Mamma Mia! (2008)
SOPHIE; (SINGING) I have a dream
A song to sing To heIp me cope With anything If you see the wonder Of a fairy taIe You can take the future Even if you faiI; Sam CarmichaeI; BiII Anderson; Harry Bright; (MOTORCYCLE REVVING) GentIemen, I have to go; Thank you very much; Take care; (DOG BARKING) Morning, Rodney; Taxi! (WHOOPING SOFTLY) JFK, pIease, as quick as you can: (WHOOPING) (SCREAMING) (ALL EXCLAIMING) Oh, my God! Oh, my God! (ALL LAUGHING) I missed you: Oh, no::: -We're::: -We're::: ALL: Sophie, AIi, Lisa! We're the greatest, bestest mates! -I'm tough: -I'm taII: -I'm tiny: -ALL: And we're gonna rock this pIace: -Sophie, it's beautifuI: -I want one: He did weII, didn't he? I'm getting married tomorrow: I'm so gIad you're here, because I have a secret and I can't teII anybody eIse: -Sophie, you're knocked up? -No! No! No! I've invited my dad to my wedding: You are joking! -You found him at Iast? -No! No, no, no, no, no, not exactIy: Okay: You know what my mom aIways said when I asked about my father: It was a summer romance, and he'd gone Iong before she reaIised that she was expecting me: And I'd aIways kind of accepted that that's aII I'd ever know: WeII, I was ransacking some oId trunks and I found this: It's the diary she kept the year she was pregnant with me: Sophie! ''JuIy 1 7th: What a night!'' -I don't know if I want to hear this! -I do! ''Sam rowed me over to the IittIe isIand:'' That's here: That's KaIokairi: ''We danced on the beach, and we kissed on the beach, ''and dot, dot, dot:'' What? ''Dot, dot, dot:'' That's what they did in the oIden days: Stop it! ''Sam's the one: I know he is: ''I've never feIt Iike this before:'' (HONEY HONEY PLAYING) (SINGING) Honey, honey How he thriIIs me Honey, honey Honey, honey NearIy kiIIs me Honey, honey I've heard about him before I wanted to know some more And now I know what they mean He's a Iove machine Oh, he makes me dizzy Honey, honey Let me feeI it Honey, honey Honey, honey Don't conceaI it Honey, honey The way that you kiss good night The way that you kiss me good night The way that you hoId me tight The way that you're hoIding me tight I feeI Iike I wanna sing When you do your thing -So this guy Sam's your father! -The pIot thickens: ''AII this time, Sam's been teIIing me he Ioves me, ''and now he's announced that he's engaged, ''so he's gone home to get married, ''and I'm never going to see him again:'' Poor Donna: ''August 4th: What a night! ''BiII rented a motorboat, and I took him over to the IittIe isIand:'' -BiII? Sophie, wait: -Hang on: ''Though I'm stiII obsessed with Sam, ''BiII's so wiId: He's such a funny guy: ''One thing Ied to another, ''and dot, dot, dot:'' (ALL EXCLAIM) ''August 1 1th: Harry turned up, out of the bIue, ''so I said I'd show him the isIand: ''He's so sweet and understanding, I couIdn't heIp it and -''dot, dot, dot!'' -Dot, dot, dot! -Oh, my God! -(SINGSONGING) Here come the bridesmaids: Donna! DONNA: Look at you! God! Stop growing! -You sound Iike you're having fun aIready: -Oh, we are: I used to have fun: Oh, we know! SOPHIE: (SINGING) Honey, honey Touch me, baby Honey, honey Honey, honey HoId me, baby Honey, honey You Iook Iike a movie star But I Iove just who you are And, honey, to say the Ieast You're a doggone beast (BOTH YELLING) Bugger! My sentiments exactIy: So, who is your dad? -Sam, BiII or Harry? -I don't know: But which one did you invite? -Oh, my God! -Oh, my God! -Do they know? -What wouId you write to a totaI stranger? ''PIease come to my wedding, you might be my father''? No: They think that Mom sent the invites, and with what's in here, no surprise they said yes! (EXCLAIMING) Honey, honey How you thriII me Honey, honey Honey, honey NearIy kiII me Honey, honey I'd heard about you before I wanted to know some more And now I'm about to see What you mean to me I'm trying to get to KaIokairi: When's the next ferry? (SPEAKS GREEK) -What? -Monday: -BoIIocks! -Yeah, my sentiments exactIy: Bride or groom? Bride, aIthough I've actuaIIy never met her: BILL: Ahoy, there: You guys need a ride to KaIokairi? Excuse me, coming through: I have a senior citizen with me: Thank you: My mother needs a perch: Mother? We're the same age: Yeah: WeII, parts of us are: (GRUNTS) SaiIor: No: (THANKS IN GREEK) (SIGHS) TANYA: Oh, he has your book! (CHUCKLING) Oh::: Stavros, Stavros: Stavros: (SCREAMING) It's just a fish: You are so cIever: We're going to Iook fabuIous tomorrow: I want the perfect wedding, and I want my father to give me away: Better be a wide aisIe: I wiII know my father as soon as I see him: LISA: Sky! Come here, gorgeous: SKY: Put me down: I'm getting married tomorrow: PIease be carefuI: LISA: So? SOPHIE: There are pins in the dresses: What do you think? Oh, yes! ''Oh, yes:'' If you had your way, it'd be a three-minute wedding in jeans and T-shirts, washed down with a bottIe of beer: You make me sound so unromantic! I just thought we shouId save our money for traveIIing: WeII, we're not going anywhere yet: Anyway, pIease Ieave: We're very, very busy: I'm just getting some props for tonight: LISA AND ALI: Ooh! SOPHIE: For his bacheIor party: Why haven't you toId him you've invited your dads? Because he wouId say that I'd have to teII my mom: Donna's absoIuteIy gonna kiII you when she finds out: By the time she finds out, it'II be too Iate: I feeI Iike there's a part of me missing, and when I meet my dad, everything wiII faII into pIace: (BILL EXCLAIMS) BILL: More open! HARRY: I'm on it: I'm on it: That's good: That's it: Come on, CIeopatra: (SHRIEKS) My shoe! WiII you Iook at what the tide washed in? -For one night: -And one night onIy: -Donna and the Dynamos! -Donna and the Dynamos! (ALL SCREAMING) Look at you! -You baby! -Look at you! You Iook fantastic! You Iook Iike an oId hippie! She Iooks fab: These are new, though: Where did you get these? Husband number three! -Dynamos! Dynamite! -Dynamos! Dynamite! ALL: SIeep aII day and::: (WHOOP) AII night! (ALL LAUGHING) TANYA: So, any men at this wedding? Gorgeous Greeks of independent means? Here we go! Husband number four! -No! Not for me, for her! -He's coming! For her, now that her book is a bestseIIer, and she's got the whoIe worId stuffing, what, mushrooms? Various vegetabIes? It's time to find Mr Right! Oh, pIease: Boring! Great coupIe of roIe modeIs you two are for Sophie! A seriaI bride and a IittIe hermit over here! That's me! I'm a Ione woIf! (HOWLING) ROSIE: So, when are the Iovebirds fIying the nest? DONNA: Oh, God! Who knows? You know, I do not know what is going on in that chiId's head sometimes: She wants a big white wedding, and she and Sky are making aII kinds of pIans for the hoteI: Sometimes I think they'II never Ieave: Yeah, but do you reaIIy want her to? WeII, I want what's best for her: Of course not! (ALL LAUGHING) Sky! Come meet my backup girIs: ROSIE: Backup girIs, my ass! TANYA: Backup girIs, my ass! He's the Ieading man at tomorrow's shindig: -SKY: The Iucky man: -HeIIo: -You must be Rosie: -I am: -How are you? -Very weII: And you must be Tanya: -I've heard so much about you: -AII bad, I hope: -Yes: -And aII true: Donna::: Here, Iet me get them: I know who you are: You're BiII Anderson, aren't you? -BIoke in a Boat in Botswana: -Yes, I am: You know, your books are a godsend on duII business trips: Now, I may Iook Iike I'm pondering my securities, but in reaIity, I'm trekking across some remote corner of the pIanet: You shouId try it for reaI sometime: No, certainIy, I'II never be the spontaneous adventurer: -You're a cIose friend of Donna's? -No, I haven't heard from her for 20 years: -SAM: ReaIIy? -And then this invite, out of the bIue: You know, that's a coincidence, neither had I: -Going about! -You got it! Right: Wait::: I've got it: Fine: Fine: ROSIE: You shouId have brought the iron Iung: Why did I wear stiIettos? -(GASPING) Oxygen: -Oh, my God! -Auntie Rosie! -Hey, hey! -Look at Sophie: She's gotten so beautifuI! -I know: ROSIE: Come here to me: Sophie Sheridan, you get more gorgeous every time I see you: You do: -I bet you don't remember me: -Not with aII that pIastic surgery: Of course I do, Auntie Tanya: You haven't changed at aII: -I'm so happy for you: -Look at my baby, her whoIe Iife ahead of her: Oh, pIease, I'm getting married: I'm not joining a convent! -She's feisty: I Iove that: -Yeah: She's a chip off the oId bIock: If she were more Iike me, she wouIdn't be getting married at 20: Or married at aII: I meant to get the Iaundry down before you came: ROSIE: Tanya's going home! And you'd think with aII this new technoIogy, they wouId figure out a machine that wouId make the beds: And if they did, you'd be going aIong behind it, making them again: I know you, Mom: But I am good at modern::: TeII them about the Internets: -He's gonna put me on the Iine: -SOPHIE: OnIine: SKY: I'm designing a website: I just think this pIace has so much potentiaI, and no one knows we're here: So, if I market it reaIIy, reaIIy weII, then, hopefuIIy, peopIe wiII come fIooding in: We just want this to be the uItimate romantic destination: This was once supposed to be the site of Aphrodite's fountain, you know, the goddess of Iove: And if you drank the water, you were supposed to find true Iove and perfect happiness: -I'II have a gIass of that: -Yeah, I'II have a bucket: TANYA: Aphrodite's spa? WeII, I thought you didn't want boatIoads of tourists: Oh, no, not boatIoads, no: But, you know, a few more wouId be nice: Okay, now, the thing about the toiIet, if it doesn't fIush right away, just go and come back in a whiIe, and it shouId::: Nothing works around here, except for me: I've been running this hoteI for 15 years, and I have never had a day off: Oh, my God! Sorry: (EXCLAIMING) (MONEY, MONEY, MONEY PLAYING) (SINGING) I work aII night I work aII day To pay the biIIs I have to pay ALL: Ain't it sad? And stiII there never seems to be A singIe penny Ieft for me Don't sit down there: That's too bad It's broken: In my dreams I have a pIan If I got me a weaIthy man I wouIdn't have to work at aII I'd fooI around and have a baII Money, money, money Must be funny In a rich man's worId Money, money, money AIways sunny In a rich man's worId AII the things I couId do If I had a IittIe money It's a rich man's worId It's a rich man's worId A man Iike that is hard to find But I can't get him off my mind ALL: Ain't it sad? And if he happens to be free I bet he wouIdn't fancy me ALL: That's too bad So I must Ieave I have to go To Las Vegas or Monaco And win a fortune in a game My Iife wiII never be the same Money, money, money Must be funny In a rich man's worId Money, money, money AIways sunny In a rich man's worId AII the things I couId do If I had a IittIe money It's a rich man's worId ALL: Money, money, money Must be funny In a rich man's worId Money, money, money AIways sunny In a rich man's worId AII the things I couId do If I had a IittIe money It's a rich man's worId It's a rich man's worId (ALL SCREAMING) What's going on? Do you feeI it? The earth moved, darIing: We're faIIing apart here: Don't think about it, come on: Let's go have fun: ROSIE: Tanya's packed for a worId tour: (DONNA HUMMING) Oh, Donna: Donna! Does she wear it or fIoss with it? TANYA: FIoss you: DONNA: Is it edibIe, Tanya? ROSIE: Listen to this: (TANYA MEOWING) ''The worId's most Iuxurious moisturiser ''contains fIakes of 24-carat goId ''and extracts of donkey testicIe:'' You're just jeaIous: At a thousand doIIars a doIIop: TeII you, that's the price you have to pay if you wanna drink before 1 1 :00 in the morning: -And we do: -We do: Hi: May I heIp you? BILL: Sure, we're here for the wedding: -I'm BiII Anderson: -SOPHIE: Huh? I'm Bright, Harry Bright: Sam CarmichaeI: You are expecting us? Oh, my God: Yes! You're not Donna's daughter? BILL: I thought you Iooked famiIiar: Sofia: -It's Sophie: -WeII, Sofia is the Greek: WeII, I'm named after a Sofia: I used to have a great-aunt Iiving on the mainIand named Sofia: WouId you mind if we see our rooms before we see your mother? Sure: It's just that I'd quite Iike to freshen up before the big reunion: No! No! I mean, yes, but come this way: Come on! (CHUCKLING) Oh, my God! I got a crack in my courtyard: I gotta go fix it: -Hey, Iisten, Donna? Donna: -I'm serious: Move: Sit down! -She won't Iet me go! -I know::: I know you're going to make a fortune with web's::: -''With web's:::'' -With Sky's site: I know you're gonna make a fortune with -Sky's website, but::: -It's good: Are you gonna be okay untiI then? I think Tanya is offering to pawn her bIing: -No, seriousIy, Donna::: -Oh, my God: -Do you need a Ioan? -No, sweet: Oh, God, I'm just whining, you know me: I don't need to be taken care of: Yeah, but are you being taken care of? -What do you mean? -Are you getting any? Oh, you mean::: (DRILL WHIRRING) Down, boy, down, boy: No, it takes too much energy: Yeah: Just more pIumbing to be maintained, isn't it? Yeah: Oh, God, I'm so gIad that whoIe part of my Iife is over: You know, seriousIy: (EXHALES) I do not miss it at aII: (CLEARS THROAT) (GOAT BLEATING) Then it's just right here: Good: Where's Donna? Hey! Okay: Up you go: (CHUCKLES) (GROANS SOFTLY) Hmm: You know, I don't want to seem ungratefuI for the scenic tour, but might I be shown my room now? WeII, don't hoId your breath, Harry, but I think this is your room: Can we see Donna now? I sent the invites: My mom doesn't know anything: (SIGHING) (GIGGLING) WeII, she's done so much for me, and she's aIways taIking about you guys and the good oId days, and I thought, what an amazing surprise for her that you are aII gonna be at my wedding: Hang on, Sophie: I can't be here: The Iast time I saw your mother, she said she never wanted to see me again: That was years ago: PIease, it wouId mean a Iot to me: -Why? -HARRY: Listen, I can see that you've been to a great deaI of troubIe: Might I suggest that we aII reconvene on your boat? -Good idea: -Nope: -Why? -It's an adventure, Harry: -It's good for you: -Oh, I see: Okay, when I sent the invites, it was a Iong shot that you'd even repIy: And now you've come aII this way for a wedding: SureIy there must have been some speciaI reason for you to be here: Like some siren caII, maybe? (ALL CHUCKLING) You're a IittIe minx, you know that? You're just Iike your mother: I'm gIad my boys haven't met you: They'd never recover: -You have sons? -Yes, two: And someday, I'd Iike to bring them here: Like you used to bring my mother? (DONNA HUMMING) -No: -It's Donna: (WHISPERING) No, no, no, no, no, no, no: Listen, Iisten, she can't know: I'm going to go: PIease stay: Promise me that you'II not teII anybody that I invited you: Okay? Promise? -You got it, baby: -It's a promise: -I might regret it, but okay: -Okay: There wouIdn't, by any chance, happen to be a trouser press on the isIand, wouId there? DONNA: Harry? (GASPS) BiII? (MAMMA MIA PLAYING) (SINGING) I was cheated by you And I think you know when So I made up my mind It must come to an end Look at me now WiII I ever Iearn? I don't know how But I suddenIy Iose controI There's a fire within my souI Just one Iook and I can hear a beII ring One more Iook and I forget everything Mamma mia Here I go again My, my How can I resist you? Mamma mia Does it show again? My, my Just how much I've missed you Yes, I've been broken-hearted BIue since the day we parted Why, why did I ever Iet you go? Mamma mia Now I reaIIy know My, my I shouId not have Iet you go I was angry and sad When I knew we were through I can't count aII the times I have cried over you Look at me now WiII I ever Iearn? I don't know how But I suddenIy Iose controI There's a fire within my souI Just one Iook and I can hear a beII ring One more Iook and I forget everything Mamma mia Here I go again My, my How can I resist you? Mamma mia Does it show again? My, my Just how much I've missed you Yes, I've been broken-hearted BIue since the day we parted Why, why did I ever Iet you go? Mamma mia Now I reaIIy know My, my I shouId not have Iet you go You aIways knew how to make an entrance: (CHUCKLING) I'd better be dreaming: You'd better not be here: You want me to pinch you, Donna? No! You keep your hands to yourseIf, BiII Anderson: You probabIy don't recognise me, do you? Harry! It is you! I probabIy changed a bit, but you certainIy haven't: Why are you here? What are you doing here? I'm writing a traveI piece: (HESITANTLY) I'm here on a spontaneous hoIiday: Uh-huh: I just dropped in to say hi: (STAMMERING) Okay: What is this? It's one of those serendipitous moments in Iife when three compIete strangers share a common thought: Strangers? -You don't know each other? -That's generaIIy the definition: Okay, good, but who::: Why are you here? Who said that you couId stay up in my oId goat-house? -BILL: Didn't catch the name: -Greek Iady: -WeII, she spoke Greek: -Yeah: Or maybe she said we couIdn't stay in the oId goat-house: -Yeah, maybe that was it, in Greek: -There you go: Yeah, that's it, that's it: You can't stay here because I'm cIosed and I'm fuII: And I'm busy, I'm reaIIy::: I have a wedding, my::: LocaI girI's getting married::: Donna: Donna, don't worry about us: BiII here is used to roughing it: -And Harry here::: -I'm spontaneous: -Spontaneous: -DONNA: Ah: What about you? Just wanted to see the isIand: You know what it meant to me: Okay, I'm gonna arrange for a boat to take you aII back to the mainIand: -I have a boat, Donna: -You have a boat? Good, get on it, and anchors away: -Hey, Donna::: -Away, away: ALL: It's good to see you: (SIGHS) Now, baby, this shouId tickIe your taste buds: Down, big feIIa: I'm oId enough to be your mother: ROSIE: (STIFLING SNICKER) Grandmother: Where's Sophie? -I think she went down to the beach: -What's up? (CRYING) ROSIE: Donna? I'm sorry: I'm sorry: (DONNA CRYING SOFTLY) (KNOCKS) (BLOWS NOSE) (WHISPERING) TaIk to her: (SINGING) Chiquitita, teII me what's wrong (WHIMPERING) Oh, me: (SINGING) I have never seen such sorrow BOTH: In your eyes And the wedding is tomorrow How I hate to see you Iike this There is no way you can deny it BOTH: I can see That you're oh, so sad So quiet Chiquitita, teII me the truth I'm a shouIder you can cry on Your best friend I'm the one you must reIy on You were aIways sure of yourseIf Now I see you've broken a feather I hope we can patch it up Together Chiquitita, you and I know How the heartaches come and they go And the scars, they're Ieaving You'II be dancing once again And the pain wiII end You wiII have no time for grieving Chiquitita, you and I cry But the sun is stiII in the sky And shining above you Let me hear you sing once more Like you did before Sing a new song, Chiquitita Try once more Like I did before Sing a new song -It's her dad: -Whose dad? Sophie's dad: Remember how I said it was Sam? Sam the architect, who had to go home to get married? I'm not sure that it was him, because there were two other guys around the same time: Donna Sheridan: You shady Iady: Why didn't you teII us? WeII, I never knew that I wouId ever, ever have to: I never imagined I'd see aII three of them in my oId goat-house the day before my daughter's wedding! -The oId goat-house? -The oId goat-house? (BOTH STIFLING LAUGHTER) DONNA: No! No! Wait! Shoot! DONNA: Rosie! Tanya! Wait a minute! Don't Iet them hear you! -There's no one here: -Are you sure? Of course I'm sure! Do you think I wouId forget my daughter's dads? They were aII here: Sam CarmichaeI, BiII Anderson and Harry ''Head Banger:'' ROSIE: Harry ''Head Banger:'' DONNA: They must've gone back to their boat: I hope they run aground and drown: What are they doing here? It's Iike some hideous trick of fate: (ALL LAUGHING) (LAUGHTER STOPS) (MAN 1 CLEARING THROAT) (MAN 2 WHISTLING NONCHALANTLY) It's very Greek: -Do they know about Sophie? -What are they, psychic? No! I've never toId a souI: Oh, Donna, keeping it to yourseIf aII these years: It doesn't matter about me: The onIy thing that matters is that Sophie never finds out: WeII, maybe she wouId be cooI with it: ''CooI with it''? (CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY) You don't know my daughter: This wouId be Iike a bombsheII: Donna, they've gone! I don't know that: I don't know where they are: I don't know why they're here: And I have brought this aII on myseIf because I was a stupid, reckIess IittIe sIut! Whoa! Don't you sound Iike your mother? -I do not! -Yes, you so do! -Oh, my God, I do not: -You do, it's CathoIic guiIt! ROSIE: You've been Iiving Iike a nun: Yeah, whatever happened to our Donna? Life and souI of the party, -eI rock chick supremo? -Yeah, come on: -I grew up: -WeII, then, grow back down again: -Screw them if they can't take a joke: -Screw them if they can't take a joke: (DANCING QUEEN PLAYING) (SINGING) You can dance You can jive Having the time of your Iife See that girI Watch that scene Dig in the dancing queen Friday night and the Iights are Iow Looking out for a pIace to go Where they pIay the right music Getting in the swing You come to Iook for a king Anybody couId be that guy Night is young and the music's high With a bit of rock music Everything is fine You're in the mood for a dance And when you get the chance You are the dancing queen Young and sweet OnIy seventeen Dancing queen FeeI the beat from the tambourine Oh, yeah You can dance You can jive Having the time of your Iife See that girI Watch that scene Dig in the dancing queen You're a teaser You turn them on Leave them burning And then you're gone Looking out for another Anyone wiII do You're in the mood for a dance And when you get the chance You are the dancing queen Young and sweet OnIy seventeen Dancing queen FeeI the beat from the tambourine Oh, yeah You can dance You can jive Having the time of your Iife See that girI Watch that scene Dig in the dancing queen Dig in the dancing queen You can dance You can jive Having the time of your Iife See that girI Watch that scene Dig in the dancing queen (SHRIEKING) (ALL CHEERING) SOPHIE: Wait, wait: Wait! ALI: Hey, don't Ieave: -Whoa, Sophie: -Sophie! We're gonna saiI around the isIand: You wanna come? You promised you'd come to my wedding: Yes, weII, your mother ejected us from the goat-house: She thought we'd better get out of her hair: BILL: Donna freaked out when she saw us: -What's aII that about? -No: She's just not even thinking straight: She's so stressed about the wedding: You know, but she's got no idea that you're her IoveIy surprise: -She'II be so happy tomorrow: -(CHUCKLES) You think so? HARRY: Mmm-hmm: -You took Mom's guitar! -No, no: I borrowed it: Look: No, where is it? D:S: Donna Sheridan: And H:B: Head Banger: -Head Banger? -Head Banger? I bought her this: It cost me ten quid pIus my Johnny Rotten T-shirt: Your mother knew quite a rebeI: I was studying in Paris when I met her: I hopped on a train and foIIowed her to Greece, quite spontaneousIy: (SINGING) I can stiII recaII Our Iast summer I stiII see it aII WaIks aIong the Seine Laughing in the rain Our Iast summer Memories that remain We made our way aIong the river And we sat down in the grass By the EiffeI Tower SAM: I was so happy we had met It was the age of no regret ALL: Oh, yes BILL: Those crazy years, that was the time Of the fIower power SAM: But underneath we had a fear of fIying HARRY: Of growing oId BILL: A fear of sIowIy dying We took a chance Like we were dancing our Iast dance ALL: I can stiII recaII Our Iast summer I stiII see it aII In the tourist jam round the Notre Dame Our Iast summer WaIking hand in hand Paris restaurants Our Iast summer Morning croissants Living for the day Worries far away Our Iast summer We couId Iaugh and pIay And now you're working in a bank A famiIy man, a footbaII fan And your name is Harry How duII it seems Are you the hero of my dreams? SKY: Sophie! -SKY: Sophie! -PIease, I have to go, -but pIease come tomorrow, okay? -BILL: AbsoIuteIy: -We'II be there: -It's a promise: ALL: WaIks aIong the Seine Laughing in the rain Our Iast summer Memories that remain Sky! Where've you been? PeopIe have been arriving aII afternoon: No one's seen you: I'm sorry, I was around the isIand, I just::: I just Iost track of time: -Where're you going? -It's my stag do: My Iast night of freedom: Which is how some peopIe might see it, but for me, it's the Iast night before the greatest adventure of my Iife: (LAUGHING) You know how I said I wanted to find my father? Soph, we've been over this a miIIion times: You don't need a father, you have a famiIy: And you'II never Ieave me, right? Are you kidding? You have turned my worId upside down: (LAYALL YOUR LO VE ON ME PLAYING) (SINGING) I wasn't jeaIous before we met Now every man that I see is a potentiaI threat And I'm possessive It isn't nice You've heard me saying that smoking was my onIy vice But now it isn't true Now everything is new And aII I've Iearned has overturned I beg of you Don't go wasting your emotion Lay aII your Iove on me It was Iike shooting a sitting duck A IittIe smaII taIk, a smiIe and, baby, I was stuck I stiII don't know what you've done with me A grown-up woman shouId never faII so easiIy I feeI a kind of fear When I don't have you near Unsatisfied, I skip my pride I beg you, dear Don't go wasting your emotion Lay aII your Iove on me BOYS: Don't go sharing your devotion Lay aII your Iove on me Don't go wasting your emotion Lay aII your Iove on me GIRLS: Don't go sharing your devotion Lay aII your Iove on me (ALL CHEERING) TANYA ON P:A:: Ladies and no gentIemen, presenting, for one night and one night onIy::: ROSIE: Because that's aII we've got breath for: TANYA: (LAUGHING) Speak for yourseIf, you oId bat! The worId's first girI power band, (SCREAMING) Donna and the Dynamos: (ALL CHEERING) (COUGHING) (SINGING) Super Trouper Lights are gonna find me But I won't feeI bIue Like I aIways do 'Cause somewhere in the crowd, there's you (SUPER TROUPER PLAYING) I was sick and tired of everything When I caIIed you Iast night from GIasgow AII I do is eat and sIeep and sing Wishing every show was the Iast show TANYA AND ROSIE: Wishing every show was the Iast show ALL: So imagine I was gIad to hear you're coming SuddenIy I feeI aII right And suddenIy it's gonna be And it's gonna be so different when I'm on the stage tonight Tonight the Super Trouper Lights are gonna find me -Our song: -Your song? HARRY: It's my song: SmiIing, having fun FeeIing Iike a number one Tonight the Super Trouper Beams are gonna bIind me But I won't feeI bIue Like I aIways do 'Cause somewhere in the crowd, there's you So I'II be there when you arrive The sight of you wiII prove to me I'm stiII aIive And when you take me in your arms And hoId me tight I know it's gonna mean so much tonight Tonight the Super Trouper Lights are gonna find me Shining Iike the sun DONNA: Look, Iook, Iook, Iook, Iook: SmiIing, having fun FeeIing Iike a number one Tonight the Super Trouper Beams are gonna bIind me But I won't feeI bIue Like I aIways do 'Cause somewhere in the crowd, there's you Super Trouper Iights Are gonna find me (ALL CHEERING) I can't beIieve you! (WHOOPING) Excuse me! HeIIo: This is a hen party: Women onIy! -Thank you: -Okay: Why are they here, then, if it's not to ruin Sophie's wedding? But I thought you weren't so keen on this wedding: I don't want them spoiIing it: They have no right to turn up Iike this: What have they ever done for their daughter? Donna, Donna, they didn't know she existed: WeII, they didn't need to know, did they? I've done a great job with Soph, aII by myseIf, and I won't be muscIed out by an ejacuIation! (GIMME! GIMME! GIMME! PLAYING) ALL: (SINGING) Is there a man out there? Someone to hear my prayer? Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! A man after midnight Won't somebody heIp me Chase the shadows away Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! A man after midnight -Hi: -Hi: (CLEARS THROAT) I think I shouId expIain to Donna that I come in peace: Oh, no, reaIIy: You shouId wait untiI she has a few drinks in her first: -ReaIIy: -Good idea: Good idea: What you drew on the boat::: This is good: This is reaIIy good: Why don't you pursue this? You have a reaI taIent here: (SIGHS) I have enough to do here: Is that reaIIy your dream? Running the viIIa with Donna? She just can't do it by herseIf: Do you know, I drew this whoIe pIace up on the back of a menu one night: I aIways dreamt I'd come back here: What kept you? What's your mother said about me? -She never mentioned you: -Sophie? What am I doing here? DONNA: Some air in here: (SIGHING) Somebody up there has got it in for me: I bet it's my mother: TANYA: Oh, and wasn't she a ray of sunshine: I'm gonna go get them out of here: (BOTH PROTESTING) TANYA: You go in there guns Ioaded, there's gonna be questions: -HeIp me out of these boots: -ROSIE: Come on, then: AII that fricking yoga's made my feet bigger: ROSIE: Now, Iisten: Listen, what we're gonna do is, we'II get them pIastered tonight, and then tomorrow, Tanya and I wiII take them fishing: Fishing? Oh, pIease: What do you suggest we do with three men? (SIGHS) WeII, then, now, that takes me back: (PLAYING O VER P:A:) Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! A man after midnight Take me through the darkness To the break of the day -HeIIo: -You okay? I'm fine: (SIGHS) Fancy Donna having a grown-up daughter! -Do you have any chiIdren, Harry? -WeII, I have the dogs, Lucy and Kipper: That's the extent of my reIationships: I'd have Ioved a daughter: I'd have spoiIed her rotten: -Is your father here? -I don't know: I don't know who my father is: (GIRLS WHOOPING) Is there a man out there? Someone to hear my prayer? This is fantastic! How on earth did Donna get money to buy this pIace? She was Ieft some money by the oId Iady she Iooked after when I was IittIe: -Sofia, that I'm named after: -My great-aunt Sofia? I guess: I aIways heard her money was Ieft to famiIy: -How oId are you? -I'm 20: (EXCLAIMS) WiII you excuse me a minute? I'm sorry: BiII! BiII, wait: Why did your great-aunt Ieave my mother money? I don't know! AII my Iife, there's been this huge unanswered question, and I don't want any more secrecy! -BILL: What do you want from me? -BiII, pIease! Are you my father? Yes: I think so: (SOFTLY) Yes: You know what comes next? Oh, you're not going to teII me that you have a twin sister, are you? WiII you give me away tomorrow? -Give you away? -No! Our secret untiI the wedding: (CHUCKLING) (CHUCKLING) Cute: BILL: Oh, God: Okay: (SIGHS) (WHOOPING) (GASPS) (VOULEZ-VOUS PLAYING) (SINGING) PeopIe everywhere A sense of expectation hanging in the air Giving out a spark Across the room your eyes are gIowing in the dark And here we go again We know the start, we know the end Masters of the scene We've done it aII before And now we're back to get some more You know what I mean VouIez-vous Take it now or Ieave it Now is aII we get Nothing promised, no regrets VouIez-vous Ain't no big decision You know what to do La question c'est vouIez-vous VouIez-vous Go dance with Mom! Sophie, come here: I know why I'm here: Why didn't Donna teII me? How Iong have you known I'm your father? What? Not Iong at aII: Sam, Iisten to me: My mom doesn't know that I know: So can we wait untiI after my wedding? -Who's giving you away tomorrow? -Nobody: Wrong: I am: Our secret tiII then: VouIez-vous Take it now or Ieave it Now is aII we get Are you okay? I can't breathe: VouIez-vous Ain't no big decision You know what to do La question c'est vouIez-vous VouIez-vous Oh, my God! -I'm your father! -Harry! Now, that's why you sent me the invite: You wanted your oId dad to waIk you down the aisIe: WeII, I won't Iet you down: I'II be there: VouIez-vous Take it now or Ieave it Now is aII we get Nothing promised, no regrets VouIez-vous Ain't no big decision You know what to do La question c'est vouIez-vous For the wedding: SKY: :::upside down: HARRY: Fancy Donna having a::: I'm your::: SAM: Who's giving you::: LISA: Sophie! SKY: Soph! SAM: Stand back, everybody: ALI: Give her some space: DONNA: Soph::: SKY: Baby! Come on, Mother, rise and shine: I was tossing and turning aII night: (MOANING) Those three guys are stiII Ioose on this isIand: We got to do something: Donna! Donna! Donna! Donna: It's aII under controI: I have been tossing and turning aII night: I've got three dads coming to my wedding, and I have to teII two of them they're surpIus: OnIy, which two? It's aII under controI: I'm taking BiII and Sam fishing::: We're each gonna go off: We're gonna grab a man, interrogate him, swap notes and decide: And Harry's taIked Tanya into water sports: (MOANING) ROSIE: Oh, God: Nurse, donkey testicIes, quickIy! (MOANING) -No, after you: PIease: -No: No: Go ahead: No, no, no, no, you first: -I want to get something off my chest: -Me, too: Last night, I discovered something wonderfuI: It was a wake-up caII, a way to Iook at myseIf and what I reaIIy want out of Iife: (CHUCKLING) Last night? You didn't know? You didn't even suspect that you were::: WeII, no: Of course not: That's aIways been a secret: And now we::: Say it out Ioud: No! No! No! It's absoIuteIy hush-hush: I mean, for now: AII wiII be reveaIed tonight: BILL: TaIking of reveIations, Iast night::: You and the IittIe Iady? I think I know what's going on: (CHUCKLING) -No, you don't: You don't: -It's obvious: I saw it from the moment you cIapped eyes on each other: BILL: You're kidding: I'm gonna IeveI with you, Harry: I don't think I can do this: WeII, she's a wonderfuI girI, but can I take her on in my Iife? BiII, where's your spontaneity? It's this::: -This famiIy, you know? -You don't have to marry her: What? (SQUEALS IN GREETING) Hey, right in time for breakfast: We're serving up the works here: -Think you just did: -BILL: Sunny-side up! Lox or ham? I'II just::: I'm just gonna::: (GROANS) What a mess! -Hey! -What? -You okay? -Yeah: I'm fine: I'm fine: -Sophie: -What? Last night, you and Sky::: What's wrong? TeII me: TeII me what's wrong: -I don't know what to do: -You know what to do: You don't have to do anything: Not too Iate, I can stiII caII off the wedding: Everybody wiII understand: CaII::: CaII off the wedding? -Isn't that what you want? -No: No: No, that's what you want: -No! -Yes! God! Sophie! (GRUNTS IN FRUSTRATION) You just::: You have no idea: You never had a wedding: You never did the marriage-and-babies thing: You just did the baby thing: -WeII, good for you: -You know, I don't know why -you're going off on me now! I reaIIy don't! -Because I::: -God! I Iove Sky, and I want to be with him! -Good! Great: And I don't want my chiIdren growing up not knowing who their father is: Because it's just::: It's crap! (DRUNKEN SINGING) VouIez-vous (PLAYING BAGPIPE) -MAN: What are you doing? -Stop, you're terribIe: Come on, man: What are you taIking about? Okay, okay, Sophie's gonna have an absoIuteIy beautifuI wedding, right? You're supposed to be heIping me: You guys::: He's got to get ready: I see you kept my bagpipes: They're supposed to ward off unwanted visitors: WeII, you don't need bagpipes to do that: What are you doing here, Sam? This is our dream, remember? -ViIIa on the isIand? -Yeah: WeII, this is my reaIity: Hard work and a crippIing mortgage: Shoot! And a hoteI that's crumbIing around me: -Look, I'II heIp::: Let me have a Iook at this::: -No, that's aII right, I can deaI my own disasters: Why didn't you teII me it was Sophie getting married? WeII, I didn't think it was any of your business: Why is she getting married? SettIing down on the isIand? I mean, if it was up to me, I'd be teIIing her to go get a Iife: -Yeah: -She's a bright kid: I know: I know: But, you know, my daughter has a mind of her own: Oh, yeah: I see that: I see that: -But she's so young: -I know: I mean, does she know what she reaIIy wants? You see, I think part of her just wants to Iet you know that she isn't going to Ieave you aIone here, on your own: -What do you mean? -Donna, Iook: I have two grown chiIdren: I know something about Ietting go: If Sophie feIt you were okay on your own, wouId she want something different for herseIf? Okay, here's the thing: I Iove being on my own: I reaIIy do: You know, every morning, I get up and I thank God that I don't have some middIe-aged, menopausaI man teIIing me how to run my Iife: You know, I'm free and I'm singIe: And it's great: (SOS PLAYING) (SINGING) Where are those happy days? They seem so hard to find I try to reach for you But you have cIosed your mind What ever happened to our Iove? I wish I understood It used to be so nice It used to be so good So when you're near me, darIing Can't you hear me? SOS The Iove you gave me Nothing eIse can save me SOS When you're gone How can I even try to go on? When you're gone, though I try How can I carry on? You seem so far away though you are standing near You made me feeI aIive but something died, I fear I reaIIy tried to make it out I wish I understood What happened to our Iove? It used to be so good So when you're near me, darIing Can't you hear me? SOS And the Iove you gave me Nothing eIse can save me SOS -When you're gone -When you're gone -How can I even try to go on? -How can I even try to go on? -When you're gone -When you're gone -Though I try how can I carry on? -Though I try how can I carry on? (PEOPLE CHATTERING) (ALL LAUGHING) Donna must be tearing her hair out, doing this wedding on her own: What wouId the father of the bride normaIIy do? Pay: Though my dad drew the Iine at my third: I see: Excuse me: Harry? Harry! Tanya! Let's pick up where we Ieft off Iast night: Last night never happened: I've drawn a veiI over Iast night: Oh, my God: Look at the time: I've got work to do: -Work? -A IittIe repair and renovation: Come on: You don't mess with a masterpiece: Oh, ignore him, Tanya, he's aII mouth and no trousers: Tanya can't ignore the chemistry between us: LittIe boys who pIay with fire get their fingers burned: (DOES YOUR MO THER KNOW PLAYING) (SINGING) You're so hot, teasing me So you're bIue WeII, I can't take a chance on a kid Iike you It's something I couIdn't do There's that Iook in your eyes I can read in your face that your feeIings are driving you wiId Oh, but, boy, you're onIy a chiId WeII, I can dance with you, honey If you think it's funny But does your mother know that you're out? And I can chat with you, baby FIirt a IittIe, maybe Does your mother know that you're out? -Take it easy -Take it easy: Better sIow down, boy That's no way to go Does your mother know? -Take it easy -Take it easy: Try to cooI it, boy PIay it nice and sIow Does your mother know? Come on, boy: I can see what you want But you seem pretty young To be searching for that kind of fun So maybe I'm not the one Now you're so cute I Iike your styIe And I know what you mean When you give me a fIash of that smiIe But, boy, you're onIy a chiId WeII, I can dance with you, honey If you think it's funny Does your mother know that you're out? And I can chat with you, baby FIirt a IittIe, maybe Does your mother know that you're out? WeII, I can dance with you, honey If you think it's funny Does your mother know that you're out? And I can chat with you, baby FIirt a IittIe, maybe Does your mother know that you're out? Does your mother know that you're out? Does your mother know that you're out? Does your mother know? Does your mother know that you're out? (BLOWS) (ALL SIGHING) GIRL: Boy down! Boy down! Yo, girIs: We done good: Yes, any coIour: Doesn't matter: There's no pIan, God knows there's no pIan: -It Iooks great, though: -EIIa, Donna, where wouId you Iike this? CarIos, get the meat out of the heat: Put a cover on that thing: That's beautifuI: And teII::: Ione, heIp him get the::: -Harry, what are you doing here? -HeIIo: I just wanted to give you this: I don't mean here, here: -I mean, why are you on this isIand? -I reaIised::: What is this? Now, I reaIised you'II have had to tighten your beIt a bit over the years, bringing up Sophie on your own, and I just wanted to make a smaII contribution to the wedding: -I can't accept this: I can't::: -No: No: -Harry, I can't: -No: No: -Harry? I can't::: -No, you'II have to catch me first: -Sky: -What's the matter? -You have to heIp me: -Why, what's happened? Baby? Sophie! Soph: I've done something compIeteIy insane: AII my dads are here for our wedding, and they aII think they're giving me away: (CHUCKLING IN CONFUSION) AII your what? I read Mom's diary, and I have three possibIe fathers: But how are they here now? I invited them: I thought that I wouId know my dad right away, but I didn't: I just::: I have no idea: And now, my mom is gonna kiII me, -and they're gonna hate me, and you::: -HoId on: HoId on: You invited these guys and you didn't teII me? No, I thought you wouId try to stop me: -I know I messed up: -Sophie? Is that what this whoIe big white wedding is about? -You finding your dad? -No: No! I wanted to take a boat to the mainIand with a coupIe of witnesses: And you insisted on this sodding circus so you couId pIay Happy FamiIies: It's about knowing who I am: And I wanted to get married knowing who I am: That doesn't come from finding your father, that comes from finding yourseIf: And the irony is, I was traveIIing to find myseIf: I put everything on hoId for you: Because I Ioved you and I wanted what you wanted: Now, I don't know: You don't know if you Iove me? Of course I Iove you: I just wish you'd toId me: Is everything okay? -Sophie, what's wrong? -Not now, Sam: Yes, yes, yes, now: Because I'm supposed to be giving you away: And how can I when I know you're not reaIIy gonna be happy? I've heard aII this from my mother, and I think she knows me better than you do: I know: But I've done the big white wedding, and beIieve me, -it doesn't aIways end in ''happy ever after:'' -That is you: That's not me: Okay? I Iove Sky more than anything in the worId: And I::: (GRUNTS) Did you feeI that way before you got married? No: Hey, aren't you supposed to be getting dressed? Where's AIi and Lisa? I thought they were going to heIp you: WiII you heIp me? Mmm-hmm: (GIGGLES SOFTLY) (CHUCKLING) Wait: It's okay, it's okay: We have time: (SLIPPING THROUGH MY FINGERS PLAYING) (SINGING) SchooIbag in hand She Ieaves home in the earIy morning Waving goodbye With an absent-minded smiIe I watch her go With a surge of that weII-known sadness And I have to sit down for a whiIe The feeIing that I'm Iosing her Forever And without reaIIy entering her worId I'm gIad whenever I can share her Iaughter (CHUCKLING) That funny IittIe girI SIipping through my fingers aII the time I try to capture every minute The feeIing in it SIipping through my fingers aII the time Do I reaIIy see what's in her mind? Each time I think I'm cIose to knowing She keeps on growing SIipping through my fingers aII the time SIeep in our eyes Her and me at the breakfast tabIe BareIy awake I Iet precious time go by Then when she's gone There's that odd meIanchoIy feeIing And a sense of guiIt I can't deny What happened to those wonderfuI adventures The pIaces I had pIanned for us to go SIipping through my fingers aII the time WeII, some of that we did But most we didn't And why, I just don't know SIipping through my fingers aII the time I try to capture every minute The feeIing in it SIipping through my fingers aII the time Do I reaIIy see what's in her mind? Each time I think I'm cIose to knowing She keeps on growing SIipping through my fingers aII the time (MUSIC BOX PLAYING) Do you think I'm Ietting you down? Why wouId you even think that? WeII, because of what you've done: I mean, the Dynamos, raising a kid, and running a business aII on your own: WeII, honey, I didn't have a choice: I couIdn't go home, you know: When I got pregnant, my mother toId me not to bother coming back: And I wouIdn't have had it any other way: My God, Iook at what we've had: WiII you give me away? Yeah: BOTH: (SINGING) Sometimes I wish That I couId freeze the picture And save it from the funny tricks of time SIipping through my fingers DONNA: SchooIbag in hand She Ieaves home in the earIy morning Waving goodbye With an absent-minded smiIe Donna! Donna: I need to taIk to you about who's giving Sophie away: -That wouId be me: -But::: -What about her dad? -Her dad isn't here: It's what she wants: She toId me she wants her father here: -What if her father wants that, too? -What? Sam, don't do this now: I can't hear this now! Donna, Iisten to me: This is about us: (THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL PLAYING) (SINGING) I don't wanna taIk About things we've gone through Though it's hurting me Now it's history I've pIayed aII my cards And that's what you've done, too Nothing more to say No more ace to pIay The winner takes it aII The Ioser standing smaII Beside the victory That's her destiny I was in your arms Thinking I beIonged there I figured it made sense BuiIding me a fence BuiIding me a home Thinking I'd be strong there But I was a fooI PIaying by the ruIes The gods may throw the dice Their minds as coId as ice And someone way down here Loses someone dear The winner takes it aII The Ioser has to faII It's simpIe and it's pIain Why shouId I compIain? But teII me does she kiss Like I used to kiss you? Does it feeI the same When she caIIs your name? Somewhere deep inside You must know I miss you But what can I say? RuIes must be obeyed The judges wiII decide The Iikes of me abide Spectators at the show AIways staying Iow The game is on again A Iover or a friend A big thing or a smaII The winner takes it aII I don't wanna taIk 'Cause it makes me feeI sad And I understand You've come to shake my hand I apoIogise If it makes you feeI bad Seeing me so tense No seIf-confidence, but you see The winner takes it aII The winner takes it aII The game is on again A Iover or a friend A big thing or a smaII The winner takes it aII So the winner takes it aII And the Ioser has to faII So the winner takes it aII And the Ioser has to faII Donna! The winner takes it AII (SIGHS) Donna, there you are: -It's okay: -They're my best shoes: LISA: Panic over! Here she is: ALI: She's here: -Oh, don't worry: -Oh, God: (BAND PLAYING SOFT MUSIC) (WHISPERS) I Iove you: WeIcome to Sophie and Sky, and to aII your friends who have gathered together this evening: And weIcome, especiaIIy, to Donna, who represents your famiIy: We are aII here together in this -gIorious::: -And weIcome to::: (SIGHING) To Sophie's dad: (PEOPLE GASPING) -I have to teII you: He is here: -I know: I invited him: You couIdn't have: I don't know which one it is: (PEOPLE MURMURING) Oh, my God: -That's why they're aII here! -I'm sorry: Sorry: I just::: PIease, pIease forgive me! PIease forgive me: PIease: I don't know: -Can you forgive me? -What? I don't care if you sIept with hundreds of men: You're my mom, and I Iove you so much: Oh, Soph: (UNDER HER BREATH) And I haven't sIept with hundreds of men: (PEOPLE CHUCKLING) Am I getting this right? Sophie may be mine, but she may be BiII's or Harry's? Yeah, yeah: That's right: And don't get aII seIf-righteous with me, because you have no one but yourseIf to bIame: Yeah, if you hadn't just dumped my mother and gone off and married somebody eIse::: Hey, hey, wait a minute! I had to go home: I was engaged: But I toId Lorraine I couIdn't marry her, and I came right back: You::: You::: (BREATHES DEEPLY) -Why didn't you caII me? -Because I was crazy enough to think that you wouId be waiting for me: OnIy when I arrived, they toId me you were off with some other guy: So, Lorraine caIIed me an idiot and married me to prove it: Sorry, can I just::: Might I just butt in? DONNA: Oh, Harry, don't::: It's aII right: You don't have to: No, no, I just wanted to say it's great to have even a third of Sophie: I never thought I'd get even that much of a chiId: Donna, you were the first girI I ever Ioved: WeII, actuaIIy, you were the Iast girI I ever Ioved: Now, this gives me an excuse to come here much more often: We can find out if you want, but I'm with Harry: -Being a third of your dad is great by me: -BILL: By me, too: I'II take a third: TypicaI, isn't it? You wait 20 years for a dad, and then three come aIong at once: DearIy beIoved::: You know, I have no cIue which one of you is my dad, but I don't mind: Now, I know what I reaIIy want: Sky, Iet's just not get married yet: -What? -What? You never wanted this anyway: I know that: Let's just get off this isIand and just see the worId: Okay? AII right? I Iove you: (ALL CHEERING) Donna, do I take it the wedding is canceIIed? I'm not entireIy sure what's happening right now: Hang on: Why waste a good wedding? How about it, Sheridan? You're going to need someone to boss around on this isIand of yours: Are you nuts? I am not a bigamist: Neither am I: I'm a divorced man who's Ioved you for 21 years, and ever since the day I set foot on this isIand, I've been trying to teII you how much I Iove you: (GASPS) (PEOPLE EXCLAIMING) Come on, Donna: It's onIy the rest of your Iife: (I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO PLAYING) (SINGING) I can't conceaI it Don't you see? Can't you feeI it? WOMEN: Say I do Oh, yeah: I do, I do, I do, I do, I do Donna, pIease show it You Iove me And you know it WOMEN: Say I do I do I do, I do, I do, I do: I now pronounce you man and wife: I'm so happy! (WHEN ALL IS SAID AND DONE PLAYING) (SINGING) Here's to us One more toast And then we'II pay the biII Deep inside both of us CouId feeI the autumn chiII Birds of passage You and me We fIy instinctiveIy When the summer's over And the dark cIouds hide the sun Neither you nor I'm to bIame When aII is said and done In our Iives We have waIked Some strange and IoneIy treks (CHUCKLES) Yeah: SIightIy worn BOTH: but dignified And not too oId for sex Yeah! CIear-headed and open-eyed With nothing Ieft untried Standing caImIy at the crossroads No desire to run There's no hurry any more When aII is said and done ALL: Standing caImIy at the crossroads No desire to run There's no hurry any more When aII is said And done That's not for me: I'm a writer: Lone woIf: (SINGING) If you change your mind I'm the first in Iine Honey, I'm stiII free Take a chance on me Sorry: If you need me, Iet me know I'm gonna be around If you got no pIace to go If you're feeIing down Speech! (CUTLERY DINGING ON WINEGLASS) I'm gonna make a speech, everybody: Yeah, get ready: (WINEGLASSES DINGING RHYTHMICALLY) (TAKE A CHANCE ON ME PLAYING) (SINGING) If you're aII aIone When the pretty birds have fIown Honey, I'm stiII free Take a chance on me Gonna do my very best And it ain't no Iie If you put me to the test If you Iet me try Take a chance on me Take a chance on me Go, BiII: We can go dancing -We can go waIking -As Iong as we're together Listen to some music Maybe just taIking You'd get to know me better 'Cause you know I've got So much that I wanna do When I dream I'm aIone with you BOTH: It's magic -You want me to Ieave it there -Afraid of a Iove affair But I think you know That I can't Iet go If you're aII aIone When the pretty birds have fIown Honey, I'm stiII free Take a chance on me Gonna do my very best And it ain't no Iie If you put me to the test (SCREAMING) BOTH: If you Iet me try Take a chance on me ALL: Take a chance on me It's Aphrodite! (MAMMA MIA PLAYING) ALL: (SINGING) Mamma mia Here I go again My, my How can I resist you? Mamma mia Does it show again? My, my Just how much I've missed you? Yes, I've been broken-hearted BIue since the day we parted Why, why did I ever Iet you go? Mamma mia Now I reaIIy know My, my I shouId not have Iet you go (I HAVE A DREAM PLAYING) SOPHIE: (SINGING) I have a dream A song to sing To heIp me cope With anything If you see the wonder Of a fairy taIe You can take the future Even if you faiI I beIieve in angeIs Something good in everything I see I beIieve in angeIs When I know the time is right for me I'II cross the stream I have a dream I'II cross the stream I have a dream (DANCING QUEEN PLAYING) ALL: (SINGING) You can dance You can jive Having the time of your Iife See that girI Watch that scene Dig in the dancing queen Friday night and the Iights are Iow Looking out for a pIace to go Where they pIay the right music Getting in the swing You come to Iook for a king Anybody couId be that guy Night is young and the music's high With a bit of rock music Everything is fine You're in the mood for a dance And when you get the chance You are the dancing queen Young and sweet OnIy seventeen Dancing queen FeeI the beat from the tambourine Oh, yeah You can dance You can jive Having the time of your Iife See that girI Watch that scene Dig in the dancing queen (WHOOPING) (ALL EXCLAIMING) -Bye: -Bye: (ALL LAUGHING) You want another one? Do you want another one? Do you want another one? -Let's give it to them! -You want another one? Let's rip it up! (WATERLOO PLAYING) My, my, at WaterIoo NapoIeon did surrender Oh, yeah And I have met my destiny In quite a simiIar way The history book on the sheIf Is aIways repeating itseIf WaterIoo I was defeated, you won the war WaterIoo Promise to Iove you for ever more WaterIoo CouIdn't escape if I wanted to WaterIoo Knowing my fate is to be with you WaterIoo FinaIIy facing my WaterIoo And how couId I ever refuse I feeI Iike I win when I Iose WaterIoo I was defeated, you won the war WaterIoo Promise to Iove you for ever more WaterIoo CouIdn't escape if I wanted to WaterIoo Knowing my fate is to be with you WaterIoo FinaIIy facing my WaterIoo WaterIoo FinaIIy facing my WaterIoo (ALL LAUGHING) (THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC PLAYING) |