Miao Miao (2008)

yes, I'm in taiwan already.
And grandma? How is she?
Grandma, I've landed.
Breakfast is ready!
no time!
"Ci" poetry...
was a rhymed poetic form.
these three poetic forms make a whole.
All three are essential.
In classical Chinese poetry...
"shi" and "ci"...
are both key literary forms.
miss Shen!
I can overlook your tardiness...
but your lack of
concentration is unacceptable.
Why can't you sit still?
you think your seat's too small?
Go stand in the back.
the "ci" emerged in the tang Dynasty...
matured in the Five Dynasties...
and flourished in the Song Dynasty.
In the beginning...
Who's the new student in class?
If you got here on time, you'd know.
the teacher said
she's an exchange student...
here for one semester.
An exchange student?
We have those at our school?
Hey, here she comes.
Hey! new girl!
Hey! Hello!
We're from the basketball team.
Don't ignore us!
two notebooks. that's nt$10.
thank you.
Why's she acting so shy?
She's Japanese.
maybe her Chinese isn't too good.
you're confident
your new cake is amazing, huh?
Come on, when did I ever disappoint?
Amazing, huh?
Don't tell me it once looked nice.
Did you drop it or something?
If you really could bake it like this,
that is amazing.
I've lost my appetite.
the stomach can't tell the difference.
At worst, we'll throw up.
Here we go. taste test.
From this equation we can see that...
-2 divided by -1.
thus A equals -1/2.
then we can see...
-1 divided by 4 equals
-2 divided by -B.
thus B equals -8.
that ugly cake of yours
still tasted good.
of course!
Is there anything
you think tastes bad?
Shouldn't we try again today?
Forget it. We don't have the ingredients.
Just buy them at the grocery.
Being punished today ruined my mood.
next time.
Haven't we met before?
Don't worry.
We're nice guys.
And good-looking too.
Sorry, you've got the wrong person.
A Japanese girl!
So cute!
taipei's trains are not like Japan's.
It's very easy to get lost.
taipei is so confusing!
newcomers like you...
get lost all the time.
Let's be friends.
Come on...
we'll protect you.
We'll walk you home!
It's dangerous here.
people often get mugged here.
Hey, come back!
I'm sorry...
I dragged you onto the train.
you speak Chinese!
Actually, I was born in taiwan.
But my family moved to Japan
when I was little.
I'm Shen Ai-yuan.
you can call me Ai.
Hi. I'm Dai Si... Shih-miao.
Dai Si Shih-miao?
How about I call you
miao miao for short?
So where are you going?
I'm looking for this store.
It's a cake shop...
called yung Ji Bakery.
never heard of it.
It should be nearby.
I know all the good cake shops.
I think I know where it is.
But your map is too confusing.
Here, let me draw you a better one.
So you like cakes, huh?
Do you bake?
A little.
there you go.
this is much easier to read.
We should commute to school together.
Wait! Wait!
Give me your phone.
my phone?
ok, now hurry before the doors close.
you're calling me?
I have your phone number.
See you tomorrow.
From the window of this room...
I see the periwinkles bloom.
I see the periwinkles bloom.
I see the periwinkles bloom.
Dancing in the wind, this bouquet...
does gracefully sway.
Excuse me, sir?
Are you on the platform?
Do you see a train approaching?
this is my train. Hurry and get in!
So where did you go yesterday?
I found this CD shop.
yeah? Was it any good?
It was ok.
they were playing this song...
that my grandma taught us
when we were little.
I was going to ask the owner about it...
but he looked like he was in a bad mood.
A bad mood?
I think something was bothering him.
that's easy.
I'm an expert at solving
other people's problems.
We'll go after school.
I guarantee
I'll find out about that song.
yes, but you have to
join our cooking club.
miao miao! miao miao!
I'm not used to this oven...
but that looks about right.
that smells amazing!
It tastes great!
this is the best bread
I've ever tasted.
What if I never get it again?
I'll die.
Is it really that good?
miao miao...
God must have sent you here to save us.
Could be better.
you're amazing!
turn the pan like this.
I think I'm going to cry.
Girls, you finally
made something resembling a cake.
of course we did.
We've got a cake master with us.
yeah, a real Japanese Iron Chef.
Iron Chef! Iron Chef!
that's it.
We're entering a baking competition!
why do you like baking cakes so much?
Doesn't cake...
just make life sweet?
Doesn't matter if it is sour,
bitter, or sweet...
just looking at it makes you happy.
But isn't that fake happiness?
Fake happiness is better than none at all.
Who cares!
I just like baking cakes.
Didn't you say you had this CD?
tHE CD "GEt toGEtHER"?
then tell me...
where did your friend buy it?
this CD was never released for sale.
tell your friend
to contact me himself.
the price doesn't matter...
but don't bother trying to cheat me.
this doesn't look like a store.
trust me, it is.
yesterday, music was playing inside.
All done.
that should be tighter.
It is.
He does look moody.
Excuse me, sir.
How much is this CD?
How much is this CD?
BLACK LABEL: nt$200.
WHITE LABEL: nt$150.
Excuse me, can I listen to this CD?
Excuse me, can I listen to this CD?
yES, yoU CAn llStEn to CDs.
Excuse me.
We're looking for a CD...
but we don't know what it's called.
What should we do?
If you don't know what it's called...
how can I help you?
miao miao, come here.
Sing it for him.
He's heard a lot of music...
so he probably knows it.
me? Sing?
Go ahead. Sing it for him.
From the window of this room...
I see the periwinkles bloom.
this is it!
I'll buy it for my grandma.
ok, let's go.
thank you!
So is that guy your kind of dish?
my kind of dish?
Come on! Is he your type?
He must be,
otherwise why'd you say goodbye?
Did I?
I just said "thank you".
I'll show you the best thing ever!
two orders, please.
thank you.
Hey miao miao, you have to try this.
Gross! I can't look!
It's just a chicken foot.
It's good for you. Full of collagen.
please Ai, throw it away!
the chicken foot is gone.
Here's the chicken foot!
What are you so scared of?
I'm gonna get you!
Don't be scared.
Chicken feet don't bite.
Come on, miao miao, try it!
you have to try new things.
But I can't look at it.
It's too gross.
How about this?
Don't look at it.
Just close your eyes...
and I'll feed you.
you can no longer
see the chicken foot.
you have already forgotten
the chicken foot.
ok. open your mouth.
When I count to three, start chewing.
one... two... three...
What do you think?
Still scared?
I rarely see my dad.
Usually no one's home when I get back.
It's almost like living alone.
Come in.
What are you doing?
Uh... nothing.
Shouldn't you be at work?
But it is your birthday.
Is this your friend?
Hi, mr. Shen.
Hi there.
Have you had dinner?
We're full.
Do you still have room for cake?
Wow! What a beautiful cake, Ai!
Come on.
Sit down.
these days people use number candles.
nobody uses this kind anymore.
It doesn't matter.
Let's use them anyway.
I've heard that my mom is French.
But I've never met her.
I got along with my dad
when I was little.
I know it wasn't easy
being a single dad.
But one day in the sixth grade...
I saw him with a woman in his bedroom.
I haven't really spoken to him since.
the longer we don't talk...
the less there is to say.
the most annoying thing is...
every day he has breakfast
waiting for me.
It doesn't matter
if I get up early or late.
I can't avoid him.
I just tell myself...
when I'm 20, I'll move out.
When we're 20...
we can do whatever we want, right?
this year abroad is your chance...
to do things you can't do at home.
things I can't do at home?
Like get a tattoo
or a belly button ring.
Get a belly button ring.
I've always wanted one.
your boyfriend?
He gave me a bouquet of dandelions!
He said every night
he stays up thinking of me.
Wow! Really?
I've started wearing makeup...
and I've just bought a new dress!
tomoko, you're in love!
We're meeting again tomorrow.
Good night, tomoko.
your mom?
my grandma.
you two seem close.
She calls you just to chat?
my grandma isn't well.
What's the matter with her?
She thinks she's seventeen.
I don't remember when it started...
but she began thinking
I was her classmate.
She calls me every day.
What does she talk about?
She talks about her first love.
She thinks she's still dating him.
today's the last day!
the final closing sale!
I'm going to thailand!
today's the last day!
Everything's on sale!
Hey, what are you looking for?
maybe I can help you out.
Do you have a CD...
called "Get together"?
It's sung by Bei-something, right?
you have it?
A few days ago,
somebody called asking for it.
that must have been you.
you're in that band with Wu
and those guys!
Long time no see!
It's been over a year!
Hey, what label released that CD?
It wasn't released by a record label.
It's a demo we recorded ourselves.
you're Wu's friend.
How about a hug?
you're the last person
I'll see before I leave.
you have "sunshine hands".
I read about it in a comic book."
because your palms are warm...
which makes you good at
kneading dough.
naturally that makes for better bread.
oh come on.
that's just a comic book.
It's true.
I don't know
if my mom's hands were cold...
but my dad's definitely are.
Every day he works
with cold aquarium water.
As a kid, I hated holding his hand.
So I'd go like this...
and he would let go.
But your hands are different.
they're so warm.
Excuse me.
Is this your pen?
I found it on the floor.
Excuse me.
you should take off your headphones.
they'll ruin your ears.
they won't.
I just transferred
the rent to your account.
Sorry about that.
thank you.
DID yoU FInD oUt HIS nAmE yEt?
not yEt.
His name is Chen Fei.
Chen Fei? "Fei" as in "to fly"?
Strange, that name's familiar.
We got his name!
I think your dad loves you a lot.
you're not a fish.
How do you know what a fish feels?
Are you saying you're a fish?
my dad saw this report...
that said fish get depressed...
if you put them in square tanks.
So he moved all his fish
into round bowls.
I've always wanted
to bring my best friend here...
to look at the night sky...
and sleep together in the moonlight.
Let me borrow your sunshine hands.
Excuse me...
I'm looking for
all the CDs by this singer.
Can you help me?
Are you closing?
But we need to find
more music for school.
Can you stay open a little longer?
How about this?
When you are done, help me lock up.
put the key in the potted plant
by the door.
Could you leave us your phone number?
that way we can contact you
in an emergency.
What are you doing?
"on the Road" by Jack kerouac...
"I was just somebody else,
some stranger..."
"my whole life was a haunted life,
the life of a ghost."
"...at the dividing line
between the East of my youth..."
"and the West of my future..."
He just walked me home...
and held the umbrella for me.
that's so romantic!
I wished we could walk forever.
I hope I find a boyfriend like that.
you will, masako, real soon.
Love must be wonderful.
Why isn't miao miao here today?
How should I know?
maybe she's having her period.
then we're in big trouble.
the tV crew is coming
to do a test shoot.
yeah, but not today.
What do you mean "not today"?
you told us it was!
Hello? miao miao.
Why did you skip class today?
pick up the phone.
you have a wonderful complexion.
thank you.
I bet you save on cosmetics
Basic skincare's all you need.
But I'd like to know more.
oh yeah? Well, come on over.
turn it off. quick!
Is it ok to smoke in here?
What do you think?
Hurry up, put it in.
Is this it?
yes, yes.
I have to go to the bathroom.
open it already.
Let's just leave that where it is.
you're representing your school.
try a little harder.
I'll give you one more shot.
If next week is the same...
we're going to have a small problem.
Cheer up!
We've made fools of ourselves before.
But not as bad as this.
next time miao miao'll be there.
Don't worry.
Whatever you say.
Ai, go buy some snacks.
We'll split up.
Get me one
of miao miao's red bean buns.
you're a real comedian.
ok, ok.
I'll have a tuna sub. Hold the mayo.
I want smoked chicken on whole wheat.
no onions and no mustard.
And get an iced coffee.
one's enough! We'll share!
Alright, already.
Really? Chen Fei was in Indigo?
Excuse me...
do you have any music...
related to the book "on the Road"?
I didn't think
people still cared about that stuff.
In Japan, people still write about it.
you can still find hippies...
in places like India and Thailand.
the good old days are long gone.
now people can only
collect remnants of the past.
maybe they're preparing
for the future.
that way when they're old...
they'll have something beautiful
to remember.
Hey, miao miao!
moody Headphones has a secret!
Call me now!
oh forget it. I'll tell you now.
He and his friends formed a band
called Indigo.
they won an Independent music Award.
He was lead guitarist.
your call...
Hey, you got any dance compilations?
Something trippy.
Hey lady.
Are you the owner's wife?
are you selling?
Selling what?
How much do you charge?
Sir, I'm going to have to
ask you to leave.
What? Can't I shop here?
you're kicking me out?
I'll sue you.
you were harassing this woman.
Do you want me
to pull out the surveillance tapes?
Fine, tough guy.
But watch your back.
thank you.
It was nothing.
Well, I guess I'll be going.
that guy... he's still outside.
you've seen me before?
I... I've...
my friend Ai and I...
No, I mean this other girl and I...
go to your shop all the time
after school.
So that was you.
you still haven't answered
my question.
What question?
What's with the headphones?
What do you listen to?
I don't listen to anything.
I just don't want to hear any music.
So you run a CD shop...
but you don't like music?
Can I have a listen?
there's a button
in back to turn it on.
you're right. It is quieter.
that's amazing.
you can hear your own heartbeat.
It's all because
you're giving me a lift.
It's not like this is the first time.
Do you know how to drive?
that's the clutch on the far left.
the one on the right is the gas pedal.
I'll go in the back and push.
When I say so,
slowly release the clutch.
When I say gas, hit the gas.
Got it?
you sure you want me to drive?
Would you rather get out and push?
Release the clutch.
Release the clutch.
ok, now step on the gas.
quick, switch!
Switch seats!
move over!
It's moving.
ok, step on the gas or it will stall.
Step on it!
Come back!
Why didn't you answer my calls?
I forgot my cell phone at home.
Did you hear my messages?
"to know the full story,
call me back".
So what's the emergency?
you have to beg.
I won't tell you unless you beg.
Come on, tell me. please?
that'll teach you to answer my calls.
It was only a demo CD, never released.
It won't be easy to find.
no wonder he hates music.
I wonder what she was like?
you're a hard man to find.
I quit.
Why are you so damn serious?
Give it to me. I'll drink it.
this is the demo for our second album.
Have a listen.
If you've come here to drink and talk...
that's fine.
But if you want me
to listen to your music...
then you can leave now.
What's your problem?
you know how long
we've looked for you?
Fei, he's drunk.
Don't mind him.
Sometimes it takes a drink
to say the truth.
Fei, we're all sad about Bei.
But you have to get over it.
you can't just sit around moping.
you founded the band.
now it's over 'cause you say so?
It's not right.
you can leave now.
Why don't you shut up?
you're screwing things up.
Why should I go anywhere?
you're not!
you haven't moved on
since the day Bei died.
Congratulations to Bei...
lead singer of Indigo,
and his producer Chen Fei.
their single 'Get together"
is the Song of the Week.
A toast to Bei.
Indigo's been waiting
for a voice like yours.
For a long time!
What'd you do that for?
I'm having fun. Aren't you?
Fun my ass.
Group kiss!
"Get together"...
It's sung by that singer,
you have it?
Some guy came looking for it earlier.
Did he look kind of moody?
that's right. that's the guy.
If memory serves correctly...
he's an excellent guitar player.
ok then. Let's go.
you're going?
How about a hug?
Because I'm going away.
What's that got to do with us?
I'm retiring. I'm leaving.
He doesn't have it. Let's go.
kids, have a heart!
that guy's a perv.
Ai, wait up!
Black Samurai?
the CD fell out.
All that's left is the case.
How about this?
I'll take a hundred off.
no? Well, forget it.
miao miao, good night.
today's cake is called
"A Happy Romance"!
Don't pretend your life
has any romance.
Let miao miao do it.
no, this time I'll be head chef.
Let's get started.
that looks great.
now that's more like it.
We'll notify you
if you make it to the finals.
Let's shoot some close-ups.
I prepared these lunchboxes for us.
this one's for you!
thank you.
that's so cute!
not bad, huh?
I'm going to be a master chef, too.
Aren't you hungry?
Can you help me ask him out on a date?
Ask who out on a date?
the moody shop owner.
What for?
I got two tickets
to the Formoz Rock Festival.
Just two tickets?
they were hard to come by.
there were only two left.
Hurry up, Ai! the train is leaving!
What's the matter, Ai?
Is it because we ran too fast?
It's my time of the month.
my tummy hurts.
What should we do?
We're almost there.
Just hold on for another sec, ok?
I just need something to warm it.
you can borrow my heat pads.
Do you want to
go to the Formoz Rock Festival?
Do you want to
go to the Formoz Rock Festival?
miao miao wants to take you...
as thanks for giving her a ride home.
tell her it's the thought that counts.
I don't need any special thanks.
oh yeah?
Besides, I don't like crowds.
So you're not going?
He said no, didn't he?
What did he say?
He said he doesn't like crowds...
so he doesn't want to go.
Don't worry.
He's probably just depressed.
Fear of crowds
is a sure sign of depression.
We'll go together.
He can join us another time.
So... he turned me down.
Hey miao miao, look.
It's going to explode!
So the little prince
still loves his rose?
that book.
I bought it.
you should have told me.
I could have lent it to you.
So does the pilot
still love the little prince?
that's a different kind of love.
Is it?
But I only understand
one kind of love.
Are you in love?
yes, I'm in love with someone.
A guy.
I don't want to know.
I love you.
that's enough.
Can you accept my love?
no, as in "not now"? or as in "never"?
I don't know.
Give me some time to think. ok?
Can I kiss you?
then how about you kiss me?
I'll wait for you.
yuck, that's bitter.
He looks so sad.
What did you say?
Is it because
he can't forget his girlfriend?
miao miao,
I don't understand Japanese.
I was wrong.
I thought he liked me.
your hands are feverish.
Are you hot?
Can you turn up the air conditioning?
I was the only one...
who felt our hearts touch.
What's wrong with your heart?
you want me to check your heartbeat?
miao miao, what's the matter with you?
you barely know him.
Why do you like him so much?
Let me lean on your shoulder
for a minute.
From the window of this room...
I see the periwinkles bloom
Dancing in the wind, this bouquet...
does gracefully sway.
With graceful splendor...
the periwinkles bloom so tender.
you've been drinking.
the song I was singing...
will summon the legendary momotaro...
who will exorcise
the evil spirits inside you.
Exorcise all of them!
Why are you tidying up?
Spring cleaning?
Closing shop.
Why so suddenly?
Can't do it anymore.
I'm going to close down.
I need to think about my next step
on my way here...
I saw the stars are all out tonight.
Come on! Let's have a look.
Aren't they beautiful?
Stars only twinkle...
when seen from earth.
Why is that?
Without the wind moving high above...
the stars would
be just boring points of light.
they are more beautiful...
if you see them from afar.
So the little prince left
never to return?
But he left a special gift
for the pilot.
It was his voice.
From that day on...
the pilot would only
have to look up at the sky...
and he would hear
the little prince's laugh.
that way he would
never be lonely again.
Don't be like that.
Why are you crying?
Will you keep my demo
as my gift to you?
In "the Romance
of the three kingdoms"...
Iiu Bei fled south.
there he was ambushed by tsao tsao.
He abandoned his family and fled.
Chang Fei and twenty men
kept tsao tsao at bay.
What's the matter, coz?
I'm in a bad mood.
Everyone has a bad mood now and then.
Do you want to talk about it?
Is it your dad?
I want a drink.
Same as last time. An adult drink.
kids shouldn't drink. no way.
I'll tell you a secret...
but you can't tell anyone.
my little cousin's all grown up!
Excuse me.
I bought "you Don't Understand".
Why was
"I Want Us to be together" inside?
Sorry about that.
What's wrong with
"I Want Us to be together"?
you don't understand.
See what a fuss you're making?
I just want the CD I paid for.
He should be better organized.
I'm sorry. I can't find your CD.
ok if I refund your money?
Sorry again.
Do yoU SEE...
FoR onE VoiCE...
to FloW FRom onE pERSon to AnotHER?
We held hands.
When are you coming home?
So we all agree...
"Get together" is the name
for the song?
Do you have any other suggestions?
I think it's great.
It's straight to the point.
Hey, what's this?
oh that.
Bei says he can't stand peas.
Are peas really that disgusting?
I think they are.
they call kids like you finicky.
And you're not? you're so grown up.
you eat anything and do anything.
Fei... Bei...
you guys sound like you're...
having a lovers' spat.
Fei, why don't you try feeding him?
So it's you.
I haven't seen you in a few days.
thought I'd pay you a visit.
I'd like to stay here a few more days...
unless you guys object, of course.
Why would we object?
Stay as long as you want.
We're friends.
this is for you.
What is it?
take it. A souvenir.
A souvenir of what?
What happened between us...
shouldn't be mentioned again.
Save us some embarrassment.
Whose embarrassment?
yours or mine?
that's not what I meant.
then what'd you mean?
Chen Fei...
Do you love me? Just answer me!
I don't want a fucking souvenir!
Say it if you have the balls!
Why must you ask?
Why do you push me like this?
Chen Fei, you have no balls.
you have no balls.
I'm with you every day.
Isn't that enough?
you haven't been in school
for two days.
And you only come see me today?
Because I was making this.
And I bought you this.
you saw moody Headphones again?
miao miao, wear this when you chop...
or else the onions will make you cry.
Don't onions affect you?
It is making you cry.
Hurry up and put them on.
What's the matter?
miao miao?
He broke my heart.
Fei is leaving.
Hey you! Where are you moving to?
you can't just pick up and leave.
Stop behaving like a little old man.
you're barely
a few years older than us.
Stop hiding away in your hippie books.
this is the twenty-first century, ok?
I'm tired of the shop.
Why can't I shut it down?
It's because of miao miao, isn't it?
that's where Bei was hit.
the impact was so intense...
that the concrete shattered.
It's my fault he died.
A few years ago,
my band Indigo won an award.
It was like winning the lottery.
Suddenly, we were famous.
Every day felt like a dream.
open your eyes, and it's a dream.
Close your eyes,
and it's still a dream.
our lyrics...
were written by Bei.
your lead singer?
I helped him record a few songs.
I wanted to present them
to record labels.
But he wouldn't let me.
So we made some demos.
We left them in pubs.
people could take them for free.
I was his boyfriend...
and his producer.
But I don't even have
a single copy of that CD.
I don't have any photos of him.
I don't have any recordings
of his voice.
It's been six months.
I haven't even dreamed of him.
I wish I forgot...
the happiness you brought...
but I can't let go of what I've got.
that dream you adored.
ElEtE FllE "GEt toGEtHER DEmo"?
that dream you adored.
ElEtE FllE "GEt toGEtHER DEmo"?
ElEtE FllE "GEt toGEtHER DEmo"?
that favorite song of yours.
those memories I cannot ignore.
What are you doing?
I asked what are you doing?
now we don't hear his voice anymore.
What the hell!
It's beautiful.
yuck. It's sour and bitter.
Ai, this cake must be called
"Sad Broken Heart".
Congratulations, girls.
I hear you made it to the finals.
What's the matter?
Why'd you stay home today?
Here comes the
Chinese Chicken Claw of Death!
Look at my
Chinese Chicken Claw of Death!
I don't feel like
eating right now, Ai.
Chicken feet don't scare you.
miao miao, you've changed.
Come on, eat one.
It's guaranteed
to cure your heartache.
It's not so simple.
try it!
Don't you want to do things
you can't do at Aihome?
this is one of them.
you can no longer see his face.
you've already forgotten his face.
now open your mouth...
and when I count to three,
start chewing.
one, two, three...
After you eat this...
you will be happy. Very happy.
Are you Black Samurai?
Why are you so obsessed with this CD?
miao miao, hurry up!
now for our next presentation...
a woman's three sexiest moves!
put your hands together please!
First, show a little shoulder.
Second, show your back.
And third, show a little leg.
no problem!
Hush, now give up the mike!
I have something to say.
Congratulations to our cake...
that won a big fat nothing!
this is Hsiao ming
High School's creation.
Fire and Ice mountain.
Fire! Fire!
But you couldn't say
why you loved me so.
you couldn't say
which smile made me glow.
you couldn't say
when I made your heart sway.
you couldn't say why you went away.
I'd like to celebrate
a month of all-nighters!
And the release...
of the final Harry potter book!
me too, me too!
I want to celebrate that
I turned 18 this year!
you carefully selected souvenirs.
you collected scenery
there and here...
from far and near.
you embraced the warmth
of the tropics very tight.
you memorized all of turkey's sights.
you wandered through fantastic scenes...
you saw on movie screens.
But you couldn't say
why you loved me so.
you couldn't say
which smile made me glow.
you couldn't say why
I filled your heart with glee.
you couldn't say
the meaning of the journey.
I pushed you to say
why you loved me so.
But you never said
which smile made me glow.
you couldn't say
why I made your heart sway.
you couldn't say why you went away.
So it's agreed.
Bei, starting today...
you are Indigo's new lead singer!
Wow. thank you!
What do you say, guys?
All right!
But he's new to taipei.
Where's he going to stay?
Well, we're all brothers here.
Bei, if you don't mind...
there's room in the studio.
you can sleep here for now.
thanks, guys.
then that's that.
Bei, have we met before?
you looked familiar from
the moment you walked in.
We have met before.
Really? Where?
In our dreams.
that warmth in the heart repeats
forever and ever.
I just want to say...
Let's get together.
Bei, don't you like "Get together"?
I would, I really would like to.
Don't worry about your wedding dress.
I'll help you choose one
when I return.
We'll make you...
the most beautiful bride
in all of Japan.
Who's that at the door?
Don't hang up yet.
I have something to say.
Let me tell you a secret.
I know what it's like to fall in love.
I found where you met
your first love, Grandma.
that cake shop...
is now a second-hand CD store.
there I realized...
why there are some things
you will never forget.
those tastes and sounds...
words and scenery...
are now all in the past.
All that's left...
are the memories.
Even if one day...
I were to lose everything...
I know I would still remember...
that year in taipei.
For the first time, someone loved me.
And for the first time,
someone refused me.
I know you're going home...
but why'd you cut your hair so short?
Does it look bad?
of course not.
It looks great!
no matter how you cut it,
I'll still like it.
you know your dad...
really wants to talk to you.
What are you getting at?
Every morning...
he has breakfast waiting for you...
just because he wants to see you.
Even if you don't say a word...
he still wants to see you.
I guess you know best.
It's time. We'd better go.
time flies.
no crying, ok?
Who's crying?
Whoever cries first is a crybaby.
Wait, let me off.
miao miao!
I'll miss your homemade bread...
and your warm hands.
miao miao!
I like you so much!
I really like you.
But you don't even know.
Do you want some cake?
then come over here.
What happened to your cake?
Look, do you want some or not?
yes, I do.
Gross. Wash your hands first.