Little Deaths (2011)

Jesus, Vee.
I told you once.
It's not right.
You're my wife.
Don't be such a bore.
I saw her today...
by the park.
I want you to
be careful there,
after what
happened last time.
Fuck, careful?
You want this
as much as I do.
[Kissing sound]
We all have
appetites, Richard.
Some of us just
have different tastes.
[Kissing sound]
[Woman, inaudible]
Yeah, me too.
Someone will
turn up soon.
Oy, that bloke's
watching us.
Over there.
Ya, I've see him hanging
around here before?
What direction?
Pig or pervert.
Same difference.
Jesus, it's cold.
You just need a decent meal inside you.
Get some meat
on those bones.
Fucking rats eat
better than we do.
Well, rats aren't
fussy, are they?
You've got
expensive tastes.
I do wish you'd eat a decent
meal sometimes, Richard.
I had a sandwich
at the club.
Who was there?
J ust Oharles, some
of the boys.
Any news?
Nothing ever
happens anymore.
What else dld
you get up to?
Stopped at the park.
She was there.
He was too.
He's always with her.
No, they often split
up in the afternoon.
Better for business
I would've thought.
Tomorrow then.
I'll leave
work early.
What do you
want for dinner?
Well, whatever.
She'll eat whatever
you put in front of her.
They always do.
H m.
There was that one
girl wouldn't eat fish.
Spent hours on
the Dover sole.
Pearls before
fucking swine.
Well, If she
wants to be fussy,
she'll be sent
straight to bed
without any supper,
won't she? [Chuckling]
I'm going to
get an early one.
N ight, Vee.
I'll clean
up before bed.
Don't be too long.
I want to get a
good night's sleep
and don't need
you disturbing me.
I'll just be
a few mlnutes.
Good night, darling.
Do you ever
think it's wrong?
It's just
a bit of fun.
They get a meal and
a few quid out of it.
Besldes, no one
gets hurt.
M uch.
I don't have change
for that, mate.
No need.
What do you want? H m?
I'm not in the
game or nothing.
I hope not.
So what do you want?
I'm Richard.
Richard Gull.
I just have
one question.
Do you know Jesus?
I've never
met the man.
Well, he knows you.
Yeah, well, I get
about a bit, don't I?
Oan't be expected to
remember everybody.
Listen, um,
my wife and I,
we believe in doing what
little we can to help those
less fortunate
than ourselves,
a meal, a hot bath, a
few pounds in the pocket.
Perhaps even a sense
of possibility.
You know, we like
to think
we give a small amount of hope
to those who cross our paths.
It's not much in a world
as cruel as this one
but it's something.
You and your wife?
Victoria. You'll
like her.
Everybody does.
It's a nice ride.
I admit the Lord has been good to me.
I reckon.
So is this a present then or
do you have to pay him back?
One thing, my wife and I
take our faith seriously.
I'd appreciate it
if you respected that.
Yeah, yeah, sorry.
Don't be.
Let's just enjoy what the good
Lord has provided, shall we?
Hello. I'm Victoria.
I wouldn't normally
welcome Sorrow into my home
but in your case
I'll make an exception.
So, how's dinner
coming along?
Very nicely.
But perhaps Sorrow would like
to clean up before we eat.
Richard will show you
where everything is.
Wonderful. And we can
chat properly later.
I'm really very
pleased to meet you.
[Ioud footsteps]
[Water pouring]
[Knocklng at door]
Here you are.
Well, you just relax
and enjoy yourself.
Feel free to use
whatever's there.
No hurry. Dinner won't be
ready for a little while yet.
You do eat lamb?
Well, um, have
a nlce bath.
Oh, we thought you might enjoy
a small aperitif before dinner.
A glass of wlne.
Yeah. Oheers.
How's it going?
Too good for
the likes of her.
Sorrow, I ask you.
She's all right then?
She's perfect.
You are clever.
I feel like a little
girl on Ohristmas morning.
Oh, I didn't think bad
girls like you got presents.
H m.
[Gentle knocklng]
I'm just golng
to set dlnner.
Oool, I 'll be
a minute.
I can't walt for
you to taste thls.
(Rlchard, off) For what
we are about to recelve,
may the Lord make
us truly grateful.
And thanks unto him for
delivering Sorrow to our doorstep.
The Lord Jesus
is a caring shepherd
and watches over even the most
hopelessly lost of his flock.
This looks delicious.
I just hope
Sorrow enjoys it.
I'm actually
not that hungry.
Well, eat
what you can.
Richard, pour her
some more wine.
Are you not-are you not having any?
We don't drink.
But we do llke o
provlde for our guests.
H m. You don't know
what you're missing.
Tell you what, Sorrow,
you just help yourself.
[Wlne pourlng]
So, tell me Sorrow,
how did you end up
sleeping rough?
Don't worry. You
can confide in me.
I've heard very many
hard luck stories.
Some of them
quite shocking.
It's true.
Rlchard gets qulte
overcome sometlmes.
I do admire a man
who's not afraid to cry.
My father always said he
was a bit of a weakling
but men have to move with
the times, don't they?
U h, really there's
not that much to tell.
But there must be.
You'll feel so much better
for getting it off your chest.
So what
was it? Drugs?
Or was bad old Daddy sneaking
in for a quickie every night?
[Chuckling] I bet that's it, isn't it?
You naughty girl.
Here, why don't you
have some more to drink?
I think... I think it's
going to my head a little bit.
Don't worry
about that.
I daresay you don't get
booze of this quality
on the streets.
Do you drink
very much, Sorrow?
No, um...
I like to keep
my body clean,
you know, pure,
no chemicals.
Olean and pure.
[Echoing] And does that extend to boys?
You know, men wanting to stick
it into one hole or another?
You must get
a lot of that.
I suppose It's qulte
temptlng sometlmes
if you're offered a few
quid for the privilege.
If you can
call it that.
I have... a boyfriend.
Do you now?
And how's that
worklng out?
Oan't be
very comfortable
with all that rotting
in parks and back alleys.
Dlrty, too.
I mean how did you
get clean afterwards?
How vile.
U m...
[fork clatters
to floor]
She's had a bit
too much to drink.
She barely even
touched her food,
ungrateful little bitch.
Do you know how much
I've slaved over this?
[Heavy breathing]
About bloody time.
Richard, get rid of that and
open a clean one, would you?
I'm gasping.
Have some fun with
your little slut then.
Do get on
with it, Richard.
You're lovely.
See what you do to me.
You love it, don't you?
I can tell.
You little bitch.
You lovely little bitch.
[Heavy breathing]
See how wet you are, yeah,
how much you like it?
Bitch in heat
is what you are.
You're a cesspool, filth.
You deserve this.
Saw it in your face,
knew that you were filth,
that you'd want this.
I bet you spend your
life sucking and fucking.
It's not enough, is it?
It's never enough.
You want more.
Always more.
[Heavy breathing]
[Distorted heavy breathing]
[Heavier breathing]
Look, she's trylng
to whlsper
sweet nothings in
your ear, Richard.
If you try to scream,
my wife will stub her
cigarette on your eyeball.
U nderstand?
Look at that.
The llttle slut's
enjoylng herself.
Oh, can I pick 'em
or can I pick 'em?
Listen to me.
[Whispering] I'm going
to rip your cock off
and shove it down your
throat until you choke.
Oh, good.
Such a dirty
little mouth.
Why don't you wash
it out for her, Richard?
Set this child
free from original sin.
I baptise you in the name of the Father,
the Son and
the Holy Ghost.
[Trlckllng contlnues]
Olean as a whistle.
Why don't you
take a shower?
Give us girls a chance
to get better acquainted.
Okay, but don't get
too carried away.
I don't want to
miss anything good.
H urry then.
You don't mind
his playing, do you?
I didn't think so.
It's all in fun.
After all, we work hard for what we have
so we deserve a little fun
because we perform a function.
What do you do? You're
trash. You're nothing.
You go through llfe
waltlng for handouts.
We take what's ours,
what we are entitled to.
We don't wait for
someone to give it to us.
We've earned it.
you disgust me.
Tough little bitch,
aren't you?
I respect that actually.
I suppose you have to be.
I can look after myself,
but Richard,
he's nothing without me.
If it weren't for me,
his darling mother
would still be giving
him back rubs every night.
I've had to make
my own way.
You know what I'm
talking about, don't you?
I can tell.
We're peas in a pod,
aren't we?
Two llttle old peas.
You're a good girl really.
You just need
to be housebroken.
Would you like that?
I bet you would.
Would you like
mummy to break you?
Look at you.
Good enough to eat.
You are enjoying this,
aren't you?
[Stifled cough-like]
What? Are you laughing?
Do you think
this is funny?
[Sucking sounds]
[Iow growl]
[Ioud roar]
[Cat-like growl]
[Spitting and hissing]
[Iow growl]
[Richard, shouting]
[Iow steady growling]
[Richard shouts]
[Flies buzzing]
[Buzzing continues]
[Whimpering continues]
How long do you think we'll
be able to keep him alive for?
I don't know.
Keep him doped up.
We'll control
the bleeding.
Maybe a few weeks.
I 'll have some fresh,
raw meat for a few weeks.
For what we're
about to receive,
may the Lord make
us truly thankful.
No one will be
able to touch me.
I see things, like,
lot of...
no matter what they do...
so I don't touch
people anymore.
The man Is hanglng In the
alr, but he's not human.
What they're doing
to him, it's horrible.
But he's dying.
He wants to die.
[Chains clanking]
I feel his pain.
(Doctor Reese)
Tell me what you're seelng.
We've lost hlm.
Take hlm away.
Put hlm wlth the others.
We've drawn another blank.
He was so promising.
The large dosage was
too much for our boy.
He wasn't strong enough
to go ahead wlth the Graft.
I'll keep looking.
Something is bound
to come along.
[Cell phone rings]
H i, Oarla.
Oh, look, you
know I can't.
No, not anymore.
Okay. Take care.
[Approachlng footsteps]
Who was that?
Sara, looking
for a babysitter.
Look I 'll [U N I NT E LLI G I B LE]
You down there for nine.
Okay, and the hash is
Moroccan It's really good,
yeah, but the coke
is cut to shit
so don't give that
to any of the regulars.
J ust give them some of
the speed cheap instead.
Okay. Be
careful this time.
[Dlstant loud muslc]
How's it going?
Same as last
week, eh?
Oheers, mate.
Will that be okay?
Yeah, yeah,
that's sweet.
It's not too strong.
Here you go.
All right.
[Doorbell rings]
What the fuck
happened to you?
[Faucet pouring]
- Were you off your head?
- No.
So what happened?
Why were
you taking risks?
I got mugged.
My bag got stolen.
My head hurts, Frank.
Oan we not do this now?
Babe's, it's really
not working, is it?
Every week something
like this happens.
Now, I know
you've tried.
But it's really
not happening.
I just want a pill for my
head and to go to bed, okay?
I've got to go out.
[Door opens]
[Approaching footsteps]
[Ioud thud on floor]
[Indistinct noise]
[Furniture moving]
[Female volce slnglng
opera muslc over car radlo]
Hello, Frank.
Dr. Reese.
It's important.
We need
twice as much.
It's a crucial time.
You'll be well paid.
Okay. I'll see
what I can do.
I can always use resourceful
men in my line of work, Frank.
Doctor Reese?
I need to speak to you.
It's, uh...
it's about my girlfriend.
I'm a recovering drug user.
Well, I mean I'm trying.
It's hard. I manage
to stay clean
for a week or two and
then I have a bad day.
Frank's been great.
But sometimes...
sometimes I just get
this ache inside
and it's the only
thing that helps.
Is that all?
Well, I was...
I was on the
game for a bit.
How long?
A whlle, I can't
remember exactly.
A few years.
Frank would know.
Frank was your pimp.
He looked after
me at first
but, you know, once
we got together
he didn't want me
doing it anymore.
So you stopped.
Well, I cut back.
I started to work
through an agency
and that way Frank
wasn't involved.
And now?
I'm trying to
find a job.
But it's hard.
I'm going to give
you some tablets.
They're new
but very promlslng.
They're strong so don't be
tempted to exceed the dally dose.
And we'll need
to take a blood test.
Now you may get
some slde effects.
You might encounter
some slight hallucinations,
noises, lights,
possibly some headaches,
nothing to be
alarmed about.
But It's entlrely
your cholce, of course.
Jen, if we work together it
can really make a difference.
You've been
through so much.
(male volce) How much do
you know about Doctor Reese?
He must trust you.
I'm his nephew.
Get your first
aid training?
Good. You'll
need lt.
You'll be night shift.
Our boy needs watching
around the clock now.
J ust make sure he doesn't die on you
or U ncle Reese
will not be happy.
Stinks in there.
[Inhales deeply]
[Releases air]
Not good.
Not good at all.
[Light trickling]
Nazi's figured out that these
boys are something special.
Used to slice them up, transplant
their cocks and all sorts.
Fuckin' evil. Even tried
grafting them onto normal blokes.
Sometimes it worked. Poor
bastards would live for years.
Anyway, Nazi's then
found out that this stuff
contains certain properties.
Not only dld It heal
the other prlsoners
but it also messes with the
head in a very special way.
Our Doctor Reese Is
very Interested.
I thought this operation
was all about drugs.
It is, and a very
fucking potent one,
one that opens
up the thlrd eye.
Know what that Is?
Only the blggest trlp a human
belng can have and stlll be allve.
Takes the drug experience
to a whole new level.
N ice.
It's more addlctlve than
crack and It ends up
wiping your brain so much you
can't even remember what day it is.
But blitzed out
people are happy people.
And as long as Doctor Reese
gets his money, who cares?
Let the N H S
take care of 'em.
And I wouldn't want to be on
that partlcular waltlng llst.
Not a street
drug neither.
This is going to
be very exclusive.
Anyway, I'm off.
Our boy's on his last legs
so he needs watching 24/7.
So stay awake
and do your job.
Any problems,
give me a ring...
but I mean
real problems, yeah?
Fuckin' hell.
[Cell phone rings]
Look, Oarla, I've told you I
'm not doing the stuff anymore.
Well, I'm sure he'd
be happy with Paula.
Okay, how much?
Yeah of course
I need the money
but no.
No, okay?
Everything all right?
U m, yeah. Okay.
Nothing to report really.
Organic decaf
soy latte.
I got allergies.
What's this?
M m. Yeah, some bloke
dropped it off earlier.
Ah, bloody people.
No, this dose
is just wrong.
Don't know what Reese is up... Hello?
Listen, we make the spunk
here and send it to you.
You, send it
to the lab.
The lab makes
it into tablets.
With me so
far? Good.
Then you send it
to Reese,
not back here
llke you keep dolng.
Now come and collect
it before Reese
has your fucking
kidneys removed.
Hey, Dr Reese likes his
sterilized toys to stay sterilized.
He's got big plans for our boy
here when his time comes up.
That's why I
brought his toys in.
For some reason it's the one
thing that keeps him going.
Hold this, will you?
[Electrical buzzing]
[Electric humming]
Wakey, wakey.
Good boy.
Here we go.
[Squirting and
sucking sounds]
Always gets him
started. Sweet.
(nephew) Why the light
thing in his eyes?
I n lts eyes.
It's not a person.
It charges it up.
Stops its sleeping,
keeps the
neurons firing.
Good, lad.
[Electric humming]
You okay?
[Female volce screams]
Yeah. What time is it?
Nearly eight.
You were out like a light last night.
Yeah, I had one
of those new pills.
Weird dreams.
You must've had a good night's
[U N I NT E LLI G I B LE] though.
Your eye looks better.
I've got a couple thlngs
to take care of.
I should be back later
this afternoon, yeah.
Okay, yeah.
I'll get a nice take-away
or something, all right?
[Cell phone ringing]
[Man groaning
and moaning]
Oh, oh. Llke that,
do you? Oh, yeah.
[Odd loud nolses]
H uh, who
rattled your cage?
You passed out on me.
I didn't pay good money
to fuck a sack of potatoes.
I'm sorry.
I'm going to ring the agency about this.
I'm giving
you half, okay?
(Jen) The pills made me
feel better for a while.
But now I keep on
getting headaches
and these strange white
flashes in front of my eyes.
Anything else? How
are they strange?
I can see a man
hanging in a cage.
It's like I can feel
how he's feeling.
He wants to die.
These hallucinations
are quite normal.
Your body needs to
adjust to the medication.
It's important that
you look after yourself.
How are you
feeling otherwise?
Good. Good.
I've been
working again.
You found a job?
From my old agency.
I see.
They kept ringing.
Why did you do that?
Was it the money?
It used to be
for the drug money.
But now, I
can't explain it.
I just feel sexual...
but it's not normal.
I feel like I'm
hungry all the time.
But I feel really good.
I'm so confused.
I'm just trying
to understand, Jen.
How can you? I
don't even understand.
Of course.
(Dr Reese)
Hello, Frank?
Yes, yes the last dellvery
was flne, very fresh.
You assure me they
are from separate donors?
Good. Good.
I'm calling
about Jennifer.
It's most important that she keeps
taking the tablets I gave her.
She's entering a critical
stage of her treatment.
She may behave strangely,
become more detached and distant.
It's quite normal.
When you touch her
she may pull away.
The drug makes
people very sensitive.
Do let me know if she
seems in any way unwell.
I'm worried about her.
She's been through so much.
[Door opens
and closes]
[Footsteps coming
down stairs]
Babes? You okay?
I 'm tired. I've
got a headache.
Where've you been?
Out with Pam.
Looking like that?
Like what?
All tarted up.
Fuck off, Frank.
It was a job interview if you must know.
You didn't
mention it.
So what?
Maybe it's those that's
giving you the headaches?
Doctor Reese said the headaches
are just a side effect.
And besides
I feel better.
You're back with the agency, aren't ya?
Oh, leave me
alone, Frank.
Answer me.
Did you not hear me
the first time?
I said I've got
a fucking headache.
Now will you please just
fuck off and leave me alone?
Get off me.
Not till you
fucking answer me.
Yeah, go on.
You think I won't?
Why should you be any
different from all the rest?
Weak, you
always were.
You don't care
what I do.
That is not true.
It was different when I was
turning tricks for you, wasn't it?
No, things are
different now.
We are together.
We're doing okay.
You don't need to
do that anymore.
[Woman screaming]
What is it?
Stay away from me, Frank.
J ust stay away.
There we go, your
favorite time of the day.
[Door opens
and closes]
(male volce)
M ichael?
Yes. It's, uh,
Karen, is it?
Oome in.
Make yourself
Oh, I uh, brought a bit of the
old em' Bolivian marching powder.
Oan I tempt you?
Great idea.
So I've just been down
for an interview
and I got
a promotion.
I'm, you know, it was
my birthday so I thought,
well, hell, go to town,
treat myself to a nlce lady.
I'm not a regular user.
More of an
occasional dabbler.
It's my flrst tlme
wlth thls agency.
They seem nice people.
Yeah. Yeah,
they're good.
Oh, God.
Oh, Ohrist!
Oh, fuck.
climbing stairs]
Where the hell
have you been?
Jen, what...?
Will you please
talk to me, babes?
I'm not angry.
I just want to help.
Jen, please
open the door.
Let me help you.
It's Frank.
It's your Frankie.
[To himself] Ohrist, why
won't you let me help you?
[Shouting] Jen, open the door!
Open the fucking door!
(older man)
Oh, shit.
J ust hold the fucker down, will ya?
Get the choker.
I 'm with you, babes.
I'm with you. Hang on.
We're going to get
you some help, okay?
Oh, now, listen,
we need you to throw that shit up, okay?
So I'm going to
get you some saltwater.
I'm just going to give you
a little drink. Hang on.
Oh, God, Jen.
Oh, fuck.
Doctor Reese,
it's Frank.
No, please, listen you've got
to come here now. It's Jen.
No, she's taking all those
fucking pills you gave her.
Your uncle's gonna shit
when he hears about this.
You tell him.
[Cell phone rings]
She's all right?
Yeah. Yeah, thank you.
[Deep sigh]
I can't thank you enough.
Well as long
as she's all right.
When can I see her?
That will be great.
[Doorbell rlngs]
U h, yeah, I think
that must be them now.
Yeah, should I
bring anything?
[Doorbell rlngs twlce]
Yeah, okay,
look I better go.
Thank you, Doctor Reese.
Thank you.
(older male)
Everything is fine.
She's been...
Of course, "it's."
It's... it's been
no trouble at all.
Yes. I will, Doctor Reese.
It's hard.
I manage to stay clean
for a week or two
and then I have a bad day
and Frank's been great.
But sometlmes,
sometlmes I just get
thls ache Inslde
and It's the only
thlng that helps.
Sometimes I feel like
I'm in a trap
but I've built it
for myself, you know.
I just need to
flnd a way out.
[Chains clanking]
I need a new
start, a change.
How do I do that?
How do I do
that, Doctor?
Can you help
me do that?
[Screaming continues]
[Screaming continues]
[Screaming continues]
[Phone ringing]
(female volce)
Romlett and Baker, hello?
[Phone rlnglng]
Romlett and Baker, hello?
Romlett and Baker, hello?
Romlett and Baker, hello?
[Chair creaking]
[Cartoon llke volces
from televlslon]
(Popeye, over TV) Ollve,
don't you remember?
You and me have
a date tonlght.
(Ollve) Hal You
got some nerve...
[televlslon volces
drone on]
All right?
You eating
without me?
I didn't know when you
was coming home tonight.
You gonna
make me some?
Why don't you
make yourself some?
I'm working
hard all day.
Let me finish this.
I 'll make you some.
I'm not just going to stand here
watching you eat like a wet lemon.
Well, watch TV.
Don't want to watch TV.
I'm hungry.
All right, well, well
share this with me.
I 'm not going to fucking
share this with you.
I'm sorry.
[Deep sigh]
I 'm sorry, Pete.
I'm not in
the mood for it.
You don't know where I'm taking you.
No, I 'm not
going in there.
I told you I'm
not in the mood.
Why don't we just
go in the bedroom?
Oh, get the
fuck off me.
[Loud thud]
[Deep sigh]
[Ioud music
and chattering]
Do you think
Olaire's fit?
What kind of
question is that?
Do you?
I can't answer that.
Yeah, you can. I just asked you to.
No I can't. It's a no-win
situation, isn't it?
I mean if I say yes, that means
I fancy my best mate's girl.
And if I say no, that means
I think she's a minger.
Which is like an insult to
you. So I can't win, can I?
Not really. I just
want you to tell me.
Do you think
she's fit?
No, I told you already.
I'm not going to...
it's a no-win situation.
Bullocks. J ust say yes
or no. Is she fit or not?
You're such a fucking
idiot. You know that.
[Ioud chatter]
[Ioud music]
You ready?
I thought you were
going out with Al.
Yeah, I was but you didn't
want me to, so I 'm not.
It's okay. You go on.
I'll see you at home.
But he's gone already.
Well give him a call.
What are you doing?
I'm going out
with the band.
There's an after party
they've invited me to.
Well can't I come?
Give him a call. He won't
have gotten on the tube yet.
And he's always up
for biz, isn't he?
No, he's gone.
You'll have a much
better time without me.
[Deep sigh]
[Police siren wailing]
Jesus Ohrist.
[Clalre, shoutlng] You
fucklng shlt I Get upl
[Pete shouts]
You fucking dirty
little bastard.
Put your mask on.
Put your fucking mask on.
You're fucking useless.
H urry!
You disgusting
little shit. Follow.
Oome and see
what you did.
You fucking disgust me.
H urry the fuck up.
Look what
you fucking did.
You do not piss
in my underwear drawer.
Do you understand me?
[Pete groans]
If you don't,
mommy gets angry.
You don't like
that, do you?
Get your face in there.
Fucking make me sick.
Fucking idiot.
[Shouts mingled
with groans]
[Lnaudlble conversatlon]
[Music and chatter]
H i, Pete.
All right?
Good thing you
made it tonight.
Why is that then?
Well, you had a late night, didn't ya?
Had to get up early to
do the washing, didn't I?
How's your day been?
Pretty chill.
That's good.
Well, I'll
have the usual
and a gin and
tonic for Lisa.
You want to pay
this time, though?
I don't get paid
till next week
and I've only got 50
quid left to last me.
Gina's on the warpath.
Maybe again in a couple
of weeks but not tonight.
I can't afford to.
That's 6. 25 please.
Thanks, love.
Don't do that
to me again, Olaire.
I need the
money now, please.
I'm serious.
I'll pay you later.
No, you'll pay me now.
That's 6. 25 please.
Really? I'll pay you when we get home.
You'll give me that money right now!
Or I swear I will smash your pretty face
right into your
fucking glass
and you'll bleed
tlll you dlel
Buy one for
yourself, too, love.
[Moaning continues]
[Groaning and grunting]
[Iong moan]
What are you doing?
Oh, please don't.
[Drawer closes]
[Gentle hummlng]
Well, can I do
it at least?
Shut up.
[Moanlng contlnues]
Do you want me
to dress up?
I will if you want. You can
do anything you want to me.
Shut up. I'm
trylng to concentrate.
[Heavy breathlng]
[Breathlng qulckens]
Hold on.
Pete. Don't let
it touch me.
Oalm down.
J ust calm down.
Oome on,
let's go. Okay?
[Inaudible conversation]
Don't let him
near me.
[Dog panting]
Here we go.
Here we go.
[Unintelligible conversation]
It's all right.
[Deafening roar]
[Deep sigh]
Sometimes I think
I don't deserve you.
Yeah, sometimes I
think that too.
You bastard.
[Ioud house music]
So how come you've never
had a girlfriend, Al?
What you going on
about, I 've had loads.
I 've never met any.
Yeah, well, I guess I don't
keep them for very long.
Why is that then?
Because my
cock's too big.
Is it really?
Nah, just kidding.
I bet it's bigger
than Pete's.
Shut up.
Well it probably is. I mean
yours is cute but it's not big.
Will you shut
up, please?
You're right.
I've seen it.
Fuck off.
Language, Peter.
So have you got a girlfriend
at the moment then?
Not at the
moment, no.
That's a shame.
Not really.
Would you like
another beer, Al?
Oheers, yeah.
Go get some
beers, Pete.
You get 'em.
I'm entertaining
our guest.
Why don't you
go get them?
Because I haven't
finished yet
and I think you've had
enough to drink already.
I don't care what you
think. I want another drink.
Well, fine, but
I ain't getting 'em.
It's all right. Look, uh, I'll get them.
Do you want
another beer, mate?
Yeah, cheers.
I'll show you
where they are.
[Dlstant laughter]
You're absolutely dlsgustlng.
[Ioud laughter]
[Deep sigh]
[Unintelligible dialog]
All right.
Oheers. Your
beer, mate.
Al was just telling me how he's
never had a threesome before.
You guys are
all the same.
It's always been your fancy, isn't Pete?
Not with
another bloke.
It's give and
take, isn't it?
Lisa's always
fancied you.
Doubt it.
No, I reckon she'd be up for it.
Well, she's not
here, is she?
Well I can get her
around tomorrow maybe.
Why don't we do
it with her now?
I don't want his smelly
knackers swinging in my face.
Thank you very much.
Why would they be swinging in your face?
That's a funny
thing to say.
Oome on, Al, Pete
isn't going to join in.
Are you serlous?
Yeah, of course.
[Weeping continues]
and grunting]
[Groanlng contlnues]
[Long soft moanlng]
What are you doing?
What does it look
like I'm doing?
But you can't.
I don't understand, Pete.
This is ours. I can't
share this with anyone else.
Share it with
Al, maybe.
But this is
for both of us.
It's for you, Olaire.
Let's be honest about this.
But you
enjoyed it too.
Once, maybe.
But I still enjoy it.
Well, that's the thing, isn't it?
It's always
been about you.
Never actually
been about us.
Oome to bed, please.
I'm reading.
I'm reading.
Well, can't you
read in bed?
Not really.
Why are you
being like this?
[Keyboard clicking]
[Door closes]
(male volce)
Hello, darllng.
Hello, sexy.
I haven't seen
you in a while.
J ust get a signiture
for myself.
Where do you want it?
[Inaudible talking
while music continues]
[Muslc contlnues louder]
[Muslc contlnues]
[Muslc contlnues]
[Barklng and
screamlng contlnue]