Merlin (1998)

Once upon a time...
No, no, that's
not the way to start.
You'll think this is
a fairy tale, and it isn't.
It has elements
of a fairy tale--
Dragons, elves
Griffins, fairies and so on--
And it has magic.
Now, in my day,
magic was much more commonplace.
Oh, well, all things change.
The arrow of time
points in one direction only.
So... Where should I begin?
Well, it's obvious
I should start
at the beginning...
Loose your arrows!
...With the terrible years
of darkness.
( men yelling )
King constant was the first
Christian king of England.
All the prisoners.
No mercy.
No traitors.
Let the whole world die...
If I die.
Vortigern is here!
( men cheering )
He's had all the prisoners
Justice! Justice!
I curse you all!
( cheering )
Death came so easily then.
And one tyrant
smoothly passed the crown
To another...
Even worse.
( cheering )
( screaming )
Civil war
tore the country apart.
( men yelling
and women screaming )
Then the Saxons came.
Christian churches
were destroyed and defiled.
So were the sacred places
of the old pagan religion.
The followers of the old ways
cried out in their agony.
Queen Mab!
There was only one being
who could save them...
And she would come
out of the land of magic.
( echoing ):
I got your message, sister.
( raspy-voiced ):
I've come to a
great decision.
I don't like
the sound of your voice
When you say that, sister.
I'm going to
create a leader
For the people--
A powerful wizard
who will save Britain
And bring the
people back to us
And the old ways.
It'll be too much
for you, Mab.
It'll drain you
of what power
You still have.
If I don't do it, we'll die.
If people stop
believing in us,
we won't exist.
The new religion
has already pushed
us to the brink.
Soon we'll be forgotten.
All things change
It's sad, but Heaven, hell
and the world move on.
It's fate.
I won't accept it.
I'll fight.
Will you help me?
You forget--
I'm the lady of the lake.
I'm made of water.
Now everything's
Flowing away from us,
and I accept it.
I'm sorry, my dear.
Then I'll do it myself.
You heard that, Frik?
Yes, but I'm afraid, madam
That your sister is
rather, shall we say
Indecisive when it comes
to making decisions.
She never really gives you
the backing you deserve.
We're on our own.
We'd better get started.
Well, don't you think
you should at least
Wait a couple of days
to build up your strength?
No time.
Our world is dying.
( whirring )
( gasps )
He's magnificent!
Now, I have to
give him... Life.
( explosion )
( baby crying )
It's a beautiful boy.
Please look after my baby.
I beg you.
I beg you.
It's all right, my dear.
Swear it.
I'm dying.
I swear.
I'll take care
of your child.
( gasps )
Let me see the child.
I name this child "Merlin."
While you're
making gestures
Save the mother--
she's dying.
No, she's not.
She's dead.
Sleep easy, child.
May angels fly thee home.
What's your excuse?
Why didn't you
save her?
She'd served
her purpose.
"served her purpose"?
You are so cold.
If I were to punch you
in the heart
I'd break my fist.
And to think
I used to serve you...
In the old ways.
( Frik groans )
Then you changed.
You became a Christian.
Who told you that, hmm?
Uh, uh...
That snooping
Smiling blatherskite.
I follow my own heart.
That's religion enough for me.
Why do you allow her
to talk to you like that, madam?
Because she needs me, idiot.
Why do I need you, ambrosia?
To take care of this child.
I can take care of him.
( deep whooshing )
Well done,
well done.
( goat bleating )
Milk over there.
Yes, oop...
Well done.
Oh... Yes.
The moss there.
You need more than tricks
to bring up a child.
You need Patience,
understanding, love...
Most of all,
you need love.
You used to have that once.
No more.
So... What have you decided?
The child stays with you.
But remember-- he's
only half human.
He belongs to me.
He's my son.
I will send for him
when the time is right.
( baby gurgling )
Ambrosia was like
a tiger protecting me.
Get out of there...
( squeals )
And stay out!
She was the bravest,
kindest person I ever knew.
I called her auntie a
But she was really
a mother to me.
Have you noticed
when you're miserable
Time seems to slow to a crawl?
On the other hand,
when you're happy...
My childhood must have been
very, very happy
For it was over
In a flash.
( horse snorting )
( birds chirping )
( grunting )
( laughing )
excuse their rudeness.
We're traveling
To Lord Lamberts castle
And we've lost
our way.
It's about a mile.
Take the right fork
But don't try
any shortcuts.
It's dangerous
And you can
get lost.
Thank you, sir.
What can we offer you
as a reward?
A kiss.
( gasping )
Do you know who
you're talking to?
This is the
Lady Nimue.
Lord Ardente's daughter.
She asked me
what I wanted
And I told the truth.
( laughing )
And I think
it's a fair price.
( women gasping )
My name's Merlin.
Mine's Nimue...
And I think you're
a very rude young man.
I'll never
Forget you, Nimue.
We'll meet again.
I can see it.
I don't think so,
master Merlin.
( grunting )
( horse whinnying )
( sighs )
Come on,
this way.
I'd warned Nimue
Not to leave the path
But she was very headstrong,
even then.
Well, I suppose
all young people are.
She went off on her own.
( Nimue screaming )
( gasping )
Help me!
( screaming )
Help me.
( Nimue screaming )
( screaming continues )
( screams )
Help me.
Help me.
( both panting )
Don't struggle.
You'll only sink deeper.
Stay calm.
( Nimue whimpering )
Take hold of the branch.
( grunting )
I can't reach.
( grunting )
( screaming )
After all these years...
I still remember how it was.
I felt the power in me.
Grow now!
( softly creaking )
( creaking )
( grunting )
( Nimue sobbing )
Keep hold.
That's it.
You're safe now.
I told you we'd meet again.
How did you do that...
With the branch?
I don't know.
Well, whatever
it was
You saved my life.
You deserve another kiss.
( giggling )
Auntie a!
I've seen her--
The most beautiful girl
in the world...
The only girl I'll ever love,
I know it--
And she loves me
and we'll love each
other always and...
What are you
babbling about?
You're dripping wet.
Take your clothes off.
I'm a hero, too.
I saved her.
Oh, yes?
Now, you saved who,
from what, hmm?
Nimue. Nimue-- she's
the daughter of some Lord.
She fell into a mud
hole and I saved her.
That's very brave of you,
my dear.
Well, the extraordinary
thing was how I saved her.
I had this branch and
somehow I made it grow.
I know it sounds impossible
But I said, "grow,
grow," and I-it grew.
What's the matter, auntie a?
I-I need to sit down.
Tell me what's the matter.
It's the moment
I've been dreading...
All these years.
It's time for
you to leave.
I don't understand.
You were created by Queen Mab.
You have no
mortal father.
There's magic
at work here...
And now she wants you
to join her.
I won't.
You have no choice, my dear.
You can't fight it...
Not yet.
( snorting )
He's talking to me.
He says I have
to go with him.
This will
keep you warm...
On cold nights.
Auntie a...
Now, now, now,
keep your chin up.
Magic has no power
over the human heart.
I love you, auntie a.
And you can tell her
royal high and mighty
Queen Mab,
that magic or no magic
If she harms you in
any way, I'll have
Her guts for my boot laces.
It was very strange...
And yet it wasn't.
Half of me felt
All this was
the most natural thing
In the world.
I suppose
I'm to get into the boat.
( horse snorts )
That feeling inside was growing
stronger and stronger.
( man grunting )
I was coming home.
( man grunting )
Sorry I'm late.
Ship left without me--
dreadfully rude, really.
Well, coming aboard.
( three tones blown on whistle )
Who are you?
I can't concentrate.
These are treacherous waters--
strong currents, unseen rocks.
( screeching )
( wings whirring )
( squeaking )
( squeaking )
( Asian accent ):
Follow me,
follow me.
Follow me...
Follow me.
Don't get lost,
don't get lost.
( gears cranking )
This way, if you will,
master Merlin.
( chuckles )
Your majesty,
well, I mean
I'm rather pleased
to present...
You've come at last.
Do you know who I am?
Queen Mab.
You've grown
handsome and true.
I did well when
I created you.
This is Merlin...
( echoing ):
Who comes to save us.
( echoing ):
Save us...
He will bring the people
back to the old ways.
( echoing ):
Old ways, old ways...
Why am I here?
To learn.
I will teach you to become
The most powerful wizard
in the world.
To lead mortals
back to us
( Frik groans )
and the old ways.
Well, what if I don't want
to be a wizard?
It's your Destiny.
Remember that branch
and how you made it grow?
That's why
you're here--
To learn.
Oh, Merlin, Merlin...
You'll soon know the power
that is in you
And when it is unleashed
You will hold this world
in the hollow of your hand.
All the magic
of the universe
And all the spells
you will ever need
Are in these books, Merlin.
If I'm half mortal, will I die?
In the fullness
of time.
We cannot change that
We can change form.
Queen Mab:
But it is only
an illusion
Particularly in his case.
We can see into the future.
This is you
as you will be.
Will I grow that old?
Have a care,
young Merlin.
Sorry, sir.
No, but
you're right.
Try and stay as young inside
as you are now.
That's another thing
To watch out for,
young Merlin.
Don't start
giving advice.
( laughing )
Queen Mab:
Frik, it's your turn.
Now, master Merlin
There are three classes
of magic.
Three stages of progression
to full wizard status.
( chuckling )
The first and lowest stage
Is wizard by incantation.
The second-stage wizards
are hand wizards
Whose magic is performed
by gestures of the hands
And fingers.
The third and highest
stage of wizardry--
The supreme
Are wizards of pure thought
Who need no words nor gestures,
but by their will alone
Pierce the heavens.
Of course, only the
most supremely gifted
Personages become
Wizards of the third stage.
Oh, get on with it.
Yes, madam.
( clears throat )
Any questions?
I studied day and night
and learned
Of those unseen forces
that hold this world together
Learnt the secret ways
of other worlds
That exist beneath the surface
and behind the mirrors.
Now you try it.
( groaning ):
Must I?
Right hand, sir.
Right hand.
Now, master Merlin,
put it out.
Left hand.
( groaning )
That happened
Because you didn't concentrate.
How is he doing?
Did you read
my report, madam?
Yes, yes, but I want
your personal impressions.
Well, I mean, I rather think
he's got the ability.
He could indeed
be the greatest.
Oh, I knew it.
But he never will be.
He can't get past
being a hand wizard.
He doesn't want to do it.
In his heart,
he doesn't like magic.
He doesn't like it?
Well, I-I-I-I know
it sounds shocking
But, I mean, that's
the way it is, isn't it?
Well, we've got to
make him like it.
I have work
for him to do.
Th-the truth is...
He wants to go home.
Why did you call me, Merlin?
I didn't.
You did.
Who are you?
The lady of the lake.
How are you getting on
with my sister Mab?
We two don't get on.
I don't approve
of what she's been doing--
Creating you, and letting
your mother die like that.
She let my mother die?
Oh, dear.
I shouldn't have told you,
but it just slipped out.
I'm going home.
You should.
Your auntie ambrosia
Is very ill.
( gasps )
Oh, master Merlin?
Where is he?
He's on his way home
To that viper
of a witch ambrosia.
How can he get
across the lake?
My dear sister.
If I may say so, madam
It really
would help matters
If you two
could agree to...
When I want your advice,
I'll ask for it, Frik.
As you wish, madam.
What are you going to do?
I'm not going
to lose him.
( no audio )
( coughing )
Where is he?
Here you are again.
Still a chip
off the old iceberg, I see.
Oh, please,
don't bother to knock.
Where's Merlin?
You've lost him, haven't you?
Well, I must say,
it's typical.
You've been sliding down
the ladder of success so quickly
These last few years.
You must have got splinters
in your backside.
( hisses )
( gags )
Don't provoke me
I'm in no mood for your jibes.
Well, I'm anxious
about him, too.
You should have taken
better care of him.
He'll be here.
He's heard you're ill.
I'm not ill.
I'm dying.
When he comes,
you must send him back.
Can't you make him come back?
It's better that you tell him
his place is with me.
No. I won't do that.
Do you defy me?
Of course I defy you.
I've always
Defied you.
It's my nature.
When my boy comes here,
I'll say not one word.
He'll do what's in his heart.
( roaring )
Now see what you made me do.
What is it?
You tell me.
( chuckles )
You're the mistress
of magic.
( chuckles )
Auntie a!
Auntie a!
Dear boy...
You've come back.
What's wrong?
as it should be.
Merlin, remember...
Only listen
to your heart.
You killed her.
No, I didn't.
You killed her
Like you killed
my real mother.
No. I only let her die.
You haven't the power
to strike me.
Watch my power grow.
( gasping )
That was very good, Merlin.
I'm impressed.
I'll never forgive you.
I'm sorry
About your mother and ambrosia,
but they were casualties of war.
I am fighting to save my people
from extinction.
I don't care
if you die and disappear.
I will, unless I fight and win.
I'll never help you.
You will.
I'll make you.
( thunder crashing )
I swear on ambrosia's grave
and the grave of my mother
I'll only ever use my powers
to defeat Queen Mab.
On this, I swear.
And thus I set my course.
I knew Mab had heard me
But right from the start
She believed she could make me
break my oath.
After all, part of her
was in me.
So she waited patiently
in the shadows
For the time
when she could strike
And make me see
the error of my ways.
So the world turned
and turned again.
The rain fell on the just
and unjust alike.
Men and women
were cut down like wheat
To be born again strong.
Mab had to wait years,
but it didn't matter.
Those years passed
as if in seconds
And then she found a way
of making me break my oath.
Pull away!
It's a fine position
for a new castle.
Don't you think,
Lord Ardente?
It will be impregnable,
your majesty.
No army can take it.
Not even Uther's.
My Lord, Uther is
in Normandy, sire.
My spies tell me
he's raising an army
And getting ready
to sail for England.
He wants to kill me.
I don't blame him.
I killed his father,
king constant.
King constant
was a tyrant.
Not unlike myself.
Yes, sire.
Uh, no, no, sire.
( chuckling ):
No, no.
You don't sound very
convincing, my Lord.
What I'm interested
in is, in case
we'd have to fight
Whose side would
you be on--
His or mine?
I have always been loyal
to your majesty.
I've pledged
my entire army to you.
True up till now.
Trouble is I don't trust anyone.
I want
You have my word, sire.
It's not good enough.
I'm keeping your daughter
Nimue just to be sure.
This is outrageous... Sire.
I'm sorry.
King Vortigern.
Whatever you do to me,
my father will do what is right.
Of course, he will.
If you stay loyal
to me, she'll be safe
But if you betray me...
I will kill her myself.
( men shouting )
How does it go?
Any progress?
Fine, sire, fine.
The Linets on the west
side need bolstering.
Run for your life!
( men screaming )
Tell me roughly what happened.
I don't know, sire.
Take him away!
It shouldn't
have done that.
It's the Linets.
I'm sure it's
the Linets.
Get me a different architect!
Hey, you.
( frightened moan )
Why won't it stand?
I'm a soothsayer,
your majesty
Not an architect.
If you are a soothsayer,
you should know.
Tell me why it is
That every time I try
to rebuild the tower...
It collapses.
Ah, well, uh...
( clearing throat )
Yes, indeed, yes.
You think I should
know that, sire?
Yes, yes. Well, I'll
read the stones.
Then read them.
Oh, I will, sire.
I will.
That's something
I do very well, sire.
Why is it that I surround myself
With a bunch
of incompetent fools?
I've been a worshipper
Of the old ways all my life.
Now that life is in danger
And it's a Precious life.
It's mine.
I've never had any real help,
no, not never.
What am I going to do?
I've no idea why his tower
keeps falling down.
( thunderclap )
( screams )
The land is cursed.
You've appeared.
You've appeared
after all these years.
It is-- it is Queen Mab.
Yes... Old man.
Oh, majesty.
The land is cursed.
Neither tower nor
castle will stand.
So... What do we do?
You must find a man
who has no mortal father
And mix his blood
with the mortar.
( laughing )
But, um...
A man who has no mortal father.
Um... Hmm.
Where can I find a man
like that?
I will show you.
( horses approaching )
( man shouting )
Seize that man!
Welcome to my home, sir.
( horse whinnying )
What can I do for you?
I'm the king's
An important position.
Oh, and a fragile one.
I'm the third royal
soothsayer this year.
Vortigern gets through them
at an alarming rate.
He gets through
everything at
an alarming rate.
It seems to be holding.
It will hold this time,
your majesty.
Never fear.
Never have.
Good, good.
The foundations
are as solid...
( loud rumbling )
You were saying?
( whimpering )
Your majesty.
Your majesty, I found him--
The man
without a mortal father.
This better
not be one
Of your tricks.
No, no, no, sire,
it's all true.
Well, there's only
one way to find out.
( grunts )
Get a bowl.
Cut his throat.
( gasping )
Do it now.
What's the matter
with you?
He's a wizard.
He doesn't look
like much of
a wizard to me.
I never did anything to you.
Why do you want
to cut my throat?
It's nothing personal.
I have to mix your blood
with the mortar
for the castle.
This old fool says
it's the only way to
make the building stand.
It's easy to die
Knowing you'll die
for your country.
If I may first
offer some advice.
Your majesty's in danger
of seeming...
A little stupid.
( gasps )
What did you call me?
( chuckles )
This man thinks
He's me.
Why would you
call me stupid?
It's obvious why you
Can't build a castle
there-- look.
I'm looking.
I don't see anything.
Can't you see
the stream?
It runs
into a great cavern below.
No water there,
I swear.
I can see it.
We can all see it.
You wanted to build
my castle on water?
That's not all
that's wrong.
You've woken the dragons.
What dragons?
I see two dragons...
One red, one white.
My crest is
a white dragon.
It's an omen.
Wouldn't you say, sire?
( battle sounds )
( screaming )
What else
did you see?
The red dragon
conquered the white.
It's an omen.
Wouldn't you say, sire?
It could be an omen.
( horses approaching )
News for king Vortigern!
Your majesty,
Prince Uther
Has landed
from Normandy
With a great army.
He's marching
on Winchester.
You foresaw all this.
I see things unknown.
Gather my armies.
We March on Winchester.
I've been fighting
My enemies for 15 years.
Every time I crush one,
another one takes his place.
Will it ever end?
Perhaps you need me
to foretell the future.
Then you could
crush them all
Before they get a
Chance to cause trouble.
Of course, then you
wouldn't be able
to cut my throat.
You're an extraordinary man.
But I can't have extraordinary
men running around.
You're not quick enough.
That's a mistake
many of my enemies make.
They think before they act.
I act before I think.
That's my advantage.
And, you.
You're out of a job.
Oh, yes, sire.
Tie the wizard.
Come on, quick, before
he changes his mind.
Man 1:
Open the gate!
Man 2:
Open the gates!
Man 3:
Open the gates!
Man 2:
The king approaches!
( horses whinnying )
There they are.
Throw him in.
( chuckling )
( sighs ):
Hello, Frik. How are you?
Overworked and underpaid.
How terribly sweet of you
to inquire.
You're in
serious trouble
This time,
master Merlin.
How did they ever make
a vulgarian like Vortigern king?
You mortals
have no sense
Of the fitness of things.
Quite appalling.
( grunts )
Anyway, I'm here
with a message from Mab.
She's going to punish you.
She hates me.
No, but she's
rather disappointed
That you've refused
to use your magic power.
I swore an oath
on ambrosia's
grave, Frik.
But why won't you
use it, master Merlin?
Because Mab
wants me to!
You will in the
end, you know.
You're half human.
She's a terrible enemy,
master Merlin
And a very poor employer.
Well, I mean,
I could tell you stories.
But enough
of my problems.
( thunder crashes )
( Nimue whispering ):
( birds chittering )
It is you, Merlin.
What are you doing here?
I'm a hostage.
Vortigern wants to make sure
That my father doesn't
join prince Uther.
Why? Was he going to?
No, but he doesn't
trust anybody.
( voices approaching )
It's dangerous
being near him.
No one knows
Who he will strike down next.
It seems I said
the wrong thing.
I told him
Uther would defeat him.
( chuckles )
I hope you're right.
What is
the matter?
Are you ill?
No, no. It's
just that I, um...
I need space to breathe.
These four walls
are suffocating me.
I've never forgotten you
All these years.
I've always remembered
you, Merlin.
( all talking )
( talking stops )
Uther has captured
He's unstoppable.
I'll stop him.
( door opens )
I didn't send
for you.
That's why I'm here.
I've killed men
for such insolence.
And women?
And children.
( scoffs )
I'm trembling.
What makes you
so brave, woman?
Knowing that if
you hurt me
My father and his men
will join Uther.
All right
You're here now.
So, what is it
you want?
Merlin, the wizard, is sick.
Get him a physician.
There is no cure
but his freedom.
I can't give him that.
Well, then
he'll die.
We all die...
Even wizards.
But if he does
You will not know
about the battle.
He has had
another vision.
Don't you want to know
how to win?
( door opens )
I now have
The strongest army
Britain has ever seen.
It may not
be enough,
your majesty.
Uther and his men
follow the Christian way.
I thought they didn't
believe in killing.
Oh, they'll kill
in a holy cause
And destroying you
is a holy cause.
How convenient.
They kill
when it suits them.
Like the rest
of us, sire?
When will he attack?
Not before
the spring.
We'll use winter as our ally.
We'll take him by surprise.
( door opens )
Merlin, I need your help.
How are you?
I know I've been
a little hot-tempered.
Patience is not one
of my virtues.
You have so few
of those
I wouldn't
concern myself
About that one
too much, sire.
How can
I help you?
Can Uther be defeated?
I dreamed a battle
near Winchester...
But I couldn't see
how it ended.
I was too weak.
Dream it again.
I want to know
who wins.
And I want fresh
air and light.
Without them, I
cannot dream dreams
See visions.
Is that all?
Way over there,
beyond those hills
Is an island called Avalon.
Joseph of Arimathea
came there from Jerusalem
With the holy grail;
The cup our Lord Jesus Christ
used at the holy supper.
It has the power to feed
the hungry and heal the sick.
But the holy grail
was lost to us.
Many men searched for it
But no one has
ever seen it since.
But one day, a man
with a pure heart
will find it
And peace and happiness
will return.
It's a lovely story.
And so are you.
Oh, they hurt... Memories.
Memories of love, they hurt.
Our world was tearing itself
to pieces
And I didn't care.
Those were truly
the happiest days of my life.
Are you really a wizard?
A hand wizard.
You mean there is
magic in hands?
Why, yes.
Well, for one thing
Hands can say
so much more than words.
They can, uh...
Welcome, beg, pray.
They can...
Hands can even...
If only
we could keep
Everything as simple
As the roundness
of the Moon.
Look at its
simplicity, Nimue--
Everything equal
No part
more important
Than the rest.
I thought
you weren't
Going to do any magic.
Oh, that wasn't magic.
Magic is real.
That was
just a trick.
Open the gate.
Man 2:
Open the gates.
Hail, Vortigern,
king of Britain.
I am Mab, Queen of the old ways.
What brings you here, madam?
I can tell you
how to defeat Uther.
What will this
alliance cost me?
There is a price
for everything.
The wizard, Merlin...
I want him.
He is too valuable to me.
He sees things.
He has visions.
Anyone can
have visions.
Don't you
see visions?
Don't you see
yourself winning?
But I don't see
why you would want to help me.
I would rather see you
on the throne than Uther.
I don't believe
in your old ways.
You don't believe
in anything.
I believe in me.
That's not enough
to make us win.
I understand.
Uther will bring Christianity
to the people
And that'll be
the end of you.
All right.
I'll give you the wizard.
So tell me,
how do I defeat Uther?
Sacrifice Nimue
to the great dragon.
That's not so easy.
I can't do that.
She's my hostage.
It keeps her father
loyal to me.
( doors opening )
Urgent news, your majesty.
Lord Ardente has defected.
He's joined prince Uther.
How convenient, Mab.
For both of us.
The girl dies.
Let Merlin watch.
( roaring )
Run for your lives!
( men yelling )
( screaming )
( snorting )
( roaring )
( screaming )
( grunting )
( yelling )
( Nimue screaming )
( roaring )
( screeching )
( screeching )
( wailing )
My Nimue.
( howling )
Very good, Merlin.
Very good.
Like Joseph of Arimathea,
I went to Avalon
Not with the holy grail,
but with something
Much more Precious to me.
Sisters, help, please.
She's very badly hurt.
Steady, steady.
( sighs )
Whilst the monks prayed
And I thought of revenge
The nuns were more practical.
They used their knowledge
of ancient herbs and potions
To try and save my only love.
She's very
badly wounded.
The sisters are
doing all they can
But you must
pray with us.
Why should I pray to your God
If he is going
to take her from me?
But this is
not God's work.
No, you're right. It isn't.
Do you know
who did it?
Oh, yes, I know.
Do you hear me, Mab?!
Yes, Merlin.
You destroyed everyone I love--
My mother, ambrosia
and now Nimue.
The end justifies
The means.
I did it for you.
I want you to use the power
In you.
Rise up, dear, dear Merlin,
and be great.
No, Mab.
I'll destroy you
for what you've done to me!
You can't, Merlin.
I'll always be too strong.
I'll find a way.
I will find a way!
Not ever.
( groans )
Shh. Don't try to speak.
Save your strength.
Don't... Don't turn
your face to the wall.
I'll be scarred.
The important thing is
you're alive.
I have to go away
for a little while.
When I come back,
it'll be forever.
You will always
be beautiful to me.
( horse whinnying )
My lady of the lake!
( voice echoing ):
My lady of the lake...!
It is I, Merlin!
( echoing ):
It is I, Merlin...!
It is I, Merlin...!
I need help!
( echoing ):
I need help...! I need help...!
I need help...!
For what purpose, Merlin?
To defeat Vortigern.
He's Mab's ally
And a tyrant.
Good king, bad king.
You judge
Too easily, Merlin.
You'll learn.
( rumbling )
( ice crackling )
Lady of the lake:
I give you...
( sword humming )
I heard the sword's song...
( humming )
And it was beautiful.
Now armed with the sword
of the just
I was going to face
another dragon...
A red one.
It was Uthers crest
And I was
about to make it supreme...
If he'd let me.
( people murmuring )
( whispering ):
A man called Merlin
Wishes to see
you, my Lord.
You're welcome
to Winchester castle
Oh, are you
Merlin the wizard?
We're Christians here, sir.
We don't believe
in your blasphemy.
Well, that's
your choice, sir
But pagan or Christian
I hope you believe
in fresh news.
Well, is it
good or bad?
That depends
how you use it.
Vortigern will attack you
within days.
( men chuckling )
Look, no one
fights in winter.
It isn't done.
Rules of war-- we
fight in Summer.
We rest in winter.
Vortigern isn't interested
in rules and traditions.
He wants to win, and if
circumstances were different
I would favor him.
His army's already
on the March.
Take it or leave it.
Why are you
telling me this?
Is the friend
of my enemy Mab.
So my enemy's enemy
is my friend.
And, besides,
I've already seen
The red dragon
defeat the white
And I think...
That you might make
a fair to decent king.
Oh, you think
so, do you?
King constant wasn't.
You'll have to do
a lot better than your father
But I offer you my services
as a wizard.
I owe you
an apology.
You were right
about Vortigern.
What a fool
to fight
In winter.
Perhaps I was the fool
Thinking that winter
would make me safe
But we'll be ready
for him now.
We must choose
our battleground, sire.
We fight him here.
You mean by the River?
On it.
He has to come down here
through the pass
And cross
on his way to Winchester.
Uther, this is where
you meet Vortigern
And crush him.
Bring them all
over here then.
Uther knows
you're going
to attack him.
He's waiting for you.
I wonder who told
him I was coming.
The dragon didn't
kill him?
What about
the girl?
She's alive.
So much for your magic.
It doesn't matter.
I never believed
in it anyway.
You're a very
brave man, Vortigern
But so stupid.
You have to believe
in something now.
Like what?
I've been king for 20 years.
I've never been defeated.
I didn't use any magic.
I did it with
my bare hands.
What is it?
It'll protect you.
What are you afraid of, madam?
The world is
passing you by...
Leaving you behind.
Kings and queens...
Old ways, new
ways, they...
They all come
together in the end.
I've never been afraid,
and I never will be.
Ah, Vortigern...
Vortigern, it's your pride.
Your pride condemns you.
Lord Ardente, the traitor
Who changed sides.
( man yelling )
( grunts )
I wish I could.
( men yelling )
( yelling continues )
( yells )
( horse whinnying )
( grunting )
( yells )
( grunts )
( whispering ):
( Ardente grunts and gags )
( sword humming )
( yelling )
( sword humming )
( grunting )
( groaning )
( sworn humming )
Are you going
To use some of your magic on me,
I'll kill you any way I can,
But I will kill you.
( laughs )
( sword hums loudly )
( sword humming )
( loud rumbling and cracking )
( yelling )
( yelling )
( Vortigern's yelling echoes )
( sword humming )
( ice sizzling )
Only one tear
was shed for Vortigern
And his pride had cast it away.
He paid for it with his life.
That is a mighty sword.
It is Excalibur.
It can only be used
by a good man in a good cause.
I understand.
( men cheering )
I thought I could
now spend time with Nimue.
I thought Uther
would be a good king
And so help defeat Mab
But I was never
a good judge of men.
I always expected
too much of them.
( cheering )
Your majesty, may
I present my wife
The Lady Igraine...
And my daughter.
You are welcome to pendragon,
my lady...
And you.
Morgan le fey, your majesty.
would you permit me
To dance with your lady
After the feast?
If your majesty pleases.
Oh, yes, yes...
It will please his majesty
very much.
She's beautiful
Isn't she?
Beautiful and...
Somebody else's wife.
But still beautiful.
What does the rest matter?
( laughing )
Are you really
a wizard?
So they say.
Do some magic for me.
Do you wash
behind your ears?
That's not real magic.
It's a trick.
Anyone can do it.
Oh. All right.
You do it, then.
( blows )
There. You see?
I did it.
You're right.
Anyone could do it.
Come on.
He hardly had the crown
on his head
Before it began all over again.
I decided to leave
And let them stew
in their own juices.
May I ride with you?
Of course.
I believe in you, Merlin.
And I in you, Uther.
How great is your power?
Can you make
a woman love me?
( chuckling ):
Magic can't
create love.
Could you kill her husband?
I want her, Merlin...
More than I've ever wanted
anything in the world.
Well, you can't
have her.
Do you know
what love is?
( chuckles )
Yes, Uther, sad to say,
I know what love is.
Give me Igraine.
She's not mine to give.
Then I'll take her...
Even if it means war.
It will.
So be it.
I have Excalibur.
( horse whinnying )
Very well.
( horse snorting )
Give me the sword.
I shall make a spell.
( sword humming )
( metallic scraping )
( horse whinnying )
( metallic scraping )
( rumbling )
( deep voice ):
Wake me.
I am Merlin
And this...
Is Excalibur.
Where did you get it?
A gift...
From the lady of the lake.
She has been
A friend of mine
since before the dawn of time.
( mountain laughing )
If I can remember that,
it means that I'm an old man.
( laughing )
I ask you
to hold Excalibur for me
Until a good man comes
to take it from you.
Then I will be
holding it forever...
( rumbling )
If not longer.
( mountain chuckling )
You tricked me, Merlin.
Come, come, Uther...
I'm a wizard.
That's my business.
The sword is yours
if you can take it.
( panting )
( grunting )
Where are you, Merlin?!
( echoing ):
Where are you, Merlin,
where are you, Merlin...
It's Avalon.
Journey's end,
sir Rupert.
I certainly hope so.
( sighs )
You know, we're
not as young as
we used to be.
( chuckling )
Quite, quite.
Come on, old friend.
( distant bells ringing )
I'm not ready
for you to see me.
Let me be the judge of that.
I'm a monster.
I can't.
Mab is too strong.
Leave this place
and come with me.
I'm... I'm not ready
to face the world.
When will you
be ready?
I don't know.
Three-month siege
and we still haven't taken it.
There's no way
The causeway, sire.
My advice to you
is give it up.
It's madness.
I must have Igraine.
As one who's been
to Colchester, sire
As one who knows
a few things
I have to tell you
That the kingdom
is falling apart
Whilst we tear
ourselves to pieces.
If this was
for money or
love or power
I could
understand it
But all this for
Cornwalls wife?
You were born
old, Boris.
You've never known what it is
to lust after a woman.
I've spent all
my life fighting...
Bloody days
and cold nights
With a naked sword
as my bedfellow.
You'll never
take Tintagel.
( horse whinnying )
Hundreds are dead
because you have an itch.
Will you help cure me
Of that itch?
You've lost
your reputation, Uther.
A reputation's like glass--
once cracked, it can
Never be repaired.
Will you help me?
I don't know you anymore.
You've become an ouroboros.
You'll devour
The world in your lust.
Will you
help me?
Yes, I'll help you.
I have to be mad
to stop this madness.
What will
it cost me?
You will have
the Lady Igraine
But there will
be a child, a boy--
I've seen him, Uther.
He's mine.
What will you
do with him?
Teach him honor
and goodness.
I can do that.
Honor and goodness--
the words stick in your throat.
You choke on them
just as you'll choke
on your vomit in the end.
Very well.
I agree.
And once more...
Cornwall will not be harmed.
Not by me.
Then break camp.
Withdraw your army now,
in daylight
While Cornwall can see you.
Uthers breaking camp.
We'll follow him.
Don't leave,
my Lord.
Why not?
I have a feeling...
The castle's well-guarded.
You will be safe,
my love.
( seagulls calling )
Look after
your mother,
eh, Morgan?
I will, father.
( door opens and shuts )
Come on! Pick them up!
Come on!
And on!
Remember, Uther
You only have
until the morning.
The night is
your friend.
Use it.
( thunder crashing )
( laughing )
You don't approve.
Well, of course
I don't approve.
The end justifies
the means, sir Rupert.
Where have I heard
that before?
His lordship Cornwall
Open the gates!
Open the gates.
His lordship returns.
My Lord.
( door opens )
Back so soon, my Lord?
Uther's really gone.
My place
Is here with you.
Mother, that's...
Time for you
to go to bed
Little girl, huh?
Let me go!
Not... Not another word.
But I didn't say good night.
Good night.
Good night.
And then,
good night.
Things fall apart, they say.
Uther had betrayed me,
killed Cornwall
But then, I'd betrayed Igraine
by helping Uther
Seduce her.
So the wheel of life turns--
One betrayal
leads to another and another.
The innocent die.
It haunted me
for the rest of my life.
( gasping )
Nearly there.
Nearly there.
Woman 2:
More water.
Frik, what are you doing?
Writing fairy stories
so you'd be remembered.
You don't need to do that.
I'll not be forgotten.
For us.
Things are going rather well
for us.
I'm going
To make sure.
( Igraine gasping )
That's it.
Hello, Morgan.
Who are you?
I'm a gnome.
You're tall for a gnome,
aren't you?
As a matter of fact
Gnomes do indeed come
in all shapes and sizes.
I'm the tall kind.
Can you do magic?
Of course.
Beautiful lady...
I am at your service.
Your wish is my command.
( laughing )
Watch me swash a buckle.
( chuckling )
That's real magic
Not tricks.
Will you teach me
how to do that?
I certainly shall
if you do something for me.
Your new
baby brother
Will be born soon.
How terribly exciting,
don't you think?
He's not my
real brother.
The man who made him
wasn't my real father.
Well, I mean,
that's clever, Morgan.
You'll make
a wonderful pupil
For the fantastic things
I can teach you.
What do you
want me to do?
Just put this Stone
in the baby's crib.
Just a little more.
Yes, yes. You're
doing so well.
That's it.
Take my hand.
Take my hand.
Come on,
come on.
( Igraine gasping )
( agonized gasping continues )
And so, Arthur was born.
It's a boy!
( baby crying )
At last
A good man, a good king.
( thunder crashes )
You're easily fooled, Merlin.
Uther fooled you
when he killed Cornwall.
Now his child is damned.
The boy
Is mine!
He'll be his father's son.
Because of him
The days of blood
will go on and on
And out of it
The people will come back
to me.
I'll see you fade
Into nothing!
Poor Merlin.
Wrong again.
I'm winning.
I can't stand
the thought
Of people peering
pointing at me.
We'll live in the Forest.
Animals don't point
and whisper.
But it's a
dream, Merlin.
I want
to make it real.
I found
a peace here
In prayer
and meditation.
It is a peace
that I've never known before.
It passes
my understanding.
To be honest, Nimue
It passes
my understanding, too.
Why do you shut yourself
away here?
To be nearer
my God.
The nearer you are to him
the further you are from me.
Will you take off
that veil?
Where was I?
Oh, yes, yes.
Arthur had just been born.
I fostered him
with sir Hector.
The golden rule--
do unto others
As you would have them do
unto you.
Now, by others...
I was his tutor.
I didn't teach him magic.
I taught him ethics and morals.
It is much more difficult,
believe me.
( fist banging )
His real father
King Uther, went mad...
Kill the prisoners.
And killed himself.
( gasping )
Guards, the king!
And that brings us up to date,
I think.
Arthur grew up to be
a fine young man.
Perhaps, as usual, I expected
Too much for him but he was
the vessel of all my hopes.
Arthur, don't charge around
like that.
The horses
don't like it.
And don't get off.
We're leaving right away.
Have you heard the news?
King Uther's dead.
Didn't you hear
what I said?
The king's dead.
I know.
How could you know
out here
In the woods?
Little bird told me.
Where are
we going?
To make you king.
Merlin, tell me.
How can I be king?
Because you were
born to it.
I've no royal blood
in me.
Stand aside.
This is a job
for a man.
The old windbag
back again.
If he's not careful
He'll do himself
an injury.
( groaning )
( crowd laughing )
Arthur kept asking me,
but I wasn't ready.
The truth about his father,
the death of Cornwall
My part
in the whole squalid plot.
No wonder I found it hard
to tell him.
Besides, I was distracted.
( horse whinnying )
( screeching )
( griffins screeching )
There's another one!
Look out!
My sword.
( buzzing )
keep still.
Thank you.
I did nothing.
I wasn't
talking to you.
What was that?
That was a message
from an old friend.
( crackling )
Arthur wanted me to explain.
Now will you tell me?
He couldn't know
that explaining everything
Settles nothing.
Yes, it's...
It's time.
I hoped he'd understand
my part in it.
Arthur, you should know
That sir Hector
isn't your real father.
Your father was
king Uther
And you are the true heir
to the throne.
It turned out better
than I'd hoped.
If I am Uther's only
son, I want what's mine.
I want to be king.
When you are king,
what then?
Well, I...
Whoa, whoa.
What is it now?
He has the right of way.
You were saying
if you were king...
I'd do all the things
that you taught me.
I'd build
a golden city...
Devoted to peace
And Charity.
What the world needs is
Justice and compassion
More than Charity.
Still, Camelot sounds
like a dream worthy of a king.
Come on, Rupert.
Come on, Arthur.
All the knights in Britain
have tried to take it
But it is the sword
of the true king.
It is yours, Arthur.
( rumbling )
The mountain king:
It seems you were here
only a Moon ago.
My Lord
This man claims Excalibur.
Who is it?
Only son of Uther
And rightful king of Britain.
( thunderous rumbling )
Why give him the sword?
He will betray
the people
Just as his father did.
I don't know
what I'll do
Or what I'll become.
Only what I am.
A wise answer.
I had a wise teacher.
You are
The old ways.
You will be forgotten
just like the rest of us.
That is your fear, not mine.
I cannot die.
I am the rock of ages.
I will live forever...
On the edge of dreams.
Take it now, Arthur.
Now, Arthur!
( grunting )
The mountain king:
The sword is yours.
( echoing ):
Look at him
His reign
In blood.
It will end the same way.
No, Mab
You're wrong.
Arthur will heal the land.
The sword!
He has Excalibur!
He's got the sword!
( clamoring )
( people ):
Long live the king!
Don't you ever
tidy up, Frik?
Oh! I try,
your majesty
But I'm terribly
And I can't use imps,
gnomes or fairies.
They're utterly useless
with anything practical.
I mean, I have
so much to do.
And you'll have more.
I've totally given up on Merlin.
I thought, perhaps,
despite everything
He might come 'round
in the end.
Well, I mean,
he's a stubborn
creature, isn't he?
I wanted him to,
so I fooled myself.
I've never known you
to do that before
Over anyone.
Oh... Arthur's cursed.
I want everyone to know
in good time
And that
will be your job, Frik.
Uther was my cousin!
I claim the throne!
You did not
Pull the sword
from the rock!
( clamoring )
My father is king
by right of blood!
I'm closer to Uther
than you!
My sister
was Uther's niece.
I pledged my army
to Lord Leo!
I, too, have a claim!
Nobody's going to follow
A bearded
( silence )
That's better,
isn't it my lords?
Now you can listen
instead of fighting.
It should be a novel experience
for most of you.
Uther had a son.
I give you Arthur,
true king of Britain.
( laughter )
Uther had
No son!
He did.
Uther did have a son.
When Uther
conquered Tintagel
He took
the Lady Igraine.
A son was born.
It's true.
I was there.
( murmuring )
Is Uther's son?
If he is
Let him draw Excalibur
from the Stone.
I already have.
Well, prove it.
Prove that this is Excalibur.
You do have Excalibur.
You are Uther's son.
I acknowledge you my
liege Lord and king.
And so do I.
He has the sword.
Accept him, lot.
I'll not bend my
knee to a boy
Nor will my son.
I can speak for myself,
He has Excalibur.
He is the king.
You'd go against
your own father?!
If the cause is just.
And if it's not,
and you're wrong?
Then you'll have to kill me
in battle.
I'm the king's man, father.
Shame on you!
So be it.
My lords...
Hard as it may be
for you
Think for a moment.
We have seen too many wars.
My mind's made up.
All with me, follow me!
Hello, Morgan.
My, you've grown.
Who are you?
Don't you
remember me?
I used to visit you
when you were very young.
( unpleasant chuckle )
( giggling )
( laughing )
En garde!
( grunting dramatically )
I remember you.
I thought you were a dream.
I'm real.
You lied to me.
You told me
you'd make me beautiful
But you
never did.
I told you I'd make
you beautiful, did I?
Then I will.
But first, it's time to
put away childish things.
Why so sad?
It's just a toy.
Look at yourself.
I'm beautiful!
Very, very beautiful.
I think clothes cut
in the Roman style
Are the only gowns
for a lady of fashion.
Oh, it's wonderful!
( chuckling )
( giggling )
Now, get me the throne.
That's beyond my powers.
( chortling )
But I'll tell you
from personal experience
That elves are so short
that when it rains
They're the last to know.
( laughing )
Because of their size.
You're cute.
Stop enjoying yourself
and get on with it.
( clearing throat )
I've been thinking,
That there might be a way
of giving you what you want.
Your son could be king.
Well, how?
If Arthur defeats Lord lot,
he'll be king
And I can't marry him.
You don't have
to marry him
To have his son.
We have the same mother.
And underneath
this charming
And devilishly
handsome exterior
I'm a crabby old gnome.
Mmm! Mmm!
Does it matter?
Well, it depends.
( laughing )
You don't have to seduce me
to win me over.
Like everyone else,
I want the crown.
I like you, Morgan le Fay.
You're a truthful young woman.
And I like you...
Whoever you are.
Stand aside!
The army
is almost ready, sire.
It's going to be
a bloody fight!
Wait for my signal.
He'll be killed.
What the devil
does he think he's doing?!
There is no reason
Why men should die today,
my Lord.
The quarrel is between us.
It is.
This is Excalibur--
Sword of the true king.
If you believe
you have a right to it...
Take it...
And kill me.
Forgive me, Arthur.
I can feel it.
The sword is yours
You are the true king.
The war is over!
( cheering )
Is our true king by blood
And right!
( yelling )
Here, in this circle
Let us give thanks
to our savior
For this deliverance
And let this circle be
a symbol of our purpose.
Each man in it
is equal to the other.
Each has a voice...
And each will strive
to fight for truth and honor.
Let us pray.
I thought I'd finally achieved
one of my dreams.
At last there was a good king
on the throne.
Your majesty.
May I present lady... Marie,
Queen of the Borocelts
Who comes to pay you homage.
You are most welcome,
my lady
This way.
Thank you.
Now, what have
you brought?
What is this?
These are jewels
and silks.
We are overwhelmed
by your gifts.
Well, perhaps I...
And my servants...
Can join you for the night.
We've had a long...
Tiring Journey...
And we'd like to rest
Before we return home.
Of course.
We can spend
some time together.
You can tell me about...
Your people.
It would be my pleasure...
Your majesty.
What are you
showing me, Mab?
( moaning )
What have you done?
( cackling )
I rode fast that day,
but I knew I was
Already too late
to stop something
That could finish us all.
Out, my lords.
And close the door behind you.
Merlin, what's the matter?
Tell me the truth, Arthur.
Two nights ago
you slept with a woman.
Yes. If you must know, I did,
though I don't see why
I need to tell you
about it.
That was Morgan le Fay.
Her mother was
the Lady Igraine, your mother.
I didn't know.
I swear I didn't know.
There will
be a child.
Mab will see to that.
He'll be the future,
and he'll destroy us.
A mirror.
There are no mirrors in Avalon.
You see how I can change you?
You've changed
me already.
You scarred me.
I know.
It's so unfair.
Unfair? That was evil.
With evil all around me
I can do nothing
but evil to survive.
Oh... That's too easy.
You can fight it,
like Merlin.
It's because of Merlin
that all this came about.
That's not true.
Why are you here, Mab?
To make you an offer.
I will restore your beauty
If you take Merlin to a place
that I have created for you.
You can live with him there
to the end of your days.
And be happy?
And be happy.
He has a Destiny.
It would keep him
from his purpose.
It would keep him
from wasting his life.
He believes that fighting
for what is right isn't a waste.
I wouldn't do that to him.
I love him.
I love him.
You hate him.
I hate him, too.
So what's your answer?
I'm... Sorry.
If you change your mind,
just call my name... Out loud.
I couldn't stay away for long.
Arthur was more to me
than just a king
And I was curious.
To see what was going on.
It's good to see you,
old friend.
What's all this, Arthur?
A promise made flesh.
I'm building the
city of Camelot.
It's a new
I made a mistake
that night
with Morgan
But I can't believe
that I'll be condemned
For all eternity
for one mistake.
No, not by me.
I'll never condemn
you, Arthur.
I'm to marry Lord
Leo's daughter.
Oh. Do you love her?
She'll make a
splendid Queen
And be a good wife.
We hope to get married
here at Camelot.
It doesn't matter if
it's not finished.
Will you be
there with me?
I'd be honored.
What's her name, your bride?
( bells ringing )
( speaking Latin )
I was going
to Tintagel castle.
Perhaps Arthur
wouldn't have been so eager
To leave on his quest
for the holy grail
If he'd known
what a terrible enemy
He would leave behind
in Morgan le Fay.
Is here
to see you, my lady.
Send him in.
You hear that, Mordred?
There's a wizard
come to see us.
Won't this be fun?
My lady Morgan.
Do you know
why I'm here?
Say hello to my son, Mordred.
Master Mordred.
( blowing raspberry )
That was rude,
You can do anything you like,
but you must never be rude.
Rude is being weak.
You were saying, Merlin?
Do you know why I'm here?
It's to do with my son.
Hasn't he grown?
Yes, he has, and rather more
than is natural.
Oh, of course.
It's magic.
Morgan... I beg you,
for the sake of the country.
You must not teach him
the old ways.
This country means
nothing to me.
A bastard sits
on the throne
That should be mine.
A bastard
begot in blood
When his father Uther
Seduced my mother
and killed my father.
It's the future
I'm thinking of, Morgan.
Oh, you would think
of the future, Merlin
Because the past
is too painful.
You chose Uther
to be king.
You helped him
seduce my mother
And destroyed me.
In the end,
you begot Mordred
Just as surely as
Queen Mab and Arthur.
I know that,
but I can live with it.
Just as you'd have
to live with the fact
That Mordred
will be king.
No. That can never be.
Merlin's a guest.
Don't be naughty.
He just wants
You'll get all
you want when
you're king.
And he will
be, Merlin.
He's Arthur's son.
What about the old ways, Morgan?
You're in
no position
To lecture me
on what I can
Or can't do.
The old ways have
been good to me.
They've given
me a son...
And made me beautiful.
Oh, poor Morgan.
It's only an illusion.
Beauty is always only
an illusion, Merlin.
Didn't you know that?
( wind howling )
We thought we'd come
in the traditional way--
Through the door.
It's traditional
to open it first.
Mordred, look
who's here.
Your auntie Mab
And uncle Frik.
It's been ages
Master Merlin.
Do you ever think
of the old school
Where I tried
to teach you
The fundamentals
of magic?
He could have been
my star pupil, Mordred
But he proved...
But you won't,
will you, Mordred?
Isn't he handsome?
Handsome is as
handsome does.
What does
that mean?
I never really
understood the phrase.
Toys, Mordred.
always brings you
Lots of lovely toys.
( pony nickering )
You see, Merlin?
You took my family
away from me
And now I have
a new one.
They won't last, Morgan.
Nothing does.
Can't you see it?
Feel it?
I'm winning,
I have the Precious gift
of Patience.
It'll be years
Before Mordred
can claim the throne
But I can wait.
Time means
nothing to me.
You'll be the death
of Arthur, and the end
Of all poor Merlin's dreams
Won't you,
my sweetie?
Oh, look.
The big, bad wizard
can't do a thing.
( laughing and jeering )
Merlin, you're troubled again.
Still the same
cry for help, lady.
Your sister, Mab,
grows more powerful.
And I grow weaker.
What can I do?
I... I have to find a man
to guard the throne
While Arthur goes questing
for the holy grail.
The temptation will be to seize
the crown when he's gone.
You need a man pure in heart.
I've tried to find him before.
He doesn't exist.
The answer is at Joyous Gard.
My ship will take you.
It was like a dream...
A dream of a dream.
The skies parted and I saw the
dream come alive before my eyes.
Then, one day,
they'll describe
Me, Arthur, Guinevere
and Camelot as a dream.
Who are you?
I'm Merlin, the wizard.
There aren't any wizards left.
I'm the last of them.
And who are you?
And my mother
is the lady Elaine
And my father
is sir Lancelot.
I've come here
to find a man
To defend king Arthur
in his kingdom...
And he must be a good man,
pure in heart.
You've found him.
It was all too easy.
Are you sure this
is what you want?
It's not what I want.
It's what you want.
I can't hold
you back.
It's your Chance for
one last great adventure.
I should have known.
Galahad, protect your mother
while I'm away.
( trumpet fanfare )
My lords, ladies
Knights of the realm:
I shall leave soon
On a God-given quest
for the holy grail.
Now, I seek a champion
To protect our country
and the honor of our fair Queen
While I'm gone.
I claim that honor, sire.
Oh, Gawain...
I hope that you don't win.
You know I need you
To come with me.
Let me compete in
the tourney, sire.
You're too old
Sir Boris.
Of course he's
too old.
But I'm not.
Your majesty.
I wish to vouch
for sir Lancelot of the lake.
He wants to enter the jousts.
So be it, Merlin.
( crowd cheering )
Ah! Gawain or this Lancelot.
Come on!
( crowd cheering
and applauding )
Lancelot of the lake
Takes the honors.
He is the best
and the noblest
Of the knights.
He's very handsome,
isn't he?
What did you say, my lady?
Your majesty
I offer you my sword
and my life.
It is an honor,
brave knight.
As champion,
Lancelot shall...
( crowd gasping )
How is he?
Fair to middling
Considering we haven't
taken the Lance out yet.
And why not?
There is a dispute--
Uh, a scholarly
As to whether we
take it out con
or contra wise
Which means
to the mere layman
Turning and pulling it
to the left
Or to the right.
Is there anything
I can do for you
Sir Lancelot?
Hold my hand, lady.
No, turn and pull con wise...
The planets of Venus and Uranus
will be the dominant influences.
You're physicians.
Instead of arguing
about it, do it.
Do it?
We must talk about it first.
Indeed. These are
weighty matters
Fit only for experts.
Trust us. If we treat a knight
for a broken arm
That is what he'll die of.
That's enough.
Are you ready,
sir knight?
Do it, Gawain.
( bells tolling )
Good-bye, Merlin.
Good-bye, Arthur.
Come back to us.
They left to chase dreams...
But if I'd told them,
they wouldn't have listened.
And so, the years rolled on...
One year merging
into another... And another.
If you five gentlemen
Don't stop trembling
I might miss
and kill you all.
( screaming )
Less than perfect.
That's enough, Mordred.
You mustn't
get carried away, my sweet.
It shows lack
of control.
Why fire at auntie Mab
and uncle Frik?
I do hope that the boy
is just having fun
And it's nothing personal.
Of course it's
not personal.
He likes you.
I often wonder
what he would do
If he didn't like me.
Stop fussing, mother.
Auntie Mab understands,
don't you, auntie Mab?
Of course
I understand.
You were
testing yourself.
Now, come
and sit by me.
You know you're
my favorite, Mordred
But you have to channel
your aggression.
Against Arthur?
Always Arthur...
And Merlin.
You're looking pale,
You're not
eating enough.
I already have
the strength of ten men.
Listen to your aunt.
And please do something
about your hair.
Very well, mother.
There's a good boy.
The work is going
much too slowly.
You keep on changing
your mind, sir Lancelot.
First this,
then that.
I'm doing
my best, sire.
Well, you've got
to do better than that.
How could I do better
than my best?
Are you all alone,
my lady?
Merlin is my
faithful shadow.
That's right
and proper.
Why not you?
You're my champion.
Because when
I'm near you
I can't control
my heart.
You're near me now.
It's dangerous.
My lady?
My lady?
Perhaps we should
be grateful
For my shadow.
What's wrong, Merlin?
The walls are whispering,
Can't you hear them?
What do they say?
That you're too friendly
with sir Lancelot.
Do you believe such
whispers, Merlin?
No, but I've seen
how you two look
At each other.
I don't care
what others think.
I'm the Queen.
And that is why
you must take special care.
I can't protect you
in this matter.
( soft knocking )
You look
I should jump.
Throw myself
from the battlements.
Then I'll jump, too.
I can't live
without you.
( gasps )
( gasping )
I don't believe it.
Lancelot wouldn't...
( sobbing )
( fly buzzing )
( continues buzzing )
( muted crunch )
You're looking
pleased with yourself.
What have you done?
Is it terrible?
Do tell.
I'm sure it's perfect.
I've made sure
Elaine knows
That Lancelot and
Guinevere are lovers.
How absolutely
Isn't that rather
unworthy of us?
What does that mean, mother?
Oh, I've forgotten.
What does it mean?
Yes, it is unworthy.
But I don't like
to be told, Frik.
( grunting )
( Mordred laughing )
I warned you.
You didn't listen.
What's happened?
How did she die?
She died of
a broken heart.
Because of you.
I'm sorry.
I judged them too harshly.
The blame was mine, too.
I picked Lancelot, after all.
I wish I'd told them that.
It might have made it easier.
Great news.
Great news, Nimue.
coming home.
Oh, thank God.
Did he find
the holy grail?
No. But what
of it?
He's coming home.
Holy grail or
no holy grail.
He should never
have left.
Merlin is free.
He can start living
his own life again.
And it should be
with you, child.
Your true vocation
is Merlin.
God doesn't want you
when you love another.
And I, uh...
I shouldn't really say this
in these hallowed walls--
Faith is supreme,
of course--
But love...
Is even better.
Be careful, my dear.
These steps are
very slippery.
Where are
we going?
To my land.
The land of magic.
Can I create
Oh, if you wish.
You're so good
to me, auntie.
It won't all be
fun and games.
Arthur's coming back.
There will be things
I have to teach you.
Is mother coming?
No. We don't
need her anymore.
Where are you
taking my son?
It's time.
Without a word?
a by-your-leave?
I have to make
him ready.
You're not taking him.
He's my son.
He's mine!
I gave him love.
You gave him toys.
I gave him life.
I'm never
letting him go.
( startled gasp )
( screams )
( gasping )
That was very
clever, auntie.
Oh, my love.
My love.
Frik... My love.
Am I still beautiful?
Beyond words, my love.
Am I?
Oh, yes.
Beyond words.
You killed her!
Perhaps she just slipped.
In any case,
what does it matter?
You're holding us up, Frik.
We have a lot to do.
Mab, you evil old crow.
May God have mercy on your soul.
He obviously didn't have
any on the rest of you!
Why is everybody
suddenly against me?
Frik, I'm leaving you
with your misery and pain.
But with no more magic power.
Now you will wander
through the world
Ugly and alone.
Just as if
you were human.
Good-bye, Frik.
I'll miss you.
No, I won't.
Why didn't you kill
him, auntie Mab?
Because that's what
he wanted me to do.
( Frik sobbing )
Camelot. It's built.
Lancelot has
kept his word.
We have to ride in
with our banners
held high, sire.
You're right, Gawain.
Raise your banners
And your hearts, men!
We're home!
( all cheering )
( cheers continuing )
Where is everyone?
wrong, sire.
I didn't expect this
kind of homecoming.
What's wrong here?
Where's Merlin?
Where's Lancelot?
I'll tell you.
Who the devil are you?
Elegantly put.
"who the devil...?"
Yes, indeed.
Who the devil.
Well, don't you
recognize me?
No. Should I?
Oh, I'm hurt.
Here in my heart.
Not usually
my most vulnerable spot.
I recognize you... Father.
I'm your long-lost
son, Mordred.
Morgan le Fay...
Is your mother.
Not "is," father. "was."
She passed over
into a better world.
She sleeps alone
at last.
A great loss.
One day she was laughing,
The next, gone--
like a Summer's breeze
In the midst of life
Et cetera, et cetera
and so on and so forth.
It's why I'm here.
I don't understand.
To protect your
interests, father.
You see, your interests
are my interests.
Whilst you were away
on this great spiritual quest
To cleanse your soul...
How should I put it?
You were being betrayed.
That's enough.
It isn't.
Merlin, let's speak
the truth at last.
This isn't the time!
It is!
Lancelot betrayed you
with the Queen.
Or should it be the Queen
betrayed you with Lancelot?
No point being pedantic.
You were betrayed.
This isn't the place
to discuss this.
Oh, I think it's
the perfect place!
Is it true?
Arthur, you are
just returned.
We must talk calmly...
is it true?
Yes, it's true.
Mordred, you have
no right to be here.
I have every right
to be here.
This isn't
a private matter.
It concerns us all.
How could you
do that to me?
Didn't you think
of me at all?
You left me
alone for years.
Did you not
think of me?
What of my honor?
Finding out you had a
child by Morgan le Fay?
Good one.
Come, come, father.
This is becoming
distressingly personal.
You're forgetting
it's a matter of state.
Matter of state?!
We are talking
treason here.
Aren't we?
My lords?
( courtiers murmuring
in dissent )
I don't see it
as treason.
She betrayed me
and only me.
That's enough.
No, sire.
Mordred is right.
You are the king
And that makes
adultery treason.
Then we must condemn
her to death.
Do you really think
we should do that?
It's the law.
It's harsh.
It must be.
My lords, this is a time
When we should temper
Justice with mercy.
After all, your religion
proclaims it.
Let he who is not guilty of sin
cast the first Stone.
Now, I know I have been
guilty in my time
And I suspect that
you have been, too.
I must confess,
I have sinned a little.
( all laughing )
So we make excuses for her
because she is a Queen.
she is human.
No, because she
is Arthur's wife.
Are we going back
to one law for the rulers
And one for the ruled?
Is that the way it is?
Arthur, I thought Camelot
was to be different.
It is.
Then show the world you mean it.
Merlin, what should I do?
In the end,
you must uphold the law.
Guinevere will be
tried for treason.
A splendid decision.
Both fair and just,
eh, father?
Now, let's drink
and enjoy ourselves.
I want you out
of Camelot.
But, father, I've
only just arrived.
I thought we could reminisce
about old times
And play happy family.
Stop him talking!
You can't mean
that, father.
I'm your beloved son,
the crown Prince
Your one and only heir.
I want you out
of my sight.
Embrace me, father.
Or I'll take what's
rightfully mine.
Guards, seize him!
Don't get up.
I know my way out.
I'm sorry, father,
but I'm going to destroy you.
And this time
your pet wizard
won't save you.
( thunder rumbling )
I'm here, Nimue.
You made me a promise
years ago.
Will you keep it?
But what made you
change your mind?
The king is
coming home.
Merlin is free
to be with me.
I've discovered all
I want is Merlin.
Will you agree
to live with him
In a place that I choose?
If you make me
whole again.
I have to warn you, Nimue
That if you go
to this place
You can never leave it.
Will he come
to me there?
Yes, he will.
Then do it, Mab.
( crowd taunting )
Burn in hell!
I can't bear
to watch.
The sin was mine,
not hers.
She's burning.
It's too late.
( thunder rumbling )
Come on.
Lancelot always left everything
to the last moment.
And my memory of Lancelot
Is that he never
got anything right.
Thank God.
And so Lancelot and Guinevere
rode out of my story
And into legend.
What's the meaning of this?
You tricked us, father.
You pretended to condemn
the Queen to the stake
Then you had her
rescued by your wizard.
You hadn't even the courage
to set her free yourself.
That's true.
I should have done it.
One law for you
and another for us.
We can't live like that.
We can't.
Do you hear?
They can't live like that.
I call upon
all true-born Britons
To rally to freedom's flag!
Depose this...
( yells )
You caught me
by surprise, father.
I know how that is.
The time for
talking is over.
Those who value right
and Justice follow me.
Who's there?
Father abbot.
I rode all night
to get here.
Nimue's gone.
She's gone?
But she left
you a message
That she'll be
waiting for you
At the door of magic.
You're a liar.
Oh, Merlin.
How can you say
such a thing?
You're a liar!
( sinister laughing )
( laughing and shuddering )
I'm glad to see
You haven't lost all
the skills I taught you.
I've lost none of them.
And it was Frik who taught me.
Don't mention that ingrate.
He's left my employment
Without a reference.
Nimue has gone.
And she does want
you to join her
When you're ready.
My noblemen don't want you
with us against Mordred.
They say that if you come,
then they won't follow me.
What will you do now?
Close my books.
Break my wand and retire.
I have a life to live
and a Chance to live it.
I'm going to meet her now.
Will you be able
to deal with Mordred?
It's just one more battle.
And right is on our side.
I'm proud of you, Arthur.
Don't worry
about me, Merlin.
I've still got Excalibur.
Merlin. I am here.
( horse whinnies softly )
Look where we are.
( rustling )
( birds flapping wings )
( wolf howls )
This is all Mab.
Oh, forget her.
We've wasted so much
of our lives together already.
Now it's our turn.
Isn't it what
you always wanted?
( distant battle sounds )
( soldiers yelling )
( yelling )
What a pleasant surprise.
Stop talking, Mordred,
and fight.
I thought you'd enjoy light
conversation before you die.
But as you wish.
( chuckling )
( yelling )
Clever boy.
Father! Father!
( grunting )
It's time to end it all.
We agree on that at least.
You know, father,
if you'd lived
I don't think we'd have
been very happy as a family.
( man screaming )
What is it, Merlin?
I heard a scream.
I didn't hear
It was the sound of battle.
Arthur and Mordred.
It's nothing
to do with us.
I'm sorry, Mordred.
No, don't...
Don't, father.
Another sin.
You'd kill your own son.
( groans )
( groans )
( echoing )
Arthur is dying.
I must go to him.
I'll be back very soon.
I'll be waiting for you...
Very soon, I swear!
Why didn't you tell me?
( yells )
I knew I would
never see her again.
I cannot save you.
Don't die, Mordred.
That's the last thing
I shall do.
( roaring growl )
My old friend.
I knew you would come.
How goes the day, Arthur?
I've seen better.
Take the sword
to the lake.
No one
must have it.
Go, Merlin.
Rest easy, son.
You were the right man
to hold Excalibur.
Take it back, lady.
You lied to me!
I didn't lie
to you, Merlin.
I told you the answer
was at Joyous Gard.
That's where
I found Lancelot.
( sighs )
It wasn't Lancelot,
was it?
It was the boy
It's human
To make mistakes, Merlin.
And part of you is human.
The best part.
Good-bye, Merlin.
My sister Mab was right
about one thing.
When we're forgotten...
We cease to exist.
What are you
doing here, Frik?
Betraying my principles,
I'm afraid.
Indeed, I've
always believed
That it was better
to be a coward for a second
Than dead for a lifetime.
And yet, here I am fighting...
Fighting on the side
of right, which is worse.
And Mab?
As a matter of fact,
I gave in my notice.
If you're going after her,
master Merlin
You'll need help.
( door creaking )
I knew I'd find
you here, Mab.
You've come
to see my final triumph.
No, I've come to see
your final defeat.
You always were
a dreamer, Merlin.
Let me see...
You've lost Arthur...
The battle...
Your one true love...
The battle isn't
over yet, Mab.
You can't win.
She's weakened herself.
She's vulnerable.
I know that...
Why are you consorting
with that traitor?
Madam, after all my years
of faithful service
That's rather harsh.
Not as harsh
as I'm going to be.
Can't stay.
Mordred's dead.
So, we both
have nothing to lose.
The battle's
just between you and me, Mab.
( rumbling )
( grunts )
I'll show you how weak I am.
( grunts )
( creaking )
( hissing )
( rumbling )
( hisses )
( rumbling )
( rumbling )
( grunts )
( grumbling )
My strength may be failing,
But I can still deal
with these poor humans.
What do you plan to do--
Use your puny swords
and axes on me?
No, Mab, we're just going
to forget you.
What are
you doing?
You can't fight us
or frighten us.
You're just...
Not important enough anymore.
We forget you,
Queen Mab.
Go join your sister
in the lake...
And be forgotten.
Look at me.
Look at me!
Don't forget me, Merlin.
I, uh...
Love you...
As a son.
( gasping )
I had won.
I was trying to smile
But it was the smile
of desolation.
Inside, I felt only the pity
and the terror
And the waste of it all.
Everyone I ever loved,
and who ever loved me--
All gone... All gone down...
And then Galahad returned
And brought with him
the holy grail and spring
And the land
became fertile again
And the cycle
of death and darkness ended
And so does my story.
If my story entertained
or enchanted
You may show
your appreciation
In any way you see fit
But, particularly,
with money.
Master Merlin
Did you ever
find Nimue?
No, I never found Nimue
Or even
the cave again.
What about the magic?
Can you still
do magic?
I got out
of the habit
And besides, nobody
believes in it anymore.
Thank you.
It's all over, friend.
There is no more.
It's not exactly
the way I remember it
Master Merlin.
Is it you?
It's me.
( laughing )
( both laughing )
I must say you do tell
a rather good tale...
Terribly exciting
and all.
But I was intrigued
That you chose
to omit certain...
Well, that's the way
they like it.
And besides, I didn't think
they'd believe it
If I told the way
it really was.
And how are you doing
in this world, master Frik?
Well, I mean,
there will always be a need
For the perfect gentleman's
And I was and
always will be
One of the best,
you see.
( laughing )
( gasps )
It can't be.
It is.
Sir Rupert.
Yes, well, I found him
grazing in a field
And we got
to reminiscing.
Dear old boy.
Shouldn't you
be dead by now?
No, no.
There's a little magic
in me, too, Merlin.
Oh, I almost
What about her?
Oh, nothing really
Other than she was inquiring
about you
When I saw her last month.
I don't understand.
What happened?
Sometime after
Mab disappeared
Her spells began
to lose their power
And Nimue was set free.
Where is she, Frik?
Sir Rupert knows.
Thank you
for everything.
Oh, no need
to thank me.
I just love
happy endings.
Oh, my dearest.
Frik found you.
I never believed
I would ever
see you again.
So many years lost.
You've grown older.
( laughing )
You, too.
( both laughing )
Does it matter?
Not anymore.
( both laughing )
I think I have
one last trick.
There's no more.
That's the end of magic.
( Merlin laughing )
---the end---