Men In Her Life, The (1941)

The girl is not a dancer.
She belongs to a horse.
Oh... hey what do you think,
you're doing?
Young man, you are in the presence
of a great beauty.
You don't realise it,
but you are misfortuned.
Good evening, mademoiselle
Who are you? What you're doing here?
- May I come in?
Well ... wait a minute.
All right, you may come in now.
Don't let me disturb you.
- What do you want?
I've seen all the great dancers
in my time, mademoiselle
Last night I saw your dance.
Tonight I came again
Oh, you think, I am good?
No, mademoiselle. Far from good.
You seem unbelievably
clumsy and awkward
On the other hand, there are
many things in your favour:
Your grace, your lightness and ... yes
your very lovely hands.
They are almost as important to a
dancer as their feet.
The question is ... how great is your desire,
your ambitions to be a dancer?
I'd give anything in a world.
You have not a moment to lose!
You must work all day, every day.
You must have a teacher
- Oh, I know. But I don't know anybody!
Perhaps ... this may help you.
It may open the door for you somewhere.
Stanislas Rosing...
Are you really Stanislas Rosing?
My mother used to tell me about you... She said,
you were the greatest dancer, she ever saw.
I always thought, you were dead.
As far as dancing is concerned, I am.
Dancing is my whole life.
Good night, mademoiselle
and good fortune.
I want to see Mr Rosing
- What do you want from him?
He gave me his card. I am a dancer.
Oh, no, please! I must see him.
- Mr Rosing is not at home.
- You are calling me a liar?!
Of course, not!
(Rosing) Marie, talk with your friend
somewhere else, not on the front door steps.
(Marie) Mr Rosing, it's not my friend, it's a...
Oh, where are you going? Come back!
Come back, you, little witch!
What are you doing here?
Out of here!
What do you think, I am? A peep show?
Get that girl out of here!
You tell her, that I can wait
or I'll throw this right out of window!
- Put that down, it's my bath robe.
Then, you tell her, I can wait...
All right, she can wait.
I'll see her... And now, please,
get out of here! - Yes, sir.
(Marie) And now shut your eyes
(Girl) You promised!
(Rosing) Yes, get out of here!
But you gave me your card, and you said,
that would open a door for me
Yes, but not this door!
I've got no school here.
Sorry, Mr Rosing, I...
It's fantastic!
No, you must go back to the circus.
Marie, take her out.
(Marie) Now, that you've seen Mr Rosing,
now you must go.
I have no any place to go.
It isn't fare for him to come
the way he did last night.
To put ideas in my head
and turn me away like this!
He gave me his card
and even wrote on it!
Stop talking about that confounded card!
(Marie) What would happen,
if I let you out at all.
Have you quit the circus?
- Yes
Just like that?
- Yes
That's your bag?
- Yes
The whole thing is preposterous!
Marie, we have to prepare a room for her.
Give her the studio.
Mr Rosing, thank you!
- Please, don't do that, leave me alone.
What's your name?
- Polly Varley.
- Is it really your name?
Polly Varley, did you hear that, Marie?
What does it mean Polly?
- Pauline.
Polina... Lina...
Lina Varsavina. How do like that?
- It sounds wonderful!
I shall expect Mlle Lina to be ready
for her
first lesson in an hour.
See to it, Marie.
Why does she have to stay here?
Can't she find a room somewhere?
She has no money.
- And what are we, millionaires?
After all the years of struggle and hard work
at last you have some peace.
And now out of nowhere...
Didn't you promise the doctor never to teach again?
The strain, the excitement...
- Harsh Marie, there will be no excitement.
But I shall teach her to dance,
if I have to kill myself in the attempt.
- All yourself?
Marie, you've been with me for 15 years
and how little you know me.
Do you think I am contented with my life?
What am I? What I've got mine?
You were contented before.
- Before yes.
But now I have the chance to live again.
If this girl is what I think she is.
Whatever name I shall call her, however
famous she may make that name,
my name will always go with hers.
Venice, Paris, London, Rome, St.Petersburg
With this girl I can live again.
Lift your back ...
don't strain your neck
Heel down!
May I stop?
- No
Battement tendu!
I've been acting for two hours
Can I stop?
Stop, when I tell you... Pli!
Straighten your back!
This is not like the circus. Ah?
How long do I have to go on?
- All your life.
Yes, pli, battement, what you
will do all your life.
And one day it will be all old, and it will
be nothing left of you but the memory.
Portrait, like this.
- Who is there?
There is Olenkova. She was
the greatest of them all.
Is she still alive?
In some day when all your dreams come true,
the best you can hope for is that
there will be a portrait of you
on a wall of somebody else's studio.
Another young girl will be slumped over.
Somebody else's voice will be saying:
"Pli, battement, pli, battement..."
Don't take so much butter,
you'll get fat
You mustn't chase gravy.
Excuse me, may I have water.
I am so thirsty.
You cannot drink during your lesson.
But I want to drink and I've got to!
Did you change your mind?
You said, you want to be a dancer.
Oh yes, I do! But...
Then go on!
... four, and five, six ... up your back.
And one, and two, and...
What are you looking at?
Horses! Some beautiful horses.
- You left your horses in the circus.
Or, but..
- Back to the bar!
Why do you keep me working like a horse?
I've been at that bar for two hours!
I can't stand up any more!
Have you finished your little speech?..
All right, we'll start again.
Back to the bar...
Come on back to the bar!
Mr Rosin! - How many times
must I ask you not to interrupt our lessons.
But monsieur, it is Manilov!
Serghei Manilov!
(Rus) -Where are you coming form
(Rus) -On my way from Paris
(Rus) -Thank you. How's the life in St.Petersburg?
(Rus) -But aren't you coming back?
Oh, forgive me! Mr Rosing.
Roger Chevis, my riding companion.
How do you do.
- We are at a hotel in the mountains.
Good! Want to come in, have some tea.
What is there?
Oh, I'm sorry, but Mr Rosing doesn't allow
anybody to watch the lessons.
Continue, Lina. Turn to the bar.
It looks silly!
- May look silly, but I'll wage, if you can do it
Can't I?
- No!
Now, go ahead!
Just a minute.
That's pretty good, but look at your knee,
straighten it out.
What's the matter with my knee?
- It looks like a door knob. Doesn't it, Marie?
It does.
Would you like to go for a ride?
- On a horse?.. - Mhh
Oh, come on!..
- No, I couldn't
I accepted your wage, now you take mine.
Don't you dare!
Yes, I will, come on!
- Lina, stop it!
Lina, come back!
Where are you?
- Way behind.
You certainly were.
You need not even a breath!
- Because I'm a good girl, do exercises every day.
The water looks wonderful. - It does.
You know, Mr Rosing doesn't allow
me to drink while I'm exercising.
Where did you learn to ride like that?
- In a circus
In a circus?
- Yes, I rode a horse standing up.
Really? - Yes. That was before I came
to Mr Rosing.
It's lovely here, isn't it?
Have you been here before?
- No, never.
Have you ever gone out?
- Marie and I go walking in the garden every day.
What do you do all the time?
- Practice.
Is that all?
- Aha!
But don't you ever do anything else?
- No!
You are practically a prisoner in that house.
- Oh no, I want to be there.
Mr Rosing is the world's greatest teacher.
How long do you have to keep that up?
-All my life.
And never go anywhere, never see anyone?
- I guess, not.
I've never heard of anyone
who would choose such a life.
I hate too, but... I think, we better go back now.
Mr Rosing will be worried.
No, there is still a thousand of things
I want to know about you. Please!
What else? Where shall I begin, the circus?
- No, go back as far as you can remember.
All right... Let me see... I was born.
My name is Lina Varsavina.
You are so lovely, Lina.
- Thank you.
Oh, heaven, that's rain! Shall we go?
Oh, my slippers... they're getting wet.
They now'll be ruined!
Watch yourself!
- Thank you. It isn't so bad in here.
Here they come now.
Get off that horse!
I am sorry, Mr Rosing.
I have no idea, what it all means.
Get in the house! - I didn't do it!
- Stupid creature, get in quick!
How could you do this?
What came over you today?
You realise, for over two years
I've been a prisoner here.
Learning to dance, speak Russian,
grammar and manners...
I never go any places,
I never see anybody.
At least, a prisoner knows how long he is
sentenced, but I don't even know that!
Stupid girl!
The feet are ice cold.
Get her a mustard pan. A hot one.
You think, I was a patient in a hospital!
- You're a fool.
You don't have to call me names,
I haven't done anything.
You could have broken your leg.
- But I didn't!
You could've caught pneumonia! Same thing.
- What are you making such a fuss about?
What have I done?
- What have you done?
Who do you think you are, Polly Varley?
You are Lina Varsavina!
What do you think you'd been,
when you came to me?
You were a pathetic bag of bones,
who rode horses in a circus.
I didn't ask to teach you, you begged me!
For two years I strived to make
a childish body of yours
into an instrument for something
much greater than, you or anyone else!
For the ballet I've made it,
for a wonderful art!
You take the body that I have made
and try to destroy it!
I told you, I didn't get hurt!
- But you might have.
But I didn't! Besides, I don't care.
I was glad, I enjoyed it!
And I enjoy myself with another
human being, someone I like.
So, you like that young fool.
- I like him very much indeed.
Soon you will be telling me, that
you are in love with him.
A dancer has no time for such nonsense.
Do you hear, Lina?
I have a right to like him, if I want to!
I am a person, not a machine!
I won't stand for it, Lina.
Do you hear me?
I hear you. Do you know why?
Because you're jealous and get scared.
I forbid you to talk that way to me!
I forbid it.
I cannot stay any more! I'm going away!
Calm. God has given you so much,
don't throw it away.
Go to Mr Rosing. Tell him, you are sorry.
Believe me, it is much more torture for him,
than for you. You don't know how much more.
Mr Rosing
Please, forgive me. I am terribly sorry.
I promise never do like this
again in my whole life.
Just because I am tired and uncertain,
I am so tired of exercises
What can I dance? Really dance?
My little girl, I understand, how you feel.
I want you to really dance too.
Just be ready for the moment,
when I could take you to...
to Rome, to let Olenkova see you.
Start your dance.
Stop it!
Rosing, you showed me myself as I used to be.
That's the excitement, none of us can bear.
Come here, my child.
You have a great talent
Oh, madame!
My dear, you face a great future.
If it's a success you want, you will have it.
Oh, I do!
Mademoiselle is there.
- Roger! I like to see you.
Lina... it was unforgettable!
Did you like it?
- Every moment of it was perfect.
I'm so glad
- Excuse me. You remember Mr Manilov
Of course. How are you?
Mlle Varsavina. Tonight Mr Rosing
couldn't keep me from seeing you.
By the way, where is Mr Rosing?
Well, he... There he is!
I wonder, if he is still angry with me.
- I am sure, he isn't.
- Are you still riding horses, young man?
(Rus) Congratulations - Thank you.
Mr Rosing, I don't want you to
consider that presumptuous of me.
I'd like to give a supper party in the
owner of Varsavina's triumph tonight.
A supper party of the debut is a tradition.
I have already arranged it.
Miss Varsavina and I would like you to join us.
- Thank you so much.
May I give you a toast:
Mlle Lina Varsavina.
You are completely enchanted tonight.
-Thank you.
Like a spirit from another world.
I didn't feel very much like one.
I thought very scared, very small.
You appear anything but that.
You were everything that I hoped to be.
Ever since I heard about your debut,
I've thought of nothing else.
Why didn't you let me know, you
were thinking about me?
I wasn't sure, you would be interested.
Of course, I would. I thought about
that day so many times.
What did you wear and what were you doing.
I knew, you knew, what I was doing.
Yes, exercising.
I'm going to be in the audience every night.
How long will the performance last?
The whole month.
That's long enough for me
to take you up riding again
I am afraid not, not when I am dancing.
But we could go for a walk, if you like.
Tomorrow morning?
- I'll ask Mr Rosing
It's terrible. - Yes.
But I'm sure he'll let me go.
Will you mind very much, if
tomorrow I tell you, that
I am in love you?
No. I don't think so.
Will you excuse me for a moment?
- Certainly.
I know, it's silly of me, but
I want to hear once more.
Tell me again,
were you pleased with me tonight?
We haven't had a moment alone yet.
You know what is in my heart, don't you?
I do. - Thank you.
- Lina, let's look at path. It's yours
and in one night. - All right.
Oh, it's beautiful, isn't it!
- Are you happy? - Oh, yes!
What a day! I still can't believe it!
Can't think about the dreams come true tonight
And it's all you
- Not all Lina
Yes, everything I am, I shall be as you.
You created it.
And as long as I dance, you should be there
watching me, telling me what to do.
Frowning when I do something wrong
smiling when I do something right.
Oh, that look on your face tonight!
But I am afraid ... this is parting for the past.
- What do you mean?
There is no more a can give you, unless...
- Unless what?
Nothing. Just a foolish dream, that's ...
- No, tell me, what it is.
I was only thinking...
The only way, that we could stay together, always would be...
- Yes
If we start the new life from tonight...
not as teacher and pupil any longer,
Please, don't say "no" yet...
not for few moments
That means all to you?
- Yes, Lina.
Take my hand
Gentlemen, this time may
I give you a toast
Mr Stanislas Rosing,
the man to whom I owe everything
A great dancer and teacher...
and my future husband.
I've ordered at five o'clock.
See you to the station carer by that way.
Hello, captain
- Good afternoon, Mr Gibson
Enjoying the trip?
-Very much, thank you.
Fine ship, captain.
- The finest in your fleet, sir.
You've god a good crowd here.
- Yes, happily.
Sir captain, who's that lady?
Madam Varsavina, the famous dancer.
I'd like to meet her, she looks fascinating.
You are the first American, I've ever met.
- That isn't so strange.
And you are the first ballerina, I've ever met.
In fact, I haven't seen a ballet in 10 years.
- You haven't?
Will, you could be merely intrigued by
About all I remember is that a fellow in
tight pants chased the girl.
She really wanted him to catch her,
but she kept fleeing away from him.
Then everybody started tiptoeing
around this fellow,
and once he began to lose interest,
because, naturally, when that happened,
the girl leaped right into his arms.
I must say, I've never heard anyone
to describe the ballet like that before.
But you must remember,
I've only seen one ballet.
I do have some paintings of dancers at home,
I like them very much.
I'd like to see Mr Rosing's expression,
when you say that to him.
Mr Rosing?
- My husband.
Your husband? - Yes
What's so amusing?
Forgive me, but you look like a collector,
who has just lost a bid.
Is... Mr Rosing onboard?
- Yes
How long are you planning on staying in New York?
Not very long, if my audience feels about the ballet
the way you do.
I don't think they will.
I rather imagine that you can change
my views about the ballet easily.
Now, if you forgive me, I must go below.
Good bye.
- Good bye.
We start with the cellos and then
all the violins. And...
Rosing, you promised me, you wouldn't work.
You must stop up right now and get fresh air.
You look so beautiful
- Never mind how I look.
Please, come up on desk with me now.
- Let me finish this, I'll come in a little while.
All right, I'm sorry.
- Thank you.
I've met a very nice man ... an American.
Would you believe it? He has seen
only one ballet in his entire life.
But after much persuasion on my part
he agreed to come to our opening in New York
What is this?.. A souvenir from your past?..
From someone you loved?
Someone I loved very much.
What is the name?
- Lina Varsavina.
Lina, I want to create something that
the audience will never forget
The dance for you.
It will be a solo, it will be your dance.
Am I going to dance all alone?
- Yes, all alone
From this rose,
it was white and fresh and fragrant then...
I'll call it La rose blanche
You hear music ... and then slowly
the rose comes to life...
I've never seen anyone like her.
- This is the happiest moment of my life.
Mrs Varsavina, it was wonderful.
- Oh, really?
I warned you that my views could be changed
at any time.
I am glad it was you who changed them.
- It's very kind of you.
They are calling again, Mme Varsavina.
Ladies and gentlemen. I need not tell you,
this is one of the happiest moments in my life.
Not only because you received me so generously
but by your reception of the dance
The White Rose
you paid great tribute to the man who created it.
I'd like you to meet Stanislas Rosing.
Where is Rosing?
- I've certainly seen him few moments ago.
He has to come to take a bow.
Rosing!.. Have you seen Mr Rosing?
Madame, you looked so wonderful!
- Thank you, dear.
we must go too. - No!
Lina, look at me... You have to get some sleep.
You have another performance tomorrow
Can't dance again, Marie, without him. I go up to the stage,
and in the wings he won?t be there.
Can't you understand that, Marie.
- Yes, I understand.
Tonight I've lost the only man I ever loved
Oh, I never knew that.
There are many things,
you never knew, my child.
You never knew the doctor in Paris wanted
him not to leave in this trip to America.
Why didn't he tell me?
- Because he wanted you to make this triumph here.
It was all that mattered to him.
I feel like I've killed him, Marie.
- No, you gave him the greatest happiness of his life.
When you came into the house,
you gave him the feel of his use.
Once more he was Stanislas Rosing,
and for his sake you must go on.
Take my word. I've organised many tours,
but this is the greatest tour in the history of the ballet.
Milan, Vienna, Budapest, St.Petersburg,
that's a commanded performance to the tsar.
Then Berlin, Dusseldorf, and finally Paris.
Madame, in Europe this will be known
as the year of Varsavina.
Victor, I hired you to manage my business,
not to flatter me.
Did you arrange the transport for the luggage?
Not yet. But madame?s admirers
will probably carry the trunks on their backs.
The hotel bills, did you pay that?
- Mm... it slipped of my mind, but leave it to Victor.
(Marie) Leave it to Victor!
What a man! Talks and does nothing.
(Victor) Did you get the reservations
for madame?s cabin?
(David) Yes, everything has been arranged.
(Victor) Indeed? Very good.
David, forgive him. He means well.
He really is a very good manager.
Hello, Marie.
- Hello, Mr Gibson
I tried to make everything as comfortable, as
possible for you aboard the ship - Thank you.
Your cabin has been redecorated and enlarged -
Oh, that's nice of you.
Now I should perhaps delay the sailing day.
Afraid, we never finish packing?
No,afraid New York
will be a dull place without you.
Why don't you take another trip to Europe?
I can't go through life waiting on the wings
and knocking on dressing room doors.
How about your collection?
Surely, there must be hundreds of beautiful
paintings you would like to find and buy.
I need a companion to share them
and to share my life.
I worked hard, building ships, made a lot of money.
I suddenly realised that I'm very much alone.
Strange. I've never thought of you
being lonesome.
This place isn't a hotel,
it's a hot-house!
The roses are from that crazy poet. He says:
"If you don't let me see you, I will kill myself"
Never mind, I wish he would.
The yellow ones are form the Mayor of New York:
"The city is yours!"
Will you take care with that for me, please.
Then this: "The world's greatest circus needs
the world's greatest dancer for our American tour".
Above all the insults is circus.
- I'll take that.
Be sure to thank them for me, Victor.
And don' forget to pay for the hotel.
Let me help you with that.
- Thank you.
And now I have flattery from my manager,
flowers from a wild poet.
And I'm sure there'll be more.
May I filll your life?
Hard work will fill my life, David.
You can no more live with your audience.
And I can live with the ships, I've built.
Perhaps, not.
However, I must finish packing now.
You will never finish packing ...
and it's you who are crated and shipped.
All ready
- All right, Mari.
You've forgotten your slippers.
- I couldn't forget them even if I wanted to.
Well, David, you've been very kind. You
deserve everything, you are looking for.
I hope, you'll find it.
Madame, your carriage and all in Europe
are waiting for you. - I'm coming.
She is beautiful. I adored any bit of watching her.
If I were a man, I'd fall in love with her myself.
I'd like to meet her, may I?
-I don't know dear, it's too long time.
Besides, she is probably very tired.
Let's go for a moment, I just want to tell her
how lovely she is.
Besides, I always wanted
to see backstage.
Well, madame, that has broken
all attendance records.
There was standing ten deep, and we turned
away hundreds and hundreds.
I'm glad the performance is over, Victor
I am so tired, that I could hardly get through it.
- I know, it must have been a terrible strain.
Well, 20 ballets in a week,
rehearsals and press receptions.
But now it's all over.
You can rest and relax.
Just think of it: you have absolutely
nothing to do for 5 whole days.
Five days! - Yes
And this night - Yes
I was thinking, perhaps we can book Milan...
What do you want? - Victor...
Please, don't rush me. Something...
I knew it!
Madame, Lord Roger Chevis and
Lady Jane Ingram want to see you.
Roger? - Yes
- But ask them to come in, of course!
Roger, how wonderful to see you!
- Good evening, madame.
What a heavenly surprise.
- May I present Lady Jane Ingram?
How do you do.
- Good evening, madame.
My fiance.
I am delighted, Lady Jane. Congratulations.
I've made Roger bring me up here. I had to tell you
how captivated I was by your performance.
You are lovely. Lovely still,
when I'm seeing you so close.
That's very kind of you...
Did you enjoy the performance?
I cannot tell you how much. - I'm glad.
Want to sit down?
- We're taking out too much of your time.
Certainly not, please, do.
- I am afraid, you must be very tired.
Good night, madame.
- Good night, Lord Roger.
Thank you again, it has been a wonderful evening.
- It was very nice of you to come.
Marie. -Yes, darling
I want you to cancel all engagements for a month.
I want to rest.
You are right, you need a rest.
Madame, there is someone to see you.
Madame wants you to cancel all the
engagements for a month. She is tired.
Well... ... Why? You can't do that!
Heavens, we're all sold out, can't be done!
It must be done, Victor! I need a rest.
Can't you realise that we are all sold out
and everyone will be upset.
Madame is upset. Marie, will you
try to convince her.
Cancel all engagements.
Did you see it, Marie?
- Yes, I saw.
I'll get you a sedative.
Sorry, madam. But our friend
David Gibson from New York is here.
Madame is receiving none.
No, no! Ask Mr Gibson to wait.
I will see him.
Lina, you are in no condition to see him.
-I am perfectly all right.
I am very calm and I feel for him.
- Use sedative.
Marie, sedatives don't come in bottles. I am
perfectly all right and show MrGibson in now.
David! - Hello, Lina.
I am sorry, you had to wait.
Marie, I don't need you any more.
You may go too, Victor.
Please, sit down.
Marie, thank you. Good night.
Here we are. I'm so glad, you've come.
It's such a change after all this.
So, you've decided to come after all.
-A business deal gave me an excuse to come.
I see. Have you been in Paris long?
- Only a day, I saw your performance tonight.
- You were very very pretty.
Would you care for some wine?
- Thanks, might help.
Here you are. - Thank you.
Won't you going to join me?
- No, no. Thank you.
- No, muscles. Alcohol is bad for them.
David, you know what a ballerina is?
A bundle of muscles with a smile.
I've heard, you had having tantrums.
- Nonsense, I was just acting.
I don't have to act that with you duo..
- You mean, you can laugh at me?
Laugh at you, why?
No, when did I ever do that?
When I reminded you of a disappointed
collector, who've just lost a bid.
Oh, yes! Then.
So, you haven't found her yet.
Your companion?
Yes, I have found her...
But she seems to belong to the world.
You tempt me?
- Lina, I mean to tempt you.
Any more pictures for your collection?
- Not this time.
What about Varsavina? In a frame on a wall
with bright light shining on my face!
No, no, Lina!..
I don't want to put you on display.
I want to free you from all that.
I think, I will have a glass of wine.
You really want to marry me?
- I do.
We'd make of a good couple, wouldn't we?
- A wonderful couple. - Yes.
Yes, but Lina...
One thing: you'll have to give up the ballet.
I insist on that,
you'll have to sacrifice it.
Sacrifice!.. You know what's happening to me?
I'm breaking down.
You are at the top now. The rest is trouble.
- But, I know that.
One thing I can promise you is
a pleasant peaceful life.
David, don?t say any more,
I'm almost happy.
I'm like somebody about
to get off a train
after a very long
and rough trip
Happy, darling?
Why don't you say something
instead of nodding head.
My mouth is full.
- Oh, sorry.
Now: Yes, I'm very happy indeed.
And for the first time in my life
I ate all the butter, I wanted,
without fear of getting fat.
Where're we going to go next week?
- Next week? Let's go to Madrid.
You said, you wanted to see a bull fight.
Oh, I still do.
You know, I've been there twice before
and don't remember anything about it,
except the stage and the dressing room.
I've been everywhere and
haven't seen anything.
And you won't say that after
the bull fight.
So, you had your fill of bull fights!
- It is horrifying!
And yet it was wonderful.
David, those matadors are dancers!
That was beautiful.
Yes, well I'd hate to waltz
around with all those horned buffalos.
I do wish you take me seriously
for one thing. - Oh, no.
Darling, I always take you seriously.
You are a beautiful woman
Come in!
Beg you pardon.
Seor Victor wishes to see you.
Victor?.. Show him in
I wonder, what he's doing in Madrid
Maybe, he's managing a bull fighter...
Maybe a bull
Oh, Victor, how nice of you.
- Good afternoon, Victor.
(David) What a surprise! Come in.
(Lina) Sit right over there.
I thought, you've forgotten me.
- You are not serious, madame.
Oh, not!
I wonder all the news from Paris.
The mad man in the dressing room,
what's happened to him?
And Marie.
Is she still angry with me?
You know, I haven' had a word form her?
Marie asks me to wish you happiness.
Bless her heart.
David, may we wave Marie again with us?
How good! I'll write to her right away.
Well, I don't know, madame.
She is very busy.
Busy with what?
She's planning a memorial performance
for Stanislas Rosing.
- Yes, madame.
That's why I've come to you.
The White Rose is his creation,
but it is also yours.
Naturally we want to ask you
a permission to use it.
And we though, perhaps you
might suggest a ballerina.
For the White Rose?
Surely, Victor, there must
be many other dancers.
Oh, yes.
Marie and I considered several.
There is Mme Petipa
- Petipa? Oh, Victor,
she couldn't do in a million years!
She hasn't a feeling for it!
Oh, no! Anybody, but Petipa!
(Victor) Well, I agree, madame.
Who would know better, than you?
Has madame anyone in mind?
Yes, I have!
Lina Varsavina
Why couldn't I do it? Just this one,
it'll only be for a little while
No, Lina.
Look. Why can't we go to Paris together?
Darling, it wouldn't be just this one.
-Yes, it would.
And it wouldn't be only for a little while.
If you go back, you'll stay
- No, I wouldn't, David.
It's a memorial performance
for Rosing. Just one performance!
You are my wife now.
- Oh, please, David!
I don't anyone else to dance
the White Rose.
You are selfish!
All right, perhaps. But I am no more
selfish, than you are.
Lina, I wanted to give you a new life.
I hoped, that you would give me home and children.
Just a month you told be, you were
through with your career. - Yes, I know.
And only this morning you told
me, how happy you were. - Yes.
Or, weren't you? Didn't you mean it?
- Yes, I did.
I mean it all time, David, but this...
- We did make an agreement.
Surely, you are not going
to try to hold me to that.
I am not one of your business
deals, I am a dancer.
Don't make me a clause
in a contract!
All, I'm asking is just one performance.
Lina, if you want to change your mind,
you can. I won't.
But David, I... I... David!
I am afraid, she is working too hard.
Too many hours.
Shouldn't she take it easier
at rehearsal?
She's been doing it since she was eight.
And she loves it.
Look at her balance, look at her feet!
What is it, doctor?
Is it serious?
For most people no,
for you perhaps.
You are going to have a child.
But I can't doctor, I am a dancer!
- Nature makes no exceptions.
Madame, you may not dance
for quite some time.
My congratulations, madame.
You will make a beautiful mother.
It's all right, my darling. It doesn't
take forever to have a child.
I will not be able to dance at the
memorial performances.
You are the sweetest little thing.
Look at that nose raised like button.
And your mouth is a rosebud.
You are a little rosebud.
Are you going to be a dancer too?
Only mommy is going
to teach you how to dance.
(Marie) She has to learn to walk first.
Oh no, not my baby.
Not Rose Varsavina.
Marie, be sure, that Victor sees, there's
nothing in the papers about her.
Her father must not know about her,
you understand?
He would want her for his collection.
You are much too
precious for any collection.
Please, help!
-Lina! - Roger!
Follow me,
I'll get you out of here.
Are you all right?
- Yes, I am fine, thank you.
May I take you home?
- Oh, yes. Please do.
I'll call my carriage. - No, I'd rather
walk, if you don't mind. - Not at all.
I love the fog, don't you?
- Yes
I'm glad, you are with me
- Thank you.
Tell me about Lady Jane,
she was so charming that night
I rarely see her
You rarely see her? - I couldn?t go through
with it, Lina. I couldn't after seeing you.
I went to your hotel next morning,
and you were gone.
To marry a millionaire,
I found out later.
Is your husband in London? - No.
We've been separated for quite some time now.
Thank you.
You look as radiant as you did
the night of your debut in Paris.
My first supper party.
I was so excited.
You were lovely.
- Thank you.
You looked so beautiful with
those sparkling things in your hair.
You even remember
what I had in my hair?
Of course, I do.
Lina, I saw you dance
in Milan, Vienna, Budapest.
And I used to always walk up and down
in front of the stage door
debating whether to go in,
just as I did tonight.
Do you mean, if I hadn't come out just
as I did? - I might have walked away.
Oh, I'm so glad, that I did.
Well, all that matters now is that
we are again together.
Yes, Roger
Do you like it, darling?
- Yes
(Lina) I knew, you would.
(Rose) It stops there and what happens?
You just keep up grinding and here we go.
I put my nail there.
You take your hand up there
and keep on grinding.
There, you see it, nippy?
Roger, she is fascinated with this
Where did you get it?
I've got it from a little shop
down in White Hall.
We all've got to go
down there sometimes.
They've got a lot of things
that glow with light.
Doing well, my little angel.
- Yes.
What's that? - This is something that
I should like to interest your daughter in.
Rose, as you see, this is a kite.
And it is a very good thing to have
in a park when a breeze is on.
But a kite for her?
Roger, she is too young!
Well, I don't see, why.
I had a one when I was a child
That was when you were two
years old! I don't think so.
This is mommy in a White Rose.
- Yes, angel.
Perhaps, I can interest you in this.
At night you can see the moon
and the stars with this.
Would you like to look through it?
No, thank you. - No, thank you.
- That's a good girl!
Oh, I could eat you up!
Darling... you look so beautiful.
- I'm in love
- Oh, mommy, look, isn't it pretty?
Oh, beautiful! Put it right
down here, Marie.
Look at the little rosebuds there.
just for you, angel.
Marie, see at the door, will you.
Now what you need is a very deep breath
and blow all those candles up.
Can you do that?
Oh, they're dripping!
Take a deep breath and blow now hard.
Oh, come on, you can do that.
Once more.
Good girl you are!
Now I can take the candle out
like this, you take the other one.
That's a good girl!
- Yes?
- Hello, Lina.
I didn't know,
you were in London, David.
Mr Roger ... Lord Roger Chevis
Mr David Gibson.
How do you do, sir
- How do you do, Roger Chevis.
And you remember Marie, of course.
- Yes, of course, I remember Marie.
I want someone to introduce
me to the young lady.
This is Rose
Hello, Rose.
- Hello.
Rose Gibson.
Come in, David
- Hello, Lina.
I hope, I am not late.
- No.
We only have a little while,
I'll have to leave
at the matinee in half an hour.
I'm glad, you asked me to come.
I've waiting to see my daughter again.
I'm sorry, she isn't here,
Marie took her to the park.
Won't ... won't you sit down?
Park? There must be a rare
treat for Rose in this climate.
David, let's not waste words!
What are you going to do
about the divorce?
It's not for me to say, Lina.
It's your choice.
You can't ask me to make that choice!
I can't do it.
It's just like asking me, what I'd rather
live without: my right or my left arm.
David, I've got to have obeyed.
But, please, don't break my heart, David!
I can't stand that.
Please, don't do this!
Please, don't do that.
I'm sorry if I seem spiteful.
You want a divorce, because you are in love.
I want Rose, because I am lonely.
Perhaps, it's better for both of us that way,
especially for the child.
Yes, because Rose deserves a better
life, than you can give her.
Why do you say that?
I am a very good mother to her either.
I an sure, that you try to be one
between the performances.
Look, David. When the present tour is finished,
and it will be in four months,
I am going to take thousand francs.
You accused me once in trying
to make you a clause in our contract.
Now my daughter becomes the victim of yours.
- No.
Lina, let me give her the sort of life, that
you once wanted: a healthy, normal life.
David, I can give her all the things that you can.
I make a great deal of money.
The question is not what you can give her,
but what you are prepared to give up for her.
I hope, you haven't promised
Roger Chevis to end your career.
Roger makes no demands of me.
And he loves Rose.
He does?
Yes. he does her very much.
How nice of him.
And what a wonderful prise paid for Rose Gibson
to be a step-daughter in an English castle,
raised by noble guardians.
- But you don't know Roger.
He will do anything for me.
- I am not thinking of Roger.
Forgive me, if I am frank.
I don't doubt that you are in love, but
I knew, you're not one woman, you are many.
And something will happen that
your castle will vanish - Oh, no!
Love, marriage, everything must
vanish for Varsavina.
Everything, but music and dancing.
Then you'll be back on the ballet
and the baby with you,
flying from place to place,
living in a truck.
Remember, how you grew up?
How you hated your life?
And for Rose it will be much worse,
because she will never be a Varsavina.
Only a pale, tortured little girl,
struggling in the shadow of your fame.
Lina, for you I had nothing,
but for her I have everything.
Be selfish with your own life,
but not with hers.
Are you big enough to make a sacrifice
for your own child for her sake?
I don't know, David.
I don't know!
- Oh, angel, come in.
Oh, I missed you so!
- Oh, darling. Mommy missed you too.
You've got to remember everything
that mommy told you what to do - Yes.
You've got to remember to say
"Thank you" and "Please" and...
"May I"
- And "May I"
Bu sure, you say morning and night
prayers, won't you.
Why can't you go with us?
- I can't right now, darling.
But I'll try to come to see you
very soon.
Why can't you come right now, mommy?
- I just can't, darling.
Now, Rose, let me see
your pretty smile on face.
A big smile!
Bye, my angel
- Good bye.
You take her.
Good bye, darling
- Good bye.
Bye, mommy! Good by-y-e!
Good bye, darling.
I'm sorry I had to lie her a little bit.
I have the right to see her again.
I understand perfectly.
Bye, David
- Good bye, Lina.
To Covent Garden.
It's terribly late, Roger.
Can't we go any faster?
Lina, tonight of all nights, why don't
you postpone the performance?
No, I mustn't Roger!
Driver, we have to be there in ten minutes.
I'll do my best, sir,
but it's a long way off.
Is this as fast, as he can go?
Can't you go faster, driver?
Go as fast as you can.
Yes, sir.... Come on, here!
That's hard! - Just horses rout went.
- I'll stop.
Roger, be careful!
Look out! Keep strong.
Just made it!
What's up, doctor?
You sure, she'll be all right?
Yes, in a matter of time.
Few years, perhaps.
Good heavens, that's a lifetime.
Be grateful, that she is alive.
Must be patient.
Then she suffered a great shock.
Wouldn't it be better, if we lied to her?
Told, that Lord Roger was still alive?
She would've guessed the truth anyway.
No, that would be even worse.
Everything will be all right, Lina.
It doesn't matter now.
The same thing, only worse.
The same room, same darkness, same dirt.
How can you do it to her, Victor?
How can you book her
in a place like this?
What can I do?
Where else can we go?
The theatre, the stage.
The floors are uneven and loose.
She might fall and break her leg.
I'd rather see her stop dancing.
She can't stop dancing.
There is noting left in life for her,
but go on and on.
She is no longer the greatest ballerina.
How can she be perfect,
when she lost everything?
What do you expect from her?
I expect nothing any more, than
you can expect me to perform miracles.
Where are all the packed houses,
we used to have,
and all the hundreds applauses
and all curtain calls?
It's very difficult, Marie.
Didn't you realise,
that I can't book her anywhere,
she danced in the last five years?
Every night, after the performance
she comes back to the hotel.
She sits in the chair with that doll in her hands
looking at her, saying nothing, never moving.
But on a stage her arms and legs move?
They are lifeless too.
The heart's gone, Marie.
The spring is run down.
Any letters? - Yes, madame.
From New York? - Yes, madame.
Read it to me, please.
But madame, it's the same letter,
you always send the same.
Read it to me, please, Victor.
- Yes, madame.
My dear Lina. I regret that
I can see no more now,
than I did in answering
to your other letters
I cannot give Rose back to you.
We've gone over this so many times, that,
I think, we've exhausted all arguments
Please, believe me, that I do that
not to hurt you, but for Rose's sake.
Yours obediently, David.
Very well.
I want you to book me
a performance in New York.
But madame, we book...
- Did you hear me? New York!
How is she?
- She practices all day.
How does it look?
- I don't know, I was sewing.
I've got some news for her.
I called Mr Gibson today.
It took me 3 hours to get to see him.
We argue ad he said "no".
Then he said "yes"
What are you talking about?
Lina is going to see him at his home
tomorrow night, but she must come alone.
Nobody else, no lawyers, no friends.
Why didn't you say that before?
She was weeping all day long.
You were wise for not starting
as legal battle for Rose.
You would only succeeded
in frightening her.
Yes, I know, David
Is she here?
- No.
Where is she?
- She's staying with friends.
Oh, I see.
Is she well, David?
- Very well.
Does she remember me?
- No.
Well, after all this time how could you expect
her to remember you? - Of course, not.
She was only two years old,
when she left you.
David, but I must see her.
Please, when may I see?
I thought, we've been
through about that in letters.
I know, I know.
But I thought, perhaps,
when I see you and talk with you,
you would understand that...
Lina, I hate to review you,
but I am afraid...
What, David? Why?
I'm afraid, if you see her, you...
you'll give yourself away.
Would be that a natural, normal thing to do?
She really thinks that her mother is dead
and she is contented.
I want to keep her that way.
David, I wouldn't count.
I'd never let her know.
Just want to look at her,
that's all!
Please, Lina, don't think
harshly of me.
I can't do it.
I don't know what to say, David.
I just have to believe, you're right.
That's all.
It doesn't make me happy
to be right.
All right then.
Just one thing I would ask from you.
-What is it?
Will you bring Rose to see
my dance Friday night?
Oh, it couldn't possibly
hurt her, David.
I wouldn't even see her.
Just to know that she was the only
audience watching me.
Would help me so much, David.
Is it that important to you?
-Yes, it is.
We'll be there
- Thank you.
Come close, Marie!
She is marvellous, she is wonderful!
She could jump on heaven like
a feather, like a bird, like an angel
Come on. You've never
seen like this before
And they are going mad,
they are yelling!
Come on!
You will see ... a pizza!
She's dancing like ...
like Varsavina.
Isn't she marvellous, daddy?
And she is so beautiful too!
Thirty curtain calls. In London there were only 18,
in Budapest 12
In Heaven Dale it will be 30 like tonight.
I don't want to see anyone, Marie.
Of course. You must rest now.
Oh, what is the matter with them?
Stupid Victor, I gave him order before.
Mr Gibson is outside.
And she is with him.
- Yes
No, I can't see her. Send them away, Marie.
She's gone mad, she is praying to see you.
But she should never know me.
Please, send them away!
She is not asking to see her mother.
She wants to see Varsavina.
I am tired, I am pale.
She will not see you. She will see
someone who dances like an angel.
How do you do.
- How do you do.
I hope, I am not intruding.
My name is Gibson.
My daughter was so delighted with
your beautiful dancing,
that she asked to meet you.
Her name is Rose
Rose, this is Mme Varsavina.
How do you do, madame.
Come here, Rose.
Sit down.
So, you liked my dancing.
- Oh, yes, I never saw anything like it.
Even when I dreamed. You are just
wonderful. - Thank you.
I just love dancing.
I asked my daddy once, if I can get lessons.
But he said "Not right away"
But when I grow up,
I'm going to dance.
And I hope, I'll dance just like you.
You really do love dancing, don't you?
- Oh, yes. With all my heart I love it.
I see.
You know, I have all your pictures.
I cut them out of magazines
I have Lost Princess and The White Rose.
Oh, I have more in a grey big book.
May I ask you for a favour, madame?
- Oh, yes, please do.
If you can give me something that
belongs to you: a ribbon or ... anything,
it will mean everything in the world to me.
Marie, bring my slippers.
The slippers that you wore tonight, madame?
- Yes, Rose
Oh, madame!
Here they are, Lina.
Here, Rose.
Oh, thank you. They are wonderful.
Oh, Rose! Oh, my little Rose!
I am so sorry, Rose. I have a little girl.
She looks like you and you reminded me her.
And now, if you excuse me.
I had a very tired day.
Quite certainly.
Thank you for being so gracious to us.
Rose, say Goodbye to Mme Varsavina.
- Good bye, madame.
I hope, I'll see you soon.
(David) I hope so. Get your muff.
Will you take care of Rose for a minute?
- Yes Mr Gibson. - I'll be right back.
Hello, Andrew
- Good day, sir.
And one, two, three, four
Lower your arm... three, four.
One, two...
Mommy, how long do I have to do this?
If you want to be a good dancer, darling,
all your life... Now once more.
One, two, three, four, on your toe...
acidophilus (Australia) 19Feb11