Meltdown (2001)

I got you!
Who are these weirdoes?
Hey! They've got guns!
What do they want, Mrs. Li?
-What's the meaning of this?
-Let's go!
Let me go!
-Get them on the bus!
-ChiIdren! Listen!
Over here!
No, come with me!
Don't cry. You'II be aII right.
-Mrs. Li!
-HeIp us!
-Sergeant, come on!
-They have kids on that bus!
-Lieutenant, we're ready to proceed.
-Let's go.
Your wife is on that bus, sir.
I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry yet, soIdier.
You remember that terrorist bombing
downtown Iast year?
The bomb under that bus
is the same kind of expIosive.
-It's the same guys.
-What are their demands?
The kids are from
weaIthy famiIies...
...and these terrorists
have demanded $20 miIIion.
The mayor is wiIIing
to pay the entire ransom.
Lieutenant, your vest.
Forget it. Let's go.
Get down!
Oh, my God!
He didn't have a chance!
What can I do, Kit?
Keep the kids caIm.
We'II get you out safe.
We've got 1 0 minutes.
-Pretty standard setup.
-I'II cut the ground.
What do you think?
The other one too?
It seems pretty easy.
Hand me those visors.
Look at this.
If we cut this thread...
...what do you suppose happens
to aII of us?
-We're instant oatmeaI.
-You've got that right.
Let's see what's inside.
They're coIour-coded.
What's with these bomb nuts
and their coIour-coded wires?
Cut one, we Iive.
Cut the other, we die.
I'II go with the bIue.
Which one do you think?
I think I'm gonna shit my pants.
We have the bomber on the phone!
-Army man! PIease don't Iet me die.
-Trust me. You'II be okay.
-Kit, don't be Iong.
-I won't. I promise.
Lieutenant Li here.
-HeIIo. I am the Doctor.
-The Doctor?
I am now weaIthy because the mayor
was smart enough to pay the ransom.
If you have the ransom,
teII us how to disarm the bomb.
-Say '' PIease.''
-Hurry up, Iieutenant!
PIease teII me.
Very good. Agree to whatever
the terrorist wants.
Textbook negotiating.
But don't you patronize me.
-I onIy respect courage.
-Time's running out!
I wiII Ieave it to you
to disarm that bomb.
But I might end up
kiIIing everyone.
-No risk, no reward.
-Doctor? HeIIo?
Cut the red!
Bomb's disarmed.
-You hear that? We'II be aII right.
-Thank you, army man!
AIIow me.
-I waited for the bus, but--
-Taxi! The bus has been deIayed.
We're here. Very good.
Watch your step, pIease.
I'm teIIing you, this is the Iast
time I do one of these puff pieces.
Jeez, big deaI.
Frankie Lone does a stunt.
It's just P.R. for his movie.
I want a reaI news story next time.
Watch his head.
Frankie, come on. Wake up.
Frankie, come on.
He drank a whoIe bottIe.
I'II have it ready.
I promise you. Bye.
-What are you Iooking at?
What do you mean, nothing?
Use a doubIe.
Frankie never uses a doubIe.
He does aII of his own stunts.
He does aII his own drinking too.
Hi. Are we roIIing yet?
I'm ready for my cIose-up,
Mr. SpieIberg.
-It's CharIie.
-Oh, CharIie.
-It's okay. Yeah.
-You no-taIented--
Are we shooting the Iove scene
aIready? You smeII so good.
Forget it. We'II use the doubIe.
Hey, Kit!
Kit, we need you!
Get down here.
-AII right, hoId him up.
Frankie, we Iove you!
I'm too drunk
to do this stunt today.
-You must.
-Let me.
-I use a doubIe, I ruin my rep.
-You'd rather spIatter on the street?
He does have a point.
-He's coming.
-Get tight on Frankie.
-Don't Iose him.
-I got it.
You'II Iove it.
It's gonna be big!
Frankie's gonna do the jump.
-Thanks for coming. I'II be right down.
-He's aImost ready!
I'II be back.
AII right! Come on!
Let's give him some room, peopIe.
Move back, pIease.
-Did you doubIe for Frankie again?
-He wasn't feeIing weII.
Don't cover for him.
My son's a damn drunkard.
He's nothing but a spoiIed brat. He was
once a martiaI arts expert, a master.
-Move back.
-Don't worry. He'II be a master again.
Wind that back.
That doesn't Iook Iike Frankie.
It's hard to teII.
-You think it's a doubIe?
-Look cIose.
That's Frankie sIipping
into the crowd!
You reaIize what this means,
don't you?
He doesn't do his own stunts.
He's a big fraud!
Let's hype it. We can run it
during the sweeps next month!
-Maybe even a two-parter.
In the meantime, I'II taiI him,
see if I can get more dirt on him.
Did you hear that?
What a briIIiant idea!
You'II never beat my ratings.
HeIen! PIease, Iet's aII try
to act Iike professionaIs.
Don't you dare.
Who did that?
You're getting in troubIe now.
Kit! Come on.
No, thanks.
Not whiIe I'm on duty.
How come you're so serious?
Since you're my bodyguard,
I order you to...
-...protect me from these animaIs.
-They're the ones need protecting.
-Can you see Frankie?
-This is great.
-You're great!
Don't stop fiIming.
Thank you.
We don't Iike reporters here.
Give me that tape.
-Ever hear of freedom of the press?
-Yeah, right.
Where do you think you are?
Very cIever.
-But it beIongs to me.
-I won't ask again.
What wiII you do, tough guy?
Thanks a Iot.
Who do you think you are?
-You'd better run fast.
-Do you have any idea who I am?
What did he mean by that?
Move your fat ass.
-I teII you, this is the Iife.
-You just wait untiI Saturday night.
The Grandeur HoteI.
Big deaI for the rich and famous.
The event of the season.
So, what's the big occasion?
It's an exhibition of jeweIs...
...that once beIonged
to a bIoodthirsty Russian czar.
These things
are absoIuteIy priceIess!
The security in that pIace
wiII be tighter than Fort Knox.
Any babes?
You won't beIieve the women there.
I even heard there wiII be a porn star.
-I have three invitations.
You, me and someone eIse.
Kit shouId stay down in the Iobby.
I'II take Papa.
-Frankie, come on!
-Okay, honey.
Whoever drained the pooI,
you're fired!
HeIp Frankie.
Someone heIp him.
--the exhibition
at the Grandeur Hotel.
Here's the curator
of the collection, Mr. Kuryakin.
Can you tell us more?
AII right.
This guy's not so tough.
Are you kidding?
That's Frankie.
I don't care. Someday,
I'II chaIIenge him to a fight.
-Then we'II see who's best.
-Nobody's better than Frankie.
I'm the best! You hear me?
Say it!
Okay! SettIe down!
You're the best.
AII right, peopIe, Iisten up.
This job Saturday night...
...wiII be the Iargest heist
we've ever attempted.
If we succeed,
the abundant riches wiII be...
...beyond your wiIdest dreams.
It's very important
that there be no mistakes.
This operation must run
with surgicaI precision.
From this day forward, errors
wiII be treated with zero toIerance.
As an exampIe: the sIoppy execution
of Iast week's bank robbery...
...when a fIagrant, unsightIy error
nearIy set off the aIarm.
You know what I'm referring to,
don't you, Lee Chin?
-It wasn't me, Doctor.
-Don't worry. I know it was Wang.
It wasn't my fauIt!
Don't move or I'II kiII her!
Go ahead. She's wiIIing to die for me,
Iike everyone eIse here. Show him!
-Nothing a good doctor couIdn't fix.
I'm sorry, sir,
we're cIosed untiI tomorrow.
-Officer Chow Kam.
-What can I do for you?
What am I, your dentist?
Come on, Joyce, be serious.
I'm sorry, sir.
This exhibit is very important.
I want you on your best behaviour.
I wiII. I promise.
After aII, you want to impress
Frankie Lone, right?
This is great.
And remember,
Sammo Hung is the greatest.
That's aII there is to it.
-Is he crazy?
-I'm with you guys.
-Frankie's the best.
-You're right.
-You know he has a stunt doubIe?
-I'd Iove to get my hands on him!
It wiII be an interesting evening.
That's for sure.
-I can't wait to come to work.
-What's wrong?
-I puIIed something pIaying racquetbaII.
-I strained my shouIder once.
-It was sore a week.
-What a bummer.
This way.
Joyce, there's a poIiceman here
to see you.
-What is it?
-Can we taIk privateIy?
What are you doing?
I toId you we were through.
Come on. Let's taIk about this.
I miss you, baby.
It's been a Iong time.
I miss you too.
Then why are we doing this?
Let's just get back together.
It's not that easy, Kam.
Each night on the news,
they taIk about cops being kiIIed...
...outgunned by gangs
and street criminaIs.
Every time
I hear your pager go off...
...I think you'II end up dead.
Can't you get a safe job,
Iike an accountant?
You're bIowing it out of proportion.
Yeah, it's aIways me.
I've heard that crap before.
PIease, I just--
-Joyce, want a ride?
-You bet I do.
Wait up, Joyce!
Joyce, you want me to beg?
That's the best idea
you've had aII night.
WiII you just sIow down?
I don't beIieve it!
That's David.
-Fai-Fai, Iooking IoveIy.
-You dick. You spIashed me.
-You know this person?
-Can we go now?
I'II give you a ride.
We can taIk things over.
That was your boyfriend?
They're having a Iovers' spat.
We're going to a hot tub.
Care to join us?
No, thanks. Maybe another time.
You can drop me up here.
Thank you, guys. Bye.
The hot tub Iine?
That's so Iame.
It sureIy worked on you,
didn't it?
I heard Frankie Lone
wiII be at the exhibit tomorrow.
Frankie, the martiaI artist?
His cinematic fights
Ieave something to be desired.
You reaIize he'II bring bodyguards.
Bodyguards can be troubIesome.
Get Kong on it.
Let's shoot this rehearsaI.
Not good enough.
Faster, quicker! Come on!
You've got more than that in you.
Punch me harder,
or next time you're fired!
Step back! Quicker!
Now everybody hit the deck.
Cut! Let's move on.
-AII right, gather around.
-That was great.
You, practice those kicks.
You punch Iike a sissy.
You're aII an embarrassment.
Let's give these guys a break.
1 0 minutes?
-They onIy deserve five.
-Let's go.
-The scene from Iast week.
-It's coming aIong great.
You reaIIy unIoad on these guys.
I don't know about this.
My sound sucks. Let's redub it.
Get off me! You bastard!
Okay, that works. Best dubbing
I've seen since Shogun Accountant.
What is this anyway, some amateur
production? I'm Frankie Lone!
Make yourseIf usefuI! I'm going
to America to make reaI movies!
-CaIm down.
-I've had it. I'm out of here.
I hate guys next to me
when I'm pissing.
-What's up?
-I'm just doing my job.
What couId possibIy happen
in here?
-You dropped your kid's toy.
-Don't move, Frankie.
-Don't move a muscIe.
-What is it?
-It's a Iand mine.
-You have to be joking.
It's no joke.
You move, and we're aII history.
Do something.
-Get me a bat.
-You heard him!
On the count of three,
I want you to step off.
Man, he's crazy.
HoId it!
I gotta psych myseIf up here.
Come on, daddy,
you can do this.
-AII right.
Two. Three!
Check on Frankie!
Look, it's Frankie.
Kit, there's that hot reporter.
Just watch yourseIf.
-How are you doing?
-It's so good to see you.
-Hurry up.
-You Iook great.
-I'II catch you inside.
Battery's dead again.
What is it?
If you arrive Iate you'II have
more security to contend with.
You'II just have
to take that risk.
After aII, just remember:
No risk, no reward.
No risk, no reward.
What do you think you're--?
You can't go in there!
-Good evening.
-Through here, pIease.
The jeweIs are under security.
A broken case wiII set off aIarms
at the poIice department.
Come on.
-HeIIo again.
-Oh, hi.
That appears to be a communicator
for writing personaI messages.
ActuaIIy, you're right.
It is personaI.
I'm teIIing you, troubIe's coming.
This guy's a terrorist.
Terrorist? What does he Iook Iike?
I don't know his face,
I know his voice.
I reaIize that hot tub Iine was,
perhaps, a IittIe crude...
...but aren't you intrigued by me?
Of course. It's Iike meeting
a caveman. Excuse me.
His phone is off.
If you were Frankie's bodyguard,
you couId reach him.
It's true.
And this story about
a terrorist in the hoteI?
-Give me a break.
-AII right. I'II be back.
-I got it.
-Thank you. Let's go.
I'II sign it Iater.
-It's great to see a star be so nice.
-It's nothing.
It's good to mingIe
with the common foIks once in a whiIe.
I heard there was gonna
be an aduIt star here and--
A porn star?
Is that what you think I am?
I was hoping.
This way, sir.
There's Frankie feeIing up some fan.
This wiII be great stuff.
Hang on.
We've got to get this
through security. Here.
Step through here, pIease.
Ma'am, are you okay?
-Are you aII right, honey?
Here, I picked up your bag for you.
-What a gentIeman.
-I do my best.
-Enjoying yourseIf, Dad?
-You bet.
I'II find you Iater, Papa.
-What's up?
-Who's it for?
They're so beautifuI.
Not haIf as beautifuI as you are.
What's the matter with you,
coming on to her? She's with me.
You wanna see me angry? Beat it.
My mistake.
Messing with the wrong guy.
May I see your invitations?
-HeIp. HeIp me. PIease.
-Get away.
-Get away from me.
-Don't go.
PIease, heIp.
I was Iooking for some action,
but this isn't what I had in mind.
-Come on!
-You two, foIIow me.
-We Iost him.
-I'II Iook down here.
-Check the eIevator.
Keep quiet.
These terrorists are chasing me.
-You're joking.
I know you're scared,
but don't worry about it now.
I'm here.
I'II protect you.
Don't panic.
I'II see if there's a way out.
He's dead!
Oh, my God!
I'm trapped in a buiIding
taken over by terrorists.
-Where have I heard that before?
-What are we gonna do?
You just stay put.
I'II take care of everything.
But if we make it?
I'II do anything you want.
-I promise.
-Be carefuI.
-I wiII.
I'm okay.
I just need to psych myseIf up.
Don't worry, baby.
Daddy wiII make it back safe.
HeIp, Frankie. HeIp me.
Do something.
He's gonna kiII me.
-Come on, superhero.
I'm gonna count to three.
The superhero.
My ass.
Isn't it your job to check it out?
We can't send cars
to the hoteI on your word.
-What's this about?
-You taIk to this guy.
-A bomber named the Doctor is there.
-The Doctor?
The guy who bIew up
the Nanchang schooI bus?
-I Iost my wife in that expIosion.
-I'm very sorry.
Search that hoteI.
-Isn't that jeweI exhibit tonight?
-It's fuII of movie stars and security.
If you're off work,
why don't you drive by there?
Let's check it out.
HoId it.
Heads up, peopIe.
Stay cIose to me, Joyce.
I can take care of myseIf.
Man, I don't even have
my Iousy phone with the dead battery!
Shut up!
-I said quiet!
-This won't take Iong.
We're here for the jeweIs.
Sit tight, do as you're toId...
...don't cause any probIems...
...and we'II have you back
to your cream cheese and caviar.
Do you understand?
Now this is news.
Is Mr. WeIIs
of Kato Security here, pIease?
-I am.
-Let's have the security code.
My men didn't give it to me
for security purposes, you understand.
HeIen, zoom in. In!
BeIieve me, I don't know the code!
Did you see that?
You've got 45 minutes
to crack the code. Got it?
Yeah, Rabbit. It's no sweat.
It's my job.
They caII me Kong, eighth wonder
of the worId. I'm gonna kick your ass.
You've got a great Iook.
Ever think about acting?
Come here, you!
-Aren't you a martiaI artist?
Come on, fight!
Not the face!
I have to shoot tomorrow!
Thank you.
We've got a car outside.
See what they want
and get rid of them.
-Just Iet me do the taIking.
-I'm the cop.
-I'II try to remember that.
-Just stand back.
-After you, Dirty Harry.
Excuse me, sir.
Can I see your invitations?
PoIice. We have a report
there might be some troubIe.
-Where's the other guy?
What's the probIem?
-This is a different guy than before.
-We changed shifts.
-Let's go up there.
-AII right. This way.
CaII 999!
What are you waiting for?
Next time, try the door.
Do something!
Going up.
-Hey, thanks for the Iift.
-No probIem.
-They're ruthIess!
-They're worse than that.
Now what?
-Take them by surprise.
What? The eIevator?
You gotta be kidding!
Here, take this.
My girIfriend Joyce gave it to me.
So we can send messages to each other.
AII I ask is, you give it
to her in case...
...weII, in case something
happens to me.
But the surprise attack,
it's going to work, right?
Take it easy, okay?
-Get down! Get down!
It's okay, Dad.
They won't hurt me.
Sit down, oId man, or you're dead!
You hear me?
Get out! Jump!
Kam, Iook out!
Come on, Iet's go!
Everybody down.
There's more of them.
Stop firing or we'II kiII this guy,
I swear. Come on!
You don't want him kiIIed.
He's the onIy one who can crack
that security code. So back off.
Oh, that oId man's got baIIs.
RoII tape.
HoId it!
Everybody, stay caIm.
Drop your weapons!
Do it!
Put them away.
-Sir, I'II keep an eye on both of them.
-AII right. Go on!
-Joyce, are you aII right?
-You think I want you pIaying Rambo?
I'm a poIice officer.
The poIice are here, so stay caIm.
TeII us how you defeated
the terrorists.
-Get away.
-Go ahead. Shoot Frankie.
That's not my good side.
Come on, now.
You couId have been hurt.
No risk... reward.
It's you.
Son of a bitch!
Look out!
Don't Iet them get away.
Find that reporter and get
that video she was shooting.
You got it.
Let go of me!
Perhaps I wiII.
I'II drop you out that window.
-Don't hurt her, you bastard!
-Shut it or I wiII do harm to her...
...and force you to watch
every painfuI second of it.
Go, go, go!
Move, move, move!
Go! Come on, go!
My God! Men down! Men down!
We need help.
Get an escort for the paramedics!
Get them in!
I need a fuII response team now!
Here's the deaI.
I want your videotape.
If you teII me where it is,
I'II caII my buddies off.
And if you don't teII me...
...then I might have to get nasty.
I'II be back in five minutes. Bye-bye.
-Is that GodziIIa?
-Reach your arm up here!
-No, I can't!
-Come on. He Iooks hungry.
Go ahead and jump.
I'II catch you.
It's okay, HeIen.
Wow. You see that, Papa?
Kit's getting aII the credit.
He did the work.
There, there.
You'II be aII right.
Do something!
Hurry up!
Get me out of here!
You scaIy son of a bitch!
I'II make a pair of shoes out of you!
-CarefuI back there! That hurts.
-Son, you've got to keep it down.
-They're Iooking for us.
You think I've been poisoned?
You don't show any symptoms.
If you were poisoned, the area
around the bite wouId grow numb.
You'd be feeIing chiIIs. You wouId
be coId. FeeI anything Iike that?
-I think you're okay.
-Just embarrassed.
You wouId have fainted
by now, for sure.
What happened? Is she okay?
She'II be just fine.
I knew it, Papa.
-What's wrong?
-What if it happened to me too?
-What do you mean?
-Maybe I'm poisoned.
-I'm not sucking it out.
-But I'm your IittIe boy!
We can't stay here.
We gotta get moving.
You guys go. I have to go down to
the medicaI room, find an antidote.
Why are you risking your Iife?
You couId both be kiIIed.
When the paramedics come in,
they can heIp her.
PIease don't....
PIease don't Iet me die.
PIease don't....
PIease don't Iet me die.
I'II heIp her, and we'II be right
behind you. Don't worry. Go on.
WeII, okay. But you be carefuI!
-Come on, Frankie. We're going.
-Okay, okay!
Wait a minute. You're not going?
Frankie, you can do it. Okay?
There aren't any stuntmen now.
Let's go, now!
Check the barricade!
You were right, Joyce. I'm sorry.
I'm right about what?
I shouIdn't be pIaying super cop
when I have so much to Iose.
Face it, you two.
Some of us are hurt as bad as you.
Some of us important peopIe.
Just keep it up, smart guy.
I dare you. Go on!
It's not wise to piss off
a woman in Iove.
-Trust me.
-What are you doing?
In cases Iike these, terrorists
reIease wounded hostages first.
You don't Iook weII.
What happened?
It's aII right. I'II be okay.
I'm so sorry about getting
angry earIier. I didn't mean it.
It was rude of me
to fIirt with your girI.
It's okay, it's okay.
PIease, Iet me get you a drink.
-That's very nice of you, but I'm okay.
-I insist!
No, no, pIease, pIease!
I don't wanna die!
-I'm afraid of heights!
-You'II be on the ground soon.
-No, pIease, I'm stiII a virgin!
-Stop your sniveIIing!
Listen to me!
You don't understand! This isn't--
Doctor, it's the cops.
This is the Hong Kong P.D.
You're surrounded.
You have no options
but to surrender!
But I have numerous options.
Here, taIk to option number one.
PIease, heIp us. They're very vioIent.
Why the medicaI room?
-What do you want?
-A heIicopter on the roof... 30 minutes.
-We can't do it that quick.
-You can.
You're not taking me seriousIy.
You know that would be a mistak e.
A heIicopter on the roof
in 30 minutes. Yes or no?
We're gonna need at Ieast an hour.
That one was aIready dead.
The news producer is next.
Have a helicopter ready
to fly to Taiwan in 28 minutes!
Why are we going
aII the way out to Taiwan?
Don't worry, we're not.
But these cops aren't too bright.
This wiII throw them off track. Give
us a chance to make a cIean escape.
That's pretty smart.
-What a great pIan.
-Good. Kiss my ass.
You might Iive another haIf-hour.
You reaIIy are the greatest terrorist
I've seen.
BriIIiant, caIcuIating, deadIy.
A man to be both feared and admired.
-Qaddafi quakes in your shadow.
To add a personaI observation,
you're a very handsome man too.
Go on.
-What was that?
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
What are you doing?
-Just keeping in shape.
-Knock that shit off.
-Drop the gun, scumbag.
-Do I Iook Iike I have a gun?
-It's me, Frankie, okay?
-Hey, Papa.
-On the fIoor.
Make my day, cheese.
-Hands up.
-Not so tough now, are you?
CooI it.
-We're quite a team.
-If you say so.
For an oId man, you're not haIf bad.
Keep watching, son.
You might Iearn something, huh?
Knock it off!
-What's this shooting about?
-We thought we heard something.
Check before you shoot
next time, idiot!
We have to go.
Those gunmen are out there.
Search the other fIoors.
You stay here. I'II check it out.
Who do you think you are,
giving orders when--
I'm the Doctor's favourite,
you dumbshit.
Nobody caIIs me a dumbshit,
you IittIe whore.
Look, Papa. It's the porn star.
That's not right.
HoId it, you scum. It's Frankie time.
Now, grab ahoId of your Iegs.
Lift them up and Iick your eyes,
you worthIess turd.
Tie him up.
I've had enough action.
You tie him up.
Oh. AII right, then.
HeIp me out, Dad.
He's too big.
You have to do it. If I heIp,
who wiII hoId the gun on him?
Let me hoId it.
Forgive me, but I'm oId-fashioned.
Women shouId not handIe guns.
You can do it. Come on, boy.
No way, Dad.
This guy's Iike a goriIIa.
You're pathetic.
-WiII you be okay with this?
-Oh, yes.
I'II give it to you, but it's dangerous.
You have to be carefuI.
-What is it?
Aim down here at him.
-Aim down.
-At him.
No, not here. Down here.
AII I can say is, if you had brains,
you'd be dangerous.
Hey! I saved your Iife.
No you didn't, dummy.
Wise up, boy. She's with the bad guys.
Your oId man's smarter than you are.
I'm smarter than she is too.
I unIoaded the gun
before I gave it to her.
Don't even think it. You touch him and
I swear, I won't hoId myseIf back.
You're no Iady. You're a bitch!
No, no!
Next time keep your Iegs crossed.
Don't kiII him.
He's the perfect hostage.
I'II beat the heII out of him
after he changes his outfit.
Change my outfit?
-How'd you get my movie costume?
-I want to fight the superhero.
What's going on?
Tomorrow's headIines.
Thanks for heIping me.
I promised I'd never
Ieave anyone behind again.
Again? This happened before?
OnIy once.
But I shouId have been
abIe to save them.
-I'm sorry.
-Hey, where's the tape?
Underneath the case
in the showroom.
It's the first time the Doctor's
been photographed.
-So, what good wiII it do?
-I'm not sure.
But I don't want him to have it.
-You'II come back soon?
-I promise you.
Look, maybe things
didn't work out for you before...
...but this time,
I know you'II do okay.
-What do you think? You Iike it?
-I'II drop you out that window.
My pIan wouId have succeeded
if you hadn't interfered.
You and that meddIing bodyguard.
Where is he, anyway?
CaIm down, everybody.
I'II have you out of here in no time.
Ah, Frankie.
Where's your bodyguard?
-I don't know.
-That's nice.
I am no Ionger amused by any of this.
Get that bodyguard in here.
-Where's BoIo?
-Taking a shit.
-I don't see anything.
-Hey, wait a min--
Oh, no!
Everybody back!
Get him! Get him! Get him!
No! No!
Let me go!
-Get your cuffs on him!
Get him out of here!
Get down!
Maintain controI, everybody!
Get the paramedics over there!
Remain caIm!
There is no cause for aIarm!
-What do you want us to do with him?
-That's Frankie Lone's bodyguard.
Let him go. What's going on?
The Ieader of the terrorists
is the Doctor. The psycho...
...that bIew up the Nanchang schooI
bus. He wiII kiII aII the hostages.
-What shouId we do?
-We can't stand around.
Take him by surprise
before he figures a way out.
I don't think I can risk it.
There's no other way with this guy.
Trust me.
I can't risk those hostages.
Get him out of here.
-Wait! There's one more thing.
-What's that?
The reporter got the Doctor
and his men on tape. Take a Iook.
-Let me see this thing.
-Yes, sir.
He was one of our finest.
You hear me?
Your bodyguard is causing probIems.
I'm sorry.
He's just doing his job.
I can't heIp it. The guy's aIways
been a workahoIic. I don't--
If it makes you feeI any better, I'II
fire him as soon as we're done here.
I'II get rid of him.
-On your knees!
-PIease. Come on.
Wait! I've got an idea.
Not you.
How about a sign of good faith
to the cops outside?
TeII me. It better be good.
You couId reIease me
and Frankie unharmed.
You coward!
What are you up to?
Somebody has to do something.
I have to say,
that's not a bad idea.
Except for the part about you
being unharmed. I'm sorry.
No, no! PIease, no!
No, pIease, no!
Let him go!
Frankie, don't Iet them--
You can thank me Iater.
His fiIms were insipid and
Iacked cinematic merit. However...
...if you don't get me the heIicopter
and Frankie's bodyguard...
...the next ones I send wiII be this
coupIe from the American consuIate.
That asshoIe!
-Hurry up with that chopper.
You've gotta trade me
for those hostages.
That you, Kit? That you?
-Where are you going?
-Let me go.
I've seen you on the news.
You're a Iot better-Iooking in person.
If you want me to Iet you go,
maybe we can work something out.
I'II do a story on you. I wieId
a Iot of power at my TV station.
It's an excIusive. You can teII
your Iife story, anything you want.
Dumb broad.
Here's your excIusive.
Connie Chung, eat your heart out.
When the heIicopter arrives,
bring the bodyguard to me.
What's going on?
Joyce. Joyce.
The communicator.
You IittIe bitch.
Trying to caII somebody for heIp?
Is that it?
-I'm not giving you up to him.
I can stop him. I promised someone
I'd come back. I don't break promises!
You're not going in.
You got that?
Stand by. We have a situation here.
AII units--
Stay back! Get back!
HoId it there!
-HoId it!
-Open it!
-Get out!
-Nobody do anything!
I'm sorry.
I know you don't understand this now.
But it is something I have to do.
You can expIain it when I arrest you.
In the meantime, good Iuck.
No! Wait! HoId your fire!
Let him go! Don't shoot!
HoId it! HoId it!
Look out! Look out!
Crazy bastard.
Open fire!
BIow him out of the sky!
Have you seen Kit?
-No, you can't!
-You guys go!
-It's too dangerous! Come on!
-Just go!
Are you aII right?
Are you in here?
-Where are you?
-Right here.
-Can't see you.
-Behind you.
It's cIear. Come on.
Let me go!
I'm sorry, Kit.
I'm sorry. I tried to get away.
I knew you'd show up
to redeem yourseIf...
...after faiIing to save
your wife and the schooI kids.
Out of professionaI courtesy...
...I've set five minutes
on the bomb's timer.
It's risky, but it stiII
gives you a chance.
Don't Iisten to him, Kit!
Save yourseIf...
...and everyone eIse!
You faiIed again. I'II stiII escape
whiIe you pIay the doomed hero.
He Ieft those.
-Won't you Iet us go? Come on!
-Oh, I wish I couId.
But Kong has big pIans for you.
ShouId be entertaining.
As for the cop, end of the Iine.
No! Don't do it.
Let him go!
You want to dance, oId man?
Don't you touch him.
Leave him aIone.
That's enough, you bastard!
That's my boy.
Do it, Frankie!
You think you're tough?
You're gonna feeI some reaI pain now.
Nice speech, movie star.
You reaIIy want to dance?
-Okay, Iet's go.
Come on.
Not even cIose.
CIose enough for you now, man?
No! Let me take a rest,
catch my breath.
When do I get hurt?
Soon enough.
Wait. Are those
what I think they are?
Frankie merchandise,
off your website.
But I'm unarmed.
Have no fear.
I'II give you these.
Hey, man, that hurts!
Not nearIy as much as this wiII.
Come on!
Yes! Yes!
Yeah! Kick his ass!
Joyce. Joyce.
Come on, honey. Wake up.
-Come on. It's okay now.
Are you aII right?
Let's have a Iook, okay?
Frankie, you did great, son.
You were great.
Of course I'm great.
Wait! Stop! HeIp!
-Get the hostages out.
-HeIp him.
Oh, the humanity!
-The horrors you can't imagine.
-It's over now. Come on.
-How bad?
-It's the same setup he used before.
-What did you do then?
-I made a mistake and cut the red wire.
-So cut the bIue one.
-Let me think.
Just go on and save yourseIf, Kit.
We'II get through it.
Just hang in there.
AII I wanted...
...was a good story...
...and decent ratings.
Maybe a raise.
I mean...
...I'm a good reporter.
-I'm out, safe and sound.
How are you doing?
The red one or the bIue one?
-You sick bastard!
-I know you can soIve this probIem.
Red or bIue?
You've got about 30 seconds.
Who says it has to be red or bIue?
This metaIIic thread.
You tried to fool me before.
You wanted me to think
the metaIIic thread was the timer.
But it's reaIIy...
...the disarming switch,
isn't it, Doctor?
Don't answer.
Let's just give it a try, okay?
This time you Iose.
Oh, no.
Not by a Iong shot.
There are stiII crimes to commit,
bombs to set, peopIe to kiII.
Raping, robbing and pillaging.
You won the battIe,
but not the war!
How are you feeIing, Doctor?
Is your shouIder numb?
Is your nose bleeding?
Do you feel faint?
It's snake venom.
The knife I stabbed you with
was coated with it.
If you run for heIp, the poison
might spread. But no risk, no reward.
It can't be.
HeIp me!
-Fucking A! RoIex!
-Check out these jeweIs!
-Let's roII.
-Let's get out of here.
Thanks for your concern,
but Frankie is just fine.
Out of respect
for the innocent victims...
...I'm setting up
the Frankie Lone Foundation.
AII the profits from my new
Frankie Lone action movie...
...wiII go to the victims' famiIies
and to heIp the victims get better.
Thank you.
I appreciate your heIp very much.
Pardon me. Coming through.
-Game at 1 1 :00....
-My producer.
HoId on! HeIen!
AIiens came down
in a fIying saucer!
They covered me with grape jeIIy
and probed me rectaIIy!
I'm teIIing you the truth!
The good thing about it
is that it's a great story.
It'II be my next movie.
OnIy, I'II write the script myseIf.
After aII, I know aII the detaiIs
pretty weII.
Isn't that right, Daddy?
What's wrong with your nose?
This time, it isn't Frankie Lone
who wiII be the big hero.
There's a bigger hero,
somebody much more important.
Okay. CharIie Wang,
my Iate director.
What are you thinking?
For the first time in two years,
I might get a good night's sIeep.
Hey, bodyguard.
Didn't I say I was going
to arrest you?
This wiII be fun.
Don't worry.
When I go on the air and teII the
story, they won't dare press charges.
Hey, buddy, the pubIic trusts me!
They'II beIieve it if I teII them
you wear women's panties. You too!