Megan Leavey (2017)

I left this place
a thousand times in my mind,
but I never
actually went anywhere.
What was the final straw?
I had nothing.
the unsupportive family.
No, I don't give a crap
if that's what she wants.
She's not gonna sit
in my goddamn house
and do nothing!
The dead-end job.
The getting fired
from the dead-end job
for being hung over.
This isn't working.
I get it.
Megan, it's just you don't
really connect with people
very well.
I'm sorry to be the one
to tell you this.
No, no, no, it's fine.
Let's go, kids.
Let's go!
In the end, you don't leave
because you have
somewhere to go.
Don't hit your brother.
You leave because
there's nothing
keeping you there.
All I know is that
after my best friend died,
there was nothing left
for me here.
I checked out of life
And I realized
if I didn't leave now--
-oh, shit.
-I wasn't gonna be
far behind him.
Due to heightened
security measures,
please keep bags with you
at all times.
All unaccompanied luggage
will be confiscated.
Uh, what is this pamphlet
for the marines
that I found in your dresser?
Think there's some pot
left in the sock drawer
if you keep digging.
Yeah, don't be a wise-ass.
This is my house.
And just so you know,
running away
isn't gonna solve anything.
- Hang up that phone!
- Let's go!
Let's go! Move!
Move, move, move!
Let's go! Faster!
Come on! Move, move!
Tuck in that shirt!
Tuck your shirt in!
- Fix your hair!
Get in line! Move!
You have taken the first step
in becoming a member of the
world's finest fighting force,
the United States
marine corps.
Tens of thousands of marines
have begun outstanding service
for our country
starting right here.
You will continue
that proud tradition.
Do you understand?
Aye-aye, sir!
Say it like you mean it.
Do you understand?
Yes, sir!
Right now! Right now!
When I tell you
you better move,
you better move!
Marine corps!
an embarrassment!
-Here we go!
-I said three! Leavey, step up!
- Come on!
- Come on now!
Get off my wall!
I can make it!
Get off my rope
and get to the back of the line.
Get those arms straight, leavey!
Get those arms straight!
I want straight arms!
You're gonna die out there!
You hear me?
Have fun
after graduation!
You're a failure.
Get out of my face.
Forward, march!
Left! Left!
Left, left, left!
Left! Forward, march!
Left! Left!
Ready! Front!
Platoon 5004 dismissed!
Aye-aye, ma'am!
Oh, hi.
Hi! We made it!
Well, you didn't.
You actually missed it,
Oh, you look like
a little toy soldier.
Great. Thanks.
You missed it,
the whole ceremony.
But that's okay.
Yeah. It's over.
J-- Jim,
well, he really wanted
to see you graduate.
Geez, you'd think
with all the taxes
we give to the military,
they'd come up
with some kind of
street sign situation.
Hey, sport.
we missed it.
We missed it?
Can you do it again
for us?
The United States will not
and cannot run that risk
to the American people.
Leaving Saddam Hussein
in possession of weapons
of mass destruction
for a few more
months and years
is not an option.
Well, you don't look terrible.
No, I mean,
i thought they were gonna
make you all gi Jane.
You know, no hair.
Hey, could we
get the check, please?
You got it.
I just don't know why you wanna do this.
Yeah, I know you don't.
So no one else came today?
No. Dad couldn't
get off work,
so lay off.
I'm not talking bad about him,
although he does owe me
two grand in alimony.
You slept
with his best friend.
so I think you're even.
Look, if...
If something bad was to happen,
god forbid,
are we on the list?
I mean, just so that
we would get notified?
Yeah, you're on the list.
Okay, so then,
like, with your father?
You wanna know
how much you make if I kick?
Megan, don't be a shit.
No, that's... I just...
I don't know how this works.
Thank you so much
for coming, mom.
Honey, I'm asking you
because I don't--
no, thanks for coming.
I didn't expect--
I love you.
Okay, bye. It's not like
we drove 400 hours to get here.
...Give Iraq one last chance.
Jones, is tobacco use permitted
in a government vehicle?
No, master sergeant.
Is your patrol car
a government vehicle?
Yes, master sergeant.
-Do we tolerate screw-ups,
losers or laggards?
-No, master sergeant.
Do we know
the meaning of the words
"won't," "can't" or "late"?
No, master sergeant.
We have three new joins
assigned to
the patrol section.
Privates timmins,
Lopez and leavey,
welcome aboard.
I trust you're gonna
make us all proud.
- So embarrassing.
- Thank you.
Are we not doing it with salt
or anything? Seriously?
No, no.
Hard core? Okay.
I love this song.
You need another drink?
I need another drink.
-What do you say
you and i--
-hey! Back off!
My hero.
Huh? What?
No, I prefer the term
How much further?
I love that.
That is so disgusting.
Who even wears stilettos
to duty station?
Screw you.
I'm like wonder woman.
Oh, yeah.
I should have been
a baseball player.
Oh, my god. We're gonna
get in trouble. Hold on.
What are you doing?
Oh, god.
Oh, wow, that's hot.
I like that sock look.
But you didn't have
anything for lunch.
What is that?
You're gonna make me
pee myself. Seriously.
Stop analyzing my puke.
I'm gonna go pee.
Hold on to that.
we gotta hurry!
I'll be quick.
-Actually, let's--
- what's going on?
- Just turn around and walk.
-We're good, we're good.
It's all good. It's all good.
-They got her.
Um, I'm almost done.
What's your problem,
Master sergeant, I'm sorry--
shut up. Don't mess with me.
It brings out my Irish.
Why are you here
in the marines?
You don't know, do you?
Well, I do.
You think you're
the first entitled brat
with a chip on her shoulder
who's come through
my ranks?
This institution
is for heroes,
not little punks
all screwed up in the head
their mommies and daddies
didn't love 'em enough.
But you're in my corps now
and I will not see you
disrespect the men and women
who made the marines great!
Do you understand?
Yes, master sergeant.
One more hiccup
and I'll see you
kicked out of here.
Do you copy me?
Yes, master sergeant.
All right,
you're on emi, shit detail,
until further notice.
So get some rest.
You're gonna need it.
Go on, get out of here.
Gunny Martin.
Meet pfc leavey.
She's yours
for the day.
Yeah, Cindy, I bet you think
that's really funny, huh?
Who's this?
Hey, you handsome boy.
Oh! Shit.
You done in here?
Uh, almost.
I've got two left.
We need you outside.
Sit. Sit.
You found it. You found it.
Good boy. Come here.
Come here. Come here.
Sit down. Come here.
This guy loves
having his belly rubbed.
What's he sniffing out?
We go in before the convoy,
sniff out ieds,
make sure no one gets hurt.
You guys
on the front lines?
Sometimes we're in front
of the front lines.
Zeus here is a beast.
Aren't ya?
Is he yours?
No, he belongs to the corps.
But he's mine for now.
What are you here for,
No, I'm cleaning out
the kennels for a week.
How do you get to do that?
You up.
I'm up?
Get him!
You grab her.
Yeah, I got her.
Hey, Cindy.
Okay, Lance corporal Walters,
you be the handler.
You're still the decoy!
Let's give Cindy a break.
Oh, no, I'm good.
Sucks, huh?
You know, I usually
take the pants off
and keep the top on.
Dogs know to aim
for the jacket.
Rex, heel.
Heel, Rex.
Oh, shit.
Okay, on this one
you approach.
You listen to his spiel
and then start to run, okay?
If Rex attacks,
you call him off.
- Sir, I would like
to see some ID.
Sir, I'm gonna search you,
and if you try to run away
or make any sudden
aggressive moves,
my dog is trained
to attack you.
Go get him.
Get him, boy!
Aah! Get him off!
Get him off!
Out, Rex, out!
Out, Rex, out!
Up. Up.
Up. Up.
Good boy.
Good boy.
Oh, gee.
You think
I'm afraid of you?
I am afraid of you.
But don't think I can't make you
afraid of me too.
That's right.
I'm a badass--
You back for more, huh?
Gunny, how do i
become a dog handler?
What do I have to do exactly?
For starters,
you need to stop screwing up.
Then you'll need
an expert rifle score,
above 90% on all your exams,
a first-class pft.
And you know
who gets those things?
People who aren't
full of shit.
Gunny, I've been dealing
with a lot of shit
the past few days,
and I can assure you
I'm not full of it.
Well, that would surprise me,
because unless I heard wrong,
you were just found
pissing outside
the provost marshal's offices.
The provost marshal?
And that's definitely the act
of a full-of-shit person.
Don't you think?
Yes, gunny.
Gene monahan, the Yankees'
veteran trainer, is out.
Looks like one of the doctors
in attendance is out.
Cease fire. Cease fire.
Unload. Show clear.
There's lives in your hands.
Yes, sir.
And you are the Alpha.
It comes from you.
Bring it from here,
so he knows you mean it.
So you want us
to run it again?
We gon' keep running this
till we get it right.
You're gonna save lives
out there.
And the Red Sox come
pouring out of their dugout,
the Yankees out of theirs.
They've all met
out near the pitcher's mound
in a scrum.
Why does your run
always seem to end up here?
Does it?
I hadn't noticed.
Hey, I've got a pft
in a couple of weeks.
Just wondering,
you got any openings
coming up?
Good talk.
There's a fly ball
deep to left!
It's on its way!
There it goes!
And the Yankees are going
to the world series!
Cease fire. Cease fire.
Unload. Show clear.
your prep time has ended with
a magazine of five rounds.
I finished
the morning reports.
-I need the trainer's
schedule too.
-When do you need it by?
On it, gunny.
Pfc leavey, why am i
not surprised to see you
in here today?
Yeah, I heard
you got first class
on your pft,
and you shot expert.
-Gunny, do you have
a dog for me?
Did I excuse you?
But I do got a can though.
What you say there,
Think she ready
for a can?
I think so, gunny.
Carry on.
Let's get to work.
Hey, cute dog.
What's his name?
I mean, her name.
I haven't named her yet.
I'm waiting for us to bond.
Don't forget to use
your praise voice.
"Good can. Good can."
At least my can
listens to me.
Hey, she listens to me.
You listen to me. Right, baby?
Come on. Come on.
You hear that?
Come on.
You can do it.
Morning, gunny.
Any dui's last night?
No, gunny!
It's gonna be
a good day.
We gon' train
harder than ever before.
Walters, what was you
doing last night?
Playing halo, gunny.
That's what you do all the time?
You shipping out in three weeks.
You better be ready to fight
when it's time to fight.
-Yes, gunny.
Are you still
a virgin?
No, gunny.
You sure about that?
'Cause you look like one.
Bennet, did you talk
to your wife last night?
No, gunny.
You think I give a damn?
Coletta, you wipe
that smile off your face.
Yes, gunny.
Now, on a serious note,
i have somebody that
just came back from Iraq.
He wants to talk to y'all
about the experience,
so you'll know what it is.
He's been where you're going,
and the things that he tells you
will save lives
and save limbs.
This is sergeant Andrew Dean.
Sergeant, take the floor.
Thank you, gunny.
- Morning.
- Morning, sergeant!
Are you ready for war?
Yes, sergeant!
you've prepared for,
every lesson
you've learnt,
you think you know
will just go to shit
the moment
you're in country.
These homemade bombs
are full of crap that our dogs
have never sniffed.
You get caught in a sandstorm,
the dogs will be confused,
and they won't be able
to detect the odor cones.
You're about to be
running through
shit's creek.
With 50 pounds on your back,
a dog on a leash,
trying not to smack his head in
with your rifle.
And the grunts
that you're protecting,
well, they'll
pretty much hate you
from day one.
Do this job right,
you might save lives.
Do it wrong,
and you'll wind up dead.
And no matter how bad
I'm making it sound,
I'm not even coming close.
You need to
keep 'em calm.
It's all right.
It's okay.
- Lie down.
- That's looking good.
Rex, lie down.
- Down.
- That's looking good.
Just pull so there are
no wrinkles in the gauze.
You need to
practice all of this
before you deploy.
Okay, let's take off
the leashes.
Here we go.
Rex, no. No.
-You having a problem
over there?
-No. I got this.
Good boy.
I said take off the leash.
Come on, buddy.
Just relax.
Good boy. Just relax.
You need to muzzle
that dog now.
Bad dog!
It's gonna happen
when it happens.
Gunny, I'm telling you,
it's gonna heal in no time.
He broke six bones, Walters.
You wanted to see me,
-You're getting a dog.
-You're giving her my dog.
He's not your dog.
He's not my dog.
He's a marine corps dog.
Rex needs
an experienced handler.
Are you
questioning my authority,
Lance corporal?
She's a boot.
She's only trained a can
so far.
Quit whining and act
like a goddamn marine.
You got this?
Think faster.
-Yeah, I got this.
-Good. You're dismissed.
Remember me?
All right, Rex,
get in the house.
In the house, now.
You're not gonna get any food
unless you listen to me.
I will stand here all day.
Good. Good. Good boy.
Stay. Stay.
Over here. Seek.
Seek. Seek.
That's time, leavey.
Damn it.
You found one
out of five.
See this guy?
Dead. Dead.
Oh, and your dog,
yeah, he's dead too.
And you blew off your legs
in the process. Follow me.
Again, leavey.
Hey. Hey. Hey.
-Where are you going?
-Following the perimeter.
-He's pulling towards the desk.
-But I thought there was
a search pattern.
Forget the search pattern,
-He's showing a change,
all right? Listen to him.
-Okay. Rex, seek.
Follow him.
Okay, seek.
That's it. That's it.
He's on odor. Present higher.
-Praise him, leavey. Praise him.
-Good boy. Good boy.
Okay, this is
a good detection dog.
There's nothing wrong with him,
so it must be you.
What are you
doing wrong?
Everything you feel
goes down leash.
Okay? Everything.
If you're not confident,
then he's not confident.
I could train the heck
out of you, leavey, but...
I can't teach you
how to bond.
Good work.
-Okay, he's just nervous.
-These aren't nerves.
I've been watching this dog
all year.
He's the most aggressive dog
I've ever treated.
He can't deploy
without this exam.
I'll have to sedate him.
Shh, shh.
Rex, calm down.
Calm down.
Come on.
This door always
stays closed, okay?
Hey, Alice, Tucker.
All right, go find Walters
and tell him I want
Tucker's cleaned out again.
Yes, sergeant.
Good girl.
Leavey, wrap his leg.
Show him you're not afraid.
Yes, sergeant.
Rex, sit.
I mean... lay down.
Rex, lay down.
I'm just gonna wrap your paw.
Here you go.
Good, good.
If you ever get into trouble,
you're gonna want me
to know how to do this.
I didn't...
I didn't ask for Rex.
I didn't even want him.
Yeah, well,
i did want him.
So don't get him killed.
Hey, baby.
Rex, sit.
Oh. Good.
We're shipping out
We are so
not ready for this.
But... people
are counting on us
and if we do it wrong,
people die.
So we gotta do it right.
Tomorrow, beginning the moment
you step off that bird,
you must act,
trust your training,
trust your partner,
trust yourself.
And remember,
everything you see,
hear, taste and touch
over these next seven months
will remain with you
for the rest of your lives.
Make it count.
You okay, leavey?
Yeah, I just
can't find my ka-bar.
-It was in my stuff and now i--
-it's behind you.
Thank you.
Look, it's okay to be
freaking out right now.
All right? It's normal.
I did. Everybody does.
You'll be fine.
You got this.
And I wanna hear about
all the asses you kicked
when you come back.
Not if, but when.
Good luck.
Thank you.
Rex, shh. Quiet.
You're fine.
Hour of silence, leavey.
I'll settle for 30 minutes.
I'm sorry.
It works for birds.
Shh, shh, shh.
Hey, I know.
- Hey, it's okay.
- I know.
You don't know where we're going
or what's gonna happen
when we get there.
I know it sucks. But we're
in this together, okay?
Shh, shh, shh.
It's okay.
It's okay, buddy.
I got you.
We're on final.
Be on the ground in ten.
Get your gear together,
strap in.
Get ready for landing.
All right.
Okay, listen up.
Where's Marion and Peters?
Your vehicles
are right over there.
You're going to camp perditha.
-Leavey, Jones.
Your convoy's waiting for you
right over there.
You're going to camp ramadi.
The rest of you,
follow me.
Hey, don't forget.
No matter how bad it gets,
could have been out there
sniffing bombs with a tin can.
Be safe.
All right?
Hey, good hunting.
See you later, idiots.
At least
we got a single, right?
Sometimes it actually
pays to be a girl.
Don't be scared.
Oh, great.
You wait to get to Iraq
to find your inner puppy.
Up, up, up, up.
Good boy. Good boy.
Yes, that's a good boy.
Good boy.
Oh. Yeah, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
Good boy. Good boy.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
That's a good boy.
Relax, boot.
It's outgoing,
not incoming.
Ain't that right,
chico, huh?
Settle down.
Ow, man!
Let's go.
Come on.
Move it along.
Yeah, move it along.
Hurry up.
First day of school, bud.
Wish me luck.
Pretty sure
they sell loofahs
in the gift shop.
Oh, actually, no.
They bombed the gift shop.
Well, that's too bad.
I like loofahs.
I'm Matt morales.
I'll be your tour guide
Megan leavey.
Who's that?
This is chico.
Chico, sit.
I trained chico
to lick the enemy
to death.
So, where you from?
New York.
Oh, yeah?
Me too.
You're not
a Yankees fan
though, right?
Born and bred.
Oh, come on.
Dagger to my heart.
Well, I guess
we'll never speak again,
Chico, we don't talk
to Yankees fans, right?
Good boy.
This is corporal morales.
Lance corporal leavey.
Morales will
drop you at the ecp.
Then he's off to sadr city.
So you'll be on your own
till we can get
another team out there.
Just try and keep your dog
from overheating.
Last female handler
got her panties in a pretzel
'cause we don't
allow girls on missions,
just checkpoints.
That gonna be a problem
with you?
Not at all.
Panties in a pretzel.
Thought we weren't
talking anymore.
I was talking to myself
right there, but I'll
give you another chance.
And if you mention
the Yankees again,
we're done.
Staff sergeant Jarvis
is a real charmer though.
Last week he told me
he always liked my people.
Dad's puerto rican,
my mom's Scandinavian.
Who do you think he was
talking about, huh?
The scandinavians,
Right. That's what I thought.
Welcome to
the capital of shit.
What's with
all the dogs?
Full of diseases.
Keep 'em away from your dog.
Shoot 'em if you have to.
Here's all you need to know.
Don't search
till they're out of the car.
Make sure
they open everything.
Remember, Iraqis,
they don't like dogs.
It's in their religious
teachings. And they
damn sure don't like ours.
There's a bounty
on canine handlers
and an even bigger bounty
on female canine handlers,
which means they'll
probably wanna kill you.
Unless they wanna bone you.
Or they might wanna bone you
and then kill you.
And if one of them
pulls out a cell phone,
boom, you're dead.
Aside from that,
it's pretty chill.
Seriously, be smart.
Keep your head on a swivel.
Heightened awareness.
Go, go, go.
Get to the line.
- You need to have fun.
- No complaints, bro.
See ya.
Hey, keep everybody moving.
Jones, move his truck.
you want some water?
Bandini, tell that guy
to cut his engine.
Turn your engine off.
- Let's go, let's go,
let's go, let's go.
Ask him the reason
for traveling today.
I'm heading to Baghdad
for business.
You speak English.
Better for business.
Cut your engine off!
I told you
to turn that bike off!
Lift your shirts.
Come on, turn around.
Come on.
Leavey, clear the car.
Open the trunk, please,
Jesus, bandini!
- I told you
to turn that bike off!
Get up! Get up!
Stand over here!
Lift your shirt!
-Damn straight,
better for business.
-Stay back.
You want me
to shoot you next time?
Pick your bike up.
Don't touch it though.
-What is his name?
-Hey, kid.
We ask the questions here.
Sir, could you
get in the vehicle
and proceed to the checkpoint?
His name is Rex.
Here, let me
give you my card.
No, no, no.
-Back to your vehicle now.
-Rex! Come on.
What are you doing?
You never tell a hajji
your dog's name.
He's just a kid.
I've seen kids not much
older than him call a dog over
with a detonator in hand.
You wanna
keep your dog alive?
Sort your crap out.
Hey, let's go.
Keep these people moving.
Let's go, let's go!
We'll get better at this.
I promise.
Good boy.
You sure? All right.
Oh, what is it?
You did it.
Good boy, good boy.
Come on, come on.
Seek. Come on.
Could be a full suit.
Check it out.
Good boy.
Good boy.
Did he find it?
These guys
ever take a break?
Come here.
Yeah, I guess so.
Good boy.
You wanna play, boy?
You wanna play?
Go get it.
Good boy, Rex.
Come here, Rex.
Leavey, recon needs you
on a mission, five minutes.
I thought I wasn't allowed
to go on missions.
No one else. Get your gear.
They blew up five of our guys.
Let's get in there
and smoke them out.
One of you check the road.
The house is over here.
I'll take the road.
You get the houses.
Okay. Sweep the dogs.
They might be
stuffed with ieds.
I just wish this guy
had a couple rugs.
-Ask him why so many rugs?
-They're prayer rugs.
Ask him.
They're a religious family.
They're not enemies
of the states.
And they thank Americans
for helping in the fight
against insurgents.
- Oh, well, we thank you for your bullshit.
- Hey.
Open this cabinet.
Open it!
Get back.
What's he got?
He got something?
We need some room. Step back.
Move these rugs.
Move 'em!
-His sons put 'em there.
-We don't care. Move 'em!
He's not a well man.
Tell habibi
we don't care about his health.
He needs to move them.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Move them now.
Okay. Gonna need
someone to check that.
I got it.
- Oh, my god.
- Don't move!
- Stop!
- Don't move! Don't move!
Nice work. Cleared out
quicker than we found it.
All right.
More bad luck.
Look at this.
This is you?
Well, it's him.
Well, don't get
all big-headed on me now.
You just saved
a bunch of lives.
Outstanding work.
Both of you.
Thank you.
Come on, chico.
Oh, yeah!
Okay, you ready?
Three, two, one.
You cheated!
I won!
I won! I won!
It's okay. They're fine.
They're fine, they're fine.
They're big boys.
Go. Let's go.
Take him down!
Oh, you're slick,
'cause I already know
what card that is.
There we go.
Pick up some more.
Keep going.
You still don't have it.
Oh, my god.
Keep going.
Keep going.
He looks like he's trying to
decide which of my body parts
he wants to eat first.
Yeah, he is.
The moment has come.
You set that up.
Totally didn't, but...
That was good.
Thank you.
So, mets fan...
Did you ever play?
I did.
High school. Third base.
I thought I was actually
pretty good, but, uh...
College scouts disagreed.
So here I am.
Screw 'em. I'm not really
a sit-in-the-classroom
kind of guy anyway.
Me neither.
So, what's your story?
Why'd you join?
I wanted to get the fuck
away from my life.
That was a downer.
Does it, uh, have
anything to do with Jesse?
I, uh, saw your tattoo.
He was my best friend.
We used to spend
every weekend at his house.
Not like that.
He was like my brother.
His family was amazing.
Unlike mine.
I spent christmases there.
Um, and one weekend
we were drinking
and, you know, taking pills,
doing stupid
high school stuff, um...
We took
the exact same amount.
I mean, I probably
took even more
than he did, but...
Well, I woke up.
He didn't.
His family
keep trying to reach out,
but... I can't even...
It should have been me,
and we all know it.
I gotta get up early.
I'm gonna go to sleep.
Good night.
Good boy.
Good boy.
We need one dog team
for a road sweep
and surrounding area check.
But you requested
two teams.
Things change.
We only have the room
for one team.
Hey, it's going down leash.
I'll go.
I got this.
Mount up!
You heard him.
Let's go.
Move it.
You're from New York?
Me too.
My first time
in country.
What about him?
German Shepherd.
I like that.
You know
what I heard?
I heard the enemy likes
to steal the dogs, right,
to strap bombs on them
and send them back
to their owner.
Well, since Rex can break
someone's arm with his teeth,
I'm not too worried.
Leavey! Dog up!
It's okay.
They've been spending a lot of time together.
I'm glad I'm not them.
Stop talking!
Good boy. Good boy.
Found something!
Hey, leavey,
does he really need
another break?
With all due respect,
it's been two hours
and it's 120 degrees.
So, yeah, he does.
It's not like
he hasn't earned it.
- Vehicle approaching.
- Guns up.
Gomez, warning shot,
one round.
He's not slowing.
Stand by to light him up!
Gomez, o'Connor,
secure the hajji.
- Get on the ground!
- Get on the ground!
Get on the ground!
Get on the ground.
Get on the ground now.
Get on the ground.
Lay flat on the ground now!
Put your hands
behind your back.
Hands behind your back.
-Leavey, check the vehicle.
Hey, come on. Let's go.
Okay, boy.
Rex, no, no, no.
I'm not leaving
without my dog.
Come on.
Hey! How did your dog
miss that?
You could have
got us all killed!
I never seen an ied
buried this deep.
You gotta see this.
They must have triggered
the bomb from those houses.
I don't know.
Maybe they were targeting Rex.
No, they were targeting
leavey and Rex.
Let's get those cowards.
Radio morales.
Get him and his dog
down here now.
No, if we wait for morales,
the spotters will be gone
by then. We can do it.
No way. Forget it.
Do you see how many ieds
we found today?
How are you gonna make it
through the field without us?
-Goddamn it, you're injured!
-Yeah, because those assholes
waited all day watching us.
She's got a concussion,
She may be confused,
They almost killed us!
How are you gonna make it
through the field and the house
without us?
What about your dog?
He's injured too.
He's fine.
We can do this.
-Let's go!
-I'm gonna check
with air support.
In the meantime, Gomez,
get your team together.
Get in there,
check it out, do it fast.
We'll cover you from here.
Yes, sir.
Go. What are you waiting for?
Move, move!
The first house, 150 meters.
It's a little too quiet,
but it's up to you.
We don't have all day.
We'll follow you, leavey.
Let's move out.
He found another one?
It's a pressure plate.
Good boy.
Okay, leavey,
we're ready for you.
Leavey, you're up.
This is a school.
That's messed up.
Okay, leavey.
Whoa, sh--
looks like they were just here.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa.
Leavey. Leavey, leavey!
It's okay.
It's Gomez.
-What do you want me to do?
-I don't know.
Something's not right.
He just got blown up, man.
I don't know what's going on.
Leavey, I gotta move.
I gotta move.
Get down!
Johnson! Johnson!
Move it!
Let's move.
We gotta move!
-Covering! Move!
-Come on. Let's go.
Go, go, go, go, go!
Let's go, let's go.
Suppress the fire!
Let's talk, boys, talk!
I want you to talk!
Point and shoot!
Point and shoot!
Move it, move it!
Leavey. Leavey!
Johnson, Johnson, go!
We gotta move!
O'Connor! O'Connor!
Covering! Move!
Move, move!
Move, Johnson!
Covering. Move!
Go, leavey. Leavey, move!
Moving, moving!
We gotta go!
Let's go, let's go!
Suppressing fire, right flank.
Light 'em up, boys!
Light 'em up!
Let's go, let's go!
Let's go. Move it, move it.
Come on, come on. Let's go.
Shriner, where's leavey, Gomez?
-Johnson, move!
-Covering. Move!
Leavey, ready?
Come on.
Let's go, let's go.
Let's go, let's go.
Hurry up!
running low on ammo!
Go, go, go.
Let's go, let's go. Get in.
Move it! Move it, leavey!
-Gomez, come on, get in.
- Stop.
- Leavey!
-I think she didn't make it!
She didn't make it!
-Hold it right now.
It's okay. It's okay.
I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay.
On the right flank,
right there.
-Damn it! Leavey!
-Move it, move it.
-We're leaving!
Slow down, slow down!
She's not in.
Okay, let's go, let's go.
Yeah, we got her.
Move, move!
you're medivac asap.
Hey, I'll take care of him.
I promise.
Listen to me.
It should have been me.
All right?
This is helo zero-niner
departing ramadi
with one wounded en route
to Baghdad hospital, over.
Okay, corporal,
you've got ruptured eardrums,
so hearing loss
and even short term memory loss
are gonna be normal,
but you should
fully recover.
Where's my dog?
He's okay. He's fine.
He's at blue diamond.
I need to see him.
Oh, no, no.
Ah, ah, corporal, no, no.
He's okay. He's fine.
The important thing
is we look after you,
make sure you're okay.
And just so you know,
they're sending you home
for Christmas, corporal.
Three weeks,
then back to Pendleton
for training and rehab.
And you'll see your dog
when you get back to base, okay?
We notified her commander,
so he's aware what's going on.
Oh, there he is!
- Dad!
- Hi, honey.
The white zone
is for immediate loading and
unloading of passengers only.
I'm glad you're home.
You okay?
You look good.
Um, I gotta work
on Christmas.
It's okay, dad.
You sure?
You're okay?
She'd probably
rather I didn't--
yeah, I know.
Go near there, so...
Merry Christmas.
Yeah, merry Christmas.
Love you.
I love you.
Thank god you're okay.
Bye, you.
You sure
you're okay with that?
Yeah, I got it.
All right.
Thank you.
Merry christma--
hi, baby.
Hey, mom.
Okay, I'm sorry--
i am sorry,
but I'm just--
what do you mean
Rex isn't back yet?
He was supposed to
be back a week ago,
and every time I call,
someone says that
he's gonna be back soon,
he's gonna be back soon.
I'm just a little bit confused.
I'm just telling you
what I know, corporal,
and please, don't call again.
I'll let you know
as soon as I have
something to report, okay?
- Okay, wait just one second.
- If somebody could just...
this is wonderful, honey.
Do you see this, Megan?
Oh, this is wonderful.
Here, honey, this is for you.
I would have liked
to get you more, honey,
but the salon's been slow, so...
That's okay.
So, that's the one, honey?
I'm, like, so happy,
you can't even imagine.
just double-check
with Wilkins, all right?
Yes, sir. Will do.
Hey, I'm corporal leavey.
You do know your phone style
is a bit aggressive, right?
i don't think she does.
Hey, what's up, leavey?
Oh, hi.
How you doing?
You all right?
Yeah, I'm okay.
I heard you got a little
rattled up out there.
Everything okay?
I'm fine.
When did you get back?
Uh, last week.
I'm just here for
a couple days. I'm going back.
How's Rex? Where is he?
I don't know. I haven't
seen him in a while.
Is he okay?
I don't know how he is,
but I've been crap without him.
Yeah, yeah.
I can't imagine.
I haven't left Bruno
for, what, 12 hours?
-Who's a good boy, Bruno?
-Yes, sir, I'll tell her.
Hey, you can go
and cuddle too, if you like.
Rex just pulled up
to the gate.
Oh, Bruno, Bruno.
Bye, sir.
All right.
Hey. Hi!
Come here.
Come here. Good boy.
Careful, careful.
Good boy. Good boy.
Hi. Good.
Oh, good boy.
It's okay.
Good boy. Good boy.
Good boy. Good boy. Good boy.
Good. Good. Come on.
Come on. Stop. This way.
Rex, come. It's okay.
Hey. What's going on?
They told me
i didn't need the bottoms.
Yeah. Well, that depends
on how much you like keeping
both halves of your ass.
Keep 'em on.
You guys are very funny!
Okay, slow down.
Slow down, slow down.
It's just some flowers.
It's okay.
The crazy part,
then they ended up
having loofahs,
but they said they couldn't
deliver a loofah.
This is sweet.
That's really sweet.
I mean,
i like flowers too.
Cool, but the loofah
would have been-- come on.
It would have been funnier.
The loofah would
have worked, right?
Yeah, yeah.
I know. Um, so, hi.
Wow, you're really strong.
They're like college beds,
like dorm room beds.
It's awful.
Well, the good news
is you probably don't have
to pay for drinks anymore
now that you're a war hero
and everything.
You think I'm a hero?
Well, that's the word
on the street.
So what you been up to?
What's going on?
Um, mostly
just physical therapy.
It's the worst.
The nurse is an absolute witch,
so that's not fun.
So, what hurts?
Where does it hurt?
Um, mostly my head.
My back, my neck.
And I just-- it feels like
the bomb blew out my arches.
So, everywhere.
Well, no more high heels
for you.
I know.
So bummed about that.
Hey, let me get your foot.
Let me do some magic.
A massage?
It's 'cause you're a hero.
Lucky me.
Heroes get massages.
I should get exploded
more often.
I should fly back
more often.
How's your boy Rex doing?
He's good.
He's doing better.
It's just slow.
I think that I'm gonna be able
to start training with him again
in a couple weeks.
How long do I have you for?
Well, that depends.
How long do you want me for?
I'm a young man.
We live into our 80s
in my family.
Oh. Yeah,
we get divorced in mine.
I could possibly
make an exception though
if you were, all of a sudden,
say, a Yankees fan,
went to a lot
of Yankees games.
That's a lot, you see.
That's a lot to ask for.
that's what I thought.
I'm being serious.
Well, so am I.
I don't do the whole
forever-and-ever thing.
Look, trust me.
Neither do I, usually.
Okay, well,
so stop being so serious.
Let's just...
Let's just make out.
Inspection, 20 minutes.
Is it--
don't say anything.
We could get in trouble
though, right?
I think we should relocate,
but not now.
Detail, attention!
I'm sorry to inform you
that Andrew Dean,
sergeant Andrew Dean,
was killed by a suicide bomber
at 15:37 yesterday.
He tried to stop him,
but he couldn't in time.
Bruno survived.
They found Bruno lying
on top of him.
Andrew Dean was a good marine,
and he was a very good man.
God bless his soul.
Bruno, up. Bruno. Bruno.
Bruno. Bruno.
Here, boy. Here. Up.
Bruno, up.
Bruno. Bruno. Here, boy.
Bruno, here. Bruno.
He's looking for him.
He'll never stop.
Sometimes we don't realize
as much as they our family,
we theirs too.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Oh, come on, baby.
Okay, come on.
Okay, try again.
Let's try again.
Rex, come.
Come on. Come on.
Come on, come on.
I know.
It's okay.
Rex! Hey, it's okay.
Rex, come.
It's okay. It's okay.
Shh. It's okay.
I'm gonna keep you safe.
I don't know
what we're gonna do,
but we're not going back there.
So, I've been thinking,
I don't think
I'm gonna reenlist.
How do you feel about that?
You wanna come live with me?
Did you just fart?
That's disgusting.
And now you're falling asleep
while I talk to you?
I mean,
do you have any plans?
Um, my plan is just
to figure it out
as I go along.
The civilian life.
You wanna live that pop life?
What is that?
You're gonna be the fourth
member of destiny's child?
Not exactly, no.
That wasn't my plan.
Now, I'm gonna
give you two weeks,
and you're gonna be bored
out your mind.
I bet you'll be
back in my office
begging for your job back.
but I was blown up, so...
Boring sounds
really great right now.
I know it's been
some rough times recently,
but I just don't want you
to rush into something that
you're not ready to get into,
especially when this
is something you love.
It is what I love,
but I...
Pretty sure
i found something, someone
that I love even more,
and, um, well, actually,
i was wondering--
I was hoping that
you would write me a letter
supporting me to adopt him.
Well, well, of course
i will, corporal.
You think I'm crazy?
Is that a trick question?
No, I'm being serious.
for leaving the marines?
No, absolutely not.
You did your time.
Hey, when's your tour up?
It was up a week ago.
Now I'm theirs
for another 51.
Uh, okay, so...
You re-upped?
Yeah. I mean, what,
is that a problem?
Yeah, that's a problem.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold on, Megan.
what are you doing?
Look, you didn't ask me
when you decided
to leave the marines,
and I wouldn't
expect you to.
Look, it's your decision.
I'm happy--
don't pretend
like you didn't know
this would piss me off.
You act like we talked
about this. How the hell
could I know that?
I don't know,
but it sucks that you didn't.
He's tender.
He's tender.
It's okay.
You want to adopt
this animal?
Do you have any idea
what you're doing?
He's scared and he's tender,
like I said.
Please don't--
please don't write that.
Are you listening to me?
He's just scared.
And he hates this muzzle
that he's wearing.
And no offense,
but he's not a massive fan
of being at the vet's either.
I'll see him again in a week.
But please don't leave that
on his chart, 'cause they'll
never let me adopt him.
That's the point.
Are you having
some sort of, like,
a power trip or something?
Are you not supposed to
be helping these animals?
You poked him
where he's hurt.
He reacted.
Let's set off
40 pounds of explosives
five feet under you
and see how you like
being poked afterwards.
Please, I'm begging you.
Please take it out
of his file!
Where's Rex?
No idea.
Up. Good.
Hey, forman.
Come on.
What's the deal?
I'm getting him ready.
What do you mean?
They want him in Afghanistan.
What? What are you
talking about?
They're redeploying him.
No, no, they took him
off active duty.
Well, I guess
they changed their minds.
Are you his handler?
I'm sorry.
Hey, jerks!
Let's go!
Jesus, leavey.
What are you doing here?
Gunny, I...
I came to say that I am sorry
for messing up your office.
Now, that's the weakest apology
i ever heard.
Rex is not ready
to be redeployed.
It's not my call.
The vet disagrees with you.
He's a different dog.
He has changed.
-I can't help you.
-Please, please, just change
his classification
so that I can adopt him
when he gets back,
if he gets back.
Your concern for the animal
is honorable.
You're devoted to him,
and I understand that, and i
understand why you're angry.
I'm not angry.
I am trying
to give a war hero a home
for the last few years
of his life.
How would you feel
if we had to put Rex down
'cause he bit the hand
of a four-year-old
he passes on the street?
Just because the boy
was holding a toy gun. Hmm?
It happens.
I've looked into
the parents' eyes before.
I know
what that feels like.
They aren't pets.
They aren't even dogs
They're warriors,
and they come back with
all the same issues we do.
We're not being cruel.
We're being intelligent
and responsible.
No. No, not to Rex.
I'm sorry.
I really am.
just let this one go.
Gunny, please.
Look, leavey, I'm sorry.
He's being flown out
in a couple of days.
If you wanna
say good-bye to him,
i can arrange that.
I'm sorry.
Get up.
Megan, honey.
put some clothes on.
-Who loves you?
What's going on?
Come over here
and meet her.
I didn't name her
'cause I wanted you to,
but if you don't
call her lover girl,
i think you're crazy.
You've gotta be kidding me.
No, I'm not kidding you.
You thought you could
just replace him?
Honey, I'm not trying
to replace him. I just...
Look, I know you love him,
but Jesus Christ, Megan,
you're a mess.
You can't let your whole life
fall apart over some dog.
"Some dog"?
That dog saved my life.
Go to hell.
Now, Megan, you can't talk
to your mother like that.
She is trying to help you.
Get a job, Jim.
We are not finished here.
You cannot
come back to my house
like some big war hero
and talk to me like that
just because you got hurt!
Back off, mom!
You can screw up your life
as much as you want.
You cannot
take it out on me!
Go in there right now
and apologize to my husband!
Apologize to this guy?
I can't believe you left dad
for this douche bag.
You have no goddamn right
to-- you know what?
Go be with your father.
-I am done!
Son of a bitch.
Don't open it!
Jesus, baby, baby.
It's okay, it's okay.
It's just a car.
It's the alarm, sweetie.
It's okay.
It's all right.
hey, what the hell
are you doing?
You have any idea
how hot it is in there?
-How hot it is?
-Take care of your animal,
My animal's fine.
What, are you crazy?
hi. Hi, yeah.
Can I talk to forman?
It's about Rex.
Yeah, I know I keep calling!
Megan, how are you doing?
We haven't heard much
from you.
I'm okay. I'm better.
In what ways?
Well, I...
I don't flip out as much
when I see or hear
certain things.
I still can't quite...
any-- any real, um,
human interaction.
Even you guys
are kind of a drag.
How are you sleeping?
Just a few bad dreams.
Hmm. About?
Mmm, mostly imagining
what he's doing.
Just hoping he's not in pain.
He could die any day.
He could be dead right now,
what would you say to Rex
if he were here right now?
Well, you know he's a dog,
This is gonna sound
so cheesy, but...
It's okay.
I'd probably, um--
I'd thank him for...
Trying to teach me
what love is.
What do you mean,
It sounds like
he taught you a lot.
Is that dinner?
Well, they always said breakfast
is the most important meal.
How was your day?
You go to group?
How was it?
Uh, so, this came for you.
Who is morales?
Why is he sending you
mets crap?
He's just some guy
i used to know.
Yeah, some guy I'm gonna
have to be chasing off
with a shotgun?
I know that you feel like
you lost everything.
I know
what that feels like.
But the thing is,
you gotta keep living.
I am living.
No, you're not.
This isn't living.
You gotta figure out
what it would take
to make it worth it.
Rex would be worth it.
You know
what you gotta do?
They won't--
they won't talk to me.
I have abandoned him.
I left.
Then you gotta find a way.
There are a few people
in life-- not many--
that you gotta
find a way for.
If you needed something,
i would do whatever it took.
Not because I'm
any kind of great dad,
but because how I love you
is stronger than when I'm not.
I want you to be a person
who shows up
for work,
for your friends' funerals,
for life.
I've tried. I failed.
So fail again,
and just keep failing
until they're tossing dirt
on your corpse.
Baby, all you gotta do
is fight,
and you know how to fight.
You're a frickin' marine,
I love you.
Can I toss this, please?
Maybe burn it?
It's disgusting.
Actually, maybe
just keep the card.
You don't need it.
I can't wait another three weeks
for someone to call me back.
Can I just talk to him
for five minutes?
Well, it's actually not.
It's an air force decision.
The air force oversees
the canine program.
Well, then can you tell me
exactly where he is?
Okay, look, I know
i sound like a stalker here,
but I'm calling for a war hero.
-Corporal leavey.
It's sergeant forman.
I've been getting
your messages all week,
figured I better call you back,
seeing as you're the only reason
i still have a complete set
of butt cheeks.
Hey, yeah, I have
been calling all week.
I guess I just wanted
to know... how's Rex?
He'd love to see you.
-Wait, what?
You there?
Yeah, uh...
They finally decided
to retire him.
I just thought
you might want to come
to the ceremony.
Yes, I'm...
Does this mean
that I can adopt him now?
I don't think so.
I'm looking at his file,
and it says he's unadoptable.
I know what it says.
I know, but, uh...
I mean, hasn't he
been reassessed?
I have no idea,
but it still says unadoptable
on his paperwork.
And, uh...
He's pretty sick, Megan.
How bad is it?
If you're gonna
try and do something,
I'd do it fast.
Then after that,
we open.
Senator schumer?
Excuse me.
Can I just have a moment
of your time?
I'm in the middle
of something.
I've been calling for weeks.
It's about my partner
in Afghanistan.
He's not doing well.
He needs your help.
All right,
I'll get back to you later.
His name is Rex.
He's a bomb sniffer.
He saved thousands of lives
in Iraq.
Here we are in fallujah.
He found all those ak-47s.
And here we are in ramadi,
and here he is today.
He's ten years old,
and if I can't adopt him,
then they're gonna
put him to sleep.
What did you say
your name was?
Megan. Sorry.
Corporal Megan leavey.
Oh, very nice to meet you,
My pleasure.
Sir! Sir, excuse--
excuse me! Sir!
Finn, don't yell at people.
How else am I supposed
to get his attention?
You're literally
scaring him away.
Just be quiet.
Have a conversation
with someone.
-Hi. Sign my petition
to adopt a veteran war dog?
-So, what is this for?
This is a petition for me
to adopt my marine war dog.
He's very sick,
and his retirement ceremony's
coming up,
so I'm really hoping
i get to bring him home.
You're the marine?
Thank you.
Thank you for your service.
It's not that hard.
We're live
in five, four, three.
Hi, I'm kristine Johnson.
Today, we're joined
by a very special guest.
Thank you, Megan,
for being here.
And tell us your story.
Why is Rex
so important to you?
Well, he's just
an amazing animal,
and I want him to be able
to live the rest of his life
in a happy home
with someone
that he knows and loves.
And why can't he?
Because a while ago,
they thought he was unsafe,
but really, he was just scared
and probably confused.
Probably just
as confused and scared
as I was at the time.
And you were hit
by an explosion together,
an ied, isn't that right?
Yeah, in 2006,
we were injured in Iraq.
But despite your injuries,
the two of you
continued the mission.
That's right.
That's amazing.
Oh, thank you.
- Now, I read that you have 22--
- 22,000.
22,000 names on your petition.
That kind of support,
is it helping?
Well, we hope it is,
but it's too early to tell.
Good luck, Megan.
We're really pulling
for you here.
I appreciate it.
Go ahead.
Hold there.
I'm here for
the retirement ceremony.
Head to the fields,
There you go.
Move down.
Hey, I know you.
Yeah. You're, uh--
you're that famous
war hero, right,
that's on TV?
Big-time mets fan.
What are you doing?
You're back.
Yeah. Yeah.
I'm, uh, here
for chico's retirement.
Then I ship
back out in two days,
camp leatherneck.
Can't get enough
of that place.
After that, that's it.
Time to come home.
So I hear-- I hear Rex
is retiring today too.
Yeah. I...
Trying to get signatures,
still trying to bring him home.
You gonna get
in some faces again,
start a couple brawls maybe?
Put someone in a choke hold,
knock someone out.
Yeah. Yeah,
if I have to, yeah.
Sorry-- sorry I haven't
called you back. I...
It's all good.
It wasn't our time.
At least one marine
gets the girl in the end.
You know,
you rattled every chain
in the command, right?
I get to be the one
to break the big news.
Better take him home
before they change their minds.
Welcome home!
What do you think?
You like it?
Sit. Good boy.
What's that?
What's that?
What's that?
What about this?
You like a football?
Like that?
You like that?
Oh, this is
your favorite one.
Here's your girlfriend.
Here's your girlfriend.
Yeah, yeah.
You've got my hand.
You've got my hand.
You don't look so tough
right now, war dog.
God, you're spoiled.
It's okay.
Don't be scared.
Ladies and gentlemen,
today is veteran's
appreciation day,
so please join us
in welcoming two very special
Yankees fans.
Purple heart recipient
corporal Megan leavey
and sergeant Rex.
Sergeant Rex, echo 168,
was recognized
for his superior
performance of duty
while serving
as a patrol explosive
military working dog.
Go, marines!
Hoorah! Whoo!
Sergeant Rex
and corporal leavey,
their sacrifice together,
saved countless
human lives.
And so today,
we thank them.
Famous, baby!
You're famous!
Get that toy.
What you barking at?
Hi, buddy.
Good boy.