Merry Madagascar (2009)

Goodbyes can be bittersweet.
It seems like only 306 days ago,
we were snatched from our beloved
Central Park Zoo
and dumped here in... rustic Madagascar.
But now that we're leaving,
seeing you all here,
it reminds us just
how many friends we've made.
That's the greatest speech I've ever!
Looks like the kid
can't hold his sea water.
- Well, at least he showed up.
- I don't get it.
It's not like Julien to miss a party.
Maybe for some people,
saying goodbye is really hard.
Yeah, well, send him a postcard
'cause the wind's right on schedule.
Let's do this!
Can I have your attention? The redeye
to New York is about to board.
We're going home for Christmas!
- Sandbags!
- Check!
- Ropes!
- Check!
- Snacks!
- Check!
- It's working!
- We did it!
It may not be pretty,
but we headed to the city!
Candied yams from Sylvia's!
That's what I want for Christmas.
I can't wait to get back to my hippo
pool and that sweet smell of chlorine.
And I can't wait to see Dr. Maneesh,
greatest chiropractor ever.
Me? I just wanna see the snow
falling down on my beautiful city.
New York, here we come!
What the?
Look out!
Oh, no, no! No!
This isn't happening!
Get off me! Get off me!
Guys, did you hear something?
- Cannibals!
- Cannibals! Where?!
- Julien!
- It's just the freaks.
Maurice, I thought they left already.
I hope we're still charging them rent.
- Mort, stop drumming already!
- Sorry.
False alarm, everyone! Back into hiding.
It was just a cruel hoax.
Hoax?! What kind
of sick joke is this, huh?!
Sorry. We thought you were
the Marauding Red Night Goblin.
The Marauding Red... What-nin?
Every year, on the 24th of Julianuary...
- Julianuary?
- It's a festive holiday
- named after His Majesty.
- It starts with a red glow.
Then the air fills with the goblin's
horrible, mocking laughter.
Then it pelts us
with hundreds of black rocks!
Red Night Goblin!
The Red Night Goblin's coming!
OK, I get it.
It's Picking on the King Day.
Very funny.
You can stop now, Mort.
I know it's you back there.
The Red Goblin!
- He's real!
- What's happening?!
- Here, Julien.
- Hide the women and precious metal!
Load the shooting thingy!
Fire at the Goblin!
Lemurs down!
You, you, take their places.
Aye, aye.
That's it! I surrender!
We're gonna die!
- Alex, do something!
- All right, all right! All right.
You're going down,
Red Night Marauding Goblin Guy!
I did it, everybody!
I did it!
Everyone, after the Goblin.
Don't let him get away!
- Candy canes?
- Presents?
- These rocks taste like coal.
- Hang on a minute.
Alex, I think you just shot down...
Who's laughing now, Red Night Goblin?
I am. That's who.
Merry Madagascar!
- I shot down Santa.
- You on the naughty list for sure, now.
- Is it safe?
- Is what safe?
Are there more of you? How many?
Tell me. Are you a robot?
Maybe you have an army hidden inside
of you. Talk to me, robot army.
- I am talking to you!
- That tickles.
Look, everybody!
It shakes like a bowl full ofjelly!
- Hey, this is fun!
- Stop it, Julien! That's Santa Claus!
- No wonder he throws coal at you.
- Santa who?
Santa! Santa, you OK? I can't
believe I'm talking to Santa Claus!
- I know.
- Wait. Who's Santa?
What do you mean, "Who's Santa?"
If you're not Santa, who are you?
My name is...
I can't remember.
Look, he's got another hat on.
He must have hit his head in the crash.
Maybe he's got amnesia.
Oh, this is bad. This is...
This is bad!
I've ruined Christmas for everybody.
I've ruined Christmas for, like,
the whole world! Unless...
- Unless?
- Team huddle.
This could work out great for everybody.
- Santa's head wound?
- No, not his head wound.
Here's the plan: We find the sleigh,
help Santa deliver the toys.
Then, on the way home,
he drops us off in New York!
It's perfect!
What do you guys think?
- I'm in!
- OK.
Let's go find that sleigh.
They are just adorable! Alex,
go talk to them. Go, go, go, go, go!
Hello, there, little reindeer.
You guys up for a little road trip?
What do you say?
Back away!
You don't know who you're dealing with.
Hey, no need to get psycho.
They're just Santa's little...
- We meet again, South Polers.
- North Polers.
OK, you guys know each other?
It's a cold war
that dates back centuries.
You see, Santa used to be based
in the South Pole.
This again? Santa chose North Pole,
fair and square.
Please. They bribed him with candy canes
and cheap elf labor.
That's it! Let's go!
On my command, kick him in the bells.
Wait, where's Private?
You're the most beautiful deer
I've ever seen.
That's the sweetest thing any penguin
has ever said to me.
Shake it off, Private! That North Poler
might look like a tall drink of water,
but she'll spit you out
like a cup of bad eggnog!
Guys, guys. Come on, it's Christmas.
You know, the season of giving.
So, what do you say?
Can you give us a ride?
Son of the gun, we're only allowed
to take orders from Santa.
Why don't you ask
your South Pole comrades to help?
I forget! They can't fly.
Merry Christmas down there,
stuck on the land!
- Merry Christmas.
- Cupid!
Great. There goes our lift home.
- We'll fly it.
- Skipper, you're a penguin.
And those reindeer have, like,
magical powers.
That's exactly what
they want you to believe.
Private, give 'em a little demo.
The only thing magical
about those North Polers
is that tank full of sparkly stuff.
Now, go find Big Red,
and we'll get this baby airborne.
Fat man, behold the beauty
of a traditional Julianuary carol
honoring... me.
- I like to
- Very nice.
- You like to
- All together.
We like to
Move it
I like to move it, move it
I'm physically fit, physically fit
Physically, physically, physically fit
Alrighty, Santa. Time to big, big buddy.
I don't wanna go!
I just wanna shake my booty!
- Santa, buddy. You gotta stop dancing.
- Santa!
I'll never go!
- What are we gonna do now?
- It's not gonna be Christmas Eve
for much longer.
So either we go without Santa,
- or the world goes without Christmas.
- That's right!
You made this mess.
Now, we gotta clean it up.
- Yo, Skipper! Sparkle time!
- All right, boys.
Tighten your harnesses
and think happy thoughts.
Viva Las Vegas!
And everyone wept tears ofjoy
for the miracle that was Baby Julien.
You see, fat man, Julianuary
is about the joy of giving.
To me! Now, bring me the presents!
Merry Julianuary.
You remembered! Next one, please.
Move it along.
Thank you, on behalf of His Majesty
and merry Julianuary.
Thank you, on behalf of His Majesty
and merry Julianuary.
- How did you do that?
- Beats me.
- Could you make one for me?
- Merry Julianuary.
- I want one.
- Me too.
Where's my presents?
What's going on over there?
Merry Julianuary!
- Merry Julianuary.
- Merry Julianuary!
- Merry Julianuary.
- Oh, no, no, no!
What's so special about Julianuary
if everyone gets to have something?
I took you in as my guest,
and now, you've ruined Julianuary!
From this moment forth,
all your presents are my presents!
Lady and gentlemen, we are about
to arrive at our first destination.
Canada is straight ahead.
OK, boys, let's take her down.
Flaps up.
Beaks down. Stay on target.
Stay on target!
What kind of landing was that?
Any landing you can walk away from
is a good landing.
This is stupid, Marty.
Can't we just use the front door?
Come on. How hard can it be?
Melman, you're up!
- But I'm claustrophobic.
- Yeah?
Now, you can be Santa Claustrophobic.
Now, dive, fool, dive, dive, dive!
Guys? I'm stuck!
Hang in there, Melman!
I'm coming!
- Melman, I'm right here!
- I'm burning!
- You're not burning!
- Help!
Thank you.
Don't leave me!
Alex, you still have the present!
Dash away, boys. Dash away!
- What? No, wait!
- Hang on!
I got you, Melman!
Way to drop the ball, you hippie freak.
Me? Melman lost it in the chimney.
Calm down. It's a small town,
there's only a couple more houses.
- Let's not freak out.
- Oh, yeah?
Can we freak out now?!
OK, here's the plan.
We head to the nearest post office
and we just dump the gifts.
- That's a plan.
- I need stamps, anyway.
Skipper, get us
to the nearest post office.
In New York.
Well, looks like our coffee break.
Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my gosh! You're Santa's helpers!
This is amazing!
You're hairier than I thought.
But amazing! OK, calm down, Abby.
Namaste. Namaste.
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Oh, my gosh! I almost forgot!
I made you cookies.
This is the best Christmas ever.
Don't tell Santa I was up. Really.
OK, I'm going to bed now.
I can't go to sleep. No way I can go
to sleep. I just met Santa's helpers!
I think I broke my collarbone.
No! It's OK. Going to bed now.
Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!
New plan. We're not
going to the post office anymore.
We're Santa's hairy helpers.
And we don't rest until every one
of these gifts gets delivered.
Skipper, progress report.
Only 152 cities left to go.
Skipper, look!
- New York!
- It's still here!
- It's still beautiful!
- And it's still gonna be here
when we're done!
All right, New York, let's do this!
On the 88th day of Julianuary
My true love sent to me
A great, big present for me
Oh, Amelia. Did you ever feel
like you're just wasting away?
This is the worst Julianuary ever.
- King Julien?
- Hello.
Haven't you heard of knocking?
I could have been naked in here.
I'm sorry if I ruined your Julianuary.
I don't understand.
I have all the presents.
Why do I feel so empty inside?
I don't know. But back there,
when we were all
giving presents to each other,
it was pretty good.
Hey! Why don't you give one
to your girlfriend Amelia over there.
- I bet she'd like it.
- No, she's not my girlfriend.
I don't want to. OK, fine, I'll do it!
Keep your chubby hands off.
Here, Amelia. Merry Julianuary.
Look at the smile on Amelia.
Making her feel good
makes me feel good.
Kind of warm and tingly
on the inside.
Like pinworms! Come, fat man!
We must share with the world
what I have discovered!
We did it.
Every single present delivered
and accounted for.
Goodbye, empty bags.
Hello, new...
No! There's still a few left
in this one!
No. No! No more!
I can't take it.
I'll throw it in the river.
It'll be like we never saw them.
Give me that.
Wait, they're... they're for us.
- What?
- Melman.
- Really?
- Marty.
- Get out of here.
- Alex! And me!
No way! Candied yams from Sylvia's!
And they're still hot!
They're still hot.
An inflatable hippo pool?
And chlorine?!
Oh, yeah. That's the stuff.
Dr. Maneesh's neck massager!
- What'd you get, Alex?
- Snow falling down
on my beautiful city.
How did he know?
That's why Santa's Santa.
The big man's got some talent.
We can't leave him back there dancing
around with that bump on his head.
- We gotta go back and help him.
- The good news is there's enough
sparkly stuff to get us
back to Madagascar.
- Is there bad news?
- Only enough to get to Madagascar.
Put it back!
So it's Madagascar or... home?
There she is, fellas!
Maybe next Christmas, New York.
Skipper, full speed ahead!
This is the life.
It says, "To Mort. Happy Julianuary.
Love, King Julien."
A coconut! Thank you, King Julien!
OK, boys, let's take her down.
We just lost one of our engines!
I thought you said there was enough
sparkly stuff to get us there!
- I did.
- Then what happened?
I was wrong!
Red Night Goblin!
The Red Night Goblin's coming!
Come on, Private. Think happy thoughts.
Happy thoughts.
The Red Night Goblin's attacking again!
Brace for impact!
Oh, no.
He's alive!
Where am I? The children.
The presents!
- He got his memory back.
- Terrible crisis, Santa!
The South Polers stole sleigh
- Now, Christmas is ruined!
- What?!
That's an outright Christmas lie
with all the trimmings.
Yeah, Christmas isn't ruined.
We delivered everything.
It's the truth. Santa,
the South Polers saved Christmas.
Cupid, stay out of this!
I grow tired of your reindeer games.
We want to be... bipolar.
Son of the gun.
- So you really delivered all the gifts?
- It's the least we could do.
And you even found Liechtenstein?
Oh, chestnuts! Those children
will be up any minute now!
- This way, Santa.
- But there's no sparkly stuff left.
I'll use the reserve tank then.
- Oh, reserve tank.
- Hey, Santa, wait!
- My friends and I...
- Thank you all for everything!
- Santa, wait!
- If that sleigh leaves
and you're not with Santa,
you'll regret it.
- Farewell, Private.
- We'll always have Madagascar!
- Santa!
- Wait!
And Julien, you're officially
off the naughty list!
What? You can't take me
off the naughty list.
I am the naughty list!
What's the naughty list?
Merry Christmas!
Well, looks like Santa's
back in business.
And we're back in Madagascar.
And you know what? We're gonna
have the best Christmas ever.
Right here!
This'll get me back on the naughty list.
Coconut ball fight!
All right, let's give
these babies a spin.
I can't stop! I can't stop!
Rockefeller Center
ain't got nothin' on this!
Well, we may not have
gotten home for Christmas,
but we got snow!
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
- It's not snow! It's not snow!
- See, Marty? It's not what you get.
- It's what you give.
- Give it a rest!
I'm so naughty.
Mort, you're next!
Alex, you OK?
Who's Alex?
Merry Christmas and happy Julianuary,