Memphis Belle (1990)

Okay, let's see who we got here.
Virge Hoogesteger.
What kind of name is that?
Youngest of six.
Worked in the family diner before joining.
Writes home every week.
Nicknamed "The Virgin."
Who's this goon?
Jack Bocci from Chicago.
Graduate of several reform schools.
Better keep him in the background.
This is the religious one.
There's always a religious one.
Eugene McVey from Cleveland.
There's always one from Cleveland.
Nineteen, high-strung,
always coming down with something.
How'd he get in this bunch?
Richard "Rascal" Moore.
Eighteen, 5' 4", 120 pounds.
Has a real reputation as a ladies' man.
At least, that's what he says.
Clay Busby, a farmer's son.
When his father lost their farm
in a poker game...
... Clay started playing piano
in a New Orleans cathouse.
The papers'll love that.
This kid couldn't be more Irish if he tried,
Danny Daly.
A- student, editor of the school paper,
He volunteered the day
after he graduated from college.
That's not bad. I think we got something
to work with here.
They're coming in!
- That's 15, 16!
- There's another one!
At this point, 15 or 16.
They're still coming in.
How can I promise 24 planes tomorrow?
I don't know if they'll all make it back.
I thought we hit that target a month ago.
I know we have to keep the pressure on,
but I lost almost a quarter of my squadron.
Yes, sir.
I'll have the ground crews work
through the night.
I'd hoped to give the boys a break.
We're having a dance tonight in honor...
Yes, sir.
I will update you when I know more.
Thank you, sir. Good-bye.
Sir, eighteen planes, three still out.
So, that's the crew of the Memphis Belle?
The enlisted men.
You'll meet the officers this afternoon.
They must be the 10 luckiest
sons of bitches in the world.
- They're just ordinary men.
- Are you kidding?
Ordinary? First they volunteer for all this.
Then they fly 24 missions without
a scratch. Doesn't sound ordinary to me.
Two more, sir.
People back home are getting discouraged
by our losses.
They're thinking daylight bombing
is a mistake.
- It's the only way we'll win this war.
- We must get that message across.
That's where I come in.
The nation will fall in love with those boys.
The first crew in the Eighth Air Force
to complete their tour of duty.
- They haven't done it yet.
- They will.
You'll make sure of that, right?
One more.
Just one more.
It'd be great if everyone came back today,
with the dance and all.
I give them four to one.
Any takers?
I'll have some of that.
- Show me your money.
- Genie, loan me some money.
- Do I look like Wells Fargo?
- You look like a weenie.
There it is!
I heard there's a swell band for the dance.
Clay, maybe they'll let you croon a tune.
You sing in the plane all the time.
Yeah, but you guys got no taste.
Come on, hurry up!
Let's get out of here!
So, you named the plane
after your girl back home? Right?
It's a great angle.
You don't sound
like you're from the South, Captain.
I met her when I was in Memphis
on business.
I bet she's a living doll, eh, Dennis?
She's a fine woman, sir.
A lifeguard?
That's a pretty responsible job, Luke.
It's rough basking in the sun all day,
having girls swarm all over you.
I joined up to get away from all that.
That's good!
Val. What is that short for?
I bet women love that.
Now, you're the bombardier, and...
...I understand you've had four years
of medical school.
- Well...
- When your picture is in Life magazine...
...every man and woman in America
will want you to be their doctor.
Look at the camera, Phil.
Sit up straight.
What is there to smile about?
One more mission and you get to go home.
That'd make me smile.
Well, you're not me.
Please just take the picture.
- Is that all, sir?
- Not quite.
You'll go back home in the Belle.
Fly all over the US, making speeches,
getting people to buy more war bonds... longer hours, put out more planes.
And, believe me,
you'll be wined, womened, and songed...
...from one end of the States to the other.
It'll be tough,
but we all have to make sacrifices.
We'll be famous?
Afraid so, Luke.
Colonel Derringer?
I'm Army PR. Call me Bruce.
We'll follow your orders...
These are not orders.
We're working together on this.
Fine. But I don't want the other men
finding out about this.
Pictures in Life? Wine, women and song?
You got to tell them, they'll go nuts.
I don't want them going nuts.
I want them thinking of their jobs.
We could do our jobs in our sleep.
Why can't they know?
Because I said so.
My father used to say that.
Dennis, you're the boss. You tell the crew
whenever you think it's right.
Now, can we have just one more shot?
What? Are you kidding me?
What are you smiling about?
You brought this unclean deck.
Okay, get your money.
Once again, Jack Bocci gets stiffed.
Clay, shouldn't you let the Sarge
go through Becker's stuff?
He'll send it all to his widow. We don't
want her getting anything embarrassing.
- Candy bar.
- Me.
Danny, which one do you like better?
This one's shiny aluminum. Very modern.
This one's a little more homey,
with the brick and the little bushes.
This one. Why?
I'm going to open a bunch of restaurants
exactly like the first one.
You'd get the exact same burger
in Detroit... you got in Baltimore or Philadelphia.
Nobody wants the same food
wherever they go.
Sure they do. It's comforting.
- It is comforting.
- Love letters.
- Wife or girlfriend?
- Read them aloud.
Pocket knife. Photos.
Any clean socks?
- Dirty book!
- I'll take it.
Hey, look!
- Becker forgot his good luck charm.
- Poor slob.
Should have worn it around his neck.
He'd never forget it.
- Rubbers.
- Dibs!
Virge the Virgin won't need these. Swear
you'll tell me if you lose your cherry.
I'll send it to you COD.
- Clay, give me. Becker owed me $10.
- Don't take his money.
Clam up, mug-face. He owed me.
What do you know about Germany?
- Pretty women.
- Good beer.
The hamburger's named after a town there.
A little bird tells me
that's where they're sending us tomorrow.
- Are you sure?
- We ain't going. Our plane's broke.
- It's fixed.
- Let's go break it.
- They wouldn't send us there our last time.
- They'd send us on a milk run to France.
I hope so.
They would.
Anybody want the rest of this stuff?
Who wants the cigarettes?
Let me take the razor blades.
I'm sending this to your wife!
We may be going to Germany tomorrow.
My short, young life could be snuffed out
in an instant.
I volunteered thinking it would be fun.
I never thought...
Oh, Faith!
When I think I may never see the stars...
...listen to good music, or... to a beautiful girl like you.
I'm sorry.
You need a drink. I'll be right back.
Danny, she is crazy about me.
She's going to jump on me any second.
Had enough?
How come they brought Life magazine?
To jinx us?
Forget about it.
Let's get a couple girls and dance.
Tell me the truth. The truth.
Are you scared?
I'm Val. Come on.
It's my favorite food in the world!
You've never had a burger? Unbelievable!
- You don't know what you're missing.
- They sound wonderful.
It's been so long since I had any meat.
I work the meat very slowly, very tenderly.
That's the secret.
I rub in a little Worcestershire,
add garlic, a little thyme.
Then I ease it into a patty, very gently,
so I don't bruise the meat.
Virge, you're making me so hungry!
We're going to have to excite people
on this bond tour. Inspire them.
Now, Dennis is a fine man,
but he doesn't have your enthusiasm.
I'm a qualified pilot, same as him.
They didn't have a plane ready... he's the big shot pilot
and I'm in the dummy seat.
You're no dummy, Luke.
We both know that.
Being captain?
Well, you've got nine men
who are totally depending on you.
What did you do before the war?
I was in the furniture business.
This isn't like making furniture,
see what I mean?
- I'm not making sense.
- No, you are.
Thanks a lot, Captain.
I'm going to get back to my date.
I'll miss you, gal.
We've been together a long time.
You never let me down.
I can't say that about many people.
You know how to take care of your men.
That's about the best thing
a fellow can say about any gal.
I can't believe it.
It's going to be over so soon.
I can't imagine going home.
Won't be the same, will it?
Good night.
Virge, I wish you'd talk to me like that.
The Captain'd murder me
if he caught us in here.
Oh, jeez. Put that out.
Come on. Let's get this over with
and get back to the dance.
There. It was that.
My wrench! I was looking for it.
Where'd you find it?
Under my bum.
Thanks. I thought someone had stolen it.
Virge, forget the bloody wrench.
I'm sorry.
Here, let me rub it.
You've never done this, have you?
Why? Am I doing something wrong?
Is that your brand new plane out there?
- Yeah. Mother and Country.
- Mother and Country!
- We had our first practice today.
- How'd it go?
We need a couple more.
If you guys have any advice...
Get a gun, shoot yourself in the foot,
and go home.
Now that's good advice.
Are those size eight? How about
leaving a will saying when you get shot...
...on your first mission
that those nice new pumps come to me?
You okay?
Nerves, I guess.
We were just fooling around.
I remember when I first got here.
Same thing.
I'd give anything to be in your place.
One more and you guys get to go home.
Sometimes I wish I could stay.
Sounds crazy, but I'm used to it here.
These guys...
These jerks are like brothers to me.
I never had any brothers.
I have four older sisters.
When we get back home,
I don't know when we'll get together.
We come from all over.
I guess that's why
I keep taking their pictures.
You'll be like that with your crew.
Close your eyes.
It's good luck.
Clay, now's your chance.
Go up there and sing!
I'm not going to make a fool of myself.
You're a great singer.
Ladies and gentlemen...
... we have...
... 10 very special men here tonight.
I'm sure you know who I mean.
They're about to become the first crew
in the Eighth Air Force...
... to fly their 25th and final mission.
Let's hear it for the crew
of the Memphis Belle!
No, no. It's bad luck.
Let's do Danny Boy in C,
and come in on the second chorus.
Thank you, sir.
This buddy of mine keeps begging me
to sing, and...
... it looks like I ain't gonna get
out of it this time, so here it goes.
No, get back here.
You're not getting out of this.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
Captain Dearborn.
Mission today. Breakfast, 0600.
Briefing, 0645.
- Lieutenant Sinclair?
- I'm up.
Where's Lieutenant Lowenthal?
Val, where's Phil?
In the can. He couldn't sleep.
- Nerves.
- Can't say I blame him.
Give them hell today.
Oh, no. I can see it. I get back home...
...I'm doing it to the wife, the door opens,
there's Danny taking a picture.
Anyone seen my St. Anthony medal?
- He's the patron saint of missing things.
- Yeah. I can't find him.
Chief, I need you over here to look at this.
Bogey, six o'clock low.
- Good morning.
- Flying, Lieutenant?
- What, are you drunk?
- Why, are you?
- Are you kidding? We got a mission!
- I know. That's why.
See, I'm going to get it today.
My number's up, my luck's run out.
I'm gonna die, so I want
to give you something to remember me by.
Get ahold of yourself.
I don't want your watch!
We're counting on you!
Want my gold cuff links?
They got my initials on them.
You'll let everyone down.
Want my New York Yankee baseball cards?
I got DiMaggio.
What about my Rita Hayworth pin-up?
Stick your finger down your throat.
Stick your finger down your throat
or I'll do it for you!
I feel better.
Are you thinking of sneaking this on
the plane? I'm shocked at your behavior.
Virge goes out for the pass!
Hey, wise guys! Knock it off!
Found it.
These powdered eggs would gag a buzzard.
You done with that?
It'll be a milk run today.
I can feel it in my bones.
- Last time they sent us to Wilhelmshaven.
- I hope they don't send us back there.
They wouldn't do that.
Not to my mama's baby boy.
Give them hell today.
- Bacon?
- Yeah.
Give him extra. He's real hungry.
Good morning, men.
Everything all right?
Stop it! You won't have a chance
to do that after today.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Right?
Well, looks like we've all got the jitters
this morning.
I'll see you after briefing.
How will he get through briefing?
On a wing and a prayer.
I thought we'd have more practice
before we went up.
You'll do fine.
At ease.
I hope you had a good time last night.
Now it's back to business.
The target for today is Bremen.
We have a chance to make a difference
in this war... let's do the best job we can.
Leave the rest in the hands of God.
With luck, it'll all be over soon,
and we can go back home to our families.
Good luck. Over to you, Major Comstock.
Good morning. Sergeant, get the lights.
This is our target area.
They're long rectangular buildings.
The only rectangular ones there... you can't miss them. Note the
S-shaped road to the factory for sighting.
The Flugzeugbauer factory is a major
assembly plant for 190 fighter planes.
Now, you're leading the group today...
...360 planes are bombing
on your command... let's be accurate.
This is a civilian area here.
This is a hospital. These are houses.
This is a school and a playground.
Note the railway tracks, north northwest.
Bremen? Oh, we're dead men.
We're dead.
- Shut up, Rascal!
- You shut up!
Clay, what are the odds today?
They'll overload us with bombs... it's 30 to 1 we'll crash
and blow up on takeoff.
They'll throw every fighter they got at us...
- Skip the gory details.
- Basically, we're finished.
Chief's coming.
- Tower, this is Army 485. Over.
- 485, go ahead.
This is a radio check.
Charlie, Uncle, Victor, Tango.
As soon as you're ready, call in.
Bombardier checking in.
Navigator checking in.
Top turret checking in.
Radio operator checking in.
Ball turret checking in.
Right waist gunner checking in.
Left waist gunner checking in.
Tail gunner checking in.
- Intercoolers.
- Set.
- Generators.
- Set.
- Fuel boost pumps.
- Set.
Crew, assume positions for takeoff.
There's a jeep coming.
We got a delay. Cloud cover
over the target. It could blow over.
Stand by 'til further notice.
- For how long?
- They don't tell me doodly.
Damn it! They always do this!
We're delayed.
Cloud cover over the target.
They want us to stand down
'til further notice. Tell the others.
Fellows, the target's clouded over.
We're delayed.
Son of a bitch!
- Situation normal.
- All fucked up!
Hear that, Clay?
Okay, let's takes this extra time
to double double check everything.
Let's make this our best mission yet.
- Brakes.
- Didn't you hear?
There's complete cloud cover over Bremen.
We're not going anywhere.
Set. They were set before
and they're still set.
- Converters.
- On.
- Generators.
- Off.
- Fuel booster pumps.
- On.
- Hydraulic pressure.
- Check.
Fuel transfer valves.
Oxygen supply.
Say, Pop, is it busted?
I don't know what's wrong.
I got one like that at home.
Let me take a look at it.
- You're just nervous.
- I'm not!
It jammed on me last time.
I'm the one who has to sit in it!
I checked it out. It's okay. Take it easy.
- Thanks, Virgin.
- The name's Virgil.
Not to me.
Rascal, I could tell you something.
What could you tell me, Virgin?
You just call me on the intercom
and say you got a little trouble on the tail.
I come back, you give me the gun
for five minutes.
It's against regulations.
Screw the regulations.
If they found out they'd put my hot dog
in a bun and chow down.
No one will know! Just you and I.
I want to get my hands
on that gun just once.
How will I get girls
if I haven't killed a single Nazi?
Please. I'll do anything you say,
just name your price.
- Anything?
- Anything.
Give me your dog.
Seven to one we're not going.
Let's just get it over with.
I'd rather get it over going
to a nice little French target.
If we bail out we can hide out
in a French girl's hayloft.
Is that all you think about?
Yes, it is. I have to make up for you.
- Grow up, Rascal.
- Shut up! You make me sick!
Both of you just shut up!
- All right. Calm down.
- Come on.
Getting excited won't make this go faster.
Just relax. Try to be
a little bit more like Phil.
What do we got here? Poetry.
- We have a poet on board.
- May I have my book, please?
Read us a poem, Danny.
No, nothing's finished.
I didn't know you wrote. Read something.
I want to hear some poetry.
- Don't be shy.
- Read something you've started.
We got a regular Shakespeare on board.
- You got a good tone, Jack.
- Tone deaf.
"I know that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above"
Oh, Lord.
"Those that I fight I do not hate
Those that I guard I do not love
"Nor law, nor duty bade me fight
"Nor public men, nor cheering crowds
"A lonely impulse of delight
"Drove to this tumult in the clouds
"I balanced all, brought all to mind
"The years to come
seemed waste of breath
"A waste of breath the years behind
"In balance with this life, this death"
You're going up! Start engines
in five minutes! Five minutes!
If you want to, you can come back
and fire my gun.
- I'm not giving you my dog.
- Lieutenant...
...I don't want
that flea-bitten mangy old pooch.
Wake up, Bill. Time to go to work!
Here we go, boys.
Okay, Mona baby,
we're going to get us a nice 109 today.
We did it before, we'll do it again.
Sweet-talking your gun won't help.
Just straight shooting.
Hey, shut up, Gene.
When I got my two Nazi fighters...
Hey, shut up!
- Climb power.
- I know.
- Watch the cowl flaps.
- I know!
Look out! Oh, my God!
Luke, take over for a minute.
Hey, it's Baby Ruth.
Who's our right wingman?
Mother and Country.
Oh, swell. The rookie crew.
- Soup?
- No, thank you, sir.
Captain, okay if I arm my bombs?
Yeah, go ahead.
Val, take this.
- You're not going to die.
- Just in case.
You're flak-happy.
Just do your job and shut up!
Bombs armed.
Rascal, there's nothing wrong
with the ball turret.
Don't worry about it, Virge.
I'm just doing my job.
Now you do it. Thanks a lot, buddy.
- Okay?
- Yes, thank you!
We're at 10,000 feet.
Let's hear those oxygen checks.
Clay, how you doing?
Well, I'm just fine, Lieutenant.
Captain, we're exactly five miles south
southwest of Yarmouth.
We're in formation. This is the rally point.
Okay, boys. We're on our way.
Listen. I'm showing 30 below zero here.
Let's be careful.
Don't touch your guns with bare hands
or they'll freeze right to it.
I don't want anyone losing any fingers.
Check your masks for frozen saliva.
The ice blocks your oxygen flow
and I don't want anyone passing out.
In short, don't drool.
In short, check your mask, Rascal.
All right, let's keep the intercom free.
Call out those fighters and don't shout.
We can hear you loud and clear.
Let's make this our best run yet.
One we can really be proud of.
Right in the pickle barrel.
That's right. Keep your minds on your job,
work together, and stay alert.
Captain, I'm getting A.F.N. Here.
Can I put it on?
Please, sir.
All right, but when I say that's enough...
"I hear gypsy violins"
Lord have mercy, Jack.
"When you dance with me I'm in heaven"
Heaven? Come to my bunk,
I'll give you heaven, honey.
Okay, let's test our guns.
Little friends, three o'clock high.
Oh, God. I'd give anything to fly a fighter.
You're all alone. You can do anything
you want. That's flying.
- It's the best pen money can buy.
- Why can't I have the baseball cards?
They're for him. Here, Jack.
I'm more of a football fan myself.
You know the Bears?
- Here! Happy?
- Yeah!
- Thanks, Jack!
- Thanks, Genie!
Mother and Country calling Memphis Belle.
Come in.
Read you. What's wrong?
Nothing. I just had a question.
We can only use the radio
in an emergency.
Sorry. It was about my log book.
Should I write down every radio
communication, or just some?
Write everything. Later you'll figure out
what's important.
- We better sign off.
- Thanks. I won't bother you again.
Smile. I'm going to take your picture.
Hope it comes out.
We're getting close to enemy territory,
so be on guard.
Call out the fighters when you see them.
Clay, you sang great last night.
You should go to Hollywood and get
a record contract like Frank Sinatra.
Yeah, so we can say we knew you when.
I want to get a farm, a wife, and settle
down. Luke should go to Hollywood.
He could star in the movies.
Maybe. Maybe.
I don't know what I'll do after the war,
except not work.
Yeah, why go back to the daily grind
of being a lifeguard? Take it easy.
I know exactly what I'm going to do.
Virge, one more word about
that stupid restaurant...
It's not stupid! At least I've got a plan.
What'll you do after the war, Rascal?
Rob your restaurant.
Val's smart. He's almost a doctor.
What kind of doctor you going to be, Val?
A rich one.
And Phil? What'll he be after the war?
I know. A mortician.
Fellows, think about this.
My family has a furniture business.
We make furniture then we sell it.
You could all come to work for me.
Like I said, don't give it a thought.
Just what we need. Taking orders
from you for the rest of our lives.
"Let's do the preflight check."
- "Don't hog the intercom."
- "Call out them fighters."
- "Check your masks."
- "Let's make this our best run yet."
I'm not that bad.
Danny, you didn't say what you'll do
when it's all over.
I don't even like to think about it.
What if something happens?
We could all be old men
by the time the war is over.
It just seems so far away.
I'm sorry, fellows.
Bandits, five o'clock!
Go get them, little friends.
Hold your fire 'til Jerry's in range.
Don't waste your ammunition.
I said hold your fire!
- That was Genie the weenie.
- Shut up, Jackass!
- Six o'clock high.
- Nine o'clock high.
Two 190s, twelve o'clock high.
Three fighters, nine o'clock,
coming around.
Top turret, eleven high. Can't reach them.
Got them in my sight.
Bogey, four high. Danny, see him?
Two more, coming fast.
M- 109 going down at eleven.
- Got one on my back.
- I'm on him.
- Watch them, waist gunner.
- They're flying close today.
Five o'clock high. Looks like a 190.
- This guy at ten is smoking.
- The waist of Mother and Country got him.
First time out he gets a kill.
He's bailing out.
Call out planes you see going down
so Danny can put them in his log.
We've done this before, Captain.
Fighters at nine, but they're staying away.
- Ten-thirty high or low?
- Low!
- Here they come.
- We've got company at seven o'clock.
109, three o'clock.
109s at ten level.
Come on.
Come on.
Come to Papa, you...
I almost had him! Damn it! Wiener!
He's coming again. Get the bastard!
Two at six. They're coming in.
They're going after the first flight.
Windy City's on fire!
- Why don't they do something?
- Bail out!
- Come on, wake up! Get out!
- There's a hole in the pilot's window!
Hold on!
Call in!
Ball turret. Get us out of here!
- Right waist.
- Keep calling in.
- Bombardier.
- Navigator, check in.
- Navigator!
- Phil.
- Here. Navigator checking in.
- When I say "check in," I mean right away.
Someone's guts are on the nose!
Any damage? Crew, check your stations.
- Nose okay.
- Tail okay.
Radio room okay.
Keep calling out those bandits.
They're gone.
Yep. Hit and run.
I just heard from C Cup.
They're taking the lead.
- Hear that, Val?
- Roger.
C Cup's lead plane now.
When they drop their bombs, so do we.
Got it.
Any chutes from Windy City?
They didn't even have time
to pee in their pants.
Here one minute, gone the next.
That's the way to go.
Do we have to talk about it?
I heard a good one from their waist gunner.
What was his name?
- Cooley.
- No, the left one.
Am I talking to myself? Cooley!
- I mean the right one.
- I know him.
- Tall guy?
- Not so tall.
Everyone's tall to me.
- Lindquist.
- No, no.
- Something like that.
- You're not even close.
Anyway, a plane gets shot down.
A guy bails out and is captured.
His leg is broken and they amputate.
He says, "After you cut it off...
"...have a pilot drop it
over my base in England. " They do it.
Don't tie up the intercom.
This is a quick one.
The next week they cut off his other leg.
He says again, "Will you drop it
over my base?" And they do it.
The next week they cut off his arm.
He asks again,
"Will you drop it over my base?"
This time they say,
"Nein. This we can't do anymore."
He says, "Why not?"
And they say,
"We think you are trying to escape."
- Son of a gun.
- I don't get it.
That was good, Rascal.
I think even Dennis liked it.
Stoller! That's the guy's name. Stoller.
Stoller wasn't on Windy City.
- You sure?
- Wait. It'll come to me.
Oh, yeah. I can see that guy's face.
Yeah, me too.
Well, whatever his name was,
it was a good joke.
Let's stop fooling around.
Jerry's out there. Let's look sharp.
Damn! Our little friends leaving already?
They know when to run out of fuel.
They ain't dumb.
My medal! Oh, my God!
My medal, have you seen it?
Hey, Wiener!
Thanks, buddy.
- Why'd you do that?
- Now we're even!
- Right waist, call in.
- I'm gonna kill you!
Radio operator, see what's happening.
Don't ever touch me when I'm on my gun!
- You hear me?
- Break it up!
- Break it up!
- Get him back on his gun!
- What happened?
- Jack threw my medal out the window!
I'm finished, Danny, finished!
No, you're not. Here.
Take my lucky rubber band.
It works! I swear to God it works.
You'll be all right. Okay?
You'll be okay! I want it back.
Navigator, give us the position.
That's the Third Reich down there.
Now the shit really hits the fan.
You better come take a look.
We got to liven up that whole area.
And make sure the banner is centered.
What's the meaning of this?
Put the piano on the platform.
It's just a little party, Colonel.
I did not order this. I did not order this.
Leave this to me.
The Memphis Belle's my job.
My job is to approve everything on
this base. I didn't approve a homecoming.
You're working too hard
at being a hard-ass.
What's the harm in a party for these guys?
They're special.
I have 24 crews up there.
They are all special to me.
Great story, but baloney's my business.
I know it when I see it.
All you care about is getting planes
in the air. Results. Brown-nosing HQ.
- The only man...
- Come with me.
You don't care if these men live or die.
It's just another airplane...
Sit down!
Start reading.
This is from a father whose son
had his head blown off over Lorient.
- You're cracking up.
- Read it!
"Dear Col. Harriman:
Thank you for the letter about my son.
"He must have made a big impression...
"...because you described him exactly.
"I wish you could have told me...
" Tommy died, but I guess
we must be careful about security.
"I'm glad he was brave to the end.
"Maybe we raised him right after all.
"We'll get used to him being gone...
"...but not too soon, I hope.
"I can read your letter to bring him back."
"Dear sir, Your letter of December 10
finally made me realize...
" husband is gone.
I have been living...
" the false hopes
that the telegram was a mistake. "
"Dear sir, I am writing on behalf
of my parents...
"...who appreciated your letter...
"...about my brother's death. We were
all glad to know that Frank didn't suffer...
"...and was not alone when he died."
"I saw him off at the train station.
"He was excited to be doing
something important with his life.
"He couldn't stop looking
at his shoulder stripes. "
"I hope when it's over
the world will have learned...
"...there's a better way
to solve its problems.
"My prayers are
for my husband's comrades.
"May they fly safely and return home soon.
"Best wishes, Mrs. Peterman."
Bandits, five o'clock!
Bogey, five o'clock low.
Three o'clock high.
I said don't yell on the intercom!
Breaking low at five o'clock.
Ball turret, watch out.
Fighter at ten coming in a half-roll.
That guy had blue eyes!
Tail gunner, one coming down from six.
190, twelve o'clock high!
He's going for C Cup.
Oh, God. He doesn't have a parachute!
Everyone make sure you have your chutes.
There isn't even room to breathe here.
Then put your safety strap on.
- It hurts.
- Do it!
I just heard from C Cup.
They're leaving formation.
We're in the lead now.
Bye-bye C Cup.
The bogeyman's gonna get them.
Danny, get me C channel to talk to Group.
Those poor bastards.
This is the Memphis Belle.
We're lead plane now.
I'll do my best to get the bombs right in
and get us out safe.
I'll need all the help you can give,
so let's tighten up and be on our toes.
We're three minutes and thirty seconds
from the bomb run.
One o'clock!
Ball turret, watch out.
I'm jammed! He's coming at me!
Help me!
He's coming at me!
And your mother, too!
Jack's hit!
Val, go take a look at Jack.
I'm two minutes from the bomb run.
Gene, take care of it.
Hold still! Let me look!
What are you laughing about?
It's a scratch! It's nothing!
You're screaming like a stuck pig.
They destroyed my favorite harmonica.
Oh, you rotten sons of bitches!
You son of a bitch.
You scared the shit out of me.
How'd you do that?
Flak! Twelve o'clock level. Here we go.
They got about 500 antiaircraft guns
around Bremen.
I could live without knowing that.
Clay, what are the odds
of us getting out alive?
I was just figuring that out.
What's wrong?
A big piece of Nazi flak just hit my turret.
- Are you okay?
- I guess.
- You guess or you are?
- I am!
All right. I hope everybody's wearing
their flak jackets.
Mother and Country calling Memphis Belle.
Danny, this flak is not like I expected.
Can't we fly above it?
No, we got to fly straight through it
or we'll be off target.
It's just four minutes.
Yeah, just.
Bombardier, I'm turning on the autopilot.
You're flying the plane from here to target.
She's all yours.
Hold her steady.
I've never seen it this thick before.
Luke's hit! Luke's hit!
- Dennis is hit!
- It's not me!
It's not me. It must be you.
I think he's in shock.
No, you're in shock!
Val, get up here, quick!
I'm on the bomb run.
It's definitely not me!
It's definitely not me!
There's someone's blood
all over the cockpit!
Captain, it's tomato soup.
What was that?
There's a hole as big as my dick
in the left wing.
We're losing fuel!
Virge, get on the fuel transfer pump!
The electrics must be out on the left side!
I'll do it by hand!
Luke, get back there!
Save as much fuel as we can!
Two minutes to target.
Bomb bay doors open.
Bombardier to pilot. Target is covered.
Looks like a smoke screen.
Fuel transfer complete. We saved a little.
How does that target look?
Target totally obscured.
Thirty seconds to target.
Val, I need those bombs on target.
The whole group is bombing with us.
If I can't see, I can't see!
What are you doing?
We're going to bomb the factory,
even if it means going around again.
That's suicide! It's asking the Nazis
to blow us out of the sky!
I'm in command!
Captain, what do I do?
Bombardier, report.
Visibility zero.
If you do, we're dead!
We're going again.
Danny, get me C Channel to talk to Group.
Get off!
- Just drop them, Val.
- Shut up!
It'll be five minutes to get to the start
of the bomb run.
Navigator, give me a position.
Navigator! Did you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Everybody listen.
I know you want to drop the bombs
and get out.
But there's civilians down there. A school.
If we don't drop the bombs on target,
innocent people will be killed.
So what? They're all Nazis!
Shut up!
I don't want to do this any more than you.
We were sent to bomb a factory.
If we don't do it, someone will have
to come back and do it for us.
Nobody said this would be fun and games.
It's our job. Ours. Nobody else's.
If we do this right...
... we can always be proud of it.
That's all I want, fellows. Believe me.
Let's get back to work.
Call out those fighters.
Bandits, three o'clock high!
I see them.
At eleven.
They'll be all over us in a second.
Scattered at four, lining up to come in.
Bandit, 12 o'clock high.
Look out, Cockpit, he's heading for you.
What, should I spit on him?
Tail gunner, how you doing?
Just peachy, Lieutenant.
Well, if you need any help, let me know.
I sure will, but I think I'm fine right now.
Lieutenant, actually,
I do need some help back here.
- Tail gunner, what's wrong?
- I'm running out of ammo.
I'll take care of it.
Why can't someone else?
Left waist, right waist?
We got fighters all over us back here.
I'm the only one not doing anything.
Make it fast.
Watch that fighter at ten
coming in a half roll.
Jerry, five high. Gene, watch yourself.
Breaking under. Watch him, ball turret.
Read you, Bombardier.
Watch it.
I owe you one, brother.
Nice view you got here.
Tail gunner, see that bandit at seven low?
He's all yours.
Two bogies at four high.
Messerschmitts coming fast.
Ball turret, 109s about seven low.
I'm on him.
Two at three high. Keep you eyes open.
Seven level, coming like a son of a bitch!
I got him!
It's the rookies. They got the rookies.
Memphis Belle calling Mother and Country.
Mother and Country, come in!
Oh, my God! Help us!
Oh, God! No!
How many chutes
from Mother and Country?
- I saw two.
- Yeah, two.
Captain, this is the bomb run.
- Bombardier, I'm turning it over to you.
- Roger.
It's all yours, Val.
Luke, after delivery I'll try some
evasive action to avoid this flak.
Be ready on runner.
Whatever you say.
You know what you're doing.
Bombardier, how does that target look?
Like shit.
Captain, I still can't see a thing.
Oh, Lord. Come on.
Bombardier, how does that target look?
Target's still covered, Captain.
What should I do?
Captain, do you read me?
Yes, I read you.
My sight says I'm over the target.
What do you want me to do?
That's it.
That's it.
That's it! Bombs away!
Okay, boys, we've done our job
for Uncle Sam.
Now we're flying for ourselves.
Bomb doors closing.
Jerry, breaking low to nine o'clock.
Ball turret, watch it! Watch it!
I'm jammed. I'm stuck.
Shit, I'm stuck again!
Virge, get me out of here!
He's coming right at me!
I'm jammed again!
Virge, help!
Grab hold of me! Undo your safety strap!
Hold on.
Come on up here!
Grab onto me!
I got you, Rascal, I got you!
Grab hold of me! Come on!
Come on!
You're okay. You're safe.
You're all right. You're going to be okay.
Listen, you're all right. You're okay.
Come here. You're okay.
You're okay. You're going home.
- Now what?
- Call in!
Call in now!
Fire extinguisher!
I'll take care of Danny!
Rascal, watch Danny!
Danny's hurt.
Val, Danny's hurt.
Go see what you can do.
- How bad is it?
- I guess it's pretty bad, Val.
- What are you doing? It's Danny!
- I can't. There's fighters...
I'll cover your gun. Go!
- Maybe somebody in the back...
- You're the doctor!
That's just it. I'm not, Phil. I lied.
I only had two weeks of medical school.
I don't know anything!
Just do it!
Somebody just shot a big chunk
off the tail.
There's a fire in number four!
Cut fuel! Feather prop!
Fire extinguishers! Generator off!
- Call out those fighters!
- Danny's in bad shape.
- How's Rascal?
- Okay.
The extinguisher's not working. We got
to do something or we'll lose that wing.
We got to dive.
- I'll need your help to pull out of it.
- I'm not going anywhere.
Memphis Belle to Group.
We're diving to put out a fire.
Wingman, you're lead plane.
Everybody, hang on.
We're exceeding maximum dive speed.
- We got to level out.
- The fire's not out. Just a little more.
A little more and we'll lose the wing.
Trust me. Just a few seconds more.
It's out!
Come on!
Crew, we're at 10,000 feet.
You can come off oxygen.
Thanks, Luke.
Once in a while I do something right.
I don't know what to do.
He's lost a lot of blood.
How far is it to base?
On three engines,
two or two-and-a-half hours.
Two-and-a-half hours? He'll never make it.
- Val, help him!
- What do you want from me?
He needs a hospital.
All I have is a first-aid kit.
Here you go, Danny.
Okay, there's one more thing we can do.
What? Let's do it.
Put a parachute on him and push him out.
- Jesus!
- It's crawling with Germans down there.
- They'll take him to a hospital.
- Lf they don't kill him for fun.
It's his only chance! Another crew did it.
- He was conscious.
- Danny can't pull the cord.
We can pull it first.
- He could fall in a lake and drown.
- Can't we wait?
We'll be over the North Sea in 10 minutes.
It'll be too late.
We're going to do it, we have to do it now.
- Watch his back.
- Keep his head up.
- Don't push!
- Be careful.
I'll go along with anything you say.
You're the doctor.
- We just don't have a choice.
- Tell the men that's my decision.
Phil! I don't want any argument.
- Please don't do it.
- It's his only chance.
No, you're his only chance,
but you're too chicken to help him!
- Lf he stays on board, he'll die.
- Lf you throw him out he'll die.
You can save him!
So what if you're not a doctor yet?
You can help him. I know you can.
He needs you! He's going to die!
Don't do this. You'll always regret it.
I know you're scared.
We're all scared! Now go help Danny.
Let's go! All right. Hold his head.
Come on, baby.
There they are!
- Seven!
- Eight!
- No, nine!
- Did you get the one over there?
- How many so far?
- Nine.
There's another one.
The Belle?
No, sir, not yet.
Feather prop. Cut fuel.
Listen, we're flying on two engines now.
Let's lighten up. Throw out everything.
We're close to home, so lose your guns.
We never did get that fighter, did we?
Oh, shit on a stick! Fuck!
Lord have mercy.
You can have my bullets, too.
Ain't that a pretty sight?
"I balanced all, brought all to mind
"The years to come
seemed waste of breath
"A waste of breath the years behind
"In balance with this life, this death"
It's okay, Danny.
I didn't write that. It was W.B. Yeats.
Take it easy.
Don't do this to me, Danny!
Damn it!
One more like that.
You try that again and I'll kill you.
Landing gear.
Something's wrong.
Something is wrong.
My wheel didn't come down.
Fine. Take it back up. We'll belly land.
Nothing's coming up or going down.
The electrics must be totally out.
Virge, lower the wheel by hand.
Luke, tell me when it's down.
Crew, take positions for crash landing.
Get out of the way! Get out of the way!
Come on, Jack, you got to help me.
- We're losing number three.
- Are we out of fuel?
Fuel gauge is out.
How long can we fly on one engine?
I don't know. I guess we'll find out.
Get out of the way, Virge!
Come on! Faster! Faster!
Come on! I got it! I got it!
Hurry up!
We're not going to die!
Oh, my God!
It's only got one wheel down.
We're not going to die!
We'll live!
We made it!
We made it, Genie the weenie!
We're home, Danny boy.
I love you!
Welcome back.
Terra firma, huh?
Can we clear this area?
Can we have the officers in front?
Luke, come around to the front.
Officers in the center.
Just take the picture, Bruce.
What's wrong, Captain?