Men at Work (1990)

I can't support
this activity any longer, Max.
Relax, Jack. Only two more days and we
move our whole disposal operation north -
out of your jurisdiction.
You promised me those barrels'd
be leakproof for 150 years.
A slight miscalculation.
Look, it's this simple.
I have an obligation
to produce paint thinner.
You have an obligation to provide
a place to dispose of the waste products.
I'm not afraid of you any more, Potterdam.
If I have to expose the whole operation,
I will. I'll bring us all down.
I think you're smarter than that, Jack.
You can't pay me enough, Max.
Kiss your chances of getting elected
mayor goodbye, Mr. City Councilman.
It's bigger than an election, Max.
There's a time and a place
for everything, gentlemen.
You have an obligation to provide
a place to dispose of the waste products.
I got you.
Good morning. You're listening to
the Poor man on the world-famous KROQ.
And you still have time
to call in on open-line,
where at 5am, let's face it,
we can talk about absolutely anything.
It's live, it's uncensored,
and I'm not even using the tape delay
because this is primetime radio,
the 2 to 6am show
where management sleeps.
I gotta go to work.
Could you leave your board?
I may go out later.
My surfboard?
Yeah. You promised me last night.
Yeah, you can use it.
No tape delay. Here we are on open-line.
Good morning. You're on the air.
- Hi, Poorman.
- Where are you calling from?
- South Bay.
- What can I do for you?
Well, my boyfriend just left me and
I'm really bummed cos I loved him a lot.
Why did your boyfriend leave you?
He found me and his best friend
in bed together.
What do you expect if he found you
in bed with his best friend?
I don't know. Maybe a bit more
understanding, you know.
Well, you got a problem
that you're gonna have to work out.
But not on my show.
I hate politicians.
Coming to work today, Mr. Taylor?
Yeah, Walt,
I'm flyin' out the door right now.
Let's see if my favorite
little stewardess is up yet.
Lookin' good.
Fly those friendly skies.
Now that is the perfect relationship.
Wait a minute. Hello.
What are you looking at, pal?
Good morning.
Time for that morning cup of hot java.
Coffee for one. Three scoops, please.
Nice selection of wines.
Good California Chardonnay,
a bottle of Dom.
No market brands in this house.
Only the best.
Now for some sliced papaya,
if it's in season.
Shit! Mango. I should have known.
I wish I knew your name.
Carl. I thought you were
gonna be a no-show.
Almost. Thanks.
Frost and Luzinski?
Hey, I don't know about you, shitheads,
but we're on a time clock. Let's move!
Gina walked out on me last night.
- Really?
- Yeah. Moved all her stuff out.
You've been trying to bale out
of that relationship for a long time.
I just didn't expect it
to be so sudden.
Paybacks are a bitch, James!
- You seen my gloves, amigo?
- In the glove compartimente.
- Hey, mister!
- Shut up, you dickhead.
Yes, I'm still here.
Now, about those mailers.
First off, you did the colors wrong,
but I let it pass because I'm a nice person.
Now you're telling me, with the
election one week around the corner,
that the mailers are gonna go out late?
If you don't get those mailers out
by tomorrow, I'm pulling the account.
I gotta hide this.
- A ton of things need your signature.
- Can it wait?
No, and I have a cassette of a band
we could use for the fundraiser.
Since we're short on time,
you could listen and decide.
I don't have time for that. If you like 'em,
use 'em. I trust your judgment.
That's why I hired you as a campaign
manager. You gotta trust your staff.
- Are you OK?
- Yeah.
- You're doing a hell of a job.
- Thank you, Jack.
- I didn't sleep for shit last night.
- Why not?
Gina, Gina. Gina!
Let her go, man. Let her go.
I have, I have. She is historical.
She couldn't be with
a garbageman the rest of her life.
You're not gonna be a garbageman.
Didn't you tell her about our surf shop?
I told her. I think she was getting
pressure from her family.
- Her father never liked you.
- What does he know?
- Well, life's a bitch, right?
- Ain't that the truth!
I tell you, Carl, this is
the last year we throw trash.
- You said that last year.
- This year I mean it.
You meant it last year.
- Hey, Carl, is this yours?
- No, it ain't my color.
It's a bra, James.
Look at this smut.
Well, if it isn't the South Bay's finest.
What happened, Mike?
Did they take away your vroom-vrooms?
You see, this is the kind of scum you're
gonna have to get used to around here.
Jeff's new to the force,
so I'm giving him the tour.
He's also my new partner, so you're
gonna be seeing a whole lot more of him.
You're gonna like it here, Jeff.
The air's clean, the women are beautiful
and the shifts are short.
Most of the folks here in Las Playas
are hard-working, with a future in mind,
with the exception of these two clowns.
They're part of the
"Don't let this happen to you" crowd.
A word of warning,
my garbage-toting friends,
from your friendly
neighborhood peace officer.
I've got my eye on you both.
If you're not breaking the law now,
the smart money says that
it's only a matter of time before you will.
And you can bet that last dollar that my
ass is gonna be there to make the bust.
- Golf clap?
- Golf clap.
"Dear John. I'm sorry
things didn't work out for us."
"You're a sweet man,
and I'll always love you."
You know, this is the kind of shit
that really breaks me up.
- It's an epidemic.
- What is?
Just women, relationships, all of it.
I never have a problem with it.
- Hi, James.
- Morning, baby.
- That's cos you've got no heart.
- What?
You've got no heart. Who was
the last girl you were serious about?
Betsy Sabetta.
Betsy Sabetta? That was
in the ninth grade and she had a harelip.
- She did not.
- She did too.
- She did not!
- Did too, did too.
- What do you know about her, anyway?
- I know she had a harelip.
What an absolutely gorgeous day.
Warm sun, beautiful women.
And the air is just right for drinking.
Would you just look at all the activity
that's going on down here, Carl.
It's close, man. I can see it.
Right here, right on the strand.
Carl and James' Surf Shop.
It's gold. It's gold, James. It's a gold mine.
Just think of the garbage business
as a way station on the road to nirvana.
Maybe now you're single again, you'll be
able to put more time and energy into it.
Whoa. Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Hold on, wait a minute, just a second.
I have put a lot of energy
into getting our surf shop together.
And we'd be a lot further along
if I didn't have to do the work of two.
Pardon me? Let's not forget that I chose
the bank that we went to to get our loan.
We didn't even get the loan.
It's not like you researched it. You picked
the name out of the Yellow Pages.
What exactly are...
Good God!
What exactly are you trying to say?
What I'm trying to say, James, is that
sometimes you are completely hopeless.
- Really?
- Yes.
- Hey, Carl.
- Yeah.
- What exactly did you mean by hopeless?
- I meant exactly what I said.
I still don't understand.
Well, let's examine the word.
Hope less. Less than hopeful.
That's what you are.
But am I majorly hopeless
or partially hopeless?
I would say majorly. Why do you ask?
- I'll try to change.
- No, you won't.
I need to talk to you, Leo.
Hi. Nice to see you.
I need your help on something, Leo.
I know who's responsible for
the toxic dumping off Las Playas,
and I'm kind of involved.
Jesus, Jack.
I just never thought it would go this far.
Look, it's all on the tape. Listen to this.
What is this? Some kind of a joke?
This is not the right tape.
She took the wrong tape!
- What are you talking about?
- The wrong tape!
Hey, wait a minute.
Come on. Let's do the nasty.
- Do we have to?
- Yeah, afraid so.
- Nasty!
- Nasty!
- Nasty!
- Nasty!
Yeah, Dalton here. Listen,
Jack Berger was in here earlier today.
Claimed he knew who was responsible
for those Las Playas offshore dumpings.
Claimed he had some kind
of a tape that could prove it.
I don't know. This might be nothing,
but I thought you should know.
You did the right thing, Captain. I'm sure
it's nothing, but I appreciate the call.
- Any time.
- Thank you.
A tape.
A goddamn tape.
Shrewd move, Berger.
Hey, boys! Where's your originality, huh?
This means war, man.
Hey, this is shit. It's shit!
Get it off me, Frost! Get it off!
It's shit! It's shit!
It's payback time, you little shits!
Gentlemen, inside now.
- What's up, Walt?
- Nothing too serious today.
I got a complaint about banging trash
cans on P Street at 6am this morning.
- You boys know anything about this?
- No, sir.
Who rolled the bowling ball
down the alley into Avenue H?
Can't help you there either.
In the two years you have worked here,
you have broken every city ordinance
that pertains to this line of work.
Well, you can't say
we haven't been a lot of laughs.
I'm glad you have a sense of humor,
Mr. St James.
Unfortunately, the majority
of the people in this community do not.
Now me, personally, I like you boys.
Which is why
I'm giving you another chance.
Starting tomorrow, you boys
will be riding with a third party.
I have decided to send an observer
along with you on your route.
A representative of Shoreline.
- Who's the observer?
- My brother-in-law.
Consider yourselves on probation.
I suggest you be on your best behavior.
The nerve of Walt, sending us
on our route with a goddamn baby-sitter.
Don't worry about it.
What does a... phrenologist
feel and interpret?
- The size of Walt's asshole.
- Wrong.
No, a phrenologist feels and interprets
the bumps on your head, skull features.
Very good.
Who was Richard Nixon's Chief of Staff
during the final days of Watergate?
Oprah Winfrey.
No, that was... Alexander Haig.
That's right.
What does gasoline...
Jack! Jack!
The tape!
What did you do with the tape?
Jesus Christ!
- What are you doing?
- I hate shitheads who bully their women.
- So what are you gonna do?
- Shoot him.
- What?
- It's the principle, James.
With a pellet gun? What are you
gonna accomplish using that?
It allows me to seriously
aggravate a situation
without actually changing
the course of history.
It also stings like a bitch.
Well, I'm glad that's over.
Carl, what are you doing?
Everything's cool now.
Mister, it's nothing personal.
- Where do you think you got him?
- Butt shot.
He'll never lay a hand on her again.
Asshole! I wouldn't have
voted for you anyway.
- Stop it! Stop it!
- What?
Shoot him in the head,
his head's all over the place.
Touchdown! The tape! Touchdown!
Man, this guy's really heavy.
I gotta start working out.
- You should go to the gym.
- I hate weights.
- You work on your cardiovascular.
- What's that?
- Get on one of those life cycles.
- What's that?
- Stationary bike.
- Yeah? How are they?
They're great. They got... cross-country
skiing machines, things where you row.
Come on, get him in there. I wanna go eat.
Come on, come on, come on.
I got it. Start the car.
Right, Jack, I have the tape.
Touch that again
and I swear to God, I'll kill you.
What'd I do?
Let's go a little bit faster, see if
you can put me through the windshield.
Where the hell am I?
Time for work. Boy, oh boy!
James, do us both a favor.
Whatever you do,
don't give this observer guy
a hard time today.
I figure if we behave ourselves,
show him that
we're a couple of good guys,
we'll get him out of our hair a lot quicker.
For all we know...
he could be some crazed combat veteran.
You're driving too fast.
So, Louis, you're Walts brother-in-law.
That's great. Speaks highly of you.
What do you know about anything?
Walts a nice guy.
His sister must be nice too.
I've never met her.
When I feel like talking to you,
I will look at you.
You writing stuff about us? Sorry. Sorry.
This sucks.
What did you say, son?
The name is James.
Well, James,
if you expect to keep this job,
I suggest you tell me what it was
you were mumbling over there.
I said this sucks.
And, basically, so do you.
You little... I'll show you
not to talk to me like that!
Hey, hey! Goddammit!
This Louis guy's a total nightmare.
He's not playin' around,
let me tell you, James.
Yeah, I feel really bad about that, Carl.
Probably not as bad as I do.
- James, promise me something.
- What?
No matter what you do,
do not provoke this guy.
- Promise.
- I'm serious.
I promise.
- How's that nose?
- It's OK.
I still owe one to the intended receiver.
You know, man,
you're a total pain in the a...
Now, James, Louis is gonna be with us
for the next couple of weeks.
Accept this as fact.
Why don't you guys shake hands
and stop behaving like children?
Put it on the back of your neck.
There are several sacred things in
this world that you don't ever mess with.
One of them happens to be
another man's fries.
Now, you remember that
and you'll live a long and healthy life.
- James.
- What?
You better get over here
and take a look at this.
What is it, Carl?
Just take a look.
- What the hell is this, Carl?
- It's a dead human being, James.
Yeah? What's he doin' on our route?
Oh, looky here. Looks like somebody
threw away a perfectly good white boy.
And he sure looks
a hell of a lot like that dude.
We're screwed.
What do you mean "we"?
You pulled the trigger, pal.
Look, Louis, we gotta talk.
You see, Louis,
Carl sort of knows this guy.
- So?
- I don't know him at all.
- What I'm trying to say is he shot him.
- With a pellet gun.
- But he thought he hit him in the butt.
- I did.
You two seem to be
in some serious shit here.
I need a drink.
Look, Louis, I know
that I did not kill this man.
This guy was beatin' on his old lady,
so I took upon myself to end the dispute.
- So you shot him?
- With a pellet gun.
So you said.
- And you shot him from where?
- From my apartment.
So how in the hell did he end up here?
Why don't you ask him?
- Have some. It'll settle your nerves.
- My nerves don't need settling!
What is the maximum sentence
for murder?
I did not murder anyone! Jesus Christ,
James, whose side are you on?
- I am not taking sides.
- You've already convicted me.
I'm on my way to death row.
Carl, come on.
Let me tell you,
you are in it as much as I am.
You were there.
That makes you an accomplice.
Look, you bastard, I never
wanted you to do it. I was against it.
- Try explaining that to the judge.
- I'm not explaining anything to any judge.
- This is your ball game, Carl.
- You are an asshole!
- You are a trigger-happy idiot!
- I will not rot in prison alone.
You're not gonna mess up my life,
you son of a bitch!
You and your stupid pellet gun!
- Get off of me!
- I'll kill you!
You're a stupid man!
You're a stupid little man!
I said enough! I said cut it out!
Hey, you! I said knock it off!
Now look, unless one of you two guys
took a piece of rope or a piece of wire
and strangled this guy,
you're both in the clear.
How the hell do you know?
You can tell by the marks on his neck.
Look at that.
Pretty sloppy job, too.
Not a great idea to keep him
out in the open like this.
I don't like this, Carl.
I don't like this one bit.
- I'm goin' to the cops.
- What?
Looks like they're comin' to us.
I hate cops.
Well, well. Another fine day
in the dumps, eh, fellas?
Who are your friends?
I've never seen you around here before.
Louis here works for the company.
He'll be ridin' with us for the next
couple of weeks to police our activities.
- Is that right?
- Yes, sir, Officer, sir.
- What about you?
- He's...
I didn't ask you, garbageman.
I'm asking the punk who looks like
he's had a few too many.
What the hell's the matter with him?
He looks friggin' dead.
Well, the boy's had a rough night.
He's, you know, a... cousin of James.
He flew in from... Texas. We were
out late showin' him a good time.
Wherever he's from, he shouldn't be
out on the street in his condition.
I could haul you in, you know. But for now
I'm just gonna give you a warning.
- That's very kind of you, Officer.
- Yeah, it is.
Get him inside that truck and make sure
he stays there until he sobers up.
- Do I make myself clear?
- Crystal, sir. Let's go.
Not so fast.
I've got the whole Las Playas police
department clued into you two bozos.
You may have escaped me this time,
and all I can say is
"Relish this moment, gentlemen."
This is wrong. This is just wrong, wrong,
wrong! We should have just told them.
Told them what?
That we found a body in the trash
that just happened to be Jack Berger,
the man I shot with a pellet gun?
Are you nuts? Those guys are
lookin' for any excuse to put us away.
Let's get outta here. We'll stash the body,
get back to work and figure this out later.
Son of a bitch!
I can't believe this. We lost the body.
Hey, relax. We didn't lose the body.
It's in a big yellow can.
How can we miss it?
What do you mean, you've lost the body?
It just kind of fell out
of the back of the car.
- Find it! Find it, find it, find it, find it!
- Yes, sir.
Your very lives
depend upon it, gentlemen.
- What the hell are you waiting for?
- Sir, we did find the tape.
Thank God.
You're excused.
- Wait a minute. The girl.
- What girl?
- The girl we saw Berger fighting with.
- What about her?
Well, maybe she had
something to do with his death.
Yeah, so she strangles him, stuffs him in a
barrel and dumps him on the esplanade?
It makes a lot of sense, Carl.
You know...
That stiff's startin' to get a little gamy.
You guys come up with anything?
Carl seems to think that
Berger's girl is somehow involved.
The last time we saw Berger alive was
in that fight across from my apartment.
- It's not enough to go on.
- It's a place to start.
How about going to the police? What
we should have done in the first place.
Carl's right. It's a place to start.
We're not gonna accomplish
a goddamn thing standing around here.
So you guys are either
with me or you're not.
I thought you knew how to rig that thing.
I followed the instructions.
Anything good
to eat in this place?
- I could order us a pizza.
- Sounds great. Pepperoni, extra cheese.
Maybe we should put old Milhous
someplace a little less visible.
I need a large pepperoni, extra cheese,
to 828 Esplanade, apartment 405.
Last name, Taylor.
OK, what's the total on that?
Hey, Carl.
She hardly looks like
a cold-blooded killer.
What now, hotshot?
How about goin' over there and tellin' her
that we got her boyfriend's
dead body sittin' in our shitter?
What are we gonna do?
Stand here watching her like
a bunch of long-distance Peeping Toms?
- I'm goin' over there.
- What?
- I'm goin' over there.
- What for?
I don't know. Snoop around,
see what I can come up with.
Carl, this is not some game. What if
she didn't have anything to do with this?
Gee, James, you sound as if
you're really worried about me.
- Sure you know what you're doing?
- I'm not gonna get in over my head.
Well, that depends on
which head you're talkin' about.
Look, we got your back. If anything funny
happens, don't be too shy to scream.
OK. Save me a slice.
Do you know where
he keeps that gun of his?
What is he doing?
What am I doing?
- Don't kill me!
- What?
What? I'm sorry.
- Are you OK?
- I'm fine. I've never been better.
- Do you live here in the...
- I'm sorry if I...
You first.
- Do you live here in the building?
- Yes, I do live here in the building.
For five years I've been in the building.
That's funny.
I've never seen you here before.
Well, I lead a very... private life.
I'm a... a... phrenologist.
What exactly does a phrenologist do?
Well, I feel and interpret the size of
Walts asshole... I mean, skull features.
Not to impose, but if we can go inside and
put some ice on this ankle, it'd be great.
- Inside where?
- Your apartment.
What's the matter with yours?
No, my ice machine is broken,
and yours is right here.
Are you gonna refuse a wounded man
in dire need of medical attention?
- No.
- Thanks.
- But I didn't catch your name.
- I'm Ted Blanston, the third.
Susan Wilkins, the first.
He's inside.
He's inside her apartment.
Out that light.
What the hell's Carl doing?
- I don't like this, man. I do not like this.
- Shh.
The hell with this. I'm callin' the police.
No cops. I hate cops.
I'm sorry, which ankle was it?
It's the swollen one.
- I really appreciate this.
- It's no trouble.
Are you friendly with the Cottlers?
- I think...
- Second floor?
- Ron and Ann?
- Oh, sure.
Well, I figured, since you're both doctors.
Right. We're all doctors.
Where do you practice?
I got a small office down
in the medical district and...
You know, I could really use a drink.
- Just one.
- Me too.
- Sorry.
- I could have brought it to you.
Thank you.
It's for the pain.
I rarely touch the stuff.
Can I have another one?
I don't believe this.
They're doin' shots, for Christ's sake.
I can't believe I've never met you before.
I thought I knew everyone
who lived in this building.
Well, as I said, I lead a very private life.
Very private life. Yeah.
You know, you're a very beautiful woman.
No, I mean that. I've always thought so.
What do you mean, always?
What I meant was that
you've probably always been beautiful
and it's a shame that
I'm just now discovering this.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you.
Well, you did.
You wanna switch to champagne?
Sure, if the Dom Perignon is chilled,
that'd be perfect.
How did you know I had Dom?
How did I know you had Dom?
Doesn't everybody?
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to the bathroom, Louis.
Jesus! Carl spends the evening
with a beautiful woman
and I'm stuck here
with a lunatic and a corpse.
I don't believe this guy.
I can't do this with you starin' at me.
- Who is it?
- Pedro's Pizza and Pancakes.
- Large pepperoni, extra cheese.
- That's us.
- How much?
- Eight bucks.
OK. One, two,
three, four...
- What's going on here?
- Mind your own business.
OK. Thank you, sir.
You've seen too much.
- What the hell are you doing?
- He saw you with the body.
- He could start trouble.
- So you kidnap him? Good solution.
Here, take the money.
I won't say anything to anybody!
You bet you won't!
What the hell?
Extra cheese?
- You're a madman.
- He was provoking me.
This situation has definitely
gotten way out of hand.
Get back to that window
and keep Carl covered.
- What the hell do we do with him?
- We need some rope.
Are you gonna get this or what?
First, you lose the body,
and then you deliver me the wrong tape.
Now, I don't think that
either of you personally
set out to destroy my company.
But I sent you out on a simple task.
And, simply put, you loused it up.
Now, apparently,
Berger had a special relationship
with his campaign manager,
a Susan Wilkins, 825 Esplanade.
That's where we iced Berger, chief.
I know where that is.
Did it ever occur to you two idiots
that she might have the cassette?
I think he wants us
to kill some more people.
If I had my 16,
I could pick her off so easily.
This is good. Did you make it?
... reporting from Hanoi Hilton.
Yankee dogs, you might as well give up.
The war is lost. Jane Fonda was right.
Are you hungry? Would you like some?
- Don't give him any, James.
- Why not? He might be hungry.
He's a prisoner,
and he should be treated accordingly.
Have you completely lost your mind?
We're not soldiers and he's not
the enemy. He's a pizza man.
Back in Phu Bai,
he would have been killed
the second he knocked on that door.
I would've snapped his neck like a twig.
He never would've seen it coming.
- Louis, Louis, calm down.
- The commie bastard gets no food!
Yes, indeed.
That is deep.
That is definitely deep.
That's an interesting one.
So is that one.
You were born through Caesarean, no?
- No.
- It's not an exact science, of course.
Apparently not.
Mangoes. You love mangoes.
- How did you know that?
- Well, it's all here in the contours.
So, that's phrenology.
It's fascinating, no?
No. Weird.
You know what? First, let's take this off.
And let's do something.
- We are doing something.
- Let's get out of here and do something.
- Like what?
- I don't know, but it'll be fun.
Why this sudden burst of energy?
My ankle's killing me.
Come on.
- You want me to get this?
- Oh.
Do you always look in people's trash?
Well, sometimes it's the best way
to get to know 'em.
No, no, no. I wanna report
a murder and a kidnapping.
- Murder and a kidnapping.
- That's right.
- Did they take the body?
- No, no, no. I have the body.
- Did you kill the victim?
- No, I didn't kill him.
- Have you been kidnapped?
- I'm not the one who's been kidnapped.
- I know this sounds strange...
- I don't think we can help you, sir.
Well, fuck me! Isn't that what the police
are supposed to do - help people?
I am telling you...
They're leaving. Let's go.
Let's move it! Come on!
The pizza clown goes with us.
Get him on his feet. I'll get Tricky Dick.
I want you to know, James,
this is all going on my report.
That's great, Louis.
Just make sure you spell my name right.
Don't cross me, James.
All right, let's whack this broad
and get the tape.
Jesus Christ. That's Berger.
What the hell?
Get back here, you goof.
- Who's the kid in the clown suit?
- I don't know.
Oh! Oh, God! Oh, Christ!
Those bastards are gonna pay.
Oh, yeah. They're payin'.
There's the broad. There goes the broad.
Come on, come on, come on, you moron.
Are we late for something?
- Faster, James, faster.
- I got it to the floor, Louis.
- Who are those guys?
- How the hell am I supposed to know?
And where do these guys
get off, takin' our body?
Come on, we're losing 'em.
Oh, Christ.
- Oh, shit.
- I've almost been waiting for this.
Now you see this here?
This complicates things.
I just don't like killing cops too much.
Forget about the body.
They're the ones drivin' around with it.
I say we stay with the girl.
Potterdam says she might have the tape.
Biff, help me, all right.
Who just died and made you king?
Hey, Mario, how about this?
Your mother did.
Don't you ever say anything,
ever, about my mother.
Your mother did, your mother did. Mario!
- How do we handle this?
- Just pull over.
OK, everybody. Act natural.
Well, well, well. Look who we got here.
I am in no mood for this right now, Mike.
Just write up the ticket
so we can all get on with our lives.
Well, I might not be able
to let you off so easy there, Jimbo.
See, you were doing 65 in a 35,
and you ran a red light.
That's reckless driving
as far as I'm concerned.
Who else you got
in there with you, Jimbo?
What the hell is going on in here?
You're... you're never
gonna believe this, Mike.
I... we, uh...
I'm totally floundering.
I can't even come up with a good lie.
What'd I tell you, James?
I knew you were crooked and I knew
I'd catch up to you sooner or later.
Everybody out of the vehicle right now.
- Don't do it!
- Don't shoot!
- He's got a gun.
- Don't shoot! Please, don't shoot!
Yeah, cop. I know you, man.
I know what you're thinking. "We got us
another crazy nigger here with a gun."
Well, let me tell you, human life means
very little to me at this point in time.
You see, I thrive on misery.
In the jungle, misery's all you got.
But things are different back here
in the world, or so they seem.
Nobody wants to talk about
pain and suffering.
Everybody wants
everything to be nice and civil.
Well, OK, then. Let's be nice. Let's be civil.
Drop those guns before I pull this trigger
and change the way you feel about me.
Will the officer to the rear of the truck
kindly drop his revolver as well?
You know, you cops must really think
I'm as dumb as you look.
Now, don't you know that
when a flashlight hits the cement,
it makes a completely
different sound than a revolver?
Let's be good boys,
and do exactly as I say.
OK, now, I want Mr. Sneaky Man to come
around and join his partner, Mr. Bonehead.
Sorry, guys.
You will swing for this, James.
I shit you not!
I don't know, boys, but they look
pretty goddamn sweet to me.
What do you think?
What do you think?
How you doing?
I'm OK.
I think my body's gone into shock
from all the alcohol.
I'd like to sit down, actually.
What was that for?
You didn't like it.
No, I liked it... a lot.
Then shut up.
It feels like we're drivin' in circles.
Carl could be anywhere.
You want some?
Promise you're not gonna scream
and cry if I take that gag off?
Now, if you're lyin',
Louis'll have to bash you.
You do understand, don't you?
Thank you. Thank you.
- It needs sugar.
- What?
It's not lookin' too good, is it?
- You givin' up?
- I never give up.
I never have. Never once, James.
I'm gonna take us back
along the esplanade.
- Feels like a long shot to me.
- At this point, everything's a long shot.
I can't see anything.
Frost, gimme some light.
This is just a little uncool, Luzinski.
Our brouhaha is with Carl,
not with the chick.
I'm just makin' a simple adjustment -
nothing major.
Shake 'em up a little bit.
Now, can I have some light, please?
Thank you.
- Come on, come on. Hurry up.
- Oh, yeah.
Now let's find James, and teach
that simple bastard a lesson too.
Hiya, kids. Are we having fun?
- Ted, what's happening?
- Who the hell are you?
Hey, shut up, you!
What the hell is that?
- It's a Taser.
- A what?
A Taser. 65,000 volts of electricity.
It completely incapacitates the victim
without killing him. I got it on sale.
Let's move it. Let's go.
Put your hands up.
Ted, you should do something.
If you come up with any ideas,
please let me know.
We have the right to know
what's going on.
Hey, put a cork in it, sister.
You have no more rights.
And you, buying a goddamn laser gun.
- Taser.
- Whatever.
- You've always gotta be so different.
- I'm in no mood. Just lay off.
- No, you gotta be creative.
- I said lay off.
When I say "now", start running.
You're an amazing man.
You know shit about absolutely nothing.
Now I've just heard everything.
Hold it, honey.
You listen to me, you Italian
son of a bitch, and you listen good.
The day you tell me I don't know shit
and I let you get away with it
- is the day that that ocean freezes over.
- That's it. You're over.
- That's my car!
- Looks pretty undriveable. Come on!
Come on, let's go!
- Ted, what the hell's going on?
- I left out a couple of things about myself.
- I'm waiting, you son of a bitch.
- First, my name isn't Ted. It's Carl.
From now on when you yell for me
in a panic, yell Carl.
There's more?
Last night you and Jack Berger
had a fight in your apartment.
How the hell could you
have possibly known that?
Look, Susan, I don't live in your building.
I am a garbageman.
I live across the street from you.
I have been watching you
every day for six weeks.
Wait a minute! Wait a minute.
You have been spying on me?
- I don't really consider it spying.
- What do you consider it?
Let me finish! You and Jack
had a fight, you left angry.
The next morning
I found Berger's body in the trash.
- Jack's body?
- Somebody killed him, Susan.
- For a while I thought it was you.
- Jack is not dead.
- Jack was at my apartment last night.
- Trust me, Jack is dead.
Jack came over because
there was some mix-up with a tape
and I went down to my car to get
the right tape and... The tape, the tape.
This is what had Jack so worked up.
We gotta get this to the police.
- What the hell was that for?
- For lying to me. I hate liars!
Hates liars?
That's for spying on me!
Come on!
What happened?
It was something.
You got struck by lightning.
- Really?
- A freak storm.
- Police!
- Thank God.
- Police!
- Hello!
Over here, by the playground.
Sorry, guys.
Wait! It's not what it looks like.
Please, give us a hand.
No, I'm really not into it, but thanks.
Carl! Come on, Carl. Everything
I ever said about you, just kidding.
He was.
You're not really gonna leave us here,
are you? That would be...
- Come on, come on, already!
- About a thousand keys here.
- Try this one.
- I'm trying.
Hey, hey, hey!
- I got it!
- Look out.
It's my turn, asshole!
- What is he doing?
- What are you doing?
- I'm crashing!
- Down!
I'm back.
Let's go, honey.
Chief, we got 'em. We found 'em.
Allow me to introduce myself.
I'm Maxwell Potterdam the third.
Maybe you've heard of me. California
magazine just did a piece on me.
With the exception of being
misquoted several times,
I thought it was a pretty good article.
Anyway, all that is... unimportant.
This... is what's important.
Let's put these folks in the car
and go someplace a little more noisy.
Come on, move it.
That's them. Getting into that limo.
- What the hell's goin' on?
- I don't know, but we're gonna find out.
I knew this was gonna get heavy.
A lot of good this thing is gonna do us.
A pellet gun? You've been holding me
hostage all night with an air rifle?
- Shut up.
- This is too much.
We gotta find a way in there.
I... I got a plan.
That oughta do them.
I would love to see
those bastards try and top this.
I would pay a million pesos to see their
faces when they try to stop this baby.
Hey, pal, the next time
we see Carl and James,
it's gonna be Walt
handing them their walking papers.
Somebody's coming.
Come on!
- Come on, move it. Get up there.
- OK, I'm going.
We do live in extraordinary times.
The lengths one has to go
to get the job done.
You're destroying the environment
and you don't even care.
How do you do it?
How do you live with yourself?
Although I'd prefer to dump you
along with the rest of this waste
at the bottom of the Pacific,
recent disruptions in our operation
have created a problem,
and now the Las Playas landfill
will become your final resting place.
- Buried alive?
- Not to worry.
You'll probably run out of oxygen
before we reach the dump site.
Seal 'em up.
Hold on, everyone!
Something's wrong. We're not stopping.
- What?
- We're not stopping!
- What the hell was that?
- Move your ass and find out.
No, you two stay.
I want those barrels sealed. You two.
- Everybody all right?
- Yeah.
Oh, shit.
Get off of me.
Come on, let's go.
No, no, no. No, no, no.
I am not some kind of comic-book
superhero. I'm a pizza man.
- Stay here and keep an eye on him.
- Yeah, right.
I want the trucks moving immediately.
I want every goddamn drop of waste
dumped before the sun rises.
OK, Mr. Potterdam.
Go this way!
Holy shit!
All right,
I'll pick it up on my way back.
- Hi, Carl.
- Hi, James. How are you?
Never better.
Susan! Come on.
Come on! We can't lose 'em!
- We're not gonna make it.
- We'll make it.
South Bay Security. Freeze!
Rent-a-cops. I hate rent-a-cops too.
Carl! What the hell are we doing?
I think I love this girl.
Really? How do you know?
She let me feel the bumps on her head.
- It looks like the bolt broke!
- No shit!
- Hang on.
- OK.
Trees! Trees!
- Carl!
- What?
- How you doin' over there?
- Piece of cake.
You need help.
Hey, Carl!
I think I got a problem over here.
All right, let me think of something.
Hey, James, I didn't think of anything yet.
Hey, Carl! I definitely
got a problem over here!
I'm coming.
Mr. Potterdam?
We're lookin' pretty outnumbered here.
I got an idea. Follow me.
- What the hell are you doing?
- Protecting the environment.
- Freeze.
- What are you...
Everybody freeze or I blow his head off!
- He'll do it.
- I'm not kiddin'.
- Don't push him.
- I mean it.
His whole head.
You two with the weapons,
over the side. Do it now!
Yeah, man, I know you.
I know what you're thinking. "We got us
another crazy white boy with a gun."
Well, let me tell you, human life means
very little to me at this point in time.
Relax, James, the cops are here.
This is the police.
You all drop those weapons.
Yeah. Yeah, you!
You there with the pellet gun,
drop it or I'll blow
your butt away for sure, buddy.
A pellet gun? Do you think we'd use
a pellet gun for something like this?
Get 'em!
I gotta find Susan.
Stop 'em before they get away!
Susan! Susan!
Ow! Oh!
- Where are we?
- You don't wanna know.
Carl! Carl, over here! Get down!
Come on. Move out.
Move! Everybody in the car.
Get the door open.
- Start the car.
- It won't start.
- Get out of the car!
- Oh, shit!
Ouch! Be careful!
High five!
Your car, sir.
Smile, butthead.
Hey, it's not what it looks like.
We're respectable peace officers.
It's just all one big, funny mix-up.
Shoo! Shoo!
Get outta here!
Good morning! You're listening
to the Poorman on open-line.
We're gonna take our next caller.
Hello! You're on open-line. Go ahead.
Yeah, hi. My name's Stacey.
I have a boyfriend who I've been
going out with for two years now.
He works nights
as a delivery boy for a pizza place.
Last night he never came home
and I am positive he is out
sleeping with another girl.
Well, I think you should
definitely dump the dude!