we don't
want to scare the prisoner. - We do!
Eddie, why don't you go and get
some fresh air? - Fine. I will.
I could get some fresh air
down here if we let the light in.
Who's there?
This isn't funny, Eddie.
It's only funny when I do it.
- Jonni!
- Niko! I knew you'd come!
We have to get out of here!
Hey, did you see that?
- What's a reindeer doing out here?
- Hello.
- Who's that?
Thought you could sneak up on old
Tobias. - Actually, we're over here.
Niko! Watch out!
Looks like we found our little
flying reindeer boy after all.
He looks older than I imagined.
- Not him, birdbrain! Down the tunnel!
Come on!
Now isn't this nice,
a family reunion. How touching.
Under it all, you are such a softie.
- I was being sarcastic!
When I say "now", jump on. Now!
Stop them!
There has to be another way
out of here! - Niko, up there!
Going somewhere?
What on earth?
- Come on, you're like an elephant.
One, two, three and...
Excuse me, sir. But you didn't happen
to see a young reindeer boy, did you?
What? Okay, just stay calm
and don't tell them anything.
I have no Niko
what you're talking about.
I mean, I have no idea
what you're Niko-ing about.
- Darn it!
- We should talk.
Well, aren't you a difficult
young man to get hold of.
Who are you? - I'd forgotten
we've never actually met.
I believe you knew my brother.
- Black Wolf is your brother?
Was my brother!
Until you destroyed him!
Jonni isn't part of this.
He isn't even my real brother.
Real or not, at least you still
have a brother. But not for long!
You just can't stay out of trouble,
can you? You're not the only flyer.
- Seize them!
- A little to your left!
Left! No, left!
That's not left! - Who cares,
you never forget how to fly!
Don't worry, Boss, I got him.
You can't carry all of us. - Just hang
on and learn from the master.
Get a move on!
I had forgotten
how much fun this is!
Do I have to do everything myself?
What's so funny? - I'm sorry, it's
all the feathers. I'm so ticklish.
Give me patience...
Everyone okay? - Why didn't
you tell me you could fly?
Well, to tell you the truth,
I wasn't sure I could anymore.
Oh no! We need to hide.
- I'm a great hider.
In here!
- Hurry, Niko! They're coming!
They're not here. Move out!
You saved us, Jonni.
- Good work, Jonni. Well done.
We can't stay here.
Come on, keep low.
Well? Where are they?
- They appear to have disappeared.
Does that sound weird to you?
- You fools! You've ruined everything!
I just mean that if you can't help me
catch that little flying reindeer -
- I have to go.
- You can stay.
Nobody ever wants to stay.
- Just tell us what to do.
Join me in destroying
the Flying Forces!
Once they're gone,
Niko will have nowhere left to hide!
Destroy the Flying Forces?
- We can't do that.
Those guys are tough.
- I'm sorry. My mistake.
I thought it was the Flying Forces
who'd banished you from the skies.
- It was.
- Really?
And that doesn't make you
the tiniest bit annoyed?
Now that you mention it.
If the Flying Forces had banished
me from the skies -
and forced me to live
in this creepy hovel -
I might be feeling
a little angry myself.
I told you it was creepy. - I'd go
up to Santa's Fell right now -
and let those flying freaks know
who really rules the skies!
Tobias, were you ever
on the Flying Forces?
Yes I was. And they were
the best years of my life.
So why did you leave?
- There was an... incident, you see.
What kind of incident?
Well, at that time I was leader
of the Flying Forces, you see.
But I was getting older
and my eyesight was starting to fail.
I didn't say anything. I was afraid
I'd lose my place on the forces.
They were the only family I had.
So, like a fool, I just went ahead
with the Christmas present run.
Turns out my eyes were worse
than I thought. I missed two houses.
The next morning two children woke up
without any presents.
All because of me.
I was so ashamed I just left
in the middle of the night-
and I never went back.
You've made up for it today.
Look at me and Jonni.
We wouldn't be here
if it wasn't for you.
You're good boys. You're lucky
to have each other for brothers.
Actually, we...
- We're not really brothers.
Jonni's Dad and my Mom are moving in
together. - Mom died when I was born.
Me and my Dad have always been alone.
- Being alone is the greatest.
- Just ask Tobias!
- Well...
It's not so great. My Dad has always
been sad as long as I remember.
But after he met Miss Oona
he's always happy. And me too.
But it's okay
if you don't want to be my brother.
I'll stay out of your way.
Well, if it's what he wants...
Okay guys. Pre-Christmas takeoff
checklist: Right rudder. - Check!
- Left rudder.
- Check!
Air pressure.
Not bad. Not bad at all.
Alright, final practice before C-day.
Look, there they are!
Now be brave, Lenni. You go give
Prancer a piece of your mind.
It's been nice knowing you Lenni,
gotta go!
Boys, I need to check this out.
Two minutes, Prancer!
Oona! What are you doing up here?
- The name's Lenni -
and you've got some
explaining to do. - I do?
This could get a little rough. You
might want to leave this to the men.
I'm not going anywhere.
We know they're here with you.
What are we talking about? - Now
don't you act the innocent with me.
You know very well
what we're talking about.
- I do?
- Yes, you do.
Do you have something in your
eye? - What's going on, Lenni?
Factory alarm!
- We'd better take a look.
Sorry, but I really have to go.
What's going on? - There won't
be enough toys for Christmas.
Come on, let's check it out.
Those are Mom's tracks!
- And those are Dad's!
Listen, Jonni. About the eagles and
stuff... - Hold on there, young man!
Your mother thinks
you've both been at Santa's Fell.
It's time she knew what happened.
- But why? Everything's fine now!
If she finds out Jonni was kidnapped,
she won't trust me anymore.
I'll never be allowed
go to Santa's Fell.
I'm sorry Niko, but she's your mother
and she needs to know the truth.
I'll be grounded for life.
Don't worry. I'm sure
Niko will do the right thing.
Where are you going?
- Well, I'm going home.
Now that the boys are safe, they
don't need Old Tobias any more.
You can't leave
without saying goodbye.
It's better this way. Besides, he'll
soon forget about me. He'll be fine.
Dad! - Jonni! Are you all right?
I was so worried about you boys!
I'm fine, Dad.
- Where have you been hiding?
Well, you see, what happened was...
We went to Santa's Fell.
It was so much fun!
How many times have I told you? You
can't go off when you feel like it.
Niko, wasn't there something else you
wanted to say to your mother? - Yes.
I won't do it again. Promise.
- Well, alright then.
At least you and Jonni are safe.
Lenni? You look like you
have something to say. - Yes.
Looks like there's a storm brewing.
Let's go while the weather holds.
I don't know why I bother!
- Come on, Julius, let's go home.
Where's Tobias?
- Tobias said he had to go, Niko.
He didn't even say goodbye. I guess
he really doesn't need anybody else.
Someone must have
shut down the factory.
I don't like this.
Hey, what is this?
Let us outta here!
Not flying so high now, are we?
I just wanted to say thanks, but
I don't think you should have lied.
I never lied before.
It was easier than I thought.
But somehow it makes
me feel kind of bad.
So what are you two boys
whispering about? - Nothing.
It makes me so happy to see
you two getting along so well.
I know what you and your Dad
mean by a happy heart.
I just knew you would be
a good big brother to Jonni.
When we went out
to play hide and seek -
I left Jonni on his own
and the eagles took him. - What?
I knew you'd tell the truth.
- Julius! You knew?
I tried to tell you but Wilma...
- Hey, don't look at me.
I thought we should say
something, but Lenni...
I wanted to tell you.
But I didn't want to worry you -
because... well, you know why.
- You were all lying to me?
- No!
- Yes.
- Yes.
Lenni, I thought you were different.
Come on, Niko.
We're going home... alone.
We won! It's true! We won! It's true!
I don't know you, but
nobody crosses the Flying Forces -
and gets away with it!
- Really? Are you sure about that?
Now all we're missing is
the guest of honor... little Niko.
I'd bet he'd come running
if he knew his father was in trouble.
Leave Niko alone!
It's a harness.
They've got the Flying Forces.
I've got to go. I'm sorry, Mom.
I'm sorry about everything.
Don't! No! Niko, come back!
I know somebody who can help us.
- You read my mind.
You weren't thinking of going
in there on your own, were you?
Am I glad to see you guys!
But why would you bring Jonni here?
The kid brought me here.
I hate to break up the happy reunion,
but take a look.
The Flying Forces must be trapped
inside. We have to get in there.
We'll never get past those eagles.
- I could help.
It's too dangerous. Hide in the
woods until all this is over. - But...
What if I act as a decoy?
While the eagles are chasing me -
you could get inside the
toy factory. - Let's stick together...
I don't see nothing.
- He'll be here soon, trust me.
What did I tell you?
Good guys are just so predictable.
Where are they going? - The question
is: what are we waiting for?
This feels too easy.
No! Jonni!
Look! Down there.
- My nose itches.
Hey! That's my nose! - You set them
free and I'll start up the factory.
Niko's got nowhere to hide.
Looking for me? Well here I am.
Not a moment too soon, Niko!
You'll have to catch me first.
So this is what the Flying Forces
look like nowadays, is it?
Isn't that...
- Tobias, a living legend! A hero!
What are you doing here? - What
else would a hero be doing here?
I'm saving the day. Oops.
- Do something, anything!
- Oh dear.
- Not that!
- Well how about this?
The factory!
Get back to the factory!
Useless feather balls!
Come get me!
- Come on!
- Help us!
Come on guys, I gave you the
easy job. - Push! No, wait... pull!
We're running out of time!
- Hey guys, it's Wilma.
- Hi, fellas.
That looks a little easier.
Let him go!
Jump, Jonni! I'll catch you.
Trust me.
That tickles!
Jonni! Are you okay? Jonni?
Please, wake up.
Jonni! You're alright!
I've felt better.
So you wanna play hide-and-seek?
Come on!
- You'll be faster without me.
I'm never letting you
out of my sight again. Look out!
I'm not sure how much longer I can
keep this up. - You're a hero.
Time to ruffle some feathers!
Let's get outta here!
- I've missed this.
I'm sorry, wasn't I making
it easy enough for you?
- Niko!
- Jonni, look out!
Badly wrapped,
but the perfect gift.
I've waited a long time
for this moment.
Hey Wolfie!
Jonni! No! - It seems in all
the excitement I forgot my starter.
What are you doing here? - Just
making the odds a little more even.
Happy Christmas to me!
Let go! - Nice work.
You know how to open that thing too?
I think so.
- Great! I'll let you know when.
Let me go you little runt!
- Gladly.
- You'll regret this!
- Allow me.
Not quite.
Retreat! Retreat!
- Retreat? What does that mean?
I don't know but
I'm not waiting around to find out!
Take that, you nasty eagles.
All right boys,
that ought to do it!
We're reindeer we're not horses!
We're Santa's Flying Forces! Ho-ho!
Time to get going, boys.
And to think,
some people call this "the holidays".
It's OK,
you can come a little closer.
Wow! This is like,
the best Christmas present ever!
Niko! Nice to see you.
And who is this fine young fellow?
This is Jonni, my little brother.
Nice to meet you, Jonni.
Is that who I think it is?
Good to see you again, old friend.
- Yes.
Ho, ho, ho!
Merry Christmas everybody!
- Jonni!
- Niko!
- Mom!
- Dad!
Boys! Are you all right?
- We're fine.
I'm sorry, Mom.
This was all my fault.
I should have been
a proper big brother to Jonni.
I'm sorry I never
gave you a chance, Lenni.
There's more to you than the weather.
- Families have their ups and downs.
There's gonna be
good days and bad days -
but as long as we weather
these storms together...
Wow, I really do talk
about the weather all the time.
Tobias! Wait! Hey, Tobias!
Please wait.
Do you have to go? I was hoping you
might wanna come home with us.
I know you like it out there
on your own with the rocks.
Are you kidding? Have you
ever tried talking to a rock?
They're worse than trees. I'll tell
you all about it on our way home.
This rock told me that
most trees are as thick as a plank...
See? It's all in the antlers.
Good! I knew you could do it. Catch!
It's taking so long.
- I know. Is that normal?
Nothing to worry about. No nervous
to be reason... Reason to be nervous.
Hey boys! There's somebody here
who'd like to meet you!
Race you!
Hey! When did you
get to be so fast?
Say hi to your little sister, boys.
I guess that makes us both
big brothers now. - I guess so.
Come on.
Your Mom needs to rest now.
Do you wanna play hide and seek?
Hide and seek? Why I'd find you
in two second flat, young buck!
Maybe we should get some air.
We've got ourselves quite
the little family here, don't we?
Happy heart, Julius!
Happy heart, Niko!
Santa speed!
You're doing Santa speed!
I can't wait until next Christmas.
Me neither. Do you think Santa
will bring us another present?
Sure he will! So far,
we've been real good this year.
Let's try and be extra good
for the rest of the year! - Yeah!
What do you think, dear?
- I love you.
- We love you too.