Messages Deleted (2009)

And deleted MESSAGES
- Kathy!
- Patrick ...
- Patrick!
- Kathy, come on, baby!
Quick, Patrick!
I'm here!
- Quick, Patrick!
- All right!
- Please do not let me die.
- Get away from the door!
Come here!
All right!
All right!
I do not like, you must
out of here. Get the torch!
Stay with me!
Over here!
I do not want to die!
- Get out of here, Tractor!
- Not in life.
- I'll shoot and c!
- No you did not do it!
You to your you want to be left
to your accounts.
Come on, baby! You're all right?
It is over.
- It is over.
- Can we go home?
Sure. For now I will come in
threatens one family.
Hold on to me, baby!
Stop-you, God!
Stop yourself, please!
I beg you, stop yourself!
Or as they say in
cinema, tiai!
Cli and I, with emphasis!
Cli and I, with emphasis!
And I equally Cli ...
a very bad movie!
Your story is about a
accounting tender
who is chased by a bad guy
named Tractor.
A and of his name? Tractor?
Who dies in act three,
stabbed with an awl,
and whose body disappears
the mysterious.
We all say! Good movies
constructed, built ...
As a great sex party!
And built up
the climax ...
and everyone go home
happy. That we want!
I like say
- I know, Miss Councel.
- Millie.
- Same as last week.
- Yes. Millie Councel.
Expect more from you.
From all of you.
Foundation of a great script,
be found in the main character.
But the character must
and to be credible. No?
I thought that Patrick
is credible.
Is based on someone you know.
This is great!
Talk about it all the time.
But it must be, and plausible.
Ask your colleagues!
They would do?
Let's imagine the scene!
This is a guy named Tracker,
a whopper misfortune
that you killed 14 friends
including the dog.
I threatened with a gun, a 45
semiautomatic. You have shot that?
A show of hands who would
shot as the bastard! All!
But you, Mr Brandt?
You have shot that?
Certainly he has and put
glon an ass.
A clear and charger in it.
Obviously, not me.
No man of reality,
but if I live in scenario
and kill him. Talk about
a film character.
And on page 10 of the scenario,
something must happen
to give continuity stories you know.
What happens in the script,
Miss Councel, on page 10?
Tractor has a monologue
about the decline of the individual,
the social factor of the 21st century.
What? I fell asleep?
Come ... This is not are you!
This is not the girl with red hair as well,
which stands among the four,
dressed funny ...
This is not are you.
Greatness comes from here,
comes here,
and a little here ...
You know? It is a mixture
of all three.
You head a great story,
but dies on exit, because
do not know there are a story. Yes?
This is the movie
I want to see!
Mr Brandt!
- Hi!
- You were right.
Do I put in
the character.
Thank you for utul and ass.
Part of being and the job.
If you allow me, I like
Your coat style Bogart,
but do not know where you have taken.
I am the one eternal no.
Expect to return and fashion.
It has large pockets and can
in notiele me in them.
I will try and i.
Many of my ideas go on the bottom.
It's a good way
to keep your ideas.
I'm going up to the corner to eat
pacheele some spring.
I thought can you look less
the changes that
I did the script.
As a type, I have other plans yet
and is a little early to me
involved in a relationship.
I refer to some pacheele
spring and the script.
Not intend to do
any conquest.
- Credeai that in me after you?
- Yes.
It's the dumbest thing on
I said ever.
- I'm sorry.
- Then I will make a surprise.
- What?
- The script.
- I will make a surprise.
- Okay.
It was great!
I never saw so something.
It was like in movies!
Yes, it is a CLI and I authentic.
Do not you ever sit?
See the cartoons in newspapers!
Stronger than in films.
have two messages impiety.
first post.
Mr Brandt is Orin,
's assistant Allan Kent
Los Angeles,
tel. 818.555.0199,
agency of L.A. Kanter
I want to return
the scenario.
Please Call.
End message.
To delete it ...
You, sir,
you are in Hollywood.
Joel, Joel ...
The Joel Brandt?
A guy wants to kill me.
I'm threatening with a gun.
My name is Jeremy Potter.
He put me to call you.
My name is Jeremy Potter.
No idea who this guy
and I have no idea who you are.
not know what's going on,
but saying that killing me.
If you hear me, help me!
Please raise your
Pick up the phone, one to kill me
End message.
Joel, Joel ...
The Joel Brandt?
A guy wants to kill me.
I'm threatening with a gun.
My name is Jeremy Potter.
He put me to call you.
My name is Jeremy Potter ...
- Hello?
- Adam, I am!
- Hey, buddy!
- What are you doing, man? It was funny.
I must admit that
You tricked me with the message.
- What message are words?
- You know you.
You left a message on the answering machine.
You called me, right?
No, I called.
- Weird ...
- What happened?
- I got a call.
- Have a drink tonight?
I can not tonight.
Tomorrow we exit to eat?
- Yes.
- All right.
- Kemo Sabe!
- See you tomorrow!
messages deleted.
Someone set the tone.
Therefore, Hollywood is going
and the idea of super heroes,
and I thought to write
something different, something opposite.
Some programmatic, maybe.
It's the first time
kill me one page.
Entirely empty.
What you say, Dad?
Wrote ...
what you know.
I told them and my students,
it's harder than it looks.
May want a coffee?
No, thank you, miss.
Make my bill.
How goes the writing?
Very good.
In fact, I blocked least.
Journal, it says soon
stalled than blocked.
I was kind of dull and
Berlin wall around the head.
Perhaps you would be
little inspiration.
- Come on, Claire ...
- What?
Usually go. May ii mind
our anniversary night?
Four weeks later
you wrote "Crime without effect.
Gender did not relate to writing.
Not by that I get famous.
You need a break.
Change the pace!
Certainly we need a break.
It's just an inspiration failure.
And to me it happens
many times they play.
He has nothing to do with us.
Claire, I talked about this.
- What words are you, anyway?
- God ...
You start with the body, then mui
picture of me. 3, 2, 1 ...
I feel better?
Can we go?
You think you can come to you?
I do not want to be alone at night.
Of course you can.
... fell from
third floor of the building.
Deceased was 42 years and
named Jeremy Potter
- Did you hear?
- What?
reporter told him.
- Where are we going?
- He said Jeremy Potter.
It's the guy who called me.
He said his name was Jeremy Potter.
- You're sure it's him?
- Yes. A and of his name.
Excuse me, are Joel Brandt.
Your case you busy?
I take.
What can help, Mr Brandt?
Lavery is detected.
What's his name the guy who
fell from the window?
I can not discuss the case, sir.
The reporter said Jeremy Potter.
This guy left me a message.
I'm sorry, Mr Brandt.
Guy is already dead.
We got all night to disposal.
I think the one who died
called him today.
I know and teai?
There I met in my life
but I left a message.
- You left him on the answering machine?
- Yes, ma'am.
- We listen to the message?
- Yes.
- No?
- No?
I said that is a farce and i. ..
When I heard the first time,
I was scared to death,
then I thought it buddy
My Adam and I have deleted.
And now, the guy fell from
window just in front of me.
The guy was already dead when
fell from the window.
Probably died three
hour and a half before.
- What time you called?
- At 3:53 I left messages.
You live nearby, Mr Brandt?
- Do you work here?
- Yes.
Claire works at cafe
which happened.
What can you busy?
I screenwriter.
Sounds interesting.
- May have something to tell us?
- So far not.
Yes, I saw something.
Some display e.
- The company which has floor ...
- Excuse me.
Detective Breedlove
you will get the statements.
We will call you, Mr Brandt.
- How do you spell your name?
- B-R-A-N-D-T.
- Do you want Chinese food?
- Yes, sounds good.
You have one unheard message
What are you doing?
Check, if you did you did it yourself.
You can not come to my house
and listen to my messages.
Joel are Millie, in your class.
I wanted to thank you
that helped me today.
You out of the impasse.
I felt and how I muscle that
Bottom microbe writing.
Message deleted.
Why did you do that?
It's just a student, and a little toaic.
I was nothing between us.
Says now
but you have to get in her arms.
About it was that?
Someone else?
I told you.
I struggle to know who they are in life.
I struggle with writing.
I struggle with the fact that you
to be Actress.
Whatever you are trying to tell me ...
I must say tonight?
- Yes.
- Okay.
May you know when you said that you had
muscle microbe as bottom writing?
I just expected to be
I keep looking after pinching
in the bottom.
- Now what?
- This is my film.
I wrote a kissing scene already.
I like.
I do not want us separated, Joel.
You know?
I thought you left home.
I was watching the file
Jeremy Potter.
By Monday evening, when Sally
took children and left,
go out with boys at the corner bar.
You want to go and you?
You know you. Some glasses,
some smiles ...
Changed less air.
- I deal with emotional life.
- Just trying to get you out somewhere.
- I love my work.
- You know how you get?
Without sense of humor,
social life without ...
There you have left than instincts.
You're like your father.
As suspicious.
What you want, Breedlove?
My neighbor ...
Cute boy, divorced ...
E firefighter.
And he comes tonight.
If I stay my cat
the tree, I will call him.
Do not say that I tried.
You took Brandt's statement?
- Yes.
- And what did he say?
E screenwriter. knew they had
Always rich imagination.
- Check it still i.
- You bet.
Invitation remains valid.
Act one is the first
There it all began.
There started to give high heat.
The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy
land on a witch
knows a few guys
and go to look for Oz.
In Star Wars, Skywalker
View Leia's,
is helped by Obi-Wan Kenobi,
and six films later
become stronger.
- Hitchcock ...
- Would kill someone.
He's right.
Hitchcock would kill someone.
It's a great way to start a movie.
I got it, but the hero?
Again, the hero is not the same
Working with the protagonist.
At the end of the first act,
something happens to change ...
Something that they change lives.
It ...
Sorry. From that moment
is affected in some way.
I did it respond to your
the question?
Number unknown.
If I'm the one you Looking,
to know that you do not hear.
Hello, you hear?
May call me once, that we hear!
You scared me to death!
And you have me scared.
Had come to leave manuscripts
this and to take others.
I'm going to eat.
Do you leave my keys.
Let me bring them when you are done.
- I was in the park are.
- Okay. You are my hero.
I know, the protagonist,
but that just does not ring.
Do not forget to lock.
God ...
Good morning!
We can help you?
Talk to me
Trust me, if your class police.
Type is dead, I have no leads,
so I can forget.
Type called me and left me
a message, then died.
Give few dubloni for
pirailor treasure.
Someone should be
deal with individuals knew.
You dropped a shell!
- Be nice to him.
- Yes.
People knew destroy
buildings here.
If we were after me,
he and all raise.
How can you temper that guy?
- Write something now?
- Yes. A mountain of pages.
E as Kilimanjaro,
but I try.
Baga and some sex.
It would be a great start.
Preferably lesbian.
Wake up instincts.
- May you and nothing in your head?
- Try not.
- You know what you would be?
- Do not say a vacation.
And that, no.
I wanted to tell you that if
want to write in quiet,
I have a cabin in the mountains.
Is empty.
This is exactly what you need.
Quiet and peace.
- What's mine and yours.
- Technically not really yours.
It's a rag.
You have talent.
I sell a script until you see.
Adam, are not realistic.
That does not mean
that do not go to movies.
Gorge! Do not say
not that I gave you!
Adam, Millie, Millie, Adam.
Adam is my friend, agent
property, and Millie is ...
- Student service.
- You know, I dreamed last night.
And I think I have seen
Andu-stealing and you in class.
A and E. I had come to pick
Kemo Sabe on the table.
And last week
all with Kemo Sabe?
In fact, I'm Lonely Clreul,
he is Kemo Sabe.
- No, you are Tonto.
- I'm Lonely Clreul!
- Jill ...
- Millie.
No matter. This is the book
my business card, if you want a house.
- This is the name of conspiracy?
- Yes.
Very well, sir Brickles!
- Goodbye, Mr Brandt!
- Goodbye, Millie!
- Stop looking so her!
- What I would love to break in two.
You say good of you girls
countries in class, my friend.
- Some cookies and would fit.
- There's cookies long ago.
How about you?
All the waitress that?
Her name is Claire. We are together
one year and is Actress, not waitress.
And I am a worm
the bottom of the Pope.
I have to go.
I'm sorry. I'll call.
Good day! Good luck!
You have three messages impiety.
first post.
Joel, I am
I got a role
a TV show.
You play the role of doctor.
Doctor, someone just
got sick.
The second message.
Mr Brandt, are detected Breedlove.
You can Call me, set ...
Search your a hobby, Breedlove!
third message.
Joel, threatening me with death.
have to come here.
I do not know what it is.
you do not know any.
My name is Myrna Chang.
are at 32,112, Kell Street.
Kell ... Kell ...
Excuse me!
Kell ...
Kell, Kell, Kell ...
Fri! Fri!
Excuse me!
- What the fuck?
- Sorry!
Myrna Chang.
Hey, you! What is her name?
Her name is Myrna?
- Do not know yet. Are you neighbor?
- I know her name.
Can I ask a few questions?
Povestii us about it.
Myrna a name?
You said you know the one.
- Turn the camera.
- The same thing happened yesterday.
Sugerai that would have any
connection with the crime of yesterday?
- Sir?
- No, no, no ...
- Kinda weird that you're here.
- Just walked on the street.
- Let's hear the story, Mr screenwriter.
- It's a misunderstanding. Please ...
Multiple stabbing
abdomen and thorax.
Facial bruises ...
Tweezers ...
What am I doing here?
I have nothing to do with that.
Look what the cat caught!
Look at that!
It seems a cookie
with Rava and Chinese.
- "Rich, poor, heaven and etor, thief."
- "Thief" is emphasized.
You know something about it?
- What time you get my message?
- At 2:40.
- And where you were?
- At college.
I have the right to a phone.
Are not arrested.
Go home to your
- I know right, thank you.
- You know just what you have seen in movies.
- Tell me what rights you have!
- To make a call ...
No! Suii in your car!
Are called Miranda rights.
You have the right to remain silent,
you are entitled to a lawyer,
you are entitled to a phone.
You have the right to remain silent.
I like that!
not have any message.
But I deleted the messages.
I heard the cell.
You're a guy looking.
Do not understand? Someone came
and I deleted the messages.
There is no evidence of penetration by
efracie. Does anyone else have keys?
Yes. My friend Claire
and my friend Adam.
Look, Bonnie and Clyde!
Maybe we should arrest them.
- They work somewhere?
- Adam is a real estate agent,
and Claire's Actress.
Sometimes work, sometimes not.
Your friend has access to messages?
Honestly, not too
May we apropiai.
It's my ex-boyfriend.
As relations with Myrna Chang you were?
- I have met in my life.
- It's not strange that you were there?
I knew none of the victims.
All I have called and asked me
help and I knew what to do.
Can I take this?
I ate food
Chinese last night.
You lucky it's not red!
You are equally important
for the killer and the victims.
That scares me and.
If it decides your murderers You
kill me ...
Excuse me, not without warrant!
You can monitor phone
or give you a security guard.
- I volunteered.
- No, thank you, I can handle.
Gain of scenarios you bread?
Try. I and Professor
Chance college.
- What predai?
- Scriptwriting, higher level.
Make me understand!
We take people's money
that I taught you something
Why are not you
able to do?
Remember my phone number.
Call me if you want to talk.
- The one thing you're right.
- That's good. What?
These random crimes
not make sense.
Senseless murder ...
- It is a rubber gun.
- Bang!
Senseless crime.
Senseless crime.
"The woman was thrown from the window."
Jack ipete go by and find one on
pavement surrounded by lot. "
Jack Powell ...
Jeremy Potter ...
Jack Powell, Jeremy Potter.
"Detective lean
the corpse ... "
"The woman had been stabbed
several times ... "
"As pernu a needle."
"The crimes continued ..."
"The next day morning."
God ...
BC's murderers and fun of writer
scenario using them against him.
The question is why?
What is the purpose?
It is a good track, but ...
I do not know what the purpose.
Write what you know.
You can enter threat
and ready, you have obtained the suspense.
Must be linked with the hero.
- Protagonist.
- What?
- Protagonist.
- Exactly. Protagonist.
The evolution of the protagonist.
During the film can be
witness to something grand,
such as an explosion, but if
he has connection with the protagonist,
you lose the audience, which
is the main purpose of the film.
Ideal would be to his story.
- Or her story.
- Yes. To his or her.
It ...
a simple equation ...
and i. ..
It is our duty,
that are scenari,
to externalize inner evolution.
- Questions?
- Question!
Yes, detective?
If the character he has
no inner evolution?
Do not understand.
If he has a conscious memory
own actions?
It is possible that the subconscious to them
dictate negative actions.
Sugerai it's possible that
someone to commit a crime
and to not remember anything and more?
I think this is a kind of abuse
to absolve him of any blame.
And not as Hitchcock's.
Psycho, Norman Bates.
Pattern of halving
of personality.
A serial killer.
What would have to take five minutes rest?
Mrs. detective, if you want to
talk, you expect out.
What the heck do?
Trying to gain my bread!
Explain me something!
If you panda's murderers and expect
to plecai that you delete messages,
as may be the place
crime at the same time?
It's simple.
Kill someone, salt in
car, go to my house
and prices of coffee,
I delete messages,
time that I stand
the police car.
You all one explanation.
We arrange and others scenarios?
- Trying.
- Only yours you fail.
Because it is real life.
Not video.
- You do not have to make sense.
- Usually have, Mr Brandt.
If victims are chosen randomly,
not a random criminal acts.
I say if you would be
something you should know, right?
Crime meaningless,
by Joel Brandt.
Why did he and hide something,
Ms detective?
- Do not know.
- Can I go back in time?
- Of course.
- Thank you.
Did you come up and ask
the sections when you finish.
- Are accused?
- Yes.
But you are on the list of suspects,
and we want you out
on that list.
- I Put the lie detector?
- It would be a great idea.
- Get there in one hour.
- Thank you.
I never liked my story.
Do not you worry.
Hates everything you do others.
- I heard that you are screenwriter.
- I. And are and teacher.
I always wondered if
Put your characters in your skin.
- It's too tight?
- No, it's good.
It said that you correctly identify
the character you write?
It's just an expression used on TV.
- Write detective?
- I wrote about five thrillers.
Gain Probably more so
The character is more negative.
Scenario is true only
if video is after him.
- We start the test?
- Not yet.
So join the criminal mind,
and he's talking through your
Perhaps you feel very strong.
We start with simple questions?
What is your name when you were born,
sleep with the goats?
- You culcai the goats, Mr Brandt?
- Only on weekends.
Let's begin!
All right. Let's see ...
Are you frustrated that your father
was a successful man?
He was a publicist, right?
Not really understand.
You feel guilty for death
Your mother, on fire?
It was the opera singer, right?
This is not a test
However, it is not permissible in court.
Just trying to
understand, Mr Brandt.
Try to understand me?
Playing with me?
Take this stuff off me!
- What you are? Psychiatrist?
- Technically, no.
What does that mean?
Believe that kill people
and then call me and say:
By the way, you just killed someone.
You did a good job.
I left you a message,
but do not forget to delete it!
- That you nchipuii you do?
- I just suggested that you might like.
Have any evidence as to
I can retain the?
- Yes.
- Welcome! Thanks, bye!
It worked well.
- Why did you sorry, Mr Brandt?
- Because you bgai in my life.
No matter what you are involved,
you have told us that two foreign
you have called before to be kill.
I'm the one with no imagination.
If I apropiai me
to less than 15 meters,
give you to court for
hruire of you take ameeala.
I've heard that CLI and ego.
You know something?
Life is great and I cli.
Section The whole this is a cli and me.
This is the panel with people looking for?
Look and a whore!
A panel and a whore!
In five seconds we all
necessary elements of a movie.
Not to put out
you know that policemen and I eat gogo
- You can be more original.
- Do not try to be original. You?
So far trying to find exit.
Bon voyage!
Do not understand me wrong, but
I hope you will not see as they live.
To quiet your tea,
feeling is mutual.
Adam, can we meet?
Too fat. I like fat,
but right places.
May tracks the me once, right?
In my scenario,
first two to die,
are students and taxi driver
the other end of the city.
Yes, you hear!
Taxi driver ...
Jeremy Potter actually died
the porn shop,
then Myrna Chang
which was seamstresses.
If my assassin
copied the script,
next victim will be ...
Keeper of the zoo,
and that of the tiger.
You've read the script twice.
And if you've watched the killer,
how to make it not
kill the guard?
You can not.
If it would still have
Relevance of the second act.
In this part of the film, it's murderers
have to kill someone you know.
All thrillers are a and a.
Mine wanted to be more
random, and in May nfrico ATOR.
The public does not care about that.
In a way I did to catch
never to see your movie.
Look, I am convinced that
everything is a coincidence.
Look at you, you look like hell.
Try to sleep at least.
- I have to go to a meeting.
- Meeting?
It's midnight.
Do not you never stops?
Yes. When you finish
what to do.
- You understand that's my advice?
- Yes.
I think you and I write a script.
How hard can it be?
Then why are there
scenari are the world?
if uses are for printing
Your scenario,
all crimes in a random manner,
keeper of the zoo will die.
You can not do anything
to stop this.
- Only if ...
- Only if you?
Unless your wants murderers
story to make sense.
- Kemo Sabe!
- Oh, thank you!
Yes. I'll call, right?
"If you like something,
and not mean it's good. "
- Thanks! May poftii on us!
- Thanks! Shit ...
- Hello?
- Joel?
- Joel's there?
- Where are me know?
Who is?
Sergeant Rivers.
I know are not.
- Where did you get this number?
- Someone else has made it for me.
I want to talk to him.
Put him on the phone!
If you do not live here, kill me.
Please, come here!
I will come.
Tell me where are you!
Street 10, nr.96.
Street 10, nr.96. Not far.
Are close to that place.
Clad building.
Street 10, nr.96, clad building.
All right, come!
- Do not bring police!
- I bring!
Say they come soon!
Excuse me, I need the car!
Sorry, sir,
I got another client.
Do I go on the street 10.
It is a matter of life and death.
No way. I ordered.
Do you give 100 dollars!
Me to wait five minutes
and if not out, call the police.
I can not expect.
Nor should you take.
Call her the detective Lavery.
This is her number.
Tell him to come as it can
soon as a crew.
That makes more than $ 100.
You have scruples?
I have already given you!
Please. Can I trust you?
- Yes. I'm your man
- Stops here and wait me!
No, no, no ...
Jesus! Forgive me, man!
Forgive me! For a second,
when you came, I thought you're ...
- Are you Joel?
- Yes. You're Sergeant?
- Where is it?
- What?
He ran out the door.
- I never saw when I went.
- He took it up.
It's common roof
the building next door.
I hit quite sturdy.
You have blood on face.
All right.
- Where's the phone, to call the police?
- I cut the thread.
A call to the cell.
You sign here, because
it's clad building.
We have to get off
the hall downstairs.
- You saw what he looks like?
- No, he stayed behind me.
I woke up with a gun in front.
I saw only a silhouette.
Okay, Sarge. Stay here
call up the police, right?
I will bring you some ice,
if that is your boss.
Detective Lavery?
How do I make it?
I want to find him and to say
that one seeks Joel Brandt
and to send a team
or a police car
the building board on
Street 10, apartment 3c.
Let us say that we reached in May
on time this time
and that I saved the guy.
Come on! Damn!
May tell them to send
and an ambulance,
if the guy gets in shock.
No, wait on the phone
Until you find.
Come on!
Sir, May you are there?
Listen ...
It's too late!
It's too late, he died!
Send an ambulance!
No. No, no, no!
Over here!
I'm sorry.
I did nothing.
I'm sorry, okay?
Quick! He took the stairs!
On the fire escape!
Where did it go?
- You see?
- Not here. Let's go!
- Claire!
- Joel! You're okay?
No. There are not good.
- Do not they arrested?
- Why say that?
Police came to the cafe
before closing.
- So what you have said?
- It was a woman detective.
He said that you have invented all
story with answering machine.
No! I know from You!
You know that I could never kill anyone!
He tried to make me
You mean like it, but I refused!
What happened?
I just saw a man.
I talked to him, he died.
Was upon me.
- I want to go.
- You gotta believe me!
- No!
- Claire, I have to believe!
None of this makes sense!
Why do people call you
even before they die?
I do not know!
Here's my suspicion.
I think someone has read my script.
And now trying to scare me,
or to make it appear that I
are suspect. Someone ...
Why do people call you
even before he kill?
Why do people call you
even before he kill?
Someone read the script.
Someone read the script.
We recorded.
Why are you registered?
Why do this?
Have fun listening to the world?
Want to do a kind of ...
Joel, how are you?
Why do this?
You want to put all this
the Interior?
It is a world
of ciudai like you there?
To tell you something ...
It's not my film.
If you call me,
I swear to God that kill!
Do not respond!
Do not go anywhere with you!
If it is there?
Quiet! We listen!
It is the building across the street.
Third floor, second window.
I saw!
Hi, Claire, leave message
I will kill you
All right. Quiet!
- You have a gun?
- Yes.
- But a knife?
- I have a knife.
- All right. Go and take the knife!
- Okay.
Adam. Adam ...
Come on, buddy, reply!
'm Adam, leave message.
Adam, come to Claire
as soon as you can!
Do not talk to anybody!
No police announce!
Come here, I need you!
I called Adam, one to come.
After you leave, lock the door after me!
Not open than
Adam or me!
Both! We two!
Give me the knife!
All right, sweetie.
You take care of you.
I have to go.
Lock the door!
That was seen Brandt.
Guess what?
- When his girlfriend?
- You assumed right.
Do not kill!
What you want from me?
Tell me!
Tell me! I want to understand!
Not ...
Do not move!
Skip to earth!
What the hell Looking here?
I'm Adam Brickles.
I came from a friend, Claire.
Stop me
We take this to the laboratory,
but I agree it was her.
- I just talked to her afternoon.
- Constable, come to see something!
- Who did this, have great hatred.
- Do you think he did?
I doubt,
and the already soaked pants.
I will kill you
It's our lad.
Go ahead and ciosului pi!
- You can not stay all night.
- Do not understand this guy.
- No trace of him?
- Nothing.
He managed to escape,
what is wrong.
E. Do not I thought and I.
Tracks the one scenario
it has sold the Waterfront Pictures.
The script did was never done,
and guess how the name?
Senseless crime.
- We can get a copy?
- Yes, must come.
So far, we have sent
comments by fax.
What comments?
A comment about the script
written by a waiter for 20 years.
Important is the subject.
A killer set about doing
a series of senseless crimes.
Look what it says here!
"This scenario,
lacks structure, "
"based on ideas taken from
commercial films, "
"should be rewritten if a
written by first-hand, "
"would be a good material for
industry thriller. "
"I recommend scenario, provided
to pass on to a writer. "
"Writing is the amateur level,
and the main character ... "
Reading it, understand why it was
started killing people.
Without record, parents desprii,
childhood isolated
failed sentimental ...
What escape?
Maybe frustrations of life
intimate fantasies dominate them.
And I was suddenly grabbed
to kill people?
It's just a psychopath Script
rejected the world.
- Millie!
- Mr Brandt!
- What was that?
- Kama Gra. My whole life.
I'm sorry.
- You know better.
- Are you all right?
Except that beat me
a student well.
What Looking here?
I said you can come
to read scripts here.
- At midnight?
- It's quiet and I was working.
- What do you here?
- Looking for a script.
I reorganized the whole office,
so I can help you find it.
It is a scenario
old of mine ...
- Crime without respect?
- Yes.
I have a copy home, but not
I can take it one take.
- I gave the wife out?
- A and something. Is that it?
- You suprai if you say something?
- No, go ahead.
I know you have sold
a large studio.
- I think it's so good.
- What?
I read it several times
and Honestly,
have little effect, all those
crimes made at random.
In everyday life it happens.
No. In real life
killing with a purpose.
- That 'Do you imagine you.
- Anyway, the original is better.
deleted messages,
Ivan Reimer.
Pretty good, huh?
I see why you have copied from him.
in to tell you that I do not remember
You ever read this script.
In May he was and record it.
"Dear Mr Brandt,"
"I sent a check for $ 45"
"and wait for your answer
My scenario messages deleted. "
- "I hope to meet you personally."
- It is a letter.
- Your answer?
- Let me see!
"To be honest with you,
Your screenplay is ... "
I wrote these notes.
- God ... It Reimer!
- What?
What's happening?
Why you wear so weird?
Do you can say something?
Can I trust you?
All crimes of scenario
it happens.
Last night I saw
my friend was killed.
- Must Call the police!
- That 's, I can not!
Police believe that I am.
That I had lost our minds.
They brought a psychiatrist and I and
imagine that I am the murderer.
- Your friend was murdered?
- Last night. I saw everything.
Just like his hero Reimer,
on page 67, park.
"Jack saw behind Chelsea
a person with a hood over the head ... "
Just so it was.
Jack escape the phone, began to
ipe and run to the window. "
He and the happened?
"Chelsea, Chelsea, God ..."
Just so happened last night.
Yesterday, after Myrna Cheng
was killed,
I did it to them we take an interview
suspect, Joel Brandt.
- You apartment?
- Yes. Rather small, but ...
Let's go to you!
Let's go!
Now we present the interview.
- Do you have any connection with the victim?
- It happens again.
You can look by the Board, sir?
What spuneai that happened yesterday?
Take me room
All right, I got him.
Here. Come!
- This place is great!
- Enter!
- Want a beer?
- Yes. A beer would be welcome.
Who is this guy?
Your friend?
I bought it to a
sale of lumber.
Rama I put it later.
How did you decide
to become a screenwriter?
I love to tell stories
crazy when I was little.
Because of this we in trouble
and we reached the school of correction.
Yes. Want to know what
happened then?
That happened.
- God ...
- Do you think not what.
I did a stupid.
I tried to run away from
School of correction,
I broke a window with your hands
and I cut.
- You tried to escape?
- Yes. It was terrible there.
But everything is in the past.
I am perfectly normal now.
Let's go back to the scenario.
We give string of events.
- It is obvious that the type and UCAR.
- Of course it's and UCAR.
- You tried to steal the script.
- I tried to steal the script.
Perhaps the subconscious we have taken
elements of the scenario's
and I entered the mine,
but I did it intentionally.
In his scenario,
killing girlfriend
is a classical turning point.
From that point,
throughout story,
following four
or five scenes, the hero ...
protagonist, who assume that I am,
starts out of control.
That is losing contact
with reality.
But a meet and get the girl.
The help you.
Genre Classic ally.
Like the Tin Man.
Only that it is stronger
and I affect a rain.
Do not you find it a little odd?
The character of ...
the scenario is called Jill.
This is great! It's as if
I live in a bizarre video.
But not a movie.
Real people die.
My friend died.
It ...
- I think we should go.
- No!
I just lost the final act.
Always a reversal of
situation and do not want to lose.
- I know ...
- Wait!
Stay with me tonight.
I'll sleep on the couch.
On the couch ...
Yes. That much to do.
Good morning!
- What time is it?
- Eight.
- On how to get up?
- I have to go.
All say that.
Where to go?
I need a computer.
I want to know who Ivan Reimer.
I have internet,
but finds are the central library.
Let me get changed
and ride the car.
Why do not you forget the
top drawer?
Search in tights.
Guns and condoms.
A girl has to be
always ready.
Can I talk to Ivan Reimer, please?
Take a nap?
Fulfill 100 years you tomorrow?
Congratulations, it's great!
Thank you.
- Another coffee.
- Thank you.
Are the least Rainer 1000.
- It's not his name.
- It's the only track.
You told us to focus
the character.
Rather than think about who
follows to be killed,
better to think
why does.
Who is he? To penetrate
in mind the character.
- What?
- Bravo!
It's good!
Looks like you learned something.
Maybe you failed as a writer,
but are an excellent teacher.
Thank you.
If not for murder, even for
scenario would be to arrest.
- All die, less killer.
- And Brandt live and you.
- We have evidence for the purposes of that?
- Pretty incriminating.
Victims so far have been
killed just like scenario.
It seems enough to raise him.
- What?
- However, I do not think he did.
If he did it, means that
someone has framed the story.
Someone who has read the script.
- Come to think!
- Yes.
The killer is the wait.
We know that.
He wrote a good script.
You recognized and you.
He wrote a kind of story.
We must find something
where to take us to him.
I read three times scenario.
Not only know the name.
Ivan Reimer.
Ivan is Russian.
Reimer may mean one thing.
Want to pronunciation Reimer?
- Reimer.
- Raiment. ~ coat ~
Myrna Chang.
A. .. two victims.
Bileel had a mouth,
as in prjiturelele
with Rava and E.
It was red and wrote on it:
"Rich, poor, heaven and etor, thief."
The word "thief" was underlined.
What could this mean?
Why have a link with
Rava and prjiturelele with it?
- What?
- Says ... Millie's next.
- I know you. He knows you're here.
- God ...
You have to hide.
Adam ...
I have an idea!
Here it is!
I do not think is involved.
It's just been a sucker when
wrong, the wrong place.
So far the only link
by Brandt, so I go after him.
To keep the distance!
Should arrive.
There you will find one there.
You will be safe, right?
It seems fair
to stay here.
I know, but should.
After what happened with Claire,
if pe are something,
I do not know what to do.
- How much will I be there?
- Until it ends.
My phone.
Call me anytime you want.
- At any time.
- Keys.
All right.
Look ...
Take care of yourself, right?
And you.
And to keep an eye on his hands.
It's about smoothie.
Weird. Girl ...
No I never thought
to do my hair punk.
I saw him in class.
It's a student of his.
- Where are you going?
- Tracks the them! I have a hunch.
Rich, poor, heaven and etor, thieves.
What a mean?
Must mean something!
Think you, fool!
Tinsmith, tailor,
Generally, rating ...
No, no, no ...
mpuit, tailor, soldier, sailor.
Soldier, soldier ...
Seaman, sailor ...
Tinkers hammer and you,
tailor sew.
Chang's seamstresses.
Private, Sergeant, sailor.
Tinsmith, tailor, soldier, sailor.
I found!
Now what a mean?
The last verse was ...
Doctor, lawyer, chief of the tribe!
Who's the doctor?
E Claire.
Claire is a doctor.
Millie's lawyer?
Millie Council. Counselor, Advocate ...
Who is head of the tribe?
I sheep as head of the tribe?
There may be head of the tribe.
Dumaurier estate agency.
Adam Brickles and sales agent.
If you do not live here, I die
- have to go. I have an appointment.
- What date? It's midnight.
- You are never stops?
- When I finish what I did.
Kemo Sabe.
Unless murderers wants your story
to make sense, Kemo Sabe.
Adam ...
Freeze, Brandt!
I did it myself.
I am the one who you called.
- No matter, come with me.
- I found out who the murderer.
- Come with me and we'll talk.
- I have to kill, not understand?
- Must go!
- Jesus!
Detective Lavery, code 4.
The suspect escaped.
Cobori of the car!
Detective Lavery, code 4.
Hi, Millie,
you know what to do.
Millie, I am!
Adam's murderers site.
If you hear the message,
can run as fast!
They are on their way to you.
Yes. Detective Lavery.
I could not let me arrest.
We have to finish this.
What has ended?
You said you know who the murderer.
E Adam Brickles, my friend.
He wants to kill everyone.
Relax, Joel, a detective
it tracks the right now.
Tell me where are you come to
take you and nobody gets hurt.
No, before my friend
and is about to be killed.
You have to help, I'm sorry.
Breedlove, where are you?
Are in the north,
on a country road.
Pimburg just past Exit.
Brandt headed for you.
I just escaped.
He says that Adam's killer Brickles,
So be prepared.
Be cautious, Breedlove!
- Joel?
- Oh, Millie!
- You're all right?
- Adam asked me to call you.
Listen to me, are the way to you.
A detective you to follow.
I want to forget him.
- He has a gun.
- What does?
If you do not live alone, kill me.
He says that he stole the script
and wants to understand this.
- Do not call the police!
- Almost there. Hold on!
God ...
It's me! I came!
I am alone, so as you asked.
I stole your script!
I'm sorry.
I was lost.
And I was ... desperate.
I wrong.
Please get an on Millie
the story.
- Millie?
- Joel, here! Help!
- Millie!
- Joel, help!
Take care, is armed!
- You're all right?
- I'm fine.
- Your head ...
- I know, are good.
He has a gun.
Killed the detective.
I will kill you, then me!
- Wait me in the car!
- No! Wait!
And he left the keys in the car.
We must find the keys!
Find the keys!
They are here somewhere.
We must find the keys!
He has a gun!
You did it!
I had no choice.
You said you do it, but ...
I can not believe you did.
You think your scenario
s better than the original?
Eye of ...
His head!
It ...
Why are you calling?
Phone ...
He had a gun.
What would have been?
That's what names are
you a CLI and I, right?
Sula by broken ice.
What you said ...
that is not possible?
What do you now?
It was a reversal of the situation.
That makes the film work.
Keep attention awake.
The audience liked
always surprises.
Some well-placed clues ...
Kemo Sabe lovely name ...
That's all I needed.
I signed up to your course
two years ago.
Not much did you pay attention.
I sent you my script
I like to analyze it,
I do not like to steal it.
Why did you kill those people?
Always told me
the more sorry,
all the best.
I made it be better, Joel?
You told me I could have
trust you.
And I believe in you.
But you betrayed me.
Just like everyone else.
You know ...
When I was little ...
Obi mother and switch to
I locked closet.
Until I was my father.
But one day I found
a drum of gasoline ...
and I burned the house.
It was the most warmly
feeling ever had,
in my life.
No, no, no ...
Millie! Wait!
- Wait!
- I think the jokes are.
Bow with arrows?
What CLI and me!
Let me count the movies!
- It is over!
- You are murderers?
You're stabbed in the belly.
You think you will be easily?
I think not.
I'll kill you as easily
as are squash a bug.
May need to work
least the dialogue.
You said you're screenwriter?
Drop the gun, Brandt!
Not me, Lavery, she is.
Mrs. detective, helping me!
Killed Adam Brickles, you will
kill you, I will kill me.
I will kill you!
Leave the gun or shoot, Brandt!
- You have three short.
- Lavery, have to believe me!
One ...
- Two ...
- Lavery!
Joel ...
I dare you
wonder how we doin '?
I did everything I could.
I pleaded.
Your situation here is rather difficult.
What happened?
Have you talked to people at Bow Park?
We obtained 79%.
In hand.
Honestly, I
I was waiting on more.
I do not know what to tell you.
And accept me.
Do not think it can be better?
Well. Then ...
- To complete the deal.
- Be confident.
I asked 900,000 for expenses.
There can rewrite the script,
and can determine the distribution
together with the director.
This is amazing! Thank you.
About the process you've never heard anything?
- I'm your agent, not the lawyer.
- Excuse me.
You know, we bought back and
your script several years ago,
and i. ..
This is very good.
Tell me where you found
this character, Millie?
It is a compilation of people,
largely inventai me.
It is a great character
and a great script.
Write what you know.