Lucky People Center International (1998)
I have founded a new
lnternational- of uncontrollable torpedoes... We will cause mayhem. We will explode- we don't know when... Maybe with a "No"- maybe with a "Yes". Look down. Look down. That fragile bubble of life- afloat on a sea of nothing. We pray... We submit... We knock at the door. we knock. We've never knocked like this before. There is no road that doesn't lead somewhere. We knock on the door. we knock. We pray to come in. There is a goat. There is a cock. A dog... We have a bell. we have water. We have everything ready. They are the gibbons. They are related to the orangutang. chimpanzee. gorilla and humans. And they start every morning with a duet. The male and female join in a complex duet. They do this on a regular basis. They sing the same duet every morning of their lives. I started studying these creatures and their song- because I think that like the gibbons. humans have the same need to sing. My parents had problems. Every time they had a child it died. None of the children lived. they all died. That's how it began... That's when the vodou priest came to our house. A very powerful priest. No witches or evil forces could do anything to him. After he came with his powers to our house. no more children died. My father also became a vodou priest. my father... And my mother also started to worship the powers. Before my father died. he handed over the priesthood to my brother and I. My brother became a vodou priest and I became a priestess. When I was small. I prayed to be vodou's child. Later. when I grew up. I was initiated. I have worshipped the powers for 40 years. The powers of vodou protect me whatever happens. No evil powers. no curse can harm me. As long as you are honest and loyal, everything is okay. A priestess' duty is to prepare some- one who is going to go into a trance. We smear oil on the person seeking the forces. We prepare and sacrifice animals. If the gods give you a duty. you must carry it out... Otherwise it could end badly... If someone comes to me looking for help. I can perform a ceremony- so he gets the help he needs. Our forces are powerful. When they enter someone they go into a trance. You can't control yourself- you can slash yourself with a knife without feeling it- smash a bottle over your head without feeling it. Without knowing it. you can destroy everything around you. I started studying these creatures and their song. One day they inspired me to try and imitate them... ...with a human voice to make the same loud sounds the gibbons make. And in doing so... ...all hell broke loose in the gibbon cages. All the different species started singing. vocalising- and running around their cages. Some females fled up to the rafters. And I ran around for 20 minutes. singing. With the result that I became completely intoxicated. It lasted hours. I went to a party that night and was still. just like drunk. With my scientist's mind I said. "What's happened here is that"- "my bloodstream has been flooded with endorphins." Why was it flooded? Was it the loud sounds, the exertion. what was it? "If we were singing and dancing apes"- "before we became talking humans. it would mean in a sense"- "that the need for singing and dancing was built into our nature." I think this is actually the case. One could summarise that in a slogan: Man must dance. We're not fully human unless we sing and dance. Mother Earth. Father Sky. I talk to you, to East. South- West and North, to the Earth's centre, to the Sky's zenith. At this time I would like it known around the world... ...that there will be peace. harmony and blessings for all my people- men. women and children. May they all think well and journey well. May all their songs and prayers be answered by the sacred forces. In this way we can live in beauty with power from our ancestors. I send out this message to the world with the help of my flute. We will be blessed and live in harmony and peace. To the ancestors: You take good care of us. You take good care of me. My brother, it's like this: If you think good thoughts. you live well. If you think bad thoughts. the result will also be bad. Not so? It's about having a belief or not having a belief... May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness. May all be free from sorrow and the causes of sorrow. Seek, seek. keep on asking. We believe in... Buddhism. Shamanism. The Nation of lslam. Our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe in Hanuman. God is big. Yemanja. Lucifer. Kali. Xango Shiva Oxun Sita lanca Bhagwan Exu Rama Apocalypse Shankar Seek, seek. keep on asking. Seek, seek. keep on asking. Faith Here on Mother Earth, everybody's running around. I got this and that- I'm called this and that. this is my god and all that... Everybody has to respect one another's religion. There is such a thing as freedom of religion. freedom of worship. Rely not on the personality of the teacher, but on his message. Worshipping of a personality... that's not the point. Rely not on the word. only on the meaning. The teacher is about the principle of truth. That's the teaching... Seek, seek. keep on asking. Seek, seek. keep on asking. We do know one thing. We don't care to cling to the life of this body- until it naturally gives up. We don't care to be aborted by the body that we're wearing. We care more to abort it in proof to- our Heavenly Father that we're ready to leave this place. May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness. Seek, seek. keep on asking. May all be free from sorrow and the causes of sorrow. Seek, seek. keep on asking. I hate to mention names, but there are people going all around the world- saying that I'm one of the biggest. most famous spiritual leaders. When it comes down to it you're just another human being. Pair of eyes, ears. arms and legs... A person gets hungry, sick. gets diarrhoea... Anyone who steps on a banana peel will fall... So we need to understand who we are and where we come from. Seek, seek. keep on asking. Seek, seek. keep on asking. Faith! Not blind faith... But intelligent devotion. We have to understand who we are and where we come from. When I was there I saw a squirrel or something I wanted to shoot it with the blowpipe and had my gibbon on my shoulder. An so suddenly my gibbon makes. "ooo..." I knew when it did like this it had seen something, a big animal... I looked. I thought there was a barking deer or a wild boar or something... I looked everywhere and didn't see it. and I heard the voice of my gibbon- who says. "ooo!" But I don't see anything. So I looked in the direction the gibbon looks- and the gibbon looked just like this beside me on the ground. There was a big python just beside me who had swallowed a wild boar. So it was really like this. This was a funny story. One that people who are bored of their lives in modern societies like to hear. In the wilderness there are plenty of wonders. You find them every day if you have open eyes. Your ears. your eyes. your nose... You have to open all your senses. To live in the wilderness... In the wilderness... You don't do anything to get rich. you just look for your daily food. And that's it. This is always the best place to live. Look at the quality of life. To live in the wilderness... To look for a place where there's quality of life- and when you have it. that's where you stay. I've been six years here in the wilderness. When you make a mistake... ...you always get the bill quite immediately afterwards. And it's you who has to pay for it... This is a big difference to modern society- where we can do what we want. It's always others who pay for our mistakes. Spirit of Air! My ancestors came here at the beginning of time. The land is ours. and we have never left it since then. Suddenly. the logging companies came. The government people came and asked after our chiefs. All the chiefs came. and then the government people said: "This is a map which shows where the mountains. paths and rivers are." But that paper map isn't our map. We know the land. we know the paths and rivers. We know where we can find poison for our arrows. We don't need paper maps. The government people said: "This is our land." They pointed at the rivers and the land and said: "You have no rights to this land. the government has all the rights." What can we do, they are free... We dont force people. this is a free society. It's up to them. But if they choose to be free, to go from tree to tree. what can we do? I would be happy if they left. then I wouldn't be angry anymore. I don't want anything that they want to give me. Where will my grandchildren go in the future? I am poor. and there won't be any forest left. Where will I go. where will my woman go? Said of Penan: "Jungle wanderers of the tree. What would the future hold?" "Would you choose to carry on with primitive traditions"- "or cast that aside and join our civilisation?" Where will I go. where will my woman go? Look around you. wherever you're at. What do you see? There's my bank's main office in Tokyo. And then, lndustrial Bank of Japan. And next to us. Fuji Bank and also. for example- the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi. there... Toyo Trust. Silicon Trust. Join our civilisation. Look around you. Wherever you're at. What do you see? Power... You progress. you go so fast. but you don't know for what... Look around you. -For what? Wherever you're at. What do you see? Energy... Squares... Everything is square... Red light! Look around you. Wherever you're at. What do you see? Squares... Everything is so fine, so straight. so square... Red light! Red light! Red light! Look around you. Wherever you're at. Lines are beginning to be placed everywhere. County lines, state lines... ...border lines. Red light! Spirit of air. God of air Come back. we beg you. come back. Unborn creatures of light. We welcome you back. God of air. Be welcomed by the people. Be embraced by the people. Celebrate the powers of life. celebrate the powers of air! Celebrate the force of air. celebrate the Spirit of air! Moving to the year 2000. Red light! Look around you! -Look down! Wherever you're at. -Look down! It's a circle. -That fragile bubble of life. After all. Mother Earth is Mother Earth, she's not divided. A red light! But if everyone walks it's not dangerous.... I don't think it's got that much to do with the Japanese culture. I deny it.., but there are times in my job where I find an outlet for stress. I've never invited my boss- but some of my co-workers have seen my performances. They thought my performance was an intro- and wondered when it would begin. I gave my CD's to my boss, but he said he didn't understand anything. The lnternational of uncontrollable torpedoes... We will explode - we don't know when... Maybe with a "No" - maybe with a "Yes". As we watch our children play Will they ever see another day? Will there ever be another way? But we live in oppression and dismay If we leave the protection of the last virgin forests to the monkeys- it would be much more efficient than to leave it to all these- big conferences on the protection of forests. Some space to have fun... For the next generations to come... So see my children play... Focus. and they will all see another day Kakistrokrati is the power of bad citizens. One shouldn't take what an artlst says or does too serlously. "Armed struggle ls a serlous occupatlon." These are the artlst Alexander Brener's words. And now in all world only Kakistrokrati. I've had It wlth art. I'm startlng a stone war agalnst corrupted power. Only bad power... It's about tlme people found out that there's someone - who detests the moral collapse of the authorltles. The lnternational of uncontrollable torpedoes. Yes, let us build our bridge. A bridge wide and strong enough for every American to cross over- to a blessed land of new promise. We're ready to leave this place. Captain John Smith and his great family voyage... They came across the water on the Mayflower, landed on Plymouth rock. Now all of a sudden they meet the lndians. How! You know that's the most bullshittest story in the world! They were criminals. kicked out of England. put on a ship. move your ass. General. what's his name. George Custer the clown. old yellow-hair. They glorified him. he was a great general. But he massacred! He was part of the biggest massacre ever in the world...! And that was the great lndian Campaign of 1 886- when America decided. "Damnit. we've got to have all the land!" America glorifies death. So as I watch my children play In their playgrounds As the base pounds. I hear gun sounds So this is the end of our nation 2000 faces us all Write your shit on the wall Destroy bad power. The world is thriving off violence right now. The world is on a violent point. lts whole thing is crush. kill and destroy. Many of our youth are turned out on narcotics. The promotion of selling blunts and crack... Being a tough guy, a gangster. Now you see this on the TV. These kids shooting glocks- drinking 40 ounces and they gonna smoke somebody. Now all of a sudden everybody is imitating this all over the world. Mass electrowaves of violence Mass electrowaves of violence 24 hours a day As we watch our children play Why is it that so many hip-hop groups you see walk around hip- jibber-jabbering their lyrics of bullshit? Would you pay $25 to see somebody taking the stage- call your queen a bitch, tell you he'll fuck you up. he'll sell you rock- watch you get high and you can suck his dick and he'll blow your head off? Bang. you're dead! Mass electrowaves of violence Into your world, into your mind. into your eyes Into the skies somebody's telling you a lie Stay back. man, stay back! Don't feed me no crack I'm having an attack. An attack of stupidity. So see my children play. Round the mullberry bush we go. Too slow. Catch up with your soul bro'. It started at the time of the great exodus from Hawaiki: A monster helped the Takitimu canoe travel here Ruamano was the name of the guide Ruamano was the protector Ruamano was a monster, the hideous Within the next four years you will see Another Ruamano will come to reveal himself A new monster with the name Year 2000 An horrific monster A hideous monster A monster that hungers for land The world's powerful countries have already marked the way for this mighty monster All the world's countries will be conquered by the Americans. British French. Germans and Japanese We will be like puppets If they pull the string we will jump as they want us to These powers have already created a common currency There will be a bank for the whole world The despicable Credit Card will take over So I ask you. what people will be afflicted by confusion and chaos? It will be our people, the Maori Because we have many unemployed Many don't go to the Job Centre Many go on social welfare Others stare vacantly in to space What do you have to have to get a credit card? You have to have money in the bank otherwise you don't get a credit card No money in the bank - no credit card! Without a credit card you won't be able to buy food Without food we will die! There is a way out of all of this We have to educate ourselves We must send our children to school We must send our children and grandchildren Why do our people have to have education? To get good work To make money To be able to support our families To get credit cards What will happen if we do nothing? Then we will be food for the monster who carries the name Year 2000! Obviously there's a lot of pain. suffering and sadness in the world. We have to try consciously to balance that out- with feeling as much peace. bliss and ecstasy as we can. That's why my motto is: Let there be pleasure on earth, let it begin with me. I've discovered that most of our societies are based more on- pain and suffering. People are more comfortable with that. It's more acceptable to be miserable and unhappy. To be truly ecstatic and blissful and happy is a rare thing. If you're into pleasure you're a nymphomaniac pleasure seeker- hedonist that has negative connotations. If you're into pain your a martyr. saint. hero... If you kill people you get a monument in a park. Where are the monuments for people who have had ecstasy and bliss- and incredible orgasms and that have made people ecstatic- made people dance and play? There are no monuments for them. I started making porn movies because I'm a creative person. In the sex business there was a lot of room for creativity. I like film making and I like sexuality. so I liked mixing them together. I loved, loved making porn movies when I was 18, 19, 20. It was a great time in porn. It really was.., before AlDS and... ...It was really, truly a blast. It was fun, it was creative... It was really exciting. I enjoyed dabbling in the acting and trying all kinds of things- and working with people. I liked the surrealism of a room full of people- watching intently you having sex. You could smell the sex all around. And hear the sex, and everyone is just focused on it. It was beautiful. It was a lot of energy. At that time it was really great. Then in later years a lot of drugs came in- money and competition became a bigger part of it and it really changed. And now with AlDS. forget about it. Let there be pleasure on earth and let it begin with me. I know for a fact. from my experience. that sexual energy is very powerful. Very powerful... It's like fire, though. Fire can do amazing. wonderful things, it can also be very intense- and scary and heavy and dangerous and it can kill you. Sexual energy is like that. It can also heal you, enlighten you... On a personal level, but also globally. if people were more orgasmic- more in touch with their sexuality. really allowed themselves more bliss- and pleasure, it would be a happier. more beautiful world. Sex is enormous, it's huge, it's vast... Like life itself. Just with the mind... just by saying "Yes"- and opening the mind to ecstasy you can go into bliss. Ecstasy and orgasm is just a few breaths away... If you just say "Yes" and remember how it feels to be in bliss and pleasure- you can always go back to it. The more you practise, the easier it gets. It's really quite simple. you just... You can just play with that energy. it's just right there, it's like... That life-force energy! Through breathing, saying "Yes"- -and opening to it, it's like... lnstant bliss... It's like magic. It's better than marijuana, alcohol. heroin... Anything. I think it's nature's natural drug. Let there be pleasure on earth and let it begin with me. Breathe! Catch the fire. come and catch the fire Catch the fire. catch fire with fire Goddess of fire. Fire-goddess Catch the fire. come and catch the fire The constant dance of birth and death. And somehow humans invented this trick or whatever you might call it... ...of synchronising group activity and movements of each individual- to a common pulse... Maybe to a drum. maybe to hand-clapping... Maybe the original pulse was stomping on the ground. Repetitive. monotonous rhythms... ...to monotonous. highly repetitive music. So we are the dancing apes. Man must dance. The constant dance. That fragile, bubble of life. It's a circle, everything's a circle. Afloat on a sea of nothing. Breathe! Why is everything impermanent? The reason why everything's impermanent - you know why? Because it's like that! lmpermanence is the very nature of life. All is birth and death. The constant dance of birth and death. Now death... ...as you know. is not our favourite subject. Something we don't want to think about, but we can't avoid it either. Particularly in the modern world, as we don't look at life and death as a whole- we become attached to life and reject and deny death. Death becomes our ultimate fear. the last thing we want to look at. In fact. when you really look at it... ...if you look at the fear of it. I often tease people... "If you're worried about death. don't worry. I promise you"- "that you will all die successfully". Memento Mori. Which means, remember dying. Because if we remember dying. we might remember- what life is. or what living is. The fear of death is connected with the fear of ourselves. Because death is a mirror... ...in which the true meaning of life is reflected. When you have to face death- you have to face yourself. You have to come to terms with yourself. The best time to prepare for death is now. (lT'S URGENT) I could die at any moment. In fact. we could die at any moment. In fact, to die is simple. you know. I'll show you: You breathe out... |