Merantau (Merantau Warrior) (2009)

The Minangkabau tradition
requires that
every male child must
leave his family
and birthplace one day,
on the journey of self-exploration.
In the process of challenging
he will turn into a responsible adult.
Such journey is known as
It's a learning curve against
one's strength and spiritualism.
It'll only end when one
has been proven
himself knowledgeable of
the worldly ways.
Nature becomes the tutor,
providing a shinning guidance,
illuminating right from wrong.
This is my son's story...
and his journey into the realms
of adulthood.
This is a story of...
- Assalamualaikum.
- Walaikum salam.
Today is warmer than usual.
The weather is not gonna please you
just because it's your last day here,
and neither is your Mom.
Now go and set the table.
when Yayan came back from
we were discussing the trials
and tribulations of life
which might have hurt his feelings.
But we do this out of love and
our responsibilities as your elders.
We were at fault for judging him
such and since then
Yayan has proven himself
daily since his return.
It's unnecessary for him to torture
himself further by travelling faraway
just to make himself a better
man than he already is.
In truth...
you don't need to too.
What Mom meant is
whatever other people said,
might not be the actual truth.
You must be thankful about
your own level of achievement.
Come on home... my son,
whenever you feel you're ready.
I will do my utmost best,
the best possible.
Allah's willing.
Ready, Tok Guru?
That's enough!
I think you're ready.
Come on.
Take this with you.
It belongs to your father.
Allah's willing,
he will accompanied you always.
I will be careful.
I will make Mom be proud of me.
I'm already proud of what
you've achieved so far.
Take good care of yourself.
- Assalamualaikum.
- Walaikum salam.
- Mind if I sit here?
- Go ahead, please.
- My name's Eric.
- I'm Yuda.
What're you doing going to Jakarta?
Looking for a job?
I am wandering.
I am just like you before.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, long time ago.
What's your occupation in Jakarta?
I just worked anywhere,
to wherever my feet take me.
What's your plan in Jakarta?
I hope to teach "silat"
I'm sorry.
It was not my intention
to be offensive.
You just reminded me of a
younger version of myself.
You practice silat too?
Yeah, I still remember it well.
What's your experience so far,
wandering in Jakarta?
Learn from your mistakes.
Removed all the fantasies
from your mind.
It's not enough that you lived just
by silat's skills alone.
Trust me...
I've taken the challenge before.
I hope that my advice to you
will make a difference.
Tried to make a living by other means.
In reality,
it's not like what we learnt in school.
Nothing comes easy in this world.
It looks like we should depart
on our own way here.
Seems like it.
Good luck in your undertaking.
Till we meet again.
Take care of yourself.
Jalan Wangi Sari 19
The number you have dial
cannot be reached.
Please try again later.
The number you have dial
cannot be reached.
Please try again later.
Please be seated.
Thanks, uncle!
What are you having?
Sate Padang.
Sorry, we have only chicken
and mutton satay.
No problem, the chicken then.
Okay... thanks.
Here's your drink.
Enjoy your meal.
Thanks, uncle!
Hei! You! Get out of here!
Those kids they come here and
think they can take whatever they want.
I am new here. I am looking
for a place to teach silat.
Maybe you know a place
where I can teach?
Probably not, most of the Tok guru
taught in their own house.
You most likely can tutor from home.
It's just a coincidence that my place
is being renovated, any suggestions?
I don't have a clues.
If you ask me regarding foods,
I might be able to assist.
- Of course, thanks for the help.
- Don't mention it.
- Bill's please.
- Rp 6,000.
Hey, what're you up to?
- I'll be back.
- It's you again!
- My wallet!
- Don't hurt me.
I'm not going to hurt you,
give me the wallet.
What say you, we divide 50/50?
That's my wallet and money,
return it back to me.
Just be calm, it's all there.
I haven't taken anything.
I still need to check it.
I'll take 40% of your salary
and tips money.
That's crap. What I get on stage
belongs to me and you know it.
You want to work at another place?
Go ahead!
Your skinny body is not much of
an attraction here anyway.
Damn you!
You know what, if you're willing,
I can lower it to 35%.
Please Johni,
it was not intentional.
You know I need this job.
No, you've really gone too
far this time.
I beg you, Johni!
Let me go... sis!
- I need this, I beg you.
- Where's the money, now!
- Don't bully her.
- Brother... don't!
What? Now what?
You want to apologize, is it?
I want to hear you say I'm sorry.
Where's the money?
If you continue to behave like today,
I'll demand 100% from you.
Remember to be on time for
work tomorrow.
Release her!
Why don't you just leave, friend.
You know who you're tangling with?
No, I don't.
Now, give her back the money.
I think it's better you go back inside,
and forget all this.
How about it?
Thank you.
Johni, this has nothing to do
with me...
I gave you work when no one
wanted to hire you,
and this's how you show your gratitude?
Don't step foot in here ever again.
Let's see how long you can survive
with that tips money of yours.
Johni wait, I can give you 40%!
Great... that's just great, my hero!
Tell me, do you always messed
up other people's life?
He was choking you and
kicking your brother.
Yeah... and because of you
I lost my job too.
I faced quite a lot of problems
before you come into the picture.
You only make the situation worse.
I don't want to be here too.
Now that I've got back my wallet...
- I'm going off.
- That's better.
Sis... no! He can help protect us.
He has done more than enough.
That will do for me.
I tell you, mister... Johni brings
fresh meat, fresh girls...
only for mister.
Johni, you said there'll be 5 girls.
- Okay, but we have...
- I know, we've only 4 girls here.
Now they're fresh, for that I'm happy.
I may be a man of business, but that
doesn't make me a businessman.
If you fuck over a businessman,
he takes you to court, he fines you.
He'll only hurt your pocket,
but me, I'm kind of special.
So if saying, I order 5 pizzas and
on the day of delivery I only get 4,
well then I'll be forced to
hurt your pocket.
I might also cut you, a little bit.
Leave a mark...
Something you know...
So that we have a clear understanding
of what supplies and demands mean.
Do you follow me, Mr. Johni?
I bring 5 girls today.
Good, so I don't have to hurt you.
Mister... mister come to my club,
Go Go club.
Fresh girls... free of charge,
I'll make you happy.
- You are a good host, Johni.
- Thank you mister.
Take them please.
We need one more girl.
Get the car and wait for
me at the lobby.
We need to find Astri.
I don't care how difficult it is,
we have to find her.
Astri here!
Ayi isn't home.
I heard her went out earlier.
Did she say where she was going?
She said that she's meeting
up with someone.
Some men came to fetch her.
They were really rough with her,
but she says she's okay.
What's happening?
- Who fetch her?
- It's me!
Get in.
- Assalamualaikum.
- Walaikum salam, Mom.
Yuda... child.
Please keep quiet. It's Yuda
and I can't really hear him.
- Mom... - Just a moment.
- Asked him how's the girls in Jakarta?
Just keep quiet and played your games.
- Who's that Mom?
- Your brother, as usual crapping away.
- How's everyone there, Mom?
- All of us are fine.
But that's not important,
how about you?
Have you found a job yet?
I'm doing fine, Mom.
I have started teaching silat
to some children.
I'm glad to hear that.
I know that you'll definitely overcome
all hurdles and reaps the benefits.
Johni... you're useless!
Release me!
Struggle again and I'll slapped you.
That's a good girl.
Hold her!
Hold her!
Someone hold this woman!
Let's just get her inside.
Who do you think you're?
Are you the boss now?
You needs me to iron your clothing too?
How about polishing your shoes?
Hold her!
- Mom, I've got to go. I'll call
you later. - Hold on...
If it isn't that hero again.
I was hoping to meet you again,
but that soon?
What's so special about him?
He has a handsome face,
for sure...
but is he as beautiful as
the prostitutes here?
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
I remember that you were
quite good earlier on,
but I have extra help now.
I will remember that number
when we next meet up.
Until we meet again...
Let's see what else is fun.
Fuck... they should be fucking
wearing toe tag.
Sorry we are late!
See what happens when you
put all you efforts into something.
What's this?
This... this is a discount.
Mister, I can explain this.
She was very difficult to come.
She was very hard.
I just want you...
so you cannot disappointed.
Well, she's here at least.
- She is here, she's yours.
- But don't...
mistakes my lack of disappointment
as a sign of content.
She's still damaged goods.
She's good!
Okay, do your thing.
Fuck... fuck!
Who the fuck was that guy?
No one. No one fucking knows.
Who was it?
- Fucking take it!
- Come on, you should sit.
He came for the girl.
That's not what we are here for.
He came for the girl and you... you,
you brought the girl here.
I promise... I promise,
bring girl come back here.
Well, fuck ya! I know you will!
And you gotta find me the largest
fucking knife in this city.
And that...
that's what gonna happened.
- Come on, we don't have time for this.
- Okay - This's what's going to happen.
Now go.
Take your men and go.
What are we going to do now?
Don't worry. I know a place
where we can stay for the night.
- How long have you been...
- Taking care of him?
What happens to your parents?
They left us.
Leave you all behind?
My parents thought if they
have many children,
they will have many children who will
take care of them when they're old.
But they seemed to forget,
prior to that they have many
mouths to feed.
As the time passed,
the situation worsen.
And not all of us were fed.
And then one day,
before I awoke,
they left us.
They just left Adit and me behind.
They took along 2 sisters
and a brother together.
Until now I still don't know why or
how they chose none of us.
I really don't know how they
can do that to us.
But I work hard,
and I make sure that Adit
doesn't go hungry.
There isn't a single day that we
don't have a roof over our head,
and he never will.
He was fortunate to have
a sister like you.
I am the lucky one.
He is the reason I carry on.
If not I may still be at the club,
being sold like a piece of meat.
Yayan and me,
my brother...
been competing against one
another since small.
We always competed in whatever we do.
We usually are on the opposing side,
pretending to challenge each other.
Being the younger one,
I seldom win.
Yayan will always extend
the match as long possible.
He knew I would be disappointed
and angry, losing my patience.
Yayan always knew what he was doing.
His timing was such that
I exploded with anger
just when Dad arrived home.
He caused me to get into
a lot of trouble.
I believe now that he seldom
go against you.
As we grew older, I became
stronger and a harder opponent,
but he was also getting smarter.
That too was influenced
by a lot of factors.
I don't know whether he realized it,
but he became someone
that I looked up to.
I wish to be like him.
Why don't you just return home?
- It's not as simple as that.
- What's so difficult?
You can go back to your home town
and no one will look for you there.
No one knows exactly how
you look like.
The same goes for you too.
This is a big city.
Go to Sumatra and be a tomato picker?
Is it any better staying here
and be naked?
I am a dancer, alright!
There are differences between
naked and a dancer.
If those men just like to
watch me dance, it's okay.
And that's all they are getting.
I get paid and
was never ashamed of it.
I'm sorry,
I have the wrong impression.
I apologize!
This means we're getting along well.
It just meant I'm hungry.
I will leave you so that
you can sleep.
What is it?
Good night!
Good night!
You're losing sight of the
bigger picture here.
This is not the time nor the place
to start playing war.
We have to be careful.
When we were boys...
We will always made sure
we settled the score,
no matter how big or small, right?
Right? That's how we got
where we're today.
This isn't a point to prove, Ratger.
This is just fucking bullshit
stopping us
from finishing what seems
to be simple work.
Dominic did this to you.
What did I do to him?
- That's not the same.
- Fuck you!
Every scar is the same,
everything matters...
Now tell me, what did I do to him?
- We were just kid's back then.
- I settled the score.
And I will do the same thing now,
if it was your face bleeding like mine.
Look alright, all I'm saying is
that this is of no importance.
What's important is that we finished
our deal here and just go home.
It's okay, right?
This is not important, is it?
We stayed and we settled this.
Come here, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry!
Give you just give me that much.
Just... just give me that much.
Johni brings men!
Strong help to finish Mr. Boss
They here... they here.
Don't fucking sit!
Why are they here?
So you know... you know--
No, I don't know.
I want to do best and good.
Best and good?!
Why the fuck would I want to see them?
Is this an interview?
Do they have resume?
Now get them out on the street.
The only one's I want to see is the one
who brings those cunts to me, okay.
I'm sorry...
do you understand what I'm saying?
- You do?
- Let's go!
And Johni?
It goes for you too.
If you come back here and if
you waste my time again...
I'll fucking ripped your heart out.
Yes, Mr. Boss!
I'll fix this.
- Jo... I'm going to get cigarettes.
- Okay, don't be long.
It's impossible that you enter
without them noticing.
I worked hard for the money.
I'm not leaving without it.
Furthermore, we don't have other
options. We needed the money.
Where is the money?
I will go and get it.
Trust me.
Okay! It is under the carpet,
you will not missed it.
Just wait here.
Don't come out before I come back.
Be careful!
Hey! Hey... hey, over here!
There are 2 persons here, quickly.
Get in there, faster.
Wait, it can only fit one person.
You might not fit in.
Don't worry about me.
I'll find some place else to hide.
No, don't go!
Don't leave me here.
Adit trust me!
I'll never leave you behind.
I promise I'll come back for you.
Now sit there quietly,
don't make any noise.
Don't make a sound.
He is up here!
Adit, where's Astri?
Where is your sister?
They took her away.
She asked me to sit here quietly.
I didn't do anything to save her.
Adit, hold on to this.
Please don't leave me again.
Listen, I can't take you with me.
It's too dangerous.
Now, you just wait here.
I will bring Astri back.
I swear!
Be strong for one last time.
You know I can't tell you
where she is.
I'm not giving you a choice.
Tell me, where's Astri now?
He lived in that apartment,
room 1426...
- Why don't you let someone just
carried her? - It's fine.
How many more floors are they?
- Level 9?
- 9.
Where do you think you're going?
This is only one.
Now go, fetch!
I think we can handle this one.
He is here!
Well worth the wait.
Now just make sure $800
a week to me.
Life is... tough.
We've to leave. His friend's
stirring up the place downstairs.
He is here,
and you want us to leave?
Are you completely out of your mind?
Fuck that! I want to see him.
Please, I've follow you my
whole life...
And that's not about to change.
But I want you to please,
just let this one go.
Let's go home.
So you're the one they're
searching for.
You don't have to do this.
You know I was forced to.
I'm sorry!
Do it Yuda,
you don't have a choice.
Come on, just kill me!
I'll not become like you.
Open the door!
Get to know each other well.
You will be here for awhile
Lock them up!
- Wait!
- What?
- I want to see what he's capable of.
- Go ahead. He's in there.
And I want to know how.
Come on!
Listen to them.
This is how things end!
It's you again.
Come on, let's go home.
Watch out!
Hold on, I'll get help.
There's not enough time.
No, don't talk like that.
Help me...
help me to send this home.
We'll go home together, I promised.
Please don't give up hope.
Tell my family what had happened.
Let them know that I did my best.
Tell them...
I'm sorry.
Just hold on.
No, you tell them yourself.
Live on.
There are still good out there.
They'll love you.
My family will...
Astri, go now...