Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai (2002)

I said, I'm sorry.
- Being sorry won't change facts.
Then you tell me what I should do.
- Can anything be done anymore?
That's my point, what can I do?
- Shame on you, Sanjay.
You'll never know a girl's mind.
- But I can try. One more chance...?
Don't! even talk to me.
Will you say something?
- You just said don't talk to me.
Do you know what your problem is?
What's my problem?
- You're no good at relationships.
I'm sorry, Riya.
- What use being sorry now?
Riya don'! be so mean, friend.
Can't you see, I am sad?
I'm really very sad.
I loved her so much.
And she dumped me, just like that'!
It didn't lake her even 20 minutes...
to get over a 20 day affair.
Broke my heart.
Sonia, you've hurl me.
My heart's broken.
For the 8th time, Mr Sanjay
Malhotra in the last 11 months.
Now get up and get it over with.
Riya... listen to me.
Hey Riya! Don't worry, I'm ok.
But one point. Over the last 11
months 8 girls broke my heart...
but only after I won their hearts, no'?
- Yes!
Follow your heart, you
can change the world.
That's Sanjay and Riya.
But this isn't their story.
This is Sanjay's and Anjali's story.
Sanju and Anju, who became friends...
long before they knew what
friendship meant. All they knew was...
they couldn't live without each other.
Hey Pram! What's wrong?
Was touching her a crime?
You want what I want.
Tell me, it's thrilling, isn't it?
- Not another word.
At my touch she becomes unworthy of you'!
You care so much? What's she?
Your fief, private property, what?
- Friend.
Friends! Hear that? Can a
boy and a girl ever befriends?
See for yourself, that's
an example of friendship.
This is a good drama played
in the name of friendship.
A boy and a girl can never
be friends. Actually it's a...
You forgot the lines! I win the bet
So you get to do the cooking
I didn't lose. - 50...'!
I was thinking...
- Thinking? What?
This is a film, right?
With films, it's different.
But in real life, can a
boy and a girl befriends?
I mean, just friends. What do you think?
I don't think so.
When a boy and a girl are
friends they either fall in love...
or else, they pan ways.
In any eventuality, the
friendship is terminated.
What rubbish!
Of course there can be a
friendship between a boy and a girl.
Look at us.
You are a girl, I'm a boy.
Between us there's none
of your so-called "love".
Now tell me.
- Listen!
Our story is different. We
did go around for a week.
But I knew on day three that
nothing could be more foolish...
than falling for you. You get that?
Don'! you forget, Riya Chowdhury
was the first girl who ditched you.
Thank you for saving me! As
if she's some beauty queen
I am not ordinary too.
Hello? Yes. May I know who is calling?
Just a moment please.
Mr. Malhotra.
If you may spare sometime off
your busy schedule, then it's for you.
For me? Who is it?
- Anju's.
Hey Anju! What's up?
How was your trip? Was
America fun'! How are your parents?
And what the hell!
When did you get hack'!
Ok, ck. Sanju.
One. Lots of things around.
Two. I'm fine.
The trip was fantastic!
America was fun!
Mummy-Daddy enjoyed themselves.
And what the hell. I
returned 3 weeks ago.
What? Three weeks and
you're calling me now?
This is ridiculous.
I hope you didn't forget my list?
- Yes, I picked up everything.
But hear me out first.
This is very important.
Yeah. Tell me.
- Yes tell me
I'm getting married, Sanju.
What? You're getting married?
- Yes. I am getting married.
The wedding is next month.
Everyone is coming.
You got to be there loo.
Come over, quick.
You're... getting married?
- You never get anything fast, do you?
Now don'! waste time, just pack
and take the first flight lo Delhi.
If you aren't here by tomorrow
evening ...Sanju, are you listening?
Yes! I'm just a little surprised.
Not just you. Everyone's surprised.
Everything happened so soon...
Just come over, I'll tell you everything.
- Ok. I'll try my best.
Try means, try.
I'm a bit busy for a few days.
Say hi, to Anu and your parents.
Ok, Anjali. Take care, ok'? Bye!
Oh, no.
I can't believe it...
she's getting married?
Who's up to what?
Anju... Anjali is getting married.
Wow, that's great.
Wonderful news, right?
Yes, I'm glad, very happy, thrilled.
You don't seem so.
- What rubbish
I'm glad, very happy, thrilled!
It's only a bit sudden that's why.
Anjali, your childhood friend?
Childhood? Don't ask me.
Ever since she was four and I was five.
And we were always together.
School, college... we were like buddies.
How silly of Anjali...
- Anjali... has a lovely smile?
Thinking of her smiling makes me smile.
- And your cheese omelettes?
It's Anjali who makes
the real cheese omelettes.
In comparison, I'm sordid.
But how come you...? How come
you know all this about Anjali?
I know only bits and pieces.
But I'd like to know more.
Want to tell me?
What do you want to know?
- About your friendship.
About your Anju.
About Anju!
How do I tell you...?
How do I introduce her?
Here's a girl"
"What can I tell you about her?"
Here's a girl"
"What can I tell you about her?"
"She's crazy.
"She's different.
"Every moment a new attitude.."
"They shower flowers upon her path
and heads turn, wherever she goes.
Here's a girl"
"What can I tell you about her?"
Here's a girl"
"What can I tell you about her?"
"She's crazy.
"She's different.
"Every moment a new attitude.."
"They shower flowers upon her path
and heads turn, wherever she goes.
"Here's a girl. What do
I tell you about her?"
Here's a girl. What can
I tell you about her?"
Tell me more about her"
"She'll throw a tantrum."
" a moment she is pleased."
"There is a smile on her lips.."
"if she is quiet,
she remains to do so..
Then she suddenly hums.."
She sings sweet tunes.."
How do I describe her?"
"She's only like herself."
"They shower flowers upon her path
and heads turn, wherever she goes.
Here's a girl. What can
I tell you about her?"
"You miss her?"
Every moment..."
"I spent with her"
"I don'! know why
they come in my dreams."
"When I remember the
time when we parted.."
" heart becomes heavy with sorrow.."
Now we have parted."
"But I pray for you, my friend."
"May you find flowers upon your path
and make heads turn, wherever you go."
Here's a girl. What can
I tell you about her?"
Stop pacing and say something.
- I'm wondering...
whether I ought to tell you.
- Why not'?
You can't take the truth.
What rubbish. Tell me.
And you will hear me out?
I will, most patiently. I won't scream,
I won't say "what rubbish".
Now shoot.
The truth is, you
are in love with Anjali.
What rubb..
I know you think, I'm talking rubbish.
Because you don'! realise...
you're in love with Anjali.
From Dehradun to Bombay... you
didn't take this trip alone.
Anjali came too, hidden in your heart.
And in every girl you met afterwards,
you tried to find Anjali
Sonia. Her tresses
reminded you of Anjali.
Megha. Her cheese
omelettes were passable.
One Riya too. Her smile
was somewhat like Anjali's.
But not Anjali. And how could
you find another? Anjali is unique.
You know what?
Every girl who looked
into your eyes found,
not herself, but someone else.
That was Anjali.
Do you read, Mr Sanjay Stupid Malhotra?
The absolute truth about your life.
See...'! I didn't crack up, never said,
What rubbish.
In spite of the fact that I
never heard such a stupid theory
I said it in the beginning
you can't take the truth.
Oh shut up, dear.
You are getting irritated.
- Anjali and I... how did you imagine?
Given brains, you'd imagine loo.
- What rubbish.
Anjali and I are friends, period.
- No point talking to you.
Listen to me.
Not a word.
- I don't want to talk to you, either.
- Thank you. Good night.
I don't love Anjali. She's
my friend, she's my friend.
She is my friend.
No one cares to listen.
I don't care ii you don'! listen to me.
She is my friend. Only a friend.
You were right
I love Anjali.
Men are dogs. We men are very selfish.
- If you insist, I'll accept.
No, it's true. Men are dogs.
We lake things for granted easily.
And our convictions are so convenient
I too concluded so
conveniently that Anjali is mine
I mean, she'll always be where she is...
waiting for me to marry her
when it's convenient for me
I never considered she's human.
That she has her desires, her dreams.
But what if I'm not part of her dreams?
Never imagined, someone
else could come into her life.
And how would Anjali possibly
know something I never told myself?
But then, how could I have told her'!
Only today I have come to
know how dearly I love her.
when she is about to marry someone else
I can understand, Sanjay.
Some things can he
comprehended only out of loss.
So what will you do now?
The 8:40 flight.
You're... going... to Dehradun?
I know you're going to be
hurl to see this wedding happen.
Anjali is about to marry
someone else and yet, you're...?
I'm so proud of you.
Riya, you don'! understand.
Yes, I'm going.
But not to attend the wedding,
I'm going lo break it up.
- Yeah!
Anjali is only about to marry
someone else, she hasn't done it yet.
She'll marry only me.
Because, if you follow your heart...
- You can change the world?
- You were right. Men are dogs.
May joys abound.
May health abound.
May goodwill abound.
May sorrow he dispelled.
May peace abound.
May peace abound.
Peace? How am Ito keep my peace?
Please, don'! be cross.
Anjali is like a daughter to you.
That's exactly why, Vishnu!
This I shall grudge you forever
I am her uncle. And you finalised
her wedding without consulting me?
- You're creating a problem for nothing.
Now I am "for nothing"! You
be my judge, who's the elder?
You are my elder.
- And I'm older than you are
I have finalised this match.
- Look, mother...
Now what's your problem?
- You're always butting-in.
Shut up and touch the sacred fires.
Then embrace your brother.
Come on brother, -You'll
take a thrashing someday.
Mother, My husband is
a little scared of you.
But my brother-in-law too'?
No, his wife scares him worse.
I'm not afraid of anyone.
Pull down the wall, I say.
Ma, ii the door isn't facing east...
- Mother-in-law, you'll pull
down walls? Just for the wedding?
- My dear anglicised son-in-law...
I'd rather tear down walls
than defy the scriptures.
Bridegrooms never enter from the west!
Good God! This is sacrilege.
So what Kappo? Lord Rama entered
from the west when he went to wed.
How come?
- Ayodhya is west of Mithila.
How could you forget that'!
- How could you forget dear brother?
Lord Rama was exiled for 14 years.
Had he observed the scriptures...
Lord Rama would've been happy, no?
Can you match that?
Our sister-in-law is matchless!
- Convinced him, at long last
I wonder if I could've
convinced him to get married.
Anju's wedding is going to be fun!
- This sister-in-law of mine...
happens to be everyone's favourite!
And our wedding was no less grand.
Yes, but there's no sign of the one
who regaled everyone at your wedding.
- Sanju.
You escaped from the aunt fatso, I
will pull your hair and make you short.
Bahadur Singh!
- Yes ma'am.
Bahadur Singh, are the gates washed?
- Yes.
Plant the new saplings.
You said the prayers
without Waiting for me?
Sanju! You.
Sorry "girlfriend", I'm late.
- Not too late.
There's much you can do.
- That's why, I've came.
Hey Sanju.
- Hello Uncle! - There you are.
Very good. Very good.
All set?
- All upset.
The engagement is next Sunday.
And everyone is in an uproar
I'm going to the office.
You've got to take care of everything.
Has everyone arrived?
- Everyone.
Uncle, aunt...?
- Both
I better time my entry.
Rascal! Go in, I'll join you
Uncle Shankar, take in Sanjay's luggage.
I'll be back in two hours.
- No, please...
Hey girl... I'll pull your hair.
Hey buddy. Stay back.
Stay back.
Hi Sanju! How are you?
- Good!
First, have you found someone who
can straighten you out?
A nice girl, like me?
Now... what can I say.
- You married him and broke my heart.
Somehow, I found someone. Now I
hear she's getting married too.
Oh poor Sanju.
Nice girl?
- Nice? Mind-blowing.
More mind-blowing than me?
- You're unsurpassable.
She's somewhat like you.
Could be a little sister to you?
Oh, but what good is all that now?
That boy is incorrigible.
My obeisances to the Aunt.
- Bless you.
Aren't you a bit too early
for a post-wedding appearance?
I would have come earlier were it
not for a black cat that crossed my path.
Goodness! And then?
- I took a round trip to get here.
That's the right thing to do.
- Forget all that, tell me one thing.
Have you met Anju?
- I'll be seeing her.
Look her up, before I leave...
I mean, I got to be going out.
Hi Sanjay!
- Hi brother-in-law!
How are you doing man?
- Going good.
How's the business? How is
Wall Street treating you'!
Anjali is upstairs.
- Upstairs... Anjali.
Yes, go on.
- Go on.
Sanju Uncle!
Hi! Kutkut, You recognised me?
Yes and Grandpa wants to see you.
- Good Lord!
Obeisance, Uncle.
- Keep the obeisances for later.
First, out there in Bombay
have you married secretly?
Good Lord!
- Good Lord! Without your approval...
Can lever marry?
- Look at him, how understanding.
What a good boy! And take
our Anjali ...have you me! her?
Sanju! You haven't met Anjali yet'?
- No Nilu-didi.
But why is everyone
all agog about Anjali?
Sanju, what's this I hear'?
- Hello Grannie.
Bless you. Haven'! you seen Anju yet?
- I will, I will, please sit down.
What's the hurry?
- But of course...
Sanju! Here you are...
Anjali is waiting for you.
- Upstairs. Now come on.
Let me say hi to the others.
- Later. Now come along.
Oh come on, we've been expecting you
for ages. I mean, Anjali is waiting.
Waiting for me... why?
- Would I know?
It's between you and your Anjali.
Go, she's waiting. Excuse me.
Now he's oored.
Today, little Anju, you've had it.
You just wait.
Getting smart with Sanju?
Today, I'm gonna beat you bad!
You aren't giving me the slip.
You dag!
- What happened? come, come.
Come on.
- What?
- Sanju.
Let me see how can you escape from me.
Come on, come on.
Yes. Got you.
Nice couple, no?
- Yes.
- Could've been better Could've been you.
That's what I always thought.
- Whatever we think...
marriages are made in Heaven.
Could've been different.
Nilu could've been my Aunt Nilu.
If you're in love, why is
the heart afraid of love?
Greetings, sister-in-law.
How are you?
- Hello Mr Khanna.
Weren't you supposed to come yesterday?
- If you wish, I'll leave.
You see, I just couldn't stay away.
Went to Delhi for few days
But couldn't stay there.
Where's our girl? Where's Anjali? Anju!
I'm here.
- There she is.
Samosas. For you.
- Bless you.
No. First, what did you gel from Delhi?
- Blackmailing me'! Wait...
till you're married. Then I'll make you
cook hot samosas for me every day
I could cook for you. But your son,
the doctor, will he let you eat fries?
Between you and I and
samosas how did that fool crop up?
When is Rohit coming?
Sanjay, come over here.
Sanjay. He's Mr. Malhotra's son.
- The late Mr. Malhotra...'!
The one whose house I bought'!
- Yes.
So you are Sanjay! I
just thought of meeting you.
Though we've never met, I
know your entire history.
Anju speaks so much about you.
Whenever she's at our place...
she starts reeling off,
here's Sanju's room,
this is where we played carrom...
so on and so forth.
Do come over some day.
It's your house.
- Was. Now it's yours.
Anjali still calls it Sanju's house.
Silly, doesn't even
realize where she's going.
Excuse me.
After Mr. Malhotra died in the accident,
he moved to Bombay. Settled down well.
Destiny is strange.
Motherless boy, at 20,
he lost his father too.
But he didn't break down.
He's a brave kid.
I like that boy.
This is still here?
- Yes!
Last year there was
talk of cutting down.
This branch. For 3 days, I cried
I went on a hunger strike for 2
days and at last, Papa relented.
Why not let him cut it if he wants'!
- How could I...'! You made this swing.
For hours we sat on this
swing as we plotted our mischief.
Come, sit.
- I hope it doesn't break.
If it hasn't broken in all these
years how can it break now? Come.
You see'? An old
relationship never lets you down.
Go on, ask.
- What...'!
I know what your
tricky head is full 01.
Full of what?
- Questions, countless questions.
About him.
- About whom'!
About Rohit, stupid. Who else?
Everyone is asking about him.
But I haven't told anyone anything.
Because I wanted you
to be the first to know.
Rohit... where do I begin?
Last year... Rohit's father
came to live in your house.
Papa told you, no?
Rohii has never come here.
Lives in America. He's a doctor.
His father is a very nice person.
He started socialising with us.
His house was always like a second
home to me, ever since your times.
Everyone was worried
about my trip to America.
Rohit was out there.
Uncle Khanna assured us,
there's no reason for worry.
That assured Papa.
But I was so apprehensive.
Remember, I called you from the airport?
The prospect of travelling to
America all alone was so daunting.
You were the one who gave me courage.
Were ii not for your encouragement...
I might never have met Rohit.
Takes a fool to shoot himself in the leg
and I stepped right into the gun?
I couldn't know it at all.
That a few days with Rohit would
lead us into this, I never expected.
We hadn't quite met each other,
hardly had we got to know each other...
when his father made the proposal.
Papa asked me and I said yes.
And look, we're
getting ready for the wedding.
Sanju I need you to
encourage me once again.
I'm so nervous.
Getting married for
the first lime, you see.
But now you're here and I know.
Everything is going to be fine.
Mine is going to be
one memorable wedding.
Anjali, over here...
- Coming, Didi (Didi: Sister)
One memorable wedding, for sure.
Neither will you
forget it nor your Rohit.
Don'! worry. Next lime.
Even you can'! do anything.
Your paan.
- Paan? Thanks
I've had a word with the priest.
The kulfi supplier is confirmed. 5,500.
Perfect. And look..
Bagged the queen already?
No worry. He still
needs a cover for score.
Here you go
Uncle, bad luck! Lost your queen.
For him, nothing new.
- What do you mean?
Means nothing.
Just put your heart into the game.
- Winning, losing...
makes no difference. Right?
Now what's on your mind?
- What about Rohit?
Unlike you, I know nothing about him.
- Know what? He's a doctor.
- In America.
Where in America?
You got an address? A
telephone number? Something?
Anjali would know.
- Is that all you care for her?
About the two of you, he
wanted to satisfy himself fully.
While you were wailing for approvals.
He was investigating you thoroughly.
Before the wedding was finalised,
he had every detail about you.
Your photo was vetted even
by the farthest-ung relative.
Only then was this relation fixed.
Naturally, it's a brother's duty to
vet his sister's prospective suitors.
And how have you investigated Rohit?
- You don't even have his numbers.
Sanju, think before you speak.
- Sorry, I said what I felt right.
Strange, no?
Here's a wedding in the offing and
no one has even seen the boy's photo?
Well, modern times.
Carry on.
Look, nothing's wrong.
He belongs to a nice family.
- And we were from bad ones'!
No, I mean, his parents are nice.
- And our parents were bad'!
No, no, look.. - What are you saying?
No, no, uncle. Absolutely not.
- Don't shout. Don't shout.
Photo! Must-see!
- You mus! show us a photo.
Quiet, I'm telling you.
- Why are the kids after you, Anjali?
She won'! show us his photo.
- Whose photo'!
Her fiance's.
- I don't have any photos.
Yes, she has his photo.
- Uncle, will you scold them'!
Kids, stop harassing her and get lost.
Come on, sit beside me.
Come on, show it to me.
- What?
Your fiance's photo.
Show it, girl.
Go on, let him see the photo.
In my time, I went to town...
with your grandfather's photo.
I showed him off to everyone... the
barber, the tailor, the confectioner.
How nice.
You can see Rohit when he comes.
Day after tomorrow - Listen to that.
Upto you if you want
to wait till day after.
But the eager will come
to Sanju, the magic man.
The bridegroom's photo.
- How did he get his hands on it'!
Rohit photo?
- Where did you find it?
I know every inch of your room
I will see it first. -
I will see it first.
OK, quiet!
Sanju... don'! you dare...
One, two, three!
I have heard that you have
selected your life partner."
"You have decided your choice.
Tell us what he is like."
I have heard that you have
selected your life partner."
"You have decided your choice.
Tell us what he is like."
He's incomparable.
"And everyone thinks he's nice."
He never lies."
"He never creates trouble."
"Al heart, he's clean and honest."
Understand, kid?"
I have heard that you have
selected your life partner."
"You have decided your choice.
Tell us what he is like."
"Tell us this and explain.
What is his status?"
"He isn't ordinary.
Unlike you, he isn't trash."
"Tell us this and explain.
What is his status?"
"He isn't ordinary.
Unlike you, he isn't trash."
"Did you take pity on him?"
"Did he come to you crying?.
"Tell me, trust me."
"The sign that you were hinting at.
"I know what you're getting at."
"Got to investigate boys, you know."
- "Be quiet".
We've learnt that.
"You've chosen a mate for life."
"What is he?"
Does he keep mum? Is he a chatterbox?
How boring is he?.
"Wherever he is, he makes
such sparkling conversation."
Does he keep mum? Is he a chatterbox?
How boring is he?.
"Wherever he is, he makes
such sparkling conversation."
"Is he Indian? Is he British?
- Is he an oaf? Is he witty?"
"Is he brave, like me?.
"Is he useless?"
"Will he be a true husband?"
"Just make sure he isn't like him."
Surely not that type."
Like this or like that.
We've learnt that
"you've chosen a mate for life."
"Well, now that you've
made your choice...
"will you tell us what he's like?"
Whatever you heard
ls absolutely correct.
I have chosen my male, but
why should I tell you about him?"
"What is he?"
"Why should I tell you about him?"
"What is he?"
"Why should I tell you about him?"
"What is he?"
- Can I take a walk?
Whose wedding is it? - Rohit!
Who's arriving? Rohit!
- Then Rohit get's red carpet.
Move it... not on that. Get lost.
Wonder why they selected him?
One minute.
Strange! No obeisances?
- Good Lord!
Bless you.
- Before anyone else... I
wanted to pay my respects to you.
Bless me...
that I may imbibe at least in part...
the ethics and the morality
that you have taught everyone.
May such come to be.
Obeisances, Uncle.
- May you live long.
- Long live.
On my way, I carried oblations
from the temple of the Mother Goddess.
Aunt, this book is for you. Fang shui.
What's that'!
- Ancient scriptures from China.
- Your favourite, nu?
Wonderful! May you live long.
Were I a son in this house
instead of a son-in-law...
you'd surely expect that
before I pay my respects to you...
I must pay my respects to
grandmother and then to uncle and aunt.
That's why...
I hope I wasn't wrong.
- Oh no.
Bless you.
It's okay.
Bless you, son.
Welcome Mr. Khanna.
Come, please.
Let's go inside.
Very good.
Neelu, here as well.
There is a huge terrace garden upstairs.
Oh my God.
- Nice place, man.
Eternal bachelor, uncle Lachu, right'!
Quite right.
Will you never enter the sea?
Will you only watch from ashore?
Why drown yourself to learn what
someone else's mistakes can teach you?
Well said, uncle.
I'll just be back.
You... must be Sanjay?
Yes. Hi. - Hi. I was looking
forward to seeing you buddy.
Sanjay Malhotra.
Guy Number Two who's close to Anjali.
- Number One.
Number Two, is you.
Cool, I like your attitude, man.
Just like Anjali described you.
Where's my Anjali?
Now I'm here.
Let not this silly
girl pester You any longer.
She can ask me for anything she wants.
Rohit, what are you doing here?
- Like you, praying.
It doesn't feel right
for you to come here.
Don'! worry.
I asked your grandmother's permission.
- What have you done?
I've fallen in love with you.
Now what do you want?
- I've travelled far
I ought to be rewarded.
A small hug. Half a kiss.
- Mr. Rohit Khanna.
As of now, you're in a temple.
Oblations, is all you'll get here
I'm making do, Lord.
But You must intercede.
What rubbish!
How can he better you?
Sanjay is the best.
No Riya. I was over-confident.
But I don't compare with him.
Nothing. Zero.
That's exactly what
he said to me as well.
I think I should cook up an
excuse and leave tomorrow itself.
Sanju, listen to me.
Is Anjali there?
Where can she go?
- I mean, is she there
with you'! Can you see her?
Yes, I can see her.
- Only Anjali?
You see what you're
leaving behind? You did it once.
A second time...? Will you
be able to forgive yourself?
Do you still want to come back?
No, not without Anjali.
And... that Rohit?
- Rohit? Forget it, Sanjay is the best.
There you are Sanju. Anu and
Rajesh are expecting you for breakfast.
It's stuffed fried pancakes.
- I prefer this sweet you make.
Put that back. It's
for offering to the Gods.
Call Anjali. She hasn't had breakfast,
isn't out of bed. What's she up to?
Say that again.
- Anjali.
My name sounds so
different when I hear you say it.
Say my full name.
Anjali Sharma.
No stupid, not this one.
The name that's going to be mine.
Anjali Khanna. Mrs. Anjali mrs Khanna.
Anju, your mother wants you downstairs.
Rohit, I'll have to hang
up now. Alright? - Ok.
Put the phone down.
- If you wanna go, you disconnect.
You know it, I can't
disconnect until you disconnect.
No, you do it.
No, you.
I told you.
Let's do it at the count of three.
You haven'! disconnected yet
No, how many limes?
I love you.
Disconnect... Please.
Done. Now come on.
I scream, you scream... Hi girls!
How're you doing?
Cool, man. - Exactly the same.
Hey! This is mine.
Rohit, your chocolate and ma'am,
your boring strawberry.
What's so boring?
- You'll only find out...
Once you try another flavour.
Have you ever tried anything else?
None of your fault, though.
It's your life that's so boring.
Look at me, some black currant,
some mango, dash of mint.
Lollipop, also. Variety my dear,
is the spice of life.
Say what'!
But when I look at you, I
think your life's boring too.
In your life, I'm sure,
Anjali is the first and last girl.
Of course not.
You mean you had girlfriends?
Before Anjali? - Excuse me, ma'am.
Great dude! Looks can be deceptive.
Rohit? Girlfriend?
What do you mean, girlfriends?
Girls, who make friends. But
more girl than friend, yes'!
Rohit, how come I know
nothing about your girlfriends?
Maybe because... you don't know?
You never told her?
Very bad.
I always wanted to tell you.
But you always said...
you aren't interested in my past.
- Ok!
- I wasn't. Now I am.
Me too. Go on tell us.
- Fine. Our relationship...
will be grounded in truth.
Ask whatever you wish.
You go! the right to know.
- Well, for starts Mr. Rohit Khanna.
What we want to know is,
how many girlfriends?
Let me think.
- Yes, tell me.
I think four, no actually, five.
- Five? How long ago was this fifth?
Say, three months.
- When you were seeing me...
you had a girl friend?
- Yes, but...
when I saw you for the first time
I realised that you are the girl...
I want to spend a lifetime with.
I told her, she understood.
Really? That's so amazing!
Why get worked up over that?
Everyone has a past. It's natural.
If you had a past, I won't get upset.
Anjali's past! I'm Anjali's past!
Boring as her life is...
there was no friend, except me.
No chance oi your getting upset.
Sanjay, don't but in. Rohit,
I'm really hurt.
You shouldn't have hidden it from me.
- What's there to be hidden?
Why didn't you tell me?
- What's there to be told?
Not to be told and nothing to hide?
What's this all about'!
Nothing. For nothing, Anjali...
- For nothing...?
My fiance has had five affairs
and till this day, I don't know?
Three happened when I was in school.
- I don'! want to hear anything.
People are staring.
Okay. Fine.
- Not for another minute... do I
wish to embarrass you, Mr. Rohit Khanna
I'm going.
- You can't he serious.
Sanju, will you drop me home?
May I have my ice cream? No...'! Okay.
Anjali, Anjali!
- Got to go.
I'm sorry. It's my fault.
No Rohit. It's not your fault.
But I have to do it.
You're so nice, but
that's also why you must die.
You gotta go, Rohit. Go away
from Anjali. Far away. Forever.
Poor guy-
He was nice.
Hey! Take it easy man.
Get up.
- Oh!
Thanks friend.
I ought to be thanking you.
Even unwittingly...
You've played a major role in
cementing my relationship with Anjali.
How so...'.7.
- Back in America... Anjali told me
about the swing you rigged up for her.
For her... it's a
cherished childhood memory.
And guess what I did?
- What?
- I rigged a swing too
Then I did it up with flowers,
and I held her eyes shut...
as Hook her to sit on the swing
and that was when I asked her...
Anjali, will you marry me?
She opened her eyes, saw the
swing And she gave me a quiet smile.
Till this day I don't know what
she smiled at. Me? Or the swing?
The swing, of course.
Sanju, you are...
Yesterday, Anjali misbehaved with you.
In your place, I'd stop talking to her.
What? I was about to call her.
- How silly.
You see Rajesh? You'll
and up like him. Henpecked.
Take my advice, you needn't call her.
- Why'!
She fought with you. Let her apologise.
But Sanjay...
- Trust me, I know her.
You needn't say a word.
Tonight, at the engagement,
she will apologise.
Then what? - Right.
Here. - Yes, I am doing that.
How about a light massage for me'!
Look at him.
- He's just like that.
What did he say on the phone?
- Nothing?
But he surely said something?
- He never even called.
Doesn't he call every morning?
- All except this morning.
Maybe he's jogging.
- That was hours ago.
Was he all right?
- He was enjoying himself.
Said he had a good night's
sleep and he was looking so fresh
I think he's still annoyed.
- Annoyed he is.
So that's why he never called.
- That's like a man.
Not crazy, like me. In his place,
I would've called ten limes by now.
And I would've realised my
mistake and I would've apologised.
But not Rohit. He'll never do that.
Because he knows...
If he takes the first step,
you will forever have the upper hand.
And Rohit is unputdownable.
He's so smart
I could never be as clever.
I'll slave for my wife.
For me? Thank you.
You wanted to say sorry, no?
Go ahead. He isn't stone-hearted.
He will forgive you.
- Why should Anjali apologise?
Rohit is to blame for
making a mountain a molehill.
Anu, he is Anjali's fiance. She
can misbehave with her friends.
She can do it to me. But Rohit...
- I can do it to Rohit too.
And you needn't take sides with Rohit.
Whose friend are you? Mine or his?
And for your kind information...
And I won't to talk to
him unless he calls me.
Tell your clever friend that.
But Anjali...
Sanjay, you're a genius.
Nice pair.
Could be nicer.
Could be... someone else?
Could be... you...?
Didn't I tell you?
Marriages are made in Heaven.
And I say, follow your heart
and you can change the world.
- It's no more than an engagement.
Whether it will
culminate in a wedding...?
I do not understand...
Keep watching. You'll get to know.
The braves will carry their brides home.
Why aren't you talking to me?
- I don'! want to talk to you.
- Hi.
Are you annoyed?
Why didn't you call me?
- You didn't call me either.
Bachelor party?
Will be great fun man!
- What gives you those grins?
Tomorrow, we're
having a bachelor's party
I said, I don'! want to discuss it.
- What would you rather discuss?
Thank you.
- Thanks.
When are we coming back from America?
- What...'!
I asked, after the wedding"
when do we come on
vacations from America?
Whenever you wish.
Let's gel married first.
What do you mean by that?
Are you trying to he evasive?
- Evasive? What are you saying?
We got to decide these
things before we get married.
My God!
- Yes.
But make sure no one gets an inkling.
No one gets an inkling.
- Not a soul.
No one gels to know.
No one gels to know.
No one gets to know, what?
- Nothing.
Is it so'! Come here.
I Rohit Khanna...
swear by God...
that after I'm married...
My wife Anjali...
once every year...
sometimes twice a year...
We never discussed twice a year.
- You said, whenever I wish.
Yes, whenever. But twice a year?
- Are you trying to tell me...
that I can't come
visiting twice a year?
The home where I spent
my entire childhood...
where my parents live...
- Yes Anjali, but in some years...
we might not be
able to make it twice
I'm a doctor, I got to work,
build a career.
Your career means everything?
My parents mean nothing?
You won't even give me
such a small request?
'Bachelor party.'
Now what?
How about celebrating this
half of a wedding over dinner?
Let's go!
- Come. Let's go.
Before the wedding...
Well did, nephew. Wonderful.
But why go partying so far away?
- These bachelor parties... are
best done on the sly. - But why?
Because if we women get
to know of their antics"
these men have had it
I see.
Will there be song and dance?
- And women.
My sister-in-law says, you got
to see one of these parties...
to see what scoundrels men can be.
- Then I'm going, for sure.
For all his naive looks, who knows
your brother might be a scoundrel
I'm going too. Must
see what Naren is up to
I got to keep an eye on Raju.
And there's Rohit. It's said...
the bachelor who's being given the
party might do just about anything.
Let's see what Rohit demands.
Wonderful party.
Come on. Here's cheers to Rahil!
Cheers to Sanjay!
He has organised this party.
- Alright. Its all the same.
No, no, uncle..
You.. - Oh no, no, you
will have to have it.
You are getting too restless.
Have a smoke I will be right back.
- Uncle. -And after that.
This is called life.
Ajit too? What a revelation!
- Now I know!
Sanju said it'd be a lively party...
- I know, where are the babes?
I can't wait!
You people are strange.
Be patient and you
will be rewarded, sweetly
I don't mind the sours, but I can't wait.
At this grievous juncture...
before another bachelor falls
to the blade of matrimony...
here's from me and from the
brotherhood of bachelors...
a requiem, in the
words of Mr Saniay Malhotra.
Today, weds my friend.
But I am not happy.
Love, culminates into marriage.
But I'm far from happy.
I stopped him, I even
tried to reason with him.
For friendship's sake, I told him
I posed obstacles for him,
I lay a thorn in his path.
Like a blossom, I even tried wilting.
He's walking away with the
most beautiful ower of Spring...
it's like a wedding in Eden.
But I'm far from happy.
At my friend's wedding, I'm unhappy.
Love, culminating into marriage,
but I'm far from happy.
Wow! Very good!
Swaying, gyrating...
Swaying, gyrating...
lighting fires ...
"I set hearts to fir
A spark. a spark. a spark."
A spark. a spark. a spark."
"I'm a spark"
A spark. a spark. a spark."
A spark. a spark. a spark."
"I'm a spark"
"My body is like ame."
"Look, don'! come close to me."
"The one who comes
closer to the ame.."
..gets burnt.."
You loonies..."
"Try to understand.."
"Stand away and watch me moving.."
A spark. a spark. a spark."
A spark. a spark. a spark."
"I'm spark'
A spark. a spark. a spark."
A spark. a spark. a spark."
"I'm spark'
"Like lightning I strike"
Like snake I sting"
I steal everyone's senses."
"I'm the ecstasy"
"I can bring out your true colours."
"I can be the fragrance on your breath."
In a moment. I will
raise your heartbeat.
A spark. a spark. a spark."
A spark. a spark. a spark."
"I'm a spark"
A spark. a spark. a spark."
A spark. a spark. a spark."
"I'm a spark"
- Swaying
- Gyrating.
Swaying, gyrating...
lighting fires ...
You set hearts to fire."
..when you gesture.."
"A spark. A spark. a spark."
A spark. A spark. a spark."
You're a spark.
A spark. a spark. a spark."
A spark. a spark. a spark."
I'm a spark.
A spark. a spark. a spark."
A spark. a spark. a spark."
A spark. a spark. a spark."
A spark. a spark. a spark."
"I'm a spark."
Hi Rohit.
Here...? So suddenly...?
What are you doing here'!
Been thinking, Sanjay. Ever since
I came, something or the other...
has been going wrong.
- Wrong? I never noticed anything?
Nor did I, until now. But like I said...
I've been thinking.
- And...?
After much deliberation,
I've arrived at a conclusion.
There's someone behind all this.
Someone, who's trying... very
systematically, to break us up.
- What are you saying?
There is someone who is determined...
not to let me marry Anjali.
Who might it be?
I stopped him, I even
tried to reason with him.
For friendship's sake, I told him
I posed obstacles for him,
I lay a thorn in his path.
Like a blossom, I even tried wilting.
Today, weds a friend. But I am not happy.
Love, culminates into marriage. But...
why aren't you happy, Sanjay?
You are the one who doesn't
want this wedding to happen.
But why?
But there can be only one reason.
You are in love with Anjali.
Come on, admit it.
We're friends, you can tell me.
I love Anjali.
Now, that's like true love.
Well, Now that it's out
in the open, what lo do?
Actually, for you, it's quite simple.
Now that you know everything...
I think you should just
leave and go hack. To America.
- Yes.
This is my story and Anjali's.
You just walked out of the woodwork.
You see? Anjali doesn't love you.
Anjali doesn't love me?
Look, in her life you're
merely a stand-in for me.
My house?
She went lo America on my say-so.
The swing, that was mine loo.
You understand...? In my story
and Anjali's, you're my understudy.
Now that I'm here, what need for you?
So pack. Go back. To America.
You needn't inform anyone. I'm around,
I'll handle everything.
Sure, you'll handle everything.
But taking your advice...
will be a bit problematic.
- Tell me, I'll solve your problem.
After all, I'm Sanjay, the magic man.
Say, what's your problem?
Problem is, I loo love Anjali
I can't walk away from her,
certainly not when
she's willing lo marry me.
That's her mistake, Rohit.
I'll make her happier than you can.
That's what you think, Sanjay.
But there's only one way to decide...
Where lies happiness for Anjali.
- Where?
You love her and I love
her too. Let's both tn]
You don't ask me to go away,
I don't ask you to go away.
You can do whatever you wish.
If you succeed, then
Anjali was never mine.
If you fail to succeed,
then it's evident...
that Anjali and I share
that eternal relationship.
Why are you wasting your lime?
You're a nice guy.
What's with Anjali?
You'll find scores of girls.
No Sanjay. There's only one Anjali.
And she can belong to only one of us.
Whose? Only time can tell
I got one advantage.
I'm marrying her In a week's time.
You're running out of time
I gal 22 years behind me.
You're the one lagging way behind.
You lose.
- We'll see
I warned you! The planetary alignment
for the engagement was inauspicious.
The boy isn't to blame. He
is influenced by the illusions.
We got to know in time. Else...
- Sister-in-law.
- I'd rather this isn't discussed.
Without discussions, how
do we arrive at conclusions?
It is not the case, aunt..
Am I not to be given a
chance to defend myself?
What you saw was true, yet not true.
I did it, but I wasn't my self.
Such was the circumstance,
such was the ambiance...
I thought, if so many people
are trying to make me happy...
I ought to join them
lest they take it otherwise
I could've walked out...
and left them heartbroken.
But in my folly I've
broken the heart cf..
The man who took me for a son.
Well what are the facts, Uncle?
Fact is, you saw me disgrace myself.
But there's another truth. No
one means more to me than Anjali.
Far bigger truth, Anjali trusts me,
wants to spend a lifetime with me.
And yet another truth,
Uncle. You took me for a son.
But can I ever be your son? If I were,
you would've forgiven me.
If you will not touch me in pardon..
I shall never be able to face myself.
You can even face the Sun.
After all, I have taken you for a son.
What happened?
Don't worry, everything's fine
Uncle has forgiven Rohit.
- I knew Rohit would bring him around.
That's what Rohit is like, isn't he'!
Sanju, in all these days,
you still haven'! told me?
How do you find Rohit'?
Tell me. It's one big decision.
I took for myself.
What do you think?
Am I right? Tell me
Sanju how do you find Rohit?
Rohit is a nice boy, Anju.
Great guy. He'll make you happy.
Knock, knock.
What did you do to bring Papa round?
Fell in love with you.
What do you want?
- Love.
Couldn't find it at
the bachelor's party'!
I never imagined,
you'd admit defeat so soon.
You praised me to the
skies Honestly, I was surprised.
How to explain this'!
Deep inside this
scoundrel of a Sanjay Malhotra...
there lives this nice,
noble Sanjay Malhotra too.
But it takes Anjali's
tears to draw out the nice guy.
Like you, he is also a fool
being honest, being truthful.
But it's only a
matter of a few minutes ..
and those few minutes are over.
Which leaves this Sanjay
Malhotra cunning, conniving.
So wipe that smile off
your face the war is on.
So this is going to be
even more fun And guess why?
Tomorrow... my relationship with.
Anjali will have run
the course of 3 months.
I'm going... to take her
out She says, impossible
and I say, you have your magic-man.
He will bring you to me.
- What makes that interesting?
Your Anjali is about to beg of
you and how will you refuse her'!
That'd be interesting?
Besides the wedding is only 6 days away.
Only six days.
- In six days... the
earth spins around six times.
Six times.
Cool. I like your attitude.
All the best.
Keep spinning your planet
let me make a world for myself.
My wedding... is six days away.
Come on, Sanju.
Enough of wordplay Six days...'!
Well, there you are.
Neither the car nor I
can gel an inch ahead.
From here you walk alone.
You're nervous, your hear! is pounding.
Because you don't know
what's about to happen.
What might he do'? And
what should you be doing?
Heart misses a beat'!
My heart would, too...
were I in your place.
And what'd you do?
For a moment, imagine
being in love with me
For a moment, let me
imagine I'm in love with you.
And what would you do?
Its alright, Anju.
In that moment, I would've
tried to live a lifetime.
Tell me, what would you do?
- I...
would walk up to you..
would walk up to you, without
taking my eyes off yours... like this
I'd keep looking at you...
- Then...?
Your eyes would hold mine
your hands would be in mine.
And your breath upon my breath.
- And...'.7.
And I'd carry you away with the
wind to the rustle of leaves...
and bathe you in a lake of
dew and in a moment stilled...
I'd whisper in your ears...
- Whisper... what?
- What?
Be it for even a
moment give me your love...
even if you're false.
Even if..
- Anju.
Very funny.
Yeah. Very funny.
"Silken waves of breeze"
"Come embrace me"
"Silken waves of breeze"
"Come embrace me"
"Our desires are alive and so are we"
Don't let this distance be"
"Our desires are alive and so are we"
"Silken waves of breeze"
"Come embrace me"
"Our desires are alive and so are we"
"At wind's caress won't
the blossom be fragrant?"
"How can I give you my fragrance?"
"The budding blossom is shy"
"Then this shyness is
more like punishment"
"Why are you so fervent'!
It's only a little wait"
"Even a moment's wait is cruelly"
"Our desires are alive and so are we"
"I wanted not lo speak out"
"But I couldn't hold my silence"
"Be it whatever you tell me
or whatever you won't..."
"but don't look so lost"
"Come what may..."
"just listen to your heart"
"Whatever is heartfelt..."
"just tell me"
"I'm yours, I swear by you"
"Our desires are alive and so are we"
"A silken breeze winds..."
"let's draw closer"
"Our desires are alive and so are we"
Don't let this distance be"
"Our desires are alive and so are we"
"Our desires.."
"Our desires.."
"Our desires.."
"Our desires.."
Anju! Anju!
Anju! I just fell off a tree.
Anju, help me.
Why is the car going backwards? Anju...?
Rohit! What are you up to?
I'm going to get killed.
Help me. Help me someone.
Sanjay! Sanjay! Sanjay!
Let me sleep, Riya.
No office today. Riya.
Sanjay, where are you'? - Oh, no.
Sanjay! Sanjay!
Why is everyone staring at me?
I'd like to see Sanjay.
Oh! There you are.
In bed till ten? Like always!
- Riya, you...?
Yes, me!
Darling, will you please tell
these people how we're related?
Didn't I tell you he'd come running?
Now do you guys believe me?
Do you trust me now?
Oh! I missed you so much.
Riya! What are you doing here'!
- I thought I'd surprise you.
Didn't I tell you
he'd be happy to see me?
This is Riya And Riya, this is...
H. P... V. P...
Lucky... A.J. And that's Raj
I've been introduced to them
and everyone here knows me.
Darling, you're too much! You
haven'! told them that we...
- Boyfriend - Girlfriend.
And you've been having this
affair for the last 8 months.
So she's that "little sister" of mine?
And she has no one but you?
- And you have no one but her'!
You came here for Anju's wedding...
- And left your heart in Bombay?
With his real girlfriend!
- So he calls every day to tell her...
Oh I miss you, darling.
- Darling...'.7
I see! So dear nephew, is this
your love story... nice to meet you.
Try your best cover, but we know.
- Anyone else knows more than me.
Why are you shying away? She's a beauty.
Given a chance...
- Would you...?
Smart, good-looking.
Shall we... H. P...'?
The journey must've
been tiring Take rest.
May we excuse ourselves?
- As soon as Anju arrives...
I will send her directly to you.
- No, no...
She will be glad to meet Riya.
- Sure, she'll be glad.
- Okay, dear.
I'm here, everything will be fine.
- Why have you come here?
Raj, will you please lake my luggage in?
Yes darling... I mean to say... Riya.
Shall we... darling?
Darling, my foot! What rubbish.
Go on, laugh some
more Shut up, will you?
You've ruined my game!
Everything was so perfect.
The wedding is only 5 days away!
Why did you have to do this Riya?
To help you, stupid! I'm
here for your own good
I just saw what good you're up to!
Do you realise what you've done?
My bachelor's party cost Rohit far less
than what your stupidity has cost me.
- Have you had your say?
Shut up and listen.
You're in love with Anjali, right'?
What rubbish! I'm in love with you.
- Sanjay, I'm serious.
When did you discover
you're in love with Anjali?
I'll tell you.
You realized, when you saw
someone else walking into Anjali's life.
When you saw someone else getting
close to Anjali, you realised...
how close you are to
her And just like you...
What do you mean?
Anjali has never seen
you with another girl
- When Anjali sees me with you...
Anjali should know loo, no'!
- What do you mean...'!
She might reciprocate what you
felt when you got news of her wedding.
You understand, darling.
Oh... darling.
Anjali... this is Riya.
- Riya, this is Anjali.
- Hi.
Sanju, will you step out for a moment?
I got to tell you something.
Sure, go along I'll join you.
- Ok!
Her luggage is in the kids' room
I hope you don'! mind.
- I don't. I hope they don't.
No no, you are welcome.
No. Sanju, make it fast!
- Yeah.
Yeah. I think its already working.
I told you.
Kapoor? Who's Kapoor?
- Mr. Kapoor in Mumbai.
Runs a big advertising agency.
Last year atone of his parties...
I met Riya.
- You never even told me?
Did you tell me about Rohit'?
- I told you about my wedding
I'm not marrying her yet. I'll
let you know when it happens.
You're going to marry her... this Riya?
Why what's wrong with her?
She's smart, she's sexy, beautiful.
So what'? She isn't
the right girl for you.
What do you mean, why? You
won'! marry her and you won'!
I've spoken. Now do what you want.
- Okay.
By the way, what's she doing here?
- She's here for your wedding.
But that's my point. What
is she doing in my wedding?
You're my friend, you invited
me She's my friend. In turn...
Why did you invite her?
- May I not have a guest?
Girlfriend! if I invite Riya,
is there a problem?
No, she's fine.
She's a sweet girl.
- Sweet'! My foot!
I don't like her.
You don't even know her.
- I don't even want to know her.
Worse, she's an eyesore.
- If you say so... I can
accommodate her in my room.
Are you nuts?
I am nuts but you are jealous.
- Jealous? Why should I be jealous?
Because after you she's
the only other friend I have.
Don'! you ever compare me with her.
Its working, Riya. Its working.
Are you the Moon in
full bloom are you a star?
Whatever you be, by
God you're incomparable.
Are you a moon?
That's my face pack commercial.
- Wonderful.
Modelling must be fun!
- Show us a catwalk.
Right away.
- Wow.
Nice prop.
But won't help.
Let's see
H.P. You still haven'!
Given me the pendant.
Who can refuse you'! Here you are.
Isn't that cool'!
Papa, Uncle, looks like you have forgotten
all about a wedding just 3 days away.
So what do we do'?
- Are you asking me?
Didn't Mr. Verma call you'!
Papa, the jeweller is on the phone.
Am I supposed to organise my wedding?
No, that's my lot.
Excuse me, we got work to do.
Shall we...'!
Oh Hi.
Uncle, have you nothing to do?
- Oh yes...
You know, such a lot to do
about the wedding... excuse me.
You're forever organising weddings...?
- Yes.
And you still haven't found your girl'!
- I'm sure I'll find someone"
say one of your cousins?
Someone who's yet to marry...?
I haven't a sister,
but they say I've come of age.
They must be right...
- Uncle, there's work to be done.
Yes, sorry.
May I help you?
- No thanks, son.
Come on, you alone have
been working. Come on.
What with the arrival of the
new star everyone's after her.
Sanjay is very lucky, isn't he?
- How come...'!
Finding someone like Riya...
- Actually I find it strange
I never imagined someone like Sanju..
- Would like someone so modern?
For someone who lives in Bombay
could Sanjay like anyone else?
You're cosmopolitan too. From America.
- I'm different
I always wanted
someone simple. Like Anjali.
But Sanjay's choice... got to be Riya.
They look great together, no?
- Yes, great
I say, let's give them a
wedding the same day as us.
He's right! Besides, we are
the only relatives Sanju has.
My point! So what the
point putting off a nice thing?
But you must teach me cheese omelettes.
Sanju picks fights in the kitchen.
Your kitchen? Or his?
- The kitchen is the same.
In Bombay, you're lucky to
find one kitchen inside one at
I don't understand... You and Sanju...
Sanju never told you'? We live together,
in the same apartment.
What? Oh.
How many bedrooms?
You and Riya, live together?
In the same at?
No, how could she live
in my flat? Never... no.
Why are you laughing?
- Riya was just telling me...
how Sanjay broke down a
bathroom door to rescue her.
And she was clad only in a towel.
- You said she never lived with you.
She didn't. But of late she
doesn't have a place to live. So...
Poor girl.
How magnanimous of you Sanjay,
to have given her shelter.
Very soon, she'll make
family with you. All the best.
The plan was nice. Girl,
jealousy... it always works.
Maybe the
living-together bit was a bit too much?
They'll make sure you're married.
The likes of Anjali are
best for doctors like me.
It's a Riya you need.
Best of luck.
Coming... aunt.
We're finalising a
wedding dale for you and Riya.
Damn with your 'okay'
It's not working Got to
think up something else.
Sanju, come out.
I don't like this.
Tell your Riya to some out.
Poor Bunty has been
knocking for the past half an hour.
And the lady is taking
her time dressing to go out.
All dressed and raring to go? Where'!
- Anju, the college re-union.
The annual do, the old students
get together... never gut the card'!
I gal invited before you.
I've been invited
regularly these last 3 years
I never went, not even once.
- Sc sad.
No really, Anju. So sad.
You'll miss it this year too.
- How come'!
How can you go? You're
getting married in 3 days.
But how can you go'!
I skipped the last 3 years
because you weren't here.
We promised each other, we wouldn't
go to the re-unions without each other.
Oh I forgot, sorry.
- Nu problem. Change.
Let's go downstairs for a game of carrom
I can't.
- Why?
Darling, I'm ready Let's go
I promised Riya. She wants to see
my college. I can'! break her heart.
Shall we... darling?
I'm dying lo go to this party.
If you want come along
I'm sure Riya won': mind.
My invitation says, I can
bring along a guest of my choice.
Then, you're coming'?
- With a guy of my choice.
Hey all you beautiful people!
Welcome to the night of the year!
Reunion 2002.
Hey, guys and girls. The
judges are here to judge the dance.
So what are you wailing for'? Get,
set and hit the floor.
"There's no one like us."
"We're the life of the party."
"There's no one like us."
"We're the life of the party"
"ls there anyone else us?"
Why lament that you
can't find anyone else?"
"ls there no one else?
Well, I don'! lament that."
"We're young, we're beautiful."
"We have no laments."
"The sights are
already driving me crazy."
"Is anyone else around like us?"
"I'm the life of the party.
"Is anyone else around like us?"
"I'm the life of the party.
"When you're with me
everything is beautiful."
"When you're with me
everything is beautiful."
"The road ahead is full of love."
"Come into my heart let my search end."
"Anyone else around
like you and I...?"
"You and I have brought
to life... this party."
"Is anyone else around like us?"
Anything like you-and-I...?"
Wow. What a pair! That's
how a friendship ought to be.
Wish I too had a friendship like this.
Are you talking about Sanjay or Anjali?
- I'm talking about you.
Sanjay is lucky to have you an his side.
- That's what everyone says in Bombay.
Only lucky guys gel friends
I mean girl friends like Riya.
Hey what happened?
- Riya, will you spare me this act?
Act'! How can you call it an act'!
- You're his friend. Not girlfriend.
But you make a great friend. That's
why I wish I had a friend like you.
Someone who would be
willing to help me lo gel Anjali.
Between friends, you got to do
what it takes for friendship's sake.
From "Maine Pyar Kiya?"
- You watched the movie?
Six times.
- I could be your friend.
Off the record.
Can I ask you something off the record?
What makes you so confident that
whatever you're doing is right'!
See them together?
Sanju, I want that trophy.
- You've taken three of five.
This is my tum.
- Sanju, please...
No, score is score.
Aren't they made for each other?
- Certainly not.
Life's no dance competition,
Riya good dance partners...
don't necessarily
make good life partners.
The bigger decisions in
life can'! be based on trivia.
Say, if you never knew Sanjay say,
if you were my friend...
suppose I was the one who invited you..
And now, look at them.
Anju, just.
- Okay fine.
Do you still say that..
Sanjay and Anjali
were made for each other?
Whatever you or I think
doesn't make a difference.
What makes all the
difference is what Anjali wants?
You are right.
What Anjali wants?
- Bye.
You're a nice guy, Rohit.
I know.
But sometimes, I'm afraid my
ethics might create obstacles.
Hey guys, wanna have a
picture with me, hey winners.
girls all over the
world are getting married.
But no mother-of-the-bride
was ever as harried as you are.
What will people say'!
' Yes?
Send the sweets to Rohit's house.
- Yes uncle.
Our son-in-law is one-in-a-million
It's a time to rejoice. And you...
What's going on'?
Sanju, will you make
Gayatri see some reason?
She insists that a twitch
in her left eye bodes ill
ls Aunt's
superstition rubbing off on you.
If you ever have a daughter and
come the time for her wedding...
you'll know.
- What...?
Isn't it sad to know
that my daughter will
be leaving me in a couple of days'?
I got a wonderful idea!
Let me marry Anju.
And I'll move in to live with you
Then Anjali won't have to go away.
If that could've happened no
one would be happier than I.
You'd be happy to give your
daughter away to a fool like him'!
Your daughter has chosen someone
nice like Rohit. Thank God for that.
And everything's working out fine.
Most parents lose their
sleep over a daughter's wedding.
And before we knew it
this match was finalised.
Before we knew it... just think.
- What's there to worry about?
In front of so many people it
takes only one wrong word...
to hurt everyone. And it
has happened so many times.
And I've heard, seen such instances...
where one misplaced word can
destroy relationships
that have lasted years.
Are we about to forge new
relationships at the cost of old ones?
It deserves a thought.
You're getting worried
for nothing I'm around..
and you have my promise.
No one will be hurt no one will be sad
I'll make sure everyone is
happy I'm your magic man, am I not?
About Sanju marrying Anjali...
- Gayairi, you know what he's like.
He was joking. He wasn't serious.
- What if he was'!
- Coming.
Sanju is always joking.
"Colours are being sprayed over us."
Sanjay, guess what Rohit told
Anjali over the phone? He said...
you should hear it yourself.
- You taped their conversation?
Of course.
- You're ton much.
Should I not have done it?
- Of course not.
Anjali and Rohit are getting
married. What right have you...?
I'm not here to attend some
Anjali's wedding to one Rohit.
I'm hereto break up the wedding.
"Spring shower flowers,
as my beloved is here.."
As my beloved is here.."
You got to tell Anjali
that you're in love with her.
Sanjay, will you tell
Anjali or won't you?
Why not?
- I don't know...
Then I'll tell her...
- Nu Riya... please.
A lentil on a lentil.."
A lentil on a lentil.."
I don't think you need me here.
Then... I think I'll just leave.
Won't you stop me?
"When I saw you, my dear, I realized.
That love is insanity..."
I don't know what to say...
You needn't tell me anything.
But you won't ever tell the one
you ought to he telling, will you?
Sanjay, my best compliments
It's your best friend's wedding.
See you in Bombay. In the meantime
if you achieve anything, invite me.
To your wedding
Uncle, this is splendid!
You have about turned yourself.
- I did nothing. Sanjay did all this.
He was up all night I
don't think he has slept.
Just like you kept awake all
through my wedding to Nilu.
Yes, just like that.
You like the design?
Eat this, mm, Gita...
the bride's trousseau is here.
- Downstairs.
Come on, leave that for later.
- Okay, come on.
You don't want to see
the bride's trousseau.
I wanted to see you in
bridal finery But that isn't to be.
Why are you leaving so suddenly?
Can't you stay for two days...
I have important work. I'm helpless
if I could stay back, I would
I wanted to stay for your wedding.
But anyway... Sanjay is here.
Aren't you afraid to leave your
boyfriend to a bevy of beauties?
Sanjay isn't my boyfriend.
We're friends. Just friends.
Then why all this...?
- Life plays such jokes with us.
And we crack jokes with each other
only so much to the relationship.
In Bombay, Sanjay never fell in
love with any girl, nor can he ever.
Because the girl in
his heart isn't in Bombay.
Aunt, your cab is here.
Not in Bombay? Where else?
- How can I say'!
You are his best friend. You
ought 10 know what is in his heart.
Seek within your heart,
you might find the answer.
Yes Saniay, tell me
I'm going.
You win
I lose
I don'! know why I
believed why Anjali and I...
Without even thinking
how one mistake of mine...
might break so many hearts.
Thanks to you, I stopped
myself from making that mistake.
Anyone else in your place... but
how could you be someone else?
You are Rohit, the perfect one.
The one for Anjali
I was Anjali's friend.
I'll stay a friend.
But I won't be able to stay
I don'! have the courage to see
Anjali leaving with someone else.
Nor am I gentleman enough...
lo let you carry her away.
Take care of Anju.
The wedding is tomorrow. I won't
ask you to stay for the wedding.
But today, won't you
join in my celebrations?
We just became friends, didn't we'!
Yes, we just became friends.
And I'll make sure
everyone joins the celebration.
After all, it's my friend's wedding.
To the rhythm of drums,
her anklets chime".
To the rhythm of drums,
her anklets chime".
"The bride wears a veil the
bridegroom carries owers"
"And the Spring follows
them around the world"
"May all the happiness
in the world be theirs"
Here's a prayer from my
heart for my friend's wedding
Here's a prayer from my
heart for my friend's wedding
To the rhythm of drums,
her anklets chime"
"The bride wears a veil the
bridegroom carries owers"
"And the Spring follows
them around the world"
"May all the happiness
in the world be theirs"
"Its my friend's wedding."
"Its my friend's wedding."
"Its my friend's wedding."
"My friend has found love"
"For her, this is sweet victory"
"My friend has found love"
"For her, this is sweet victory"
"I'm so happy---"
"I'm so happy, I've
filled this party...'
'with songs..."
"for a dear friend's wedding"
"Its my friend's wedding."
"There's no winning,
there can be no losing..."
"where there's love"
"if there be a contest,
there can he no love"
"There's no winning,
there can be no losing..."
"where there's love"
"if there be a contest,
there can he no love"
"Let's embrace..."
"here's a prayer from my heart..."
"for my friend's wedding"
"Its my friend's wedding."
"Its my friend's wedding."
"Its my friend's wedding."
"My childhood friends, my
childhood playground..."
"my toys, my swings,
I will miss everyone"
"How will I hide my tears?"
"My childhood friends, my
childhood playground..."
"my toys, my swings,
I will miss everyone"
"How will I hide my tears?"
My friends and relative-s.."
"My friend, hear what
our playground tells..."
"colour your heart, you
life in hues of love..."
"and even the
jewellery you wear will smile"
" Remember that, friend"
"My friend's wedding..."
"it's my friend's wedding"
"Its my friend's wedding."
So you're leaving? You lost.
It's you who told me to
put my heart into the game.
Win or lose, what difference?
- Sanju are you sure?
Are you doing the right thing'?
- Yes Uncle,
Just as sure as you were.
Hindustani women are incomprehensible.
Try to get close..
and their decorum and
their decency stands in the way.
And 12 hours before the wedding,
summons are issued.
Well, here I am.
What's this sudden show of affection?
Rohit, we've told each
other about everything...
"except one thing...
that you perhaps forgot to
ask ...and I forgot to tell you.
Whether I ever loved someone before you.
Did you?
- Yes.
From the moment such thoughts
about a boy arise in a girl's mind...
there has been such a boy.
- Who is he?
Sanju, my friend friend.
But you saw Sanju. How can I
even expect him to understand?
He's lost in his own world.
I always hoped...
some time or the other,
Sanju would come up and tell me.
But as time went by,
I realised I'm wrong.
For Sanju, I'm just
a friend. Only friend.
So I suppressed my feelings,
lest he found out.
Then... you came into my life.
You made me believe, I can have
a good life with someone else too.
But before beginning this life,
I wanted you to know...
I'm building this
relationship on honesty. Yes, Rohit?
That's just why I called you out.
Hello Rohit.
Beautiful flowers,
just like your daughter.
You haven't gone to bed yet?
- Lost my sleep.
How come you're up so late'!
- I made a promise to Anju...
that I'd decorate her
wedding hall myself.
I'm doing it up in flowers.
May it be flowers, flowers for
her all the way and no thorns.
Your prayer is already bearing fruit.
If I ask you a question, will you
give me an honest answer?
Yes, ask me.
- I wasn't your first choice for Anjali.
No son, it's nothing like that.
- I know... but it's okay.
But there's
something even you don't know
I wasn't Anjali's first choice either.
- What are you saying, son?
And for you and your daughter
the first choice was the same.
In all these years, Anjali could never
tell Sanju how dearly she loves him?
And there's Sanjay. He
loves Anjali so fiercely...
he can'! bear to see
her marry someone else.
And I am the only man in the world
who's aware of their feelings.
The only man who can
give any twist to this tale.
But what am I to do?
What do I do now?
Now I know, Sanjay was right.
This story is his. And Anjali's...
I had no place in this story.
Sanjay left. Because he didn't
want to break anyone's heart.
At least he knew what he ought to do.
Anjali told me...
because she wanted honesty to be
the cornerstone of our relationship.
She knows loo what she ought to do.
Now it's my turn. Even I
know what I ought to do.
But what I must do, I
cannot bring about all by myself
I need a mother to bless my way...
to tell me, "Son, you're right"
I am with you.
Say, are you with me?
- Yes.
Say, how do I feel?
- How...?
Like I've
fast-forwarded a decade into life
I feel like we're both 35 and here
we are sitting at Gateway of India.
You haven't found a boy
and I haven'! found a girl.
- Yes
- So let's strike a deal.
At thirty-five if we're still here,
then we'll get married.
On one condition.
- What?
You'll still do the cooking.
Okay, done.
Talking about being 35...
I don't even know...
with Anjali gone, how I'll manage
to live beyond the day after...'!
You... here...'? Tomorrow's your wedding.
Why did you leave?
Riya fell sick all of a sudden...
- No Riya, no Rohit.
No one's an excuse to my question.
You and I...
and between us, this one question.
Why did you leave?
- Because...
because I...
- Because what?
Because I can't bear to
see you marry someone else.
Why can't you bear?
- Because I wanted to marry you.
Then why didn't you tell me?
- I was afraid Anju.
If you refused...
It would've broken my heart.
- What about all these years...
that I held my heart and I pined?
Did you ever think of the girl
who was with you all her life...
holding hands, sitting
with you on that swing...?
In the whole wide world, why
does she have only one friend?
A girl goes through her childhood...
and her youth with one boy.
Would she ever seek the company of
someone else... for
the rest of her life?
Have you never wondered'?
You never thought that all I
needed was only my friend?
The only one. You.
How can a girl be expected lo be...
the first to express her feelings?
You never wondered? Never...'?
I'm sorry, Anju.
- Is that all you can muster?
Won't you say what I've
wanted to hear all these years?
I.. What'!
I love you.
I love you too, stupid.
To the rhythm of drums,
her anklets chime".
To the rhythm of drums,
her anklets chime".
"The bride wears a veil, the
bridegroom carries owers."
"And the Spring follows
them around the world."
"May all the happiness
in the world be theirs."
"Here's a prayer from my
heart for my friend's wedding
"1 It's my friend's wedding."
"It's my friend's wedding."
"It's my friend's wedding"