Manthrikan (2012)
There are some mishaps seen
in the funeraI obsequies performed for your younger brother In the southern orchard where the cremation took pIace, a crow has banged Its head on the branch of a dried up tree and cried aIoud Veera... Pay the priest what he deserves Hey, haut boy! 2 iII deaths have taken pIace I intend to remind you that the spirits of those whose funeraI rites ...have not been performed, wiII be wandering around Is there none here to Iight the Iamp at the twiIight hour? Where has everyone gone off to? ShaII I Iight the Iamp? Who is it? Who is it? Who is it, I ask! Who is it over there? PIease don't harm me Ruku's spirit that is capabIe of utter destruction has got embodied and it has to be feared What is the soIution to this? A rituaI to untie it! It has to be driven away An armor of a very strong recitation is of utter necessity to drive away Ruku's spirit No ordinary priest can tie up her spirit To my knowIedge, there is onIy 1 person who is capabIe of doing this MadapiIIy Bhattathiri! Greetings to you... PIease, come in You expected not to be traced if you hide in water inside the weII! - Come out! - I wiII not! You wiII come out! I wiII bring you out... I know how to get you here! You, MadapiIIy Bhattathiri, Iet me see how smart you are You wish to chaIIenge me But, you have no right to... God has appointed me to ground you and I am fuIfiIIing my task This sorcerous pot is your ceII forever I, order you to enter into it Years Iater...a viIIage in Karnataka Mukundan Unni and his friends are Just Iook at the cuItivation! Sir, they are reaI cunning ones So, their crops wiII be the best too They have taken the Iand on rent and got it cuItivated They had rented our Iand and cuItivated it too But, there is not even grass growing That is because of their smartness They cannot be trusted one bit You trust them, don't you? Yes sir, I do trust them! Mukundan Unni, himseIf has stamped on this white paper Go ahead and boIdIy cut it down I am there with you, isn't it! That is aII we need It is definiteIy more than the rent that they have to pay us He wiII take care...in case of any further probIems Yes, I wiII handIe it Cut it aII down! Nice, ripe sugarcanes You wiII definiteIy make some good profits in this Not just a good profit An extremeIy good profit shouId be made Laborers again! We have enough aIready With whose permission are you cutting these? Gopure... What do they mean to say? With whose permission are you cutting the sugarcanes? We have asked yourfathers for the permission Show them the paper that Mukundan Unni has signed on What are they saying? - Why make a fuss? - Get Iost How dare you touch the sugarcane in MaIIIaiah's fieId? What is he saying? Sir, ask him to get me down... Is that why he has been barking for so Iong! Get him down! They have understood what you've spoken about their fathers This Iand does not beIong to Mukundan Unni He has cheated us Run for your Iife! Big brother! Mukundan Unni, I wiII not spare you Let us do that Iater We need to escape from here right now Or eIse, they wiII not spare us Yes, we shouId not bow our heads in front of anyone You are right! Run away! Cold winds off cool rivers, come along with me Sing a song to awaken the Koel deep in sleep The soft missed has faded, come out little woman Let's step out of the mist to go to fields We can adorn our hairwith jasmine flowers Oh my girl, the sky yonder east Reddened like vermilion vial splashed its dye On the hill tops of Ambarathi, ahoy! There's a light shining that's amazing Oh lovely earth, one touch and it yields My dear girl reap its rich harvests and come Waiting in the fields to clap in rhythm My girl, with the beating of drums, she sings Celebration of festival of dreams let's all get together Come laughing and in joy, don't tempt me my girl Oh my girl, the sky yonder east Reddened like vermilion vial splashed its dye Thumping hooves of cattle in rhythm Bronze bells in accompanying tinkle Under shady tress of country side sounds of breeze whispering sweet nothings Our town gets ready with beating hearts Resounding sounds of drums, my curly haired girl Howdah, on elephant, umbrella swaying joyously Town full of decorated umbrellas unfolding in welcome Celebration of festival of dreams let's all get together Come laughing and in joy, don't tempt me my girl Oh my girl, the sky yonder east Reddened like vermilion vial splashed its dye Oh look my girl, the buds and flowers blossoming Look how beautiful they are in the valley and fields Heaps of flowers plucked into baskets and bowls Adorning the festival-car along the temple paths Singing streams of rivulets crafted for you Silver beaded ornament to adorn the waist The summer sun too turns beautiful Wearing her veil of woven gold A beautiful veil of woven gold To adorn the body of mist with red vermilion l shall give you my girl with beautiful eyes Stars yearned to tinkle like bells of your anklets Oh pretty girl with pretty flowers in hair Celebration of festival of dreams let's all get together Come laughing and in joy, don't tempt me my girl Oh my girl, the sky yonder east Reddened like vermilion vial splashed its dye On the hill tops of Ambarathi, ahoy! There's a light shining that's amazing Oh lovely earth, one touch and it yields My dear girl reap its rich harvests and come Waiting in the fields to clap in rhythm My girl, with the beating of drums, she sings Celebration of festival of dreams let's all get together Come laughing and in joy, don't tempt me my girl What is this? What eIse do you need? Legs of Ramba (a South Indian actress) Legs of Ramba... Here it is! Check it out Eyes of Kareena Kapoor (a North Indian actress) Take this Use the gum Why can't I stick it Iike this? It is such a sweet thing But, it wiII get spoiIed if a dog Iicks it Dog is your... Where is Ramba's other Ieg? Isn't this the other Ieg? Can't you recognize it? Isn't this the one? Yes, it is aIright now Mukundan Unni, there are some more bits to be found This is not a porn movie So, Iet it be... Why is Aishwarya Rai's nose cut off? I've been cutting this aII night My fingers have got cut and you are not bothered about it - Get Iost! - You, get Iost! So, our Damayanti (a woman Iike a queen) is ready It was a fake story but this is what they got fIattered with Why did you make up a character Iike this? Otherwise, I had to pay a sum of 1.5 Iakhs To the queen? No...to those peopIe coming now! Run away... - Why? - Just run Oh no! Stop it Hey, don't Iet them go Catch hoId of them Don't run away... You tried to escape? No, I did not mean to escape Why did you run away from us? I did not run away... Why did we see you run? ShaII I teII you the truth? - Can you pIease speak the truth? - I wiII! PIease do Can you aII move away? I want to taIk to the oIder brother Go away What is it? Do not be surprised Damayanti sent her picture yesterday Subramaniam chased me to get hoId of the picture MeanwhiIe, the picture got torn amidst the chaos Have you grown big enough to tear Damayanti's picture? Grandmother... Why caII your grandmother?! My mother is no more... Stop weeping and go inside Get Iost, you idiot! Sir, pIease adjust with this nose OnIy the nose? Damayanti, herseIf wiII be coming here WiII she not have a nose? She wiII have it It wiII bIoom in 2 days What is it? He was asking me about the right manure for the sugarcanes Damayanti had caIIed up yesterday She was reaIIy impressed when I spoke about you What did she say? Mukundan Unni, is my little boss doing fine? I am getting aII those goose-bumps... Don't finish of aII the goose-bumps now Leave some of it to be used when she, herseIf is here finaIIy What is it? 'Nandini' (the cow), has started getting her uterine contractions So, I was consuIting with him whether to treat her with home remedies or ...take her to the veterinary doctor for the injections What do you suggest? You are the Iuckiest man in the whoIe worId - Why is it so? - Damayanti has never seen you What is it that you have, that has impressed her so much? Pressure! Pressure?... I've got a high bIood pressure So, don't tense me...teII me what it is Damayanti wiII be soon coming to Iive with you When wiII she come? Whenever you want herto But, I need to go fetch her I do not have money for the bus fare How can I go, get her? Okay, so, that is the issue right now You expected me to be the same as my brothers... This ring weighs a sovereign SeII this and go, get her Take care of aII her needs My brothers shouId not know about this I wiII not teII them even if I'm threatened to be kiIIed I wiII kiII you if they come to know - Come here and get into the vehicIe - Carry on... Start the vehicIe Go on, swinging your hands... He, who came Iike a tiger went off Iike a rat Did you see that? I got this one sovereign ring without much hassIe This can fetch me 25,000 25,000...? I know of aII your hardships PIease don't think that I'm teIIing you this onIy because you have got money now - What is it? - My grandmother is not weII The major has recommended a commando operation in her eye PIease give me this ring... - If not, I aIso know how to steaI it - What's wrong? You were in need of money for your sister's coIIege fees, isn't it? - Take this - What about your needs? Life is easy when we have peopIe Iike the Nettikadan brothers in our viIIage Don't fiII your tummy with aII these There is yam and other tubers too Yam is too itchy You, corpse... The crops are not too great this time You are sounding Iike as though ...the cuItivation was extremeIy good during the past 2 years Why is it that, the vegetabIes in our farm ...are getting thinner by the day, Iike the peopIe in SomaIia? You shouId buy some good, nutritionaI manure for the crops I had asked you to drop some cow dung there Am I a cow to drop dung? Don't give me that Iook It is not enough if you dress up in denims and waIk in styIe You shouId go to the fieIds and toiI there too Do you consider yourseIf a hero? I am reaIIy tensed right now ShouId I be thinking of the cuItivation or my hunger? AppIy the brakes! You are crying as if you have been hit Go, get the first aid box from the car The car does not have the proper registration papers How wiII it have a first aid box? What do we do now? Let us abscond if no one has seen us But, they have seen us Why are they running away? They do not want to be witnesses to this murder - Murder?.... - Yes, here it is Let us take her to the hospitaI The hospitaI authorities wiII hand us over to the poIice Let us take her to the poIice station, instead The poIice wiII beat us up and take us to the hospitaI - What for? - First is, abuse SecondIy, if she regains consciousness and cIaims that you attempted to rape her, you wiII get caught no doubt But, I have not attempted it These days, it is a trend to cIaim that rape has been attempted You wiII get caught! What do we do now? Let us take herto ourfarm house now What is that for? When she gets conscious, we can find out what the probIem is We can take money from her, cIaiming that the jeep has to be repaired - What if she does not Ieave then? - We can abduct her then Huh?... We wiII scare her and force herto go away Lift her! How can you park the car in the middIe of the road? Where do you Iook whiIe you drive? - Move away! - Where are you off to? - What do you want? - I wiII show you what I want Who are you and what do you want? I asked you to move away Take this to the car I wiII not aIIow you to take it I have toiIed hard to grow these VegetabIes It is aII organic What are you fighting for? Get into the vehicIe There is bIood on your face! Is it tomato paste on yours'? Come, Iet us fight them... He has faIIen down What do we do now? Let us Ieave We have reached our pIace Hope it was a comfortabIe journey Yes, shaII we go on another ride? I wiII smash you now Carry her down What are you doing? You can hoId the Iegs and I wiII come that way Be carefuI, don't drop her down HoId that part! Isn't this the Ieg? No, it is not the Ieg HoId herfeet Chicken Iegs for him and girIs' Iegs for me - They wiII easiIy break at this age - Where is south for us? Are you going to bury her here? I want to keep her head towards the south You have staIked a girI from some good famiIy, taken her to some guest house ...promising to marry her, raped her to make her pregnant and ...somehow brought her here on the way to getting her kiIIed I wiII not stand by you forthis - I wish to teII you aII... - Go and get some water Okay, there is Iiquortoo! I wiII preferthe soda in my drink Go, get some water to sprinkIe on her face Oh, is that it? Is she dead? No, the thing inside is beating hard You are Iying... - No, I mean it! - Let me check too That is not necessary, you can hear it through my ears I don't want to hear it No fun when I hear it through your ear - Don't rub it too much, Ieave it... - Here's the water SprinkIe it Is it stuck? PuII it... Pour it through the space Turn it and pour it out Who is it over there? Who are you? This poor souI can't be seen This is his face Turn off the torch before she faints again Who are you aII? What a reIief! I am Mukundan Unni - What is your name? - Name... Sindhu, Reshma, Maria, Santha, ViIasini? Can you pIease keep quiet? What is there in a name? - Where do you Iive? - My house... This is my house TeII me what you are here for and Ieave Come on, Iet us go Are you acting this out? Get out and Ieave Where do I go to? Isn't this my house? - No! - Why have you kidnapped me? We have not kidnapped you We brought you here after a jeep hit you You tried to kiII me by hitting me with a jeep? I had warned you not to bring her here Madness - Madness! - She is mad! Can pretty girIs Iike this go mad? Madness doesn't Iook at how pretty the person is Narayanan used to Iook Iike Aamir Khan (a BoIIywood hero) Is it so? So, are you Aamir Khan? If Aamir Khan was to hearthis, he wouId have shot you dead Stop there! Stop there! I wiII kiII you if you make a noise Sit down! If we had not rescued you, those guys wouId have destroyed you by now Learn to be gratefuI The Nettikadans are here If they get hoId of her, she wiII be dead soon - We must keep her in hiding - Where do we keep her?. Open the Iarge chest Get in faster Go inside I wiII aIso give her company I wiII give you company too - Not necessary - ShaII I come in? It is aIready too dark inside Stop there! Where is Mukundan Unni? He wiII get back by the train that comes at 10:30 - Which train is that? - I do not know about that He wiII come on the Jayanti He toId us about Damayanti Is there a Jayanthi too? Jayanti is the name of a train I don't mind seeing even the train It's a nice name Whose bedroom is this? This is not a bedroom It is a wedding auditorium In the evening, they serve food for 2000 peopIe We need to get out before that Is it our marriage? What was that noise? That's Mukundan's cat, trying to catch a mouse I have never seen a cat catch a mouse - Can I see it now? - No, the cat wiII not Iike that We are not Ieaving this pIace tiII we see Mukundan - Don't we have to see the bank manager? -Ask the bank manager to get Iost - That Iady wiII be upset, sir! - Lady?... Come on, Iet's go They have gone Come out Thank goodness, they have gone Come out Why are you Iooking guiIty? Did something happen inside the chest? - With my right hand in this pot - Did your Ieft hand go, pIucking mangoes? This dog hugged me tight - I had expected this - Why is it so? WiII a famined dog eat mutton biryani served to it orthrow it off? Throw it off... Not the biryani, but this specimen! Look at him Was this journey comfortabIe too? WouId have been nice to have more of the guttered roads Lift her up You can taIk Ioud She wiII not wake up Wake up... you pretty queen I made her steamed rice cakes using 50 sIeeping piIIs She wiII sIeep continuousIy forthe next 8 to 10 hours Go, check if it's safe up there - You have to come too - Why so? She wiII not be safe aIone with you She might even have a baby soon There is no man or animaI in a diameter of 26km around this pIace That is the reason I chose this pIace It is safe here too How wiII she go from here? If she wakes up, she wiII have to waIk 30km down the mountain to catch a bus If this was your motive, why did you bring her home? We didn't go searching for it It just happened to us We can be sure that, there is nothing wrong with her body But, there is something wrong with her brains That might be a congenitaI defect It need not be caused by the accident It is evident that, she is a girI who has gone through severaI probIems Amidst aII our current probIems, do we have to entertain another one Iike this? - Not necessary! - You can, if you want to No, not at aII... There is a car going... - Where? - Down there Looks simiIarto ours', isn't it? You toId there are no cars passing by this pIace See for yourseIf, now - Is that our vehicIe? - Yes, it might be ours' She's going away with our vehicIe Stop there!... Stop the car, you donkey! You ride weII There is another person who rides weII too - Who is that? - Your father! That's her Isn't she dead yet? No... But, I wiII kiII her now Mukundan, she's got water with her So, be carefuI I'II thrash you We took care of you Iike goId and you abandoned us Iike grass I know who wanted to abandon whom You are aII tired ShaII I serve you those rice cakes made with sIeeping piIIs? Get the knife and not the rice cakes Who gave you the permission to wear my cIothes? He asked me to get ready and so I did - Who asked you to get ready? - Kovur! - Which Kovur? - Oh... Kovur!... - He asked me if I am Damayanti - What did you teII him? I admitted that I am Damayanti He toId he wiII come in the morning with his bosses What do we teII the Nettikadans tomorrow? What is there to teII them She has owned up that she is Damayanti Let it remain that way She is Damayanti for the Nettikadans WiII that be aIright? Yes, it wiII be aIright Or eIse, we wiII set it right She wiII set it right BIack bangIes... or Iotus Ieaves... I wiII gift Damayanti, a goId bangIe today I Iook so mascuIine Damayanti wiII faII forthis WiII something happen today? The 3rd Nettikadan brother is on his way... to see you, Damayanti - Where are you off to? - Yes, where are you off to? I am asking you Where are you off to, big brother? I am going to get some bangIes I mean...Kovur caIIed up saying that the manure has come So, I am going for it Where are you off to? - I am going to get some insecticides - How about you? Where am I going to? To the workshop... The tractor engine is making a noise So, have to change the oiI Both of you are going aIone Do get back as soon as your works are done You too, big brother! - It was not on purpose - You don't have to teII me anything It was reaIIy cheap of us to have taken 5 Iakhs from the Nettikadans quoting Damayanti as the excuse I am feeIing guiIty about it I wiII avoid it now I wiII kiII you if you avoid it now Why do you take 5 or 6? Can't you take 10 or 20 at once? I wiII do that the next time With so much of money invoIved, wiII she act weII? In the 7th grade, she won the first pIace, acting as a witch She need not act Iike a witch She can just Iive it The Nettikadans have come He's running towards us He's not running, he has come in his jeep Have you gone bIind? You are bIind... Has he come too? - He is the one who has come - What about this one? Oh no, big brother is aIso here Didn't you go for the insecticides? I decided to come and get the interest money from them, before I go I wiII get the interest You can Ieave You can Ieave, big brother I am asking you to Ieave I've decided that I'II not Ieave this pIace before I get the interest from them Get Iost! Don't try to boss over me You are bossing over me There comes the next one too Why have you come here? - Why are you here, brothers? - We have come for the interest I have aIso come for the same Their aim is not the interest It is the weaIth that is inside the house The 3 of them are here together, It wiII be sheer Iuck if at Ieast her teeth and naiIs are Ieft behind It wiII be difficuIt Tea... What a weaIth this is! I wiII take even the interest for this one Mukundan, this is not just a queen She is a goddess! - Cough syrup?... - Get Iost! - I Iike aII the 3 of you - Me too! I want to marry too But, there is a probIem What is the probIem? The Indian government does not aIIow it - Who made that ruIe? -Ambedkar! We don't care who has made the ruIe This charm and boIdness has got me reaI confused I wouId suggest we keep a competition Yes, a competition is the best aIternate when many stand an equaI chance According to mythoIogy, Raman got married to Sita by breaking an arrow I wiII break their bones So, he who wins the competition, wiII get married to Damayanti Let us have an eating competition That is for you to stand a chance to win, isn't it? Get Iost! I can forego anything to make Damayanti mine Me too... I am your big brother So, go back home, I say You, get Iost, you dog! - What did you caII me? - Don't you dare to touch me! PIease, hoId this Damayanti, I can give up anything for you Listen Go there, wiII you? Misty eyes turn happy with your beauty Offering comfort to a burning heart You came like a cool breeze To a barren land longing relief Can't finish loving you this lifetime Misty eyes turn happy with your beauty Your mischiefs are a relief too Drawing crossroads in me Among dreams aplenty You emerged like a shining pot You made me longing for love Like life in golden town Misty eyes turn happy with your beauty Shattering all my thoughts You came like water droplets galore My thoughts fill with your nuances Renewed beside me by the day l accepted it with all my heart To be forever Misty eyes turn happy with your beauty Who are you actuaIIy? That is a question I have not found the answerto I do not know I can't remember anything Why are you acting in front of us? I am not acting... MaaIu, the name that you have given me, is aII I know I can't even remember my reaI name Can I ask you something? WiII you give me off to those fat men? I couId have thrown you or given you away Iong back, if I wanted to Leave me aIone! MaaIu... Catch hoId of him! l am letting you go only because of his recommendation Otherwise, l would have taught you a lesson Did you hear that? It hurts you if we raise our hands against a poIice-man, isn't it? If you speak anymore I'II break your bones These are common diaIogues at the poIice-stations back home Hey, get Iost! Is she fine? I had gone to the hospitaI What's next? She is not there Where has she gone? Her reIatives have come and taken her away Where to? No cIue about that! Why did she come into our Iives? The initiaI fights, Iots of Iove after that and now, she has gone off somewhere She might not come back Otherwise, she wouId have come back by now No, she wiII not come back ever She can forget aII that has happened But, how can I? - Yes, he is here - Who is it? Your mother What is it, mother? I wiII Ieave immediateIy What is it? My father is seriousIy iII I need to go home soon I have to go back soon I cannot be here for Iong I'm feeIing bad to Ieave you here aIone Do as you wish You have never stood by your parents' wishes Your father had high hopes that, you wiII foIIow his footsteps Don't you know that I don't beIieve in aII these magic chants? No matter what we pIan, it is onIy god's wish that happens finaIIy Bungalow of a Haut Monde in Coorg The canopy for the wedding ceIebrations, shouId be a reaI grand one It is not just a wedding The girI is from this bungaIow l know, sir It is not enough if you say that you have understood You shouId understand The reIatives, friends and VIPs are coming from America, London, Bombay If there is a fIaw in what you taken up, you know how these men here wiII react It wiII be fine, sir I know that you wiII do a good job But, I'm saying this for my satisfaction Around 20 days more for the wedding Start with the canopy works tomorrow Did you sprain your Ieg? Not my Ieg... you sprained yourtongue Uff, I got scared! Take this away Speed up! WiII it get ready before the wedding? Don't open those bottIes I know the count There was a caII from the chartered accountant office Can I teII you something, sir? The caterer and the person deaIing with the canopies, were here Unniadhiri, pIease wait out I wiII come and meet you there Did you hear what Unniadhiri just toId? The preparations are gearing up I cannot marry someone whom I don't Iike and that is not a mistake What is it that, Giridhar Iacks? I did not say that, he Iacks something I don't want to marry him Look at the way she's taIking! Isn't Giri rich, good Iooking and the both of you grew up together He is our reIative too What's in your mind? I'm in Iove with someone, Niranjan We have decided to Iive together - What? - Stop it!... The women in this bungaIow can make their own decisions onIy when I'm no more Jagannath, Iock her up tiII the wedding - Move away -Ask him to Ieave me aIone - I won't come - Come...! Come this way Leave me, UncIe Keep waIking Come here In the fixed date.. We wiII get you married as per the pIans That wiII be with my corpse Go inside Who is that? Who is that? You... - It's me... - You... Open it... Get the bag Come in... This is the house Come in... This is Mukundan Unni Bhattathiri Greetings! It isjust now that I came to know your father has passed away He was happy when I toId him that the son is way better than the father - Come on, Iet us Ieave now - Where to? To the bungaIow in Coorg... An eviI spirit that your father had rooted has been freed again It is showing aII its power now Since your father is no more, he wants you to root her What? I mean...to ground her back My father's deeds have got over with his time Has he given you a guarantee card for any ''after services'' after that? Carry on...pIease Ieave Is he angry because he is not happy with the advance amount? With divine thoughts, bring a beteI Ieaf and 50,000... 1 Iakh! Yes, 1 Iakh and 1 rupee PIease wait I wiII set things right There he is... You proud one in debt... Do you know who that man is? He is the one who suppIies goId to aII the jeweIIery shops in South India Oh, he's a jeweIer! Yes, Iet us snatch it from him It is either our Iuck or their bad Iuck that, the ghost had to come out now If we root it back, we can get the money that we demand We have paid off the drummers and others waiting outside... with the advance money we got from him Who asked you to do aII this without my permission? It is no kids pIay to deaI with ghosts and spirits It is done by risking one's Iife I have gone with my father and seen it as a kid I, do fear aII this Who is going to do it? We wiII just go, take them on a ride and get back That is it! He has agreed!... Agreed?... Here they come... He has agreed to come We forced him to Here's the offering Which is east facing? Let us not fight forthat Give it to me Ask her to get ready with her bags She wiII have to Ieave once Mukundan Unni reaches there - Whom are you taIking about? - The ghost!... - Mukundan, open the door - What is it? She just heId me Did she? Let me see her It's the ghost! Ii just saw a dream now EarIy morning dreams do come true For the past 4 years, he has been dreaming of getting married to Aishwarya Rai Did it happen? Abhishek Bachchan has married her, isn't it What has gone, is gone Let us taIk of what we can get right now Get ready to Ieave now Be the exorcist I am not wiIIing to do something that I do not know of I have bought these ghost movies for you to Iearn from Are aII these ghost movies? Some porn too, to reIax in between Whatever you say, I am not wiIIing to die in an unknown Iand - Give me that porn - No way... Mukundan Unni, your father died being hurt with aII the debts made because of you What shouId I do forthat? Yourfather's spirit wiII be at peace ...onIy if no one comes here asking for money because of you These braceIets, made by yourfore-fathers... ...had kept your father safe from aII dangers You wiII be safe as Iong as you have these with you Wear this chain No eviI force can harm you I was born after 9 years of hoping for a chiId after your marriage - Do I have to do this? - Yes, you have to Your mother wants you to You have to go! Did you hear what mom said? Mothers, normaIIy wish onIy good fortheir kids This is the first time I'm seeing a mother ...intentionaIIy pIunging her son into troubIe - ShaII we go? - Hmmm... Niranjan, where are you? I am waiting outside the gate Wait there, in the car I wiII be there soon Okay... - Who are you? - It's me... You are eIoping away with your Iover! I had attempted this once But, the men foIks of this house, did not aIIow me to What are you taIking about? You have no cIue, isn't it? Then you need not know about it But, no one shouId get anything that I couIdn't That appIies to you too - Why are you so Iate? - Nothing at aII Come on... The tyre has to be changed No, not necessary Just escape soon Where are you off to? I'm asking you to just come with me - What are you doing? - Come on... Let me go - Come on... - Let's go away from here Come with me! - Have you got any information? - No, nothing at aII They have gone I wiII Iet you know - What happened? - We have searched everywhere No information at aII? We have checked with the hospitaIs, raiIway station and bus stand - But, no information at aII - Let us compIain to the poIice - Can you come here? - What is it? I know that I wiII not be forgiven But, I need to go with Niranjan, the man I Ioved... Do not search for me She has betrayed us!... What do we teII Rajendran and Subhadra? They are busy with the wedding preparations I do not know Why do you worry so much? You have another daughter, Chandana, who is aIso oId enough to get married We need to find out if she is wiIIing to get married We do not know what she thinks They are right CaII Chandana and ask her to come here tomorrow - I scared you... - You dog! Take this bag - Yes, how much is it? - 200 and something What is that, 'something'? Give him the 200 for now We wiII give him the 'something' Iater on Nothing, swamiji l just wanted to see your face That's why l called you again What does that mean? I wanted to see your face for the Iast time I am going back He meant to say that I wiII die He couId aIso mean that, he wiII die soon Come on... - That was the gate... - Get Iost! This is an oId bungaIow Can there be a ghost over here? WiII the ghost Iook for a fIat at the marine drive and go stay there? - She wiII sureIy be here - See you back home Wait there! PIease stop scaring him unnecessariIy There is no ghost here In case it is there, it is something god has shown us after seeing our sufferings We wiII enjoy here That buII is heading towards us Keep running... - Escape... - Don't Ieave me aIone Did you get a Ioan from the buII? I beIieve it is coming to kiII us Keep running... The buII can even tear out our underwears - Escape - Do not Ieave me aIone Why does the buII hate the coIor, 'red'? I guess, it beIong to the congress party Oh my mom! Ayaioooh...! They are coming Get up They are coming Don't spoiI it The buII stung me on my ass They have reached Start the chants - Greetings to you aII - Get up... The Iand rituaIs are over Oh god, pIease take care of this bungaIow The soiI over here, smeIIs of bIood As soon as I entered, I heard the cries of the wandering spirits We, heard it too - PIease come in - We too! PIease I have heard when my father taIking about this bungaIow We are aII frightened It's unnecessary I have come now, isn't it!... This is my uncIe, my wife...MaIini Subhadra, Sangeetha and Sumithra Lot of women around Looks Iike they wiII have a crime story to write about me Teach them some chants when you are free of work Betterthan that is.. What did you just say? That's the name of my grandmother's oiI What is it? Can't you do it? Yes, we can Unniathiri, pIease show them to their rooms Come with me Can you smeII something burnt? This is where Manavendar was burnt to death - By whom? - By Ruku What was it for? There is a Iong road Ieading towards the north That was where Gangadhar was bitten on the neck and kiIIed - By whom?... - By Ruku... Why wasn't the poIice informed of aII these murders? - What can the poIice do to the ghost? - Ghost?!... Yes, that's Ruku... Wait there! ShouId we proceed further? Yes, we have to Keep waIking - Come on... - We are... A sorcerer, MuthuveIan, from TamiI Nadu had rooted her once - Rooted whom? - Ruku... Guess what we saw the next morning after that... What was it? MuthuveIan was torn to pieces and thrown around the courtyard - What is it? - Now, you are here... That outhouse, where the buriaI ground is for you What? I meant your stay!... I did not reaIize it's so Iate I need to get back before she comes out Come here... - What is it? - There is something with this tree TeII us whatever, it may be... - Do you know what tree it is? - Coconut? - No, do you know what is on it? - OwI? The ghost dweIIs on top of it The peopIe here, have faIIen for our Iooks and taIks Yes, that's true We wiII have to take money from them By taIking about the rituaIs that, we know wiII never happen That, depends pureIy on your performance The first day itseIf, has been a fiasco - Don't finish off our food too - Is it over? I cannot adjust to the food outside KeraIa I am worried if the cIimate wiII suit me I am worried if we wiII get possessed Where is the pickIe that, my mom had given us? Her water-appIe pickIes can entice you to eat a kiIo of rice Why eat a kiIo? You need to eatjust right - Here is the pickIe - Give me some Tastes Iike soiI Let me taste that Yes, you are right Who brought this here? I took it from that cemetery and carried it for the spooky effect - What is it? - It resembIes someone we know, isn't it? - Show me - Okay This Iooks Iike Raman Chettiar, who had died heart-broken ...because you did not pay back the debts Is it? Give back the money, you idiot! This dog has been crying ever since we have reached this pIace What is it? The beIief is that, dogs can see the spirits that humans cannot see Why do you fear? The ghost wiII not harm us tiII we try to do something to root it - We wiII not be doing that! - Yes, you are right Where is this noise from? What is that overthere? Mukundan Unni, do not fear, be boId My friend is an inspector What is it? What happened? This is terribIe What was the noise? Why did you scare away the maid who came to cIear the dishes? She got reaIIy scared! Come forward Did she come here? We did not reaIize that We were busy with the chants Some chants have to be toId aIoud and some onIy in the mind Is that why they are asIeep Iike this? Wake up... They are tired after the journey Fast asIeep... They have to start the chants earIy in the morning tomorrow My trademark rituaIs with the traditionaI fIoor patterns ...using rice powder, cinnamon sticks and the horns of a bIack deer, ...wiII aII start off earIy, tomorrow morning - So, you can carry on... - Let's go Which famiIy does this dark skinned priest beIong to? He is from Travancore, from some famiIy that's not there at aII Here's yourtea He was reaIIy upset, as if he were unconscious, when we heard of Devangini, having eIoped away Yes, I feIt paraIysed Right now, I feeI I did not have a daughter Iike that Did you taIk to Giri about it? He has absoIuteIy no objections and has Ieft everything to his parents to decide Did you taIk to Chandana? Yes, we did mention to her about it She has totaIIy agreed to it too She feeIs she is Iucky to be getting married to Giri AII god's bIessings! So, Iet us proceed with the wedding as it has been pIanned Swamiji (priest) Who are you? Why are you here at midnight? It is earIy morning aIready Ranganathan got scared seeing something I was asked to come, get you for heIp I have not seen you here before I am Rukmani, Madhavan Unni's daughter I came here yesterday, with my father - PIease, do not deIay - Yes... Someone in the bungaIow has got scared, seeing something I am not coming Me too... Has she gone away? Are you there? Is there anyone around? Her name... Rukmani... Wake up... We have to Ieave immediateIy Why are you waking us up in the middIe of the night and saying we have to Ieave? Why are you saying this now? Come on, we have to... Our Iives are at risk Come on, Iet's Ieave!... He must have dreamt of something Let's sIeep He's gone mad It is not dream Come on... You have been saying this right from the day after we came here TeII us where can we go to! We can decide that Iater Be quick now You Ieave everything haIf way and choose to be in a fix aIways In between of aII our probIems, god, himseIf, has shown us this house and we are not Ieaving this pIace We can soIve that once we Ieave this pIace How wiII we soIve it? We can't even go back to the pIaces we have been with you before You worked on 8 to 10 acres of Iand and onIy ended up with debts amounting to 30 Iakhs What can we earn after Ieaving from here? - I am asking you to just come with me - We are not coming with you!... It is my responsibiIity to take care of both of you Enough of the trust and responsibiIities Let us end it aII, right here PIease, Iisten to me... Once we get out of this pIace, we can decide whetherto end it aII or not I am teIIing you this for your own good PIease, trust me... - Isn't that, MaIu? - Yes... Why is she here? Go on - Was the journey comfortabIe? - Yes, it was Give me Chandana's bag Give me a hand Be carefuI - Why didn't you caII me in the night? - Diya, who is it? That's her boy-friend, John Kurakaran, isn't it? Let us take the phone away from her Come on Chandana, do not come this side AIIow me to taIk PIease, do not disturb me AIong with the pot and camphor that, we have brought, - we shouId have carried a binocuIar too - What is that for?. For a cIearer view of them - Do you have any other intentions? - No... You can Iook at the 4 other girIs I wiII poke your eyes for you, if you Iook at my MaIu First and foremost, confirm whether it is your MaIu or not I wiII confirm it PIease, waIk forward now Hey, stop there John, why don't you take me to BangaIore with you? She is waiting impatientIy over here What is wrong with you? You have started this, right from the time I got here yesterday I am not MaIu I am Chandana Don't come, taIking to me about this hereafter Looks Iike everything is aIright now - What did she teII you? - Nothing... Same story again She is not MaIu! You shouId not appear in front of her again - I wiII prove that it is MaIu - How wiII you prove it? - Do you remember... - What? In the farmhouse, that day, do you remember she had danced standing on top of my jeep, wearing my t-shirt and dhothi? Yes, we do... That day, I had seen a bIack moIe on her right thigh If I am a man, I wiII prove that bIack moIe Yes, the bIack moIe... That sounds Iike a good proof You... Don't you know me? Don't you remember the days you stayed with us, fought with us and we were in Iove? Get out!... Don't taIk nonsense You are mad I wiII prove who is mad I know that you act weII But, you can't pIay the fooI with me, anymore Get out, right now Or eIse, I wiII caII for peopIe - Yes, caI... - Father... - What is happening here? - Unniadri, he is... Don't get frightened hearing what I am going to teII you now - Ruku's ghost has possessed her... - Oh no!... - She wiII destroy this house - You... Everybody in the house shouId be warned that ...tiII the rituaIs get over, interactions with her shouId be very minimaI - I wiII... - Escape! I wiII treat you I wiII not Ieave tiII I root the ghost, Chandana who has possessed my MaIu -Are you there? - Yes, I am just coming What did you tell her? I stopped her from taIking I did not touch her I mean to ask, what did you teII her? We, sorcerers have a way to taIk to these ghosts You wiII not understand that Ianguage The ghost that was outside the house, is now dweIIing in Chandana's body The peopIe in the bungaIow have to be warned that, I might need to enter her room at midnights for the rituaI purposes - They shouId not misunderstand me - Okay, you can... Hereafter, you have to stop waIking outside her room, caIIing out for her She wiII drink your off... There are fat masters in the bungaIow How can my 50 miIIiIiters of bIood, suffice for the ghost? Did you not know that the ghost is on a diet? She is not on the Iookout for the fat masters She Iikes a Iean one Iike you - Unniadri... - Yes Can you get me something hot to drink? Take it off Once we see the moIe on the thigh, we can proceed further - What? - I mean, proceed further with the proof Got scared? - Look at her sIeeping... - Yes, I saw it... Sit down I'II see it and keep updating you Keep quiet... - What's happening? - Nothing at aII Did you see the moIe? I am Iooking for it You can sit now Let us check it out That's not necessary Did you see the moIe? She is wearing a pair of shorts underneath It is our curse You wanted to see it aII yourseIf - You deserve this - What wiII you do now? I have another idea Did the sorcerer confirm that Chandana has been possessed by Ruku's ghost? Why shouId he confirm it? I heard her shouting out Ioud when he Iocked up the room to start the rituaIs Oh, is it? Are you scared to sIeep here because your room is right next to hers'? - No... - That's good If you are scared, can you come with me tiII there? I am not scared You are... I know that - Is it? - Come on I am not scared I mean to teII you the truth A truth, that is true to my knowIedge Ruku's ghost has cast her eyes on these 5 girIs CIothed, un-cIothed rituaIs is the onIy aIternative, I know of What does that mean? Haven't you read the mythoIogicaI treatises? - No, I haven't - No point in reading it too This is not mentioned in it Bhattathiri, carry on... You shouId wake up before dawn, wearing a bust-cIoth, dip thrice in the Iake and come, sit in front of the fire for the rituaIs - I am not forthis - I cannot do this vuIgar act It sounds so cheap Sounds so boring... ShouId I Ieave or stay back? You can go aIone We are not coming tiII the rituaIs are done I am not coming too Can you make the girIs understand? You have not been brought up here You may not have beIief in aII this You have to Iisten to him It wiII do you good Forget it, if they are not interested But, it is you, who wiII have to suffer the future repercussions of this Come on, Iet us go He is asking us to wait Don't be adamant to Ieave Don't say no to the rituaIs PIease forgive us For what? They are not used to aII this You mean, taking bath? Taking a bath in the Iake!... Wearing a bust-cIoth... This is how you get used to some things Ruku can't be avoided Iike this She has targeted them too - I saw it Iast night - What? I saw a huge figure in front of Chandana's room - Oh, is it?... - Yes, so you shouId agree to this!... We are not for this fancy dress I agree to this They wiII be there too You cannot say this for a revenge You shouId be there!... See you there... The pot is ready The oiI... Don't pour that - That's not the oiI - What? I have mixed a drink for us to have afterthe rituaIs are over Keep it there We shouId have it with a pIantain It tastes superb - What did you say? - Nothing Hey, Iook there!... My god... Is it a piIgrimage? I had mentioned that, it is onIy forthe girIs Why is the whoIe bungaIow coming here? I cannot Iook for that oId man's moIe OnIy Iadies! Go and bIock the others Stop there Where are you aII off to? It is onIy the virgin girIs, who are aIIowed to appear for this rituaI Is that room a compartment onIy for Iadies? Are women aIIowed to go to the 'SabarimaIa'? Some practices are onIy for Iadies You cannot say that Unniadri, keep quiet, wiII you? Waking up earIy, taking bath and getting ready, was aII a waste of time It is good to take a shower Who gave you the right to use my 'understand'? Do not repeat this? - My grandfather... - Grandfather?... UncIe, it is aIright to have taken a shower You can keep chanting this PIease, keep chanting it - How can you say this? - Is everything ready? Yes, it is... You chanted aII your teachers names, isn't it? Keep quiet! Come on Keep waIking - Wait there - What for? If aII of them waIk in together, how wiII I...See? Once the fire is Iit, you can come in one by one You wiII faII sick if you stand here Iike this Medicines can cure that But, no medicines can cure it if your name is spoiIt because of him If you both remain here, you wiII spoiI it aII You can caII me a dog if I don't prove that she is the MaIu who was in Iove with me I wiII take off her mask with which she is fooIing peopIe here too I wiII get married to her and make 5 to 8 babies too Light the fire... Did you keep the crackers here? No, I did not You?... Let me teII you... You need not taIk too much - I wiII not beIieve you - You have to - No, I wiII not - You have to Leave that...where are you now? I am in Chandana's oId bungaIow I am just seeing around the pIace -Are you aIone? - Yes ShaII I come too? WiII he come in search of you? Or wiII you go in search of him? What is it? Who are you? I am Ruku Do you want to see my actuaI seIf?. You there... The wedding is just 10 to 15 days away WiII you be abIe to root Ruku by then? This is not a cow to just tie it up so easiIy There is a time for everything You wiII have powerfuI chants, isn't it Why can't you use it? I wiII use it... But, she has to aIIow me to She is fIying away Iike a untied kite - How many days more for the wedding? - 16 days Let us do both the rituaIs together Do you mean to say, my death? No...the wedding and rooting the ghost! This is Chandana's fiance, Giridhar Greetings, dear! He is the sorcerer who has come to free the bungaIow from the ghost He is a smart one! Take the boxes inside Why are you here? I want to as you the same question... Why are you here? I am getting married to Chandana I had aIready decided to get married to her, before you I know what your intentions are You want to kidnap her, isn't it? Sending peopIe to kidnap the girI you are getting married to, ...was aIso a kind of kidnapping, isn't it? Look who is here! Come fast I bought this to free us from the fears But, Iooks Iike it wiII not be enough Sometimes, the guts that we cannot get from the chants, these drinks wiII... - Let the ghost come now - Yes... Looks Iike Ruku is out Go on... Go, get her This drink gives you more powerthan the chants You have the power in you now So, go now - You are Battathiri's son, isn't it? - Yes, I am So, you have to get hoId of the ghost, isn't it? - Yes, I wiII - You are a boId one, isn't it? - Yes, I am - Come aIong with me I am some, BaIakrishnan's son... My father is no Bhattathiri - you aIso can come - So, why shouId I come? - So, you can come with me - ShouId I? Come on... Let me do the accounts The noise came from this side The bucket is shaking... Why are you caIIing me that? The bucket is shaking... It seems some girI is inside - It is her - Who? The ghost! Let us puII her up How did she go inside the weII? We wiII find out from her once she is out You are so boId It is because of the drink in me Come on, puII... The ghost is so heavy - It is her - Her?. This is MaIu Why did we take the troubIe to Iife this one up? Drop her back in - PIease, don't do that!... - Drop her... I wiII faII too She is unconscious now Ayiaoh...my back is paining What is happening here? Why are you here at this hour? We got drunk and came out to find this girI in the weII - You... - We found her inside the weII Oh god...Iet us carry her I'II carry her You don't have to carry her I meant to say that, she has to be taken inside the house He wiII heIp, carry her in HoId her... It was past midnight when my inner intuition, ...woke me up teIIing me that there is danger near the weII The fore-fathers have woken you up See, in spite of Iacking basic knowIedge, he has understood it You have to get rid of this soon There is an expensive rituaI to counter Ioss which can actuaIIy soIve the issue - Money is not the issue here - For me too - The girI's Iife is priority for us - For me too - Grandfather... - I know what has to be done What is it? We require an abIe sorcerer to root the ghost I am right here! This guy doesn't know anything Have you been possessed by an EngIish ghost? Ustad Maanpuram Maayamkutty Sheikh, is a person who can get rid of aII eviIs He wiII onIy need a day ortwo to parceI away the ghost Is he running a courier company to parceI away the ghost? What is the need for it? It is aIways good to have a second opinion The person whom the ghost Iikes more can get rid of it Yes, Iet anyone do it But, you wiII see the repercussions too Who did you say is coming? Ustad Maampuram Maayankutty Sheikh - Wife... - Yes Come on Ustad, we were waiting for you Come in We can eat Iater on There is pIenty of time for that Let me finish my job first Greetings to you aII! Is there a poIiticaI meet happening here? Why is there a big crowd here? These are the peopIe in this famiIy Has there been no partition here? They are friends of my wouId-be daughter-in-Iaw Oops! I just stamped a viper!... Move away, aII of you... - What happened? - l can smell a gin (evil spirit) here Nobody has gin or rum here It is the smeII of a femaIe ghost Not the drink Don't get scared I wiII give you the eggs that I had chanted with Your fears wiII aII be gone Get me the eggs I wiII give you aII the eggs Open it... So many peopIe and very few eggs You deserve a... No eggs forthe men The Iadies can have it Take this I am getting the eggs ready for the men I wiII give it to you Iater Who is this? Oh god, aII vipers around here! Take this Do not fear anymore - How oId are you? - 20 Let us start with the rituaIs Come on This is a nationaI highway inside the house Let me handIe him now Come out... We have come here for the rituaIs That is the house Go and beg there I have not come here to beg I am here to get rid of you beggars Take your stuff and Ieave tonight Don't make things difficuIt for me It is sad that you have come here to teII me this Oh, god!... Ghosts and spirits shiver in fright when they hear of my name Don't force me to start the rituaIs now We have not been moved by even biggerfears So, why wouId we fear you? You don't have to put up aII this drama He is ManapiIIy Bhattathiri's son I don't care whose son you are If the father was a mahout, how wiII the son have a wart on his ass See it for yourseIf Look for it... This scar is a genitaI one Your face shows that you are a faIse sorcerer Chant something and get rid of him... See, it is impossibIe If you are a reaI one, answer to my question My question is... l will come every night till my wish has been fulfilled TeII me which ghost sang this and in which movie - Can you give us a cIue? - Answer this, if you are a reaI sorcerer - Can we have a cIue? - Yes - She drapes a white cIoth in it - Is it a porn movie? She waIks without cIothes in that, isn't it? I knew that you were faIse sorcerers Do you see this egg? It was Iaid by a white hen If I circIe it thrice Iike this, around your head and break it, ...your head wiII break too So, Ieave this house tonight itseIf What if I don't? I wiII break the egg and your head wiII break too Throw it... Don't force me to do it I wiII break it.... Break it... Leave me aIone I wiII have a headache I wiII throw it now You are Iucky now This happened to be a boiIed egg and not a raw one I wiII come with a raw egg tomorrow I am asking you for the Iast time Can you get out of here? I wiII not Ieave tiII the spirit has been got rid of Let us see who gets rid of the spirit I am taking up this chaIIenge Oh god...a ghost Move away, you deviI Who is this one? I shouId have a protection myseIf I took the egg, circIed it thrice above his head and when I was about to break it, They feII on my feet, crying aIoud asking me not to kiII them Are you sure? Can I go the day after tomorrow? I am too tired now I am asking you about those peopIe There is no doubt about that Otherwise, I wiII use the next trick - Enough... - ShaII I fry you an egg? Someone wiII hear you PIease, go now No one shouId hear? - Who are you? - I am Biyatu How can you be here in this bungaIow? I am waiting for my husband My husband has come here to do the massage treatment for the master, BeIIi SuIaiman, you have Iost now! I Iive there in the out-house I am scared to waIk aIone My husband wiII get Iate I am tired of waiting for him ShaII I give you company? WiII it not be difficuIt for you? No, not at aII! Come on Do you know why I am here? It is for an egg rituaI You are Iooking Iike an angeI Don't mock me Do not run away PIease wait! WiII your husband get back too Iate? Yes - ShaII I come into the house? - What for? Don't behave so innocent - What do you want to drink? - Get me whatever you Iike Something coId or some bIood? Anything wiII do... BIood?... Oh god... It's a ghost... You are there Here too?... Oh my god...she is again here? Is this ghosts' procession? Save me, God I have escaped! Get Iost... There is a ghost I am here to safeguard you aII Don't worry I wiII seep here tonight Get up PIease, don't throw me out I am scared of the ghost Poor souI is petrified seeing something - It is a Friday today - Friday? Is that why a haIf-fried creature was chasing me? You are a smart one, isn't it? - Don't Iie! - What? I am PayaruvaIa Pappan Who is that with you? - That is my wife - What? Don't hit me She is arranged too Get out of here right now I want to teII you something I have reaIized how powerfuI you are The ghost chased me tiII here but has not come in PIease do not throw me out She wiII finish me off I am frightened Poor souI! Do one thing Give him 2 pegs of that drink - No, thanks! - Okay, forget it I mean to say, I don't want water in my drink I am not used to mixing my drink with water Ustad... I am not a great sorcerer, as you think ManapiIIy Bhattathiri's son, is aII I'm worthy of I had decided to Ieave this pIace But, I am not abIe to - I need your heIp - What for? Let us be friends Ruku's spirit dweIIs in her Ever since I got home, I'm being harassed using a spirits name First, it was a sorcerer and now this one - Daughter... - Leave me aIone I have seen the ghost She wouId never Iose her temper PIease, heIp her There is one soIution I can think of She has to be taken to the mosque in Yervaadi As you say - She wiII not Iisten to anyone - I wiII handIe that Wife... Start the preparations for the journey immediateIy Come on, my heIpers... My back hurts, bending Iike this What is it? She wiII be there as we have decided Give me a hand Master... What is it? He is back Mukundan Unni He is back with Damayanti Take the tractors with the workers We wiII teach him a Iesson for having cheated us How wiII you teach him a Iesson? Come on, wiII you? Why is he shouting at me? Come on, wiII you? I'm... Mukundan... A very famiIiar voice... Come out with Damayanti Who is it? - The Nettikadans - Oh no Why has their madness not ended? How did they know that we have come? We wiII be trapped I know we wiII be trapped That is what I'm trying to soIve We wiII have to show Damayanti to them Let us introduce her as Damayanti But, they have seen Damayanti before We can teII them that she matured in few days time Ustad wiII teach you a Iesson if we show away his wife They have not come aIone There are 20 peopIe aIong with them carrying weapons too Let me try to handIe this aIone Don't you worry I am there with you Oh god, the Nettikadans are better than this one What about him? Come here I wiII be back soon How are you aII? Hope you aII are fine We are not that fine Do you want some? Why did you abscond? Abscond? How can I get back if I've absconded? We wiII get you back if you don't, isn't it? Don't Iift it too much We had decided your marriages with her But, herfiance kidnapped herthen What is his name? P...ppp...Pereira We have got her back now with so much of efforts These are Giridhar's peopIe TeII them that they are Pereira's men They are Pereira's men They have come to take her again This is your chance to prove yourseIves in front of Damayanti If we are abIe to prove?... She wiII bow her head for you aII Come on, Iet's go Stop there!... You have grown so much You shouId use your brains You have been so fooIish Things have gone this bad, onIy because I Iistened to you Yes... If you get married to the oIder one, you wiII onIy get haIf the property That is why I had asked you to kiII the younger one But, what have you done? Itjust happened that way You shouId have handIed Chandana whiIe she was on her excursions from coIIege There were so many ways forthat Chandana does not know that you were invoIved in it But, he does!... Mukundan Unni does know it He can do nothing... Why did you want to see me? Unniadri toId me that you are going back Yes, I have to Since MaIu has reaIized the truth now, I can go back peacefuIIy PeacefuIIy? Yes, when you get married and have kids, you now have a story to entertain them with You Ioved me a Iot, even when I had Iost my memory I, hurt you a Iot unintentionaIIy It was not intentionaI I know it aII now I want someone who Ioves me and not my property Giridhar wanted to get married to the Chandana, who has aII the Iuxuries I preferto Iive as the MaIu, whom you Ioved Can I become that MaIu again? Who are you? You have decided and finaIized it aII, isn't it? What? Who are you? You want Mukundan Unni, but not Giridhar! You have decided your marriage, aII by yourseIf I wiII not aIIow you to Iive with anyone You cannot escape from me I wiII destroy everybody TeII me, who you are... You want to know who I am, isn't it? Let us go to a pub after shopping Grandfather... Where are you off to? Going out shopping with Giri Do you want to join us? I have a news for you I have pressurized my uncIe from US to come for the wedding Is that why you are Iooking so happy! You are Veerendran's darIing... Memories when caressed gently Streams born silently Pair of eyes brimming in tears Streaming slowly down the cheeks ln a jungle so lovely, in a nest unseen lives a distressed bird full of yearnings Are you pIaying the fooI with me again? I cannot understand this, MaIu Why are you Iike this? Don't come near me I was ready to Ieave this pIace But, you heId me back What is it, MaIu? What is the meaning of aII this? - I want to know - No... I don't Iike you I hate you coming near me Go away!... How can you hate me in a night's time? What happened? I want to know the reason Get Iost I wiII kiII you, if you come near me Who is MaIu? I am no MaIu or Chandana I am Ruku I have come to destroy the bungaIow I have possessed her, you are next and then the bungaIow You want to tie me up? Yourfather did, Iong ago I have taken a re-birth again Come on, if you can tie me up without any knowIedge of the rituaIs Come and tie me up I never beIieved in aII this During my chiIdhood, I used to be scared when my dad tried to teach me I had forgotten aII what my dad had taught me But, right now, my heart is fuII of gratitude for my dad Keep thinking about your father and carry on with it You have it in you through so many generations You have to make use of it There wiII be both, the good and the eviI You can tie her up OnIy you can! Lovely night of March-April in a golden chariot came this way Standing resplendent, as a bride like me now Lovely night of March-April in a golden chariot came this way Standing resplendent, as a bride like me now My friend, the flowers you braided for Cupid What Radha, too created for her Lord Krishna Were garlands of spring in varied hues Suffused with overwhelming perfumes Lovely night of March-April in a golden chariot came this way Standing resplendent, as a bride like me now Divine nymphs came to make me companions The lovely swans of my imagination Eyes lined with kohl, musical stars in a row Moonbeams like palms offering sandal paste perfumed Aroused and awakened the arena of game As the drums within the heart thundered and beat As God of Love adorned you on him My Lord too, merged in my everlasting beauty Lovely night of March-April in a golden chariot came this way Standing resplendent, as a bride like me now As clouds created a stage for lascivious dances The nightingales orchestrated musical pieces As the edge of tender leaves turned couches of past time Romantic unions continued captivating and erotic Assembling a place like we dreamed lnviting us were messengers of love Savoring the sweetness of celestial Veena Perform, sanctified in aisles of heaven, an alluring dance Lovely night of March-April in a golden chariot came this way Standing resplendent, as a bride like me now My friend, the flowers you braided for Cupid What Radha, too created for her Lord Krishna Were garlands of spring in varied hues Suffused with overwhelming perfumes You cannot do anything to me Sit down No, I wiII not Your spirit is wandering without freedom Let go off her! Obey me! No, I wiII not Ieave her, tiII my wiII is done I wiII make you obey me You, being a Iiving being, not matter what you try, I wiII not Ieave tiII I take ...revenge on the peopIe who have spoiIed my Iife that, I couId have Iived Births and deaths are the wiII of god Spirits do not have the right to remain on earth That is why my father had rooted you once That is how you have become my enemy too You do not know anything, nothing at aII Do you know the fire burning in me, ...the sufferings I went through Do you know it? Memories when caressed gently Streams born silently Pair of eyes brimming in tears Streaming slowly down the cheeks We cannot Iive together in this horribIe Iand where my oIder brothers are around too We have to go off to a pIace where they cannot find us Won't you come with me? What if your brothers come to know? Nobody wiII get to know We wiII be in another pIace ...before dawn tomorrow Nobody can find us there What is it? - Where is your daughter? - Why do you ask? Move away... Father... Leave him Get Iost... My daughter... You want to get married to our younger brother, isn't it? - I wiII kiII aII of you - What is it? PIease do not harm us - Mother... - Come here... She is not around What is it? Ruku... Let me go... Take him away The fire of revenge in me is more powerfuI than the fire for these rituaIs You are dweIIing in a rented body now She has a heart too I wiII not aIIow you to behave seIfishIy by being in her body I am going to trap you in this for your freedom ...and for the safety of aII the peopIe in this famiIy No, no... No Don't do this, Ieave me... What is it? Father... What did you do to her?. Ruku's spirit is there in her body What is it, my dear?. He... Get him out of the house Get out Giri, what is this? Leave him Don't you dare to touch me We wiII go away But, you aII have to remember one thing You have to fear him more than Ruku's spirit in the bungaIow Come on... I wouId have come to the airport if I had known that you are coming today I wanted to surprise you aII How are you, UncIe? I am fine - MaIathi, are you fine? - Yes, I am fine - Where is your fiance, Chandana? - She is inside Come on, Iet's go inside UncIe... UncIe, what is wrong? What happened? Someone tried to suffocate me with a piIIow - I couId not see the person - I suppose, it was a dream Get Iost, don't be fooIish It was not a dream Be carefuI, there is a spirit wandering around here Don't scare him - What is it, uncIe? - It was Iike a dream Let us see around the pIace It has been so Iong for you Come on, uncIe That's true Go on...she is requesting you, isn't it? Do not go near the bridge What is this? It has been so Iong AII what we had dreamt of, is finaIIy coming true tomorrow Property worth crores of money, for generations to Iive in Iuxury... You wiII be the owner it aII A week after the marriage and Chandana, wiII be a cIosed chapter An accident or a mistake and she wiII not be there Otherwise, what wiII I teII my wife, EIsy and my kid in America? There shouId not be any doubts I wiII take care of it aII You can be at peace Chandana, why are you here? Are you scared to die? What madness are you taIking? You want to get married and Iive peacefuIIy? I am not Chandana...Ruku Open the door, Chandana Why haven't you sIept? Why is your face Iike this? What is it? You and your brothers had burnt me up What did you say? I do not intend to kiII anyone But, I have to, when it is my enemy You cannot be Iiving in a worId where we are not there Come on You, the great sorcerer, Mukundan Unni, you fear death, don't you? Me, fearing death? I did not run to counter fear I wanted to reach you here You cannot go outside this ring I wiII go... Stand there, I say! They did harm you But, you have done aII that you can to take revenge You have to stop now Do you remember this pIace? This is where they had burnt you up This is where your end is, once again No... I wiII not go These have been written through so many generations When it has aII burnt off, you wiII end too How can you go without accepting any offering from us? That is not necessary How can you say that? Ruku had been haunting us for ages now and it is our Ioss if the sorcerer who has tied her up, has to Ieave without accepting anything from us We, at ManapiIIy, do not do the rituaIs, expecting anything You need not go off Iike this What if we are giving her to you? Oh no, the Nettikadans! Here they are! Don't Iet him go Catch hoId of him Escape! |