Little Foxes, The (1941)

- Good morning.
- Morning, Mose.
Get out from under there!
I told you once.
How many times I got to tell you?
You come back here again...
Good morning.
Good morning, Harold.
Morning, Miss Zan. What does
your papa write from Baltimore?
- He writes that he feels better.
- That's good.
Write him my greetings and tell him
don't worry about the brass.
I'm keeping his name fine and clean.
Thanks, I will.
Those crabs will make
fine eating, Addie.
They better. We got high-tone company
for dinner tonight.
- Bye, Miss Zan.
- Good-bye, Harold.
Hello. You're out early.
- We've been to buy crabs.
- We're having gumbo tonight.
Gonna give Mr. Marshall of Chicago
a real Southern dinner.
How's your mama, Mr. David?
She's fine, thank you.
Zan, she says your petticoats
are ready to be fitted.
She said you're getting older and I
shouldn't say "petticoats" to you...
I should say "underskirts,"
or else keep still.
You shouldn't be saying "petticoats"
to me, but you know all about them.
Leo says you know almost as much
as he does.
I wouldn't take your cousin Leo's word
for anything. Nobody else does.
You don't like Leo, do you?
You don't like anybody in my family.
Yes, I do.
There's one person
I'm mighty fond of.
- Yes?
- Mr. David.
It's your papa.
Don't laugh at him.
He's beneath notice.
I'll take you on a picnic Sunday,
if you bring your own lunch.
Good morning, darling.
Good morning, Aunt Birdie.
Is your headache better?
- Yes, it's all gone.
- Good morning.
I'm going to stop a minute.
You drive the horse in.
Your mama will be waiting
to have breakfast with you, baby.
- She ain't nobody to keep waiting.
- All right.
Guess where we drove this morning.
To Lionnet.
Darling, was it beautiful?
Of course it was.
It was always beautiful
this time of year.
I've learned the Schubert for tonight.
I can play everything except the middle.
Couldn't we skip the middle?
Maybe Mr. Marshall wouldn't notice.
We couldn't. I'll come down and play it
through for you. You wait now.
Your mama says that Mr. Marshall's
a very educated, cultured gentleman.
I'm sure he'd notice.
Now, watch.
Two and one,
and two and one.
- Hey, there!
- Ow.
Good morning, Uncle Ben.
I've been awaken by many things,
but never by a concert.
Is this the new musical hour?
Good morning, Ben. I didn't realize.
I'm so sorry.
Aunt Birdie is showing me how to play
a piece for Mr. Marshall tonight.
I can't complain then.
- Alexandra, your breakfast is ready.
- Yes, Mama.
All of you, stop that vulgar
shouting out of windows.
- Morning, Regina.
- Really, Ben.
You look very silly
in your nightgown.
- You shouldn't show yourself.
- That's why I never got married.
I'll dress and come over for breakfast
with you and Alexandra.
Don't. I hate conversation
before I've had something hot.
What does your papa say?
"I still miss you, Zannie, more than
I can say. But you're not to worry.
I'm not lonesome, and everybody
at the hospital has been very kind. "
He addresses the letters to me
to make me think I'm grown up...
the way he used to
when I was little.
You don't have to explain to me.
Cal, get out that special bottle
of old port for this evening.
- Yes, ma'am.
- The one I've been saving.
That Mr. Marshall must be
a mighty honored guest.
- The grits is cold. Take it back.
- Yes, ma'am.
The grits didn't hold their heat!
Danver's girl is getting married
in Memphis.
Is that so?
I knew her mother.
She stayed with me once at Lionnet.
She was a Calhoun,
and the Calhouns were kin of ours.
Mama said she was too thin
for the styles, but I didn't think so.
I thought she was very pretty.
- Be pleasant to Mr. Marshall at dinner.
- Of course, Oscar.
No need to say too much.
If he should happen to ask
about your family...
the way people are interested in
where other people come from...
you might tell him who they were.
He'll probably recognize the names.
A good name is always useful.
Remember that, Leo.
Yes, sir?
I mean, I heard you, sir.
Good names are always useful.
- More coffee?
- If it's ready, Mama.
I've got to get back to the paper
in a few minutes.
Well, the medium-size bear
and the little bear.
You don't like the Hubbards much,
do you?
Mama, you're a high-tone guesser.
- Where are you going?
- I'm walking you to the store.
I've been walking there
a good many years without your help.
Get back to the bank.
- Leo?
- Yes, sir?
- Do a good day's work.
- Yes, sir. I always do.
- Hello, Harold. Howdy, Joe.
- Good morning, Mr. Leo.
Good morning, Mr. Manders.
What can I do for you today?
- You can do one thing.
- Yes, sir. What's that?
Try keeping awake, all day.
- Good morning, Mr. Ben.
- Good morning to you, Miss Hannah.
And here comes the big bear.
Now the sun can really shine,
the day has begun.
Mr. Ben looks mighty pleased
this morning.
And no wonder. "Our leading citizen,
Mr. Benjamin Hubbard...
will confer this evening
with Mr. William Marshall of Chicago...
about the building
of a cotton mill here.
Mr. Ben will advance many reasons
for bringing the mill to our town. "
But the real one is our justly
renowned average wage...
which ranks as the lowest
in the country.
Are they gonna print that
in the paper?
Mr. William Marshall, Chicago
industrialist and opera patron...
is in our midst to take supper
with the Hubbards and the Giddens...
who will show him what our famous
Southern hospitality is like.
- That's pretty.
- That's the way they'll print it.
- Ow!
- Hold still, Zan.
You had pretty hair
when you was little.
You was a mighty pretty
little girl.
Addie, will anybody
think I'm pretty now?
Someday some fool
of a man will, I reckon.
Seems there's always somebody
for somebody.
But you'll do, baby.
You're too young to worry
about such things, Alexandra.
You're going to have all the things
I wanted when I was your age.
Addie, make the dinner biscuits
yourself tonight.
Be sure the coffee is strong
and the wine is cold.
Don't worry, Miss Regina.
The dinner will go fine tonight.
They used to go to Europe every year,
Mr. Marshall.
Imagine going all the way to Europe
just to listen to music!
Once Mama met Mr. Wagner,
the composer, you know.
Mrs. Wagner gave Mama and Papa
a signed program.
Another time...
No, thank you, Cal.
It's remarkable to me
how you Southern aristocrats...
have kept together,
kept what belonged to you.
We're not aristocrats. Our brother's
wife is the only one who is.
You make great distinctions.
They've been made for us.
Take Birdie's family.
They owned the plantation Lionnet.
You've probably heard of it.
Beautiful place.
Best cotton land I ever saw.
My mother's grandfather was governor
before the war.
Those folks had their day,
and a great day too.
Cloth from Paris,
horses you can't raise anymore...
- darkies to work for them.
- We were good to our people.
- Everybody knew that.
- But when the war comes...
these fine gentlemen ride off and leave
the cotton and the women to rot.
My father was killed in the war.
He was a fine soldier.
- A fine man.
- Yes, certainly. A famous soldier.
That's not the tale
I'm telling Mr. Marshall, Birdie.
The war ends.
Lionnet is almost ruined,
and the sons finish ruining it.
Why? Because the Southern aristocrat
could adapt himself to nothing.
Too high-toned to try.
- It's difficult to learn new ways.
- You're right, it is difficult.
But maybe that's why
it's profitable.
Our grandfather and our father learned
the new ways, learned to make them pay.
They were in trade. Others, like
Birdie's family, looked down on them.
To make a long story short,
Lionnet now belongs to us.
Twenty years ago, we took over their
land, their cotton and their daughter.
You are boring Mr. Marshall
with these ancient family tales.
I hope not. I'm just making an important
point for our future business partner.
- You see...
- Will you come and try a very old port?
I've been saving it
for a special occasion.
- Come, Alexandra.
- My brother and I feel...
a man ain't only in business
for himself.
- May I?
- Thank you. You're most polite.
It's got to give him some
satisfaction, something here.
Money ain't all,
not by three shots.
Really? I always thought
it meant a great deal.
So did I, Mr. Marshall.
- I've always contended...
- What's the matter with you?
First you chatter like a magpie,
now you're sulking like a schoolgirl.
- I'm not doing anything.
- You've had too much wine.
Get yourself in hand,
and stop acting like a fool.
You look pretty tonight,
Miss Birdie, and young.
Me, young?
Birdie, Mr. Marshall wants you
and Alexandra to play for him.
Yes, Regina.
I'm coming.
You don't have to convince me
you're the right people for the deal.
You want the mill here, and I do too.
It's not my business why you want it.
To bring the machine to the cotton,
and not the cotton to the machine.
- Henry, serve the port.
- My reason is more simple.
I want to make money,
and I believe I can make it on you.
However, I have no objection
to more high-minded reasons.
- Mr. Marshall, I feel...
- Birdie, we're ready.
Yes, Regina.
You know, Mr. Marshall...
- Thank you. You both play charmingly.
- My wife had the very best teachers.
- Those folks had the best of everything.
- I must be leaving for my train.
Thank you so very much.
- I'm sorry you can't stay. Come again.
- Thank you.
The children will drive you
to the depot.
Yes, sir. I'll drive you down, sir.
Come on, Zan.
- Be careful how you drive.
- Good-bye, Mrs. Hubbard.
- Good-bye, sir.
- Fill them up, Oscar.
You promised to let me
show you Chicago.
- Do I have to make you promise again?
- I promise again.
Wait. Before you leave, sir,
here we have a strange custom.
We drink the last drink
for a toast.
That's to prove that the Southerner's
always on his feet for the last drink.
I give you the firm of Hubbard Sons
and Marshall Cotton Mills...
and to it a long
and prosperous life.
Hubbard Sons and Marshall.
What y'all want?
A little biscuit
with a little gravy on it.
Somebody write you a golden letter
and tell you we got gravy tonight?
- We got told.
- Mr. David Hewitt tell us.
- Say you got high-tone company.
- Lots of meat and gravy.
Go on, get!
Ain't my food to give away.
Feed the hungry, the Lord said.
Give them some supper, Belle.
Miss Regina say supplies going
mighty fast around here...
and she ain't the stingy kind.
A little bit here and there,
she don't mind.
- But feeding the whole town.
- Stop fretting. Tell her I did it.
Here. You children keep quiet.
Where did the Lord say that
about feeding the hungry? What book?
I don't know, but if He didn't,
He should have. Go ahead.
Don't the children
make a handsome pair?
Leo, you ride here.
Let John do the driving.
Good-bye and a pleasant journey
to you, sir.
Ben, you did it.
Looks like we did.
Looks like it?
Don't pretend.
You look like a cat
that's been licking the cream.
Let's have a drink
to celebrate.
I thought the children
made a very handsome couple.
Yes, you said that before.
Yes, it's beginning to look
as if the deal's all set.
Remember I told him that here
we drink the last drink for a toast.
- I never heard that before.
- Nobody ever heard it before.
The Lord forgives those
who invent what they need.
I already had his signature.
But we've all done business with men...
whose word over a glass
is better than a bond.
Anyway, it didn't hurt
to have both.
- You understand what Ben means?
- Yes, I understand.
- I understood when it was happening.
- Did you, Regina?
When he lifted his glass,
I saw the bricks going into place.
Did you?
I saw a lot more than that.
I'm gonna leave you and Oscar
to count the bricks.
- I'm going to Chicago.
- Really, Regina?
Yes, I'm going to live there.
I'm taking Alexandra with me.
I'll give big parties for her and see
that she meets the best people...
and the right young men too.
Later on, I'll take trips
to New York and Paris...
and have everything I want.
You shall come to Chicago
to visit us.
Not too often, of course.
Ben, you won't have to learn
to be subtle.
You'll be very rich, and the rich
can be as eccentric as they like.
- So you want to live in Chicago?
- Yes.
Let's all say what we'll want
when we're very rich.
- What do you want, Oscar?
- Might take a few trips, eh, Birdie?
- Do you good.
- Yes, I'd like that.
- Might even go to Jekel Island.
- You know what I'd like?
I'd like to have Lionnet back.
Maybe we could even live there.
I do think we could all be happier...
- What are you chattering about?
- About Lionnet.
- Everybody was saying what they'd like.
- I can't hear a word you're saying.
- I was only saying...
- We heard you.
I'm waiting for you and Birdie
to finish.
Four conversations
are three too many.
First I said I don't know where
you'll get the money to live in Chicago.
Then I was about to say
I thought you heard me say that...
and were pretending you didn't.
What does that mean?
It's like this:
For 49 percent,
Marshall will put up $400,000.
Yes, I know all the terms.
Then you also know the contracts
will be signed this week...
and Marshall will want
to see our money soon after.
Oscar and I are ready
with our two-thirds of the money.
But your third, Horace's I mean,
doesn't seem to be here.
You've written him, Ben's written him,
we've all written him. He answers, but...
He answers, but there's never a word
about whether he's going into this.
You're our sister. We want you
to benefit from anything we do.
And in addition
to your concern for me...
you do not want control
to go out of the family.
- That right, Ben?
- That's cynical.
But cynicism's an unpleasant way
of telling the truth.
Why doesn't Horace come home
and talk business?
It's beginning to look like
he doesn't want to.
Of course he wants to come home.
You can't move around with heart trouble
at any moment you choose.
You know what doctors are like
on a case like this.
If he wants to, why doesn't he?
Doctors or no doctors!
Has it ever occurred to you that Horace
is also a good businessman?
- The bank's proof of that.
- Then perhaps he's remaining silent...
because he doesn't think
he's getting enough for his money.
Seventy-five thousand he has to put up.
That's a lot of money.
Nonsense. That seventy-five thousand
will make him a million.
That ain't what Regina means.
May I interpret you?
Regina's saying Horace wants more
than a third of our share.
He's putting up a third of the money.
You put up a third, you get a third.
What else could he expect?
I don't know about those things.
It would seem if you put up a third,
you would get a third.
And yet again, there's no law
about it, is there?
I should think if you knew
your money was badly needed...
you might just say,
"I want more.
I want a larger share. "
You boys have done that.
I've heard you say so.
So you believe Horace
is deliberately holding out?
I don't.
But I do believe that's what you want.
Am I right, Regina?
I wouldn't like to persuade Horace
unless he gets a larger share.
He's my husband.
I must look after his interests.
Where would this larger share
be coming from?
I don't know about things like this.
Maybe it could come
off your share, Oscar.
What kind of talk is this?
I haven't said a thing.
You're talking big tonight.
Am I?
You should know me
well enough by now...
to know I don't ask for things
I don't think I can get.
I don't believe you can get the money
or get Horace to come home.
I can get him home.
How can you get him home?
I will send Alexandra
to Baltimore.
She will tell her father that
she wants him to come home...
that I miss him very much
and that I want him to come home.
You know Horace.
He'll come home.
I admire you, Regina.
But before he comes,
what's he going to get?
How much do you want?
Twice what you offered.
- You won't get it.
- You've gone crazy.
- I don't want to fight.
- I don't either, Regina.
You're holding us up.
Now, that's not pretty.
But we need you,
and I'm a peaceful man.
Here's what I'll do:
I'll give Horace 40 percent...
instead of the thirty-three and a third
he really should get...
provided he's home and his money is up
within two weeks.
- How's that?
- All right.
I've asked before:
Where is this extra share coming from?
- From your share.
- So that's my reward.
For 30 years I've worked for you,
done the things you didn't want to do.
My, I'm being attacked
on all sides tonight.
I can't believe the Lord means for
the strong to parade their strength...
but I don't mind doing it
if it's got to be done.
Oscar, you'll be a very rich man.
What does it matter if a little more
goes here, a little less goes there?
- It's all in the family.
- That's right.
I'll never marry, so my money
will go to Alexandra and Leo.
They might even marry someday.
That would make a great difference
in my feelings if they married.
- That's what I mean.
- Is that what you mean, Regina?
It's all too far away.
Addie, clean up.
- We'll talk about it in a few years.
- I want to talk about it now!
- But Zan is so young.
- There are many things to consider.
- They are first cousins.
- That isn't unusual.
Grandmother and Grandfather
were first cousins.
Yes, and look at us.
You're both being very gay
with my money.
Regina, Oscar is giving up
something for you.
You ought to try
and manage something for him.
- But Leo is a very wild boy.
- Yes, but...
please assure Oscar that you
will think about it seriously.
Very well. I assure you
I will think about it seriously.
- What kind of an answer is that?
- My, you're in a bad humor.
Now leave me alone.
Weren't those fine clothes
Mr. Marshall had?
Looks like maybe they were done
in England.
You should have come with us,
Aunt Birdie. It's a lovely night.
- Were you gracious to Mr. Marshall?
- I think so, Mama.
Now I have news for you.
You're going to Baltimore in the morning
to bring your father home.
Oh, Mama!
Addie, Papa's coming back.
We're going to bring him home.
You're going alone, Alexandra.
Going alone?
A child that age?
Mr. Horace ain't gonna like
Miss Zan traipsing...
Go upstairs and lay out
Miss Alexandra's things.
I'll attend
to your railroad ticket.
He'd expect me to be along.
I'll be up in a minute
to tell you what to pack!
Good night.
Have a nice trip.
- I could go with her.
- No, Birdie.
She's old enough
to assume some responsibility.
Better learn now.
Almost old enough to get married.
- Eh, son?
- Huh?
Old enough to get married,
you're thinking, huh?
Yes, sir. Lots of girls
get married at Zan's age.
Look at Mary Prester and Johanna.
Alexandra is not getting married
but she is going to Baltimore.
So let's talk about that.
I should think you'd like to go. At your
age, I would have been delighted.
Addie has babied you too much.
I wanted to go before, Mama...
but you said you couldn't go
and that I couldn't go alone.
I've changed my mind. I must help Addie
get your things together.
Why don't you all go home?
Good night.
- Don't be long, Zan.
- Come along.
Imagine not wanting to go.
Wish it was me.
What I could do in a place
like Baltimore.
I can guess the kind of things
you could do.
No, you couldn't.
Oscar, don't be so glum.
You're getting to look as if
your shoes were always pinching.
- I must...
- I can take care of myself.
That's not what I'm worried about.
It's about Leo.
He's my own son, but you're more to me
than my own child.
- What's the matter?
- You're not going to marry Leo.
- Marry Leo?
- I couldn't stand to think of it.
Don't you understand?
They'll make you.
That's foolish.
I'm grown up.
Nobody can make me do anything.
I'm waiting for you.
Good night, Aunt Birdie.
Good night, Uncle Oscar.
What happened, Aunt Birdie?
Nothing, darling.
Nothing happened.
You go to bed.
I only twisted my ankle.
I'm coming, Mama.
And don't forget
about brushing your hair:
Fifty strokes in the morning,
a hundred at night.
- Mm-hmm.
- And don't use no store soap.
- Just use the soap I made you.
- Uh-huh.
Don't "uh-huh" me.
Are you listening?
- Yes.
- Good morning.
That Hannah Francis is sure
an ugly little girl, just like her ma.
There's smelling salts and perfumed
water in the little satchel.
Keep your gloves on so your hands
don't get dirty.
And don't talk to nobody on the train,
and don't get off more than you have to.
Just sit still like a lady.
Stop at Mrs. Hewitt's a minute.
I want to ask about my new dress.
- We ain't got no time to be stopping.
- Got plenty of time.
Good morning.
Where are you going?
To Baltimore all by myself
to bring Papa home.
- I'll be gone a whole week maybe.
- Good for you.
Is that all you can say?
What do you want me to say?
At least say you're sorry
you can't go to the depot with me.
- Just getting up at 11:00.
- Morning, Zan.
He's just going to bed.
He's been writing all night.
Writing things
to put in the newspaper?
He says he's writing things
they won't put...
in the newspaper.
- I'm coming to the depot to see you off.
- No, you ain't dressed.
- That's right.
- Cal, get this carriage going.
Get out of here! Get going!
Hurry up!
Don't you just keep sitting there.
Get off at stations.
Take a walk around. Talk to people.
- I told her not to talk to nobody.
- You'll talk to people.
Go to the coaches. Talk to everybody.
It'll do you good.
- 'Board!
- Bye, Addie.
- Bye. Take good care of yourself.
- You, sir.
- Bring your papa home safe and sound.
- Would you mind sitting in this seat?
- Take good care of yourself.
- Sit here, please. Right here.
Thank you.
Now, talk to him.
He looks nice. Find out what
he thinks, where he comes from.
- Find out everything you can.
- 'Board!
- I just found out one thing.
- Good-bye.
- I'm going to miss you, David.
- What?
I said I'm going to miss you.
- What?
- I said I... Nothing!
In there. In the room
next to Miss Regina's.
- All right.
- And hurry up!
Walk it slow, Ezra.
- Where will I put these books?
- Put them on that table.
Yes, ma'am.
- Put that by the fireplace.
- Yes, ma'am.
Mr. Horace sure gonna like
being moved back in his old room.
That's all.
Get back to work.
- Bring me Mr. Horace's green lamp.
- Yes.
There's the carriage!
- They're here!
- Don't get so excited.
Go and help with the bags.
- They ain't on the train.
- What?
My goodness!
- They ain't on the train!
- What do you mean?
- Cal, what happened?
- They ain't on the train.
- They must have been.
- They wasn't. I looked and I looked.
I even asked Mr. Jonsie. He say
they didn't get on at Mobile at all.
- What you think happened?
- How should I know? Probably nothing.
Don't ask me questions
the rest of the night!
Go get that green lamp.
Go on.
- Evening, Regina.
- Good evening, Ben.
You dropping in for supper?
They didn't come on the 6:00.
There's no other train tonight.
- What do you think happened?
- They probably stopped off somewhere.
They'll be along.
Put that on Mr. Horace's desk.
So you're moving Horace
back to his old room.
- You're a smart woman.
- Where would they stop off?
Horace has got that cousin
in Savannah he's so fond of.
Maybe they stopped off to see him.
I don't know where they stopped off.
How do you know they even started
from Baltimore?
Of course they started.
I have a letter from Alexandra.
What is so strange about people
arriving late? Don't worry so much.
I'm a natural worrier...
especially when I'm ready
to close a business deal...
and one of my partners
remains silent and invisible.
They'll be along tomorrow.
You boys might as well go home now.
Good night.
That cousin of Horace's
has been dead for years.
And anyway, the train
doesn't go through Savannah.
Did he die? Ben, you're always
remembering about people dying.
- It's so bad for your health.
- Good night.
My father's tired. We must stay
overnight so he can rest.
- He'll need a room on this floor.
- All the rooms on this floor are taken.
Then you'll have to move somebody
it won't hurt to climb stairs.
You'll have to do it right away.
My father must have rest and quiet.
Come help my father
out of the carriage, please.
My, she's turning out to be
her mother's daughter.
You'd better move
that Mr. Clark from 105.
Put him on the third floor.
Mr. Dawson, where's the Tom Bixby
Commission meeting tonight?
Room A, 9:00.
Think they'll let you in?
I think so.
- Be sure that his soup is very hot.
- Yes, ma'am.
And for dessert
he can have fresh fruit...
- but it's got to be perfectly fresh.
- Yes, ma'am.
I think that's all he'll want.
I'll want a lot.
I'm very hungry.
- I think I'll have the whole dinner.
- Yes, ma'am.
- And...
- And mocha cake.
Excuse me.
Hello. How are you?
How's your father?
Come here a minute.
This is Miss Julia Jordan.
Miss Alexandra Giddens.
I'm mighty glad to meet you.
Forgive Miss Giddens.
It's not entirely her fault.
She comes
from a bad-mannered family.
Did you order dinner?
Yes, Papa.
It will be right along.
- How do you feel?
- Much better, dear.
What's the matter?
Nothing, Papa.
You remember David Hewitt?
Of course I remember him.
How is he?
He's changed.
After all his working up north
and wandering around the country...
coming back and talking
about people's rights...
and how everybody
ought to be decent.
Now for all his fine talk,
he's out there in the dining room...
with one of those girls.
One of what girls?
She's got powder on her nose.
And he's with her.
And does it concern you?
Of course it doesn't.
- You can just bet it doesn't.
- Then why not forget about him?
I did go for some walks with him
and three picnics.
Really three and a half.
Halftime it rained and...
I tried to understand
the fine things he was talking about.
Then he dared
to introduce her to me!
Did he?
I didn't say a word to her.
I just looked.
Then I walked away.
Did you?
That was very virtuous of you.
Wasn't that right, Papa?
Who's been teaching you
to hurt the feelings of other people?
I didn't think about it that way.
What should I do, Papa?
You'll have to decide for yourself.
So I want to ask your pardon. I don't
ever want to hurt anybody's feelings.
If you'll be gracious enough to forgive
my rudeness and shake my hand...
Then you'll show me that your manners
are far better than mine could ever be.
Thank you.
That's real friendly of you.
I thank you too. Come on.
I'll take you back to your father.
Excuse me, Julia.
You look tired.
Was it a hard trip?
You going back
on the early morning train?
I'll be on it.
Maybe I can help.
Thank you very much.
- May I come in and pay my respects?
- Papa must rest tonight.
That was a mighty sweet thing
you did just now.
I still don't approve
of your conduct.
Very well.
I'll make a note of it.
Go back and tell your friend
to wash her face.
- Morning, Papa.
- You just getting up?
- What kind of working hours you keeping?
- My, you're nervous this morning.
Nervous about Uncle Horace
not coming home, I guess.
I've told you before, you've got
to start working harder at the bank.
Got to convince Uncle Horace
you'll make a fit husband for Alexandra.
Yes, sir. You think Uncle Horace
don't want to go in on this?
That's my hunch.
Ain't showing signs
of loving it yet.
But he hasn't listened
to Aunt Regina yet either.
He'll go along.
It's too good a thing.
He's got plenty
and plenty to invest with.
He don't even have
to sell anything.
Ninety thousand worth
of Union Pacific bonds...
sitting right
in his safe-deposit box.
All he's got to do
is open the box.
Yeah. He's had those bonds
for 15 years.
Bought them when they were low
and just locked them up.
Yeah, he just has to open the box
and take them out. That's all.
Easy as easy can be.
The things in that box.
There's all those bonds
looking mighty fine.
Then right next to them
is a baby shoe of Zan's...
and a cheap old cameo
on a string.
And nobody would believe this:
A piece of an old violin.
Not even a whole violin,
just a piece of an old thing.
A piece of a violin.
- What do you think of that?
- Yes, sir.
And a lot of other crazy things too.
A poem I guess it is,
signed with his mother's name.
How do you know
what's in the box, son?
It was one of the boys
at the bank.
He took old Manders' keys.
It was Joe Horn.
He just took old Manders' keys
and took the box out.
Then they asked me if I wanted
to see too, so I looked a little.
But I made them close the box,
and I told them...
Joe Horn, you say?
He opened it?
Yes, sir, he did.
My word of honor.
That don't excuse me for looking,
but I did make him close it...
and put the keys back
in Manders' drawer.
Tell me the truth.
I'm not gonna be angry with you.
- Did you open the box yourself?
- No, sir, I didn't.
Sometimes a young fellow deserves credit
for looking around him...
see what's going on.
Many great men have made their fortune
with their eyes.
Did you open the box?
It may have been a good thing
if you had.
Did you?
I opened it.
Does anybody else
know you opened it?
Don't be afraid
of speaking the truth.
- Nobody was in the bank when I did it.
- Will Horace know you opened it?
He only looks in it once
every six months when he cuts a coupon.
Sometimes Manders
even does that for him.
Uncle Horace don't even have the keys.
Manders keeps them for him.
Imagine not looking at all that.
You can bet if I had those bonds,
I'd watch them like...
If you had them, you could have a share
in the mill. You and me.
A fine big share too.
A man can't be shot for wanting
to see his son get on in the world.
- Can he, boy?
- No, he can't.
But I haven't got the bonds
and Uncle Horace has.
You think your Uncle Horace
likes you well enough...
to lend you the bonds if he decides
not to use them himself?
Papa, it must be you gone crazy.
Lend me the bonds?
No, I suppose not.
Just a fancy of mine.
A loan for three months,
maybe four.
Easy enough for us
to pay it back then.
Anyway, this is only April.
If he doesn't look at the bonds
till fall...
he wouldn't even miss them
out of the box.
That's it.
He wouldn't even miss them.
How could he miss them
if he never looks at them?
You laugh when I say
he could lend you the bonds...
if he's not gonna use them.
But would it hurt him?
It wouldn't hurt him.
People ought
to help other people.
So she got him home at last.
Careful, Addie.
- They're here.
- Yes, Belle.
- Tidy up the room.
- Yes, ma'am.
And me sitting up all night
worrying about you.
We don't want to hear
how worried you've been.
We had to stay in Mobile overnight
for Papa to rest.
- Upstairs?
- No, I'll wait, David.
I'll rest here
for a minute.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming with us.
I like talking to you.
- In fact, I like you. I always have.
- Thank you, sir.
- Do you like me?
- Not today.
I'll come back tomorrow.
Good-bye, sir.
Good-bye, David.
Remember me to your mother.
I will.
Good-bye, funny.
I bet Mama's been worried.
- I better tell her we're back.
- Not for a minute.
You feel bad again.
I knew you did.
- Do you want your medicine?
- I don't feel that way.
I just wanted to rest a little.
- Them fancy doctors do you any good?
- They did their best.
This is Father's
very special medicine.
We'll keep one bottle down here
and one in his room.
He must have the pills
every four hours.
And the special medicine,
only if he feels very bad. Careful.
Since when I ain't old enough
to hold a bottle of medicine?
You feel all right?
He says he does, but he doesn't.
The trip was very hard on him.
He's got to go right to bed.
Help me.
No, I don't need
that much help.
Addie, is your coffee as good
as it used to be?
Dr. Boden said not much coffee.
Just now and then.
Do you hear me?
I'm the nurse now.
You'd be a better one
if you didn't look so dirty.
Take a bath, change your linens, get on
a fresh dress and brush your hair good.
Will you be all right?
I'll look after Mr. Horace.
Ring for Belle and have her help you.
- Hurry.
- Yes, ma'am.
My old room.
I haven't slept here since...
Since a mighty long time.
Before I see anybody else...
Thank you, Addie.
- I want to know why Zan came for me.
- I don't know.
All I know is
big things is going on.
Everybody gonna be high-tone rich.
You too.
All 'cause smoke gonna start
from a building that ain't even up yet.
I've heard about that.
And Miss Zannie, she's gonna marry
Mr. Leo in a little while.
- What are you talking about?
- That's right. That's the talk.
- What's the talk?
- There's gonna be a wedding.
Over my dead body there is.
Horace, you finally arrived.
All right, Addie.
I'm very happy to see you.
- How are you?
- What happened to you and Alexandra?
We stopped overnight in Mobile.
I didn't feel good.
- Just a little weak, I suppose.
- Here we are.
Been a long time.
You know how much I wanted to come
to the hospital and be with you.
But I didn't know where my duty lay:
Here or with you.
But you know
how much I wanted to come.
That's kind of you. There was no need
to come. I didn't have a bad time.
Maybe at first when the doctors told me,
but after I got used to the idea...
I sort of liked it there.
You're looking very well,
very handsome.
You liked it there.
Isn't it strange you liked it so well
you didn't want to come home?
That's not the way to put it.
But I did like lying there
and thinking.
I never had much time to think.
Time's become valuable to me.
- It sounds almost like a holiday.
- It was, sort of.
- I was thinking you were in pain.
- I was in pain.
Instead you were having
a holiday of thinking.
- I was thinking about us.
- About us?
About you and me
after all these years?
You shall tell me everything
you thought, someday.
What's this crazy talk
about Zan and Leo marrying?
Who gossips so much around here?
It's some foolishness Oscar thought up.
I'll explain later.
It was simply a way
of keeping him quiet...
in all this business
I've been writing you about.
I have no intention
of allowing any such arrangement.
Neither have I, so put it out
of Oscar's head immediately.
- You know what I think of Leo.
- There's no need to talk about it now.
There's no need to talk about it ever.
Not as long as I live.
I suppose they've written you.
I can't live very long.
I have never understood why people
have to talk about this kind of thing!
You must understand. I don't intend
to gossip about my sickness.
I thought it was only fair
to tell you.
I was not asking for your sympathy.
Let's try to get along
a little better than we usually do.
Yes. It's foolish
for us to fight this way.
I didn't mean to be unpleasant.
It was very stupid of me.
I didn't either. I came home
wanting so much not to fight.
Yes, let's try to get along better.
I want to very much.
Can we pay our respects?
Yes, you can pay your respects,
as you say.
So the fugitives
have arrived at last.
Welcome home, Horace.
You had us all mighty worried.
- Hello, Ben, Oscar.
- It sure is good to see you.
- You're looking tip-top. Yes, sir.
- Am I?
Everybody in town's
been asking for you.
But then you only know how folks
really feel through an absence.
- Ain't that true?
- I hope so.
Horace! I just found out
you were back.
You don't look well.
No, you don't.
- What a thing to say.
- Oscar thinks I look tip-top.
What is that costume you have on?
Now that you're home, you'll feel
better. We'll take fine care of you.
I asked what is that strange costume
you're parading around in?
Me? Oh, it's my wrapper.
I was so excited about Horace...
Did you come across the street
dressed that way? My dear Birdie!
Just like old times.
- No fights. This is a holiday.
- I'll go right home.
You'll be running back
across the square like that.
I'm sorry, Oscar.
We've been having
some mighty fine weather.
Yes, sir. You'll enjoy
the good sunshine and fresh air...
I don't like to worry you
when you're tired...
but Ben has some very important
business to talk over with you.
- Tomorrow.
- I'd like to now.
It's very important to me,
very important to all of us.
Important to your beloved daughter.
She'll be a very great heiress.
- Will she? That's nice.
- Please.
You said we'll try
to get along better.
I'll try, I really will,
only please do this for me now.
You'll see what I've done for you
while you've been away.
Ben, tell Horace all about it,
only be quick because he's very tired...
and he must go to bed.
See how I've watched
your interests.
I think that your news
will be better for him...
than all the doctors
and medicine in the world.
I hope so,
but my news can wait.
Horace may not feel
like talking today.
What an old faker you are.
You know it can't wait.
You know the deal
must be closed this week.
You've been as anxious for him
to come home as I've been.
I suppose I have been.
And why not?
Horace has done Hubbard Sons
many a good turn.
Why shouldn't I be anxious
to help him now?
Help him when you need him.
That's what you mean.
What a woman you married, Horace.
Then I'll make it quick.
For 30 years I've cried...
"Bring the cotton mills
to the cotton. "
I'm here to tell you
they're on their way.
- Get...
- Can I get you something?
I'm sorry. I will.
You must excuse me now.
I'm feeling the trip.
- Would you ask Cal to come help me?
- Yes.
But the deal is coming to a close,
and Ben must move quickly.
- I understand.
- If you could listen a few minutes...
then I'll take care
of everything for you.
- Not today. Some other time.
- This is important to all of us.
Can't you see we've been waiting
for months for you to come home and...
I can see that you did
want me to come home.
We'll just run along home now.
We can talk about this tomorrow.
Come along, Oscar.
I didn't mean
that was the reason why...
I think you did mean it,
and that makes me very sad.
You think maybe he don't want
to go in with us?
It was a mistake
to talk to him today.
He's a sick man,
but he ain't a crazy one.
Suppose he is crazy.
What then?
Then we'll go outside
for the money.
- There's plenty who'll give it.
- They'll want a lot for what they give.
Ones that are rich enough to give
will be smart enough to want.
That means
we'd be working for them.
You don't have to tell me
the things I told you six months ago.
Regina, you're a fool.
Mama told you it's unwise
for a good-looking woman to frown.
I told you softness and a smile
will do more to the hearts of men.
I'll do things in my own way.
I know what I'm doing.
I hope you do.
There is nothing to worry about.
Come along, Oscar.
Oh, Lord
Sound the trump of thejudgment
White people
may have the pianos...
but the colored folks
have got the voices.
- Weary arms are totin'ol'cotton
- Give me a push.
- Good night. We had a lovely evening.
- Thank you.
- We had such a good time.
- Good night, Sally.
- It's good to see Horace again.
- I'm sorry he had to go up so early.
He has to be careful
till he gets his strength back.
Yes, of course.
Good night.
Good night.
- Tell Horace I'll see him tomorrow.
- Yes, I will. Good night.
I'll be along in a minute.
Leo, take your mama home.
- Can't I wait for you and Uncle Ben?
- No, run along.
- I'll be back.
- Never mind. Go on.
Come along, Mama.
Good night, Aunt Regina.
Didn't you two notice
that the party is over?
- We got a little talking to do.
- Not much, just a simple question.
- Have you got any news for us?
- Not yet, but I've talked to Horace.
I imagined you had, Regina.
I didn't want to hurry him too much.
You saw what happened that first day.
There's got
to be a little hurrying done.
I had a rather urgent letter
from Marshall this morning.
This thing's got to be closed
the end of the week.
That means Oscar's got to leave
for Chicago tomorrow.
It turns out we're in more of a hurry
than you thought we were.
We got to know tonight whether you
and Horace are coming in with us.
That was the time
I was working in the...
- It's time you were coming in.
- Not yet, Mama.
I'm talking to David.
When you've finished your talking,
come straight to bed.
Yes, Mama.
- Good night, David.
- Good night, Mrs. Giddens.
That's the first time I ever heard
your mother tell you to do something...
and you didn't hop to do it.
That's a funny thing to say.
You know, you take one step
and then you take another.
After a while, you find out
you're walking all by yourself.
You don't understand
what I'm talking about, do you?
An awful lot of things
I don't understand lately.
Things that are happening here.
I could explain them to you,
but you wouldn't like me if I did.
You've got to find them out
for yourself.
You'll know tonight.
Let's walk around the square.
Come on.
This cannot wait any longer.
Talk to us about it now.
- I've been patient for days.
- And persistent.
All right.
I understand we're getting
a larger share. Why?
Because I did
a little bargaining for you.
Convinced my brothers they weren't
the only Hubbards with business sense.
Did you have to convince them of that?
How little people know about each other.
You'll know better
about Regina next time, Ben.
- Who's getting less?
- Oscar.
Oscar's gotten unselfish.
What's happened to you?
I'll get mine in the end.
He's got his son's future
to think about.
Everybody will get theirs.
I'm beginning to understand.
I knew you would as soon
as you had time to think it over.
Yes, sir, Horace,
this 75,000 will get you a million.
Yes, Horace, it will!
What did you have to promise Marshall
besides your money?
Water power,
free and plenty of it.
- You have that?
- Easy.
You'd think the governor of a great
state would make his price higher...
just out of pride.
And cheap labor.
"The wages has got to be cheaper
than Massachusetts," Marshall says.
And that averages eight a week.
You bought the water from the governor.
It was his to sell?
Go on, Ben.
"Eight a week?" I say to Marshall.
"I'd work for eight a week myself. "
There ain't a man in this section,
black or white...
who wouldn't give his right arm
for three silver dollars every week.
They'll take less than that when
you play them off against each other.
Your father said
he made the thousands...
- and you boys would make the millions.
- Millions for us too.
Us? You and me?
I don't think so.
You've got enough money, Regina.
We'll just sit by
and watch the boys grow rich.
Then this means
you're finally turning us down?
Is it possible
that's what you mean?
I don't want any part of it.
I've been trying to tell you that.
- I want to know your reasons.
- I don't know myself. Leave it at that.
We shall not leave it at that.
I want to know your reasons now.
- We've been waiting like children...
- Yes, to nag at me to invest my money.
If you're disappointed, I'm sorry.
But I must do what I think best.
Now, good night.
Please wait downstairs.
- Oscar and I will go home now.
- Please wait downstairs!
There will be
no more talking about this.
I'm sick and tired of hearing about it.
I've given my answer, and that is all.
I think we'll have to talk
about it, Horace.
Just you and me.
I never did believe
he was going in with us.
I thought he'd go in.
What do you expect me to do?
You done your almighty best.
There's nothing you can do.
Maybe there's something
I could do for us.
Or, I might better say,
Leo could do for us.
- Ain't that true, son?
- What do you mean?
Leo's got a friend.
Leo's friend owns $90,000 worth
of Union Pacific bonds.
Leo's friend don't look
at the bonds much...
not for five or six months
at a time.
Union Pacific.
Let me understand this.
Leo's friend would lend him
the bonds, and he would...
Would be kind enough
to lend them to us.
- Leo.
- Yes, sir?
- When would your friend want them back?
- I don't know.
You told me he won't look
at them till fall.
That's right, but I...
Not till fall.
- But Uncle Horace...
- Be still.
Your uncle doesn't wish
to know your friend's name.
That's a good one.
Not know his name?
Shut up, Leo.
He won't look at them till September.
That gives us five months.
Leo will return the bonds
in three months.
We'll have no trouble raising the money
once the mills start going up.
Will Marshall accept bonds?
Why not?
We're lucky, Oscar.
We'll take the loan
from Leo's friend.
I think he'll make a safer partner
than our sister.
How soon do you think
you can borrow them?
Right away, tonight.
They're in the safe-deposit box...
I don't want to know
where they are.
We'll keep it secret from you, Ben.
Good night, Oscar.
- Good luck to us.
- Leo will be taken care of?
I'm entitled
to Uncle Horace's share.
Gee, that would make me a partner.
Why, you...
He didn't mean it. I want to be sure
he'll get something out of this.
We'll take care of him.
We'll arrange that later.
Then that's settled.
Come on, son.
I didn't mean just that.
I was only gonna say...
Go on. You have work to do.
Good night, David.
- Good night, Zannie.
- Good night, David.
Hello, Zannie.
- Won't you leave me alone?
- I won't let you alone!
- If I'd let you alone, you'd still be...
- Uncle Ben, make Mama stop.
She can't do that to Papa.
It isn't right.
- Alexandra, you have a tender heart.
- If you won't do anything about it...
I will!
Now, you see? It's all over.
Don't worry so, my dear.
Married folks frequently
raise their voices, unfortunately.
How can you treat Papa like this?
He's very sick. Don't you know that?
- Mind your business.
- This is my business.
- It's my business to stop what's wrong.
- Don't you dare speak to me like this!
- Go to bed!
- Yes, Mama.
You'll have to put Marshall off
for a few days.
I'm afraid I can't do that for you.
I told you his letter was urgent.
How much more time can you give me?
- Horace has refused.
- He'll change his mind.
I'll find a way to make him.
How much longer can you wait?
I could wait a few days,
but I can't wait a few days.
I could, but I can't.
Could and can't.
I have to go now.
I'm very late.
You're not going.
I want to talk to you.
I forgot to tell you. Oscar's going
to Chicago tomorrow as we planned...
so we can't be here
for our usual Friday night supper.
What do you mean?
Just that. He's going to deliver
the money to Marshall.
You're lying.
You're trying to scare me.
You haven't got the money.
How can you have it?
How can he go to Chicago?
Did a ghost arrive with the money?
I don't believe you.
- Come back here. I want to talk to you.
- You're getting out of hand.
Since when do I take orders
from you?
Come back!
Good night.
It's a great day
when you and Ben cross swords.
I've been waiting for it for years.
So they found out they don't need you.
So you'll not have
your millions after all.
You hate to see anybody live now,
don't you?
You hate to think I'll be alive
and have what I want.
- You'd think that was my reason.
- Yes.
Because you're going to die
and you know you're going to die.
Maybe it's easier
for the dying to be honest.
I'm sick of you! Sick of this house,
sick of my unhappy life with you.
I'm sick of your brothers
and their dirty tricks to make a dime!
There must be better ways of getting
rich than building sweatshops...
and pounding the bones of the town
to make dividends for you to spend.
You'll wreck the town,
you and your brothers.
You'll wreck the country,
you and your kind, if they let you.
But not me.
I'll die my own way.
I'll do it without making the world
any worse. I'll leave that to you.
I hope you die.
I hope you die soon.
- Mama, don't!
- I'll be waiting for you to die.
Papa, don't listen.
Please just don't listen!
Go away.
Thank you, Birdie.
That was nice.
I hope I didn't disturb Regina.
I should have thought to ask.
Miss Regina ain't home.
I'd have told you.
She's at Mrs. Hewitt's
getting a dress fitted.
Thank you, Addie.
Horace, look.
Simon brought me these from Lionnet.
Oscar was out there shooting
this morning.
Simon says they're just
growing wild there now.
Coming, Addie.
Why don't you pick some?
I don't like crab apples.
You're getting too old
to be climbing trees.
- Why?
- Your petticoats are showing.
- David Hewitt.
- Or should I say "underskirts. "
- You certainly should.
- Under any name, they're still showing.
If you'd lift me down instead of
sitting there, you wouldn't see them.
You might at least help me
pick some up.
Somebody must be gonna make
some mighty fine jelly.
That's right, Simon.
I'll bet Simon was sorry to see
your Uncle Oscar come back from Chicago.
Oscar hasn't been over to our house
since he got back.
He or Uncle Ben.
Not since that night.
I don't like to think about it.
I try not to all the time.
- You never like to think about things.
- There you go again.
Always want somebody else
to do your thinking for you.
I'm tired of having you say that!
It just isn't true.
What do you want me to do?
I think I want you
to go away from here.
"Go away"?
Are you crazy?
What would I do?
Where would I go?
I think you're just trying
not to see me anymore.
- You do?
- Yes, I do.
But you don't have to try,
whether I'm here or not.
I'll tell you what you could do
if you went away.
If you can find someplace where
they pay wages for talking silly...
you could make a fortune.
- Addie, a party! What for?
- Nothing.
I had the sweet butter,
so I made the cakes.
Isn't this nice?
A party just for us.
- Is Mama...
- No, she ain't got back yet.
- Sit down, David.
- Not by me.
I'm not speaking to him.
He's too dull. He's always preaching.
- It doesn't affect your appetite.
- It doesn't affect me in any way.
- I just ignore him.
- Don't be bad friends.
It's so nice here with just us.
- There, David, that's for you.
- Thank you.
- Elderberry's good for the stomach.
- That's what Mama used to say.
Mama used to give it to me
when I was a little girl...
for hiccups.
I don't think people
get hiccups anymore.
- Isn't that funny?
- And nobody gets growing pains no more.
Just like there was some style
in what you got.
One year an ailment's stylish,
and the next year it ain't.
Miss Birdie, that elderberry wine
is gonna give you a headache spell.
I don't think so.
I remember now about the hiccups.
It was my first big party,
at Lionnet.
There I was with hiccups,
and Mama laughing.
Mama always laughed.
A big party, a lovely dress
from Mr. Worth in Paris, France...
and hiccups.
You know, that was the first day
I saw Oscar Hubbard.
We saw him from our window.
He passed and lifted his hat.
And my brother, to tease Mama,
said Mama didn't like the Hubbards...
and wouldn't invite them to the party
because they kept a store.
Then I saw Mama angry
for the first time in my life.
She said that wasn't the reason.
She said she just didn't like people
who made their money...
charging awful interest
to poor, ignorant colored folks...
and cheating them
on what they bought.
Mama was very angry.
Then suddenly
she laughed and said...
"Look, I've frightened Birdie
out of her hiccups. "
And so she had.
They were all gone.
Yes, they got mighty well-off
cheating the poor.
There's people that eats up the whole
Earth and all the people on it...
like in the Bible
with the locust.
Then there's people that
stand around and watch them do it.
Sometimes I think it ain't right
to just stand and watch.
There's something else
in the Bible, Addie.
"Take us the foxes...
the little foxes
that spoil the vines...
for our vines
have tender grapes. "
If we could only go back
to Lionnet.
Everybody would be better there.
They'd be good and kind.
I like people to be kind.
Don't you like people to be kind?
- Yes, I do.
- Yes.
That was the first day
I ever saw Oscar.
Who would have thought...
Do you want to know something?
I don't like Leo.
My very own son,
and I don't like him.
Isn't that funny?
I guess I even like Oscar
more than I like Leo.
Why did you marry Uncle Oscar?
That's no question
for you to ask.
Why not? It's time
she was asking questions.
She's heard enough around here
to ask anything.
- Why did you, Aunt Birdie?
- I don't know.
I thought I liked him,
and he was so kind to me then.
I thought it was because
he liked me too.
But that wasn't the reason.
Ask why he married me.
I can tell you that!
- He's told me often enough.
- Miss Birdie, don't.
My family was good, but the cotton
on Lionnet's fields was better.
Ben Hubbard wanted the cotton,
and Oscar Hubbard married it for him.
He was kind to me then.
He used to smile at me.
He hasn't smiled at me since.
Everybody knew that's
what he married me for.
Everybody but me.
Stupid, stupid me.
You get talking like this,
and you'll surely get a headache.
I've never had a headache
in my life!
You know it as well as I do.
I've never had a headache, Zan.
That's a lie they tell for me.
I drink.
All by myself in my own room,
I drink.
And when they want to hide it,
they say Birdie's got a headache again.
- Aunt Birdie, don't.
- You won't like me anymore.
- I love you. I'll always love you.
- Don't! Don't love me!
Because in 20 years,
you'll just be like me.
They'll do all
the same things to you...
and you'll trail after them
just like me...
hoping they won't be
so mean to you that day...
or say something
to make you feel so bad.
Only you'll be worse off...
because you won't have
my mama to remember.
Aunt Birdie, don't.
Come on now. Let's go home,
just you and me.
Poor Miss Birdie.
- There you are, sir.
- Thank you.
I sure is glad
to see you back again, sir.
- Thank you, Harold.
- Glad to see you back with us again.
- Thank you. How's the family?
- Hello, Mr. Horace.
- How are you feeling?
- Fine.
Hello, Mr. Horace.
- How are you, Mr. Giddens?
- Sam.
- Good to see you, sir.
- Thank you.
- Hello there, Leo.
- Hello, Uncle Horace.
- Glad to see you back again, sir.
- Thank you.
- Good to see you.
- Thank you.
Goodness! "Good to see you.
Good to see you. "
Don't nobody never think up
no new words?
- All right. Come along, son.
- Yes, sir.
First time I seen anybody who wasn't
anxious to grab my silver dollars.
Sam, I want to take a look
at my will.
All right, sir.
Come on, son,
count my money.
You're mighty careless
with other people's money.
- Count it. I'm in a hurry.
- Check this...
Check this for me, Joe.
I've got to see my uncle a minute.
All right.
What's the matter with him?
Yes, what is it?
I want to see you a minute.
Yes? What about?
- It's about Bert Pembrook.
- Yes?
He's one of the standing renters
over at...
I know who Bert Pembrook is.
What about him?
It's his note, sir.
I'm worried about it, Uncle Horace.
What's wrong with the note?
Do you think the crop lien
is sufficient collateral?
All right, Sam,
you can put it back.
I haven't been in the bank
for months.
I don't know anything
about Bert Pembrook's note.
- What's wrong with it?
- Leo seems disturbed about it.
Oh, it's nothing.
I just thought...
He doesn't think the crop lien
is sufficient collateral.
We haven't got a crop lien,
we've got a chattel mortgage.
Bert's made all the payments so far.
The note will be amortized in 60 days.
Yes, I...
Oh, that's right. So it will.
Leo's facts seem
to be a trifle hazy.
It ain't the facts that are hazy.
It's Leo.
Sam, I forgot my insurance policies.
I want to take them with me.
When was the last time
you opened this box?
About three weeks ago
to clip the coupons.
- Why? Anything wrong?
- No, I...
I thought there was a policy missing,
but I found it.
I think I'll go home now,
and I'll take the box with me.
All right, sir.
Bye. We hope to see you
back again real soon.
It sure is good to see you.
Uncle Horace, forgot
to ask you how you're feeling.
Much better.
Thank you for being so solicitous.
Don't you worry about the bank. We'll
keep everything in apple-pie order.
That's nice.
That Mr. Leo acting mighty sweet.
Like his mouth's filled
with melting butter.
- Cal?
- Yes, sir?
- I want you to do something for me.
- Yes, sir.
After you take me home,
I want you to walk back to the bank.
I want you to give Mr. Manders
a message for me.
Yes, sir. Only I ain't much good
at toting messages.
My memory kind of gets confused.
This is an easy one. Only you've got
to be sure to get it straight.
Listen carefully.
I want you to go to Mr. Manders,
and I want you to say...
Mr. Horace say for you to be taking
the evening train for Mobile...
and be toting back with you
Judge Sol Fowler, his attorney at law...
- What's he want him now for?
- Is this message for you?
- Go on.
- Now I got to be starting all over.
Mr. Horace say for you to be taking
the evening train for Mobile...
and be toting back with you
Judge Sol Fowler, his attorney at law...
and then you got to fetch him
to our house tomorrow.
- Did he say why?
- Is that all?
Yes, sir, that's all.
Kind of short message, ain't it?
Appears to me, if you got a message,
it ought to have more words.
Mr. Manders, sir, there's something
I got to do, something I forgot.
- Sit down and finish your work.
- But you don't understand.
Sit down!
- You can tell him I got his message.
- Yes, sir.
Perhaps you're tired?
Zan left me instructions
not to get tired while she was out.
- She's mighty firm with me.
- Zan, firm?
- What do you feel about Zan anyway?
- What?
I'm in love with her, I guess.
I mean, I'm not guessing.
I mean, I know I am.
I've never said those words before.
I didn't realize
they'd be so hard to say.
Here's your old green lamp.
You don't gotta sit in the dark.
Do hurry, Mrs. Hewitt.
It's very tiresome standing so long.
Yes, I know it is.
I'm just finishing.
David is a constant visitor
at our house.
Yes, he plays cribbage
with Mr. Horace.
He likes Mr. Horace.
I hope you don't mind
his running in and out.
I don't mind. I've always tried not
to interfere with Alexandra too much.
I didn't like people to interfere
with me when I was young.
I still don't like them interfering.
I do think Alexandra is a little young
to be courted by David.
I'm sure it's nothing like that.
Is that you, David?
- Yes, Mama.
- Come in.
- Good evening.
- We were just talking about you.
Yes, I heard you.
I rather like you.
You've got spirit.
That's good in anyone.
I was telling your mother...
I wouldn't like to think
you were courting Alexandra.
I haven't been doing that.
I'm glad to hear that.
But, if and when I do, I shall not care
whether you like it or not.
Don't worry about that. Horace might
see his lawyer about a lot of things.
Fowler's come down here
a hundred times before.
But he comes in the bank today,
and right after he sends for Fowler.
Don't worry so much.
It's fine for you
to tell me not to worry.
Always say to myself
I don't like nervous people.
I can't trust them.
Leo, you're one of the people
who bore me.
I'm getting too old
to want to be bored.
I'm just getting so I hate it.
You take your nerves out of here
and go upstairs and take a warm bath.
That will be good for you.
A nice warm bath.
We agreed you were to stay in your part
of this house and I in mine.
This room is my part
of the house.
- Please don't come down again.
- I won't.
I only came down this time
to tell you that...
we have invested our money in Hubbard
Sons and Marshall Cotton Manufacturers.
What are you talking about?
You haven't seen Ben.
When did you change your mind?
I didn't change my mind.
I didn't invest the money.
It was invested for me.
What are you talking about?
I had $90,000 worth of Union Pacific
bonds in this box in the bank.
They're not there now.
Come and look.
Those bonds are negotiable
as money, and they're gone.
Only $ 15,000 left.
$ 75,000 are gone.
What kind of a joke are you playing?
Is this for my benefit?
I don't look in that box very often.
Today, because I decided...
- What are you talking about?
- Don't interrupt me again.
Today, because I decided to do
something, I opened the box and...
Do you think I'm crazy enough
to believe what you're saying?
You don't believe me.
That's good.
For a minute, I thought perhaps
you had taken them.
"Taken them"?
Where are they?
Where did they go?
To Chicago.
I should guess that at this minute
they're with Mr. Marshall.
I think Leo took the bonds.
- I don't believe it.
- This fine gentleman...
to whom you were willing
to marry your daughter...
took the keys
and opened the box.
I'm only guessing, but remember Oscar
made a sudden departure for Chicago...
after you and Ben
had your great fight.
He took with him the bonds
that his son had stolen for him.
And for Ben, too, of course.
- This will make a fine little scandal.
- Couldn't it?
A fine scandal
to hold over their heads.
How could they be such fools?
But I'm not going to hold it
over their heads.
I'm gonna let them keep the bonds,
as a loan from you.
A loan, not an investment.
An investment would mean
a share of the profits.
A loan is simply returned.
Oh, I see.
You're punishing me.
I won't let you punish me.
If you won't do anything about it,
I will.
You won't do anything
because you can't.
You can't make trouble. I shall say
and go on saying I lent them the bonds.
You would do that?
Yes. For once in your life,
I'm tying your hands.
There's nothing for you to do.
Why did you say
I was making this loan?
I'm making a new will...
leaving you exactly
$ 75,000 in Union Pacific bonds.
The rest, and my insurance,
will go to Zan.
In the meantime, Ben and Oscar
will have returned the bonds, I'm sure,
and be very grateful to you.
And that will be the end of that.
There's nothing you can do to them
and nothing you can do to me.
You must hate me very much.
No, I don't hate you.
Perhaps because I remember
how much I was in love with you.
I don't hate you either.
I've only contempt for you.
I've always had.
Why did you marry me?
Because I was lonely
when I was young.
Yes, lonely.
Not in the way
people usually mean.
I was lonely for all the things
I wasn't gonna get.
Everybody was so busy at home,
and so little place for what I wanted.
Then Papa died and left Ben
and Oscar all the money.
- So you married me.
- Yes.
I thought you'd get the world for me.
You were a small-town clerk then.
You haven't changed.
- And that wasn't what you wanted.
- No, it wasn't.
It wasn't what I wanted.
But it didn't take me long
to find out my mistake.
Then it was just as if
I couldn't stand the sight of you.
I couldn't bear
to have you touch me.
I thought you were
such a soft, weak fool.
You were so kind and understanding
when I didn't want you near me.
The lies and excuses
I used to make to you.
And you believed them.
That was when I began
to despise you.
Why didn't you leave me?
Where was I to go?
What money did I have?
I didn't think about it much.
If I had, I'd have known
you'd die before I did.
But I couldn't have guessed you'd get
heart trouble so early, so bad.
I'm lucky.
I've always been lucky.
I'll be lucky again.
The other bottle. Please.
Upstairs in my room
in the drawer.
Upstairs, quick.
Addie, quick.
Addie, Cal, come here!
My goodness,
what's the matter?
Get his legs, Belle.
His special medicine!
I'll get it!
Cal, bring him
in this room here.
Lay him down flat.
I'll take off his shoes.
- Go get Dr. Sloan. Hurry.
- Yes, ma'am.
I'll get some ice.
Hold his mouth.
- What's wrong?
- Now, don't you fret, honey.
Aunt Regina!
I just heard about Uncle Horace.
How is he?
- Dr. Sloan's in there now.
- Is there anything I can do?
You can keep quiet,
that's what you can do.
- Dr. Sloan.
- Zan, I'm gonna tell you the truth.
It's just a matter
of a little while.
Yes, Doctor.
We just heard down at the store.
How is he now?
I don't know. Dr. Sloan's with him.
They don't want you to do anything.
- Is it a bad attack?
- Addie didn't say.
- I wonder if we should go up?
- I think we better wait here.
Did you talk to Sloan?
Leo, is that Horace's
deposit box?
How can it be?
If it is, what's it doing here?
- You said you saw Manders put it away.
- I did see him put it away. I was there.
Stop jabbering and tell me
is that the same box?
Of course it's the same box,
but how did it get here?
- That means he knows.
- Put that down. Are you gonna eat it?
- I'll take it back to the bank.
- Don't touch it again, you fool.
I'm a fool? Didn't I tell you
he'd sent for Judge Fowler?
And didn't you have me
take a warm bath?
Yes, I am a fool.
I do all the dirty work.
- I'm remembering that.
- What do you mean?
Shut him up
or I'll show you what I mean.
- But, Papa...
- Shut up.
Listen to me.
Maybe he's told Regina.
- Maybe...
- Yes, maybe, and maybe he hasn't.
They weren't on such pretty terms.
If she don't know about it,
it may work out all right.
If she does know, you're to say
he lent you the bonds.
Lent me the bonds?
Who's gonna believe that?
- Nobody.
- Why should I say he lent them to me?
Why not to you?
Why not to Uncle Ben?
Because he didn't lend them to me.
Remember that.
How is he?
- He's unconscious.
- Is there anything we can do?
He's come through these attacks before.
He'll come through this one.
We haven't seen each other
since the day of our fight.
Remember how we used to fight
when we were kids?
Trouble brings us together.
Does Sloan want another doctor?
We could drive over
for Dr. Morris.
Thank you, but...
- You don't feel well.
- No, I don't.
Horace told me about the bonds
this afternoon.
- The bonds? What do you mean?
- What bonds?
Horace's Union Pacific bonds?
What about them?
What could he say?
He said Leo had stolen them
and given them to you.
- That's ridiculous!
- I don't know what you're talking about.
Isn't it enough that he stole them?
Do I have to listen to this too?
- I didn't steal anything.
- Ben, please ask them to stop this.
Aren't we starting
at the wrong end?
What did Horace tell you?
He told me that Leo
had stolen the bonds.
I didn't...
Then he said he was going to pretend
he had lent them to you...
as a present from me
to my brothers.
He said there was nothing I could do
about it because as long as he lived...
he would insist
he had lent them to you.
I told you he lent them.
I could've told you.
He said he was leaving the rest
of the money to Alexandra.
So I'm very badly off, you see.
Now, you mustn't feel that way.
It can all be explained.
It can all be adjusted.
Things aren't as bad as you seem...
So you at least are willing
to admit the bonds were stolen.
I admit no such thing.
It's possible Horace made up
that part about stealing to tease you...
or perhaps to punish you.
It's not a pleasant story.
I feel bad.
Now you shall have the bonds
safely back.
- That was the understanding.
- Yes.
I'm glad to hear that.
I had greater hopes.
Remember the night
we made all the wishes?
Now you mustn't talk that way.
That's foolish.
I think we ought
to drive over for Morris.
Two doctors are better than one.
Don't think I'm dismissing
this other business. I'm not.
We'll have it all out
on a more appropriate day.
I don't think
you'd better go yet.
- Come back and sit down.
- We'll be right back.
I have something more to say.
I've told you before:
You'll get further with a smile.
I'm a soft man
for a woman's smile.
I'm smiling, Ben.
I'm smiling because
you are perfectly safe...
while Horace lives
to say he lent you the bonds.
But Dr. Sloan doesn't think
Horace is gonna live.
And if he doesn't,
I want 75 percent of the business...
in exchange for the bonds.
What a greedy girl you are.
You want so much of everything.
Get those bays hitched up.
I'll drive over there myself.
I'll have that doctor here
in no time.
Regina, you tell Sloan
that we're bringing Dr. Morris.
Yes, Ben, I'll tell him.
Make some fresh coffee.
You run over to Mrs. Sloan's
and get another hypodermic needle.
He's just the same.
Zan's all right.
She's being fine.
I told her you was here, and she said
for you to go home and get your supper.
Go on now. You don't sit still good.
Lots of people don't.
All right.
I'll be back later.
- Can I go with you, Uncle Ben?
- You stay right here.
You drive to Dr. Morris'
in Centerville as fast as you can.
Leo, did you speak to the doctor?
What did he say?
Why's everybody getting so excited?
Uncle Horace isn't all that sick.
He's had these attacks before.
He'll get over it.
- I just asked what the doctor said.
- What do you care? What's it to you?
Why are you here anyway?
Showing off your grief?
I happen to like Mr. Horace.
Good night.
Yes, you happen to like him, and he
happens to have a rich daughter...
so you happen
to be hanging around.
I'd like to stay here
for a little while. Alone, please.
Please, Mama.
How is he, Regina?
He's dead.
You look tired.
Why don't you go and rest now?
Yes, I am tired.
Would you pour me a brandy, please?
Get one for yourselves.
Perhaps we're all going to need it.
Are you getting a cold, Oscar?
Ben, shall we take up
our conversation where we left off?
What more is there
to talk about?
Really, Oscar, you're not
very bright, are you?
Ben, would you like to
or shall I explain to Oscar...
that you were quite safe while Horace
lived to say he lent you the bonds.
But Horace is not alive now.
I've already said I want 75 percent of
the new firm in exchange for the bonds.
This I have not said:
If I don't get what I want,
I'll put all of you in jail.
What are you talking about?
On what evidence would you
put Oscar and Leo in jail?
Listen to him, Oscar. He's getting ready
to swear it was you and Leo.
Don't be angry, Oscar.
I'll see he goes in with you.
They were Horace's bonds.
There's nothing you can do.
- He was willing to loan them to us.
- Stop pretending.
- Tomorrow I'm going to Judge Simms.
- What proof of all this...
The bonds are missing, and they're
with Marshall. That's proof enough.
If it isn't,
I'll add what's necessary.
- I'm sure of that.
- We'll deny...
Deny your heads off.
What jury would believe you?
I don't think you could find 12 men
in this state you haven't cheated.
What kind of talk is this?
We're your own brothers.
How can you talk this way
when not five minutes ago...
Yes, Mama...
not five minutes ago.
We know how you feel.
The whole town loved
and respected your father.
Did you love him,
Uncle Oscar?
Did you love him,
Uncle Ben?
And you, Mama,
did you love him too?
Go lie down, my dear.
It takes time for all of us...
to get over a shock like this.
Please go.
What was Papa doing
on the staircase?
Go and rest.
- I want to talk to you, Mama.
- Not now.
I'll wait.
I've plenty of time now.
As I was saying, tomorrow morning
I'm going to Judge Simms.
- I shall tell him about Leo.
- Not in front of the child.
I didn't ask her to stay.
Where was I?
Yes, they'll convict you.
But, of course, you have your choice.
I don't want to hear any more.
There will be no more bargaining!
I'll take my 75 percent
and forget the story forever.
That's one way of doing it
and the way I prefer.
You should know me well enough to know
I don't mind taking the other way.
None of us have ever
known you well enough.
You're getting old, Ben. Your tricks
aren't as smart as they used to be.
All right, then, I take it that's
settled, and I get what I asked for.
- Are you going to let her do this?
- You have a suggestion?
No, he hasn't.
Come, Leo and Oscar.
You can go home now.
Good night.
You too, Ben.
If you all behave yourselves,
I'll forget anybody saw the bonds.
You can draw up
the necessary papers tomorrow.
Be quick about it because I'm not
very good at this legal business.
You boys are sort of working
for me from now on.
You're a good loser.
I like that.
I say to myself:
What's the good?
You and I aren't like Oscar.
We're not sour people.
I think that comes
from a good digestion.
Then too, one loses today
and wins tomorrow.
I say to myself: Years of planning
and I get what I want.
Then I don't get it.
But I'm not discouraged.
The world's open for people
like you and me.
There's thousands of us
all over the world.
We'll own this country some day.
They won't try to stop us.
- We'll get along.
- I think so.
Then too, I say to myself:
Things may change.
I agree with Alexandra.
What was a man in a wheelchair
doing on a staircase?
- I ask myself that.
- And what do you answer?
I have no answer.
Maybe someday I will.
Maybe never,
but maybe someday.
- When I do, I'll let you know.
- Write me. I'll be in Chicago.
I will.
Good night, Alexandra.
You're turning out to be
a right interesting girl.
Good night.
What was it you wanted
to talk to me about?
I've changed my mind, Mama.
There's nothing
to talk about now.
I know you've had a bad shock...
but you must have
expected this to come.
You knew how sick he was.
Yes, we all knew
how sick he was.
I'm very tired,
and I'm going up to bed.
Put all the lights out
or the whole town will be over.
Be sure the windows are all closed.
The rain may come in.
Don't sit there
staring like that.
You've been with Birdie so much,
you're getting just like her.
That's what Aunt Birdie said.
Yes, I might have been
just like her.
Don't grieve too much. You'll be better
when you get to Chicago.
I'm gonna get you the world
I always wanted.
I don't want the world, Mama.
I'm not going to Chicago with you.
You're very upset.
Let's talk about it tomorrow.
There's nothing to talk about.
I'm going away from you
because I want to.
Because I know Papa
would want me to.
You know your papa would want you
to go away from me?
And if I say no?
Say it, Mama.
Say it and see what happens.
You're very serious about this,
aren't you?
You'll change your mind
in a couple of days.
I've come to the end of my rope!
Somewhere there's got to be
what I want too. Life goes too fast.
You can go where you want,
do what you want, think what you want.
I'd like to keep you with me,
but I won't make you stay.
You couldn't, Mama, because
I don't want to stay with you.
Because I'm beginning
to understand about things.
Addie said there were people
who ate the Earth...
and people who stood around
and watched them do it.
Just now, Uncle Ben said the same thing,
really the same thing.
Tell him for me, Mama,
I'm not going to watch you do it.
Tell him I'll be fighting
as hard as he is...
someplace where people
don't just stand around and watch.
Why, you have spirit after all.
I used to think
you were all sugar water.
We don't have to be bad friends.
I don't want us to be bad friends.
Would you like
to talk with me, Alexandra?
Would you like to sleep
in my room tonight?
Why, Mama?
Are you afraid?