Lupaus (2005)
Beloved Lotta Sisters-
You have gathered here today to pledge your volunteers oath. PROMISE Europe is in an uproar; nobody knows what will happen. But in this stormy sea of nations; we can put our trust in the eternal God. I now ask you to pIedge your Lotta Oath. I, Anna Moisio swear by my honor; to honestIy and conscientiousIy- assist the CiviI Guard as it defends our homes; nation and reIigion- and to conduct myseIf by the ruIes of the Lotta Svard Organization. I, Ruth LimneII, swear by my honor; to honestIy and conscientiousIy- assist the CiviI Guard as it defends our homes; nation and reIigion- and to conduct myseIf by the ruIes of the Lotta Svard Organization. PORKKALA, MOISIO FARM, SOUTHERN FINLAND Two weeks Iater Mona! What are Mona's pIans? She can't stay in the stabIes forever. We'II have her married. Right; HeImer? -Haven't even married Anna off yet. No sense in marrying at times Iike this. -Look at me and HeImi. We started off a bit Iate, but once we got going... The BibIe says: be fruitfuI; and repIenish the earth. You pIan to do it singIe-handed? -Too oId for that now, I am. StiII have a handfuI with the chiIdren I have. What is it? Are you sad about having to Ieave Lasse? -I don't know. I'm sure he understands. -Of course he does. It just feeIs so bad somehow. You're not one to Iose your head over a man. I know I wouIdn't. Am I disturbing you? The third wheeI shouId roII on. -You don't have to go. No; huh? I'II Ieave you two aIone. How about today? -In the middIe of Mona's party? That's over and done with aIready. Lasse, pIease, there's no time. -AII it takes is to sIip the ring on. You have to ask my father's permission. I got it aIready. -Got what? We're being sent to the KareIian border next week to provide- suppIies for the entrenchers. Then we're off to training again. Who has time to get engaged now? Or married. So you don't want to? -I do. The same as you. A famiIy and chiIdren, but Iater. My dear daughter and our newest graduate, Mona Mosio. On this very speciaI day ; your mother and I wouId Iike to remember you- with this neckIace your mother and your grandmother have both worn. May it symboIize what we feeI in our hearts today. We have shed tears of joy for the success of our youngest chiId- but are aIso deepIy concerned over the situation our country is in now. May we Iook at the future with a trustfuI mind. Thank you. -You're weIcome. CongratuIations again; darIing. Maybe I shouId teII you now about my pIans for the future. Go ahead; Mona. -Thinking of marriage, eh? So which one of them wiII it be? Young Ake, I bet. No. I'm off to OsIo to study to become a veterinarian. I though we aIready taIked this vet idea through. The worId situation hasn't changed. If not for the worse. You keep saying nobody's going to attack us. -But how Iong wiII it Iast? Who'd ever think of starting a war on such a beautifuI summer day? AImost seems you're hoping for it. If things get bad; everyone of us wiII have to do their share. IncIuding you. Entrenching has begun by the eastern border. You know what that means? Why shouId I? -You're a smart girI, Mona. But sometimes you can be surprisingIy chiIdish and seIfish. You can do more with that head of yours than just grow pretty hair. You're stiII underage. We are not going to pay for your studies in OsIo. For the time being. Is that cIear? The Earth is Iike this smaII, insignificant grain. There couId be other kind of Iife up there in the stars- and I am going to study it. We'II traveI there one day. First the Moon- then the past and the future. -Stop fooIing around; Ake. Ake! Ake dearest! Open your eyes! WouId you have been sad if I had died? -CertainIy not! You caIIed me ''dearest''. I caII my horse that too. -Because you Iove him. ShouId we row out to the isIand tomorrow? -What do you think?! Germany and Soviet Union sign non-aggression pact Germany and Poland at war ( 1.9.1 939) Warsaw surrenders Estonia resigns to Soviet demands Councilor of State Paasikivi to negotiate Soviet territorial demands The Lotta Svard Women's Auxiliary Organization We are in the process of mobiIizing part of the fieId army. The concentration of troops begins tomorrow, October 1 1 th. We need to discuss medicaI service. -Where do we stand? The training of the Lotta MedicaI Service is proceeding weII- and we are fuIIy prepared to activate our fieId hospitaIs. Air surveiIIance courses have aIso been organized aII over the country. If the message goes- ''Enemy pIanes are advancing from east to northwest''; it is coded as foIIows: ''EagIe fIies in; aIpha; tango, fox''. Or you can bIur the content by giving the Ietters new semantic vaIues. Greetings from the maneuvers. -You got to shake hands with a rifIe; too? Are they ready for action now? -Pretty much. I was by the KareIian border, too. They had every man jack buiIding trenches; the richest and the poor. So Roope put you to work? -The potatoes have to be harvested. Better this than getting bored to death. Is Anna back from training? -How shouId I know, harvesting aII day. They came for the horse. See you soon; Roy. It won't Iast Iong. It's got the name and address on both sides; and some sugar. Look after yourseIf. Do you know where you'II be stationed? -Somewhere in air surveiIIance. We have to aII be brave. Come aIong now. This is for you. -It's your neckIace. Take it. -I can't wear any jeweIry there. Keep it in your pocket for Iuck. Thank you; Mona. I'II write you as soon as I find out my address. Take good care of Mother and Father. You must under no circumstances stay out in the streets. lf no permanent shelter is available in the middle of an air raid- go to the gateway or staircase of the nearest building. We'II be back as soon as we've cIeared out the office. The Russians are here! They'II destroy the whoIe country in four days! Shut up. Hit the sheIter! Dear Anna; the Russians bombed Helsinki yesterday morning- and again later when we were fetching things from Father's office. They say at least 44 people died- and many more were wounded; mostly women and children. l can't just stand around and watch these things happen. KARELIAN ISTHMUS; December 1 939 Our course ended Iast week and I took my Lotta Oath on Sunday. Maybe I'II see you out there soon. With joy we join together to serve our native Iand- every Lotta servicewoman; together hand in hand. You're one heck of a taIker. HardIy a word since we got on that train. Want some? Which division wiII you be in? -Veterinary service. You can speak! I'm more into human service myseIf. Took a six-month medicaI training course up north. Most of these girIs are going to provisioning. But there are others, too. Like Ikki here and Kirri. My sister's in air surveiIIance, and I have a friend in medicaI service. Anna Moisio and Ruth LimneII. You know them? -Not as of yet. But who knows; we may have shared barracks by the time this is over. AIarm! WeIcome to the front; voIunteers! I hear the Russkies aIready gave you a weIcome. If you need medicaI attention, you can stop by the sick bay. Before you aII get to settIe down, I want you to report to me- and after that to Commander AnttiIa with your assignment papers. Are you hurt? -Just a scratch. I brought some food and cIothes from home. Sorry, but I have to go. I just came to wish you weIcome. Where are you going? -To the OP. You'II be fine. I'II see you Iater. Come, I'II show you the barrack. Dear Anna; had a few moments alone in the tent- so l though l'd write. They sure make us sweat here. l skied ten miles today and may even have to top that tomorrow. The Lottas have set up a canteen a few miles from here. l should get biscuits there; maybe even candy. Dear Lasse; thank you for your letter- and greetings from the barrack l have come to know so well. We call it the Sauna. No chance of freezing to death here. l wish you could see how nice we've turned it. lt almost feels like home. Our stove is smoking so hard that l can't see to the next wall. My friends look like blackamoors; and our clothes are filthy. Pants covered in tar; coats in soot and mud; crinkled a thousand-fold. Saw some planes headed out that way today. May God protect us all. Be careful and stay brave. Over there. I see them. Contact controI station. Eye 1 8; attack! Six big ones. From 20 degrees, high. -Six big ones, 20 degrees; high. Getting cIoser; circIing west. -Eye 1 8; circIing west. Hi there, foIks! These goods shouId Iast us weII untiI the end. Hi; Mona. So you decided to join us too? Kaisa suppIies the canteens. -And heIps set up new ones. I aIso do inspection rounds- so if you ever need a ride somewhere, just ask me. Got to run. The guy thinks he's a generaI; waIking wide Iike that. I apoIogize on behaIf of our honorabIe messenger. He usuaIIy sees the women; not the ugIy but the pretty ones. Wandering around Iike that with his eyes cIosed! But that's what I'm here for, to foIIow him around- and cIear up the mess. -It's okay. ViIIe SorvaIi is the name. From KareIian Nuijamaa. Lotta Moisio from PorkkaIa. This one's got no name at aII? -I prefer to keep it to myseIf. A name is what you make of it. But as you pIease. l've been here almost a week now- and with all the work to do; l haven't had much time to be afraid. l have twenty poor old steeds to look after as we speak. lt means getting up at five am and collapsing in bed at night. l have had such strange dreams lately- and it breaks my heart to see these innocent horses suffer in vain. P.S. The Stable Officer is nice; but l'm not sure about Smith Ollinen yet. How's it going with FreckIes? -I can see he's hurting. He needs to exercise that Ieg. You are to ride these horse every day ; a few miIes each. Where's our IittIe debutant? Came here to do her riding since the army took her horses to war. This girI can ride without a saddIe. Saw her do it the other day. Are these the ones? They've been trampIing through the snow aII winter in summer shoes. Ruth! Wait! My shift ended. I came out for some fresh air. How are things in the stabIe? -Not good. How come? -AwfuI rush and the Smith keeps sneering at me. And now the stabIe master wants me to ride about a hundred horses a day. Where wiII I find the time? KARELIAN ISTHMUS; 23 December; 1 939 The stretches! Ake! -You know him? How bad is it? -Chest smashed by a spIinter. Mona, don't go. Mona... hand... hand. Sing to me... it's Christmas Eve. Christmas is here; the awaited feast- every heart is fiIIed with Iaughter and joy. She's a cIever girI- but it won't do her any good to know that. The weather's been mild after the southern storm has passed. Snow has fallen; it is the darkest day of the year. ln just a few hours a new day will dawn; a little longer than this one. Long lines of our soldiers skied past us last night- l don't where they were headed. The missiles light up the sky ; but the machinegun roar has stopped. The heat is on us now ; as the enemy tries to put on a show of force. Peace is such a beautiful and solemn word. Next year we will spend the feast of light together. Goodbye; dear Anna. l hope to see you soon. Your Lasse. PS. Give my love to Mona and Anna. You've taken good care of this Iot. Like a reaI professionaI. I ran out of shoes. I'II go see if any new ones came in. Got an hour tiII my shift starts. Let's snuggIe up a bit. Stop wriggIing! Come sit on my Iap. -No! Let go! No way! You want it just as bad yourseIf. Stop! HeIp! The stabIe is burning! Let me go! Easy, girI. If you can't handIe yourseIf around here; you shouId go home. HandIe myseIf? You know what was aImost done to me? In case you don't know, this is a dangerous pIace for us aII. You women don't have to be here. With us men it's different. You're not even human! Tough spot for Mona. When are they hoIding the hearing? -Tomorrow, aIready. Mona was pretty shocked. She's stiII so young. Did they beIieve her? -Who? The Matron, for instance; and the others. That the Iabor conscript attacked her. -Of course they did. They won't charge her with improper conduct and send her home? You know how strict they are about that. -That man attacked her! Yes; but... But what if he says something eIse? -I want to go home. Everything's fine now. They sent that man away. KARELIAN ISTHMUS; January 1 940 Ruth! New orders from the Chief Commander. The dead wiII no Ionger- be buried in the fieId. They are to be shipped home in coffins. The men wiII sureIy bring them in- but they can't cIean the bodies and Iay them in the coffins. WouId you be interested in heIping us with that. -Me? I figured you'd be used to bodies, having worked in a nursing home. You don't have to say yes. It's a tough job. You think I'd be up to it? -Yes. WeII; if someone has to do it, why not me. -Thank you; Ruth. You can report to the Reverend in the morning. So you are aware of the nature of the assignment? Yes; sir. And I'm used to harsh work. In that case; I warmIy weIcome you to join us. OId Annie wiII show you the ropes. I'm here if you have any questions. The bodies freeze up reaI fast in the winter- but they can take days and days to thaw. -Better this than summer. FoIks say there are hundreds of bodies out in the woods. Oh weII; we have many pairs of hands. And here's one again, for us to make pretty and cIean. No point in sending this one to wash. FuII of hoIes Iike a sieve. The men wiII burn it outside. Then you empty his pockets; take off the rings and watches- whatever he happens to have. Love never dies How did the hearing go? -Very weII. Good thing Messenger Vuori was there. So they beIieved you were innocent? -Yes. February 1 940- l seem to be getting used to all the dreadful things happening here. And at least l'm able to ease the suffering of innocent animals a little. But l can't help thinking of Roy ; where he is and how he has got by. Someone heard from our piIots that outside Leningrad the Russians- have Iong Iines of trucks fuII of fresh munition and soIdiers. And stiII no word of Lasse. -Ask Messenger Vuori. He knows everything around here. Let's go. -We just got here. The suppIies you brought wiII sure come handy. They're sending in more men before we head for the front again. Ask him. -So you didn't go home; then. No. I'm managing fine, thank you. -You have to, over here. What is it that you wanted to know? -Nothing. So no questions, then? -We just wondered about the situation. The Soviets are bombarding the frontIines at Summa. And we get to caII in artiIIery onIy when the target's fat enough. The new artiIIery we got from France sure has a pretty roar. But one can't heIp but wonder who'II be doing the roaring in the end. Is that enough news for you? I'II sIeep through my whoIe rest shift as soon as we get back. If I don't freeze to death before that. Sometimes I feeI I'II never Iive up to my Lotta Oath. You shine Iike a star in this dark wiIderness. I keep wishing I was better and more decisive. I wish my heart was as pure as yours. Four; Iow. 40 degrees. Liisa! -Anna, heIp me! It hurts. -You'II be fine; everything's fine. HeIIo! HeIIo! HeIp! We need heIp! LuckiIy the stabIe didn't burn down. So you decided to stay? You don't have to worry about seeing that scoundreI again. He's Iocked up safe. You're name is Mona? Why didn't they sound the aIarm? -Get the horses in! Sorry. I don't know where that came from. I guess it's because I'm off to the frontIine soon. I figured it was my Iast chance for a kiss. -That wasn't a kiss! It was meant to be. UnfortunateIy the teeth got in the way. But we got you here safe. You've been reading that same page for haIf an hour now. Either you're thick as a stick or zooIogy is deadIy boring. Or funny. You're smiIing Iike a goon. -What are you thinking about? Foot and mouth disease. Or what Ruth wouId caII ungodIy thoughts. She feeIs we shouIdn't be having any fun amidst aII this madness. Good evening. I have some bad news. You are Mona Moisio, Anna Moisio's sister? They fired at the OP. We found this in the snow. Is Anna in the hospitaI? -We don't know. We found Liisa Hakkarainen's body by the foot of the tower. I'm sorry. I guess once they started this war, they've got to carry it through. This uniform is stiII so weII intact- we'II send it off to the Iaundry so the taiIor can fix it up. Excuse me. I'm Iooking for Ms LimneII. Now take the namepIate off. There's a Lotta out there asking for a Lotta. -Me? Aren't you aII Lottas? There's one in the body sIed too. They fired at the OP. Liisa is dead and Anna is missing. A Russian patroI must have taken her prisoner. Excuse me. I must caII the meeting to a haIt. Before continuing our program l will now make an announcement- on the results of the peace negotiations in Moscow. The Soviet Union will gain possession of the Hanko Peninsula- the Mappuja Port and the surrounding islands. The new border between Finland and the Soviet Union- will be essentially the same as the old Peter The Great Border. On the Gulf of Finland the border will run through the Vironlahti church- and the Paasio lsland- and Vainikkla; Nuijamaa; Vartsila and Korpiselka west of Lake Ladoga- immersing with the present border on Lake Lahnajarvi. So this is what we got after aII the bIoodshed. We have to continue the meeting. As heavy-hearted as we receive the news of this peace- I propose we immediateIy move on to discuss popuIation transfers. Mona! -HeIIo, Ruth. Any news of Anna? What about Lasse? Have you heard from him? At Ieast the country's at peace. -But at what cost? We Iost most of KareIia, incIuding the city of Vyborg. And the towns; KakisaImi and SortvaIa. OId Annie's home is in Vyborg. -Was bombed down a few days ago. But the KoIIaa and TaipaIe fronts heId fast. They couIdn't get through there, those damned Russkies. I hope to God we wiII have reaI peace one day. That we'd have a whoIe and independent country again. But now we've aII got to Ieave; wherever we have homes or not. We missed our wagon. Can you heIp us? My son's just two weeks oId; he'II freeze. Our sIed is foIIowing behind; there shouId be room in there. Dearest family ; a few quick words; since l don't know when l'll be home. My heart is heavy ; as there are still no news of Anna. I'II go find someone who can teII you where to go. l found out that Lasse is still alive; thank God. More and more evacuees keep pouring in. l just helped out a Karelian woman with four small children. Can you imagine; a newborn baby and nowhere to go in this cold weather! l left Anna's coat for the children to keep them warm. Luckily the Lottas are distributing food- and Voluntary Care looks after the rest. l hug you all! Hope to see you soon; Mona. You'II get home soon, to grow up and get stronger. -Can I cIose up? There's some girI in here! What are you doing here? Are you aIone? -Just the horse and me. Your papers! -Lotta Moisio; veterinary service. AII cIear. What's wrong? -Nothing. We're on the safe side of the new border now. Any idea which way the horses wiII be returned? You're thinking of your horse; Roy? The ones that made it wiII be returned to their owners. Though thousands of them have died. You shouId go report for duty. -Thank you; Smith, and fareweII. Just say ''goodbye''. It means we'II meet again. Let's hope in better times. PORKKALA, Spring 1 940. The Iast POW consignment arrived on ApriI 26th? Some smaIIer groups have arrived thereafter? I see. And no reason to beIieve Anna might have been in Grjazovetsky? I'II try get in touch with Captain ViitaIa directIy. Happy birthday. -Thank you; dear. Yes; there's aIways hope. Thank you. Goodbye. No news? I wiII keep on hoping- untiI we get Anna home. lt hurts to watch Father's concern and Mother's grief over Anna. We are starting to lose hope; and l doubt we'll get Roy back either. Mona! -You have two guesses. Know what has two dark hairs. -No; I don't! There goes your first guess. Now you have just one Ieft. And one gray hair. Getting seniIe, are you? Stop it. -As you pIease. I was going to teII you they got a new batch of horses in,- returnees from the front. -Was Roy there? How shouId I know ; I heard about it just now myseIf. HeIIo. -HeIIo. Has our Roy been returned? Roy! Roy! You can pick him up tomorrow when we'II have the paperwork done. Over 800 prisoners have been returned by now. Anna can't have just vanished from the face of the earth. BasicaIIy we have records on aII the prisoners from the camps- and the wounded and the sick. Anna's name wasn't among them. Papers do get Iost; though. I refuse to beIieve she's dead. -Me too. Not untiI it's proved differentIy. They gave their everything; their life for their country. We still keep receiving sad tidings of Lottas- who served in voluntary defense; under extreme conditions- as the enemy's steel birds sowed horror around them. Today we; the survivors; solemnly honor- the memory of those who died a hero's death- and of those whom we don't know of- the ones we haven't been able to bless on their final journey. Let us pray. God who art in heaven- thank you for leading our nation through its many trials and battles- into a new day. You'd never think food was rationed. -It's aII from our farm. FeeIs so good having the young ones back home. So Lasse; what's your take on the new defense Iine? That's what we're off to buiId. Seems we're on the eve on another war. -It's New Year's Eve! But the Soviets even broke off the trade agreement with us. Doesn't seem Iike a honeymoon to me. They say hunger conquers the toughest soIdier. But not us! Or Germany. We shouId deveIop our trade reIations that way- and we wouIdn't have a worry in the worId. The Finnish Lion wiII not bow down to the Russian Bear. -To FinIand! A new day chases the mist of night away- the birds in the woods awake; the wind brings in sweet scents. So short is the summer; autumn closes the gates of joy- and everything that is dear to you; you have to forsake. GirIs! Run home! Now! Citizens; Our peaceful nation- which has for over a year now struggled to rebuild this country- after the destruction of the last war; has been cruelly attacked again. Medic! I'II write as soon as I get there. For Roy ; too. I wiII never get used to this. I'II be fine now that I know what it's Iike. When does the signaIs course start? -What signaIs course? I'm going to be a SignaIs Lotta. -Where? In HeIsinki? No. At the front. You knew about this? Mom; it's not aII that dangerous. We have proper weapons this time. And Germany's support. We can win KareIia back. At Ieast the city of Vyborg. And I'II be inside in the teIephone exchange. -And I'II be in the stabIe. And Lasse wiII be there; too. -And a certain young message man. Message what? KARELIA; summer 1 941 Good morning. -Good morning. Are these those captured horses? -What eIse. This one's swarming with Iice. Our horses hardIy ever get Iice. On these ones they grow Iike hair. Smith OIIinen! Goodbye. -Goodbye. Setting up a deIousing sauna? The Germans use big tanks for spraying out gas but we don't have them. We couId try to mix up some kind of a concoction. You stiII pIan to go study theoIogy after we get out of here? That's what I did before the war. -But wiII you continue? Don't you beIieve in God? The BibIe says God is good and mercifuI. Kind of hard to beIieve; with aII this kiIIing going around. You'd make a good doctor. You care about peopIe- and you've got a good head. Doesn't the BibIe say that God created man in his own image? By heIping peopIe you'd be serving God. Watch. Ring. We'II go catch some air. HeIIo. Yes. HoId on. Damn that poIka; and stiII a ban on dancing! The Iast time I danced to this was at my sister's wedding back home. Three days they've been pIaying that poIka so the Soviets can't set off- their radio-controIIed mines. Who's the dancing girI? Kirre, the mason's wife. I got mad foot disease! SureIy my husband won't mind me dancing with a coat? Here are some of FinIand's secret weapons. Ms EdeIman. Thank you. It's from Lasse. -You're weIcome. At ease. I hear Miss Moisio is stationed here. She's Mrs. EdeIman now. Got herseIf married, she did. She's reading her sweetheart's Ietter; bIind and deaf to the worId. HeIIo, Anna! There's someone here to see you. -What...? I meant Mona Moisio. -Mona's not here. I'm her sister. Has something happened? No. I'm 2nd Lieutenant Vuori. There you go! -Thank you. I've got some maiI for you boys. Private Kivi. -That's me! CorporaI Mayra. Private Autti. -No Ionger here. Died yesterday. Sergeant Haapakoski. I've got something for you, too, Mona. Thank you. -Thanks. Dear Ms. Moisio; you will most likely be surprised by this letter. l got your address from your sister at the telephone exchange. We get our share of action here; today a couple of plains circled by. l hear you've been hard pressed over there; too. Helsinki has also been badly bombed. l hope you're safe- and that we'll soon send those vermin back over the Urals. You can write to me if you like; at this address. l don't know when l'll end up that way. Sincerely ; Veikko Vuori. OLONETS KARELIA, Christmas 1 941 Let's hope they won't serve us any MoIotov cocktaiIs today. SureIy they wouIdn't on Christmas Eve? Have there been probIems with the maiI? ProbIems? You just got a Ietter from Anna; didn't you? Let's go! -Thank you; Iadies. What a trip! We must have come a hundred miIes or more. Anna! -Kaisa! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas. -Merry Christmas, Ruth. Come heIp us, Anna. We couId feed a herd of sheep with aII this food. How come you feeI so smaII? -I won't for Iong. We're having a summer baby. -That's wonderfuI! You have to go home. -I wiII. I'II be reIieved after Christmas and Lasse wiII have a Ieave; too. We'II have many days together. Thank you. -You're weIcome. Did that Vuori feIIow write to you? -He did once. And I wrote back. But I haven't heard from him in months. -I heard he made Lieutenant. Merry Christmas. -Merry Christmas. MOISIO, PORKKALA, January 1 942 There you are! Look; Mother. -WeII; Iook at that. What a IoveIy IittIe Lotta dress Anna made for Kirsti's doII! She won't have to cry over not making Lotta LittIe Sisters yet. Seems we have haIf the viIIage here sewing ski-uniforms. -Evening! Do we have to sew too if we come in? -That's aII we need. We sure sweated with those Iogs in the backwoods. Good thing I had this soIdier on Ieave to heIp. I'm coId and hungry Iike in Soviet heII. Let's get us some grub. What is it? Anna, what is it? -It hurts. Excuse me. A miscarriage. You knew she was pregnant? Three months. Has she been aIright otherwise? She stiII won't taIk to us about what happened in that prisoner camp. No wonder. But outwardIy at Ieast everything seems to be in order. I gave her some medicine. CaII me if there are any compIications. -Thank you; we wiII. I've been their famiIy doctor for years. I brought Anna into this worId. So a happy New Year to you- and I hope we meet again under better circumstances. Lasse! -FeeIing any better? It wasn't the baby's time yet. It may never be. It wiII, I'm sure. Even the doctor said so. I had that dream again. I came home and everyone was dead. And they were bombing us again. Just try to get some rest. They kept poking those rat's taiI bayonets. I put my hands up. But Liisa. I can't stop thinking about her. I can't stop thinking why did I survive. Why did she have to die and I got to Iive? What's the purpose of this aII? OLONETS KARELIA, summer 1 943 Where did that horse doctor go? -He'II get here as soon as he can. Name of the horse? -Reima. Here in faraway eastern Karelia l sometimes feel very sad and empty. l feel l've suddenly grown so much older. Maybe one year at war equals ten years of peacetime. Ok; Iet's move. We'II drop him on a count to three! And Anita can hand out the instruments. Where did you find shoes Iike that? They Iook Iike IittIe boats. They're from Sweden. We caII them OIive shoes. So where's Popeye? Is the geIding asIeep aIready? -In a minute. They're sending us to the frontIine again. Good morning! -Good morning. Hey ; hoId on! AIthough I haven't got much time. We're headed for the front. Kind of hard for me to write to you, Ruth- if I don't even know your name. -You just said it. Seems I did. I'm the kind of man who finds out what he needs to know. Those eyes of yours need a IittIe brightening up. Think you couId start writing with an ordinary sergeant Iike me? I do known how to write. Don't mind if I do. You smeII as IoveIy as the Rose of Sharon. Spring 1 944 Headquarters are extremeIy gratefuI for the invaIuabIe heIp the Lottas- have provided both in ground operations and at the home front. Thank you; Lieutenant CoIoneI, for your kind words. For three years we have been engaged in a war against an enemy- that outnumbers us by far. And the situation is becoming criticaI. I must ask of you to extend the Lotta operations- in one more area of defense. -Which is? To fiII in for the anti-aircraft searchIight batteries. We can start by training around 300 Lotta voIunteers- preferabIy graduates or university students- who have distinguished themseIves in air surveiIIance. Is that aII? -I have one more question. The searchIights need to be guarded night and day- by the Lottas, apart from their reguIar duties. For this they wouId need rifIe training. That is against the principIes of the Lotta Svard Organization; as you know. It is absoIuteIy out of the question. The Lottas wiII not take up arms! That is the men's job. Mrs. Chairwoman; we haven't got any more men. If and when things get dangerous... -No more men? We are coming to the end of the road. Every third man is out of service. I thank you for your confidence, but I can't promise anything. We have been stationed to move the horse hospital closer to the front. Where exactly ; they won't tell us. Thank God the folks home are fine. l got a long letter from Anna. Not a word from Lieutenant Vuori in ages; even though l've written to him. l won't write to him anymore. l haven't seen him in almost a year. Why did l have to start talking about love? WeII? -WeII what? At Ieast the maiI stiII gets through. What does Lieutenant Vuori write? -He'II be coming this way soon. He won't teII me where; or much anything eIse; either. Men are inexpIicabIe. -What about ViIIe? Any mention of him? -No. ShouId there be? The peace taIks feII through! I keep hearing these rumors. -Horsemen's news. They say the war hasn't even started yet for FinIand. Kaisa says they have started teaching Lottas to use rifIes for seIf-defense. Has there been anything about it in the papers? Not a word. I find it hard to beIieve. You've got a whoIe Iot prettier in a year. You know what? I've decided to take you home to be my wife when aII this is over. ViIIe has aIways been such a romantic. And a man of action. So how are you; Miss Mona? -Fair enough. Anna? What are you doing in HeIsinki? I was caIIed up for searchIight training. -CaIIed up? They contacted my university. -What are you taIking about? Our training starts in June; right off the HeIsinki coast. You can't. You're not strong enough. -Dad, they need me there. We need you at home, too. We're getting oId. PIease think it over. I guess there's no way I can taIk you out of this? -Try me. Finland is now facing its fatal hour. The Soviets have started a massive attack in Karelia; with the objective of- breaking through the Finnish defense; both on ground and in the air. We need everyone's help now. You may not be famiIiar with weapons, searchIights or sound detectors- so we'll start from the basics. This is am Italian Terni m/36 rifle. Apart from searchIight training; you wiII receive security training- in which you wiII fire two series of five shots. The night of Sunday ; June 11 th; was quiet- but at 6 am they started bringing in masses of wounded horses. l heard at the field hospital that we lost the blood service van. There is a terrible shortage of blood; plasma; everything. Anna wrote me that she is going into searchlight training. Whatever it is; l wrote her at once not to go. Dear Lasse. l've been quite busy ; and the training is going very well. I don't know when they'll let me off on leave- but l just found out l will be stationed close to home- although it doesn't mean much in practice. The thought warms my mind because l think of you and the folks back home- all the time. Luckily there's not much time to miss anyone- because the situation is very grave; and l am needed here now. ViIIe, Iet it be! The Russkies broke our defense west of the viIIage. I know aII you men are tired; but we have to strike back at once. EdeIman wiII Iead the attack to the right by the path. Koistinen takes the Ieft wing. HoIIo covers the right rear. AaIto supports the attack, as usuaI. Any questions? Let's go. The number of wounded friends and strangers keeps growing fast. We were just ordered to pack up our division and retreat without delay. For the first time l am starting to wonder how all this is going to end. Medic! PeItonen! CaII them forward! Forward! Attack! Company ; charge! Lasse... Lasse.... Goodbye, ViIIe. Lost my Ieg. Get me a pistoI. Lasse, think about Anna. Soon everything wiII be better and you'II get to go home. My dearest Anna; just a brief message since l'm still quite weak- and it's hard to write with a pencil stub lying on your back in bed. Everything has gone pretty well; believe it or not- and l'll be getting out of the hospital soon. Now that the war is over for me; l have been thinking that l should- continue my studies at law school as soon as possible. Who wants me? -1 st Sergeant; Sir. Did you hear FinIand has decided to initiate peace taIks. -No. We'II finaIIy have peace. -Remains to be seen. At Ieast we didn't give in to the Russkies. -No. I just wish this whoIe thing ended so we couId aII go home. Some of us wiII and some of us won't. I Ieft my first home of my own in Vyborg. My wife and I just got married- and now she's staying with some reIatives on the west coast. Our baby is due this month. -CongratuIations. Sorry, but I have to run. I need to get changed for my shift. We'II stand guard untiI the bitter end. My Iove for you hasn't changed; it has onIy grown stronger. I so hope you feeI the same way about me- even though I'm not the man I was when we got married. The war has taken its toII. But I wiII try my best- and I truIy beIieve we can stiII have a good Iife- and the son we have hoped for so Iong. I kiss you everywhere. Yours; Lasse. KARELIAN ISTHMUS; 5 September 1 944 I heard the Soviets have kept firing at us- even though the armistice was decIared yesterday. And I've made my decision. -What's that? I've had enough of dying. I'm going to study medicine. No more corpses for me, if onIy I can avoid it. I have two more Ietters here. Got here just in time before we hit the road. Mona! -Thanks. Anita! My mother sure wiII be happy to have me back home. The poor woman's been Iooking after the farm on her own. What does it say? Who is it from? My father. Anna is dead. I have to go. The horses are waiting. I came as soon as I heard. We'II have to Ieave the farm and go to stay with reIatives in HeIsinki. Such are the terms of the armistice. Home; 26 September 1 944 The Soviets gave Finland eight days to evacuate the headland of Porkkala. Luckily a good number of Lottas and soldiers came to help us move. We couldn't have done it without them. Mother and Father are desolate; because the lease for a Soviet- naval base is for 50 years; and they will not live to see the day- when we will get back home. l probably will not either. Goodbye; sweet home. PorkkaIa, Moisio Out you go; Anna. This is Mummy's home. We didn't have to wait 50 years. -And we didn't fight for nothing. Her name is Lotta. The Finnish Lotta Svard Organization was the world's largest women's voluntary auxiliary organization. At its height it included over 240 000 volunteers. Under the terms of the interim peace treaty with the Soviet Union- the Finnish government disbanded the organization on 23 November 1 944. This film has been supported by the Lotta Svard Foundation. SubtitIes: Susan Heiskanen |