Men, Women & Children (2014)

On September the 5th, 1977,
NASA launched
the spacecraft Voyager.
Destination unknown.
Its only cargo a set of records
curated by American
astronomer Carl Sagan.
The collection was designed
to last a billion years
and potentially give
extraterrestrial life
a glimpse at humankind.
The records were printed
in gold-plated copper
to prevent corrosion,
and included
international music,
greetings in 59 languages,
the crashing of an ocean wave,
wind through an oak tree,
whale calls,
the human heartbeat,
and the sound of a kiss.
At around 12:15 p.m.,
Central Standard Time,
just as Voyager approached
the edge of our solar system,
back on Earth,
in an unremarkable suburb,
Don Truby was attempting
to log onto,
a pornographic website
featuring young actresses
in the roles
of helpless hitchhikers.
However, the accumulation
of malware
Don gave a brief thought
to masturbating
using only his imagination,
but the sheer quality
and variety of the Internet
had left his brain
an inferior substitute.
In order to access
the limitless fountain
of pornography
that he had become
accustomed to,
Don would have to use
the only remaining computer
in the house.
The one belonging
to his 15-year-old son.
Don had purchased the computer
for his son's birthday.
It was meant for homework.
He couldn't help think back
to his own childhood
when he discovered his father's
secret stash of magazines
while searching for
a bicycle wrench
in the garage.
He felt a sadness
about not being a part
of that moment for his son.
A moment he considered to be
an intrinsic part of growing up.
Almost a passing of the torch.
Good afternoon,
teachers and students...
Just a reminder
to all students...
Like many Texas high schools,
the pride of East Vista
was their football program.
The key to their junior
varsity team winning district
was sophomore running back
Tim Mooney,
a one-man scoring machine
that had carried them
to victory as a freshman.
Of all the posters
in this school,
I thought it was an improvement.
You think this is funny?
I know what DTF means.
Tim? Come on back.
I just thought about it
a lot and
sports just sort of
seem a little
Sports are not pointless, Tim.
These are the best years
of your life!
You don't just throw God's
gifts away like that.
But that's why you need
football right now.
We need you on the team.
Have you told your father?
Yeah, yeah, he knows.
We know you're having a tough year.
I'm sure everything
with your parents...
I'm sure your mom
left a mighty big hole
in your life at home.
How about I have a word
with your teachers
about easing up
on your homework?
How's that sound?
You are seriously
skinny this year.
Thanks. I went on this
super diet over the summer.
In my opinion it worked.
I mean, you look really great.
I tried not eating
one summer, but
my boobs dropped a size,
so I quit.
Can't be having that.
You and Danny are
so cute together.
Thanks! Right?
Have you guys hooked up yet?
Yeah! Yeah.
I mean, like, a little.
You know I'm not, like,
a total slut.
It's a new era for
women, okay? Just because
I'm comfortable with my body
and enjoy hooking up
doesn't make me a slut.
Just this older guy I met when
my mom and I were in Florida.
Yeah, okay.
Check it out.
- Was it gross?
- No.
It wasn't that bad.
It was kind of salty, I guess.
Did you let him, like,
you know, finish in your mouth?
- Allison!
- Uh...
Yeah. How else would I know
it was salty?
Why would you even have him
take a photo?
I need to know what
my audience is seeing.
Anyways, I'm just saying,
it's... It's like, uh...
There's like
a natural progression.
And if you don't sleep
with somebody soon
you're gonna be completely
retarded in bed when
you're a junior and it counts.
My mom's here!
See ya, bitches!
Hi, baby!
New outfit?
Another request came in today,
so I stopped at Hot Topic.
It's cute, right?
Okay, you've read through
every solitary interaction
I've had on every
single website, Mom.
I think I'm safe
from "the predators."
Oh, really? What is this?
"U R hawt." Who is Derrick G.?
A friend of a friend?
He's an adult.
So? I can't help if some
random guy
finds my picture cute. Jeez.
I can.
Are you serious?
Well, now we don't
have to worry about him
Yeah, I'd really hate to get
any more compliments, Mom.
It could really do
a lot of permanent damage.
Honey, you know I just do this
to keep you safe.
I love you, sweetie.
I love you, too.
Okay, let me see your phone.
During these
weekly spot-checks,
Brandy would divulge every
username and password
she employed online.
As an additional precaution,
Patricia installed a device
that monitored
and recorded every keystroke
her daughter ever made.
We got six new
subscribers today.
That's awesome!
The website had been the idea
of a local talent agent.
Each time she received
an email or a new subscriber,
Hannah felt a little bit more
like a celebrity.
You sure you're comfortable?
Okay. Here we go!
Hey, Dad.
Tim Mooney quit.
No kidding?
What kind of mother
abandons her family
for California?
I've got, like,
a pretty hard test tomorrow
so I'm gonna go study.
Yeah, "studying."
What are you talking about?
You know, you're gross.
He's 15.
That's all I did when I was 15.
Yeah, that I believe.
So, how you feeling?
About what?
Oh, stop, he's right there.
He can't hear us.
What, right now?
It's been almost two months.
No, it hasn't!
Last time was after that
barbecue at your sister's.
Okay, fine.
We'll do it tomorrow.
But it's gotta be quick.
Don't worry, it will be.
Chris Truby
began surfing pornography
at the age of 10
with a simple search
of the word "boobs."
This somewhat innocent query
led to a series of clicks,
and within an hour
of his first search,
Chris was watching
a short video entitled
"Titty Fucking Cum Queen."
He might have thought
this video to be unusual
had it not already been viewed
by three million others.
By age 15,
Chris found it difficult
to achieve an erection
without viewing a level
of deviance that fell
well outside societal norms.
Hey, baby. You're going to
listen to everything I say
and follow all of my instructions.
Now, grab that cock.
Mmm. Don't squeeze
too tight. Not yet.
There she is!
Practice run late?
Shepherd's pie.
Yup, we got your favorite.
Uh, I'm gonna do my homework.
I'll grab something later.
I'll make her up a plate.
Here you go, sweetie.
Thank you.
Dig in.
Let me know if you want seconds.
So did you clean up
her Internet?
Yes, honey,
I cleaned up her Internet.
Since quitting football,
Tim had invested
over a thousand hours
with his guild-mates
on various dungeons.
An incomprehensible
amount of time
for his father to imagine.
A man who had been a
first-string tailback himself,
Kent had nurtured
his son to play
since his fledgling
days in pee-wee.
Football served
as a common language
for which they had
no substitute.
Remember when you saw her
for the first time?
Kissed her lips?
Touched her soft skin?
Do you remember when you said
"I do" and meant it?
Well, we do, too.
But at,
we know that nothing
lasts forever.
And so if you are ready,
if you are truly ready,
then we are happy to bring
you back to those
"Remember When" experiences
with someone new,
someone exciting,
someone anxious
to rekindle their own.
On September 27th, 2013,
after 36 years of space travel,
the Voyager finally
exited our solar system
and entered
uncharted territories.
But not before taking
this photo of Earth
from 3.7 billion miles away.
Yes, this is us.
Who are you texting?
Just a friend from school.
"just a friend from school"?
I think my daughter
is texting a boy.
So what's his name?
I'm pretty sure
you can let me text
without the inquisition.
Look who's back for more.
I know what's been
going through that
dirty little mind of yours.
Have you been following
my instructions
like a good little boy?
Um, hi!
Hi, what is all this?
We're doing a national
talent search for kids,
ages 6 to 16,
who have an interest in acting.
Do you have
any performing experience?
This is, like, perfect!
The application includes
just standard
profile information.
And we are also going to want
her to write an essay
on where she sees herself
in 10 years.
Hannah knew
that her future would include
a large house with a swimming
pool in Los Angeles,
an expensive car
with tinted windows
to prevent paparazzi
from snapping photographs
as she went shopping,
and an attractive boyfriend
who would be famous,
but perhaps
not quite as famous as her.
She mentioned all of this
in her essay.
You were so pretty up there!
How cool would that be!
To, like, actually be
on a TV show?
Pretty cool.
When I think of all the
auditions and rejection
and dinners and drinks
when I lived in LA...
For you, it could be as simple
as filling out a form.
Hey, what's up?
Nothing. I just thought I'd sit with you,
if it's okay.
So that took courage.
It's no big deal.
I just came over and sat down.
I mean quitting football.
Yeah, I guess so.
How'd you know
about that, anyway?
Like, everybody knows.
There's an article
and everything.
Why... Why'd you quit?
I just realized...
It didn't matter.
Well, just like that?
Do you know Pale Blue Dot
by Carl Sagan?
I've heard of Carl Sagan.
It's just...
It's about how...
We're just made up of
billions of molecules.
Like, the same molecules
that have been around
since the Big Bang.
And they'll be around
until eventually
the universe crunches
into nothing.
I find that comforting.
The actions of, like,
Hitler, Gandhi,
Jesus Christ, mean
absolutely nothing, then...
It's no big deal
if I don't play football.
It's no big deal
if I come over here
and I sit at your table.
There were many
other things that Tim wished
to share with Brandy.
Most notably, that his
mother had left him
and his father for California
at the beginning of the summer
and had kept in touch
mainly through Facebook.
But he resisted.
While he knew, cosmically,
that nothing mattered,
he also realized that
something about
talking to Brandy did matter,
at least to him.
And this was enough.
So, what do you think the chances
are of Timmy coming back out?
Yeah, I don't know.
His heart just didn't seem
to be into it, you know?
I'm hoping it's a phase, but
this divorce has been, you know,
it's been rough on both of us.
I know you have no perspective,
fresh wounds and all, but
right now you can hit anything.
Yeah, well... I'm just not
in the hitting mood, you know.
Oof! What a waste.
Red, red, go, white, white!
White, white.
Go, red, red!
Red, white.
Red, white, white,
all together, let's fight!
Go red, red...
Hope you can make it, ma'am.
Ready? Hut.
Hey, you were, uh... You were
pretty awesome out there.
- Thanks.
- You're cute, too.
Shouldn't have been that close.
All right, guys, hey.
Here we go.
What I want you to do
is look at this number
and tell me
what it means to you.
Yeah, go ahead.
It's the day
the terrorists attacked
the World Trade Center?
That's right, Regina.
Other than the attack
on Pearl Harbor,
it's the only time a foreign
force attacked anything
on U.S. soil.
So what I want you to do is,
I want you to pair off
and you're gonna find
someone to interview
that remembers that day.
All right, on Friday, we're
gonna give a presentation
on how that day
changed our country.
Allison Doss had
developed a crush
on Brandon Lender
in seventh grade.
It had been her greatest hope
that he would be her first kiss.
Brandon remained the object
of Allison's affection
despite having once said,
within earshot,
"I'd fuck her
if I could find the hole."
Mmm, watch me.
I can tease you right back.
No tattoos.
Pussy is...
So, Liz, I'm hoping
you got a chance to implement
some of the Internet
safety protocol
we talked about last week.
Um, yeah.
Uh, I think we're doing good.
I think my kids are safe.
So, you have all your
daughter's passwords?
Oh, hi.
Sorry to interrupt.
Uh, my name's Kent.
Is this about the video games
and stuff?
Oh, yeah, have a seat.
Hi, Kent. Welcome.
Donna, why don't you tell us
what brought you here tonight?
Thanks. Um, well,
my daughter is getting to an age
where she's starting to develop.
And, you know,
I was just wondering, um,
what the laws were about
what you can and can't
post on the Internet.
That's an excellent question.
Because in our state,
the laws are far more lenient
than they should be.
They are?
If someone is sending photos
to your daughter...
Well, um...
Yes, but I'm also
actually wondering about if...
If she were to send her own.
Like, if she were to take
a picture of herself
in a bathing suit
or underwear or, you know...
Oh, I see.
Donna, I know our kids aren't
thinking about their futures.
Hannah's very driven.
I bet she is.
Before you go, I want to
give you a pamphlet
about the dangers of selfies.
- Thanks, that's helpful.
- Okay.
Okay. Um...
Did you guys know anyone
who was, um, inside?
Like, in it? Like actually
inside one of the buildings?
We had friends
who were in New York,
but no one got hurt.
Somehow that didn't
make it any less scary.
Um, how...
How did you guys, like, find out
that 9/11 was happening
and everything?
Oh, yeah, did you
get a text or what?
There were no texts.
The reason we got cell phones
was to make sure we could
get ahold of each other
in case it ever happened again.
Yeah, that's when
everything changed.
Okay. Where... Where was I?
You were in your room.
We didn't know
if we should wake you.
Yeah, we wanted to hide it
from you as long as possible.
And what were you guys doing?
Want to take this one?
Yeah, we were, uh,
getting ready for work.
I'm pretty sure that
we need some poster board
or something to put this on.
Uh, yeah.
But not, like,
with the Twin Towers
blowing up or
whatever or anything.
No, I don't know, with like
some, uh, police officers or
Totally patriotic.
I like that one.
He's hot.
Gonna have to clear
my history after this.
What kind of things you got
hidden in your history?
Oh, you know,
just photos and things for
Shit. I gotta go.
Well, I'll just
finish this.
Bookmark this shit
for the next time
you need inspiration.
And, Kent?
You said something
about video games?
Uh, yeah, my son's
pretty into them.
They're very dangerous.
It doesn't matter what you read,
how many studies claim
that they're harmless,
I can show you better studies
that claim the contrary.
Well, he's on
the computer a lot.
Guild Wars, I think?
That's one of the worst ones.
A couple in China
played Guild Wars so much
they neglected their baby
and it died of dehydration.
I'm sure that's, uh,
an extreme example, no?
I can show you how
to uninstall the game.
Uh, you know, I was
really just looking to see if
you knew what the game was like.
I do know what it's like, Kent.
It's a virtual world.
Your son has created
an avatar of himself.
An avatar is an icon
I saw the movie, yeah.
Or a representation...
Well, then you know
that an avatar is often
demonic or evil-looking.
When he's plugged in, your son
thinks that that world,
the world of Guild Wars,
is the real world.
Our world doesn't
matter anymore.
His friends don't matter.
School doesn't matter.
You don't matter.
"All I know is,
you don't matter, Kent."
I don't matter!
"You don't matter."
"Your truck doesn't matter.
Your son doesn't matter!
"And that is why
I have installed a camera
"in my daughter's brain
and a seven-digit PIN code
"on her vagina.
"And if you'd like, I can show
you all how to do it."
Hey, um...
Do you want to go out
to dinner or something or...
Or drinks?
Or coffee?
Or what?
I think I went
through everything
you could do on a first date.
A date.
Is that cool?
Hey, buddy.
How's it going?
Hey, Dad.
Did you, uh...
Did you have a good night?
Yeah, we just did a dungeon.
Did you win?
All right, well...
Don't stay up too late, okay?
All right.
It's weird, huh?
How long ago that all seems?
Yeah, a school report.
How old are we?
I love you.
I love you.
You remember what we were
doing that morning, right?
Come on.
Do you ever get nervous?
About what?
I just think 'cause...
How come you didn't respond
to my message?
What message?
I wrote you on Facebook, like...
Listen, you can be
honest with me.
Are you sure it was me?
Yeah, pretty sure.
Uh, my mom.
She checks my Facebook,
my emails, my texts.
She must have just deleted it
before I even saw it.
Isn't that, like, against
the law or something?
She thinks she's protecting me.
Is she watching us right now?
No. She just
tracks me online.
Seems a little psycho.
I have a secret.
A Tumblr account.
And it's, like,
the only place I can go to
where I can just be myself.
It's not even really me.
Sometimes I just
cut and paste stuff
from other sites or
write something just to see
what it feels like
to type the words.
How does it make you feel?
At first,
it's kind of like
I'm wearing a costume.
And then,
after long enough,
I just forget that it's not me.
Nobody knows about it.
Not even my mom.
So if you get a message
from that account,
you know it's me.
My mom ran off to California
with this douchebag
named Greg Cherry.
They just got engaged.
She hasn't told my dad.
It's fucked.
I'm sorry.
Hey, ladies.
Oh, my God. Fuck off.
I didn't know your brother was
friends with Brandon Lender.
Oh, yeah. I guess.
I mean, they're both starters
on the varsity squad
or something, so, I don't know.
He's a big old bitch,
if you ask me.
Oh, they're both bitches.
Yeah. Wasn't Brandon a total
dick to you last year?
That was last year.
I mean, we were freshmen.
And now you're smokin'.
He done fucked up.
Oh, my God, who cares!
Let's just watch
Breaking Amish. Please?
I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
Okay, we literally watch that
every time we come over.
Uh, yeah, Brooke,
we're gonna keep watching it
till my DVR wears out and dies.
I don't even know why they
make other TV shows anymore.
Where's everybody else?
They went to the store.
They needed mas beverages.
You can sit down if you want.
A Biggest Loser diet
or some shit over summer, huh?
Just kind of started
watching what I ate.
Yeah? Well, it shows.
You're, like, a serious piece.
Have you hooked up
with anyone yet?
A little.
Yeah? Totally could now.
Cool. Thanks.
Wait, um...
Should we...
Oh, yeah. So, uh,
the first time, it's gonna
hurt a little bit, but
it's just something
you kinda have to do
to get it over with.
You know what I'm saying?
Right. Um...
Maybe we should just,
like, you know...
Okay, look. We can stop
if you want,
but eventually
you're gonna have to do it.
But I'm not like a rapist
or some shit, so...
No, no, it's okay.
Okay. Yeah.
I'm gonna head out
and see my sister
this afternoon.
You know how she gets
with all her complaining,
she'll probably want to
talk my ear off
until we're both drunk on
red wine and pass out.
So I think I'll just
end up staying the night.
Just want to give you
a heads up.
I'll call Kent, go out
for some beers tonight.
You haven't done
that in a while.
I'm sure he could use
the company.
Good idea.
Yeah, I should be able
to get something like that
together for you immediately.
Thank you.
Okay, thank you.
Talk soon.
I'm gonna be on TV!
First they need
a video of you doing
some acting, cheerleading,
stuff around the house...
Mom, this is it.
Well, honey, it's a next step.
Despite days of trying,
Chris Truby struggled
to become fully aroused
while navigating
Hannah Clint's website.
He couldn't imagine suggesting
the kinds of explicit fantasies
he had witnessed online to her,
and feared he had
come to rely on them.
In an effort to fix
what should come naturally
to any 15-year-old boy,
Chris employed a technique
designed to help men
reassociate arousal
with traditional intercourse.
So, I was gonna go to Lauren's
house to watch a movie.
It's late.
Well, how're you
gonna get there?
I was just gonna take my bike.
No, I'll take you.
You seem like you're doing
important work.
I don't wanna distract you
or anything.
I can just go.
But take your phone, honey.
So I can track you.
Got it.
Ooh. Okay.
Are you "BoredWife"?
Oh, God.
At your service.
You must be Don.
You're cute.
Thank you.
Do you want to sit, Don?
Okay. Sure.
I don't really know how this
is all supposed to go down.
Well, we can finish our drinks
and then we can go on our date.
I'll have a cosmo.
Excuse me.
The lady would like a cosmo.
I heard her.
So much for incognito.
Yeah, right?
Have you never done this before?
No, I don't do
this kind of thing.
No, no, no.
I mean, is this what we're...
Is this okay?
Oh, you're more than okay.
I know you said that
on the phone,
but a lot of guys just say that.
Why? Why would they do that?
They think it makes me
feel special.
That's just so weird.
I don't know. I mean,
maybe this is just too crazy.
No, no, no, look, look.
I don't want you to think
that you have to do
anything tonight.
There are no rules
to this kind of thing.
But you seem really nice.
And you're fine as hell.
It is, isn't it?
It's your first time.
Isn't it obvious?
You want to go upstairs?
Thank you.
So, um,
you're a photographer?
I see you, um,
taking photos
at the games and stuff.
No, it's just a hobby.
We use the photos on
Hannah's acting website.
she's lucky she has a mother
who's, you know,
"in the business."
Tell me about it.
I got my first headshots
by this guy
up in Garland.
What a creep.
Told me not to forget my
swimsuit and aerobics outfit.
I hope you told him to fuck off.
I wish.
I was 18. I didn't know.
I hate those photos.
Well, at least, you know,
Hannah has someone to keep her
out of trouble, right?
I suppose.
She's actually up
for this reality show.
Yeah. It's kind of
a talent search.
Could be fun.
It's in Hollywood,
so if she gets it
maybe she'll meet her father.
He was this producer that I met
when I went out there
to be a star.
Oh, yeah, got it.
I came back five months pregnant
with this Mercedes
that he bought me
and a monthly
child support check.
To be fair, he never missed a
payment on either of them. Mmm.
Hollywood's loss, I guess.
Isn't that where Lydia moved?
Yeah, she's, um,
going out with some, uh,
guy named Greg Cherry.
Really, I mean "Greg Cherry"?
What kind of name is that,
you know?
It's a pretty lame one.
It is.
So when did you start thinking
differently about her?
I know this is gonna...
Sound like a pickup line
or something, but, um,
meeting you was kind of
a big deal for me.
I mean, um,
you know, for the past year
pretty much every night I'd just
go to bed and watch TV and
wonder what she was doing.
But for the past week,
I go to bed and wonder
what you're doing.
I'm sorry. That was way
too much, wasn't it?
It was actually pretty great.
I've slept with guys for less.
Do you wanna hear about what I
do for a living or something?
You can tell me if you want to.
I'm an account services
manager at Stanley.
And what does an account
services manager do?
I coordinate
daily service sales activities
regarding distributors.
I also, uh,
manage relationships
with various accounts and
I occasionally assist with
marketing programs relating to
It sounds really complicated.
Nah, it isn't.
Oh, wow.
You have such a huge dick!
Don presumed his penis to be
of an average size.
If his dick had, in fact,
been huge,
he would probably have
heard about it by this point.
You like that?
Do you?
What's the matter?
You a scared little girl?
A little.
I'm excited.
I want it.
Where do you want it?
In my mouth.
Maybe half of it?
I want it all.
I want...
I want that big penis of yours.
That's right. I want it.
I want your dick.
Oh, attagirl.
I want you to destroy me
with your big fucking cock.
Oh, fuck, yeah.
You still in here?
Yes, I am.
You've been at it for hours.
I know.
I can't find anything.
We're lucky.
Then maybe you should
take it easy on her for a while.
Maybe I'll just call her
and make sure
everything's okay at Lauren's,
and then I'll...
You just checked her
entire computer, right?
Doing whatever it is you do,
checking her email or MySpace.
You said yourself
she's clean as a whistle.
Just let her be
a teenager tonight.
That was cool.
Was that okay?
Yeah, you were great.
So, you still have a little
over half an hour left
if you want to take
a break, go again...
You think maybe we could just
lie in the bed together
and maybe you put your head
on my chest or something?
Yeah, that's fine.
Damn, baby, that was something.
Call me tomorrow.
She never called.
That's weird.
Maybe there's something
wrong with my phone.
I should call my mom
and make sure she's okay.
Relax. Maybe she's having sex
or something with your dad.
Next weekend is
our arch-rival, Irving.
We want a sea of red and blue
when we go up against
the Aardvarks.
Go, Olympians!
Go, Olympians!
Dumb bitch.
What was that?
I said we lost
because of you, fag.
How could you have lost
because of me
if I wasn't even there?
That's why it's your fault,
you fuckface.
We could lose district.
- Who cares?
- Everybody cares.
All right, yeah, whatever.
Ah! God.
Fucker! Fuck you!
Fuck you!
So what do you want to know?
What do you want to tell me?
What's important in
your life right now?
I don't...
Um, my dad wants me
to play football.
How do you feel about football?
I don't know, it just seems
kind of pointless to me.
Okay. Uh, what are
some of the things
that aren't pointless?
I don't know.
I play Guild Wars.
Is that a Nintendo game?
Uh, no, it's an MMORPG.
It's a role-playing
game online.
You play with
millions of other players.
And you're probably pretty
good at this game, right?
Yeah, I guess.
It's not really about skill.
It's more about how much time
you put into it, you know.
And, uh, the people
you play this with,
they're your friends
from school?
Oh, no. No.
They're just my friends
from the game.
Like, I've never actually
met them in R.L.
R.L.? In real life.
Do you have friends in R.L.?
Um, no. Uh...
I used to have a lot,
but once I stopped
playing football
I sort of lost most of them.
There's a girl, though.
Oh, nice.
Is she in R.L.?
Uh, yeah.
She's pretty cool.
Have you seen Pale Blue Dot?
Is that a movie or a video game?
No, it's, uh...
It's this thing,
this YouTube video.
And it basically challenges
our existence and
whether or not we matter.
Do you believe anything matters?
On a grand scale? Uh...
I think if I
disappeared tomorrow,
the universe wouldn't
really notice.
Can I show you something?
Uh, yeah, well, I'm kind
of busy. Just send me a pic.
What's up?
I only have a minute,
but I just wanted to make sure
you weren't chained up
in the basement or something.
Oh, and this.
Hey, baby.
What happened?
We don't know, baby.
The doctor said someone found you
at school. You were bleeding.
I feel fine.
How are you feeling, Allison?
Okay, I guess.
Am I, like, okay, though?
Short answer is yes.
Long answer is, it's
a little more complicated.
Okay, what does that even mean?
Let him talk.
It means I need to tell you
a few things
that might seem
a little shocking.
But just keep in mind
your daughter's gonna be fine.
Allison, you had what's called
an ectopic pregnancy
and it spontaneously aborted.
What? You were pregnant?
How can that even happen?
I'm sorry, Daddy.
Don't "Daddy" me!
The most important
thing to remember is
your daughter's okay.
Um, there was
a fertilized egg growing
in one of Allison's
fallopian tubes.
This can be quite dangerous,
especially if it ruptures.
It can be life-threatening.
You're actually lucky
that it ended on its own.
You seem to be malnourished,
and I believe
that's why your body wasn't
able to handle the pregnancy.
Can I go home?
Yeah, but I'd like to keep you
overnight for observation.
We're gonna keep you
on some fluids for hydration
and keep you monitored.
If you all need anything,
please have a nurse page me.
Are you angry with me?
I can't believe...
I just...
I need a little air.
I'm Hannah Clint
and I'm all about
keepin' it cooking.
And I'm all about cheering.
This is pretty great.
Yeah, uh...
So, I was thinking maybe we
could cut some of the dancing
since it's similar to the cheering.
No, the dance is important.
Okay, I'll just make some cuts
here and there then.
You are actually
pretty good at this.
Maybe I can take you
with me one day.
You could be my personal editor.
Wait, my parents are still up.
We can be quiet.
One sec.
Do you want me to help?
No. Uh, one sec.
That's good.
Do... Do you want me...
One sec.
Are you gonna move or I...
Don't you have to,
like, have sex?
I'll move then.
No, wait.
Put it back in.
Is there something
I'm doing wrong?
No. I don't know.
I'm sorry.
I guess I should text
my mom then.
Lucky fucker!
How are those titties?
Did you get your dick
between them?
Dude. What a waste.
Jesus, dude, when were you
gonna tell me?
Well, you know, I was trying
to keep it on the D.L.
You can show me
photos of trannies
but you can't tell me
you nailed Hannah Clint?
So, like, what's the deal?
What do you mean?
I mean, we haven't
even talked since
last night and now you're, like,
going around spreading
a rumor that we had sex?
I'm pretty sure
we did have sex, and I
might have told some
of my friends.
So I guess, you know,
that's the deal.
I really don't think
that was sex.
Would you rather I tell everyone
that you couldn't?
I don't know why you're
saying anything to anyone.
Because I thought that
you were my best shot.
So I just told everyone that
I lost it, and they...
They think that I lost it,
then I pretty much did, right?
That is so screwed up.
so I mean, like,
what's the deal?
What do you mean?
I mean, with us?
Like, what's the deal with us?
There is no deal.
Okay? I'm pretty sure
you're, like,
a weird guy who has some
serious sexual issues, and
I'm just not into
dealing with it.
I mean, I don't...
I don't know, we can talk
if you want,
but I don't really
see the point.
I know.
Hey, come on.
Top Chef is coming up.
Hey, I'm gonna head out to
my sister's again tonight.
You good to fend
for yourself dinnerwise?
You've been going
up there a lot lately.
Is... Is everything okay?
Yeah. Yeah, uh...
You know, she's...
She's just got a lot
on her plate, you know,
with work and...
I don't know, I think she just
needs her sister's ear.
Of course.
You want me to give you a ride?
Oh, no, you don't...
You don't need to do that.
We, uh...
Just go out with your friends.
Go have fun!
I want you to be happy.
Oh, my gosh! How are you?
I'm fine. Really.
You okay? Are you sure?
What happened?
It was stupid, really.
- But you're fine?
- Yeah.
I was so worried about you.
Oh, you don't need to be.
Los Angeles.
America's Next Big Celebrity.
I'm looking for Donna?
Hi, Miss Clint, I'm just
calling to inform you that
unfortunately we're unable to
invite your daughter, Hannah,
to Los Angeles.
Oh, no. Um...
Is there anything, uh...
If you could just meet her,
I know that I could...
Hannah's audition was
really terrific.
Frankly, it was one of our best.
But our clearances came across
a modeling website.
Uh, yeah. Yes, um...
Yeah, I think that we, um...
Yeah, we were putting up
some of Hannah's
acting and her headshots
just to show
her versatility, which...
Are you familiar with
the content of her site?
Well, I mean, some of
the photos are a bit...
These kids these days,
it's... It's not the same
from when you and I
were that age!
Our producers found that
the materials
on your daughter's site,
the photos
might be deemed by our network
as unwholesome.
Was there a particular photo?
Because it'd be very... We answer to our
advertisers and they're very risk-averse.
Anything that could possibly be thought of
as unseemly... I mean, I mean, we could...
We could take down the site.
It'd be so simple.
We live in a time when there
is simply no such thing.
All it takes is one download.
Why would anyone download...
We really wish you
and your daughter
the very best of luck.
But, you know, kids are
emailing photos and texting.
And it's hardly unique,
I have to say...
It's unique to sell them.
I don't know what you're...
But I mean, we never, uh...
I would never...
We wish you the best of luck.
Thank you.
Did I do something?
No, no, no.
No, I don't know what to...
Can I get you...
I haven't done this for
a while, so if I...
If you know, listen,
there's some protocol that
I'm supposed to follow...
No, no, no.
No, it's about Hannah.
It was just supposed
to be a place for
photos and her resume
and clips from plays.
What are you talking about?
Her website.
And then one day I got
a message from a stranger.
A fan of Hannah who wanted
to pay for a modeling session.
I knew it wasn't normal,
but the photos were...
I mean, they...
It was the same thing
as catalogue work.
I added a tab to the bottom
of the website
that said
"Private Photo Shoots."
I never let her read
any of the emails.
But the acting classes and,
you know, it's...
I took photos of my daughter.
And they were meant...
I don't know how
we got there, but...
I just had to tell you that.
Because I thought if I never...
If I never talked about it,
I wasn't doing anything wrong.
Donna, you're the first woman
that I've...
You know, since my wife left me.
Maybe we should just...
Slow things down.
Did you get some good shots?
Actually, I didn't
bring my camera.
I just came to talk to Kent.
You're so on his jock!
Hey, what is up
with that TV show?
I mean, I'm pretty sure
they said they
were gonna let us know
by, like, the end of the week,
and it's
pretty much the end of the week.
So, I don't know...
What do you think the deal is?
We didn't get it.
I don't... I mean...
I don't get it.
I mean, I'm pretty sure
I must have been
one of the best ones. What...
Did they not like
the video or something?
Honey, they didn't
like our website.
Well, then screw them.
I thought about it,
and they're right.
I took down the site.
You what?
What about all of my fans?
If you wanna act, you can act.
We will get you into every
theater program that we can.
But that show and the website,
that's not what you want to do.
Yes, it is. Mom, it is!
You're better
than that stupid show
and you're better than the website.
No, I'm not!
No, you have to put it back up.
I can't.
Yes, you can.
Just push a fucking button!
I've allowed you
certain flexibility,
but right now
I have to be your mom.
No, you're being
a selfish bitch.
It's gone!
I deleted it.
Jameson, rocks.
Oh, God.
I wouldn't bother.
I changed your passwords.
Why would...
What is wrong with you?
You don't seem to understand
how dangerous it is on there.
The only thing that's
dangerous in this house,
Mom, is you!
I'm protecting you.
From what, having a normal life?
Give me your phone.
You can give me your phone
or I can call
and cancel the service
and remote swipe all the crap
you put on there.
It's not like you
haven't already read
all of it, anyway.
What's going on, Dad?
Great group of, uh, friends
you play with there.
Had some real nice things
to say about
having sex with your mother.
You don't understand.
They're just jokes, okay.
Yeah, Selkis... That's how
you pronounce his name?
Yeah, he prefers
to have reverse cowgirl
so he doesn't have to look
your mother in the face.
I wasn't supposed to know, okay.
I figured you weren't, either.
What the hell's that mean?
I saw an album on Facebook.
She posted it, and I caught it
before she blocked me.
She corrected it, like,
within a few minutes.
She wasn't trying to hurt us.
She didn't want to hurt us?
She abandoned us!
She abandoned you.
Oh, really?
She got a bedroom for you
out there in California?
Did you get your
wedding invite yet?
She abandoned us!
Your mom's gone.
Yeah, she's gone.
She got bored with
the scenery and split.
So it's just you and me,
and that's how it's gonna be.
Probably forever.
All right, Dad, whatever.
And you're playing football
next year.
No, I'm not.
Oh yeah, you are.
No, I'm not!
I understand you needed
the year to, you know,
have your space and stuff,
but you belong on that team.
I don't even fucking
like football, Dad. Okay?
I like Guild Wars! Fuck that stupid game.
It's a waste of time.
No, that's all it is, is time!
And I've put in months
of my life and I...
I'm invested now, okay?
Not anymore, you're not.
Because I canceled it.
You mean, you deleted
the application?
Okay, I'll reinstall it.
Thanks, Dad.
No, you won't.
I called my credit card company
and told them
to delete your account.
So, it's gone.
Why would you do that?
Because, whether you
like it or not,
I'm doing this
for your own good.
Where's Tim?
In his room.
Oh, my God.
Oh, Christ!
Oh, shit!
Get a phone!
Hey, Dad.
I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
You're really beautiful,
you know that?
I'd like to explain last night.
I don't know how we got here.
I just...
It's like we slipped, and before we knew it
the whole reason
we started dating or...
had a family just...
What do you want?
I don't...
But I...
I don't...
Cheddar? Swiss?
Scallions? Tomatoes?
I don't know what
I was looking for
when I went online...
I could do turkey bacon.
I understand you're upset.
I just...
I just want to know
what you'd like in your eggs.
Don, we need to talk about this.
I've made mistakes.
So have I.
Oh, yeah.
So have I.
Probably worse than you.
I don't know, Helen...
That's just it.
What's just it?
Well, we could sit here and
tell each other
everything we've ever done.
Shit, everything
we've ever thought.
It might take a while.
But, yeah, we could clear
everything up and
go to sleep tonight with some
pretty vivid pictures
in our heads.
Or you could just tell me
what you want for breakfast.
Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan.
"That's home. That's us.
"On it everyone you love,
everyone you know,
"everyone you ever heard of,
"every human being who ever was
"lived out their lives.
"Every young couple in love,
"every mother and father,
hopeful child,
"every saint and sinner
in the history
"of our species lived there
"on the mote of dust
suspended in a sunbeam.
"How frequent
their misunderstandings,
"how fervent their hatreds.
"Our imagined self-importance,
"the delusion that
we have some privileged
"position in the Universe
"are challenged
by this point of pale light.
"Our planet is a lonely speck
"in the great enveloping
cosmic dark.
"In all this vastness,
there is no hint
"that help
will come from elsewhere
"to save us from ourselves.
"Like it or not,
"for the moment, the Earth
is where we make our stand.
"There is perhaps
no better demonstration
"of the folly of human conceits
"than this distant image
of our tiny world.
"It underscores
our responsibility
"to deal more kindly
with one another
"and to preserve and cherish
the pale blue dot,
"the only home
we've ever known."