Message Man (2018)

Sorry, I have no,
but I can make.
How long?
Mm. Maybe...
three days.
No, that's, that's too long.
I need faster.
You want good, mister?
Yeah, maybe three days.
Two days.
Okay. Two day.
Why you do that?
I just trying to help.
I don't need any.
Go away.
You need help.
I good worker.
Please, I help you.
You too quiet.
You need to talk more.
I serious.
My mom cook you dinner.
She really good cook.
It's fine.
Don't worry.
I take care of you.
Oh, shit.
I be right back.
you meet my mom.
I... got stuff I have to do.
Doni tell me you give Doni work.
For today.
That's really nice of you
give Doni lots of money.
What did Doni do?
Just take some things
to my boat.
tell me you want come
to home to dinner.
I have to get back.
Uh, why?
Well, it's nice to meet you Mr.?
Mr. Ryan.
If you want to come
to our house to eat,
you are very welcome, Mr. Ryan.
What you looking at?
Get in.
Don't, don't touch that.
Don't touch anything.
What is for?
You use for fishing?
I told you not to touch
anything, please. Don't.
So what do you for job?
I'm retired.
What that mean? Retired?
Means I don't work anymore.
Is that hard?
Being retired?
Let's get the rest.
You come for dinner?
Go home.
It's the Kampong
at the end of the road.
The hut with the blue door.
You come for dinner at my home.
I help tomorrow, mister?
Go home.
Mr. Ryan!
You came.
You used your arrow?
Good shot.
Thank you.
This is my chickens.
This one my favorite.
He grow up one day and fight.
Where's your father?
He die.
You like my chicken?
It's nice.
When did he die?
When I was little.
This one, my second favorite.
I like him just as much.
But I need
to have a favorite though.
You see the strips, huh?
They're nice.
We better go in.
Wants fish?
I work tomorrow?
Meet me at the jetty,
nine a.m.
Don't be late.
I never late, ask mom.
Good night.
So, I think my mom like you.
You nice guy.
You just so quiet.
That's enough.
I did a good job, huh?
So what next?
We provide.
You need fish?
I'm your man.
I take care of it.
So are you come...
coming for dinner?
I mean,
do you want to come to dinner?
Could you tell Doni
that I'll be back.
How'd you go?
Perfect. I do really good job.
Best ever.
Not good enough.
Look there. See?
There's a crack.
It's no crack.
Redo them.
Make me an extra set for spares.
Oh. Okay.
Five days.
Good Mr. Ryan, get in.
Go there. There, there, there.
He die.
My favorite one.
A dog.
Do you know which dog?
So, what are you gonna do?
What do you mean?
You can't accept the dog
killed your chicken
and let him go.
Or you could kill the dog
so it doesn't come back
and do it again.
I don't kill dog.
Because that bad.
I want a better cage.
That will stop dog.
Let's say a prayer.
And bury the chicken.
What about the others.
They not safe.
We could sleep out here tonight.
And keep an eye on them.
We'll fix the cage tomorrow.
That's it.
No more room.
Why don't you take this
to the house. I get the rest.
What about stuff
for my chicken house?
We'll get that next.
You okay with that?
Just need to get it started.
I'll fix him. Let me fix him.
What happened to my son?
Clear the table.
Do you have any antiseptic
or thread? Needles?
No, no. I don't have.
I need you to put pressure here.
No, Doni.
Where are you going?
I'll fix him.
My son.
Doni, my son.
Are you a doctor?
How you know all this?
Tell me about the pirates.
Every month they come.
They took girls.
They took money.
They took lots.
How many are they?
How many?
Thirty, maybe.
The people here give them
what they want.
If not, they kill.
Was it them?
When he wakes,
I'm gonna take you somewhere.
To another place.
A better place.
No, no. We stay.
It's too late.
What did you do?
Mr. Lee,
we're running late.
We need more workers
and they want more money.
You know the one thing
that I hate most in this world?
I understand, sir.
But they need more time...
It's unfortunate
that what they want
and what they get
is two different things.
Cut all their wages in half.
Cut in half, sir...
As I just said,
everyone gets half.
With all due respect...
next week,
and they all have quit,
they will come begging for work.
We'll give them a raise.
I say, what, 25 percent?
need to give yourself
an opportunity
to be a nice guy for once.
Who is this?
Not now, he's busy right now.
Feel the amazing feeling
of giving someone a raise.
Boss, I think
you might want to see this.
I want you to bring him back
to me alive.
Pretty necklace...
for a pretty girl.
I need to get something
from my boat.
What? No. If something happen
I don't know what...
I have to.
I need you to keep
the kids inside.
Pack some clothes.
If I'm not back in two hours,
take the kids
to the green church
in the jetty.
Please do as I say.
Two hours.
Who sent you?
How many others are there?
How much they pay you?
One million?
Two million?
Was it Lee?
They didn't pay you enough.
I'm sick of waiting, Lee.
I sent my men in.
Do you think this is a game?
Do you have any idea
who this is?
I lost girls and I lost my men.
I'm sick of this little game.
You will not waste my chance.
I need you to be a smart man now
and seep these next word
to your fucking tiny,
little skull,
you fucking wait 'til I say!
Is everything alright?
I found something.
I've wanted
for a very long time.
How long you look?
...many years.
What is this thing?
A man.
A murderer.
And why you want him so bad?
He killed my parents.
How did he do it?
This had to happen.
I've killed too many.
Their bodies were on the floor.
Blood everywhere.
They call him the "Message Man."
I thought he was going
to kill me too.
It's my time now.
We'll see how he likes
losing things.
The money.
I needed the money.
It's been quiet out there.
Kids are getting married.
My goddamned mortgage.
The kids.
All grown up.
Trish is married now
for god's sakes.
Got a granddaughter.
And Lucy?
We're divorced.
Hey, 20 good years out of it.
All good things
come to an end, right?
where does that
leave us, friend?
Tell me about Lee.
He got wind you were here.
He's like a kid
with a fucking toy now.
And how many?
Jesus Christ,
it's fucking hot here.
What are you doing
out here anyways?
This fucking place
is a shithole.
It stinks, mosquitoes,
bad water,
thousand fucking islands.
Wait, wait.
The other players.
We just met.
Third guy is a Jap.
Chinese or some shit like that.
He's been getting
all the big gigs
over the last couple years.
Listen, this guy doesn't play
by the same set of rules.
And he's here now.
And the pirates,
the work for Lee?
I can walk away.
Completely off the grid.
I tried that.
What was it like
being alone for so long?
I'll keep an eye
on them for you.
Do they know about the family?
Something tells me
I'm just the distraction now.
What's your
granddaughter's name?
She's the most beautiful thing...
Send them now.
Oh, shit!
Why are they here, Mr. Ryan?
Why they take my babies away?
Why me?
Ryan, welcome back.
Did you like my gift?
I asked them to be creative
and I hope
they did their job well.
You know what I want.
I will give you one chance,
to bring them back to me
See you in Jakarta.
Two hours or I kill them both.
Just sleep.
It's okay.
I'm gonna get your kids.
I'll get 'em back.
Why the fuck is this here?
To kill you, I suggest.
You said that he will come
for you.
Well I say he come
for all of us.
No, no, fucking game.
I will kill him myself.
Then I will kill your girls,
then I will kill you.
You fucking with me?
Good luck with that.
Lee? Lee?
Due to time constraints,
I won't be able
to stay very long.
That being said,
I feel under the circumstances,
I owe it to some people
I've become very close to.
To give you
my fullest attention.
Please, don't kill me.
This is not
an exercise in torture.
Nor is it a lesson.
This is a combination
of all the bad choices
that you've made
grouped into a single action.
We must...
accept the consequences
of our actions.
No matter how painful,
how torturous,
how brutal or cruel
they may seem.
Women, money, anything.
I don't need anything.
Transfer code two four three
eight double-nine F-D-S.
Voice recognition approved,
how can we help you today?
I need a long-range consultant
and a satellite track for two.
Please confirm
price and availability.
We have a long-range consultant
available in the area.
The price
will be one million, US.
Do you approve?
Activation code 1135.
Your consultation
period is now active.
Purchase request code 2315.
How may I be of assistance?
Sending coordinates.
Relocate to marker one.
Hold for instructions.
Copy that.
Coordinates received.
Relocating. ETA, 16 minutes.
Where to mister?
How far away from here
do you live?
How far away from here
do you live?
Not far.
Okay, turn down here. Here.
No. No.
I need you to listen to me.
I'm gonna go into this building
and I'm gonna get a small girl.
When I come back
we take her to your house.
I want you to call your wife
and tell her to be ready.
Not my wife. No, no.
We go to one more location
and you are done.
No, no, no. Money is no good
if I die, mister.
You will not die as long
as you stay in the vehicle.
As long as
you do not leave this location.
You understand?
No, no, mister.
This is too dangerous for me.
You can go. Please, please.
Please, you can go, mister.
What's your name?
What's your name?
Adi, these people...
they take children
like your daughter.
They abuse them
and then they sell them.
I'm gonna make sure
they never do it again
but I need your help.
Mm, no, no. I'm not involved.
You already are.
Look, you are not in danger
as long as you stay here, okay.
Do not get out of the vehicle.
Please advise movement.
Copy. Relocating.
No clear shot.
Please advise.
Hold for instructions.
Oh, shit!
Ground vehicle clear.
Please advise next location.
About to enter top floor.
ETA one minute.
Copy. Relocating.
Ryan Teller.
I have to admit,
I'm quite an admirer.
Have clear shot.
Two targets.
Your three o'clock
and your nine o'clock.
Awaiting signal.
The work you did in Korea.
That group in Brazil.
So it's hard to believe that
someone with such
a skill and passion
for brutality would just...
fade away.
Seven years.
You of all people
should understand
the necessity for such
drastic measures,
if nothing but at least
find some kind of, uh...
finality to our relationship.
I'm actually
extremely grateful that
now I have the opportunity
to show you
how much you affected
my development as a child.
Put them down or the girl
will die, very slowly.
Put your guns down now.
Put the guns down now!
Kill the girl.
Dewi? Hey.
You okay? They didn't hurt you?
Okay, come on.
I need you to wait here for me.
Can you do that?
I want you to cover your ears
and close your eyes again.
Good girl.
I shot him in the cerebellum.
but all his sense and feelings
are still intact
and responsive to pain.
You know,
I've always considered myself
a highly motivated person.
Just imagine the, the passion
I must be feeling.
Can you imagine
the passion, Lee?
Can you? Huh?
Give me back the fucking boy!
If you've hurt him,
I'll kill everyone
in your family.
I'll kill all your friends,
I'll kill
your business associates.
I will kill everything
that you've ever loved.
Kill him.
Find and kill
this fucking piece of shit!
We go to the club.
I got you.
Hey, mister. You're bleeding,
let me help you.
No, I've got it.
Keep her safe for me.
Mother's address
is in her pocket.
Mister, you bleeding.
We need to fix you.
Let's go to doctor first.
Need to hurry.
I haven't got much time.
Get in.
They're moving.
Where to?
The city.
Your consultation
period has now ended.
Funds have been wired
to your nominated account.
Your services
have been requested in Rome.
Please board flight
in 48 minutes.
Time and location received.
Acknowledge termination
of consult period.
Adi, do you know this place?
That's the Red Club.
Take me there.
That's where they've got
the boy.
Where we go, sir?
Red Club.
I'm gonna go get the boy.
Okay, good luck.
You're gonna help me.
No, no I cannot help you.
No, I cannot.
Yes, Adi, you can.
I believe that you can.
How can I help you?
I'm just a Bajaj driver.
No, you're a good man.
You know the difference
between right and wrong.
No, mister. Please, listen.
These people are very, very bad.
They're like the king of bad.
If you don't help me,
this little boy could die.
You have a choice,
and I'm asking you
for your help.
Okay, but this is the last time.
This will be the last time
that I am going to help you.
No more.
Promise me,
this is the last time.
I promise you.
No. Promise me
that this is the last time
I'm going to help you.
I promise.
What do you want me to do?
I need you to be rich.
Do you take Americans?
Yeah, oh.
Okay, okay, okay.
Okay. Okay, boss.
Sometimes I feel
On top of the world
But I feel
Like I deserve it
I look around At all
these beautiful people
And I think
I must really want to...
Go. Go.
Two armed guys
approaching your seven.
No clear shot.
We are going to have
a lot of fun with you.
He's coming.
He's coming.
Come here. Come here.
It took a lot of work.
But here we are.
I got you now, bitch!
Wait, wait, wait.
Wait, wait.
Remember this sword, Ryan?
You should.
It still have
my parents' blood on it.
Here's what I'm gonna do.
Starting with the boy.
I'm gonna keep him.
Oh, and that little sister,
that little girl.
I'm going to make her work
her whole fucking life.
Until she's dead.
Oh, and the mother, the mother?
Oh, I'm going to cut her throat
into five parts.
Get the message?
You should have forgotten
about me.
Bye, Ryan.
The dog must die.
Come on. Come on.
Close your eyes.
Close them.
Don't worry, I take care of you.
Yeah, I know you will.