Melissa P. (2005)

"Dear Diary,
today is the last day of school.
The summer is starting.
But the most important news
is that Manuela and I...
...have been invited to the swimming
pool at Daniele's house!"
"I've waited for
this moment for months.
Maybe this time
he'll pay some attention to me..."
Could you wake your granddaughter up?
I'm running late.
Melissa, hurry up,
you're going to be late for school.
What are you doing?
Can't you hear me?
Please, can you do it?
I'm late,
I still have to finish getting ready.
All right, I'll do it myself.
What a mess!
- Sweetheart, the alarm!
- Go away!
Sorry, darling, but you're
going to be late for school.
Get out!
We arrived at 4 pm.
On the whole way there
I just wanted to turn back.
My heart was in my mouth.
- Wait, don't ring!
- Why not?
It's still early.
No, it's not, this is the time
Titti told us to come.
Feel this.
- I don't feel anything.
- But how!
It feels like it's about to explode!
Let's get out of here.
Come on! You've had a crush on him
for a year and now finally...
I look terrible today.
No way! You look gorgeous.
What if he finds out I can't swim?
- Stay away from the pool.
- And if he kisses me...
...and realizes it's my first time?
- Are you crazy?
With all the rehearsing we've done!
- Who's that?
- Which?
- The only fuckable one.
- You're here!
Don't let her run away!
Pin her down, Patrizio!
No! Please let me go!
Put me down, don't be a bastard!
- Hello, Manuela.
- I'm Manuela.
I'm Melissa.
- Well then hello, Melissa.
- Daniele! Come here!
Excuse me.
Well, I...
Fucking assholes, my shoes!
These shoes cost me
two hundred euros.
- Who is that girl lying down?
- Lavinia, Arnaldo's girlfriend. A bitch.
Don't even try throwing me
in the water or I'll kick your ass.
I'm going over there.
Be careful,
they'll throw you in the water.
No! She can't swim!
Help her!
Do something!
Were you scared?
Me? No.
I thought you knew how to swim.
Yes, I can swim, but...
I got scared all of a sudden.
But you just told me
you weren't scared.
You got scared.
Come on! I'll show you
the nicest part of the garden.
So you don't know how to swim.
I can teach you one day.
You can come back,
without all these people.
- Well?
- Well what?
Will you come?
- Yes.
- You like it here?
And you like me?
- Enough.
- What does your father do?
- He builds streets?
- No. Oil.
He's on a platform
in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
He'll be back within a year.
And your mother?
She sells bridal gowns.
- Do you have any brothers?
- No. Just a friend.
- You confide in her.
- Yes.
- Do you tell her everything?
- Yes.
And what will you tell her about me?
I don't know.
You look like a kid.
How old are you?
Fifteen and a half.
- Do you have a boyfriend?
- No.
Do you?
- What?
- A girlfriend!
No, I don't.
Are you a virgin?
- How many times have you been kissed?
- Twice.
Which one did you like the best?
The first.
Get up.
What do you want from me?
You want to kiss me?
You want to kiss me?
You want to kiss me?
You want to kiss me?
Then kiss my dick.
Put it in your mouth.
What are you doing?
Maybe next time
you'll kiss me on the mouth.
I haven't seen him since that day.
I've spent a gloomy summer
full of choking tears...
...waiting for a phone call
that never came.
I wanted to vanish,
to fly away very, very far...
...lik e my father,
to the other side of the world.
Don't make that face.
I'd like to see you in my place!
After what happened he disappeared!
Forget about him,
he doesn't care about you.
I never said he cared about me,
but I care about him.
And it gets worse every day.
Let's go.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Come in, young ladies.
We were very glad
to wait for you, right?
- Abemo, Elisabetta.
- Here.
- Bozzini, Manuela.
- Here.
Caldiron, Clelia e Leo.
- Here.
- Here.
De Angelis, Marco.
First day of school.
I'm so nerv ous.
A new student. Good start!
I must see him. But he isn't here.
Holidays are over for everybody,
except for him.
I am Marco De Angelis.
You know I should kick you out?
No, too easy. Come on in.
Find a place.
I try to hate him
for what he did to me...
...but I can't. I still love him.
At the favourite seat.
They call it the Seat of Death.
He's so cool!
What a loser!
Ah, you're a tough one!
Let's inaugurate the register.
With a nice three.
He doesn't know
how much I lik e him.
Even though he humiliated me,
I forgive him.
If I could hold him tight,
just once, I'd mak e him understand.
Call me, my love.
Call me, call me... me...
- One...
- I'll go!
Yes, it's morning here!
I'll pass you to her right away.
And how are you?
Melissa, run, it's Dad!
Open up! It's Dad!
Why do you two always
lock yourselves in there?
Do you want to talk first
to your mother or your daughter?
Daddy, you know
I dreamt about you?
Yes, we were in Paris,
but it was our house.
It'd be more practical
if you used your own bathroom.
- I'm being good. But you be good too!
- At least don't lock yourselves inside.
No, I'm begging you!
Please, don't smoke.
- It bothers me in the bathroom.
- I'm still waiting for your e-mails.
I'll quit right away!
I'm smoking the last one!
I'll pass you to her.
Hi, darling!
Of course I'm taking my medicine.
Why do you always say
the same thing?
And then they say
that old folks lose their minds!
"Dear Diary,
my family is a disaster.
Father is so far away,
Mother doesn't understand a thing.
Thank God I've got Grandma
and Manuela, my best friend."
Slow down!
You shouldn't be afraid
with me! Ever!
Okay, but be careful!
- You trust me?
- Yes, you're the best!
I hate gym...
...but I'm sure
Manu hates it more than I do.
At least we don't have to study.
This year I want something different.
Every day at school
I hope to see him.
It's happened twice already,
in the hallway.
He didn't see me,
or he pretended not to.
How strange, I feel my body
much more than before.
I lik e it...
...but with him I'd lik e it even more.
Did you get excited?
Wow, you're well-equipped!
Who would have thought?
Relax, it's just envy.
I want him. I'm so sure.
Yes, I went to see
the one you suggested.
It looked like a prison!
No, I found another one.
A luxury one. Wait a moment.
Here it is!
"Elegant ambience...
...highly qualified medical personnel."
Eighteen hundred euros.
No, I still haven't spoken
to her about it.
You know it's not easy with her.
Why don't you speak to her?
Okay, okay. I'll try.
Yes, she'll be upset
at the beginning, but later...
You know how children are.
Don't worry,
I was firm about the moped...
...but she always drives Manuela's.
She signed up for swimming lessons.
This time she's really going to learn.
Hello? Can you hear me?
I lent it to Melissa
but now I need it.
I'm having tea with some friends.
How can you live with such a mess?
At least in my own room
I can do as I please, no?
Here, this was in the living room.
Forgive me.
It won't happen again. I promise.
How can you go out at this hour?
Do you want me to come pick you up?
Don't worry, I'll take the bus.
No, no, take a cab.
Cabs are expensive.
It's okay. I'll pay for it,
don't make me worry.
I have to talk to you...
...but not now,
you've got things to do.
Tell me, my friends will wait.
- Did you take your pill?
- Yes.
No, I didn't take it.
But that's my business.
No, really it's our business also.
They are good for your heart.
My mum hates Grandma.
Sometimes I think...'s because she's jealous
of our relationship.
Thank God she can't interfere
between Manu and me. I adore her.
According to her, I need to be brave...
...and talk to Daniele, face to face.
They said Daniele's already here!
Look at me.
Look at me. Look at me.
Look at me.
But you're Melissa!
You've grown,
I almost didn't recognize you.
How old are you?
I'm almost 16.
Arnaldo, you remember Melissa?
You're also cute when dry.
Let's toast to our reunion!
- Lavinia, babe? Everything okay?
- I want to leave. This is annoying.
Did you think about me?
I want to ask you something.
But not here.
Wanna come with me?
Let's go.
You're even prettier
than last summer.
Can I ask you a question?
Do you want to kiss me?
Are you still a virgin?
Do you want to do it with me?
I want you so much.
Put this on.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I don't love you.
You're an idiot.
Who asked you?
Dad, dear Dad... can't imagine how much
I'd lik e you to be here.
I would tell you to go to Daniele's
house, to spit on his face... mak e him kneel, to beat him...
...humiliate him as he did with me.
But why is it that only men
can behave lik e that?
From this moment on I swear
that I too will do as they do.
I will think only of my pleasure.
I will treat them all the same.
Not caring for their feelings...
...not caring who I have
in front of me.
Your daughter, Melissa.
But no!
What are you talking about?
No, I know you, Daria.
You've already decided everything.
Actually, you know what I think?
I'll probably feel
more at home over there than here.
Your attention gets on my nerves.
I know it's sincere...
...but it's irritating all the same.
I'm worried about Melissa.
She counts on me.
And on me!
Are you sure?
Why do you treat me like this?
Are you sure I can smoke here?
- Lf not, I'm not going.
- In theory you can't...
...but everybody does,
so they turn a blind eye.
Unfortunately. You should quit.
You know how bad it is for you.
And you don't know
how good it is for me!
"Dear Diary,
Mom has sent Grandma to a home."
- Damn, it's pouring!
- Give me the umbrella.
"She took the horrible decision
without consulting me.
I don't mean anything to her.
But when Dad comes home
for Christmas...
...we'll tak e her back home
and she will stay with us forever."
Do you want to give me
the umbrella?
Elvira, what are you doing?
You'll get soaked!
Sweetheart, why are you doing this?
You know Grandma
has a heart condition.
She needs to be taken care of!
Come on, out!
Thank you.
Good morning.
Well, now what's the matter?
Up, up child!
Nice, no?
Warm colours...
The nurses are lovely.
I would almost come to stay myself!
Where are the sockets?
Ah, there's one...
- But the lamp's plugged.
- It needs a double plug!
Surely there is one.
Found it! There you go.
- They're so organized!
- Aren't they?
Home is where the radio is.
It has changed my life!
I'll go call the head nurse.
Melissa, don't be sad.
Nothing will ever change between us.
You'll come visit
whenever you want...
...and I'll make you
a marvellous cup of tea.
You really don't mind being here?
"Paradise is where I am,"
your grandpa used to say.
A fantastically self-centred man!
Here we go.
Watch how it's done.
Let's get rid of this
shitty old lady blanket!
It's something else entirely!
Doesn't take a thing.
Grandma! Grandma!
Don't cry, my treasure!
- It's not a goodbye!
- But you're the one who's crying!
Your favourites!
Risotto with mushrooms or paella?
Don't worry about me.
You only know how to hurt.
Why do you treat me like this?
What trouble did she give you?
You should be happy now.
Finally your ashtrays will be clean.
You're angry with me?
I adore Grandma!
Without her the house will be empty.
Believe me,
I'm sorrier than you are.
So let's go
and bring her back, now!
She'll be happier there.
I met her neighbours.
Really nice people!
Daddy would have never allowed it.
Yes, he would.
We decided it together.
...stay with me for a while.
"Dear Diary, my mother is a monster.
And my father?
Did they agree?
I can't believe it.
But if it were true...?
I want to rebel
but there's nothing I can do.
I don't count."
How did it go with your grandma?
I'm in the movies with my mother.
Boring! MANU
"Now I'm alone.
Completely alone.
Rage, rage, rage.
Fury, rage, fury..."
I can't believe it!
There's the new guy, Marco!
He's gorgeous!
What do I do? Do I say hi?
Why don't you answer?
Remember that asshole from Italian
interrogates us tomorrow. Ciao!
"Today is my birthday.
Mum gave me a present
that I'll never open.
Dad called when I was out
and did not try again.
To wak e up without Grandma
is horrible.
The house is empty without her."
No grades today.
We'll read the newspaper.
"According to a recent poll...
...seventy-five percent of Italians
are practicing Catholics."
"I am 16, I'm not a child anymore.
I want to be cruel to the world
as the world has been cruel to me."
May I interrupt
your makeup session, Titi?
Do you believe in something?
I, for example, I'm agnostic.
At home they all go to Mass.
So during Mass, do you also think
only of re-applying your makeup?
- The twins there, "roses and flowers"?
- We're pantheists.
Like Paris Hilton.
"It's simple:
Prov ok e, seduce, use...
...and throw away.
Everyone tak es what they want."
Do you believe?
In what?
In God, for example?
Are you religious at home?
My mother is... father isn't.
I... I don't know.
But you have to believe
in something.
I'd like to think that there is a God.
To confide in someone
who always listens.
Rather, who already
knows everything... you don't
have to explain anything.
Better than a diary!
It would be nice if there were a God.
God can never betray you.
But Daniele can!
If this was an immaturity test... would pass with flying colours.
You still thinking about him?
If I were a boy I'd never let
a girl like you get away.
Would you have loved me?
Forever and ever.
I could smack him.
No, he did well.
- To treat you that way?
- Now I know who he really is.
It's easy to be like him.
Come! I'll show you.
- Two milk shakes.
- Do you have Banana Splits?
No, I m sorry.
It's hot, no?
Do you like that guy over there?
- That guy? Are you crazy?
- Would you do him?
No way.
Me neither.
But he'd do me.
Do you see how he's looking at me?
Here are the milkshakes.
Well, I'm going to make him crazy.
Wanna bet?
Cut it out!
This is what Daniele does.
Like me, look.
What's he doing?
He put his hand in his pocket.
- Why?
- Take a wild guess!
What do you want to do?
- I'm going!
- So am I.
Let's go!
See? Easy, no?
You're crazy!
Nobody will be able
to hurt me again.
I will defeat pain with rage.
I cut my face with a razor.
Hurt lik e hell, but I resisted.
I am strong.
I don't cry.
I don't cry. I don't cry.
Dad has finally called to say
he wasn't coming for Christmas.
Elvira! Melissa!
- Sorry I'm late.
- No problem.
You look fabulous!
Melissa, come quick,
Grandma's here!
My love, my love...
So, what happened to my armchair?
Don't you like that one?
It's much more comfortable.
It's ugly.
No, it's a very famous design.
One of Mrs. Adele's clients
suggested it!
How did you scratch yourself?
It's nothing...
What did you cook for me?
Hang on.
It's almost ready!
I just have to heat it up.
Soy sauce or chili sauce?
Tea first.
Will you make it for me?
- Apple tea?
- Yes.
Melissa is having problems.
She's going through
a difficult time.
What are you talking about?
She seems very calm to me.
But do you ever look in her eyes?
Of course!
Melissa is still a child.
She doesn't even have a boyfriend.
I think you should keep
a closer eye on her. I know her.
Why, and I don't?
Here, Grandma.
- Nothing for me?
- Melissa.
My room!
She's turned it into a utility closet!
Just so you know,
food's on the table in six minutes!
I knew it was here!
Now I'm going to show you
something you've never seen.
I knew she wouldn't be able
to find it!
Good. Close the door.
Wow, Grandma!
You're stunning!
He wanted me like that.
- Grandpa?
- No, before.
I was just a little older than you.
We escaped to Paris together.
Were you in love?
Only at night.
He didn't understand me...
...just my body.
And I understood his.
During the day, I despised him.
But I couldn't live without him.
He cheated on me...
...he humiliated me...
...but then, with one kiss...
...l'd forgive him everything.
One night, he didn't come back.
He'd gone off with someone else.
Without a word.
But he had forgotten his gun.
I thought to myself,
"Do I shoot myself? Or him?"
But then I found myself
in front of a mirror...
...and I started to brush my hair,
like this...
...after stroke...
...after stroke...
My curls melted away...
How many are we at?
Why do we have to reach
exactly 100?
Because at the hundredth stroke... hair was back to being straight.
I looked at myself.
He had no power over me anymore.
I was a different person.
Thirty-five, thirty-six...
...thirty-seven, thirty-eight...
"Dear Diary,
another year has begun.
New Year, new Melissa.
I will kick anything that I don't lik e...
...and I'll find love, and pleasure...
...and tenderness, and passion..."
It's Daniele.
- Hi.
- Just "Hi"?
- What am I supposed to say?
- For example:
"Long time no see!
- Where have you been, Daniele?"
- Right:
Where have you been?
And you?
- Where have you been?
- Nowhere.
Did you miss me?
I missed you.
Can I ask if you want
to come over, right away... mak e love?
- You mean like last time?
- Much better.
I have a surprise for you.
Melissa... still there?
Are you coming?
You've really changed.
Is this the surprise?
It's much better.
Close your eyes.
Now wait here. Don't move.
Sit still.
Keep your eyes closed!
Is he the surprise?
Why? Don't you like it?
I thought you wanted to be with me.
Wait. Wait.
Three is a good number.
You'll see, you'll like it.
I also have a surprise.
I'm leaving.
Don't be such a baby.
Baby, huh?
So I'm just a baby?
One hell of a baby!
I'll show you
what kind of baby I am.
Why are you here?
Your girlfriend doesn't know
how to strip you like this?
I've got an idea.
Come on.
Today I'll be your girlfriend.
Shut up.
Daniele and Arnaldo together?
Are you insane?
I don't know what happened to me.
At some point something
switched on inside me...
...rage, I wanted to teach them
a lesson... them
that I'm not their little toy.
And you know something?
I liked it!
I don't know how to explain it.
I felt completely alive.
...did you have an orgasm?
I love you,
but you're wrong about this.
Those guys are gonna
go around telling everyone.
Promise me
that you won't do it again!
I love you too.
Melissa, what are you doing?
You're destroying your nails!
"I discovered sex-chats.
You don't suffer,
you enjoy yourself and that's it.
I'm Myself, I'm looking for someone
to have sex with anyone."
Why do you lock yourself in?
Could you help me
fold the tulle, please?
Fine! I'm coming!
"In the chat I can say
whatever comes to my mind.
Be everything I want to be.
I am free.
Manuela can't understand.
I'd lik e to tell her that I would fuck
the first guy who comes along.
Imagine her face."
"Dear Diary,
even I can't believe it.
Today I did it
with the museum custodian.
He took me to a hidden place
and we did it.
My body exploded with pleasure.
I don't know how he dared
but Daniele called me.
There was a small party at his place
with people I didn't know.
I let an older guy touch me...
...just to make Daniele jealous."
No, come on.
"Desire in the least
appropriate moments.
Now in class, I want to come
while the teacher is lecturing.
Today I'm 16,
I'm not a child anymore.
I feel different, freer, truer.
I'd like to talk to Manuela.
But anyway she doesn't understand.
She's there,
hiding under her layer of fat...
...afraid of her own shadow!"
And you?
You let them...
- What kind of friend are you?
- Me?
What was I supposed to do?
Hiding under my layer of fat.
Go fuck yourselves!
You too, Manuela!
"They think they know
everything about me...
...but they don't know anything.
They say I'm a whore?
I'll buy a sexy dress to show them
what kind of whore I can be.
I'm different than them.
I have the courage to be myself.
I'm done with Manuela.
- Hello, Melissa.
- Good afternoon.
"Dear Diary, will someone
ever look at me that way?
Who will hold me lik e that,
with that much passion?"
- Mom!
- Hello, sweetheart.
Everything okay?
I see you've finally dressed up.
What a lovely dress!
About time!
I'd lengthen it a couple of centimetres,
but the rest seems perfect.
- How much did you pay for it?
- Fifty euros.
What brought on this change?
Is there someone you like?
I'm going to study.
Melissa, wait for me!
Melissa, wait for me.
Can I give you a lift?
- I don't have a helmet.
- I have yours in the back!
I want to be alone.
Melissa, wait, I can explain.
I tried to stop them,
but I couldn't.
It was awful for me too!
Your mobile.
Arnaldo, here I am.
Daniele's not here?
Let's go.
Why this ugly place?
Because it's a nice place.
Come on!
It's a game.
What am I doing here?
What a question.
Come on!
But why did you blindfold me?
Because you're a slut.
You do what I say
and you like it, right?
I want to leave.
Don't kid around.
- I don't want to do it anymore.
- Don't kid around.
Get on your knees.
Now do as I say.
One by one.
Like a pro.
"I gave myself
It didn't work.
They didn't tak e away
the anguish nor the pain.
What do I care?
I don't need to forget.
No one can mak e me ashamed
of who I am."
- They're a bunch of cowards.
- I can't believe it!
It's unfair, it's unfair.
MYSELF: In my mouth
five different tastes of men met...
...five different flav ours.
What's your taste lik e?
ANYONE: Come to meet me
instead of always saying no...
...and I will squirt it
in your mouth too.
You're one of those
who talks and talks...
...but mak es it all up.
MYSELF: Where should I come?
ANYONE: Via Gianna Brezzi 25,
interno 13, tomorrow afternoon.
Or are you afraid of my taste?
ANYONE: You're the one
who should be afraid.
You'll see I don't mak e things up.
Melissa, sweetheart!
Come see what I brought you.
Here are the keys.
Your father said to wait for him inside.
Apartment 13.
Yes, I'm coming right away.
I'm coming.
Kiss, inside, always harder.
In my mouth, I lik e the taste of sperm.
Kiss my cock, penetration.
Put tongue, first time from behind,
sweet taste.
Chemistry classroom.
I don't want to be lik e my mother.
Five of them.
Suck ed them all.
Strong excitement. Bad grade.
Lik e a real slut. Pain, pain.
Chat man, I'm coming.
Open the boxes
and choose who you want to be
How is she?
Can I see her?
No, it's not possible. I'm sorry.
She's in intensive care.
Madam, please wait here.
Please, wait here.
Excuse me.
You must be Elvira's
daughter-in-law, right?
I'm a friend of hers.
You know,
she didn't even recognize me.
Be brave.
Be brave.
I'm sorry.
We did the best we could.
Thank you.
Come out.
What have you done?
You've mixed everything up!
You have to choose.
Who do you think you are?
Punish me!
Now it's my turn!
I want to go! Please, let me go!
Where is she?
I tried to call you.
I'll take you to see her later.
It's not scary, she's so beautiful.
Did she suffer?
Were you there?
No, it happened suddenly.
My love.
Last time I saw her...
...she was sitting on that bench.
There was a man with her.
He was talking to her about love.
Poor Grandma.
I didn't realize
how much I loved her.
I'll miss her cigarettes...
...her mess.
How could she?
She left me all alone.
I'm here with you!
I'm here!
I'm blind.
But Grandma saw so many things.
She knew that you...
What, Mom?
Mom, did you read it?
You shouldn't have.
But those things you wrote,
are they true?
Not now, please, I'm asking you.
Are they true or not?
And if they're not... did you ever imagine them?
Are they true?
Forgive me, baby.
Forgive me.
I didn't think
it was going to be so hard.
Forgive me.
But I'm here now.
"Dear Diary,
today is the last day of school.
Summer is starting."
Come here.
"Can one gesture cancel all?
Can one change at my age?
And do I really want to change?"
Come on!
I called you
when I heard about your grandma.
But as soon as I heard your voice,
I hung up. I didn't have the courage.
You can't imagine
how it's been without you!
I've missed you too!
So much!
Have you lost your mind?
With all the girlfriends I have,
I'm going to hit on yours?
- You piece of shit.
- You believe all the bullshit you hear?
...Lavinia told me.
Oh, she told you?
And did she also tell you
how she sat on my face, the bitch?
Arnaldo! We're not gonna fight
over a girl, right?
Hi, girls! Did you pass?
We're going to look now.
I flunked, I can feel it!
- All three passed!
- And me? Flunked, right?
- No, you passed too!
- That's awesome!
- I have to retake three. Assholes.
- Are you coming to Daniele's party?
You call it a party?
I'm not going there anymore.
- Daniele is.
- I don't care, I'm not going.
You're happy?
Yeah! I mean, no...
...not because I failed,
but because...
Because you're talking to me...
...for the first time.
Wait for me!
But yes, because I failed also.
- This way I can finally go to art school.
- You're leaving?
It's me?
But how did you do them?
I never even noticed!
This is when I fell in love with you.
You were there.
I remember.
Would you pose
for your first portrait?
My first one?
The first that you know about.
What a nice portrait.
- What are you doing here?
- I was looking for you.
There's a party at my place tonight.
No parents. It'll be awesome.
I'm tired of parties.
They're all the same.
All the same?
My parties are not all the same.
Come on, we'll have a blast!
- I don't feel like it anymore.
- Really?
Since when?
I know you.
"For the first time
he was looking at me...
...and I wasn't feeling anything.
I didn't recognise myself
in his eyes.
He was telling me all the things...
...that I had longed to hear
for so long...
...and I couldn't care less."
I'm the only one who knows
how beautiful you are.
"I'll go to that stupid party.
I'll be strong enough
to show them all...
...that I don't care about
their little games anymore."
Come here!
Where are you going?
You have to stay with me!
"I've changed.
I wonder how Marco...
...would draw me now."
I'm really pleased.
You'll see how great it turned out.
I did my best so that
you could see it before leaving.
Ah, I picked your tickets up.
You have a stopover in Frankfurt
for a few hours, then Jiddah.
But did he say
if I'll be able to go on the platform?
Yes, he asked
for special permission.
I would love to go with you...
...but June is a wedding-filled month!
But why don't you ask Mrs. Adele
for a week off?
Mrs. Adele has already been a dear.
She gave me two weeks off
to oversee the work here.
And Dad will be so happy to spend
time with you, just the two of you.
You like it?
I found it in Grandma's room.
She was so beautiful.
She looks so much like you, sweetie.