Meu Pais (My Country) (2011)

Okay, Bibi.
Get your collar, go on.
The figures are alarming.
We need to take control.
there's nothing else for it.
- But what about the board?
- Let's wait until the end of the month.
What if we go
multi-manager? Marcos?
The situation is very serious.
From now on, you're
just shareholders.
How are you?
Good, and you?
Not so bad.
When are you thinking of going?
I don't have to.
They can get by without me.
I think you should,
at least for a few days.
Giulia, right now, I can't pass
the fund overto another manager.
Hello Marcos?
It's Tiago.
- Giulia.
- Nice to meet you.
Let's go?
Have you told anyone?
I told uncle Dante.
He and Moreira will tell
whoever else is necessary.
This is Bibi.
Can I come in?
So you've decided
to stay here then?
- Do you mind?
- No.
I think it's a good idea.
I'll sort this out as soon as...
as soon as I cool off a bit, R.
Right, but don't mess about,
this could be dangerous.
No, I promise.
Fair enough,
see you tomorrow, then.
- Okay, talk to you later.
- Sure, see you.
- Thanks R.
- Sure, bye.
Look what I found.
You still have yours?
Lost it, didn't you?
I think I lost it
the same day she gave it to us.
Look at that, Mr. Armando.
Such a shame you didn't get a
chance to see yourfather again.
He would have loved to see you.
- I'm sorry, Tiago.
- Thanks Moreira.
- Marcos?
- Yes.
My name's Osvaldo. I'm a doctor.
I knew yourfatherfor many years.
Thanks for coming, Osvaldo.
He shared some very important
matters with me...
this took me by surprise.
This is my number.
Call me when you can talk.
What's it about?
It's a very serious matter.
Call me, please.
Who's that?
Afriend of Armando's.
He built the Berrini building.
And having sold almost
everything before completion...
he bought another eight plots
with the same loan.
This was in July,
you can imagine the rest.
Well, what's done is done.
Have you thought of a solution?
I'm Armando's lawyer,
but the company's yours.
No. It's Tiago's, Moreira.
And from what I can see,
he's been paid very well
to run the business.
But you need to run
the company together,
he can't do it on his own.
I'll be in my office
if you need me.
Do you like kids?
- Kids?
- Yeah.
Very much.
Do you and Marcos want kids?
We don't talk about it.
Maybe later...
in the future.
I've never understood why
he never came back to Brazil.
We kept growing further apart.
Lost the habit.
- Hello?
- Doctor?
- I'm on my way.
- Ok.
Take a seat.
He'll be with you in a moment.
Marcos, thanks for coming.
I hope you've got proof.
- Calm down.
- I am calm, but...
Loweryour voice, please.
She's right overthere.
Let's talk in my office?
It's all there.
Your sister was admitted
two years ago.
How old is this girl?
the mental age of a child.
Yourfather had Manuela
admitted here provisionally...
after Ana, her mother, died.
She had a long period of attacks
and yourfather couldn't cope.
Marcos, what I'm about to say, I've
been telling Armando for a long time.
Manuela's problems
no longer require internment.
You are herfamily.
You have to look after her.
- Can't she stay here?
- I can't keep her here anymore.
Why not?
Because she needs to be
reintegrated into the family...
otherwise she'll regress.
- And if I pay...
- This is the clinic's final position.
Hello, Marcos?
Hi Giorgio, how are things?
Good and you?
We're fine.
The reaction to the merger
was not good.
Shares fell 12% today.
The forecast is for a
further fall tomorrow.
The market is
overreacting, Giorgio.
I think ourfund should buy.
I can't do that on my own,
you know. You have to come back,
I need you here.
Alright, I'll see what I can
do about the tickets.
Okay, I'll wait for you.
- Right, take care.
- See you soon, then.
- Bye, bye.
- Bye.
Hi. I'm in a meeting,
I can't talk now.
Call me as soon as you're
finished, I need to talk, urgently.
All right,
I'll call you later, then.
- Ok, bye.
- Bye.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Sorry I'm late.
How did it go today?
Have you confirmed the flight?
All done.
Are you okay?
Is everything ok
with the company?
I think there's a solution.
We'll see if my brother and
Moreira are up to it.
Have you changed your mind?
I'm tired...
Come here then.
Your bag looks like
a Pollock painting.
You need some help?
Yes, thanks.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Sorry I didn't call you yesterday,
therejust wasn't time.
So Tiago, I'm leaving tomorrow.
We need to talk.
I understand.
I suppose you know
the state the company is in.
Of course.
And have you been talking to
Moreira about this?
We decided to sell three plots
to solve the debt problem.
It's not as simple
as that, Tiago.
I know, but it'll work out.
Can't you stay a bit longer?
Another week?
I can't. I have to get back.
It's in your hands.
Tell Marcos to call me
before you leave.
Have a nice trip and let me know
as soon as you arrive.
Sure. I have to hang up now.
Okay. A kiss.
A kiss to you too. Bye.
Right, but what do
you want me to do?
I live here, but it's not
just my problem, it's ours!
And I'm not going to do a fucking thing.
- Stop being childish...
- Me, childish?!
You're the one leaving!
Anyway, I don't believe it!
It's true, I've checked it.
- I don't give a damn!
- We have to deal with this, Tiago!
I don't give a damn!
What was that about?
Achildish tantrum.
Yourturn, Tiago.
I'm out.
Five grand.
Five and I'll raise you two.
I'll go with seven.
I'll see you.
Two pairs.
Three Jacks.
I don't know why
you still bother coming here.
I'll be back in a minute.
Andr, your deal.
the game's turning in my favor.
I had a problem just then, but...
You've already run up over 300 grand.
Three hundred thousand!
You want to get me
in trouble with Rodriguez?
No, no, you don't need
to say anything to him.
Relax, I'm sorting out the inheritance,
I'll square things with you guys.
Unless you square something now,
you're not leaving here. Get it?
Good evening, can I speak
to Mr. Marcos Bonelli.
We monitorthe patients' rooms
during the night.
Fortheir safety.
Just picture. No sound.
Look at this.
What's that in her hand?
It's a photo.
Can I see the photo?
Mr. Marcos?
Mr. Marcos?
She's awake now.
Do you know who I am, Manuela?
I'm Marcos.
This one here.
Daddy spoke about you.
What did he say?
That when he couldn't
come here...
to see me anymore,
my brother Marcos would visit me.
This is my letter,
which is the same as that
of my older brother,
my brother Marcos.
When he can't
come to see me anymore,
my brother Marcos will visit me.
What are you doing here?
Why did you come?
When he can't come
to see me anymore,
my brother Marcos will visit me.
Because he can't come here to see me?
Why? He's not coming back?
- Why?
- No.
Because he's on that beach.
And he's going to stay
there forever now.
He won't be coming back, Manuela.
Don't cry.
I'm here to visit you, like he said.
Aren't I?
It's all right.
It's all right.
- We missed ourflight.
- I know.
I've been calling you
and your brotherfortwo hours!
- Giulia...
- I was about to call the police!
- I'm fine.
- But you can't imagine...
- Nothing happened!
- Where were you?!
I have a sister
I never knew existed,
the daughter of
my father's lover.
She's mentally ill
and interned in a clinic.
That's where I was.
Yeah Moreira, Moreira...
This isn't the first time.
How many times did
Armando send you here?
He's just lost his father, Giovanni.
I'll advance part of it foryou, ok?
My patience is over.
Tiago, do you hear me?
Tiago, look at me.
Between you and me,
I'll go with me.
Eitheryou pay...
oryou pay.
Whose orders?
I can't pay out amounts over
five thousand, Mr. Tiago.
Not to anyone, it's notjust you.
Fine Janana. Just tell me
who gave the order.
I think you should talk to your brother.
Oh Bibi, come here.
No one fed you, did they?
Where's Marcos, huh?
You know, Marcos, life is like golf.
There are some shitty clubs out there
that make the caddies swim...
forthe lost balls at
the end of the day.
Here, we leave the balls
where they fall.
Each ball in its place.
That way there's no shame.
Marcos, my boy,
I knowthat yourfather
left you with some serious problems.
And I can help you, your brother
and thatjerk Moreira sort things out.
Youjust have to leave
the dud balls where they are.
Preserve the family.
You understand what
I'm trying to say?
You'rejust going to throw everything
out, without looking through it?
Aren't you even
going to tell your brother?
Tiago doesn't give a shit.
Mr. Bonelli, good evening.
Please contact Mr.
Giorgio Maranza. Thank you.
I've been thinking...
of course,
if it's alright with you...
I'd like to keep the house.
It's yours, Tiago.
Whatever was his, is yours.
And yours, right?
I passed by the office today.
You can't go on spending
what the company doesn't have,
...just so you don't end up
losing the house.
I might look stupid, but I'm not.
Your cell-phone was ringing.
You two sure look glum.
I thought we were going out?
You'd never guess you hadn't seen
each otherfor centuries.
So, let's go?
Tell him.
She says she thinks we should...
I understood.
I didn't understand,
but I understood.
A little air will do us all some good.
I think it'll be good...
if we go out.
What happened? Did you
fall down the stairs?
You've got to be careful
with those guys, you know?
I'm not a kid, understand?
I can take care of myself, okay?
Aguy earns some money,
then he disappears.
First-rate cocaine.
What do you mean?
It's the best.
- Cut it out, Tiago.
- Hey, take it easy.
Tiago stop it.
I'm talking to you Tiago.
Tiago, cut this shit out.
Are you nuts?
Are you nuts, man?
Are you crazy?
- Tiago, stop!
- What did you do that for?!
- Are you nuts, mate?!
- Tiago. Leave it. Let it go, Tiago.
Are you crazy?!
Look at me.
Look at me.
Calm down.
- Hello.
- Marcos?
Hi Giorgio.
I waited the whole day
yesterday for you to call me.
Can you hear me?
I can't wait any more!
I have to schedule a meeting with
the people from IGS for next week...
and I need you here, Marcos!
Let me talk to Giulia.
It's foryou.
Giulia, what's going on over there?
I don't know dad,
things are pretty confused.
Who's that?
You know?
No, you don't.
I do, it's dad.
This one is...
- Tiago.
- Yeah.
Tiago does nothing,
but he's a really nice boy.
Marcos is smart, he's away
travelling, but he'll be back soon.
The photo of dad wearing glasses.
It's funny, so many people.
Don't be sad.
Want to go for a ride in the car?
Let's go?
Dear brothers and sisters.
Perhaps no human suffering compares
to the pain of losing a loved one,
especially when there are deep bond
of affection and identification.
The strongerthe bond,
the greater will be the pain
and suffering of the separation.
We are gathered here today
a week after his passing
whose departure
we now commemorate.
This is Giulia.
For us Christians,
death is not the end...
it is but a threshold
to eternal life.
Today we come together
to remember him who,
though no longer amongst us,
lives on in our hearts.
I would like to ask you all
to observe a minute's silence
- Manuela, quiet now... okay? the memory of Armando Bonelli.
Let's say a prayerforyourfather.
Like this, see?
Let's go outside, come on.
Let's go outside.
What were you thinking?
In case you didn't notice,
uncle Dante wasn't pleased.
I don't care about uncle Dante.
So now you're going to
take this girl with you
whereveryou go, hand in hand?
She obviously can't stay on her own.
Can you understand that?
You can't.
You've always had dad,
the housekeeper, a dog,
a swimming pool.
You don't have a clue
what it means to be alone.
You spent your life alone
because that's what you wanted.
That's what I wanted?
Not like that, Manuela.
Inside. Come on.
Let's go?
Let's go?
How was it, Manuela?
Have a nice time?
It was great.
- Have fun?
- Yes.
So we'll do it
again soon? OK?
- Bye.
- No, come watch television.
No, I have to go home now, Manuela.
I'll come back and
we'll go on another outing.
Come on, dinnertime now.
Let's watch television...
- there's a really good show on!
- Manuela, come on now.
No, no!
- Manuela.
- Let me go.
- We need your project...
- I'm doing what I can, Marta,
but it's really difficult here.
I'll organize things and
see what I can do.
We can't delay this
presentation any longer.
I'll call you later.
- Bye.
- Ok, bye.
I'll explain later.
Remember Giulia?
Bibi? Hey Bibi, hey Bibi,
I missed you, Bibi, my pal Bibi...
Good night.
What's the matter?
What's the matter, Manuela?
I can't sleep.
Give me that.
This stays with me now.
Ever played cards?
You know what this is?
This is a disease. Once you learn,
you can never stop.
Except you're not going to learn,
because you're a half-wit.
No, no. Hey.
This game here is called patience.
You play alone.
Of course, you have to knowthe cards,
you have to know howto count.
I can count, you can't.
Giovanni son of a bitch.
Sit down before it gets cold.
I have a meeting
at the company this afternoon.
Can you stay with Manuela?
I need to talk to you.
Right, but not now, I have to go.
We'll talk later.
My life is not a company matter.
Not while yourfather was alive.
Things are different now.
You had to open your big trap,
didn't you Moreira? Son of a bitch.
- You were being threatened.
- Threatened, man?
Excuse me.
Son of a bitch.
I don't know how you're going to
pay your debt, or save the business.
And I don't know howto get it into your
head that you risk losing everything!
And can't you help?
Aren't you rich, Marcos?
So what's the problem, man?
You don't get it, do you?
I can't bankroll your gambling.
Even if I could, I don't want to.
That's all I need.
A bankrupt company on the one hand
and a dependent brother on the other.
Amongoloid daughter
doesn't count, then?
- Fuck you, Tiago!
- Dad's pair of strays.
One went to
boarding school, and now...
Shut your mouth, because I have
had just about enough of you.
You said everything you wanted, didn't
you? But you don't tell me what to do.
Now you, Moreira,
or whoeverthe fuck...
can call Janana and tell her
to give me money.
I'll take the responsibility.
And don't you go off to Italy
and leave me here with the retard.
I'm not going to look after her.
I don't give a damn,
nor does uncle Dante.
But someone is going
to have to know.
And we have to find a solution.
But she was fine at
the fucking clinic!
I sawthe site, even
I wouldn't mind living there.
Enough of thejokes.
Grow up, fuck it. This is serious.
Do you know howto look after her?
Because I don't!
No one here does. She's a retard,
that's why she should be in there.
- She can't stay there.
- She's a halfwit, Marcos.
She's our sister. Period.
I'm leaving tomorrow.
I have to go back.
If you want to come, there are
still seats on the flight.
I'm sorry, but I can't leave now.
It's beautiful what
you're doing foryour sister.
I imagine I'd do the same.
I just keep asking myself...
where this desire to take care
of someone came from,
all of a sudden.
My father still
doesn't know anything.
You explain it to him.
- Hello.
- Hi Giorgio, it's Marcos.
Right then,
I'll arrange a part for you now.
- I'll be there in fifteen minutes.
- No, come right now.
- Let mejust take this call.
- All right, I'm waiting.
Okay. Bye.
Your number's up.
You're hurting me, man!
- You're a sniveling idiot!
- Giovanni!
Hang on a second, Giovanni.
- Hang on a second, Giovanni.
- No, you hang on!
- Let me explain something to you.
- You're going to pay me now,
ortake a beating like you'll
neverforget, you worm!
Yes, I know...
And Davide's attitude
strikes me as right out of line.
Hang on, I'm busy, Manuela.
Not now, Manuela.
What's up?
Enough of this screwing around, fuck it!
What the?
- Stay inside.
- Let me go!
Today you're going to take
a bullet in the head.
I was on my way to get
the money right now.
- That's what you always say!
- What's going on here?!
- Take it easy.
- Who are you?
I'm his brother.
Let's talk. Put down the gun.
Oh, his brother, I don't
want to talk, I want my money.
How much does he owe you?
Let me sort this out.
I'll get the money foryou.
Where is it?
I need two days.
- Two days.
- Seriously. I live abroad.
Do I look like an idiot to you?
I'll give you what I've got here.
Slow. Slow.
Hey, I want to see those hands.
I have 6 thoousand.
This is my guarantee.
You've got two days.
Let the kid go.
Two days!
It's okay. Come inside, come?
The cat.
The cat had supper.
- Where is the cat?
- The cat is in the bush...
Where is the cat?
The cat is in the bush.
Where is the bush?
The bush the fire burnt.
Where is...
Where is the ox?
Sleep, sleep.
Sleep, sleep.
Mammy's little pet.
Sleep is on its way.
Daddy's little pet.
Sleep, sleep.
Sleep, sleep.
Mammy's little pet.
Sleep is on its way.
Daddy's little pet.
Giulia, can you hear me?
I want to say I'm sorry for
everything that's happened here.
I knowthat sometimes
I don't show it...
But you are very important to me.
Giulia, say something.
Miss, please, your cell-phone...
I'll be back soon, okay?
Don't be long.
I won't.
I love you.
Me too.
Let's go for a ride?
Let's go?